#rl damian
naowominutella · 3 months
gremlins listen up
wanna be comfortable and wear a skirt? aint got one? Got a belt and blanket instead???
introducing blanket skilt
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(These where in my science note book if you where wondering)
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All gremlins must reblog
send to your friends your famly
show me your combinations layering or foldin
Oh and one more thing
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Gremlin mode (you just fold the top layer over your head)
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andthendk · 9 months
Another One of my Nonsense...MEETING THE IN-LAWS EDITION
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y'all tumblr fam inspired this btw, love ya guys 😘 I have the memory of a pickle so sorry I can't @ specific ppl for the idea haha
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elipri · 2 years
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The Gang in Ralph Lauren type of fits feat. Anya who's just happy for the hoodie dresses
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bluerosefox · 2 years
Robin’s Haunted Halloween
Guys (Hello yes still alive, just busy with RL stuff and writer’s block lately)
What if, a few days before Halloween, Damian overhears some classmates making plans to “summon” ghosts in Gotham from some internet summoning ritual and they decide to try to summon the spirits of Martha and Thomas Wayne at their death site on Halloween. Damian, not wanting to bring this to his father’s attention (especially since Halloween night will be busy for the bats), decides to show up as Robin and teach them a lesson (mostly to scare them by jumping in the middle of their dumb summoning circle and ripping into them verbally for disrespecting the dead) 
He just wasn’t expecting to actually get punched in the face by one of the teens (she was a tiny thing and surprised him when in fear she turned around and punched him after he had jumped down behind her in the alleyway), spill his blood on the failed summoning circle marks (it started glowing and things were floating as a green portal appeared, the other teens ran off as Robin stayed behind to make sure they hadn’t summoned something else), and actually have it work when his father’s parents ghosts appear in front of him.
Now they’re stuck in the mortal realm until sunrise, are bonded to him as well so they can’t go to far from him, and only he can see/hear them (which could lead to some funny sass moments with them...)
And Damian really wasn’t expecting another portal to open up, a teen around his age appearing with green glowing eyes, white hair, floating above him, and a flaming crown appearing looking for his grandparents who were so rudely ripped away from him during the Halloween feast/ball/party he was having in the Infinite Realms.
And he’s (“King Phantom but call me Danny”) staying with Robin for the night just to make sure the elder Wayne’s return to the Infinite Realms safely when times up. Cause it turns out they’re not strong enough yet to remain in the Mortal Realms and can actually faded into ‘shades’ or worse ‘echos’ (mindless spirits that relive their final moments time and time again) and having Danny (an endless source of pure and rich ectoplasm) around can keep them fading into those.    
(All ideas can be used by others and just to clarify this has:)
Ghost Grand/parents Martha and Thomas Wayne [either by blood or ghost adopted]
Ghost King Danny
Bio!Dad Bruce [optional]
Long Lost Twins or Half-Brothers Danny and Damian (depends) [optional]
Halloween Summonings
Damian not telling his father what happened due to it being the subject of his father’s parents and knows how... he gets when thinking of them.
Danny becoming invisible to avoid being seen by the bats cause he really doesn’t want Batman looking into ghosts, he has enough on his plate. He doesn’t need Batman snooping.
Damian holding back a laugh a few times on patrol when his paternal grandparents make snarky remarks and doesn’t wanna be seen as crazy cause only he can see/hear Martha and Thomas
Due to the summoning, he can still also see/hear Danny when he goes invisible too (this ability goes away once the time on the summoning is over though)
Damian begrudgingly taking a liking to Danny (the puns remind him of Grayson, no matter how groan inducing they get) especially when Danny saves him during the night and they talk about dogs later.
Damian getting to know his grandparents (and learning his ‘Tt’ sound comes from one them) [saw it in a fic and fell in love with the idea it] 
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aleksa-sims · 7 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
I was at N.'s. He told me what was going on with that girl Stephanie, his (ex-) fiancée. However, I was alone that morning. Nico had a match. I was still in bed until the doorbell rang. I wondered who that was? I didn’t open the door. This is not my place. I just went to the window and saw a pretty, young woman looking in my direction. I knew it was her!😓💔 She looked up at the windows to me a second time, before she got in her car and left. Maybe she saw me?
