#labour are fucked
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Why is Starmer such an idiot?
Surely, surely if we have a current shortage of skilled health care professionals, we should be begging people to come here?
Fixing the shortages in our NHS is not going to be quick. Even if NHS bursaries were brought back it takes often 10 years for a doctor to really be done "Training" and settled into a job, probably similar for a clinical psychologist, and 4 years at an absolute minimum for allied health professions (but many of those will take longer to get fully trained and qualified).
And we have to make it possible for people from low income backgrounds and for career changers to train... We aren't just going to magic up more nurses and doctors.
And there's nothing in here about paying them fairly or ensuring we retain them. Just petty nationalism.
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scottishcommune · 1 month
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Glad to see the Labour Party have finally realised, in the middle of a cost of living crisis and following nearly a decade and a half of austerity, that what people really need is to be hit with harder punishment for *checks notes* uhh... shoplifting small items
He came out with this drivel at a speech to the shopworkers union, bc of course what shopworkers really care about is their wages people stealing food.
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morganaspendragonss · 4 months
gonna be real, i literally don't give a shit whether charlie dies or not. he's only going to be replaced by his bald son and the monarchy will continue as it always has.
what i do care about is how this is going to be all over the news for the foreseeable even though tens of thousands of people are dying in a genocide our government is helping to fund, how people in our own country are suffering because of the cost of living crisis and the tories practically trying to tear the nhs (and many other public services) down.
and if he does die? we'll have to watch as this 'no money for the nhs' is funnelled into another state funeral and coronation. forgive me if i don't participate in the celebrations
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lost-carcosa · 1 year
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Good news! You aren't required to make your hobbies and passions "marketable." In fact, your crafts, hobbies, and passions don't even need to be public if you so choose. You don't have to spend all of your energy becoming perfect if you aren't enjoying the process. You are not a product, you are a person, a creative, and your work also does not need to be a product.
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imviotrash · 11 days
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Joanne Harcourt moodboard of being in various stages of distress, because he's just like me fr.
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Hey hi hello to any fellow Brits reading this.
You probably know we have a general election coming up, which by the way, make sure you're registered to vote and have the qualifying photo ID.
And hey maybe you're a fence-sitter who doesn't want to vote for Labour for whatever reason.
Well, this post is giving you a reason to vote for Labour (or any party other than Tory if the candidate actually has a chance to win the seat).
You might have noticed that a lot of local and city councils have either gone bankrupt recently or are teetering on the edge, and that officially, it's the councils themselves that have been blamed, and uh yeah, that's horseshit.
The majority of a local council's funding comes from core grants given out by Westminster.
There's actually a limit on funding that local councils can raise via taxes, and like a whole lot of issues in the UK, that comes down to Margaret fucking Thatcher. It's also thanks to her that local councils don't have as much power over the local area as you'd ideally want them to.
(That's been eased a little since, but if a local council ain't got the money, they can't exercise that power.)
Suffice to say, local councils are very much dependent on funding from the central government.
And as you might imagine, 14 years of Tory government has just made it worse. From 2010 to 2020, that funding was cut by 40%.
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Wanna know why hundreds of libraries have closed down? Or why public services like bin collections are almost entirely ran by corporations? Or why bin collections are now once a fortnight rather than once a week? Or why council houses haven't been built? Or why public toilets are being closed? Or why you have to Tokyo Drift on the drive to work because it's been 2 years and no one's done shit about that goddamn pothole? Or why parks seem to now be maintained by Big Foot and by the way Big Foot has also declared bankruptcy? Or why local arts have had their budget of 17 paperclips and a whistle reduced down to 10 paperclips and no whistle? Or why your local museum is effectively a mausoleum?
It is all down to this.
Your local council runs on a shoestring budget because Tory rule has deprived local councils of the funding that they need.
If the Tories win in July, this problem is just gonna get worse and worse and worse.
More councils are going to go bankrupt; more public services are going to be cut or underfunded; more vulnerable kids are going to fall through the cracks; more local services will be privatised; more pressing issues will be ignored because there's no money left over to fix it.
