#kinda blurry ngl
naowominutella · 3 months
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Prepared for first of march
but seariously.. does anyone else do this . Like walk around and gift decorated pins to their classmates??
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scionshtola · 5 months
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jumped on the bandwagon (x)
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youredreamingofroo · 1 month
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Roo as Benson from The Passenger (2023)
- - Click Roo's pic for better quality :) - -
( Progression pics under the cut :) )
( Latest -> Oldest )
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sairiiya · 2 years
I forgot I had these Seb sketches from when I started playing Stardew
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amamillalatortilla · 2 months
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some fun eclipse pics
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broken-camera · 1 year
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soggyjazz · 2 years
me: *coughing up blood into a sink, blood smeared across my lips, holding a heavily stained tissue to my nose because I got a nose bleed*
also me: I bet I look hot as hell right now
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bookworm-2692 · 7 months
For the lizzie joel grian post, first part is 100 hours, not last life <3 [Smajor voice] love you
Oh thank you! I assumed it had to be Last Life because thats the only one both Lizzie and Mumbo were in previously?? Like I thought 100 Hours was only Grian and Scar and Joel, and not Mumbo or Lizzie??
[Gem voice] love you too!
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theawesomeaki-kun · 1 year
Good times
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A moment of silence for my trusty 50x50px pixel icon from ye old days of DeviantArt that can never properly display as an avatar elsewhere, ever again due to its size, shape, and very nature (*it’s animated, not many sites allow it).
You were devoid of any actual pixel art techniques and I literally made you on the spot within minutes with no plans or particular ambitions; but I adored you, was proud of you, and showed you around like you were my shiny lawyer’s badge to everyone and anyone who was willing to tolerate my dumbass anyway.
May you be displayed somewhere in your honor someday once again, my friend. But for now, fare thee well...
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pika-blur · 1 year
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rninies · 2 months
✮ lockscreen
౨ৎ veritas ratio x reader. fluff pure fluff, gn!reader, modern!au, ratio kinda shy ngl — wc: 348
notes. i love veritas sm
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“am i your lock screen?”
“am i on your lock screen?” you asked once more, leaning closer to veritas. he instinctively leaned back, hiding his phone behind his back. “what? why are you hiding your phone from me?”
veritas clears his throat, straightening his back. he pushes you using his free hand, phone still behind his back. “nothing. i’m not hiding anything.”
“you liar!” you exclaimed, crossing your hands over your chest. “i can’t believe you. i put you- well us, on my lock screen and you don’t? do you not love me?” you asked dramatically, placing a hand over your heart.
“stop, don’t be dramatic.” veritas scowls. “you’ll live. not being my wallpaper doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.”
you gasped. “don’t say that! what if i suddenly disappear one day and your wallpaper is the only thing that reminds you of me? what if all the photos in your gallery suddenly vanished and your wallpaper is the only one in there?”
veritas' lips twitched. “you’re being ridiculous. none of that will ever happen.”
“remember that one time your phone suddenly switched off by itself and won’t turn on anymore?” you start picking your nails, ignoring the way veritas' face changed. “and all your photos and data disappeared?”
veritas sighs. “do you really need to see my lock screen that bad?”
“yes!” you stretched your hand out, patiently waiting for rin to place his phone on your hand. instead of doing that, he holds his phone before you, clicking the power button so it turns on.
his lock screen is a picture of you on one of your first dates with him. it was in an amusement park and you were wearing one of the headbands they were selling there. it’s a blurry picture of you since you were moving in that picture, but you can faintly see the smile on your face, remembering how happy you were when the date happened.
“aw, veritas! i didn’t know you were such a sap! do you love me that much?” you teased.
“shut up, y/n.”
