#it keeps me organzied
ameliagiovanna0 · 1 year
Feel Your Kiss On Me
Title from For You by Liam Payne and RIta Ora
Requested by @whiskeyloverbae ​ , thank you! 💕
“Tim has a hickey and he thinks it’s hidden by his collar but Angela calls him out on it. “
“Lucy!” Tim called from the bathroom.
“What?” Lucy returned, coming around the corner from her bedroom.
He couldn’t help but rake his eyes over her in the kimono and sleep shorts she wore, her hair wound messily on top of her head.
He grumbled, remembering he was trying to be pissed at her, and gestured to his neck and the purplish mark forming there.
“Oops,” she posited, but the mischievous grin that spread across her features betrayed her.
“Lucy, we have work today! What am I supposed to do with this?”
“I’ll go put a spoon in the freezer,” she tucked her lips between her teeth, trying to suppress her laughter.
Lucy rounded the corner once again, wrapping her arms around his waist as he dragged a razor through the shaving cream on his face.
She pressed her lips to his bare back, “You adding to the mess you’ve created?”
She smiled against his skin, “I wasn’t planning on it, but now that you mention it,” she chortled as she nipped at his shoulder.
“Luce!” he tried not to laugh, trying desperately to be mad at her, “We share a locker room!”
“Oh, like it’s the first time one of you’s had a mark.”
“It’s a hickey, Luce. I have a reputation.”
He tapped the razor in the sink before turning around in her arms to her raised eyebrow, “We both know that went out the window when you met me.”
“You’re impossible,” he said as his hand found the sides of her face. 
Tim wore a collared shirt into the station, forgoing his usual henley in hopes of hiding the mark his girlfriend left the night before, the frozen spoon not doing much to dull the offensive color. He put his white undershirt on and then uniform top on as fast as humanly possible, hoping none of the other officers noticed. He adjusted the collar in the mirror on the inside of his locker door and hoped it would stay in place all day.
“I should’ve starched these,” he complained to himself.
He left the locker room, seemingly unscathed. Angela asked him to see her when he came in for the day, so he made his way to her desk with two cups of coffee.
“Ange,” he set her cup in front of her.
“Hey, she greeted, “Thanks. The name Dennis Rand ring any bells?”
“Jesus,” he groaned as he balanced his arm on his duty belt.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes?’”
“I’ve arrested him maybe ten times over the years. Why?”
“He managed to get invol–”
Tim turned his head at the sound of glass shattering on the other side of the bullpen.
“Damnit, Smitty!” Angela barked before he even made it into her field of view.
“I’m sorry! It just slipped out of my hands!”
“Clean it up! That’s the third one this week!” she finally braved a glance at the mess of broken porcelain and coffee on the floor. 
Angela looked up, Tim’s head still pulled in the direction of Smitty dejectedly slinking toward the janitor’s closet.
His body stiffened as she stood up. It was never good when she used his full name.
He turned toward her, “Yes, Angela?”
She pinched the collar of his shirt, pulling it away from his body and laughing like a maniac. He rolled his eyes at her antics.
“Tim,” she managed to get out between snorts, “Is that a hickey?”
“I’m going to kill her,” he griped.
Angela simply laughed harder, nearly doubling over, having to brace herself with a hand on the edge of her desk.
“Are you done?” he asked when she managed to stand up straight again.
“Oh, no. Not even close.” 
“You two have fun last night?” She giggled again, “Oh, lemme guess. You bet on who could list the most penal codes in sixty seconds, and this was your punishment for losing?”
“No, wait! Lucy decided that she’d had enough of other women hitting on you, so she finally decided to do something about it?”
Tim blushed. This is not the conversation he’d envisioned for his Monday morning.
“No, no, I got it. Were you misbehaving?”
“I have work to do,” he turned to walk away.
“No, Tim, wait!” she tried not to laugh again. 
He turned around only long enough to flip her the bird.
“Your life would be so boring without me!”
He shook his head, a reluctantly amused smile on his face as he made his way to his office. He kind of hated her for it, but it was just Angela’s way of showing affection.
Sitting behind his own desk, Tim placed his coffee down when his phone buzzed in his pocket.
A: Dennis Rand, asshole. I needed info
T: Maybe you shouldn’t have made fun of me then 
A: whatever, I’ll just ask Lucy. Among other things 😁
T: I hate you both
A: You love us
Tim shot a text off to the woman in question.
T: in case you didn’t hear the cackling coming from the bullpen, Angela found the monstrosity you left on my neck 
T: Maybe I should return the favor tonight
L: don’t threaten me with a good time bradford 
He chuckled, setting his phone down. 
This was going to be a long day.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
Desperately looking for fics to satisfy your obsession with the RRverse's most dumpsterfire of a ship? Look no further than this post :3
I have Copollo fics ranging from Ao3, FF.net, and here on tumblr! Each fic will be linked, and if the author has a tumblr (that I know of - if you know their tumblr let me know!), they will be tagged.
