#literally. im verbally screaming as i type this
frosty-the-killer-doll · 11 months
that eczema feel of your skin being on fire and trying not to scratch it so you just scream
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kraviolis · 1 year
i can tell when the author of a fanfic im reading had a peaceful childhood
#krav talks#not to pull the 'i have actual ptsd from a traumatic childhood' card but im gonna be real#i dont think some of y'all understand exactly what hunter's childhood was like#belos also most likely was not the verbally abusive type of parent. he was physically and emotionally abusive FOR SURE. ABSOLUTELY#but theres no shot he'd just yell at hunter. he doesn't get angry like that#case in point: What Happened To Caleb#hunter isnt gonna start crying from someone yelling at him out of anger. he'll get triggered MAYBE#hunter gets fighty if he gets triggered by ANY older authority figure. kikimora and lilith werent exactly kind to him either#the only way hunter cries is when his friends are around bcus he feels so safe with them#you know who would cry over being yelled at like that??? amity.#sure later in her life she probably got into screaming matches with odalia#but if u think even she wouldnt burst into tears if she got yelled at by any older female authority figure in her life#then u r wrong. sorry#hunter was not allowed to be vulnerable. it was too dangerous to be. he also had NO ONE while under belos's thumb.#amity had her siblings. they probably gave her safe spaces to cry it out after getting verbally abused by their mom#if lilith lost her patience and raised her voice at amity (not in a mean way bcus lilith would literally Never but no one is perfect)#amity would start crying for sure. and then lilith would feel like the worst person in the world. scum of the earth.#and god forbid hunter sees this exchange. he'd rip lilith a new one even if she'd already apologized#he wouldnt stop chewing her out for even daring to speak to The Amity Blight so disrespectfully unless amity physically pulled him away.#and then he'd threaten lilith and flash step amity away and immediately call luz#now if a MAN tried to yell at amity she would be three seconds away from throwing hands#but she wouldnt even need to worry about getting her hands dirty bcus hunter would already be shoving the man to the fucking ground#and threatening to end his entire life if he even stepped foot into hunter's field of view ever again#this is why its hard for me to imagine hunter living with darius post-belos... darius wasnt kind to him at first either.#and i think hunter living with someone who had actually had a role in his traumatic childhood would make him. regress#he'd fall back into old behaviors without even noticing. im not entirely sure darius would notice either#i love darius and i love darius & hunters bond so much#but it makes so much more sense and would be so much better for hunter to live with the nocedas for a while#not permanently. camila did great with paying for 6 kids under her roof but she was one emergency away from financial devastation#and i dont think hunter would want to live in the human realm permanently either
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bookdragonofsomekind · 4 months
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*****Manga Monday 03*****
Tokyo Ghoul Volume 3
Meet Kaneki who has discovered a new evil in his world. The doves are ambitious, clever and completely ruthless when it comes to their duties. It gets harder and harder for Kaneki to draw the line between good and evil. The doves are protecting human society but they also killed the innocent Ryouko in front of her daughter. What’s right and wrong? Is it wrong for Touka to protect Hinami?
Questions that Kaneki doesn’t know the answer to…
Poor Kaneki
New characters you will meet in this volume:
Ippei Kusaba
Kie Muramatsu
Quotes I particularly liked:
"I’ll change that. This world is wrong" - Amon
"Feeding time" - Kaneki 
"Don’t make me a murderer"  - Kaneki 
"Is it okay for me to live…?" - Hinami 
My thoughts:
Kaneki is different than the other ghouls around him. And slowly but surely it shows.  Not only in his confusion and acceptance of himself as ghoul but also in a scientific way. Only one eye transforms, he regenerates not as fast as other ghouls and now we also learned that he does not have the same high RC- Factors than the others. He therefore is invisible for the human technology so far. He literally has a green card for both sides (even if he smells like a woman in one of those worlds). But, and that is the important part, Kaneki chooses not to stay invisible. We see him crossing his own morals for the first time and actively hurting people to rescue the ones close to his heart. And he does it in his ghoul form while still being human. Being himself. Even though he has some minor problems with the aftermath of his actions. If you haven’t guessed it… im talking about the fight of Kaneki vs. Amon. That’s what this volume is all about. Showing us the reality of what happens when ghouls and doves join a meeting together. The extremes both will go to! But I also have to say that we see two types of fights going on in front of us. And I find it to be an interesting parallel. On the one side you have Kaneki and Amon doing their worst. Physically and verbally. They’re both talking and trying to convince the other one of their perspectives. Kaneki now standing on the ghoul side. A shocker for himself. The fascinating thing is that they are actually listening to each other. Having even some understanding for each other (not much but some).
On the other hand you have the fight between Touka, Hinami  and Mado. They are also fighting. And yes also physically and verbally. And yes they are also listening to each other. But understanding is a thing that does not happen. Take Touka who is so so hurt of everything what humans,or should I better say the doves, have done to her (and her family?) that she can’t think straight when a dove hurts one of her own. She only sees one possible way to deal with this situation and protect the ones who are still there. Revenge. And she would risk everything for it. Even herself. And she can’t let loose. The others pain is her pain. And by her way of protecting she accidentally endangers others. Take Kaneki who had more than luck not to be discovered by the technology of the doves or Hinami who because of the attack prior to the doves from Touka is now being hunted. She means good but does harm. She can’t control herself. She is a loose cannon. And therefore reminds me of Mado. I could imagine that Mado once was like Touka and that Touka has the potential to become just like Mado. 
Mado is absolutely brilliant, mad and dangerous. And long long gone. He also gives himself to his cause. He is a hunter and collector of rare trophies. He is beyond revenge. He is unreachable. With no clear thought or basic reasoning. He himself is not only collecting the most deadly weapons but he has become the deadliest. And tragically he is not able to wield it anymore. Touka and Mado are screaming, yelling and riling themselves up to see each other loose control.
And poor Hinami is in the middle of all of it. The one everyone (on the ghoul side) wants to protect but simply can’t be, because Hinami sees herself as guilty. Should she be alive? Does she deserve to live? Can she even survive in this harsh reality? When she sees Mado she does not seek out revenge. She realises that that won’t bring her parents back or take her pain away. It only hurts. Hurts so much. And when she sees how cruel and vile Mado is, by recognising Mado's weapon as her mothers and fathers kagune even then she doesn’t go further then protecting Touka from his attacks. She would have let Mado kill her. And she would also be dead if it wasn’t for Touka finally reaching for "her" revenge. 
One detail that I found pretty interesting was the marriage band of Mado on his attached hand. I don’t believe that he is still married. The guy is way beyond saving (mentally). But what I could imagine is that he was married and lost his partner to a ghoul accident and that’s also why he went mental. Maybe for him revenge turned into obsession. I mean the guy would have done anything to get his hand(s) on Hinami as a future weapon. Speaking of being head over heels. 
Going back to Amon whom I mentioned earlier. I believe him to be a very tragic character. Right from the start we did not see him happy once. All he seems to send into the universe is misery. He definitely has some burden to carry. Personally we still don’t know what exactly happened in his past. Sure he lost some people in his life but I don’t think they were that close to him. But Amon seems to have a gift. Empathy. He is full with it. We see it at the memorial. How he treats the stranger who has just lost his colleague. And of course when Mado dies and Amon finds him (I pretty much doubt that Mado would have showed the same empathy if the roles would have been reversed). That’s also why I believe that he was able to listen and understand Kaneki. Sure he also was confused. Kaneki is not you’re average ghoul. First holding back, not even using his kagune. Amon did not even believe that he was an actual ghoul. Then of course Kaneki had to fight for real but he did something that I think no ghoul has ever done to Amon. He showed mercy. And that exactly planted something in Amon. And I don’t think that Amon likes that. It’s nice to see the world in black and white. It’s easy to find his way around and to draw lines without crossing them… even easier. But now he has a problem. A problem he is not alone with. But I doubt that Kaneki will help in the near future (but I hope so). I could imagine that Amon and Kaneki could one day fight for the same cause or at least at each others sides. 
This volume we have been blessed again with the presence of Yomo. Yomo being the lifebelt for Kaneki after he looses control of his ghouls side. Attacking Yomo as a consequence. But Yomo apparently doesn’t mind. In general… Yomo gives me good uncle vibes. He is the one you call when you need a ride home from a party because you couldn’t hold your liquor. A place to feel safe without much judging. 
I’m glad that Mado is gone. Don’t get me wrong he was an interesting first villain but I didn’t see a chance for him to survive if Hinami was suppose to live. Mado is a bloodhound that doesn’t let loose. And maybe it gives Touka some kind of closure. But I don’t think so. But what I do hope is that Hinami actually got through to Touka. Maybe seeing how Hinami hurt differently than Touka, it could give Touka a wake up call.  But than again… we still don’t know exactly what happened to her but we get to know someone from her past. Ayato. Who he is I don’t know. But he left Touka. Of his own free will. That must have hurt differently. Kaneki has also done some work on himself. He now seeks to find his place in the world. He recognised his power or rather said his influence on Amon and that got him thinking… maybe he is really part of both worlds. We shall see. But still for that to happen he needs to get control of the ghoul inside him. And a nutrition plan. 
The last chapter was a nice edition and showed the loss for Amon that Mado is. Amon was his student. He learned so much from him. I think they were partners for four years and this time Amon learned a lot from him. I have to say that Mado was crazy yes. But he was a great mentor. One of the best. That’s why Amon now is one of the best as well… so Mado's legacy lives on. 
