#it took almost my entire class period to come up with these songs
takeustothelakes · 2 years
finally posting the taylor swift song ships sequel that i’ve had ready for like a month BUT that’s irrelevant.
that’s the og post, have at it :D
please be mindful that these are MY favorite ships, and i don’t ship much, so there is a high chance that a favorite ship of yours won’t be here. i’m also not taking requests for ships!
begin again
champagne problems
sweet nothing
all you had to do was stay
the man
sparks fly
lavender haze
i know places 
invisible string
love story
the great war
everything has changed 
message in a bottle 
how you get the girl
gold rush
i think he knows
teardrops on my guitar
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smalls-words · 2 years
I Found Her
Summary: @padmeswife requested: So i was thinking of reader and Rebekah being gfs during s3/s4 of tvd and Elena or another person from the gang said shit to Rebekah like she’s holding reader back bc she’s human and isn’t even part of that supernatural world and has all her life ahead of her and she’s putting her in danger so unfortunately Bekah believes that and broke things off in an awful way (cheating) on purpose and then years later...
Pairings: Rebekah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: School and all of its drama, vampire x human, vampire family drama. lmk if there's anything else.
Genre: Holy trinity
A/N: Thank you my dear friend for requesting <3
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*not my gif*
It was a normal day at Mystic Falls. You had English, Maths and Health before a free period, which you normally just used to grab lunch at the cafe, before coming back for Biology. Everything was quiet, and everything was just as it always was.
Until your eyes fell onto the blonde beauty waiting for you at the front gates.
You grinned as she leapt into your arms, nuzzling her head into your neck on the chilly autumn day. “Hello, my beautiful girlfriend.” You kissed the perfect skin of her cheek.
“Hello, my amazing girlfriend.” She giggled as you pulled away from the hug, just to kiss her softly.
“How was your trip to the Bahamas?” You muttered.
“I almost lost my passport.” She giggled at your wide eyes.
You sighed, pressing your forehead to hers with a small smile. “You are such a clutz sometimes.”
“Don’t I know it.” She snickered, cupping your cheeks to hold you close.
You saw the group of Elena, Bonnie, Caroline and the Salvatore brothers walking towards the gate, smiling when Caroline waved at you. You didn’t know it, but they despised Rebekah, and they didn’t want to shatter your heart by telling you. So, they put up with her, keeping you away from the nitty gritty details of their frenemy relations. 
Your first class together was English, so off to room B12 you went. You all sat in your designated seats which your teacher had put in place after some crappy substitute complained. You hated your seat, kind of - the front right corner, which meant you had nobody to talk to but yourself; at least you would always be first one out the door.
Eventually, the time came to do your own work and you put your headphones in, leaving the vampires and witches to talk.
“I swear to God, Rebekah, if you kill or turn Y/N I will kill you myself.” Elena hissed at her softly, her ears catching all of it from the other side of the room.
“Get over yourself, Elena. Not everything is about you.” Rebekah scoffed, her eyes drifting to you. 
“She’s not a part of this world. You can’t keep trying to be with her - she will grow old and wonder why you are not, and then when you tell her, she will be terrified. You know she doesn’t handle any horror and supernatural stuff.” 
She closed her eyes and ignored the bickering of your friends, focusing entirely on you. The way your heart pumped your deliciously-smelling blood around your body, the love songs that floated into your ears, the way your foot tapped to the beat. How the perfume lingered on your zip-up which she bought both for you, the memories of your contrasting rough calluses on smooth palms touched against her skin. 
“You are not good enough for her, Rebekah. You will only be keeping the inevitable from happening.” Stefan whispered next to her, making her turn angrily.
“You don’t know love, even when it stares you in the face.” She snarled, getting up to ‘go to the bathroom’. 
You watched her leave, her eyes flickering down to you for just a second, and you knew. You turned to Stefan, mouthing your question, and he simply shrugged.
When she came back, you gently took her hand and gave her a concerned look. She did nothing except assure you she was okay, sitting back down in her chair. You were glad English was a double period, because then you simply had your recess break after instead of splitting off from your girl.
When she walked out of the class to spot you against the wall, she gingerly walked up to you. You cupped her cheek as she leaned into you, your thumb brushing over her skin ever so carefully, like she was made of porcelain. 
“Are you okay, Rebekah?” You asked softly.
She nodded silently, taking your hand to kiss your palm. “I’m always okay when I’m with you.” 
You blushed at her sweet comment, making her chuckle at the sight of your rosy cheeks. She took your hand and led you to the cafeteria, making sure you ate everything you had designated as recess food. 
The rest of your day was spent like that until you had Biology together. Ms. Langford was your favourite teacher because she always did cool experiments, which always helped you understand.
“Today, guys, we will be doing some microscopy to understand cells. Microscopy is just a fancy word for using microscopes.” She chuckled.
“But today’s experiment is unique to every one of you. You will pair up and only one of you will be a part of this experiment because unfortunately, we do not have enough slides. Read your instructions on page 13 in your booklets, and get to it!”
You and Rebekah immediately clasped hands, moving to a microscope after you put goggles on Rebekah since you had your glasses on. You quickly grabbed your booklet from your desk and brought it over, letting her read the method whilst you gathered the required equipment.
Her face almost paled at the sight of the word blood.
“Y/N/N, how about I be the test subject? I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” She smiled sheepishly, but you raised an eyebrow at her and read the instructions.
“Bekah, baby, it’s just a pinprick. Besides, Miss has already put our names into the spreadsheet.” You pointed to the projecting spreadsheet, your name with an X beside it to indicate you were the test subject. 
Watching you squeeze your blood out onto the slide almost made her want to lick it all up. You smelled so good all the time, so the blood in front of her was almost like smelling freshly-cooked doughnuts - too sweet for her own good.
“There we go!” You cheered to yourself as you slid your slide under the microscope, sucking on your finger whilst you scanned for different cell stages.
By the end of the lesson, Rebekah was famished. She needed blood but she didn’t want it to be yours, so she excused herself from you to get her family’s dinner party ready. 
“Can you come over later to help me pick something to wear?” You asked shyly.
Rebekah knew you weren’t very confident in yourself, always a shy thing when it came to asking for help or for fashion choices. She nodded, kissing your cheek. “Of course, darling.” 
The evening passed quickly and whilst Caroline, Bonnie and Elena were helpful, they weren’t Rebekah. A knock at your door was answered by Caroline and Elena, with Bonnie helping you out.
“What are you doing here?” Elena scoffed.
“Funnily enough, my girlfriend lives here.” She smirked, looking around inside.
“Can I come in?” 
“No.” Elena folded her arms, smirking herself.
“Well, that’s too bad.” Rebekah stepped through the door, closing it behind her.
“How…?” Caroline scoffed.
“Believe it or not, I have been inside of Y/N’s house. And not just for sex.” She gave them a false smile before speeding up the stairs.
“In my room!” You called out, to which she entered to see Bonnie glaring at her.
You smiled in relief at the sight of her. “Help me! The girls aren’t very good at telling me what is better.” You grumbled against her chest, your bottom half only covered by black boxers.
She chuckled and brushed away your wispy bits of hair from trying on outfits. “Everybody out, I need to work my magic.”
And work it she did.
The girls had long since left you and Rebekah alone in your house, your parents still on their business trip and planning the next. She held you close in her arms as she lightly swayed with you, preparing to dance with you tonight.
“You’re gonna look so beautiful in that tux, my love.” She murmured by your ear.
“You are literally wearing a green ball gown. I don’t think anybody will be looking at me.” You chuckled, kissing her arm as it rested by your chin. 
“Now come on, go get ready at your house.” 
The Mikaelson house was nothing less than a mansion; a mansion you realised you had no place to be in.
Fairy lights were wrapped around the staircase railings, flower bundles were at every corner whilst trays of food were brought around by waiters. The womens’ dresses were outstandingly crafted, some with multiple layers of embroidery whilst others were plain and sleek.
You stepped to the side and tried to ask a few rushing waiters for a glass of champagne, but none of them stopped. You felt yourself shrinking into the shadows of the corner behind you, but a hand on the small of your back caught you.
“You look amazing!” Caroline beamed, looking at your suit.
Your suit jacket was accented with nature embroidery, green and gold carefully woven in to create small birds resting on the ends of branches that swirled all over you. A dark green vest and white undershirt held your chest easily, your pocket square matching the same viridian shade. Your pants had no embroidery on them, unfortunately, but two lines of silk ran down the sides to reach your shining black boots.
“You look beautiful, Care Bear.” You smiled warmly, admiring her dress.
Blue accents ran down the majority of the dress, but a stunning corset made of jewels wrapped around her middle, holding her beautifully. Her hair was held up in a classic princess look, with curled parts framing her face.
“Thank you.” She smiled, looking around. 
“Have you seen Klaus? I need to talk to him.” 
“I saw him walking towards the bar. Do you want me to come with you?” You offered your hand after sweeping away your hair, which she then took. 
You led her to the left towards the bar, pointing out Klaus before she walked straight past him to the bar. You sighed, making your way to Klaus. “Hi. I’m sorry about her, she’s just…”
“Caroline?” He offered, making you chuckle.
“Yeah. But she’s my Care Bear.” You smirked at him.
“Speaking of things that are yours…” He looked up at the stairs, almost compelling your eyes to follow.
You were so glad you did.
“She’s…” You trailed off, unable to describe her.
Rebekah stood next to her brothers with a glass of champagne in hand, her green dress almost looking metallic. Her simple necklace hung in the middle of her chest, her platinum locks parted off-centre which only made you want to kiss her more.
Klaus watched you for a moment, watching every twitch of your muscles as they devoted themselves to admiring his littlest sister. “I’m afraid I have to join her.” He apologised, briefly touching your shoulder before he walked up.
“Welcome. Thank you for joining us.” Elijah announced. 
“You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it’s tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight’s pick is a century-old waltz, so if all of you could find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom.”
You watched as Rebekah came down the stairs and walked towards you, only to be interrupted by Matt. You didn’t hear what he was saying, but Rebekah took his hand and walked towards the ballroom, so you pretty much knew what was happening. 
You stood to the side and pushed away your anger at Matt, simply admiring your girl as she spun around beautifully. She often gave you glances, trying to whisper apologies but Matt would interrupt her.
You felt a hand fall onto your wrist and you turned to see the owner of the house. “Mrs. Mikaelson.”
“Please, darling, call me Esther.” She chuckled. “You’re practically family, since Rebekah seems to be infatuated with you.” 
“Hmm.” You hummed, noticing how she looked you up and down. 
“I am surprised, however, that you didn’t wear a dress. It is abnormal to see a woman in a tuxedo, much less surpass the bar of standard in one.”
You were surprised at her compliments before she took your hand again. “Tell me, dearie, why should I let you and Rebekah stay together when she doesn’t love you?” 
You took your hand away from hers, again, and shook your head. “She does.”
“Oh…” Esther chuckled darkly. “She really doesn’t.”
You looked out onto the dance floor, noticing Rebekah’s wide eyes that stayed focused on you. She eventually broke away from Matt to come towards you, taking your hand and bringing you away from her mother.
“Don’t listen to anything that woman said.” She hissed, gripping your wrists before she kissed you softly.
“You are mine. Nobody will take me away from you. They can try, but they will meet their end.” 
You looked up at her and her heart cracked at the sight of your sadness. She led you outside to take a few breaths, leaving you with Caroline as she admired her carriage’s horse.
“Hey, Care Bear.” You smiled, watching her shiver from a cool breeze.
“Here.” You unwound your jacket and gave it to her, to which she thanked you.
“May I?” You getured to the horse.
“He’s Klaus’. So, definitely.” She chuckled, making you smile as you ran your fingers over its hide.
“He’s beautiful.” You murmured.
“Why are you out here, Y/N?” 
Rebekah smiled at your relaxing heartbeat before she walked inside to be greeted by Kol. “Where’s your date?” He asked.
“Outside, taking a breather. She’s not comfortable in crowds.” She replied.
He observed his champagne glass. “You’ve changed, Bekah. Settling for mortals is the first sign of weakness.”
“What’s wrong with settling?” 
He turned to her. “She will break your heart when she dies. Save it before it’s too late, because you of all people know how quickly a century goes by.”
She watched him walk away, and his plan with Esther had worked. Seeds of doubt sprouted in her mind, growing quickly like creepers on a wall. She would never be able to cope with you gone, but she could never handle the guilt of turning you either.
And now, her family. 
All of them were right.
Which made her angry.
You were pretty much the only person who wasn’t hungover at school, the lot of them walking around like zombies whilst you had nothing to complain about.
Except for second period English, which achingly passed since Rebekah wasn’t here. You worked on your analysis of the first few pages of Romeo and Juliet, jotting down notes into your book whilst simultaneously doodling Rebekah’s name in different fonts. 
You were already exhausted when the bell rang, but this…
Rebekah kissing Damon was not on your bingo card.
The sound of an increasing heart rate, a familiar heart rate, brought Rebekah out of Damon’s eyes to yours. 
Tears that she once wiped away stained your cheeks.
Muffled cries that she used to silence with a kiss were instead silenced by your hoodie sleeve.
And the eyes she once thought were brighter than any jewel she’d come across were dulled with anger, hurt, and betrayal.
“Shit.” She muttered under her breath, shoving Damon away just as the bell went.
You walked straight to your car, your vision blurred until a familiar shape came into view. “Get away from me.” You seethed.
Rebekah had seen you angry, but having it directed at her was a whole new feeling. She wasn’t the one being protected from an asshole - she was the asshole this time.
“Please, baby, it didn’t mean anything-”
“Let go of me!” You growled, stirring up a commotion that brought the attention of your friends.
Elena and Caroline came to you quickly, the blonde holding you close as she guided you to the passenger seat. “I’m driving you home.” She replied when you asked sniffly.
“Be calm.” She compelled you, to which your sniffling stopped and your breathing slowed.
“You do not get to compel her! She is mine!” Rebekah shoved Caroline away, almost tempted to snap her neck but you didn’t know.
You didn’t know anything.
“Please, Y/N, hear me out-”
“What did you do with him?” You asked calmly, even though the personality beneath the compulsion was raging.
She faltered, knowing the true answer but it would break you. You gripped her arm with more strength than she’d felt from you before. “What. Did. You. Do?”
“We had sex.” She answered quickly, kissing your hand afterwards.
“Don’t touch me.” You spat. “Go back to your new boyfriend.”
Stefan came in-between Rebekah and you, pushing her back so you could close and lock the door whilst Caroline got into the driver’s seat. “Don’t, Rebekah. You deserve this.” 
“Me? What about all of you? Saying that I can’t have her because she doesn’t know? I want to tell her!” She screamed, ripping Stefan’s sleeves.
“She can’t handle it!” He yelled back.
“Rebekah.” Elena grabbed her attention. “I have known Y/N all of my life. She would never be able to handle knowing about this world. She is safer being as oblivious as our neighbours.” 
Rebekah’s anger slowly faded as the truth sank in. Tears pricked her eyes and she watched your car speed off towards your house, her knees buckling before they hit the ground.
“I just wanted someone to love…” 
The small house by the beach could be comparable to the shack that was in Harry Potter. Rebekah didn’t mind; she didn’t need much. It had been fifteen years since she’d last seen you, heard from you, and touched you.
But not once had she never thought of you.
She wondered what you had done with your life. Have you achieved your dreams? Was Mystic Falls, and consequently her, gone from your mind? If you saw her, would you kiss her or kill her?
Then… a message. From Marcel.
I found her.
Three words were all it took for her to run back to Mystic Falls to find Marcel.
“Where is she?” Was the only question she had before he pointed her towards The Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted.
She drove over, contemplating every word she’d say. Would she apologise for being gone? For her actions? Would you ignore her pleas and cries for mercy? 
The sight of the school brought back memories of that foul day, the house no less changed than her beauty. She saw witches, werewolves and vampires all mixed together, learning the things she used to learn - as well as some specifics for themselves.
But the sight of you would always be something that took her breath away.
Your grown shape on the school’s football field still held some semblance of your younger times with her, a similar curvature to your stance. But your eyes held something different this time. Something she understood.
You turned around at a familiar scent, one that you never would have thought of all those years ago. But now that it was back, that she was back, you knew.
“And just what do you think you’re doing here?” You spoke plainly, knowing she’d hear you.
She didn’t speed down to you. She needed as much time as possible to articulate her sentences, to find the words you deserved to hear.
But a few steps was all that were needed for you to hold up a finger at her to wait. You told the football captain that he was in charge of training now, walking back up the steps to pass Rebekah.
“Come on. All visitors must have a sticker.” You explained.
She followed you. She would never not do so again.
The small cafe was just as delightful as Rebekah remembered, memories of getting you lunch whilst you suffered with your period or getting ice-cream after an exam. Life used to be breathed into this place by her actions, but she was now unfamiliar with it.
“Sit. Please.” You gestured to the chair you’d pulled out.
“Stop. Just… stop.” She put her flat hand out to you, watching you stop.
“I need a minute.” 
She did sit down in the chair, as did you in yours, but she said nothing for five minutes. You were patient, beyond what you used to be capable of. Your scent was not the same, your smile had shortened and matured.
Your heart no longer pumped like it used to.
“Who bit you?” 
“Not the first question I’d expect from you, but alright.” You sat up, your shirt allowing her to see what exactly the transition specialised for you.
“Kol did. Three nights after you left, he bit me.”
“I’m going to kill him.” Rebekah seethed.
“Too late. I already did.” You sipped on your coffee, thanking the waitress for it.
She watched you peel off your jacket to reveal your sleeveless top, tattoos dotting along your skin. “You got them.” She murmured.
She couldn’t take it. Her heart was yearning for you, she needed you.
“Are you still living at home?” She quickly asked.
“Yes. After I drained Mum and Dad dry, I got the house.” You replied easily.
Now, her heart begged. Do it now.
Within the blink of an eye, you were sitting on the marble countertop of your kitchen and Rebekah was kissing you. Your shirt was clenched within her fists, her eyebrows furrowed as tears began to pour.
“I couldn’t save you… I couldn’t keep you safe…” She murmured against your lips.
“I failed you, my love.” 
You took her hands and gently rubbed your thumbs over her knuckles, easing their hold on your shirt. You brought them together and into your lap, watching her tears spill over her cheeks.
“Bekah, I… I can’t.” 
Her heart shattered.
“W-What? But… Y/N, I still love you. I always have.” 
You sniffled, not looking at her. “You hurt me.”
“I didn’t mean it. I didn’t, I didn’t, I didn’t…” Her broken voice ached in your empty soul.
“Rebekah Mikaelson.” 
She watched a single tear follow the shape of your nose. She knew she didn’t deserve more, but she wanted to see how many tears it took for you to tell her you still loved her.
“If you still want to be with me… I need to learn that you won’t break me.” You stated firmly, setting the boundary.
She nodded. “I won’t.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, your sigh evident. “Rebekah, I don’t need your words. I need your actions.” 
She nodded again. “What can I do first?”
You smiled, holding her hand in yours before you shook it. “Hi. I’m Y/N L/N. Are you new around here?”
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zombaarbie · 2 years
Time After Time
(Eddie Munson x Reader)
Synopsis: Reader and Eddie go to a friend's Halloween party together. Reader does some super cool/scary makeup for their costumes. Eddie asks to take their relationship to the next step.
A/N: I did special effects makeup for a long time, and it made me think "I bet Eddie would be really into this." It's not even really a super integral part of the story, but I thought it would be cute to include. Also the plot took a turn towards the end so I hope it isn't too all over the place. Still a super fluffy lil oneshot, nonetheless. Any feedback is welcome, as always! Enjoy :)
*GIF is not mine!*
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"Hold still, Eds!"
"I'm sorry, babe! It freaks me out when you get that close to my eye!" He gripped the edges of the chair, struggling to stay still as you worked on his face.
You rolled your eyes, "Oh, quit being a drama queen. I'm almost finished."
Steve invited you to a party he was hosting tonight, and while parties weren't usually your or Eddie's thing you jumped at the chance to see your friends and spend time with your boyfriend. After graduation Eddie got a job at the auto shop and you started college.
Needless to say, you both had been very busy lately with adult life. You went from spending almost every day together to catching each other between shifts/classes or on weekends, if you were lucky.
It was a costume party since Halloween was coming up so, of course, you took the opportunity to show off your artistic abilities. Eddie was going as Freddy Krueger and you chose to be Regan MacNeil.
He loved watching you work on your "creations", as he called them; and he especially loved when you used his face as your canvas. However, he sometimes had trouble sitting still for long periods, and he got a little bit uncomfortable when your tools would go near his eyes. Due to all the unnecessary squirming, time was running out for you to finish his makeup.
Your costume and makeup were already mostly complete, aside from the contacts. You decided you would wait to put those in until after finishing up with Eddie.
After adding a few finishing touches you took a step back to admire your work. "Damn, I'm good." You gestured for him to look in the mirror. A grin spread over his face, "Sick, babe."
Now that you were done you gave him the go ahead to put on the green and red striped sweater, hat, and the most important part- the glove. Meanwhile, you completed your look by slipping in some yellowy-greenish contacts.
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Robin was the first to greet you at the party, "Holy shit! You guys look awesome." Her eyes were wide as she scanned your and Eddie's costumes. She and Vickie had come as the twins from The Shining, one of your favorite movies.
The four of you chatted for a bit, thankful that you were finally able to catch up. You hadn't had the chance to see your friends very often since graduation so it was nice to hear about what they had been up to lately.
The entire time you were at the party you and Eddie stayed close to each other. It was nice to be in his presence after a long week. He had been working a lot of overtime lately so your time together had been even more sparse than usual. It was frustrating, but you knew he had to make a living, so instead of getting worked up about it you tried to just enjoy your time together now.
People had been coming up to the two of you the whole night gushing over how cool and scary your costumes were. You had to admit, you had done a pretty good job. You thought you had done especially well on Eddie's. He looked almost indistinguishable from Englund, and you were quite proud of yourself. There wasn't a contest, but you knew if there had been you would have been the obvious winner.
As the night went on and the drinks kept flowing you found yourself coming out of your shell more and more.
A gasp escaped your lips as you heard the familiar beginning of one of your favorite Cyndi Lauper songs. You turned to look at your boyfriend, a drunken lovesick smile slowly spreading across your face. "Dance with me, Eds." You sat your beer down and intertwined your fingers with his.
Eddie chuckled, pulling you close by your waist, "C'mere, baby." He returned your smile, his eyes half lidded.
After my picture fades
You wrapped your arms around his neck as the two of you gently swayed side to side. Despite the fact that you've been dating him for a long while now, it still flustered you to look into his eyes in this moment. You looked down, unable to hold his gaze.
And darkness has turned to gray
He lifted your chin to make you look at him. Even with those hideous contacts, prosthetic scars decorating your face, and fake vomit splattered on your dress you were still breathtaking to him.
Watching through windows
Despite the roaring ambiance of the party surrounding you it felt like you and Eddie were the only ones in the room. You cherished every moment you were able to spend with him and you knew he did the same with you. Especially since they had been so few and far between these days.
You're wondering if I'm okay
It was almost as if Eddie had been reading your mind. "I've been thinking," He paused, considering his wording. "Maybe we should look at getting place together." He seemed nervous, but it quickly subsided when he saw how your face lit up.
Secrets stolen from deep inside
"Do you mean it?" His heart swelled with the way you looked up at him, "Only if you want to. I just miss you." You nodded a little more eagerly than you had meant to, "I miss you too. I feel like I barely see you anymore."
And the drum beats out of time
He acknowledged your sentiment with a nod. "That's actually why I've been picking up all those extra shifts lately," A shy smile played at his lips. He leaned down, nestling his head in the crook of your neck, tightening his hold on you, "Been saving to get somethin' nice for us."
If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Your heart fluttered at his words. You wondered how you got so lucky to end up with such a loving, hardworking man. Earlier, you had been feeling annoyed at him for spending so much time at the shop. While you didn't actually say anything to him you still felt guilty for having those feelings at all. The entire time he had been working his fingers to the bone to provide a nice home for you.
Time after time
In a goofy accent you replied, "I would be delighted to move in with you, Mr. Munson." Earning a light chuckle from him that tickled your neck. He pulled back, letting out a breath. "Let's start looking first thing tomorrow morning, yeah?" But before you could respond he corrected himself, "Actually, breakfast first thing in the morning, then we can start looking. Can't focus on an empty stomach." You rolled your eyes at him playfully.
If you fall I will catch you
"I love you, sweetheart." His voice was soft, tender as he spoke to you. He'd said those words countless times, but they never lost the effect they had on you. Your legs turned to Jell-O every time he expressed his love gently like this. The intimacy of it never failing to give you butterflies.
I'll be waiting
You leaned up to press your lips to his. It was a soft and passionate kiss. After a few short moments you pulled away, your heart beat fast and your breathing uneven. Pulling him down to touch his forehead to yours, "I love you too, Eddie."
Time after time
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silverhallow · 11 months
Chapter 45 of When We Were Young:
for those not on ao3
You look like a movie You sound like a song My God this reminds me, of when we were young
19 August 2005
Results day was a nervous day for the entire group. In June everyone finished University whilst Sophie and Peter were finishing their exams and did their best to support all of them, as they knew how important it was for Sophie, Peter, Bea, Roger and Matthew to all get good results.
Sophie would have been a nervous wreck if not for Benedict, he had spent the months leading up the exams and the exam period, sending Sophie little gifts, little things to keep her spirits up and coming home almost every weekend to help calm her down.
He even drove back from Oxford late at night on a Thursday when Sophie had been spiralling all day and Peter had called him very worried about Sophie. She’d had a complete mind blank in class when talking about Prokaryotic DNA in Biology which had been first period and her day only got worse making mistakes in all her classes and she’d been nearly catatonic at lunchtime, by the end of school Peter had found her in the library nearly rocking back and forth muttering to herself.
Peter had managed to get her home but by then he was worried about her, she rarely got anything wrong in class and it rarely sent her in a spiral but today she’d jumped off the cliff and forgotten her parachute so he called Benedict and sent him a photo of Sophie curled up rocking back and forth.
Benedict had jumped straight into the car and driven home to see his girlfriend and coaxed her out of her chaotic state, he remained with her for the whole weekend and made sure she took the weekend off her studies and just relaxed.
Something Richard was very happy and grateful for.
By the time Benedict went back to Oxford on Friday, she felt better and more grounded and was seeing things in perspective.
Thankfully during her exams Benedict had pretty much finished his first year and other than some coursework and one painting, he didn’t really need to be at Uni so he came home for the majority of the time to support Sophie.