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N.’s dog came up to me in the bedroom after it rang. I think he thought I was scared? I told him, I'm fine, just a bit sad. He always knew when I wasn’t well. Atm I was sure that Nico’s dog remembered me.🧡 I hugged him & said, "Let’s go for a walk together like we used to.".. I went to a pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test. I didn’t want to wait anymore and I have to tell Nico!
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A few hours later, N. came home. I heard he wasn’t alone, so I went downstairs to see what was going on?
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Carefully I hid behind the curtains, to watch who those 2 guys were, who came with him.
Nico: Yo, cut the shit! I've got someone here, you get me? Why did you two morons even come up with me?
Martin: Well, I gotta piss, man.
Nico: Then go and get outta here!... And you, dude? What you doing there?
Damian: Just check myself out 😏. ..What's the hurry? Like... you wanna get rid of us.
Okay, Damian & Martin, 2 of his team mates. I really didn’t feel like awkward small talk. That one Christmas party 2 years ago was enough for me! Just saying Damian's stupid twin sister. 😡 Anyway. That guy Martin came back from the bathroom. He wanted to know who I was, while Damian was still busy admiring himself in the mirror. 🤦‍♀️😒
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Martin: Well, I'm done! ... But-... c'mon, who's your new... mistress?
Nico: Mistress? I’m not having a fling, and I didn’t cheat.
Martin: You kept texting that girl in Italy. You didn’t give a shit about Stephanie. That’s cheating too, dude.
Nico: The fuck-...
Damian (to M.): Can't you keep your fucking trap shut?... Sorry, N.! I told him.
Martin: That wasn’t an insult or anything. I just think it's a bit..... blatantly & rash to dump your girl just for a fuck.
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Nico: What makes you think it’s just a fuck for me?
Martin: It's that kind of vibe I got. The way you talked about her earlier, you know?
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Damian: He’s right! Why all that secrecy? Just say who she is!
Nico: I wouldn’t have let you into my place, if I hid her!! But yea, I admit... I didn’t expect this to happen. I don't wanna hurt my gir-... Stephanie!  I really struggled to end it with her. I thought it would be easier but seeing her so.... fucked up & sad also got me down. It hurt me too, okay! I love her.
Damian: Then.... get her back, man.
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Nico: Yea.... I-.. I can't!.. I simply can't! She.... can’t give me what I want. 😕
Martin: Stop thinking with your dick and get your girl back!
Damian: That chick must be damn hot. Tell us who she is, dude.
Nico: You know her anyway! 🤷‍♀️So cut the shit and fuck off.
Damian: Yo, don't tell me you’re screwing my sister. 🤣
Nico: Your sister?... I'm not that desperate. 😄
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Damian: Shit, I think she overheard us.
Martin (to D.): Let's head out, man.
Damian: You, started that ball rolling and now you wanna fuck off?
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Nico (to me): Babe? Come to us, you don’t have to hide.
Damian: Damn, that's your..... ex....
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Damian: Heyyy! Sorry Aleksa, I didn’t know it was you. You want a hug? 😬
Me: Like our last encounter? 🤨
Damian: But you’re not gonna start crying again, huh?
Me: That's kind of your thing, right? Make girls cry and hug them.
Damian: You know, I hate making girls cry.
Me: You look so much like... someone.... I know. 😔 Almost creepy. I didn’t notice it before because ...yea, I didn’t meet and know him yet then.
