#it doesnt look like that when i edit the post only when i save it
traffic-light-eyes · 10 months
Ninja as influencers
My previous post got me thinking, and now I have to write this down.
He for sure has Twitter/Chirp and uses it regularly. Very popular. He also has the ninjago equivalent to Instagram and is also very popular there, too. I could imagine him having a yt channel and doing silly vlogs and the occasional game, but that's about it. The other ninja were a bit weirded out by the vlogs at first because they didn't really want to feed into the whole idolizing the ninja thing, but realized that they could show the world that they're just. People. Normal people who save the world sometimes but are normally just passed out on the couch. They all love being in his vlogs now. When he records something embarrassing, he makes absolutely certain that the person it's of is okay with it being posted. Like, he gives them weeks to think about it. He has a video of Zane singing let it go (due to Jay's programming skills), and he was ecstatic to be able to post it. He's also a tiktok star. He does the silly dances and lip-syncing.
She has Chirp but doesn't use it for social media purposes? If that makes sense. Like, she mainly only scrolls through her friends' chirps and responds to those. She gets into the groove and made a really sweet and chill community once the people that were only there for the "inside scoop" of the water ninja's life left. Now there's just her friends and a bunch of nice people. She comments on and rechirps? a lot of fanart, though. She has an Instagram but only to comment on Kai's posts with a thumbs down. She has a tiktok. It's secret. She posts little edits about her artwork or mechanics. It's fairly popular. She sometimes uses the filters and makes videos using them but never posts them.
Similar to Nya, he has a Chirp account but doesn't really use it much. He'll respond to fanart and fans, but he only really posts occasionally. His posts normally consist of song recommendations or riffs of his friends. He threads callouts when he feels especially petty. It's pretty chill. He probably has a secret second account for art. He doesn't want people to like his art just because he's the earth ninja, so he made a second account. He has a tumblr too. I don't make the rules. He tries to stay in the loop with everyone's thoughts and shuts down the gross people. He's pretty well-known on the site. He likes reblogging the ship content and misdirecting people because it's funny. Pixal found him drawing techno and he scrambled for an excuse but she silently put a finger to her lip, winked, and left. He was very confused. She was absolutely dying on the inside from laughter because she knew of his account but wanted to freak him out. He couldn't look her in the eye for a week because he thought she thought he shipped them or something. She purposefully spoke to him often. He kept trying to explain, but Pixal always had an excuse to leave or change the subject before he could say it.
He has Chirp. He has tumblr. He has ao3. He's not allowed on Instagram. He has a yt channel where he exclusively talks about comics and games. On his Chirp, he is completely unhinged some times, and other times, he posts cute animals he finds on missions or on patrol. He found a stray cat once and named her mittens because a follower commented it. He has #mittensmonday, where he posts a picture of her. It's always trending on Monday. His tumblr is once again about games and stuff, but he has a semi-secret side blog for Ninja Shenanigans where it's theorized that it's him, but no one has proof and he doesnt give a direct answer. He has unknowingly reblogged and messaged Cole on multiple occasions because he doesn't know about the Secret account. Cole doesn't know what to do. His ao3 account is mostly to check up on what people are thinking. If he sees something unsavory, he immediately logs off because that's him. Avid tiktok enjoyer. He could make a video of just him staring at the screen, and it would go viral. He finds it hilarious. It's his goal to find the most obscure thing to post and for it to finally not get viral.
He has Chirp, but he hasn't used it. Either that or he uses it so terribly incorrectly. I could be convinced that he has a cooking yt channel. He'd call it something nerdy or informational, but people kept chirping about it calling him cookingmama, and he doesn't get it? But due to Jay's persistence, he changed his @ to cookingmama.
He has Chirp. He uses it to keep up with the world + just talk to fans. He has a gaming channel and a Twitch account. He streams at least once a week. He loves it! He has a pretty chill community, and he often asks his friends to play with him. He makes sure that the games he play with them are suited to them first. He doesn't ask. He just knows. He picks action-based games for Kai - maybe LoL or, like, Left 4 dead. He plays silly smart games with Nya, like Portal or Keep talking and nobody explodes (they are ridiculously good at this). He and Cole would play scary games. They exclusively play them at night; phasmaphobia has caused many of the ninja to awaken to a shriek. Comfy and typically non-violent games are his and Lloyd's go-to. They'll play Minecraft or stardew for HOURS before they realize the sun is coming up. He and Zane play semi-stressful cooking games, or Zane is just there for commentating. They'll be seen playing overcooked or cooking simulator (they always play that one with a challenge somehow). He makes silly follower goals, and he has unfortunately had to do many, many things because his followers keep rising.
Honorary Ninja, Pixal:
She has an account for every platform that the ninja have just to crowd control + to support them in their comments. She rarely, if ever, posts anything aside from commenting on her friends' posts. Hc that Borg owns every platform, so she uses that to weed out the weirdos by asking him to make the platform very buggy on their device specifically. It's only a matter of time before they delete the app, and she loves watching the downfall via their posts and complaints about the website. She knows of everyone's account, even the Secret ones. She never lets them know that she knows of them, even if they do something strange because of it (check Cole's). She loves messing with them. If someone posts something recently, she conveniently talks about it the same day and gives them whiplash because what are the chances that she said that today. She's the go-to gal if there are any tech issues on stream or during editing.
Here ya go! Hope you enjoy my brainrot <3
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goldenlol · 2 months
also this is sword anon again and honestly your cookie run art is partially why i wanna get back into it after a long time but i remember some drama circulating around that darkmilk has a significant age gap n stuff and in extension so does yammilk (ik your pinned post doesnt include them I just added that since that was part of the discussion) so whats your take on their age thing cuz idk what type of shipper you are lol
I don’t talk about milkyam cause I just don’t like the ship, or most of its shippers. I don’t like a lot of choco ships tbh..but all I will say, is milk would protect choco from yam BUT THATS IT. THATS ALL.
for me, I hc young prince as 15 and milk around the same age, idk maybe 13? I cant see how people think young prince choco was an adult...?? Yes she went out to find a sword by herself but I think she was only allowed that because she is a good fighter and can survive on her own, it’s obvious cacao had trust that choco will return safely.
She just looks tall or mature for her age ig?? I think it’s because how she was raised, never allowed to be a child and trained to be better but yea no, I fr can’t see her as an adult here
edit: I forgot to add but she still kind of had that “oblivious” mindset I guess? Believing she can save her kingdom and could change her fathers mind even tho he’s so stubborn and that mentality of being “a hero just like his father”, I’m sure thats associated w younger people because “ur just a child you don’t know any better”
after she comes back she sees what her father rlly is and basically calls him a coward. It’s fr someone maturing and seeing someone for what they rlly are, not blinded by the child mentality anymore and only seeing someone as perfect when they’re not at all (not saying cacao is a coward mb minty, but bro wasn’t the best father 🙏😔 I love cacao) but also choco is manipulated easily because of her weak mentality.. my girl.
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I know a lot of people are iffy or just hate chocomilk and that’s alr ig but god pls enough w tagging the ship and making threads telling people to hate it.
I know someone whose too afraid to draw it because of what people say and I’m like !! I got you bro I’ll draw it for us!!
Also I don’t think devsis would even allow such a ship to exist if it was wrong?? (it’s funny cause they make art of it n even make captions like that one where choco and lico go to an amusement park together, w “don’t tell milk” )
also I just hate how mischaracterized milk is w choco... my god y’all are weird as fuck w him. Milk wouldn’t harass choco or stalk him pls stop that, it’s uncomfortable..
he respects his space and choco’s life. When he met choco in that cutscene, people took choco being “uncomfortable” around milk, he wasn’t? He was just shocked or just “?? Rlly??” Kind of reaction because this man hasn’t been told anything nice after he became “bad” or whatever, so having someone tell him that he was the reason they became stronger and “want to be just like him” is obviously shocking to her, she wouldn’t believe that she made someone life better because she thought she only hurt people and deserved to be hated and treated in any way.