Little by little we get more and more details about how the doves work and function. It seems to be a huge network that includes the humans as "spies". They have really good technology to identify ghouls and their weapons are recycled and deadly. 
I think prior to this post I said that Uta and Yomo were my faves so far. Please put Amon on this list aswell. I like him pretty much (not only because of his sportsplan) but for the potential future I mentioned earlier. I can see "good" things coming our way (maybe not for him… or anyone). But I think that’s it for this volume! I will see y’all next Monday! Bye bye
Please leave your thoughts and be kind and don’t spoiler anything!
Thank you for taking your time!
Please feel free to discuss your thoughts, I would like to hear them!
I will see you in a week with a new volume!
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physicalee-tired · 10 months
Fandom HCs
I might make a master list in the future but for now I just feel like screaming random headcanon’s into the void because I can. I will make other when the mood strikes but for now have fun with this 5-10 people who follow me lmaooo.
• Creepypasta
I have a lot of opinions on this fandom but my number 1 is that Ticci Toby as a character (disregarding his creator) deserved better because let’s be real the fandom fucking BUTCHERED him 😭. As miserable little preteens we just turned him into a soft murderous boyfriend stand in (Jeff the Killer was the Hot Edgy Emo version of this). Another complain is his tics… they were never explicitly explained as to whether they were verbal or physical but… he never had a stutter in his poorly written origin story where did that come from??? Personally I think he whistles and snaps his fingers twice as a main tic while the others are things like twitching his neck and smacking his chest or smth.
Marble Hornets is NOT the same as Creepypasta! That being said I DO adore people managing to connect it to Creepypasta and Slenderman in cool ways. If anything I feel like the entire “Proxy” thing needs a reboot, like have people make an entirely new trio of Proxy’s like Masky, Hoody, and Toby. Like bro just let them rest-
Let’s talk about Liu Woods, because I would like to talk about Liu Woods. I would like to talk about how ridiculous the whole “multiple personalities” thing the fandom did was. I mean let’s set aside the fact that he survived being stabbed who-knows-how-many-times by his brother and just talk about how ridiculous people took “he just sort of heard another voice in his head” and turned it into DID lmfaoooo. In my personal HC he just becomes a deeply troubled hit man that has mixed feelings for his brother and lives in a cabin within Slenderman’s territory (Shut up I love the Creepypasta Mansion idea 😭)
BEN_Drowned, a controversial yet beloved figure of the fandom. LET THE FICTIONAL KILLER INTERNET GREMLIN AGE FOR FUCKS SAKE! Look, I’m all for lore accurate characters and people not sexualizing minors but he’s been like 13 for YEARS. Most of the people in the Creepypasta Fandom are in fucking college now and just want to relive their old crushes (Not me tho, ya’ll BEN fans stay safe tho ;)). Which is where my personal headcanon for this sadistic little hobgoblin comes in. He, in fact, has 2 forms! One is the kid Link of himself and the other is the Twilight Princess version that a lot of people fangirled/fanboyed over. He can also switch to the BOTW version of himself IG im not a Zelda fan lol. Anyways his child form has full sentience, he literally uses it for manipulation because y’know he’s a SERIAL KILLER.
and finally (for now), you can be apart of BOTH sides of the fandom :D. An excellent example is: Jeff the Killer’s broken psyche could have been a result of underlying neglect considering his parents seemed to be the types to show face to their neighbors but who knows how they acted otherwise? Realistically he wouldn’t really be interested in relationships other than purely physical reasons, and even then he’d gaslight and mentally abuse the fuck out of them. However you can also go into the more fun side of the fandom and say shit like “He unironically listens to Animal I have become from three days grace and pretends to go “berserk mode” Lmfaoo. As a BF he’d probably tease you a lot about your height and likes would like your smile and if you complain about it he’ll offer to fix it (read; carve it into your face). Both are totally okay as long as you’re not butthurt about other people having fun or totally delusional and thinking fictional serial killers would be any better than real serial killers :3
in case anyone is wondering (they are not lmao); my crushes were always Ticci Toby (very surprising I know), Eyeless Jack, and Homicidal Liu although now for different reasons lmao. I might do individual HCs for characters if anyone asks or just if I feel like it.
Jeeze I didn’t expect this to be so long so fun TK HCs under the cut!
Jeff and Liu used to have tickle fights all the time back in the Good Old Days (TM) so Jeff pretty much uses it against anyone that’s bothering him or in order to get what he wants. The worst part is he’s strong enough to get away with it a majority of the time.
Liu on the other hand, doesn’t really like physical touch anymore unless its someone he really really trusts. The reason being that he enjoys tickling, not only because it reminds him of the Good Old Days (TM) but also because he thinks its fun for both parties involved and enjoys hearing people he likes laugh.
BEN is a fucking gremlin and the main Lee of the mansion tbh, mostly because its so easy to just yoink him midair and wreck him for something or other. Very ticklish tummy, no clue why I think it’s true, its just canon now
Laughing Jack is obviously a fucking tickle monster with those god damn claws and sometimes uses them for evil. By that I mean maybe Bloody Painter is doing a very delicate art piece and LJ just comes by and casually drags his claws down the others back just to make him fuck it up by arching his back violently
Eyeless Jack doesn’t really care for tickling, as in he isn’t opposed to it but he also doesn’t actively seek it out… except for one spot. In my HCs EJ has a tail and it’s fairly ticklish, he enjoys having it gently scratched and scribbled at. He lets out these cute purr laugh which he finds mildly embarrassing but he doesn’t really care since the feelings is strangely relaxing to him.
I have more but I’ve been on this app too long and have Adult Stuff(TM) to do so I might make a second part with the Proxy’s and maybe some underrated characters lol.
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bilbobagginsomebabez · 7 months
i can be described as nothing less than ruthlessly principled. it's a dangerous quality in a person but i think i may be the one in a million who happened upon some good principles according to reviews so i will share. i was abused as a child by people who suffered psychosis which gave me both an obsessive attention towards harm and an obsessive need for proof before I act, and i love to read. well. it turns out we have an absolute fuckton of data about things that hurt people especially regarding abuse. because people are typically fucking begging you to listen to what hurts them.
and it's like. yeah there's a data threshold. it first has to echo what we know of abuse. all of the -isms and phobias are culturally normalized interpersonal abuses towards a member of a particular group of people. the big abuses of an entire group over another group are built on millions upon millions of the tiny constantly reinforced interpersonal abuses of one human to another human and our collective deafening silence in the face of it.
when a white person does something racist and then gets sad and upset that a person of color was hurt, it's literally fucking classic DARVO. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.
Deny: no i couldn't have been racist i would never be racist im a good person Attack: you're the mean person because you thought i was being racist and failed to provide me with enough benefit of the doubt to know i was always being a good person Reverse Victim and Offender: i can't believe that someone would think so poorly of me i'm so nice and so kind and so good i would never be racist or hurt someone else you hurt me by accusing me of being a bad person and i deserve an apology for being taken in bad faith.
like think about it. for real. think about how your bosses treat you and if you would tolerate it in an acquaintance. think of yourself as a human, a full human with a body and needs and a family and a home life and emotions and an extremely social and intelligent animal who figured out that living in groups makes it easier to survive and take care of our loved ones. then think of every single other organism in the species classification "homo" that exact same way.
you know you're safer in a bigger group that cares for you. if you're american, think about how what you're gonna do if you need to crowdfund a fucking medical bill. think about how much we need each other for every aspect of our lives. how many guys it took to cut and harvest the wood that builds every single one of your buildings and the guys that delivered it and the guys that assembled it into your house and the plumbing and electrical guys and more and more and more who make your house possible. think about the people in the factories who do the dangerous work of making the screws of every size and shape that hold every single one of your devices you couldn't live without together. how many people does your life rely on? and don't they deserve to live well? and doesn't living well necessarily mean freedom from abuse? your boss can scream at you and you probably can't do anything about it. why are we in a human group where it's okay for one member to abuse another.
we are a culture that permits abuse. it's that simple. we say that it's okay to abuse someone in certain ways based on certain characteristics. if you refuse to allow any level of interpersonal abuse in your presence, things get a lot more clear and easy to navigate. verbal denigration is verbal denigration. gaslighting is gaslighting. your culture will tell you that there are types of "good" power imbalances, "necessary" checks to autonomy, verbal denigration that is deserved, or types of gaslighting that are required. it's always a lie. interpersonal abuse of any kind is always violent, always cruel, always controlling. there is no variety that is acceptable. structural power imbalances are obvious and abusive behaviors are consistent if you're brave enough to accurately identify them and recognize them for the harm they are everywhere they are.
