#kosmo is a lovely dog
ghostlysage · 6 months
love your artwork! my cat's name is ghost! do you have any pets :p
oh bless i just saw this im so sorry!! 😭 ghost as a cat’s name is adorable…
OH MY GOSH I DO!!! i have 2 cats (used to be 3) and 2 dogs!! zeus, one of my cats, is my favorite <3 i adore him so much and literally EVERYONE knows it. i do have favoritism.
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part one
Leandro Esposita-McClain, I am in love with you.
Keith’s voice, staticky and muffled, rings through his brain for hours. He barely even moves from his seat, staring into space and trying to remind himself how breathing works.
I am in love with you.
Anyone with eyes can tell that he’s hot.
It’s always the fuckin’ pretty ones that get me.
A confession. Obvious, unmistakable, clear and concise and detailed, even, maybe more words that Lance has ever heard Keith say in one sitting.
Figures, of course, that Lance wasn’t meant to hear it.
The second they land on that night’s rest stop planet, Lance bolts out of his lion, barely remembering to keep the latch open so Kaltenecker can let herself out to graze. He sprints past the Black Lion, who has yet to open her maw, and careens around Blue, barely managing to straighten himself up before he brains himself on her massive paw. He hears her cackling in his head, and doesn’t even bother rolling his eyes. He runs up Yellow’s barely-open hatch and climbs up the stairs on all fours like an animal, tumbling into the cockpit and sprawling in front of Hunk in a heap, panting, suddenness making Hunk yelp.
“Je-sus, Lance,” he scolds, hand pressed to his heart. “You scared me.”
Lance doesn’t say anything, too busy desperately trying to gulp in some air. He’s obviously pretty practiced in cardio, being a paladin and all, but he wouldn’t be surprised to discover that he just broke several Olympic records.
(The breathing struggles may also be from the Keith thing. But that’s embarrassing, so he’s just going to pretend it’s from running.)
“We landed, like, forty seconds ago,” Hunk says after a moment. “Did you fucking teleport here? Is Kosmo around?”
At the mention of the space wolf, Lance wheezes, pressing both hands to his face to attempt to cover it as it flames. It’s no use — he can’t see Hunk through his pressed-shut eyes, but he can feel the wicked grin his best friend is sporting at the mention of Keith-by-proxy.
“I need help,” Lance says quickly, before Hunk can start in with the teasing. There’s no escaping the teasing, exactly, but he doesn’t need to leave any more opportunities.
“Do tell.”
Lance peeks through his fingers. Hunk has arranged his features in a very particular, pinched expression, which Lance knows from years of experience means he is fighting down his commentary with every inch of his strength.
“Keith,” he says hesitantly, “may have just said something along the lines of a confession. To me.” Before Hunk can say anything, Lance rushes to finish: “But I don’t think it was on purpose.”
Hunk exhales for a very long time. “Explain yourself very carefully.”
Lance pulls himself upright, sitting with his back against the wall of the cockpit and his knees pulled under his chin. “So I was just chilling in Red, right,” he starts, picking at his sleeve. “And I get this audio call from Keith, outta nowhere, and before I can say anything he starts talking? But not to me. To Kosmo. And at first I was like, okay. This is a Keith and Kosmo call. Awesome. But then he kept talking to Kosmo only, and I realised he was talking about me, and he said —” suddenly Lance realises he hasn’t taken a breath in God knows how long and inhales a deep, frantic one, flopping out his legs and staring at his friend with wide eyes — “Hunk, he said he was in love with me.”
Hunk’s eyes widen just as big as Lance’s. “Dude!”
“I know!”
“I know!”
“No, dude!” Hunk insists, gripping his armrests and leaning forward. “This is awesome! This means you can make a move! And I can win a lot of money!” At Lance’s raised eyebrow, he clears his throat. “But, uh, obviously your whole crush thing is priority numero uno. I’m just saying that if you wanted to make some sort of gesture in front of everyone else and in the next week, that would be awesome. For you, of course.”
“Uh-huh.” Lance sighs, dragging his legs back up and hugging his knees, resting his cheek on top of them. “I don’t know. I’m probably not going to do anything about it, really.”
Hunk frowns. “How come?”
“Well, because. It wasn’t a real confession. Maybe it was a prank, or something. I mean, I don’t think Keith’s that mean, but who knows what was really going on? I overheard him say some pretty incriminating stuff, sure, but I don’t know the context. I don’t know the situation. Maybe he was roleplaying. Maybe he was making up scenarios because he was bored. I don’t want to misinterpret things, you know. It could ruin our friendship.”
He’s my friend, I don’t want to ruin things.
Hunk holds up a finger. “Excuse me for a moment.” He stands up and walks calmly out of the cockpit, jogging down the stairs to Yellow’s barracks and storage compartments. Lance tries not to feel too hurt at his best friend’s sudden departure in his greatest time of need.
A few minutes later, Hunk returns, holding his pillow in his hand. Lance tilts his head in confusion — was his butt hurting, or something? He supposes that makes sense. This space road trip has a lot of long stretches, after all. Maybe his butt was so achey that he couldn’t focus on Lance’s tragic situation. Well, Hunk is kind of caked up, but the butt is a muscle, so Lance supposes it can get cramps, too —
Hunk clears his throat, brushing imaginary dust off the pillow he just whacked Lance in the face with. Hard! Lance is so shocked he can’t even muster up a single thought, everything going kind of static in his head.
“That,” Hunk says, casually sitting back down in his seat and holding the pillow like he’s prepared to strike again, “was the dumbest thing I have ever heard, and I’m including my own dumbassery in that. I’m including Pidge’s peanut rant in that. You have truly accomplished a feat, my friend.”
“I mean, he said it out loud,” Hunk continues. “Out loud, with his mouth, no one making him, he said he was in love with you. Said your full name and everything. ‘Leandro Esposita-McClain, I am in love with you.’ Those were his words And you are sitting on my floor and working yourself into a frenzy.” He tuts. For a brief moment Lance is unsure if Hunk has somehow been replaced with Mrs. Garrett, that’s how much he’s resembling his mother. “What foolishness.”
“I get it,” Lance grumbles, rubbing his face sulkily. “You didn’t have to smack me, you meanie.”
Hunk leans over and kisses Lance forehead with quite a lot of patronization. Lance leans into it anyway.
“I really did.”
He stays with Hunk while everyone else unloads, until he hears loud, frantic barking, and a panicked voice screeching after it. Seconds later, there’s a flash of bright light, and Kosmo appears in the Yellow Lion’s cockpit, bounding at Lance with full speed and knocking him right over. Lance laughs wrapping both arms around the big dog as much as he can and squeezing.
“Hell-o, you darling boy!”
Kosmo yips loudly, and Lance doesn’t have time for so much as one more word before his stomach drops, and his vision goes white, and the next thing he knows he’s falling from the sky, blipped out of Yellow’s cockpit. He screeches at the top of his lungs, wondering why the hell Kosmo has teleported him in the air, but before he can hit the ground, a voice calls out “Woah!” and he’s caught by a pair of strong arms.