You might not like the current Labour party, but hi hello welcome to harm reduction politics. Maybe a Labour government won't fix this, but another 5 years of Tory rule is going to break this country.
So for god's sake, get over yourself and your leftist purity bullshit, and just fucking vote for Labour as a vote against the Tories.
[Information for this post comes from this video by Tom Nicholas]
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deepermadness · 17 days
Tell everybody. Get everything in order. Together we can stop the chaos!
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cosmologicalspoon · 4 months
i keep seeing anti-labour memes about how they're just tory lite and listen. listen i fucking get it ok they suck ass they do. sure kier starmer is flawed as fuck and labour is diluted conservatives sure. but diluted. is still LESS. if this election is gonna be a pick the lesser of two evils situation u gotta nut up and fucking vote for the lesser evil. i don't give a shit. srsly I dont care. I know it sucks I know its bad but u can't. u can't sit it out. u can't protest vote. it won't work. and the tories will stay in power
no matter how much u can hate on starmer (and trust me I hate on him a LOT) he will be better than the tories.
blair was also a labour leader considered tory lite and u kno what? yeah he sucked ass but he got Some shit done. the NHS flourished a lil under his leadership u can hate him all u want for not having been a left enough leader but he was a damn sight better than the tories wudve been
so when the election rolls around u gotta fucking suck it up buttercup. I hate seeing this kind of anti-labour rhetoric even in meme form cus it's just gonna either discourage voting especially among the left, or it will completely split the vote. and then we will b truly fucked.
vote smart. vote labour if u have to. unseat the tories and fucking get them the fuck out of power
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twelverriver · 8 months
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i met a young girl with eyes so bright she was already getting sick of life her arms were laden with his merchandise she asked me why i no longer and waste my time and i said, "spite" cause every time you are succeeding, there is an old man somewhere, seething and spite's as good a reason to take his power paris paloma - as good a reason
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intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
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Here is the link to the petition! Demand an End of Alabama's Forced Labor Scheme in State Prisons
Something I learned a long time ago, and I will never forget -is that the reason why most prison systems have very short visitation times is because they do BUSINESS with a huge telecom company -and the hope is that with shorter times to see people in their life, they will HAVE to inevitably use in-prison phones set-up and therefore will spend more money... Once you start reading about the prison industrial complex you will surely become an abolitionist.
Angela Davis' work is something I can't emphasize and recommend enough to people to learn who want to learn/unlearn more about these issues as a start. This Is one of her most recent books. But she has many on this topic:
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arsenicflame · 8 months
episode 8 fix it where izzy does get shot, but it doesnt kill him- its on the left side after all! a gunshot does more damage than a sword, so he has a longer healing time ahead, and with him still learning how to live missing a leg, they all agree that its best he doesn't sail away with them, that itd be better if he stayed on land while he recovers
conveniently, he just so happens to know two men who are looking to start an inn on land! he can stay with them, help them complete repairs (god knows neither of them knows what theyre doing themselves) he can whittle little souvenirs on his sick bed; he can help moderate their ideas ("theres no point picking drapes yet stede, we don't have a fucking window") he can heal in peace.
maybe he could try being someone else other than the great izzy hands, maybe he could make something new here. no captains, no first mates, just izzy and ed and stede
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nando161mando · 9 days
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UK Labour suspended its Muslim parliamentary candidate for liking a tweet containing a video clip of Jon Stewart talking about Israel
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uncanny-tranny · 4 months
One of the great things about fiber arts (at least to me) is that... you outright own the things you make. It's hard for me to comprehend actually owning something, and that's that. The item you have created doesn't need to come with strings attached (pun intended).
In a world where you are constantly buying things but not owning any of it, truly, it's such an odd experience to actually have ownership of your labour, time, and love like that.
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watchmakermori · 17 days
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toruandmidori · 18 days
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Whenever the time comes, whether it’s a summer election, a winter election, a hard election or a red white and blue election… we’re staying on message - FUCK THE TORIES.
Send some gentle, sticky reminders ahead of the general election with our range of cute, funny and furious anti conservative party stickers. 
Great gifts for angry brits. 
Shop our full politics range here, individual links below: 
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