#lan sizuhi
justaghostingon · 2 years
The Yiling Laozu’s Lost Spells part 2 AKA Chaos in Canon
 part 1 
Wei ying and mo xuanyu were originally planning to just run away, but alas, the Mo family plus the lans plus a freaky hand get in the way
Seriously, what was with that freaky hand? Mo Xuanyu’s used to working with weird stuff but nothing like that. Was that what normal cultivators deal with?
He tries to ask Wei Ying, but Wei ying is to busy freaking out over Hanguang-jun showing up, and what if he saw me???!
Mo xuanyu (excited to see his OTP happening): If you’re worried about looking your best, I can help with that.
Wei ying: I don’t want to look my best! I’m the fourth most handsome master! He’ll recognize me! I want you to make me look so different he’ll never guess it was me! Can you do that?
Mo Xuanyu, who both the soul of a theatre kid and literal years of petty frustrations to work out, was more than willing to take up the task. (But not too bad, he does want his OTP to reunite after all) Thus Wei Ying becomes his “Poor old senile grandpa.” Complete with artfully drawn wrinkles and a shawl for warmth.
Wei ying is having way to much fun pretending to be senile though, so Mo Xuanyu guesses he lost there. 
As they travel Mo Xuanyu asks him about the talismans. The Radishes, the release statements, the grass butterflies, he’s had literal years to study these talismans and he doesn't know how they work fully, he has questions. 
Wei ying is thrilled to see someone respects him for something other than his demonic cultivation or the sword path he can no longer follow. He is happy to tell him what he remembers, but its not much, he wrote most of them in a sleepy haze at 2 in the morning, and he kind of suspects Mo Xuanyu knows more than he does at this point.
Is Mo Xuanyu mad that his whole job is the result of a guy’s sleepy 2am ideas? A little. But at least the Yiling Patriach seems mostly interested in sticking around and helping him instead of going off to form his own cultivation path with all his fake-ass fans. Take that Xue Yang. They’re gonna do their own thing, and it’s gonna be awesome
Then they run into Jin Ling
Jin Ling does not take well to seeing his Uncle who one day was there, serving him tea with a peacock tail, and the next day was gone and everyone started calling an incestuous cut-sleeve. He didn’t even say goodbye!
 Wei ying does not take well to Jin ling not taking well, and proceeds to insult him. 
Mo xuanyu slaps a hand over his mouth and says to ignore his “poor senile grandpa”
Wei Ying: Yeah! Respect your elders kid!
Mo Xuanyu: shut up I am begging you
Wei Ying then tries to use a talisman to release little apple but grabs the wrong one
It was the peacock tail one
Mo Xuanyu tackles Wei ying
Jiang cheng comes into the scene to see his nephew and his nephew’s weird uncle have peacock tails, the latter of which is wrestling an old man under a donkey still caught up in the nets.
Jiang Cheng: ....Weird shit?
Jin Ling (nodding): weird shit
As if it couldn’t get any worse, Hanguang-jun appears to free Little Apple, and see Mo Xuanyu and “the old man” rolling around in the dirt.
There’s no way Mo Xuanyu can reveal to him who the old man is now, Not when he saw him rolling in the ground with the love of Hanguang-jun’s life. The assumptions he’ll make!
Mo Xuanyu: I”m taking my very old and totally senile grandpa back on the night hunt now! Bye!
Lan Sizuhi: A night hunt? With a senile elder? Are you sure you don’t want us to look after him until its over? We have Tea!
Mo Xuanyu (shoving Wei ying forward faster): NO thanks! We’re good!
They should have left right then, but they didn’t want to draw any suspicion. That was a mistake
“Did you make this?” Mo Xuanyu yells to Wei ying as they are running from the giant fairy statue.
“No! Why would you think I made it?” Wei ying yells back. “I don’t make every weird thing that happens to us!”
“Yes! Yes you are!”
The statue grabs Jin Ling, and to save him, MO Xuanyu pulls out his most dangerous talisman: the cooking one. 
Now the statue is trying to cook and use jin ling as an ingredient.
Wei ying summons Wen ning just as MO Xuanyu tries again.
Now Wen ning is hit with the cooking talisman. 
There’s a cook off, Wen Ning is winning. Wen Ning makes rock soup out of the statue. Wen Ning is now trying to force the juniors to eat it. The juniors are crying. So is Wen Ning.
Mo Xuanyu realizes one of the is going to have to hug the ghost general to make this stop. He is not doing it. Even if the ghost general is kinda hot for a corpse. He’s not risking getting fed rock soup.
Wei ying does it.
And jiang sheng comes in. Again.
Jiang Cheng: Wei WuXian! 
Mo Xuanyu: NO it was to release the spell I swear!
Jiang cheng whips Wei ying. Mo Xuanyu watches with baited breath, terrified he’ll have lost his friend before he even really got to know him. Hanguang-jun jumps in to Wei ying’s side but its to late, he’s hit. He goes down, But to the shock of all of them, Wei ying gets back up.
