#lena needs therapy
rainbowrelyea · 4 months
I keep thinking about the idea of Kelly and Lena becoming besties after season six. And well Kelly, being the good friend she is, and also a mental health professional, keeps trying to convince Lena to go see a therapist and sort through all the trauma she has been through. And even though Kara, Lena’s other best friend (and possibly girlfriend at this point?) finally agreed to start seeing someone for her own issues, Lena still refuses. Perhaps because she is still too stubborn to accept the help, or because she is scared of unearthing all her demons, possibly both. So Kelly decides to change tactics and go for a more covert approach. After years of treating patients much more difficult than Lena, Kelly has a repertoire of tricks up her sleeve for convincing people to open up to her, and by subtly working some of those methods into normal everyday conversations, she’s slowly able to get Lena to start sharing herself more openly with Kelly. It’s not like that much really changes about their relationship, just now some of their discussions go a bit deeper, and little by little Lena and Kelly start to work through some of her baggage without her even fully realizing it.
This goes on for quite a while, until one day Lena puts the pieces together and realizes that Kelly has essentially been secretly psycho-analyzing her all this time (Lena is a genius after all, she was bound to figure it out eventually). When she confronts her about it, Kelly can’t help but cringe internally and braces herself for the worst. Riddled with guilt, and putting on the most apologetic face she can muster, she tells Lena how incredibly sorry she is, and tries to explain herself. But when Kelly asks her if she is upset with her, she gets an answer she doesn’t expect.
Lena crosses her arms and purses her lips, tilting her head to the side, a contemplative look on her face. For once Kelly can’t read her best friend’s expression, and she can feel her own anxiety growing as the seconds tick by. But when Lena finally speaks, there is no anger in her voice.
“I think - no, I know - that the old Lena, the person I was when we first met - she’d probably be furious at you. Maybe even friendship ending furious. I’m sure you remember what happened with Kara and I.”
Kelly doesn’t say anything, simply nods an acknowledgment, and waits for Lena to continue.
“But the Lena I am now? I’ve grown a lot in the last few years… and I don’t think I can find it in me to truly be upset with you. Maybe a little sad that you felt it was a necessary measure. But not mad - because I know you did what you did out of a place of love, not because you were trying to deceive or manipulate me. Because you’re one of my best friends and I believe you when you say you only want what’s best for me. Even when I refused to admit I needed any help, you know me well enough to know better.” She pauses, glancing down at the ground briefly before looking back up at Kelly, a small smile starting to pull at the edges of her mouth. “And you really did help me, you know? Honestly, this is the lightest and happiest I’ve felt in years.”
Kelly can tell Lena is telling the truth when she says it, because she can see it so clearly in the way Lena’s small grin breaks into a face splitting smile, one Kelly knows is genuine because of the way it’s a little crooked and because of how it crinkles Lena’s eyes at the corners. She feels her shoulders relax and she releases the breath she didn’t realize she was holding. Then Lena is wrapping her up in a tight embrace, and it’s a little longer than usual, and Lena squeezes a little harder than usual, as if to say “thank you for being there for me.”
“That said…” Lena pulls back from the hug and breathes out an exaggerated sigh as she makes a show of crossing her arms and rolling her eyes like a petulant teenager, even as she fights to keep the smirk off her face. “That said, I think it’s about time I face my fears head on and schedule an appointment with a therapist, you know, one who is not my BFF.”
Kelly can’t help but smile widely at that, feeling nothing but warmth and affection for her dear friend. “Took you long enough, you stubborn old mule,” she teases, pulling Lena into another hug.
“Excuse you!” Lena swats at Kelly’s arm in mock indignation. “Stubborn yes, but I am neither old nor a mule! You take that back Kelly Olsen-Danvers!”
“Fine, fine, just ridiculously stubborn then,” Kelly replies through her laughter. “But I hope you know, just because you start going to actual therapy, that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop trying to keep poking holes in all those walls of yours.”
Lena considers her with a soft look in her eyes and a soft smile to match. “Yeah, I know. I don’t think I’d want it any other way.”
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spooksnett · 1 month
Lena has been working at the OIAR for a good while now. Probably not always in the manager position but she's been around for some time. Before Colin, before Alice. before Amelia and around when Klaus was there (Probably not the manager when Klaus was there but not important) and ofc (now confirmed by ep13) she knows what the OIAR does
The video that gets sent to Gwen has Lena's name titled in the transcript as 'Young Lena' which further proves my point. She's been there a long time. awesome okay.
Was she always this stone cold, very distant and strange woman? I don't think so! We hear real emotion and passion in her tone when she says to Klaus 'you know I do' when talking about something. She was 100% not in charge then and even now, she has higher ups. thats the only time we really hear passion behind her words. Episode 2 when Gwen overhears Lena talking to someone about 'expanding external operations'. she's discussing externals with someone else who doesn't work in the building. She's not chosing which externals get what etc
okay. I truly believe Lena is exactly what the OIAR ever wanted, she is perfect material. Thinking back to Sam's interview in the trailer she mentions how he seems to be a 'bright and socialable young man who works hard' and that she 'would have no need for him'. the OIAR only hires people who are at a rocky place in their lives. I think the same was present when Lena was hired. Lena is the last one standing in whoever her coworkers previously were. you have to remember the OIAR has been around a good while now dating back to Starkwall protection services in 2000 and the magnus insititue even earlier than that. Alice says she THINKS it was made in the 70's. Lena also says 'most people simply move on after 12 months or so' again, she's been there ages if she's seen people come and go like that
Her parallels with Gwen are the next thing I want to talk about. they are complete opposites but I think Lena was exactly the same as Gwen years back. she knows what it's like to work her way up in the OIAR and what 'climbing this particular ladder entails'. so she has climbed up the rankings, probabaly by doing similar things to what Gwen is doing as of now. She says Gwen isnt ready for it. she knows how much shes suffered from it. she's been through so much to get where she is now. her 'did you scream? you should, it can help with the more afronting aspects' is throwing it in our face. she used to (maybe still is) being face to face with these horrors. she knows what it was like. and back to what she says to Klaus, it really doesn't look like she's ever got a say in this, similar to Gwen now.
my main thing I've analysed over Lena is her psychological state. she isn't your typical serious, emotionless character. she's not that at all cause she CAN have some uniqueness to her words, when she chuckled slightly at Gwen etc etc
she isn't emotionless (or evil) but she is very very detached. She is so emotionally detached from everything. she's had to detach her thoughts and feelings over the years to cope. Alice always mentions how you need to not care in this job and just not pay attention, I think that same goes for Lena
she's perfect for the job because she's so good at 'not caring'. After so many years of experiencing this stuff she probably built up a sort of immunity to it to keep herself safe. and she doesn't seem to care anymore. she has no thoughts or passion behind anything she does or says. She's so numb to it all and she's sacrificed part of herself to probably survive this whole thing. the OIAR only wants people who doesn't care about what happens and just gets it done. Gwen was freaking out when talking about Mr bonzo and Lena was speaking as if it was an everyday occurrence. even if you have seen supernatural stuff before, you don't react like that. That is such a traumatic response way of speaking. Her accepting that this is just how it is, is not good at all. she's been through hell guys I'm telling you
she's also in the manager position but she doesn't seem to use her authority too much. she uses it a normal amount but nothing that you'd expect. it's strange?