When he opens his eyes again, having squeezed them shut when he realized he was falling, he locks eyes with Keith. It takes him three seconds too long to realise he’s held in Keith’s arms, bridal-style, and Keith’s face is bright red. He yelps again — nope nope nope nope nope, he is not being cradled to Keith’s chest, not happening — and stuffs a blurry memory of a strong chest and the scent of sweat and smoke and the sound of running footsteps back into the recesses of his mind where it belongs. He twists out of Keith’s grip, or at least tries to, but Keith has a strong hold on him, so when Lance’s squirms he tilts their sight forward —
“Lance, what — quit squirming!”
— but it’s too late, they’re already heading to the ground, and neither has their hands free to break their fall. Just before they hit the strange pink grass, Lance feels Keith’s hand snap over to his head, tucking it towards his neck, instinctively protecting him from getting hurt. They hit the ground with an oof, Lance on his back, Keith crookedly on top of him, face planted directly in the middle of Lance’s chest.
It takes Lance a second to fully comprehend their situation, their position, and when he does he makes this horrible kind of squeaking sound in the back of his throat. Keith makes a similarly embarrassed throaty sound, scrambling to get off of him, but their arms are kind of tangled so he only manages to chuck himself more off balance, just barely catching himself by planting a hand right next to Lance’s face and stopping his forehead millimetres away from Lance’s.
Both of them freeze. Pinned, Lance just stares at the face in front of him (the crooked nose, broken three too many times, the strong brow, dark indigo eyes like none Lance has ever seen before, high cheekbones, flush with humiliation, the new purple scar; every part of his face, every detail, like he’s commuting it to memory, like he’s devouring the image of it after being starved too long). Keith’s lips are parted slightly, and Lance traces the defined cupid’s bow with his eyes, noticing how chapped they are, imagining how rough they would feel.
Anyone with eyes can tell that he’s hot. Seriously hot. And…leggy.
“I think you’re hot, too,” Lance blurts, and then immediately wishes for death. It doesn’t help that he hears both the sound of a camera shutter and several coins changing hands. (And Hunk’s very obvious crow of victory and loud “Thank you, Lance! I’ll give you a percentage for your service!”)
“What,” Keith croaks, which is generally a bad reaction to a confession but makes sense in this circumstance.
Lance clears his throat, still hyper aware of the way Keith’s body is streamlined on top of his, the way one gloved hand is still curved around his neck.
“I heard you,” he clarifies. “In the lion. With Kosmo. You must have butt-dialed me, or something. You said you loved me.”
He sees the exact moment it clicks for Keith, because face begins to actually turn pumice, and Lance can feel the heat pouring off of him. “I must have —” He makes a cut-off, aborted noise and hangs his head, slightly, like if he closes his eyes for a second he can wish away the entire situation.
Which. Fair. Lance can’t blame him.
“I am giving that dog away to a local charity,” he grumbles.
Lance snorts. “As if. You love that dog more than anything. Also, I’ll kill you if you even try.”
Keith glances back up at him, corner of his mouth twitching, and laughter bubbles up out of them at the same time, half-hysterical and half-tense and half-exhilarated and half something Lance can’t name. Two hundred percent intensity. Lance goes hoarse, and Keith loses the ability to hold his own head up, resting his forehead on Lance’s collarbone.
“I can’t believe I’m going to have to tell people you confessed via butt-dial, you goober!”
“You could lie and say I took you on a really romantic first date?” Keith suggests, grinning cheekily.
Lance snorts. “Not on your life.”
Keith sighs. “Yeah, didn’t think so.” He finally climbs off of Lance’s person, offering Lance a hand and pulling them both to their feet. Once Lance is upright, Keith stills, visibly deciding on something, then yanks the hand clutched around Lance’s backwards, making Lance stumbling forward. He steadies him with a hand on his waist, then untangles the other one and rests it on Lance’s cheek. He holds it there for a moment, letting Lance figure out his intentions.
Lance face burns as he understands the implications, what Keith is trying to do. He glances down at Keith’s chapped lips, thinking again of their roughness, imagining the scratch of them against his own, the scratch of the slight stubble around Keith’s chin in the late evening, the tickle of his hair on his cheeks.
“Although this part is kind of smooth,” he admits quietly, eyes half-lidded. He brings a shaking hand up to rest on the one Keith has around his hip, squeezing gently.
Keith’s lips quirk up. “Point for me, then, I guess.” He leans in, no hesitation this time, and presses his mouth to Lance’s; soft, searching, gentle and curious.
Lance melts.
Lance Esposita-McClain, I am in love with you, Keith had said, accidentally.
And I am in love with you, Keith Akira Kogane, Lance thinks, on purpose.
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featherlight-whispers · 4 months
everyone talking about what dog breed kosmo would be. i stand in the middle of the room and show a picture of my dog. “that’s irl kosmo,” i say. the crowd claps.
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noa748 · 9 months
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Was just out walking my dog in the rain and stumbled on the TARDIS, nbd. Unfortunately, I was not invited on any adventures across time and space (rude).
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bobgoesw00t · 9 months
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I bet they give the best kisses of all the big alien doggo/wolf creatures…other than Kosmo from Voltron of course x3
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scattered-winter · 10 months
You know, I once read that the VLD crew always planned to do the Lion Swap and the the characters end up in their original lions from DotU.
And the Paladins sure are lucky that Zarkon was out of commission in Season 3, otherwise he would have snatched Black from Keith with zero resistance. The boy didn’t even want to pilot Black.
I always heard that the lion switch was meant to be temporary but always was meant to happen which To Me would explain why they showed everyone bonding to their lions because they were always meant to return to the og configuration but nooooooooooooooo
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iloveboysinred · 30 days
Life with Keith after the war [Domestic fluff hcs]
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pg.13 fluff| Keith Kogane x gn reader
cw; fluff, domestic life, mentions of war
-Okay so after the war against the Galra was won, you and Keith moved back to his house in the desert, opting to live a quiet life in isolation.
-it was peaceful and a stark contrast to the almost constant chaos of whirling around in space.
-you and Keith made some renovations to the home, fixing broken windows, re-storing the paint on the walls, and getting working appliances like a new fridge, a microwave and a bunch of new cups and plates.
-Mornings with him were your favorite, you always woke up before him, turning on some music and cooking breakfast for yourselves, watching the sun finish rising.
-he didn't wake up too long after you, your lack of warmth in bed basically forcing him to get up and look for you.
-He would find you in the kitchen, a cute apron that was much too long for you covering you from the mess of pancake batter all over the counter.
-"Morning Keith" "mmh morning baby. What's cooking?"
-he would come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, burying his face in the crook of your neck, his sleep laden eyes still not adjusted to the bright morning light shinning through the windows. He made a mental note to get curtains.
-He would hold onto your hips and sway side to side, following the beat of the music playing.