“You whipped me!” He says in his absolute worst old man voice. “Unfillital! No respect for your elders! Hitting old men who can’t defend themselves, what has this generation come too? Humph!”
Hanguang-Jun gently helps him to his feet, placing himself between Jiang cheng and wei ying. Wei ying blushes
“Oh now here’s a polite young man,” Wei ying leans into Lan zhan’s space. “And so handsome too! I could eat you up!”
Wei ying thinks he’s being that annoying type of elder who pinches your cheeks and makes lan zhan want to leave quicker. Mo xuanyu wishes Wei ying would stop flirting with his boyfriend before he gets them caught.
“Mark your words,” Goes Lan Zhan, sweeping up Wei ying in his arms.
Mo xuanyu wants to faint.
“why is Hanguang-jun taking that old man?” one of the juniors mutters
“It’s a cutsleeve thing!” MO xuanyu blurts out. “We like older men!” then winces at the very stupid excuse. 
“You would know.” goes the junior nastily. Mo Xuanyu wilts, remembering for the first time in a while what all these people think of him.
Jin ling proceeds to hit said junior in the back with his bow. No one insults his uncle but him. 
 “You’d better come with us,” Lan Sizuhi offers, slipping beside Mo Xuanyu. “You'll be a welcome guest at Cloud recesses, and you’ll want to be with your grandpa of course.”
“I’m allowed?” Mo Xuanyu asked, remembering that Lan Xichen was close to Jin Guangyao. He’d been certain they’d heard the rumors and didn’t want him anywhere near their precious pure cloud recesses. 
“Of course,” Lan Sizuhi smiles. “As if we’d ever ban the brave hero who saved Hanguang-jun and all those rabbits.”
“And the flowers,” Mo xuanyu reminds him, and follows. 
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khattikeri · 5 months
guys i'm gonna be completely honest. even if lan wangji revealed from the start to post-resurrection wei wuxian that sizuhi is a-yuan i bet you a hundred bucks wei wuxian would've just been all "omg 🥺 thank you for raising my son, that's so kind of you! how embarrassing that you cleaned up after my mess leaving him alone. ahhh lan zhan you're too good. you're too good to me, such a good friend" [cue wangji, feral, biting him again]
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jasontoddiefor · 1 year
I understand that the prompt thing was a while back but
If you play around with cql and book timelines but just a few years, it is entirely feasible that MXY's body is either the same age, or younger than lan sizhui, making Lan wangji and wei wuxian prereveal, that much better
I'm p sure I actually saw a fic like that somewhere? Anyway, take a couple lines of dialogue:
“It’s a bit weird, isn’t it?” Lan Jingyi said, proving once more that Lan Sizhui needed better friends. “Like, don’t you think it’s weird? I never thought Hanguang-jun would be into—”
“Gossiping is forbidden,” Lan Sizhui said before Jingyi had he chance to finish his sentence and force him to consider the circumstances that he’d been trying to ignore for the better half of their journey.
“This isn’t gossiping, this is information gathering and the teachers always say that I need to be more informative!”
“In your essays, not about my father’s love life.”
“Ha!” Jingyi pointed acusingly at Sizhui. “So you were thinking about how weird it is that your father is considering someone our age. We could be courting Mo Xuanyu. Not that I want to court that lunatic, but—!”
Blessed silence.
Lan Sizuhi was not going to keep having this conversation and he was going to be polite to his father’s companion and not consider anything about this besides the warmth of Lan Wangji’s happiness.
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manglewoods · 2 months
roleplay rules
please do not state anything suicidal or rape wise. yes there's some characters who may have done suicide but if stated don't elongate it. keep it brief.
role play style:
i usally do semi lit. but depending if im busy depends on the response. and if im in a major rp mood i can due more then semi lit. 
ships- mdzs:
i'm a multi shipper so im willing to try any ships.
some of my fav ships currently are: 
xue yang x xiao xingchen (played)
(played) nie huaisang x jiang cheng/ (played) wei wuxian
(played) lan wangji x wei wuxian
nie huasang x wen ning 
jiang cheng x wei wuxian
(played) lan xichen x jiang cheng
(played) lan sizuhi x lan jingyi/ jin ling
i am willing to try other ships!
ive played shen qinqqiu, both binghes, tianglang-jun, shen jiu and i ship the whole sqq harem with shen yuan. 
ships-heavens offical- 
(played) xie lian x (played) hua cheng
(played) mu qing x feng xin
(played) Shi Qingxuan x He Xuan
ive also played qi rong!
roleplay is about fun its not a completion on who could out word whom.
if u wish to rp let me know, dm me or comment ill get back to u as soon as i can.
  i do allow 18+ because i am over 18 and im ok with it just be over 18 and make sure its ok
discord is open!