Also, before we begin, I would just like to say that when I say every Copollo fic I can find is on this list, I mean all of them. This includes fics that are canon compliant, crack, aus, and those with darker tones. If that isn't your thing, all you have to do is avoid clicking on said fics. They're all organzied very nicely if I do say so myself. Nothing more to it :3
Look below the cut for the list! If you have any fics that slipped between my grabby fingers let me know so I can add them! :3
Roman Empire Era
A Cruel Occasion by @seductivegrapethrowing
Grapes and Blood (written in German) by Buttons_Buttons (Rated G)
Fairness by mothmansaysgayrights (Rated G)
The Death of Emperor Commodus by LusiaLovegood (Rated G)
Long Life to You by kitatyourservice (Rated G)
Death's Embrace by me (Rated G)
When the Day Met the Night by me (Rated G)
When Everything's Wrong, You Make It Right by me (Rated G)
Call Me Commodus / Today I'll Be Your Ruler / I'll Also Die Here by kitatyourservice (Rated G)
Of Broken Promises by @money-and-dandellions (Rated G)
Rewrite The Stars by me (Rated G)
drunk off that love, it my head up (there's no forgetting you) by me (Rated G)
Keeping Warm by @soleil-in-retrograde (I reread the Copollo part of this over and over :3) (Rated T)
vow by @daisy-mooon (Rated T)
my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear by localcryptidlivinlife (Rated T)
Always Told You Not To Love Me (Now Look What You Made Me Do) by anxious_tofu (Rated E)
ghost of mine (you're taking up all my time) by anxious_tofu (Mainly perpollo, but I read it for the Copollo :3) (Rated E)
Trials of Apollo
Canon Compliant
As Far As I'm Concerned, You're Just Another Picture To Burn by @solahflare
It Isn't Love, It Isn't Hate, It's Just Indifference by @solahflare
A Pity by kitatyourservice (Rated G)
forget - me - not by localcryptidlivinlife (Rated G)
Song of Apollo by @tsarinatorment (For the Copollo crumb within :3) (Rated T)
Fractures of the Mind (Heart) by me :3 (Rated T)
The Devil Within (His Mind) also by me (Rated T)
Chapter 5 of some ToApril drabbles because my head is as empty as Meg's by orphan_account (Rated T)
Divinity, Fire, and Former Lovers by @seapinecone (Rated T)
All's Fair in Love & War by me (Rated G)
and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started by patsusan (Rated G) (nom nomming)
It's Be Okay by Apollo4612 (Rated Fiction T)
i loved you dangerously (more than the air that i breathe) by @okathleen (Rated T)
i will only break your pretty things by localcryptidlivinlife (Rated T)
Taunt (Rated G)
Outnumbered (Rated T)
Blindfold (Rated T)
Spark (Rated M)
Triumvirate Wins Au by bacchis
to eros, in secrecy
den of the lion (Rated E)
there are a couple more fics in this series if you're interested but only the two above have brief Copollo moments (i will admit this au lives rent-free in my brain)
Winds of Ruin by me (Rated G)
Coward by @nyaningthroughlife (Rated T)
Moonrise by me (Rated T)
Hazbin Hotel nonlinear AUs
Stayed Gone by me (Rated T)
Hell Hath No Fury by me (Rated T)
Crack (when i say every fic, I mean every fic)
It's a Fun Time in Commodupolis! by Anonymous (Rated M)
Nothing Like The Sun by Cola_bubblegum
Day & Night by Lif61 (UltimateFandomTrash) (Rated E)
TAG LIST: @moodyseal @plastikstarz @hazardous-lightdas12 @worlds-oldest-teenager here it is! :3
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thatgirlie-diaries · 7 months
Week 4 - #100DayReinvention Progress Log
Original challenge by @dreamdolldiary
Hello there girlies! I welcome you to the fourth log of this challenge I have been commiting to fulfill. This week was very crazy for me and actually this log will be very different. Last week I was very low in state. I was sleeping, eating, exercising and managing my time poorly. I had a low mood and only wanted to be asleep. I actually didn't made any progress and I was just in a rut all week.
But a new week has started and November is on the corner, I'm ready to move on from this negative feelings and low levels of energy. I want my ambitiousness and devotion to be stronger, so I will come back to keep track of my healthy habits, begin new ones and invest more on accomplishing my main goals.
What changes will I be doing to keep on track the next two months?
Wrote down my goals and actions / habits on two sheets and hunged them on the wall: This will make it more achievable for me since I will have it in plain sight.
Have a timer on my apps. Only 10 minutes / 5 minutes each one and undefined for academic ones: This is for reduce my screen time and invest in other activities.
Start meal prepping: To have already decided what I'm going to eat and prepare each day and not waste time thinking in the moment.
Reward myself: Unti I accomplish my daily or weekly tasks, I will reward myself with consuming fun content, use social media listen to music, buy me food or any gift.
Connect more to my spiritual side. Yoga, meditation, affirmations, journaling and frquencies: This is to regain a calm mind and high vibrational state to manifest easily, be connected to myself and have a positive mindset.
Romanticize my life + Do fun things: Life is not meant to be that serious and "productivity only", is meant to be enjoyable and beautiful, so I will look out to make my days special and invest in the things I love to delay my burn out.
Use more efficient productivity tips and methods: I will prioritize by the Eisenhower Matrix, have a clean space and change of place when I need to, take breaks, use the 2 minutes rule, stablish deadlines and focus on having the most possible free time. A main factor in this one wil be checking my Notion, where I organzie myself.
I feel comfortable and aligned to having the same goals and stablished daily habits that I decided in the beginning, but I will make adjustments on the methods and the my mindset to achieve them and don't fall off the track.
See you next month and week! 𑄽𑄺ྀ
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detkhamani · 2 years
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The Ghost of Girlfriend Past | Para
Featuring: Luna Zuniga & Taylor Young. Mentions of Khamani Smith & a special guest Location: Luna’s office Notes: So an ex-girlfriend walks into the current girlfriend’s office...
Taylor held her young son's hand as she made her way inside the building At first glance, it had all the appearances of a start-up for gamers--cubicles galore, posters all over the wall of characters Taylor knew nothing about, and a small desk where a young receptionist sat. She walked up to the woman and asked to see Luna. After informing the woman that no, she didn't have an appointment and insisted she just needed to talk to Luna, she was thankfully shown to the woman's cubicle. With Luna's back to Taylor and her son, Taylor steeled herself, glanced down at her boy, and then knocked against the cubicle's metal edge. "You're Luna, right?"
With San Diego Comic Con being the biggest and most upcoming convention, Luna had her hands full. She already knew it would be like this but juggling the many tasks that came with organziing such a giant event and her Twitch gaining so many followers while she was on the island, was keeping her insanely busy. Things had been picking up for her since Ship Wrecked and while she didn't mind it, July was becoming overwhelming. She was finishing up some last minute e-mails to the publicists of her booked panelists when she heard someone knock on her cubile. "Just one minute. Please take a seat. I'll be right with you..." and without looking back, Luna finiahed her correspondence and then swiveled toward her unaccepted guest. She removed her head set, puzzled by who this woman was but mindful of smiling on the little one. "Oh, hello. I'm Luna. Did you have tour scheduled?" Maybe she was a panelist Luna hasn't met yet. An up and coming author or a fellow gamer. "I'm sorry but I don't think I had an appointment at this time. How can I help you?"
Taylor was prepared to respond but had been caught off guard by Luna telling her to wait. She pursed her lips and slid into the nearby seat, pulling her son into her lap. He was donning his Black Panther costume--something that Taylor could rarely ever get him out of--and held onto a Paw Patrol plush of the cop pup, Chase. Her eyes wandered around the cubicle until they landed on photos of Luna and Khamani. She suppressed the urge to roll her eyes and instead glanced at the floor, keeping her focus on the floor until Luna turned around and formally introduced herself. "Hey. No, I didn't. I just came to talk to you. I'm sure you've heard plenty about me already but... I'm Taylor. Khamani's ex. And this is Cannon. My son." After a pause, she added, "Our son."