small unrelated to the actual story thing:
but in the cast q&a whenever Lena is mentioned everyone always says either 'unknown' or 'she doesn't'
it really seems like she has no depth to her at all. she threw any defining traits she had out the window
My theory on Lena as a whole is that subconsciously she became exactly what the OIAR wanted and now she's too far gone. She wasn't always like this but after so many years it's basically routine for her now. she doesn't want to hurt people and 'manage' the externals as she put it but she either just doesn't care anymore, or is acutely aware of what happens if she doesn't do her job correctly. maybe both. she's been almost brainwashed into thinking this is normal for the OIAR
I really want to know why and when Lena joined the OIAR. how she became manager etc etc and I really hope I can piece things together over time. she means so much to me. I don't think she's this evil spooky boss, I think she's just so emotionally numb and detached that she just doesnt know what to do with herself anymore
When Gwen is talking about Mr Bonzo in Episode 9 Lena goes "Possibly, I don't watch television"
Gwen was specifically talking about how she watched Mr bonzo as a kid all the time. Nigels SOS was huuuggeee back then
Lena was either lying I suppose? (I don't see why she would) or genuinely she didn't even watch TV as a kid (Lena is older than Gwen but still SOS was around a while and even if Lena was in her teen years she'd still be aware of it on TV)
Did Lena really never watch TV in her childhood at all? that's concerning to say the least about her backstory! maybe she couldnt catch a break in her childhood either
I love lena kelley 🥰
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toxinoire · 7 months
When I say Supercorp parallel the Miraculous Lovesquare I don't mean "Marinette parallels Kara and Adrien parallels Lena" I mean "Lena and Kara parallel both Marinette and Adrien."
Because yes, Adrien and Lena both can do fencing. Yes, both were raised by rich shitty families. Yes, both don't know how to handle emotions that but they try. Yes, they've made terrible decisions. YES, they had unhealthy reactions to secrets. But also, Adrien and Kara both are massive dorks, both say some weird one liners before fighting a villain, are absolute sunshine children, both hold on to everyone they care for because they lost people, they will choose that one (referring to Marinette and Lena) over everyone else (remember how Adrien leaves a villain to catch Ladybug and how Kara was willing to just let poisonous chemicals drop to the reservoir to save Lnea), they do their best to go through another day with a smile and being kind while knowing anything can happen anyway AND both aren't human.
Marinette and Kara are both artistic as shit. Yes, both are clumsy dorks, they were raised by good people and have someone who knows that they're the hero and helps them with it (referring to Alya and Alex, and they were both bullied growing up. But also, Marinette and Lena both can turn whatever item this is into something that can be useful, they're both paranoid as shit so they think ahead in most situations, they both need a lot of reassurance when they mess up because their self esteem relies on whether they failed or not AND they keep on trying to do better no matter how much they fuck up.
Yeah, Adrien's backstory matches Lena; and Marinette's backstory matches Kara. But personality wise, it's a mix.
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cinnamonest · 2 years
your xiao x teacher!darling post got the absolute degenerate part of me thinking and now my fav dynamic is xiao x therapist!darling. poor boy cant control himself when literally anyone shows a sliver of kindness at all. darlings naivety has lead her to brush off any signs of a crush as a coincidence until he eventually cant take it anymore and noncons her because he has no other way to communicate what he wants. <3
Yesssss he would fall in love with someone who shows him the slightest semblance of caring, this is accurate
He didn't want to go, but either someone (an employer noticing a lack of output or the like) essentially forced him into it. Therapy... he doesn't need something like that. He's perfectly fine. Is he the most social or upbeat person in the world? No, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with him. He's very begrudging about it at first, thinks that maybe after a session or two you'll realize he doesn't have anything wrong with him, and that there's no reason for him to keep coming.
Likewise, he doesn't really... open up very easily. At first, he gives a lot of one-word answers. Yes, no, maybe, etc. Occasionally "I don't know," which is an improvement, since it's three words. You have to work with him for a while to get him to open up about himself and his feelings. You do insist he should keep coming, this being at first much to his dismay, but after a while... he doesn't mind it as much. He keeps finding that he does feel better overall after each session for the rest of the day. Maybe it's not so bad after all, he thinks. It's probably just catharsis.
When he finally does really open up, though, it all sort of comes pouring out at once, like a bursting dam. He has a particularly bad day or something, and he just kind of breaks. It all comes spilling out -- how he has no motivation in life, no direction, his life feels devoid of anything that brings him pride or happiness, so on and so on. How he has no partner... no friends... no ambitions... he's just... very empty. He doesn't use the word lonely, but he does mention more than once that he has no real source of interaction.
Well, of course, you see that as a very fixable issue. Of course someone with no social support or resources would feel isolated and consequently depressive. He just needs, you know, a social network. Friends.
...Except therein lies the problem.
Do you ever go out to social venues?
Do you ever try talking to your peers?
Do you have any special interests that there might be events for?
You go down the line, but get the same answers. You find he work from home, never goes out for lunches or groceries, preferring to get it all delivered. The most social interaction he gets is you and the occasional email back and forth to his employer. No hobbies, except for games and collecting some niche things. Terrible eating and sleeping habits, he gets no nutrition, is addicted to caffeine, never gets any sunlight or fresh air, and his internal clock is completely in disarray from an irregular sleep schedule, no doubt contributing to his depressive issues.
And when you suggest he try to get out more and make acquaintances, he gets an uncomfortable look on his face. He mutters something about how he'll try, but he's not even really trying to hide that it's insincere.
On the bright side, he does seem to make some effort to fix his other habits, but you realize very quickly he has no intentions of actually trying to form relationships with others. You keep stressing that social interaction is essential to one's mood and mental health, but it's like talking to a brick wall. Eventually you lay off trying to get through to him on that end.
But he also gets much better about being very transparent, will openly talk about things that upset him or bother him. He ends up starting to take up the whole allotted half-hour as well, whereas he used to be so closed-off that after fifteen minutes or so you'd run out of anything to say and end things early.
In fact, after a while, he ends up switching his weekly session to a different day of the week so that he can come in for a full hour. He's still somewhat awkward about it all -- he never looks you in the eye, tends to do these sort of nervous habits like wringing his hands and bouncing his leg a lot, but the fact that he keeps coming back is a testament to the fact that he's obviously getting something beneficial out of your sessions.