I was speechless when Damian stood in front of me. He and Daniel look totally alike. Now that I missed Daniel’s face so much, I noticed it. However, atm I had other worries in my head. Nico and his Stephanie! Yesterday Nico told me about her issues. And he....asked me for forgiveness. He couldn’t let her down. Her family was away for a few days and she threatened Nico that she would hurt herself. Which she allegedly did and tried in the past. So he allowed her to stay with him until her parents came back. He was afraid to leave her alone. I was totally disappointed and mad. I told him, that if she comes back here to him, I’m gonna end this with us!!! She will probably sleep with him or try it and I didn’t trust him. Even though N. promised me he wouldn’t sleep with her. He just didn’t want to leave her alone the next three days, but between him and her it’s over, he said. STILL! I had no confidence in promises made to me by men, who supposedly loved me. So I wanted to go home, but N. stopped me. He suggested that we both, Stephanie & I stay with him for the next 3 days, until her family comes home. Thats CRAZY, I told him! However, he gave in and meant, he’d come up with something else for her, but he doesn’t want to lose me. And well, I stayed with him. But as I just heard what he thought about her and me, I wanted to leave again! 😞 Agh yea, I’ll tell next time how it went on. It's just too much for one post. And also Stephanie will be back and I'm gonna see Dennis. 🤦‍♀️Sandra will talk me into something totally stupid. I mean, she was just trying to encourage me. It was my stupid idea, to drag Dennis into that.....mess. But he also wanted it!!! 🤷‍♀️
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tallochar · 27 days
☕️ also, hopes/wishlist/expectations for the next DC cinematic universe, if that's something you think about at all?
I honestly tuned out of DC fairly soon, for the longest time I was more of a Marvel girly (until Marvel burned me out and now I go but I do not emotionally invest into it anymore), and I still have to see ... ugh, so many of their movies.
I went to see the first Aquaman in 4DX (back before my back pain made it so that 4DX is not a viable option for me, first world problems I know but it bums me out that I cannot go anymore without ending up in crippling pain) but that was because it had both Jason Momoa and Temuera Morrison and I am a long time fan of both (and also Jason Momoa going around mostly shirtless and wet? Always going to watch) though I actually skipped the second one because it happened in a moment in RL last year while I wasn't paying attentions to movies AT ALL and so I managed to miss that it was coming out.
I know I should watch if not all of the old movies at least the Flashpoint one (can't remember if it's the correct name or not but I know I will at some point because the unholy squeaking sounds I made when Michael Keaton showed up in the trailer, I can't even begin to tell you).
I have yet to watch anything with Affleck!Batman in it and I kinda want to see his take on the character, but I don't have the spoons in me. I have seen 1 Superman!Cavill movie and it didn't really make me want to watch more.
I have also seen Wonder Woman 1 and from what I remember it was pretty enjoyable as long as I did not engage my brain, but when I did it had some plot holes that bugged me and some stuff that did not fully jive with me but I could not open my mouth about anything less than absolutely blindingly loving it lest I be crucified for it because it was Directed By A Woman [or that was the impression fandom gave me at the time] so I just kept my mouth shut and peaced out.
I had a blast watching the most recent Harley Queen movie, but it's not a BOP movie and it's definitely an Elseworld movie kinda deal to me because that's the only way I could watch it without screaming vengeance over their treatment of Cassandra Cain or most other non-Harley characters involved. Otherwise I would just scream and hate and rage.
I have not watched Joker yet because it strikes me as the sort of movie I need to be in a specific sort of mood to watch or it might really fuck with me in a bad way so I don't know how I feel about Joker Folies Au Deux (or the fact that it seems, from the trailer, to be painting Joker as the one exploited and manipulated into things by Harley rather than the other way around) but like, it feels like A Serious Movie That Might Hurt Me Emotionally because Joaquin Phoenix and it being definitely an Elseworld movie and also I am no, generally speaking, a big Joker fan so -- *shrug and raise hands emoji*
I deeply enjoyed the more recent Suicide Squad right until they killed Rick Flag and then I gasped in pain and wanted to beat Peacemaker's face in (I know his series is good, according to people whose tastes I trust, but HE KILLED RICK FLAG, I am NOT watching it [yet], yes I can absolutely be petty like that) so I am tentatively trusting James Gunn.
I know it's considered more of an Elseworld sort of movie, but I did really love The Batman with Robert Pattinson and I am looking forward to see what they do with a sequel to that and how they move on from how the last movie ended (here's to hoping we don't get too big of a timeskip, I would really love if they picked it up from where it left off rather than jumping ahead).