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trrickytickle · 1 year
Phineas and Ferb tickle headcanons
you guys are feverish, a flushed color from crying out your tickly desires to my askbox or messages and I never echo back like a ghost town tends to. but @tickleu233 says "how about some tickle headcanons from phineas and ferb?" and i come screaming, with the souls of 400 stray banshees. LIKE LMAO IF UVE NEVER SCEEN PHINEAS AND FERB UM
but to all my requesters, (iykiyk) gitchee gitchee goo. srsly. i need to answer all dat grout in my askbox and im procrastinating bc i laughed at some random poast on the tickle tag for a straight min. ok im gonna try my absolute bestest
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pictured, me when your mom
ALSO here's some research I compiled, study up
Phineas Flynn
okay what is the context for this
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ok i feel like he wouldn't have problems or be stubborn or any sort as a lee. he's the bluntest yet most oblivious triangle lmao.
most frequent lees are ferb and candace, AND perry- they're siblings (family) alright and they got tons of bonding moments in the show, lol. esp candace when she gets REALLY high-strung, the boys gang up on her. it makes her W H E E Z E
has no problems with tickling. he WILL go a little too far as a ler tho. he seems like the type of mf to just be oblivious to the plight, and accidentally tease a shit ton. always gets wrecked back for being a little shit
it definetely inspired some of his ideas w/ ferb. maybe they got like 1212903109 tickle machine blueprints. like i can see them both planning to build one to annoy tf out of candace or their lil backyard gang. probbaly with the cartoon hands or some rotary feather blades HAOUUUGH cartoon tickle machines... i LOVE cartoony tickle machines u cant BELIEVE
SEE VIDEO ABOVE- they studied the reflexology of the foot lmao--- maybe that one blip in a montage lasted long real time
gets tickled by candace and ferb as well. prob w/ ferb its more brothery stuff like- rough housing and punch to the head while with candace its like affectionate? iykyk
Ferb Fletcher
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BRI'ISH lmao
usually softspoken- laughs like thomas brodie sangster BC THATS HIS VOICE AND I LOVE TBS HES SO HES SO ok ill stfu
ler, his one line per episode can be reserved for a snarky teasing remark like "it's been one second." or something. definetly really blunt when it comes to tickling, keeps his same expression while his hands move dynamically, maybe.
embarrassed at being a lee specifically for vanessa. who wouldn't? goth gf omg
the most ler out of everyone here, he's literally so ler. Literally have not seen him laugh
buckles down laughing as a lee, usually wheezes a lot
Candace Flynn
me when I
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HAUUUOOUGH that is a LEE. just.
she panics whenever "tickle" is said- probably second-ticklish to Phineas, worst spots are basically everywhere.
such a teasy ler, says stuff like "ooooh, you are SOOO getting it!" or even just straight up says "busted!". FEARED ler in the flynn-fletcher household, even by Perry. the fucking platypus
however that makes people want to get revenge. and revenge they get. super panicky lee, flinchy, leg-kicky, her laugh says it ALL. just- she has canonically been tickled TWICE, will bargain like HELL.
tickles her bf and siblings, verbal teases a shit ton
likes it when jeremy tickles her bc obviously, so it happens often, they switch. OH bless her, shes genuinely the funniest i thought she was annoying
does her little "hehehehe" AAAH
with her unlucky streak always ends up unintentional guinea pig for tickle related inventions.
Agent P
Heinz Doofenshmirtz
he's a platypus, but still. ticklish tummy and sides and stuff bc those are his anthro parts, pretends not to react in his disguise- but his "krkrkrkr" noise gets more high pitched and squeaky.
doof had to restart his monologue about some sort of bacckstory on why he made some random like banana-inator or something while he was being tickled lol
also under his tail and back.
once a tickling trap has managed to subdue him, but managed to get out. he's BAD fucking ASS guys i used to be obsessed with perry bc just- yes
laughter just sounds like the little perry sound ITS A CUTE SOUND
is also a canon ler. LIKE his little fingers omg
maybe his evil clone from the movies used tickles :> LIKE the dystopia setting that was so funny i loved it, i remember the hologram of major monogram showering
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canon lee. take this knowledge as you will
either touch starved or absolutely tickle repulsed. perry canonically used it against him in combat
got tickled by norm before he programmed that out of him. some of the 'inators have turned on him. SPEAKING of that, great evil ler for sorta goofy hostage situations and interrogations. OWCA agent hostage situation, yk
invited perry over to work on his "evil laugh" or something would happen in the show and yk what else would happen.. maybe a tk fight
used to tickle vanessa a lot, she H A T E D it.
makes a bunch of stupid descisions that ends in him getting wrecked lol
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz
Reserved as fuck. refuses to crack, uses her stern voice through laughter, then breaks out into "KGH- HAHAHA-" sort of restrained laughter.
definetly had tickle-inators thrown at her as a halfhearted way to cheer this emo up by doofenshmirtz. i love doof hes funny lol
when she was friends w/ candace iirc, they probably had tk fights bc no matter how weirdly shaped they are, these are tickle headcanons, you can imagine them as regular human shaped lol
this is what procrastination does to a mf but it was fun so it's ok I got to listen to the SONGSSSS THEY SLAP
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linpunny · 9 months
Same dessy sameeee!!!!! When he took off his coat in the church, I was having a whole ass moment of silence while inside I'm having the loudest horniest reaction until it leaks out and I sound like "tag yourself in this moment". Bitches. I'm Bitches that are on their hands and knees. When he threw that church bench, I screamed WHY CAN'T THAT BE ME?!?! THROW ME NEXT!!! ME NEXT!!! I WANT A TURN!!!
When he lifted up Takemichi, I said you lucky pussy, that should be me!!!!!! I want him to tousle my hair like that!!!! I want those crazy eyes on meeeeee!!!! I was crying and having the biggest fuckin tantrum. Then he's on his hands and knees on the steps outside the church after the fight... his pride wouldn't allow me to, but I damn sure would ask if I could hit it from the back. Just once. Pleassssssee 🥺🥺🥺 then he's by himself on the steps after his "subordinates" leave him behind, Hakkai basically gave him the verbal 2 week notice of resignation and left to be a man, Yuzuha gives her piece before she runs off after Hakkai. I wanted to sit next to him and rest my head on his shoulder so fucking much!!! I wanted to cryyyyyy!!!!!!! Every moment was just give me give me give me give me. Then the fucking meeting with Mitsuya was the worst moment for me. I'm yelling for him to put his feet away and get them off the table but also wanting to unbuckle his pants and get to work on my knees if you know what I mean 😏😏😏😏
I was fucking rabid inside and out every time his big ass was on screen, lord help me because I will make him see Jesus 🙏🙏🙏🙏😩😩😩😩💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💦💦💦💦💦💦
I can’t even begin to tell you but it was the moment his big fucking beefy ass stepped on the screen, when he walked into the neighborhood humming my whole damn thighs clenched and I legit had to pause the screen cause I was about to literally go insane. LIKE SIR? WHO THE FUCK GAVE YOU THAT MUCH RIZZ RIGHT OFF THE BAT??? HMMM? WHO SAID YOU COULD LOOK LIKE THAT?
Really I paused the screen and sat and stared at him for a good five minutes and then went to my bestie and cried cause i was feeling some type of way about him and I was strictly a Draken girly even after reading the manga. Taiju didn’t do anything to me until he was animated and I absolutely s(creamed) myself. Every single episode I was shaking violently bleeding at the mouth foaming howling at the moon like a dog in heat.
He closed lined takamitchi I drooled I have never wanted to be closed lined before im my life but if taiju is doing it sign me the the fuck up 😭😭😭😭
WHEN HE YANKED MITCHI I WANTED TO BE HIM, WHEN HE WAS THROWING HIM AROUND IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME/US. WHEN HIS DAMN BIG ASS FEET WERE ON THE TABLE I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE TABLE!!!! HUMAN FURNITURE TYPE SHIT MEANT FOR MY KING 😩😩 I wanted to be in his lab riding when he was all laid out with his legs crossed while Mitsuya was talking. Ride him, ride his damn butter roll looking abs till I can’t no more
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HE DIDNT HAVE TO THROW THAT CHURCH PEW IT WAS SO SEXY AND I WANTED TO BE THE PEW TOO. SLAM ME LIKE THAT DADDY PLEASE. BREAK ME MAKE MY BONES SHATTER 😩😩😩😩😩 I was behind a pew hiding the entire fight secretly cheering on my man. I literally struggled the entire church fight cause like “oh no Taiju don’t hit your siblings and kill takamitchi” but also “fuck me up like that with those big hands and fists” I was in my bestie’s DMs having a full on attack every week for taiju and trying to actively deny I didn’t want him.
HE throw off his jacket and I frow upped. I wanted to be on my knees licking up the blood off his back. Kissing his back tattoos, giving him a reach around in the church idc idc.