The guys in Oxford had already started looking for somewhere new to live, after a year of dealing with Kate and Anthony being very loved up, Benedict and Henry had decided to get their own place, Gen and Lucy were moving in with some friends and Simon was doing the same but his flat was just near where Anthony and Kate had found.
Benedict’s thinking was he and Henry and could just take in turns with swapping with Sophie and Peter who, provided they got into Cambridge had been assigned a three bedroom unisex dorm on campus and both had put down a preference for a female roommate, they’d thought about just applying for a room for the two of them but they thought that would bring about unwanted questions and implications but a male room mate could be threatening to Benedict or Henry so agreed that a female one was the way to go.
Everything was all lined up, they just needed the results.
Kate and Anthony had been helpful with Sophie in her revision, Benedict wasn’t as academic as they were so they’d been able to help her and ask her the questions that she wanted to be tested on and whilst they didn’t understand what she was talking about, at least they were able to enunciate the questions.
When the exams had finished, Anthony had asked their father if they could throw a big party, Sophie and Peter both blew off year 13 Prom in favour of a night with their friends, Roger and Bea had decided to not go either and Anthony and Kate had organised a “Prom” style party at Aubrey Hall.
All the Bridgerton’s had come and even Agatha Danbury, their now former headmistress, came along and brought her grandson Gareth to join in.
Gareth had made friends with Richard Jnr and Gregory almost immediately and the three boys had run around wild most of the afternoon except for when they were roped into dancing.
Richard gave Becky and Edmund a smirk when he saw the way Little Lucy and Gregory were trying to copy Anthony and Kate in a rather exuberant attempt at a waltz and then little Hyacinth dancing and arguing with Gareth.
Simon had danced with Daphne, much to Anthony's annoyance and Colin’s friends Phillip and Michael had been invited. Michael had swooped in and ended up dancing with every female in the room, even flirting with them, and Peter much to Henry’s annoyance. Phillip avoided the dancing for the most part but did end up having a dance with Sophie, whilst Benedict was dancing with little Lucy and she suggested he ask Eloise who he’d been talking to for most of the afternoon.
Whilst Eloise was dancing with Phillip, Colin had asked her friend Penelope for a dance and Sophie just grinned at Benedict who’d asked her what, and she told him to ask her again in a few years time.
It had been a magical afternoon, far better than any school Prom and they’d been able to have all their nearest and dearest with them.
Sophie had never felt happier than she had that day, surrounded by all the people that loved her, that had been with her through thick and thin and loved how everyone in her life was so happy at the moment.
She had her wonderful prince charming by her side, she had her confidence back. She’d learned to take everything with a pinch of salt and try not to take things so personally. Benedict being so laid back and chilled seemed to rub off on her more than it did when they were children.
For old times sake, they’d played a few competitive games of Charades and Pictionary with Kate and Anthony, they lost the Pictionary as one again Benedict was trying to be a perfectionist with his drawing and whilst Sophie was able to guess them better, they just weren’t as quick as Kate and Anthony but when it came to Charades, they completely annihilated them.
It ended up being a 1-1 draw and Michael had suggested a game of Twister to try and determine a winner but as the two couples just blushed and spluttered they decided against it and it was Edmund that suggested an assault course around the garden, playing to both couple’s strengths and weaknesses but requiring them to work together as a team.
They’d rowed across the lake, Anthony and Kate both fell in and swam to the shore but they caught up at the tree where they had to climb it. Benedict was a good climber, Sophie was not so he was having to help her up as they both had to pick and collect an apple from the sturdier of the branches.
The race ended in a draw so the Pall Mall mallets ended up coming out and a couples game was started, Anthony and Kate, Benedict and Sophie, Henry and Peter, Gen and Lucy, Simon paired up with Daphne after she refused to be with Colin who got distracted by food, Colin had huffed and said he’d play with Penelope then, which caused Eloise outrage for choosing her best friend, so she dragged poor Phillip into it and Michael declared that he and Fran would pair up.
Benedict and Sophie ended up winning after Kate and Anthony got into an argument half way around after some unhand tactics from Simon and Colin had landed them in a bush.
They did disappear at some point shortly after their argument only to reemerge with branches in their hair and dirt on their clothes.
As the night drew to a close and everyone disappeared to their rooms, Sophie made the decision to sneak into Benedict’s room, it wasn’t too far away from hers but it just felt like the perfect night after the perfect day.
They’d been talking about their first time together, unbeknownst to Sophie that it would actually be the first time for either of them but it was the most perfect night and Sophie and Benedict had never felt happier or closer to one another.
Though they could have done without being caught in bed by Violet the following morning, it did mean that whenever Sophie stopped with the Bridgerton’s, she no longer expected her to be in her own bed.
Whilst summer wasn’t over yet, today was the most important day of the summer so far, it was going to determine if the conditional offers from Cambridge were to become acceptances.
Benedict had a lot more riding on this than Henry. Peter had applied for Oxford as a back up which required a slightly lower grade than Cambridge but for Sophie, if she didn’t get into Cambridge, it was Glasgow or Edinburgh where she’d be going and the thought of having his girlfriend so far away was almost enough to bring him out in hives.
He had agreed to drive her over to the school that morning as he was actually a little afraid she’d crash the car, she had been shaking most of the day before and throughout the night and there wasn’t much he could do to calm her down.
He knew that it would only stop when she got her results. He had been the same the year before, when he had been waiting for his but there wasn’t as much riding on this.
Scotland and London were really far apart and neither of them were prepared to contemplate what that would mean for them as a couple if they were being separated that far.
Kate and Anthony were coming along, the entire group had agreed to come support Sophie, Peter, Bea and Roger as they were collecting their results.
It was a big moment for their friendship group, things were changing and lives were moving on around them but as they had been there for their GCSEs, they said they’d be there for the A-Levels.
Sophie hadn’t managed food that morning, no matter what she was offered. Benedict and Richard noticed that she was a delicate shade of green. Benedict knew better than to tell her that everything that was going to be okay and that he was sure she’d have smashed it.
Even throughout her exams she’d been determined not to talk about them afterwards. Once they were done she didn’t want to think about them, what she might have done wrong, where she might have lost marks, she didn’t want to think about anything like that and for the entirety of her summer holidays she’d been adamant that she wasn’t talking or thinking about results day but now it was here.
She had no choice.
Her greatest fear was that she’d failed them all, that no University would take her…
She was shaking all the way over to the school, Benedict was just talking to her, telling her about Hyacinth’s latest prank on Gregory and how she’d gotten Lucy involved when they were hanging out last week but Sophie was barely listening.
She was desperately trying not to throw up.
Peter had messaged to confirm the time they were meeting, Bea and Roger had sent very breezy “happy results day” text messages that had very nearly sent her spiralling.
Benedict had messaged both of his cousin’s with very rude messages about upsetting Sophie.
By the time they reached the school Sophie was positively green and shaking like bambi on Ice. something Roger was about to point out but Kate punched him as soon as the word Bambi reached his lips.
“Shall we?” Peter said, taking Benedict’s place holding Sophie up. He wasn’t allowed in the school to support her as it was students only and they had to wait outside for them and both boys knew there was no way that Sophie would make it in to get her results on her own without support.
After 20 minutes of anxious waiting, Bea, Roger, Peter and Sophie had all come back outside with their envelopes in their hands shaking. Peter had a hold of Sophie’s who was now a delicate shade of white.
“Have you…?”
“Not yet… we thought it was best to wait til we got outside before Soph passed out” Bea said sympathetically.
Benedict had gone over to his girlfriend and pulled her into his arms and kissed her head “it’s okay” he said to her and she just shook her head.
“Can… can… someone… I… I can’t…” Sophie said about her results just staring blankly at the brown envelope.
Kate rolled her eyes affectionately and chuckled as she held her hand out for the papers from Peter “give it here…”
“After three?” Bea said, looking around at the group who nodded.
“3…2…1” Anthony said watching over Kate’s shoulder to see Sophie’s results, he knew Benedict was just as nervous as Sophie, a lot was riding on this and he didn’t want to see his brother or Sophie heartbroken if it didn’t go to plan.
She needed A’s. That was it… anything more was a bonus.
The sound of ripping paper echoed through the group and there was silence for a few seconds before Roger was the first to break it with a triumphant yell.
“I did it!!” he cried out.
“Me too!!” Bea yelled as she hugged her cousin.
“Pete?” Henry asked his boyfriend tentatively,
“I…” he stammered and Henry looked over his shoulder “2 As and an A Star!! Well done!!” he cried as he picked him up and swung him around excitedly, kissing him before everyone realised Kate and Anthony hadn’t said anything and Sophie looked like she was about to burst into tears.
“For fuck sake just tell us!” Benedict snapped, the anticipation getting the better of him and triggering his anger.
“Sophia Maria Gunningworth you have achieved…” Kate said, unable to help herself, she had had a suspicion that these would have been Sophie’s results but it was just that little bit sweeter being able to tease Benedict and she looked at Anthony who nodded at her
“3 A STARS!” Anthony and Kate yelled together.
The screaming and jubilation that rang out in the group could have woken the dead.
Everyone had gotten the results they needed to get into Cambridge, things were going in the right direction.
Everyone piled into a big hug around Sophie and Benedict, laughing and cheering at the results.
Cambridge may be a little bit away from Oxford but they were all moving on, relationships were formed and it felt like this was the start of the rest of their lives.
Their friendships had been through a lot, death, bullies, trauma and abuse and they’d all stuck together through thick and thin and now they were moving onto the next adventure together.
Their childhoods were over, they were moving further into adulthood where relationships would get stronger, marriages and babies would eventually happen but as the group laughed and cried with happiness, they all knew one thing.
They would look back on these days with fondness and remember all of the things from When they Were Young as they moved on…
But for now…
They were celebrating, and the next adventures?
Well, those stories have yet to be written.
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Entry 51 - So Far Away - 23 May 2023, 12:24am
i guess this is an 8 on the pain chart; it normally comes after i allow myself to present as the girl inside.
If you had asked me if I wanted to be a girl, even seven years ago, I'd probably have said that I wouldn't mind it (though, don't quote me on this, I don't know if I can trust my memories). I'd be more likely to say yes, just a couple of years ago, but, even now, I don't know if it's just me being me, or if it's something else, but I doubt how real my desire to be a girl is. I guess it's one of my defense mechanisms, which just got overwhelmed by the sheer femininity I was exposed to when I was with my partner, but I digress.
I imagined a different version of the ‘waking up as the opposite sex’ hypothetical.
What if you woke up next to a version of you that was of the opposite sex?
Gosh... I still remember the answer I had given for that hypothetical.
I'd joke around with her and ask about how things were like, where she came from. I'd ask if she had Mr Nazar for her science teacher (he's a large, bubbly man), when she was ten. I'd ask how life was like for her.
I don't know how I'd feel about it now.
I don't know her name, too. She never told me about it. But, wherever she is, I hope she's okay. I hope she's happy.
I have so much to say, but she's so far away.
cool song time
Also, I wrote this post because I've noticed how the strong feelings pertaining to girls has always been there since I was a kid, and, just yesterday, I... sorta went back to dressing up as her (i still don't look at myself, and it makes me feel male). It didn't exactly feel nice; still felt like a man in a dress. It doesn't change anything, even if it has, in my therapist's words, ‘called out to me three times in the past decade or so’.
Maybe I'm actually fine with being a man after all.
Maybe I'm not destined to be a girl, and... maybe that's okay.
I just miss her.
And I hate myself for it.
I hate myself for envying the fact that girls don't have a dick.
I hate myself for envying periods.
I hate myself for the strong feelings that I had towards girls (even if it was envy, or a desire to be like them, or be them).
I hate the rush I had when I knew when one of my classmate's first periods were. I hate how that rush came back when she talked about how she took a shower and the room filled up with so much steam that it caused her mother concern.
I hate the way I'd just... like how some of the girls in my class presented (I particularly liked how one girl presented herself, but I won't delve into it further).
I hate the way I'd stare at some girls' features and feel some form of weird happiness at it, but realize that I, as a guy, would never have them.
I hate how I had a rush while watching a video of a woman giving birth, back when my family still owned a tower desktop.
I hate how I spent my time wishing for female parts.
I hate how I wanted to be my partner.
I hate how I wanted to be treated the same way as her, only to get angry when it didn't feel exactly how I wanted it to feel (probably because I wasn't a girl). I knew she was treating me (a guy), as a girl, and, that didn't really feel nice.
I hate how she gives me urges in an orifice I don't yet have. But I guess I just hate myself and my male bits so much that I'm extrapolating this whole trans experience up so I can find a way to escape.
But I've had to cope with those wants. Those desires. They no longer weigh so heavily on my mind, and, I can, in isolation, almost forget about my gender. Even if I were to say that I am a guy, it'd only be because my body is that of one.
And because of this body, I won't ever be a girl. I will never be one. Ever. And I have to accept that.
She has always walked beside me, and I hate her for it.
If it's not me being trans, it's just me having an uncharacteristically strong interest in the entire female experience, and...
I am not a girl, in body. I won't ever be one. I won't feel what it's like to live as a cis girl. I won't get to do girl things in a cis girl's body.
if I'm not destined to be a girl...
I can at least see others get to be girls, and feel happy for them.
But I will hate myself for it. And eventually, I will begin to hate them too.
I am just a guy who wants to be something he's not.
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dimepdf · 2 years
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summary | When it came to you, Peter couldn't hide his horny excitement.
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pairing: peter parker x male!reader
genre: smut, barely any plot
length: 1.3k words
cw: no nwh spoilers, male reader, he’s insecure be nice, you can’t convince me he isn’t the type to do finger guns after sex, himbo Peter
song(s) to listen to: Leave the door open by Bruno Mars, Anderson Paak, Silk Sonic 
a/n | I am milking all I can get from the andrew!peter tag rn, someone please help me get this man out of my mind he is moving in free of rent as we speak. Please I saw someone mention how he was the horniest spiderman and went “…yes.”
masterlist. / taglist. / any request?
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what you doing? where you at? Oh, you got plans? Don’t say that.
“do you want to come over later?” 
It was the text message from you that was enough to leave Peter written with anxiety for his entire class period.
the man was fidgeting with whatever he could get his hands on that hour.
to be fair, you never really had to give permission for Peter to come over during the three years you two had known each other and the year you put a label on your relationship.
It was obvious what the meaning was behind the message; you wanted him to come…over.
this is related to the conversation you two had yesterday about each other's boundaries and needs.
(He honestly thought you were going to end your relationship with him because you were using your series black mom voice with him.)
plus, as his first boyfriend, you understood that he's a little shy with his affection, but you can bet that if he wants a kiss, he'll literally walk across campus to get it.
after class, the boy couldn't stop himself from sprinting towards your next hour, memorizing your schedule by heart.
pulls you aside and apologizes and makes excuses for things he wasn't even sure he did.
you were just like “…Peter I just want to have sex with you.” 
“Oh cool, uh I accept, thanks!”
My house clean, my pool warm, just shaved. 
you didn't say anything about how excited you were to finally get into your adorable boyfriend’s pants.
you've tried before to get past the making-out stage.
as you two locked lips, things got hot and heavy, with Peter leaning over on top of you.
your hand trailing down his bare stomach, almost touching the elastic of his underwear
Peter moaned at the new sensation that shot through his entire body when you thrust your hips up to rub against his.
it made Peter’s mind instantly go blank 
he realized shortly after that he…finished in his pants.
okay, he's really touched deprived. but you promised never to make fun of him or bring it up again.
I ain’t playing no games, every word that I say is coming straight from the heart, so if you tryna lay in these arms
when you swung open your apartment door, he was literally shaking.
“You okay there Spiderboy?”
“Yeah? what? why would I not be okay…I need to use the bathroom” 
you tried not to laugh as you watched him stumble away to your restroom, his jeans showing the most obvious boner.
you took it slowly for Peter's sake, knowing that his mind was probably racing.
deciding that it would be more comfortable and less stressful for him if you just did what you two always did when he came over to hang out: order takeout and cuddle while watching shitty comedy movies on Netflix
I’ma leave the door open, hoping that you feel the way I feel and you want me like I want you tonight
Peter was far from comfortable.
you didn't notice how he shifted as you snuggled closer to his side, or how he exhaled as you placed your hand against his lap.
he was too preoccupied with pretending he wasn't freaking out to actually stop himself from freaking out.
kissed you literally the moment you tilted your head up to look at him from his chest.
like you had to blink before processing that he was now making out with you.
It was as if a weight was lifted from his shoulders the moment you started kissing back and reaching your hand into his hair.
as you leaned back against the couch, he took over the kiss by welcoming his tongue into your mouth and following you with his mouth on yours.
his hand quickly wrapped around your waist to relieve the vexing need that was pressing against his jeans.
his other hand is above your head, supporting himself.
he backed away from the kiss and chuckled nervously before biting his lip and looking down.
“Is it okay if I take my pants off?”
you and Peter were now pantless on your couch in record time.
It only made him dizzier seeing you fumbling with his zip with such concentration written on your face.
I need you, baby. I gotta see you, baby. Girl, I’m tryna give this…
as Peter whimpered against your mouth, the kissing became a little sloppy.
grinding his cock against yours, the only thing keeping you apart was each other's boxers.
did I mention that he was touch-deprived yet? because the sensation of your hands lingering on his back was driving him insane.
I have a feeling he would be the type to moan over the smallest of things.
you pull away to kiss down his neck: he whines.
tilting your hips against his when he pulls away: he whines.
wrapping your hands in his hair and tugging it: good job you broke him.
“Can i?”
“God please touch me.”
was enough for you to completely take control over the whimpering white man.
as you sat on his lap, you pushed him back and straddled his hips.
getting a clear view of how smitten you’ve made him from your touch. 
placing a hand against his rapidly rising chest, feeling how hard his heart was beating against his chest, his pink lips slightly swollen, his hair all over the place from having your fingers tangled in it.
“Uh did you bring a condom?” 
“Oh…I forgot”
having to spend the next 20 minutes painfully slipping back into his jeans and speed walking to the corner store as if he didn't have the hardest fucking boner in his life
“Okay where were we”
“Ow Peter don’t grab it like that”
I’ma leave the door open, and I’m hoping that you feel the way I feel 
It didn't take long for you two to return to your previous state.
as you coaxed yourself down on Peter's length, his hands gripped your waist.
the farther he was inside of you, the more Peter felt like he was going to fucking die, his head tilted back, mouth gaping, and eyes squeezed so tight he was starting to see stars.
got him holding onto you like his LIFE depended on it.
when you bottomed out he let out a small sigh and twitched. 
you have to realize this man has inhuman strength; he is holding back so much so that he doesn’t think with his dick and can take you at whatever pace he pleases.
because he is a gentleman and wants the moment to be memorable :)
lets you set the pace.
you were certain he'd leave bruises from how tight he was clutching your waist as you bounced on his lap.
you do get choked up at some point, and Peter takes advantage of the pause to thrust into you.
lifting you up as if you were nothing and treating you like his personal fuck doll.
when you finished on his chest, he had the proudest fucking smile on his face.
“That was really hot baby :D”
about that inhuman strength 
when he's close, he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close as he whimpers into your chest, pulling you into the most bone-crushing hug imaginable.
is the type to accidentally overstimulate himself and starts CRYING 
“You want to take a break, honey?”
the aftercare you have to give this man is extra; you literally have to limp to the bathroom and clean each other up before slipping into bed with him by your side and letting him be the little spoon, telling him how good it felt, complimenting him on everything.
Peter is the type to overthink things right away, and he constantly believes he isn't good enough. Please, even if he appears annoyed, I swear inside he's a big baby who loves to be praised.
Tell me that you’re coming through.
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notes: Is anyone else scrolling through the Andrew Garfield tag like it’s a daily routine or is that just me? Marvel needs to drop a new movie or series so I can have another obsession please, the Hawkeye series gave me nothing but hot Yelena scenes and pretty Kate Bishop. I am on a short leash at the moment give me another hot male character Marvel I am on my knees.
- taglist: @tsukishimawhore  @meowkinq @denkisdurag @lolalora​ @thatbaepizzalover @​louderfortheback @cxnismajcr​ 
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ "the next time i see you, it'll be in hell" / "you're the best thing that's ever happened to me"
♡ pairing: connor kent (superboy/RotS) x fem! reader
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / i was listening to 'esa hembra es mala' by gloria trevi so if you do speak spanish, that's a song rec while you read this fic. if you don't, listen to 'hermit the frog' by marina instead!
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"connor please, you're giving ME a headache and it's only seven in the morning," his friend, jake, spoke as his hands covered his face, "wait, shut up, who is that?" connor asked, seeing you with a few friends.
jake sighed, "that's ( your name )," he spoke softly, "she's friends with everyone here. some like her, some can't stand her. it all depends on how she feels with you." you were schools resident 'popular' girl and had a bit of a following among your class.
"i'm gonna go talk to her," connor said. his friends eyes widened, "connor no!" jake screamed, grabbing his friend and pulling him back, "she's a complete bitch, don't do it!" jake exclaimed as he could tell that everything he was saying was going over connor's head.
you fixed the newspaper that had superboy's face plastered on the cover, "i just think that superboy could beat robin if i'm being honest. PLUS he's attractive because you can actually see his face," the day old conversation between you and your friends about who was the better sidekick struck up again and anyone who knew you knew how much you adored superboy.
"hey ladies," you turned to look at the boy, confused on who he was as you had never seen him around school. you gave him a small smile, "uh, hi?" you asked, "do i know you?"
the boy who approached you was wearing sunglasses which threw you off considering your school didn't allow anyone to wear them inside the building. you looked to his other friend, recognizing him as someone you had in your Calc class.
"just wanted to introduce myself, i'm connor," he said, giving you a sly smirk. you shook his hand, half awkwardly, "please i'm ( your name )," you replied as you saw the way connor gave jake a wink, "is there something you wanted or?" you asked again, not knowing why he was still here.
"no, just wanted to say hi to my future girlfriend," you let out a laugh, catching everyone off guard, "please, as if," you replied as you grabbed your friends and walked away, kind of taken back by the new boy.
"he was kinda cute," one of your friends said as you rolled your eyes, "uh, not really? kinda weird if you ask me," you replied, looking down at the newspaper, "well, i'm going to class, see ya," you said, walked towards your AP Lit class.
you sat down in the front, immediately talking to the friends you had in the class. it wasn't even five minutes later when connor entered the class, immediately smirking when he saw you. you growled, instantly annoyed at his expression.
"ah, so you've met the resident new boy?" you nodded as your friend giggled, "he's really nice. made more than a friends already," she said as you shrugged, "okay and? he had a lot of nerve coming up to me and telling me i'd be his future girlfriend," you replied.
she let out a belting laugh, "yeah, he told meghan from fifth period the same thing," you saw connor walking up to your desk and before he could make himself comfortable next to you, you instantly put your leg on the chair, "don't even think about it," you said, not even looking at him, "the desk in the back is available though," you smirked as you watched your teacher roll her eyes at your attitude.
connor bent down to your level, "don't gotta be so hostile, sweetheart, i know you like me," he whispered before getting up and leaving.
your friend, looked at you, laughing at disbelief at both of your attitudes. you rolled your eyes, trying to pay attention to the discussion as you could feel connor's eyes on you almost the entire time.
throughout the weeks and going into months, your relationship with connor didn't change. he arguably became the biggest pain your ass from the beginning of the day until the final bell rang. he managed to befriend a few of your friends which meant that you were around him at times.
you sipped your coffee as you were reading the newest article on superboy, "ah, ah, ah, what do we have here?" connor asked, taking the magazine from your hand, "superboy fan, huh?" he scanned the cover, a smug smirk coming onto his face as you snatched the magazine back.
"yeah, someone who's actually useful in life," you replied as he walked with you to your locker. he had never saw the inside of it and taken back by the amount of photos you had....of him, "aww, don't be that way, sweetheart! maybe one day superboy will actually give you a chance," he joked.
your annoyance instantly shot up as you slammed your locker and walking away, "see ya later sweetie!" he screamed. you stopped in the middle of the hall and flicked him off, "the next time i'll see you, it'll be in hell!" you yelled, storming off to class.
you walked into class, sitting down as your friend, henry, walked up to you, "hey babe," he said, a warm feeling crossing your face at the term of endearment, "hey henry, what're you up to?" you asked, seeing him looking at you, a bit nervously now.
"i was wondering if you were free-," before henry could say anything else, connor walked up behind him and tapping him on the shoulder. he had heard the conversation between the two of you and knew exactly where it was heading, "uh, she's not interested, better luck next time," connor stated, surprising henry with his sudden angry attitude.
henry knowing he didn't want to risk the chance of getting his ass kicked walked away from the conversation as you stared at connor with rage in your eyes, "what do you want?" you seethed as you saw connor's smirk playing on his face, "you weren't actually entertaining him, were you?" he asked in disbelief, "i literally hate you with every ounce of my being," you blurted, finally sick of connor's attitude.
his mouth hung open as you got up from the desk, "do me a favor and PLEASE leave me alone, that's all i ask," you stated as you walked out of class and deciding to ditch for the rest of the day.
"told you she was gonna blow up," jake informed as he sat down in his seat, connor still standing in place, taking in everything you had said. he knew he was being a bit of an ass but he didn't know you were that angry with him.
connor knew he had to make this up. he genuinely did like you and he didn't want to ruin his chances with you because of his shitty attitude. throughout the class period, he picked his brain for ideas until sirens went off in his head.
he knew you were practically in love with his alter ego and he knew he could use superboy as a way to persuade you into giving him another chance. that is if he played his cards right.
you reluctantly showed up the next day, trying to avoid connor as best as you could. you were talking with a few friends, gossiping about the fight that superboy and robin had against a few low level villains in metropolis last night.
"hey, look at connor," jake whispered, seeing his friend practically beat up. you were taken back by his appearance as he had a few bruises on his arms and legs, "are you okay?" jake asked connor.
connor shook his head slowly, his body still recovering from the night before, "what were yall talking about?" he asked, trying to redirect the conversation. everyone looked to you, "someone was gushing about superboy, so please, if you'd continue," meghan said playfully.
"oh shut up, like you don't have robin posters all over your room," you retorted as you watched connor struggling to stay upright, "all i'm saying is that superboy remains the best sidekick there is. did you see the way he walked out of that fight scratchless and look at robin, he nearly died," you continued.
meghan instantly retorted as you noticed how eerily silent connor had became. you turned over to him, about to say something sarcastic towards him until he flopped on top of you, passing out completely. you looked down at him, "connor?" you whispered, "hey connor, wake up," you whispered, shaking him a bit.