I am not sure how I feel about the "current canon" Batman movie in the works going with Damian as the Robin in it, but I am being tentatively hopeful about it, because my brain (possibly stupidly but hey I am allowed to dream until I get jossed) keeps thinking it is actually a genius idea if instead of going from Dick forward you jumpstart things by having Damian there and possibly referencing the other former Robins as Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Spoiler / Batgirl, maybe throw in Black Bat too etc. and then you can just introduce them with their own movies without having to go through things chronologically.
It is very much NOT encouraging to me that it's based upon the Morrison storyline, though, because I am a Tim fan and Morrison did their best to excise him and treat him from non-existent to pretty much an outsider.
I don't know if that's Gunn's vision or if it's just my own take on doing things, but it could be cool? Maybe? Here's hoping.
I went and took a look at the list of upcoming movies (this one) because I wasn't keeping up with it and seeing The Authority on it makes me hope a tender hope that it will not completely fucking suck and that it might actually be interesting (please please please do them all justice, I am begging here).
I am flabbergasted Keanu Reeves agreed to come back as Constantine, but I liked the first movie (which I saw before I read any comics with constantine in it) so hey, maybe it will be another interesting movie again. I do like Keanu as an actor, though he is very much an Elseworld Constantine and has nothing to do with pre-Flashpoint canon Constantine, which is the one I know.
Seeing a Nightwing movie being talked about makes me think I might be right about the upcoming Batman movie introducing Damian but also having the other former Robins in the background and that would be honestly a relief.
I'd love to see a Lobo movie doing the Main Man right but god, that would be so tricky to pull off, especially in the current socio-political climate and with the cancellation culture and everything else going on that I've seen fandom wise.
Everything else I am seeing on that list either doesn't excite me or is not really a character I know so I'll take it with a grain of salt.
Sorry if this was more rambling about past projects than upcoming ones, I tried to balance things out and hope this answers your curiosity :D
Thank you for sending in the asks!
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genderfluid-bat · 1 year
Batfam gender HC
I have only watched like various animated batfam related stories. this is simply osmosis before i try reading the comics.
Bruce Wayne/Batman- Demi man. personally from what I understand is that the various traumas made it hard to connect to "Normal" manhood so its a disconnect thing. Jason told him about it.
Kate Kane/ Batwoman-Genderqueer. Ok so its more like I think she saw butch lesbians and Femme lesbians and was like this shit rocks. And it just queered her gender. Also again trauma and the disconnect from "Normal" womanhood. Again Jason.
Dick Grayson/ Nightwing- Trans fem/ G♡rl. Dick realized because Jason was telling him about trans history. I think a xenogender would work for him as well but thats later and duke was the one who introduce her to them.
Jason Todd/Red Hood- Bigender/gender queer/Libragender. I think he just hung around many queer people when he was younger and then he died and as an adult he stills hangs around. He figuered genderqueer young but bigender and libragender was after his death.
Tim Drake- Agender/agender girl. Duke old him about Agender and Tim just went that fits and just never thought about it again. Steph told him about agender girl and he did the same thing.
Stephanie Brown/Spoiler- Genderfaunet/Nonbinary. I'm like 90% sure she was going thru various gender wikis found this and proceed to have a crisis. She told Cass first and then Jason. They took her to a trans support group.
Cassandra Cain/Black Bat- Trans masc. Just has all the masc genders. I think she found it out because of Bruce. I think he was trying to do a pride thing for Wayne enterprises and was hearing from the union and Cass was there and came out at the same time.
Duke Thomas- Boyflux/Sungender/Autigender. Pretty sure he learned this while trying to not die by the riddler. His parents dint get it much but they supported. Although hes well aware they had no idea what they were doing. He still appreciates how they tried.
Damian Wayne/Robin-Genderfluid/genderhorder. He remembers the first time he said something not cis and how Talia told him he could be anything. She was the first person she told about her being genderfluid. Damian told Dick 2nd. Damian told everyone eventually. Their first pride they attended was one full of love.
