#isnt the best (though the voice acting is really good)
g0nta-g0kuhara · 2 years
Being into danganronpa is so funny cause sometimes Ill look at canon spinoff stuff like the anime and come out the other end actively feeling worse about liking this game
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nogenderbee · 1 month
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔹𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖 & 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @stellas-starry-stove13 request: FIRSTTIME IV EVER SEENREQS OPen
Okayhow about pjsk boys with shyand pushoved blind reader who gets bullied and always says its not a big deal but the. when time they find themcrying in (char's) sekai cuz of the bullies and pressure from like her family? Like, imagine her family pressures her to beas good as like her sivlings who arent blind?? Like, even though shes blind, they treat her and expect her to act as if she isnt?????? Fem! reader plz!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ OMG HIIIII! So happy to see you here!
Anyway, somehow, I really enjoyed writing it ^^ As for genshin boys, I used opera in Lyney's part and beach in Freminet's~ Hopefully that's still fine! Aaaand I hope you like it!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Akito was probably going all around school, trying to find you panically, he didn't even care if you went to Miyamasuzaka, he HAD to find you, especially when he knows your disability and gentle heart
✧ it was probably when he heard your bullies laughing that you couldn't even run away properly... and something just switched in him...
✧ it's easy to say, he doesn't care if your bullies are boys or girls, he'll give them a little lesson anyway. But I'd they're girls, he'll go a bit lighter, not breaking their noses but just giving few bruises... They can do that to you, so why he can't?!
✧ after he deals with that, he asks Kohane/An to look for you around the school you go to and call him if they find you, while he goes look for you anywhere else
✧ his first thought would be to scan area around the school but when he doesn't find you there, he goes to your SEKAI and either Miku immidietly tells him where you are or he finds you himself
"Hey, hey, don't worry, it's me, yeah? Why didn't you tell me someone was giving you a hard time? I could give them a lesson or keep you company.. or ask someone I know to do that."
✧ he'll most likely hold you closely, trying his best to comfort you, letting his soft personality slip a bit
✧ and you bet either he won't take his eyes off you at school for even a second or you'll see Kohane or any of her friends every break, checking on you
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @hayillaaaaaaa @stellas-starry-stove13 - come get your pancakes lover!
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✧ Rui always was a bit worried about you, don't get him wrong... he trusted your abilities and experience but he couldn't help but still be worried whenever he left
✧ he obviously tried always being around you or taking you with him whenever he could, but it's obvious he can't be there forever
✧ he probably assumed you could have some problems around your peers, so he tried observing closely but never could find evidence
✧ untill today when he clearly saw you running away to the nearest quiet spot you remembered
✧ he didn't wanted you to break under criticism so he of course intervened by having quick talk with your bullies, he won't throw fists but he might sneak in few problematic robots that'll get them into suspension~
✧ but coming back to you! He immidietly went to look for you, and when he saw you nowhere despite you just running in that direction, he immidietly knew to take a peek in your SEKAI
✧ he knows you well, so he trusts his intuition and current knowledge to lead him to the right place
"There you are! Sh sh sh sh... It's fine.. I promise they won't bother you again. I'll be right next to you from now on, okey?"
✧ he's very worries and you can tell that by his voice and by the way his hands are always holding yours or embracing you gently
✧ and most importantly, you can tell he's sincere when he promises you he won't let you walk alone through corridors ever again, even if you're from Miyamasuzaka, he'll get Emu or some of his robots to keep you company
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline @r4wrclwz @superstar-ethereal @stellas-starry-stove13 @alicewinterway18 - come get your crazy inventor!
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✧ gossips always reach House of the Hearth quickly, and Lyney as a magician gets to hear them not only from there but also among his audience, so you could only imagine how quickly he abandoned his street performance the moment he heard about someone joking about your disability
✧ he didn't had time to look for who it was exactly but thanks to few gossips, he got few hints onto where you could be hiding at the moment
✧ he ran so fast to the opera, poor Lynette had to deal with shocked audience all by herself... he bought her favorite sweets and apologized later tho so she forgave him
✧ he on the other hand, couldn't even express how much he panicked, but you could probably hear it by the way his voice shaked upon yelling your name when he finally noticed you and how out of breath he was
"Y/N!!! Here you are... What happened? Who was it? Please tell me everything... I just want to make sure you'll be safe and sound without me..."
✧ let's just say... you never hear the people who upset you again... and even if you do, they never dare to even come close to you for some reason
✧ he's probably gonna watch over you more cautiously and spend some more time around you after that situation but doesn't want you to see it got to him so much or to upset you so soon, he's back to normal
@bleachtheidiot @stellas-starry-stove13 - come get your charming magician~
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✧ Freminet probably heard about it from one of his siblings who rushed to tell him about your situation or overheard some gossips on his stroll in city
✧ either way, he just takes Pers with him and runs around to try and find you, that's how he ends up knowing you were bullied, and what's worst.. not for the first time...
✧ knowing one place that you could've went to for comfort, he immidietly runs there, leaving small investigation for later
✧ he doesn't yell your name tho, instead he just keeps keen eye on his surroundings and finally he finds you just sitting on a beach with your head in your knees
"Y/N? I.. heard what happened. Can you tell me about it? I really want to help... or at least be here for you.."
✧ he'll place Pers on your lap and caress your arm in hopes to comfort you a little, as he listens to every word you decide to share with him
✧ if you decide to tell him who it was, you can be sure he'll do what he can so they won't bother you again.. and as a member of House of Hearth, it's not gonna be as hard
✧ but he keeps quiet about it and instead follows you to many places for few weeks out of worry about you. But he will stop if you tell him or if he notices it's bothering you
@bleachtheidiot @miya-akane @stellas-starry-stove13 - come get your shy diver~
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ginger-berrie · 1 month
So firstly I of course have to say this musical is fucking phenomenal and if u havent seen it even on youtube you HAVE to. onne of the best musicals ever wrutten. ignore any typos in this my hands r still shaking and im not editing htis. OKAY.
The actors. It was a college level production but the actors were so so talented. My favorite performances were from Mendel and Jason, who both pulled off their roles INCREDIBLY. Mendel was like a carbon copy of Brandon Uranowitz he had his mannerisms DOWN. All the nervous ticks, touching his face, being generally so awkward all the time, even his face was just perfec t for the role. And Jason was played by an adult femme-presenting person but they were so good as him!!!!! their voice fit him perfectly and she also perfectly encompassed Jason;s awkward childlike nature. The entire cast was incredible but those two really stood out to me!!!! Everyone's singing voices as well were fantastic, especially Trina's—she KILLED the high notes and even sung up the octave on a few lines !!!! including the "but still the bastard divorced me" and she still belted the "you must exorcise a devil" even AFTER Im Breaking Down. In fucking sane.
THAT BEING SAID THOUGH. Even though i enjouyed every second of it I do wanna make some more analysis-related directing critiques because im fucked up and evil about this show . im so sorry just let me speak here meaout. Stating right now though I've only seen the 2016 revival (about 2 dozen times) and not the original 90's version (been meaning to watch it just havent gotten the chance) so i reserve all TRUE judgement until after I see it!!! maybe some of these choices were in the original but tbh if they were i still like how the revival did it better. okay i swear im not just one of those ppl who is like "tHaTS noT hOw ThEY dId iT On BroADwAy" calm down. thanks <3
First of all. Some of the scenes lacked energy !!!!! Thrill of first love had no homoerotic choreography!!!!! they just kinda sat there on the couch looking morose and barely looking at each other as if they truly just hate each other and feel ANYthing towards each other anymore at all. But thats not the point!!!!!! They dont fully hate each other theyre just lacking the excitement that they once had and it's been replaced with nothing but disagreements and sex. When Whizzer and Marvin do their gay little dance theyre not just dancing and being gross and sexual theyre also FIGHTING!!!! they still care about each other they just dont know how to act!!!! and marvin's a bitch of course. Marvin was still very much a bitch. But because of the lack of energy in this song there was a bit of a lack of chemistry between the two as well, which carried through the whole show. I feel like it's important to see just how gross fucked up n nasty these two are about each other to see how its truly affecting the other people in Marvin's life. Even their chemistry during the chess game was lacking. They just kinda felt like they really hated each other. Which isnt the pointtttttt. Guh
Trina (or the directors idk) also made some choices I wasn't 100% on board with but they were more subtle. Mostly in her tone about Mendel. Up through Please Come To Our House she seemed to really really like Mendel. Like it was clear she was attempting to woo him. But then when he was proposing, and when they were maknig their home together, she just seemed. Unenthused. I know Trina truly doesn't really love her life, and just needs the stability of a nuclear family, but it was odd to see her not even attempt to keep up the facade on her own. Her and Mendel were similarly lacking in a lot of chemistry because of this, which, maybe to some of you makes sense but to me i do want to see them be close even if Mendel isn't absolutely the best.
LAST CRITIQUE OKAY. This one is BIG SPOILERS if u havent seen it yet but probably if ur reading this far youve already seen it okay. The fuckign bar mitzvah!!!!! There was no acknowledgement from Whizzer to Jason as he was reading his Torah !!!!!!! He just layed there in the hospital bed, facing AWAY from the audience so we could only see the very top of his head (which was on purpose for a quick change but) and he didnt get up at all to thank Jason or even acknowledge him :( for all the audience knows maybe he didnt even see Jason get bar mitzvahd. screaming crying throwing up.
