#kylo ren halloween
peterparkersnose · 2 years
Star Wars Men During the Halloween Season Headcanons
{Kylo Ren, Obi Wan, Han Solo, Anakin Skywalker, Like Skywalker, Din Djarin}
happy halloween loves 🎃
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Kylo Ren
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Not a holiday man
Hates the idea of mainstream holidays and isn’t afraid to voice his opinions on it
When he comes home to find the apartment decorated in fake spiderwebs and orange and purple ribbon he thought someone was playing a prank on him
And he was pissed
But his thoughts were dismissed when he found you cutting out what seemed like bats from paper
“What is the meaning of this?” he yelled
You looked at him with a stern face, then burst out laughing
Kylo was still confused
But he enjoyed the occasional black licorice so he let the few days of chaos in his house slide
For you
Obi-Wan Kenobi
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He had learned about Halloween as a child from books he used to read about the old world
When the fall festivals happened around the planets, he could go down to a festival or two and enjoy some good food and company
But now as he grew wiser and older, he preferred to stay indoors during the actual day of Halloween
You begged him to go to a party with you, but he was insistent of staying inside and handing out candy to trick or treaters
He secretly also didn’t like you going out in such a revealing outfit
Obi Wan is very secretly territorial, but he usually never lets it show
So the two of you kept in comfy clothes and handed out candy to the small children who came around the house
And if you two had kids, you know damn well he would be out there with his warm spiked cider and extra robes following your kids around the city
He would let you stay at home and relax, because that’s just the kind of dad he would be
I can just imagine one kid running ahead and him yelling at the kid to slow down while he’s trying to carry the other one down the street because they got too tired
Han Solo
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Definitely attending a party
With a stupid couples costume
But it has to be stupid enough where the both of you still look hot
You two actually met at a Halloween party a few years ago
So they’ve really become a tradition at this point
You either drink too much and start yelling at everyone
Or he drinks too much and eats too much candy (which he swears he only had one piece) and throws up
He refuses to dance, but watches you with your friends while he sits and enjoys a beer in the corner
And at the end of the night, you always find him with the stupidest smirk on his face
“Why don’t you ever dance like that for me?”
“Shut it, Solo.”
Anakin Skywalker
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This man wants to trick or treat more than ever
He gets that he’s obviously too old, but he never experienced that as a kid
Asks every single kid about their costume that come to the door
“That’s a what- oh! I’ve never heard of it, but still cool!”
And this man-
You wake up halloween morning to find him rummaging through your closet
“What are you doing in my closet?”
“I need a dress,”
“May I ask why?”
“I’m going to be you for Halloween, duh.”
He sticks his head out of the closet, staring at you with a big grin and a wig that resembles your hair on his head
“Your kidding me, right?”
So naturally you stole his robes
And they were obviously more comfortable than anything you owned
“Lemme use the lightsaber, please.”
“Look Ani, see, I even got your little braid down!” you said, pinning your hair up in a bun and braiding a little braid to match his from years ago
“Come on, it was a phase.”
Luke Skywalker
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You two happened to be visiting another planet when Halloween occurred
Luke was super interested in their culture around the holiday
He found the tiny festival in the middle of the town and just had to join
You found him right in the middle of a dance circle
He pulled you in, and you two danced as other people from the town danced and hollered around you
At the end of the night, you two returned to your cabin on the hill and watch the festival wind down
You were given sweet treats from the townspeople
It was really one of the few times you two could let loose and have fun
And at night, the whole town glistened in candles as the people carved out vegetables and left candles in them to ward off evil spirits
You and Luke layed in bed, listening to the wind rustle the tree leaves
But you weren’t ever afraid, you had one of the best Jedi’s asleep next to you
Din Djarin
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Was thoroughly confused about what Halloween was in the first place
He never grew up with holidays with the other Mandalorians
You insisted on taking Grogu trick or treating
He was against the idea
“You wanted him to be like other kids, this is another way how.”
“But what if he-”
“Din. He’ll be fine.”
Naturally you dressed Grogu up as his dad
You made the fake beskar out of smoothed out tinfoil
And Grogu loved the resemblance to his father
Grogu got candies and other treats, but while you two were out trick or treating Din went out and found a whole buckets worth of frogs for him
“You think he’ll remember this one day?” Din asked you, sliding his hips against the countertop next to you
Grogu was downing his third frog of the night
“He better,”
tag list: @dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @samanthacookieone @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry
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klodwig · 8 months
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Sleepy Hollow AU
"Shall we dance?"
Huxloween 2023 day 14
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kylowanderer · 2 months
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I missed making memes so here is one.