@supermansbisexualson @loveless-angel
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zeroducks-2 · 11 months
(newbie anon) thank you so much for the answer!! i will most definitely scroll through the tags you pointed out, just like you advised later after work! i did read and just finished the slade in tt03 meta that you linked, though.
i wanted to say, i agree completely with what you said in it by the way. while i am new to the comics, i did watch some of the animations series as i grew up, including tt03. i remember being creeped out and scared whenever he showed up on screen, and the fear that he ignited was not the kind of dramatic “oh noo he is gonna try to kill the good guys!!”, but it was the kind of fear that i/most people get when watching a horror-ghost movie, and i just wanted to run and get away from it.
also, while following the series, at one point i began to wonder “is it just me or slade is so obsessed with robin, in a very weird and creepy way..” but i was a teen back then, didnt have much/any critical reading therefore didnt catch the sexual subtexts/undertones of his actions.
anyway, for now, i only have one question, which is that: what is your reading/take on dick’s character? i was a marvel comics fan, so i understand the inconsistencies of characterization in comics, especially when you add the reboots etc into it. it’s basically a contradiction all over, multiple readings/characterizations based on which canon that you pick. but there must be a consistency in the writing from their initial creation (especially for character as old as dick, during classic era) to the current era.
(and for me, i judge & shape my reading based on that. what characterization did they have initially—from the classic era, and which stay consistent to that purpose)
ahh sorry this got very long :”) thank you so much for your answer once again!
Hello again, sorry it took me a while to get back to you. You ask a difficult question and I had to think about it a lot (then RL also got in the way you know how it is), and to be honest I'm still not sure how to answer!
Dick has been written in so many different ways that I can't pinpoint a constant. I read him as the first child of an abusive guardian, who can't really ever break free of the trauma bonding. I also read him as extremely parentified and in charge of the emotional well-being of his family, and of having shoulders broad enough to carry it (unfortunately for him). Surely I prefer when he's written as empathetic and emotionally intelligent rather than when he broods and acts brash, but that really changes according to who's handling him at the moment in the "canon continuity", or in any given DC byproduct like the videogames, WFA or an animated movie.
My main thing with Dick is that I associate him with emotional vulnerability, selflessness, hope, and the strength to keep going despite everything. As toxic as their relationship tends to be, Dick was the light of hope for Bruce and allowed him to keep going and find something worth fighting for. He chose the name Nightwing after a Kryptonian hero and then decided to become a beacon of hope for Bludhaven, a city so full of violence it was even worse than Gotham. He's a symbol among vigilantes and heroes alike and I guess he's a symbol for the DC fandom as well in a way.
My take on Dick is also that he's destined to never truly be happy unless everyone around him is happy, but this will never happen because the moment he manages to make everyone happy, he leaves to find another situation like that. This is because being a vigilante in DC comics is a sysiphean task - Jason can never go past his trauma of dying and having been unavenged, Damian can never free himself from the shackles of his heritage, Bruce can never stop being Batman because the same villains will keep haunting Gotham, and he will never elaborate the loss of his parents. Dick can never stop looking for the happiness and carefreeness he had from when he was a circus kid, unable to find his own center and inner peace, and so he will keep guiding young and old heroes on their paths without ever truly reaching his personal happiness and fulfillment.
I'm not sure this was the answer you were hoping to get, sorry if I went on a bit of a tirade. Again welcome to the fandom!
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dailyrugbytoday · 2 years
The Killik Cup: Barbarian F.C. v All Blacks XV in London
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/the-killik-cup-barbarian-f-c-v-all-blacks-xv-in-london/
The Daily Rugby
The Killik Cup: Barbarian F.C. v All Blacks XV in London
Barbarians face to face All Blacks XV in London. The Barbarians will face an All Blacks XV in the Killik Cup match at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on Sunday 13 November 2022. See the Barbarians, led by two greats of rugby union in Ronan O’Gara and Scott Robertson, face an All Blacks XV in the first-ever international rugby union match to be played at the Stadium.
Former All Black flanker Scott Robertson, who has led Crusaders to four successive Super Rugby titles as coach since 2017, will be joined by Ronan O’Gara, second all-time Irish cap with 128 between 2000-2013, three times a British Lion, 2009 Grand Slam winner and twice Heineken Champions Cup winner with Munster.
