#let alone actually go ahead and do it just because you can. it is near incomprehensible
wickershells · 1 year
the only thing i will say about the titan, specifically the reactions of poor and working class people, is that i don’t blame anyone for finding some degree of humour or poeticism in the implosion. for once (just once!!!) the rich cutting corners in safety just to make the largest profits actually blew up in their faces, instead of ours. it shouldn’t have happened and i’m always sorry to hear of death and loss in such preventable (and also horrifying) circumstances — especially that of a teenager — but this also applies primarily to cases of factory explosions and mine cave-ins and mall collapses etc. where the death tolls are considerably higher, the victims much less wealthy. there’s a sense of irony here. that’s all
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sixosix · 7 months
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warnings profanity, angsty fighting (violence but it’s not descriptive), 3.7k words!
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The House of the Hearth is quiet around this hour, save for the soft snores coming from the rooms, or the clink-clink-clink of your polearm when hitting your arms. Lynette has already crashed somewhere, but Lyney can’t sleep a wink. At least, if you asked him what he’s doing in the training room alone watching you, that’s what he would say.
Thankfully, you haven’t asked; didn’t even acknowledge when he slipped into the room.
Lyney hasn’t been able to stop thinking about a few nights ago when he saw a glimpse of something real from you. Your smile and his newfound determination to defeat you to see more of it.
Sweat rolls off your temple, your breath visible in a silhouette of a misty cloud. You strike the air as if it’s insulted you greatly. With one final swing, you pause, turning to look at him.
Lyney can tell something is wrong. Your eyes are heavier; your movements are more sluggish than usual. This is the first time he’s seen you in a few days, with him going out for missions and coming back to hear that you’ve been cooped up in the training room day and night, frustration rolling off of you in waves.
Lyney smiles instead. “Would you like to spar?”
Your gaze is intense. Lyney could see a flame sparking in them when he asked you. But it fades when you ask, “Lyney, ‘Father’ has just returned yesterday, right? Has she talked to you at all?”
Lyney blinks. “Oh, um. No, I haven't really seen ‘Father’.”
Your shoulders loosen. “Alright.”
Then, you stand before him—all Lyney needs as an answer.
He’s gotten better with a bow, his only form of weapon during missions when they get a little more dangerous than prying information. But he only gets to feel the thrill of it when he’s facing you, who’s always one step ahead.
He bows. “It is an honor.”
Something of a smile flickers on your face when he looks back up. “You always say that whenever we do this.”
Lyney beams, pleased to hear you speak to him beyond anything related to training. “It’s no lie.”
“Then,” you twirl your polearm around in a hypnotizing circle, and Lyney feels a near-maniacal grin creep up his face, “overcome me.”
Lyney takes the first shot, no longer surprised when you barely flinch as you swerve. You move as swiftly as his arrows. He fires another shot, then another, and another at a rapid pace. As expected, you dodge and deflect all of them with ease. Even when not at your full best, you can easily conquer everyone.
But Lyney’s been watching closely. His eyes follow every shift, catching each minuscule movement of how you favor one side more than the other or how your eyes are fixed on his weapon and nothing else.
You start drawing closer, your steps so fluid that anyone else wouldn’t have noticed it. Lyney conceals a smile.
Your eyes widen when Lyney disappears into a twirl of cards, fading out of view, disappearing into nothingness, just like that.
You pant, looking around warily, “How did you—” only for your breath to hitch when Lyney materializes right behind you, kicking your weapon off your staggered grip and aiming his arrow right at your head.
His eyes are narrowed as if facing a real enemy—as if preparing to actually shoot with one wrong move. But that’s not right, because how could Lyney ever bring himself to hurt you when you smile at him like that?
“That was…new,” you say, breathing heavily. Your exhaustion is getting to you now.
Lyney’s lungs are doing just as bad. “Thank you,” he manages to say, sensing a compliment when he hears one. “It’s only right for a magician to have tricks up his sleeves, right?”
He doesn’t know how to tell you that he’s taken advantage of your state. Had you not been visibly tired, you never would’ve fallen for his trick. It’s victory, but he doesn’t feel as if he’s really won.
Now that you admit defeat, Lyney says, “Let’s take a break.”
To his delight, you murmur a yes. Now that’s victory.
The orphanage has become used to the sight of the magician twins tailing after you, with Lyney grinning smugly and Lynette close behind because, really, her brother was just tagging along. And some other times, they’ve become used to the sight of Lynette curled up on the couch with Freminet resting his head on her lap while you yell at Lyney to piss off, and he doesn’t piss off.
You’ve even come to admit them as friends. Mostly Lynette, though. Lyney’s just there because they’re twins.
Lyney pouts. “I mean, we’re basically friends now, right?”
You send him a strange look. “What are you talking about? No, we’re not.”
You push his face away when he’s decided to come up all over your personal space. “I like your sister better.”
“Lynette and I are twins!” he whines.
“Completely different people, still.”
Lynette does a mischievous half-smile, blinking slowly. “Don’t tease him too much,” she said. “He’ll cry when it comes to you.”
Lyney splutters. “Lynette!”
Thankfully, the Archons are on his side. You don’t look too deeply into Lynette’s words, simply laughing and returning back to your food, chatting comfortably with his sister and Freminet. Despite all the bickering, Lyney feels warm inside.
“Lyney,” you say, catching his gaze. “Do you want to spar later?”
Lyney’s heart soars. “Yes, of course.”
In the comfort of their own room, Lynette strikes.
“Y/N is really nice,” Lynette says when Lyney is practicing tricks with his hat. “You think so, too, right?”
Lyney doesn’t know where this is going. He fumbles with the rose. “Mhm. Yeah.”
Tonight is particularly cold; the old-fashioned fireplace is barely doing anything. Lyney wants to check on the training room—it’s always much warmer there.
Lynette shifts beside him, and Lyney can feel the weight of her infinitely keen stare. “And you also think that you should tell me who you’re practicing those flowers for, right?”
“I—what—” Lyney’s face goes hot. “It’s for my tricks, Lynette! What are you trying to imply?”
His sister sniffs, as if Lyney is just an insignificant little thing. “I don’t know what you and Y/N have been doing lately, but I'm happy to see you happy.”
Lynette smiles at him. “I haven’t seen you like this for so long. I’ll do my best to not let anything take this away from you.”
Speechless, Lyney could only utter: “Lynette…”
In all honesty, Lyney doesn’t know what changed—doesn’t know how it shifted into something else he can’t quite put a finger on. Maybe it’s the fact that he and his sister have a home now, despite the fact that it’s an intelligence source for the Harbingers. Or maybe it’s…something deeper than that, something to do with you.
“It’s really nothing,” Lyney says softly. “You don’t have to do anything, okay? I promise you.”
Lynette nods, trusting her brother easily. “Okay. I just don’t want you to lose this.”
Ha, as if he could even bring himself to do that.
“Hey, is Lyney in this room?” someone yells, rapping on the door frantically. “Father’s looking for Lyney. Is Lynette here?”
“What…?” Lyney mumbles, turning to the window and belatedly noticing sunlight peeking through from the sides of the curtains. “Oh no. I didn’t get any sleep.”
“And ‘Father’ is looking for you,” Lynette says, amused. “Go, Lyney. Shoo.”
Lyney scurries off and nods politely at the person who had summoned him. He pads over to the dining table, where ‘Father’ is always waiting, desserts laid before her.
“Lyney,” she greets. Lyney felt the hair rise on the back of his neck, but also warmth spread throughout his chest, happy to see the person who had changed his and his sister’s life. “Come. Would you like a plate?”
Eating something sugary while he lacks sleep is not the brightest idea. “No, thank you, ‘Father’.”
“Alright,” she says lightly, taking a bite and indulging in her cake for a long pause. “You’ve been training hard, haven’t you?”
“Yes, ‘Father’.” He sits somewhere that’s a chair away from her, too nervous to sit close and too afraid to sit too far. He still doesn’t know what ‘Father’ thinks of him, or what to think of ‘Father’.
“And you’ve gotten stronger since receiving your Vision.” It sounds like a question, but that’s not right. ‘Father’ always knows what’s happening in the House of the Hearth.
“…Yes,” Lyney says slowly, unsure where this is heading.
Arlecchino leans back, pleased. “Hm. Good.”
Lyney isn’t quite sure what’s happening, but she asks about how he and his sister are doing, and they get involved in an almost-something-of-a casual conversation. Lyney’s nerves are on high alert the entire time, as if suspecting that this is a test. But after that, ‘Father’ dismisses him before Lyney can start being suspicious.
He doesn’t think too much of it. He leaves the room and feels as if he could melt on the floor from exhaustion.
Someone sees him and claps him on the back, startling him enough to wake him up. She glances at the door he just came out of and hums lowly. “Did ‘Father’ call for you?”
“Ha,” she snorts. “Guess that’ll happen a lot when you're the next successor, huh? Lucky you.”
“Yeah,” Lyney agrees, though he doesn’t really know what it means. He doesn’t really care because at least ‘Father’ still wants to keep them around.
Most importantly of all, in this orphanage, Lyney has been having the time of his life. His sparring with you has led him to a tentative friendship of sorts. He can confidently say he knows you as well as he knows Lynette and Freminet. He’s been living in bliss, always pleased to have a home and a family to come back to, no matter how gruesome the mission they’re sent to.
He and Lynette have been seeing the House off with missions successfully fulfilled, and ‘Father’ has acknowledged their loyalty. Their worth. Whispers about successors get louder. Lyney pays them no mind—this is only them acknowledging his worth.
Days would pass. Lyney would perform tricks for his fellow orphans. Lynette would tell him that she’d rather not be in the spotlight. Days would pass. You would keep on overworking yourself, and Lyney would try to pull you away from it.
“Y/N,” Lyney announces his presence with just your name, standing by the doorway.
You don’t flinch nor even waver from your moves, nearly dancing with how swiftly you move across the grassy field. It’s easier to talk over the slash over your weapon this time, at least, with the sounds spreading across the evening air. Lyney can shout and he doesn’t have to fear waking up anyone.
He has to wake you up first, though.
“Y/N,” he tries again, his fingertips beginning to burn underneath the steaming plate. Despite his connection with fire, his skin is beginning to feel irritated—or perhaps it’s proof of how long he’s been carrying your dinner. “Your food’s gonna get cold.”
“Leave it there,” you finally answer, slowing to a halt. Your back is facing him, posture perfect, and Lyney’s star-struck even in moments like this.
“And you’re going to eat it?”
“I will.”
That’s what you said last time, and Lyney came back to a full plate, untouched even by ants. Lyney decides to stay, content with watching over you until you tire and give in. He’s been hearing that you’re relentless, not even sparing a single glance to anyone.
“Why have you been practicing so hard recently? Is ‘Father’ punishing you? Did you sneak out again?”
You deign to face him with a fierceness that could match the fire of his Vision. “As if ‘Father’ has even looked at me.”
Lyney blinks slowly. “...What?”
Then—it was that moment that Lyney realized this was more serious than he realized—you school your expression into something blank. He was asking the wrong questions. He feels like there’s an invisible wall between the two of you, even when he’s already far away.
“You all have something I don’t,” you say, lowering your weapon. “Tell me, Lyney, if I start slacking off, will she even look at me the way she does to you?”
“What are you talking about?”
Your expression grows colder. “You wouldn’t understand. Who am I kidding? Just leave the food; I’ll eat it.”
“How do I know that?” he asks weakly.
“Take the hint, Lyney. I want to be alone right now.”
Days would pass. Lyney gets busier—his life gets more hectic. He starts performing on stages, small ones, but stages with props galore nonetheless. Lynette starts to feel more confident joining him, but she still has to work on her expressions. Days would pass. Lyney sees you less often. Your thread is snapping.
He enters the training room, where it’s been eerily silent. Not even Freminet nor Lynette tried to train today as if sensing danger from inside. But all he sees inside is you, staring silently at the wall, heaving.
Lyney sees your state and winces, your shoulder hiked to your ears and your expression unpleasant. “Y/N,” he calls out softly, “Are you okay?”
You’re really not, and it’s obvious, but how else does Lyney approach this?
You take a too-long moment to respond, eyes distant. “I’m…fine.”
Lyney hesitates, wildly looking around the room for something to distract you with. “Do you want to spar?”
He should’ve known the moment he noticed you were acting strange: there’s something bothering you enough to leave you trapped in the training room. He tries to think hard about it, looking back at the first moment you were acting off. He comes up with nothing.
“Lyney,” you say, “you should leave.”
“No,” he says firmly. “I’m not leaving if you’re going to keep this up.”
“Lyney,” you say, facing him fully with a scowl. “That was not a question. Leave.”
“Y/N, I…” Lyney thinks and thinks. What has been happening recently? He’s been sent off for missions far too often that he hasn’t been able to notice this sooner. How long has this been happening? Why is this happening?
If anything, you’re far too prideful to show your weakness. To break down like this so suddenly… How will ‘Father’ react to this? Surely, she would put a stop to it if you were always next to her. But he hasn’t seen you next to ‘Father’ in so long. In fact, he’s…
Lyney stares cautiously. “Are their words bothering you?”
“They’re always talking.” That’s not a yes, but Lyney feels like he should take it as one. “Lately, they’ve been talking much louder than before.”
“That’s it, isn’t it? It’s about ‘Father’’s successor?”
Your mouth curls up in a snarl. “Don’t rub it in my face. You, of all people, shouldn’t ask that to me.”
Lyney’s heart sinks. So it was him who was causing this. “Whatever you’re hearing isn’t true.”
“What? Don’t make me out to be so stupid. You spar with me to gauge my weaknesses. You want to become the next successor.”
“I don’t want to become the next anything,” he pleads, instinctively taking a step back when you inch closer.
“That’s what it is, right? You see me as a challenge? So that’s what you meant?” Something is terribly wrong. You’re looking in his direction, but he doesn’t feel the weight of your gaze—like you’re only seeing through him.
Lyney frowns. He’s being cornered. “No, what—”
“I changed my mind,” you say, your shoulders tensing and the grip on your weapon tightening until your knuckles turn white. “You don’t want to leave? Fight me. Now. Prove that you’re worth more than me.”
“Y/N,” Lyney says lowly. “You’re not thinking straight right now. I don’t want to—”
You strike at his side. Lyney only manages to block it because of his experience with close combat from you, but this one is different. His eyes widen. That one hurt bad, leaving a buzzing ache on his skin. That’ll leave a bruise that won’t leave for weeks.
“Fight me,” you whisper, desperate, crazed. “Fight me.”
You demand it, but you don’t give Lyney a chance to react, attacking once again. Lyney blocks it off with his body and bites down a whimper of pain at the impact; at what sounded like the crack of bones.
“Y/N, stop—”
“Shut the fuck up,” you snarl. “Bring out your weapon. Fight me. You’re the next successor, aren’t you?”
“Y/N,” Lyney says, trying to get a hold of your wrists. “Y/N, you’re crying.”
“I’m—” You inhale sharply, a sob wracking through your shoulders. “Shut up. Stop talking. You don’t know what’s happening. Fight me—just fight me. Why aren’t you fighting back?”
Lyney hates that you’re right—he doesn’t know what’s happening. He feels entirely useless. The person he looks up to, who has made him the better version of himself, and made him want to excel in everything he does for praise, is losing her mind right in front of him—he can’t even give you what you want.
“Why aren’t you fighting back? Isn’t this what you wanted?!”
“I didn’t want this!” Lyney shouts, moving swiftly to dodge the swing of your polearm. It misses him by a hair's breadth. Your fervid cries are making him lose composure. He doesn’t know what to do—doesn’t know how to make you stop.
“Pathetic,” you say, knocking him down. “This is who they’re calling the next successor? Beaten by someone who doesn’t have a Vision.”
Visions. Lyney learned that oftentimes, they dictate the fate and the potential of the orphans here. Those with Visions are sent off on more dangerous missions, drastically stretching their capabilities. And it’s true—Lyney wasn’t allowed to join Lynette on missions when she was the first to get one out of the two of them.
“You are still weak.”
“Shut up,” Lyney says, forcing bile down his throat. He doesn’t want to believe it. He wants to convince himself that you don’t mean that, but that means nothing if he thinks it, too. “Visions mean nothing.”
“To you, they don’t!”
Then, to Lyney’s horror, you swerve your entire body and strike to attack him with your everything. The bruises all over his skin sting, and his brain chants danger, danger. He panics, forcing a wave of fire to crash over and protect himself, but blue washes over his vision for a split second, and then he’s face to face with a tsunami of ice.
Lyney blinks once, then looks down at his arm and realizes it’s been frozen over. It’s covered in ice, extinguishing the fire that’s enveloped his skin.
“What…?” he says dumbly, more confused than anything.
He turns back to you and sees you shaking uncontrollably, clutching a Cryo Vision to your chest. You’re looking at it as if it’ll bite you.
“No, no…” You look back at Lyney, eyes round. “Lyney—”
His eyes widened. “No, Y/N, I’m sorry. I attacked you—you were just defending yourself—”
“Don’t console me, you idiot! I don’t know how to—get it off—” You cry out, roughly wiping away tears that are trickling down. The frost is creeping up on your face, turning your lips to blue. “Get away from me…!”
The numbness is getting to his arm, and he’ll probably get hypothermia if he keeps on ignoring it, but he can’t bring himself to do anything when you’re wailing and terrified of your own self.
Lyney’s hands hover around you, unsure if he should touch you and risk it. “It’s okay, I promise, just—just breathe—”
You slap his hand away, crumbling even more at the sight of his frozen arm.
“Y/N,” he breathes.
Then, your face is carefully blank, shutting him off—worse than any wall of ice. Then, you snatch your polearm from the ground and scramble away. Lyney rushes to follow after, but you’ve flicked your hand, and the door is blocked off by a thick wall of ice. Great. Just great.
Desperately, Lyney melts them away, but your footsteps have already gone out of earshot. It’s an answer in itself: Don’t bother. Take the hint, Lyney; you already messed it up.
“Fuck!” Lyney hisses, throwing his bow to the ground, causing it to crack and splinter against the cold tiles.
“Calm down,” he says to himself, thawing his arm with his Pyro. The sudden change in temperature hurts, but that doesn’t compare to what he’s feeling right now. “Y/N will be back. Calm down. Patience.”
It’s pouring uncontrollably outside. You shiver, shaking with each desperate step you take to get far, far away from the orphanage—from Lyney. The rain has melted the ice that’s crawling all over your face and fingers, but you can still feel it humming under your skin as if one wrong move and you’d kill something.
How ironic. Goading Lyney into using his Vision led to you getting yours. What a fucking joke.
You navigate through the crowd, hiding your Vision and speeding through. The gods have perceived you and blessed you because you’re worthy. Why only now? Why is it that it’s only when you’ve accepted you’re not worthy compared to Lyney?