OKAY IM DONE W BEING MEAN HERES A BIG CHANGE I REALLY LOVED !!!!!! as well as some smaller changes that i also really liked or were jsut neutral things i noticed
For most of act 2, up until Days Like This, They had this really cool circus imagery? Now once again idk if this is in the OG, but they had a picture of each cluster of characters set up on either side of the stage, and each of them was doing some sort of circus act both in the pictures and on stage, especially during A Day in Falsettoland. When a character was having their point in the song, they'd sometimes cut the lights briefly and suddenly the characters would be struggling to perform their little circus act, and each of them had a differnt one respectively and they all represented their immaturities/flaws/struggles:
Jason was on stilts, representing his need to grow up and perhaps his perceived mental maturity compared to the other characters
Trina was balancing/spinning plates on sticks, representing her need to keep balance and order in her life
Marvin + Whizzer were fencers because of their lingering animosity, yet newfound respect, for one another. Fencing isnt a dangerous sport, like you dont actually hurt your opponent in it, but it;s still a fight and youre still pointoing a weapon at them. guh. (AND BTW they did this during the racquetball scene and HOLY SHIT. I just gotta describe this one. Racquetball number 1 They had their little racquets as they were singing to each other but then when they got really into the game the lights would cut and then theyd be FENCING each other instead!!!!! and then the lights would cut again and itd go back to racquetball!!!! BUT THEN in the racquetball number 2 when it cut to them fencing ONLY MARVIN HAD A SWORD. WHIZZER STILL HAD HIS RACQUET. GIUUHUHGGHGHGHGHGH.;..,.,/;;'.';.;'[[[.)
Then the lesbians from next door were like a duo balancing/acrobatics act where they were always leaning on each other and picking each other up which was cute but also like. Charlotte would start falling in one direction and Cordelia would have to scrambke to catch her. I always hail them as the healthiest couple in the show but sometimes i forget they have problems too, like Cordelia;s insecurity and Charlotte's stress over the virus of course.
And finally Mendel!!!! was the fucking ringmaster!!!!! He had a hoop and a top hat and every time he was trying to calm down Jason (Everyone Hates His Parents), or Caroline, or Trina (A Day in Falsettoland), he would appear with his hoop and top hat, to show that HE is the one who needs to "control" other people's lives, or at least he feels the need to direct them. Mendel of course needs to feel like he's smarter than everyone else and like he's the only one who can help people. It really drove that home and it was an insane realization to come to. Phenomenal directing choice idk who came up with that but. bravissimo to you
Now miscellaneous stuff i liked or noticed!!!
They didn't have the big ol foam block. just some couch ends that they moved around to be diff pieces of furniture. If you've ever seen Waiting In The Wings' analysis on falsettos you might have seen a comment in the youtube section discussing how in the set design for the revival, the lack of real furniture through most of the show represents the lack of maturity of the characters, and as things get serious for them, more real props and set pieces get added. Like the chess board, the decor for Mendel + Trina's home, Whizzer's suitcase, the whole hospital room, etc. They didn't lean into that with this but i think that's fine! its not a necessary detail in my opinion and they did their best with what they had!!
Marvin didn't hand whizzer the suitcase after the chess game. He just grabbed it, and packed it himself. I was waiting for him to slam it into whizzer's chest or something. but no. Whizzer just picked it up and walked off. okay. Neutral bad change imo
Marvin's performances of What would I do and What more can i Say were. Breathtaking. Marvin actor if you're out there reading this your voice is lovely and carries so much emotion in your solo numbers. I Did Cry. a little bit
god their group number harmonies were AMAZING. All of the cast members' voices blended together so well and it was absolutely beautiful. the whole show was beautiful and i adored it i swear. I jsut need somwhere to put my feelings
Okay its getting late now and im fading quickly BUT IF U READ THIS FAR UR INSANE. This is for me and nobody else i just eneded to feelings dump. tl;dr: i fucking lvoe falsettos this was one of the best nights of my life i love you actors i love you pit i love you lighting i love you run crew i love you sound crew i love you musical theatre
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delusional-mishaps · 1 year
I am back!
And I would like to request for Error x Reader headcanons! I needs more fluff with my glitchy boi.
Like him getting a crush on reader! How would he act around them? How would he court them? Especially if Reader is a little shit and he’s like oh god I’m in love with this idiot-
manbaby in denial manbaby in denial manbaby in denial
as soon as he finds himself thinking about you he cuts all contact.
or... he tries to.
he is a very lonely man and he misses you </3
he still tries! but when all his thoughts are devoured by your lovely face and your voice and your idiotic tendencies...
he'll come trudging back all mopey and moody
"what the hell happened to you? aww did you get your ass beat?"
and when he just stares at you with a death glare and you start to get nervous...
"please im sorry for teasing you whats wrong 😰😰"
meanwhile he's staring at you like "why are you stuck in my head. i hate you. what kind of witchcraft did you use on me. why do i want to kiss you. OH MY GOD I WANT TO KISS YOU???"
thus he realizes he likes you. and he crashes. and youre left just staring at him waiting for him to reboot worried as hell because he hasnt said anything to you and why did he crash????
the next few days are :) odd :)
he'll appear randomly. and he'll leave randomly. and he'll crash randomly. and he refuses to give you ANY explanation why he's acting like this
meanwhile he's fighting himself internally the whole time. he wants to spend time with you because he likes you for some god awful reason, but if he were to distance himself this crush would go away wouldnt it?
does he want it to go away? he... isnt sure. he likes how you make him feel, even if it is sometimes nauseating
then things start to appear in your home. small things, most of which you dont notice. until it's things that realistically you shouldn't have. why are there floating rocks on your mantel? how are they floating?
he'll brush it off if you ask him about it.
"don't worry, it's fine. do you like them?"
if you really dont, he'll get rid of them
though, you asking makes him think his gifts aren't good enough for you. you wouldnt ask about them if you really liked them, would you? he has to up his game.
he also gets really particular about his appearance. if he does want to get with you, he has to make sure he's attractive. right? his old, smelly, ratty clothes wont do. he needs new things.
he makes them all from scratch :) and!! he'll perhaps fashion you a few new outfits while he's at it!
he gets very clingy once he accepts it. yeah, he has a crush on you. that means you're stuck with him.
spends more time around you. his love language may be quality time.
dude honestly has no idea what theyre doing. theyve never really felt this way?? about anyone?? EVER??? how do they romance you? do they just tell you?????
simple answer: yes!
they drop in one day, a ball of nerves and probably almost on the brink of crashing because they realize youre actually probably too good for them and why would you even like them? theyre rude to you, theyre rude to others, theyre so selfish...
but when they see you... oh, you're so stunning, even if you are only in your lounge clothes, hair messy and eyes still sunken-in with the look of sleep. certainly not the best youve ever looked, but what do they care? they... they love you.
and they tell you, awkwardly standing in the middle of your living room. they proclaim their love for you, however jumbled in the explanation of their feelings
and theyre so transparent with you in that moment... so vulnerable and open, letting their soul sing out for you, words spilling from their mouth without filter.
and finally, when they say everything
you say "i love you, too"
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sangonohyuka · 2 years
💭 THINKING ABOUT . . . mean! dom soobin
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warnings: NSFW, afab! sub reader, jealous soobin, degradation, dacryphilia, overstim, dumbification, a lil slapping yass, lowkey perv!soobin tbh, NOT proof read baby woo, this might be out of character tbh because... self-indulgence..., i wrote this at 2AM pls bare with me
soobin is literally the sweetest boyfriend you could ever ask for! though a little mischievous at times, he's always so caring, attentive, and very patient with you. you never really heard him raise his voice out of fury— let alone witness him losing his temper.
not until now, at least.
thinking that soobin would be tolerant enough to sit still and let you get all touchy with his friends was a huge mistake.
here you are now, sprawled all over the messy bedsheet— your hips shaking uncontrollably as your third orgasm ripped through you this night. incoherent noises left your throat as the orgasm worned you out, earning a mocking snicker from your boyfriend.
"you thought you'd get away with it, didn't you?" his fingers gently stretched your swollen hole open, letting your juices drip down— covering his fingers with the lewd liquid.
you could only let out a whine in response, head too fuzzy to even form proper words. "whoring yourself out like that in front of my friends— you thought i'd just sit and watch, hm?" soobin taunted, despite knowing well that he's fucked you dumb enough that you couldn't think straight.
he scoffed as your whines filled up the air— clearly unhappy with your lack of response. soon enough, a harsh slap landed on your clit followed by an embarassingly loud squelching noise. you gasped at the sudden contact, embarrassment filling you up to the brim.
"b-binnie—!" you gasped, face reddening as you tried your best not to jumble your words out. "look at you, all messed up just for me. y'think junnie or beommie can mess you up like i do, can they?" soobin's face inched closer to yours, his forehead almost touching yours. his warm breath fanned against your face, dark gaze boring into your teary ones.
"no? your actions said otherwise, though." you looked away from soobin, feeling like you're about to burst at any moment from now under his burning gaze.
"a-ah, up here." he leaned away, fingers now wrapped around your jaw firmly— forcing you into another eye contact with him.
a mocking smirk was painted on his lips as he admired the pathetic mess under his mercy— your cheeks stained with tears and drool, strands of hair sticking on your face messily, and god— the expression you had on your face was priceless.
"you think i'd go easy on you, hm? you think i'd play nice when you're acting like a fuckin' slut?" he spat out bitterly, his fingers mushed your cheeks as he caressed your swollen lips gently with his thumb. right when you were about to respond, his thumb slipped between your lips— pressing it against your tongue gently, forcing you to suck on it. tears formed at the corner of your eyes, out of pleasure and humiliation.