"take him to the nurse!" jake yelled at you as you grabbed connor by the arm and pulling him against you, "fuck off, he's heavy as hell," you breathed, trying to steady his weight against you before walking slowly towards the nurse.
you made the walk to the nurse but by the time you made it, connor had woken up, "don't take me to the nurse, please," he whispered, "what are you talking about?" you exclaimed, "you clearly aren't okay and you don't look okay either," you added on.
he steered the two of you to the family bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit, "clean me up here, i really don't want to be questioned right now," he said, nothing cocky or playful in his voice. you sat him on the toilet, bending down to clean his face first, "hey, is everything okay....you know at home?" you asked.
he laughed, shaking his head, "these injuries aren't from my guardians if that's what you're wondering. i kinda got into a fight last night," you stared at him confused, "did you lose or something? these injuries look horrible," you replied.
"course i did, just took a nasty beating before i won," he said as he flinched at the rubbing alcohol hitting his arm. you muttered a sorry as you put a band-aid on a few of his cuts, "listen, i wanted to say sorry for acting like a prick," connor muttered a few minutes later.
you were taken back by his apology, "i knew i was being an ass but please don't take this as me joking but you're actually the best thing that's happened to me since i transferred," you remained silent, not knowing to respond as you put the last band-aid on his knee.
"and if i could have a second chance, that would be super dope, ya know?" he tried to say without sounding nervous, "you better not be joking, kent," you threatened, putting your finger on his chest and shoving him a bit.
connor flinched back in pain as you muttered a sorry, "i'm not joking, i'd really like to take you out for coffee sometime," he asked as he grabbed your hand and gave it a kiss. you agreed as you responded with a kiss on his cheek, "also, i had this lying around my room and figured you'd like it more than i would," he dug into his backpack and gave you a magazine.
your eyes widen seeing what it was. it was the magazine that superboy first appeared in and you had analyzed a few signatures of his to know that it was his signature on the front, "did superboy sign this?" you practically tried to contain your excitement as you ran your finger over the sharpie.
connor nodded, "i met him one time after he saved a few people in metropolis last year and got him to sign the magazine. i figured since you like hm a lot more than i do, you'd take care of it better than i would," overwhelmed with excitement, you grabbed connor by the neck and kissed him.
connor was taken back by the sudden kiss but awkwardly responded with another kiss as you held the magazine close to your chest, "i can't thank you enough for this connor," you whispered, your lips still on his a bit. he chuckled, "just meet me at the coffee shop near the school and that'll suffice," he replied, giving you another kiss before slowly getting up.
"now lets get to our second period before we get marked truant again," he grabbed your hand and held it as softly as possible, "you know how much shit our friends are gonna give us, right?" you said, laughing a bit. connor nodded, "nothing we can't handle," he replied as he squeezed your hand in reassurance.
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reidyoulikeabook · 3 years
48 from touch prompt list and 75 from prompt list 5 🥺🥺🥺 im so proud of you love such an amazing achievement i love you
-efirstly i love you thank you so much 🥺 secondly the PERFECT two prompts together you have a galaxy brain and i can truly not thank you enough for this!!
Ship: Fem! Reader x Spencer Reid
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: Some mentions of alcohol consumption & brief olden-time being married young talk.
Prompts: #48 - Dancing with each other & #75 Talking in an Elizabethan style to woo somebody
A/N: I listened to the ‘So Close’ song from the Enchanted soundtrack the entire time I was writing this so...put that on if you want!
A reminder I’m taking prompts for my 1k celebration until May 21st! :)
If Penelope Garcia loved two things in this world - Derek and science fiction aside - it was costumes and parties. So it made sense that for her birthday, she’d decreed she’d be throwing an Elizabethan-style ball. And that everybody had to dress up accordingly. Derek, always eager to put a smile on her face, had offered to throw it at one of his houses.
So it was there that you were headed, on this glorious Saturday night. In a not-so-glorious and infact, quite heavy, Elizabethan era gown. It was a good job you’d elected to take an Uber, because quite frankly the dress weighed a ton. It would have been impossible to drive in.
Good job they didn’t have cars back in the Elizabethan era.
Not that women would have been allowed to drive them anyway.
You’re only a little late when you arrive. Fashionably late, you’d go so far as to say.
“____!” Penelope greets with a squeal, rushing out to embrace you into a hug. You don’t even make it all the way through the door before she’s on you with a flurry.
If you thought your dress was a lot, you have to hand it to the birthday girl. She could never be upstaged. How her gown actually fit inside the house was a mystery, it was huge - puffy with a corset that cinched her in tightly at the waist. Her hair was coiffed into perfect curls. She looked stunning; like she’d stepped right out of a painting.
“You look amazing!” You tell her, squeezing her tightly.
“So do you! I’m so glad you took the theme seriously!”
“I take all themes seriously when it’s you threatening me about them.”
She laughs. “Well Derek did too. And Spencer, the others...” She frowns, “Well, I’d like to say they tried, but Rossi definitely didn’t. He did, however, pay for a gazebo and a live band so I’m willing to let it slide.”
You smile, allowing her to take you inside. She babbles some more on her way in about all the decorations, food, and how next time she’s going to make everybody send her pictures of their outfits beforehand.
She’s right about the gazebo though - it’s beautiful. It has elegant fairylights adorning it, illuminating the place in a candescent glow. The live band is an instrumental one - there’s even a fiddle.
Where the hell did Dave find a fiddle?
He’s rich.
That has to be the satisfactory answer for now. There are far more pressing matters at hand: like everybody’s costumes.
Horch is wearing some fancy suit, Emily has one that’s similar, Rossi clearly is just dressed in his normal attire. J.J appears to have picked one up from a fancy dress shop, but if anyone could make that look good, it’s her. Derek looks an absolute dream - clearly dressed by Penelope. It’s Spencer though, unsurprisingly, who has gone all out. He has a miniature version of one of those puffy collars on, his suit a gorgeous maroon colour. He even has white tights on, with the boots that matched. If there were prizes for best costume - which knowing Penelope, there might well be - she’d be up against some fierce competition.
“Spence!” You chime, opening your arms to greet him, “I love your costume!”
“I love yours too!” He beams, hugging you tightly, “The skirt of your dress is very fitting to the period.”
“Thank you!” You say, reluctantly letting go of him to greet everybody else in turn.
It’s hard to keep your eyes off him though, and everybody knows it. You and Spencer had been dancing around each other for months, the epitome of the will-they-won’t-they, and you can’t help but hope that tonight you might finally cross that threshold.
It’s Penelope’s birthday.
Who are you kidding? Penelope would be ecstatic to claim credit.
You’re giddy, not just with the glass of wine in your system. With happiness, the exuberant kind that comes from watching all your friends exist among one another. It doesn’t hurt that Spencer barely leaves your side the entire night. He’s a veritable treasure trove of Elizabethan era facts. You’ve learnt more than any history class could possibly teach you.
A slow song comes on, which is when you decide to seize your opportunity.
Now or never.
You bump your shoulder against his. When you have his attention, you nod towards the dance floor, “Come and dance with me.”
He furrows his brows, clearly weighing up his options in his head.
You affect an Elizabethan lilt, “Thou art going to leave me alone at the ball, fair Lord Reid?”
“I could hardly dream of it,” He says, imitating you, “Would thou care to dance with me?”
He offers out his hand. You take it, noting how he gets the barest blush on his cheeks.
“Thou had me practically petrified, I thought you may never ask,” You tease, accepting his hand, squeezing it once for reassurance.
He laughs, nose crinkling. He rests his hand on your hip hesitantly, only solidifying his grip when you rest yours on his bicep. His other comes to rest on the other side, just above where your dress puffs out. The song playing sounds vaguely familiar, although it’s harder to place with it being an instrumental version.
You lean into him, side-stepping in time with him. He’s not a dancer by nature, that much is clear, but he is surprisingly good at leading.
It’s easy to let him guide you around the dance floor. You stutter a bit, almost tripping. His grip on your hip tightens.
“Be careful fair maiden,” He reprimands teasingly, “Thou wouldn’t want to fall.”
“Thou wouldn’t want to be seen with a maiden who has made a royal fool of herself.”
He shakes his head, “I could hardly bare it.”
“I do not know how you can bare to be seen with me regardless. I’m practically a haggard spinster,” You say, with a dramatic sigh.
He twirls you around, voice slipping back into his normal tone, “Actually it was mainly women from wealthy families who would marry young, from age 12. With poorer or middle class families it was most common for women to be in their mid-twenties by the time they got married, the average age was about 24.”
“Still younger than me,” You retort, stepping in time with him. You’re pressed up against his chest now.
His breath fans over your cheek, from the way he’s bent, from the way you’re leaning in to him. His big hand spans over your back, holding you close to him as he steps to the right.
“Well,” He says, affecting the English accent, “Thou art a lady of the highest stature. A commoner could not possibly hope to marry one such as yourself.”
You giggle, “Oh fair Lord Reid. Whenst will I possibly find a husband?”
With surprising ease, he dips you, allowing you to fall gracefully into his arms. He’s study, supportive. Before you know it, you’re back on your feet.
“Thou might be looking in the wrong places.”
“Pray tell, wherest would one suggest a lady like me ought to look?”
“Perhaps closer to ones home,” He says, English accent - if you could call it that - slipping a little, favouring sincerity.
“How much closer?”
His hands return to your waist, and yours to his chest. There’s only an inch between your bodies. He looks down at you with sincerity brimming in his eyes, “Perhaps a little closer.”
Your hand trails up to his chin. It dips at the mere weight of your thumb resting on it, “Gallant Lord Reid, perhaps this close?”
“Perhaps,” He swallows, voice morphing into the accent again, as if he’s afraid to be vulnerable, “Thou art a maiden, thou art to be courted before marriage.”
“And where would one court a fair maiden like me?”
“Where would the fair maiden like to go?”
“Wherever, as long as you’re the one taking her.”
He swallows. His eyes scan your face, watching how you deliberately look to his plump lips. He hesitates for only a moment longer, before leaning in and planting the most delicate kiss upon them.
If it wasn’t for the elated drunken giggles of everyone else around you, you’d have been lost in the bubble of a moment forever. It’s okay though, because at your wedding, Penelope is sure to tell the tale of the Elizabethan ball where you - the fair maiden - finally got together with your perfect Lord. You have to admit, it’s a good one.
Permanent Spencer tagslist: @ssa-m-187 @reidingmelodies @cyanide-mustard @shesalatesh @sapphic-prentiss @geostarr @kathrynisadogperson @rem-ariiana @spoonielivingfree @starsandshit90 @spencerreidat3am  @takeyourleap-of-faith @sassiest-politician @calm-and-doctor @ssa-m-187  @averyhotchner @muffin-cup @purplewaterbottles082 @reidsnose  @wheelsup @ellesgreenaway @sunlitspence @spencerreid9 @drspencerreidd @reiding-recs @bauemily @cmily @retrxbarnes @jhillio @txmhoelland @spenxerslut @im-autistic-not-stupid @amoeebaa @veridianluv @sad-bitch-h0ur @nighttimerain123 @ytj2304 @reidtome @converse-spence @randomfavtingswall @bethc54 @hubbybowenss @sebstan-is-the-man @justanothercrazyfangirl @eli-side-blog @vntgreid @reidmeastory @reidemandweep @ggublerss @s1lverhand @cigarette-day-dread @newtmyheart @i-understood-that-reference @willowrose99 @v-is-obsessive
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
Hey. Hey you. Idea time.
Teacher aus, not enough. Like after the whole Mr. WasTaken stuff where Dream was acting like a teacher and everything!? Just imagine a whole school Au!
Techno teachin English and he adores his kids but he’d be damned before he admits it. That one teacher who’s like “learn from history before it repeats itself.” Hates being forced to do a Shakespeare unit.
Sapnap teaching P.E. And encouraging even the less athletic kids to at least do something physical in his class. You know he pulls a prank with the Fitness Gram Pacer Test more than a few times.
George being a history teacher, I don’t know he just super fits the vibe of that one teacher you always adore who’s like “don’t worry too much about this class.”
Bad boy halo as a science teacher, man’s is the kind of teacher to give candy out to the kids who answer the questions so he can encourage attentiveness. (He teaches physical science and Skeppy teaches geoscience across the hall)
And like, much much much more, but the most important part here,
Could you totally do a reader x Dream where Readers an English teacher and Dreams a Maths teacher? :)
With all the love- 🌻 strikes again.
🌻 you have my whole heart. All of it. Because you literally have requested my dream au (pun sort of intended). Literally like this is going to be so self indulgent because I love this with my whole heart and the amount of times I have fantasized about this (especially with me studying to be an English teacher and Dream with his statistics and stuff) is too many times to count. So you literally have given me an excuse to be hella self indulgent on my own blog and I could kiss you on the mouth for it. This is a few like headcanon type things and a little bit of plot at the end. 
I do have my own ideas of what role everyone has in the school and if anyone is interested I will definitely post those too! But for the main part, you just need to know the reader is an English teacher and Dream is a Math teacher. (But also completely agree with our beloved’s ideas about some of the other boys here and I definitely have assigned everyone their own subject haha)
We’re going to just start out with this general note: Everyone in the school ships you. Teachers, Staff, Students, Principal Philza, all of them want to see you and Dream end up together. You two hang out and playfully flirt all of the time. 
Dream is almost late to school every morning. He has a horrible sleep schedule and so it causes him to wake up 30 minutes before he needs to be at school. You know this and so every morning you bring Dream coffee and something for breakfast. A donut, fruit, oatmeal, scone, just a little something to help him get until lunch. He is very grateful for it and always accepts your offer. When you first started doing it, he always felt really guilty about it. But you kept doing it and refused to take his money and so he came up with a new way to pay you back. 
You two share the same prep period. Prep period, if you didn’t know, is a free period that teachers have where they don’t have a class to teach and they can use it to lesson prep, prep materials, grade papers, or just relax. So your prep period is two classes after lunch and so you always get a little bit snackish around this time and so in order to pay you back for you bringing him breakfast, Dream brings you a little snack every day. Something small, bag of chips, granola bar, some crackers, just a little snack to get you through the rest of the day. You two also spend your prep periods together. Sometimes you chat about your days, students, lessons, standards you have to meet. Sometimes you two just work in silence on your respect tasks. Usually if a student wants to talk to you during your prep period and they can’t find you in your room, they immediately check Dream’s right after because that’s where you would be. And the same for him and his students, if they need something and he’s not in his room, he’s definitely in yours. 
You two also have lunch duty together. You two are in charge of monitoring the cafeteria and making sure that there are no fights breaking out, no food fights, just making sure everything is okay. So often times, you two take a walk around the cafeteria and just watch all the kids until all have been seated, and then you two grab some lunch for yourselves and eat together. Sometimes, kids will come over to where you’re sitting and chat with you, a lot of the time when that happens they’re trying to push you two together. You just roll your eyes and laugh them off. 
You two crash each other’s classes all the time. For random reasons too. It started when Dream had left a few copies of a worksheet on the printer and you just so happened to print some things and pick them up. His classroom was on the way to yours and so you decided you would be a good co-worker and drop them off for him. So you did, not bothering to knock before you enter. All eyes snap to you as you walk into his classroom. Dream is in the middle of teaching. His arm is extended as he points to something on the blackboard. His emerald eyes meet yours and he looks shocked but he smiles. “Teacher Y/L/N… Is there something I can help you with?” You smile back at him and hold up the worksheets, “Sorry to interrupt. Left some on the printer Mr. WasTaken,” you tell him, walking over to his desk and setting the papers down. “Ah. Thank you, I appreciate it.” You give him a small shrug, “Of course. Have a good class. Pay attention!” You call to the class cheerfully before heading out and heading to your own classroom. 
That day you opened a door you couldn’t shut. Every once in a while now, while you’re in the middle of teaching, the door will swing open and Dream will waltz in with a paper or something in his hand and go over to your desk before giving you a wave and a wink and heading back out. So you decided to do it too, even if you have nothing to give him. Students look forward to your classes now because they never know if the other one of you will make an appearance. One time, Dream walked in and you were so engrossed in teaching that you didn’t even notice. He walked over to your desks and took a seat and just lost himself in watching you teach. About 10 minutes later there is a knock on your door, startling everyone out of their focus. The door opens and there’s Tommy with a wicked grin on his face. His eyes immediately find Dream and he smirks, “Mr. WasTaken… Would you like to join the rest of us in class?” Dream manages to keep the blush off of his face, but he is internally dying. To save some embarrassment he says, “Yes I’ll be there in just a moment. I had a question for Teacher Y/L/N and I didn’t want to interrupt. Go back to class Tommy.” Tommy rolls his eyes but complies. You rush over to Dream and duck your head near his and speak in a low tone, “I’m sorry. I didn’t even realize you came in, what was your question?” Dream is a little baffled and thrown off, because he doesn’t have one. “Oh. I’ll just come back later and ask. Sorry for the interruption.” And before you can say anything else, he’s out the door. 
You and Dream often charapone school dances. You two, much like when you have lunch duty, patrol around and make sure everyone is having a good time but is also behaving themselves. Students are always trying to push you two together during this, asking Mr. WasTaken if he’s going to ask you to the dance or at least ask you to dance. He always laughs and says no, no he’s not. Until one time he does. 
He definitely gets his students in on it. He buys a bunch of flowers and has the students line the hall making a path from the entrance doors to his room. So when you arrive in the morning and begin your usual path to his room to drop off breakfast, you’re surprised to find a line of students offering flowers to you. You carefully take each flower and make your way down to Dream’s room. When you get to the end you find Dream standing there with a cheesy grin and an even cheesier sign. ‘I would love it if you could say that you was taken to the dance by Mr. WasTaken.’ You can’t help but let out a laugh and nod at the sign. “Yeah?” Dream asks to confirm. “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll go to the dance with you Mr. WasTaken… by the way, it’s you were taken to the dance,” you tease him lightly, reaching out and giving him a small hug before handing him his breakfast. He takes it, rolls his eyes, and hands you the sign. “English teachers.” 
The day of the dance comes and you and Dream arrive together. He picks you up from your house and brings you a bouquet of flowers, red roses and sunflowers. Your outfit would match his and you would look stunning. It would literally take Dream a few tries to snap out of the trance you put him in. But he’s the perfect gentleman, opens the car door for you and closes it before getting in and driving to the school where he does the same thing, opening the car door and helping you out before closing it. 
You two would have arrived a bit earlier before the dance actually started to make sure everything was taken care of. You two would definitely jokingly get your photo taken by the professional photographer that they hired for the event. It was a joke, but the picture came out so good and was just too good to pass up. 
You two don’t leave each other’s side the entire night. You two just stick side by side the entire night, just watching the kids. You two join the students sometimes on the dance floor, vibing to the fast pace songs they played. Every time a slow song came on, the students tried to push you together and get you to dance together. “Who asks someone to be their date and doesn’t slow dance with them?” But you two just ignore the students and shoo them off to dance with each other and stuff. It’s not until they announce the final song of the night does Dream actually finally get bold enough to ask you to slow dance with him. Your face heats up at the extended hand and the hopeful look on his face but you accept it and the two of you dance. You somehow manage to end up in the middle of the room and even though there are plenty of people slow dancing, all eyes are on you two. You don’t care though. At some point, you lean forward and rest your head on Dream’s chest. You could very clearly hear his heart racing faster than you would think possible and you can’t help but wonder if it’s because of you. 
As the song ends, you manage to pull your head away from him. You look up at him and find him already staring at you. You two just stare at each other for a few moments before Dream makes a bold move. He carefully leans forward and presses his lips to yours. You immediately kiss back, ecstatic that your feelings were returned. Around you, the entire gym bursts into cheers and applause and “FINALLY!!!!” 
You pull away from Dream, giggling a little bit at the reaction of everyone. Dream doesn’t let you get far though. He tilts his head forward and connects your lips once more. “I just got you, I’m not letting you get away from me that easily.” You just giggle at that and kiss him back. 
You two don’t pull away until the song is completely over. When you pull apart and look around, you find everyone staring at you. Some students even have their phones out and were recording you. The two of you just laugh and roll your eyes. “Dance is over… Get out,” Dream jokingly calls out to everyone causing waves of laughter to rumble through the crowds as everyone snaps out of their trance and begin to move. You and Dream stay to help clean up a bit after the dance before the two of you leave, this time hand in hand. 
Dream would drop you off at home. He walks you to your front door and waits as you unlock the door. It’s quiet for a moment as you two try to figure out the next step. Dream finally clears his throat and offers you a sheepish smile. “I’ll see you Monday then?” You almost immediately answer with a ‘yep sounds good’ but stop yourself. “Actually… If you weren’t too busy, do you want to come in and watch a movie or something?” Dream grins at the offer and nods. “I’d love to… Thank you.” 
The two of you head inside and just hang out for a while. You watch movies and cuddle on the couch. It gets to be really late and you refuse to let Dream drive home this late so he sleeps on your couch. The next morning you have a nice breakfast together before Dream tells you he really should get going, he still has some tests to grade. You of course understand that teacher grind and so you walk him to your door. Dream gives you a kiss before heading out and telling you he would see you tomorrow. 
Walking back inside, you find his suit jacket laid over the couch. You decide to hold on to it. You’ll see him tomorrow anyway, you’ll just give it to him then. So the next morning rolls around and you arrive at school, the suit jacket adorning your shoulders. It makes everyone stop, look, and smile. You don’t even notice really. You make your way to Dream’s classroom, walking right in as normal. Dream glances up to see who it was before looking back to his work but he immediately looks back up in a double take. And he just stares. You extend the breakfast out to him and he doesn’t take it. Just stares. You’re confused. 
“Dream?” He extends a finger and points at you, “You’re wearing… that’s my… that’s mine.” he manages to stutter out. You look at your shoulders and realize. “Oh. Right. Sorry. Here,” you say, trying to shrug off the jacket and hand it to him, but he stops you. “No, no, no. It’s fine… It’s better than fine. It looks good. Keep it on… Please?” He sounds so genuine that you pull the jacket back on, over your shoulder. “Okay… I’ll see you at lunch?” You ask, heading toward his door. He gives you a grin and a nod, “It’s a date.” Well that’s new…. But not unwelcome. “It’s a date.” 
You two begin dating shortly after that. You also find out that there were two betting pools going on. One between teachers and staff and the other between students. The teacher that won? Techno. The student? Tubbo. Had you found out sooner, you probably would have been offended but now it just made you laugh. Your new relationship didn’t change anything really. You still did all of the things that you usually did, you just now could kiss each other. You definitely didn’t do PDA in front of the students for obvious reasons, but you two couldn’t be happier.
Thank you again so much for letting me do this  🌻 anon. This was very self indulgent and just thank you :)
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝑷𝒕.2 (𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑯𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒋𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑲𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒈) 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅
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Part One
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐄𝐦𝐨/𝐆𝐨𝐭𝐡! 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)× 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞) × 𝐒𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐢! 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟖.𝟓+𝐊
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞/𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞/𝐝*𝐜𝐤 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐯𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦, 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐝𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐞𝐱𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐦, 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 × 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧), 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐦! 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐒𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐃𝐨𝐦!/𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠, 𝐒𝐮𝐛! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @seacottons @little-precious-baby @speronyx @pirate-hongjoong @multidreams-and-desires @cloudyyeonnie
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Scrunching her eyes from the sliver of light protruding from the curtain that was left slightly open, Y/N let out a tired groan before pulling some of the navy blue blanket over her face. Feeling his lover shift in her sleep, Hongjoong slung his inked arm and placed it around her waist. Bringing his face forward, he placed a chaste kiss on her exposed shoulder.
"Morning beautiful." He greeted her with his usual manner of complimenting her.
"No........no morning..." She uttered, her voice sounding a little raspy and hoarse.
The dark ash grey male chuckled softly at her unwillingness to get up yet even though it was well past 11 a.m. His fingers traced around the dip of her hip as he hummed out a soft tune.
"Sweetheart, as much as I'd love to stay in bed and hold you for the rest of my life, you have class today and I'm needed at the shop later on." He reminded her.
Although she realized he was right, she still refused to budge and just stayed immobile. Letting out a sigh, he sat up and began to carefully turn her over to him, to which she let out a muffled whine. When she was fully turned on her back, her eyes fluttered open, her vision being blessed by the beauty of her dark and eccentric boyfriend who was donning his signature smirk as his eyes peered down at her, always seeming to stare right into her soul.
"Well? Are you ready to get up or am I going to have to get you ready myself?" He inquired, one eyebrow slightly lifted.
The warmth and comfort of the bed made her hesitant to want to leave. Reaching out, Y/N's hand slowly began tracing the outline of Hongjoong's collarbone.
"Why can't we just stay here?.....just for today? Stay and cuddle together..."
Trailing her hand down, her fingers grazed slightly over one of the piercings on his chest.
"Or .....we could do a few other things."
He let out a soft moan when she rolled his nipple between her thumb and index finger, eyes looking up at him suggestively while she bit down on her lower lip. Her other hand pushed the blanket, which was covering her, a little lower to further entice him. He could not look away at the sight of her wearing one of his many oversized band tees, his mind knowing fully well she wasn't wearing anything else underneath it. The end of it had risen up slightly that if she shifted around more, her entire bottom half would be exposed to him. When her hand threatened to go lower, he quickly caught it with his own.
"Naughty naughty kitten, trying to seduce me into fucking her into the sheets.."
Bending over, he captured her lips in a lazy and semi-messy kiss, his wet muscle poking out to lick across her upper lip.
"As if I didn't do enough of that last night."
Letting out a giggle, she let him wrap her legs around his waist before picking her up and walking towards the adjoining bathroom so they could get washed up and ready for the upcoming events in their day.
Outside in the kitchen, a handsome boy with dark brown hair and a sculpture like face pushed up the glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. His eyes loomed over the formulas and equations that were plastered all over the page. More than once he looked over at the notebook beside him, comparing and analyzing similarities and differences. His pencil was often tapping against the counter, following along to the beat of the song that was blasting from his phone. Occasionally, he'd find himself humming, or even singing along softly like he was currently doing at the moment.
"Fell in love with a girl at the rock show. She said what? And I told her that I didn't know..."
He had been sitting on that spot well over 3 hours, the blueberry bagel he had heated up for breakfast only had a single bite and remained untouched on a porcelain plate in front of his study materials. He let out a whispered curse under his breath as he couldn't seem to focus, his hand reaching up to rub at the side of his neck in frustration. Letting out a puff of air, he leaned back on the chair and stared at the ceiling, thinking about many things.
Hearing the doorknob of his roommate's turn, he was not fazed at all at seeing the [insert hair color] female come out.