Anyway yea, they def both met as teens, didn’t see eachother til adults and it’s obvious milk is in love w choco idc (me too bro)
this is long as fuck sorry but GOD I NEEDED TO SAY SHIT!!
Take the cute art tho I love them sm (I think choco just has the mentality that no one could love him after what he’s done so he doesn’t understand why milk faints all flustered n shit but the idea of her being oblivious is cute too 😭 fuck it shes both!!)
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also what type of shipper I am?? Wym
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yellowbluemoonshine · 10 months
I short time before started Hell's Paradise. Actually, I had prejudices.  For example: Chobei is really look like Bakugou and people says He is like Bakugou ( his Character)  actually I love Bakugou but I can't  stand second Bakugou but After watching it, I realized I was wrong because his Character  is so different I love him He is good brother and Caring and good towards those he loves. 
People says Aza brothers relationship like kiribaku and bakudeku but this Sounds stupid
I am  actually angry with those who kept comparing the two.
What do you think? I'm curious.
Sorry for my english.
Hello, thank you for the ask! (And your english is fine) ^^.
Bakugou - Chobei Comparison;
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I get you because the same thing happened to me in.
I hate all those comparisons because its not true, people tend to overlook Bakugou's mistakes, he is seen as 'actually not bad guy', 'he has soft side too', 'misunderstood angry boy', even though he is not so i think people are kinda projecting it, they wish Bakugou was like Chobei but its not.
I had the same prejudice about Chobei at first. (I erased Bakugou-Chobei edit-picture but put it in this post).
Here's my old edit-picture and now i think it is kinda trash/useless.
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There were some visual similarities with both Gabimaru and Chobei. My first posts in this tumblr was literally about this. Gabimaru who is similar to Shigaraki, is groomed to be murderer since childhood, white hair, red eyes, empty heart, actually kind person but needs to be saved, only difference his redemption starts earlier than Shiggy's. Still different character and i think Shiggy is a deeper character than him but similarities are there. Edit picture is in here.
And here my thoughts about Bakugou and Chobei;
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When i first read the manga, when i first saw Chobei, i was like 'Another Bakugou...' because he has a very similar design and that loud, agressive, arrogant behavior with the fact that he is kinda rival to main character made me think he was just like Bakugou. Not even mentioning his little brother blindly idolizing him, just like how Bakugou was idolized but i was so wrong and i am glad that i was because he is actually in fact so different.
1- Character-Story Comparison;
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First of all, the origin of their characters is different. They both are aggressive, arrogant, tend to be violent, loud and all but why makes them that way is so different.
Bakugou is just a school bully, he is just a kid with ego issues. He is blessed with power and he gets away with bad behavour that made him the way he is. His define character is his desire to win, being better than others. While competition is good thing, it can be easiely toxic, which is what happens with Bakugou.
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Chobei is just a normal kid who wants make his family proud. Especially, he is big brother first, then everything else comes later. He isnt a bully. He is a survivor. He lost his mother at a young age. His father was executed in front of him and his brother. He was the son of samuray but had to live at streets, and no one helped them. Then he was kidnapped by bandits so that they would sell kids for God know what reason so he had to do something about it, to survive. And he manipulated them because whether they were gonna take advantage of them or the opposite. He took advantage of the people around him. Of course, living a life of a bandit would make his ego blow up, it makes sense why he is so self-absorbed because he won, he survived agaisnt horrible people as kid. It makes sense why he doesnt care about other people because noone helped them as kids. Thats why he doesnt believe in the justice of others. It makes sense why he has the mindset of 'us vs others'. Lets be real. If he wasnt like this, he would've been killed years ago.
His character is intimidating on purpose so people wouldnt dare to hurt him. It is his persona to survive. And all those things isnt just for him to survive. He did all this to protect his little brother and his actions isnt excused but there is something so heroic, so pure about this. And this is the origin of his character. He is a protector. He might not be kind person but he is the type of person who would pay attention the needs of those he loves, even at his worst.
Chobei is tragic and deeper character and his story is very different than Bakugou who just needs to learn not to be awful to people around him for no real reason.
And not just as characters, the way story handled them and how they interact others is very different.
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Bakugou is (anti) hero in the story and he doesnt get any real consequences for how he treats others. He bothers people for no reason but most of the time, other characters just endure it. Most characters likes him, even though in real life, everyone would hate jerks. (Like they feel uncomfortable from Monoma's actions but them being okay with Bakugou is weird). The person he bullied brutally still admires him. He gets many screentime, clearly more than he needs because most of the time, it feels very irrelevant (For example, him learning OFA did nothing useful for Izuku, except worse, because he had to endure bakugou's anger). And he kinda gets character development.
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Chobei is more like league of villains in this story. I think the way he was treated as character feels a lot more realistic than Bakugou's. Because the thing is, no one really cares about Chobei in Jigokuraku because they have no reason to. The only person who cares about him and who idolizes him is his brother Toma but honestly, of course, he would. Its his family and Chobei literally made many sacrificies for him such as cutting his right eye etc. So he doesnt magically get along with everyone, even when he kinda saved everyone/and kinda died at the end of story but none of the characters (except Toma) cared. He doesnt magically win. There is a logic in his power, which is adaptation. He even loose to mc. The story doesnt even force him to get redemption or character development, though he could get one, story only show that there is humanity in him, just like Gabimaru, which is enough. He is also very relevant to the story since beginning to the end. (I am not saying his writing is perfect but at least, better than other).
Chobei and Bakugou only looks on superficial level (angry blonde boy) and their dynamic with others are different too.
2- Dynamic Comparison;
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First of all, Toma's character is different than Izuku and Kirishima. Toma is very silent, negative, feminine boy. If i ever find similar character to him, i would say Kalluto from Hunter x Hunter. Just a dark, silent, mysterious feminine boy. They are very loyal towards people they love, and passive. Compared to this, Izuku is negative but he knows when to scream to others, he is also not necessarely silent. I think as character, he is a lot like Sagiri in Jigokuraku. He is kind, he also empathizes and try to understand world around him and helps people, just like her. And Kirishima is also very different because he is even louder than Izuku and he tends to be more positive and social. I think he is a lot like Tenza in Jigokuraku, than Toma who silently endures and lives in his own world. Kirishima is also have that naive, kind, youth energy, just like Tenza, they both even have the negative old self in past so basically, as characters, Toma is not similar to Izuku and Kirishima.
And as dynamics, they are nowhere similar to another.
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Chobei and Toma are very opposite natures, yin and yang, thats why they match perfectly. Well Bakugou is very different than Izuku as character too but thats doesnt make it same because sometimes, opposite dynamic might be toxic. Bakugou is Izuku's abuser. He brutally bullied him, he violated his personal space, he made him feel worthless and even then Izuku continued to idolizes him. Both Izuku and Toma admires their unyielding ego and they both feel inferior and follow them but it makes sense with Toma because Chobe iis the only person in this world for him because Chobei is Toma's protector, not abuser. Chobei might act like jerk but he wouldnt violate Toma's needs. He would do, he does most of the things he did so that Toma would get the best life he could have. Their dynamic is nowhere similar to him because Chobei would never hurt Toma, not on purpose at least, if he knew it is hurting him, he would change it.