"aww, is this getting too much for my poor baby?" soobin cooed, letting out a sinister chuckle as he leaned forward– postioning his lips right next to your ears.
"too bad, i'm not done yet with you. at least not until you're a slobbering mess underneath me."
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HI HIII this is my first writing for txt, i hope this is good enough ;; i wrote this at 2 AM and eng isnt my first language so my deepest apologies if there's any mistakes in spelling or grammar TT will definitely go through this work to proof read later! tysmmm hope you liked it <3
OHH and my ask box is open! feel free to send me ur thoughts / anything really :3
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dballzposting · 4 months
If you watch DBZ then you see that like...
We See Ttunks and Goten separately before we see them interact.
TRUNKS: He is a lively kid. He is excited to see Gohan, and thinks very highly of him. He did think that the Saiyaman outfit was cringe however. He trains with his dad. He seems to have fun being himself. He seems happy and confident.
GOTEN: ough god hes sofunny. He is VERY energetic and very loving. Partly due to age and partly due to who his father is, he is pretty thick-skulled. Definitely naive. Not a pushover, holds his own, but he does defer to Gohan's direction, trusting dearly.
GOTEN & TFUNKS INTEEACTING: immediatly we see something change in Trunks. Goten is the same but Trunks changes. I think it's becasue the expectation of the tournament changes him, hes in public, hes wearing a certain face, etc - but when he was informed that he had to fight in the Junior Division, his voice dropped an octave and he says to Goten smth to the effect of "you hear that Goten? What a load of barnicals."
It makes sense given who Trunks's parents are that he knows how to trash talk in a fight. It also makes sense that Goten didn't know what he was hearing when Trunks was spitting shit with that blond-mullet kid.
Trunks isnt even that particularly arrogant, but hes defintiely a kid who is behaving how he thinks he ought to, I.E. doing the best with what has been modeled for him.
Bless his heart - he didnt even know enough to know to go easy on Mr Satan. No one fucking tells this kid anything.
Goten has no tact or finesse. His father is a genius when it comes to battle, though he had his sloppy moments as a youth - but even accounting for that, Goten isnt the prodigy that Goku was. Unlike Goku, Goten has genuine hobbies and interests other than fighting, so he just cant dedicate all of his soul to that.
And he just lacks tact and finesse. It's becasue he's 7 but to be honest he is 100% DEFINITELY EXACTLY LIKE THAT in DBGT as well.
Goten shoots that kamehame-ha and destroys a bit of the building. Meanwhile Trunks has the foresight to Not blow up the audience with his ki blast. He also had the good sense to suggest that they stop using ki blasts. Trunks has received good training. Meanwhile Goten is out here just going for it
Trunks has a set of inner rules that hes following: he has guardrails: he has a sense of order, he understands where he is in a hierarchy, his spirit is being tamed.
His inner rules are things like: keep it cool, dont let them see you sweat, listen to your parents, have discipline and control in battle, stay resilient, stay prideful, WIN HARD, keep it cool, do what you're supposed to do; the rules for the regular folk dont apply to you becasue you're cooler; do well by yourself, earn your keep, earn your pride, be sneaky and dont get caught.
Meanwhile Goten's inner rules are more like: BE POLITE, mind your manners, always stand back up, be fair, listen to what Gohan says, live and let live, be nice to everyone unless they're mean to you, dont hesitate to defend yourself when you feel slighted.
Goten's rules foster more self-direction and intuition, whereas I feel like Trunks's rules get him all shaken up in the long run. They're less in-the-present-reality based.
When Goten walked out into the arena, he was amazed at how many people there were. Every time he won, he was bashful, and gave a bow.
When Trunks entered the tournament grounds, he slung his bag over his shoulder and walked like his father. He kept his arms crossed against all the other contestants, feeling slighted at having been placed in the junior division to begin with.
Trunks really felt that he deserved better than the Junior Division, and he wasnt wrong at all; but the fact that he saw that, felt that way, and acted on it says a lot about the sorts of values that hes growing up with.
I feel like if it was just Goten, he would have accepted that and had fun.
When Trunks gets to be with just Goten, he becomes a lot more spontaneous, eager, and happy. But he changes when the eyes are on him. At the same time, hes used to people, living in the city and being rich and all. I guess that's why he knows how to behave around them. Or maybe hes just shy like his dad.
Goten didnt know how to act in front of all those people, so he just acted like himself..
But also, Trunks isnt perfectly natural around Goten, becasue he does like to be better than him. Becasue he expects it. Becasue he ought to be. Becasue his dad tells him so. Or, rather, implies it.
BUT when Gohan asked Goten how strong Trunks was, Goten sang his praises and said that he won Every Time. But when Vegeta asked Trunks how strong Goten was, Trunks gave a modest answer, and said that they were pretty well-matched, and he explains their discrepancy likely being due to just age.
IDK. These details fascinated me two years ago when I first saw it and I still like it. It's a good show....
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trickstarbrave · 10 months
HCs for how the dagoth siblings were in life i suppose that my brain has cooked up
for starters they all share the same mother (morvani) who was leader of house dagoth before voryn took over. but he had multiple husbands in her effort to try and get a respectable heir
gilvoth: the oldest and most over-protective of voryn. very easily angered and way too hot headed
vemyn: second oldest, also can be very hot headed, though not as much as gilvoth. secret soft side he will open up to his brothers with from time to time, more playful than gilvoth and got the two of them in trouble growing up all the time
uthol: quite and contemplative, but ultimately does best when he has others to back him up. errs on the side of too cautious as opposed to too impulsive like vemyn and gilvoth, doesnt actually enjoy being in a position of leadership but does like manipulating people
endus: focuses too much on the arcane arts and other studies to really want to be heir. very smart, but likes to avoid actual responsibility. isnt above things like human experimentation, and may or may not be interested in necromancy (which he keeps a closely guarded secret)
tureynul and ordos: twins, mostly influenced by their two oldest brothers. tureynul loves fighting and the sword and is is very impulsive, ordos likes destruction magic and is also impulsive. you can see these two idiots sparring with guards regularly. and tureynul swearing at ordos for accidentally setting him on fire regularly
araynys: voryn’s only full blooded sibling from the same father. he can have a pretty nasty mean streak when he wants to, but is the most passive of the siblings, instead preferring to keep peace within house dagoth. also very good at subtle manipulation. has a gentler face and softer voice that people don’t expect from house dagoth, which he can and will use to his advantage. also hes the tallest because voryn and araynys’ dad was tall as hell.
AND voryn: the youngest and baby of the family. what, you thought the heir would be the oldest? absolutely not. morvani was practical and going to pick the most promising kid for the job, even if she had to have 8 kids to pick one. voryn can be both ruthless yet controlled, able to act nonthreatening for negotiations if need be, clever but still dedicated, and most important wants to run the house. he isn’t overtly cautious and afraid to act like uthol, but not impulsive like many of his brothers, and not so passive and afraid of conflict he ends up dragging his feet like araynys. the perfect balance for morvani, or at least close enough.
she loved all her sons tbh but she liked to spoil voryn bc voryn wasn’t naughty all the time and showed a lot of promise. though she also would spoil araynys a lot too because he wasn’t an impulsive idiot. uthol and endus would have been spoiled more if they didnt get embarrassed about it tbh
vemyn was actually the closest to their mom :> he liked helping herd his siblings around and acting like her assistant.
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ed-mnsn · 2 years
byler dating headcanons
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mike wheeler x will byers
warnings: none
content: fluff
will loves mikes voice, whether it’s listening to him sing along to the radio or read will his favorite book
he always bikes home with him, makes sure he gets inside safely
he always bikes home with him, makes sure he gets inside safely
“radio me when u get home safe”
“mike you’re about to watch me walk through my front door.”
mikes love language is physical touch and will endulges this by always just having a hand on him
around his waist, holding his hand, playing with his hair
they stay up all night talking on their walkies
will grounds mike, makes him less jumpy, less manic
mike tries to cook will dinner but fails horribly
will slips love notes in mikes locker at school
mike sitting on his basement couch with wills head in his lap, talking about their futures and their fears
they confide in each other about literally everything
both of them trust each other immensely
being best friends for so long built this connection between them and they genuinely just feel most comfortable around each other
they take turns watching each other’s favorite movies
mike kissing all over wills face
and will acts like it annoys him but he loves it
will picking out mikes outfit for school sometimes, just cuz its fun for him
and wills heart swells when he sees him in school the next day wearing exactly what he picked out
holding hands under the dnd table
mike makes will mixtapes all the time and writes a little note about why he chose each song
them kissing when the rest of the party isnt looking but they see anyways
they wrestle ??
fondly though
will draws absentmindedly while they’re just hanging out, what he doesnt know is that mike saves every single one
mike actually has a box under his bed full of wills drawings, his notes, movie ticket stubs from dates they went on, receipts, really anything that has to do with will
joyce loves them together and lets mike stay over probably when mikes parents arent being the greatest
hopper surprisingly handles mike dating will much better than when he was dating el
will tells mike all his secrets
mike draws circles into his knee, his thigh, his back, wherever, just to comfort him
i think they have hilarious banter
sticking their tongues at each other
walking so close to each other that they trip over each others feet
will knows how to make mike blush
compliments his eyes in front of literally everyone else
later when everyone goes home and its just mike and nancy he’s all like “did u hear that!!”
and nancys like ???
and mike is all “he thinks my eyes are pretty :(“
nancy rolls her eyes but her heart grows knowing her little brother gets to feel true teenage love
they argue rarely but when they do it’s mostly because mike sometimes has trouble communicating his feelings
but will is good at getting him talking and being honest with him
things are resolved rather quickly
will says i love you first
mike almost faints i think
but he says it back once he can think straight again and he means it with every ounce of his heart
kissing in mikes basement, giggling whenever they hear someone walking around upstairs
they are just so in love with each other
best boyfriends in the world
bonus: robin gives them little pride flag pins
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when they find out
~4,9k orangekip (orange cassidy/kip sabian)
tbh the idea of this was entirely based around the idea of the first part cause i really wanted to write kip and chuck interacting, and then it just kinda grew from there. also that ending literally came to me in the middle of writing this, sssoooo thats. a thing. we're gonna do something with later on im sure, i have a lot to project lol. but yeah enjoy ace!oc, i was trying my best this is my first attempt at but this the agenda is strong in me 💜 (also if it isnt obvious, the second part takes place six months after the first one aksndjkansd)
warnings for shades of aphobia. also kip says fuck a few times cause he always does dont look at me
@midnightpretenders0 @stormbornpirate
on ao3
Taking in a deep breath, Kip lifted his hand up, giving the hotel room door a knock. Something in him told him though that he maybe shouldn’t be here, but against all the advice in his mind there he was standing. Looking for answers that Kip was sure he could have gotten some much, much easier way.