"Oh. Morning Yeosang." She waved at him as she made her way into the kitchen, already rummaging through the cabinets like she usually did when she stayed over.
"Morning? It's practically noon." He pointed to the clock hanging by the wall.
Y/N simply ignored him and simply poured herself a bowl of cereal. Sitting down in front of the poker faced male, she made sure not to disturb him as he concentrated on the papers in front of him. After Hongjoong and her became official, she was ultimately forced to be introduced and sometimes even cohabite to a point with him since she now spent more time at their dorm than at her own place. Not that she minded. Yeosang was a very intriguing character. He was extremely quiet at first, but soon opened up to her and became more chatty with her, even more with her than his own roommate and friend. During one of their many conversations she found out he was a natural science major, focusing specifically on chemistry, which resulted more often than not in horrible puns involving the periodic table. He had a weird yet cute obsession with chicken, often wore either beanies or snapbacks backwards and had very similar music tastes like Hongjoong, which was the main reason why they ended up becoming friends, their music. However, Yeosang wasn't as deep, dark nor tattooed like her boyfriend.
Yeosang was a skater and the biggest clue was the skateboard he left on the side of the front door, the bottom of it decked out with various stickers he placed there. God forbid if anyone that wasn't him touched his baby, all hell would break loose, as Hongjoong himself learned one time. The man himself came out of his own room after he finished placing the finishing touches on his makeup. Sliding an arm around his girlfriend, he took in the state of his friend.
"Still taking 6 hours on a chemical reaction Yeosang?" Hongjoong snorted.
"Still taking longer than your girlfriend to put on eyeliner Hongjoong?" Yeosang retaliated, lips curving into a satisfied smile.
Another thing she loved about Yeosang: he was a straight up savage who could roast people harder than an oven.
Grumbling softly, Hongjoong placed a tiny peck on Y/N's lips.
"I have to go now babygirl. Meet me at the shop after class and we'll go home together." He told her.
"Which one? Hers or ours?" Yeosang snickered.
Making his way around the counter, Hongjoong held out his hand and flicked Yeosang on the head, causing him to utter an 'ow' at his ministration.
"And please try to get some air Yeo. You've been cooped up in these 4 walls too long."
After giving him a suggestion, Hongjoong was out the door and out of sight towards his part time job.
"Dark lord has no room to talk, before you came along, he'd only go out for school, work and booze." Yeosang shook his head.
Y/N giggled and got up to make her way out as well.
"He has a point. Besides, you've been stressed out recently. Why not hop on Emmy and take her out for a little spin?"
Y/N found it odd at first that Yeosang actually named his skateboard, but she figured she shouldn't have been so surprised. Hongjoong did a similar thing with his black Mustang. Closing, his textbook, Yeosang turned off the music playing on his phone and grabbed the earbuds sitting next to them.
"You know what? You're right. It doesn't look like it'll rain either."
Picking up her own bag, she followed Yeosang out the door, each of them headed towards a different direction.
"Try not to run anyone over this time." She called out to him.
"I don't run into people, they purposefully get in my way."
After waving goodbye to her, he placed the earbuds in, music already blasting full volume as he skated down the hallway, not caring about if it was allowed or not.
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The little twinkle of the bell chimed, letting Hongjoong know that someone had just come in. Although it was well past closing time, he knew very well who it was that just strolled through those doors. He didn't even look up from his task of wiping down and sanitizing his workplace.
"Hey handsome."
Unwillingly, he smiled softly at his girlfriend's words.
"Hey gorgeous." Finally looking up, he winked at her and caused her cheeks to heat up with a light shade of pink.
Clearing her throat, she asked if he was almost done, to which he affirmed that he was indeed.
"Just let me pack up my things and then we'll go to your place and cuddle." He began putting the tattoo needles, ink and tubes into a black case, making sure it was all neatly arranged and locked tightly.
"My place? But I bought chicken. I thought we could give some to Yeosang." She held up the plastic bag that contained their purchased dinner.
Slumping an arm around her waist, Hongjoong poked his bottom lip out.
"Sometimes I think you're more nice to Yeosang than me."
She shook her head at him and his cute and subtle jealous antics.
"Kim Hongjoong, are you jealous of Yeosang?" She teased him.
Pulling her against him, he whined softly as they made their way out of the tattoo parlor. He sighed as he locked up and punched in the security code.
"I'm not jealous of him....."
Walking over to his car, he made sure to open the door first for her as he usually did every time they went out.
"I'm just making sure you're still interested in me."
He held her hand the entire ride back to her place, even against her protests and lecture about safe driving. When she pulled her hand away so he could place it on the steering wheel, it instead rested on top of her thigh, pinching it softly at times, which resulted in Y/N's own hand smacking it for going too hard at times. Hongjoong just laughed and continued his obnoxious teasing on her, loving to annoy her and get her frustrated with him. When they pulled up to her place, she didn't even allow him to open the door for her. Instead, she sauntered off inside, closing the door behind her and locking it before he could get in.
"Haha very funny babe, now please open the door."
A minute passed but still she didn't respond. Hongjoong began pressing on the doorbell repeatedly. When that still didn't work, he called her, but he was sent directly to her voice mail.
"Aish! Seriously this girl..."
Hongjoong began pounding on the door.
"Yah L/N Y/N! Open this door right now missy! You want me to get angry with you?!"
On the other side of the door, Y/N cupped a hand over her mouth, muffling her laughter at his reaction.
"If you don't open the door, I'll- I'll..........I'll serenade you so loudly your neighbors will complain."
Taking a deep breath, he was about to start singing, but Y/N instead opened the door.
"Dear God, I get punishing me, but what did my neighbors do to get tortured so mercilessly by your banshee cries?"
She finally let him in after that scene.
"I'll have you know I'm actually a pretty decent singer." He stated in a matter of factly.
"Oh I know Hongjoong." She assured him as she began serving him a plate of food.
"You do?" He was puzzled as he tried to recall a time where he sang in front of her.
Not able to suppress a smile, Y/N confessed:
"One night after you came home late and thought I was asleep, I heard you when you began singing Rebel Love Song while playing with my hair."
As she sat down the plate in front of him and looked at him, his already fair complexion seemed to grow more pale and he suddenly looked embarrassed. He awkwardly toyed with his food.
"So......you heard the entire thing...?" He opted for focusing on eating as much as he could before he completely lost his appetite.
Y/N tried to keep a straight face as she sipped on the juice from her cup, ultimately failing when she spat it back inside, almost choking on the citrus liquid. Her boyfriend now threw the unwanted chicken wing back in his plate.
"Well I guess I'm not eating tonight. Good bye. I'm going to go crawl under the bed and die of embarrassment."
She looked at Hongjoong's slumped back as he headed into her bedroom. Wanting to let him change and wash up, knowing he'd take a while removing all that makeup that for some reason never caused a breakout on his flawless skin, she began clearing out the table and washing the dishes. Making sure to wrap the leftovers so he could take to his friend, she made her way into her room where Hongjoong was already on the bed, scrolling through his phone with a cringed look on his face.
"What is it?" She asked him as she began changing into her pj's.
"My idiot roommate. Wasn't watching where he was going and ended up stumbling on a dent on the sidewalk."
Hongjoong held up his phone to let her see a picture of Yeosang's dislocated elbow. She winced back in pain as she saw it.
"Ewww! Is he ok? Does he want us to take him to the hospital?"
Hongjoong shook his head.
"Yeosang would never EVER go to the hospital because of a skating accident. Besides, he's had so many that he somehow knows how to fix them."
Pulling up another picture, he let her see a selca of Yeosang holding up a peace sign as the caption read: "Hehet. I popped it back into place."
Y/N actually thought that was funny. Yeosang was a very funny character even when he didn't try to be. Snuggling herself up to her boyfriend, she let him move her leg so it could be wrapped around him, his thumb playing with the hem of her pink shorts. His hand then trailed up, untying the drawstring before pulling them just a little bit down to expose her powerpuff girls underwear.
"Hey!" Y/N swatted his hand away when he began bursting out at her choice of 'lingerie.'
"I'm sorry! It's just so cute." He tried explaining to her.
She wasn't amused however and turned away from him, her back facing him.
"Awww come on baby. I meant it when I said it was cute. You know I didn't mean it to be mean."
Hongjoong wrapped his arm around her waist, his lips peppering kisses on her cheek and temple.
"Yeah but I bet you'd prefer it if instead it was black lace and the skin around it had ink or jewelry."
Although she meant to only mumble that under her breath, Hongjoong heard her plain and clear.
"Ok what kind of talk is that? Why are you saying such things Y/N?"
She was going to crawl under the blanket but Hongjoong gave her no time to as he rolled her onto her back so he could look at her, not about to let her go until she explained the meaning of her words.
"I mean.......Hongjoong you're the dark, mysterious emo guy every girl thirst for at campus." She began.
"Guilty as charged." He joked.
Y/N chuckled slightly at his cute joke, but then went back to her somber expression.
"But...?" He urged her to continue.
"And I'm the complete opposite of you. You're black, I'm pink. You're leather, I'm fleece......you got your fucking dick pierced while I the only thing I have pierced are my ears."
"Ok, I see your points, but I'm still lost as to where you're trying to get with all this?" He tilted his head.
"My point is this. Wouldn't you rather be with someone who matches you better? Colorful colors on her hair? Piercings cascading down her earlobes and tattoos in places only you'll be able to see?" Her eyes looked away from him, afraid to see something she wouldn't like.
Hongjoong finally understood her insecurity. He wasn't going to lie, more than once he often felt the same way towards her. Why would a beautiful, dedicated, classy, pure and sophisticated woman settle for someone like him? But he never imagined that she'd be thinking the exact same thing. His fingers brushed away the strands of hair that were covering part of her face.
"Y/N....... if I wanted someone like that, I could have hooked up with them a long time ago. But I didn't want them. I wanted you then and I only want you now and I'll still want you later on in life."
She melted at his reassuring words, eyes and lips forming into a puppy face that always made him weak.
"You mean it?"
Bending down, he placed a loving and gentle kiss on her.
"I mean it. So don't worry about getting your body pierced or tattooed." He grinned at her.
Y/N bit down on her lip as she was about to tell him something.
"Well actually........I might need your input on something..."
He motioned for her to speak up.
"I actually wanted to get a tattoo and I was wondering......if you could do it..."
His mouth dropped at her words, brain trying to process if he just heard her right.
"Are you serious or...?"
She nodded.
"I'm serious. I want to get a tattoo and I want you to do it."
Looking at his still dumbfounded expression, it was now her turn to make fun of him.
"I mean, if you don't want to, that's ok. I'll just ask San to do it. It could probably be a better idea and I could surprise you instead."
"I mean, where do you even want to get the tattoo?"
Y/N smirked as she lifted her shirt up and exposed her breasts. She trailed a line right below them and signaled exactly where she wanted to get it. Hongjoong's face flushed as he began to imagine his already sexy girlfriend with an under breast tattoo decorating her chest, causing him to feel needy in seconds.
"Fuck baby.....are you trying to kill me?" He gulped.
"So is that a yes? Can you ask San to do it and I'll show you the finished result?"
Hongjoong chuckled as he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head.
"Do you really think I'm going to let anyone else see my girlfriend's chest when only I'm allowed to? Hell no. I'll gauge their eyes out first."
Y/N let out a half squeak half moan when Hongjoong bit down on her neck, tongue gliding down her exposed skin as his hands began ridding her of her clothes one by one.
"Let me remind you that you're mine and will always be mine."
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Throwing a rubber ball that struck straight into his target's head, Yeosang held up a fist in the air.
"Still got my aim." He declared, flexing his arm muscle.
Hongjoong however was not amused.
"You know...there's more than one way to dislocate an elbow than tripping on a sidewalk." He threatened him.
Letting out a small 'pfft', Yeosang took out his phone.
"Do you still have that video presentation we did for Professor Yoo's class."
"Ummm.......hold on, yeah I think so?" Hongjoong began scrolling through his phone.
"Ok well if you do, send it to me, I need to go over a few things for our upcoming midterms."
Hongjoong gave him a questioning gaze.
"Yeosang...midterms aren't until 3 months from now."
Yeosang raised an eyebrow.
"Did I fucking stutter?"
Not wanting to argue with the hot headed boy, Hongjoong just went back to searching through his files and let him know he'd send it once he found it. Yeosang meanwhile went back to his room, flopping down on his bed and resumed his previous activity of watching a horror movie on his phone. Tiny snorts would occasionally come out of his mouth when a jump scare would happen or sometimes even a twisted smile would form on his face when a particularly brutal or gory scene would be displayed. Even if he was scary and dark himself, Hongjoong often judged and questioned how Yeosang could possibly sit there watching people get violently slaughtered or severed without getting fazed or even batting an eyelash. Hongjoong actually suspected Yeosang actually enjoyed it and more than once contemplated whether Yeosang or not could be a potential serial killer.......
Then he remembered the boy also had Ponytail as his ringtone to quote unquote 'Wake up in a happy and cheerful mood.'
A notification popped up. Opening his messages, he saw it was from Hongjoong himself.
'Took me a while, but here you go. Knock yourself out I guess.'
In typical Yeosang fashion, he didn't even thanked him, he simply left him on read as he usually did. Pressing play, he flipped his phone sideways so he could make it go into full screen mode. He was disoriented when he heard music playing on the black screen, knowing fully well he didn't use such kinky music like that while editing the video, in fact he didn't use any music at all.
"What the fuck?"
He squinted his eyes when a scantily clad girl came into view. A male hand, belonging to whom he presumed to be recording the video, was seen running his thumb across her luscious and red tinted lips. The hand then reached down and picked up a black leash which was attached to the black choker on her neck. It had a red heart pendant on the middle, some engraving that he couldn't make it on the center of it.
"You know what to do kitten. Put that pretty mouth of yours to work." He heard the male tell the girl in front of him.
"The fuck kind of kinky porn did he decide to send me?"
Yeosang's cringed expression soon turned to shock when the male tugged on the leash roughly, pulling the girl forward and making her full face finally show on the camera.
He gulped as he watched none other than Y/N began to pull down, whom he assumed was Hongjoong's briefs, down his thighs. When his erect cock hit his stomach, Yeosang's eyes nearly bulged out of his eyes.
"Holy shit Joong!"
His hand covered his agaped mouth as his eyes stared intently at his roommate's most intimate part, covered in piercings that he definitely did not know about. He knew about the nipple piercings, both of them having walked around shirtless at one point in front of each other. But seeing his Hyung's dick full of jewelry started making him get hard and watching Y/N wrap her lips around it, slurping sounds coming out her mouth as she began taking him in until he hit the back of her throat was not helping his case. His hand that was resting on his thigh unconsciously moved towards the growing tent forming under his sweatpants, lightly running across his length.
He heard Hongjoong emit a low hiss when she gave him a particular hard suck.
"Fuck! You're such a hungry and desperate cockslut aren't you? How about I treat you like the whore you are and fuck your face?"
Yeosang sucked in a breath as he watched Hongjoong yanked the leash on Y/N to keep her in place as his hips began to thrust forward. Yeosang couldn't help but palm himself harder, biting down his lower lip in an effort to keep his moans down. Watching Y/N release choked moans and drool pool down her chin from how hard Hongjoong was face fucking her was honestly one of the hottest things he'd ever seen. He nearly came in his pants with the lightest of touch when he witnessed Hongjoong pull out and spurt out his cum all over her face, covering from her forehead and dripping down her cheeks and chin, her tongue darting out to swallow some of the remnants left on her lips.
Yeosang gulped as he watched the screen go black, only shuffling noises being heard for a minute or two. He debated whether he should continue watching, already feeling guilty as hell that he just watched his Hyung's girlfriend suck him off and get a facial from him. But once the screen lit up again, he nearly fell off his bed as he stared at the scene:
Y/N had her arms tied to the bedpost, crimson red ropes secured tightly on her wrists, an intricate knot placed in the center of it. Her mouth was covered by a ball gag, lace bra pulled down to expose her breasts and her panties were probably discarded somewhere on the floor. He watched Y/N anxiously shiver when Hongjoong slid his cock across her slippery folds, no doubt enjoying the feeling of his Jacob's ladder piercing grazing against her lips and aching clit. He noticed how she tried to roll her hips to feel him more, but Hongjoong's hand slammed down on her stomach and pressed her down onto the bed.
"Don't get greedy now kitten. You'll take what I give you and you'll be grateful got it?"
Hearing his dominant and commanding voice full of authority, Yeosang slipped his hand inside his pants and gripped himself at the base of his cock, unashamed by his actions and wanting to hear more of Hongjoong's domineering tone.
Not satisfied with her answer, Hongjoong slapped her across her face before gripping her chin. It sent a terrified shiver down Yeosang's back seeing Hongjoong treat Y/N with such utter disrespect and yet......she seemed to enjoy it?
"Yes what?" Hongjoong spat out.
Y/N whimpered as she answered him.
"Yes Master."
Yeosang groaned and stopped his hand movements, not wanting to come anytime soon. Through hooded eyes, he watched the rest of the pornographic video play, from when Hongjoong pushed himself inside Y/N to when he had her trembling underneath him as he poured himself inside of her, completely and effectively fucking her dumb as she stared off somewhere completely lost. With a soft grunt and hisses, Yeosang spilled himself all over his stomach, breathing heavily after having jerked himself off to his roommate's private sex tape. Putting his phone down, he reached for the box of tissues on his dresser and began cleaning himself up....
Completely unaware of the eyes that had been watching him intently.
━━━━━ • ஜ • ❈ • ஜ • ━━━━━
Ever since that day that Hongjoong had witnessed Yeosang touching himself to his and Y/N's secret tape, it began giving him a few ideas, ideas that weren't particularly holy at all. It most definitely was an accident and when he realized what he had sent to his roommate he was already off his bed and going over to apologize. He was expecting his somber friend to glare at him or even give him a disgusted look, but he was shocked to find him fully stroking his length, eyes glued to his phone while his mouth released some of the cutest and softest pants he'd ever heard. The sounds kept replaying in his head, especially late at night, often falling asleep to them as if they were some kind of sinful lullaby that he wanted turned into a full blown orchestral song.
And that's how his pretty girlfriend ended up dragged into his unholy desires, dressed to entice in a red two piece lingerie set that he knew would drive Yeosang insane.
"Hongjoong, do you think this is a good idea?" Her hands fidgeted with the bow attached to the middle of her panties.
When they heard the front door signal Yeosang's arrival, Hongjoong looked over at her with a smirk.
"Only one way to find out."
Adjusting the bow on her hair, Y/N watched her boyfriend walk out the room, no doubt going along with his plan of telling Yeosang he had a surprise for him. The boy was probably imagining something like stickers for his skateboard, fried chicken or some cool tshirt Hongjoong would customize for him, he really loved those gifts. Instead, he walked in to find his Hyung's girlfriend sitting on his bed, looking innocent and sexy at the same time. His eyes bulged out, cheeks reddened at the apples and he was whipping his head towards the evilly grinning male next to him, demanding an explanation.
"What? Don't you like my little surprise Sangie? I thought you'd be a little more....excited..."
Yeosang shivered lightly when Hongjoong ran his hand across his pants, gripping softly at the arousal that was forming in them.
"I don't- I don't understand....." Yeosang shyly looked to the ground, hands covering his growing arousal in embarrassment.
"Yeosang I know all about you masturbating to our sex tape."
Y/N kinda felt bad when Yeosang's expression looked guilty and ashamed of himself for even watching it in the first place. But she wasn't going to lie that it turned her on to find out the pure looking skaterboi could have his freaky side and she was more than curious to find out just how wild he could be. She heard, or more like, discerned Yeosang was apologizing to Hongjoong in a very hushed tone. Hongjoong assured him it was perfectly fine and that there was no need to be afraid, that it was after all a present to him. Seeing Yeosang conflict himself with whether this was right or not, Y/N knew it was time for her to speak up.
He immediately responded to her sultry call for him, ready to obey anything she said. When she patted the spot on the bed next to her, his feet quickly moved to sit next to her, although he kept his eyes on the floor, not daring to look her right in the eye and much less at her body. His cute behavior stirred something inside Y/N, a more dominant side of her wanting to come out. She began stroking his hair, which made him visible stiffen and inhale sharply.
"You can look at me Yeosang. It's ok."
Brushing the hair away from his forehead, her hand went down to his cheek, caressing it as she turned his face to look at her. He visible gulped when she asked him:
"Don't you think I look pretty?"
Unable to resist himself, he finally scanned her body, eyes tracing every curve and lingering a little too much on her exposed cleavage.
"You look so fucking pretty." He had to admit.
Hongjoong watched with a proud smirk as Yeosang let Y/N kiss him softly and slowly melt into a more heated kiss. Although he was possessive by nature, something about sharing his most prized possession with his extremely handsome best friend got him riled up and he couldn't wait until they both fucked her dumb. He was just waiting for Yeosang to flip the tables on her, cause he knew that although his girlfriend was taking the lead at the moment, practically devouring the boy inside her mouth and straddling his lap, he also knew Yeosang was more dominant by nature. He just liked to play off an innocent and naive façade only to suddenly flip the switch and have whoever he's with underneath him and obeying his orders. And that's exactly what happened.
As Y/N was getting lost into their heated and sloppy makeout session, she let out a startled grunt when Yeosang's hand gripped the back of her hair, tugging it harshly as his nose brushed across her exposed neck.
"Just cause you're on top right now, doesn't mean I'm letting you take charge. Got it little kitten?" He smirked when he heard her moan out at her favorite pet name.
"Yes Yeosangie-"
She had no time to finish her sentence because Yeosang gripped her chin tightly, effectively silencing her.
"For tonight, forget about Yeosangie. You will only address me as Sir."
With no warning, he flipped her onto the bed, pinning her arms up and diving straight for her neck, making sure to suck and bite hard enough to leave purple blotches splattered across her soft almost velvet like skin. When Y/N looked back at her boyfriend, he was already almost fully undressed, leaving only his boxers on, hand palming himself as he stared at them with lustful eyes. Cupping her breasts, Yeosang squeezed them into his hands before pulling them out of the confining garment. Having always been a boobs type of guy, he of course began to hungrily suck on them, his tongue flicking against her sensitive nipples. Y/N arched her back, her mind wondering where the fuck did the shy skater went to? Was the boy who could barely say 3 words on their first meeting also the same man that was turning her into putty the lower he began kissing down her body?
When Yeosang got in between her thighs, he could not believe how drenched she already was.
"Fuck. We've barely done anything Hyung." Yeosang pressed a finger to her clothed heat.
Finally deciding it was time to join, Hongjoong moved Y/N so that her head was resting on the edge of the bed, prompting Yeosang to move as well.
"I know. She's such a dirty little slut. Gets turned on by even the smallest of things." He teased her as his hand lightly smacked her cheek.
"Don't call her that Hyung.....she's just a little princess. Can't help it if she's just a little spoiled." Yeosang cooed as he began pulling her soaked panties off.
Y/N gasped when Yeosang blew a little air onto her dripping core, eagerly anticipating him to do something. It was Hongjoong though that made her break her gaze from him when he slapped an all too familiar pierced member on her forehead.
"Hey, just cause Yeosang is willing to go soft on you and dote on you, doesn't mean you earned it from me."
Hongjoong tilted her head lower so it'd be easier for her to take him in.
"You're going to work that filthy mouth of yours and suck me dry you dirty kitten. I don't want you getting distracted by Yeosang eating you out or else I won't let you cum tonight." He warned her before shoving his dick inside her warm mouth in one go.
Yeosang only chuckled as he leaned in closer to her heat.
"I'll make sure to make it difficult for her."
Y/N moaned around Hongjoong's dick when she felt Yeosang's wet muscle side across her slick folds. Although he did not own a tongue in like her boyfriend did, he really was making it difficult for her to focus on sucking off Hongjoong. The way he swirled his tongue around her clit, or when he'd give it a particularly harsh suck that shot waves up at her. She could feel him smiling cockily too, he knew the power he held at that moment. Using his fingers to pry her lips open, he dwelved his tongue inside her dripping hole, causing her to briefly mumble out Yeosang's name while her mouth was still stuffed with Hongjoong's cock. She let out a choked yelp when the latter forced his cock deep inside her throat, the ampallang piercing touching her uvula, as his hand came down to strike her cheek.
"You're seriously calling out another man's name after I told you to focus on me you little bitch? Are you too dumb to even do a simple order?"
Gripping the sides of her jaw, he began to fuck her face, causing Y/N to choke around his length but eventually hollowing out her cheeks to welcome his intrusion. Although Yeosang looked up just to witness the sick and twisted scene, he did not deter in his task of eating Y/N out. He was determined to have her cum all over his face. By the way her hips began rolling onto his face and her thighs were closing around his head, he knew she was definitely close. Noticing her body movements as well, Hongjoong firmly looked at Yeosang.
"Don't you dare let her cum Yeosang."
Yeosang snickered amusedly, finding it funny how Hongjoong tried to order him around. Instead, the brat in him decided to completely ignore him, burying his face deeper in her, his mouth working hard to get her to reach that release she desperately wanted to achieve. When she began squirming under him, his hand held her hips down, tongue lapping up all the sweet juices she was pouring out. Yeosang was disappointed that her pleasured moans were currently being muffled by Hongjoong's cock, the latter tensing up when he felt the vibrations all around him.
"Fucking hell!"
Pulling out of her mouth with a loud popping sound, he finished himself off as he came all over her chin and neck, face red and eyes glaring down at Yeosang, who shot him a smug smile as he wiped the remainder of her juices off his chin and nose and licked his hand when he was done.
"You're such a fucking brat." Hongjoong growled at him.
"And what are you going to do? Spank me daddy?" He scoffed at the older male.
Setting Y/N upright, Hongjoong picked her up and set her down on the chair by the computer.
"You're not allowed to move, speak or touch yourself. You'll sit there like a good little bitch and watch what happens when you test me or disobey."
Y/N quickly nodded at Hongjoong's words, watching with fear and anticipation as turned his attention back to a still defiant Yeosang. After stripping off his clothes as Hongjoong told him to, Yeosang obligingly layed on his stomach, wiggling his ass when his Hyung came up behind him. Hongjoong had a suspiciously calm smile as his hand traced the curve of his Donsaeng's back before gently kneading at the flesh on his cheeks. When Y/N saw him reach under the bed for the black velvet bag he had hid just in case, she knew exactly what he was up to and wanted to warn Yeosang, but remembered the strict command she was given.