I cried when he fell to his hands and knees outside the church I want to tackle his big ass to the floor and lay on him and run my fingers over his tattoos and snuggle in the snow until it melted underneath his warmth. He’s he’s- he’s gotta be like a damn heater right? He was walking in the snow with just his trench coat on??? No shirt, just buttoned up. Man makes his own heat. But also when he fell to his knees I wanted to collar his ass and sit on his back 😌
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tsukidrama · 1 year
please like this post if you read the rant because im literally just screaming into rhe void and i need literally anyone to listen to me right now
the family member i was closest to for most of my life and who basically guided me through being a teenager and coming out just verbally degraded me for 10 minutes using the exact same trigger words that my abusive dad always did.
i typed out what happeneed 3 times in 3 different ways and it only makes me feel worse. there was a point in my life where she was my safe person. she was the person that i could go to whenever i didn't have anyone else to talk to or i felt like no one would listen to me. she has always gone out of her way to offer her home as a safe space for me no matter what has been going on in my life.
very very long story short, my grandma's health is declining because she has heart failure. my aunt does not take care of her own health and has had to undergo emergency surgery 3 times in the past year (2022). she is getting a knee replacement on Monday.
i don't want to give out too much information because of privacy reasons but basically my grandma is in heart failure. she's 79 years old and has a lot of other medical problems that generally make her very high risk in general.
basically my grandma has convinced herself that she absolutely needs to accompany my aunt to her knee surgery. and my aunt is just, letting it happen? even though my aunt has told me multiple times that having grandma in a car for long periods of time is very dangerous for her health. it's the reason i take an 8 hour fucking road trip to see her as often as i can.
all i said was "i gotta say that i'm really worried about grandma coming along with you when you have used the words 'very dangerous' to describe car trips for her."
these are the exact words that i used.
immediately it's like a flip switched. i didn't even have time to breathe before she started shrieking like a banshee telling me that i'm disrespecting her by saying that she can't take care of my grandma and disrespecting my grandma by saying that she can't do what she wants. she kept saying "well i'm sorry that you feel that way" a lot more shit that i'm not going to sit here and upset myself by typing out.
i've been crying on and off for almost 6 hours now. i don't know what i did wrong. i don't know what to do. i want my grandma to be a part of my life but my access to her is entirely through my aunt. i want to talk to my grandma about all of this but my aunt won't let me talk to her. i'm so fucking scared for her and i feel really helpless and triggered about things that happened with my dad.
i dont want to get into it fully but basically my dad lied to my face for years about the status of his health and instructed his doctors to reiterate those lies so i wouldn't find out. two days after my 18th birthday he signed me up as his new medical proxy and continued to lie to me about his health despite forcing me to sign legal documents that would give me power of attorney if he were to go unconscious and i had to make choices for him. i only found out that he was dying when he screamed "you need to do [whatever he was yelling about] because i'm dying!" in my face. he was.
cut to a few years later and i have now developed crippling anxiety when people tell me they're having issues with their health. there will always be a part of me that feels like i'm being lied to, or that someone is either overexaggerating or underexaggerating how bad their illness is to manipulate me. most of the time when i feel like this i can recognize it as anxiety. i really do feel like i've made a lot of progress regarding that, because i know that nobody besides my dad would lie to me like that.
she understood how i felt like the choices that my father made took that relationship away from both of us. everyone else tried to convince me to show my dad sympathy, but my aunt made a point to validate my feelings in that his "out of sight out of mind" mindset was extremely damaging and traumatic for me and my brother.
except for my aunt, now, apparently??? which really fucks me up because she knows how much it damaged me emotionally. our relationship began to deteriorate when i hit my early 20s and it became clear to me that she doesn't even try to take care of HERSELF. she knew her knees were bad but she didn't go to the doctor until she couldn't walk. she knew she had kidney and gall bladder problems but she didn't go to the doctor or attempt to change her diet until she literally went into organ failure and almost died from sepsis. sinks, bathtubs, countertops, lights, the oven. all have broken and she just, did not fix it! she and my grandma washed their hands in the bathtub for months until my brother came to visit and fixed it for her. instead of saying thank you she yelled at him that she didnt need help . just including this to help paint the picture of how bad at managing literally everything is. oh, and there was a week in the Louisiana summer heat where the AC broke and she waited a week before calling someone to fix it. A WEEK. IN THE LOUISIANA SUMMER TIME. A 79 YEAR OLD WOMAN.
now i just feel like. well who the hell is this cunt and what did she do with my aunt? why the fuck is she talking to me like this???? i haven't felt like this since i was a teenager. i'm angry that she feels comfortable putting my grandma's health at risk. i'm horrified by the way that she spoke to me. i'm disgusted that i ever thought it could emotionally connect with someone who is related to my dad.
there are more reasons that we have grown apart (including a recent interest in alt-right conspiracy theories) but overall it was important to me to have a relationship with the people in that house because they're the only one left on that side of the family. so i would bite my tongue because i knew she wasn't actually going to change. she would just brush it off. but it's different when you're letting my grandma put herself at risk. and why? "because grandma wants to come"
well personally i would rather grandma be mad than dead. but apparently expressing this is extremely rude and i am a "nasty little girl that needs to learn her place"
if it wasn't for grandma i would have already gone no contact. it would hurt me a lot to cut them off but i feel the red flags popping up more than ever. aunt won't let my grandma talk to me for more than a minute or two and when i see her in person she won't let me back into her bedroom. i have caught aunt in multiple lies concerning covid safety, hanging around meth users, and an abusive ex-husband of the woman who lives with her (don't even get me started).
it doesn't seem like a possibility for me to stay in my grandma's life when i've gone no contact with her caretaker. all i want to do is talk to her. i don't know what to do. i don't want her to die. she's the only grandparent i have left and i already rarely see her because she lives so far away. all my other family is dead.
it genuinely shocks me how well people can hide their true colors. if this bitch kills my grandma i will never let her forget about it until the day she dies.
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maricarrot · 1 year
I’m not very good at explaining things as much as I am with visually showing it (not very good at it either), but I will do my best!!!
First off, about Aoi and Sumire, in the actual story they are similar and the thing about how, even if it isn’t confirmed as of right now, Sumire may be related to Aoi. It was more of a spontaneous decision more than carefully planned, but the more I thought about it, it would help in showing a couple of things regarding the Akane family and/or the world as a whole.
In this au, Aoi and Sumire’s roles have switched. At least, the time they are alive have been switched. Aoi was set to be a sacrifice for God, while Sumire lives as a student going to the same school as Hanako and Mitsuba. There was the issue of how Aoi would actually be able to go to the Near Shore, since we’ve seen where the kannagi go when they are sacrificed, and Sumire was the yoshiro of No. 6 so she didn’t have the same fate as the others. But as Sumire had grown spiteful of the townspeople when she was growing up, there would be a chance that Aoi would probably feel the same way if she were in Sumire’s place.
For Aoi to be able to meet Sumire or even Nene, she can’t die from actually being sacrificed. It was a stupid idea but it made the most sense to me at time, but why not have Aoi be so spiteful that she decided, “you know what? I think I’m gonna go out with a bang” and make a huge scene before she died. Because of that, she didn’t actually die being sacrificed, but during the commotion. Years later, she’d meet Nene, Akane, and others like Sumire.
I think they’d meet in the school garden or something while Aoi is looking for Nene, I don’t know
As for Akane, in the beginning, I actually didn’t know what to do for his backstory or what I should do with his look, but now I have it and it is a mystery!!!!
Not actually, but Akane’s backstory is more of something I still don’t have all laid out, but I do know what the general idea of it is. I can’t really think of a reason why he’s one of the few who actually grew up despite being a supernatural, but it plays into him going around crumpling papers of dated missing posters. As for Teru calling Akane a traitor, it’s more like Teru is calling out how he literally left to go hang out with humans and “pretend” to be one, like he’s not doing the same thing. It’s totally different because he has a mission, apparently.
I feel like I went off topic trying to explain Aoi and Sumire’s whole thing, and it took a whole for me to even begin typing out what was on my mind
I’m more used to trying to give hints in details in art or whatever but I’m not very good at it at oof
But ANYWAYS I hope that this was at least a little bit helpful, I tried to make it all coherent because I was explaining this verbally it’d be a total mess
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seoafin · 1 year
i just finished the last the bear episode…..wow so many thoughts they ate truly wow like the bear is just so fucking good. AND IM GLAD U AGREE ABOUT CLAIRE PRETTY GIRL BUT SO FUCKING BORING AND U KNOW WHAT SYD N MARCUS R ALSO BORING AS SHIT TOGETHER love them separately tho but omg richie…richie man richie made me wanna cry when he kept telling carmy he loved him while carmen was dogging the shit outta him in that freezer ughhhhh i love my bf i literally love him so much i have main character loving syndrome and omg mikey when he was throwing those forks at saul goodman would u be down to like talk more in depth on ur thoughts of the final episode and the season overall and how hot carmen and his brother r n how amazing it would be feel to get a train ram by both of them. also u think carmens got some kind of ocd? i love my obsessive compulsive boyfriend so much
spoilers for the bear s2
yeah i had to skip the claire scenes because it was just SO boring. syd and carmy have that chemistry and connection i rlly hope this is a slowburn type of situation because i can really see the two of them together. also i love marcus but not with syd. really wish the writers didn't give marcus the unrequited love trope with syd because they genuinely work better as friends encouraging each other rip. hope the next season sees them working better together as friends bc i love marcus he deserves the world.
