#italian heritage
ademater · 8 months
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October 1, 2023
Cattedrale dei Santi Pietro e Donato (Arezzo, Italy)
©  Maurizio Antonelli
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bcacstuff · 2 months
Esteriore Brothers • 4 brothers embracing their Italian heritage
Today, the Esteriore Brothers stand as a symbol of Italian musical excellence in the digital age. Their story highlights the unifying power of music and the role of social media in bringing it to a global stage. As they continue to share their passion and talent, the Esteriore Brothers remain a beacon of Italian culture, captivating audiences with every note.
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Civita di Bagnoregio, Italy
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jillianspina · 8 months
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Drew Jared "Flash" Gordon for Italian heritage month and for #UFC295! Let's go Flash!⚡️👊
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What do you mean I might be celiac and won’t be able to eat garlic bread or pizza anymore???? I’m literally asexual and Italian you can’t do this to me 😭
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sleaterkinnie · 1 year
i'm sicilian and my grandpa's uncle was with the mafia in nyc and he was murdered and thrown in the river. fun times. idk why i'm telling you this
THATS FUCKING INSANE. my mothers uncle was apart of the detroit unions and one of the last people to be seen with jimmy hoffa. his name is joseph bane jr this is a photo the fbi took of him
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The Italian urge to let Ascanio in on 8th of January
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healthyhoss · 8 months
Tricolore - A Brief History Of The Italian Flag
The Italian flag, known as the “Tricolore” in Italian, is one of the most recognizable national flags in the world. It consists of three vertical stripes of equal width, with the colors from left to right being green, white, and red. The flag has a rich history that is closely tied to Italy’s own historical and political evolution. Here’s a brief overview of the history of the Italian…
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caitlin3608 · 1 year
Font inspired by family background
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palazzideirolli · 1 year
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Aspettando i “Rolli Days” dal 28 aprile al 1 maggio 2023, ricordiamo che Domenica 5 Marzo si rinnova l’appuntamento con #domenicalmuseo, l’iniziativa del Ministero della Cultura che consente l’ingresso gratuito, ogni prima domenica del mese, nei musei e nei parchi archeologici statali e inoltre per i residenti a Genova l'ingresso ai Musei Civici è gratuito tutte le domeniche*. Più di così, cosa aspettate…😉👋
[Immagini: Palazzo Spinola di Pellicceria, Palazzo Reale, Palazzo Rosso, Palazzo Tursi, Palazzo Bianco, Palazzo Balbi-Senarega. Fotografie: © Palazzi dei Rolli ™ ]
*Verificare musei e palazzi aderenti all’iniziativa su:
museidigenova.it / cultura.gov.it / visitgenoa.it
#museitaliani #mibact #art #ingressogratuito #culturalheritage #arte #italy #cultura #igersitalia #wonderfulplaces #musei #unesco #patrimonioculturale #museo #domenicagratuita #giardiniitaliani #beniculturali #beniculturali30 #palazzideirolli #genova #genovamorethanthis #rollidays #liguria #igersgenova #architecture #viagaribaldi #ilsecoloxix
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oh right, technically i sell t-shirts
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i forgot about that
#holidays are coming up and it would make a terrible gift#that's the main selling point#anyways these exist and can be exchanged for legal tender#the cost is the listed price + the emotional expense of knowing that i am judging u#bc i am. i am judging u#why would u want this. why would u exchange currency for this#there are so many other things you could exchnage currency for instead#a grocery store shrimp platter for instance#with the nauseatingly red cocktail sauce that is SO much better than a t shirt any time#hmm chicken picatta at a local Italian Eatery perchance? i am. a big fan of anything picatta#oh oh i know! 3.6 POUNDS OF FRESH OKRA#FOR THE COST OF THIS FRIVOLOUS T SHIRT U COULD INSTEAD PURCHASE 3.6 POUNDS OF FRESH DELICIOUS OKRA#and then --hold on i have a recipe--and then what u do is#so it is basically sacrilege to suggest this but what u do is u skip the cornmeal entirely#my southern ancestors are shaking a wooden spoon at me right now but LISTEN. u skip. the gotdang. cornmeal#instead: wash chop and soak (for 10 min) the okra in a mixture of 1 egg to tblsp water#then coat in flour#THATS IT JUST FLOUR#No cornmeal. i am betraying my heritage rn but I'm RIGHT#coat in flour sprinkle liberally in S&P and FRY that suck in veg oil high heat#until crispy & brown & u hear your arteries clenching in apprehension#so. so yeah#that's what u should do instead of buying this shirt go fry the shit out of some okra#(but buy local and young & tender if u can bc the grocery store is full of old-and-therefore-super-stiff specimens#pro tip (aka grandma tip): if u can't chop okra smoothly with your normal cutting knife then it's too old and tough.#...i mean u probably CAN still fry the shit out of it I've certainly done that before it's just much less delicious#ANYWAY. anyway ANYWAY. shirt. okra. farmers market. that reminds me of a post i made back when we first started selling these dang shorts#shirts. shorts shorts. oh shit i should make a crop top option.#i. i don't Know How to make a crop top option#HUH . . . i need to lie down now and contemplate the constant and irreconcilable limitations of the human experience good night
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ademater · 9 months
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September 3, 2023
Palazzo Farnese, Scala Regia (Caprarola, Italy)
©  Maurizio Antonelli
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Restored apartment with terrace in Italian palazzo.