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lovingseventeen · 2 years
is seventeen good at taking your picture? *ੈ✩‧₊˚
a/n: this is kinda random but wholesome lol 
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✿ “ah, you’re pretty”
✿ it just sort of comes out, really. he was taking a couple pictures but he puts your phone down for a second just to look at you
✿ he giggles when you start blushing (the pictures end up being the kind thats a little blurry bc you moved when he got you blushy, but its still aesthetically pleasing)
✿ he tries to prank you by showing you that he actually took a (very cute and giggly) selfie while you were posing (this selfie becomes your lock screen eventually)
✿ when he sees you scoff he does his specific “hahaha” laugh (y’all know what i mean) 
✿ but just as you’re about to smack his arm he swipes left and he actually took a couple good pictures 
✿ i feel like he’s the kind to be pretty diligent with taking your picture 
✿ will direct how you pose (if you want him to help) to get the best possible picture 
✿ “mm maybe turn your chin this way just a little bit” he goes, even so far as to demonstrate with his own face
✿ he really tries his best and they’re not totally bad 
✿ occasionally just crops your foot out weirdly or it’s not lined up the best 
✿ it may take another one or two tries but you’ll get there 
✿ will comment when you post that 1) you look pretty and 2) he took the picture (he’s proud)
✿ takes a million pictures of you in rapid fashion and each of them are about 2% different from each other 
✿ may be a little bit hit or miss 
✿ will encourage a horanghae hand at some point 
✿ but even though he’s taking pictures kinda fast he will be patient and take more if you want him to 
✿ i feel like he’d take pictures of you from two angles at most and ngl, they ain’t bad 
✿ like somehow, he didn’t put that much thought into them but they’re pretty good???
✿ he may not take too many pictures but he puts a lot of care into the 7 he does take
✿ says little words under his breath, maybe quirks his head as he’s figuring out how to hold your phone
✿ “hmm maybe this isn’t right” *head tilt* “is it?”
✿ may be a little bit overdramatic with the lunging to “make you look taller” 
✿ but best boy energy and he’s enthusiastic to help you !!
✿ will probably get a cute candid picture of you laughing over his antics
✿ he’s probably taller than you but he will squat and/or break his back to get that good angle 
✿ also has a pretty artistic eye so i could assume that he’d get an interesting picture 
✿ he also did mention bringing his camera with him everywhere (in that one interview) so he’d probably be the kind of boyfriend that would take your picture without you knowing 
✿ honestly use his height and some funky lens to your advantage to get something editorial 
✿ another artsy boy hehe 
✿ very flexible will most definitely get pictures of you from so many angles 
✿ moves around you enough so you barey have to adjust 
✿ i feel like he’d help you filter your pictures too 
✿ who am i kidding, seungkwan will go to every extreme to get the perfect picture 
✿ ofc he knows all of your best angles 
✿ you may want to stop taking pictures but he will inSiSt he can do better 
✿ you think the pictures are fine already (he really did do so good) but he’s pointing to tell you to go back to pose 
✿ the energy may not be through the roof but he’s still putting an effort trust
✿ if he doesn’t get what you want at first all you gotta do is demonstrate what you want
✿ really, just make him stand in your place and take a quick example
✿ “so i want you to take it like this, so you see this in the background too”
✿ “ah okay i see” he nods
✿ funniest part is the practice photo and he’s just standing in it like 🧍
✿ also tries pretty hard
✿ he’s about to show you what he has so far before he grabs your phone back before you even see he screen
✿ “wait let me try again!”
✿ he gets excited when he feels like the pictures turned out well
✿ sneakily sends a couple photos to his own phone 🫶🏽
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wikiangela · 4 months
tease tidbit tuesday
tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz 💖
this is the only fic I've been working on the past few days bc this has been the mood™️ lol (writing this has been kinda cathartic tho ngl)
so here's another tiny bit - it should be done soon tbh bc I know exactly how i want to end it, i just need to find time lol
prev snippet
He doesn’t want to be a burden. Everyone always wants to be there for him, and he appreciates that, he does, he doesn’t want to appear ungrateful, but- but he feels like he’s burdening all of them with just his existence, and he can’t help it.
