#is deeply unwell
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bulkhummus · 7 months
first you have to remember that the first disco ball was painstakingly put together by hand from nothing but an idea and lots of intricately cut glass and bandaids and then you have to think about the experience of being under a disco ball for the very first time, bathed in reflections of an era that has not yet come to past, and finally you end up wondering what else there is around you that has yet to be unearthed by something with so much as a silly name
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planetaryacceleration · 10 months
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space-mouse · 2 years
i love unhinged women but i also love women who try so fucking hard to be hinged. clinging to those hinges by her fingernails.
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howdify · 6 months
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aziraphalalala · 9 months
Hey! Hey, Michael Sheen. Come here. I need to talk to you.
I need to talk to you about what the hell even is your face!!!
Explain yourself immediately. How can you just
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what even are is do
are you a real-life angel because I am not sure it's humanly possible to make actual heart eyes
And yet here you are. OK. But wait, I'm upset and I have more.
Will you please just explain this to me because my brain has decided to permanently cease functioning and I can't
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Excuse you sir
Did you just grab him by the hips and help him walk and THEN just leaned in when he scolded you and made all this in this here expression with your actual face and made me feel things
Without!!! Speaking!!! A. Single. Word!!!!
I am pretty certain you're breaking the UN Human Rights Declaration by doing this sort of acting and breaking our shriveled little shipper hearts.
Yes, you know exactly what you're doing. The notes probably said "fondly", and you went "Aziraphale looks at Crowley and sees the most inviting ox rib in existence" and don't you dare deny it. We see you.
Come answer for your crimes sir
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poisonedfate · 18 days
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bbc merlin - 04x05 His Father's Son
the way they just...beam at each other
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kindlespark · 30 days
going crazy over the possible jaceporter frostkettle parallels..... jace being clever enough to reject porter but not brave enough to die for those convictions..... porter telling kipperlilly that jace chose him over death, and lucy will choose her too. she'll come to her senses
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chaikachi · 2 months
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Oscar Pine in full colour again after 84 years...
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vildo · 2 months
Remember the look Kirk gave Spock when he found out about Leila?
and how he stared her down LIKE THIS afterwards
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Since they didn’t specify why Kirk was the only one immune to spores, I’m gonna take it so far as to say it had no effect on him because he was so mad at Spock about this
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akairokara · 1 month
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aziraphalesbowtie · 10 months
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tiffanyachings · 10 months
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codependency will have you look at a person who might be a merger of two of your friends and go 'wish that was us'
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sluttyhenley · 1 year
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Find me when you wake up.
EDGE OF TOMORROW (2014) dir. Doug Liman
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krasnyel · 7 months
maybe loki and mobius are canon in spanish dub
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theriverbeyond · 2 years
the bit in HtN in the canaan house dream bubble where harrow says something along the lines of, "this is unsustainable, you are all in danger, we need to find a way for you to escape" and abigail responds, "we know how. we already did it for the kids. we all could have left at any time and we all chose to stay, for you". and then harrow is like, "ok but at least ortus should leave. he isn't a fighter, he never was, he deserves to leave" and abigail just shuts her down. she's like, "i already tried, and he can't be convinced. he wants to stay for you". i am unwell about it. harrow can't even really try to convince the remaining souls to leave her because they have already sent away the ones who needed to be protected and they have already tried to convince each other, and failed. there's nothing left for her to use as ammunition against herself. there's nothing left but evidence that she is cared for. forgive me but i just want characters who have spent their life drowning in self loating to be forced to reckon with the fact that they are loved.
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