-you guys regularly visited Shiro, almost always taking home Tupperwares of food his husband would cook, never returning them back because Keith kept forgetting them.
-you guys had built a dog house outside for Kosmo, but he would just teleport right back inside, suddenly laying over you and Keith on the bed, wagging his tail like a puppy.
-You guys spent most of the day indoors, watching movies, talking about the future, loving on each other and trying to make up for all the times you couldn't be like this in space.
-Keith had become such a cuddle bug it was ridiculous, his hands were always wrapped around your waist, and he always had to be touching you, sub-consciously or on purpose.
-When you guys would sitting down at the dinning table, his hand would interlink with yours or rest on your thigh.
-you never went to bed before chit chatting about your day, exchanging I love yous and snuggling up under the covers.
-on the nights that you did stay up together, you and him would sit outside and stargaze, or stay in and watch scary movies with all types of sugary junk food, as if you guys were still teenagers.
-you regularly de-tangled and kept up with Keith's hair, it was so healthy and shiny.
-whenever Krolia visited you would all catch up, her sharing with you her earliest memories of baby Keith.
-he would blush and cross his arms, growing more and more embarrassed at every story. Your giggling not making it any better.
-after about a year and a half, Keith asked you to marry him. Much to Krolia's delight.
-you decided to have a small wedding, Keith not being the big flashy party type of man.
-You invited all the former paladins, as well as Ulaz and Krolia, everyone making sure to show up and celebrate your special day.
-you were over the moon once your vows were said and you were officially married, yanking Keith onto you and pressing a kiss to his lips, everyone cheering behind you and clapping.
-after the wedding, you guys laid in bed, just admiring each other, loving kisses exchanged between the both of you.
-from then on Keith just called you by your shared last name most of the time.
-"good morning, Mr/s Kogane"
-made it a point to let everyone know you were his spouse.
-he was such a sap, having multiple framed pictures of your wedding all over the house.
-Eventually the conversation of children came up, deciding when the time came you would adopt, wanting to give a child a family, just as Shiro did to Keith.
-Keith splurged as much as he could for the new addition to the family, buying clothes, food, toiletries, everything.
-he filled what used to be his room in the house with kid stuff.
-Shiro would frequently come over during this time, brining handbooks on parenting, offering useful advice on how to make the child feel at home and comfortable.
-When your new son came home you and Keith were over the moon, low-key freaking the little boy out with your enthusiasm.
-got a regular dog for him, scared Kosmo would teleport him to god knows where.
-it took a while, but he ended up warning up to you and Keith, you guys were a proper family.
-you and Keith grew old and grey.
-you would still hold hands on the porch, sitting side by side as the days would go by, but your love never ceased.
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toastbunnyart · 7 months
i drew keith with cats, so it was only right to draw him with the best dog ever 💫
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i love kosmo sm yall,,,
also shoutout to all the reblogs on my previous keith/voltron art encouraging me to make more, it really helped me get past the mental wall of cringe and just decide to enjoy making art of a show and character that mean a lot to me 💞
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piggycyberwarrior · 1 year
Alone without you //HC
Summary: Lance x fem!Reader; Keith x fem!Reader What happens when the Paladins had to leave their s/o and see them years later on earth again?
a/n: here is a reminder that I love youuu!! Also my friend requested this sooo lets gooo
warnings: Lance is a little bit OCC, No proof read
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Okayyy so we all saw that Lance was very homesick, am I right?
He missed his family and of course his S/o. 
You were the best thing that happened to him
when he felt like the fifth wheel, he wanted to be in your arms again
my poor bby
He never gave up hope coming back to you
But then stupid slav told him the percentage chance his girlfriend probably has someone else since she thinks he's dead
That shattered his whole world
He thought all the time: do you have someone else, why should you wait for him
his self-esteem was in the basement. way down deep.
 As the years went by, the pain became a little more bearable. His broken heart was covered with fake smiles
when he was on his way to earth with the others, he was nervous. he hadn't even said goodbye. would you still accept him? 
Please do it, my heart 😭 
you in turn had hope again since holt came back to earth. but now it's about war. 
you as a medic had to rescue injured people. that was your job at the garrison. you had to accompany dying people day and night. had to comfort families.(poor you)
when the paladins finally arrived with the alien ship, you went straight for Lance. but you couldn't go to him as he had to go straight to a meeting 
(again poor you)  
when the meeting was finally over, he saw you. his eyes wide open. tears in them 
„Y-Y/n" he stuttered with a shaky voice. immediately you hugged him "i missed you, you idiot" you whispered into his shoulder. 
All these years he was afraid that you had left him, but you waited for him. He didn't deserve you.
Now he was tearing up again but dont let him know I said that..-
lance buried his head in your neck "i missed you too y/n" 
He definitely had to spend this day with you. 
And all the other days 
And the rest of his life. 
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Keith is a "tough" guy who is kind of, well brash with everyone. 
Shiro had tried for a long time to get that out of his thick skull but without results.
So when THE Keith got a girlfriend, Shiro couldn't believe it at first.
You made Keith weak - the man could see that very clearly.
So he also saw the gentler Keith turn back into the old Keith when they were all together in space.
The mullet head seemed to miss you, even if he didn't show it. 
Shiro tried to talk to him about it, but he didn't go in for that kind of talk.
He could hardly hide his happiness when the earth was in sight again. cough cough The right one this time..😶
will you notice that he has grown? Would you be happy to see him again? He was sure you'll like Kosmo. No, didn't you have an allergy to dogs? Well, Kosmo was a space wolf after all...
he thought as he flew with the others into the milky way
Panic spread across his face when he saw what the Galra had done to the people on Earth.
You weren't a cadet on the garrison, were you dead? Or captured?
Just like Hunk, he wanted to find his family- you
At some point, a radio message reached Garrison. A faint voice announced that many people were being held as slaves in a Galra cruiser. They had to build devices and their schematics.
Keith would have recognized the voice anywhere. It was yours. Immediately he wanted to start a rescue maneuver
But! Of course, the commissioner first had to have more information from the unknown voice.
mhmp! I dont like her
you had actually managed to build a communicator, clever you
At some point, the Paladins were allowed to go on the rescue mission!!!! Yayyyy
It was loud and many screams of frightened people. 
you yourself crouched in your cell and waited for the Garrison to arrive, not knowing that your boyfriend was back on earth.
When your cell opened, you tried to squeeze yourself even further into the corner
"y/n?" whispered a familiar voice. You slowly looked up. Your eyes grew wide in shock. 
“Keith?” you said with a hoarse voice
Quickly he ran towards you and crouched in front of you. Thick tears ran from your still shocked face. 
"You, you...how- what?! you're missed! Why are you here! I-"
You stumbled over your words
“Shhh. Shh I’m here Y/n. You are fine, I’m here muffin.” He said lovingly squishing your cheeks.
I know it's a lot. I'll explain when we get out of here. Oh god I missed you." he said as he gave you a kiss on the forehead.