...In truth, though, it's not really your advice or anything. Actually, he hasn't been following said advice at all -- he's still staying up late at night, hasn't changed any consumption habits, he just lied about having fixed both of those because he didn't want you to be disappointed.
But he is happier. He looks forward to coming to see you, it's the highlight of his week. He just enjoys your presence. You're so nice, your voice is so soothing, you smile when you see him and it makes him feel all warm and weird, but in a good way, an addictive way. No one has ever asked him about how he feels before. No one has ever given him empathy for his problems. And sure, he feels bad not fixing his habits and lying and all that, but the concern you show for his well-being makes him feel cared about, like he has significance to you. He's not lying when he says he feels a lot better these days.
He knows, of course, that you're doing all of this because you're getting paid. If he didn't have the money, he wouldn't be here. It's your job to care... or at least pretend to. Maybe there's a slight empathy there that's just part of human nature, but if he were to stop coming tomorrow, he would never cross your mind again, he's sure of that. Sometimes he lays there at night (well, morning, since he goes to bed around 3 a.m. or so), reflecting on the matter, sulking in bitterness about it. Yeah... it's just feigned concern. It's just your job.
...No, you're not pretending. Sure, you are getting paid, but you're a sweet person, you're so nice, surely you do care. Plenty of doctors and similar professions do genuinely care about their patients, and often get personally emotionally invested in their well-being, right? That's why they go into the profession in the first place! The same is true for you. You wouldn't be doing this if you didn't care.
So, then... you do genuinely care. You have to. Even if money is a transactional part of the matter, you do really care, even if it's just that you simply wish good for his well-being out of general empathy and benevolence. It is real in its own way. It's a blissful thought.
You've already noticed that these sessions are more conversations these days than anything. He keeps derailing the sessions by asking you about your life, what you do in your spare time, the kind of questions you might ask a client (even the more invasive questions). You entertain the questions briefly, since it's good for him to get some interaction, but you always follow up your answers with a 'well, let's get back to talking about you, okay?' And he's compliant... until asking another question about you a few minutes later. And back and forth it goes.
Until one day, he sort of crosses a line.
In his defense, you asked him first. You figured that he would probably be happier with a partner, most people are, but for someone like him, you know getting one might... present a challenge. Can't meet people if he never goes out, and you're pretty certain he'd be the type to avoid dating apps like the plague, so you don't even bring that option up. But you did figure it would be worth asking if he's ever had one. He went to school and college, right? Maybe had a high school sweetheart or a college relationship or something?
No. He just shakes his head. You can tell he's about to say something, you see his lips part just the slightest, so you stay quiet. But he takes a few moments to speak.
...What about you?
The question catches you a bit off-guard. You hesitate for a moment, and just sort of mumble. Oh, well, that's... that's not really relevant, haha. Anyway...
He just nods in response, but you can see the displeasure on his face. Maybe he's irked he didn't get an answer, or maybe he's formed his own conclusion based on the lack of an answer, and doesn't like that conclusion. Still, it doesn't feel quite as awkward as that time you got around to the standard 'are you sexually active' question and just got a blank stare and quick shaking of the head as a response, so at least it wasn't that bad.
Regardless, he doesn't stop trying. As time goes by, he keeps prying more and more, trying to get information out of you, always seemingly displeased when you abruptly cut him off. He might be a bit socially inept, and isn't always particularly perceptive, but he gets the message when you are clearly shutting him down from asking anything further. And he wouldn't want to upset you, so he obliges. Always walking a thin line.
But if he can't get answers out of you, he'll have to resort to other measures. It's compulsive, he has to do it, he's been losing sleep over the thoughts.
It's not too hard to find you online. Aside from a brief listing of you on the psychiatric group's website, he eventually tracks you down on social media, your family, your friends. You did say he needs to learn how to do social networking, right? This is sort of like that, minus any of him actually interacting with anyone. In fact, it's incredibly easy to find all sorts of things about you. He's able to find even more, the deeper he digs. Where you got your certification. Where you went to high school. Old pictures of you, thankfully some of your acquaintances have public social media profiles and an image with you in it here or there. He ends up spending hours and hours scrolling through page after page, only realizes how long he's been looking at it when he sees the sunrise through the window.
It almost makes him feel guilty and embarrassed the next time he sees you. How is he supposed to look you in the eye knowing he spent several days scouring the web for crumbs of your existence? What would you think if you knew about that? You'd be freaked out for sure.
You notice he's acting a bit off, but, well, he's a bit of a unique individual, slightly eccentric or unusual behaviors and mannerisms aren't uncommon for him. He fidgets and mumbles a lot and leaves a bit earlier than usual, kicking at the leaves on the sidewalk in frustration as he walks, all the way until he's home.
He's fully aware it's all unhealthy. He realizes it's a sign there's something wrong with him. But obviously there is something wrong, or he wouldn't be coming to you to begin with.
But that leads to a new train of thought. If he were to fix his problems, there wouldn't be a need to see you anymore. Or even if you saw him sometimes, you'd probably tell him he doesn't need to come in as often or for as long. That thought is unpleasant, as soon as it crosses his mind, he begins to worry. What if he runs out of problems to talk about? Or, more likely, what happens when you realize he's not making the changes you told him to? You'll reach an impasse, where there's nothing you can do and give up on him.
So if he fixes his problems and gets better, you'll be out of his life. But if he refuses, the same will be true. No matter what he does, he's at risk of losing you. There's no route he can take that works out in his favor! He ends up pacing around his room, running through his thoughts on the matter for hours. He was hoping to think of another way at first, but after a while he's forced to acknowledge there's really only one way to ensure he can continue to see you indefinitely: having to go out of his way to ask you to meet him outside of the sessions.
And, well, he quite simply cannot do that. Absolutely no way. The mere thought makes him feel sick. There's no way he can summon the gall to ask you that. You would surely say no, probably get creeped out if not worse. He probably wouldn't be able to see you at all after that.
But if he doesn't do something, one way or another, this can't last, and the knowledge that it can't last is going to eat him alive every waking second. It already keeps him awake at night.
He knows he's reaching the so-called point of no return when he finally gives into an urge he's been having for a while: waiting until your day ends and following you home, on a day that's not the day he comes to see you (if he planned it on that day, he'd surely act strange enough beforehand that you'd be wary). He knows that that is definitely something normal people do not do. Normal people occasionally internet-stalk, sure, but this? It's the kind of thing people get involuntarily committed for. Would you do that? Would you get him in actual trouble if you knew about it? He would like to think you would be okay with it, but the rational part of his brain says otherwise. He tries to prevent himself from doing it again, but once the impulse is given into once, it's harder to fight off in the future, and he ends up doing it again, and again.
If you really wanted to point a finger of blame to what pushes him over the edge, though, it would unfortunately be the internet. He has no one better to ask how to solve his problems, so why not a bunch of strangers behind screens?