"Gave up already Hyung? I knew you're just all talk when you said you were a Dom-"
Yeosang groaned when Hongjoong took hold of his arms and swiftly tied them behind his back. Yeosang tested the ropes binding his hands and effectively discovered that they were very tight. He inhaled deeply when he felt something like leather stroke his ass cheeks. Hongjoong let out a soft chuckle as he brought the object close to Yeosang's face so he could take a look at what it was. The brown haired male paled slightly as he looked straight at the top of a black riding crop. Hongjoong used the tip to slightly turn Yeosang's head so he could see the sadistic smile across his face.
"I'm going to show you little brat how us Doms train you into submission."
After patting that stubborn head of his friend, Hongjoong held the riding crop over his head, momentarily keeping it there to keep a suspenseful atmosphere. Y/N looked over at Yeosang with a worried look, meeting her eyes briefly, he sent a wink her way, silently assuring her that he was completely fine with it.
Yeosang let out an almost pained howl when the first strike came down on his ass.
"One." Hongjoong began.
One stroke soon turned to 5, and then 10, Yeosang's milky white skin started as a bright pink but was now a deep red. He kept his face buried in the mattress underneath him which drowned out his screams and whimpers. All throughout his ordeal, Y/N rubbed her legs together, pressing her thighs against each other, quickly becoming aroused once more and feeling needy once more. Yeosang's whining was not helping her case either, if anything his behavior was making her want to disobey her boyfriend as well, her hand creeping dangerously close to her knee.
"Are you going to apologize for being a brat now or should I keep going? The longer you drag this on, the longer it'll take for both you and Y/N to cum. I mean look at her..."
Grabbing a hold of Yeosang's hair, Hongjoong lifted his face so he could look over at the squirming girl on his chair.
"She's practically aching for you to be inside her."
Although Yeosang wanted to continue his defiance, not only was he craving his own release, but seeing Y/N made him rethink his choice.
"Yeosang, I'll tell you what. Give up now....and I'll let you take her ass."
Y/N couldn't believe her ears. Hongjoong wasn't serious was he? Yeosang sucking in a breath answered that for her, and more so when he immediately did as he was asked.
"I'm sorry f-for being a brat Hyung. I p-promise it won't happen again."
Flipping him on his back, Hongjoong gripped Yeosang's red and painfully erect cock in his hand, making the younger boy hiss in pleasure and pain.
"Tell me what you want Yeosang." Hongjoong ushered him to speak up, his thumb running across the other's slit.
"Wanna make our girl feel good. Wanna be buried inside her and fuck her like a queen."
As he spoke those words, he looked at Y/N with hooded eyes, hips bucking up as Hongjoong began stroking him gently, soft moans and grunts coming out from Yeosang's mouth, the very same ones Hongjoong wanted to hear from the beginning.
"And you will baby boy, but can you both be patient for a little bit?"
Hongjoong turned when Y/N let out a frustrated whine, bottom lip poking out.
"I'll get to you soon kitten ok? But let me help Yeosang for a little bit. He hasn't gotten a chance to come even once and he's throbbing in my hand right now."
Having been frustrated for too long, Yeosang melted into Hongjoong's touch when he picked up the pace and began to stroke him harder. He tried biting his lip in an effort to hold back his noises but Hongjoong halted his movements.
"Open your mouth and let those filthy moans come out your throat or else I'll put a cock ring on you."
As if on cue, Yeosang's began releasing the most unholy series of whimpers and whines as Hongjoong pumped him into a dazy haze that would soon be broken and explode all over his Hyung's hand. He just needed an extra push and he'd come collapsing from his already high state. Hongjoong felt when Yeosang began twitching, a sign he was going to come.
Hongjoong immediately dropped to his knees and opened his mouth wide to catch some of the cum that spurted out of Yeosang, leaving Y/N speechless. She knew her boyfriend was rather kinky and had interesting tastes, but this just made her let out a big 'oof' at his actions. And what followed just made her practically drip. Taking advantage of Yeosang's sensitive state, Hongjoong licked up his softening dick and made sure to press his tongue piercing into his slit, making Yeosang push him off, unable to take anymore.
"Ok baby boy, guess you're not ready for overstimulation yet." Hongjoong ruffled his hair before cupping the red faced boy's cheeks and kissing him softly, drilling his tongue in his mouth, letting him not only taste himself but allowing him to play around with his tongue piercing that always made him curious.
They were only broken from their amorous trance when they heard a frustrated squeak coming from the poor girl sitting on the chair in front of them.
"I think we've neglected our princess for too long Hyung." Yeosang was the one who got up and went over to fetch Y/N, who eagerly accepted his embrace and let him carry her over to the bed.
Hongjoong was already getting out the lube to help with the process that was about to come.
"I don't know....I'm tempted to make her wait a little more."
Y/N shook her head furiously to which Yeosang giggled.
"Don't worry princess. I'll make sure you're more than satisfied."
Turning her so her back was to his chest, Yeosang took the lube from Hongjoong's hand and poured some onto his fingers. Hongjoong in turn tilted Y/N's chin, and made her look at him.
"You're lucky Yeosang is nice kitten. If it were up to me, I'd make you wait around and beg like the whiny bitch you are."
Y/N poked her bottom lip out, making puppy eyes at Hongjoong so he wouldn't follow through on it. Wanting to assure her, Yeosang pressed kisses on her shoulder.
"Don't listen to him princess."
Yeosang slipped two of his lubed fingers into her tight hole, reading her body signals and slowly prepping her. Sensing her apprehension, Yeosang looked over at Hongjoong.
"Should we maybe try something else?"
But Y/N didn't want to deter them.
"No! Please! Fuck both my holes."
Yeosang instantly got hard once again at her words. When Y/N pressed herself back onto his length, he got the hint that she wanted them to stop stalling. As Yeosang finished lubing her up, Hongjoong lined himself up at her entrance, not needing to prep her pussy hole as she was practically soaked to the core, making it easy for him to slide inside her. Even after all the times he had entered her in the past months, she could still not get over the feeling of his pierced dick stretching out her walls. Before she could fully get adjusted to him, Yeosang was already sliding into her other tight hole, causing a pained shiver to run down her spine. Hongjoong rapidly kissed her to distract her from the uncomfortable feeling. Yeosang as well slid his hands up to cup her breasts, pinching her nipples softly as he fully inserted his length inside her, fighting the urge to move until she adjusted to his size.
After a few minutes, she pulled away from Hongjoong's kiss and nodded at him.
"You good?" He asked one last time.
"I'm good." Turning her head back so she could look at Yeosang, she added: "Go ahead."
Giving each other an enthusiastic look, both men began moving inside of her. Y/N had never felt so full, each time one of them slipped out of her, the other was already slipping back in, never allowing her to get a moment's rest from the overwhelming feeling they were giving her.
"You're enjoying this aren't you kitten? I can feel you clenching all around me and I bet that other hole of yours is squeezing Yeosang as well."
With no warning, Hongjoong slipped his hand back and struck her ass twice, causing her to yelp.
"Aren't you, you whore?"
As soon as he finished his words, Yeosang stepped in to caress her slapped skin.
"It's ok princess, it's just means we're fucking you right like you're supposed to be."
Y/N loved the polar opposites both of them were giving her. Hongjoong's degradation being softened by Yeosang's praise and care was something she didn't know she needed until she felt a familiar coil build up in her lower stomach.
"She's close..... can you tell Yeosang? With the way she's struggling to breathe and her walls tightening, she's about to burst all over." Hongjoong noted.
Reaching over to fumble with her clit, Yeosang whispered in a raspy voice:
"Cum for us baby girl. Just let it out."
Feeling the coil snap inside, she cried out their names as they slowed down their movements, letting her come down from her high and become relaxed. She was completely unaware of the slick smiles and hints they exchanged between themselves. Taking advantage of her unfocused state, Hongjoong gripped her hips while Yeosang wrapped his hand around her neck, both jolting they began pounding into her at an even fiercer speed than before, loud squealching sounds echoing through the room as incoherent babbling came from Y/N's mouth, tears dripping down her cheeks from their overstimulation.
Hongjoong slapped her ass once again.
"Wrong name stupid, stupid kitten."
Any word she even thought of spitting out was choked out by Yeosang's grip tightened around her throat.
"It's Master and Sir to you little pet."
With tremendous effort, she managed to get out those 3 words in between her whimpered screams that were probably being heard by the neighbors, not to mention the creaking of the bed underneath them. Being overstimulated past her limit, it didn't take long for Y/N to become undone once more, this time even more violently than the previous one. If the boys hadn't been holding her up, she would have collapsed onto the bed. But their strong arms, both tha tattooed ones and the non-tattooed held her up as both boys chased their own release. Through gritted teeth, they let out choked moans, making sure to fill her up to the brim as they coated her walls with their sticky cum. Once they garnered enough strength and their headspace, they pulled out of her, a trail of slick cascading down her thighs. Y/N winced at the sudden void that action left in her, her eyes focused on the ceiling as her mind just stayed blank from all the events that just happened. Yeosang was the first one to get up.
"I'll go run a bath."
Understanding what he was doing, Hongjoong leaned down and brushed some of the hair sticking to his girlfriend's forehead off her face. Kissing the spot gently, his tone turned more soft and warm than what it had been minutes ago.
"It's ok, you did so well my love. We'll run you a nice bath and then tuck you into bed so you can rest ok?"
Her mind barely processed what he said, she simply nodded and allowed herself to be carried by Hongjoong into the bathroom. Yeosang was in the process of making sure the water temperature was perfect and had already added scented bubble bath mix in there to help her relax more.
"You certainly do go the extra mile." Hongjoong pointed out.
Yeosang shrugged.
"Just cause she's not mine doesn't mean I'm not going to take care of her after I practically helped you fuck her brains out."
Both Y/N and Yeosang thought they were too worn out and dumb to fully comprehend the next words Hongjoong spoke.
"As far as I'm concerned, she's also yours after tonight."
Y/N craned her neck to look at Yeosang's reaction, who sat there incredulous.
"I mean, if you don't want to I understand..."
Hongjoong looked over at his lover, knowing fully well she would not mind adding their savage yet charismatic accomplice into their relationship. After Y/N gave him a reassuring smile, Yeosang stood up and took her away from Hongjoong's embrace.
"Guess you're mine now too princess."
━━━━━ • ஜ • ❈ • ஜ • ━━━━━
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yuehua8 · 3 years
Things that have happened in my Ap chemistry class so far, because I feel like I should document this somewhere
-The first day of school our teacher lovingly told us that we had to finish a lab- 8 minutes before school ended.  We all ended up staying almost 45 minutes after school
-“I can’t get this thing to light” “Move out of the way I’m a pyromaniac”
-Our teacher has also given us good luck charms- little animal figures (and one baby)- which all of us have named (mine is named emo fuckass).  She told us that on the AP test if we cried at it it would give us luck I am taking this to heart
-Our teacher has relayed the important information of how she escaped the police from a party that ended in several toxically drunk adults (there was no food, only alcohol and cake at the party) and a broken bottle fight.  Mind you, this was all done in a dress and sandals, because this was on the beach
-Did I mention the cops showed up because someone was bleeding.  Like heavily injured in the fight, somehow she snuck out by going around and hiding in bushes
-she has also explained in great detail her plan of committing a felony and getting jailed once she retires.
-and has offered many times to help hide any bodies if we needed it
-and told us how to get rid of blood and how to get rid of a body
-One kid falls asleep and stays knocked out the entire class period frequently 
-“Is-is he asleep again?” “Oh my fucking god I wish that were me”
-the same kid has also introduced himself for a project and then immediately walked back out the door.
-When doing our element song videos a surprising amount of people chose to do theirs to the tune of ABBA’s dancing queen
-The utter confusion on our faces when we are handed an assignment is shared across the room and I think it’s beautiful
-“I have no fucking clue what I’m doing” “Neither do I but at least it’s on fire”
-I keep coming up with more and more convoluted names for the APchem group chat and no one is questioning it
-“You are not going to hide under the table” “try and stop me fucker”
-Our teacher has placed her social media on the white board and every single one of us immediately took out our phones to follow her
-“Does she know this is the same video as yesterday?”
“Don’t tell her don’t you dare fucking tell her”
-The girl next to me (who I will not name but I love her very much) constantly looks like she is either depressed or falling asleep and all of us are very very concerned
-One guy constantly races to finish all of his water before the special needs kids come to collect the plastic water bottles.  
-“Oh my god shut the FUCK up Shreyas we get it you’rE SMART”
Also in the same vein: “Shreyas help me you’re smart”
-Our teacher has also introduced “Dalton Dollars”, in which if we refer to an element as it’s chemical formula someone can take one of our dollars.  If we don’t have any left then we owe them.  With INTEREST.  Babe introduced a banking system in our classroom 
-also subsequently our entire class declared a truce within ourselves so we don’t loose cash
-“What element is this” “NaCl- fuck wait” “It’s ok I’m not gonna do anything” -The kid who sits next to me shows up to class everyday with a full on entourage, like a full posse.  They crowd around him (and by extension me, i get caged in) and lovingly harass him until class starts and they’re all late as fuck
-“what did you get for-“ “I don’t know I’m waiting for someone to give me the answer” “Good idea” -One kid in the posse frequently shows up the moment it strikes 2:30.  How he manages this is anyone’s guess. -“Why are you wearing children on your ears”
-Our teacher told us that if we broke her bismuth she would be retiring immediately.  We told her that she’s not going to jail that easily -”anyone here feel regret taking this class?” “Everyday”
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honeypiehotchner · 3 years
winter love (all i want for Christmas is you) -- Hotch x Fem!Reader
Hi hi hi!! I have literally been writing this on and off since September, and now I finally get to share it!! A few quick things: this fic has very much Hallmark vibes but does have a good dose of angst too; for the sake of this fic, Aaron was born and raised in Virginia; and Jack was never born (sorry buddy!).
I listened to Michael Bublé’s songs “All I Want for Christmas Is You” and “Cold December Night” a lot while writing this, so feel free to play those while you read! xx.
(The gif is from google because once again, my gif search is broken on here because apparently this post is too long?? Rip me)
Summary: You’ve returned back to your hometown after leaving to get your education, but you didn’t expect to run into your childhood best friend (and first love). 
Word count: 9.4k
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If you told yourself a few months ago that you’d be moving back to Virginia, you would’ve scoffed and probably laughed -- loudly. Your mom, on the other hand, would’ve been elated, and swore she knew it.
Like she’s doing now.
“I’m just so excited to have you home again,” she gushes, helping you carry boxes of your clothes up to your old childhood room.
The room needs some work, like taking down all these embarrassing posters and changing the sheets to something not so cringe-worthy (thankfully, it’s a full-size bed instead of the old twin you grew up sleeping on). But it’ll be fine for the time being. It’s not like you’re going to find an apartment right before Christmas, or that you even want to. It’s been a while since you’ve spent a full Christmas season with your mom.
You’ve been studying out of state for the past six years, working to get your masters and doctorate degrees — which you’ve completed. But now you need a job and a new start, which is why you decided to come home.
You’ve missed Virginia a lot more than you’ll admit. It’s hard not to miss your hometown when you’re gone from it for so long.
“We need a Christmas tree,” you say, as you come back down the stairs. “Christmas is next week, how do you not have a tree up yet?”
“I wasn’t going to get one without you,” your mom says like the fact should’ve been obvious to you.
You laugh as you plop down next to her on the couch. “I know. We should go tomorrow.”
“Whenever you want to,” she smiles, squeezing your arm. “Have you been to your coffee shop yet?”
“My coffee shop?” You raise an eyebrow. “Since when has it been mine?”
“Since you practically lived there during high school,” your mom counters.
She has a point. “Well, no, I haven’t. I just got here.”
“You should go.”
You raise both eyebrows this time, turning your entire body to face her. “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why are you trying to get me to go back there?”
“Why don’t you want to?”
You give her a look. “You know why.”
“I don’t.”
She does. She knows exactly what happened there.
“I’m not repeating it,” you mutter. “And I’ll be finding a new coffee shop, thank you very much.”
“Oh, you can’t let one bad experience stop you from going there!”
“So you do remember!”
“How could I forget? When you were a wreck for months after. I still never forgave him for that, you know.”
You shake your head, settling back against the couch pillows. “It’s been long enough now that I think forgiveness won’t hurt anyone.”
You say that, and yet you don’t want to step foot in that shop ever again.
It was the summer before your junior year. Aaron was a rising senior, so there was the weight of it being his last year already hanging in the air. Especially when he was already looking at a pre-law track for college — meaning he’d be insanely busy after graduation with not much time for you.
Unfortunately, you didn’t realize that his being too busy for you would start before then.
You were a year younger — technically almost two, but the way your birthday fell, you were only one grade younger — but that didn’t stop Aaron from being your friend. At first you thought he had ill intentions (as most older boys in high school did), but he didn’t. He genuinely enjoyed your company, and you genuinely enjoyed his.
More than genuinely. You say now that you don’t believe in love at first sight, but you know that’s because it already happened for you, and you believe it to be a one-time deal.
That one time was when Aaron sat across from you at the lunch table.
You were alone and reading a book. You were a freshman then, and being an extra year younger didn’t exactly help in the whole making friends department. Especially when a lot of your peers were already aware of your age.
But Aaron wasn’t aware, nor did he even care.
He saw that you were alone, and reading, and he decided to sit with you. He wanted to read too, anyway, but he knew he didn’t always like being alone when he read. Something told him you were the same way.
He was correct.
It took almost the entire fall semester before either of you said one word to each other. Sometimes you’d be too engrossed in the book you were reading to even notice he’d sat down in front of you. And when you would finally notice, he would be the one with his nose too deep in the book to notice.
But eventually, you started sharing book recommendations.
Which eventually turned into helping each other with homework. You were always better at math and Spanish than he was (you were already in the sophomore levels of these classes as a freshman), but he was always good with history and English. He must’ve noticed you were in freshman English and history, but he never commented on it — at least not in a way that said he was bullying you.
That winter break was when you started going to the coffee shop together. It was within walking distance of the high school, so the two of you would go at the end of the day until your parents could pick you up. Sometimes your mom would drive him home, or vice versa.
And when Aaron got his license, he’d drive you both there and drop you off at home.
The two of you were inseparable. Almost literally.
Until Aaron met Haley.
Haley was in theatre. She was everything you weren’t. Aaron’s age, pretty, funny, outgoing, and worst of all: popular.
You watched your best friend fall in love.
And that wouldn’t have hurt as bad as it did if it wasn’t Haley he was falling for.
You kept your feelings for Aaron quiet, even to your mom — though you found out later that she always knew. You had almost thought he felt the same, or that he might be beginning to, and then suddenly he was talking about some girl named Haley.
Only she wasn’t just “some girl” to him, or even to you. Everyone knew Haley Brooks.
Slowly, your lunch table conversations were less about what the two of you were going to do the coming weekend, and more about Haley. How he was going to get her to notice him (join theatre, even though he never liked theatre before her). How he was going to ask her on a date (it wouldn’t be a date at first, just dinner after theatre rehearsal, that ended up being with the entire cast, but he sat next to her). How he was going to win her over (he brought flowers to the first performance and surprised her backstage). How he was going to ask her to be his girlfriend (that was the same night as the flowers, completely unplanned, but she said yes).
How he thought he might want to marry her one day.
The last hurt most of all. He confessed it to you one night out of the blue as he was driving you home after school. You knew you could handle him being in love with someone else. Some sick part of you knew — or hoped, rather — that the relationship wouldn’t last. What high school relationship lasts longer than a few months, anyway?
But when Aaron fell for Haley, he fell completely. And hard.
He started cancelling plans with you to spend time with Haley — before they were even dating. When they were dating, he stopped making plans with you altogether.
Then came the summer before his senior year.
It had been months since you saw him last. You had a new lunch period the second half of the year because one of your favorite teachers asked for help during the period, which meant you didn’t have lunch with Aaron — but you don’t even think he noticed.
June came and went. The two of you barely saw one another, barely talked when you did. But when you did, you clung to those moments like they were your only lifeline. In a way, they were.
July finally came and he actually made plans to see you. He said he wanted to get coffee again, catch up, hang out for a few hours, sit in silence, even, whatever you wanted. You were excited.
Some part of you thought that he had broken up with Haley — wishful thinking, but you were sixteen and in love, what else were you supposed to think?
But he hadn’t broken up with her. They were very much in love. You know. You witnessed it.
Apparently, Haley didn’t like the idea of Aaron getting coffee and lunch alone with a female friend. So, she took it upon herself to tag along.
You saw them sharing a kiss through the window, Aaron’s back facing you. When they pulled away, Haley’s eyes caught yours, but she said nothing to Aaron, just pulled him back in for another kiss.
You didn’t go into the shop that day. And you haven’t since.
The last time you saw Aaron was the day before he moved to college. He was stopping by to say goodbye to you.
You were reading a book in your room, and your eyes caught the movement on the driveway. You told your mom to say you weren’t home.
You watched him leave from your bedroom window, hands stuffed in his pockets.
You heard that Aaron and Haley got married. Not because you wanted to hear, but because your mom told you. She probably meant well, but you drank an entire bottle of wine that night. You weren’t even 21 yet at the time.
Of course, it’s been years since then. You’re all fine now, and you’ve got the student loan debt to prove it.
But even with three degrees, job hunting can be a bitch. Especially this time of year.
You need coffee.
You blame the fact that this coffee shop is the best one around. And the fact that it’s Christmas season, meaning they have your favorite drink again.  
Dark chocolate peppermint mocha. It’s a godsend. And you haven’t had one in years.
Well, you have. But they haven’t been from here. They haven’t had this shop’s specially made peppermint whipped cream, or the peppermint stick that can be used to stir.
You hate how much you have to psych yourself up before you walk inside. You don’t even know where Aaron is these days or what he’s doing. He could be halfway across the country for all you know.
So, with that fact in mind, you walk inside. You embrace the familiar sight and smells, remembering what it felt like the last time you were here.
You move toward the counter, falling in the short line to the register. And your stomach flips when you see a familiar face standing in front of you.
Well, his back is facing you, so you don’t see his face, but you know it’s him. There’s this thing about first loves. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since the last time you’ve seen them. You’ll always recognize everything about them. The back of their head, their shoulders, their hands, the way they walk.
Their voice. Even if it’s deeper than the last time you heard it.
Maybe he won’t recognize me.
But what you don’t know is that no amount of time could pass to make you unrecognizable to Aaron.
Or that he saw your reflection in the glass case next to him when you got in line, and he’s been internally trying to figure out what the hell to say to you since.
If it hadn’t been for his voice, you wouldn’t have recognized Aaron at all. A black coffee? That’s it?
The barista pours it and slides it over to him before he’s even done paying. He’s at a coffee shop -- this coffee shop, and he orders a black coffee?
Who is he?
You step up to the register as he steps away, and you swear you see him looking at you through the corner of your eyes. But you must be seeing things because why would he do that?
You focus on ordering -- a medium peppermint mocha, complete with the whipped cream and peppermint stick. After paying, you step to the side to wait for your coffee.
You nearly knock right into Aaron, but you stop yourself, well aware of his presence.
Another thing about first loves: you’re always painfully aware of their presence.
“Hi,” he says, awkward and fumbling even though it’s only one word. He’s wearing a stuffy suit and tie, which seems odd, but you’re positive that’s just normal lawyer attire. He probably lives in a suit these days. His hair is shorter than it used to be and he looks older, but so do you. Despite all of this, he’s still Aaron. He’s still the same Aaron Hotchner you fell in love with at sixteen.
“Hi,” you return the awkward smile, tugging on the strap of your purse. After a beat, you nod toward his drink. “Black coffee, huh?” You try to tease. “Who hurt you?”
He laughs loudly then, shoulders and head shaking. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too, Hotchner,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around yourself.
The conversation dies for a moment, so you busy yourself by looking at the different cakes and pastries in the glass case. You probably should’ve gotten one, but maybe another time.
Another time. Fifteen minutes ago you wouldn’t be caught dead in this shop and now you’re already thinking about another time.
“Are you busy?” Aaron suddenly asks, prompting you to look at him with furrowed brows. “Do you mind if I join you?”
“Not at all,” you smile gently, knowing you might regret this later. But it’s been over a decade since you’ve seen him last. One coffee won’t hurt.
And I’m over him, you remind yourself, no matter how untrue it might be.
Once you have your peppermint mocha -- finally, you think, it’s been too long -- you walk with Aaron to find a table. A lot has changed about this shop, but one thing that hasn’t (because there isn’t much that can be changed) is the seating.
Aaron leads you to your old table. The table the two of you practically lived at.
It makes your heart warm and ache all at once. The drink you decided to order isn’t helping matters either.
“So…” You pause, shifting in your seat. “What are you up to these days?”
“You stole my question,” he jokes.
“Tough,” you smile into your drink. “I asked it first.”
He chuckles, but answers anyway. “I’m working for the BAU now.”
“The B-A-What?”
“The-- FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit.”
Your eyes widen. “Did you… Did you really just say you’re working for the FBI?”
“I think so,” he says. “I’m the unit chief.”
“You’re the-- Okay. So, you don’t work for the...the BAU, they work for you.”
“We’re a team,” he offers.
“Said every boss ever,” you quip, taking a long drink of your mocha. You take the peppermint stick in between your fingers and stir, eyebrows furrowing down at the swirl of coffee and whipped cream. “So...what do you do exactly?”
He opens his mouth to answer, then stops, hesitating. “Do you really want to know?”
You give him a look. “Of course I do.”
“It’s not great.”
“Aaron, just tell me, or I’ll start reciting my dissertation word for word.” Your statement stuns him to silence, so badly that you almost laugh. “That’s boring. Working for the FBI can’t possibly be boring.”
“Oh, it’s never boring, that’s for sure,” he mutters. “We profile serial killers.”
“You what?”
He laughs. “We look at their behaviors and crimes and build a profile, what they might look like, their age, that stuff.”
“I can’t believe you’re interested.”
“I can’t believe you thought I wouldn’t be,” you counter. “You know I thrive off this stuff.”
“I remember,” he says quietly.
And just like that, you remember, too.
It’s so easy to forget about all the hurt he caused, all the pain he left behind. Especially because you know he never intended to hurt you. He would never do that, not to you, not on purpose. You never told him how you felt. It’s not his fault he couldn’t read your mind.
“Well, you’ve got a doctorate,” he says, shifting the conversation. “What else are you up to?”
“How did you know it’s a doctorate?” You raise an eyebrow. “Are you profiling me? Did I use that correctly?”
“Yes,” he smiles. “And no, not intentionally. You said you’d recite your dissertation. Those are normally written to get doctorate degrees. You always wanted one, I assumed you met your goal.”
“You assume correct,” you nod. “I’m back to start job and apartment hunting, but after the new year. I wanted to spend some time with my mom.”