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bruciemilf · 10 months
I will say, it is so fun thinking about the Waynes and their relationship with food. But specifically Bruce.
We get such little light shed on the Waynes before the Big Terrible happened. Like. How were Wayne dinners like?
Were they terribly posh and quiet with small moments of fun thrown in? Was Alfred scolding Thomas for telling a star eyed Bruce unnecessarily gory details from a surgery?
Did Martha help Bruce break into the cookie jar? Was there a lovely, playful gossip about Bruce's loud classmates and his adorable crush on Gray Ghost?
Because I like that! But I'd also like it to be a complete juxtaposition.
I want Bruce to talk about his family, to his children, with a smile that could melt the sun. I want him to tell them about the noise.
How the Wayne manor was permanently flooded with a noise and boister that could rival a packed 5 star kitchen.
How Thomas always cooked with a dry cigarette in his mouth, arguing with uncle Jacob about forks of all things.
Why were they smudged, why were they placed randomly and not organised with militaristic precision, while Martha watched with the fondest annoyance.
How Thomas would cuss filthy in Italian only when Bruce was around and only Oz could understand him, long before he was the Penguin, long before Bruce was Batman.
"It's about culture. Not that you'd understand, Jakey."
And uncle Jacob never entertained his father for long. He'd throw a dirty look, his obsidian eyes sharp as a switchblade, and mutter a 'bitch' in Russian, while Alfred sat there judging them both.
The Waynes were chaos with heartbeats. And Bruce's favorite event at these diners? The food fights. It's always uncle Philip who started them.
"Wow, Jay eating steak. Never thought I'd see this day."
" It's venison."
" Vinison?" Thomas would finally take a break from his unlit cigarette, holding Bruce in his lap like a king would a prized cat.
A collective sigh rang among the table. They knew what was coming. " What are you, fuckin' crazy? That's fuckin' cannoli, dipshit."
"With vinison."
" Tom."
" Honey."
" You come into my house, not knowing what a goddam cannoli is? Fuck are you gonna tell me next, you don't put garlic in your Carbonara? I mean."
" Garlic is disgusting."
And Thomas would cover Bruce's ears like that's the most offensive thing uncle Jacob could utter at Thomas Wayne's table. And Uncle Oz agreed. Their favorite pastime was ganging up on Martha's oldest brother.
And it starts off as something minuscule and petty and mutates in something loud and ugly and breathtaking.
Bruce would watch with an open mouth in Alfred's lap, as his father's neck popped with veins, and uncle Jacobs pale complexion would blush something angry as the skin of his throat thinned from yelling.
And it wasn't a true Saturday dinner unless Thomas didn't leap across the table, running over all the food to smash whatever dish into Jacobs face.
But truly, the best part, was watching them go from fight dogs to eating outside in time-out. As different as his father and uncle were, they could always find agreement on one topic:
Defying Martha Wayne was painfully stupid.
They'd share a cigarette and eat in silence, which was as friendly as they'd ever get. But he loved it. Bruce loved Saturday dinner.
And when the batkids start the fighting tradition on Saturdays, Bruce thinks they do, too.
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emodwarfluvr · 5 months
nico di angelo: nico who is actually niccolò, a name he uses rarely, quietly, carefully. something not everyone can say, nor grasp the importance of. niccolò di angelo, son of an italian woman, brother of an italian girl, grandson of an italian man and diplomat: blood as red and vibrant as caravaggio’s death of the virgin flows through his veins, his complexion carries the faint memory of olives and the liquid they produce, a memory of where he comes from, of home. niccolò: a name of most significant power and presence, owned by many before him. before niccolò di angelo there was niccolò “ugo” foscolo, before niccolò foscolo there was niccolò machiavelli: a legacy of writers, poets who made history with the sole movement of their hand holding a quill. he, too, will carry their memory, spread his word about the generations that led to his existence. he will see the sun shining bright in the sky and bask in the light and warmth it brings, because who is he if he doesn’t appreciate the pieces of home that follow him wherever he goes? he will look at the night sky and think of galileo, of leopardi’s poems, and he will remember the loud laughter of his mamma and the tight embraces of his nonna. he will make food for his loved ones with all the passion and affection his heart can carry and, for an instant, be brought back to that one tiny, hidden street, now long forgotten, in venice, where his home once stood, and in that instant he will reminisce and smile at the consciousness that he carries his own bloodline and origins with him, always.
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wonderinc-sonic · 4 months
Its real unfair that Silver is dressed for being a polarhedge (camouflaged, extra fur, can pack his quills down to his head to keep warm) but we meet him first in the burning up end of the world. Bro was so extra warm.
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