Luna generally loved surprises but this? Was not it. She was listening to the woman all the while waving at the toddler, trying to get him to giggle, and right when she had gotten somewhere with the little guy, the introduction came out quicker than she could process. Taylor. Oh yeah, Luna had heard plenty about Taylor but Cannon? As adorable and precious as he was and as much as she wanted to scoop him up and show him pictures of the Black Panther, everything came to a halt.  "I'm sorry...your son? I---" Her phone rang and she sent it back to reception, calling quickly to let them know she wasn't taking calls. She looked back at the toddler, unable to resist that face, seeing Khamani in him almost immediately. "...I didn't know you two had a child together..."
Letting out a sigh, Taylor said, "Yeah, mine and Khamani's. It's..." She sighed again. "He doesn't know either. Long story, short, I thought he was my ex's. Turns out, I was wrong. My ex did a DNA test and bailed on us as soon as he got the results. So... yeah." Visibly uncomfortable, Taylor hadn't met Luna's eyes as she said, "Look, I came here because as much as I'm sure you're not interested, I could use your help with telling Khamani."
Even though she never doubted Khamani, there was a slight relief in learning he wasn't aware of Cannon's existence although that quickly went away and turned into immediate concern and protectiveness. Luna already disliked Taylor and as nice as calm as she was trying to be for the sake of the child, she was sure that the woman could sense the discomfort. She also didn't look like she was particularly enjoying this. She wondered how old the boy was. Would he retain these memories? Either way, Luna wasn't about to make this even worse. For the kid. Definitely not for Taylor. She could kick rocks. "So you're sure about Khamani being the dad?" Luna took a deep breath. "Look, I'm going to be honest with you. I have, as you stated previously heard of you. No good things as you probably would assume. I'm not going to get into any of that because right now what is important is...him." She smiled at the baby again, giggling softly when he smiled back. She reached for her Black Panther mini squishable and handed it to him. "He's my favorite too.", she whispered and then looked up at Taylor. "I'm not interested in much of what you have to say but if you claim he is Khamani's he deserves to know." She looked down at her phone and saw the notification from her boyfriend. This was going to destroy him. "How old is he?"
"I'm sure," Taylor answered with a bit more frankness than necessary. Deep down, she knew she had no right to be offended when she was the one who cheated, effectively ending her relationship with Khamani, but it was difficult for her to keep her defenses down whenever she felt judged by someone she didn't know. But as Cannon sat in her lap, accepting the toy from Luna with a shy smile, Taylor knew that bringing him was the right decision. She looked to Luna and neither nodded nor gave any sort of resistance or argument. "I know. That's why I'm here. Obviously Khamani and I didn't end amicably or keep in touch. He's rarely at the office he works at from what I remember--usually out chasing a lead or some shit." She hadn’t thought twice about cursing in front of her son and went on, "But I saw you guys on the show and figured you could get the message to him to contact me." She shifted a little in her seat to retrieve her phone from her back pocket and as she unlocked it and typed her own phone number in for Luna, she answered, "He turned three back in May. Which fits with when he and I last slept together and all, but I didn't know that he was Khamani's then. I thought he wasn't."
Truth be told, Luna was very uncomfortable with this entire situation. Well, with Taylor. She didn't trust the woman and nothing would change that. Her guards were up and she'd do anything for Khamani but every time Luna looked at Cannon, her heart melted. There was also no doubt in her mind that this little one was her boyfriend's son. "You do realize..." She tried her best to push through the annoyance she felt toward this woman. She was a liar and a snake and Luna wondered just how much could she believe. "He isn't going to be receptive at first? He will especially hate that you came down here but I agree, he's busy with work and it is hard to get in touch with him which is how he wants it to be." Luna sighed and looked at the phone, reaching for her pen to jot down Taylor's number on her sticky note. "I'll talk to him tonight. May I take a picture of Cannon? To show Khamani?" Three years old. Luna took a deep breath. "And he's going to want to meet him so hopefully we can all maintain composure for Cannon's sake. At three, children start absorbing everything from their surroundings....maybe it's best you two sort things out before bringing Cannon. That way there's no yelling in front of him."
Taylor replied, "Yeah, I know. It doesn't change the fact that this is his son. He needs to know that and he and I need to talk about what that's gonna look like in terms of him providing. Talking to you was the only way I knew to do that, outside of sitting outside of his office waiting for him or his partner to let me in and I don't have time to do that." When Luna asked if she could take a picture of Cannon, Taylor had to fight the kneejerk response to say 'no', and then she nodded, "Yeah. Go ahead." She gritted her teeth for a moment and then said, "Look, I didn't come here for the lecture. I just... you know why I'm here now, okay?" She sighed and then feebly apologized, "Sorry. Listen, here's my number." She showed her phone screen to Luna where her number had currently been punched in and then said, "Have Khamani call me as soon as possible." She shifted Cannon from her lap so that she could stand and after Luna got her photo, she held her son's hand, "C'mon, Cannon. Let's go." And with that, she strode out of the cubicle.
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rose-thorn-storm · 4 months
I need to get this house in order. but between keeping things in order so I can get daily tasks done, new spontaneous issues, and having mandatory time for me to relax because otherwise I wouldn't I have no idea how i'm going to untangle and fix and organzie everything. its too much. But also i can't find things precious to me because everything is entangled.
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thoughtsbeewild · 10 months
Leave of Absence Director still employed?
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xsadcorebenji · 1 year
as i relinquish so many things that were once dear to me, i feel a lightness blossoming within me.
a fog clearing and a clarity of who i am.
or simply remembering who i am.
i sold off the modded gameboy along with everything else i had left in relation to chiptune (besides CD's, tapes, documentaries, etc., and a special cart for the Sega Genesis)
it helped me ease this strange tension i had with making music on a tracker.
if anything i was deeply obsessed with creating a more ambient, drone, and just generally lush flourishes but through a tracker.
i suppose it haunted me for years but, as i reduce down all the musical toys i have/had, it provides a cleaner path and concept on how to approach the things i do want to do at some point. but even then had i not already did what i wanted with chiptune and the community?
i performed at a few shows (live visuals), organzied several events as well as compilation albums. i definitely never attained a status in "popularity" within the community but generally i ain't everyone's cup of tea.(if anything an infamy, but so be it, today i thought to myself "i hope i become your most hated antagonist")
it's the indifference that makes me wilt, i either want you to have a positive or negative view of me, and i can't stand a neutral position.
but outside of this, i have been spending a lot of time reflecting on the "me" who moved to San Francisco alone. (Daly City, but little difference).
one of the first things i did was buy the Satanic Bible because i was hoping fill the "spiritual void" within me.
i absolutely abhorred the book, Anton Lavey just even then sounded silly.
and it's really not hard to understand why most satanists meander around being a libertarian, or just openly claim it.