RICHIE RICHIE RICHIE HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! he just wants a place to belong and i think he's been trying to carve that little space out for himself whether that be in the bear family or the restaurant or literally his OWN family....i get why he was so defensive over carmy coming and changing everything in the restaurant....it meant that he'd be the odd one out again. he'd be displaced and forced to find another place to belong. so so glad he came through in the end with all the orders. i hope the restaurant finally makes him content!! also richie screaming to love story in the car HE'S SO REAL.
while not every semi side character had the spotlight this season i think this season rlly did tina and marcus soooo good. loved seeing tina flourish and come into her own a chef. her smile....so lovely. i loved seeing marcus in coppenhagen like will poulter should NOT be looking that fine kneading bread. but somehow.
but like i said i simply did not care about the claire scenes i literally would have taken any other character getting screen time especially since carmy broke up with her anyway. would've loved seeing more syd and her dad tbh.
im so glad this season finally elaborated on the dysfunctional bear family and shed a little more light on micheal and the person he was. i was clinging to the edge of my SEAT watching that fork scene. honestly i don't think carmy has OCD i think that man has PTSD fjnskdfjsdk like all that verbal abuse from working at the number one restaurant in the world....it makes me think he was somehow seeking the dysfunctional aspects of his household and almost finding comfort in the abuse in his dynamics with the head chef(???) dude. especially since we see carmy unwittingly replicating those very same dynamics in the kitchen with syd and then even in the freezer screaming at richie the same exact abuse that head chef told him. he's useless he's a waste of space etc. but richie choosing to respond with kindness and telling him he loves him.....wow....it was such a touching moment to see and i say that genuinely considering richie also yells at him about how carmy can't let himself be happy. it says so much that carmy himself says that he shouldn't seek amusement or enjoyment which im sure speaks to larger issues than just his self esteem issues. i rlly hope the next season does a deep dive into carmy's family and the dynamics of his relationship with micheal and his mother!!!! i definitely think there's something coming with that considering how sugar is going to become a mother soon and how their mother showed up to the restaurant but left out of guilt.
i need a bit more time to formulate my thoughts sorry i just barfed this out i finished the ep like 15 minutes ago LOL
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starfilled-galaxy · 2 months
we were all part of the ‘special ed’ (it was actually supposed to be a room where kids went to regulate their emotions) class and while some of my ‘friends’ had the option and did go to actual main line classes, i was not so lucky and was permanently stuck to that room (i still am! i just avoid going there now cause most of the kids are now physically violent and not just verbally rude anymore plus im now on a parttime timetable and go to a second far smaller school where the staff and kids are way nicer lol)
so i was just, stuck?? with this like.. emotionally and physically abusive kid?? AND I ALSO HAD TO HANG OUT WITH HIM OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL??? (which, if i had the chance to go back in time, little me would get a screaming cause the warning signs were all there and i would love not having the memory of getting literally strangled over a plush toy -^-)
literally the best thing that kid did for me was physically defending me from a kid twice my size.. and being so shitty i was allowed the almighty power of being able to literally put him on restraining order minus the legal documentation lol
adding coloured text so its a little easier to read cause i do just.. ramble on lmao
Jesus 😨 sorry I keep saying that its just my auto response for "wHAT THE FUCK"
I hate when schools do this type of shit and I hate how common it is too. Like it should NOT be this common to handle neurodivergents- specifically for this case those of us with emotional regulation issues- that horribly like oh my god...
That's terrifying I'm srsly so sorry you had to go through that :<
You should let them go to regular classes but when they have an outburst you should take them to a room alone or with one other adult with comfort items they like, and also maybe a cold/cool room bc being angry makes you feel very hot... and you should make sure there isnt anything important and/or easy to break in the room too
...the fact that im a minor and I can come up with a better solution for handling this stuff than so so so so so many adults is...disappointing I wish people were more educated on this stuff
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heyitsjay03 · 3 years
Headcanons about each of the lords (+the Duke if you're writing about him) if they ever happen to adopt a little child?
okay okay okay okay this has definitely been on my mind so lets get into the thick of it
Alcina Dimitrescu
(im starting off with alcina for obvious reasons)
Alcina would be on the way to the church with the slimy moron, the demented doll, that disgusting manthing and Mother Miranda
She'd kiss her daughters goodbye and head off through the snow, quietly muttering about how cold her ankles were
while Moreau is literally up to his chin in snow but its fine
as she gets closer to the church she keeps hearing this. thing. it sounded familiar but she couldn't exactly put her finger on it.
she strays from the path to find it because it was just so familiar
as she weaves her way through the snow, her dress gets caught on something. she leans down to get her dress unstuck when she realises its this tiny basket.
like seriously. just a little woven basket in the middle of the snow. and it doesn't look like its been there for that long- there's hardly any snow on it
when she tugs at her skirts again, the basket makes the same noise she's been hearing
she stands back up to her full height, staring down at the basket with narrowed eyes
this cannot be a good idea, can it? opening a strange basket in the woods after being lured out here. it's probably some village manthing's trap.
she's about to step away when she hears the sound again- much more intense and much more clear
Alcina leans down and opens the lid of the basket
inside is this tiny thing- all soft and warm in a padding of blankets
a baby
she stands and looks around
who on earth would be so moronic as to leave their baby in the snow? it's much too cold for a baby to survive-
she sighs, getting onto her knees to pull the baby from the blanketed basket
the meeting will have to wait. it's too cold even in the church for this tiny thing.
when she finally makes it back home, she's greeted by her daughters in a swarm of buzzing flies.
as they manifest in their true forms, they're asking what- or who, rather- their mother brought for dinner
Alcina smiles and shakes her head, unwrapping the small bundle clinging to her breast
"this... is your new sibling" she announces, "they'll be staying with us from now on."
and the sisters are ecstatic. a new sibling!
Daniela especially is happy that she is no longer the youngest. she usually is the one to parade around the castle with her sibling on her shoulders, showing them the coolest hiding spots for hide-n-seek and the windows with the best views
Bela is incredibly protective. like. incredibly.
she smelt blood from across the castle and when she found her little sibling sniffling about a skinned knee earned from a game of tag with Angie, she lost her shit and almost broke the damned thing with her sickle
And Cassandra has been caught reading bedtime stories by nightlight multiple times. she tries to play it off but everyone knows that she loves- absolutely adores- her newest sibling
we all know Alcina is such a wonderful mother to the girls so adding another baby to the mix was a guaranteed success
she's so doting and careful (a little overprotective at times but she means well) as she is with her girls
as the child grows into a teen, she panics a bit because "my beautiful baby is growing into such a beautiful, talented adult" so expect a lot of late night visits when she just sits on the edge of her bed and just admires how much you've grown
Salvatore Moreau:
now this one is an easy one too if i'm 100% honest
think Moses type beat
(if you don't know, Moses was found in the riverbank in a little basket)
apparently i really like baskets
Moreau was so out of his element when he found this tiny, screaming, writhing piece of soft flesh
the first few weeks were rough
but he eventually got the hang of it (with Alcina's help of course)
he would take his child fishing every now and then- just the two of them out on a boat for a few hours
the kid would literally swim more than walk and that little fact would make Moreau so freakin proud
also this kid would be so well-versed in movie and film history it's stupid
like expect this little 4 or 5 year old babbling not about toys or snow or how many sticks they found but instead about the copyright war over the film Nosferatu and the destruction of its copies
Moreau, as the child gets older (like 11 or 12) would have just a tad of trouble trying to keep the kid out of the village
he'd wake up one day and go out onto the lake, expecting his child to be swinging their legs off the dock and watching the sun rise over the water
and when he finds that they were not, in fact, swinging their legs off the dock and watching the sun rise over the water, he p a n i c s
i mean, full blown red alert
all of the lords are summoned to help Moreau look for his missing kid, the lycans are given an article of clothing to help find the scent, Mother Miranda goes to search the village herself- the whole shebang
and when the kid is found playing with the village children, Moreau bursts into tears
needless to say, the kid isn't allowed to go to the village anymore
until they're fifty (Moreau's words, of course)
but the kid sneaks off more and more as they get older, using Alcina or Donna or Karl as an excuse to be away
and Moreau knows but he never says a word
seeing his child happy and free with the kids their age makes him happy, even if he is a tad, a tad, a tad bit nervous
Donna Beneviento:
when Donna found this child huddled up against the base of the stairs leading up to her front door, she at first thought it was a doll of hers
it was only when she actually walked outside that she realised it was this shaking, shriveled child in tattered clothes
she spent a good five minutes just staring, wondering how on earth she's supposed to react
that's when Angie jumped in and pulled at her skirt, telling her to "let the kid inside, already!"
Donna went immediately to work on some clothes- why on earth were they wearing such ragged things?! it's freezing outside!- while Angie entertained in the parlour
honestly, it didn't go well
the kid was a little bit unsettled by the floating doll that moved and spoke on its own FOR GOOD REASON
and when Donna walked back in with her measurement tape and some fabric, the kid backed themselves into a corner of the room with their gangly legs tucked into their chest
Angie sighs from the opposite side of the room, letting her little feet fidget as she gestures to the kid. "they're no fun" she pouts, "wouldn't even let me know their name"
Donna puts her materials down slowly and lifts her veil back before attempting a small smile
it takes a while but upon the offer of food, the kid finally lets Donna make them some clothes while Angie makes conversation
she works in silence, only offering small awkward smiles
Angie finally brings up the topic of where their parents are when the kid's clothes are done
when the child goes silent, Donna nods in understanding before hurrying off to make a room for them
as Angie helped tug the blankets up to the child's ears, they promised they'd be gone in the morning
Angie was the one to tell them off.