You are still weak. You said it aloud, but you know more than anyone that it was not meant for Lyney.
A door swing opens, and you nearly slam onto it, if not for you skidding to a halt a second off.
The woman with brown locks and bright eyes who opened the door blinked curiously. “Hey, kid. What are you doing out here in this thunderstorm?”
You must look like a sight. Bruised and freezing, as flighty as a frightened animal. “I—U-Uhm…”
You’re given no script to follow this time. What should you say? What do you do?
You can feel all your limbs trembling. No—you can barely feel at all. “I’m fine. Miss. I was just… playing. I mean, running back home.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” she says, taking it upon herself to ruin her dry dress and usher you inside. “Don’t worry. Come. Seek shelter here while waiting for it to die down.”
“I’m fine,” you try to say, but the inviting warmth inside has your next words dying. “You don’t have to do this, miss… I’m…”
Dangerous. Nearly killed the person that warmed his way through your heart. You frightened him. You frighten yourself.
“None of that.” She pokes your forehead, making you blink up at her in bewilderment. “You think too hard for your age. Come, I have tea and spare clothes.”
You obediently sit. Perhaps tea will help. With how tight you’re clutching your Vision, its frost is beginning to crawl up your arms.
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i found it rly interesting lyney doesn’t wanna become the next successor, so i used it for plot! >:) ty for reading!!! if u reached all the way here im giving u a kiss on ur forehead
@thenyxsky @aeferkssr @1mewo1 @lacrimae-lotos @meigalaxy @hyacinth-daze @miwafei @popochakku @svasilios @heyhazelnut101 @kruinka @waveto-earth @superstar-ethereal @mxplesyrvp @achilleas-dream @episodecete @jellifizz 
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loupetlapinn · 1 month
how do you feel abt noncon with jeonghan? i feel like he’d be so patronizing and mean…like MEAN MEAN i’m talking degrading and mocking you, forcing you to take all of him in your mouth and cunt…
(also im so glad ur account came across my fyp, there’s not much dark svt content)
oh anon this is jeonghan's Domain ok. OH ANON. youre so right, listen.
t/w: noncon, coercion, unprotected sex. a/n: MDNI. dear anon i got carried away. unbetad is my brand. synopsis: jeonghan is just so very mean. w/c: 1.6k . . . feel free to block me.
( glad you found me too. )
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He'd always start off so innocently, under the guise of a caring sort of authoritative figure to you. He likes reminding you that he's older than you so he obviously knows what's best for you.
Always 'just trying to make sure you're okay' with near intimate touches ghosting areas you were sure was inappropriate given the circumstances. But he always made it seem like you were being ungrateful when he was just asking a simple question, he was only trying to soothe the apparent tension.
It got to a point where you would try and avoid him, your chest seizing if you catch a glimpse of him in your peripheral, or his voice ringing out a little too close to wherever you were. A part of you felt guilty, maybe you were making things up in your head. Maybe you thought too much of yourself to think he was making advances, he hadn’t actually done anything explicitly wrong . . . He was just being attentive, he even buys you food, remembers the way you like your coffee. He hadn’t even done anything really but there was something that always lingered with you afterwards. Something just felt . . . off. This feeling only further escalated to the point your stomach would be in knots, scampering off quickly to find some nook to hide in to avoid his suffocating presence. Growing tired of trying to politely dodge his wandering eyes and occasionally entitled hands. His mere presence put you on edge. 
“I have to go,” you’d offer a sad excuse before you’re once again scurrying off. You felt like a coward, not sure as to why because although you’ve been polite and discrete as possible about it; you have expressed your discomfort and lack of interest in his wolfish attentions.
Yet, in spite of your efforts to avoid him you still somehow find yourself alone with him more than you’d like. 
“Oh . . . I didn’t um . . .” You clear your throat, immediately taking steps back towards the entrance after an uneasy dip of your head in his direction to acknowledge him before you turned tail and ran the opposite direction once again.
“Didn’t expect to see me?” He smiles, that smile. That completely, utterly Jeonghan smile that you’ve grown to dread seeing.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to disturb you. I have to—“
“Go?” he interrupts, head cocking to the side as those dark, hooded eyes glimmer. Akin to a cat finding a mouse to toy with in its idle boredom. 
“You always have to go,” a ghosting of a pout follows his words. His eyes remain emotionless even as he feigns a wounded expression. “If I didn’t know any better . . . I’d think you were avoiding me, Y/N.”
“N-no!” You fumble your words like an idiot, grimacing at yourself. Getting ahead of yourself to placate his invasive tone. “No, not at all. Just, have some deadlines to meet, that’s all.”
Before he has a chance to respond, you’re zipping away. Not wanting to stand there and squirm under the weight of his gaze any longer. Only able to take a sigh of relief once you’re a safe distance away. Heart thudding in your chest.
You swear he does it on purpose, strings you along and riles you up. He likes the way you squirm, he likes the stuttered breaths you take, the way your gaze can’t keep his own, your antsy fingers restless at your sides.
It doesn’t take much longer, Jeonghan can only be so patient. Until he isn’t. He pounces when you least expect it, after letting you think that maybe he took a hint and eased off of you.
“I don’t know why you have to act like such a brat,” he muses with a drawl of agitation as he quite literally corners you.
A shiver runs down your spine and you’re not sure if it’s because of the way he sizes you up as he begins to crowd you, or the coolness of the wall against your skin as you press yourself back against it. Swallowing thickly you shake your head, wide eyed as you peer up at him. He reveled in the way you trembled, the look of distressed confusion etched onto your features as his hands soothe up your sides. Slender yet firm as he palms your chest lazily through your shirt and there it was again. That signature Jeonghan smile, it twists his lips, curling the corners of his mouth as he can’t help but purr his amusement.
“All I’ve ever done is try to be nice to you,” he continues, ignoring the way your hand wraps around his wrist as you urge him to some sort of mercy. “And this is how you repay me? Didn’t anyone ever teach you any manners?”
“Don’t worry,” he coos, his free hand abruptly twisting around locks of your hair, sharply angling your face upwards for your eyes to meet his own as you find yourself grimacing again. Those eyes, they looked as though he could swallow you whole right then and there, a snake coiling around its prey. Your heart lurches before plummeting to the depths of your stomach. “I’ll teach you.”
“Jeonghan . . . Jeonghan, please,” you finally find your voice.
He looks at you confounded, head tilting, a brow raising quizzically, “Please? Honey, we have’t even started yet.” An incredulous scoff follows, “I suppose it’s not a bad start though.”
“I’m sorry, really,” you plead and he just gazes at you blankly before offering a sickeningly sweet smile.
It’s a blur, everything. Your shirt yanked down to exposed your chest, he tsk’s at your bra before he’s pulling at that too. Both hands grasping at supple mounds, they’re cold against your skin and your face contorts, nipples hardening under the pads of deft fingers. Pressing yourself further back against the wall as if flattening yourself there would render you invisible, pushing away his hands.
“If you’re so sorry then you’ll make it up to me,” he snaps, his tone even. Eerily steady but it slices through the air as his eyes bore into you, you could feel the heat on your flesh.
A strangled gasp sounds form you as a hand darts to wrap around your throat, his grip bruising.
“What did I fucking say about being a brat, Y/N?” His voice barely a whisper, as your faces are barely inches apart. You could smell the faintest scent of his cologne, it tickles your nose as your mouth gapes. His fingers dig into your skin. “You say thank you when someone’s nice to you.”
One moment your against the wall and the next your forced onto your back upon the nearest table, you’re sputtering, the tight feeling from your neck and chest relieved slightly as you gulp down breaths of air greedily. Coughing from your eagerness to fill your lungs. As you struggle to stop seeing white, Jeonghan takes the liberty discarding your bottoms.
You looked much better like this, spread across the table, eyes unfocused, trying to catch your breath. It wasn’t his fault that he had to teach you a lesson, if you had just behaved in the first place he wouldn’t have had to take this route.
“Now, let’s try that again,” he says, splaying spindly digits upon your thighs to push them apart. Forcefully when you still have the audacity to shake your head tearfully and try to press them back together. It’s pointless and you both know it, thinking you could really keep him from what he wants.
You cry out, head thrown back against the table as his length pushes past your entrance. A slew of curses uttered under his breath as he makes sure to fit every last inch of his cock inside on you. Hissing at the way you spasm around him, the way your body writhes at the sensation of your unprepared heat being breached. The stretch burns, but it matters not to Jeonghan as he experimentally pulls in and out before slamming his hips flush against you.
“What do you fucking say, Y/N?” his voice his guttural, hands squeezing your thighs in a way that would surely leave bruises.
“J-Jeonghan— please,” you whimper out only to keen as he responds with a reprimanding thrust, each more merciless than the last before his fingers find your hair again. “I’m s-sorry— I’m sorry! T-Thank you,” your words minced, unsteady as winces and whimpers follow.
“What was that?” he snickers, hips jackhammering against you, wrapping your hair around his hand to keep a firm grasp on you. To entice more of those fat tears that brim your lashes and trickle down your face. “I can’t understand you when you don’t speak properly, stupid little thing. Now you can’t even talk right? Will I have to teach you that as well?”
Jeonghan can’t help the groans that follow every time you constrict around him, accompanied by the pitiful noises that you seem to have an unending amount of.
“You seem to take cock just fine,” he observes aloud and you bleat out at the savage snap of his hips, “One less thing to teach you.”
He uses your locks as leverage, watching your face twist into pathetic expressions, mascara running down your face as he tortuously continues to wrench at your hair to pull you down to meet his thrusts. “Say it.”
“Thank . . . you.”
“Say it.”
“Thank you, Jeonghan!”
Jeonghan makes sure to drop you to your knees to cum in your mouth when he’s done with you, rivulets of pearlescent release pouring past your lips. Missing purposefully to paint your face to enjoy the fucked out look upon your features.
“A fucking mess,” his voice almost accusatory, like it was all your fault.
“Maybe next time, if you fucking behave for once. You can cum too.”
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
No Puedo; Tengo Novio
Prior notes: grr grr Aventura, grr grr Prince Royce, grr grr Romeo Santos, it never ends. TO THE PERSON WHO HAS THE REQUEST DON’T WORRY I’LL START WORKING ON IN IT WHEN I FULLY WAKE UP!
Pairing: Bi-Han x Afab reader, Kuai Liang
Warnings ‼️: Angst? Yandere? Eh, blood and violence.
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He’s the oldest. He’s the grandmaster. He’s better in every way. Yet you picked his younger brother. Can’t you see Bi-Han is the better option here?
Someone as glorious and precious as you doesn’t belong to a man like Kuai Liang. What does Kuai Liang know? Nothing, he knows nothing. While Bi-Han knows everything. He knows what will make you happy. What will make you squirm in bed. The things he would do to you would make you beg to be his wife and have his children. It would make you forget that Kuai Liang ever existed.
Bi-Han can’t sleep at night thinking about how you couldn’t possible be happy with his brother. You must be faking it just to prevent hurting Kuai Liang. But he can see right through you. You seem tense, like you haven’t felt pleasure in a while. Has his brother been depriving you? You poor thing, if you just let Bi-Han near he can fix that for you.
In fact, you should let him near now. He’s been patient for way too long. Longer than he would usual last. He can’t respect your boundaries anymore. If you’re gonna be near his clan he has the right to be near you whenever he wants. Even if that means right in front of Kuai Liang.
Bi-Han went stomping around the temple while calling your name. He couldn’t find you at all. He wanted to have a “word” with you.
When he found you, you were of course with Kuai Liang. He watched in disgust as Kuai Liang peppered you with kisses. You laughed with joy every time he did. His arms were wrapped tight around your waist. You two looked like the happiest couple ever. Bi-Han still believed you were faking it. You were too kind and that’s your weakness. Too kind and caring to speak the truth about how you hate Kuai Liang. That you actually love Bi-Han and find him to be a much better lover.
He called you again much more louder and harsher this time. It got your attention and Kuai Liang’s. You got nervous quickly when he said he needed to talk to you. Kuai Liang told you to go ahead as he felt like his brother would do no harm to you.
When Bi-Han was able to get you alone he slammed you against the nearest wall and pressed himself against you. He grabbed your face and forcefully kissed you. Your lips felt perfect against his. It was truly meant to be. He was trying to push his tongue into your mouth before you decided to slap him. He grunted before pinning your wrist to the wall now.
“What do you think you are doing?” He gritted his teeth.
“What am I doing? What are you doing? Are you insane? I’m your brother’s girlfriend.” You snapped back at him.
“There is no need to keep that act up. I know you don’t love him. We are a perfect match and you have known that from the beginning.”
You looked at Bi-Han like he was crazy. Because he was! His statement seemed preposterous.
“You’re crazy.” You said
“I am not. I am in love with you. You should be honored to be worthy of my love.”
“This isn’t love. This is an obsession. It’s making you do crazy things like kissing your brother’s girlfriend.” You stated, “You better let me go before I scream for Kuai Liang.”
He scowled at your words. Kuai Liang must have corrupted your into thinking that Bi-Han was obsessed. No, this is not obsession, this is love! But for now he must let you go.
You rubbed your wrist as you walked away quickly, keeping an eye on Bi-Han just in case he tries something else. You decide not to tell Kuai Liang what just happened. It wasn’t your fault and you don’t want to start something bad around here. Bi-Han will however. He will do anything to get Kuai Liang off of you.
The brothers were training together as suggested by Bi-Han. It wasn’t all that strange but Kuai Liang could sense that Bi-Han was more hostile than usual. His attacks seemed more erratic and unwarranted.
“You are not setting a good example for the others, brother.” Kuai Liang warned him.
“I am the grandmaster here. I can do what I want and take what I want.” Bi-Han answered back.
A few more punches and kicks were thrown with more force. It caught Kuai Liang off guard and he ended up falling to the floor. He expected his brother to help him up but he did the opposite. He stood over Kuai Liang with his fists clenched tight. For a second he debated walking away and not laying another blow to his own brother. But then he thought of you and how you were not by his side or in his bed. That was enough to set him off.
Bi-Han started pummeling Kuai Liang. He tried to defend himself but Bi-Han would find other places to hit. The other Lin Kuei clansmen were unsure of what to do. They didn’t want to go against their grandmaster so they were forced to watch as blood started to appear. No one could tell whose blood it was but it was getting on the floor and on his fists. Kuai Liang was starting to react less now as his injuries were becoming worse.
“You need to break up with her. You can’t satisfy her like I could. I am the grandmaster here and I deserve to have her by my side. Not my weak brother who can’t fend for himself.” He hissed at Kuai Liang.
Tomas saw what was going on and stepped in to pull Bi-Han off Kuai Liang. He didn’t care what happened beforehand or what will happen after. He only cared for Kuai Liang who was bleeding from his forehead and the side of his face. There was probably more areas that Bi-Han damaged but that will be discovered soon. Tomas helped his brother up and brought him to his room.
When you came by after you were horrified to see how Kuai Liang was. You immediately started to help clean and patch up his wounds. Luckily the gashes on his face weren’t too bad but he did bleed a lot. You tried asking what happened but he was silent. There was little to no emotions in his face. Just a dead stare as he went over what his brother told him. If he could hurt his own brother, imagine what he could do to you if you kept denying him. Kuai Liang loves you but he is now worried for your safety. It’s best if he lets you go.
When you were done patching him up that’s when he spoke. He was blunt about it and said it was over. It was a real shock to you. You questioned him, asking if Bi-Han told him anything or if he found out what Bi-Han did. He didn’t answer those questions but told you to leave. He was hoping you would get out and never return. Never give his brother the satisfaction. That’s not how it went.
You left Kuai Liang’s room, crying into the palm of your hands. Everything was going wrong. It only got worse when you bumped into Bi-Han. You tried to run away but he grabbed you immediately.
“Why are you crying? Did my brother do that? I told you he doesn’t love you. If you had listened to me you would not be crying right now.” He was very harsh with you.
You looked down at his knuckles and saw how bruised and bloodied they were. It showed that Bi-Han did do something to Kuai Liang. It made you cry even harder as you realized just how obsessed he was about you.
“Stop your crying. I will make you feel better. I will never break your heart. Trust me. I will make you feel things that you have never felt before. No one will ever be able to make you feel the way I make you feel. No one.”
You couldn’t stop your crying. You were sad and horrified yet he never got the hint that you didn’t want to be with him. You never actually loved him. Well, maybe you do. Another kiss might help you figure it out.
He kissed you again with a lot of force. He held your face as your tears fell on his hands. This was your nightmare but Bi-Han’s dream. Can’t you see, he loves you!
He loves you!
He loves you!
He loves you!
This is not an obsession this is love!
There was only one thing left to say and he whispered it against your lips.
“I love you…”
After notes: 🍊👀DO YOU SLEEP? YOU MOVE SO FAST. 👽👀 YOU AS WELL IS YOUR CIRCADIAN RHYTHM OKAY? 👁️👁️ ah hello, back again I see. The spirits told me I have to sleep now. I’ll be nicer to Kuai Liang soon i promise. I’m just on some hot girl energy type of whatever. Adiós!
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keegansgf · 4 months
"bes camp counselor hcs"
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my camp counselor drawings have been plaguing my brain but I always write headcanons before I ever write full fics. This was not proofread because I’m sleepy
Also I'm begging to request modern Mizu stuff, especially this camp counselor au :3 I wanna write silly slice of life again!!
pairing: mizu x fem! reader (other characters mentioned)
tags: pre-established relationship, summer camp au, modern au, band+uni au mentioned, fluff/overall silly stuff
Eiji owns the camp! He owns a couple of businesses here and there, but he offers kendo, iaido, and metalworking activities for all ages throughout summer– his day camp is for elementary kids though.
Before Mizu moved out to attend university, she helped around with Eiji's kitchenware business and helped out making kendo and iaido kits after school. She’s been doing her camp counseling gig since she was a teenager– of course, she still counsels when she visits Eiji for the summer.
She actually had no idea she could do this for volunteer hours until she found a brochure for it. She had to call Eiji to ask when he even started providing this
She considered going to visit Eiji alone in her first year of uni, but this time, she took you, Taigen, Akemi, and Ringo with her!
Mizu actually talked to you first about going back to her hometown to visit Eiji and help out with counseling, and you agreed, of course.
The rest of your friendgroup only learned about you and her leaving for the summer when you all went out to study together during the last month before summer break.
Akemi wanted to go due to her horrible seasonal depression– she'd rather have something to that isn’t just summer classes or rotting in the heat. She's just a snow princess, what can I say :(
Anyway, she thought the volunteer hours would be beneficial to her, so she asked if she could bring Taigen along.
Ringo also wanted to come for the volunteering– it would also give him an excuse to cook without destroying his personal budget. He also didn’t have anything to do over the summer, and would rather do something with the people he cares about instead of staying at his dorm or going home.