if i wanted to indulge into the concept of objectivism, i rather take the loony Ayn Rand, over LaVey.
been reflecting on how i didn't sign up for the congregation, because i read Yelp reviews of the Satanist Church, and one review resides so vividly in memory.
the review stated how this person went there and was greeted by someone who shyed away from the entrance and apparently all this reviewer heard was an orgy and dubstep.
this review made me laugh too much, and it was the reason i avoided going.
although now looking back i'd kill for a chaotic energy like a "dubstep orgy"
in my exercise regiment today i added in a cardio workout(on top of my already exhaustive training).
i feel my body ache, and if anything i think i relish on self-torment and overdoing it.
it's as if i take every negative and petty thought i could ever have and just take it out on myself.
but adding back T25 which is essentially an HIIT regiment, was actually nice.
brought back memories of how i cold turkeyed going vegan in SF after my cancer scare, and all the soups and such i would cook.
after my workout i wanted to actually cook again and thought of all these ideas for meals and "meal prep."
and as i showered, i reflected on all of the things i used to write about, such as vegan philosophies and really scrutinzing the limits of it in a way that makes sense for me. (because i guess i'm still curious as to where the lines are drawn on the concept of the "living thing" and specieism, especially because there are animals near microscopic such as krill).
but i also thought about all the other topics i can just blog about such as thoughts on some games, maybe re-explore heidegger and foucault and i guess thinking about them within the context of time.
but also want to write about things such as the strange "stoicism" wormhole the media algorithms keep shoving to us.
it's strange how the constructs are asking us to be less social in one of the most asocial periods of human history.
(it's almost as if "stoicism" helps drive work, work , work culture, and really feeds the gluttonous, capital machine).
just so many thoughts flooded back to me, of foods i want to make and eat, and everything i wanted to blog and talk about.
and in this revitilizing reflection, i felt like i was remembering myself for the first time in a long absence.
and throughout this entire time my residual echolalia kept playing back a voice saying
(i was wondering for a while where this mysterious near-robotic voice saying "recaliberating" was from but i realized as i wrote this, it's from StarCraft II. it's the Protoss unit Void Rays, which come out and say "recaliberating void lenses"
either way, "my life for aiur"
and "there is no cow level")
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saddlebums · 2 years
Antiquing at the AMCA National Meet
Celebrating the past but concerned about the future
Where can a guy who remembers seeing The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show go to feel young these days? An Antique Motorcycle Club of America National Meet will do nicely, thank you.
No, I wasn't the youngest guy in Harmony, NJ, on this balmy June Friday – but among the younger. Some teenagers spending quality time with grandpa were there, looking rather bored. And that Hipster who responded with "25 cents?" when a vendor quoted him at "25" was there. Yeah, that guy.
But the problem of recruiting new blood into the AMCA is no secret, especially to the AMCA. Maybe they should ply that hipster with some PBR and find out what motivated him to pick through endless boxes of rusting motorcycle parts. Encourage him to bring his friends next time. Or contact the kids at The Moto Social where, for these Brooklynites, everything old is new again — but on their terms.
For me and Dale the Organzier it was a great way to spend the afternoon while discovering some beautiful motorcycle roads in Warren County along the way. Keep Rt. 519 from Newton to Stockton in mind if you enjoy riding back country roads. Much better than any asphalt you'll find in Brooklyn I assure you.
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ahappydnp · 4 years
I wrote half a fic this morning, had to stop to leave the house for a bit, and now it’s like I’ve never written a sentence in my entire life.
The real question is do I chug a cold brew at 7:00 pm cause fuck it time isn’t real and finish it tonight or just abandon it until I feel ~motivated~
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i don’t understand people who listen to just 1 or 2 genres of music if he can’t seamlessly transition from king for a day to what hurts the most i don’t want him!!!
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Hayloft- Ezra x Reader P.5
AN: After a bit of waiting here it is!!!! Part 5! I really love this chapter, so much so that I haven’t really edited it because I wanted to share it with you guys lol. So if you see something that doesn’t look right please tell me! Love you guys and I hope you like this chapter!
Words: 3.8k (almost 3.9k....this is the most I have written for one chapter lol)
Warnings: AFAB reader, descriptions of depression, mentions of attempted assault, this chapter gets a little spicy at the end so 18+ just to be safe?, that’s it we are back to fluff lol
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According to the town doctor, Ezra had managed to break Tucker’s nose, two of his teeth, and fracture one of his eyesockets, while he himself on managed to get a bruised jaw, and swollen bloody and bruised fist. I, on the other hand, only suffered from a bruised forehead and cheek, miscellaneous scratches, and a bloody nose. 
It had only taken about fifteen minutes before Anthony had been sent by my father to go looking for Tucker and Ezra. When he found the three of us, I am sure the scene in the barn was quite a shock. I wish I could say that I had seen his face when he realized what he was looking at, but by the time he had made his way to the back of the barn I had buried my face into Ezra’s neck as he held me and rocked us both trying to calm me down. I had heard Anthony coming, but I was too scared to look up, only clutching at Ezra’s torn shirt. 
I did nothing but cling to Ezra as he told Anthony what he had stumbled upon and what he had done, spitting venomous words in Tucker’s direction and holding me close. Anthony didn’t say much and he only really grabbed my shirt that had been thrown aside and brought it towards where we both sat in the corner. Anthony had placed my shirt gently in my lap and gave me a small kiss on the top of my head, which in turn caused me to start crying again, and he then went and grabbed Tucker’s legs and dragged him out of the barn telling the two of us to that he was going to get father. 
Ezra had slowly helped me to my feet and into my shirt, before grabbing my face and kissing the tears from my cheeks. Then he lead me from the barn slowly with his hand resting on the small of my back as my arms crossed across my torso holding myself tightly, my eyes not leaving the ground. 
The rest of the day passed in pretty much a blur. I barely remember the doctor coming for a visit, I don’t remember how I got to the house, let alone into my room, and I don’t remember when I fell asleep. 
Once again I found myself staying in the house doing small tasks away from the others. The difference, though, was this time it was self imposed. I just couldn’t find it in me to make my way outside and be around the others. Especially knowing that I wouldn’t be able to interact with Ezra in the way that I wanted too, the way I needed too. So instead, I stayed inside and cleaned things that didn’t need to be cleaned, organized things that were already organzied, and cooked meals. I threw myself into anything that could distract me from the events that felt like had left a scar on my very soul. I felt broken and dirty, even though I knew that nothing had really happened. But, the thoughts and feelings of uselessness just wouldn’t fade and the crept into my every waking moment. 