Omegaverse (especially omega lwj)
Genderbend and trans characters
High intensity plots
High emotion
Sexual tension
Enemies to lovers
Rivals to lovers
Adult age gaps (this one reminds me of binghe and shen qingqiu)
Forbidden love
Getting caught
Fantasy creatures
Fantasy royalty
Animalistic/shapeshifters (predator/prey is juicy)
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
I know I may never see him again, but the pain of knowing it still stings. I miss Lan Zhan with all my aching heart, I love him so much and he may never know, or maybe he will always know, but I can't know that, not in this life. I miss A-Yuan, my little guy, or I guess he probably would want me to call him Sizuhi now, regardless he will always be my little guy. I miss my family, even if my life was a disaster, and I'd give anything to go back, live through the pain and suffering again to be able to be with them again. If you are out there boys, come home. If not, well, I guess I'll just have to live with that. - A Nostalgic Wei Wuxian #❤️‍🔥🍃🌶️
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xirongg · 2 years
Lan sizuhi is canonically an adoptive family to lan zhan and Wei ying, MEANING that their his GUARDIANS, which in terms to them being MARRIED, and taking care of Lan SiZuhi since he was young and him viewing them as something he cherishes most, he called Lan zhan dad (and Wei ying) and called wei ying mom(my), which inturn:
they are his dads and he is their son.
I rest my case.
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jellyfish-confetti · 4 years
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I have done a thing because I just want fucking grown up Lan Sizuhi and Jin Ling SO BAD
P.S. I want Jin Ling to have inherited his mom's height because smol
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mdzs-headcannons · 2 years
Picture this:
As a child, before his father is cemented in his brain as much more than "father" or "pretty gege", Lan Sizuhi is asked where Lan Wangji is.
Confused, but with great spirit, he leads the inquiring party to the Jingshi, and proudly presents Wangji The Guqin instead of Wangji the man.
He's a little confused, but he's doing his best.
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goldencorecrunches · 4 years
@lanzhanshands and I were having a conversation about LXC being everyone’s emergency contact and --
Jiang Cheng could understand Lan Jingyi. Not, like, in general-- kid talked up a storm and, as far as Jiang Cheng could tell, had never followed through on a thought in his life-- but he could understand why he'd put down his...uncle? How were the two of them related? Anyway, why he'd put Lan Xichen down as his emergency contact, while his parents were off on sabbatical. (Jiang Cheng was sure he'd heard that, somewhere. He'd never actually met Lan Jingyi's parents, come to think of it. Not that he needed to meet everyone, but….well, the world of modern cultivation tended to be fairly small, by necessity.) (Maybe he should look into that.) He could even understand Lan Sizhui-- his fathers were both terrible at picking up their phones, and tended towards the type of work besides that put them in deep secret locations with poor cell service and difficulty leaving in a hurry. A little unconventional, maybe, but hey, Jiang Cheng had had enough experience with the ways the conventional fell short of the necessary mark. What he didn't get was why-- "WEI YING! What the FUCK!"
"Ah! A-Cheng!" His brother had the grace to look guilty, at least-- unless that was just the pallor from the bloodloss. "What are you doing here?" "I'm dropping Jin Ling off, because his friends," Jiang Cheng said, stalking forward, "got sent to the ER, and I think now I have a good idea how."
"This one wasn't my idea!" Wei Ying held up his hands, pleading. His right arm was in a cast. Wei Ying saw Jiang Cheng glaring at it and hid it quickly under the scratchy-looking hospital sheet. "Ask them! I'm innocent!" "Sir, please stay still," said the nurse, attempting to fasten a blood pressure cuff around Wei Ying's flailing, un-broken arm. The man's name tag said his name was Wen Ning; the circles under his eyes said he'd been on shift for too many hours. Poor guy looked dead. How could he be sure he was doing things correctly, then? Jiang Chang eyed him suspiciously. "You could handcuff me to the bed," Wei Ying suggested cheerfully. The nurse paused, blinked slowly, and then resumed attempting to fasten the velcro cuff. Jiang Cheng opened his mouth to yell at his brother, because you shouldn't flirt with people at their jobs, and besides he had a husband, and-- and that was the whole point! "Why is he your emergency contact, and not the one you're married to?" Jiang Cheng said, waving a hand towards Lan Xichen. The man was standing at the end of Lan Sizuhi's bed, speaking with an intern with a clipboard. He was as serene and well-put-together as ever. Every time they were in the same room Jiang Cheng was painfully aware of how his hair never lay down flat, and his shirts always seemed to come untucked in the back. "Lan Zhan worries so much," Wei Ying said, pulling a face so sappy Jiang Cheng wanted to punch it off. Except there was a lot of bruising there already, kind of an alarming overripe fruit color, and couldn't he stay out of trouble for one week, one fucking week while Jiang Cheng tried to keep the sect from curdling around their ears? The nurse had progressed to tucking his stethoscope under the cuff and listening to his pulse, which greatly restricted the breadth of Wei Ying's gestures. Something in Jiang Cheng's chest squeezed, so tight it hurt. "And he gets all frowny, and I like it when he's frowny but not at me--" "THAT'S NOT A GOOD ENOUGH--" "Shhhh, no yelling," said Lan Jingyi from the next bed. He flapped his hands from beneath the tangle of arms caging him in. Jin Ling and that Ouyang kid seemed to have performed some eldritch summoning charm to allow them to stretch across the beds of both of their friends at the same time. The Ouyang kid had also procured handmade cards, which was impressive considering how little lead time he must've had. (Not that Jin Ling had told Jiang Cheng that he'd be picking up Ouyang Zizhen as well as him, on this one-of-too-many-before-it hospital trip. Because Jiang Cheng was apparently a chauffeur service for his nephew's friends now. Great.) (He remembered painfully what it had been like before Jin Ling had had any friends at all, and how much happier he was now. So what if he was a little indulgent? A-Ling deserved that!)