Mizu decided on getting there by doing a road trip but she absolutely refused to have anyone but you in her car– I mean, you're literally her beloved girlfriend! She doesn't want to hear any bickering from the rest of her friends– not for three or four hours while she's behind the wheel.
She’s so serious when it comes to prepping for road trips, but she does it all so quickly. Somehow she had the car all packed while you were getting ready.
Mizu doesn’t really need to take breaks as she drives, but if you wanted to take a nap, she’s already packed a few pillows and blankets for you to use.
Eiji's camp isn't an overnight one, so Akemi made arrangements to stay at a nearby apartment with Taigen. She didn't want Ringo to stress about finding a place to stay, so she got a place for him just next door in the same building.
Mizu's old room was big enough for the both of you, so she just called ahead to ask Eiji if it was okay if you stayed with her. He didn't mind– you had met before anyway, and he approved of you
You all got there a week before orientation day to get your equipment, clean, and debrief with Eiji
He had a set schedule for everybody with backup plans set up incase if there needed to be changes, but otherwise, you'd know what to do with the notes he made. He wouldn't be around much to help out since he'll be occupied with the kendo and iaido groups. He'll be there every morning for announcements though
Orientation day went smoothly; Eiji gave his greetings and introduced all of you to the kids– they were no older than elementary students. After he finished his speech and introductions, he let you all read off your attendance list to get your groups
Mizu made sure your groups rooms were nearby beforehand– luckily, everyone's rooms were in or at least near the same hallway.
Akemi absolutely adored her group! First, they were all girls, second, they all loved her! Eiji made it a requirement to wear bandanas on field trips so it's easier to spot staff and campers. Akemi sets aside time before they leave to do a few of the kids hair if they'd like their bandanas incorporated into a cute hairstyle. She wanted to get the kids into reading, so she made sure to bring a fully charged kindle everyday to read some of her favorite child friendly literature with a bit of poetry here and there. They didn't understand most of the poems, but she appreciates the effort they made to listen to her
Taigen is an instigator. It doesn't matter if they're literally 10 year olds– he'll unintentionally and intentionally instigate during activities. His group likes him and he likes his group, but they get competitive as hell when it comes to being as cool as him. He wanted to try to teach the kids how to play ultimate frisbee until he noticed how competitive they could be— it was best for him to put it off.
Kids rarely ever hate Ringo, so of course his group loved him. They act up occasionally– not intentionally since they're literally children, but they feel deep guilt when they upset Ringo because of their activity. Ringo especially likes doing high energy activities with his group first so they'll be tired out after lunch.
Mizu's group is kind of terrified of her because of how quiet she can be, but they think she's really cool. When she isn't doing activities, she's sitting at a table in her room to monitor her group while she reads here and there. She set up some coloring pages on the same table, so of course, a few kids were going to sit with her. She isn't bad at talking to kids, she just doesn't think she's interesting to them. Even if she's relatively blunt, the kids still think she's the coolest! They just have no idea how to get closer to her.
On field trips, Eiji usually drives one bus and gets a few other instructors from his martial art courses to drive another if needed.
Kids will fight to sit next to Mizu. A few kids from her group deeply disliked you for a brief period of time just because you would always sit next to her. Mizu thought it was funny seeing you distraught over their disapproval, but planned to merge your groups soon enough just so they got to know you better.
Akemi likes merging her group with Taigens on field trips just so she can take embarrassing pictures of him. He doesn't find out about those pictures until he checks her stories after the day ends.
All of you dread zoo, museum, and aquarium trips. It's always so frustrating compromising for each of the kids when they want to see something– especially when they get fussy. Mizu often asks for you to watch her group for a second while she sneaks off to the gift shop to buy you something
She does that on non-field day trips too actually. She'll ask Ringo and Akemi to take your groups during lunch every once in awhile so she can take you out on a little lunch date. The kids tease the hell out of you when you come back hand in hand, singing that y/n and Mizu kissing in a tree song. You both think it's cute until Mizu had enough of hearing it.
Akemi absolutely has favorites. One of the little girls she looks after is just a mini Akemi and she loves her dearly. On one swimming trip, she brought a few of her expensive sun care products and the girl asked her what she was using. She gave a detailed explanation of each product and offered to give her a little of the gentle products that were safe for her skin. For every other field trip, she's the first in line to get her hair done
Ringo is so over prepared for everything. He keeps a bag full of supplies of any sort in one of the buses, and in his room. Medical supplies, allergy free snacks, chargers, you name it.
The band made sure they brought their instruments with them (since they couldn't just stop practicing for an entire summer) and Eiji figured the kids would think a show would be nice. Mizu didn't want to carry this out since it would be a pain to set up, but Eiji just up and left before she could give her reasons to give up this idea.
Akemi and Ringo were thrilled to show the kids their instruments after their little show. Akemi had a few kids around her teaching them scales on her keyboard, letting them practice if they'd like and Ringo let a few kids play with his drums as long as they promised to be gentle.
Mizu and Taigen were reluctant to let any kids touch their instruments. Mizu also had to make the bass ≠ electric guitar speech too many times for her liking, even if her corrections were just "no, this is called a bass," "it's a bass," or "Taigen's is an electric guitar, this is a bass guitar."
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m3talmunson · 1 year
Steve Harrington except his mom comes from old money, his father new. So while Steve's mom took his father's last name (reluctantly. She was doing her best to promise that her son would have a good life ahead of him), she got to choose Steve's first, which just happens not to be Steve.
His name is actually Esteban Eberardo Ortiz Harrington, because by God, Maria Harrington would never let her son have an English name since she had to give up her own to promise her son a decent life.
Somewhere along the way she got lost in it all. She chased Mr. Harrington around to make sure he wasn't sleeping with whatever floozie secretary he had at the moment, and in doing so she forgot to be a mother - as much as somebody can just forget that duty.
So, one day Esteban got dropped off at his grandpa's house and became Steve. Then one day Steve's grandfather died and Steve didn't even see his father at the funeral. His father, the dead man's son, sent Maria with flowers to the funeral. Flowers she didn't have a destination for. So, the moment it was over she dragged Steve and the flowers back to the dust-covered Harrington home. She makes some dinner and has a nice night with her son, but as they curl up on the couch and try to settle for the night, she brings him up.
"Mijo, your father. I have to go back to him tomorrow. I have a plane ride in the morning. I have to go sweetheart." She blinks back the tears in her eyes as she delivers the news.
"It's ok mama! I'm 10 now, double digits." He holds out both of his hands, all of his fingers splayed out. "I can take care of things here." He put on his best brave face, something Grandpa Harrington taught him.
"Grandma is going to visit you as much as she can, but she doesn't live near here. You'll be on your own a lot, my sweet sweet boy." She let the tears run at this point, ignoring the musical she had put on the TV to occupy their thoughts.
"Don't cry mama," He curled up into her side. "Wait, Grandma? But she's been gone for longer than Grandpa?"
"No, no, my mama. She'll be up here every so often for you. My brave boy." She kissed the top of Steve's head, peppered a few more against Steve's complaints of tickling.
"Come on mama, Dolly's singing!" He said, and drew his attention back to the TV like it was nothing. They fell asleep on the couch that night. Mr. Harrington never would have approved, but maybe he just didn't need to know.
And that began the life of Steve being alone. At least, most of the time. His grandma did come up every so often. She taught him how to cook, clean, where the stools were, and which ones were tall enough for him to reach the cookie jar. The same cookie jar that stayed in place just incase his parents did come home and happen to give half a shit about it.
When she couldn't be there, over the phone, she taught her little Esteban Spanish. His father never allowed it in the house, but the moment she insisted she be called Abuelita and not Grandma, she piqued Esteban's interest.
He was interested until he got made fun of for the accent. He continued to learn it, but insisted that he be called Steve, the same way she insisted he call her something else. That set the record straight for him.
During high school, she got too frail for him to visit. The Harrington's put money in the bank for Steve, so he began to visit her. He'd fly down to where she was staying, drive once he could. Steve got his license the very first day he could, just to visit her. He planned her funeral when the day came, just a month before Will Byers went missing. That kept him in contact with quite a few of his cousins that way, checked in on everyone and made the rounds while he tried to remain a normal teenager, have a normal girlfriend, live as King Steve, or Steve "The Hair" Harrington. Anything that kept his life nice and neatly in place.
Then, a stupid nail bat was his lifeline. Screw normal, he couldn't trust anyone or anything anymore. Two years later, he got tortured by Russians and then, maybe he could trust someone.
Somewhere between his fall from grace and saving the world for good, he grew to trust a lot of people. Grew to have people at his house all the time, filling that god awful empty house.
He had Eddie over one night when he got a call from his cousin Mariana, she had just finished her freshman year of college in the US, so her English was getting pretty good, but she greeted him in Spanish so he can only return the favor. Steve guessed it was only a matter of time until Eddie and the others found out about him anyways.
So, he responded to Mariana. He had an entire conversation with her, back to the couch that Eddie was sat on. Last he knew Eddie was flipping through movies, but all the noises stopped. At least Steve could assume that maybe he just picked a movie, and maybe get hurt or yelled at or something after the call. He just had to get through this conversation with Mariana.
He heard the crash of tapes falling and had to end it.
"Sorry Mari, I've got to go." He said abruptly in English, and tried his hardest not to slam the phone back into the receiver.
When he turned around, he didn't expect what he saw. Sure, Eddie's jaw was basically on the floor, but he didn't seem angry, not like Steve had expected.
"You- you speak Spanish, Stevie?" Eddie had almost a shocked rasp to his voice, clutching onto the tape in his hand, the one that managed to not fall.
"Yeah, have for about 8 or 9 years now."
"You, Steve Harrington, are fluent in Spanish?"
"Esteban Eberardo Ortiz Harrington, actually. And yeah, my mom is Mexican."
"Est- Esteban???" Eddie laughed out. "Good God Stevie-"
"I know, I know, I should have told you sooner. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hide it, I just- it's hard walking around Hawkins with a Spanish accent, it's just so-" He interrupted Eddie.
"Steve, Stevie, no." It was Eddie's turn to interrupt. "I'm not mad at you sweetheart. Definitely not mad." Eddie hinted at something else.
"You're not mad? What- I-" Steve raised his eyebrow. "What's that look about then?"
Eddie had been out to Steve for a while, and vice-versa. They hadn't exactly not been flirting, so Eddie didn't feel too crazy saying this next part.
"If I'm being so honest, Stevie," Eddie stepped closer into Steve's personal space, "I wouldn't say completely platonic feelings."
"Oh, that's what does it for you, Munson? Really?" Steve teased. Back with the bravado charm.
"I dunno... want to say some more?"
And, of course, the moment he hears it again -the accent Steve's voice works itself into- he's basically frothing at the mouth. He drops the tape he was holding and swings his arms around Steve's neck, only a little awkward considering the lack of height difference.
"I guess it is, Esteban."
"You don't even know what I said!" Steve pretended to act shocked, or pissed or something, but he really didn't care.
"Tell me later," Eddie cut Steve off with a swift kiss, and maybe Steve would settle for later.
Maybe he'd have a lifetime to tell Eddie that all he said was "I really want to kiss you." He had his wish fulfilled anyway.
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pathetichimbos · 8 months
Ok actually I've been in love with your toughts about Thomas, YOU'RE AN AMAZING WRITER!!!
Btw, I can't stop thinking about how this man deserved a childhood friend that would eventually become his lover, someone that decided to treat him like an human being once and discovered he's just really sweet boy and not a monster.
Do you think that would change anything about how Thomas behaves in the future?
Oh, this is something I have thought about, I could write a whole fic on the AU, but let's not bite off more than we can chew and put that idea to the side for a future project. Please bear in mind that this post may seem lesser than my others and more rushed, that was quite literally because I had to continuously stop myself from writing endless drabbles on this idea.
But, I digress. Let's dive into the factual and realistic results of giving Thomas a childhood friend.
So, as we know, Thomas has had a lot of health issues from birth, and the Hewitt family did their best to get him the medical help he needed, taking him to doctors up until he was about thirteen or fourteen.
We also know that Thomas has been bullied for most of his life, and was isolated from his peers and community at a young age.
And we know that Thomas is some flavor of neuordivergent, so if we add all of these things together, we get a school record full of absences, low grades, and detentions from fights he didn't start, because we all know that in small southern towns, teachers really don't give a shit who starts the fight, they care about who's family has the better reputation.
So, he's in an out of school from the get go, has a bad reputation with all his teachers (and going into every new grade because teachers talk), and struggles with learning in the traditional way.
This starts tons of rumors about him.
They float all around the school, everyone knows who Thomas is, and no one in particular likes him.
But! Let's back up here, and take it back to, oh, I don't know, first, second grade? Around that time frame.
Thomas is still a little dude, being harassed and bullied by his peers and generally not having a fun time.
But, this time around, we'll drop another little dude in there. (that's you!)
And this little dude (non-gender term) doesn't particularly care about Thomas' deformities and disabilities. Who would?
So, you start hanging out with him. And Thomas, (who we all know thrives on positive attention), is confused, but not unwelcoming.
I don't think he'd be really clingy right of the bat, but give it a school year (maybe two if he's out of school a lot that particular year), and he's going to be a lot more comfortable with you, and that's what's going to lead to that clinginess.
Especially if you're nonchalant about grabbing his hand or touching him in general, because, remember, most people are afraid to even come near him, so the fact that you don't care and are willing to just casually touch him, is a huge thing in his eyes, and as he gets older, he's going to want more.
So, we'll skip ahead a bit until y'all are 10-12ish, and at this point, you're Thomas' best friend. Everyone knows you two hang out, the Hewitts love you, and it leads to a bit more isolation on your end, because no one wants to be friends with the freak, let alone the freaks weird best friend. (and yes, you're weird, I know you are because you're listening to me rant about leatherface /affectionate <3)
But, this also opens Thomas up to people a bit more, as the few people that do talk to you, eventually talk to him, maybe not go as far as to be his friends, but enough to be friendly.
Of course, some people are fake, and they'll ditch the both of you the moment the 'popular' kids find out they talk to you.
And other people don't, it's middle school, life in general sucks. Y'all are just trying to survive your way to highschool.
Now, if we assume you help tutor Thomas and you help keep him out of trouble (i.e. a large tree limb tends to deter bullies), we can assume his grades will go up, which will probably get his teachers off his back. All of these things are good. Thomas has a real friend, and not everyone treats him like a monster. His grades are better. His family is proud of him.
But Thomas still has mental health issues. And just like he hid them from his family, he hides them from you as well. His peers and community may have shunned and isolated him, but he also shuns and isolates himself from his family and friends, so I believe that despite being clingy and wanting to be around you a lot, if he hits a depressive episode, he's going to isolate from everyone.
That's what leads to his self mutlilation.
He slices the skin off his cheeks in an attempt to "fix" his deformities, believing that if he just gets rid of them, his disease will go away.
...But it doesn't. And he doesn't get to see you for a long time, a worried and frightened Luda Mae keeping her baby locked away and protected from the world while he heals.
That's when Thomas stops speaking. The healing wounds and eventual scars make it harder for him to speak, making anything more than a mutter or whisper painful for him.
This is when he finally drops out of school. It's a small southern town in the early 1950s, so there's no fight to stop him, after all, he's expected to help his family run the farm.
When he finally sees you again, he's worried you'll have changed your mind about him, and even though you haven't done anything wrong, it takes time for him to trust you again, his own self doubt ruining his confidence in your friendship.
But, after that, you're pretty much inseparable again. Everyone in town knows that if they see one of you, the other isn't far behind. Thomas still struggles a lot on his own during this time, and I don't believe he'd be capable of loving himself enough at this point to love you, or at least, I don't think he'd believe you actually like him, and for the sake of this post, we'll keep it that way.
Thomas spends a lot of time at his house at this point, so you spend a lot of time after school there with him. His house is practically your house. Luda Mae, Charlie, and Monty all know that once school lets out you're headed over, and they set an extra plate at dinner for you. (They don't know how Thomas could be so possibly blind to your affection towards him, but other than Charlie's stray comments encouraging Thomas to 'give it a shot', they mind their business)
Once Thomas gets a job at the slaughterhouse, and you get your own job in town, you'll often walk to the slaughterhouse after work to meet Thomas just finishing his shift, and the two of you will walk together until you have to separate to go to your own house.
It breaks people's minds seeing how soft Thomas is with you, their own preconceived ideas about the man leaving them baffled when he's gentle and caring to his friend.
It's about his early to mid twenties, when people start looking at you as more than just his friend, and as someone to actually chase and date, that Thomas finally snaps.
You don't know what comes over your best friend, but he becomes extremely affection and protective of you, no one can approach you in a flirtatious way without Thomas following close behind, simply standing behind you as a warning for them to move on.
But he doesn't actually try to date you. He's still torn by his own poor self esteem. It drives you insane.
You'll have to confront him, and give him an ultimatum. You can't keep playing this game, where he refuses to let you out of his sight but runs away every time you try to make a move.
He caves, obviously, not willing to lose you in any capacity, but your relationship is slow and careful, working at his pace as he learns to accept himself and your love for him, which takes a very long time.
He's not comfortable with any PDA, just barely letting you hold his hand when you meet him after work.
"But we've always held hands." You point out, and he looks away with a shrug.
It's different now.
But, let's step away from the drabble territory. I've already had to rewrite this post like five times now.
Over the years, Thomas becomes more and more comfortable with your relationship, and you have to teach him practically everything. He genuinely doesn't know anything going into this. And I mean anything.
As the town starts to die, and your family decides to leave, the Hewitts welcome you with open arms, but Luda Mae moves you into the guest room. After all, you're not married.
That doesn't stop you from sneaking into his room at night though.
But, despite the implication I just made, I don't think Thomas would be ready for actual sex until marriage. He's still a traditional man, just the way his mother raised him.
But, again, not my main point. Stick with me, I'm wrapping it up now.
All in all, I don't think Thomas would be that much different. A little more self confidence and self esteem, sure, but he'll still be Thomas. When the factory shuts down, he'll still snap, and he'll still kill the supervisor. He'll still start preparing human meat like he's asked. But other than feeling a bit more comfortable in his own skin and mind, he wouldn't be much different. He's still our same old Tommy.
Ok, that's all for now. Thanks for sending in the ask love <3
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xetswan · 1 month
Twilight- Unknown: Chapter Seven, The Battle
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[six] [seven, end of The Eclipse]
Later that night, Bella asked for a sleepover like old times. It shocked me at first. I was expecting her to ask more questions about my past lives but surprisingly she didn't.
We just watched movies together, eating popcorn. Maybe a random question about what it was like being a vampire.
She was sound asleep after the second movie. I decided to watch a few others but in the middle of the night she swings her fist, hitting me right in the arm. "Bella? What happened?" I woke her up, she breathed heavily, her heart racing.