The Killik Cup | Barbarian F.C. v All Blacks XV
2pm Sunday 13 November 2022 | Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
The 28-strong All Blacks XV squad was selected by the All Blacks coaching team of Ian Foster, Joe Schmidt and Jason Ryan and includes eight players with Test experience including Tuipulotu, Aidan Ross, Angus Ta’avao, Asafo Aumua, Luke Jacobson, TJ Perenara, Brad Weber, and Damian McKenzie.
Leon MacDonald is Head Coach of the All Blacks XV, alongside Assistant Coaches Clayton McMillan and Scott Hansen. The squad will boost the depth in New Zealand’s talent pool as Rugby World Cup 2023 approaches.
The All Blacks XV assemble on 28 October, travelling to Dublin where they will play Ireland A at RDS Arena on 4 November followed up with the Barbarians at Tottenham Stadium in London on 13 November.
Barbarian vs All Blacks XV Match Preview
To purchase tickets to the All Blacks XV 2022 Northern Tour, head to All Blacks XV » allblacks.com. Both matches will be available live and exclusive on Sky.
The All Blacks XV was launched as NZR’s next senior national representative team after the All Blacks, as a critical high-performance pathway to the All Blacks. As the next senior national representative side, the All Blacks XV will have the same high expectations as the other Teams in Black.
The All Blacks XV follows in the footsteps of similar teams which have assembled throughout New Zealand rugby’s history, including the Junior All Blacks, New Zealand A and Emerging Players.
NZR has formed an exclusive partnership with sports promotion company Rugby Live (RL) to arrange the All Blacks XV matches. NZR has worked with RL on previous occasions including two All Blacks Tests in Chicago, one All Blacks Test in Washington DC and the UK Barbarians match in 2017.
All Blacks XV Schedule:
The Killik Cup 2022 Rugby
Rugby fans will have the rare opportunity to watch the most famous invitational club in the world face an All Blacks XV on Sunday 13 November 2022 in the world-class setting of Tottenham Hotspur Stadium – the first-ever international rugby union match to be played there.
The two famous sides will compete for The Killik Cup, with tickets going on sale to the public on Tuesday 5 July at 10:00AM via Ticketmaster. It is the next opportunity to see the Barbarians in action following a successful summer with emphatic back-to-back wins over England and Spain.
Players from across the world will come together in the week leading up to the fixture to unite international playing styles into one formidable Barbarians squad.
The Barbarians and New Zealand have quite a history, with this match coming within months of the 50th anniversary of arguably the most famous match in the life of the Club – that of January 1973, which saw the late Phil Bennett pull off an incredible run to set up Gareth Edwards’ famous try during a 23-11 win over the All Blacks.
In the Barbarians’ recent match against England at Twickenham – which the visitors won 21-52 – the squad formed a 10 on the pitch during a moment’s applause in recognition of “Benny”, often considered the ultimate Barbarian.
All Blacks superstars such as Zinzan Brooke, Christian Cullen, Jonah Lomu, Justin Marshall, Carlos Spencer, Joe Rokocoko, Richie McCaw, Ma’a Nonu, Jerome Kaino, Sonny Bill Williams, Charles Piutau, Steven Luatua, Richie Mo’unga, TJ Perenara, to name but a few, have pulled on the famous Black and White to play for the invitational side. The Barbarians have played the All Blacks 12 times, with eight wins to New Zealand, two famous wins for the Barbarians and one match resulting in a draw. The latest chapter in the storied rivalry will mark an historic first match between the Barbarians and the All Blacks XV.
Stand by for free-flowing attacking rugby at its best as Barbarians take on an All Blacks XV in the Killik Cup at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.  Tickets are on sale here.
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lyselkatzfandomluvs · 4 years
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Band of Brothers screencaps/edits (217/?)
Lewis Nixon in Day of Days
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simsterlyrock · 4 years
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The kids have a snow day and spend most of it outside playing in the snow while Cerus is at work.
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naowominutella · 3 months
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Prepared for first of march
but seariously.. does anyone else do this . Like walk around and gift decorated pins to their classmates??