“I missed you too.”
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puppetmaster55 · 4 months
I love the idea of Lance being afraid of dogs, imagine something like- Shiro: Lance, sweetie are you ok? Lance, through gritted teeth and strained smile as he tries not to lose it as Kosmo gets close to him: Yeah, why? Shiro, who could feel the circulation in his left arm getting cut off with how tight Lance is gripping it: no reason 🥲
a;kljilveneege I can't tell whose got it worse: Lance who is visibly shaking and crying from close proximity to Giant Teleporting Space Dog and insisting that he's perfectly fine, or Shiro who is a little worried that he's about to lose his last arm
but also at night Lance is just clinging to Shiro desperately bc Kosmo can teleport and "what if Keith decides to wake us up by sending it into our room, onto our bed. Our bed, Shiro! Where we sleep!"
and Shiro is laying there with Lance still visibly trembling (but not crying; Shiro had a time getting Lance to hydrate and also to stop crying) and wondering how fast he can get a dog trainer to train Keith so he doesn't decide that Kosmo is the best transport for missions, and also when will his left arm come back from the war (Lance's grip)
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Keith had never believed people when they told him that dogs were not intelligent creatures. Growing up, he’d heard the same thing over and over again — dogs don’t have very big brain capacity, they could understand commands to a degree but not follow a conversation, et cetera, et cetera. Keith, stubborn as he was and is, remained steadfast in his belief that they were all wrong. Then he was 20, in space, part of Voltron, he found that he was right. Dogs are smart.
His dog, especially, is very intelligent.
Now, some people might assume that he has come to this conclusion because his dog is excellent at following commands. Or maybe because Kosmo was one of his only sources of company, on that space whale, so perhaps Keith believed they could converse. A more logical person might assume that Keith has observed Kosmo to be intelligent because, perhaps, he is an alien, and therefore not technically a dog.
They would all be incorrect. Keith knows his dog is intelligent because his dog is the most spiteful little shit he’s ever met.
Don’t get him wrong — Kosmo is the goodest boy in the universe. Keith now fully understands all those John Wick movies — if someone hurt Kosmo, Keith would go feral. He would go batshit insane. He’d kill some people. He loves his dog.
His dog is still a motherfucker.
Not once, in the two years they were on that space whale, did Kosmo follow even one of his commands. ‘Sit?’ No. ‘Stop jumping on people?’ Don’t kid yourself. ‘Please stop screaming at the moon in the dead of night when I’m trying to sleep?’ Forget it. ‘Fetch?’ In your fucking dreams. At first, Keith was like, okay. Whatever, you know? Maybe alien dogs don’t do commands. Maybe Kosmo doesn’t speak English. Krolia tried a few commands in Galran, to no effect. Eventually, he and Krolia gave up. It was fine. Kosmo was a pretty well behaved dog when he wanted to be, which was occasionally. He just didn’t follow commands — he can’t! He’s incapable.
And then Kosmo met Lance, and Keith knew his dog was a dirty liar.
“—as soon as they get back, we need to —”
Lance’s loud gasp cuts off what Keith is trying to say, so Keith turns towards him, a reprimand prepared on his tongue, only for words to fail him. Lance is staring at the space behind Keith, dark brown eyes wide and elated, beam so bright Keith feels the force of it settle heavily in his bone marrow.
“Is that a puppy?!”
Upon hearing the call, Kosmo perks right up, tail wagging so fast it blurs, and bounds right over to Lance.
All 200 pounds of him, full speed, straight towards Lance, who is scrawny as a string bean and maybe 120 pounds soaking wet.
Keith foresees some injuries.
“Wait, Kosmo, no jumping —”
Kosmo, of course, does not heed Keith’s command, and is far too fast for Krolia to grab hold of him. He continues to barrel towards the Cuban, and Keith feels time slow as Kosmo zooms forward. He squeezes his eyes shut, knowing poor Lance is going to go flying, and dammit he was going to be so mad at Keith —
“Down, boy.”
Keith blinks his eyes open only to see, right clearly in front of him, his traitor of a dog sitting, patiently, in front of Lance. Tail wagging and tongue lolling out in a big doggy grin.
Keith’s jaw drops. He hears Krolia mutter incredulously behind him.
“Oh, who’s a good, strong, well-behaved boy, huh?” Lance coos, dropping to his knees in front of Kosmo in order to adequately shower him in affection. “You are the sweetest, most wonderfullest dog in the universe, aren’t you?”
Kosmo howls.
“Aren’t you?”
Kosmo howls louder, batting his head forwards — gently! So fucking gently! Keith had never seen that little brat be gentle even once in his life! Once, Kosmo had tackled Keith right into a pile of rocks! He’d gotten a concussion! — in glee. Lance laughs, bright and loud, and Keith flushes in spite of his frustration.
“What’s your name, boy, huh?”
“Kosmo,” Keith answers weakly, because the dog can’t damn well do it himself (unless he has some other abilities he’s been hiding, the fucker).
“Kosmo, please know I love you more than anything ever,” Lance says, ignoring Hunk’s offended ‘hey!’ in the background.
Lance pays him no mind and continues to lavish Kosmo with love, and Kosmo eats it all up as if he’s been starved. As if Keith has not provided him with hourly smooches and cuddles since he was a literal baby.
After several minutes of Keith staring in incredulous (and, okay, perhaps affectionate) silence, Krolia clears her throat.
“Urgent business, Keith,” she reminds him.
“Oh, uh, right —”
Keith goes on to explain the crisis with Lotor, emphasizing the danger they’re all in, but he’s — distracted. Suddenly he wishes he hadn’t cut Lance off earlier, wishes he had given him the hug he asked for. Keith swallows, throat dry.
He’ll make it up to him.
He doesn’t really get to apologise to Lance, not in the way that he’d like. They’re just so busy, so chaotic, in between dealing with Lotor and losing the Castle and getting the real Shiro back — it’s just been a mess. Not that it’s an excuse, but it’s at least a reason.
Finally, though, a few weeks after the Lotor Incident, everyone is nicely settled on a planet, ready to camp for the night.
Keith, now starting to get comfortable again in his role as leader (with a lot of help from Lance, which shouldn’t make his heart pound and face light up with a pleased flush but does anyway because he’s a whipped loser, unfortunately), assigns everyone with a task, then sets about scouring the area to make sure they’ll be safe to sleep for the night.
When he comes back, area secured, he’s surprised to find himself alone at the campsite. The others must be taking their time, maybe doing chores together and chatting. That’s fine. They’ve got nowhere to be.
“Here, boy, you wanna try something new?”
Apparently not Lance, though. Keith jogs over to where he heard Lance’s voice, only to find him crouching in front of Kosmo, holding a decently sized stick from the pile of firewood he’s gathered behind him. Keith snorts. Lance may have more luck getting Kosmo to listen than the rest of them, but fetch is a lost cause.