"The intruder... The newborn army. They're all her puppets. Victoria." She says out of order and I raise a brow. "Alice or I would've seen if she wanted to make an army." I argue. "Unless she's hiding behind them, and she's letting someone else decide. Maybe she found out how you guy's visions work." She explains, I sit a little straight. Considering it.
"Trust me, I hope what you're saying is true and that it's her. I'll speak to the Cullen's about it, go back to sleep." I tell her, she nods her head. "We'll talk more about it tomorrow." I assured her since she seemed like she wanted more from the conversation.
I told Edward about it over the phone, now he's changed his mind about Bella being allowed to be even near the fight. Knowing she's a huge target. He's so serious about it he wants Jacob to help him with his idea.
We stand in the woods together. Jasper, Edward, Bella, Jacob, and I. Jacob goes away with Bella in his arms. Us three wait here.
"Okay, go ahead." Edward nods to us. Jasper and I take each other's hands and smell for my sister. Nothing comes about, only Jacob's wolf smell.
"All we picked up was wolf stench. No Bella. This will work." Jasper tells his brother who seems relieved. "Great."
"Okay, Alice, don't be a stranger." My dad waves to my girlfriend as Bella gets out of her truck, confused. "Okay." Alice grins. I see Bella's surprised face.
"Your alibis for the battle is all arranged." She says, pulling me into a small kiss. Holding onto my waist. "Really?" Bella asks.
"I told your guy's father that our whole family's going camping this weekend. So you two are having a sleepover with me. Charlie is going fishing anyway." Alice simply tells us.
I'm surprised he went for it since I am dating Alice but it's probably because Bella will be there and he doesn't think I would do that around my sister. Which I wouldn't... Just in the woods...
"Charlie? You guys are on the same name basis now?" Bella questions. "Yeah, that's crazy." I add in with a little chuckle.
"Me, he likes. Actually, you and Edward will have the house to yourself tonight." Alice smirks at my sister. "Like alone?" "We're all going hunting. Powering up for the battle. You're welcome." She smiles, walking me to her car and we stand there.
"I'm going hunting?" I raise a brow.
"Well, we can go away from the others, of course." She flirts, pulling me closer by my neck to kiss my lips. "Mm, I guess so." I kissed her once more.
"I'll see you later, lovebug." She tells me, opening her car door. "Can't wait." I wink, walking away to join Bella again, going inside our house.
"Hey. Do either of you want a sandwich?" Charlie asks us. "No, I'm good." Bella says. "I'll take one." I yawn.
"Well, the sister. [Name]'s girlfriend. I like." He points to me and I smile, Bella playfully rolls her eyes.
"Alice, yeah. She's great." My sister agrees. She moves over to the sink to start washing the dishes. "Hey, dad. I was wondering. Why didn't you get remarried, after mom?" She asks him suddenly. I look over to him, he seems a little stunned by the question but nonetheless he answers it.
"I don't know... Guess I still haven't met the right gal. Why?"
"I don't know. I thought you just... Maybe you gave up on the whole institution of it. Of marriage. But do you think there's any value in it?" She rambles a little bit. I scrunch my face in where she's going with this.
"Yeah, yeah marriage has value. When you're older. Much older. Like your mother. It seems to work out fine for her the second time around. Later in life." He says.
"Yeah, I guess." She shrugs.
"You definitely don't wanna have to get married because you weren't careful." He tells her and I snort out a laugh, getting a small glare from both of them. "What?" She huffs.
"Look, you know what I'm talking about. Both of you should listen. There's things that you need to think about if you're gonna be physically intimate." He begins, both Bella and I groan.
"Not the talk." I complain. "Oh don't, it's just as embarrassing for me as it is for you two." He tells us. "I doubt that. And don't bother because mom beat you to it like ten years ago." Bella tries to stop him.
"Well, you two didn't have partners ten years ago." Charlie defends.
"I'm sure things work the same way." Bella shakes her head. "Alright, so you guys are taking precautions and-"
"Okay, dad. Please don't worry about that with me. Edward is old school." Bella admits to him. I see my dad perk up a bit.
"Old school, great. What's that? Like code for something?" He questions her. "Oh my God. Dad. I'm a virgin." She blurts out.
"Okay, good. Glad we covered that." He sighs. "Me too."
"Virgin...Liking Edward a little bit more now." He says and that makes a mortified Bella bolt for the door. I laugh quietly.
"I wouldn't laugh [Name] I still gotta talk to you." He points to me and I smirk.
"I'm a virgin too." I lied to him, why would I tell my dad I've had sex? Do I look stupid to you?
"Good, Cullens are getting on my good side today." He mutters and I shake my head, leaving the room.
Later that night Bella had left to go to the Cullen's house as I was joining the others during their hunting.
The whole time my mind was away from everything. Thinking about how the fight is going to go down. How I have to use my wolf form during it. I've been practicing with Sam but it hasn't been easy. It's been the complete opposite.
I can't get used to using it. It doesn't feel right.
I want to let the others know I don't think I'm going to turn but I know that would only upset them. They're busy hunting right now though so I've just been climbing through the trees.
Watching the view above. It's a scene I don't think I could fully appreciate as a human. I mean I can see further so there's that.
"[Name], darling." I heard Jasper speak, startling me since I wasn't paying attention. I jumped down from the tree.
"Yes?" I innocently ask, smiling at him. "I have something to talk to you about." He admits, I tilt my head. Not saying anything, just letting him continue on. "So, the battle." He starts then immediately pauses. "Mhm." I hum out.
"We've come to the conclusion that you should be with Bella. Away from the fight. Edward thinks it's best that it's another person protecting Bella up on the mountain. And then he and Jacob will be-" "Pause." I laugh out loud.
"I'm getting put with the weird love triangle?" I question, a little offended that they're making me do this. "I don't want to but yes." He nods his head shamefully.
I stare at him for a moment. Calming myself before I speak. I understand where they're coming from and it won't hurt to be up there. I'm confident in my family to get it done without even getting hurt. They're strong.
"Okay, I'll do it. Only because it does help me make sure my sister is safe. The only thing is I won't know if you and Alice are." I frown, grabbing his hand.
"Alice thought of that. You're a hybrid, you can hear everything from a distance." He tells me. "If one of us gets hurt you'll hear it and you can come a runnin." He smiles. I shrug my shoulders letting out a long breath.
"I guess, if I hear anything of your two's distress I will be there." I warned him. "Understandable, darlin." He kisses my lips shortly.
In the morning I'm waiting for Bella and Edward as Bella spread little drops of blood around the woods. "You're going overboard." I heard Edward say.
"If this is all I can contribute, I want to be thorough." My sister tells him. "The newborns will be frantic. Now let me put a bandage on that." He tells her. "It doesn't bother me anymore." He adds and I'm a little confused on why he said that. "Since when?" My sister asks.
"Since I spent 24 hours thinking you were dead." "You're not wearing your ring." Mm now I understand. "Well, I didn't want to risk losing it." She simply says. "Or risk Jacob seeing?"
"I think we should wait to tell him. I mean, at least till after the fight." I can't believe I found out they were engaged this way. "If you're having second thoughts..."
"I'm not. I just want him to have a clear head." Bella assures him. I hear Jacob come into play so I walk towards them as well.
"Whose head is unclear?" Jake asks. "Nobody's I hope." My sister says. "Alice says there's a storm coming." Edward announces.
"I can feel it." I stare up at the sky. "Me too, we should get going." Jacob says. "I'll take the longer route. But I'll get there first. Set up camp." Edward tells Jacob and I who nod our heads in understanding. He turns to my sister and kisses her before leaving.
"I have to turn. I'm not getting carried by you, sorry Jake." I apologize unsincerely. "Understandable." He waves me off. "Here. So I have something to change into." I hand a small bag to Bella.
I go off into the woods, taking off my shirt and pants before transforming into my wolf form.
I meet them up at the mountain, beating Jacob and Bella by a few minutes. Edward covers me in a blanket as I transform back into my regular form.
"Jesus, I'm glad I have the wolf heat." I let out a small shiver. He laughs. "Here." Bella hands me my bag and I thank her before going into the tent.
I quickly changed. I hear them talking but I don't pay much mind to it. Not really caring enough to do so. "You guys can come in now."
Late in the night the storm gets worse and worse meaning it's only colder. Bella's freezing, her teeth chattering can be heard miles away.
"I should have chosen a site lower down." Edward frowns. "No, it's fine. I'm okay." Bella assures him. "What can I do?" He asks. She only shakes her head. The zipper opens, revealing Jacob.
"I can't sleep with all that teeth chattering going on." He chuckles. "Forget  it." Edward stops him. "She may need her toes someday and let's face it. I'm hotter than you and [Name] here." He begins to crawl to Bella's side but Edward's hand is suddenly hard on his shoulder.
"Get your hand off me." Jacob warns him. "Get your hands off her."
"Don't fight." Bella says, still shivering. Edward notices how cold she looks and pulls his hand away. "Ashe gets sick, it's on you." Jacob tells him. Edward glances at me and I nod my head.
"Just let him, it will help her." He closes his eyes, letting Jacob do it. "Why, You're freezing, Bella. relax , you'll warm up soon. Faster if you took your clothes off." He jokes around. I make a disgusted expression.
"Jake." Bella warns him to stop. "Survival one oh one."  He sighs. Edward glares at him. This is going to be a long night.
I lay in the corner of the tent in my own sleeping bag. I slowly fall asleep, luckily just missing the conversation Jacob and Edward have.
In the morning Bella and I climbed out of the tent. We're met with the young wolf, Seth sitting there. Staring at us. "Hi, Seth." Bella waves to him. I give the boy a small smile who huffs in response as a little hello.
"Where's Jacob? Did he already..." "Not yet." Edward cuts off her sentence. "He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes." He tells her, wrapping an arm around her and that makes Seth job off.
"I'm really sorry about last night. That couldn't have been easy for you." Bella begins and that's my cue to leave the scene.
I joined Seth up above from where he was. It's boring up here. I wish I argued with Jasper and stayed to fight but I knew it would've made way more problems than what it's worth. I don't want to argue with them anymore.
After a while passes I know that Jacob joined them. I listen to the fighting down below. I focus on Jasper and Alice's voices, their grunts and orders to each other. I wish I could be there with them. I hear Alice and Jasper fighting one of the same newborns.
"Jasper- back off- you can't be everywhere at- watch out!" I hear Edward shout to the air, knowing they couldn't hear him. I hear Alice tell Jasper she can handle themselves.
I stand up to go join but Edward's already at my side stopping me. "He's alright. She is too. You can't join." He tells me and I glare up at him.
"Like hell I can't." I push past him but he only speeds in front of me once again. "Not yet." He tells me. Then we both stop. We share a look with Seth.
"Someone's hurt?" Bella asks us. "Seth, go." I ordered him. He bolts away from the campsite. "Is it Jasper?" She asks another question.
"She's close. I can hear her thoughts. She knew we weren't there but she caught mine and [Name]'s scent." He explains. I stand close to Bella, he stands in front of her. "She knew Bella would be with me. She thinks she's lucky with [Name]." He translated her thoughts out loud to us.
"She found us." Bella whispers.
"She's not alone." I add in. Then a boy, the missing one from the papers, steps out of the woods.
"Riley, listen to me. Victoria's just using you, to distract me, But she knows I'll kill you." Edward tells the boy who looks shocked at first. He hesitates. "In fact, she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore." He tries to convince the boy, knowing it's the truth but he of course doesn't know that. Victoria emerges out of the woods.
"Don't listen, Riley. I told you about their mind tricks." She tells the boy, who is obviously easily influenced. "I can read her mind, so I know what she thinks about you." Edward tells him.
"He's lying." Victoria argues. "She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. It's the only thing she cares about. Not you." Edward says.
"There's only you. You know that." Victoria says after seeing the hesitation in Riley. He focuses back on us. Positioning to attack. Victoria's eyes meet with Bella's, filled with bloodlust and revenge.
"Think about it. You're from Forks. You know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you." Edward was a bit more harsh with his choice of words. Riley falters slightly. "Riley, don't let him do this to us. You know I love you." Victoria forms her face to be more emotional. Somehow convincing the boy.
"You're dead." Riley attacks Edward.
Seth leaps from the cliff above and lands on Riley taking a chunk out of hus hand. He screams in pain. Seth circles back for another attack. Edward starts toward Victoria as I hold onto Bella making sure she's not able to be touched. Victoria goes to escape but Edward darts in her path.
"You can escape. You always do. But you won't get another chance like this again." Edward threatens her choices. She hisses back at him, backing further away.
"You want her. You want [Name]. You want me, Jasper and Alice to feel the pain you felt when we killed James. When we tore him into pieces. Then turned him into ash. When I turned him into nothing." Edward edges her on. Which it works. She erupts and charges toward Bella and I.
I hold onto Bella before running out of the way. Edward intercepts her plan and they roll down the hill.
We watch Seth get kicked down the cliff. Riley spins toward us. To help Edward I push Bella back and grab Riley myself.  As we fought together he got me into a headlock. Edward fighting with Victoria seemed a little hopeless.
That was until Bella stabs her arm with a shard of some rock slate.
They stop going towards the smell. I take the arm that was around my neck and rip it off. A loud screeching noise because of it.
I toss the arm to the side and Seth leaps up, tackling Riley. Dragging him into the woods. "Victoria! Victoria!" Riley screams but the redhead does nothing, not even giving him another glance. We hear the screeching of his head getting torn off by Seth.
Edward charges towards Victoria, the two clash and begin to fight. It was fast.
He pummels her down and has himself behind her, holding her in a death grip. She struggles glaring at Bella and I. I ripped my shirt and tied it around Bella's wound tightly. Edward bares his teeth and bites a chunk from her neck, ripping her head off.
"Edward." Bella says, going towards him as she tries to touch him but he turns away. "I didn't want you to see that."
"I'll get some bandages for your arm." He starts for the tent but Seth lets out a small howl.
"Something's wrong." Bella says. "Alice needs us." I tell them. "And now." Edward agrees. "Why? What's happening?" Bella asks.
A massive fire burns when we show up. The Cullens and the wolves drag what's left of the newborns into the fire. "How long?" Edward asks.
"A few minutes. Maybe ten." Alice tells us. "They timed their arrival well." Rosalie joins in. "Probably hoping the newborns took a few of us out." Emmett spits.
"What's she doing here?" Edward points to the newborn girl behind them.
"We offered her safe haven if she stopped fighting. She took it." Esme tells him. "The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves." Carlisle speaks up.
"Where's Jacob?" Bella asks. "There." Edward points to the large world but then he hears a vampire behind him. Leah charges.
"Leah, don't!" Edward shuts but it's too late. The newborn grabs her ruff, yanking her off of her paws but Jacob leaps onto him tackling him. He tries to bite the newborn but it gets its arms around Jacob, crushing him. Jacob howls in agony. I wince at the sight.
"Jacob!" Bella screams. The other wolves pounce on the newborn, pulling him apart.
Edward and Carlisle appear to Jacob's side. Jacob is back to his human form. His face contorted and looked like he could barely breathe.
"Hold on, carlisle is gonna take care of you." Edward tells the boy. "The bones on the right half of his body are shattered." Carlisle tells everyone. Jacob squeezes Edward's hand. Bella reaches them, dropping to her knees and she strokes his face. "Bella." He huffs out. "Jake, I'm right here." She says.
"Jacob, you idiot. I had it." Leah tells him, saddened by what happened and obviously feeling guilt. "Leah." Sam states, basically telling her not now.
"I need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting." Carlisle says. "We need to get him out of here. We;re not gonna win in a fight with the Volturi." Edward orders,
"We'll take him back to Billy's." Sam nods. "I'll be there as soon as I can." Carlisle assures them. "Hand in there, Jake. We got you." Bella touches him one last time.
Jacob cries out in pain as the pack lifts him.
"They're here." Alice speaks up. I stand between Jasper and her.  "It appears you've done our work for us." Jane comes into view out of the smoke.
"Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." Jane raises a brow. "We were lucky." Carlisle smiles.
"I doubt that." Jane hums. "It appears we missed an entertaining fight." Alec frowns in disappointment. "Yes, it's not often rendered unnecessary."
"If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose." Edward hostilely tells her.
She then looks behind us, spotting the young girl. "You missed one." Jane points.
"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender." Carlisle informs her. "That wasn't yours to offer." Jane moves towards the young one. Esme shoots Carlisle a concerned look.
"Why did you come?" But before the girl can answer the question she uses her power on the girl. She screams in pain.
"They came to destroy us. To kill Bella and [Name]." Esme speaks but Jane ignores her. Enjoying the pain. "Who created you?"
"You don't need to do that. She'll tell you anything you want to know." Esme pleads with the blonde vampire. "I know."
Carlisle puts a hand on his wife's shoulder. The girl's screams stop. "I don't know, Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe." She tells Jane, who only zaps her again.
"Her name was Victoria. Perhaps you knew her." Edward says.
"Jane faces Edward with an unnerving smile. The other three positions behind Jane. "Edward. If the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would've stopped her. Isn't that right, Jane?" Carlisle makes eye contact with the girl who just stares at him.
"Of course. Felix." She suddenly says and the brunette male moves to the girl.
"She didn't know what she was doing. We'll take responsibility for her. Give her a chance." Esme begs with Jane and the other members.
"The volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know that she's still human." Jane looks over to Bella. "The date is set." Bella spits out.
"Take care of that Felix. I'd like to go home." She ignores my sister.
The male does it and we all wince at the noises. "Thank you, Felix. Until next time." They all leave.
Later that day I sat in my room. On my bed more specifically. Alice and Jasper at the foot of it.
"Edward and Bella are engaged." I suddenly tell them with my lips pursed out stuck in thought.
"Mhm, that's huge. Are you excited for them?" Alice asks me and I nod. "Of course."
"Why are you bringing it up, darlin '?" Jasper asks with a small smirk on his lips.
"Oh no reason." I lay back in my bed. I hear them snicker at me. Joining me in laying on either side of me.
"Is there something you're hinting at?" Alice pokes my side. "I don't know, am I?" I stay strong with a stern straight facial expression.
"Well polyamory isn't exactly legal in most states." Jasper points out to me.
"Let's move to another country." I simply shrug my shoulders causing them both to laugh.
"We'll get married." Alice hums. "Someday."
"Why not now." I offer. "Are you proposing to us?" She asks and I raise a brow. "Mmm, why do I have to be the one to propose?" I huff.
"You brought it up." Jasper reminds me and I chuckle.
"Fair, fair." I kiss his lips then face Alice to do the same.
"Let's let them have their moment then right after steal their thunder." I exclaim, closing my eyes.
"Sounds fair to me, lovebug." Alice lays her head on my chest.