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Yeah, Bakugou also learn to change but that doesnt change how he treated Izuku. He couldnt care less how much he hurts Izuku, he wouldnt care when other hurt Izuku (in the past, at least) and even with redeemed Bakugou, their dynamic isnt similar. They just have to common point, with their admiration with Allmight and becoming hero and thats it. While Chobei would kill everyone, even himself, if anyone hurts Toma in any way. Toma is his exception. Bakugou met Izuku, looked at his pure eyes and he decided the ruin him while Chobei met Toma, looked at his pure eyes and he decided the protect him at all costs, lol. Chobei also likes teasing Toma but thats the thing, Bakugou doesnt just jokely tease Izuku, he abuses him, thats a big difference. Also i am pretty sure that Chobei actually loves to spoiling Toma.
Yes one is childhood friend and other one is brother but i think even if Chobei wasnt brother of Toma, he would still have same dynamic. Not because he finds some common point or understands him, just that their opposite sides would attracts each others and they eventually get along.
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Bakugou's dynamic with Kirishima is a lot healthier than bakudeku dynamic. He is Baku's first friend, he is calmer with him, its like they have a connection but its still different than Chobei-Toma dynamic because Toma and Chobei are yin and yang, they get along so well because they are opposite. Even they are not brothers, they would still would invested in each others and become partners anyway. They do find something interesting about other one while the reason Bakugou and Kirishima come to a sense is that they understand each others better because they are similar. Loud, masculine, positive. Thats how they become friends and of course, this dynamic is okay too. The thing is its just different than Toma and Chobei's dynamic.
I think Toma-Chobei dynamic is a lot more similar to Sam-Dean dynamic in Supernatural than others. (More details in here.)
Bonus; Gabimaru might be kinda rival with Chobei too, they just find a common point but thats it. Though, they could be friends, still i think it wouldnt be their primary relationships. They would just be friends so his dynamic/interaction isnt similar to Bakudeku and Kiribaku either.
It is okay to enjoy any of those characters and ships/dynamics/relationships etc but as characters, Bakugou and Chobei is nowhere similar to each others at all. And Chobei-Toma dynamic is also different than Bakudeku-Kiribaku dynamic. And i hope people understand this.
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littencloud9 · 3 months
for the ask: 🕯️🍄🍬
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
hmm. like a 6. i like it because im a self-indulgent writer so it's like getting to read exactly what i wanna see. but also editing is a PAIN especially when it comes to paragraphs that are just like. what am i even talking about. or sometimes i skip scenes and i just stick in smth like [they talk] [funny joke idk] and having to cross the bridge i have gotten to is not fun HELP
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
omg!!! putting a few because nobody can stop me:
🐉🐯 sskk -> akutagawa calls atsushi 'my love' or 'my darling' while atsushi calls akutagawa 'ryuu'
📗🧡 kunichuu -> is this even a hc. SPIDERMAN KISS. wait but also chuuya getting flustered and losing control over his ability and he goes crashing down after the spiderman kiss
🌸🐾 itafushi -> megumi's shikigami popping up (out of his control) when hes watching yuuji because they love yuuji as much as he loves yuuji. mostly the dogs and the rabbits
💛🧡🤎 kunichuuzai -> cane user dazai x chronic pain chuuya x knkd with hand tremors. important to me
🗡️🔪 tachigin -> sometimes gin doesnt want to talk so tachihara learned sign language specifically for them and convinced most of the port mafia to learn it too
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
oh my god UMMM okay. lets talk about gojo satoru.
a lot of the fandom believes that he only cares about geto and that frustrates me a lot because while yes, a lot of gojo's reckless decisions are based on geto and he always looks to him for guidance, it has been shown time and time again that gojo cares for many others. he would not sacrifice his students to save geto. he is selfish, but he is not irrational. gojo loves his students. he loves nanami and shoko. we've seen how affected he is at nanami's death, the pure rage at the higher ups who wanted to kill yuta and now yuuji, how highly he thinks of megumi and his power etc. he believes in creating a future for jujutsu society that isnt corrupt, one which his very own students will run. while stsg share an undeniable bond, so deep that gojo is still paralysed by geto's body even after years of not seeing each other again, he would not choose geto over what he believes is the saving grace of jujutsu society. gojo will fight and scream and sink his fangs into whatever he can to get geto back, but his love and loyalty is not limited to just that. at the end of the day, hes the strongest, and he is lonely. why would he abandon those he keeps dear to his heart? for geto? that would go against his character and the future he is working so hard to create. he can love more than one person
send some asks here <3
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skyland2703 · 3 months
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This might be my favorite Adam picture that wasn't part of the Coinless timeline or the Eltarian War. Dunno why; but so pretty.
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The ONLY part of MMPR 117 that I've found the energy to care about...so far. Though some parts offer fandoms theories.
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Introduction to tiny T.J. and Cassie in the GGPR Deluxe Edition II~ Isn't it nice to see that they're 13 when the current rangers are 16? Helps tie things up for later down the line ^^
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The Dan Mora cover sheet for GGPR: FOREVER RANGERS. Group shots from Mr. Mora are always so SOFT.
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.....Which County Fair Date, Kim? WHICH ONE??
This… this is SO perfect.
Adam’s look there is ANNOYED™️ and it SUITS him. Like he is someone whos marshmallow happy like, ALWAYS. so seeing him pissed, it kiNDA FITS. BUT ALSO. SO ADORABLE. Saving saving SAVING.
The ragtag team is THE best. They’re not soldiers, but they’re volunteers!!’ THEY WANNA DO GOOD!!!! And that’s what matters THE. THEEEE MOST. Like someone once said, one guy who WANTS to do good on their own is >>>>> someone whos paid to “do good” (and still doesnt do their job properly). Not exactly fitting here, but I thought it was a VIBE. Bulk and Skull are the ultimate “never selected for it, but would always do their part” duo and I LOVE THEM for it.
TINY TJ AND CASSIE’S INTRO. AND THE LITTLE SNEAK PEEK INTO WHO THEY GROW UP TO BE :3 I’m still kinda glad they didnt make kids THAT SMALL rangers (*ignores tf out of Justin*). And the fact that they introduced them in the EXACT GGPR FASHION!!!!!!!!! That’s a power rangers exclusive and I love that TO BITS.
The Dan mora shots!!!! Actually, ACTUALLY, all the covers of GGPR (ALL. OF. THEM.)
Aldo the movie covers. I need help with this bc i don’t know like half the movies, but buuuut I wanna make a compilation/comparison post of all the GGPR movie cover parody posters with the actual posters. Wouldn’t that be fun??
And uh… you and I BOTH know which date that was for 😏
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itstokkii · 1 year
I've always hc'd korea to be a celebrity in korea. Argue with me all you want with that "but they're treated as just some guy in hetalia canon(like the first france episode in the beautiful world), but you're looking at a country that made and sold lightsticks and photocards of the previous president
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This is exactly why I'm making hcs about korea's celebrity side so buckle your seatbelts and subscribe to im yong soo/im soo jin on weverse
Ofc korea has photocards. Naturally there's different tiers, some being rarer than others. Some will be limited edition halloween photocards, or birthday photocards
I don't know if korea would have a lightstick. Lightsticks are for concerts, but korea is a different brand of celebrity and doesnt perform onstage. The only time i see the lightsticks being used are for airport landings or something.
Korea has plushie merch though. Think like the stray kids mascots. Heck, korea probably has a flagship store in gangnam for the merch(is it truly considered successful if you don't have a flagship store in gangnam at some point).