“Don’t waste your breath, Lance,” Keith calls, startling the Cuban a little. “Kosmo doesn’t do fetch.”
Lance rolls his eyes, corners of his lips quirking up. “Animals tend to listen to me. I think I can do it.”
“I dunno. Kosmo is the stubbornest bitch I’ve ever met, next to you,” Keith teases.
Lance scoffs, but he’s grinning. “Oh, okay, Mr. I-Tried-To-Fight-Zarkon-With-My-Fists.”
Keith laughs. He’s missed this — their banter, the teasing, the poorly-covered affection. He’s missed Lance.
“Yeah, yeah, Cargo Pilot. Go ahead. Try it.”
Lance’s grin turns sharp, and Keith swallows. Somehow, someway, in his time away, he’d forgot how sexy Lance is when he’s being cocky.
“Watch and learn, Dropout.”
Without another beat he’s turning back towards Kosmo, who looks smugly (damn dog) at Keith before turning wide, falsely-innocent eyes towards his new best friend.
“Are you ready, sweet boy?” Lance coos, and Kosmo barks excitedly, hopping around.
“Okay, buddy! See this stuck here?”
He holds the stick out towards Kosmo, who sniffs it. Lance praises him heavily, reaching into his pocket and tossing him a treat.
“Yes, that’s right! Good boy!”
Kosmo yips, and Lance smiles, patting his head. “Now, here’s the next part — when I move the stick, you’re gonna follow it, okay?”
Lance slowly and gently moves the stick as far as he can to his left, keeping a hold on it, and Kosmo follows it dutifully.
Keith feels that earlier incredulousness bubbling back up. No fucking way.
“Excellent, Kosmo! Good job!” Lance gives him another treat, making Kosmo’s tail wag faster.
“Okay, buddy, last step: I’m gonna throw the stick, and then you’re gonna go bring it back for me, okay? And then you can have another treat. You ready?”
Kosmo honest-to-God nods, and Lance draws the stick back, before launching forward with a good amount of strength.
“Go fetch, Kosmo!”
Kosmo bounds after the stick immediately, howling loudly as he does. Keith’s jaw drops.
“No way!”
Lance smirks at him. “Yes way. Told ya.”
“Fuck off, it doesn’t count unless he bring it back, and he won’t.”
He fucking better not, the little asshole. Keith tried to teach him fetch for three goddamn months.
No sooner do the words leave his mouth does Kosmo come tearing across the field, stick clamped firmly in his jaws. He skids to a stop in front of Lance, dropping the stick at his feet, then sits, tongue lolling out expectantly.
“Oh, Kosmo, you’re so smart! Good, good boy!”
Lance gives him his treat, which Kosmo devours, and then the damn dog turns toward Keith, huffs, and prances off with his snout in the air. As if he’s the one who���s been offended.
Lance cackles. Keith sputters.
“Why — he just — that little turd!”
Keith’s indignance makes Lance laugh harder, hunching over and clutching his waist.
“Y — your face —”
Keith can’t bring himself to be truly mad, not in the direct presence of Lance’s musical laughter.
Doesn’t stop him from putting Lance in a headlock and fucking up his hair, though. Keith may be in love with him, but he has some dignity left, and he’s not gonna stand there, moony-eyes, as someone laughs at him. (Is he going to high dreamily about it later? …Possibly.)
Later, in his tent, Kosmo sprawled on top of him, Keith sighs, dragging a hand down his face. He keeps his other hand where is is, scratching Kosmo under the chin.
“Is this because I told you stories about mostly Lance on the space whale?” he whispers. “Is that why you listen to him?”
Kosmo turns his big round eyes towards Keith, blinking slowly. Obviously, he doesn’t answer.
“I think it is. I think I said the name Lance too often when you were a puppy, and it hardwired into your brain, or something.”
Kosmo leans over a licks a long, wet stripe up Keith’s face, making him laugh and shove him away. “Gross, you goober. Now I got slobber all over my face. Ugh.”
He still leans forward and plants a big kiss on his dumb dog’s forehead, even if that dog is a slobbery traitor who does not deserve Keith’s kisses. (Who is he kidding. Kosmo could body slam Keith off a cliff and he’d still give him as many kisses as he wants. Keith loves his dog.)
“Turncoat,” he mutters into think fur. “You’re supposed to be my best friend, but with all the simping you’re doing for Lance he’s gonna like you better than me, and then I don’t get a chance.”
He huffs a laugh, rolling his eyes at himself. “God, I need to go to sleep.”
He presses another kiss to Kosmo’s head before collapsing backwards, crossing his arms behind his head and closing his eyes.
He dreams of him and Lance and Kosmo, in a house of their own, overlooking the ocean.
Maybe someday.
based off this post
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kidge-planet · 2 months
TW! death
50 years had passed. It had been 50 years since they shared their first kiss, and they had never left each other's sides.
During those 50 years, their love had only grown stronger with each passing day.
Now, she was 70.
As she lay in her bed next to her husband, Katie felt a strange sensation. Both she and her husband had been worried lately; she had been feeling weak and breathless for almost a month now, and doctors couldn't find anything wrong.
She took a deep breath and rested her head against her pillow. Keith knew exactly how she felt. He knew her so well that just one look in her eyes was enough to tell that something was wrong.
But he also knew that if he asked, she would simply answer that she was fine. So, he asked, and as expected, she said that she was okay. He insisted, and so did she.
Deciding to give up, knowing how stubborn she was but also trusting that she would confide in him later if something was truly wrong, he kissed her forehead as they wished each other a good night.
As he closed his eyes, Keith instantly fell asleep. But no matter how much she tried, Pidge couldn't.
As she grew older, it became harder for Pidge to fall asleep at night. She and Keith had lost everyone:
The first to go was Baebae, Pidge's dog. It had been complicated for her, but she stayed strong.
Then came Sam. It was years after Baebae, and it was possibly the worst day of her life by that time.
Sam was followed by Colleen, who couldn't bear losing her husband for the second time. She was an old woman who had been through so much, but her heart could not handle more. She died, drowning in sadness, and no matter how much Matt and Pidge did to save her, it wasn't enough...
After Colleen, Shiro followed. It devastated everyone, especially Keith. But with Pidge by his side, he healed faster.
Hunk died years later. A heart attack was the reason...
The only ones remaining in their lives were Lance, Matt, Krolia, Kosmo, and their kids. Some other people remained, but they were less important in their lives.
And all this kept Pidge awake at night. She remembered the old times, hurting herself by allowing her thoughts to dwell on all the happy moments. And then, she remembered that it was over, that she would never again be hugged by her father or laugh with her mother... That she would never get to hug Baebae to sleep or have nice Paladin hangouts with her friends... And, of course, she would never gossip with Allura again.
She missed Hunk's cookies and his presence when she was feeling down. She missed Shiro's advice and how reassuring he was.
She just wanted to go back in time, start everything over, and reclaim the beauty that she thought she had lost.