It took a while, but after the second knock the door finally opened up, revealing a very surprised looking Chuck standing behind it. He quickly scanned Kip up and down, clearly confused why the Brit was standing there, behind his door at this kind of an hour of the morning, obviously wanting something from him.
“Kip? What--?”
“Can I come in?” Chuck obviously wasn’t a fan of being cut off, but the obvious nervousness in Kip gave him a free pass in this situation. The man scanned the hallway around him up and down, almost as if he was afraid of being caught in the act of standing there.
“What do you need?” Chuck leaned on the door frame, arms crossing over his chest as he watched Kip shift weight from one foot to the other, avoiding eye contact with him. This wasn’t the type of a guest Chuck would usually get, but something in this really didn’t surprise him though – he was aware of the way Kip and Cassidy had grown closer in recent times, much to both his surprise and annoyance. For various reasons, their former taunting feud he had also been somewhat a part of being one of them.
“It’s, uh…” Kip finally glanced directly at Chuck, but almost as fast turned away. Chuck was sure there was a faint shade of pink crossing his cheeks, and it wasn’t just the terrible lighting of the hallway playing tricks on his eyes. “It’s about Clem-- Orange. It’s about Orange.”
Chuck’s brows furrowed a bit. He wasn’t really surprised that this was the reason Kip was here if he was being honest, but him being so straightforward and almost blunt about it with him caught him slightly off guard. He stepped back a bit though, motioning Kip inside the room. He could at least hear him out, seeing that Kip was here already.
What’s the worst thing that could happen?
Kip nodded as a thanks as he passed Chuck in the doorway, slipping inside the hotel room. Thankfully Chuck was here alone, though both beds being messy was giving Kip signs that he was on a time limit here. Whichever of the other Best Friends was rooming with him had to be out at the moment, and who knew when he was coming back. Kip had really hoped that he had just a good, calm moment to talk with Chuck about all of this, but now all of this was just making him nervous.
But he couldn’t fuck this up, this was too important for him to do that.
“So what’s up? What about Orange?”
Kip jumped a little as Chuck’s voice reached his ears, making him turn towards him as Chuck walked deeper into the room after him before taking a seat at the edge of one of the beds. Kip didn’t follow his example and instead remained standing, nervous hands rubbing together as he was trying to put the words in his mind in some sensible order.
“I, uh… I-I was just wondering…”
Kip’s voice drifted off, the man clearly being very nervous about this. Chuck just looked at him, remaining silent. On one hand he wanted to push Kip into actually talking about what he came here for, already being annoyed that he was spending even this much time alone with the Brit, especially without knowing his intentions. But a part of Chuck was telling him that if he did that, Kip would have an even harder time to form a coherent sentence and thus frustrate him even further. Either or, they were going to be here for a while, Chuck could tell that much.
“You-you’re, like, his best friend, right?”
Chuck nodded slowly, observing Kip’s nervous hands slipping into the pockets of his hoodie, the platinum haired man swinging back and forth a bit on his feet as he scanned the room around the two of them again, mostly just to avoid looking directly at Chuck after getting the confirming gesture back from him. “So you would know if he, like…”
Kip’s words drifted off again as he lowered his head a bit, the last words disappearing into an inaudible whisper. Chuck raised a brow at him, leaning a bit closer to him on the edge of the bed.
“I’m sorry, if he what?”
Kip glanced towards him from under his brows, meeting Chuck’s expectant look for the first time since stepping inside the room. Kip sighed heavily, hand pulling from the hoodie pocket as he ran it through his hair slowly as he raised his head back up, clearly trying to pull himself together.
“You… You would know if he… Liked me. Like… Like liked me.”
Oh. Oh so that’s why he was so nervous about this.
Chuck crossed his arms over his chest, pondering his question over. Kip was visibly fidgeting with almost his whole body right there in front of him, clearly nervous about the possible answer he was going to get, only breaking the silence with his own voice as it was growing a bit too long for his liking as Chuck took his sweet time answering back to him.
“Because I like him. Like, a lot. But I can’t just… Ask him that. We can just be friends if he doesn’t like me, I don’t care, but I don’t want to ask him.”
Chuck nodded, in deep thought.
“So I thought maybe if… The feeling is mutual, like I feel it might be, he would have talked to his friends about it. And you’re his friend, so I thought… Maybe?”
Chuck nodded again, running a hand over his face. He wasn’t prepared to be put in this spot today, especially first thing in the morning, but since the situation was at hand and Kip was standing right there… Well, his options were rather limited. And Chuck had a feeling that despite what Kip was saying, he was going to be too stubborn to do what he wanted anyway, no matter what Chuck told him, so he might as well be honest about it.
“Orange may have mentioned you a few times, yeah.”
Kip noticeably perked up, his eyes lighting up in a way Chuck had only seen from him before he was about to deliver a well written evil monologue. A look he didn’t like, for obvious reasons, but Chuck pushed that thought aside for now.
“He has mentioned that he thinks you like him. According to him you’re really bad at hiding it.”
The faint blush was on Kip’s face again as the Brit turned slightly away from him, it being fairly obvious that Cassidy was correct. Though to be honest, Kip wasn’t really even trying to hide it to begin with. There was a reason he was here today, asking these questions from Chuck instead of going straight to Cassidy himself, as he just wanted to be sure. Kip had already done a lot trying to drive home the point that he might have feelings for the man in denim, so it shouldn’t have been a surprise if Cassidy already knew. And yet, it still caught him slightly off guard.
“Has he now…” Kip muttered, hand running through his hair again.
“Orange also said he thinks it’s kind of adorable, for what that’s worth for you.”
Kip nodded, glancing towards Chuck. “So… So that’s basically a yes?”
Chuck shrugged a little. “Well, he has never explicitly said it, but if you think so then sure, I guess it is.”
He had no reason to lie to Kip, really. There were only two reasons he would, and one of them was that Chuck was just worried that he would have to tolerate Kip even more if Cassidy started dragging him along to group activities if they started dating. Which was probably fine, but Chuck just didn’t really want that, them not being entirely on the same page with Kip most of the time, if he was being honest.
The other reason, however…
“But,” Chuck started, watching as the smile that had started to form on Kip’s face suddenly froze, his eyes widening at the dreaded word that he wasn’t prepared to hear after such good news. “There is something you should know.”
“I’m not afraid of you if that’s what you’re insinuating.”
Chuck’s eyes narrowed a little, him shaking his head. “What, no, that’s not what I meant. I mean I will kick your ass if you hurt Orange, obviously.”
Chuck sighed a little, the confusion overtaking Kip not coming to him as a surprise at all. “But there is… A side to Orange. Well, a side to dating Orange. There are some important things you should know, like… The kind of relationship you shouldn’t expect out of this.”
Before Kip could ask him to elaborate on such a cryptic statement, they were interrupted as the hotel room door clicked open, Trent stepping in, basically killing the conversation on its tracks immediately. He glanced between Chuck and Kip for a moment, clearly confused, before Kip took it as his sign to leave them alone as Chuck obviously wasn’t going to keep on going with this conversation now that they had more company in the room.
“Happy six months,” Kip smiled, lifting up the champagne glass in his hand, Cassidy following his example to clink the glasses together. The setup they had put together to dine in the hotel room felt silly under such meaningful circumstances, but neither of them really minded it.
Leaning over the little makeshift table between the two beds, Cassidy pressed a little kiss on Kip’s lips. The Brit accepted it with a smile, kissing him back before Cassidy settled back in his seat at the edge of the second bed. They had planned on going out tonight, but the heavy rain had caught them both off guard on their way back to the hotel after the show, so they had just opted to stay in and order food instead. Of course it wasn’t even nearly as glamorous or romantic as what they originally had planned, but that didn’t matter. Sure it was an anniversary dinner, but it didn’t matter where or what it was, as long as they were able to have it together as a form of celebration tonight.
But Cassidy had to admit, there was some kind of nervous energy in the air tonight. Maybe it was the expectations put on such an important occasion, maybe it was the way Kip said it was still fine that they dined in the hotel room despite him really wanting to take Cassidy somewhere much fancier, and he was just disappointed and trying to make up for it now. He wasn’t sure, but there was something lingering around him that made him feel like something was expected out of tonight.