"They gave him a sedative," Lan Sizhui said apologetically, beneath his own multitudinous embrace. "I think it hit him pretty hard. He was going on about the new drama he's watching…" "Everyone should watch it," Lan Jingyi said, in a slow, sing-song voice. He opened his mouth, as if to yawn, and then frowned when nothing happened. He smacked his lips and tried again. And again. He was distracted from trying a fourth time by Jin Ling shoving a cup of water in his face. A bit forceful, maybe, considering how half of it slopped down Lan Jingyi's front, but Jiang Cheng figured his nephew had the right caring spirit. Lan Xichen's smile was beginning to look slightly concerned. "I wasn't aware your brother hadn't informed you he was in the hospital," he said to Jiang Cheng; ostensibly, it was a murmur, but the general noise of the ER around them made it closer to normal volume. "I apologize if I've overstepped." "You haven't," Jiang Cheng said automatically, because it was impossible to be rude to Lan Xichen without feeling some kind of guilty about it; it was like kicking a baby….small animal thing. Like a chipmunk? No, bigger than that. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, blocking out the whole mess before him for a few blessed moments. When he opened his eyes again he discovered Wei Ying had taken those few moments to open a bag of vending machine gummy worms, one-handed, and spill them all over the bed. "Should you even be eating those?" Jiang Cheng asked, dodging Nurse Wen-- who had moved on to attempt the blood pressure cuff on Lan Jingyi, a better patient only in the context of having Wei Ying go before him-- and picking up the now-empty bag to check the label. Sugar dust poured out of the rip down the center, sticking to Jiang Cheng's hands. He sighed again, pointedly, at Wei Ying. "Mm-mm," said Wei Ying through a mouthful of gummy worms, shrugging. Jiang Cheng threw the bag at his face. It fluttered disappointingly through the air between them, coming to a gentle rest on Wei Ying's blanketed knee.
"If you don't want a Lan as your emergency contact, you could have just put me," Jiang Cheng said. He raised a hand as he saw Wei Ying's eyes bulge, mouth opening to show half-chewed gummies (gross). "Don't! Don't say anything! Whatever you're about to say, stop it!" "You do love me!" Wei Ying said anyway, in blatant disregard of Jiang Cheng's express orders. Jiang Cheng felt his face flush hot, and he stepped back as fast as he could, dodging the clumsy sweep of Wei Ying's arm. "A-Yuan, he's being mean to me," Wei Ying whined, turning on his side. He got caught on the tube from his IV; grumbling, Jiang Cheng moved to drape it safely over the back of his pillow. "I think you might deserve it this time, dad." "Hey! Hey!" "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" "Please stop moving, I'm almost finished I promise--"
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eialyne · 2 years
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That moment when you make a project post and you realize you got names mixed up and staged/wrote up everything for the wrong Lan ">> The dish is now half eaten and I dont have access to anything with Sizuhi on it so uh....just pretend that those robes to the side are his and not a hastily cropped Xichen... #mycooking #tudousi #spicyandsourshreddedpotatoes #lansizhui #modaozushi #grandmasterofdemoniccultivation #mdzs https://www.instagram.com/p/CYpzZ-ELUgr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 39 - watching notes
How did this show manage to make me care for these characters in about one episode???
Xue Yang is 100 kinds of creepy
How does he disappear like that? That's a power we haven't seen on this show yet
This whole revenge plot is waaay too convoluted to be only about revenge
Ohoh ... this silence is too ominous
I love how A-Qing still has her rebellious streak, even in death
This is too easy ... he won't die just like this, right?
Holy shit his arm!! 😱😱😱
Um ... sorry but, it's really obvious that the actor just has his arm tugged under his clothes 😅
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He's not the guy under the mask???
Who is that and why does he want the stygian tiger amulet???
I was so sure that that was him
Lan and Jin sword style? I'm wreaking my brain right now who has a strong connection to both, but I'm coming up empty
Oh no, a qing :'(
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This is such a brilliant shot! Goosebumps! All over!
And wow
All the awards for song lan's actor 😥
I am ... fascinated by Xue Yang's backstory. Like ... the guy is a goddamn sociopath
With the parallels of his backstory to wwx it's almost like he's wwx without his good heart 😥
So ... all of this is a direct consequence of what happened when they met them in the flashback?
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But this isn't how "human affairs" should go or even normally do! Obviously, xue Yang isn't a reliable narrator at all, but all I want to do is wrap Xiao Xingchen in my arms and tell him that not all his good faith in humanity was misplaced 💔
"Stupid, naive, dumb idiots like you, who think the world is a better place just because they did something good!"