And she was happy with Keith. She always had been, and she felt so grateful that he was still by her side today... But she missed how they used to love each other back then, those nights when they wouldn't sleep and would share every piece of passion. She missed discovering his touch, his body; it all felt new back then, and now, it just seemed routine. She knew his touch by heart... And not that she thought it was bad, but she did think that it was better before... Because everything seemed better when they were younger.
She used to fight for peace, she used to be a model for so many people and have an important purpose. Today, she felt worthless. Just an old lady. A grandma, certainly, but then what was next?
Death. And she would feel guilty admitting that she actually waited for it every day now.
She knew that she would leave her kids behind, along with her remaining friends, her brother, and her husband.
But her kids were grown adults now, with their own families and lives that she wished she could still have. They didn't need her anymore...
As for her friends, she only really had Lance and a few acquaintances. But she rarely saw them, if ever. She called Lance often, but that was about it.
She saw Matt often. Same old Matt. And when thoughts of ending her life crossed her mind, she tried to push them away, knowing that she was his only family left.
And then there was her husband. How she loved him. He was the only reason she hadn't tried to end it herself. The only thing tormenting her now was deciding whether she wanted him to die before her or after her... Whether she would hurt him or herself.
She didn't really have a choice.
Lost in thought, her eyes closed, and she felt her body's weight growing heavier with each passing second. She understood. Summoning all her strength, she opened her eyes one last time to look at him. The only man who had ever loved her, the only man she had ever loved.
Oh, how beautiful he looked in the moonlight, she thought to herself, finding the strength to reach for his cheek...
She caressed his cheek, feeling her hand grow too heavy, and she rested it in his.
If only she could tell him how much she loved him... But she didn't want to see him cry. She didn't want him to take her to the hospital or try to "save" her.
She wanted to silently pass away in the bed where they had shared their love for years. In the room where they had once been young together. In peace.
A tear rolled down her face: she was feeling greatful in this moment to have had such a beautiful life.
And she silently hoped that she'll find him again, in another life.
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(there you go and I hope this made you feel the emotional turmoil you wanted lol :') )
Let me know your thoughts about that one!!!!!!!
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the-cult-of-russo · 1 year
Such a Softer Sin (Part 27)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
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Warnings: I’m not specifically tagging this one, if you’ve seen the show, nothing will shock you. Smut will happen eventually so minors DNI, thanks.
A/N: Guys, how the fuck is this it already? Well, almost it, I’m posting the epilogue right after this. 
“A shepherd's dog had a master who took no care of him, but often let him suffer the greatest hunger. At last he could bear it no longer; so he took to his heels, and off he ran in a very sad and sorrowful mood. On the road he met a sparrow that said to him, "Why are you so sad, my friend?" - "Because," said the dog, "I am very very hungry, and have nothing to eat." - "If that be all," answered the sparrow, "come with me into the next town, and I will soon find you plenty of food." So on they went together into the town: and as they passed by a butcher's shop, the sparrow said to the dog, "Stand there a little while till I peck you down a piece of meat." So the sparrow perched upon the shelf: and having first looked carefully about her to see if anyone was watching her, she pecked and scratched at a steak that lay upon the edge of the shelf, till at last down it fell,” Billy read softly, book in front of him near your bump where you lay on your side and he had a hand on your bump. The baby was due any day now and the nursery was complete, painted blue and gold. You were excited but a part of you wasn’t ready for your pregnancy to be over. It was exhausting on your body and your emotions had taken quite a beating, but you knew deep down you’d miss it too. You’d miss feeling Kosmos move around or kick you, miss feeling him when he had the hiccups. You’d miss the special bond you felt at carrying him around for all these months but you were definitely ready to meet him finally. You really couldn't wrap your head around the fact you’d created a life. You lay there feeling peaceful and calm, listening to Billy’s soothing and quiet voice as he read to his son, something he did every night. It was making you sleepy. When he finally finished the chapter, he shut the book and it woke you up a little.
“Daddy can’t wait to meet you, little one. I’ll see you real soon,” he murmured adoringly, moving to place a sweet kiss to your bump that had you smiling as you melted. He sat up, setting the book on the nightstand before he looked at you with a smile. He lay down facing you, a hand stroking your cheek and you gave him a sleepy smile. 
“I love you,” he said softly and you didn’t think you’d ever tire of him saying it.
“I love you too,” you replied, rubbing your cheek against his hand. 
“I… I was alone for the longest time but I can’t remember what it felt like anymore, what it was like before you. I know I must have been miserable,” he admitted and his words felt like they seized up your heart.
“I can’t believe you're finally here. You're here and you’re havin’ my baby. I’ve lived a long time but I feel like my life is only just really beginning… I’m just really happy you’re here,” he murmured and you smiled at him, turning your face in his hand and kissing it. 
“I’m happy I’m here too. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” you whispered and a blinding smile overtook his face. He leaned in, kissing your lips softly before he wrapped his arms around you and you snuggled into him, slipping off into a peaceful sleep with his scent and warmth surrounding you. 
The next day, you were in the Royal Gardens with Karen and Azalea. One of the little girls here, Zoe, was turning six in a few days and Billy loved to throw the kids a huge birthday party every time it was their birthday, something you found adorable. The three of you were busy making crowns from the flowers in the garden for all of the children to wear as you all chatted. 
“I just can't believe he’s here, he’s so amazing,” Azalea gushed with a dreamy look on her face. She’d recently found her mate, someone who came in from another pack and he worked at the hospital. 
“Well, you deserve it. You’ve waited long enough,” Karen smiled warmly at her and Azalea smiled. You winced as you pricked your finger on a thorn as you tried to get a pink rose off a bush, and you stuck your finger in your mouth, turning to Azalea.  
“I’m really happy for you,” you murmured sincerely with a smile. She looked more radiant than you’d ever seen her before and you were glad she finally found her mate. 
“I really think that-” your words were cut short as a pained gasp left your lips, your hand flying to your stomach as you felt a blinding pain. You felt a weird sensation and as you glanced down, you noticed liquid soaking your pants and dripping onto the floor and into your boots.
“What is it?! What happened?!” Azalea asked quickly as she rushed over.
“Oh my gods, I think her water just broke,” Karen cried out, hovering over you. The shock and panic set in then as you realized it was time.
“I’m gonna have a baby,” you muttered, turning your wide eyes to the girls, looking like a deer in the headlights. 
“I’m not ready! I’m not… I don’t know the first thing about babies! I’m gonna drop him, he’s gonna crack like an egg,” you rambled, in a state of shock as Karen cupped your cheeks and made you turn your unfocused eyes to her. 
“You're going to do fine, Y/N. You’ve read a bunch of books and it’s going to come naturally to you,” she soothed, glancing at Azalea who nodded frantically. 
“We need to get her to Curtis,” she said quickly, the pair of them guiding you to the medical facility.