"You'll stay as long as you need, you silly goose!"
and the child did
Donna would let them tag along for meetings so long as they promised to keep quiet and help keep Angie out of trouble
most of the time, it didn't work and they both would end up in trouble but Donna let them come nonetheless
and when the other Lords question where on earth this little kid came from- all dressed in black fabric that matched Donna's dress, she just shook her head and let Angie chase them off verbally
she'd spend literal HOURS locked in that workshop making new little friends for her child and when they were old enough, she'd let them into the workshop
and when they were even older, she'd walk them through making their very first doll on their own
she'd just watch with pride as they carefully painted the freckles with a shaky hand while Angie danced around their ankles singing of how excited she was to have another friend
The Duke:
he would be setting up shop near the base of the Dimitrescu castle when he catches a kid trying to steal some his wares
he wouldn't be terribly upset, more concerned
it wasn't something shiny or expensive that they were trying to steal
it was some of the steaming-hot food he had left to cool in the wintry air
he confronted the child gently and with a warm smile
"That's cordon bleu," he says, gesturing to the steaming plate. "I can make you some if you'd like"
and as the child eats, the Duke continues tidying up his shop for any future customers
the child, through a mouthful of food, points to different items and asks their purpose, their price, their possible enhancements
the Duke answers each question with patience, happy for the company
but he doesn't just let the questions go one-way
"How about a trade?" he asks as the child asks about the strange-looking bottle of green liquid. "An answer for an answer."
the child agrees and the Duke starts to peel back layers of why the child was here looking for food
they had been orphaned by the last lycan attack, only barely making it out by fleeing into the woods
they tried to forage off of berry bushes and successfully managed to kill a pig- only for the blood to attract lycans before they could properly eat it
the Duke nods and continues busying himself with his shop, feeding the horse that pulls the wagon
the thought had hit him when he watched the child petting his horse
that horse hated everyone. including him at times.
when he offered to take the child in, the kid nearly burst into tears and thanked him repeatedly, swearing to earn their keep
and they did, seven times over
what started off as a purely business venture morphed into something more as time went on
when the child would come back from selling smaller household items like gasoline and the occasional package of bullets, the Duke would have them climb onto the roof of the wagon and watch the sun set together with a plate of food
speaking of which, like Moreau, the Duke would raise the most cultured child
this kid would know how to prepare and identify different dishes and their ingredients just by looking at them or smelling them
and their palate would be far more sophisticated than most adults
the Duke, as the child gets older, would eventually allow them to choose destinations to set up shop- even outside of the village
wherever his child wants, the shop would go
it allows them to see the world and its earthly wares together- something the Duke had lacked in his life before the child was brought into the picture
Karl Heisenberg:
listen to me very very carefully
this man would be the most chaotic father ever to walk this earthly realm
when he finds this kid in the elevator of his factory, he's kinda standing there like 🧍 "what the hell-"
and when the kid starts spamming the button while maintaining eye contact, he kinda snaps out of it and starts chasing after them as they drop down to a different floor
it goes on for a solid twenty minutes before he finally managed to track them down in the corner of his office
and when i say this man is confused, i freaking mean it
i mean
why the HELL would some random kid be in his factory? don't they like... play with ponies or something at this age?
to be fair, this man literally has never been allowed a childhood so
obviously he starts scolding the kid ("what the hell are you doin' in here? it's dangerous and there's some really freaky shit here, kid"), dragging them to a nearby sink because "holy shit kid, you're filthy"
the kid is silent essentially the whole time, just kinda staring into his eyes
and of course Karl's gonna be like "...the fuck're you doin'?"
the kid's face is cleaned off and Karl sends them back out towards the village with a scratchy blanket he pulled out of the bottom of his desk drawer
he's working on his 'equipment' one day when he starts reaching for a wrench, keeping his focus on the body on the table
when i say this man jumps skyhigh at the kid asking a question, i mean it
he drags the kid back out, yelling about how dangerous it is and how "you shouldn't do that! you're gonna get yourself killed! go back home!"
the kid doesn't listen
it becomes a regular thing- Karl finds the kid wandering around the factory, Karl brings the kid out of danger, Karl tells them to get lost
eventually (day thirteen of this) he asks why the child keeps coming back
and he hates the answer he gets
it was something along the lines of "it's warm and there's nowhere else for me to go"
so Karl reluctantly eagerly lets them stay
it's a lot of rules at first (a kid shouldn't be allowed to just wander around a bunch of mindless cyborg killers, let alone a factory) but eventually the child learns to mind Sturm and the others
doesn't mean Karl does not have a fullblown heart attack when he walks into his workspace to find the kid tracing their finger along the center of the battery for the Soldats
after a very long talk (and some deep breathing) Karl reluctantly eagerly lets them sit against the very far wall to watch him work on the machinery- not, under any circumstances, the actual bodies
as the child blossoms into a young adult, they start to help out with certain aspects of Karl's work
exclusively machinery because Karl could not physically handle having his kid watch him get elbow-deep into a corpse
and Karl is so freaking proud of it
when the Soldat is kicked to life, he's got his kid in his arms and cackling like the proud dad he is
yeah. paternal Heisenberg>>>
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my-hyperfixations · 3 years
Hi this is my Fundywastaken Wedding rant
So I’m a relatively new fan. I’ve only been a fan of these streamers/the smp for a couple of weeks, but I knew what it was because my friend would rant about it to me.
Now as a person on tumblr, pinterest, AO3, and many other fandom sites, I got sucked into the shipping, relatively Dreamnotfound. I heard about some of the things Dream did on the SMP and I was like “Man he sounds like a jerk why do people like him” and my friend said “Oh yea he did all that stuff ‘cause Tommy burned down George’s house” I legit looked at her and went “... wait he literally tortured people and got put into prison because a child burned down his friend’s house?” “Yep” “Man, talk about a simp.”
I’ve also seen different streams and compilations of DNF and such. 
I would say I’m a relatively peaceful shipper, but sometimes I can get a bit intense. Not really with this ship though. (okay maybe a little bit)
Now, I had known that Fundy and Dream were going to get married in minecraft, but I didn’t really know the outcome. 
I like Fundy. He’s a really talented streamer. But there were some things that I heard about that kinda made me question his relationship with Dream.
First off, and I know y’all have probably heard this millions of times, but Fundy proposes after one date? Guaranteed, he did an AMAZING job setting it up.....but still? One date?  
Second off, I’m not really clear about the whole ‘honeymoon’ thing, but there’s something about how Dream hates iron doors?? and that’s what Fundy made their honeymoon suite out of?? I don’t know about y’all but that’s a big red flag for me. 
Then there’s the wedding. 
So first off, I loved this video, I actually just watched it for the first time a couple of hours ago. 
The outfits? Amazing.
Fundy’s skills? Perfection.
The map? Absolutely stunning. 
Tommy and Ranboo as the flowers girls while humming the Avengers theme? Glorious.
Wilbur being the priest? Fabulous. 
Sapnap being Dream’s Dad and giving him away? Wholesome. 
I genuinely liked the wedding and relatively enjoyed it, since Fundy seemed so excited to marry Dream and all that. Dream was also really impressed with Fundy and for this moment, everything seemed like it would be fine. 
But there were a couple of red flags I noticed, along with a couple other things. 
So first off, again y’all have heard this before, but the hesitation from Dream? He is silent for waaaaaay to long after Wilbur does the whole “Do you accept Fundy as a partner” thing. Silent way too long he couldn’t have used an excuse such as “sorry I zoned out” or something. Also, how throughout the majority of the wedding, Dream just kept looking around while meanwhile Fundy’s camera stays fixated on Dream for practically the entire time of the wedding. This was kinda normal but it just stuck out to me. 
There was also the silence. Now as a DreamNotFound shipper, I wanted to know what George thought of it as I had not really heard what he thought of it beforehand. George was silent through practically the entire time, (except the end but hang on I’ll get there in a sec) the only time he really ‘says’ anything is when he puts the “:’)” emoji in the chat. This made me think he might not be connected to audio, so I was like “oh okay he can’t really say anything alright.”
Also the vows? I ranted about this to my sister. Fundy’s seemed so personalized and dedicated to Dream, describing their relationship and Fundy’s devotion to him. But Dream’s? It practically sounds like he made them up on the spot. Almost like he wasn’t prepared. And it wasn’t necessarily all that special to Fundy, it’s the typical ‘You make me happy’ speech. 
And then there’s the objection.
When I tell you my jaw dropped, I mean my sister looked over at me and she just goes “What happened? What happened did someone do something tell me now!” (My sister is a minor fan after she listens to me rant about it, she’s also a dnf shipper) 
I was so shocked, like I was kinda expecting it but I thought that was just the fangirl side of me being like “oh it’s gonna be canon” as in “the fans are gonna ignore canon and pretend this happened” type thing but no?? George actually did it?? AND AT THE WEDDING?? 
(I’m sorry but George not knowing how to get on stage tho lol)
George pushing Dream off the stage and hitting Fundy and Wilbur?? The part of me that was liking the wedding was like “wHAT” while the dnf shipper side of me was like “oH MY GOD IT’S HAPPENING IT’S ACTUALLY HAPPENING”
And the kiss? 
I’ve literally thought about this for hours. 
George straight up kisses Dream?? I screamed? Like both in fangirl and in both wedding disaster horror? George actually kisses Dream. Then there’s the whole “I did what I had to do.” “What, kiss me?!” thing. Dream appears to be verbally and outwardly mad about George ‘interrupting’ the wedding,  but like ..... idk man i don’t know what to think anymore.
The drama that ensures when Sapnap drags George away from Dream and everyone huddles around Dream and Fundy. Holy crap I got anxiety just watching it. 
Then Tommy asks “Dream, did you pull away when George kissed you?” 
And George says “No he didn’t, no he did’t!”
Fundy’s heartbroken “Why?” 