"Yeah, very smart, darlin." Jasper agrees.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
The top of your blog says you're still taking requests,no pressure though of course: Eddie lives through the events of s4 and heals in the hospital, his name is cleared, Eddie spends his time with his uncle and his friends, plays games. He notices that Steve sort of remains on the back burner, shows up to little gatherings but keeps himself at a distance, busies himself with small tasks. Keeps the focus on Eddie, and is content to sort of stare at everyone, and not join in. Eddie gets worried and asks Robin whats up with Steve, why does he keep just standing in the corner or the kitchen smiling instead of joining in, I think he's bumming the kids out, Robin. And she has to calmly, and frightfully, remind him that Steve died over spring break. What are you talking about he's right there! I'd love a Ghost Steve who doesn't want to move on, wants to stay with his family. Doesn't want to be alone. Eddie is the only one who can see him at first(?)
OKAY SO THIS WAS SAD AS SHIT AND I LOVE THIS PREMISE. I especially love it because I have read A LOT of ghost Eddie fics, some where he was actually dead and some where it was a weird Upside Down thing and he was alive. I'm a big believer in happy endings so I went full speed ahead with the latter option for Steve. But since you requested ghost Steve not wanting to move on, I had to switch it up a bit to where Eddie couldn't just let it go. Still plenty of sad, but I had to make it hopeful and happy at the end because I am me. - Mickala ❤️
While Eddie was in the hospital, it felt like he was in a bubble. His uncle was the only one allowed to visit for the first week, and then the kids were able to come by when his name was cleared.
They weren’t themselves, a cloud of sadness around them, but that was to be expected with everything that had happened.
Dustin, especially, clung to him more than he expected.
He figured it would be rough, he did almost die, after all, but this was on another level.
Dustin was with him every day for hours, sometimes had to be dragged out by his mom who understood, but only in the way a person who doesn’t know about the Upside Down could.
Robin came by sometimes, a haunted look on her face, none of her usual energy anywhere to be seen.
He managed to get her to crack a small smile twice.
When he left the hospital, things somehow felt worse.
The government had provided him and Wayne a new trailer, nowhere near the trailer park, even managed to get Wayne a new truck since Eddie’s van had been destroyed and Wayne’s truck was on its last leg for the last year.
His name was cleared, but that didn’t mean people changed their mind about him.
He mostly stayed at home, didn’t even attempt to go to the store with Wayne or anywhere but Dustin’s house or the Byers’.
The kids started begging for normalcy in whatever ways they could: meeting up for movie night, bringing Hellfire back, dinner at the Byers’ house.
Eddie was on board with it, wanted to put everything in the past just as much as they did.
He went to movie night, at Robin’s house while her parents were out of town instead of at Steve’s.
Steve, who hadn’t visited him once while he was in the hospital, hadn’t made it to any hangouts with the kids, apparently was coping with everything by ignoring everyone.
Eddie would have to do something about it soon because the kids were clearly missing him.
Movie night was okay, but he decided to have the next one at his house.
He told Dustin to let everyone know, didn’t think he had to be specific about everyone.
Steve didn’t show up on time, which was unusual since he was usually Dustin and Lucas’ ride. They rode with Nancy and Mike.
Everyone settled in, Eddie started the movie and passed out popcorn, waved goodbye to Wayne on his way out the door to his night shift.
Everything felt okay, but without Steve, it didn’t feel right.
Eddie could admit to himself he had a crush on him. He had one on him in high school, but that was easy to ignore when he was an asshole.
Now, he knew Steve was a good guy, protected these kids and Robin and Nancy with his life and didn’t hesitate even when he should.
It wasn’t just a crush anymore, he realized that while he was in the hospital. It was full blown feelings. Love.
Eddie sat in Wayne’s recliner in the corner, keeping an eye on everyone through the movie. He glanced over to the kitchen and saw movement, but didn’t think anything of it.
They paused the movie halfway through for bathroom breaks and refills on snacks and drinks, and Eddie followed all the kids into the kitchen to get his own beer.
He was startled when he turned the corner and saw Steve smiling at him from the corner.
He didn’t want to say anything, figured the kids had already said hello and he was just letting them get their stuff first.
But it was kind of weird that he’d come in the backdoor of a trailer he’d never visited when he easily could have come in the front door. Eddie watched as Steve leaned against the wall of the kitchen, watching everyone move around without saying anything.
It was weird, especially because the smile seemed to transform from a genuine one to a sad one quickly.
He didn’t want to draw attention to it, didn’t know how much Steve let the kids see usually, so he turned to grab his own snack from the counter.
Robin was standing there, staring at him, eyebrows pinched together.
“What were you looking at?”
“Uh,” Eddie glanced back over and saw Steve frowning now. “Steve? Looking like a kicked puppy in the corner?”
Robin’s face went from confused to worried in a millisecond.
“What? What do you mean?”
“Steve.” Eddie gestured towards where Steve was still standing, but now he looked panicked, like he wanted to interrupt. “Please feel free to make me not look insane, Steve.”
Robin glanced over to the corner, then back at Eddie, tears in her eyes.
“Eddie,” she said, voice sad, like she was about to break the worst news in the world to him. Then, she did. “Steve died. Remember? We had to leave him.”
That can’t be right. He could’ve sworn Steve was there when he was being pushed through the gate, when he gained just enough consciousness to look around and take inventory of the people around him. Steve was there.
“When did he die? He was at the…with the bats…he was at the trailer…right?”
Eddie looked back in the corner and saw Steve looking down at the floor.
And then Robin was pulling him into a hug.
“Nobody told you. They were supposed to tell you. And we-” she let out a sob. “We just haven’t talked about it. It’s hard to. Last time we tried, Dustin had to be given anxiety meds. I’m sorry, Eddie. He’s gone.”
She was crying through the explanation, almost too much for him to understand what she was saying.
But he watched as Steve wiped at his eyes in the corner.
Like he was crying. Like he was there.
He knew Robin wasn’t lying, she would never lie about something like this, and it would explain a lot of the behavior of everyone and Steve’s absence up until this point.
“Robbie, I-” Eddie didn’t know if it would help or hurt her to know he could see Steve right now. He made a decision based on the way Steve was watching them now, his eyes wide and sad, like he would be crying if he could. “I can see him right now.”
Robin pulled away, looked at him, then over at the corner.
“Right now? He’s there right now?”
Eddie nodded.
“Can you hear him say anything?”
“No, he hasn’t said anything. I don’t think he can.”
Steve was still just staring at them, and Eddie knew he was stuck.
If he was truly dead, he wasn’t moving on the way people do. If he wasn’t dead, then something super weird was happening and he would have to get help from everyone.
But he didn’t want to involve the kids, not for this. Because if Steve was dead, like they thought, and they went through the trouble of trying to find him, they’d be hurting all over again.
But if he wasn’t.
“Robin, were you sure he was dead? No pulse or breathing, no movement?”
Robin’s eyes widened.
“I mean, I guess as sure as we could be with how rushed and emotional we were? Nancy couldn’t find a heartbeat and he wasn’t moving, and we waited as long as we could, but he didn’t wake up. Do you think he isn’t dead?”
Steve was watching them, his fingers tapping against his arms that were crossed over his chest.
“How long can someone survive down there?”
“Eddie, look. I already talked to Hopper about it. He said even if somehow Steve managed to survive his injuries, they were bad enough that he would have probably been found by something and attacked. And even if he survived that, he’s been down there without food and water and clean oxygen for a month. The fact that Will survived a week was a miracle.”
He didn’t push. He could hear it in Robin’s voice that she’d already thought of every possible outcome, probably even tried to plan a rescue mission at some point.
She couldn’t take the disappointment either.
Eddie dropped it for now, but he watched as Steve watched him.
He just had a feeling that this was more complicated than Steve being dead.
He let himself mourn that night.
While he didn’t feel like Steve was dead, he knew that no matter what, Steve had been missing from all their lives for a month.
He cried for hours, he cried for Steve, for Dustin, for Robin, for Max, for everyone who Steve loved so much that he died for them.
Himself included.
Because that’s what it came down to: Steve died protecting them.
They all took a risk, but Steve paid the price.
It wasn’t fair. The guy who put everyone first was the first one gone.
Eddie finally fell asleep, but it was restless. He kept getting flashes of Steve in his dreams, his face bloody, his body bloody, his screams loud.
Which was weird for a lot of reasons, one of them being that he didn’t know what injuries Steve even had when he died. The ghost he saw in his kitchen earlier had just been Steve, not bloodied or broken or scared.
When he managed to get up, he went through the motions of his day: brush his teeth, shower, eat breakfast, do his stretches, play guitar, eat lunch, clean up, talk to Wayne.
But by dinner, he felt like he had to do something. He had to figure out why he felt this buzzing energy around him.
He waited until Wayne left to get their dinner at the diner and bring it home, then he called Robin.
“Robin, is there a gate open somewhere?”
“Seriously, Eddie.”
“I just need to know! Maybe you’re right, in fact, you probably are. But what if you aren’t? What if he’s stuck down there? What if he’s too hurt to find a way back here?”
Robin was silent, but Eddie didn’t let that deter him.
“I know you guys were pretty sure. And I know you wouldn’t have left if you didn’t believe he was dead. But you said yourself you were emotional and overwhelmed and feeling rushed because of everything happening. It’s not that far of a stretch to believe that he could be alive.”
Her voice was broken.
She didn’t want to believe him.
“Okay,” he sighed. “Okay.”
“I know it’s hard. It’ll get easier, I hope. His parents just sold the house, and his car, so. He’s gone. We have to accept that.”
But it wasn’t okay.
He hung up with Robin, promised he would try to get some sleep, take care of himself. It was a lie.
He ate dinner with Wayne, pretended he was doing alright, pretended he didn’t still hear the echoes of Steve’s screams in his head.
Wayne left early for work, claimed he was picking up some overtime due to them being short staffed still after the quake. He said he wouldn’t be home until nine the next morning.
Eddie nodded and pretended to head to his room for the night.
He did a lot of pretending until he was alone.
Then, he got on the phone with El.
El had gotten attached to him while Max was in a coma, stopping by to talk to him after she’d spent an hour or so with Max. She saw him as a cool older brother, especially when she realized Hopper wasn’t his biggest fan.
“I need to know if there’s a gate open.”
“Eddie, I do not know if I can help with that,” El responded slowly, carefully.
“What if I say it’s for a really good reason?”
“I am sure it is, but I promised Dad I would not open one.”
“But what if there’s one already open?”
“There is not. I would feel it.”
Eddie sighed. He didn’t want to make El break a promise, but this was worth it.
He knew Hopper would forgive her and him if he was right.
“Has Will mentioned feeling anything weird?”
Sometimes Will felt things that even El couldn’t, usually things happening only in the Upside Down. Everyone’s running theory was that it was because of the time he spent down there.
“No, he just feels the usual.”
“What’s the usual?”
“It is just there. Sometimes it is more there than other times.”
“And right now? It isn’t more than other times?”
“I think it is just always more than other times since Vecna.”
Hm. That could be something.
“Why does it feel like more sometimes?”
“It is hard to say. Sometimes it is nothing, sometimes it is because something is moving and trying to get out.”
“Is it always a creature?”
“It always was before.”
“El, I think Steve’s alive.”
There, he said it. He said it to someone who could probably actually help him, who would would help him if she believed him.
“Why do you think that? They said he was not breathing.”
“I know, but, look. Robin even said that they were being rushed and were crying and could have missed something.”
“But it has been a month.”
“I saw him. In the kitchen.” He hated saying this to one of the kids. They all loved Steve so much and if he was wrong, he really didn’t want this to hurt her. “At movie night. He was there, but only I could see him. Robin said maybe it was a ghost, but it seemed too real.”
“It was Steve?”
“Even if he’s de-,” Eddie stopped. “Gone. If his body is where it was left, it should be put to rest here. And if it isn’t, and he’s alive, then we can save him.”
“But we will get caught.”
“Not if we do it tonight. Hopper works nights this week, right?”
“So he won’t be home to know you’re gone. Will is over at Dustin’s. Jonathan is so high, he won’t notice you’re gone. Joyce will be asleep by ten. You can sneak out.”
“What if you get hurt? I cannot go down there.”
That was a valid concern.
They defeated Vecna, and the Mindflayer hadn’t been a problem since, but that didn’t mean the other creatures weren’t still prowling around down there.
Out of all of them, he had the least experience with them, and she had every right to be worried.
“I can handle it. I’ll bring Steve’s bat.”
He met El in the woods behind the cabin they were staying in. Hopper had redone it, adding two bedrooms and a bathroom so they could all fit more comfortably.
They silently hugged and kept walking further, away from any chance of being seen or heard.
El warned him that opening the gate was risky in other ways too. She had a lot of control over her powers, but sometimes using this much strength would leave her too tired to close it again, and they couldn’t leave a gate open for longer than it took for Eddie to get in, check for Steve, and get out.
They also ran the risk of her using a little too much power and making a gate that was too big for her to close at all.
But these were risks Eddie deemed worth it, and with some convincing, El did too.
They found a small clearing, big enough to make a gate that Eddie could fit through.
He didn’t let himself stop to think about the last time he was being pushed through a gate, how he was bleeding out and barely breathing. He only thought about how Steve was down there, dead or alive, and didn’t deserve to be.
“Are you ready?” El asked him, her hands digging into the earth below her.
“Two hours. If you are not back in two hours, I call Hopper.”
That was the deal. That was the only way she agreed to do this.
He knew if it came down to him being gone for more than two hours, he’d probably be grateful to see Hopper.
“Got it.”
El nodded and closed her eyes.
The ground started shaking, Eddie held back the panic, and suddenly El was staring up at him, blood dripping from her nose, smiling.
The ground had opened between them, just big enough for Eddie to slip through, small enough for El to cover with sticks and leaves if someone came looking before their time was up.
“You will come back in two hours.”
“Sure thing, supergirl. With Steve, hopefully.”
“With Steve,” she added with a small smile.
Eddie didn’t think anymore.
He dropped himself down, ignoring the sinking feeling in his stomach when everything turned upside down on him.
He didn’t let himself hesitate, even though he wanted to.
He had a lot of ground to cover in a short amount of time, and if Steve was alive, he could be anywhere.
But he walked towards where Robin and Nancy had left him. It would at least confirm if he was dead, his body hopefully would still be there if so.
It was only two miles, but Eddie was never a very fast runner. The first mile went surprisingly well, much faster than he expected to be able to do it. But during mile two, he felt his legs shaking.
He was still technically healing, the physical therapy stretches he did every morning further proof that he still had a long way to go before he was completely recovered.
But he pushed through it, knowing that the way back would be worse and he couldn’t waste time now.
But when he got to the area between the Creel house and the trailer park, he saw no sign of Steve, or anything for that matter.
There weren’t even vines or dead creatures around.
He tried to remain calm.
Steve had been alive when they left him here.
He may not be now, but he had been.
That felt worse.
He pushed that aside and decided to run to the trailer park.
Steve wouldn’t have gone in the direction of the Creel house, and he wouldn’t have wandered aimlessly no matter how much blood he’d lost.
He would have gone to the place he knew they would be in hopes the gate was still open.
The trailer park had always been kind of eerie, even in broad daylight, so the Upside Down version was downright horrific.
Eddie ran directly to his old trailer, hoped that somehow Steve found shelter here.
It looked worse than what he remembered, blood on the floor from when they were half dragging, half carrying him after being a meal for the bats.
The door had been kicked in at some point, and he wasn’t sure how or when that could have happened after they left.
He almost didn’t want to know unless-
He could hear movement in the back bedroom. His bedroom.
It could be anything. Wind blowing through a broken window, a creature he wasn’t entirely prepared to kill, Steve.
God, he hoped it was Steve.
He slowly walked towards the bedroom, his hands shaking where they were holding on tight to the bat.
The door was open a few inches, and he could hear the movement more clearly.
It sounded like someone was in bed, shifting in the sheets.
Holy shit.
He pushed the door open.
Holy shit.
Eddie dropped the bat and ran to the bed, only stopping himself from jumping onto it when he saw the blood.
There was a lot, though most of it looked old, like maybe Steve had crawled here and then couldn’t quite find his way back out.
Steve was pale. It was dark, and hard to make out a lot of details, but he could see that he was deathly pale.
“Holy shit, Jesus Christ, Steve. Where are you bleeding from?”
“Um, I think my leg? And my stomach.”
His voice was raspy, sort of nasally like he was coming down with a cold. Could you catch a cold from being down here? Probably.
Eddie’s hands hovered over the sheets, ready to move them so he could try to help, when Steve suddenly turned on his side and threw up.
“Shit. Hold on, let me help you sit up.”
“Sorry. Sorry.”
Steve was crying, and Eddie didn’t know what to do.
He took a deep breath.
“You don’t have to apologize, Stevie. I’m sorry you’ve been stuck here. Can I check your heartbeat?”
Eddie needed to see if it was ridiculously fast or slow, needed to determine how quickly he had to move them out of here, if he could take a few extra minutes to try to patch him up or if he just had to put him on his back and run.
Steve held his wrist towards him and Eddie quickly found his pulse.
He counted like a kind nurse showed him while he was in the hospital, filed away for future emergencies so he could be useful.
“It’s a little fast, but I think that’s normal for the situation. Let’s get you up and we can go.”
“Go how?”
“You can hop on my back.”
“Steve, it’s not up for debate. You’re coming back with me and I don’t care if it means I break my back.”
Steve nodded once, his eyes closing as if he was just too exhausted to fight.
Eddie was sure he was.
Even if he managed to sleep here, it couldn’t have been well. It’s hard to rest when you know scary monsters are just outside the door.
“Tired,” Steve said, almost like he could read Eddie’s mind.
Hell, maybe he could after spending so much time down here.
Something to test later.
He checked his clock. Still had almost an hour and a half to get back to the gate.
“Have you had anything to eat or drink lately?”
“Found some water four days ago I think? Maybe five. Managed to stretch it until yesterday. Food’s been gone for days.”
How was he not passed out?
“How much of this blood is yours?”
“All of it.”
Eddie felt his forehead. He had a fever.
Even more awesome.
He probably had infections, which can be treated if you get them taken care of quickly, but he could have had them for weeks by now.
“Alright, on three, wrap your arms around my neck and your legs around my waist. I’m gonna lift, and I just need you to try to keep leaning forward while I get you on my back.”
“And you cannot close your eyes. You hear me, Steve?”
Steve didn’t answer.
“Sweetheart, I need you to talk to me.”
“Mhm. Eyes stay open.”
“And mouth keeps moving. Alright,” Eddie helped him out a bit by placing his arms around his neck. “One…two…three.”
He lifted, and huffed out a sharp breath when his ribs started aching almost immediately.
“Okay?” Steve whispered against his neck.
“I’m okay. You?”
“Okay.” Eddie let himself take one calming breath, just enough to get himself back on track. “Talk to me.”
“I know, love, but I need to know you haven’t passed out,” Eddie said sympathetically.