America has all the merch. He has a large collection of photocards safely tucked in his photocard album, he has the plushies, and a lightstick if korea has one. He also keeps up to date on korea's social media and web show.
He probably also comments "first" on a lot of korea's posts
Even though korea isnt a kpop singer, they regularly have interviews with kpop stars like eric nam does, and also joins them for dance challenges(my fantasy is yong soo dancing to rover by kai).
Korea has many social media accounts and posts the dancing videos there. You know korea probably has like about 20m followers minimum just putting that out there. They post themselves with other nations as well, mostly the east asian tiger trio, ASEAN, and the north america trio(america, canada, mexico) in that order.
Korea has their own YT channel where they upload and make vlogs daily, featuring the other countries Korea's close to
IU has her own show called IU's Palette. Similarly, i can see korea doing the same. The show covers korea interviewing and hanging out with fellow nations, celebrities, and also highlighting different korean villages, giving the regional ajummas a chance to shine and further uniting the country.
For the koreans out there, korea will use The 맛집 Review Voice jokingly when reviewing local food
The whole nation protects korea as their collective little blorbo bleebus. Like how IU has the "Nation's Little Sister" status.
Korea makes cameos in kdramas, and when people recognize they go crazy. Korea tries to get the subtlest of cameo appearances every time to test the audience
Korea is allowed to date whoever! As long as it isnt an enemy of the state or something
Korea's airport fashion goes viral every time. There's multiple images of Korea's fashion on pinterest that a lot of people save.
I'm going with the hc that korea's that famous and that cute that they win the heart of the international audience. Yay for soft power!!!!
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allamericansbitch · 6 months
The xenophobia towards Brazilian swifties is so disgusting. There was only like 1 post from someone attending the Rio show that was out of line and I do not agree with that and they deserve the backlash that they got for using derogatory remarks towards Taylor for having to postpone night 2.
But I’ve been seeing Americans swifties making edits on tik tok of the general crowd’s reaction when finding out that night 2 of Rio was postponed and saying how ungrateful they are being. That’s such an unfair assessment of their characters. Using clips for their edits of some of the concert attendees getting interviewed after they found out about postponed news and all of them saying that they’re disappointed is so weird. Like if I camped out for hours and the venue let me in and it wasn’t until a few hours before the show that I found out that the show was cancelled then my first initial reaction would be anger too.
So many american swifties were genuinely furious over openers and surprise songs and they didn’t get the same amount of backlash that Brazilian swifties get for being disappointed that their concert date that they’d been looking forward to for years was postponed. We should all be angry at the T4F organization for doing such a terrible job handling all of it but instead, swifties all across the world are arguing about which countries deserve Taylor and all of these arguments have been incredibly racist and disgusting to read and I hate it :/
perfectly said. swifties in general ive found are very territorial (over surprise songs is a good example) but american swifties are so weird their egos. like we somehow own taylor (again another example of not seeing her as a person) and when she went to latam, we were allowing them to have her and they should be grateful because we could take her back at any moment. or forcing this narrative that latam fans are ungrateful or undeserving, which is insane enough but to then say it about an entire country or community, saying these places arent safe or worthy of taylor... thats just pure xenophobia and racism.
a huge event that people were saving for, planning for almost a year ahead of time, traveled for and looked forward to got cancelled very last minute. thats disappointing no matter the context of why. obviously it was for good reason and it was the right choice, but theyre allowed to feel disappointed despite that. that disappointment doesnt mean they dont deserve the event at all, its not them being ungrateful... its them just experiencing a valid human emotion.
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Guide to podfic
Podfic is such a cool thing that I love and wish more people would do like PLEASE GUYS LET ME PERSUADE YOU TO TRY IT. It's not always easy to get started though (I read so many guides on ao3 and they're so comprehensive so give those a browse) so here is an attempt at a step-by-step guide. I've got some screenshots of my process to help you out a bit.
1. Pick a fic to pod. Dont pick one thats long for your first try you will hate yourself. A one shot is usually best.
2. Check permissions/ask the author. Some authors have blanket permission statements so check ao3 or tumblr for those. If not, drop them a message or a comment asking if you can make a podfic. It's just polite.
3. Make your script. Make the text bigger and whatever font you find easy to read. I like to make dialogue different colours for different characters and underline or bold bits that need particular emphasis. Add in your intro and outro messages (i.e "this is a podfic of _ by _ and read by _"). Some people include all the tags in this but like...you should include the tags in the post anyway?
For example, this is the beginning of my script for my podfic for BBB22:
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4. Set up to record! You dont necessarily need a fancy mic but think hard about where you record. You want somewhere that doesnt echo or make any weird noises and you want somewhere quiet. I used to record next to my fridge which i do not recommend it sucked.
5. Record your podfic. Drink lots of water but then eat something to stop the wet lip smacking noises. If you make a mistake stop, take a breath, repeat the whole sentence. Make sure to take breaks. It may be worth recording your intro bit and then checking audio quality but like...not compulsory.
6. Edit your shit. Some people dont edit and revel in the chaos of completely raw podfic audio but i would rather die than subject you all to that. I use ocenaudio to record and edit bc unlike audacity it isnt spyware. You can do a noise reduction to stop background noise coming through and normalise or gain change to change the audio volume without distorting it. Some people add music at the beginning and end and/or sound effects and thats so cool if you have the time.
7. Change your audio properties before you save and export. Name of track, your ao3 user, authors user, genre, etc. It helps with the metadata when people download it (which is a thing that happens)
In ocenaudio that looks something like this:
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8. Upload to a hosting site. Ao3 doesnt support audio directly so you need a middleman. I use archive.org bc i love them.
9. Ao3 time! You need a special work skin (normally written in CSS) and html code to post on ao3. These are sorta...inherited from other podficcers unless youre good at that shit? I got mine off @shelbychild originally. You normally need a few links to the hosting site and the size and length of the file in order to get it correctly formatted.
10. Tag and post. Tags are probably the most confusing bit of the process when youre a baby podficcer but the commonly accepted format is as follows:
[PODFIC] "fic title"
(gift it to the original author if you can)
(original fic tags)
Podfic, podfic length [length], audio format [mp3/m4a/streaming], any other relevant tags (like "first podfic")
Podfic of _ by _
(original fic summary)
For example:
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A note on the podfic tag: "podfic and podficced works" includes both podfics and fics that have been made into a pod, "podfic" only includes podfics. All podfics will show up in "podfic and podficced works" but fics tagged "podfic and podficced works" won't necessarily show up in the "podfic" tag.
FINALLY revel in the joy of having made your first podfic. It's addictive really. You don't get as much interaction or kudos/comments as a written fic would HOWEVER what you do get is some of the kindest comments you will ever read. I wouldn't change it for the world.