Something he was rather terrified of, if he was being quite honest.
The dinner proceeded without an issue, the two chatting it away like any other date, both maybe being a bit sweeter to one another than usual. It was an anniversary dinner after all, putting both of them in a certain kind of atmosphere. The smiles were extra warm tonight, the pet names were plenty, it even got to the point of desserts literally being fed to one another after the main course was done as they moved up to cuddle in the same bed.
Cassidy couldn’t help but laugh seeing Kip get whipped cream on his face, making the other man retaliate by smearing some on his lips before pulling Cassidy into a kiss to clean it off. Being held there, in Kip’s arms tightly, all warm and safe, Cassidy let himself melt against the kiss, allowing it to deepen into a more passionate one laced with the sweetness of the strawberry shortcake they had been making a mess with. After a moment Kip pulled apart first, allowing them both to catch their breath.
“I can’t believe I’ve had you for six months already.” Kip’s voice was barely louder than a whisper, in complete awe as he cupped both sides of Cassidy’s face with his hands, his thumbs carefully caressing his cheeks. “I’ve never been this lucky in my life.”
Cassidy smiled back at him, arms wrapping around him as he pulled Kip closer. He wanted this moment to last as long as possible, seeing the genuine admiration on Kip’s face just made him want to kiss him more. While he had heard those words before, multiple times from several people, none of them hit him quite like they did coming from this particular man. Cassidy wasn’t entirely sure why, but they felt so genuine to him, coming from Kip.
Maybe that was part of the reason why the air occasionally felt so heavy and expectant to him, because all of this felt so genuine and good, it had to build up to something. Something that Cassidy wasn’t sure he was ready for tonight.
His eyes glanced away from Kip for a second in a moment of hesitation over all of this as the thoughts crossed his mind, a feat that Kip didn’t miss. His brows immediately furrowed as concern took over his face, despite the smile that Cassidy kept on in hopes to masquerade his true feelings. He should have known Kip wasn’t so easily fooled.
“Babe, what’s wrong?”
He wanted to wince at the pet name so badly, but Cassidy couldn’t bring himself to do it. Instead he sat there with a smile, trying to hide the sudden sadness in his eyes with a shake of his head.
“It’s nothing. Nothing’s wrong.”
“You are such a terrible liar.” Kip shook his head at him, pulling Cassidy closer to press another soft little kiss on his lips. He pulled away before Cassidy could reply to it though, Kip’s hands slipping from his face to his shoulders, resting there as his hands locked up behind his neck. “Be honest with me.”
Cassidy knew this wasn’t the time or the place he wanted to have this conversation, but at the same time he was aware that if he didn’t talk about this now, certain events would transpire. He just wasn’t sure which one was going to be the worst outcome, leaving him just sitting there in silence, eyes falling down to his lap as Kip seemed to grow more and more expectant as the seconds ticked by.
“I just don’t want to hurt you.”
Kip was visibly taken aback by his words, him just silently watching as Cassidy carefully untangled Kip’s arms from around him, gently lowering them down to the other man’s lap instead. The confusion in the Brit was obvious, but he remained quiet, watching the clear nervousness now taking over Cassidy in the form of shaky hands and deep breaths he was taking, now that the words were finally slipping out of him.
“I don’t understand.” Kip’s voice was very quiet, the concern in it obvious at the mood that had changed so drastically so suddenly. Cassidy didn’t dare to look back at him, he just kept observing Kip’s hands that he had never let go of after putting them down. He could feel his own hands shaking, almost afraid of trying to calm them down in case he ended up hurting Kip, digging his nails into his hands or something. But that wasn’t the kind of hurting he was talking about, no this went deeper than just the physical side of things.
Or, well… Maybe there was some sort of physicality involved. Or the lack thereof.
“Nothing you could do could hurt me. I know you wouldn’t do that.”
Cassidy bit his lip, trying not to let his emotions get the better of him. He wasn’t sure how he was going to fight his way out of this corner he had effectively put himself into, allowing himself to have a very small moment of insecurity in the middle of one of the best nights of his life. If that moment, even without revealing it straight to Kip what it was, was causing this much disturbance on such a night like this, there was no telling what him actually telling Kip anything was going to cause.
“Talk to me.” Kip was almost pleading with him at this point, carefully taking control of his hands again as Cassidy allowed him to remove one from his grasp. Kip gently reached for his face, fingers carefully pressing under his chin, lifting his face up. It felt terribly forced for Cassidy to follow his lead, but he did it anyway, regretting it almost immediately as he saw Kip’s eyes dimming a little bit at the sight of obvious distress on his boyfriend’s face. “Please.”
His body was working faster than his mind, Cassidy not being in control of himself as he leaned closer to Kip again, pressing a kiss on his lips. It took the other man a second to respond to him, but as Cassidy didn’t immediately pull away, Kip allowed himself to enjoy the brief kiss. As Cassidy broke it apart shortly afterwards, he stayed close to Kip’s face, observing every inch of it carefully as he was trying to still form some sort of coherent sentence in his mind.
He knew there were expectations for tonight. It had been six months since they started dating, and in all that time it had been nothing but this; the cuddles, the kisses, the hand holding. Holding each other, close comfort with one another, all the fluff. Getting this far without the other party pushing for more was a miracle for Cassidy, if he was being honest. So obviously now that it had been half a year, and nothing of that sort had happened, it was coming down to this.
And unfortunately it fell on Cassidy to either tell him the truth, or go through with the things he absolutely did not want to. Either way, it was going to hurt someone tonight.
He just had to be brave. Let out those words. He was used to it, telling people what he felt like, what he didn’t want, and them upping and leaving him. That was what was making this so hard for Cassidy to deal with, the fact that he was stuck in this loop, this time with someone he was so afraid to lose, someone who he didn’t want to leave. None of the previous times had been easy either, obviously, but with Kip it felt different.
With Kip everything felt good, it felt nice. Cassidy could enjoy the casual forms of intimacy with him, he could do so much more without feeling any pressure to the one side they had somehow managed to push aside for so long. Everything felt natural and enjoyable with Kip, nothing was forced.
“I can’t do it.”
Kip blinked at him, trying to decipher the words into meaning something specific to him. “Do… Do what?”
Cassidy leaned slightly back, giving himself space to motion a bit between the two of them. “It. This. That. Whatever. I don’t…”
His words drifted off, finding it so hard to verbalize his feelings. For someone that had been in this position multiple times before, it was surprisingly hard for Cassidy to express what he felt. He blamed it on the fact that this was Kip, someone he absolutely could not afford to lose, that this was so hard for him as Cassidy was afraid that what he might say would hurt him.
“Babe, you’re not making any sense, I don’t understand you.”
Cassidy wanted to scream so badly, Kip bringing up points he already knew. This man wasn’t dumb by any means, Cassidy knew that, but sometimes he wished Kip was as good at reading social cues as he was pretending to be in front of the camera. He was sure Kip could feel the tension tonight as well, the nervous energy, the pressure to somehow keep things going, to keep them meaningful after the six months point forwards. Kip had shown enough affection to him tonight that Cassidy was sure he was very well aware where he wanted things to go.
“I can’t…”
He was hesitant, but Cassidy knew he had to put it out there. It was going to hurt someone’s feelings, but he hoped it was just his own tonight.
“I can’t have sex with you.”
Kip looked at him, almost stunned to silence. He clearly hadn’t been expecting this, the confusion growing obvious on his face with every passing silent second they allowed to linger around the two of them.
“I just can’t. Not tonight. Not… Not ever. It’s not you, it’s me. I’m sorry, I--”
“Where did that come from?” Cassidy didn’t dare to look at him, having gone through this conversation enough times before that he knew there was going to be nothing but ridicule to follow that question. And he couldn’t take it, not tonight, not from Kip of all people. “Where… Where did you get the idea we were gonna do that tonight?”
He glanced carefully up at Kip, puzzled by the odd question, receiving a similarly questioning look back from the other man. Kip looked genuinely confused by the turn of this conversation, as if he hadn’t even thought about this as an activity for tonight before, so getting it rejected by Cassidy before the idea had even been presented just struck him as incredibly odd. “Who ever said we were going to fuck?”
Had he read this completely wrong? Cassidy wasn’t prepared for this situation, usually after he said he wasn’t going to do it he was being told he was leading people on, giving them false hope, that he should try it anyways… The negative responses had been plentiful, hurtful, but never had he been in a position quite like this where someone was actually more or less agreeing with him. In a really weird, still almost accusing way, sure, but agreeing nonetheless.
“We… We were not…?”
The question almost felt stupid to ask, even more so with Kip snorting at it a little.
“Well, no. I mean, if you want to, I guess, but that’s not what tonight is about. What on Earth even gave you that idea?”
“It’s our anniversary today? And we haven’t gone that far yet, and I thought…” The words were just blurting out of his mouth at this point, Cassidy being equally confused by the absurdity of the situation and the genuine fear of all this still going to hell at the same time that he wasn’t able to think it straight. Kip just shook his head a little bit, but offered him a smile after what had felt like ages in Cassidy’s mind.
“That doesn’t mean anything. And trust me… If I wanted to pursue you like that, which I don’t, I would have done that way before the six months mark, that’s for sure.”
If Cassidy wasn’t so confused about that statement, he would have been a blushing mess in front of the other man for sure.
“You… You don’t?”