“Wanna hold your hand.”
God, okay. He could handle that.
He could.
“Okay, one hand for a minute. I need them both to hold you up though.”
He moved one hand up to his chest, where Steve’s hands were sort of dangling. He let his thumb run along the side of Steve’s hands, then Steve grabbed it and squeezed, surprising strength behind it.
“Is Dustin okay?”
Jesus Christ, this guy was half dead and still asking if others were okay.
“Yeah, he’s doing okay. Misses you, though.”
“Miss him.”
“Max is gonna be mad you came back from the dead in a more impressive way than her.”
“She can win.”
Eddie let out a laugh and tugged his hand back to adjust Steve on his back.
They had barely made it out of the trailer park and Eddie’s legs were shaking. He could do it though, he had no choice.
“How long?” Steve asked.
“A month.”
“She’s hurting. She thought I was crazy. Didn’t wanna come because she didn’t wanna see you like she left you.”
“Not dead though.”
“Nope, not unless dead people can talk down here.”
Steve’s breath was hot against his neck, tickling him and sending chills down his back.
“What about me?”
Steve’s voice was getting more strained, like he was doing his best to still talk but it was causing a lot of pain for him to do so.
“I was really hurt, yeah.”
“Not as much. Just a little.”
“Love me?”
Eddie knew he was losing it. The pain, the dehydration and hunger, the deliriousness. Steve didn’t have a clue what he was saying.
“You love me?”
Steve squeezed his legs around Eddie’s hips.
“Came back. Love me.”
When it was put like that, yeah, Eddie guessed it seemed kind of obvious.
“Just a little.”
He could sense the eyeroll Steve wanted to give, but didn’t quite have the energy.
“I saw you. In my kitchen. Were you there?”
“Did you dream about it?”
“Just you. Kids. Robin. Missed you.”
“We all missed you.”
Eddie was making more progress, his determination to get Steve medical attention far outweighing any weakness or pain he was feeling.
“What hurts, sweetheart?”
Eddie could feel where the blood was soaking through his shirt, but he knew it wasn’t so much that he couldn’t at least make it through the gate before bandaging it up. He’d made it this long with them out, another 30 minutes wouldn’t kill him.
Steve was quiet again, but he was breathing against Eddie’s neck steadily, so he didn’t push.
“Man, you won’t believe the place they gave me and Wayne. It’s got two bedrooms. And we have a whole kitchen instead of just a small counter area with a stove and fridge. Maybe you can cook us dinner when you’re better, you know, as a thanks for rescuing you.”
“Not a good cook.”
“I don’t believe that. Robin said you made her chicken parmesan from scratch for her birthday.”
“Alright, so chicken parmesan, my kitchen, soon.”
They were close, creeping into the edge of the woods, and Eddie was trying not to panic at Steve’s silence.
“Stevie, just a few more minutes. Tell me about the first thing you wanna do when you’re back.”
“Mmm.” Steve’s head rolled back and forth like he was trying to focus. “Kiss you.”
“That can be arranged. What else?”
“Hug Dustin. Love him.”
“Yeah, he could use that.”
“Hug Robin. Love her.”
“She could use that, too.”
“Hug you, love you.”
He wouldn’t hold Steve to this, he wouldn’t. But it would hurt so much when Steve forgot about this whole conversation.
He bit his lip and nodded.
“Yeah, I could use that.”
Steve’s lips were pressed against his neck, most likely accidental, but Eddie let himself pretend for a moment it was a kiss.
When he reached the gate, he whistled to get El’s attention.
“Oh! Eddie, is that…”
“He’s alive. Really hurt and needs water and food. I need to get him through.”
El was prepared with everything and it only took a couple of minutes for them to get through the gate, Steve whimpering slightly as they moved him around.
“You were right.”
El seemed surprised, like she had only done this to give Eddie closure. She hadn’t expected Steve to be alive.
“He loves me,” Steve said.
El looked at Eddie, then at Steve, then back to Eddie.
“You love him?”
“I do. And I’ll love him a lot more if he stays alive. We have to get him to the hospital.”
“I can call Hopper?”
“Tell him to meet us at the cabin with an ambulance.”
“Jus’ need sleep.”
Eddie looked at Steve, mouth open in disbelief.
“You’re going to the hospital.”
“I’m not arguing with you. You can barely form a sentence. You’re going to the hospital.”
“You come?”
“I won’t leave your side.”
Eddie put him on his back again so he could walk towards the cabin, hopeful that Hopper wouldn’t ask a lot of questions until they got Steve taken care of.
“He is on his way!” El yelled from the porch, Joyce coming up behind her, hair a mess from being asleep.
When she saw Steve, her eyes widened and she nearly tripped running down the stairs.
“Oh God, Steve! Honey, are you okay? Of course not, you can’t even walk. You’re bleeding!”
“Mrs. Byers, can you get him some water maybe please?”
“Yes! Oh my God!”
She was running back up the stairs, mumbling to herself the whole way.
El giggled as she watched.
Eddie loved her.
He could hear sirens in the distance, and he hoped he would be able to ride with Steve.
He shouldn’t have to be alone anymore.
Steve’s eyes were closed, but Eddie kept his fingers on his pulse, making sure he didn’t have any changes while the sirens got closer.
Hopper’s patrol car arrived first, barely in park before Hopper was jumping out and running to where Eddie was cradling Steve.
Joyce came out with the water and handed it to Eddie.
“Dammit, why would you go down there alone? You know the rules.”
Eddie ignored him, just focused on getting some water past Steve’s lips.
“C’mon, sweetheart. Just a few sips.”
Steve’s lips moved, then he swallowed some of the water.
“There ya go. Good job.”
Hopper was watching in silence now, Joyce with her arm around him.
Eddie knew they were wondering how the hell they would ever get over leaving Steve behind.
The ambulance pulled up next, EMTs rushing out and asking Eddie question after question.
He had to keep it simple: found him in the woods, must’ve been out there since the quake with the injuries and level of dehydration. They took him at his word.
When they loaded Steve up, they let Eddie in only because Hopper insisted.
“I’ll be right behind you.”
And he was.
Eddie kept his eyes on Steve the whole time, but he could see the lights of Hopper’s police car in the window next to him.
Steve’s eyes fluttered open a few times as they hooked him up to oxygen and an IV, kept checking his vitals.
Eddie smiled at him each time, made sure he knew he was there and he loved him.
It was two days before Steve woke up again.
The wounds weren’t bad, but they were infected, which was why they kept randomly bleeding despite not being very deep.
The infection was actually the worst of it, but it had potential to be life threatening if they couldn’t get it under control.
They pumped him full of pain relievers and antibiotics, fluids and nutrients.
Eddie sat by his bed the whole time.
None of the kids were allowed in yet, doctor’s and Hopper’s orders, but he heard Dustin in the hall multiple times a day giving it his best shot.
Robin hadn’t come by yet. Eddie knew she felt guilty, immensely so. She left her best friend down there, suffering, and didn’t even think to double check when it was safe to do so.
Eddie didn’t blame her, and he knew Steve wouldn’t either, but Robin would.
But when Steve’s eyes finally opened, bloodshot and glassy from his IV concoction, he smiled at Eddie.
“Love me?”
“Just a little.”
He fell back asleep a few minutes later, holding Eddie’s hand like a lifeline.
It took another four days before the doctors said he could be around others. His infection symptoms had gotten better and they believed the worst was over.
Eddie called Robin and told her to bring Dustin, no arguing. Steve was asking for them.
It wasn’t a lie, but he may have exaggerated it slightly just to get them here.
And when they did show up, everyone cried.
Robin collapsed next to the bed while Dustin folded himself against Steve the moment he was given permission to.
Eddie just watched from his chair, took in the way Steve comforted them despite the fact he was still in the hospital after spending a month alone in the Upside Down.
That was just who Steve was.
It probably wasn’t healthy, but it’s why Eddie loved him. Just a little.
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oneatlatime · 8 months
Zuko Alone
I'm hoping for some Appa this episode. It's been too long since he's gotten any good sight gags.
Zuko is cosplaying Clint Eastwood. He's also back to being stupid pale this episode.
You know it's a good thing that Zuko's not in the Fire Nation anymore because he really would have sucked at being Fire Nation. Robbing pregnant women is probably kindergarden level stuff for them.
How is Zuko in such bad shape? Last time we saw him he had a cave full of spoils robbed from rich people. Did he not bother to pack at least some of that stuff? Actually, not thinking far enough ahead to pack would be pretty in character.
Oof that would rub me the wrong way. Not enough money for a meal, but sure, let's use totally edible eggs as ammo.
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Where'd the egg go?
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Who is the scarred up hat wearing vampire and what happened to the real Zuko? Imposter Zuko just elected to not be provoked into a fight. Real Zuko would already be setting things on fire.
Just a bunch of thugs. Yep. It's consistently awesome how many of the facets of war this show can cover.
Imposter Zuko and Song's horse bird just got kidnapped. Did not see that coming.
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Zuko kind of has arm bandages like Sokka has this episode. Also love the character detail that the boy has scraped knees.
Is the kid's dad the same guy as the man at the store? Or maybe this is a one haircut town?
So the guy who was near to fainting off his horse bird this morning is now turning down freely offered food? Could Zuko please shelve his pride for five minutes? Kudos to the mom for accurately reading his distaste for charity and turning it into a request for aid though. Although covering for the boy's egg trick is worth at least a meal.
I don't get Zuko. How can he still have so much pride when he's wearing rags and starving himself to feed Song's horse bird? I'm quite shameless when it comes to accepting help and I've never, ever been able to understand the whole 'too proud to accept charity' mindset. I'm always up for some charity. I have enough manners to offer to do the dishes after, but if you're offering free food I'm eating it. And I've never been in a situation as desperate as Zuko's. So I don't get this.
ok tangent over.
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Peak rich kid behaviour. I hope those nails aren't expensive otherwise Zuko doing work for food might end up with this family out of pocket.
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Is the wood grain on this ladder an actual photograph of wood grain?
Zuko has more patience this episode than he had for all of season 1 combined. He's also never gone this long without yelling. Either proximity to young children activates Zuko's otherwise mostly slumbering decency, or to fit him into a Fistful of Dollars homage the writers had to make him out of character.
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If I had been in this situation when I was a kid, if I had been a) this visibly bored, and b) this nosy around guests, I would have been given a hammer and a bag of nails in three seconds flat. Also, nice to see a Sokka face from Zuko.
I get that 'a man without a past' is a staple of the cowboy genre, but the boy's father bringing up the privacy of the past twice in like two minutes makes me think he's done stuff he doesn't want to talk about. Seems both the parents have read Zuko right though.
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Finally! Some pretty! I have been suffering! This may be the first really good pretty all season!
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Bad news for the Appa decor on my blog. He may have been supplanted in my affections.
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Two things: first, Zuko is a carbon copy of his mom. Second, That is way too much forehead.
Having Zuko's mom introduce herself by talking about the lengths mothers will go to for their children is not giving me foreshadowing anxiety at all.
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Azula's been a bitch since birth. Noted.
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Sir, your eyebrows. Also, yeah, I wouldn't want to play with her either.
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Yikes this is making my teeth itch and my skin crawl. Calling it now, she's rotten to the core.
Zuko and Azula's dad has some weak ass genes. BOTH of his children are carbon copies of their mom.
Also, I was not expecting Zuko's very stupid ponytail to be a pre-scar thing. It is much better with a full head of hair.
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If I had spent my childhood hanging out with an untouchable princess who set things on my head on fire for fun whenever I involuntarily displayed emotion, I'd be gloomy and apathetic in self defense too.
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Sokka in this episode in spirit, if not in person.
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Seriously that's the same face three times over!
Um, no? If Iroh doesn't make it back from the front, doesn't his son become next in line to be Firelord?
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Can you hear all the unspoken "father thinks that" and "father says that" in front of every one of Azula's opinions in this whole scene? I stand by my assertion that she's awful anyways, but she's also obviously drunk much too much of her dad's koolaid, if you know what I mean.
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This kid is going to get into so much trouble one of these days. Provoking the soldiers, nagging the mysterious stranger with the mysterious past, and now taking his weapons? Kid's sweet but he really needs to learn when to stop pushing his luck.
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Stabbing dead, dried wood sounds like a great way to utterly annihilate the edge on those. Hope Zuko packed a whetstone.
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Where is this patience coming from? I don't understand and it's BUGGING me.
Hold on. Technical problems.
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My very basic DVD player sometimes has difficulty with these disks. Whatever happened between the above two screenshots, I've missed it. So picking back up from the one on the right...
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Either these soldiers are impressively cowardly (which, yeah) or Zuko's really been working on his death glare, because they've got him outnumbered and out-armoured and they still back off.
OH it's parallels! Zuko's cousin and the boy's older brother. Got it. Kind of a false parallel though. Grandson of the Firelord does not equal earth kingdom conscript.
Give the demonstrably impulsive and nosy child a knife. That'll work out just fine I'm sure. Pretty sad the kid glommed on to Zuko so quickly, but it's also yet another realistic representation of the consequences of war. This show's good.
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*shudders* theatre kids.
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She's tiny! Do you know how darkly humourous it is to watch a two foot tall baby spout her father's murderous nonsense? Once again, in this whole scene, not a word out of Azula's mouth is actually Azula's.
"What is wrong with that child?" Apart from budding homicidal and psychopathic tendencies? Her dad. Her dad is what's wrong with that child.
Their dad has no subtlety at all. And also no brain? You think a day after the firelord finds out one of his family died is the right time to very boorishly make a play for the crown with you daughter as a prop? Could you possibly come up with a better demonstration of why this guy shouldn't be in charge?
How did this asshole land such a nice wife?
Yep. Siding with the old firelord on this one.
Does flashback Zuko sleep in his day clothes? Because that's not ok.
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I like that their mom sees straight through Azula's lying here. She knows her daughter.
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In a move that should surprise no one, everything Zuko touches turns to shit, as usual.
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It's the Mexico filter!
Absolute truth from Zuko in that monologue. He's got them pegged. Too bad it fell on deaf ears. It's Zuko's curse, that whenever he approaches being remotely reasonable, he happens to be surrounded by people who will react in such a way that Zuko learns to equate being reasonable with failure.
An earthbender. The bare feet should have clued me in.
Last season Zuko and Iroh laid waste to like ten of these guys. And Iroh didn't even have pants. So what gives? Is he that starved?
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Ursa pulling a Mufasa.
Don't answer don't answer don't answer
And he does.
Zuko is so very good at completely misinterpreting the point.
So we can add thief to the list of things that make Azula awful. Also that delivery of "who's going to make me? Mom?" is chilling. Zuko's lost his only defender inside this atrocious family and she knows it, he knows it, hell the turtleducks probably know it.
His dying wish? You guys buying that?
Ozai. That's his name. I'd forgotten that.
So... something something dead firelord something something missing mom something something maybe Azula wasn't actually lying this time?
Final Thoughts
The title wasn't kidding. Let's rename the show 'Avatar: the Guy who's Really Bad at Capturing Him' while we're at it.
There is now no way whatsoever that Zuko is not going to be redeemed. No writing team would invest that much energy and a whole episode into a character we're not ultimately supposed to root for. So somehow he's going to end up joining the Gaang. Don't know how he'll pull that one off. He's done some pretty not great stuff. And it's not like the Gaang watched this episode and unlocked his tragic backstory.
Speaking of, what prompted these reflections? I could understand if Zuko started to contemplate his cousin and the events surrounding his loss in the war after he learned about the family's older brother, but he was having flashbacks before he even got to town. Usually when there are backstory bits, there's a good reason to show them at that time, like how the Storm prompts Aang to think about the last storm he was in, or seeing a boat from his father's fleet prompts Sokka to remember what his dad told him. So what caused Zuko's memories to give him situationally appropriate flashbacks?
Pretty funny that he found the Nice Earth Kingdom Family that Azula predicted for him. And they are really nice! Either Zuko is an open book or the parents' social intelligence is off the charts because they're giving him exactly what he needs to feel at ease after barely a single conversation.
Speaking of Azula, I'm not surprised to find that she's always had deeply awful tendencies, even as a child of (I'm guessing) less than ten. But it cannot be ignored that, from the moment her father took a liking to her (as a tool to boost his own greatness, if not as a person), she didn't stand a chance. You can tell by the number of times that the stuff coming out of her mouth is a thinly veiled repetition of her father's unfiltered opinions, that she's been spending lots of time listening to him, probably while he puts down her mom and brother and talks about how she's the special one. You know what I'm getting at. Azula never stood a chance once her father got involved, and her mom lost the ability to influence her once her father started giving Azula praise for objectively wrong behaviour. That being said, Azula is awful even when she doesn't need to be awful for her father's approval, like when she's with her friends, so it's not all her father's doing. She's not a good person but she also had plenty of help to become that.
I guess Zuko and his mom are Fire Nation anomalies? And maybe Iroh has become that since his son died and he lost the war?
How on earth did Zuko survive as long as he did in the palace without his mom to protect him? What a no-win situation to be in. The only person in a whole nation with empathy.
This episode does makes Season 1 Zuko make more sense. He's been larping his dad as a defense mechanism for surviving the Fire Nation/probably a very futile effort to earn his approval. Although Zuko doesn't seem to care much for his dad if the tone he takes with him by the turtleduck pond is any indication.
Being banished was the best thing that ever happened to Zuko. The more distance between him and his remaining non-uncle family, the better. Between prioritizing his crew over capturing the avatar in the Storm, releasing the Avatar in the Blue Spirit, and now defending a random earth kingdom child this episode, it's hilarious how much Zuko HASN'T learned the lesson that Ozai banished him for not knowing. Don't get me wrong; that's a good thing. This episode plainly shows that behaviour that pleases Ozai is behaviour that should be unlearned as quickly as possible.
Zuko completely missing the point of his mom's last instruction is delightfully on the nose. But it also makes sense, which I may talk more about later.
How did Zuko hold on to his temper (and his volume) for a whole episode?
How did a show named after the main character get away with an episode that doesn't feature him at all? As a concept, this is such a strange episode. The writers were like "how can we kick start the woobification of Zuko? I know! A Spaghetti Western!" and it worked. Who comes up with that?
I now want at least as much, if not more, of Sokka and Katara's childhood via flashbacks. And more Gyatso please. If they can devote a whole episode to the childhood of a guy who isn't even a team member yet, they can show me some Sokka childhood shenanigans as a palette cleanser.
I really don't know what conclusion to draw about this episode. The writers have given me a massive backstory/trauma dump and I'm honestly like:
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Base Yandere Kyojuro Rengoku Headcanons: Obsession In Flames (Demon Slayer)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am excited to do this one, it was a YouTube request, but I did it on a few other places as well! So I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here!] 