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nofatclips · 5 years
Baba by Happy Orchestra from the eponymous debut album
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mangaien · 4 years
sc —  damian for elijah @fcmilybonded​
                damian wayne was not lost. only weak and meek children got lost and he as he lived with the idea he was none that  ( as those were the children who probably could admit when they were lost ) but no matter damian tried to convince himself of the situation to most other people was that a small boy of 9 was wandering around alone without any adult frowning looking around as if lost.  
         to busy with, not being lost but looking for the way, damian walked right into someone.  despite the fact that it was very much his own fault, the small boy snapped “  watch were you are going you heathen! “
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captainkirkk · 3 years
Re: al Ghul—that's super cool, but I don't think it works with canon unfortunately? The name in the comics originally comes from Damian's grandfather, Ra's al Ghul, who is ~700 years old and not using his original name (which has never been revealed). He's been variously and usually messily implied to be East Asian, Byzantine, Turkic, and Middle Eastern. His moniker, usually translated as "The Head of the Demon", refers to his role as the leader of his network of criminal organizations. So unfortunately I don't think Damian's name is related to the RL clan, and the implications about them if it was wouldn't be great.
As for Damian's background, aside from Ra's, his maternal grandmother was half-Chinese and half-Arab, but that's about all we've got. And I'm not exactly sure of anything about the League of Assassins, where specifically Damian was raised, or what culture he would consider himself to be a part of. The curses of unfortunate comics writing.
I hope this makes sense? I'm just trying to lay out the canonical situation, not defending it or trying to shut off rewrite options.
That's a good point. I forgot entirely that Ra's is supposed to be hundreds of years old?? Damn
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aleksa-sims · 7 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
CW: Adult topics, pregnancy, cheating...
Nico's really not normal! But well, that's nothing new. After Damian & Martin, his.... soccer team mates (😒) left, I was of course totally mad at him for what I heard. They talked about me like I was just some kind of..... bitch for N. But his poor Stephanie, she’s so innocent... That girl, is totally crazy! 😡 She threatened Nico to hurt herself, just because things don’t go the way she wants. Sorry, but that's insane! And tbh, I have nothing against Damian & Martin. It wasn't their fault. They didn't know it was ME. And they are the only ones of N.'s team mates, I get along with. Anyway, that’s a different topic.
Besides, he said he loved his (ex) fiancée. when I overheard him and his two buds. But Nico just thought, who cares!? After he took a shower, he wanted me to jump right into bed with him. 😠As if everything was fine.
Nico: Come to me, babe. I'm all yours. 😏
Me: Are you losing it?... You really think I’m gonna jump into your arms now? 😒
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Nico: C'mon, I didn’t say anything bad about you!! I don’t talk about my private matters with my team mates. But Damian that fucker, read our texts. He & I shared the same apatment in Italy. He took my phone that jerk. I just told them I broke up with her, but I didn't say WHY!! But yeah, they knew I was seeing someone else bcs D. couldn’t keep his mouth shut. So Martin that dick, thought I was cheating. You got it now?
Me: You told them you loved her! I don’t get why you fall for that pity shit she’s telling you?... But well, you only dumped her bcs I didn't wanna sleep with you as long as you were with her. 😡
Nico: I said that I will NOT cheat and I also told you, that I wanted to end it with her anyway. YOU, love Daniel and you’re fucking married!
Me: But Daniel took off!!!!!! It's over!!! He’s not here! He doesn’t show up all the time and wants something from me like your crazy Stephanie.
Nico: Put yourself in my position! Imagine Daniel is Stephanie..... You would also feel bad if you left Daniel. Or not? And she’s not playing that, she’s really.... fucked up & upset.
Me: I’d rather die, than hurt him sm. You understand? I would never have met you, if Daniel had stayed with me. 🤦‍♀️💔...... I accepted that he’s gone, but you?? Idk what you want N.?... Get off me. I fuck off.
I walked towards the door. I wanted to go home. But he stood in front of the door and wouldn’t let me go, so he literally pulled me away from there and asked me to listen to him.