But it is!!!! The world on it's own, without humans, isn't inherently good or evil! It is what it is. Good or evil, that's up to us! In the face of the endless indifference of the universe, every act of kindness tips the scale towards a better world!
(Sorry, my atheism is showing)
And that's why I will always have infinitely more respect for the Xiao Xingchens of the world than the cruel and bitter Xue Yangs.
Oh fuck no
No, this will break him, won't it? 😰
Oh no 😭😭😭😭
Oh no
"Say something..."
Oh god
Does this show want to set some kind of record for must characters severely traumatised in 50 episodes???
When I wrote that I hadn't seen yet ...
He ... killed himself
I am crying so hard right now and I feel like I haven't even really processed the full tragedy of this arc yet
What is Xue Yang doing?
This is so weird. He honestly looks at Xiao Xingchen like he is a doting husband waiting for him to come home
And now it makes sense that he wanted wwx to restore his soul
And why his soul didn't want to be restored ... because he killed himself. He doesn't want to come back 😥
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The way this looks ... that can't be an accident
So NOW he's grieving. Because he can't bring Xiao Xingchen back, can't control him. Xue Yang has such a screwed psychy, it's fascinating ... in a very disturbing way
Wow, he's damaged ...
Oh no ... the candy ... THE CANDY!!!
Holy shit ... what even am I supposed to feel right now? 😨😨😨
Trying to parse that out, I feel like (and this is just my first impressionof thus and my very raw thoughts)... Xiao Xingchen and his kindness they did touch Xue Yang. But he was ill-equipped to deal with whatever feelings they stirred in him, because he had already been so twisted by the world and his own actions. And so he expressed his love the same way he expressed everything: with obsession and the desire to posses and control.
Honestly, I need some more time to really process this ...
They buried A Qing 😭
Oh, Lan Jingyi. I didn't know you had it in you 💚💚💚
Oh god, the Juniors are ALL so soft! 😭
Oh god I want to know so badly. What did Lan Wangji want to say??? "Fortunately... this wasn't us" "Fortunately... you came back to me"? 😭
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Omg ... this is a parallel right? From behind they might as well be song lan and Xiao Xingchen!
Oh song lan 💔
The way he takes the pouch 🥺
And Lan Wangji's look. Maybe I'm imagining too much into this but ... if that's not a man intimately aware of what he's going through
"Roam the world. Exorcise evil beings alongside Xingchen."
I can't guys, I'm crying so hard right now 💔💔💔
Holy shit Lan Wangji's actor's performance as he hands him the sword 😭😭😭
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look at the screenshot up there again!!
I'm ugly crying so hard right now 😭😭😭
Gimme a moment ...
Tge music in the next scene is really unusual for this show, almost jarring after I've just bawled my eyes out
What is that?
An entrance?
Okay no, not an entrance
Who is that????
The Juniors!!!
The scenery us so pretty :)
Waitwaitwait ... I have a suspicion... no ... nooooo? It can't be ...
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The butterfly toy ...
And the comments in the last episode fit, too ... 😳😳😳
The shot of the little flying thing! That's in that restaurant, right??
The comment about remembering stuff from when you're three!
@sweetlittlevampire IS HE A YUAN??? 😱😱😱
I'm crying again you guys
Of course he is! It all makes sense
And omg, lan Wangji with the bunny lantern 😭😭😭
And now wwx remembers A Yuan and... the LOOK!!! The song!!! The bunnies!!!
The smile 😭😭😭😭
"Let's buy it" "Okay"
They're a family, you guys!!!! They're a family and I'm ... so ... so emotional!!! 😭😭😭
So much softness between them!!! 💙🖤💙🖤
And wwx smiles as brightly as before this whole mess and ...
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Holy shit this episode you guys!!!
First I cry out of sheer devastation and now I feel like my heart is ready to burst!
And it FITS!!!
wangxian got the happy ending Xiao Xingchen and song lan never did. They reunited and even though they spent many years apart they have a real chance now!!!
And this, their child, this is the pay off.
I'm listening to the new album by Nightwish (my favourite band) all the time right now and in their song "How's the heart?" Is this line "now there's one who came from me / A child of light, another tale" and I can't help but think of that right now! The whole song is about how it is worth it, going through the bleak times, fighting through your own darkness because there is light and love at the end of it. It's worth it to keep fighting, just so we can keep meeting others with love. And I can't help but think of little A Yuan/ Lan Sizuhi (and god, I'm almost bursting at the fact that I can write that line!!) As their manifestation of that love. Their "child of light" :')
And even with Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan ... there is this slight hopeful feeling of "we will meet again", if not in this life than in the next ...
Guys, I'm so emotional right now
Sorry for the tengant. It probably doesnt make much sense put in writing 💚
I'm so sad and so happy at the same time ... :')
Oh god, lan Wangji with the lantern is so unimaginably cute!!!
And they gave it to Lan Sizhui!!!
Now, this should be interesting
How much does lan Xichen even know at this point?
Ohhh! That was nie Mingjue in the coffin earlier!
Why is he buried in Yi City???
I'm so confused right now!