(Disclaimer: The Flame Hashira Kyojuro Rengoku is not Yandere in canon, but he is 20 years old in canon. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank You!) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Flame Hashira Kyojuro Rengoku From Demon Slayer- 
.Kyojuro takes an enthusastic approach to his posisition as a Hashira. 
.He comes off very cheerfull and eccentric. 
.He is a very go lucky man and look on the bright side of things. 
.He had a love for you, and is always in the best mood when he is near you. 
.He loves you so much and from the nature instilled in him by his mother, he believed that he had to protect you, as he is strog and that means he has to protect the weak. 
.Even if you are strong he has a strong urge to protect you and keep you safe at all costs. 
.So he is a protective yandere to his core. 
.He would also be a knight in shining armor type of yandere. 
.Being the one to come to your rescue you and save you from harm if there is harm. 
.He is not the typical yandere because he is pure of heart. 
.So he would not be the typical blood thirsty or muderous yandere. 
.He does become jealous a frustrated when there are other rivals trying to steal you from him. 
.He will make sure that he gets stronger and stronger, so that he is always the best choice for you have, and he can always keep you safe and sound from other his rivals. 
.He is a honorable yandere, with strict moral. 
.As long as he is the best choice for you and you want him he will never let you go. 
.But if you want someone else and that someone else is worthy he would step to the side, and let them be with you. 
.But if they cross the line and this other person harm you, cheats on you, or does anything like that he will put them in their place and teach them a lesson for hurting and or breaking your heart. 
.He believes in hard work and training for a good work ethic and values in whatever you do. 
.And he would support you in almost anything you do, as long as you give it your all and live your lige honestly. 
.He would be a very supportive yandere in which he supports you in almost anything and almost everything. 
.He will do what he can to support you as well. 
.Though beneath his carefree and cheerful self he is a man who can be very tatical and serious. 
.This is something that actually helps his yandere side, he might be an honorbale yandere but he is also very much thinking 10 steps ahead at all times. 
.He knows how to win you over and he knows how to get rivals to give up and leave you alone without hurting you. 
.He is very confident in how he can win you over and make you you his. 
.He is also very confident that he knows what is best for you. 
.The Yandere side and his Serious taticaul nature would make the perfect storm to do whatever it takes to keep you safe, even kidnapping you. 
.In his dellusional yandere mind he is keeping you safe and sound and knows that one day you will be able to forgive him. 
.You just need the time to see what he is doing.... ALL That he is doing has always been for you! 
.Ultimetaly he would deal with rivals by first testing if they are worthy and if they have earned your heart. 
.If they had he will stand by and let your love blossom, but the moment they step out of line he will strike.
.He will also be critical of every move they make and he will even be hopping that they step out of line! 
.When they do step out of line, he makes sure they regret it, and it justifies that he can keep you safe and sound and that he is the only one worthy of you. 
.Side note he is a family man and would want a family with you, if AFAB he would want to have one with you as the birth giver and if a afab he can easily adopted a child with you and keep you and them safe. 
.But if you really did not want kids of your owns he would be the type to get a bunch of furbabies. 
.Full on Dead Ass Stare and confidently saying. "THESE ARE OUR BABIES NOW!!" Holding a baby animal ready to raise it with you.
.He also is a very, VERY Forward yandere. When he finally decides to confess to you, which can either be a long game, or almost right away saying. you and him were meant to be and that he is will be the one to love you forever and ever. 
.Whenever it is that he tells you how he feelings he will go a few ways. 
.You say yes he is going to kiss you with so much passion to win you over. 
.if you turn him down he will react two ways. 
.If he is chill about it he would respect you and watch over you, while still trying to earn your love. 
.If he is at the point he has had enough with his yandere side he knew that he will knock you out, asking for your forgiveness and that he is just doing what he thinks best for you. 
.After this he will endure every bit of fight you have against him, working his way to win you over and he knows one day it will all be worth it and you will love him just as much as he loves you in return. 
.In the end He is a VERY Passionate Yandere that will earn your love one way or another. 
.His obsessive love is like a flame, it burns bright and shines through the roughest of nights. 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this, I really got into it! Stay Sexy, all of my sexy mufffins!]
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eldritch-nightmare · 9 months
saw that ur rq's are open and i LOVE your blog so:3 may i request ticci toby w a reader who looks up to him like a big brother?? platonic ofc !!! maybe they like . even copy some stuff he does (general gestures he might make, his vocabulary, hell maybe even his choice of weapon, etc) bonus points if you manage to add angst!!! have a nice day and make sure to drink water !!!
a/n: aw, i'm glad you like the blog!! you make sure to drink water too <3 i was gonna have a short little angst drabble at the end but i couldn't really figure out how to word it and i didn't wanna force it so i just turned the idea into those little kinda sorta angsty headcanons near the end.
toby w a reader who looks up to him like a big brother
warnings: platonic obvi, gn reader, overprotective behavior, mentions of injuries, brief mentions of injuries, death, and murder.
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Honestly, he probably thinks you're weird as hell when you start following him around like a lost puppy.
Toby doesn't let people close to him, so he definitely tries shooing you away for a good few months before he ultimately realizes you're not gonna leave him alone.
He's not 100% sure how he feels about you viewing him as an older brother figure. I mean, obviously he's fine with it considering Sally views him as one as well but... Sally's dead. You're still alive and kicking.
He takes to the role immediately though, even if he doesn't realize it.
Whenever he's out completing missions, he always brings something back for you be it a snack or a book or some random trinket he thinks you might like.
He'd definitely have to sit you down and tell you not to copy his gestures and whatnot because while he understands that you don't mean any harm by doing it, it does make him feel uncomfortable, especially if you're copying his tics. That's a no-go. Don't do that.
His vocabulary is actually pretty safe. He doesn't swear much, only when he's under immense stress or if he's really angry, so you won't hear him saying fuck anytime soon. Unless you're around one of the others.
Which, speaking of, he does not want you hanging around certain creepypastas. He definitely has a long, comprehensive list on who you can and can't hang out with.
Eyeless Jack, Sally, Cody, Liu, and Natalie are safe. Spend time with them all you want. Nina, BEN, and Helen are on thin ice, but if you like them then go ahead. Stay the hell away from Jeff, Laughing Jack, and Candy Pop, specifically. They are all terrible influences and he immediately goes into Protective Big Brother Mode whenever they're around.
It goes into further detail than that, but just to give you the gist of it.
If it isn't obvious by now, Toby is going to be extremely protective. Like... to the point where you may even consider it to be overbearing.
He's also going to default and worry over every wound you may have, even if it isn't anything major. He isn't trying to be suffocating or anything like that, he just can't stand the thought of you getting hurt.
Real fucking hesitant to let you near any weapons. If you show any type of interest in wanting to do what he does, he will shut you down immediately. It's not happening.
And if you already do what he does, then, well... he's still not going to be okay with it. He'll watch you like a hawk if you're carrying any weapon.
He's definitely going to feel as if he can't be vulnerable when you're around. You see him as this cool guy, and he kinda feels like he needs to keep that image for you so he doesn't disappoint you. The whole 'older sibling can't be vulnerable' mentality is burned into him at this point.
And if you ever get like... severely injured? Oh boy, you can bet your ass Toby will personally hunt down the person who hurt you if they aren't already dead.
It'll take Toby hours, maybe even days to calm down depending on how long it takes you to wake up. Slender will literally have to force him to eat because Toby will simply refuse to leave your bedside.
I don't think Toby would show it to you often, but he does view you as a younger sibling to him now. It's probably something he doesn't even want to admit because he's scared that if he does, you'll be torn away from him just like Lyra was.
All he knows is that he can't watch another sibling die in front of him. He simply cannot. So just bear with his suffocating protectiveness and don't put yourself in any unnecessary danger.
He certainly isn't the perfect role model for you, but he'll try his best to be the big brother that you deserve to have.
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bambiraptorx · 2 months
Got bitten by the writing bug and stayed up last night writing this out lol
Leo's up in the middle of the night- nothing unusual for him- a glass of water in his hand as he makes the trek through the darkened lair back to his room. Normally he'd just drink it in the kitchen, but this is shaping up to be a night where he can't get to sleep no matter how much he tosses and turns and presses his shell against the wall and stares into the dark, waiting in the horrible silence for something to move-
Point is, he'd rather have some water in his room, for the next time he decides his throat is a little dry. Really, he should have invested in a water bottle by now. He skirts around the edge of the living room, half muttering to himself under his breath just so he stops listening so intensely to the utter lack of noise around him.
"It's normal, totally normal. Dad fell asleep in his actual room for once, that's why he's not here. And if he was, someone would have come by to turn the lights off. Besides, didn't Donnie say he was building in an automatic timer so the TV goes off after one in the morning? And it's definitely past one now."
He rambles to himself quietly, pushing through the discomfort and the shadows that never hold anything worse than misplaced memories. It's fine, really, there's nothing in the dark anyway, and if there was he would see it, and none of them ever had a taste for hiding- right?
Something slithers against the stone.
His heart stops. It has to, because there's no other reason for him to freeze like he does. That sound, that sound that he knows all too well because his brain replays it so often he isn't sure at first if it's real or not. He whirls around, his cup sloshing- where's the source? Where is it? Where-
There. Up against the wall just a little further ahead, something that he can't make out in the darkness. Something... small, with yellow-y glowing eyes.
"B-B-Bee?" He stutters, and his heart kicks into high gear, pounding and thumping against the inside of his plastron with a vengeance. "Wha-what are you... doing up?"
"Hungee," they say tersely, unblinking. Their eyes (just two for now) shine unnaturally in the dark. Not the tapetum lucidum kind of shine, with light reflected from an outside source, but an internal near-glow. A strange half radiance, that he's only seen in one other... person... in his life.
"An..." Bea's voice drops low, a bare difference from the silence that she's interrupted. "Cold."
Oh, poor kid. If there's anything that the two of them have in common, it's a hatred of being cold. For Leo, of course, he knows where it came from (there's a reason he's currently wrapped up in the biggest, fluffiest robe he can find, even when the lair is barely dipping into 'chilly'), but Beatrice? Anyone's guess, really.
Leo crouches down, careful not to spill his water any more than he already has, and holds an arm out. "Okay, little hellion, let's find your dad. He might be up."
Bea stares at his hand for a moment. "Where?"
"His lab, baby beans. Y'know, the place he used to keep you?" And should still keep her- Leo clamps down on that nasty little thought as soon as it passes through his head. He can't show any sign of that type of thinking around Bea, she barely trusts him enough as it is. And he, well, wouldn't be comfortable knowing she's out here alone.
Wow, his brain is full of all sorts of fun little surprises tonight! And it is far too late slash early to unpack any of that!
Beatrice tilts their head to the side, a little too far, and steps into his reach. He scoops her up against his side, watching carefully as she all but burrows into the side of his robe, no longer bothering to hold to her turtle form as she does so. Must have been out for a while to get that cold.
"Let's go find Donnie, mmkay little munchkin?"
A tentacle reaches up and tugs at his robe's neckline, just a little too close for comfort. "Sssstay?"
"Oh, of course you can stay with him, booger," Leo laughs, and deliberately misses the other possible interpretations of their question. There's multiple evident, of course, like her wanting to say with him tonight or to have him stay with her and Donnie, but any other meanings are wholly irrelevant.
He's not staying anywhere near Beatrice on a night like this.
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d1xonss · 6 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 14 ~ Thank you
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 2
✧ Word Count : 3.7k
In this chapter ~ Rose's boredom grows to be unbearable as she is advised to lay in bed and rest by the older man Hershel. However, it doesn't last as long as she assumes when she receives quite the unexpected present, and from the quiet archer no less.
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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ROSE POV *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
I woke up the next morning with a lingering sting still present near my stomach, sore to the touch. But I quickly reminded myself that I had dealt with much worse in the past. This surely wasn't the first time I've been shot; being a cop clearly had its ups and downs. But all I wanted was to finally get up and out of this bed to help look for Sophia, however the pain in my side was surely preventing that much to my dismay.
Rick kept the promise he made and came in early this morning to check on me, and after reassuring him about fifty times that I was okay, he left to plan another search for Sophia. I knew in the back of my mind that he probably felt that he was to blame for what happened to me, so now he was trying to make up for it in every possible way. But in all honesty, it was just my dumbass standing too close to the animal. Still, I would much rather be in here rather than Carl who only stood inches away from the whole scene.
A sudden knock came from the other side of the door, snapping me out of my thoughts once it reached my ears.
"Come in." I called out softly.
The door opened, seeing Hershel pop his head in with a small smile, "Good morning. I just wanted to check a few things and give you these." he said holding up what looked like painkillers.
I smiled gratefully and took them, "Thank you."
He nodded before moving around to the other side of the bed, checking everything under the sun. My middle that was still bandaged up, my pulse to see if it was getting stronger, my head to see if I had a fever, and about five other things I didn't understand. He worked thoroughly and quietly, making sure everything was feeling okay by me before nodding silently to himself.
"Well, it seems like you are doing a lot better. I can go ahead and take this IV out of you now." he said as he carefully moved towards my arm.
"Thank God. Can I finally get out of this bed?" I asked him.
He chuckled a little to himself, "You act as if you've been in this bed for weeks."
I scoffed a little, "Yeah, well that's what it feels like. I am not the type of person to sit still." I replied.
"Well, let's just wait until the painkillers kick in. Your body went through a lot the past few days and you need time to heal. But later in the day if you're feeling up to it you can go outside, but don't do anything too active." he advised, removing the small needle from my arm.
I tried not to uncomfortably squirm as I looked away from the area, "I'm telling you right now, being in this bed all day hurts worse than the actual shot."
I felt him place a small bandage over the spot where it started to bleed, looking back up at him in time to see a thin lipped smile cross his face, "Rick mentioned you were stubborn."
My mouth dropped slightly. What an asshole. But the older man didn't say anything else as he quietly left the room. So, Rick was talking some shit about me behind my back to people that I hardly knew. Awesome.
I sighed and leaned my head back to stare at the ceiling, counting the small specks of paint that made little patterns in different places. This felt like torture. I hated feeling trapped and I was itching to go outside and feel the sun on my skin. Getting some fresh air would be nice and it would also be nice to know actually where the hell I was instead of being briefly told that I was on some farm.
But I found myself just sitting alone in the silence with nothing to do because I forgot to ask Glenn to grab my stuff when he was here last night. The last thing I needed right now was more sleep, and all I really wished for was something to keep myself busy if I wasn't allowed to leave for a while. What I would give right now for my notebook.
I was then pulled out of my small trance once more when another knock came, revealing Daryl as he slowly entered the room. Though I couldn't help but notice he obviously had something hidden behind his back.
"Hey, yer up." he stated while lingering near the door.
"Wow, thanks Captain Obvious." I replied, smiling sarcastically.
He gave me a small glare in return, still just standing by the door shifting uncomfortably like the thing in his hands was weighing him down heavily.
"I don't bite," I said jokingly, "Come over here."
His eyes met with mine again as he nodded small, hesitantly making his way over to me once he knew it was okay, sitting down on the edge of the chair with his hands still behind his back. He looked nervous, so I immediately assumed something was wrong.
"You okay? What are you hiding from me?" I asked to try and lighten the mood.
He cleared his throat, "Well, I uh...I brought ya some stuff." he admitted quietly.
My eyebrows raised in amusement, "More flowers?" I asked.
His cheeks instantly flushed red while he avoided my eyes yet again. I hadn't forgotten the conversation we had before Carl came into the room yesterday, but I didn't want to bring it up again. He seemed to not be completely comfortable talking about it, so I just let it be.
"Nah, some other stuff." he said while pulling something out from behind him. I instantly recognized this as two of the books I took from the CDC, feeling myself smile warmly at the sight.
"I noticed ya didn't have anything in here to keep ya busy while you rest so...yeah." he spoke.
I took them from his hands, "Thank you, that's very sweet of you." I said before putting the books down on the nightstand, right next to the Cherokee rose that now stood tall in a glass of water.
Turning back to face him again, his hands were still behind his back, "You have something else?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
"Uh yeah...it was something I found when we were lookin through them cars on the highway. I didn't know when to give it to ya, but I figured you'd be bored in here so..." he trailed off.
I waited patiently for him to reveal whatever he had to show me with a smile on my face. I couldn't bring myself to understand why he was so nervous. I thought it was about the sweetest thing in the work he thought to bring me things while I was stuck in here.
He then slowly brought his hands out from behind his back to reveal a real sketchbook. My smile disappeared from my face as I stared at it with wide eyes trying to figure out how he managed to find one. I had been looking for one since the beginning and couldn't seem to find one anywhere because apparently, they're scarce in the apocalypse or something.
I slowly took it from his hands as I examined the cover of it thoroughly, running my hand over the smooth surface. It looked almost brand new.
"I also found these," he said as he handed me a fresh watercolor palette, "I found em in the same car, they must have liked to draw and shit too." he finished while I slowly took the paints from him as well.
I almost couldn't believe the things he sought out just for me, truly at a loss for words. But I could easily tell that my silence was starting to worry him, because he then began to ramble.
"I just uh...thought...you would like em. If ya don't like it, it's okay, I can take it back. Glenn said somethin bout how ya said you were lookin for a new sketchbook or somethin and when I saw it, I just grabbed it in case ya wanted it but-"
I then quickly cut him off and discarded the new things, wrapping my arms around his neck and bringing him into a hug. He was clearly shocked at my actions because he stopped talking completely and his muscles tensed like he had just been burned. But then he soon started to relax after a few long seconds and began to hug me back, placing his hands hesitantly around my waist.
Not letting go of him, I whispered, "Thank you, thank you, thank you." however many times I could. Wanting him to know how much I truly loved it.
Eventually I let go of him after giving him one final squeeze, pulling away to see his face. He was smiling shyly, with his ears turning a bright red as he huffed out an awkward laugh.
I looked back down at the supplies once more to admire them, "I love them Daryl, thank you so much." I spoke gratefully. 
He smiled even wider, "No problem." he muttered.
I paused as an idea suddenly came to me, "Well now, since you got this for me you have to tell me the first thing I paint in here."
He sat there for a minute thinking before shrugging as if it was too hard to decide, "I dunno, yer the artist." he smirked.
"Just whatever comes to mind." I replied.
He thought about it again as he rubbed his hands together nervously before an idea came to him, "How bout the house?"
"Yeah," I nodded, "I could do that later when Hershel actually lets me leave this room." I joked.
He chuckled before nodding his head, "Alright, well...I gotta head out and look for Sophia some more, but I wanted to see ya before I left."
"Oh yeah, yeah of course, just be careful out there okay?"
He gave a small smile, "Always am."
Nodding my head, I watched him get up and begin to head towards the door, stopping once I called his name just one last time. "Thank you again, it really means a lot to me." I told him.