The only good that had come from the whole situation was that my father had taken to letting Ezra eat with the rest of us again. It was only then, when Ezra sat across from me with his easy smile and flourishing words that I would truely feel safe, and those thoughts that refused to leave me alone would fade to a static in the back of my head. Instead they were replaced with Ezra speaking openly as Anthony asked him questions, and my head was only full of the the sight of Ezra’s soft obsidian eyes swirling with the galaxies and stars he had seen on his adventures and his soft oddly soothing accented voice. My father always stayed quiet during meals only eating and maybe giving a small grunt if asked a question. My father even stayed quiet as each night Ezra would softly ask about my day and how I was feeling. 
Things weren’t okay, but things were finally getting better.
Roughly two weeks after everything had happened with Tucker I had managed to get myself to do the laundry. What had finally pushed me to fill the tub with steaming water and get the soaps out was when I noticed that Ezra had been wearing the same clothes for the at least last three days if not longer.
It had taken all morning to get all of my father’s and Anthony’s clothes clean and hung onto the clothes line beside the house. After a short water break, I got to work on my clothes all the while keeping an eye out and taking note of any clothes that needed mended. My father had a couple of shirts with small tears along the seam, Anthony per usual had managed to tear the pockets on his pants and was missing a button on one of his shirts, while I only had a small tear on the back of my favorite shirt from where it had caught a lose nail.
Once I had hung my clothes to dry, I reached for Ezra’s to place them in the tub only to stop short. Ezra, when we had walked from town to the farm, had only been carrying a small sack in which he only could hold two or three pairs of clothes, at most. Looking at the shirt in my hand now, I was surprised the shirt was still in one piece. The shirt was thread bare from what I could only assume was years of use, it had several holes running along the bottom part of the left sleeve as well as wear on the right, and a few along the bottom hem in the front. The other shirt he had in there was worse for wear, having a huge tear near the neck from the fight with Tucker. The pants weren’t much better, the knees rubbed thin from years of kneeling on rough surfaces and the cuffs were scuffed and held several holes of varying sizes, not to mention the sizable hole that was in the crotch of the pants, that only served to turn my face red once I had noticing it, and caused me to wonder how he had managed to hide the hole without anyone noticing. 
I washed Ezra’s clothes carefully with a frown, not wanting to cause more harm, all the while trying my best to remove as many stains as possible. As I was hanging the tattered clothes on the clothes line next to mine I couldn’t help but to wonder when the last time Ezra had bought himself new clothes, because it was obvious on both shirts that he had them both when he still had his other arm. 
Shaking my head, I smoothed my hand over the shirt I had just washed with a sad smile before an idea caused me to hurriedly clean up the washing tub and put away the soaps quickly. Once back in the house I went to my room and grabbed my small sewing kit, as well as my button tin placing them onto my bed, before turning to my dresser and biting my bottom lip.
When my father had finally figured out that Joshua had left the farm for good he had gone into a blind rage and had made the decision to remove and sell everything he had left behind in his room. He started with the bigger things like his bed and the small desk he had made himself for Joshua. Then he got rid of the small dresser and all of Joshua’s small little nick nacks. When all that was left was Joshua’s clothes my father had marched out of the house and made a bonfire towards the back of the farm. When I had realized what he was doing, I had grabbed what I could without it being obvious and had hid them in the bottom of my dresser under my underclothes, knowing that my father would never look in that drawer.
Now, I reach inside and grab the three shirts, two long sleeved and one t-shirt, and a pair cargo pants. The shirts, while they didn’t have holes, it was obvious that they were second hand, as they each had their own signs of wear, but they were each still in much better condition than what Ezra owned now. 
Turning to my bed, with my lip still between my teeth I gently laid the clothes onto my bed before taking a deep breath and getting to work. It hurt slightly knowing that by doing this I was erasing some of the few reminders of Joshua I still had in my life, but I knew in my heart that this more important than letting the clothing items waste away in my dresser. For the two long sleeved shirts, I took the right sleeve and cut it down and sewed it closed so that Ezra wouldn’t have to worry about pinning them up anymore, and for the pants I made it so that the waist was adjustable so that if he needed to he could tighten them or loosened them, because I wasn’t sure how well, or if, the pants would fit him. As for the t-shirt, I didn’t really do anything to it beyond mending the tear along the left side that I hadn’t noticed until I had went to refold it. 
The next morning after breakfast I had gone outside and collected the clothes folding and mending them. My father’s and Anthony’s, I left on their beds, and mine I put away, but I left Ezra’s pile of clothes neatly folded on my bed. That night at dinner I had smiled and talked a little more than I had in the last few weeks. It was obvious that Ezra was also in a good mood, and he kept meeting my eyes and smiling at me when my cheeks would turn slightly red. 
My father had went to bed almost as soon as Ezra had left the house. As I did the dishes, Anthony had come up behind me offering to dry them and put them away. I had only smiled and handed him the towel. We stayed silent as we finished the few dishes that were left. As I was drying my hands, I jumped a little when Anthony broke the silence saying my name. When I looked up at him he looked me in the eye and took a deep breathe before quietly asking, “When you leave, tell me so I can say goodbye, okay?”
Shocked I could only nod, looking back into his eyes as he stared into mine. He gave me a small smile and then he left the kitchen and I listened as he walked up the stairs and into his room. I stood there for a few minutes trying to really process what had just happened. I must have stood there longer than I had thought because by the time I had moved up to my room and looked out the window the sun was completely gone from the sky and two of K-5’s moons at already risen. 
Walking to my bed I grabbed the stack of Ezra’s clothes, both new and old, and turned to quietly walk out of the room, only stopping at my dresser and grabbing the bundle of flowers I had found on the floor of the spare room and placing them on top of the folded clothes in my hands. 
Creeping out of the house and into the barn was a new experience. I was used to sneaking around, and until about a month or so I had thought that I had perfected it. But, something about sneaking around outside felt different and it made me more paranoid than usual. Finally reaching the barn didn’t help matters, either. The main area of the barn felt as though it held unimaginable horrors in every dark corner, making me jumpy and scared for what I knew was nothing. Slowly, I made my way to the latter that lead to where I knew Ezra was, all the while my ears were alert and listening for any noise, nothing but the wind could be heard though. 
