#just be yourself
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chantelles-stuff · 4 months
Since the loss of my parents the one thing I miss the most it hearing them telling me that they love me and that they are proud of me, and it occurred to me that maybe other people miss hearing that as well.
So from your tumblr big sister,
I LOVE YOU! AND IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! You are perfect just the way you are! Just incase anyone needed to hear that today! I will always be here as a safe place for anyone who needed it 🥰
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annadoucettemusic · 1 year
Marry me
Are you free tomorrow? Xoox
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ladyamanda123 · 2 months
“The choice is yours….”
“…..or you can just
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serenagaia · 4 months
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I’m not a type. I’m a vibe.
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sutjak · 5 months
the brainrot has gotten to me again but ive become hooked onto this topic and unless i speak it into the void it will end up killing me.
In all universes of Fight Club, the narrator is transgender (to me) and Tyler is cis. I especially love this lil headcanon with them both being girls.
The Narrator is this tall, scrawny 6'0" loser ridden with insomnia and no tits. She works a horrible 9-5 and sometimes has to do field work. Because of her insomnia, she never has the energy to explore her feminity.
Tyler, and her name would be Tyler because that's hot, would be her oppisite, is everything she thinks she wants and wants to be. This woman has Tits-unreal perky Cs- and dresses like a whore. Tyler's wardrobe consists only of mesh crop tops, button-ups without any buttons, lowrise jeans, and a distinct lack of bras (she has panties, but they are all thongs). Her head is shaved and wears giant rings and earrings. Most importantly, she has a vagina.
Not to mention how outspoken Tyler is. She's bold and brash, similar but not quite like Marla because Marla is gross and the Narrator definitely doesn't like Marla. Tyler is strong and can get men down on their knees and make them do anything.
What really sold Fight Club to me was the contrast between Tyler and The Narrator, how they ended up being the same person despite, in the end, how different their goals were. How they both had the same wants- to live a little, experience things never before experienced, but only one of them wanted to expand that desire. Fight Club ends with the Narrator fighting back against what he thought he wanted and warming to what he resisted.
I think transfem!narrator would be at peace with this ending, settling down with the weird and unfriendly grunge girl and cherishing but putting away the ultrafem radical fantasies she had.
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Just be yourself in your body
Attention, young people: The folks in your schools with the "genderbread" diagrams are confusing you on purpose. It's a scam. Don't fall for it.
You were born male or female. This reality was recognized and duly recorded. A gender was not "assigned" to you as though plucked from a hat. The eyeball test conducted at the moment of your birth is 99.982% accurate, a lower rate of error than many lab tests.
"Male" and "female" are just words to describe the reality of human reproductive dimorphism-a thing that existed before the human race invented language. It only describes your body.
Neither of the two sexes (there are only two) comes with an inherent set of colors, hobbies, interests or activities. We used to call that sort of idea "sexist."
Nowadays, it is fashionable to say that "gender" is some sort of inner sense of self that makes you like certain games, toys, sports, haircuts, clothes, etc., rather than others.
This is not "gender," however. It is called "having a personality."
No one is "born in the wrong body." The scammers want you to become a $500,000 lifetime medical profit-center by telling you otherwise. But we don't have to adopt interesting new pronouns to become the people we already are.
Just be yourself in your body. Never trust anyone who suggests you are anything else.
Matt Osborne Florence
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pleasuremehere · 2 months
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Just Be You, Boo 😘
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annadoucettemusic · 1 year
Hello hello!! 👋😃 Happy Friday my friends🥰 The next one is next year, so go enjoy 💛💛 Xoxo, love always - Anna.
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thecrapartist · 8 months
Just a reminder that the story of Mulan is proof that trans people can pass. No matter what anyone tells you. And it's also a reminder that you don't need expensive hormone, treatments, or surgeries. Just be yourself. Strong, independent, and the killer of thousands of men.
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batwingsrosa · 18 days
Life lessons different Harry Potter characters have taught me:
Harry James Potter taught me to always look for the best in people and to try to be forgiving and kind to others.
He taught me to show empathy to others and that hard work pays off.
Severus Snape taught me that it doesn‘t matter what you look like on the outside. What matters is your character. He taught me that loyalty is one of the greatest values and that true love is everlasting.
He taught me to be confident in myself and my abilities and to be ambitious in all i do.
He taught me the meaning of resiliance, bravery and sacrifice.
Albus Dumbledore taught me that you should always remember to turn on a light even in the darkest of times.
He and Lily Potter taught me that love is the strongest and most powerful feeling in the world.
It‘s the most powerful form of magic.
Luna Lovegood and Nymphadora Tonks taught me to always be myself, even when others shun me for it. There is no shame in being who you are. Don‘t let others dim your light;)
Remus Lupin taught me to be patient and to try to give my knowledge to the next generation. He taught me that my illness doesn‘t define me.
Hermione Granger taught me the importance of knowledge in life or death situations- and to always be eager to learn and aquire new skills.
Ron Weasly taught me that a true friend is oftentimes hard to find but never replacable.
He taught me the value of friendship.
Minerva McGonnagal taught me that‘s important to be organized and disciplined in all i do. She taught me the importance of taking responsibility for my own actions.
Neville Longbottom taught me that i can decide on the direction my life takes and how important it is to stand up for myself. Neville taught me that even those of us who started small can become a great human being. He taught me the meaning of true bravery.
Rubeus Hagrid taught me that all life is valuable. And therefore you should always try to be kind to every living creature. No matter how small or insignificant they seem.
Hedwig taught me that friendship can take many forms and she and Dobby taught me that the smallest beings can be the most loyal.
Fred and George Weasly taught me to believe in my dreams and always try to put a smile on other peoples faces. They taught me the importance of humour in my life.
Ginny Weasly taught me that there is no shame in being a woman.
True strength comes from the inside.
And the fire inside you can never be extinguished.
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wordsofwisdomandsoul · 7 months
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kateysummers99 · 1 year
Do you advocate to White Women they should at least try a Black Man, African so they can make an informed choice ?
Yes - honestly all women should “try” as much or as little sex as their hearts desire, with absolutely whoever they want. It’s their choice, nobody else’s. Everybody should find their own way and on their own terms.
That said, when it comes to sex, the happiest and healthiest women I know are usually also the women who had sex early and often in their lives. It’s the ones who believed that they had to maintain their “chastity,” or preserve their “virginity,” or some other social stigma crap, that end up confused and miserable later in life when they realize that sex, like everything else, benefits from diversity of experiences and practice. So yes, “try” black guys. Otherwise you won’t know what you’ve been missing out on 😘
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