Now first off, this is minecraft. It’s a flipping video game. All Dream could’ve done was press a button/move his mouse whatever and he would’ve moved away from George. But he didn’t? 
Now I know this is all acting but DANG WHY AM I SO ADDICTED TO ANGST?!
Dream leaves? Now I can understand why, he was getting pressurized by everyone and probably felt overwhelmed, but .................. i have no words for it. Why did he leave? Was it just simply because he felt pressurized like everyone is saying on this site? Or was it for some other reason? 
Dream did hesitate to say “I do.” 
This is all acting, but holy crap. This is so much drama right now and even the fandom is torn over it.
It’s been four months.
I’m going to need a part two explaining on whether Dream and Fundy are going to make up, if they’re going to split peacefully, if it’s true that Dream secretly was in love with George? I NEED ANSWERS IM SO TORN ABOUT THIS I CANT EVEN THINK OH MY GOD AAAAAAAAAAASDLKFALSDKGHAL 
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samanthadalton · 3 years
Personality traits for Chloe st James (ABCs)
this is a (late) birthday present for @alleycat97 bc i know how much she loves Chloe. It was definitely fun writing for her character and coming up with traits for her 
taglist: @alleycat97 @cloud9in @fundamentalromantic (sometimes my tags don’t work on my laptop, im not sure why) 
NSFW on some parts but I marked the parts 
A- Attentive 
Being around someone like Poppy means that Chloe is extremely attentive to the small details. She’s always picking up on the little signals and constantly makes sure you’re okay. She’ll literally show up to your dorm at 3am if your texts seem “off” to her and she’s worried you’re sad. 
NSFW- Chloe is very attentive to your pleasure during sex and loves kissing/biting your neck or chest to heighten your pleasure. 
B- Bottom
NSFW- Chloe is definitely a bottom but she’s not a pillow princess. She once got super offended that you called her one and wanted to show you she’s not the type to lie down and take it. Even though she lets you take the reins, she’s super bratty and loves verbally teasing you to turn you on more. 
C- Candidness 
You can always count on Chloe to tell the truth because she has no filter and will say whatever is on her mind. You find it both endearing but annoying sometimes because her lack of filter means she does say a lot of things that may seem rude but you know she means well. 
D- Daredevil 
NFSW- Chloe is definitely too kinky for her own good and is always down to try something new during sex, even though she always lets you take the lead. She’ll gingerly ask you if you want to do whatever new thing she’s found online and show you a bunch of videos on how to do it. 
E- Experience
NSFW- This surprised you but Chloe doesn’t have a lot of experience in the bedroom. When it comes to sex, she feels more comfortable around people she can trust, but her past partners never gave her any security so she never really knew how much of it worked until you. But now she’s breaking out of her shell more and becoming more forward with her likes and dislikes. 
F- Favourite position
NSFW- Chloe’s favourite position is seeing you between her legs, as you pleasure her. She loves eye contact and practically falls apart when your eyes meet as you eat her out. She also loves laying down on the couch with you on top of her, kissing and cuddling her because she feels the safest in your arms. 
G- Goofiness
The more you get to know Chloe, the more goofy you realise she is. She loves acting silly and stupid on purpose just to make you laugh and isn’t afraid to scream to the top of her lungs in public which evokes weird stares from random passerbys but always seems to make you laugh. 
H- Horniness
NSFW- Chloe is the epitome of horniness and loves teasing you which ends up with you dragging her to your bedroom or just doing it right on the sofa. She loves wearing outfits which are purposely revealing, and will try and seduce you by ‘accidentally’ dropping a pen and then bending over to pick it up, showing off her ass in the process. 
I- Impulsive
Chloe tends to be pretty impulsive, acting on her own whim because she either forgets she has anything planned and does something else or she’s sick of living in a controlled environment and just likes to be spontaneous. Her impulsive decisions once led you to a three day weekend in Vegas because she just wanted to play poker (even though she doesn’t know how to play). 
J- Jealousy
Chloe gets jealous really easily, which is something she isn’t proud of but you know it’s only because she loves you so much. Whenever girls get too friendly with you, she’ll loop your arm with hers, pulling you close to your side, before giving a massive show of PDA. Usually nights where Chloe gets jealous ends in quickies in the bathroom, or just leaving the event early just so you can hook up and you can remember that you are hers, 
K- Kinks
NSFW- One of Chloe’s biggest kinks is feet. There’s something unexplainable about it but her biggest turn on is feet. She loves kissing your feet or sucking on your toes because it gets her in the mood. The first time she tried it with you, she was nervous because she wasn’t sure how you would react, but she was glad when you were receptive and enjoyed it. 
L- Lazy 
Chloe loves her lazy days where she can do nothing whatsoever. Because she’s so used to everything being done for her, she usually acts like a queen and will expect you to treat her one, which includes cooking and cleaning.
M- Masturbation
NSFW- Chloe wasn’t too comfortable with the idea of masturbation at first as a result of her inexperience but after investing in a vibrator, she definitely feels better about masturbating as a whole, though she prefers sex. 
N- Narcissism
Chloe is hugely confident about herself, which can be seen as borderline narcissistic but that’s only because she knows she looks good. Back in high school, she was the prom queen and was voted most likely to stay hot (which she was extremely happy about). Chloe does care about looks a lot but that’s only because she was insecure as a child and had to overcome a lot of those insecurities. She’s working on becoming less vain which is working because she complimented Taylor the other day and said she looked good. 
O- Opinionated 
Chloe has a lot of opinions about everything and will let them be known, even if she doesn’t have all the facts. She has a guilty pleasure of reality tv shows and will always explain to you what is going on and who is the worst and who she loves. 
P- Picky
Chloe is a very picky eater and is the type to order chicken tenders and fries or salad from a restaurant when the menu isn’t appealing to her. You’ve been working on expanding her appetite. She definitely has expensive tastes and likes the most bizarre food which makes you wonder why she’s such a picky eater. For example she loves caviar but refuses to eat scallops. 
Q- Quickies
NSFW- Though she prefers sex being sensual and passionate, she does love a good quickie and will be down for one. During parties she’ll drag you to an empty bedroom rather than a bathroom because she’s unsure of what she’ll catch. 
R- Reliable
Chloe is extremely reliant and you can depend on her whenever you need something. Because she’s number 2 at Belvoire she knows how to get things done (even if she has to use other people for it). She’s really good at delegating and is someone you can trust with your secrets. 
S- Scared
Chloe gets scared really easily and hates watching horror movies unless you’re there to cuddle with her. Once when you took her to one of those haunted houses, she fainted because a monster crept up on her and she screamed so much, she ended up knocking herself out. 
T- Toys
NSFW- Chloe doesn’t have any toys but she does have a pair of handcuffs and loves using vibrators during sex. Usually during sex, you’ll put her underwear in her mouth to quieten her or use of her expensive scarfs to tie her hands up. 
U- Useless
Chloe has a lot of insecurities and one includes her not feeling worthy or useful. You often have to reassure her that she is an amazing human being and show her how incredible she is. She’s always so appreciative of your efforts to make her feel better and with you around, she feels like she’s done something right. You’ve been encouraging her to pursue a career in dance, because she absolutely lights up when she’s choreographing a new dance routine for the Zeta’s and you know she’ll do an amazing job. 
V- Volume 
NSFW- Chloe is very loud during sex and will let every sound out. Zoey has complained once or twice (or a lot of times) about the noise but Chloe can’t help it and the moans she makes are like music to your ears. 
W- Wild
Chloe does have a crazy side and after a few drinks, all of her morals, self preservation, self control are almost gone and she’ll let loose. She once flashed a bouncer to let her into the VIP section of the club (which worked) and if you dare her to do almost anything while drunk, she’ll do it without a second thought. 
X- X-ray 
NSFW- Chloe doesn’t have the biggest boobs but they definitely are very perky. She’s slim because dancing helps her to keep fit and can do a split (which drives you a little crazy) and both front and back flips. She’s about 5’9 and she definitely prefers having medium sized hair compared to long. 
Y- Yearning
Wherever you go back home for the holidays, Chloe is always missing you because she’s accustomed to having you by her side. She’ll constantly text/facetime with you to make sure you’re okay but also because she’s missing you like crazy. 
Z- Zodiac
Chloe is super into astrology and you guys play a little game where you’ll watch random strangers and try and guess their signs. She’s always sending you daily horoscopes in regards to your sign and always sends you compatibility posts about your signs. 