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ashiyn · 6 months
Hi! Hope it's all good, I wanted to ask you what software you use for your edits I've honestly no clue where to start but I've loads of little clips of yours saved :D
hiya!! im so sorry for the delayed answer, i swear tumblr doesnt give me notifs about my inbox im fuming. this is quite long so the answer and some editing tips are under the cut! please feel free to reach out if there's something that doesn't make sense or if you ever need any tips or help!
i personally use adobe after effect 2020 with some plugins! most people would probably use adobe premiere pro for compilations like the ones i do but im WAY WAY WAY more used to after effect due do making daily fancams/edits in the past (i do not recommend doing this btw- got burned out after doing it for about a year LMAO). so for example if you're interested in making edits like this or this i'd go for after effect but if you wanna make stuff like this or this, premiere pro is probably the way to go, even if i use AE for both 😭
adobe products are very expensive and you need quite the computer for it to run it without crashing all the time so if you dont have the resources or want to dedicate some time into researching turrenting + vpn and how to install it properly + the plugins on top of learning a pretty confusing (at first) program i'd recommend capcut! it's a free phone app and ive personally never used it, but ive had a lot of mutuals before use it and it looks great and pretty simple to use once you get the hang of it.
learning after affect is extremely frustrating i wont lie, but it's probably the best software if you want to do complicated stuff or simply just get smooth slow mo that you often use in edits! it's worth it in the end after you get the hang of it! there's a lot of youtube tutorials out there and i'd love to help with settings and keyframes if needed!
using AE can be a little bit of an overkill if you're only looking into trying editing to see if you think it's fun and worth the time it takes, so phone apps is honestly an amazing start to get into it. i just decided to go 120% out of nowhere due to getting a hyperfixiation on deciding to learn how to edit and doing it in a more "professional" way and potentially become an editor in the future -> which did not happen. or well. i did end up having a tiktok account with 45k followers when i posted a lot of my edits of shows that i liked but i was potentially thinking of becoming a yt editor or maybe work in media more. however im a burned out nurse student now LMAO
personal tips when it comes to editing;
i use while editing is to make a mindmap or simply just write down key elements you want in your edit to make it easier and prevents you from having to redo your edit (which is painful).
to make the edit "run more smoothly" make sure to fade the clip to be more dark at the end and start the next coming clip with a fade from dark to light. learning slow mo can be tricky in any app, but if possible i use the same thing with clips where it starts faster, is the slowest in the middle of the clip, and starts to get to normal speed at the end of the clip to make the transition over to another clip seem smoother and not like a raw cut.
this might be more of a editing style preference but i always add a slight zoom (either in or out depending on the transition) at every clip so that it's not as awkwardly still. i also always add a slight shake that you cant really see unless you focus on it for the same reason as the zoom. i found that even if the transitions are extremely simple or not even there at all, these small things make an edit look way more "professional" and less choppy.
next thing is "just" to learn what transitions you like after that and dont be afraid to mess with settings, even if you follow a tutorial. its all about finding your own editing style and what you like more!
i download youtube videos using loader.to but screen recording also works! i download mine to make the fps be correct to match when im slowing down a clip but that might be a bit overkill. youtube4kdownloader.com is a great website to cut clips from youtube videos to download too! just make sure to use adblockers when using the websites!
also: editing takes a lot of time and dont feel discouraged if it takes long to finish one! once you have more of an editing style it becomes more of a routine the more you edit!
these tips can be used on any editing app (with the slow mo being an exception in some apps) but then again, dont feel like you need any of it and just go ham on whatever ideas you have! id love to see any edit of yours :D
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pinkliker69 · 1 year
consider: an au where mo ran and chu wanning are idols, popular enough to have merch, where mr whos had a crush on his chu-qianbei for ages buys his plush and likes to pose his and cwns plushies like theyre kissing
literally i always love when charas make plushies of them and their crush/s/o kiss and thats the only reason theyre idols but since im already in this direction. cwn’s like an older generation idol who retired a little before mr became a trainee and ended up as his mentor
mr had always been a fan of cwn since he was younger and had saved up so much of his allowance to splurge on his merch back when he was popular, and his most prized possession is a cute plushie of his idol with a onesie that has cat ears on it…
(mr learns to sew so he can dress the plushie in a lot of different clothing, and if some of them were things like maid outfits and sailor uniforms, then that was between him and god LMAO)
anyway when cwn becomes his mentor he is SO FUCKING STARSTRUCK.. but he becomes so endeared by cwn’s cold yet kind personality and quickly falls in love. this is 0.25 mr all the way, i think hes so cute~
later on mr becomes a very successful and popular idol, initially debuting w his cousin xue meng and friend shi mingjing to become san-sisheng (yes 三) but goes solo eventually and as a result of all his popularity too, gets plushie merch.
and mr, despite never really caring much about his merch before, other than if it included his husky motifs and appropriate colours, was super involved in the design and worked very hard to make the design look like it was from a similar style to cwn’s
(i mean he doesnt TELL them he wants it to be in that kind of style but when they brought it up he insisted he was picky abt plushie styles and wanted it to be like the cwn plushie, which he saw before and thought was especially cute in its style! the knowing gaze xue meng sent him throughout that meeting felt like a hot laser lol.. meanwhile mr internally was thinking about how to make a husky onesie for this plush so it can match the cwn one he had)
anyway mr hasnt been subtle about liking cwn this whole time but cwn’s always thought that it was just him as an idol that mr was infatuated with, which he was fine with anyway.
so imagine his surprise when one day he is at the xues’ house and when he knocks on mr’s door and opens it to tell him dinner is ready, he sees his doll next to mr’s in wedding outfits, red robes and all...
(thanks for the insp trip but cwn also happens to have these plushies actually.. tho he just keeps them on a shelf standing next to each other :3 he also has all of mo ran's merch, but also xue meng and shi mei's (tho not as extensively as mr) bc those r his precious mentees!!
mr has like SEVERAL itabags of cwn merch too btw. they r the very hardcore 40 sets of the same badge types (and probably limited edition too) literally filled to the brim, bc once mr got richer as an idol he spent so much free time scouring auction sites for old cwn merch
ALSO once they get together and all. depending on whose house they move into (probably cwn's once mr cleans it up), mr buys and keeps a dollhouse at the side of the room where he'll always change the poses and outfits of their plushies and make them all domestic and shit
HE PROBABLY HAS AN SNS ACCOUNT FOR IT BTW... also im a big fan of idol aus where they are a bigname shipper for their own cp. and so he is like this famous cwn fan+ranwan shipper who posts cute pics of his ranwan dolls doing things all the time (sometimes cute, sometimes lewd)
one day on mr's official sns he takes a selfie in his room and some fans spot a familiar looking dollhouse in the bg... and are like hold the fuck up? what r the chances mr plays with dolls.
and to make it more convenient, mr repainted and customized the house to be like cwn and his dream house that their plushies live in... so its very suspicious mo ran has it... hmm 👁️
also im thinking they havent announced their relationship yet, because mr is at the peak of his popularity and cwn doesn't want him to be at the brunt of angry fangirls thinking he was stolen away, but lol. mr eventually announces on his sns that he IS the cwn+ranwan stan
and then xm and sm are like "yeah u've always been insane abt cwn... biggest cwn stan we knew" and the fans r like oh okay thats crazy. and then after that mr tops it off with "ALSO cwn and i are dating!!! so ranwan real <3" and the internet explodes
can you tell i like entertainment au danmei yet? but anyway things go fine in the end, cwn and mr eventually get married the same way their plushies did (mo ran voice: art imitates life <3) and he doesn't ever stop posting plushie pics. ~happy end~
ALSO ALSO considering how often ppl just make fanmerch themselves too. mr def has every single one of cwn. (he only gets himself too if they are a set together) and in mr’s cwn shrine there is an entire section full of pouty kitty cwns 😾
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ap-sadistics · 1 year
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I posted 5,867 times in 2022
That's 1,694 more posts than 2021!