“How is she doing?”
“She’s good, she--” You pause, shaking your head with a laugh. “She actually brought you up yesterday.”
“Me?” Aaron looks genuinely shocked.
“Yeah, you,” you knock your foot against his leg without thinking, but you pay no mind, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to it. “She’s actually the one who put the bug in my ear to come here.”
“Yeah, I haven’t been back here since…”
It takes him a moment, but he nods slowly. “Right.”
“Yeah,” you draw your legs closer to you on instinct. “But that was a long time ago. How are you and Haley?”
You don’t expect the way his face falls. You glance down at his left hand. No ring.
“We got a divorce a few years ago, split up about a good year before that,” Aaron explains. “She’s good, last I heard. Remarried already.”
“Wow,” you murmur, not knowing what else to say. “What-- I mean, what happened?” When he hesitates, you backpedal. “Sorry, I shouldn’t even ask, it’s probably a sensitive question.”
“It’s okay,” Aaron chuckles. “I don’t mind talking about it with you.”
That sends a dangerous flutter through your stomach. “Okay. Well I’m all ears.”
“Oh, it’s not a long story, it was just my job,” he shrugs. “I took the unit chief position and she was happy at first. But then, there was a period of time where we had what felt like case after case after case.” He shakes his head. “I was barely home, but I was barely in one state for long, anyway. It was a stressful time. We were everywhere at once.”
“That does sound stressful,” you frown. “Has it slowed down now?”
“Kind of, it has its moments,” he admits. “But being gone so much, it took a toll on her. She wanted to start a family, but said she couldn’t do that if I was never there.”
“But I mean she had to have known how your schedule would be with the new job, right?”
“Yeah,” he says, then shrugs. “It’s been so long now that I stopped trying to understand her thought process.”
“I get that,” you say sincerely. You understand not wanting to waste energy on something like that anymore. Sometimes you just have to give it up and have peace with the fact that you’ll never understand.
“What about you?” He asks suddenly, catching you off guard. “Seeing anyone?” He adds it quietly, like he’s shy.
Aaron Hotchner. Shy. Around you.
“Oh,” you nearly laugh at the prospect. “No. No, I’m not. Do you really think I would be if I was moving back in with my mom?”
He laughs, bringing his coffee to his lips. “You have a point there.”
A comforting silence settles over the two of you after that.
You shouldn’t feel slightly giddy that his and Haley’s relationship didn’t work out in the end. You’re over him by now, anyway. But something about being right has you fighting a smile. You smother the urge, though, knowing he probably doesn’t want to hear anyone, let alone you, say, “I told you so.”
You do feel bad for him, genuinely. Divorce is never easy for anyone, and you hate he went through that. Especially like that. Haley knew his work schedule would change. Why would she act supportive if she knew this in advance? Just sits uneasy with you, that’s all.
Of course, you feel that overprotective-best-friend nature coming back to you.
“What plans do you have now that you’re back?” He asks, keeping the conversation up, but you can tell he’s earnest — which makes you smile.
“Nothing, really. My mom and I are getting a Christmas tree later, but that’s all I have on my schedule.” You pause, giving him another look. “We both know you were my only friend in high school. Who do you think I’m going to see while I’m here?”
“Hopefully a lot of me,” he replies easily, smiling around his coffee.
And for once, you don’t hesitate to reply. “I hope so, too, actually. I didn’t think you were still around here. And I really didn’t expect you to be working for the FBI.”
“This might be presumptuous of me, but what are you doing this weekend?” He asks, quickly adding on, “A good friend of mine is hosting a Christmas party for the team, and I’ve basically been threatened to bring a plus one.”
“Threatened, huh?” You raise an eyebrow.
He nods seriously. “They won’t let me inside without one.”
You gasp comically, keeping up the act. “Well you can’t miss the party!”
“I know,” he sighs, propping his head in his hand.
“Well, I guess I’ll just have to come with,” you say, still deadly serious.
But Aaron’s lips split into a grin the same time yours does. “It’s this Saturday.”
“Lucky for you, I’m free.”
He doesn’t stop grinning. “I can pick you up, if you want.”
“Yeah, I’d love that,” you say. “I should probably give you my number, shouldn’t I?”
“I was going to ask,” he admits.
You roll your eyes playfully. “I figured.”
After exchanging numbers, the two of you return to your idle conversations. Only, they’re less idle than they ever have been before.
He vents about still not understanding how people can be capable of the things he sees. How he knows that everyone is capable of unspeakable things, but it’s how they do it that still makes him stumble sometimes. And you try to sympathize, though you know you can’t. But still you tell him not to try to understand.
“You’re a good man,” you say. “You’re not going to understand it because you’re not like them.”
“Thank you,” he whispers. “I know that, consciously. Sometimes it’s good to hear it from someone else.”
Then he tells you it’s your turn, and again, you don’t feel the need to hesitate.
You tell him how you weren’t planning on moving back here at all. But the job market where you were didn’t...fit you, for some reason. You never felt like you belonged, and so maybe that’s why you wanted to come back here.
Because even though you left this place heartbroken, you still felt like you belonged when you were here. You felt like you belonged when you were with him, but you don’t tell him that.
Something tells you he heard it anyway, though. Being a profiler and all. Which you still don’t quite understand, but you’re sure he’ll have plenty of time to tell you in the coming future.
After an hour or two, you decide it’s time for you to head back home. Partly because you need to make some lunch for yourself, and partly because you’ve watched Aaron dismiss at least three phone calls in the last twenty minutes.
But he didn’t say a word each time, so you know he won’t tell you who it is or if he needs to go. It makes your heart warm at the thought that he wants to spend more time with you, but if it’s his job, then he needs to go.
He walks you to your car and you hug him around his neck, unashamedly taking a deep breath of his cologne when you stretch up to wrap your arms around him. He didn’t wear cologne back in high school. But this one smells good.
You mentally prepare yourself on the way home for the amount of questions your mom is no doubt going to ask.
You’re supposed to be going to pick out a tree with her today, which means you were supposed to be home a little earlier than this, which means your mom probably already knows what happened and you won’t even get a chance to explain yourself.
In the end, your prediction was correct.
“How was your peppermint mocha?” You glance over to the couch and find your mom sitting there, idly reading a book.
The question is as directly indirect as they come. You raise an eyebrow and kick the front door closed (yes, she asked before you even stepped foot inside the house). “It was good,” you reply, shrugging your jacket off your shoulders. “Why?”
“Oh, you enjoyed it for almost two hours, so I was just wondering.” Your mom fights back a grin, but she’s not doing a very good job.
You sigh. “Just go ahead and ask.”
She closes her book. “Alright, fine, I will. How is Aaron?”
There it is.
“He’s good,” you answer rather pointedly, making your way into the living room. “He’s working for the FBI now.”
“Oh, I knew that already.”
You plop down next to her on the couch. “Seriously?”
“Of course!” She cries, like it should be obvious. “Small talk happens when you see someone in the store.”
“Right,” you scoff. “Anyway, thanks for not telling me him and Haley divorced.”
She grimaces.
“Yeah, exactly,” you nod at her expression. “That’s how I felt. I bet it was just awesome of me to ask about how him and his ex-wife are doing.”
“I’m sorry,” your mom says. “It completely slipped my mind. It’s been so long since those two split.”
“Why didn’t you tell me when it happened?”
“Because I didn’t want to bring him up,” she answers sincerely. “You seemed like you had really moved on. I figured it didn’t matter, and I didn’t want to make you start thinking about him again when you had finally gotten over it all.”
“Oh,” you murmur. “Well, thank you, then, but...still. I feel like an idiot.”
“Did he seem angry when you asked?”
“No, the opposite,” you sigh. “He explained what happened and I let him talk about it for a second, but he seems mostly moved on from it.”
“I don’t know how he can be,” your mom scoffs. “She’s already remarried, you know.”
“Yeah, he told me.”
Your mom shakes her head. “I should’ve shook some sense into that boy when he came to say goodbye that day.” Then she pauses, poking your leg. “And I should’ve made you say goodbye to him. I’ll never forgive myself for that.”
“I didn’t wanna talk to him,” you shrug. “We barely had all year, anyway. And one goodbye would not have stopped him from going to college and marrying Haley, you know that.”
“Yeah, I know.” She sighs. “It’s fun to think about, though.”
“Well stop thinking about it,” you mutter. “We are friends and he’s probably seeing someone by now. I don’t even know how long I’ll be here, so.”
Your mom raises her eyebrows. “I never said anything about what you guys are now.”
Damn. Caught. “I know, but I’m just...catching you before you do.”
“Mmm, more like catching yourself.”
“Shut up.”
She lightly hits you with a pillow. “Don’t say that to your mother,” she jokes. “Especially not when I’m right and you know it.”
“Yeah, yeah. Are you ready to pick out a tree?”
“Of course,” she replies. “Just let me find my shoes.”
While she’s getting ready -- because “finding her shoes” really means fixing her hair and makeup and changing outfits a couple times -- you get a text from Aaron.
Aaron: It was nice catching up with you today
You smile and type your reply. Ditto. We should do it again sometime.
He doesn’t reply, but you figure he’s busy at work, anyway. And you’ve got a tree to pick out and decorate, so you’re technically busy, too.
You try not to think too much about it.
And truthfully, you don’t think much about it, until Aaron finally replies. It’s hours later when you’re decorating the freshly-cut Christmas tree in the living room, with Michael Bublé’s Christmas album playing through the stereo speakers. It’s just like when you were younger.
You check your phone and see that it’s Aaron texting you back, but you pocket it before reading the message. You’re busy.
Your mom notices the change on your face. “Everything alright?” She asks as she places a snowflake ornament on one of the smaller branches.
You nod without thinking, hating yourself for even feeling what you’re feeling right now. A glittery red ornament hangs from your index finger as you try to find the right branch to hang it on -- and while your mind wanders all over the place.
“Clearly not,” your mom replies. “But alright.” She turns and reaches into a different box, picking up one of the golden jingle bells that she always hides deep within the tree each year. When you were younger, she’d hide them without you seeing, and then on Christmas Eve you’d have to search the tree for them before you could open one present before going to sleep.
You snort a laugh, always loving her way of getting you to open up: sarcasm. “It’s just Aaron.”
“Texting me,” you explain, looking down at the glitter coating your fingertips from the ornaments.
“Aren’t you going to reply?” She asks, grabbing another jingle bell.
“Technically he’s the one replying from earlier today.”
You sigh. Time to cave. “He invited me to a Christmas party this weekend.”
Your mom doesn’t even try to hide her excitement or her wide grin. “Really? That’s great!”
Is it? You want to ask, but you stop yourself. “Yeah,” you shrug. “I guess so. It’ll be nice to hang out with him more.” You pause, finally hanging the small glittery red ornament on the tree that you’ve been idly holding for the past two minutes. “Apparently a friend of his is hosting it and basically told him he wouldn’t be allowed inside without a plus one.” You chuckle quietly, knowing Aaron had to have rolled his eyes when his friend told him that.
“So it’s...a date, then?”
“What? No,” you shake your head. “No, no. Not a date. He didn’t phrase it that way.”
“Sweetheart, plus one implies date.”
“Who says?”
“Everyone!” Your mom laughs. “Bringing a plus one to a wedding is usually a casual date, if not bringing your significant other along.”
“This isn’t a wedding, it’s just a Christmas get together.”
“Same difference.”
“Well, I think you’re doing that thing again where you try to plant seeds in my brain for things that are unnecessary,” you raise an eyebrow at her when she avoids eye contact, so you know you’ve caught her red-handed. “All that aside,” you sigh. “I’m over him. It’s been so long. If something was going to happen, it would have already.”
“Whatever you say,” she shrugs indifferently, grabbing the final jingle bell to hide in the top of the tree. For a brief moment, you wish you hadn’t been watching where she hid them, so you could do the search on Christmas Eve one more time.
You bump into Aaron one more time, two days later, at the same coffee shop.
“Back for more?” He teases as he slides into the seat across from you, another black coffee in his right hand.
You’re sitting at the table the two of you call home with yet another peppermint mocha sitting in front of you and your laptop. More job hunting is the task for today, even though you’re ready to give up and just pick it back up after the New Year. It’s not like your mom is making you pay rent, and you have enough in savings to help with groceries (without her knowledge, of course, because she refuses to let you pay for anything) and buy your own coffees. But, you decided to give it one last go today.
That is, until Aaron slid into the seat in front of you. Now, you close your laptop and place it back in your bag. “Just needed some fuel for more job hunting,” you grin. “What are you doing here?”
“I took off for lunch for once and thought I might find you here.”
“Oh?” You raise your eyebrows. “Were you seeking me out, Hotchner?”
“Maybe a little,” he admits with a shy smile. “Are you still good for tomorrow?”
“As long as you are,” you nod. “What time?”
“I’ll pick you up at five, if that’s good?”
“Perfect,” you smile. “Are you ready to introduce me to your friends?”
“Depends,” he exhales exasperatedly. “Are you ready to meet them?”
“They can’t be that bad.”
“They might be. If you aren’t used to them.” He pauses. “They don’t know you’re coming, by the way.”
“What?” You almost laugh. “Why not?”
“I told them I was bringing someone, but I didn’t feel like hearing it all week about who I was bringing.” He pauses again, like he’s holding something back, and then he lets it out. “They know all about you.”
You blink. “They do?”
“Yeah,” he smiles gently. “I talk about you all the time.”
“No,” you shake your head. “No you don’t. There’s no way.”
“You’ll believe it tomorrow,” he chuckles. “I’m sure they’ll try to embarrass me.”
“I-I mean...what do you even say about me?”
He shrugs. “That you were my best friend in high school and...that I missed you and wondered what you were up to these days, and how we used to hang out here.” He looks around the shop, then back to you and your bewildered expression. “What?” He laughs. “You didn’t talk to your friends about me?”
“No, I did,” you laugh quietly. But I said different things. And most of the time I was crying because I missed you, especially my first year of college when my roommate tried to get me to go on a double date with her boyfriend and his roommate, but I refused and had to confess that I wasn’t over you and that you broke my heart, and I was such a mess that she brought ice cream and chocolate back after their date.
But you don’t say any of that. Obviously.
“I just didn’t expect you to even...think about me, I guess,” you finally spit out, still shaking your head. “I mean...we haven’t talked since high school, I figured you’d forgotten or moved on, at least. Especially since you had Haley.”
Aaron’s expression softens and turns sad, quickly. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “I didn’t know you thought any of that.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” you wave his worry away. “It’s years ago. Water under the bridge.”
“Yeah,” he agrees. Then, he says, “Haley was jealous of you, you know.”
You immediately look up from your mocha, your eyes wide in shock. “She was what?”
“Oh yeah,” Aaron laughs. “Devastatingly jealous of you. She swore we were dating or that I was in love with you or something.”
Or something. “Wow,” you chuckle, trying to mask your hurt as much as possible. “Why did she even think that?”
You know why. You know exactly why. Because before her, you and Aaron were attached at the hip. You sat together during lunch, walked each other home, hung out at the coffee shop, went to school functions together (well, you’d actually go with a big group, but you two always ended up together anyway), and so on and so forth. Anyone would’ve been an idiot to not assume you two were dating.
“We were so close,” he shrugs. “She said she was so surprised when I asked her to be my girlfriend because she swore I was dating you. She actually asked me that, when I gave her the flowers. She said, “What about Y/N?” And I said, “Y/N? She’s just my best friend.” And she didn’t believe me.”
“That’s so crazy,” you say, but you’re really thinking back to that day you and Aaron had decided to meet up here and hang out after so long. When Haley crashed the hangout. When she locked eyes with you and smirked before pulling him back in for another kiss.
She was jealous. She was jealous and she knew exactly what she was doing that day.
Aaron’s phone starts ringing and he sighs heavily, pulling it out. He almost declines it, but then stops himself. “It’s the boss,” he says. “My boss. I’ve gotta take this. I’ll text you later?”
“Sure,” you smile, knowing he might forget or get too busy to think about it. But that’s okay. “Good luck with the phone call.”
“Thanks,” he chuckles. “I’ll need it.” And then he brings his phone up to his ear. “Agent Hotchner,” he says, and you hate that you find it so hot.
You almost cancel with Aaron a dozen times before 2p.m.
You blame the conversation the two of you had yesterday. For some reason, the thought of Haley being jealous of you had never crossed your mind. Because to you, it was so obviously the other way around. Of course, you weren’t vocal about your jealousy, but you were certain she knew. Not that it was the other way around.
Old feelings have already resurfaced, which is bad enough, but the talk about Haley and about how Aaron’s friends know all about you made things worse. Especially the latter.
Why would he talk about you so much if the two of you hadn’t spoken in years? Not even years, but like an entire decade. Why would he still talk about you and think about you that much?
You have dwelled over those questions since he left the coffee shop yesterday.
But now, you have no idea what to wear, and Aaron will be here any minute. You’re assuming the attire is casual, not fancy, since it’s just a get together with his friends -- who all happen to be his team of agents. FBI agents. Because he’s just casually the Unit Chief of the BAU.
It still baffles you. He wanted to be a lawyer. Not in the FBI. God.
He’s still your Aaron. That’s what shocks you the most. He’s experienced law school, marriage, practicing law, working for the FBI, becoming a Unit Chief, divorce, and yet he’s still the Aaron Hotchner you were best friends with in high school.
You wonder if you’re still the girl he was best friends with in high school. Or if you’ve changed so drastically that he doesn’t see you that way anymore.
You take a deep breath, going back to digging through the many boxes of clothes that you have yet to unpack. You need a sweater or something. That’s safe enough, right? It’s too cold for a dress, and frankly, you’re not in the mood for wearing one, anyway.
Finally, you find the sweater you were looking for. You tug it over your head, figuring your jeans are fine enough. You’ll wear some low heels to make it look like you put in a little more effort.
Your quick thinking is to your benefit because the doorbell rings almost as soon as you’re done doing the clasp on your second heel.
But because your mom is quicker than you, she’s already opened the door and let Aaron in before you can make it downstairs. And by the time you are coming down the stairs, Aaron is sitting on the couch with your mom, making idle conversation.
“Hey,” you smile at him, resisting the urge to glare at your mom. “Ready?”
“If you are,” he nods, standing to his feet.
When he turns, you shoot your mom a look. “We’ll be back later.”
“You’re not in high school,” your mom laughs. “You two have fun for as long as you like.”
“I know,” you say. “But I also know you’ll wait up until I get back.”
“And you can’t stop me,” she replies pointedly.
Aaron laughs at the two of you, your banter just as he remembers from all those years ago. Neither of you have changed one bit.
After a final moment of bickering, you bid your mom goodbye and leave with Aaron.
In the car, you ask, “Have you told them about me coming yet?”
From the driver’s seat, he shakes his head. “No, so prepare yourself for a lot of questions.”
“I think you’re the one that’ll be in hot water, but alright,” you chuckle. “I can hear them now. ‘Why didn’t you tell us you were bringing her!’”
He laughs loudly. “That’s not a bad impression, actually.”
“Why, thank you,” you smirk. “It’s a hidden talent of mine.”
“Oh, really?”
The two of you share a grin as he keeps driving.
After some time -- long enough that you were beginning to wonder where he’s taking you -- Aaron finally turns into a subdivision. But it’s still not what you were expecting.
You assumed FBI agents must make good money, but not this good. This is a mansion. It’s massive. There has to be at least six bedrooms in there, maybe more.
“Is your friend a millionaire or something?”
Aaron chuckles, “Maybe. Probably. Maybe more.”
“More?” Your eyes widen. “Wow.” And then Aaron pulls into the driveway. “Wow.”
He puts the car in park and says, “Try not to look too surprised. Dave won’t shut up about the house if you get him started.”
“What if I want to hear everything?” You ask, scrambling out of the car to look up at the house. “Jesus Christ.” Then you whip your head around to look at Aaron exasperatedly. “Does your house look like this?”
“No, no,” he shakes his head. “No. This is too big. Dave’s crazy for buying it.”
“He’s definitely insane,” you nod. “I mean, what do you even need a house this big for?”
Aaron shrugs. “Christmas parties, I guess.” He pauses, holding out his arm for you. “Ready to face the lions?”
You roll your eyes through a laugh, loosely holding onto his arm. “Quit being so dramatic. I bet it’ll be just fine.”
“Let’s hope so,” Aaron replies. Because truthfully, he is a little worried that they might scare you off. They have a habit of doing that.
The two of you walk up to the front door, and you try your best to act like you’ve been in the general vicinity of a house this big before. Dave must be a really good friend of Aaron’s, because instead of knocking or ringing the doorbell, Aaron twists the doorknob and walks right in with you on his arm.
“Dave’s making pasta,” Aaron whispers, smelling the air. He shuts the door gently, wanting to surprise the team as much as possible.
You sniff the air, too, smiling happily. “Smells really good. Is that carbonara?”
“Good nose,” a voice says from the kitchen.
“That’s Dave,” Aaron chuckles, walking you down the hall toward the smell.
The team’s eyes all widen dramatically and comically when Aaron Hotchner steps inside the kitchen with a woman on his arm.
“Well, hello,” one of them says, sliding off the stool at the counter to saunter over to you. He’s all suave and swagger.
“Derek Morgan, this is Y/N,” Aaron introduces you quickly, knowing the reaction your name will get.
“Hold up,” Derek pauses, glancing between you and Aaron. “Y/N? As in the Y/N?”
“I don’t know about being the Y/N, but that is my name,” you laugh. “Nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” Derek says, a hand over his heart to add to the sincerity. “Where have you been hiding all this time?”
“Getting a doctorate,” you shrug, only now realizing that your hand is still holding onto Aaron’s arm, but he doesn’t seem fazed by it either, so you don’t move.
“Oh, alright,” Derek chuckles. “Hey Reid, we’ve got another doctor here.”
The man in question, Reid, looks up from the book he was reading with furrowed eyebrows. “Hi.” He waves.
“Hey,” you wave back. “What’re you reading?”
“War and Peace. In Russian, though.”
“In-- Wow, okay.”
“He’s a genius,” Morgan explains.
“I see that,” you chuckle.
Aaron finishes the introductions for you. “That’s JJ, handles the press for us because none of us want to do it.”
“He’s not wrong,” JJ replies with a laugh. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“You too,” you smile.
“You met Reid, his first name’s Spencer,” Aaron supplies, and Reid is too far gone in the book again to notice. “This is Emily Prentiss.”
“And I have been dying to meet you,” Emily says. “You are exactly how he described.”
“In a good way, I hope?” You laugh nervously.
She nods. “Definitely.”
Aaron points to the other woman at the counter. She’s dressed in all sorts of crazy colors with glasses that match her outfit. And before he can introduce her, she says, “I’m Penelope Garcia, technology extraordinaire. I keep them out of trouble.”
“And we love you for it,” Derek adds.
“And this is Dave,” Aaron finishes.
“It is very nice to finally meet you,” Dave says, and actually shakes your hand. “Do you know how to make carbonara?”
“Yes, actually,” you say, earning a surprised look from Aaron. “I went through a phase when I was younger, wanting to make anything and everything that sounded good, so I’ve made this a few times. My mom loves it.”
Dave loves the sound of that. “Would you like to help me?”
You practically light up inside and out. “Seriously? I’d love to!”
“Oh, here we go,” Derek groans. “He’s roped her in.”
You ignore him, slipping away from Aaron to grab the other apron off the hook by the entrance to the kitchen. You slide your head through the loop and tie it at the back in a matter of seconds, too excited to contain it.
“I almost went to culinary school, you know,” you say to no one in particular, but Aaron is listening, and so is Dave.
“Why didn’t you?” Aaron asks.
You shrug. “Didn’t seem practical.” Which isn’t the real answer at all. The real answer is you got your heart broken and needed to do a complete 180 in life, so you did. Culinary school was out. Getting a doctorate was in. You turn on the water in the sink and begin washing your hands. “What do you need me to do?”
For the next hour, you help Dave make the carbonara, occasionally answering any questions Aaron’s friends have for you.
Aaron pours you a glass of wine and sits at the counter, watching you cook. You look more at peace than he’s seen you since a few days ago when he first bumped into you again.
You catch him looking at you more than a handful of times. It feels good. Spending the evening with his friends, his team, with him. You’ve missed spending time with him more than anything else.
Dave serves up the carbonara, telling you to sit down since you helped so much already. You don’t make him ask twice.
After dinner, everyone moves into the living room, scattering on the various couches and chairs. Reid has finished reading War and Peace, so the book sits discarded on one of the coffee tables.
You take the spot on the couch next to Aaron, careful not to spill your wine. Penelope sits on the other side of you, with Derek on her other side, which all but forces you to move closer to Aaron, and something about the look on Penelope’s face tells you it was done on purpose.
You’re not exactly complaining, though. With a full stomach and a fresh glass of wine, Aaron’s presence is even warmer than before. You pay no mind when he shifts his left arm, stretching it over the back of the couch and allowing you to scoot closer, your legs pressed against each other’s.
The conversation continues, and somehow the subject of relationships is brought up.
“Yeah, why was I the only one asked to bring someone?” Aaron asks. “I’d like to see all of you find a last minute date.”
Another warm rush goes through your body at the word date. This is a date. Alright then.
“I think you did just fine,” Dave says, nodding to you. “Don’t you?”
You shrug, not sure of what to make of it. “I’m having fun, so I guess so.”
“See?” Dave gives Aaron a look. “You did fine.”
Aaron gives his friend a tired glare. “Only because she happened to be back from getting her degrees. Otherwise, I would’ve been stuck.”
“Nah, man, you could’ve called Beth.”
You feel Aaron tense next to you, but you aren’t sure if he tensed up or if you did. Maybe both. Probably both. You weren’t aware there was someone else.
“Who’s Beth?” You ask as casually as possible, ignoring the heated glares Penelope, JJ, and Emily alike are sending Derek. Seriously, Derek would be dead three times over right now if looks could be deadly.
Aaron shrugs before answering you. “Her and I dated briefly last year.”
You nod slowly, trying not to seem hurt or upset or anything by this because it’s ridiculous of you to be fighting back tears, but you can’t help it.
It’s high school, goddamnit, it’s fucking high school all over again.
The topic of conversation shifts thanks to Reid being the endless supplier of random facts. One question about Russian from Emily and he’s taking over, washing the awkwardness away in two languages.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as well for you as it does for everyone else.
You set your wine glass down on the table and tell Penelope you’re going to use the bathroom. You have no clue where it is, but she doesn’t know that.
Aaron does. And Aaron hears the tone of voice you use.
He waits until you’re down the hall before he stands to follow you, foregoing any explanation to his friends. They already know what he’s doing.