He's frustrated with the answers he gets. Granted, it is the internet populace, but when he posts to an anonymous board about his problem, he's still irked that the answers are far from helpful. Sure, after posting it, he realizes that the way he worded the whole thing is really really creepy, and that he probably should not have included the details of having followed you home and stalked you online ("collecting data" was the term he used, though), but these replies are unnecessary. Mostly poking fun at him, replying with implications that he's a stalker and memes. One guy mockingly replies with "here try this" and a staged stock photo of someone tied up in the trunk of a car. Ugh. Should have known better than to trust these assholes to be of any help. He's not like that.
...Is he?
You know, a mentally sound person wouldn't even consider such a thing, or so he thinks to himself. Guess you were right to say he needed frequent sessions.
Admittedly, the thought does stick with him. Couldn't say exactly when it goes from a laughable, far-fetched idea to something that starts to seem feasible and practical. It's a gradual thing, perhaps. The thought just pops up in his head every now and then for a few minutes, and the more it occurs, the more desensitized to the concept he gets, the less it triggers that socially instilled sense of immediate avoidance and nervousness most people get at the thought of committing a serious crime.
Likewise, the more he thinks about it, the more justified it feels. Technically, you are there to help him get better. You were supposed to fix him. So, from a logical point of view, if he does something... abnormal, perhaps criminal, to you, that's technically your fault for not curing him, right? If you had done your job a bit better, he wouldn't be having these thoughts to begin with. Besides, when you chose this career path, you're knowingly acknowledging risks like this. Which means you were okay with taking the risk of this happening to you, which is basically a form of consent in and of itself, is it not? The more he repeats it to himself -- and he does, over and over, whenever he's sitting slouched over in his desk chair or laying in bed or taking a (rare) shower -- the more he gets used to the idea, envisions it in his head.
He cancels one week. Calls the front desk of the psychiatric facility (a big step for him, as much as he hates having to talk to strangers on the phone, so you're proud of that much), tells them he has to cancel over a schedule conflict. Which does strike you as odd -- since when does he have anything else going on in his life? Maybe he's finally listened to you and decided to go be social or something, or maybe it's just another type of appointment... you hope maybe it's the former.
In truth, he's worried things will go badly if you see him right now. He's not in a very good state of mind, it's all becoming too consuming, he's neglected sleep and work. He has to take that week to work himself back down, get rid of the jitteriness and bloodshot eyes that you would undoubtedly notice if you saw him in person. Just enough to see you again without you immediately getting freaked out.
You know something is a little off, still, when he does come in the following week. But that's normal, people often behave strangely when going through periods of change in their lives, so this is actually probably a good sign!
...Although it is rather unsettling. It's different from his usual brand of weird. Instead of the frustrated tone and grumbling and looking at the ground, his voice is very... flat. Empty. No trace of the usual demeanor, not even the coldness he can get when he's particularly irked.
But even more unnerving is that, rather than looking at the ground, at the wall, back and forth the way he always does, he looks right at you. Fixated on your face, eyes staring directly into yours, you haven't even seen him blink. His own expression is also completely blank, transfixed. It's incredibly unnerving, you find that you end up looking down at the ground for once. You did tell him once that he doesn't make eye contact enough for social appropriateness, so maybe he's trying a little too hard to rectify that or...?
You feel like somehow he's getting worse, and yet for some reason, when you ask him the standard opening question -- how have you been? -- he seems to perk up.
He nods, finally shows some emotion in the form of what appears to be a sort of resolution on his face. He says he's thought a lot about some of the things you've said. That you were right, that he can't keep living with no goals or direction, can't keep up the unhealthy lack of socialization. So, he's put a lot of consideration into it, and he's decided that very soon, he's going to be making some major changes to his life, for the better.
Well, if that's truly the case, you're very happy for him, you say. Granted, based on his history, you're not inclined to believe he's actually going to make any changes, but part of the job is always believing in your patients and all that. He seems more determined than usual, so, maybe he really is serious about it. You hope so. He seems like such a sweet boy at heart, you really do want to see him change for the better and be happy.
He knows that too. Says he's very serious about it this time. He's going to go through with what he's decided is the best course of action, and in the end, he will be perfectly content and happy. He'll probably be more productive, more energetic, more motivated, everything. It'll all get better.
And technically, you will be the cause. You'll see. He'll be sure to thank you for all your help, too, he's very grateful.
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thatonebirdwrites · 5 months
Finally got Sam's chapter up! This one is heavy with Andrea, the mysterious former friend of Lena that shows up wanting to buy Catco.
Alex and Sam also have an important chat. Ruby gets to do her first "mission."
The restaurant was fairly crowded, but the section the hostess took Sam felt fairly secluded. Andrea Rojas sat in the booth, but she stood with a smile when Sam approached. The hostess gestured to the booth and walked away after giving Sam a menu. 
Andrea looked amazing. Her black dress hugged her curves, her smile creasing her cheeks and the skin around her eyes. “Hello Sam Arias. Pleasure to see you again.”
“Right,” Sam found words difficult. “Uh, pleasure is all mine.” She gestured to the table, feeling flustered and off-centered already. “How about we sit and order?” She settled into the booth after Andrea took her seat. “I’m pretty excited to taste the fare here.” 
Opening the menu, she scanned the drinks first. She’d need a drink to get through this if Andrea was going to sit there looking hot as fuck. Jesus. 
“Oh? You’ve never tried this place before?” Andrea raised an eyebrow. Way too similar to Lena. 
“Well, no, but Lena recommended it. Said it’d be perfect for us.” Sam realized a little too late that mentioning Lena seemed to visibly hurt Andrea, as in she literally winced. 
“Still marching by your bosses orders?” Andrea’s words were sharp like crispy chicken.
Sam was hungry and comparing voices to food was not helping her nerves. “No, she’s my best friend, actually. Known her for… huh. Six or so years?” She tapped her fingers against the menu. “We’ve been through some pretty rough things together.” She had no intention of mentioning the worldkiller crisis on her first date — was it a date? It was supposed to be a fact-finding mission. Besides, she wasn’t going to hide the fact she and Lena were close. 
“Ah. Friends with your boss. One would think you two would be more professional.” Andrea scanned the menu. “You up for red wine? A full bottle to share sounds perfect right now.” That scathing edge to her voice hadn’t quite left. 
Bringing up Lena really had rubbed the woman raw, huh. Was Andrea upset with Lena? But why? Andrea was the one who betrayed Lena from how Lena explained. Or was it that Andrea missed Lena and was envious of Sam? Or simply wishing to not be reminded of painful memories perhaps? Ugh, infinite probabilities, and to narrow it down, Sam would need to carefully nest her questions among less caustic ones.