86 posts created (1%)
5,781 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@ rotten-dan
@ obstinaterixatrix
@ thetrashiestoftrash
@ ehnrat
@ modmad
I tagged 2,100 of my posts in 2022
#ninjago - 200 posts
#monkie kid - 170 posts
#jem's miscellany - 101 posts
#jay~ - 97 posts
#birds - 79 posts
#pokemon - 75 posts
#fav - 68 posts
#mk~ - 55 posts
#me - 40 posts
#kai~ - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#yes yesyesyeyseyseysyeyseysyeyesyseyyseyesyyseysey yeyse yessss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
im so sick, evil, and twisted i think i got 9 people to watch monkie kid both directly and indirectly 9 victims im so fucked up and crazy im literally insane
11 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
skybound bad end au thoughts
this is more or less copy pasted from twitter. edited slightly
warning for mentions/thoughts of suicide
this is EXTREMELY depressing you have been warned
ive been thinking about it. as a fic, in written form, i think there really wouldnt be much of a story. it Is the "end" after all. it would be mostly a snapshot of jays life after the events. and it would also be the most miserable fic in the tag. like. it would be. pure misery. supremely depressing and without even an ounce of hope.
at that point everything thats done to him is just punishment or an act of senseless sadism. depends on the perspective. jay would see as punishment for the things hes done. just karma.
in this bad end au, i think jay would just be a toy. a little plaything for nadakhan and his crew. and delara. he doesnt have much purpose now but why not just keep him as entertainment. until the doll breaks. if he hasnt already. they can just throw him away then
i think it would be best if it has a open ending......... this bad end has the potential to go REALLY dark. but like too much doesnt taste that good you know? like... easily it could go the suicidal route. or jay being literally broken to the point hes killed. too dark you know? 
but like..... i like there to be some hints of possible paths to jays ultimate fate.... its ambiguous but the setup is there.... the beginning signs... like...
jay becoming ill. sick from who knows what thing that has been done to him. an infection? exhaustion and overwork? its not much but its small things like that. a persistent cough or headache. the flush of a fever. his physical health is down the gutter
jay wishing things would end. entertaining a distant thought while he looks over a ledge miles above water. waving the idea away but the feeling of it doesnt truly leave.
maybe hes denying himself of that escape on purpose. that he doesnt deserve a reprieve. hes got a massive guilt complex that pins him there, on that ship, suffering because he knows he deserves it. a part of him is a coward still too. hes scared of taking the leap of the ledge.
the things jay feels are so complicated. he wants to die, hes scared of dying, he doesnt deserve to live but he doesnt deserve to die. he deserves to suffer. he trapped until someone else takes him out of his misery. but no one will.
its much more fun forcing him to dance till he falls apart. hes going to at this rate. a part of him wants to. but another part tells him that he shouldnt. hes the only one left of his friends whos still here. that part of him tells him that he has to live for them
complicated complicated feelings. maybe another part of him hangs on because nya is still here. sorta. a tiny part of jay thinks maybe he could save her at least. that part of him is crushed tho. because he really cant. he has no way. he has no wishes and no powers. utterly hopeless
he has to watch "nya" dance with nadakhan. like the two are on their honeymoon. he has to watch nadakhan take nya all for himself. like a precious prize. in his hand like a trophy. it hurts most when she decides to play with jay herself tho, when she toys with his heart. when she hurts him herself.
theres no good way this can end. theres so many ways that this can end. each and every one is as miserable and hopeless as the last. jay has no hope of happiness whatsoever.
jay may not necessarily die soon. but chances are he will die on that ship. eventually.... someone or something will kill him one way or another. but you dont get to know how or what. theres no good way to go though.
man this is the most depressing thing ive ever written lol. jay would be so depressed lmao.......... i did say this would be the most miserable fic. theres something fun about entertaining this bad end tho...... like everything sucks.... but vibes.... love misery.
21 notes - Posted December 22, 2022
43 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
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i had to make this gif. on the spur of the moment. at 4am. like i was possessed. artistically this is my favorite fucking part of this ep. THIS COLOR SHIFT............ MAKES ME FUCKING LOSE MY MIND........... ALSO IM THINKING ABOUT JACKET SYMBOLISM AGAIN....... I HAVENT TALKED ABOUT IT HERE SO IM JUST GONNA TALK ABOUT IT NOW
some time back i started thinking about the emotional significance/symbolism of mks fucking jacket. this jacket specifically.... was given to him by mei........................... it was her gift to him....... its his new look in s3... but it ended up burning the same way as mei did......... MEIS JACKET WAS LOST LIKE SHE WAS................ it burned as mk tried to save her..... she continues to burn in order to save him.... ough.......... fuck i might be reading into this too much BUT. THERES AN ATTACHMENT THERE........ its symbolic...... THIS JACKET REPRESENTS OF BOTH THIS SEASON AND MEI. AND HER FRIENDSHIP WITH MK....... IT HAS GREEN!!!!!!!! HER COLOR!!!!!!!!!! AND RIGHT HERE. IN THIS MOMENT. IN THIS GIF. IN THIS SCENE IN WHICH MEI HAS BEEN CONSUMED BY FLAMES, ENGULFED IN RED AND BLACK, LIKEWISE THE SAME FUCKING THING HAPPENS TO HIS JACKET..... THE GREEN IS GONE. SWALLOWED UP BY RED HEAT.. and by the end, its gone... and then so is mei..... this is such a gorgeous fucking transition of a scene and im absolutely obsessed with it............
and also actually... i extended these jacket symbolism thoughts to the previous seasons also and... didnt mk stop wearing his monkey king jacket...? yall, you know, in the same season that he didnt have his powers? in my personal opinion i felt like monkey king is much less of a mentor figure in s3...... that he has ever been. s1-s2 is all about mk being sun wukongs successor.. which matches the jacket.... Hes The Monkie Kid. and thats his identity. but s3 absolutely had more mei focus..... and that jacket had green but no monkey.... hey.......... fucking i could be talking out of my own ass but if i think of this as a theory also......  mk is wearing pigsys jacket now...... what if they do some dad relationship focus next season also..... of course i could be entirely wrong but MAN. i would love to see some jacket symbolism like this again... would love to see consistency with my analysis and be freaking validated by that..... WHO KNOWS IF IT WILL HAPPEN CONSIDERING THE STATE OF THINGS S3 HAS LEFT OFF ON.... THERES A LOT OF THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT.... but yooooooo. i want dadsy. gimme that parental relationship with mk specifically. i want it....
anyways JACKET. IT CARRIES SOMETHING. IT POSSESSES A CERTAIN LINK TO MKS IDENTITY..... its a essential part of mks look. its iconic and its noticeable when it fucking changes. they literally had a magical girl sequence when mk changed his jacket in s3. they drew attention to it, they made a big deal out of it. so i like to believe. that what ive said so far. has a measure of truth. weight. significance. and that im not freaking crazy. about this specific thing anyways. thanks for listening to my tedtalk
88 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
100 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wildcatofgreen · 1 year
new ask game send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want
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((1. after using the new post editor vs the old post editor and switching back and forth between them on my blogs, i gotta say! old post editor fucks
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((though the new post editor has a TON of QoL changes that elevator to more of an equal status ((like, being able to tell when a special thing like italics starts and stops is a fucking amazing feature and i wish it was on the old post editor ((or being able to edit tags, or being able to make text BIG or BIGGER, or things like that
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((but running with the old post editor for a while on the qkd blog has brought about some really funny/interesting bits!
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((this gimmick is really fun. it feels like ive been running the blog for months but its only been less than one. i love that blog
((2. speaking of--if things havent been obvious so far, then lemme say it outright right now ((i am going through the entirety of poppy's story on that blog, pre-poppy to... an ending, of sorts ((which means events will just sort of happen over there, in slight congruence to when they happened in poppy. such aaaaaaaaas
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((this whole thing! in fact, it's happening in a thread right now~.
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((at the end of arcs/events i plan on tagging all of the previous posts that took place in that event as like... a relevant tag, so that i might chrono them and maybe my things can be read as a sort of story. this is... going to be a pain. but! i am incredibly committed to all of this now. i am excited. things are going to fucking happen.
