#is there an intro tag?
onesidedradiostatic · 3 months
stayed gone but you're the sinners watching/listening
(AKA I spend an unnecessary amount of time editing)
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skimmeh · 6 months
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Here Tumblr, have this purely self-indulgent doodle of the sillies (spto intro playing in my head with them)
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bookwyrminspiration · 6 months
if I asked very nicely would you all be willing to take a one minute anonymous survey for my linguistics class. if the answer is yes, please click here. thanks :)
(sharing for a better response size would also be very appreciated)
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wild0moon · 2 months
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something something we are getting this game
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catboybiologist · 3 months
*sanitized, corporate music starts playing*
Here at CatboyBiologist industries tech, we're constantly finding new ways to deliver tgirl thirst traps directly to your devices. Which is why we're proud to announce a new advancement in thirstposting technology: sleepy girlback mornings.
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With our patent pending "oooo big stretch" methodologies, we're able to deliver 42% more back hotness per pixel, a more affordable and flexible platform than our competitors.
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Invest in our technology today, for your future girlback endeavors, as well as further opportunities in the cutting edge world of high throughout tgirl thirstposting.
CatboyBiologist industries: not a cat, or a boy, but hot enough for you not to care.
@lilithtransrights @xenasaur @nyancrimew
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blood-teeth · 2 months
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In the Labyrinth, they talk of gods.
They whisper between their fingers and sweeten their breath with the tales of titans of old who once stood so tall that a single breath would cause earth-tremors, their steps reshaping the ground trod beneath them. Their fingers were the tools that smoothed the mountains into points, shaped and carved the ridges and valleys in between. If you hike far enough, one woman claims, if you travel to a point where the oxygen is thin and your vision blacks, you can make out a partial print against the mountainside. You can run your own fingers along its length and still feel the titan’s warmth as if his palm were pressed right against yours.
The woman says, It is a thing of worship. It is a thing of devotion.
In the Labyrinth, they ask you to make you make your body anew before the King of the High Hills. They say that you are alive because you must suffer for the life and love of the Lord, that you must open your body and let him lick along your flesh so that he may taste the endlessness of his perpetual reign.
In the Labyrinth, there is no escape from his touch.
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“You have a heavy burden upon you,” the headmaster was saying, teeth and eyes all a glitter under the amber cast candles. “I am not unsympathetic to the arduous path ahead of you—but please understand that this suffering must be experienced for the longevity of the king, for the beautiful life ahead of him. Only he is the one who can shed mortality and raise to the gods, because he is the only one strong enough, courageous enough, to count the cost of living forever. You must succeed where others have failed. You, this class, this is our last chance to mend what has been made broken. You must. You must.”
The Mouths of Elysium is a dark-academia fantasy created with Twine where your choices matter to the story. You live inside the Labyrinth, a maze that hates to become known with walls and paths that change every hour. The center of the Labyrinth sits a university that has been there since the beginning of time; its only purpose is to recruit students who can solve the puzzle of life, who can create an elixir that would allow the King of the High Hills to live past the length of forever. Failure means a fate worse than death.
You are one of those students.
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Althea Callaghan - You know her in death. She has been the taste of rot against your tongue, the anger and hurt in your palms. You see the nice, beautiful lines of her teeth and become a creature of grief unfolding unto yourself. Debase yourself with the fervent want of her. Bend at your waist and beg for forgiveness.
You hate her. You want to watch her bleed. She feels the exact same about you, but what she doesn't know is that every waking moment of your life is dedicated to her.
The Princess/Prince - The forgotten child of the throne. The 405th child of His glorious reign. Divinity runs through their veins, the heir to so much power, but they will never see themselves rule the unforgiving landscape of the Labyrinth. Their fate is to die and be buried amongst the endless graves of their dead brothers and sisters. They must do this so the King may live forever.
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A fully customizable MC including gender, appearance, and sexuality
A landscape of horror. A landscape that hates you and everyone who might try to understand it. Go beyond the walls and be witness to a reality worse than death
Key choices that will influence your game and experience. Will you succeed or fail?