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// When your mental breakdown hits so hard that you start kidnapping people and justifying it
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mousedetective · 3 months
Please Help A Mostly Queer/Disabled Homeless Family Pay Off Their Debt?
VENMO: @penaltywaltz | CASHAPP: $afteriwake23 | ZELLE: DM me for email address
So good news! We're in a 30-day shelter with a caseworker and help from the City of Encinitas Homeless Support Program to get housing with 30 days. It's a brand new shelter and we're all together in a room with the cats, and they're really eager to help get us out of our homeless situation.
Right now, we have about $1000 in money we can save up each month. If we can pay off the debts that my mom owes that she's in credit consolidation for, that frees up another $187 each month. If I can pay off my installment loan, which is four payments totaling $475, that frees up another $124 a month. I think my mom just paid off a credit card debt, but we have $100 debt that I think has gone to collections, $500 we need to pay on a card before that one goes to collections, and $300 for my PayPal 4 in 4 payments. We also have two payday loans I'd like to pay off before they're due at $600.
So if I can cover all that debt this month, we'll have well over $1,500 to put towards a rental payment in May, if we can get help with a security deposit and first month's rent through housing programs. We might be able to afford a two bedroom apartment in Fallbrook with that much. We'd need to come up with money to move our stuff out of storage as well, but a friend of mine has covered the big units until April 1st and may cover them an extra month if needed.
Any help would be amazing. We are so close to getting out of hotels/our car and into something stable. I'm setting the goal at $3000 for now because I don't have wifi at the shelter and can't check exactly how much my mom owes for her debt consolidation still.
But any extra will help with gas to get to places where we can get things we need (birth certificates, Lena's social security card with her dead name, Lena's psych eval, my mom's dental stuff, and doctor/therapy appointments) and food in case the snafu with my food stamps isn't fixed right away (we get three meals here, which is fine for me and Lena, but my mom is basically still on a soft food/liquid diet and they're still needing to get stuff for her and the gentleman here who has no teeth).
Please help if you can, and please reblog as well! We would all greatly appreciate it.
EDIT: We found out today that Lena is currently uninsured. The meds she was prescribed for her mood disorder are $1,500 out of pocket. She needs the medication badly. Please help?
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wosoluver · 2 months
To undo a mistake
Part 6/17 - previous - next
Lena x Bayern Player!reader
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Around three weeks later.
You had been the last one to arrive at camp. Along with Klara, Syd, Giulia and Lea.
You were greeted by every one with hugs. You were there for the first game of Euro's 2025 qualifying.
Everyone was so excited. Including you. So when Lena came up to greet you with a hug, you barely paid any mind to the action. Until she said something.
"Hey. How are you?"
"Good, really." - And you weren't lying. The last couple of weeks had been good. You were keeping yourself busy with the team, training, therapy twice a week and spending time with friends. And by friends you meant Ana.
Before you could say anything else, the started dividing you guys into two to share the rooms. You tried sticking to Syd, she had already grabbed Lea by the arm.
And the only ones left without a partner was you, and Lena.
Once noticing that Lea offered to switch places with you.
"It's fine. Thanks."
Everyone tried to pretend the weren't paying attention. And that they weren't surprised by how you were acting.
Lena included. She was glad though. That you no longer felt so repulsed by her presence.
You both follow up to the room to settle in and leave your bags before heading to training.
"I thought you hated me. I was scared I wouldn't have the chance of talking to you again."
"I don't hate you. I hate the situation we were in. And the way you handled things.
But I think I deserved to move on." - you said. And the first thing you did before anything else once you went in, was texting Ana you had arrived safely.
Next you changed and made your way down. Without waiting on Lena.
Not that she was expecting you to. But still, it hurt a little.
By the end of the day you could only think of dinner and bed. And you did both on that exact same order.
You were laying in bed, when you picked up Guzmán's call.
"Hey! How was the day?"
"Good, so busy. And unfortunately I ended up having to share the room with Lena."
"Don't drive yourself crazy about that. Am sure you'll be fine."
"She hugged me when I got here! She had the audacity to! Thank god I think I escaped from. She must be in Lea and Syd's room."
"Congratulations on making through the first day!" She said joking around.
"Only so many more to go. I'll let you know if I leave in the middle of the night to go home." - You said it, only half joking.
-"You have to rest for tomorrow. Goodnight. I'll talk to you later."
"Goodnight." - You said hanging up, and not long after you fell asleep.
When Lena was back, she noticed you asleep, trying her best not to wake you. You had always been the lightest sleeper.
She laid in bed thinking back on how the day was, and what was to come. Glad you were at least on speaking terms. Even if it was just the bare minimum.
Friday arrived and you were having breakfast. You were an absolute nerve wreck. You were seating next to Klara. You were all having light conversations.
You received a notification on your phone, that was casually on the table.
"Let me guess. Ana?" - She asked you.
"Yeah, just wishing us good luck."
Little did you know, Lena was watching this very closely. She immediately turned to Lea.
"Who's Ana?"
"What?" - Lea was confused by the sudden question.
"Is Y/N friends with anyone named Ana?"
"Ah yes, Guzmán. She's recently signed with the team."
"And they're friends?"
"Yeah. Ana didn't really connect much with the rest of the team. So they're always together." - Lea said the last part absentmindedly.
Lena was burning inside. She knew she had no right to. And even though her friend had told her they were just friends, she couldn't be sure of that.
Looking over to you once again, you had a big smile on your face.
As you guys made your way to the stadium, Lena had a lot in her mind. Trying to keep calm.
Unfortunately you were starting on the bench today. But you were okay with it. You knew if they needed you, they would put you on.
Getting ready for the match and making your way to the pitch, as they played the national anthems, you and Lena shared one last look, before they had to make it to their spots.
The referee blew the whistle and the game started.
You were worried watching how the first minutes had gone, and when the clock hit the 8:15 mark, Doorsoun made a bad attempt at passing the ball, and lost it to Campbell, Hendrich tried, but the two defenders couldn't stop her, neither could Frohms. And Austria scored the first goal of the match.
In the 15th minute they scored another one. Another from Campbell. This time a header. And you saw Obi blame herself for this one. She was so close.
Nüsken had a good shot at the goal but it was stopped by the Austrian goalkeeper. She had a few more opportunities after that but no scoring.
Bühl finally got a goal, from outside the penalty area. Thankfully putting you guys back in the game, almost 5 minutes to the whistle blow.
And finally you reached the end of the first half.
I like the way this story is going finally!
Guys I might merge some chapters together so they can be longer, so if you're in doubt if you've read it or not, use the images to help guide you!