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((uh, sorry for all the kit-blog talk. i am just kind of. really excited for that blog! i have this base guideline already set for me to follow and i get to explore how this MF goes through the entirety of what-we-know in poppy. including somee other things that are at play because of the nature of just. knowing more than my characters know
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((having characters like lila and chicadino just making funni appearances this early into the story is just so much fun you dont even know.
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((sidenote bonus thing but i really want chicadino to interact with @/fallen-symphony crew because like. he's a villain, with an outrageous lucky star at that. it'd be REALLY FUCKING FUN. i wanna do arthur interactions IN GENERAL, REALLY
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((but alas. there is literally no conceivable way i could approach first about this without majorly breaking things and his knowledge on the world rn. his little birdy would not know about multiverse theory (yet).
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((3. im thinking of like, making some slight changes on this blog? to save myself the sanity? but i dont know how. ((i aint stoppin' playing carol--i love this dumbass just as much as i love kit ((but man oh man i look at the amount of threads i have on here versus the amount i have on kit and its like
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((well of course im over there more--i can actually count the things i have to do over there. and one of them finished! and another one has a finish line i can conceivably get to! cant say much for the other threads but im sure a finish line can be gotten.
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((i do feel bad that activity has waned over here. again, carol has a lot of shit still happening and a lot of things i still havent properly addressed. the ideas are in my head, its just ((pen has to touch paper, y'know? that's it, that's all it is. i dont wanna take on new threads here because i get this anxiety that its just gonna stall me from actually doing things. i already have important threads that do need to get finished that i simply havent touched in like, weeks.
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((maybe i just need to find these threads and hyper focus on them and then like, one or two more things. have something that can keep my sanity, well, sane. because otherwise it is going to be very hard for me to keep up things over here.
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((i pray that this same issue doesnt occur on qkd. ive been thinking about implementing a thread cap of sorts, just so the overwhelming thing doesnt happen.
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((still need to think about things tho. my mind is being RACKED as of current.))
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
I have some thoughts on comments Sam has been making recently in regards to editing and working. I think he has a major case of word vomit and he just speaks into the air and hits post without ever thinking if what he has said will affect anyone. And while i think he can be a nice guy, a lot of his approach towards work and especially editing reminds me a lot about L10. Both are control freaks and need to micromanage every bit of editing their editors do which i can say as someone with a bit of background in professional editing, its a huge insult when someone who doesn’t have actual expertise in the field judges how you do your work. He showed the notes he made for one editor he was talking to and i’ll just say i have never received that much from a professional wanting me to work on their project. You usually talk it out and try to find a medium that works. He wants a personal assistant to do his work not an editor.
Another thing, i know he loves both Colby and Kat but knowing how some fans are, i don’t understand his need to tell fans the issues he has with both. When hes upset with either he has very passive aggressively made jabs. He needs more friends or therapy for that matter. In more than one occasion he has undermined Colbys work and made it seem like he does the most and Colby barely has work or his work is super easy yet he is often shown to take mini vacations while Colby is always editing. With Katrina he made it seem more than once like its such a weight or burden that his girlfriend of so many years wants attention. Which is why that post he made while she finally went off to miami on her own was odd, he was reflecting on how he hasnt been the best bf and i think she finally said something which is why shes finally focusing on her music.
As an outsider looking in i can tell Sam is a perfectionist who doesnt know how to express himself or really sympathize with people. Its normal for your partner to want your attention and have it be more than both sharing a roof and a bed. And also if you have a friend who has anxiety and possibly depression, its hard enough to push yourself to get up in the morning let alone stick to a routine schedule of editing especially when no one is actually forcing you to post. He needs to be more sympathetic of peoples feelings and emotions and stop acting like hes the solo editor.
wow, you sound a lot like a certain friend i know lol
anyway, i completely agree with you. in case anyone doesn't have xplrclub, sam recently had posted a video about how editing is taking up a lot of time but they finally found someone that they think could help give them a bit of a break.
but personally, i feel like the only one that's gonna be getting a break is sam and not colby. but i digress.
as for sam, i do think his perfectionism is gonna be the death of him. he is gonna run himself into the ground if he doesn't get help for it to some degree or just… loosen the reins a bit. not to mention, i don't understand why snc would go thru the trouble of hiring someone and "teaching" them to edit the way they do, when they can just hire someone to cut the video for them and then they can have control over the style of the video. then they can split sam's job into two and that would save them waaaaay more time.
also as for the judging of editors, i get what you mean. but i think it's also fine for them, while not experts, to want a specific type of editing style, and to judge whether or not a editor (regardless of background) can bring that to the table. i just hope for their sake they are nice to those they reject. which i assume so.
elton on the other hand…… i wouldn't be surprised either way lol
and i'll just say this about elton since @xplrvibes filled me in on what's been happening with him: that man has 18 videos in a vault waiting to be edited and apparently has interviewed 100s of ppl only to not find one editor???? sorry, that's a you problem. you want either too much or are too nitpicky. personally, what i think he should do is hire someone that meets most of the qualifications he needs, have them edit five videos. if the audience reacts badly or if it's really out of his comfort zone, then let the person go and find someone else. to be sitting on that much content is super dumb for a laundry list of reasons. i don't get that man and probably never will.
speaking of, back to sam lmao
i've noticed too that sam has a tendency to make it seem as if he does most of the editing and colby barely does any. and idk if he means to sound that way, but it doesn't make him look good. same thing goes with the way he talks about kat wanting attention. that whole thing that kat talked about, him saying "vampire" to her over and over again bc he was editing and couldn't give her attention for two seconds just… didn't sit right with me. like i get it, you're busy. but at the same time, you can't spare two seconds to say hi?
i think his lack of feeling his own emotions is causing him to ignore other's. and that's just not good.
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roseworth · 2 years
harley and jason wip? 👁👁
(edit: here’s the wip that this ask is referring to lol)
uh oh, you’ve made the fatal error of giving me an excuse to rant about harley :)
the wip is not technically harley and jason bc harley is only in like one scene BUT i have so much to say. basically it’s in the arkhamverse (bc i never shut up about the arkhamverse) post-ak and jason is out killing everyone that wronged him 💕 girlboss
but the thing about harley in the arkhamverse that the games and comics don’t really talk about is. she is so sad. nothing good happens to her.
like her story is the same as in the comics but like,, once joker dies she gets No closure :( in the main verse when she and joker break up she actually gets to realize that the relationship was abusive and she gets to move on, but in arkham she mourns joker and?? no one cares???? idk. after joker dies harley is mourning and no one tries to help her or care about her at all! people are like "yeah lol jokers girlfriend is sad or whatever" and literally every single person (including bruce who is at least sometimes sympathetic of her) is like "classic harley being so dramatic ���" meanwhile harley is having a breakdown. then when she does her own thing no one cares to take her seriously because shes STILL just "jokers girlfriend” to them which is so :( :( :( and she finds out about the joker disease that people have and she is like "oooo new joker <3" because this gal is sad and mourning and looking for a way to revive joker because shes still in the infatuation era. PLUS she never got real closure for his death because all she knew was that batman carried his dead body out so she assumes he killed him and got no consequences (and the fact that no one outside ACTUALLY has a way to know what happened is a whole different rant because to everyone else, batman and joker entered a building, then batman left with a dead joker and a smashed cure on the ground. theres no way for everyone to know what really happened. but thats a thought for another day). anyways then jokers body gets cremated without harley being there or knowing about it so she doesnt even get to like,, say goodbye?