Aaron’s suspicions are correct when he hears the front door close and sees your coat no longer hanging next to his on the hook by the door. He grabs his and only gets one arm through a sleeve before he’s opening the door, eyes searching the premises for you.
Thankfully, he finds you after two seconds, and his racing heart slows a little. You’re standing by the reindeer lights on Dave’s front lawn. Your coat is only hanging on your shoulders, something you’ve always done since high school when you were upset.
“It feels more like a blanket,” you had told him one day. “Blankets are more comforting than jackets.”
He doesn’t see the difference, but you do, and that was enough for him.
He has both arms through the sleeves by the time he’s next to you. He gently touches your arm to get your attention, adding a soft, “Hey,” for good measure.
You turn your head at the sound, having already known he was coming because you heard the front door open. In the back of your mind, you had wanted him to follow you out here, but now that he’s done it, you aren’t so sure this is what you wanted.
You wanted to ignore the feeling. Get it to disappear on its own. Survive the night, then never talk to him again. You were heartbroken, but it was better when you weren’t speaking to him. At least, that’s what you tell yourself.
“I’m sorry,” Aaron says softly. “Beth and I haven’t spoken since our last date a year ago. It was only three dates. We weren’t serious at all.” He pauses. “I have no idea why Derek said that. He doesn’t think before he speaks sometimes.”
You nod, not having it in you to laugh at Aaron’s small jab, even though he is entirely correct. Derek is a quick thinker with a sharp wit, but you can see how it might backfire sometimes. Like tonight.
You believe Aaron, you really do. But it’s so hard. “Did you love her?”
Aaron is stunned for a moment, but says, “No. I don’t think I did.”
“Okay.” You shake your head, looking down at the grass. “I’m just trying to figure out why Derek would’ve brought her up if...if you guys dated so briefly.”
Aaron sighs. “I don’t know.”
“And is this a date?” You blurt, finally finding the courage to get that one out. “Because if it is, I…I don’t know.”
“Don’t know what?”
You shake your head again, trying to find the right words, but they always seem out of reach. “Just...tell me this won’t be like high school.”
This time Aaron is too stunned to form a real answer. “What?”
“Please,” you sound like you’re about to cry and you feel so pathetic that you wish you had never agreed to come tonight. But you’re here anyway. “I was in love with you then, and I’m still in love with you now, but I can’t do that again. So if this is a just friends thing and always will be, I need you to tell me before I hurt myself all over again.”
Aaron can’t believe his ears. He swears he heard you wrong. He must have. “You were in love with me in high school, too?”
“Yes-- Wait, too? What do you mean too?” Now you’re looking at him, eyes wide in confusion, shock, every emotion possible. “Too?”
“I was in love with you, Y/N,” he chuckles, reaching for your hands. “I thought you just saw me as an older brother. That’s why I never...said anything.”
“What?” You breathe, letting him thread his fingers through yours. “Are you serious? You better not be pulling my leg, Hotchner. Don’t do that to me.” You tug on his hands for emphasis, giving him a stern look.
“I’m not joking,” he says, taking a step closer. “I wouldn’t joke about this.”
“Oh my god,” you say, disbelief a powerful thief of words. “I can’t believe… So you went after Haley because…”
“Because I heard from one of her friends that she had a crush on me,” he admits. “I did love her, but not as much as I loved you. Never as much as I loved you.”
You don’t know what else to do or say. He looks so beautiful in this light that it hurts, and now he’s saying words you never thought you’d ever hear.
“Do you forgive me?” He asks. “For breaking your heart?”
“Only if you forgive me for breaking yours,” you whisper.
He shakes his head. “I broke my own. I should’ve told you how I felt.” He pauses. “I even talked to you about Haley all the time. Is that why you didn’t say goodbye to me?”
You nod. “It sounds so stupid now, but I was so hurt.”
“I’m an idiot,” he laughs. “I’m the dumbest fool to ever walk the Earth.”
“We both are,” you correct him, taking a step closer. It’s cold out here, but he’s warm. He’s always been so warm. Like home.
And you-- you’ve always been who Aaron thinks of when he thinks about being happy. It’s always been you. A moment like this, and a thousand others. He wants them all. And to think, you do too.
His lips meet yours in a long-awaited kiss, cold noses bumping against one another, his warm hands holding your face, your chilled fingers finding their home on his neck, stealing his warmth.
From the window, the team watches, and Emily exchanges money with Derek.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Jimin is a pretty bOY
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This is a continuation of our discussion on my last post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, I think I agree with all of it.
Not sure how I feel about the calling eachother out bit or near scolding of others in the comments. Please let's be welcoming and respectful of others's thoughts regardless of whether or not we agree with it. It's ok to hold diverse views. We do after all come from different backgrounds and have accumulated different experiences and I think it plays out in how we see things. Everyone's opinion is valid. Plus, I purple yall.
Now, do I think he is trying to pack on muscles........? Yes. He said so himself in Festa when he said he would rush to the mirror when he thought he had gained some muscle only to find out his biceps looks like a muscled kindergartner.
He also said lately he's into exercising and staying in shape which is true because for quite sometime now since early this year he has been talking about how "weak" he is in their Vlives and have even given instances of him not being able to do certain things- certian simple and easy tasks- which is typical of him I'd say. He's always talking about how "weak" he is especially around JK and juxtaposing that with "but JK is so strong" which I'm sorry but I have to smirk at right now cos it's such a typical gay pick me simp thing to do. We've all been there.
Do I think he's trying to be a muscle bunny or revert back to his body shape around debut? Absolutely not. But I do think he is straddling the line of toxic masculinity which is what the conversation is about.
I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to stay in shape or even enjoying work outs. Last night I ran downstairs because I had left my stew on the stove and now this morning I called renew my gym membership because I discovered running can be actually fun to do... No. No it's not. The gym instructor would have to come for me kicking and screaming.
RM have said even though JM looks skinny and fragile he is one of the strongest within the group. Besides, this is not the first time he's expressed interest in working out and building his body- hello, on Era?
I remember people complaining he looked too buffed up in that period on SNS and PJMs quickly jumping in to clear the searches for it. The choreo for On required agility and endurance and required the members- not just JM build up some definition in their muscles.
We've seen them go through all that. So it's not simply a matter of black and white staying in shape or doing it because he feels pressured to do so. Especially, when you consider that he's undertaken some pretty unhealthy measures in the past in attempts to lose weight or soften out his body post these muscle building, weight gaining periods and we've always chalked it up to his dance and how as a contemporary dancer he has to look a certain way or this or that to try to justify and make sense of it. Next you, know there are six chapters of break the silence of him talking about all the dark places he's been, the pressures to look his best for his fans or for his job and all these other painful stories he's shared with us over the years. And it's like, but why? Why do this to yourself?
I'll never forget the look he gave JK when JK was talking about wanting to build muscles in one of the interviews for the promotion of Be- I think I made a post on it. When JK noticed JMs disapproving glare he backtracked saying he would want to stay skinny after gaining all that muscles.
I mean if I'm to be honest, he was bound to crack at one point. The signs were there being surrounded by all these men who adhere to the traditional aesthetics of a masculine body- from Namjoon to Taehyung.
I wish y'all will steer the conversation in this direction and make it more about gender norms and expressions and breaking stereotypes and diversity in the body aesthetics of men.
Jimin is a man too. He just isn't what people traditionally will label masculine. Androgynous is more an apt word in my opinion. How many times have I said, I think Jungkook hetero passes because his body aesthetics is quintessentially what most associates with a masculine man?
Breaking gender barriers is not just about embracing feminine apparels- that teeters on cross dressing quite frankly and can be a bit performative and baity. Then you have to consider their culture in itself has an inherent pro gender diversity feel to it.
Now, let me explain my problem with the Klout ad campaign a little bit.
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Do you see how Tae stands out? And I'm not saying this to fuel the "Tae was their fav" debacle. It's the 007 feel... I'll explain in a bit.
Most often, alcohol advertisers as well as most advertisements intended to sell to men often try to appeal to men's internalized ideals of masculinity or try to shape and define what a man or masculinity should look like. These ideals are so often toxic and detrimental to men and mostly women too.
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Take a look at these ads for example. All I had to do was google search ads for men.
Real men drink milk and look at the image they present as real men. This blatantly implies if you don't look like this, if you are not a strong cliff climbing man with abs you are not a real man.
The second image is subtle. I call it the 007 slash Kingsmen-esque ideals of masculinity. It portrays men as sexy cool badass- works out but isn't too buff, filthy rich or middle class, wears Rolex, designer clothes, is kind but has a mean exterior and is every 13 year old wattpad girls's dream of a man. In fiction, you see this kind of masculinity in characters such as Edward cullens to Christian Grey. And a lot of ads for men alternate between these two ideals of masculinity.
Do you see how they modeled Taehyung in these ads after this kind of masctheme? Tae looks the same in almost all the ads. 007 sexy cool badass.
Now, I may not be a makeup beauty guru or MUA or whatever, but one thing I've picked up on especially when it comes to makeup for men- BTS and Kpop idols mostly is that, they soften out the harsh features on their faces and make them appear more androgynous or effeminate to suit the Kpop look and they ditch it entirely in different settings.
So for instance, Tae and Kookie's natural hawkish eyebrows tend to get softened around the arch and edges- don't know how the fuck they do that- but it appears less in your face intense most times when they wear make up in kpop related contents.
However, in certain other contents that lean towards a certain gender theme those features are emphasized. Not to say hawkish features are masculine features. Just saying in men, Kpop idols, my observation is they soften those features out with makeup or surgery.
Now, take a look at JM in these ads and look at everything from his posture, make up, hairstyle and brows. It's as if someone took an eraser to his androgynousity and erased his feminine side. Take a look at his photo above and compare it to the ads.
I am not a man. But I feel the gender look they went for, intended to appeal to men, tapped into a rather outdated stereotype of what man and masculinity should look like.
What is a man?
What should a man look like?
What aesthetics of masculinity is Jimin gravitating towards now? And I'm not talking clothes, I'm talking the expression of his gender. Time and again, he's talked about how looking a certain way made him uncomfortable in the past because he was constantly fighting his feminine side. He is androgynous. Sometimes he leans more into his feminine side. Other times he leans more into his masculine side but this is the only time he's leaning into his masculinity that makes me uncomfortable to watch because like I said it bothers on toxic masculinity.
He's said whoever he was, the version fighting to look masculine, that wasn't him. So forgive me if I worry whenever i see him suppressing his feminine side and acting like 'one of the boys.' Him staying in shape is not synonymous with him erasing a valid part of himself or suppressing it. He can stay in shape, celebrate his masculinity and still be FILTER.
What I'm saying is, this not a conversation about him exercising. This is a conversation about an ad erasing his feminine side and boxing him into a narrow expression of his gender and how that might be affecting his view of himself especially in the way he's been gravitating towards a certain masculine aesthetics and how that could be toxic.
Tae has said the same thing and BTS have agreed the JM as of 2019 was the real JM according to them.They said he was that way- suppressing his feminine side, because there weren't much songs and choreos that suited him and so he had had to bend himself to fit with the others.
And so when I see him leaning a certain way I tend to wonder if his exterior environment is playing a role in that. I hope you can understand that.
He is a contemporary dancer and strength and flexibility are prerequisites for his craft. The company go out of their way to incorporate contemporary dance in their choreos for JM's sake which helps solve that problem of him trying too hard to look a certain way.
May be I'm projecting. May be my little brother is effeminate and I've always recommended Jimin as a role for him to tell him not to try to look different just because other boys look different. May be I've seen him try one too many times to kill himself in the gym trying to build on muscles and getting frustrated with himself because he ends up looking like someone else. You can't gym the queerness away. Society will never let you be who you want to be so you might as well flip it the middle finger.
These boys are being shaped by their environment. I hate to say this but the environment they are in isn't exactly progressive and the longer they stay in there cut off from the outside world...
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Flying out helps. Meeting different people and being exposed to different cultures and conversations on gender expression helps.
Anywho, these are just concerns I have. Will have them till I see that's not where he is headed towards. But let's not act like these ad campaigns do not and can not psychologically impact these boys especially as these advertisers are not looking to tap into their own definition of gender and masculinity but shape it and redefine it to appeal to the demographic they intend to market to.
I think this is just a grey area for me. Rather than try to change JM to look a certain way in order to sell alcohol. I think the ground breaking thing would be to have a man who looks like JM show us how someone like him would sell a can of drink. I think that would be revolutionary.
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axwalker · 3 years
Creep 2: I don’t care if it hurts
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Pairing: Drake Walker x MC  (Lexie O’Brien) Book TRR
Synopsis: Drake and Lexie are star-crossed lovers. Her father hates him and forces Lexie to stop any contact with Drake. Lost and heartbroken, he “bullies” her for two years until he discovers the truth of Lexie’s behavior.
A/N 1 This came up to me after I got an ask from @nestledonthaveone​ to write a fic based on the song CREEP.
I used to hear this song when I was a teenager, so when I read this ask, I immediately wanted to write something angsty but situated in high school.
A/N 2: Because they’re younger than usual, I decided to change my  FC. 
Words: 4,110 
WARNINGS: Parental abuse, domestic violence, toxic love.
THIS IS NOT YOUR USUAL MARSHMALLOW DRAKE. He was abandoned as a boy, he’s tortured and he doesn’t know how to express his love. His behavior is not excusable.
This is a dark love story. If you’re not comfortable with it, PLEASE do not read it.  
As this is darker than usual; I’m only tagging the people who commented in the previous chapter. If you want to get on or off the list for this fic, please do not hesitate to ask!! 
Even if she never looks at me or speaks to me again, she’s mine. Even if I’ve been a horrible jerk to her for two years and she pales every time I pull into the parking lot on my motorcycle, she is mine. Just seeing her with him enrages me, so I walk straight toward my usual seat, directly behind Lexie, and slam my textbook down onto the desk.
Startled, Rys looks up at me, “Hey, Walker. What’s up?” 
It’s not the first time he tries to make a move on Lexie. Last time –two years ago, we almost killed each other. Pretty boy might be an entitled ass, but he knows how to fight. Maybe he thinks Lexie is game again after all this time. He couldn’t be more wrong. 
 “Don’t you have a class this period?” I ask him. Liam cocks his left eyebrow, adjusting the straps of his backpack. 
“I fail to see why that concerns you, Creep.”  
My smile is murderous. “Get the fuck out of here before I break your face, pretty boy.”
I think he has a death wish because he looks at Lexie when he talks, “See you after class, Alexis, when your watchdog will be busy mowing my lawn.” Finally, he just shakes his head and gets out of the classroom. I resume my daily routine. Staring at the back of Lexie’s head, tracing the curve of her perfect neck, my cock getting hard over her perfect cherry scent. 
“So that’s what you like,” I say, leaning forward to speak an inch from her ears. “You like them with blond hair and pink polo shirts. Prospects for Cambridge or shit. A huge trust fund. Don’t you? A brat like you needs someone who can spoil her. I bet you’d introduce him to daddy, wouldn’t you?” 
She doesn’t respond. She never does. Her eyes stay stubbornly on the front of the class where the teacher has started writing today’s lesson on the board—my hands fist in desperation. I’m dying for her to talk to me. To look at me. Anything. “Too bad, Lexie. I’ll scare every single one of those fucking entitled boys off. You’re going to sit alone in your house on prom night, crying into your designer sheets like a baby. And I’m going to enjoy it.” 
The only sign that she hears me at all is the quickening rise and fall of her shoulders. Even that tiny display that I’ve upset her is agonizing, floods me with self-loathing, but I can never stop. She ripped out my fucking heart, and I can’t deal with the consequences of that alone. I can’t let her go. I’ll never let her go. This toxic feeling is the only thing left between us. My hands shake with the urge to take her in my arms, to stop the trembling I caused. To protect her from everything. Even myself. I’d love to move my fingers up into the silky, brown hair that reaches the middle of her graceful neck. I don’t have a lot of money; most of the cash I earn as a handyman goes to food and fixing my dad’s cabin, but I’d give every last cent for her to turn and lock those soft brown eyes on me, just one last time. Sometimes when I jerk off, all it takes is fantasizing about Lexie looking at me, giving me one of those shy smiles, and I lose it. One stroke. Maybe two. Done. I can’t breathe without having her close. And I can’t breathe with her close. It’s a strange condition, this obsession, but she’s an addiction that I just can’t give up. 
How could I? She’s intelligent, strong, and so damned gorgeous. Once upon a time, I thought she had a good heart too. But that was before she broke my pathetic heart only because I’m poor. I’ve been hurting since then, and I need her to hurt too. To know what it feels.
“Do you actually think that dumb rich boy would be a good choice for your first time, Lexie?” I grip my desk so tight it nearly breaks down, just thinking about her being kissed –touched by someone else. “At least that’s one thing us poor motherfuckers have going for us. We know how to fuck. If you went out with Rys for a while, you’d eventually give in and come slumming it one night, wouldn’t you? Knock on my rundown cabin door, begging me to fuck you as we both know you’d like.”
A pretty blush is starting to climb her neck. I have to take a deep breath to keep from kiss her pink cheeks. But I think if I got to touch her skin, my wall of bullshit would crumble. I’ve only fucked one girl. Since seeing Lexie for the first time freshman year, there’s been no one but her. I want no one else. She owns my cock as sure as she owns my heart. How easily she’s forgotten about both leaving me in agony. 
“Stop,” she breathes. I freeze. Did she just speak to me? It’s the first time in two years that she’s even remotely acknowledged my existence. 
“Lexie,” I managed to say. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. That’s all it took. One pleading word out of her mouth, and I’m done. 
“Just stop,” she says again, turning her head slightly. “Please.” 
I fall back in my chair, my heart thundering on my chest. If we weren’t in the middle of class, if I didn’t feel like a monster, I would pull her into my arms right now. I’d hug her until she stopped struggling, then beg her to hit me, bruise me, make me pay for every shitty thing I’ve ever said to her. But before long, the class is over, and she’s leaving the classroom to get out of here. To put distance between us as quickly as possible—and I have no choice but to watch her because I feel physically ill. Still, I manage to get out into the student-packed hallway, my plan to apologize for being crude and a jerk and torturing her for so long. 
My head is telling me not to apologize, though. It’s telling me she deserved it for being such a snob, for breaking me, for valuing money and status like everyone else. My damned heart is telling an entirely different story. It’s insisting there is an explanation for her behavior. Am I going to apologize or not? The decision is taken out of my hands when Lexie opens her locker, and the little gift I left before class falls down. It’s a picture I cut out from our last yearbook. In the photo is a gorgeous smiling Lexie above the caption Most Likely to Succeed. Except I’ve crossed out the caption and added my own. Most Likely to Be a Trophy Wife. Watching her read it, I almost get sick right there in the hallway. Usually, she’s perfectly composed, not betraying a trace of emotion where I’m concerned—a real Ice queen. I’ve always thought she honestly didn’t care. Today, though… she’s not pulling it off. Something is not okay with her, and I don’t like it. She has to bite down on her bottom lip to stop it from quivering as she puts the photo back into her locker, out of sight, her bright eyes finding me briefly, massacring me where I stand. Betraying with one single look how much she has been affected by my actions. Christ. She hasn’t been indifferent at all.
Before I can react, before I can call her name, she’s gone, vanished into the crowd of wild students excited to be leaving for the day. And I know what I have to do. I have to see her. To apologize. To get an explanation for everything. Tonight. I’ll return to her house for the first time in two years.
I’ve known this was coming all day. Sitting on the couch in my living room, trying to make myself as small as possible, I watch my father pace. He rants, gesticulating noisily. This isn’t new, my father’s rage threatening me. But it’s going to be worse than usual. Business has declined for him and it’s put his temper on a trigger. Dad’s new wife, Nancy, hates to be on a budget, and she’s been spending his money like crazy all over Paris --where she’s now. When dad gets home from the office, he’s rarely in anything but a horrible mood. A tornado eating up everything in its path. Completely terrifying. At least dad’s temper makes me forget what Drake told me today, the ugly words he said to me, the boiling anger in his eyes when he looks at me. 
“Are you even listening?” The slap across the face comes as a shock because I’d momentarily disappeared into my thoughts, but the sting quickly brings me back to reality. 
“Yes, sir,” I say, my ears ringing. “I’m listening.” 
“This C on your algebra test is going to drag your whole average down.” He’s waving the test in my face. “What a disappointment you are, Alexis. Your teacher shared my disgust.” I nod solemnly, but I’m listening for the rain outside. “I guess you’re your daughter’s mother after all. A poor Mexican girl who could barely count.” It’s not true. My mom learned English and Greek by herself, and she was a great Spanish teacher in Portavira, but my father would rather die than acknowledge how smart she was. 
“Don’t talk like that about her,” I retort.
My father snorts. “I beg your pardon?” He takes a step towards me, and I can see the threat in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry.” I hate to be such a coward, but I know what he can do to me.” I’ll do extra credit. Something to bring my grade back up to an A.” I wet my lips. “Even if I can’t manage to raise the grade, it’s not going to show up on the college transcripts I sent off with my applications.” That’s the reason I let my focus slip a little in algebra. The finish line is in sight for everyone, and we’re just waiting to find out where we’ll be accepted for college. It’s a wonder I’ve been able to maintain my focus this long in any class, considering Walker sits behind me in every period, brooding making me feel … something. At the reminder of him, I want to close my eyes and dream about him. I replay that night in my garden when he kissed me two years ago, so tenderly and passionately, when he spoke to me so sweetly and honestly before he became the second villain in my story. Someone I dread, as much as I crave the sight of him.  
At least that’s one thing us poor motherfuckers have going for us. We know how to fuck. If you went out with that punk for a while, you’d eventually give in and come slumming it one night, wouldn’t you? Knock on my trailer door, begging me to ride you right. 
Should I be ashamed of the way my body reacted to those words? I grew uncomfortably damp in the hard plastic chair, the center of my body clenching, seeming to beat like a heart. His breath on my neck made me shiver, head to toe. Even the way he scared off Liam Rys did something to me. Aroused me. Deeply. It got so bad that I broke the rules and asked him to stop. I can still hear him saying my name in that tortured way after. That shocked, uneven sound. Lexie. And whether I’m ashamed of myself for it or not, I know I’ll think of it when I touch myself tonight. His voice, his hands, his eyes obsess me. 
“College?” My father snorts, tearing the test in half. “You’re not going to college.” 
This grabs my attention. A horrible feeling is making me cold. “I’m…what? What do you mean? I applied to nine different schools. I have a four-point five GPA.” 
For the first time, I notice his red face is about more than just rage. There’s…humiliation. I’ve never seen him display that emotion. 
“None of the American colleges that accepted you offered scholarships.” 
“I’ve been accepted?” I gasp, sitting forward, heart pounding in my chest. “Where? I didn’t see the letters—” 
“All the mail in this house goes through me, Alexis. I read them. And you failed to get academic scholarships. You failed. Not that I’m surprised.”
 I don’t point out that his refusal to let me participate in any extracurricular activities is more than likely to blame for that. I’m too worried about what he’s saying, what this means. The blood is draining from my head, making the room spin around me. 
“Okay, I’m sorry about that. I’m sorry. But…we have money. We can pay tuition, can’t we? Or colleges in Cordonia are almost for free. I can go to any of them; I don’t have to go to NYU.” I have to get out of here. I have to get out of here. This is my way out. College is the escape route. I counted on going back to New York, but I can stay here and go to college in Cordonia City. 
“Listen to you, so quick to spend my hard-earned money—spoiled brat. And of course, you can’t go to college in Cordonia. What for? To end up being a schoolteacher like your mom? A housewife as Nancy?” He laughs bitterly. “No, you’ll stay here, and I’ll help you find someone suitable to marry.” 
I shake my head. “There’s financial aid, then. Loans or I can get a job and go to college in Portavira…” 
“You want to leave, just like her, don’t you? You’re all the same.”
 I don’t even flinch when he yanks me to my feet, shoving me into the wall. In fact, for the first time, I took him right into his eyes. And I can see the violence burning on them has nothing to do with me. It never had anything to do with how I behave, my choices, how hard I worked in school. How welcome I made Nancy feel or cooked a roast. It’s about him and his self-loathing. It’s his sickness. Not mine. I can also see that he was never going to send me to college. Because he wouldn’t be able to control me from a distance or stop me from sharing what I’ve been subjected to since my mother died. Not like he does now. He wasn’t physically abusive all the time. Especially not when his new wife is around. But she traveled often, and then he’d push me. Shove me. Slapped me several times. I’ll graduate at the top of my class for nothing. He knew I would all along. 
That’s when I realize I’m free. I don’t have money, but college is free in Cordonia. I can work, save a little and go to college in one or two years. I’ll be a writer; it’ll just take more time than I thought. “Go to hell,” I whisper. 
He steps back, giving me the momentary satisfaction of his shock. “What did you say?”
Liberated, I scream it this time. “Go to hell!” From the moment I sat down to have this conversation, I knew tonight would be worse than usual, but I’ve just bought myself a ticket to hell. Usually, I can retreat to the untouchable place inside of me as he unleashes his rage, but not tonight. He doesn’t stop at one or two slaps. He punches and kicks, and I’m present for every punch and kick. Every yelled insult. Finally, I start to get scared. I’m crawling across the carpet on my hands and knees, searching for a weapon I can use in my defense when I glance out the window and see Drake staring back at me, his face a mask of horror.
 What I’m seeing just isn’t possible. It can’t be real. My head won’t accept it. Not until her terror-filled eyes meet mine through the window and the truth pounds on my chest, leaves no doubt that this is real life. Lexie’s father is beating her. Her mouth is bloody, one of her eyes beginning to swell, arms and legs visibly weakened. I can barely fucking process it before my body is springing into action, desperate to protect her. To put a stop to the worst thing I have ever seen. What the fuck. Scorching hot rage takes over. I kick in the front door and throw myself between Lexie and her father. His fist is raised, but it pauses when he sees me, his momentary confusion giving me the time I need to knock him out cold. It only takes one right uppercut from someone his own size, and he goes down, his blank, glassy eyes staring at nothing, mouth opened. It’s not satisfying enough.
Nothing will ever be satisfying enough. I want to kill him, destroy him, but my Lexie is struggling for breath behind me, and she’s all I can think about. Turning, I approach her, my heart threatening to jump off my chest. As gently as I can, I catalog all of the cuts and purpling skin. No. No. Who could do this to her? Who could lay a finger on her in anything but reverence? Get her out of here. Calling her name, I reach down to pick her up, but she flinches and hurries back, bringing her body up against the wall. 