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Nico: Now listen! You know me. Do I look like I’m lying to you? I love you.... When I saw you again a week ago, I knew it right away. You didn’t even have to say or do anything. Just seeing you was enough for me to know I wanted you. And remember what I told you. I don't play around! I don’t need a second girl, bitch, fiancee or whatever. I want just one! But with that one girl, I wanna do what I want, without me constantly having to explain something. I want you to finally trust me! Fuck what others say or think. That’s unimportant! Only what I say counts for you. The same applies to me. I only listen to you and what you want from me. I don’t give a shit about everyone else. For me, you are always in the first position. That’s exactly what I expect from you too. And I’ll settle that damn issue with Stephanie, as I said. But you have to trust me! I don’t want her, I want you! And also my damn sister, FUCK HER! Melanie can’t hurt you!! I won't let that happen!!! Ok?
Me: Idk if I can? I wanna trust you, but... sm has gone wrong for me. It's pretty damn hard to trust.
Nico: Then please at least try! It’s only 3 fucking days, until her damn family gets back home. After that, it’s just you & me, babe.
Me: But you still love her. You said it yourself.
Nico: I swear, I don’t love her like I love you. Idk how to explain it?I’m not good with words. You might get me wrong, if I try, but I don’t want you to think I only want you for that one thing. This is simply not true.
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Nico: I'm sorry, but I have to shag you now......
Me: Somehow you always have to.
Nico: Yeah, okay I'm hooked on you. And I’m not doing this just for me. I love making you... happy. Tell me, did P. make you happy too? Or-.. no, no! Not P.! I saw how Philip did it to you. I wanna know what Daniel did to you.
Me: Seriously N.???... You really wanna hear what Daniel did to mer? In... bed.
Nico: Sure, babe.
Me: Why am I even surprised? You're insane, N.!
Nico: Tell me.
Me: I loved it with him. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t have married him, if....he didn't feel good to me. But there are many moments with Daniel, that I don’t remember. We're constantly high. Still, D. was... great... But he’s almost as horny as you. I think it had to do with his addiction. I know that from myself. When I was sober and had this shit in my mind, I wanted to sleep with him. As if Daniel could get me high or something. He... reminds me of that stuff.
Nico: I gotta get Daniel and that damn shit out of your head!
Me: If someone can do it, that person is you! But I only think about you when we’re together anyway. I loved you so much N., I can still feel it.
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Nico: I know you love me. You always had a hard time telling me, but I knew it, whenever you touched my face... ILY, too.
Me: You really noticed that?.... Yeah, I guess I never stopped loving you.
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I stayed with him again, but slowly I had to go home. My parents will be wondering where I spend all those nights and with WHO? I’m an adult, yes! I was 21 at the tim. But I was still married. They’ll think I’m using again or that I met a new, strange guy woh's doing drugs with me.... Anyway, the next morning I went out with Nico’s dog, I went shopping. I got a pregnancy test. Yesterday I had no success with it. I was not allowed to enter the pharmacy with Nico’s dog bcs I had no muzzle for him, but that morning I finally got a test. I had to tell him and I think I started to fall in love with N. again. The night with him was incredibly........ hot, but not only because of that. N. has changed. He was so cute. Of course he was still crazy and maybe still a bit too demanding, but that's ok for me and I can handle it.
Also I never would have let go of Daniel so fast with any other guy. But with N.... all the feelings and emotions I had for him, were still there. I had only "repressed" them, when he left a year ago. But I’ve always known, that Nico is someone special to me, whether we’re apart or together. Idk why it was like that, bcs he wasn’t really nice to me at the beginning, as you know. But I knew he loved me. I think he just couldn't handle his feelings/emotions for me really well in the past. And if I'm honest, I wasn't easy too. I was a challenge for him. Not just for him. For my family too. It was an intense time and Nico was constantly under enormous pressure because of soccer. I just didn’t mention it so often back then. I believe that all those factors played a part and triggered his anger. It was too much for him. I was too much for him. And there was also this thing with his dad, who was a total ass. This man made Nico so MAD, that he didn’t like my Dad either, and so it came to all those probs with my family too.
Also, his ex showed up! I couldn’t stand her whole fake pity show. And it hurt me like hell to see her & Nico together. I swear, Philip and Natasha were NOTHING compared to that! I ran away as usual. But I’ll tell you next time.
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