Kip just shrugged a little. “Why would I? I’m perfectly content with where we are right now. These are some of the best times I’ve had in my life and…” He looked away, a faint blush covering his features as he smiled, staring at the table set in between the two beds that they hadn’t cleaned out yet after they finished eating. “And you genuinely make me so much happier, just being like this. I don’t need anything more. To be honest, I don’t want anything more either. Especially if it’s not from you.”
The last line stung him a bit, Cassidy not being very sure how to respond. On one hand that was a rather sweet statement Kip was making, but at the same time it felt threatening. Especially since Cassidy knew he wasn’t going to be able to give him anything more than the casual sweet intimacy they had been enjoying with one another so far, whether he wanted it or not. Kip just didn’t seem to be understanding it quite that well yet though.
“So whatever it is that is making you think that we needed to do something tonight… Put that thought away. It’s not going to happen. Unless you actually really want it to.”
Cassidy almost wanted to be happy to hear it. But just almost. He was still fidgeting with his hands, having a hard time looking directly at Kip as the other man returned his eyes on him, offering him a smile.
“Cheer up, Clementine. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to tonight.”
Kip still didn’t get it. He had to drive home the full point, or this was eventually going to end with destructive results, and Cassidy was very well aware of it. He slowly reached for Kip’s hands again, holding them in his, thumbs carefully caressing over the back of them as Cassidy was trying to find the proper words for all of his feelings.
He really just had to be honest about it all. And despite everything Kip had just said trying to reassure him, the thought was just terrifying to him.
“Kip…” The Brit hummed a bit in response, leaning closer as he was trying to steal a peek of Cassidy’s face as he didn’t dare to look up at Kip. “It’s… It’s not just about tonight. It’s about always. All the time up to this point and from now on. It’s just… Never going to happen.”
“That’s okay.”
‘You’ll change your mind.’ ‘I can help you with that.’ ‘It’s different with me, I promise.’ Cassidy was so prepared to hear any of those words, he had heard them so many times before in this exact same situation.
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t--”
“I’m ace, Kip.”
Kip’s brows furrowed a bit, the statement catching him at least slightly bit off guard. “…What?”
“Ace. Asexual. I…” Cassidy inhaled deeply, finally turning back towards Kip. He didn’t want to watch the disappointment take him over, but these were news best delivered face to face, literally. “I’m never going to want to have sex with you. Not tonight, not ever. I’m sorry.”
Kip looked back at him, Cassidy having a hard time reading his expression out of his own nervousness. Was he mad? Despite everything Kip had just said, was this still really catching him off guard now that Cassidy was able to actually put it into words that he could fully understand? Was he upset, confused?
And then Kip laughed.
Now it was Cassidy’s turn to be confused, as he just watched and listened as Kip let out the heartiest laugh he had probably ever heard from him. It wasn’t a mocking one, far from it, Kip seemed genuinely amused and entertained by the situation, his words. Cassidy wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be offended by that, but Kip didn’t sound malicious. Which was even weirder to him.
“I’m so sorry,” Kip finally whispered after a while, inhaling deeply as he released one of his hands from Cassidy, drying the corners of his eyes quickly. “I, I didn’t mean to laugh at you. It’s just, it’s so fucking funny.”
Cassidy just looked at him, having no clue what the hell he was talking about. To him, this was like the least funny situation to be in, him having poured his heart out to Kip and being so worried where this whole night was going to go, with or without that confession.
But as Kip looked back at him finally, there was nothing but a genuine smile plastered all across his face.
“I… I guess I should have told you sooner. I just wasn’t sure how you’d react, but, well… Considering tonight, I think we’re on the same page.”
Kip ran a hand through his hair, still trying to slightly catch his breath after the laughing fit he just had. “I mean everything I said though. These past few months have been some of the best in my life, I wouldn’t change them, or you, for anything else. Which is why I’ve just been pushing this whole thing off, just waiting to see what you wanted and going with the flow of that. If I knew you didn’t want any of this, I would have said something sooner.”
“What do you mean?”
Kip sighed, hand reaching for Cassidy, landing on his cheek as Kip smiled at him. “You silly fruit, I’m trying to tell you we’re in this together.”
As Cassidy didn’t reply, just looked at him even more confused, Kip just sighed quietly, his hand moving to the back of Cassidy’s head, gently pulling him closer for a kiss. He stopped just mere inches away though, smiling at the blond.
“What I mean is that I’m also ace, you fucking fool,” Kip whispered, finally allowing his lips to touch with Cassidy’s again.
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corpsedog · 2 months
crazy morning Kieran nation
so basically my stepmother was being my stepmother, she wanted me to wear this SPECIFIC shirt that's very floral and lacy and girly, which I obviously didn't wear because that's not my style, and BOY was she MAD about it. I wore a black shirt w black and red eyeshadow and black pants. my regular fit y'know. she fucking harassed me all morning trying to get me to wear that fucking shirt but I had no clue where it was, I literally looked all over for it because I was going to put it on then switch clothes at the last minute, but I literally just could not find it to which she replied "I don't care, you're putting it on and I'm tearing up all this black shit" and I didn't give in or anything, just kept wearing it, n she went off to do morning stuff.
just when I thought I was in the clear, she comes back and sees I'm still wearing my awesome fit. I was literally doing the finishing touches on my makeup when she decided to rummage through my closet and take out all of my black clothes and demanded that I take off my shirt, while insulting me and berating me, saying shit like "you're not goth and youre not a boy" n blah blah blah. she tore my makeup out of my hand and ran off with it, so I went and followed her to try to get it back from her. she fucking grabbed me by my face and started digging her fingers into my eyes to rub my eyeshadow off and I tore my head back out of her hands and she got PISSED and grabbed me by the hair, tore my head back, and punched me in the face. she stormed off with my makeup back to her room and I went back there to go get it, but she kept moving around and putting it out of reach, so I simply walked behind her and stuck my arm in the gap between her and the wall to get it. she would NOT give that shit back to me so I stormed out and just put on my black nail polish instead of the red that she stole. she said "you didn't buy this" and I literally DID with my own money.
she comes back to my room and THROWS the shit at me and is bitching around how "you're not going to defy me" "you're not a boy" "you're not goth you're just stupid" "who is influencing you to defy me" etc etc and she left, defeated
the BEST part of this is how she said "you're not gonna fucking come at me"
i said "I didn't even touch you, I went around you to get my shit" and she said "you came at me, it was aggressive" IT WAS NOT AGGRESSIVE AT ALL??? I LITERALLY WENT AROUND HER TO AVOID BEING AGGRESSIVE BECAUSE UNLIKE HER I DONT HAVE THE MATURITY OF AN 11 YEAR OLD AND I DONT WANT TO FIGHT??? but she claimed I was being aggressive and defying her rules and whatever the fuck but I got my makeup back and yes I'm wearing the fit and all in all I won. which I've never really done before
my voice was shaking and I was very nervous but I didn't give in to the bitch this time, I told her I wasn't going to be treated like a child but expected to act like an adult and she knew I was making her look like an ass so she decided to get physical with me. it feels so good to be dominant about myself and say "no, I'm not going to do this. I'm an 18 year old adult and I'm not playing dress up games with you."
im a bit scared to really actually defend myself properly though because when she puts her hands on me she gets really aggressive and busts my lip open a lot, I even have permanent bruising from things shes done to me and I don't think I can get in trouble for defending myself from that but if I do decide to fight back she could and would just kick me out of the house again and I don't have anywhere to go or anything so I'd just be putting myself and my family in danger by fighting back. but it feels so good to get a little sample of "no." y'know what I mean
also, might as well add what she said to me 2 or 3 days ago 🥴 for context there's this guy we know who apparently punished a 3 year old kid who isnt his by pissing in his drink and slapping his dick across the kids face, and when my stepmutha told me this my mouth went slack and just hung open and y'know how sometimes you hear something that so deeply horrifies you all you know how to do is just smile? well yeah I was extremely disturbed by hearing that (as I'm sure you are by reading that) and my lips kind of went up on their own and I tried to make them stop but I couldn't. anyway my stepmother says "I know you think thats funny, I can tell because of the look on your face. you probably want to get a dick put on you so that you can put it on a little kid, you sick fuck"
i ❤ being trans and being equated to a pedophile !!!!!!
anyway I was so extremely offended by that statement (being trans and also a csa survivor) that I just screamed "WHAT???" and she laughed and I fucking went to my room n just sat in there for a while totally not triggered and having flashbacks on my bed :D
so how was your guys' morning
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corvidcall · 10 months
the way people act like the people youre sexually attracted to is some sort of praxis is really annoying for a lot of reasons! because like, yeah, when people say that a whole marginalized group isnt hot, its usually informed by some sort of bigotry, either implicit or explicit. are black women not hot, or have you just decided that every black woman looks and acts the same, and that anything outside of eurocentric beauty standards is "ugly"? would you actually hate dating a fat man, or have you just made a lot of assumptions about what kind of person they must be because of their body, and decided that was at odds with your own interests? you say you wouldnt date a trans woman because you "dont like men" and you're "not interested in penises", but youre just assuming that every trans woman is just a cis man in a dress, which is absolutely not true! OBVIOUSLY prejudice influences peoples attraction
but also like... you cant frame it as a direct expression of someones morals. some parts of what you're attracted to will change throughout your life, but a lot of it is baked in and cant really be changed, even if you might want it to! i mean, thats why conversion therapy demonstrably doesnt work. if youre a person who is really into. idk. vore or bdsm or redheads. even if you decide that actually thats immoral to be into, you're not really gonna be able to stop being attracted to it because sexual attraction isn't really something you get to sit down and CHOOSE. if youre not into anthro animals, theres no amount of sitting down and working on yourself that will convince you to start getting a boner at furry porn.