“Buck.” Eddie says after a moment of quiet, the only sounds reaching his ears are the passing cars and wind, otherwise the car is silent. Eddie’s tone is tired, a little bit hurt, too. “You don’t mean that.” he says, and, damn, he knows Buck so well. But there is a bit of a question in that, too. He’s not sure. 
“How do you know?” He knows he sounds defensive. And, look, he’s not trying to push Eddie away. He doesn’t think he is. Then again, he wasn’t actively trying to push Natalia away, either. Eddie’s not that easy to push away, though, but everyone has their limits. And, after all, everyone gives up on Buck eventually, anyway, so better sooner than later. “Maybe I don’t need anyone to worry about me, and pity me, and wait for me to be my old self, and to be fine, and-” Buck’s crying. Tears are streaming down his face, his foot is pressing the gas pedal a little bit too hard, going over the speed limit. 
“Buck.” Eddie interrupts firmly. “Everyone will always worry, because we love you. But no one expects you to be-”
“They do.” Buck responds, blinking away tears that keep coming and making his vision blurry.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @911onabc @housewifebuck @watchyourbuck @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @puppyboybuckley @weewootruck @buckaroosheart @spagheddiediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @rainbow-nerdss @malewifediaz @giddyupbuck @jeeyuns @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @hoodie-buck @theotherbuckley @nmcggg @jesuisici33 @exhuastedpigeon @rogerzsteven @honestlydarkprincess @hippolotamus @fortheloveofbuddie @diazsdimples @daffi-990
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5, 14, 15, 17
More outsiders asks? Heck yeah!
5. What are your favourite ships?
a) Curly Shepard x Ponyboy Curtis- idk why other than the fact that fanon Curly seems to balance out Ponyboy perfectly, and that I read a Curly fit on ffn when I was like fifteen that fundamentally changed my brain chemistry
b) Steve Randle x Sodapop Curtis- I don’t like any other within gang ship but Soda and Steve make sense to me and ngl my closeted ass clocked them as gay when I was reading the book because of the ‘pillow fight’ scene. I genuinely answered a comprehension question in class like ‘Ponyboy’s naïveté is shown through the fact he believes soda never drinks and that Soda and Steve were having a pillow fight when they slept together’ and my teacher had to be like oh sweetie no….
c) Marcia x Two-bit Matthews- Not a HUGE fan but they had such chemistry and I wish that could’ve been explored. I’m actually working on a fit about them rn, just because I wanna explore Marcia’s psyche. She was fun :)
14. Five headcanons I basically see as canon
a) Steve is secretly SUPER protective of Ponyboy, partially because he knows Sodapop would never be ok if something ever happened to Pony and he couldn’t stand it if Soda’s spark ever went out, but also because he wants Ponyboy to have the happy childhood he never had.
b) Darry absolutely dotes on Ponyboy, even though he’s strict, he’s lenient about letting Pony go places and works overtime to make sure he can afford to get Ponyboy everything he needs (and some stuff he simply wants), especially after Windrixville.
c) Johnny Cade is scary looking. Full stop. The gang just doesn’t see him that way so it doesn’t show in Ponyboy’s narration
d) Dallas Winston had a good mom and a happy childhood and her death was the catalyst that made him into the hoodlum he was.
e) Sodapop Curtis absolutely drinks, Ponyboy just doesn’t believe he does and Soda is not anxious to correct him because he doesn’t want Ponyboy to see him differently
15. Five headcanons that are entirely self-indulgent
a) Angela Shepard and Curly Shepard have to share a room because Tim refuses to share with anyone. Neither of them actually hates it half as much as they pretend they do.
b) Part of why Curly and Ponyboy became close was because Ponyboy was struggling with getting over his concussion, and the side effects were really stressful for him (dizzy spells, blurry vision, absentmindedness) and Curly kinda helped him with it because Curly spent 90% of his childhood concussed so he knew what Pony was going through
c) Tim Shepard and Sylvia are best friends and would kill for each other but not die for each other. However, they would avenge each other’s deaths.
d) Steve Randle wishes more than anything in the world that Darry Curtis was actually his irl older brother 
e) Two-bit’s little sister HATES Ponyboy Curtis because her older brother spends more time playing older brother to him than he spends actually being an older brother to her.