(But don't tell me the answers. As always, these are rhetorical questions ;))
Ohhh ...
I have a suspicion about the ghost faced man
And apparently I'm not the only one
He has been "discussing" things with you every single night. Aha 😏
Sorry, this is serious 😬
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(This has nothing to do with anything but I paused the stream to type and this was the image I got. I thought i should share :D)
Lan Xichen is so deep in denial
Poor guy
And again with the parallels! There is another Lan who has stuck to someone with a bad reputation and he's standing right there
And jin ling is conveniently reminding us of that 😐
So much drama
That was smooth!
Just, "Wei-gongze" :D
"Don't take it to heart"
I feel like Lan Wangji isn't the only Lan who will suffer an aneurysm from repressed emotions one day
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose and @sxnshot (should I tag you again next ep? No hard feelings if not 😊)
Honestly, this ep was the most emotional one for me so far in terms of the whiplash from pain and joy it gave me, though I certainly cried harder at the Yunmeng massacre. The prevailing emotion is joy now, though. I am such a sucker for mismatched, found families and wangxian and their child of light isn't exactly that, I don't know what is. I'm going to sleep with a smile on my face now. 💚
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aliceindanmeiland · 3 years
Hi....If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite MXTX characters (top 5 from each novel)? And why? I'm sorry if you've answered this question before.
Hello! I don’t mind at all 😊
Top 5 oof ok. I have not read the novels in a good while so bare with me.
1. Lan Wangji: Why? Bc he is lwj 😆 but in all fairness I love characters like him. I can relate to him on some level. He is such a strong and devoted character. That’s what I love about him. I could go on and on about how much I love him but I’ll leave it at that.
2. Wei Wu Xian: Once again I can relate to some of his personality. I love the fact that after all he went though he can still keep a smile and never truely change. He matured but he is still the same kind boy on the in side.
3. Jian Cheng: I love this boy so much. Most people think he is too harsh. But honestly his bark is worsts then his bite. I mean really when has he ever even raise a hand to Jing Ling even though he threatens to break his legs all the time? Lol really he is just a really hurt and lonely guy deep down.
4. Lan Sizuhi: Do I really need to explain why? He is a good boy. He his kind and super patient guys. I love that he doesn’t judge others based on what other people says.
5. Lan Xichen: He is kind hearted and really gentle. But it’s also his downfall. I love how good of a big brother he is to Lan Wangji.
Scum Villan
1. Shen Qingqiu/ Shen Yuan: What can I say other that he relateable? He is basically all us nerds 😆 I really love his gay panick a lot.
2. Lou Binghe: Little sheep turn demon king. I just wan to give him a hug. I’m both sad and glad of his character development.
3. Liu Qingge: He is like a less angry Jiang Cheng 😆 I really love how loyal he is to SQQ after he saved him.
4: Yue Qingyuan: He is a Lxc like character which I love. His story with the original SQQ gets me good.
5. Shang Qinghua: Gay crack. That’s all.
1. Xie Lian: I think out of all of MXTX’s MC I love XL the most. He is the most relatable to me. I love his character development and no matter hardship he been though he still stay true to his morals. Even though he fail at some point he pulled himself back.
2. Hua Chang: I know you are all super shock 😆 What is there not to like about him? Yes I am a big HC stan and is not ashamed. I love his sass lol what really got me is his complete and utter devotion to XL. Even when XL had no one he still has HC even if he didn’t know it.
3. Feng Xin: He is my angry boy 😆 not much I can say other then I love characters like him. Akward tsudera. But I loyal.
4. Shi Qingxuan: I LOVE how fluid he is about his gender. He is just really funny. A bit clueless but kind.
5: He Xuan: Oh man the angst edge lord lol. His backstory is so sad. In the end he still can’t move on. I like that he is a good guy. Yea lol
Sorry some answers are shorter lol I got lazy 😆 sorry for long post in mobile so don’t know how to do read more.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 4 years
Just before being thrown into the Burial Mounds, Wen Chao assaulted Wei Wuxian. Over time, WWX notices how his stomach is becoming bigger and is horrified when he realizes that he is carrying Wen Ruohan’s grandson. After escaping the BM, WWX gives up his baby to Wen Ning and Wen Qing. The child will be safer with them and WWX is too young to be a parent. (He also can’t look at his child’s face without being reminded of *him*.) (Part 1 of ?) Burial Mounds Child AU
Burial Mounds Child AU: Part 2 WWX tried to convince himself that his child will be better off without knowing that it’s father is the YP. Then, Wen Qing tells him about the labor camps and WWX imagines horrific images of his baby. This is why WWX didn’t give two fucks if he got in trouble when he crashed the celebration banquet and threatened Jin Zixun. He sees what they did to Wen Ning and to the other innocent Wen Remnants, what they could have done to his baby. He will never forgive them.
Burial Mounds Child AU: Part 3 It was ironic, that his child should be born in the BM and return not even 6 months later. WWX blames himself for WN and hates himself when he thinks about what could’ve happened to his baby. But the past is in the past, WWX will burn the world to keep his child safe. His baby. His little a-Yuan.