He winked back at me before turning to head out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. I let out a breath of air I didn't realize I was holding in, flopping back on the bed as my heart raced in my chest. I lifted my left arm up to check and see if I was having a heart attack. I wasn't. It might've just been a certain man making me feel all giddy inside like a goddamn teenager.
But I merely scoffed to myself at the thought, knowing there was absolutely no way he felt the same.
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My eyes flew through chapters and chapters of books but nothing was curing the utter boredom that I was feeling inside this stuffy room. I placed the book down with a slam on the bedside table before swinging my legs over the side of the bed at an attempt to stand. Hershel didn't give me the okay, but hours had passed and the painkillers were working, leaving me feeling much better for the most part so fuck it.
Slowly and hesitantly walking outside past the screen door, I tilted my head up and let the sunshine hit my face, it felt nice, refreshing after not being able to get out. My eyes then opened and gazed upon my surroundings, the acres of land, noticing this place was really beautiful. I would have a lot of fun painting this. The ideas only flowing the longer I stood on the porch.
But my attention was quickly drawn to my left after a moment or two, noticing Maggie and Glenn having a quiet conversation together. Their hushed whispers seemed almost harsh, but I couldn't make out what they were saying from where I stood. Though it didn't last long before Maggie started to walk away towards me, with Glenn looking defeated from behind her.
Her expression seemed to brighten when she caught sight of me out and about, a smile forming on her face as she approached. "Hey, you're up! How are you feeling?" she asked.
"Painkillers really work wonders." I replied.
She laughed at that and nodded her head, "Oh I bet. But actually I'm glad I got a chance to see you. I gotta run and finish these chores, but when I'm done do you want to maybe...hangout?" she asked me.
I smiled at her and nodded, "Yeah, yeah I would like that."
She smiled back, "Great, I'll see ya later." she said before walking off towards the barn.
Turning back to look at Glenn, he had a confused and upset look on his face as he followed Maggie's retreating figure with his eyes. His eyebrows were furrowed in concern as he was clearly replaying the conversation over and over again in his mind.
I found myself walking over and taking a seat next to him, nudging his shoulder with mine. "What's wrong?" I asked.
He looked over at me and gave me a small smile before shaking his head, "Nothing."
I narrowed my eyes at him, "Don't lie to me."
He sighed, "Okay...okay. This is what I was going to tell you last night but everyone was there so I couldn't... so you know how Maggie and I went out on that run?"
"No, I think I was still unconscious for that part." I deadpanned.
"Oh right, sorry." he muttered before continuing, "Well, Maggie said that they needed more medical supplies because they were running low, and so she asked me to come into town because Rick recommended I go with her. Anyway, we get there, and everything is going fine, and I pick up something that I needed but she came around the corner and I panicked. So I dropped the thing I actually needed and picked up condoms on accident." he rambled.
I was silent for a few seconds as I stared at him, "Okay, I'm really confused as to where this is going."
"Oh, I'm getting to the weird part don't worry. So, I'm holding the condoms and then she asked me if she was sure, you and I weren't together since I was getting the condoms-"
"Woah, what?" I asked.
"Oh yeah, she asked if we were together because I came to see you when you were still passed out. Anyway I said no, that we were just friends and then all of a sudden, she offered to have sex with me."
I waited for him to say more as he gestured wildly with his hands, but I got nothing in return. "So...did you have sex with her?" I asked him.
"...Yeah," he responded.
"Okay, you got laid. I'm failing to see the problem here." I said.
He sighed, "The problem is, she doesn't actually like me. We just finished talking about it when you came outside."
My lips pulled together in a sympathetic smile as he just hung his head, "Glenn, I'm sorry." I said while wrapping one of my arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a side hug.
He hugged me back tight, squeezing me slightly before I hissed out in pain the minute I felt an excruciating pain in my side. He let go of me immediately and looked at me in shock, "Sorry, shit I'm sorry." he apologized quickly.
I waved him off, "No, you're good." I breathed while gently smoothing my hand over the bandage.
He sighed again and let a few moments of silence pass us before shrugging, "I just don't know what to do."
My eyes glanced back towards his face, seeing how much this was truly affecting him. "...Just give it time hon, I'm sure she'll come around." I assured.
He gave me a small smile and nodded before the conversation ventured off to talk about some other things to get his mind off of Maggie. I hoped they could work it out because I could see how this was slightly hurting him. Even though he didn't know her very well, he still had some feelings for her while she claimed to have none whatsoever.
Although the longer we spoke, the more I could tell he had something else on his mind, something else that was bothering him. I didn't ask though, if he wanted to tell me, he would when he was ready. That is one thing I didn't like to do to anyone. I absolutely hated to pry. If the person truly wanted to tell you, they would when the time was right. All I could do right now for him was listen, seeming to be the one thing he needed from me the most.
Though after a little while we split off as I eventually ventured further away from the house to start working on the painting that Daryl suggested. I walked a little further out towards the tents where everyone was staying at the moment to get a better full view of everything, briefly seeing Lori standing there hanging up some laundry to dry. I smiled at her as I passed, but then stopped myself and backtracked, wanting to properly do something I should've done last night.
"Hey Lori?" I said as I walked back over towards her.
"Yeah?" she responded as she hung up another shirt, clipping it in place.
"I never got a chance to say thank you."
Her brows furrowed, "Thank me? For what?"
"For giving me that blood transfusion," I said simply, "I know it was really important, and...I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."
She stopped there for a second as her expression softened, before walking over to me and giving me a hug. I almost didn't expect her sudden actions, but smiled a little to myself as I wrapped my arms around her.
"You're welcome honey. I'm so glad I could help you." she said while pulling away. "It's good to see you up and moving already." she pointed out.
"I was going stir crazy in that small ass room." I joked, "But hey, if you see Hershel, you didn't see me out here at all." I finished with a wink.
She nodded as she raised her hand up to zip her lips shut without saying another word. I smiled at her again gratefully before heading back to the perfect spot to start on my painting.
This seemed to be the exact moment I realized how truly beautiful this house was, the way the sun was hitting it was making it even prettier. I started with a sketch of the structure to get the basic idea and started painting the plants around the exterior first, adding different shades of green to the grass below. The light purple flowers popping up around the area gave the whole thing an even more perfect effect as I added those in as well.
I even made sure to add the line of fences in the background, not wanting to miss a single detail as my eyes glanced back and forth between the page and the surroundings. Feeling myself get lost in focus only made me remember how much I loved to do this. It was a good distraction and something I would surely love for the rest of my life, calming me in a certain way I wasn't able to explain.
I was working for a good long while before I felt someone walking up to me, looking back up to see it was Maggie coming at me with a smile on her face.
"Hey," she greeted while taking a seat next to me, "What are you painting? The house?" she asked, looking over my shoulder.
"Yeah, Daryl gave me the suggestion and I thought it was a pretty good idea." I said as I turned the paper so she could get a better look.
She smirked and nodded her head without saying anything, though I quickly noticed the look on her face, "What?" I asked.
"Nothing," she shrugged, "He's just so soft with you."
My eyes narrowed, "Huh?" I asked as if I couldn't understand.
She laughed at my blank expression, "I said he's soft with you. Just today he was snapping at people and telling them off, but when he's with you he smiles, he actually laughs, and gives you presents..." she trailed off.
My eyes glanced down at the sketchbook before turning back to her, "So you were eavesdropping?" I asked.
"No, not eavesdropping." she quickly defended, "I just happened to be passing by." she said, smiling innocently.
"Uh huh." I muttered, going back to painting as I attempted to ignore her suggestive eyes.
"I'm just saying, when you hadn't woken up yet, he was real worried about you. We all saw it." she said.
"You're preaching to the choir, believe me," I stated, "But everyone was kind of worried, I don't plan on reading too much into that."
"Okay that's fair...but I personally think it was something a little more than that." she told me.
"Whatever you say."
I then seemed to quickly change the subject, getting to know her more while I continued to paint the house. Although, I was a little surprised when she told me herself about what happened with Glenn, but I pretended I didn't know a thing as I listened to a different perspective. She then told me that the whole experience was eleven minutes of her life she was never going to get back, and that made me laugh louder than it probably should.
I knew this was hard for Glenn but for some reason I had a feeling it was all going to work out okay. She was actually very sweet, and I knew she would come around and love Glenn just like the rest of us did.
But after a while she then had to go off with her sister to do some more stuff around the house, and told me we would talk more later which I was looking forward to. I liked her, and we already got along much better than I ever expected.
Though after she left, my mind seemingly wandered back to Daryl. I couldn't help but think about how nice it was of him to get me these things just because he figured out how badly I had been wanting them. And if that wasn't bad enough, Maggie's words also seemed to replay a bit in my mind no matter how much I didn't want them to.
I had to agree, he was a little different around me then he was with anyone else, but I always assumed it was because I actually knew how to talk to him and when to give him his space. But I liked the kind of relationship we had; he was just a great person to have around I've come to find out. I just really hoped he was being safe out there.
~ Thanks for reading!
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octoshott · 4 months
So. Side Order, huh?
I've been chewing on my thoughts over this for a good few days now. Want to spit them out somewhere. Vague-ish spoilers ahead.
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I want to preface this with saying that I love Splatoon, I've been playing it since 1, really dropped off near the end of 2. Nintendo made Octo Expansion for me, they released it on my birthday and I love it so fucking much.
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Side Order is fun, but lacking criminally in content.
You can argue Roguelites are like this in general, its the core princible to replay them over and over again and as someone who enjoys Roguelites, I agree!
However, a key thing that good roguelites do is continously give you a reason to keep playing- whether that be addictive gameplay or, usually, good story and lacing that in with difficulty that becomes the players goal to lessen- It rewards the player for being curious, experimental and above all else persistant.
I am fully aware that difficulty, due to Splatoon's target audience, in something like a roguelite was never going to be an easy thing to balance let alone pull off but having the main plot resolve itself once you hit the top of the tower was, in my opinion, the first of its blunders.
I feel as if the Splatoon developers know how much the lore and worldbuilding of these games matter to players. Side Order was advertised in very similar veins to Octo Expansion. The trailers had mystery and intrigue with clear connections to the well recieved and loved Octo Expansion to the point of having the same protagonist among other simularities.
They were clearly teasing this to be a successor of SOME capacity to Octo Expansion. And even as I went into this expecting it to be nothing like OE in terms of it's personal weight, I wasn't expecting something so short.
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Classically, in roguelites that focus on story, you would gain story beats the more you replay. And techincally you gain this with the keys gathered from each fully cleared palette. But usually your story rewards in roguelites come from clearing or attempting runs and rewards:
With Side Order's story being resolved the MOMENT you step onto floor 30 with no real context unless you've intentionally avoided the top or have genuinely been slowed by its difficult (which I assume is what the devs intended) makes it's climax feel fast paced and lackluster- undeserved, even.
And, yes, I am fully aware that when you climb the tower agani after the credits role, you begin gain more lore about whats going on. But with the actual, main threat neutralized in every possible way it feels as if this lore should've been offered to us much sooner and much more spread out for a better pay off.
It's story feels like its being told out of order and, in my personal opinion, the themes and actual telling methods of Side Order we're a largely missed opportunity to tell something a bit more indepth. Climbing a tower that gives you essentially nothing until you reach floor 30 (which in my experience takes about 35-40 minutes) only to recieve about two scentences of lore is incredibly tiring and feels dissastifying when the main plot is already over.
It's lack of variation in level design, tasks and chips doesn't help with the climb each time if you're looking for the lore or just to 100% either. And you can argue this is a roguelite problem, but Splatoon's scenario's for a tower climb are pitifully small and you will start to seem repeat almost immediatly on your second or third run.
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I also feel like it relies far too heavily on the player knowing and caring about Octo Expansion. I'm not saying that I think it was a bad idea to have most of what's going on in Side Order happening because of Octo Expansion's events. Hell, I was happy when they were very blatently showing this early on.
But it does very little with its ties to Octo Expansion, making Side Order feel like its constantly struggling to be its own thing away from the original DLC.
I think I can almost see what they wanted to go for here, and its frustrating, it felt close to something at least telling a decent story.
Every single little beat I've gotten has helped me understand more and more what they were going for, but since the main conflict is already resolved I find it hard to be excited and more frustrated that I wasn't given these during my initial playthrough.
I feel as though the roguelite formula was an interesting idea that they polished the best of their ability and to make work both for casual and experience players- but I think thats where the problem comes in.
With Side Order being the same price as Octo Expansion and offering very little in terms of replayability and most especially for me, story, the whole thing ends up feeling like a muddled mess that would've worked better had the roguelite aspect perhaps been dropped in general for a general tower climb.
Missed opportunies feel like they decorate Side Order in a way that leaves me fairly disappointed.
I think, overall, Side Order is a fun time that can be enjoyed but the way it was implimented into the gameplay formula was largely a mistake, especially coupled with the marketing of this being something more indepth with its story when it's not, and I can absolutely understand why I'm seeing a lot of disappointment for it.
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silverynight · 1 year
Highschool crushes
Tanjirou is pretty sure Akaza has been following him; he's an older boy from the highschool close to Tanjirou's, he's also a bully (based on what he's heard) and part of a group of scary teens who call themselves upper moons.
Although he only does that when none of the hashira (the boys and girls who are part of the student council) can walk Tanjirou home or all the way to the bakery he works at.
For a moment he wonders if his plan is to beat him up, but Tanjirou quickly shakes his head and shoves those thoughts aside, because Akaza has had many opportunities to do so, but hasn't done anything yet.
That's why Tanjirou hasn't told anyone about it, because he wants to give him a chance.
He sighs as he heads towards the bakery, after turning around for a moment to watch as Inosuke and Zenitsu walk his sister home, he makes a mental note to thank them later for taking care of Nezuko. They both really are good friends.
The owner of the bakery has always been really kind to him; she's mindful of Tanjirou's school schedule and basically lets him help whenever he can and pays him for it. It's not much, but Tanjirou has managed to buy school supplies for his siblings and sometimes some sweets so his parents don't have to.
Feeling the other's presence again, Tanjirou decides that it's time to stop pretending he doesn't know what's going on.
"I think I'd prefer if you actually walked me to the bakery this time, Akaza," Tanjirou says out loud. "So I can have someone to talk to..."
Akaza emerges from the shadows, looking quite flustered which confuses Tanjirou for a moment.
"When did you realize..."
"A couple of days ago," Tanjirou chuckles, adjusting his backpack behind himself.
"Aren't you... afraid of me?" Akaza mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away from him for a second.
"Why would I be? You haven't hurt me at all."
Akaza blushes, but nods and, almost shyly, takes a few steps towards the other boy.
"Although I'd like to know why you've been following me," Tanjirou mumbles gently as he keeps walking.
"You always walk alone," Akaza whispers after a while. "I don't want anyone... I just want to keep you safe."
"Because you're kind," Akaza sighs, looking a little bit irritated, he makes an effort to look ahead instead of him. "I've seen you outside your school... You're always helping someone and you treat your sister with so much affection... It's nice. I don't want anything bad happening to you."
Tanjirou grabs him by his sleeve, Akaza stops and blushes but he doesn't look at the other.
"Thank you, that's really sweet..."
"I'm not sweet," Akaza frowns, but he doesn't push Tanjirou's hand away. "Haven't you heard? Me and my friends are the bad guys here..."
"I wouldn't say you're a bad guy, but I admit I don't quite like that you and the others are constantly picking up fights with the Pillars," Tanjirou mumbles.
"Sometimes they start it!"
Sadly, Tanjirou believes him. All the hashira get really territorial when they see the upper moons near their school.
"Fine. Let's not talk about it right now," Tanjirou concedes, taking Akaza's hand to calm him down. Which, surprisingly, works like a charm.
The other boy nods and relaxes, although it doesn't mean Tanjirou won't bring up the subject later, he's even planning something to get the two groups to be more friendly towards one another.
Eventually, Tanjirou convinces Akaza to introduce him to his group of friends; the whole time the boy is nervous and tense, constantly glaring and hissing at whomever gets too close to the redhead.
However, they seem to like Tanjirou, although they still don't get along with the hashira, but at least they agree to be less aggressive towards the other group.
Now, the upper moons and the Pillars go to visit him at the bakery, sometimes they find themselves there at the same time, but don't fight because Tanjirou is keeping an eye on everyone and the kind owner of the bakery is usually in the back room, although she can hear everything.
"What do you mean you're friends with the upper moons?" Tomioka asks one day at school, he looks anything but happy.
"Yes, they're not bad," Tanjirou assures them to which Shinazugawa almost growls.
"Don't get close to them ever again!"
Tanjirou frowns and not only the boy with scars, but the others seem to feel bad immediately.
"They haven't picked up fights with you! And they've promised to be good so I'll keep being their friend!"
"I'm sorry, Tanjirou... We didn't mean to upset you..."
Tanjirou sighs and immediately smiles back at them as he strokes Rengoku's cheek, because he looks like a kicked puppy at the moment.
"It's alright, I know you worry about me."
Every single one of them ends up hugging Tanjirou, prompting Zenitsu to roll his eyes.
They try not to argue with the other group whenever they run into them in the bakery, they make an effort to be less aggressive towards the others just for Tanjirou and the boy really appreciates it.
Sometimes Himejima says "Hi" to the upper moons to which Kokushibo and Akaza usually tense, but eventually they end up saying "Hi" back.
Daki doesn't like when she finds Kanroji all wrapped around Tanjirou, but she doesn't say anything and waits for her turn because she knows the boy will scold her if she says something rude about the other girl.
Kocho is not a fan of Douma, but she tolerates him because he's as protective of Tanjirou as the others.
Uzui sometimes brings his three girlfriends, they're also Tanjirou's friends and try to convince him to hang out with Uzui and them on his free time.
"Tell them to stop asking him out!" Tokito complains once, making Tanjirou blush, even though he knows he's just joking.
"Now why would I do that?" Uzui grins, pulling Tanjirou closer to him to give him a kiss on his forehead. "I want to date him too."
"Mitsuri and I want you to go on a date with us as well, Tanjirou!" Iguro blurts out, surprising the redhead.
Gyutaro and Daki get angry immediately, but none of them do anything because Tanjirou narrows his eyes a little bit as a warning. Although that doesn't stop them from arguing.
"I'll marry Tanjirou!" Two loud voices rise above the others and Tanjirou realizes that they come from Akaza and Rengoku.
They immediately hiss at each other, but before something happens, the owner of the bakery comes back and calms them down with a free pastry.
Tanjirou apologizes profusely on their behalf as soon as everyone goes.
"It's okay, they're not bad," she comments, looking amused. "They all seem to care about you."
"And I care about them as well!" Tanjirou smiles back. "They're all my friends!"
"It looks like they all have a crush on you," she says suddenly, chuckling when she notices Tanjirou's surprise.
"They're just my friends," he insists, blushing. "They were just joking earlier."
They're just friends, Tanjirou tells himself again, trying to stop his heart from beating so hard inside his chest.
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