Once in the hayloft I relaxed slightly, not completely though, and scanned the small area, squinting and trying to find Ezra. With my first scan of the area I didn’t see him so I stepped further into the hayloft, the small amount of hay that was up there crunching under my feet. This time as I scanned the area, I whispered out Ezra’s name, too scared to raise my voice any higher. At what I can only assume to be the sound of his name being called, I heard Ezra rustling behind me, and right as I turn in the direction of the sound I heard him call out, “Flower, is that you? Truly you? Because I must confess that I have had many dreams of this situation only to wake aching to hold you and hear your voice. And at this point if you are just another of my my traitorous mind’s illustrious illusions, I might have to break into the house and visit you myself…”
Sighing and smiling at Ezra’s confession all I could do was walk towards where his voice came from. Once I reached him I could see the melancholic look in his eyes in the low light of the small lamp he had lit after hearing my voice. After taking him in for a second, I shyly looked to the floor and bit my lip before clearing my throat.
“I, um… I brought you your laundry. And I hope you don’t mind but I also fixed them up to the best of my abilities, I’m not exactly a seamstress but the holes and tears are closed….”
Smiling Ezra held his hand out and helped me sit across from him on the floor of the hayloft. After sitting I slowly passed the clothes to him chewing on my bottom lip in anticipation of what his reaction would be to both his clothes and the new items I had made for him. Ezra’s first reaction was to small and take the flowers, reaching across and placing them behind my ear with a soft, ‘there, perfect’. Then we sat in silence as Ezra meticulously looked over his clothes with a small loving smile, and when he got to the new clothes the smile turned into more of a confused one as he looked up at me. 
“Flower, you claim not to be a seamstress, but this stitching is as close to perfect as anyone would get, I don’t think anyone would think that there was even hole in any of these garments. For Kevva’s sake you even found and patched that embarrassing hole in the intimate areas of my pants that I have until now successfully and embarrassingly hidden from you and the other two. But, flower, I do think you may have mixed some of either your Father’s or your brother’s clothing in with mine, for I know without a doubt these are not mine.”
Looking down messing with my nails in my lap I quietly answered, “Well, you see...I noticed your clothes were, um, well for lack of a better term, worse for wear, and I had some of Joshua’s old clothes so I thought I would fix them up for you. Modify them slightly to fit you better.”
As I spoke, I could see Ezra sorting through the new clothes, unfolding them to inspect them. Slowly I raised my head to watch him as he rubbed the cloth between his thumb and forefinger. I watched as he realized that I had patched the right sleeves to fit what was left of his missing limb. And I watched as his eyes met mine, with a look in them that I couldn’t put my finger on. 
Getting embarrassed I looked back down at my lap and finished what I was saying with a quick, “I only modified the new cloths because I didn’t want to mess with your clothes just in case you didn’t like the modifications, and if you don’t like it I can, I can just take them back to the house. You don’t have to kee-”
“You would have to pry this gratuitous gift from my cold dead hands, flower. These are………. Flower, I am a man of many words and you have managed to take them all away from me with this small, but pure, act of kindness. I must admit that I had not gotten new clothing for myself in quite some time, while it be because of self loathing or because I didn’t see the point in new clothes if they were to only end up like the ones I have now, I am not sure. But these are more than what I could ask for. Precious flower you really though of everything when getting these ready for me, didn’t you? Kevva above, what did I do in a past life to deserve your absolute beauty and kindness because gods know that I didn’t do anything good enough for you in this one.”
Laughing quietly, I could only shake my head as my eyes started to get watery. Looking back up at Ezra, I was only met with a gaze that held so much emotion that it almost hurt to return. Ezra then set the clothes to the side and moved closer to me, our knees pressed against each other, and he reached his hand out, pressing it into the side of my neck with a sigh. 
“Flower, I must admit that it was starting to get to hard for me not to reach arcoss that damned table at meals and just touch you. I have missed your touch more than I ever thought possible. This time without your touch made walking through a desert without water seem much more comfortable and appeasing. Seeing you so close, and not being able to have you has torn this old prospector’s heart and soul to shreds. Darling precious flower, please allow me the salvation that is your lips on mine, for I think a second longer without them might spell my death.”
Laughing again at Ezra’s dramatics, I lean towards him only to to feel his hand pull me as close as possible as he crashes his lips against mine. I couldn’t help the small moan that escaped me as my lips met his in a kiss that felt like Ezra was trying to devour my very being. Ezra’s hand moved to the back of my neck, his fingers sinking into my hair. My own hands finding their way onto Ezra’s chest and into the hair above his ear, as he pressed his tongue against mine deepening the kiss. 
By the time we seperated both of our chests were heaving for breathe, and I finally noticed that at some point during the kiss we had moved closer, I had ended up on Ezra’s lap with my legs wrapped around his waist. 
Ezra smiled blissfully up at me and nudged my nose with his own, and when he spoke I could feel his breath fan aross my kiss swollen lips, “Thank you, flower, I can say that after a kiss like that, I don’t think I am going to die on you anytime soon.”
“So you are saying that one was enough? You don’t need anymore?”
Laughing, Ezra pulled back far enough to meet my eyes. “One, will never me enough with you, my sweet flower. You are as addicting as any forbidden substance and you should come with a warning for the weary travels like me.”
Before I could so much as laugh, Ezra connected our lips into another heart achingly passionate kiss. His hand moved from my neck to rub up and down my back and pulling me closer so that our chests are pressed tightly against one another. Using my leg to press closer to Ezra, I without realizing ground down onto him which pulled a gasp from me and a groan from him as Ezra bucked his hips up into mine allowing me to feel just how excited he was to see me. 
Ezra pulled away from the kiss then and placed his hand onto my hip as he looked into my eyes with a serious expression and in the most serious voice I have ever heard him use he asked, “Flower, I need to know now if you want this, because if you say yes I would love to do nothing more than to worship every last part of you, and treat you like the absolute goddess that you are. But, if you do not want this, I understand. Afterall it was only a few weeks ago that-”
“Please, don’t talk about it… I.. I want this, Ezra,” and looking him dead in the eye I spoke quietly, “Ezra, please make me forget. Make me forget anything but you.”
With the consent that he was hoping and praying for, Ezra jumped into action pressing me off his lap and laying me onto the soft, but scratchy hay. Slowly he made good on his promise to worship my body. Slowly removing my clothes and revealing my body to him. He kissed, sucked, massaged, and marked every part of my body making me squirm for him.
When he undressed, he kissed me slowly and allowed me to run my hands over him, as he groaned and sighed at my touches. Once he had gotten impatient with only soft touches, he deepened the kiss as he pleasured me with his beautifully calloused and rough fingers, drawing out the first of many orgasms. After his fingers he followed with his mouth, making me moan and whine his name as he brought me to my peak as many times as I allowed him to, until I had to push his head away, too sensitive from his ministrations. 