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lilibethdrawsreylo · 7 months
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I didn't draw any new reylo this week because I was sick, but here's some vampire goodness that was posted to my boosty earlier this year. 🧛‍♂️🖤🧛‍♀️
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itssteffnow · 2 years
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Happy Halloween 🎃
I had so much fun with the prompts Haunted House & Haunted Objects for day 31 for @huxloween!
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kylorensl · 8 months
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A somber one, for this wonderful month 🎃🕷️🕸️ A gift for my love @symphonyofthieves 🖤🧡
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safarigirlsp · 8 months
Wicked Fairytales
My fun little series in which I give my own twisted twist on some classics.
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Bah Humbug
Flip Zimmerman x Reader
Kylo Ren x Reader
Charlie Barber x Reader
Clyde Logan x Reader
Henry McHenry x Reader
Jacques Le Gris x Reader
Commander Mills x Reader
Word Count: 35.4k
Warnings: NSFW. Extra Smut. Language. Angst. Romance. Graphic Violence. Murder. Main Character Death. Light Violence Against Reader. Old Timey Sexism. Bastardization of Classic Literature.
AO3 Link
Based on A Christmas Carol
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A Comedy of Eros
Jacques Le Gris x Reader
Word Count: 13.5k
Warnings: NSFW. Humor. Romance. Soulmates. Violence. Non-Con Elements. Physical Aggression Toward Reader. Possessive and Jealous Behavior. Dominant Men. Bitchy Women. Conniving Wizards. Drugging - Kids today might call it Sex Pollen. Confusion. Duplicity. Bestiality. Orgies. Cuckolding. Exhibitionism. Misogyny. Old Timey Sexism. Toxic Men. Jacques/Pierre Canon as Developed by Silky and Myself aka Shithead Behavior. Bastardization of Shakesperean Tropes. Misuse of Shakespearean Quotes, try to count them all. Fear Not, No Attempts at Ye Olde English Contained Herein. ☠️Rey☠️
Don’t let the warnings scare you! This is Romance and Comedy.  
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Based on A Midsummer Night's Dream
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Outrun the Devil
Lawyer Kylo Ren x Reader
Word Count: 14.9k
Warnings: NSFW. Smut. Blood. Gore. Murder. Beheadings. Supernatural Themes. Romance.
AO3 Link
Based on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
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Love & War
Regency Kylo Ren x Reader
Word Count: 15.5k
Warnings: NSFW. Language. Smut. Non-Graphic Mentions of Violence and Death. Old Timey Sexism. Fluff. Romance. Humor. Stilted Language.
AO3 Link
Admiral Ren in Love
Top notes of Pride & Prejudice with undertones of Cinderella.
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The Beast
Vampire Kylo Ren x Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: None! Shocking! Some light horror and sexy themes.
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Notes of Beauty and the Beast, Dracula, and The Raven in my best Poe-ish attempt.
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Music of the Night
Victorian Kylo Ren x Reader
Word Count: 14.4k
Warnings: NSFW. Smut. Graphic Violence. Fires. Guns. Murder. Old Timey Sexism. Romance. Dark Phantom of the Opera Vibes. Victorian Kylo.
AO3 Link
Based on The Phantom of the Opera
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Here There Be Monsters
Pirate Captain Jacques Le Gris x Reader
Word Count: 51.4k
Warnings: NSFW. Smut. Action. Adventure. Romance. Light Violence. Swords. Guns. Orgies. Bar Fights. Pirate Shenanigans. Old Timey Sexism. 
AO3 Link
This is the result of my love for Pirates of the Caribbean. Yes, it's a classic.
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Commander Mills x Lawyer Reader
Word Count: 37.5k
Warnings: NSFW. Smut. Violence. Blood. Gore. Graphic Dinosaur Violence. Enemies to Lovers. Idiots in Love. Sexism in Survival Situations. Hot Toxic Masculinity. Character Crossovers. The Commander Mills Jurassic Park AU that had to happen.
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Mixing two of my favorites together for a fun AU - Commander Mills and Jurassic Park! Yes, it's a classic.
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Ghost Town
Gunfighter Flip Zimmerman x Reader
Word Count: 14k
AO3 Link
Warnings: NSFW. Smut. Alcohol. Graphic Violence. Gun Violence. Lots of Violence. Horror Themes. Possession Themes. Supernatural Themes. Shameless References to The Shining. This is a Darker take on Flip than I usually write, but it’s Halloween!
Inspired by the Seven Deadly Sins.
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Everything A Big Bad Wolf Could Want
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: NSFW. Smut. Fluff. Language. Chasing kink. Primal Play. If there’s such a thing as Lumberjack kink, it’s in here. Extreme bastardization of fairy tale dialogue.
AO3 Link
If I were Little Red Riding Hood...
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Kylo Ren x Reader
HCs Only
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: NSFW. Language. Light Smut. Fluff. Happy Murder Thoughts. Humor.