Burial Mounds Child AU: Part 4 It’s been almost a year since the incident where WWX broke out 50 prisoners from the labor camps. In that time, he loved every minute of being a-Yuan’s parent. It was difficult to even look at the boy at first, but now, the only emotion he feels when he looks at his baby’s face is wonder and happiness and joy. Nothing can take away the bliss that is being a parent from WWX, even if he hadn’t wanted to. He just naturally adores children.
Burial Mounds Child AU: Part 5.1 During the Siege of the BM, WWX tries his best to hide his beloved a-Yuan. Tears streamed down his face as he kissed the wailing infant goodbye. The cries would attract too much attention, so WWX passed a-Yuan his red hair ribbon. The baby quieted almost immediately. His baby boy. He must live. No one can know that this is the heir to Qishan-Wen. No one. Too bad that all direct descendants of Wen Mao bear a birthmark in the shape of the sun.
Burial Mounds Child AU: Part 5.2 As he walks away, WWX can’t help but bitterly think to himself, “Is this how Madam Yu felt when she sent away Jiang Cheng?” Yes and no. The difference being, YZY was sure that her son would be safe in WWX’s hands. WWX could only pray to the gods that his child survived.
Burial Mounds Child AU: Part 6 WWX recognizes his child the moment he lay eyes on him. No matter I’d it’s been 13 years or even 1,300 years, a parent never forgets. WWX wanted nothing more than to run up to his son, his baby, his a-Yuan, and give him the tightest hug humanly possible. But he can’t. He can’t ruin his a-Yua-... Lan Sizuhi’s life. The boy is better off not knowing anything about the man who birthed him or the monster who conceived him. So he watches from afar. Never approaching.
Burial Mounds Child AU: Part 7.1 At Guanyin Temple, Jin Guangyao uses everything he can possibly get his hands on to his advantage. Emotional manipulation was his forte after all. Silence engulfed the room. Jin Guangyao’s sickly sweet smile widened even more. “You never told them, did you?” Wei Ying’s smirk faded from his face. “Shut up.” Jin Guangyao turned to Lan Zhan. “Not even him.” “I said shut up.”
(Thats all I’ve got in my inbox of this, is there more?)
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random-multi-fandom · 4 years
Lan Sizuhi: what you guys doing?
Jin Ling, face down on the floor: waiting for the ground and me to become one
Lan Jingy:[excitedly] a smoothie!
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antiquecompass · 5 years
Untamed Fest Day 5: Music
“Is it true your dad proposed to your other dad with a song?”
Lan Sizhui looked up from his music book to find half the classroom staring at him. 
“Um, what?” he asked. 
Sophie McKim pulled up from the slouch she had over his upright piano and gave him a sheepish smile. “It’s just--I heard that Mr. Lan proposed to your dad with a song.”
“He wrote him a song, but that was back when they were teenagers,” Sizhui said.
“Really?” Sophie asked, eyes gone bright. “Isn’t that romantic.”
“Sure,” Sizhui said as he turned back to his work. “If you think over ten years of pining just to get a date is romantic.”
“It is!” Jingyi said from beside him, fingers tuning the acoustic guitar in his lap. “You can’t trust Sizhui about this stuff. He’s grown-up immune to it. He shrugs it off like it isn’t the most romantic thing in the world that Mr. Lan set his heart on his dad when they were seven years old and held on to and grew up with that love. And then wrote him <i>that</i> song.” He sighed. “They always play it together at the special music lectures.”
“They still didn’t really date for another three years after Papa first showed Dad the finished song.”
Jingyi reached over and threw half of Sizhui’s hair over his eyes. “Stop ruining our romantic visions with your reality.”
“History. Truth. Facts.”
“Were you there?” Jingyi asked. 
“You do know my parents got engaged after Papa came home from the yearly retreat to find me and my dad in the bathroom. Papa basically demanded they would be married before the year was out. It wasn’t romantic; it was practical. You do know that, right?”
“Lies,” Jingyi said. “My mother says it was at Cloud Recesses and there were fireworks.”
“That was their second proposal,” Sizhui said. 
“She also said when you first met Cousin Zhan that you--”
Sizhui quickly slapped a hand over Jingyi’s mouth. It was bad enough his parents often retold the story of him clinging, wet and naked from a bath, to his Papa’s leg upon first meeting him. He didn’t need the entire school to know.
Jingyi drew his fingers to that spot on Sizhui’s wrist that always made him squeal and flinch away from how ticklish it was.
There was no pride today in the Advanced Band classroom.
“I will tell them about the time you covered your entire body in marshmallow fluff and then got chased by seagulls,” Sizhui hissed, low enough for only Jingyi to hear.
Jingyi’s eyes widened. “That was a sleepover secret. You and Zizhen swore never to reveal it to anyone.”
“If I go down, I’m taking you with me, Jingyi.”
Jingyi got that look in his eyes that meant a dare was about to be issued, but when the classroom door opened they pulled apart, sitting at attention.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Lan,” the entire class greeted.