You cried out again as you stepped foot in there, everyone rushing around you as the pain ripped through you. You knew it would hurt but nothing prepared you for just how much. Everything was a blur around you and you found yourself suddenly in a hospital gown in a room with Curtis and some nurses and you stood next to the bed, gripping hold of it as the pain tore through you again. Tears streamed down your face as you tried to breathe through it like the books told you, but you couldn't. 
“I want Billy,” you wept, hunching over the bed as you struggled to breathe.
“He’s coming, don’t worry,” Curtis soothed, moving over to rub your back.
“I want… I need Billy,” you repeated, shaking your head as the tears rolled down your face. The door burst open and you looked over, seeing Billy standing there with eyes wider than your own as he just stared at you for a long moment like he too couldn't quite believe it was time. 
“Are you okay?” he asked shakily and you clutched hold of the bed, glaring at him from over your shoulder.
“I’m in labor, Billy, so no, I’m not okay,” you bit out and he looked completely floored by the hostility in your voice. You’d feel bad about it later. The pain gripped you tight again and you cried out, making Billy rush to your side. He helped you to lay on the bed and it suddenly dawned on you that Curtis was about to see more of you than you’d ever thought. If you weren't in so much pain, you might have been embarrassed. 
“I’m just going to check you over, okay?” he asked you and you nodded tearfully, taking in large heaving breaths of air while you could before the pain happened again. Billy stroked your hair, trying to soothe you and you willed his touch to work like it normally did. 
“Alright… you're fully dilated, you're ready to push,” Curtis informed you.
“What? Already?” you asked, looking panicked at how fast everything was moving. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart, you can do this. It’s time to meet our son,” Billy murmured to you and you nodded, sniffling a little. 
“Every time you feel a contraction, I want you to push for me,” Curtis instructed. Billy clasped one of your hands between both of his, holding it tightly as you let out a pained moan and started to push. 
“Come on, you can do this, Y/N. You’re strong, one of the strongest people I know,” Billy implored and you shook your head, crying from the pain. When it eased off, you stopped pushing, sagging into the bed as you wept pitifully and Billy used one of his hands to smooth your hair from your sweaty face. 
“I can’t do this, I can’t. I’m strong in battle, not here. I'd rather be hacking off limbs right now,” you whined and Billy pressed a kiss to your hand. 
“You can do this,” Billy argued firmly and you shook your head. Another pained noise left your lips as you started to push, feeling the contraction wracking your body and you felt like you were going to pass out. You pushed for a few more contractions but nothing seemed to be happening. You were exhausted and in so much pain, it made you miserable.
“Please make it stop… it hurts so much, Billy, I want it to be over,” you lamented through your tears. He moved your face to look at him and he looked like he was in pain to be seeing you this way. Or maybe he could feel it, you didn't know. 
“I know, sweetheart, I know. It’ll be over soon, alright? You just gotta push him out. Think of little Kos, think of holdin' him, meetin’ him. You can do this. He’s ready to meet his mom,” he insisted and you nodded as your chest heaved. 
When the pain hit again, you let out a yell as you tried to push as hard as you could and you suddenly felt the relief at the same time you heard the sounds of a baby crying. Your body fell limp, relieved for it to finally be over and you were in shock as a smiling Curtis came over and placed the baby on your chest. Your whole body trembled, eyes wide as you stared down at the little baby you helped to create. He was perfect. You were so overwhelmed by happiness that you were sobbing again as you blinked down at him. Billy’s hand came to stroke the baby’s tiny head and when you tore your eyes away to look at him, tears were coming down in rivulets on his face.
“Hey there, little man,” he murmured through his tears with a face splitting smile. You looked back to the small baby in your arms, overtaken by how beautiful he was. He looked just like his dad and you could hardly beehive he was really here.
“Welcome to the world, little Kosmos,” you whispered, placing a delicate kiss to his small head. 
A little bit later, you were sitting up in the bed, watching intently as Billy held Kosmos, staring down at him like he’d just found a rare gem. It was a sight to behold, watching the pair of them together like this and you couldn't look away. You felt a lot calmer now after the pain was over but you were beyond tired. You refused to sleep though, not yet. You didn't want to sleep and miss anything. The door knocked and both you and Billy looked over at it as it opened. Frank and Karen came in with smiles on their faces. Karen was holding a bunch of flowers and Frank held a little blue balloon. You weren't quite sure where he’d gotten it since you knew that there were no balloons on the castle grounds. The idea of him going out to find one touched you. Their eyes immediately went to the baby in Billy’s arms and Karen's hand went to her mouth, her eyes welling with tears as she quickly set the flowers down on the over bed table at the end of the bed. 
“He’s so small,” she murmured in awe and Billy stood with a wide smile. You watched as Frank approached and Billy moved to put the baby in his arms. Frank’s lower lip wobbled a little, his mouth opening and closing a few times like head so much to say, yet couldn't find the words. He tried to choke back a sob and Billy rested a hand on his back as he watched his best friend admire little Kos. 
“He’s perfect,” Frank whispered, a finger stroking the baby’s little cheek. 
“I know,” Billy smirked, wiping at his own tears as he struggled to reign in his own emotions. 
“How are you feeling?” Karen asked softly as she turned her eyes to you as Frank held the baby.
“I’m okay, just a little sore,” you replied wryly and she moved over to hug you.
“I’m so happy for you,” she smiled and you smiled back. Frank came over then, sniffling a little as he handed the baby carefully to Karen who grinned down at him. Billy engulfed Frank in a hug and they held each other tightly for a moment. 
“This is all I ever wanted for you, man,” Frank murmured.
“I know,” Billy replied in a whisper. They moved away, each wiping their eyes with a chuckle before Frank made his way over to you. He wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug and you smiled as you hugged him back.
“You did real good, I’m proud of you,” he said softly and the words filled you with warmth, so similar to what you know Kos would have said if he was here. 
“Thanks, Frank,” you smiled tearfully. 
They stayed for a little while, each taking turns to hold little Kos like they couldn't get enough of him. They left after a bit though to give you some peace and not long after, Curtis told you that you were clear to go home. As you got back to your room, baby in your arms, you really couldn't believe it was over with. He was finally here with you. While the nursery was finished, he’d be staying with you and Billy for a bit first and a bassinet was next to the bed on your side. It was a little overwhelming to think you had a whole person to take care of now, but Karen had been right, it had been coming naturally to you. You moved over to the bassinet and set the sleeping baby inside of it carefully.
“You want me to help you change?” Billy asked softly and you nodded. You were still in the hospital gown and you wanted to be more comfortable. You’d had some nightgowns made, despite your preference of sleeping in a men's sleeping tunic, to make breastfeeding more easy for you. Billy was gentle as he helped you out of your hospital gown and into one of the new ones and you shot him a grateful smile.  You moved to sit on the bed carefully, wincing at the ache between your legs as you did and Billy hovered, watching you with worried eyes. Before you even sat back against the headboard, he was fluffing up the pillows and setting them behind you to make you more comfortable and your lips twitched into a smile. Just as he was about to sit down, Kos started to cry softly and you were so in tune with him that you knew he needed to feed. 