Learn what it means to be forgiven. Learn what it means to suffer. Become devotion. Become loyalty. Make your body anew before the King of the High Hills
DEMO (updated 5/19/24)
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coarsely · 2 months
The writeblr side of my dash is pretty inactive, so please interact with this post if you're an active writing blog! My main is over at @brw, so that's where follows will be coming from :)
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is-it-true-tho · 4 months
inspired by @is-the-post-reliable , i decided to make a research blog on an almost impulse bc I've been wanting to do something like this but never did bc I wasn't in the mood
so, basically, like that blog I'll too try to tell if a post here on tumblr is true or not
keep in mind that I won't do politics bc I'm very likely not from that place. yes I could do research but god. I feel like I need to do a whole history knowledge to start to know about the politics in there and I don't think a quick and probably shallow research will be sufficient.
that said, the only politics i'll be talking about is brazilian politics
stealing ITPR rating system
RELIABLE - Entirely accurate, supported by reliable sources.
MOSTLY RELIABLE - Generally accurate, but may be slightly misleading (ie by omitting relevant contradictory information), or may contain a minor error.
PARTIALLY RELIABLE - Includes some reliable information, but also includes errors.
UNRELIABLE - Misinformation. May include some small amounts of factual information, but is mostly unreliable, or the overall impression is misleading/incorrect. 
I also rate things as TBC (To Be Confirmed) when I feel I do not have enough reliable information to rate a post as reliable or not reliable.
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the-bloody-sadist · 8 months
Guys I would like to propose a conversation on why whumpblr has the most wholesome fandom coding and yet every whumpblr introduction post I ever see sounds like this:
“Hiiiii everybody! I’m new here, nice to meet you! I’m a bit shy, but I’ve been around for a while reading whump posts and thought it was finally time to join in! Here are some of my favorite tropes!!!!! ❤️😘🥰💕
If you guys are into that, let me know!! 💕💕💕💕 I follow back!”
You guys sound like the sweetest serial killers in the world
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furiousfinnstan · 6 months
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Hello~ I'm Nina Andrej a wannabe digital artist/writer after a lot of health issues I've decided to give this whole online artist thing another go because I can't do regular work 🥹🔫.But this time on kofi instead of p*treon.So if you ever liked my silly art please consider becoming my monthly kofi supporter.I will try to update at least twice a month also I will be dumping my nsfw stuff there because tumblr is well tumblr.
notable work:
the haunting after a fire(my shitty free poetry collection)•I have a piece in the :) beloved zine issue 3•something's not right bookmark design•anakin pain.jpg
commission info•society6•p4ypal•instagram•redbubble
my art tag/my writing tag/my comics tag
under construction:
a webcomic? finally??•substack•my website
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tag-if · 7 months
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You are an assassin, a professional, a contract killer. The pay is good, and your clientele are more than happy to keep your identity well under wraps. You take whatever work comes your way, and you don't ask questions.
An anonymous job offer. An envelope with cash, an image of your target with surprisingly crisp quality, and a non-descript note, left on the doorstep of your home.
'Kill the eldest royal for the other half of your pay.'
That's how you ended up here. Undercover in the royal palace. As the newly appointed royal advisor.
Are you a bloodthirsty killer, or do you kill out of pure necessity? Do you want to fish around for your mysterious employer, or do you want to live in blissful ignorance?
Make or break alliances, and maybe (reluctantly) fall for someone, as you navigate the intricacies of royal life, all while trying to figure out exactly why you were sent on such a risky job (and by who).
Do try not to get fired, and good luck. ★
"The Advisor's Game" is an 18+ (for mentions of death/violence, non-descript gore, etc.) mystery-romance, with 5 (subject to change) gender-selectable romance options, as well as cast of characters to befriend or antagonise.
[note; one RO will be gender-locked non-binary, however all ROs will be romanceable by any gender of MC]
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NSFW TAG (to block, if wanted); a palace scandal
[more under the cut]
A. Bellefleur ; Aleron - Alize / the crown royal (your target) / m/f
The (supposedly) well-loved eldest child to the reigning monarchs, they appear in public regularly and often participate in council meetings— clearly someone takes issue with this...probably.