17. Are there any criticisms or salt you have with the book?
My criticisms with the book lie with the author. SE Hinton has proven to be homophobic and racist, and its written into the book, which is my biggest issue. I love the story of The Outsiders but do not want to support Hinton or her harmful, bigoted ideology under any circumstances. (For anyone out there who wants a copy of the book but doesn’t want to support Hinton, you can find a free pdf online, all you gotta do is google it)
On a slightly lighter note, I would have loved to have seen more of the female characters in the book. Marcia in particular had so much potential, and I wish we’d seen one actual scene with Sandy or Sylvia.
Thanks for the ask!!!!!
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topsyturvy-turtely · 9 months
✨The Sherlock Holmes Museum✨
221b Baker Street, London
!!! this is part 2 !!! (link to part 1, part 3)
continuation of Holmes' bedroom
above Holmes' bed hang these pictures (1). the guide didn't tell us anything specific about those.
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opposite of the bed hang portraits of people (2&3). you might think they'd be from family members or friends. this is not the case with our lovely Mr. Holmes'. These portraits picture (serial? can't quite recall) murderers. They hang on Holmes' wall, because he wants to fully understand them, know how their minds work.
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funfact about the woman in (4) (the guide just said "that woman over there" - there are two pictures of women tho... i assume she meant the woman that hangs higher... because her photo is bigger but i am not sure): she killed part of her family. but nobody believed a woman could do such a cruelsome act, so she was never arrested... and lived with the other part of her family until she died. (victorian sexism is almost funny ngl)
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oh and my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE PART was that SHERLOCK FREAKING HOLMES owns a TURTLE STATUE (5) and it CHILLS THERE IN HIS BEDROOM. (guys it's me. i don't know if you realize but trust me... sherlock holmes has a pet turtle/tortoise and it is me. )
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now to Mrs. Hudson's room (6)
(please forgive me for the people in this picture. i felt kinda rushed and way too excited to take a better picture...)
after the living room and Holmes' bedroom (see part 1), the tour ended. imo this room is the most like a museum. it doesn't feel personal like the living room or the bedrooms (yes Dr. Watson's room will be included in the part 3), instead there were show cases and some decorations... i didn't get a picture of it all but here are my favorites. (focusing on the more personal items in this post)
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oh! and if you look at (6) between that person in pink and that person in red, you see a little desk. on this desk was "Mrs. Hudson's guest book" (right underneath the window) and you could write your name in it!!! i loved that little detail! 🥰
there was a hat (7) and spinning wheel (8).
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then the fireplace in victorian style with a painting above (9),
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and before i move on to the more museum-like items in the next post, here is a (bad and blurry, with people in it - i am sorry 😭) wide-angle shot of the room (10) from the opposite side of (6).
this post is part 2 of a series.
-> part 1
-> part 3
(other parts will be linked once they have been uploaded)
keep reading - tag list
tag list! @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @catlock-holmes @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @baker-street-blog @macgyvershe @myladylyssa @battledress @a-victorian-girl @dreamerofthemeadow @oetkb12 @ohnoesnotagain @mutedsilence @jawnscoffee @raenchaosandcozyadashofmurder @lisbeth-kk @quickslvxrr @safedistancefrombeingsmart
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lynxtheserval · 4 months
Can i request Self-awake! Yandere! Illumina x player! reader? reader main sword
deadass kinda hard to write with limited information so I'm so sorry if it's bad or ooc!