and then theres the obvious other problem, that being attracted to certain qualities or traits or demographics doesnt even mean that you actually have their best intetests at heart? racists date POC. fatphobes date fat people. misogynists date women all the fucking time!!!!!
i think your tastes are heavily influenced by your environment and your values, obviously, but you cant act like its a pure expression of your values. personally, as a fat person, i dont like people saying that not being attracted to my body is solely because of prejudice you need to unlearn. being attracted to my body isn't homework! it's not vegetables! it's not a thing you need to start doing because its Good For You whether or not you enjoy it! if you dont like my body, thats fine. the thing thats fatphobic is if you TELL ME that you think all fat people are unattractive, even though nobody asked what you thought, and we were talking about me specifically and not all fat people en masse. you can find me unattractive without being a fatphobe. the problem lies in using your lack of attraction to me as an explanation for why youre a fatphobe, or using it as a criticism of me personally. like you not being attracted to me is something i need to change about myself
anyway the actual point i wanted to make was that the worst part of this kind of rhetoric is that it makes it really hard to hornypost without people acting like im advocating for specific actions people MUST take about their own bodies :/ I'll be like "i think transfems with deep voices and who dont really pass well are incredibly sexy" and people will crawl out of the woodwork to be like "oh you think its WRONG for transfems to pass?? you think it's IMMORAL for them to do voice training? you think none of them should EVER get FFS or laser hair removal?????" like... no! i never said any of that shit! just because i think something is hot doesnt mean i think its wrong and bad to not do it. not everyone should make all their decisions based on what i think is hot. no one should, in fact. just because i think its cute when people have crooked teeth doesn't mean i want to criminalize braces. doesnt even mean that i dont think people who have straight teeth are hot. please just let me be horny in peace 😭😭😭
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Imagine this:
Chernabog!Yuu with Grim as the monster but since Yuu isnt technically twisted from anything, they would not need to depend on Grim to overblot for them to then overblot? They themselves don't get giant because they are human but they can float in such a creepy way like those ghosts on bald mountain and I can imagine they have ink all over their body plus ink dripping on the floor since they dont have a magicstone to hold/control it so it just flows everywhere. This can be an advantage to everyone else since it can affect their eyesight etc. Since Yuu doesn't have powers and in such an extreme position, I feel like they wouldn't be able to have a conscience and wouldn't be able to speak but they would use body language to show that the blot hurts and is causing them migraines or something. Plus,they have a box(inspired by the Pandora's box since it contains evil) to contain the actual Chernabog power but instead of curiosity,they use it to attack them.
Instead of Yuu suddenly lashing out, they kind of slowly get into the overblot. Like how Grim might do it Like they slowly start to act a bit more strangely. More distant, actually feeling unwell due to the manifesting ink and snappier at wither big or small issues. I can imagine the first years getting worried about their behaviour because they think it will go away soon or they don't think a magicless person can actually overblot.I can imagine reader AND Grim having this problem.
But when they overblot, the are dull and have excessive anger at the same time which shocks everyone since they are normally the voice of reason and a lot calmer than even most of the calmer students .They are angry due to the blot,power of evil from the box and at their situation.If you havent seen Night of Bald mountain, this may not make sense but I can imagine Yuu also dancing with Skeletons and ghosts of Ramshackle in a creepy way(their blot influencing them since they dont have a soul/nature) as the ghosts go march around Ramshackle destroying all the mirrors since Yuu has grown paranoid to mirrors due to Mickeys encounter and the dark mirror/basically their history of mirrors arent really the best.
Basically the aim to get Yuu to stop overblotting is to get the box from them and put it back to original place(probably found in the mines) and to calm them down.In the end Grim stops overblotting and joins to fight against Yuu getting them more angry but they have the box taken away from them which makes them a lot easier to beat and they end up stopping the overblot but they pass out due to the blot, ink and magic corrupting them and since they are magicless humans, their body wasn't designed to hold immense power. They reach a coma like state for like 3 days as Grim + person of your choice visit them since Yuu helped them and now they feel like this is how it could be paid back, by actually giving a damn.
I can imagine this being the reason why they have to delay going home(Not like Crowley started 🙄) but also the reason why they start to get less annoyed and the dorm leaders/Jamil would probably have more of soft spot because they both seen each other overblot and know each others problems etc.
I noticed this was very long but I guess I have a big imagination. Hopefully I didnt waster your time and this was actually a good read.😊
I don't know much of chernabog as my family didn't want to show my black sibs some of the racist stuff and makes them feel bad so i don't have much to add about chernabog.
This is indeed a really good read though!
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seefasters · 9 months
Oh, i dont mean to overstate potters cruelty or agency in this matter- he cant let charles or klinger go at all and its true that charles is a prick. But to me there always felt like there was a tension to me as a viewer where the show invites you to laugh at charles's and klinger's expense when they make attempts to leave that potter stops. Cus the show knows charles and especially klinger are very well justified in their desire to leave. To me it brings about this sort of intersting disonance, not in a bad way so much as a complex and interesting way that enriches the text. Potters the voice of reason and the authority figure the narrative defers to, especially in the later seasons, but his general feeling on these matters is resignation. "It is what it is" "it cant be helped." That resignation certainly isnt wrong or bad- hes being practical. But its hard to sympathize with it over hawkeye or klinger or even charles's rebellion.
As for going awol as an immoral act i suppose i was mostly thinking of various episodes in which people encourage a soldier to return to the front. I believe mulcahy encouraged a young man whod stolen a dead comrades identity in order to escape the army to return to the front. He also spent a whole episode trying to convincea kid who was trying to come home after his fiancee left him that he needed to return to the front. The show always shows characters being reluctant to do that sort of thing, but later on in the show i feel a real sense of resignation to that status quo. Idk if thats making sense but ive been thinking about it a lot. I feel like MASH's castwide emotjonal arc as a whole often concerns itself with the tension between rebellion (which runs the risk of being unrealistic or dangerous) and resigning yourself to reality (which runs the risk of being callous or despair inducing) i personally feel that the show tends to strike a really good balance, but theres something really interesting to me about the fact that, in my opinion, potter (who is loved by pretty much the whole staff and is generally considered the voiceof reason and wisdom) is also the most ardent voice of resignation if that makes sense? Hes wonderful and smart and more often than not hes right- rebellious acts are unrealistic theyre dangerous they cant be done without serious repercussions, the best way to do good is within the system and slyly- not because its the best way to do it but because it is the most effective way to do it without being destroyed by the powers that be. Him being smart or empathetic or reasonable doesnt make him any less oppositional to the spirit of spitfire rebellion that hawkeye embodies it. Potter dampens that. Perhaps thats by necessity for fear that hawkeye burns out, but to me that sort of effect feels more complicated than good or bad. Potter's mediating presence is an expression of care- he is a buffer between his unit and the cruel beurocratic military machine. But making the weight of the armys control easier to bear normalizes it- it puts a kind paternal face on the military authority they are all bring crushed by. The fact that he truly cares and is working within the system in the manner his is doesnt really lessen thar to me- which doesnt make potter villianous or wrongheaded so much as it complicates his approach at least to me. (Sorry a million billion words. Poter thesis to me- i love him i think hes great and his ideological position in the show is rlly interesting)
i don't think the narrative defers to potter as thee authority figure necessarily - he's the "good" army man and the show has to marry this with hawkeye's (and, in turn, the show's) anti army sentiments, which it does with various degrees of success
i do agree with everything else you said though! the mulcahy thing has always confused me a bit too, like sometimes they give him this black and white thinking and sometimes they give him complex moral problems (if i remember correctly, his opposition to the soldier who stole a dead man's identity was that the dead family won't ever learn that the man died, not that the soldier won't return to the front). and there's the episode where he tries to shelter a soldier who's AWOL simply because the soldier requested sanctuary
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kaleeatinghoe · 2 months
southpark kids musical headcanons woohoo
(just the ones I have thought about)
gregory plays clarinet + musical theater. he prefers musical theater but also just likes doing plays. as you may expect, he practices incessantly and as a result is the best in his band class, (which may have also had something to do with his prior musical experience at yardale.) whenever there is a solo to be gotten, the teacher makes it out to be a huge surprise whenever they select the soloist, but nobody is ever surprised and likely groan when gregory is selected.
wendy plays clarinet too, also playing it quite well, although not as excessively as gregory does. same with musical theater. she’s fairly good at singing in the sense of being in key nearly all the time, and having a strong voice, and competent on stage. she has a lot of interest in common with gregory in the music field, hence their friendship. (I’ve had an idea floating around in my brain of wendy auditioning for belle and grwgory gaston in beauty and the beast xDD) shes also one of the best in the band room and practices frequently.
christophe likely would never want to do any kind of musical anything on his own, although gregory would convince him to join band eventually. he would either join clarinet with gregory, or bassoon. he isn’t particularly good, but not completely lost. he’s maybe at the upper lower end of the”where he needs to be” in band class. I think that grwgory would slowly convince him to join musical theater with him,, but christophe being christophe he would never act on stage, so he would opt for backstage crew.