Moving back up my body, Ezra kissed me slowly as I came down from the high that he had thrown me into, all the while still stroking my body in anyway he could. Once I had caught my breath, Ezra moved his lips to my ear and whispered, “Are you sure you want this?”
And with a nod, because he had taken all my ability to speak anything but his name, he pulled back and sat on his knees as he pulled my hips and angled them, with my help, before he slowly pressed himself into me. I had been with a few boys from my planet, but they couldn’t compare to in any way to how full Ezra made me feel once he was seated fully inside of me. Moaning his name, all I could do was clutch at the hay that surrounded me as Ezra made love to me until we were both more than exhausted. 
Laying in the hayloft with Ezra’s head resting on my heart, I had never felt more loved or happy or safe in my life. And all I could do was wish that this feeling or this moment would never end.
(Per usual THANK YOU for reading!! Every single one of you mean so much to me! All feedback is welcome, I especially love hearing your thoughts about the last chapter! Reblogs really help with spreading the story, so if you don’t mind, please reblog? And if you would like to be added to the taglist just shoot me an ask and I’d be more than happy to add you! I hope you guys have a lovely week and I’ll see you with the next part!)
Tags: @babybelou​ @farrvey​ @anatanotegami​ @revolution-starter​​ @cadelinhadopedropascal​​ @lucifurrr​ @coolfishoperatoreagle @pugdalorian @callsigncatfish​ @marydjarin​ @jeeperky​
(Marked out people on the taglist, tumblr wouldn't let me tag you! Sorry!)
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You may have answered this in the past, but due to current situation I think the answer might be a little different. I was hoping for some advice on how to organize your time for writing. Because I have some spare time due to quarantine and want to get some writing done, but I'm also terrible at keeping myself organzied and creating a schedule that works. Thanks for any tips honestly, your tumblr is awesome and has helped me many times on the past. Hope you stay healthy.
Organizing Writing Time (Especially During Quarantine)
While the implementation might be a bit different, the advice is essentially the same:
Schedules and plans can work really well for some writers, but if you’re someone who has trouble staying organized and sticking to plans and schedules, it’s not that you’re not finding the right method. There’s something else going on, and you’ll have to figure out what that something is...
1) You have no clear story plan...
If you don’t know exactly where your story is going and how you��re going to get there, sitting down to write is like driving around a semi-familiar town with no map and no clear purpose. You’re going to get lost. You’re going to be confused. And you’ll probably spend a lot of time stuck at the side of the road trying to decide where to go next. Solution: instead of worrying about organizing your time, try organizing your actual story. At the very least, outline your story from beginning to end by way of a detailed summary. Even better, look at story beats and use them to map out your story’s structure, or do a detailed scene list, or all of the above.
2) You’re not excited about your story...
No matter how well planned out your story is, if you’re not excited about it, you’re not going to be motivated to sit down and write about it. And if you’re not motivated to work on your story, no amount of scheduling and planning is going to get your butt in the chair when you actually have time to write. Solution: find inspiration photos, create mood boards and aesthetics, make a playlist, draw out maps and setting layouts, do character interviews, do writing prompts and exercises. These can jump start your excitement about your story, and if you work on these things during your chosen writing time each day, you can build your daily writing time habit while doing something productive and fun. See my posts Feeling Unmotivated with WIP and Getting Unstuck: Motivation Beyond Mood Boards & Playlists for more help. 
3) You’re distracted...
This is a big one I think a lot of people overlook. If there are other things you’d rather be doing, if your mind is someplace else, if you’re anxious or stressed, or if you’re depressed or not feeling well, you’re probably not in the mood to write and are probably always looking for excuses to just not do it. Solution: try focusing on a small goal every day, something little way you can take a small step forward. It may be writing a sentence, a paragraph, or even a whole scene. It might be working on a map or aesthetic, or it might just be jotting down ideas. If all else fails, give yourself permission to not write right now. I know that can be frustrating when you feel like you’ve got all this free time suddenly, but things are stressful right now and it’s okay if you don’t want to write. There are other things you can do instead. See my post Guide: Filling Your Creative Well.
The bottom line...
You are in control. If there’s not an obvious reason why you’re not able to get your butt into the chair and write, it all comes down to the fact that you’re just choosing not to. It’s up to you to either figure out what’s keeping you from sitting down to write, or just admit that you’d just rather be doing other things right now, which is okay, too. 
Good luck! <3 
Have a question? My inbox is always open, but make sure to check my FAQ and post master lists first to see if I’ve already answered a similar question. :)
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onesmolbirb · 3 years
I don’t know if this just wishful thinking
But what if the Organization for Transformative Works (the nonprofit that runs AO3) acquired the rights to run Tumblr? We’ve already accepted that no company is gonna make money off this hellsite, but I’m also hell bent on keeping it away from the hands of capitalists. 
It makes sense to me because most of Tumblr is used by fandoms and to share fanworks. And if this site was owned by a nonprofit organziation, I’d gladly give a few dollars to keep tumblr running.
I don’t know what the logistics of OTW owning/running tumblr would be like, but it seems like something to consider, even only in theory.
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ferie-anon · 4 years
Hi!😍How are you? Can i get a ship with Ateez? I'm capricorn sun, venus and mercury, gemini moon, sagittarius rising and pisces mars. Thank you so much 🙏🤩
I’m good! You’re a capricorn sun with a gemini moon, these two placements make an intellectual power source. The intellect and capability of utilizing your brain and details is impeccable, and with cap sun when you put it to work, there will be success with the effort/hardwork you attempt. Capricorn mercury, you keep it real. Rather than a brutal honest way to your communication, you are more stating things matter of factly in a honest way, but kinda chill yknow. If virgo mercuries were more of a fact and organzied direct speaker, you would be similar to that but in a more chill way like you’re only being realistic, not critical. Capricorn venus seem to rather show off their love to their partner theough hardwork and presenting the notion that they are responsible and trustworthy in that aspect. They care a great deal about their close ones/loved ones, but not usually in an affectionate physical displaying mannerism. Lastly, your pisces mars indicates you may easily be sensitive at times, and can be more on the whimsical outlook towards your goals. However with your other earthy placements, you are not too wishy-washy. Sag rising prompts others to view you at first to be optimistic or an exuberant vibe. Sagittarius is ruled by jupiter, the planet that is ruler of prosperity, expansion, good fortune (luck). These aspects may be projected to your outer appearance, so you may seem more youthful or healthy, and you view the world in an openminded positive way sometimes.
In Ateez... your match is Seonghwa!
