#len cosplay
dovepaw3000 · 1 month
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Hello my name is Dove and I'm a Miku expo defender. Really though, seeing Miku or any of the vocaloids live has been a childhood dream of mine since I got into them as a kid. I cried a few times hence my bottom eye makeup being smudged and one of my eyelashes trying to escape lolol.
But ye, I went in blind other than knowing the theme, contest winner (miku miku beaMMM), and the 1st song being anamanaguchi. I'm so glad I did. 2 utsu songs? Vampire? Gimme x gimme??? Fucking Miku Fiesta?? Man. I cried more at this concert than I have in like the past 5 months or so lolol.
And a big thank you to my friends who cosplayed with me! I had fun styling the rin and len wigs and kudos to my bud that cosplayed Luka. She had never cosplayed before, and she heckin' killed it. It was also hilarious because any video that I saw taken from the stairs behind us, I could see the stupid top spike of the len wig clearly in each one. Like, our len is a good average height. Stuck out like a sore thumb. Lololol.
Also yo to the other group of cosplayers we say immediately after at waffle house. Great minds think alike haha.
Nah tho. Miku Expo? Banger. If they decide to tour the US again and if they stop somewhere within driving distance, I wanna go again.
Thank you Miku, and thank you to the band. Hopefully crunchyroll will figure out their shit or someone else will be in charge next time. Yeehaw
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glassrednoshozo · 11 months
amostia costest from today 😭 didn't like it too much so I might delete this
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royalxclass · 1 year
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legfish · 6 months
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trible baka + cosplay
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shu-kun · 18 days
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Ahh finally I'm able to show you my Kaito cosplay
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jellyfish-cosplay · 21 days
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Met so many lovely people at CPAC!
(Xie Lian is @/aniquiki on insta)
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mitchie-m · 7 months
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miramagiccreations · 4 months
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Me and my best friends are going to Miku expo soon so I needed to get my excitement out by drawing the princess of pop herself!
( A reblog and a like would very much be appreciated to help out a small artist! Thank you! <33 )
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kettkit · 4 months
hi!! i'm trying to get more moots lol
im kett and my pronouns are he/they/them! im vietnamese american and an amateur cosplayer
pls follow or comment or dm me if you like
- japanese rhythm games (chunithm, wacca, gitadora, taiko, etc)
- cosplay (im gonna be doing mainly jpop and vocaloid cosplay)
- vocaloid
- plushies
- piano
- violin
- being cat coded/cats in general
i'd love to meet more people :DD
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rockleeamadeus · 6 months
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merry christmas, gintoki darling 💕
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fatfrogcosplay · 25 days
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shinkuju · 7 months
Hi, I'm shinkuju. I'm russian speaking cosplayer. It's my first post in Tumblr and I hope this community to be friendly (sorry for any mistakes I speak English very badly) I'm interested in kuroshitsuji, vocaloid, project sekai and other less popular fandoms. I'll post here my cosplays and maybe other themed things
Tiktok: shin_kuju
Telegram channel: Слив дохлого Син-тяна
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mushroom-person · 1 year
i love being cringe
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a-cure-for-hysteria · 8 months
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Gonna dress up as Crowley for Halloween. I already have a lot of snake themed jewelry, black clothes and cool sunglasses, the lenses I’m waiting for will just be a nod to whoever has watched the show, and to everyone else I will just be a snake-themed goth lady with novelty contact lenses.
I ordered reptile iris lenses and the only place I could find them was from a site similar to Ali Express or Wish. They weren’t too cheap, around the equivalent of 20 USD.
However. I have never had to wear lenses (or glasses) and I have questions:
1: Can I drive with contact lenses that cover as much of the pupil as the reptile lenses will? Advisable or not?
2: Are novelty lenses higher a risk for the eyes? Like, are there more cases of infections or something (compared to lenses for eye sight purposes alone) because of cheap or unsanitary production?
3: I’m going to a party wearing them. What if I forget to take them out? Will they slide behind my eye? Will I need to get them out surgically?
4: Is it comfortable to wear lenses? I have the ‘tism and some other things, I don’t necessarily habituate new sensations, but I know the cosplay lot grapples with a lot of ‘tism themselves, so perhaps the sensory aspect isn’t a problem?
Thank you for answers and for not laughing at me for being an anxious 36 year old baby with the luxury of ✨perfect vision✨ and no experience with anything similar to cosplay.
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cv02-lside · 1 month
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britcision · 2 months
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One of these is a prescription black with a hole so I can see and the other is a full blackout and I just. Am so excited.
I was a little sceptical on how bad my vision would be with the blackout (and tbh actually super hoping it’d be a proper blind blackout so I could do one of each like this without migraines but alas) but it’s actually pretty good
Like having sunglasses right on the eyeball
(The lens I washed but didn’t put on looks like the black mighta chipped though so we’ll see how they do long term… but dang it’d be nice to have in eyeball sunglasses for shoots)
Imma have so much fun doing Mithrun in May I gots spooky eyes and everything
Anyway this is your regularly scheduled contacts PSA here to remind you:
1) ALWAYS wash a contact lens before it goes in your eye. Even fresh. Wash that bitch in solution for 10 seconds a side
2) check your cosplay contacts to make sure they haven’t dried out. Gotta be every couple months, you can only rehydrate a crinkled contact ONCE and then they are garbage
3) if the lens feels bad in your eye, take it out. It’s probably got an eyelash or fleck of something on it, wash it and try and put it back in and really rinse the hell out of it with the solution - it SHOULD NOT be painful. Or uncomfortable.
You might be aware of it if you’ve not worn contacts before, but any pain in your eye is ALWAYS dangerous, bad, and can lead to you losing that eye
Take. No. Risks.
4) chipped contact is garbage. No matter how small the tear or missing piece, it will cut your eyeball
5) wash your case out every time you open it, and change the solution. The second your lenses leave the case, the case is dirty and never again the twain shall meet until BOTH have been washed with solution
6) for the love of fuck there should NEVER be glitter or makeup or ANYTHING in your contact lens solution or case except the solution. It is not sterile if there is anything else in it and glitter on your eyeball feels Bad Actually
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