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pathologising · 3 years
How are you so chill talking about your trauma/disorders from trauma like I don't think I could survive that hell or even talk about it years after :( I HOPE to god I'm not being insensitive or triggering I just don't understand
ur not insensitive dw. i orginally wrote a lot? for this ask just now but i think it was kindof all over the place so im gonna try again lol:
it does hurt a lot i think, but im also just very detached from my emotions and also the amnesiac walls do be helping me not remember it all so thats a plus of dissociative disorders. but also the main thing is (Which i think is the one thing that upsets me most) that i dont really know anything else? like a lot of people who go thru traumas in adult hood have a self/life “before” the trauma and so they have a marker for “this isnt okay”. i didnt have that notion that shit wasnt normal untill i got older, like abuse is the only thing i know as a childhood (which is the thing that makes me most upset bc like damn id kill for a normal life). so im frank ig bc like..what else is there to say lol u kno! i also think being open abt “hey i went thru this n heres my experiences with comorbid severe mental illness” is helpful to other people, esp when u begin to recover. literally the one thing that has helped me get out of the self re-traumatisation and idea that life is hopeless for me was finding people with disorders and trauma like me who survived! also bc people have this weird notion that it never...happens to nyone like they see it in movies or hear it in the news and they dont realise literally millions of kids are traumatised and never got justice and cps didnt do shit u know? also bc i think here ive connected with a lot of other survivors <3
but also i think talking online abt it is like much easier for me simply because im detached from the internet lol i literally feel like im screaming into an empty cave like nobody is real im just out here in hell u know? i hate opening up about it irl tho because talking about it verbally and actually acknowledging it is so much harder than just typing out words (for me personally, everyone is different) so in therapy its difficult but i do it anyway bc it has to b done! i think thats mostly it ??????
tldr: dont have any idea what a normal childhood is like so its literally like how you would talk abt ur own childhood (minus any positive nostalgia) but also it does hurt a lot but also im detached from it all 
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dekuscrybaby · 4 years
Could I request a super shy reader asking out Bakugou ? Scenario or hcs ! Whichever you like ! She’s like super nervous and just ends up going on a rant on why she likes him and asks him out and he just blushes and says yes . I hope that’s not too specific or something >.
y’all be giving me too much freedom, like tell me to choose one format over another and you will end up getting both because that’s just the type of clown that i am! also, i’ll kinda be loosely basing this on me because i’m pretty shy myself, but i’ll keep it as general as possible! also pls my friend, i have none so feel free to privately message me or we can chat through asks i don’t mind 😌 also, i think i went a little overboard with the “scenario” but i’m not all that sorry bc i love my feral bby but also the scenario is kinda booty so sorry about that
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(ps this is literally bakugou as you confess/rant to him)
out of the billions of people you could’ve had a crush on, your heart probably chose the worst person
bakugou katsuki, a very angry gremlin if you please
and i’m not saying that bakugou is ugly or anything
it’s the complete opposite actually, hence why you have a crush on him
bakugou’s physical appearance is far from ugly, he’s hands-down one of prettiest boys in your class
that being said, his personality can be considered an acquired taste
as kaminari once said his personality is comparable to “flaming hot garbage”
but that didn’t stop you from liking blasty boy
your friends know about your crush bc it’s just obvious to them and pretty much everyone else (except bakugou)
you’re always asked “what is there to like about bakugou?”
well, what isn’t there to like?
his ash-blonde hair always looks so soft, you just want to run your fingers through it
his eyes are just so beautiful and you want nothing more than to stare into those ruby orbs for hours and hours
his physique is just so amazing and let’s not get you started on how bad you want his muscular arms to wrap around you
and his thighs? phew, please! is it getting hot in here or what?
answer: it is getting hot and by that i mean your face has lit up all shades of red
confessing to crushes is usually hard regardless of how confident a person is but it’s even harder for you because you’re the shyest person in class a
you’re so shy that you’re just known for your blushy cheeks which turn even redder when you’re in the presence of lord explosion murder
you probably even struggle to get a full sentence in when you’re “talking” to him
you guys know how izuku stutters right? well you’re worse than that
you just have the FATTEST crush on this blonde douchebag
so what do your friends do about this crush?
they do what all friends do for their introverted friends with a huge crush on a huge ass extrovert
put you on the spot
*insert your shy ass mentally screeching*
to be fair, you’ve been crushing on bakugou since like the beginning of the school year
something has to happen before your entire class just decides to scream at bakugou about your very clear crush on him
for the sake of a chaotic confession, i’m gonna say that you’re apart of the bakusquad with mina being your best friend
and mina being mina, she’s SICK of your shit and wants you to tell katsuki how you feel
so what does she do?
she shoves you into the janitor’s closet with bakugou
will not let you out until you spill everything
“hey! raccoon eyes! you better let us out before i fucking explode your ass!” bakugou growled as he pounded on the metal door, obviously he was caught off guard. he was just walking back to class with you and your guys’ friends before mina’s crazy-ass pulled you back and shoved you into a small room.
“not until y/n fesses up!” mina shouted back, pulling on the door handle with all her might. she’s doing this for you, it’ll only help you and bakugou, it’s a mantra mina keeps going over in her head. hopefully, a mantra that will prevent her from being killed by the furious blonde.
“what the hell do you mean fesses up?” the blonde bellows out, still pounding at the door.
as they’re screaming and cursing at each other, you have your face hidden away in the sleeves of your school jacket. your face is the reddest it’s ever been and your mind has never spilled this many thoughts until now. your brain is so overwhelmed that there is practically no filter between your brain and your mouth so at this point you’re babbling on endlessly.
it’s not very loud, probably only loud enough for it to be heard in the small room you’re currently in, but that’s where the problem lies.you’re babbling on and on about your huge crush while he is in the same cramped up room as you are. to make matters worse, you guys are completely alone.
“what do i do now? i’m completely alone with the hottest guy in not just the class but probably even school. is mina really not gonna let us out until i tell him i like him? i mean she can’t keep us in here for too long, right? of course not! class is bound to start soon and she has to go to class. plus she has to let us out before mr. aizawa comes to look for us or something. then again, me confessing can’t go that bad. i mean what’s the worst that can happen? well, if i do end up confessing, then there’s a high chance that bakugou might not even like me back and then everything will be super awkward. he prob-”
you probably would’ve continued to rant on if it weren’t for bakugou’s rough voice pulling you out of your verbal thoughts, “what the hell are you going on about?”
you snapped your head up in the direction of your voice, “huh?”
“you heard me, rosy-cheeks. what are you going on about?” he questioned with a quirked eyebrow.
“r-r-rosy-cheeks?” the new nickname just made even more blood rush onto your already blushed cheeks.
bakugou rolled his eyes a bit, “yes, rosy-cheeks. your cheeks are always red so it suits you.”
“oh! uh, thanks i guess?” you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, not knowing how to respond to the slight compliment you received from your crush.
a quiet snicker could be heard from the opposite side of the door and that ended up provoking bakugou’s short temper.
“fucking let us out, you used tampon!” he began to yell again. (i couldn’t think of any other nicknames)
“i said i wasn’t letting you out until ms. rosy-cheeks confesses!” mina retorts, matching the level of intensity of katsuki’s voice.
“huh? and what should she be confessing?”
“i don’t know, bakugou, maybe you should ask her instead!” now it was bakugou’s turn to snap his head towards you.
“spill, y/l/n.” he said, his voice much softer than it was a few seconds ago.
“w-what?” you stuttered.
“the faster you tell me whatever mina wants you to tell me, the faster we can get out of here,” he grumbled as you began twiddling with your fingers.
“i-i can’t.”
bakugou sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “what do you mean you can’t?”
“i just can’t, bakugou.” you whimpered quietly.
“y/n, class is going to start again in less than ten minutes and i don’t know about you, but i don’t want to be held up after class by aizawa.”
“i’d rather be held up later than tell you,” you wrapped your arms around yourself, fearing that you’d make him upset.
“goddamnit, y/n! just tell me! it can’t be that hard!” he raises his voice and ultimately, this causes something in you to snap.
“okay, okay! i like you, okay? i’ve liked you for so long that it’s actually embarrassing. it’s just that you’re so cute and something about you just has my heart beating out of my chest. i always feel short of breath and lightheaded when i’m around you and i can’t do anything about it. you’re also so so smart and im actually jealous.” you drew in a quick breath before continuing.
“sure, you might not have the best personality ever according to others but i still find your ‘garbage-like’ personality drawing me into you. do you know how many times people come up to me asking why the hell i like you? it’s quite a shocker for them to hear that i basically like everything about you.”
“i like your spiky blonde hair that is probably super soft. i like your eyes that are the most beautiful shade of red and i always find myself lost in them whenever i look into them for even the briefest moments. i like how passionate you are about your goals and i like how you give your all to reach them. you’re just so amazing and i always find myself wanting to confess to you, hoping that you might feel the same way. i would just absolutely love to call you my boyfriend, you know?”
you finally concluded your rant after what felt like an eternity and for some reason, you forgot about the situation at hand. once you realized that you actually said everything out loud, you felt your entire body heat up. this has to be a dream. or maybe someone used their quirk and caused you to say all of that. not missing a single beat, you glanced up at bakugou, only to find him the same position as you. cheeks and even ears, a bright red that could easily rival midoriya’s sneakers.
“i-i-i, uhh…”
“tch,” bakugou interrupted what could’ve started another rant. “you could’ve just said so earlier.”
“what?” you stared at him with a gaped expression as his cheeks heated up even more,
“i’m just saying, you would’ve said this earlier…then maybe i would’ve been your boyfriend already,” bakugou mumbled as one of his sweaty palms, cradled the back of his neck.
“a-are you serious?”
“do i look like a liar to you, rosy-cheeks?”
“well, uh, no?”
“damn right. now let’s get to class, i’m pretty sure raccoon eyes heard the entirety of your rant and if she reacted anything like me, then she should be satisfied.”
you were still too shocked to properly digest what just happened that you for some reason didn’t feel bakugou take your hand to lead you out of the janitor’s closet. after you walked out with him, you turned your head and noticed mina grinning at you, congratulating you on what was your new relationship with the boy you’ve been pining over for ages.
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