anyways obviously this is not pro-joker, but from harleys perspective !! that hurts!!!! she loved (?) him and he ignores her in every situation then dies and she doesnt even get to like. do anything about it. and in the end she gets no closure :(
and then my harlivy brain goes,, she loved ivy too! so so much!! ivy always cared about her and was there for her!!!! but then :) ivy :) dies :) and harley doesnt get to say goodbye. the last time harley really saw ivy was when she said that she didnt want to be a part of scarecrows plan and she was cast out by everyone else. i just hhh harley was so busy chasing a new joker that she ignored ivy then. ivy dies saving gotham from the plan that harley was helping with :( and yet again harley doesnt get to say goodbye or have any closure whatsoever :( :( :(
basically arkhamverse harley is going through it and i think shes due for a massive breakdown after arkham knight
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rrxnjun · 1 year
stress is deff a bitch but i feel like me and stress are the same now so🤡🤡
it's the 20th of august🤭 nooo that's a bit sad that u couldn't add urs but ur still a king for adding three birthdays in there🫡
WELL I HOPE THAT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN!!🤣 whaaattt that's such a long time oh my but the fact that u still had it is jaw dropping tbh
i don't understand why middle aged women have to be so rude sometimes☹️ wait i completely forgot that accents exist oh my god now thats even worse🥲 YEYY U SHOULD ARANGE ONE IN OCTOBER AS WELL COME TO THE 5SOS SHOW WITH ME/j (i'm heartbroken i have no one to go with so i probably can't attend) (i hope this doesn't break ur heart more cuz i saw ur posts about them sorry if it does☹️☹️hope i didn't cross a line with this joke☹️)
NOT TELLING ANYONE🫢 i look up to u for that cuz i'm still pretty much unable to do i suck💔 SO TRUE THE BEST DESCRIPTION I HEARD OF THEM JUST SOME GUYS!! i was so sad when yedam and mashiho left and i understand the soft spot he is such a lovely guy🥹 being a treasure stan is fun and a heartbreak but glad u admit now that ur a teume 🥲😌 ofc ofc we are sharing😵‍💫 HE IS SUCH A MENACE AND ITS SO FUNNY tbh he was the reason why i came back to tumblr cuz i wanted to see more content and things about him then i ran into the same problem as u that there are not that many writers in the fandom here tbh (or i just can't find them)💔 (sooo if u end up writing something for jihoon i will be waiting🫣)
IT SHOULDNT BREAK UR HEART IM SORRY IT WAS A CRY IN A POSITIVE WAY!!! i think it just means u portray emotions well (?) cuz every time there is a good sad scene in movies or books i just have to fight the tears back even when i was in a good mood before💔 AND THANK U FOR BEING AN AMAZING WRITER AND JUST BEING LOVELY AND READING MY LONG ASS REPLIES LMAO U ARE JUST TOO NICE OF A PERSON💖💕💝 (liebestraum anon💕)
omg 20th august is such a good bday to have im noting it down!!! 😌😌
IT IS the fic was originally supposed to be a part of collab but the writer deactivated and cancelled it but when i asked if i can keep the idea they were ok with it!! so yeah hopefully one day 💓
LOOK lets go to the concert together 😭😭 im like,, half serious and half joking 😭😭😭 i keep telling my mum about it and like the bus tickets to budapest are only 7€ and then i can find a cheap hotel and shit and i have money saved for the tickets 😭😭😭 like. budapest is objectively the closest stop to me ((even tho im still salty there is no vienna then i would go for sure) and i wanted to visit anyway 😌 but my mum doesnt wanna go w me and my dad doesnt either and i have no friends that would wanna go w me either and i am not allowed to go alone so. theres that 😭😭 i dont think ill get to go tbh im still kinda heartbroken but oh well its not the first time :// if i didnt live in such a shitty ass place this would all be easier 😭
girl i think its a miracle tbh but i got the names down. thanking my hyperfixation tendencies 💓💓💓 when i saw it i was so shocked tbh and now i keep getting sad mashidam edits on my tiktok fp and living through the pain LMAO. GIRL my crush on jihoon is getting out of control like genuinely what the fuck is happening to me- WHY IS TEUMEBLR SO DRY THO WHERE ARE THE FICS ??? i found like 3 fics and the rest are like 2 years old headcanon posts its such a struggle 😭😭 do i really have to do everything myself on this site.... (dont feed my delusions but give it a few months and if i dont fall out of them i can see myself creating a seperate treasure blog.....got a jihoon drabble idea the other day but. i will contain myself. so far he's the new main side character of the mark fic im writing 🥴)
awh you are too sweet 😭😭😭😭 thank u so so much !!!! this means the whole world to me 💓 once again was happy to hear from u, hope youre doing well ily xx
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gainpiner · 2 years
Edit photo privacy facebook timeline
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#Edit photo privacy facebook timeline how to#
#Edit photo privacy facebook timeline update#
#Edit photo privacy facebook timeline free#
Add a watermark to your image to make sure your brand stays with it if it gets stolen.
#Edit photo privacy facebook timeline update#
Scroll down and tap Ad Preferences to update your ad settings. Tap the back button to return to the previous menu. Toggle the switch to On (blue) if you want people to know when you're active on Facebook or Messenger, or Off to keep that info private. The thing is, this option seems to come and go for me, so it may for you as well. Tap Active Status to toggle your 'active' status on or off. This is preferred since you will have the option to skip publishing the photo to your page. From here, you may be given an option to try the old photo uploader. Click the current privacy setting (Example: Friends). In the top right, click, then click Edit album. Click the album you want to change the privacy settings for. Or, before the change, adjust your privacy settings so that nobody can see your future posts. From your Timeline, click on the Photos icon. In the top right of Facebook, click your profile picture. The only way to stop this is to quickly change the post's visibility to Only me after you changed the photo or to uncheck the post option if you're changing it from the app.
All Facebook friends will get a notification on their News Feed that you uploaded your cover photo.
Pictures with a logo or text are best saved as PNGs, whereas "real life" images look best saved as JPGs.
However, you can make older ones private by locating them in the Cover Photos album and changing who can see them (e.g., certain friends only or only you).
You can't make the current cover photo private it must be public.
In this article, were going to look at why photo privacy matters, then explain how you can protect your images from the eyes of strangers. As with everything regarding privacy on Facebook, the answer isnt immediately obvious.
#Edit photo privacy facebook timeline how to#
See the other Facebook cover photo dimensions here. So, you want to know how to sort out the privacy settings on your photos. To ensure fast load time, make the image less than 100 KB.
The picture must be 400 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall, at minimum. Click the Edit privacy settings for existing photo albums and videos to adjust your privacy preferences for each of your albums.
#Edit photo privacy facebook timeline free#
We have the right to our privacy, granted FB is a free site, and we do have the option to post what we want or not, I feel like if privacy features are offered for all other photos and profile pictures, that it should be offered for cover photos as well. I created this petition in hopes that Mark Zuckerberg, and the other Facebook staff can take action and correct this problem. I searched the internet to try and figure out if there was an option to somehow change settings to make my cover photos private, but at this point is not an option on Facebook. This means that although my profile is set to private, and so are all of my other pictures, my cover photos remain open to the public for viewing. I don't however, like the fact that I do not have an option to make my "Cover Photos" private. For the most part I enjoy it, gives me a good way to keep in touch with friends and family, and is a great tool for networking. Like many of you, I use Facebook on a regular basis. The fact that this is not an option invades the privacy of the users, and allows anyone to view photos that should be able to be kept private to only their friends, or themselves if they choose. Facebooks privacy policy doesnt allow posts that you share from personal profiles or non-public pages to be shared outside of Facebook as the posts dont. People should have the option to keep their cover photos private.
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