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Momhwa here has a motherly side and a strict honest side. I think the dynamics between you two are similar yet balanced in a way where you both share different perspectives that can benefit each other~ Seonghwa’s sun is in aries, and these individuals are determined, honest, and morally inclined. You can definitely see his passion when he dances or his facial expression during performances, and despite his soft disposition at times, he can be quite the savage person if needed. His moon is in cancer and I will elaborate further in the next paragraph, but since his moon sign is in this placement, that is why he is sensitive yet very compassionate or able to understand others (in a motherly way as seen to Ateez). These two placements create a a nice parallel to each other. Similarly, you seem to have two parallels within you, you can be quite the dilligent, responsible person when you need to, the student that does well when they do their work, but with your gemini moon you could be prone to many new thoughts occurring that may cause you to be flighty in your duties at times: hence the student that may be smart but not exactly labeled as the teacher’s pet. You don’t wanna bore yourself of only study and academics, you still retain fun within while enjoying your intellect. Seonghwa thought you were interesting, how you could show such a sunny disposition (child-like expressions) of the world yet retain a serious practical side when you decided to do so, a side that heavily appealed to the natural caretaker and responsible one of Ateez, Seonghwa.
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Now to the elaboration of his cancer moon. Cancer moons are quite the baby of the water sign family in the moon aspect, as the moon is the ruler of cancer the zodiac sign, thus this aspect naturally is more powerful or at home within this position. Seonghwa is empathetic, has a lot of emotions (inherently sensitive), and has a lot to give to others emotionally (as a supportive pillar). These traits make Seonghwa more of a little compassionate fluffball despite his other contrasting personality traits (cough cough Seonghwa is duality, Duality is Seonghwa). Your gemini moon on the other hand is less emotionally inclined, I would say you may not display your emotions or discuss deep topics on how you feel, but it doesn’t mean you are insensitive. You deal with your emotions and feel them in a different way, you may feel easily overwhelmed or change how you feel right after experiencing a new resolve. Seonghwa loves your new fresh perspective, how you come up with new ideas or brightly display your thoughts of knowledge of your favorite interests. Seeing that beaming smile just makes Seonghwa go heart eyes ya know~ I think with Seonghwa, you feel like you can be more comfortable in confiding your emotions as Seonghwa would not judge you and he would listen to your little worries or temporary thoughts of complaints on a bad day. It is something balancing that you both would feel soothed and healing within.
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Seonghwa’s mercury is in aries! These natives are honest and not keen on hiding the truth, they desire the truth back to them as well. As you can see, Seonghwa is pretty strict such as cleaning or nagging the members to clean, puck up stuff, and to take care of stuff. Aries mercury inherently are just very true to themselves and if there’s something they want to say, they will say it but it’s not purposely directed to tear down or hurt others. With your capricorn mercury, you are similar in the fact you wanna keep it real as well, hence you both have similar values in communication-wise. Seonghwa will find himself agreeing and working well with your unfiltered communication, as you both aren’t afraid to say or give your opinion towards others and each other.
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Next, Seonghwa’s venus is in aquarius. With your capricorn venus, these two will seem like an odd match of love styles but complements each other well. Capricorn venus like to show they are capable and not too dependent, similarly venus aquarius like to show how different they are from others, a rebel at heart, charming others with their cool detachment. However, you both value your privacy or are not usually very expressive in physical affection, however you both have a mutual understanding of reasoning and thinking. Seonghwa may appreciate your independency and admire ur outward approaches, likewise you may appreciate Seonghwa’s logicality or problem solving attitude in a situation. These placements give me two badass anime characters who fell in love with each other, and are each others partner in crime and lover.
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Lastly, his mars is in aries! Direct, pursuing, and passionate about the things he love, goals and aspirations, it is also evident in his love style. He is direct in how he wants to approach you, and rlly has heart eyes a lot and with prominent aries energy he may initiate more physical contact but ofc nothing that crosses the boundary if you dislike it. Your mars pisces is someone who wants someone to guide them or despite your earth signs not very vocal about intimacy, you crave for some emotional bond and affection still. Which Seonghwa can give :3
Overall, you two are the ones that are independent and internally strong but are really just little soft marshmallows that wanna cuddle with each other, but you two maintain a cool face while you do so. You two have an underlying softness in your compassion and love for other and each other, yet you don’t lose your reasoning/logical sense of self from it. You two are balanced very well and I k I said that too much lol 😂 You two radiate -> 🍓🌹💌📝💕🌿☘️🌓🍟
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distilled-prose · 4 years
Eight Twenty-five Twenty
Dearest Sno Mis,
It’s been quite the while since I’ve written you.  But it’s been much longer since you’ve let me know you’ve seen me.  I’ve tried to find things to amaze and amuse you here  But I don’t know if you’ve allowed yourself the luxury of peeping into this amalgamation of thought and image. It would apper that many here are suffering the loss of someone special.  It’s what keeps their writing sharp, their insights keen.  But I’ve become numb.  Part of it is old age, no doubt.  But the major issue is I don’t feel you watching anymore.  There seems to be no point to imagining the unlikely, juxtaposing sensory inputs to create images with sounds or fragrances, melodies with roadways and snippets of memories, or the personification of ideas, seasons, or emotions. I don’t know if your beloved made you discard my earlier writings to you,  It’s sad really.  I was never a threat to him or your family. (Nor you to mine.)   We’d written of it at length.  I just liked your words.  Most of my writings I have copies of, some were lost when I left this medium several years ago.  I will tidy up this space for you, moving my reblogged amazements to another site.  I’ll let you know the name when I’ve started. And when I return home from the current road trip, I will organzie my files into some kind of logical groupings and present/re-present them here.  I’ll take care not to delete this vehicle.
Like so many guys, I know I am not particularly good at picking up on nuanced suggestions, the subtleties which you might be most inclined to use.  And so, if you have retained the ability to reach across both time and space to speak to your (younger) self and others, please call to me.
And of course, listen to the wind in the earliest hours of the day, the latest hours of the night.  I call your name to hear the sound, and pray the sound will somehow find its way to you.
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poison-stripes · 5 years
A Post-War Reunion
"...Aye, that should do it," Josho said after moving a particularly heavy piece of shelving into place with help from the medic, finally able to go fuzzy again three months after her knee replacement surgery.
"Good. This will help keep the new materials organized," Poison replied and set the reference material on one of the shelves in an organzied matter. "Kopala really came through for us."
"Aye, he did. Hope the renovations are gonna start soon. We're running out of space, boss."
"I know, and Judy needs to get her lightning butt here so I can check on her right eye. She said Andros hasn't finished those repairs yet when I spoke to her last time."
Just then, there was a knock on the door to the clinic. Poison went to go answer it, noting mentally that there were several people that she needed to see that were alright after the War.
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