Also! This wasn't the best writing I've done so I'm so sorry for that, but schools been hella crazy ngl
Might do a part 2 if y'all want , but it might take a while to make haha
Self-Aware!Yan!Illumina x player!reader
(TW: not as hard on the yandere aspects, but still a tw for stalking (kinda), kidnapping (also kinda), and curse words)
It was a normal day for you, at first at least. You got up, went to your classes in college, went back to your dorm, and played a Roblox game for a little while. You played Slap Battles for a good moment or two until you got bored of slapping children off a cliff with your overpowered paid glove. You then got back onto your favorites page, and saw a game you haven't played in like… a week.
It seems it got some sort of update, because the game icon changed to… some sorta deity looking thing. You didn't know much about the lore, you were mostly just playing the game for the gameplay. You had no idea what or who the icon was showing, but you went into the game without a second thought.
It loaded up like normal, same old music, same old map, same old characters… seems like nothing much has changed.
So you picked your main, Sword, and got into the game. You went to where Zuka was, pressing all the buttons you needed to get into the game.
It loaded.
And loaded.
And loaded.
Why the hell was it taking so long?
You started getting a little frustrated, and made an audible sigh of annoyance. You tried to close the game, but.. you couldn't? You went to the task manager, and tried closing Roblox from there, but Roblox didn't even show up! In fact.. nothing did. Your computer was messed up. You tried to turn off the computer as a whole, but surprise surprise, it didn't turn off.
“What the fuck..?” You murmured.
Then your computer froze completely. You tried clicking every button, tried turning it off AGAIN, and anything you could think of, until the computer suddenly unfroze.
You looked back up at the screen, and you saw you were.. still in Phighting, somehow. You were still in Crossroads, But every other player was gone, and all the NPCs were too, you were alone.
“What the hell..?” You decided to look around the map, or the middle part of Crossroads at least.
Then you saw something in the chat. A name in purple-ish white text. A name reading: Illumina.
“Hello, I've been waiting for your arrival, Y/n.”
It.. it knew your name. Not your username, but your ACTUAL FUCKING NAME. Your own computer doesn't even know your own name! You use your username for everything!
You managed to type in the chat:
“Hello? How do you know my name?”
“I know a lot about you, my dear. Now why don't you come meet me face to face, hm?”
Your computer froze again. Then, out of nowhere, your body started hurting, your ears started ringing, your eyes got blurry, your head started aching, it felt like you were dying. You soon passed out.
You woke up startled. You quickly sat up, but your head didn't seem to be feeling too great. Once your vision calmed down and you were able to see again, you looked around at where you were. You seemed to be in some brightly lit white room with no door and no windows. You got up from the oddly comfortable bed you woke up in and stood up. And with a thud, you fell onto the floor, your legs giving up on you.
“You won't be able to walk for a few hours, Y/N. So stop trying.”
You heard a voice, intimidating and masculine in nature. You looked up towards the voice.
A man, or what looks to be a man, was looking down at you. A bright figure, with one wing, dressed in mostly flowy clothes. He was wearing mostly white, but had a hint of purple in his outfit as well. Not to mention, one purple horn protruding from the left side of his head, with two other small horns coming out of the main one.
You moved to try to get up again but before you could, the man picked you up, and placed you back on the bed. You both made eye contact, his eyes… they were completely white, and bright, they seemed like they would blind you if you looked in them too long. He took notice of this, and smiled slightly.
“Good morning, love. Are you feeling okay? Humans.. I do not know if they handle world transportation well.”
“I.. who.. who are you..?” You managed to ask, it was hard for you to talk, it seemed.
“I am Illumina, and you are Y/N, such a lovely name.”
He placed a pale hand on your cheek, and laughed a little when you tried to pull away. You were confused, and scared, but you felt so.. weak, that you didn't have enough energy to push back too hard.
“Y/N, do not worry. I’ll take good care of you.”
“Wh..what do you mean..? Wh..where am I..?”
“You're home.”
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