as for pip, he plays flute and sings in choir. he isn’t amazing at flute, but he’s overall pretty solid. I think he would just be absolutely overjoyed by being able to play that he doesn’t even care if he isn’t very good. he just genuinely likes to play flute, which is why he practices quite frequently. (although not very effectively.) same applies for choir, he just genuinely enjoys singing even though he isn’t THAT good at it. like he isnt bad at it, but his singing isn’t what you would call good either. little fella just having the time of his life in there:DD
i honestly think that estella probably wouldn’t do anything musical at all, but if she did it would be cello. she just seems like a cello kind of person idk. she can play it pretty up to speed. like not incredible but like to the point where she can get irritated whenever people are struggling real bad, which is very common in their orchestra class. she has like six packs on her eyeballs from rolling her eyes at this point. (i feel like all the strings would also be atrocious)
damien would go with alto sax (the one i play :D) or viola. he would also do piano but most schools don’t have piano :’) (atleast mine doesn’t.) his dad wanted him to have some form of extracurriculars but he is too antisocial for sports so his dad insisted on an instrument. whenever guests come over damien is hoping and praying that his dad doesn’t remember he can play an instrument :’) (“did you know that damien is learning an instrument at school? oh my gosh!! he’s gotten so good!!! damien, you should play something for them!!” “*whisper yelling after damien refuses* damien! show our guests your skills!”)
rebecca would do piano, (if it’s available) or violin. she already took violin lessons so she chose that one so she was less lost when she joined mid way through the year. (not that she couldn’t learn it in her own really fadt, bc she totally could, but she has social anxiety.) in the off chance that her parents make her try something new, she would play oboe. Idk her personality js seems like an oboe idk how to describe it :’) she would be really good at it and one of the better players in the room.
mark would also opt for piano if the school offers it, but if not he would go for the French horn because he thinks it’s cool. also he really likes the way it looks, and also he didn’t want to do one of the instruments he already knew because that’s boring. he would get up to speed pretty fast and end up one of the best in the french horn section, which pisses a lot of people off who couldn’t even get that good in the time before mark& rebecca came to the school.
so like these are just the characters who i rlly thought about whenever the hell i came up with the musical idea,, so I might make more. js lmk if you want any particular character/ hc or anything abt the characters in music
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
Im not gonna argue with anyone about kaia's acting b/c it isnt the best mostly b/c she comes across as lifeless and unnatural. She def benefits from the fact shes a nepo baby and white. However I will defend her in bottoms, b/c its sometimes more about casting then it is acting. Kaias character is supposed to come across as one dimensional, a sterotypical popular high school girl who everyone aspires to be with she doesnt have any substance outside of her looks which is juxtaposed with this idea that a girl like her wouldnt be interested in somethink like bare knuckle fighting. Her role doesnt require dynamic acting and I would argue someone like zendaya wouldnt work b/c shes to dynamic and would go against the one dimensionality of how character was written. Certainly could this role have gonna to a black woman like laura harrier ( who also cant act) yeah totally but I think kaia works as that character, that doesnt mean shes a great actor . She still struggles with basic things such the inability to convey emotion.
Also austin, I like austin hes very dynamic but Im also not 100 convinced. Hes a great character actor evidenced by dune part 2. He was great in elvis fantastic even. He clearly puts the work in and willing to work on his craft. But after watching bike riders early this year and two episodes masters of air, he was very underwhelming dont know if he has the longevity as a lead ( hopefully he changes my mind b/c he seems like a cool dude and I want him to succeed). Hes struggling mightily with accents and in bikeriders he was overshadowed by jodie comer and tom hardy also even mike faist (for his very small role in bikeriders but hes extremely sensitivity and empathetic in portrayal as an interviewer). His latest stuff he comes across as one note and places too much emphasis on a huskier/smoky voice that at times sound more distracting and hinders the character.
(Though for MOTA im still in wait and see mode cause I havent seen the entire series yet)
Re: Kaia...
Sooo... basically, what you're saying is that they gave her a character role that she basically already embodies (dull, lifeless, etc) because that's how her acting already is in real life? Am I understanding this correctly lol? 😅
That's fine if you liked her in the "Bottoms" movie (we all have different tastes). I didn't even see the movie (it just didn't look funny at all to me 👀), but I saw enough clips lol 😅
Re: Austin....
Interesting take on Austin. 🤔 I haven't seen him in Dune Part 2 or The Bikeriders yet, so I can't really speak to those films... yet. 🤷🏾‍♀️
But I thought he did great in Elvis. 👍🏾
Maybe he IS a character actor? Nothing wrong with that. There are PLENTY of great character actors in Hollywood, and that's where they thrive. ☺️
I honestly haven't seen much of his work post-Elvis to really judge. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I'm excited to see more of his work in this phase of his career. I've only seen clips of him in OUATIH and I thought he was great in that. He's really good at disappearing in roles, which I like. So far, his characters have been diversely DIFFERENT ever since the play he did with Denzel Washington, and I love that. Sometimes, it's hard to imagine I'm watching the same actor lol 😆 😂
Maybe you're so used to seeing Austin in character roles that when he plays someone quieter and less "out there" you are bored lol 😆
Like I said, I haven't seen him in "The Bikeriders" yet, but it's hard to imagine anyone outshining Tom Hardy, coz Tom is just.... 👌🏾
Prior to "Elvis", I'd only seen Austin in fluff TV shows like "The Carrie Diaries" or "Switched at Birth", etc. So I've seen him in various different roles PRE-Elvis.
So far, I'm enjoying MOTA, and I'm interested in seeing where his career takes him in this era. I'm just glad he's getting to do more of the type of work that he wants to do now in his career. 😊
Re: His voice....
Austin's voice has ALWAYS been deep imo. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Deep and slightly raspy.
Here are some old clips....
I think when he got older, it just got a bit huskier.
I really don't think he's putting anything on. Don't pelt me with tomatoes but I actually sort of suspect (I only said SUSPECT) that he kinda ruined his voice a little when singing for Elvis all those years. I'm a singer as well, and it can definitely happen. I had vocal nodules that changed my voice (I could barely speak at one point). I had to go through vocal therapy for many months in fact for it.
My voice is fine now, thankfully lol 😆, but if you've developed vocal nodules, they can for sure change the quality of your voice. So, he might just have vocal nodules. I don't suggest getting them surgically removed if anyone has them, but vocal rest, along with changing ways in which you vocalize can help diminish them.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Hi, my name is ria and thanks for accepting my request.
Sorry if it's long. 😭😭
age: i am 18+ so you can include even slight NSFW 
pronouns: - she/her , straight , interested in men
fandom : jujutsu kaisen
appearance:- i am 5'3 , i have blackish brown wavy hair , big brown eyes and pretty eyebrows. I am neither chubby nor slender just the perfect weight for my height. my skin complexion is wheatish.
MBTI: intj
personality:- i am often viewed as cold individual with superiority complex and the 'hard-worker' of the group. which is true to some extent (except the superiority complex part) but the people who are close to me know a completely different side of me. i can be super funny, sarcastic and i have varied emotions. i work really hard to fulfil responsibilties. i am  loyal , and responsible. I do get depressed with life sometimes finding no meaning or purpose but try my best to move on. i also cannot make friends easily due to trust issues, also I am not close to anyone not  even to my parents I find it so hard to match up to their expectations of being 'perfect' and it stresses me so much. The best part about  dating me can be that i can help u with u r work and  motivate to u and be there for u when times r tough.
likes:- i really like it when others are passionate about their dreams and work for it. I find it really attractive. Also people who defend their loved ones even if the world is against them is also such an attractive quality. i like long walks in garden with my loved one with meaningful silence and meaningful late night conversations on any topic is my favourite thing. I just want them to treat me special sometimes.
dislikes:- gossips , drama , liars , hypocrites , bossy people . infidelity is deal breaker for me. i get super cold and won't address the problem anymore and break the relation right away.
hobbies: books , cooking ( i am reallyyy good at it ) , anime , music and occasionally i sing and most of them tell me i have good voice but i don't think so .
love language :- i am happy to give whatever kind of affection they crave for.
i like to receive words of affirmation and acts of service.
physical affection is totally ok in later stage of relation.
i want the person to motivate me and give me hope in my darkest days. i want them to make me feel loved and needed when i am going through my bad days. they should have a stable mind and passion. its a bonus if they can make silly jokes to make me laugh.
Hi RIa!!! You are the first person in the matchup event, so naturally, you are the first to get a matchup!!! Thanks for the request because I think I have the perfect man for you (though this was a tough one ngl)
the character I chose for you is...
Tumblr media
this man is obviously passionate, so there you go!
you can help him get a lot of his dreams and passions going and help motivate him and even if he doesnt show it, it means the world to him
he definitley isnt one to boss you around, so you're all good in that department
if he gets to live his own life, why shouldnt you be able to live your own? that's how he sees it for sure
HE THINKS YOU ARE STUNNING OKAY?!?!?!? like literally will blush whenever you're around because you are just so beautiful
he can relate to that hard worker complex going on, so in order for both of you to take a break, you usually have to do it together lmaoooo
he will defend you and protect you because you literally mean the world to him frrr
he dislikes the same thing as you, so you constantly eye roll when you hear gossip and then laugh about it
he will gladly eat your food, like will love that you cook for him
if you bring him homemade treats, he will love you forever
he tells you your voice is good. all the time
he loves providing all of your love languages for you. like he will clean the entire house and then tell you how much he loves you, giving you butterflies bro
when the time comes, he will definitely hold your hand everywhere and give you hugs when you need them, but he's not a PDA guy, so never in front of people
he doesnt mean to be funny, but he definitely cracks a joke here and there lmaooooo
he is the perfect stable man for you and will make you feel loved like you deserve, while providing as much as he can for you and tell you how good you're doing all the time, motivating you constantly
he is the perfect man for you
matchup rules --- pinned post
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