Papa nodded as he placed his planner and portfolio on the desk. He walked to the center of the classroom, sparing a warm glance for Sizhui, before starting class.
“It is the third Friday of the month. Since some of you are new to Advanced Band, on the third Friday a free day is allowed. We focus on more modern pieces, rather than our traditional coursework. Are there any requests for today?”
Let it never be said Sophie McKim knew fear. Her hand shot up in the air faster than any other student.
“Miss Mckim?”
“Mr. Lan, may we hear the song you wrote for your husband?”
Sizhui was probably the only one in the room who caught the quick look of surprise that ran across his father’s face, but it disappeared quickly for a small, crooked smile.
“I don’t have enough copies of the sheet work for the class,” he said.
“Can we just listen to you play it?” Sophie asked. 
“It is best heard as a duet,” Papa said. “Sizhui, Jingyi, if you would?”
“This is your fault,” Sizhui muttered as he stood and pulled a copy of the sheet music out from the piano bench. 
“Make room, Sizhui,” Jingyi said as he scooted next to him on the bench, his guitar traded for his metal flute.
“There is a chair right there,” Sizhui said.
“Give into the romance of it all,” Jingyi said.
“Gentlemen, is there a problem?”
“No, Mr. Lan,” they answered.
“For the record,” Sizhui said, raising his voice for the entire class to hear, “this should be played with the guqin and the dizi.”
Papa nodded. “There is a special music lecture at the end of the month. Any who wish to attend can hear it played with its traditional instruments.”
“What about the lyrics?” Jingyi asked.
Sizhui would not stomp on Jingyi’s foot, because Papa was right there, and Jingyi had just gotten over a sprained ankle, but he would absolutely dump the entire canister of pepper flakes on his pizza at dinner. It’d make for an awkward date, but Sizhui felt it was justified. He hated singing in front of people.
“Sizhui, please start.”
Sizhui stretched out his hands as he started to play, the lyrics coming out of his mouth in the soft way he’d heard since he was a child; as a lullaby, as a hummed melody, as a soft song of comfort sung between his father’s when one of them was sick. He couldn’t remember the first time he’d heard the song, but it’d been there his whole life, in some form or other. He really didn’t need the sheet music to play, memory guiding his fingers as well as the words coming out of his mouth. 
It wasn’t exactly a joyous song, neither in music or lyrics, and Sizhui could only imagine what Papa must’ve been feeling as he composed it, trying to put his deepest fears and yearnings in metaphors about distance and life and death and the like. But it ended on hope. So much hope. There in the notes at the end, ending strong where it started soft, ending sure where it started almost tentative. The ode of love from a boy who spent his entire youth in love with someone he was never sure he could ever really have--and then he could, and then did. 
The classroom was silent when they finished. Sizhui pretended not to see Jingyi quickly wipe his eyes. 
Sizuhi turned to Sophie. “Is it all you hoped for?”
Her eyes looked glassy as she nodded. She turned to Papa. “Mr. Lan, thank you for letting us hear it.”
Papa bowed his head. “Any other requests?”
Sizhui didn’t pay much attention as he closed the sheet music and listened to various requests for Hamilton and The Greatest Show with Six finally winning out, with the opening notes of <i>Ex-Wives</i> filling the room. Jingyi also stayed quiet next to him as he took apart his flute and carefully put it back in its case.
“You know, you just have to ask any time you want to hear it,” Sizhui said, resting his chin on Jingyi’s shoulder. “You don’t have to sic Sophie McKim on me.”
“She really did want to hear it, though,” Jingyi said. He quickly nuzzled his nose against Sizhui’s, putting some distance between them before they could get caught. “Maybe one day I’ll write a song for you.”
“Really?” Sizhui asked. “And how would it go?”
“Sizhui,” he started.
“Right here.”
“Shh,” Jingyi said. “I’m composing. I’m trying to figure out what rhymes with Sizhui.”
“It doesn’t have to rhyme.”
“It should rhyme,” Jingyi said. He thought for a few more minutes and then sighed. “Fine, it won’t rhyme. Sizhui.”
“Present and accounted for.”
“Sizhui, I want to kiss that mole on your cheek and see you smile for an entire week.”
Sizhui laughed as he turned his attention back to the class. “Maybe spend some more time on the lyrics, but once we’re out of school, feel free to kiss me wherever you want.”
Maybe he’d only dump half the container of pepper flakes on his pizza. 
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lanzhanss · 5 years
chapter 82
Another chapter is out. Two chapters in a week. im sobbing
I freaking sobbed in this chapter. It was so good and sad at the same time
Wen Ning most probably recognizing Sizuhi
The juniors helping out wwx
the corpse who came to Sizuhi ( i really think it was either WQ or his granny) and im fucking sobbing
WWX and LWJ saluting the corpses and the corpses saluting back
Wen Ning collecting the ashes of his famiy
Lan Jingyi giving WN a pouch and the others helping him out
WWX finally speaking up for himself, saying what they want him to do
wwx saying how the things he’s done will stay in his mind
And in the end when i was shedding rivers  Nei Huaisang coming with the “No more corpses will come right? We’re really safe this time right?“
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