“I’ve got him,” Billy said with an amused smile, going over and scooping him up. He gently handed him to you and you pulled the night gown down, feeding him as Billy moved to sit beside of you. He stroked his head softly, moving over to kiss your cheek sweetly and you smiled. He was so happy and you could feel it. You felt like your heart might burst. 
“He’s the luckiest kid alive to have you as a mom,” he murmured, gazing down at the baby. 
“I’ve been a mom for like a few hours,” you snorted and he moved his eyes back to you then, amusement shining behind them.
“Nah, you’ve been a mom for nine goddamn months and you love him more than anything. I can feel it. I feel blessed to have you as my mate, to get to have a kid with you,” he admitted fervently and you felt your chest expand as you smiled shyly. 
“I love you,” you murmured and he smiled at you.
“I love you too,” he replied easily before he looked down at his son.
“And I love you too, little man,” he grinned, leaning down and kissing his small head. You didn't think it was possible to feel this happy and it left you dumbstruck. Never in your life had you thought you’d achieve this kind of completeness you felt right now. 
You were sitting in your old pack house the day after, Kos in Leanna’s arms as she cooed down at him, the same awe and wonder on her face that everyone seemed to have when they held him. You had little Orion on your lap and he was babbling away, flailing his little arms and legs. He was a little over one now and you couldn't believe how much he’d grown. He was so sweet and adorable, you loved him. 
“How’s motherhood treating you?” Leanna asked, finally looking up at you as she rocked Kos slowly. 
“It’s going good other than the sore nipples and wincing everytime I sit down,” you snorted and she laughed, shaking her head fondly.
“Yeah… I don’t miss that. You get used to it all though,” she grinned.
“I hope so,” you smiled wryly.
“I have to admit… I never really saw you as the type to have a child, but it suits you,” she said softly and you smiled, heat nipping at your cheeks.
“I’ve changed quite a bit since back then, I guess,” you mused and she smiled at you.
“I know a lot of bad things had to happen to get to this point, but maybe it was worth all of the pain. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy before,” she admitted. It hurt to think of all you’d lost but you’d gained a hell of a lot too. None of it would ever replace the ones you’d lost but you knew everything happened for a reason. If none of that happened, you might not be sitting here with Kos right now and the thought made your chest feel like it might cave in. A lot had changed since you first got here and not all of it good, but you did feel happy now. Fate had a funny way of working things out and despite it all, you were glad to be here, to have Billy and to have Kos. You felt more whole than you ever had in your entire life. 
Taglist: (if you’ve been asked to be tagged and aren’t here, it wouldn’t let me tag some people.)
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vldsideblog · 1 year
I love Keith being a dog person
Like he Should be a cat person, he’s bitter, snarky, quiet, and very catlike in his mannerisms and personality
But he’s got a giant space wolf and it just makes sense. Cause he’s also kinda dumb, headstrong, and protective.
In conclusion I love Kosmo
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spaceaces00 · 2 months
Really loved @wuffgang-ameowdeus-moozart post abt team rocket klance so I wrote a little smth for it. They’re like the “enemy” so I made Ash young Lotor bc…yeah. I had fun so enjoy!
Lotor attempts to cough out the smoke as he waves his hand in front of his mouth. He didn’t see any campfires or campers down this path. It had just been a bright sunny day before the smoke went off. How strange.
He looks down at the cat perched on his shoulder. Kova was Lotor’s first Pokémon and they became inseparable. Lotor plugs his nose with a hand and pets her, “I hope this smoke doesn’t bother you too much, Kova. I’m sure we’ll walk out of this weird smoke soon.”
She starts to purr, but quickly stops to look up. Her ears go wild; they only do that in danger. She senses something ahead. Lotor stays guarded as they continue.
He was right, the smoke was clearing. To reveal three figures: an older teenager with black hair tending to a small fire and rubbing sticks together, another fanning the smoke towards Lotor with a fan bigger than him, and a dog who was fanning the smoke with his tail. The people wore watching white sets with a big red “R” in the center of the shirts. Lotor picks up Kova and ducks behind a tree. These people can’t be doing any good with this much smoke.
They probably would’ve noticed him soon but they were arguing. A lot. The one with black hair spoke, “Lance, can you put your back in it? We’re losing smoke!”
The one who must’ve been Lance snaps back, “Well why don’t we switch then, Keith? It’s not my fault someone wanted to buy the extra extra extra extraaa extraaaaa large fan. My back is killing me I put so much in it!”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” the other one (Keith) grumbles, “Kosmo is doing a better job then you!” Kosmo, the dog Pokémon, barks back in appreciation.
“Well Kosmo has better hair than you.” Lance whispers to himself at a volume even Lotor could hear.
Keith slams the sticks down and locks foreheads with Lance. “That’s it! Do you think I even wanted to work with your lanky ass? Allura just promised me a bonus for it, one you won’t get!” Keith smirks.
“How dare you?” Lance gasps, “She offered me the same thing! I will be taking that bonus! Thank you very much!”
Keith grinds his teeth and sits back at the fire. “This will all be worth it to catch that Kova.” Lance huffs back and fans even more vigorously than before as if to make a point.
Kova? They want to catch Kova? Why? Lotor held Kova closer to his chest. His adventure to find more pokemon is going to become much more interesting. His heart was beating 100 miles per hour and his blood was racing at the thought of them being separated.
Before he could think on it, Lotor jumped out behind the tree, revealing himself. “I won’t let you take her! Who are you and why are you trying to steal Pokémon?!” He pointed at them enraged.
Lance looked back to the path and then to Lotor, his mouth wide open. Suddenly, he pulls the giant hand fan over to Lotor and a wave of smoke hits him in the face. This time he was slightly more prepared and managed to tuck his chin into his shirt collar.
As the smoke clears, Lance and Keith are standing back to back. Keith starts, “Who are we? Well, allow us to introduce ourselves.” Weird music starts to play in the background.
“To protect the world from devastation” Lance says and the smoke swirls around him.
“To unite all people within our nation” Keith holds a rose out. (He wasn’t holding that before)
“To denounce the evils of truth and love”
“To extend our reach to the stars above”
“Team Rocket blast off with the speed of light”
“Surrender now or prepare to fight” They're standing back to back now with their arms crossed. The dog jumps to the center and barks. Lotor guesses that’s his line and pose cue.
Lotor is speechless. Who are these weirdos?
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jenna-louise-jamie · 2 months
does anyone have any media that specifically makes you cry/get really emotional? could be a show, movie, song, book. heck even a painting or something.
i have several. here are some examples that make me bawl my eyes out every time i watch/listen. the moominvalley episode called “the invisible child.” more specifically i suppose the episode from moominvalley (2019) season 1 episode 12. there's this youtube video called “love the dogs” by kaya's kosmos and it gets me everytime. a song called “flight” by devin townsend.
like damn. people make such beautiful art that can pierce your soul. that's what we're here on earth for.
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