A. has lightly freckled ivory skin and grey-blue eyes, in similar fashion to their siblings. Their hair is a dark-ish auburn and messily cut to the top of their ears (fem A. has it similarly messy, however it falls to their chin in choppy waves)
[neutral to friends (to lovers) ; neutral to disliked ; neutral to respected] ★
K. Valiev ; Kostya - Katja / the head guard / m/f
An odd figure, unassuming, almost strangely approachable. They are quiet, and kind, and always smiling...so why do the older guards seem terrified of them?
K. is an olive skinned individual with a small scar running up over the right side of the jaw, and their eyes are dark brown. Their hair is a chestnut brown and is kept in tight curls, though they occasionally braid them (when they have time).
[friends to lovers ; neutral to friends (to lovers) ; friends/neutral to disliked] ★
A. Caras ; Altair - Arali / the royal physician / m/f
Their bedside manner leaves much to be desired, they are no nonsense to the point of being borderline rude, yet the whole palace sings their praise as though they are an angel (you don't see it, personally, but maybe you will eventually).
A. is an individual with vitiligo, leaving patches of their naturally sienna skin instead a pale ivory, as well as whitening some strands of their fringe. Their eyes are a bright green, and their honey blond curls are kept short (fem A. has longer curls, around chest length, that she keeps up in a ponytail for work).
[neutral to respected ; neutral to disliked ; neutral to friends (to lovers)] ★
T. Bellefleur ; Talbot - Tallis / the middle royal / m/f
The younger, but not youngest, sibling to the crown royal. They don't like you much (then again they don't like many people much), but you're not sure about that knowing glint in their eye when you interact— what do they see in you?
T. has heavily freckled beige skin and almost eerily pale blue eyes. Their hair is a fiery auburn and cut into a messy undercut (fem T. has shoulder length hair, covering an undercut at the back).
[enemies? to friends (to lovers) ; enemies? to respected] ★
M. Serrel ; Marin / your fellow assassin / nb
You had to do a double-take when you saw them, and so did they, it seemed someone wanted you two in the palace at the same time...but why?
Marin is a sienna skinned individual, with hazel eyes (on the greener side) and almost black-brown hair. Their hair just brushes their shoulders in length and falls in soft waves, though they quite often have it pulled into a half up bun/ponytail.
[rivals to friends (to lovers) ; friends (to lovers) ; friends to rivals ; friends to friends with benefits (to lovers)] ★
NOTE; for all romances MC must befriend the RO of their choice first, otherwise they won't consider anything beyond some light flirting. Additionally, in the case of A. Caras and T. Bellefleur, the romances will be slower burn (especially Caras).
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mattodore · 4 months
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playing with dionte's hair bc i'm procrastinating
#river dipping#dionte duval#lykos#ts4#i do really love how dionte and nicholas kinda have a b4b (bald for bald) thing going on.... but that first hair........#he looks so good... the urge to keep it is gonna make me develop a twitch under my eye...#i love the shadows the locs add btw like i personally loveee when hair creators add shading#like the DRAMAAA it adds!!!#also don't look too closely at him here bc i actually haven't updated him yet hence no proper edit of him (tho i probably won't change much#i'm really just supposed to be cleaning out the hundreds!! of duplicate households in my library dkhjnkfgh i just. get so distracted#i also have to fix mattodore's households bc i think i accidentally deleted the updated version of them at 20...#like there are multiple other saves?? but they're all with matthias's old chin??? like literally WHERE did the updated version go#so i need to clean out my library from the top down and fix their sims#i really messed my sleep schedule up the day before yesterday when i was working on those edits of delphi btw#but i did enjoy rewatching secretary and watching charade while staying up all night to do them <3#also listened to the first two chapters of freedom is a constant struggle! editing may take me forever but i do do other things as i do it#...........talking a lot in these tags bc i'm seriously procrastinating jdkhnf i do NOT ! want to clean through my library it's a mess#OH. ALSO GOOD MORNING I FORGOT TO SAY THAT ‼️#seeing this again two days later and seeing the amount of notes....... y'all weren't meant to reblog this kjhdkfjhndkjgnh#now i'm like damn... is there any reason to make his intro edit like i did for ria and delphi 😭😭😭😭😭
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sentfromwolves · 3 months
Hey writing friends! (❁´◡`❁) Along with my new writeblr intro post, I also just wanted to make a more casual post too calling for more writeblr blogs to follow and interact with! If you write any of the following or are interested in the following and 18+ feel free to say hi! I'd also love to hear about all y'alls wips so I can find more writers to follow for 2024! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
sci-fi and fantasy of any kind! cozy fantasy, epic fantasy, space opera, romantasy, you name it, i'm usually here for it! >:3
trans/nonbinary protagonists and big queer casts! it is my bread and butter (and what you'll always find me writing too)
Intricate worldbuilding in any genre! Especially ones with intricate politics, funky magical systems, or corrupt religious systems. I'm always down to yell about worldbuilding because I think it is Neat af
You just like to shout about ocs!! I'm so here for it, and I love making more connections here with people who obsess with their ocs the way I do. >:3 come yell at me about them anytime hehe
OT3S!! OT3S!! Please. Thank you.