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its-really-dry · 2 years
yelena: hey stark?
tony: baby widow?
yelena: *glares* where is my sister?
tony: big widow is in her toom
yelena: *sighs* suka *walks out*
wanda: ....... yelena don't know natty's getting hot, cause she's y/n's top-
clint: they're doing the unholy
kate: when lena walks in she will get a fright
carol: at the spicy sight
tony: poor girl will need to go therapy
[sam smith who 🤨]
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kittytiddycommittee · 25 days
Hello there 💜
I'm Miss Lena, though I also accept "ma'am" and sometimes "mommy." Formerly kittytittycommittee
I'm just a petite, lonely MILF here to take advantage of all the psychosexual issues you don't want to talk about in therapy. If you need praise/cuddles and also have a lingering fear of la chancla (or your culture's equivalent), you've come to the right place.
House rules:
Behave yourselves. Being disrespectful will get you blocked.
If you're here, it means you're willing to see NSFT content.
If you're a minor, scram.
I'm not answering DM's right now. Yes, even you. I'll let y'all know if that changes.
Asks are open and questions are welcome, but always refer back to rule #1.
Bigotry is not tolerated.
My kinks:
Femdom & gentle femdom
Pegging/prostate play
Edging & teasing/denial
Praise & pet names
Breastfeeding & breast worship
Bondage & collars
Domestic discipline
Spanking & light/moderate impact play
Glory holes
Mild exhibitionism/voyeurism
My limits:
Blood, piss, scat, etc
CNC (receiving)
Age play younger than teenage
Fisting/extreme insertions
Extreme impact, roughness, & humiliation
General about me:
In my thirties
Bisexual. Switch-y for women only. Yes, even you.
Single and firmly off the market
I have nothing but love for bisexual men, short kings, uncut cocks, bottom boys, and butch women. Y'all are perfect and we should make out.
Catholic school survivor
Love reading, gardening, cooking, DIY, textile arts, history, spooky shit, & theme parks
Emo, motown, 90's/early 2000's pop, showtunes, 80's new wave, & some metal
So come by and say hello 😘
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jo1sstuff · 3 months
TMAGP 10 is a really good episode Bonzo-wise.
This was probably my favorite magpod episode yet.
I could feel the horror radiating off Gwen, and I'm pretty desensitized to horror stuff.
I listened to the tv show in the beginning, and thought 'Wow, I can understand the creepiness of meeting that thing unexpectedly, but that's a pretty good prank concept. I like it.'
Because, why wouldn't I like it? I'm a huge fan of horror, and pranking someone (in good nature) with a creature that they made as horrible as they could? That's the kind of stuff I like. As long as they don't take it too far of course.
And then it cuts to other characters like Colin and Sam, and I thought that Bonzo wouldn't make another appearance (at least not in that episode).
Then, it cuts to Gwen.
And I remember that she has to deliver a letter to Nigel.
At this point, I thought 'Oh hey, TV show guy! Welcome back! Gwen has a letter for you! I wonder what the letter will be about...' But he says that he can't take the letter.
Obviously, I jokingly think 'What, is it for Mr Bonzo or something?'
And then he starts playing 'Mr Bonzo's on his way'.
'Wait, was I right? Is it for Bonzo?'
And Gwen sees this, Thing. Lumbering down the stairs. It had been at least twenty years since Bonzo had performed, maybe thirty. And Nigel is confused about someone in the suit, so you have to wonder what this Thing looked like after thirty years of decay.
She lets out a sound of horror, and Bonzo speaks in a voice that barely sounds like speech. He says his name repeatedly, who knows what it would have been like if he said anything else? If he had spoken, it would at least seem intelligent and capable of being reasoned with.
But no. It only says its own name. More and more agitatedly.
And Gwen has to hand the letter over to that... Thing. That rotting, monstrous Thing.
And when she does, it eats it. His teeth are not soft. You hope that he doesn't decide to eat anything that isn't paper.
And he lumbers out the door, to who knows where. You only hope he doesn't do anything horrific. I'm sure if there were people outside, they'd need some therapy. Gwen probably does too.
And Nigel tells her to tell her boss 'You're welcome. Again.'
...Again. How many times had this happened? Some poor OIAR worker sending a letter to Mr Bonzo? Had they made it out?
And Gwen is surely going to have some words with Lena. Namely, 'What. The. F***.'
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Can you do a wandanat x daughter where she's like an adult and her mom's are used to her anxiety attacks by now, so they're just there with her telling her to breathe, but this one is a really bad one so she passes out, which scares them. And its all angst and she's still their baby. And if aunt yelena could be there, being all soft and worried and loving fluff.
I love protective wanda, nat and yelena.
Summary: It never fully goes away.
Pairing: WandaNat x daughter!reader
Warnings: panic attack
Word count: 698
a/n: much love
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore
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Her breathing picks up quickly as she leaves the job interview. It’s her first one since her years ago. Y/N knew the job interview would be difficult, as these things have always been, but she really thought she had gotten better with therapy.
With shaking hands, Y/N opens Wanda and Natasha’s door with the spare key they gave her when she moved out.
“Mom? Mama?” She cries out, dropping to the ground as her breathing get faster.
The fist one to come to her is Wanda. “Honey?” She kneels next to her, setting her hands on Y/N’s cheeks. “Hey, sweetheart, can you take a really deep breath for me?”
“I- I can’t. I can’t breathe, mama, please.”
“It’s okay, you’re okay.” Wanda shushes quietly. That’s when Natasha and Yelena show up to the hall.
“What happened?” Natasha kneels next to Wanda, while Yelena stays in the doorway between the hall and the living room with a frown on her face. “Can you follow my breathing?” She takes Y/N’s hand.
Her breathing turns more and more erratic. “No, no. I can’t stop.” She pulls her hand away from Natasha’s, pushing both of her palms over her ears. “Make it s-stop!” Her breaths turn into small gasps.
Wanda wraps her arms around Y/N, her worry increasing by the minute. These attacks weren’t unusual by any means, Y/N has suffered them since she was a child, but usually Wanda and Natasha were able to help her through them quickly.
“It-“ a quick inhale, “-hurts.” There are tears in her eyes. She stares at Natasha and Wanda as her gaze starts turning fuzzy, and then she passes out.
Slowly, Y/N starts regaining her consciousness. She opens her eyes, but closes them right away with a groan. The lights are too bright. “She’s awake!” Someone’s voice shouts from over her. It’s still a bit muffled. “How are you feeling?”
“Mmmmh.” With a bit of struggle, Y/N opens her eyes properly to see Yelena’s face incredibly close to her own. “Back up a bit, would you?”
Yelena rolls her eyes. “She’s fine.” She shouts to the two women. “You scared your moms.”
Y/N doesn’t even get a chance to say anything before Natasha and Wanda rush to her side, the latter holding a wet towel on her hand. “Are you okay? How are you feeling?”
“Fine, fine.” She mumbles, standing up with a sigh.
Natasha has a frown on her face while Wanda tries to dap the towel on Y/N’s forehead. “You haven’t passed out before.” She rubs Y/N’s arm. “What happened?”