“Don’t touch me!” Those words filled with fear rip the soul clean out of my body. My hands drop limply to my sides and two years come rushing back, hitting me in the chest like a hammer. Every word, every action. Everything I did to make her life harder when this is what she’s been dealing with at home? Fuck me. 
“Lexie…” My voice is as kind as I can. I feel broken. “I’m sorry. I came here to apologize. For everything.” 
She puffs a humorless laugh, testing her cut lip with the tip of her tongue. “Bet you weren’t expecting to see this.” 
“If I knew this was happening, I would have been here a long time ago. I would have stopped it. I swear Lex.” 
Her expression can only be described as stunned. Maybe even a little pissed. “You are not my savior, Drake. You are my enemy. You’ve been for two years, and I want nothing else from you now.”
 “I am not your enemy.” Those words barely make it out of me, my chest hurts so fucking bad. “Don’t say that.” 
Unsteadily, she uses the wall to try and stand. I try to help her, but she recoils, and it’s a dagger straight into the center of my throat. Nothing less than I deserve, though, isn’t it? Her distrust of me is entirely my fault. I’ve made her hate me. There has to be some way to fix what I’ve done. Please God, let there be away. But right now, my main concern is her physical safety. Knowing she’s been in danger all along is unbearable. I only decided to come here tonight a few hours ago. What if I didn’t? What if I arrived an hour later? The possibilities are going to haunt me for the rest of my life. From the floor, her father groans, shifting slightly. 
“We need to get you out of here,” I say, anxious to get her free of this place. “Now, Lexie. I need to get you somewhere safe.” 
She’s standing now. Leaning against the wall and cradling one arm to her stomach, regarding me warily. “How do I know I’m safe with you?” It’s so much worse that her question is honest. Not meant to hurt me. She honestly doesn’t know if I pose a threat. It guts me where I stand. 
“You are the safest with me,” I say thickly, cursing myself. Wanting to erase the last two years so badly, my hands shake. “Please believe me. I’d die before hurting you. I’d never, Lexie. I’d never do something like that.” 
Her father rolls over onto his back and slurs a few words before losing consciousness again. Still, the sound of the older man’s voice seems to scare Lexie, “I…maybe you can just give me a ride to…a motel maybe?” She pushes off the wall, her step uneven as she walks toward the stairs. “I need some things from my room.” 
It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her we don’t have time, but I’m just grateful she’s trusting me enough to leave with me, so I don’t argue. I just wait until she’s halfway up the stairs, then tie her father’s hands behind his back with my belt in case he wakes up before we leave. I have no problem knocking him out a second time, but Lexie has seen enough violence for one night. Cautiously, I walk up the stairs toward the light coming from a room halfway down the hall. This place is a far cry from my home. It’s elegant and clean, and tasteful, but it lacks any warmth whatsoever. It’s cold, like a museum. Turning the corner into Lexie’s room, it’s time to hate myself all over again. There is nothing on the walls, none of the expensive furnishings. Just four white walls, a bed, and a dresser that doubles as a desk. Several textbooks. She looks back at me over her shoulder as if judging my reaction, and I keep my features impassive, though I’m dying on the inside. 
“What can I do?” I ask. 
“How long do we have?” 
“As long as you need.” It’s physically painful not to pull her into my arms when I’m standing this close, and she’s hurt. Sad. Yet full of more inner strength than I’ve ever witnessed in another human being. I’m lucky just to be in her presence. I fucked up royally. And if she allows me back in, I’ll never do it again. It’s probably, definitely, too much to hope for. Being allowed back in. She doesn’t even look sure about having me in her room. Let alone her heart. I was trying to protect my own heart, but I lost it instead. 
 “Um…” She closes her eyes to focus, a familiar trait I’ve seen in class countless times. “There is a black bag in the hallway closet. Can you just stuff anything into it from the bathroom that looks useful?” 
Ask me to bring you a unicorn. I’ll find a way to do it. “Sure.” We work in silence, Lexie taking things out of drawers and adding them to the bag, which I’ve left open on the floor. I add toiletries from the bathroom, and once it’s zipped, I wait, watching her hesitate in the doorway. 
“Lexie?” Conflicted chocolate eyes meet mine. 
“I can’t just leave, can I?” 
“You’re not safe here, baby,” I say softly, trying to keep the residual rage at bay because it’s the last thing she needs. Not to mention she’s had her fill with negativity from me. No more. “How long…how long?” 
She shrugs, the saddest expression in her eyes. “My mom died five years ago. Ever since then, it’s gotten worse and worse. Although I never had a chance to talk to anyone about what happened behind closed doors, you know? I don’t think a person can evolve into a monster. It’s inside him.”
 “I don’t know,” I say. “I became one, didn’t I?” 
That gives her pause, forms a line between her delicate brows. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” 
She starts to walk past me, stops, standing close enough to fill my nose with cherry. “He told me if I ever spoke to you ever again, he would hurt me. Ruin you, have you evicted. Make sure you never got hired again. I didn’t mean to…hurt you. Or hurt your feelings, if that’s what happened.” 
That revelation destroys me, sets me on fire. “Jesus, Lexie. You were protecting me? And I…I tortured you for it?” I twist the neck of my T-shirt, trying to calm down, but it doesn’t work. I’ll never be calm again “I’m so fucking sorry.” 
She glances at the doorway, then back at me, eyes closed again in that way that says she’s thinking. “All I want from you now is a ride out of here, okay? And on Monday morning, you’ll stop.” She opens her shining eyes again. “No more bullying, Drake. If you’re really sorry, you’ll do that for me.” 
Fuck. I couldn’t say one more single shitty thing to her if my life depended on it. Put me at gunpoint, and I’d rather get shot at than torture this girl for one more second. But I’m highly, painfully aware that with an end to the bullying comes an end to the possessiveness. No more scaring off guys who show interest in her. No more getting close enough in class to count the hairs on her head, to smell her sweet fragrance. And to tell the truth, I’m pretty fucking worried I don’t know how to give those things up completely. I don’t think I can physically do it. This addiction with Lexie isn’t something I can cut off. A leg would be easier to sever. But my hesitation is causing her eyes to worry. If I don’t agree to, essentially, let her go… she’s not going anywhere with me. And that means her safety won’t be guaranteed. I need it to be. More than anything. 
“No more bullying,” I say, finally. A moment later, I follow her out of the room and down the stairs, trying desperately to count the hairs on her head before I no longer have the chance.
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thejilyship · 3 years
Taking the Lead
For @jilychallenge August 2021 Theme: Summer Prompt: "I saw you staring and so decided to try to put on my suncream ~sensually~ but omg the lid just popped off and the whole bottle came out stOP grinning oMG" @thejilyship v @sirenicc I did not think I was going to get this done! Also it's fem!jily. No one should be surprised at this point.
WC: 3.5k AO3
A leadership camp was the absolute last place that Jamie wanted to spend any part of her summer. She and Sirius had made plans to go white water rafting, concert hoping, castle hiking, dive bar hunting and he’d even promised to attend a total of four sperate ballets with her. She did not have time to spend a week in the middle of the Scottish hills singing camp songs with a bunch of people that she didn’t know.
She didn’t need a leadership camp. She was, as almost every single one of her teachers and professors had said, a natural born leader. Some of her teachers had said this with admiration coloring their tone, and others had said it in a ‘your daughter really needs to stop getting the entire class to break into song in the middle of third period’ kind of way, but either way, they had all been in agreement.
She took the bus to camp so she would be less inclined to run off in the middle of it, and she went to the main building to sign in, which she was informed would be hence forth called ‘command center.’ She refrained from rolling her eyes.
She accepted her key and went off to find her dorm with her yellow duffle bag resting on her hip. Since they were all adults, they weren’t making them sleep in groups of twenty or so, and were instead grouped into fours. Jamie’s cabin was number five, which was her lucky number, and so far the only good omen she had gotten from this place.
She knocked before she pushed the cabin door open. Two of her three bunkmates were already there, setting up their beds. A redhead with striking green eyes and a petite brunette with springy hair and a gorgeous smattering of freckles. Jamie smiled at the two of them and they smiled back.
“Hey! My name is Lily,” The redhead held out her hand, bold and assertive. Jamie didn’t think she was in much need of a leadership camp either. “This here is my best friend, Mary.”
“Lily and Mary, it’s nice to meet you both. I’m Jamie.” She pulled her duffle off her shoulder and claimed the open bottom bunk. “Are you best mates in the camp sense, or have you met before today?”
Mary laughed, “Best friends since we were eleven. I dragged Lily along to this camp because I’m incapable of leaving home without her.”
“And it sounded like fun!” Lily added, looking back at her curly haired friend. “Did you know that this camp has a ropes course?” She asked, turning back to Jamie.
“A rope course? And that sounds like fun to you?”
“Of course, it does!”
“Wait until we’re actually on the ropes course,” Mary chuckled, “Lily is afraid of heights.” She tilted her head toward Jamie and raised her brows.
“I’m not afraid of heights,” Lily argued. “I simply… do not… like them.”
“Right.” Mary laughed.
Rooming with best friends might not be the best case scenario, as they already had someone to pair off with for all the group activities they were bound to do over the next week. They had a fourth roommate yet, so Jamie would reserve her pessimistic judgment until then. In the meantime, Lily and Mary seemed like nice people who she could eat meals with if nothing else.
“There’s also a lake,” Lily apparently still found the need to explain why she thought this camp would be fun. “And the weather is supposed to be brilliant this week. Sunny and warm!”
“I’m here for the seminars and workshops, not for the lake.” Mary said.
“You can be here for both.” Lily shrugged. “And, as much as I love you, I’m here for the arts and crafts, camp food and fun activities.”
“Arts and crafts is an activity. And this is a camp for adults, do you really think-“
Lily cut Mary off with a scoff. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. “If you think I didn’t check before I agreed to come, then you have another thing coming, MacDonald.” She turned her phone out so it was facing Mary, and Jamie a bit. Jamie was able to see colorful pictures of string bracelets, painted pottery, and she couldn’t tell what else.
“Well then,” Mary shook her head. “I hope you get to live out your summer camp dreams.”
“Thank you.” Lily nodded, looking rather smug. It was a look that worked for Lily. Her cheeks took on a dusting of pink, her green eyes grew brighter, and she sat up taller. Jamie turned to her duffle to avoid being caught ogling.
There was a knock on the door and the three girls turned in unison.
“Hello, I’m Emma Vanity. I guess I’m your fourth.” She gave a sharp wave and then looked at the three taken beds before her eyes fell onto the unclaimed top bunk above Jamie.
“I’m Mary and this is Lily,” Mary pointed at Lily, who offered a bright smile.
“And I’m Jamie Potter.”
“Potter?” Emma’s brow shot up. “As in Potions by Potter? Are your parents Fleamont and Euphemia Potter?”
“It’s a fairly common last name,” Jamie shrugged. She wouldn’t have added her last name if she had thought someone would recognize it.
“Right,” Emma laughed and dropped her bag to the ground. “Well, either way, I’m sure that you are a greatperson to share a bunk with.” She knew who Jamie was, that was clear.
“Mary’s mother was a circus performer if that interests anyone.” Lily had pulled out a bag of jelly candies and tore one in half with her front teeth. Jamie smiled at her appreciatively.
“Does she still perform?”
“No, she retired when I started school.” Mary said. “But she does teach trapeze classes down at the local leisure center.”
“They’re great fun.” Lily nodded. “Should we go and find ourselves some lunch?”
“I hope you know that they aren’t going to serve bad camp food.” Mary pushed herself off Lily’s bed. “Are you two coming with us?”
Emma looked at Jamie, and since Jamie had no desire to be alone with Emma just then, she smiled at Lily and nodded. “Sure. I’m always ready to eat.”
“I’ll come too,” Emma nodded. “I’ve already memorized the layout of the camp, so you can all follow me.” And then she was walking back toward the door.
Lily, who had just proven herself to be very familiar with the camp, was looking at Emma’s retreating figure with raised brows, but she didn’t say anything and just hopped off her bed.
“Off we go then,” Mary bit her bottom lip and followed Lily. Jamie closed the door behind them.
The sun was out, and it was warm, which Jamie hadn’t fully appreciated before Lily had told her that they could expect this weather to last all week. And she hadn’t known there was a lake. That hadn’t been on her list of fun summer activities she wanted to do with Sirius, but she hadn’t been a beach in a while, and while she was sure the beach on this random camp lake wasn’t brilliant, it would be nice.
Especially if Lily was also there to talk it up.
Jamie gravitated toward Lily over the next couple of days. At first she thought it was because the other girl’s positive attitude was contagious, and while it was, that wasn’t the sole reason.
Jamie had developed a little bit of a crush.
Except not really, because Jamie had never once developed a ‘little’ crush in her life. It took exactly one day for her to realize that she was already deciding how the two of them would find time for each other after they left camp. Two days in and she had decided that their first pet would be a short haired cat named Mr. Tums, preferable all black.
Three days in and she was almost certain that she was in love.
Not in love in love, she understood that was ridiculous.
No, on day three, she was simply falling in love.
It would be a few more days until she was actually in love.
Lily had her shoulder length hair in twin braids today. Whisps of baby hairs framing her face and she kept reaching up to brush them away from her eyes, which only drew more attention to her eyes and her hair and all the other parts of her face that Jamie couldn’t stop staring at.
And at the moment, she was wearing a bloody bikini as she sat on the towel next to Jamie’s on the small beach the camp had to offer. A bikini.
Jamie was doing everything she could to ignore the bikini, but it was there, and showing off every soft curve and gentle swoop of Lily Evans’ body. Jamie was in a t-shirt and boardshorts, because she couldn’t possibly exist in the space next to Lily Evans wearing anything less than this and keep the ability to speak.
Not that her ability to speak was getting her far. Lily was doing most of the talking.
“What do you think?” Lily reached out and nudged Jamie on the shoulder, her bubblegum pink nails scraping lightly on the sleeve of Jamie’s t-shirt.
The quirk in Lily’s brow let Jamie know that she had missed something. Keeping her clothes on may have left her with the ability to speak, but Lily wearing that bikini had hindered her ability to listen. She’d been so focused on not staring at Lily that she hadn’t remembered to pay attention to what she was saying.
“What do I think about what again?” Jamie asked, not bothering to pretend that she had heard Lily. The knowing smile on Lily’s face should have made Jamie a bit self-conscious, but she liked how smug Lily looked knowing the effect she had on Jamie. She also wanted Lily to know that she liked her, especially since Lily had not acted as though knowing made her even the slightest bit uncomfortable.
“I was asking for your opinion one what we should do this evening. I want to watch the sunset over the lake, but I don’t think I can stay down here until then. I’ll fry. So should we go to the craft cabin and make some more bracelets,” She held up her rope bracelet covered wrist and shook it, “Or should we have an early dinner?”
“Don’t we have a class to go to before dinner?” Jamie asked, looking out at the water after briefly glancing in Lily’s direction.
“I didn’t sign up for anything. Did you?”
“Probably not.” Jamie shrugged. “Mary isn’t upset with you for ditching her?”
Lily snorted. “I’m hardly ditching her. Besides, she knew I wasn’t going to be signing up for anything that wasn’t required. I came for the crafts and the beach. And to share a bunk with her.” She was smiling at Jamie, she could feel it aimed at the side of her head.
“Alright, well then, I think we should stay down here for a while longer and then go and get some dinner. I didn’t really enjoy the bracelet making.”
“You’re just upset that I’m better at it than you.”
“No.” Jamie shook her head. “I can honestly say that I’m not upset because you’re better than me. I’m upset because I can not figure out how to do it at all. All five attempts turned into a tangled knot of colorful string and heartbreak.”
“You picked out great colors,” Lily had her lips pressed together when Jamie mustered up the fortitude needed to face her. She used all the strength she had to keep her gaze on Lily’s face and then let out a huff and laid back on her towel.
“Thanks a million.”
“Of course.” She reached out and patted the back of Jamie’s hand, her bubblegum pink nails drawing Jamie’s eye. “If we’re going to stay for a while more, I should put on more sunscreen.”
Jamie reached for the bag on her right and handed it to Lily and then shut her eyes. She couldn’t watch Lily put on sunscreen. She knew that she wouldn’t handle that well. Especially not when Lily seemed to be in a mind to tease the shit out of Jamie. Which Jamie knew she deserved after the entirely unsubtle way she had told Lily and Mary about her ex-girlfriend. She had blushed immediately after saying it and then muttered about needing a restroom.
Lily hadn’t brought up any exes at all, but she had followed Jamie on Instagram the first night, and it didn’t take a whole lot of work to figure out that Lily also represented a letter or two from the alphabet.
Jamie bit down on the tip of her tongue and wondered how long she would need to keep her eyes closed before it would be safe to open them.
She heard the cap of the sunscreen pop open and started counting, figuring three minutes to be ample time. She took the time to take a few deep breaths, have a few imaginary conversations with Sirius where he called her a dumbass, whacked her over the head and told her to make her move, and then tried to clear her head of any and all nonsense.
“Where do you head back to after this week?” Lily asked, and Jamie almost opened her eyes.
“Winchester. My brother and I are staying with our parents for the summer, and we have a lot of plans. This camp actually threw a bit of a wrench in our plans, but da wanted me to come here.”
“He didn’t want your brother to come?”
Jamie snorted. “Can you imagine? I mean, da did ask him if he wanted to, but Sirius is very… anti-group activities.”
“What plans were ruined?” Jamie turned her head and opened her eyes, figuring the sun screening was done with now.
It was not.
Lily was rubbing it into her shoulders, her hands moving slowly and her nails contrasting sharply with the pale tone of her skin.
Jamie’s mouth went dry and she tried to swallow.
Lily’s brow went up and Jamie cleared her throat. “Ballet.”
“The ballet. I got Sirius to agree to go to a few different shows with me, which he never does, and I’m missing one of them to be here.”
The tip of Lily’s pink tongue peeked out from between her lips and Jamie bit down on her own tongue. What was it about this girl that had Jamie acting like a randy, seventeen-year-old, boy?
“The ballet? I didn’t picture you-“
“I’m actually a ballerina.”
Lily blinked her big green eyes and brought her shoulder up to her chin.
“I mean, I saw the pictures of you with your dance bag, but I guess I just…” Jamie hadn’t posted any recent pics of her in anything dance related, and so she smirked at the knowledge that Lily had been snooping.
“You didn’t picture me as a ballerina? What kind of dancer did you think I was?”
“Honestly? I thought you were a theater dancer.”
Jamie chuckled. “I mean, I have dabbled in the theater.”
“Dabbled? I think it’s you use of words like ‘dabbled’ that made me think theater actually.”
“Dabbled is a normal word.”
“Sure, and it made me think ‘theater kid.’” Lily turned back to the bottle of sunscreen and picked it up, squeezing some onto her hand before she angled one of her legs and started rubbing her hands together. The point of her toe, the angle of her head, it was all deliberate. Jamie knew that it was all deliberate, but she didn’t care. She watched on bated breath as Lily started working the sunscreen into her leg. She started at her upper thigh and worked her way down to the ankle, slowly, making sure to cover every inch of skin.
“How long have you been a ballerina?”
Jamie had to unclench her jaw to answer. “Since I was about five.”
“And when did you dabble in the theater?” Lily’s voice was even and normal, like she wasn’t currently putting on a show for Jamie. She should have kept her eyes shut. She should close her eyes right now, but she knew that she wasn’t going to.
“Um… I think the first musical I was in, I was eight? Mum was helping out with…” She trailed off as Lily angled her other leg and started on that thigh. “Mum was helping with costumes. It was just a small local production.”
“Of what?”
“Fiddler on the Roof.” Jamie hoped that she was answering Lily’s questions, but she really wasn’t paying attention to what either of them were saying. For the first time since she’d seen Lily in this stupid bikini, she was allowing herself to look at her. She was drinking it in.
Jamie was pretty sure that Lily said something else, and half of her brain heard it, though it took a while to get it all pieced together. “I’ve seen Fiddler on the Roof. Mary was a theater kid, so I’ve actually seen a lot of musicals.”
“Good.” Jamie nodded, even though she knew that wasn’t really a top notch response.
Lily picked up the bottle of sunscreen and popped the cap open again, and Jamie could feel the pop in the back of her teeth. She watched Lily tighten her hand around the bottle, squeezing more onto her open palm.
“I might need your help with my back-“
About two seconds before Jamie would have had a heart attack and passed away right there on the small camp beach in the middle of nowhere, the top of the bottle came off and, with Lily still squeezing the bottle, the sunscreen went everywhere. It splattered all over Lily’s lap, chest and towel. It got on Jamie too, a large glob landing on the lens of her glasses.
They both froze for a minute before Jamie looked up at Lily from her one clear lens. Lily’s cheeks were bright red and she was looking at the still dripping bottle as though it had purposefully ruined her plans to send Jamie to an early grave.
The building tension crumbled like a saltine cracker.
“That’s what you get,” Jamie said, reaching over and wiping a large glob off of Lily’s nose. Then she started laughing as Lily turned to look at her. Her cheeks stayed red, but she cracked a grin. “That was totally deserved!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lily shook her head and dropped the offending bottle. She started smearing and wiping at all the excess sunscreen, wiping her hands on her towel to get it off. “I wasn’t doing anything.”
Jamie started laughing harder. “You’re a liar.”
Lily bit down on her bottom lip, still shaking her head. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“You most certainly do know what I mean, and now you’ve made a mess of yourself.”
“The cap broke! I don’t know why you’re telling me I deserve it.”
Jamie reached over and swiped at another glob at Lily’s shoulder. “Sure, Evans.” She whipped her hand so it landed somewhere in the grass and then got another glob from Lily’s hair. “So that’s just how you normally put on sunscreen?”
“Of course it is.”
“I can’t wait to see how your normally put on your pajamas tonight.”
Lily’s face went a shade or two darker and Jamie laughed again.
“You know what, if I was putting it on… a certain sort of way, it was only because you were looking at me-“
“I hadn’t been looking at you!” Jamie took her glasses off and carefully went about cleaning them. “I had very deliberately not been looking at you. You waited until I was looking at you.”
Lily was quiet until Jamie looked over at her, having to squint in order to see the look on her face. She put her glasses back on to confirm that she was looking smug. She was. “Okay, but then you couldn’t take your eyes off me.”
“Have you ever heard the phrase, in for a penny, in for a pound?”
Lily narrowed her brow in confusion. “I have.”
“I’ve only ever had fancied three people in my life, including yourself,” Lily sat up straighter and Jamie felt her cheeks heat but shook her head. Lily had already known that Jamie fancied her. “Yes, go and head a preen over it.”
“I am flattered,” Lily, still covered in globs of sunscreen, waved her hair back over her shoulder with one of her hands. Then she looked at Jamie expectantly.
Jamie sucked in a sharp breath through her nose and released it all at once. “Where do you live, Evans? And how far is it from Winchester?”
“And why do you ask?”
“Because I’ve a feeling that we’ll have some unfinished business come Friday.”
And then Lily laughed, and Jamie felt it all the way to the tips of her toes.
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lemon-face-kid · 3 years
Bloody Brilliant
Pairing: James Potter x fem! reader
Summary: James and Y/n and spend an afternoon by the lake.
Warnings: Cussing, a kiss, my writing
Word Count: 718
A/N: This is entirely self indulgent, I have no shame. And you can pry my commas from my cold, dead body. I’m aware I use them to much. Enjoy!
Y/n strode from the Transfiguration classroom and stopped as students rushed around her. It was her last class of the day, as she didn’t have a class during the last period. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do for the rest of the day. All her homework was finished and she had no tests coming up. She considered studying for the end of year exams, but decided against it.
James Potter rounded the corner and forced his way through the crowd of students, stumbling over feet and a very disgruntled Mrs. Norris. When he finally reached her, out of breath and panting, Y/n lifted an eyebrow questionably.
“Would you,” he huffed, having not fully recovered. “Would you like to hang out this afternoon? It’s supposed to be nice outside. I thought we could go down by the lake.”
“Are you asking me on a date?” Y/n grinned, amused to see him like this. He was cute when he was unsure of himself.
“I-,” James paused, and rethought what he was going to say. “Maybe?”
“Alright. I have a free period now, but you have Potions, right?”
James’ eyes widened as the bell rang just as she finished speaking.
“Shit. I’ll meet you down by the lake when I get out, we can just sit by a tree or something.”
“Alright, see you then.”
He looked positively adorable, all disjointed like that. Y/n tried desperately to hide her smile and failed miserably.
He took off, but glanced back.
“Bring your guitar, yeah?,” he called before he disappeared around the corner again.
Y/n knew he had heard her playing when she was in the Gryffindor common room with Remus, but he must have enjoyed it more than he let on. She wasn’t sure how long she stood there, smiling and shaking her head to herself in the empty corridor. 
Y/n did bring her guitar, and settled herself under the largest tree by the lake. Her fingers danced over the strings as she strummed chords to pass the time. It truly was a beautiful day, the warmest and sunniest at Hogwarts since the New Year. The water of the lake shimmered and glinted in the sunlight.
She heard the toll of the bell, releasing classes for the day. Soon after, James emerged from the castle and made his way to Y/n. He dropped his school bag to the ground and sat down next to it. Y/n noticed the stared at her, mesmerized by her music, but didn’t say anything. She placed her hand on the strings, stopping the sound.
“Did Slughorn give you detention?”
“Nah, just took a few points. How was your day?”
“Good, I don’t have any homework. I got a few new books from the library. Yours?”
“It’s going splendidly, since I got you to go on a date with me and got you to play your guitar for me,” he grinned up at her.
Y/n laughed, she found the boy’s cheek endearing.
They sat for a while in companionable silence. James was propped up on his elbow and was studying the grass in front of him, a small smile on his face.  Y/n watched him, soaking in everything about him. His curly and unruly hair. The way his glasses were perched on his nose. The small upturn of his lips.
“So,” he sat up and stretched, “Can you play any songs?”
“Um, I can play a few Beatles songs.”
“Will you?”
Y/n didn’t respond, only started playing. She concentrated on her fingers, determined to get the notes right. She was so focused, she didn’t see the look of complete adoration on James’ face.
She finished the song, and James immediately pressed his lips to hers. His lips were soft and Y/n wished they would never be separated. But James pulled back and rested his forehead on hers.
“Sorry, you’re just so bloody brilliant,” he apologized softly.
“Don’t be,” Y/n whispered back.
James leaned back and glanced at his watch. “It’s almost time for dinner, we can head to the Great Hall.” He stood up and offered his hand to Y/n. 
She took it, and he asked, “Sit with me?”
Y/n didn’t answer, just smiled and kissed his cheek.
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