Cinderella Themes.
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kingdomhate · 7 months
Eating Candy with Them Scenarios! [Plus what candy they are into]
Kylo Ren: He was completely taken aback at first but of course was on board with it. He sat with you on the couch and you both began talking. That soon escalated into heated secret-spilling, Truth or Dare and Would you Rather. He enjoyed telling you more about himself and then hearing more about you.
Kylo enjoys Reese's. You can literally turn for a second and then turn back, and you will see him stuffing Reese's in his mouth. Definitely the type to break off a piece for him, eat it and then hand you the other piece absentmindedly.
Armitage Hux: He was repulsed by the idea at first. Not because of you or anything, but because the idea seemed arid to him, sitting around and eating calories continuously? It surprised him how much you wanted to this and then dragging him into it? But of course you were his weakness and he ended up giving into it. Situating the two of you in either of your guys' quarters and just eating candy, he ended up actually enjoying it, because you two cuddled and watched TV together.
Armitage strikes me as a Skittles\ Sour Patch Kids kinda guy. And there is NOTHING you can do to convince me otherwise. He will literally hand you a handful of whatever you ask for (Perhaps both if he is feeling generous.) and then eat the rest.
Anakin Skywalker: He was a bit perplexed as to why you would want to do that with him, but after a bit of explaining, he understood. You both climbed onto the bed and turned on the TV, he began fiercely venting to you his frustrations, missions, all of it. You occassionally vented back or had a little off-track conversation about whatever he was talking about. All while eating tons of candy. It became something you both would do whenever either or both of you were feeling particularly stressed out.
Ani is a Snickers and sometimes an AirHeads guy. No if's, and's or but's about it. Nope. None. He will break you off a piece with his lightsaber (what a showoff) or with the Force (That one scene in AoTC...) and then hand it to you.
Luke Skywalker: He had already had the idea! In fact, he is the one who brought it up. And yes, he loved it. It seemed romantic and a total couple thing to do. So, you both went out at right about sunset and sat down, unwrapping little candies and eating them all while sitting in silence and maybe sometimes commenting on something. (It is now a must have for Luke!)
I believe that Luke is more candy corn and Dots coded. He likes really sweet and chewy things and things that are abundant and little. Boom! A match made in heaven. Of course, he will go out of his way and feed you a couple or just get you a small box of either and both and himself a few.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi was not opposed to the idea, he adored it. But, he was wondering how the hell you got yourself so much damn candy, but hey, we don't ask. He just accepted politely, sat down next to you after a Jedi Council meeting and you both talked about how your days went while eating some candy, and to be honest? Obi-Wan still reflects on the memory.
Obi-Wan LOVES Tootsie Rolls. He LOVES them, ADORES and WORSHIPS them. They are exactly what he needs. He has come to like Chocolate over the years and has a natural craving for Tootsie Rolls a lot. Especially the long ones? Whew... He is the type to cut the long ones in half and annoyingly make sure they are both equal and then give one side to you.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Fandom peeps who act like there's no other coping mechanism except for sex are annoying asf and embarrasing but i'll admit the ones who do it with supervillain characters are unitentionally funny as hell.'They're totally secretly a slut,what someone who kills all those people and is THAT hot wouldn't cope with crazy wild and DISGUSTING sex😏'Babygirl what do you think the murders are for
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tatedoodles · 8 months
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Kylux doodle
Au with trans boi Kylo cuz yeah, I love this hc it makes me comforble. And he's also a witch. And they hate eachother sm🧡🖤
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lily-lilibeth · 8 months
Ok this Halloween I'll costume as Rey and my friend..(or crush >///<) said he would costume as Kylo Ren REYLO!!!
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klodwig · 7 months
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commission art for @drinkysketch
Time to dance all evening and all night!
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kylowanderer · 25 days
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Made a new meme. Thank you Adam's new pics!
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tasiglitch · 2 years
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Ben Solo goth AU
Happy Halloween! 🎃👻
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lilibethdrawsreylo · 8 months
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Frankenben 🧟‍♂️
Bringing your lover back from the dead can look many different ways. See the full NSFW version here.
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huxloween · 9 months
Huxloween Open for Prompts!
Hello ghosts, ghouls, and cryptids!!
It's time! We're accepting prompts for your favourite Kylux event starting October 1 - please remember that the prompt must contain Kylo and Hux as the main pairing, adjacents are okay too, and it must be Halloween-related.
So put your thinking caps on and start sending us your most ghoulish, the most horrifying, the sweetest, fluffiest, TERRIFYING prompts you've got! We love Kylo and Hux as much as you do so put those guys in situations!
We'll accept prompts from September 1st to 15th so don't hesitate, get those ideas to us today!
Love your mods, Marlon and Bree
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