Pushing away the towel, Y/N rubs her eyes. “I had a job interview, and it went shitty.”
“Language.” Wanda whispers, making Yelena snort.
Y/N rolls her eyes. “I thought I’d be ready to get a job and stop being a failure, but I guess not.”
“Y/N..” Natasha sighs. “You aren’t a failure for that. It’s not your fault.”
“Yeah, yeah. I have heard that a million times. It just feels bad when all of my friends are working while I’m just sleeping all the days away.”
“Sleeping alone, I hope.” Yelena snickers, though Y/N knows there’s some serious protectiveness in her aunt’s voice.
“Lena!” She pushes her, though it doesn’t really affect her, as Yelena is much stronger than her. “Who I sleep with does not concern you.”
Yelena scrunches her brows. “Uh, yes it does. I will hurt anyone who does anything to you.”
“Okay,” Wanda stops the conversation, “we’re all very protective of her and will hurt anyone if needed, we all know that.” Y/N glares at her, but Wanda ignores it. “Now, lets put on a movie and relax, yeah? I don’t want you being home alone after you passed out.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Both Y/N and Yelena salute, knowing how strict Wanda can be.
With an exaggerated sigh, Wanda goes to the kitchen to get snacks, and a giggling Natasha follows her.
Y/N and Yelena start fighting over the remote the minute they’re out of the ear shot. Which results in Natasha berating them both and snatching up the remote herself.
Y/N and Yelena start fighting over the remote the minute they’re out of the ear shot. Which results in Natasha berating them both and snatching up the remote herself.
Y/N and Yelena start fighting over the remote the minute they’re out of the ear shot. Which results in Natasha berating them both and snatching up the remote herself.
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east-polaris · 12 days
Some thoughts on the last few Magnus Protocol episodes as I’ve just now gotten caught up
- feels rather cruel to have Alice be shaken up by her experience with The Horrors and worried that she’s going to get hurt by interacting with them and then give her a statement about someone who was shaken up by their experience with The Horrors and then died because of their interaction with them
- also return and voice of Ink5oul! Hey girlie!
- the fact that Madame E’s last video was just titled “help” made me giggle at first but then o thought about it more and. This is a person who uses excessive words on everything she says. Her vocabulary is loaded with filler and slang, so for this video to just have a one word title? Yeah you know shits about to go down
-Gwen girlie I hate to agree with Lena but they are Calle externals for a reason
- I am so curious about what’s going on with Celia. Like did she just wake up on a railroad track like an old times super villain put her there?
- And where does Celia keep disappearing to? She missed her date with Sam, she had to run out on her child, what’s going on?
- The statement in 17 is wild I was so confused at the beginning and I’ll be honest I’m still not sure what was happening there
- I know for a fact that people have pointed this out already but Jon and Martin?? In the therapy waiting room? Little Jon and Martin as a treat?? I hope it was them god knows they need the therapy
- this statement reminds me of when Jon said man I wish we had that guy who could take peoples bones out and Melanie said you’ll never guess who were keeping in the basement
- shout out to that housekeeper for getting the hell out of there I respect her for that
- making eye contact while falling down the stairs and breaking all your bones sounds very impressive and also hilarious someone please animate that
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- CELIA HELLO??? Is this conformation that she’s from the other dimension??
- haha jmj error
- I like to imagine that a jmj error happens when Jon Martin and Jonah are arguing about which case to give them
- “no Jonah you can’t give her that one that’s way too similar to what she went through she’ll freak out” “exactly we can watch her fear” “no you elitist prick that’s so rude cut it out or I’ll kill you again”
- why is Celia saying she’s seen Colin?
- Teddy is being so suspicious why is he saying everything like he’s looking from side to side shiftily the whole time
- Lena you can’t call a child an it that’s rude
- unless she knows something that we don’t…
- can’t believe they started to open up to each other and it went horribly wrong
- I don’t think we’ve ever heard Sam like that before, like I couldn’t tell who it was for a second
- actually, i couldn’t confidently tell you that we’ve ever heard someone laugh that hard in the entire podcast
- can you really blame him though? “Monsters are working for our government organization and one of them is Barney.” Wild.
-I do hope he apologizes though cause that wasn’t really cool of him
- Also is that our first f-bomb of the season?
- I think that Georgie might also be from the other dimension. Why else would she be so concerned about the government stalking her? That does beg the question, where is Melanie?
Thank you for listening to me ramble I had a lot on my brain
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bidisasterevankinard · 6 months
Inspiration Saturday
Hi everyone!!!!! I'm finally back to writing after hard times and I'm back with angst for this secret wip I named you left me (at least for now)
tagged by @daffi-990 @steadfastsaturnsrings thank you <33333
playlist + snippet
Bobby quickly brings them up to date on what happened and where they need help 136 with. Eddie finds himself paired with Buck, who only greeted him quietly, after which he continued to work as if Eddie wasn't here at all, without asking for help with anything. Eddie feels like he's back on his first day at work, only then Buck wanted Eddie not to be part of the team, and now he wants Eddie to just disappear. Painful. Considering they both swore there was no one more important for them, except Chris of course. 
“So, hello and silence it’s all I'm getting?” Eddie tries to say it without the sadness in his voice, and he succeeds. But his voice sounds angry, like he blames Buck, accusing him for the silent treatment he is getting over the last two weeks.
Remembering it was him who asked, or better say stated that they need a break - he should have stayed on sadness.
Before Eddie can even curse himself for his stupid decision  - he can’t say about which one exactly the whole break thing or blaming of Buck - he proved it was a bad idea to talk like that with Buck by angry dark, like the skies during the thunderstorm, eyes. Eddie swallows when he swears he can see the lightning flashes inside them. 
“It's you, who wanted a break, Eddie. What am I doing wrong now? Giving you too much space? Well, you asked about it,” Buck hisses the last part and leaves him alone. He says something to Bosco who worked with Ravi. She then looks at him not impressed and goes to Eddie to take Buck’s place as his partner, while Buck starts to work with Ravi.
“He deserves better than the ex-not-ex-boyfriend to try to make him feel bad, as he is the villain in the story, for keeping the distance he was asked about by this exact ex-not-ex-boyfriend,” she pins him with such a stare Eddie surprised he is still standing and not falling dead on the place, before starts working. “Not saying that you’re a villain, but even though you have your reasons to ask about time, you have no right,” she again sends the same killing look, “no right to talk to him like that.”
“I know, I just” Eddie sights, kicking the part of the car on the road, “I hate all this situation and I hate my brain for destroying the best relationships I had. I hate that therapy about it not taking me anywhere and Frank tells me it’s because I need to talk to Buck about the problem why I asked about the break when Buck was ready for more for us. When he was so Buck to tell me we can do anything in my tempo, but my fucked up head chose the break, thinking it’s for the best, but,” Eddie looks at the way Buck barely smile on definitely a good joke from Ravi, “but it only leads for nights without sleep, our son looks at me like I’m an idiot. Everyone cast sympathetic glances, and Buck … Buck is not even talking to me while we are working. I just want everything to be ok again. I want everything to be easy. Magical,” another kick to the pure tyre. 