2nd person POV & Epistolary Narratives or funky narrative experiments. This is hands down my favorite povs to read. I'm obsessed with them. Please come be obsessed about them with me.
Big found families! YES yep yes it's me I'm that bitch I love this stuff it's honestly my bread and butter ESPECIALLY IF IT IS DYSFUNCTIONAL AS HELL (bonus points if they try to murder each other at some point)
Non-European fantasies/celestial fantasies/space fantasies/underground fantasies. Yeah I know I put fantasy above, but celestial fantasies and consumed world concepts are something I'm obsessed with and I want more people to be obsessed with
Queer contemporary fiction. I'm usually in the sff boat but sometimes I write contemporary too, and I'd love to connect with more writers who write both.
The list could go on forever and ever, it's not exhaustive at all! Honestly if you're just interested in new writers to yell with, feel free to hit me up! I'm also looking to build a 2024 tag game list for writer games, so if you'd like to be added, let me know! I love spreading fun writing games around whenever I can. >:3 💝
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daeyumi · 8 months
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Hero 💠💎🗡️
[Linktober 2022 Day 17: Link]
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loudlittleecho · 5 days
Danny Phantom Prompt: Too Late to Save Them
Ok! There are similar concepts floating either around here or AO3 (or both), but I haven’t been able to find this particular angst path. (Though I’m sure it’s around)
Canon Divergence After TUE (The Ultimate Enemy)
Danny fought his evil self, but was too late to save his family. Clockwork didn’t reverse time to save them— they were always meant to die. It was their “time.”
Danny was flown backward from the explosion, his body hurtling along with the rubble. 
The rubble. 
When the dust settled he heard sirens in the distance. Saw. . . a torn red beret beside his foot.
His. . . 
Distraught, confused, exhausted, Danny notices a woman crouched down beside him. She’s speaking to him, but he can’t hear her; there’s a dull buzz all around him, and the world seems more. . . narrow. It’s hard for him to focus on what he’s seeing. 
And then she. . . freezes. 
The world freezes in time. 
The ghost, Clockwork, is floating behind her. He has his hand out, waiting for something. His expression unreadable, but Danny understands. 
His fingers lightly grasp the thermos holding his future self. As though in a trance, he lifts it up to Clockwork. Gives him the thermos. 
Clockwork accepts it, continues looking at him impassively. 
Resumes time. 
. . . 
The days go by. He is released from the hospital in the care of a caseworker. She is talking to him gently, but he doesn’t hear what she’s saying. 
He's had many people talk to him, so many people gazing at him with pity. He can't be bothered to care.
He is led to a car, someone buckles him in. The car begins driving, and soon is parked in front of Fenton Works.
His home. 
The caseworker is saying something. . . Something about his aunt Alicia. He ignores her, walking into the house. 
Into the lab. 
He hears her scurrying after him.
Ignoring her cries of alarm, he goes into the portal. 
He floats in the ghost zone. A few ghosts attempt to banter with him, push him around; but noticing his non reaction, leave him be. 
He can’t go home. Can’t go to Vlad. He has to keep his humanity to prevent becoming a monster. 
But how can he keep what he can’t feel?
He’s lost them all.
But he can keep his promise. 
“Don't worry. I won't turn into that. Ever. I promise.”
He floats further and further into the ghost zone. 
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roki-roki-roll · 5 days
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I completely forgot to make an all together post for this lol
Have mercy I just really like this song and show together it's actually living rent free on my Tumblr and mind
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