“Life is not a fairytale, Diaz. Nothing, especially relationships, are ever easy. So talk to Buckley sooner or, trust me, you will regret you hadn’t. Because right now this man is slipping through your fingers faster than you can imagine,” on than Lena removes the last piece of metal from the road and their work is done.
The blonde woman does not even say goodbye to him, getting back to her team, taking the place near Buck, which should be his. But not now. 
Maybe never again.
tagging @wikiangela @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @rainbow-nerdss @rogerzsteven @the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @transboybuckley @pirrusstuff @anakinfallen @aspecbuddie @andrewblur @shortsighted-owl @spaceprincessem @spotsandsocks @spagheddiediaz @devirnis @fortheloveofbuddie @ghostscowboys @giddyupbuck @heartshapedvows @hoodie-buck @housewifebuck @hippolotamus @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @callmenewbie @bigfootsmom @bekkachaos @buddierights @mandzuking17 @monsterrae1 @malewifediaz @jamespearce9-1-1
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whynotshaveme · 16 days
Just A Week
By whynotshaveme
Lena Thompson, a second-year psychology major at Haverford University, desperately needed money. One of her scholarships suddenly fell through. A friend of hers, knowing Lena's dire situation, told her about "an extreme psych experiment" on campus that would $5,000 for just a week of her time. Lena followed his instructions and submitted her info via the psych department's website. A week later, she received an email with instructions.
Per those instructions, she went to the psych building on the east side of campus the next day, only bringing her purse. She checked in at the front desk, where a stern-looking nurse handed her a clipboard with consent forms.
"Read and sign these," the nurse commanded. Lena skimmed the forms, trying to understand the dense legalese. Despite a flicker of hesitation, she signed and handed the clipboard back.
"Follow me," the nurse said. Lena followed her down a dimly lit hallway, her nerves growing with each step. They entered a small, sterile room with a hospital bed, a chair with leather straps, and a table. On the table lay a folded hospital gown.
"Change into that," the nurse instructed. "Clothes and purse in the bag provided."
Suddenly a little nervous, Lena stripped and donned the flimsy hospital gown. Then she handed the bag with her belonging to the nurse who left the room. When she returned, she held a tray with a pair of clippers, a straight razor, and a can shaving cream.
"What are those for?" Lena asked, now extremely nervous.
"All study participants, male or female, have their heads shaved," the nurse replied. "Sit down."
"No!" Lena protested, backing away.
The nurse sighed impatiently and signaled to two orderlies who had been standing outside. They entered the room, grabbing Lena and forcing her into the chair. She cried out as they used its leather straps to bind her in place.
"Stop crying. It's just hair," the nurse snapped as she turned on the clippers. Lena's sobs intensified as the clippers buzzed over her scalp, leaving patches of stubble in their wake. When the nurse finished with the clippers, she slathered Lena's scalp with foul-smelling shaving cream and used the razor to remove the remaining fine red stubble, leaving her head smooth and bare.
But the ordeal wasn't over. "You may think that you're bald now, but you still have eyebrows and that bushy fire crouch," the nurse said, a cruel smile playing on her lips. "Since you're already in the chair, let's take care of them now too."
The nurse started with her eyebrows, shaving them off with precision. Then she had the orders unbind her legs and hold her spread-eagle, so she could shave her privates as smooth as the rest of her.
"There, all done," the nurse said, stepping back to admire her work.
Lena was led to another wing of the building, where a series of small, stark rooms awaited. Each one was identical, with a narrow bed, a metal toilet, and a small window with bars. The door locked from the outside.
"Your meals will be brought to you, and you'll participate in various activities and evaluations throughout the week," the nurse explained.
Lena nodded, her heart pounding as she stepped into the room. The door closed behind her with a loud click, leaving her alone in the sterile, oppressive space. Her head felt cold and alien without her hair, and the hospital gown offered little comfort from the chill of the room. The days that followed were a blur of monotonous routine. Each morning, she was woken by the harsh fluorescent lights and the sound of keys turning in the lock. Meals were bland mush, delivered on metal trays. One of the orderlies who brought her meals insisted on checking the vulnerable crevices of her body, sticking his white-gloved hands up them and wiggling around, before he let her eat.
One morning, Lena was abruptly woken by the nurse and two orderlies.
"Get up. You're scheduled for electroconvulsive therapy today," the nurse announced, a hint of sadistic glee in her voice.
"What? No, I didn't agree to that!" Lena protested, panic rising in her chest.
"You signed the consent forms. You agreed to everything," the nurse replied, her smile cruel. The orderlies restrained Lena as she struggled, dragging her down the hallway to a room with a padded table and a series of intimidating machines.
Lena was strapped to the table, her heart racing. Electrodes were placed on her temples, and a rubber mouthguard was forced between her teeth.
"Try to relax," the nurse said mockingly. "It'll be over soon."
Lena's body tensed as the machine was activated. A jolt of electricity surged through her, sending her into convulsions. Her vision blurred, and she felt an overwhelming wave of pain and confusion before blacking out.
When Lena awoke, she was back in her room, her body aching and her mind foggy. She couldn't remember how she got there, but the trauma of the experience lingered. The days dragged on, each one blurring into the next as she struggled to keep hold of her sanity.
Finally, the last day arrived. Lena was given her clothes and belongings, dressing quickly with shaking hands. The nurse handed her an envelope with her payment and a debriefing form.
"Remember what you signed," taunted the nurse, "We did everything with your expression, written consent"
Lena nodded submissively, clutching the envelope to her chest. She left the facility and stepped into the sunlight, feeling a rush of emotions over her return to freedom.
Back at her dorm, Lena looked at herself in the mirror. It was the first time that she's seen herself in a week. The bald and browless girl looking back at her made her cry.
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desolate-canary · 27 days
tmagp 16 spoilers
i think i need Lena to yell at me like that. i think it would fix me.
“Are. You. STUPID?” like ma’am i’m LITERALLY on my knees for you. please.
also the celia alice hug ?? hello ??
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like i’m physically not okay
also the statement? AMAZING. i was giggling the whole time — up until the END with that NOISE ???
i need to know more about ink5oul. we know they’re tied to alchemy somehow (from Daria’s therapy session), and we know that they have some connection to dead bodies (lovely) from Gordie and from this new statement. also their voice ??? literally going feral
god i just need Lena to yell at me the way she did at gwen because Holy Shit. like actually what the fuck i’m physically unwell i Need her. think about this constantly
overall i love all these guys and need them carnally thank you for coming to my ted talk
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