#lucas lee headcanon
imyourbratzdoll · 5 months
Hey, girl! I noticed that your Lucas Lee list is empty (a crime if u ask me). So I wanted to fill that space with an idea for you! I would like to ask for Lucas Lee headcanons on him dating a reader who is a literal ray of sunshine? Legit it is the Sunshine x Sunshine Protector trope - I would love to see what you come up with. Thank you and Happy Writing! P.S. Make it fluffy, perhaps a sprinkle of angst pls?
hi! thank you so much for requesting someone I haven't written yet, I hope you like what I've written!
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips (deactivated)
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No one had expected the two of you together. Lucas was a jerk, always hitting on every girl and never committing to just one. But when he met you, it’s like you brightened up his life, shone light on the darkest parts of him. 
You’d happily watch his movies while he was away filming, but most of the time Lucas would drag you along so he didn’t have to go forever without you. He’d show you off on the red carpet, covering you with love bites, ignoring you playfully swatting him away, your smile brightening up the whole place. 
He’d grow jealous a lot. You are gorgeous, of course you could get any guy you wanted. But no matter what, he’d protect you from all of his jealous fans and the creeps out there. Glaring at everyone, even if they came to see him. 
Sometimes you’d get on your tippy toes, resting your hand on his chest and whispering in his ear. “Let yourself be loved, you grumpy little shit.” Which would cause him to laugh because you are so small and cute, that words like those didn’t suit leaving your precious lips.
He fell harder when he found out you baked, you came into the set one day with containers full of brownies, biscuits, cakes and cupcakes. He felt his heart beat faster when he saw you drew his face on top. Making them just for him. 
You were a literal Disney Princess and he was the beast. But to you, he was your prince.
Lucas came home, finding a small box wrapped for him. Inside sat a bracelet that read ‘Daddy’, you would come running in, showing him the one on your wrist that read ‘Princess’.
Lucas would spoil you with many things, stuffies, cute skirts and dresses, make up, anything you liked. He’d even surprise you with picked flowers because you preferred them over the bought ones.
There were days where it wouldn’t be as bright, sometimes you felt like he’d leave you, seeing all the women he hang around or that hang around him. You’d watch as they’d flirt and he wouldn’t push them away, but he’d make it up to you, pulling you close right in front of them and kissing you, grabbing your arse in his hands and squeezing. You’d pull away all flushed, staring up at him as he’d smirk down at you.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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some more scott pilgrim character music headcanons bc why not
part 2
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localwriterdocx · 4 months
Stoner or Sober: Scott Pilgrim Headcanons
From somebody who injects weed into my veins, who do I think partakes in this activity too?
NOTES: I have only seen the movie and Takes Off. I have only read up to before Todd's defeat in the comics and I know vague spoilers. Ken and Kyle are not here because they don't get a lot of development in either.
WARNINGS: Mentions of drug use, Mentions of drug abuse, Slight Spoilers for Scott Pilgrim Takes Off / Scott Pilgrim vs The World. Maybe a little OOC
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No, Sober. He rarely drinks, he doesn't even BEGIN to touch on weed. He briefly tried it before with either Wallace or Envy in college, but called it quits. He didn't like it much then, doesn't like it more now. When he first moved in with Wallace, he would sometimes accidentally eat edibles Wallace put out for himself, now he knows not to touch Wallace's food.
Occasionally. She used to be really into it when she was in highschool. She still occasionally uses it, but uses it less now because she was using it to hurt herself. I headcanon she used it a lot more when she was with Gideon. It made her not care about the abuse she was suffering from with him. She only does it with people she trusts now and needs more reassurance.
YES, That is a stoner right there. That's one of the reasons he roommates hate her, she's in her room puffing off her bong. Tried it in her first year of college, and became really into it near the end. It's kind of hard to tell when she's been smoking because she really doesn't change much outwardly. She is the best person here to smoke with.
Occasionally. He doesn't smoke, but he has taken gummies before. He uses it to calm his anxiety down occasionally. Doesn't buy it himself, but if Julie or Neil offers one to him, he's not one to really say no. He's always hesitant when he's offered one, but everyone including himself knows he's going to take it. If he takes one, he is out of commission for the rest of the day.
Young Neil:
Yes. This entry is mainly targeted towards Comic Neil. Even though its not healthy, that's how he deals with his problems. He really just needs to set down the bong sometimes. He eventually would begin to have a healthier relationship with it. Sometimes he goes off with Kim and they go smoke together. I think that Kim would really help him get his shit together and begin to have a healthier relationship with it.
Occasionally. He's tried it, but he doesn't like to mix weed and alcohol, so he usually just sticks with alcohol. Like, he's not going to say no if he's offered it, hell sometimes he goes and searches it out. Has gotten Scott to do it on multiple occasions. He likes to smoke in a group, even if Scott is pulled into it, he can't be left alone.
Yes. It's mainly when she's upset and needs something to calm her down. Luckily, she doesn't need it as much as Neil thinks he does. Probably smokes/does edibles once or twice a week. No preference in methods. She gets less bitchy and she likes to sit on the couch watching shitty rom-coms. She usually would want to be alone, but when Gordon came down to her place, she loves getting stoned with him, even if he's not doing any.
No. He just hasn't run into it at a time he wanted to try it. He's comfortable with hanging out with a lot of stoned people, that's not an issue for him, he actually likes it, he thinks its funny. He gets a little curious when it gets brought up, or when somebody mentions it, but wouldn't go out of his way to obtain it. He's just not really interested. If he were ever to get blazed, I think his demon hipster chicks would be blazed too.
Yes, he gets blazed back at his trailer (THIS IS CANON TO THE MOVIE BTW). He's not a absolute pothead, he just likes to partake in it regularly. After a pretty rough day of shooting scene after scene, he like to light up his bong and have a fun night with his friends. Doesn't like taking gummies, it's either smoking it or nothing. He just can't get over the taste.
Yes. Envy always has to find him the Vegan strands so he can keep his powers. Envy also has to shut him up when he's talking about it because it's just normal for him. Sometimes uses it to calm his pre-show jitters. He doesn't smoke as much as Envy, but that's because he doesn't like rolling, and Envy kept the bong in the divorce.
Yes. She loves it, but doesn't like to tell people about it and will only tell people she trusts. Unlike Todd, she doesn't like using it before a show, she's not willing to risk it. Besides from Todd, the only person that knows she's fond of it is Scott. If Wallace found out, that shit would be on the cover of every celebrity gossip magazine, she would also be charged because this is 2001.
Yes. Like Neil, when Ramona left her, she used it a lot to get over her problems. Now she realized that was unhealthy and stopped for a bit. With her and Ramona making up (In SPTO), she is now trying to have a healthier relationship with it because she did genuinely like it. I think her and Todd are stoner buddies, she used to just go over so she could flirt with Envy, but they became like a stoner trio.
No. Never tried it, and I don't think he ever will. Maybe, MAYBE Julie would get him to try it, but I honestly don't think he would like it. He might try it a few times when he's throwing his pity party, but after that, he's done. He still hangs out with Julie when she does it though. He wouldn't like the way it makes him feel.
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Thank you for reading my stoner headcanoning, there will be more.
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inktoony · 5 months
The Evil Exes as Dog breeds
Feel free to disagree because these are only HCs and nothing matters 💪💪
Also all of these images are from pinterest so idk who these pets are
Matthew (dachshund)
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Lucas (rottweiler)
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Roxie (Akita)
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Todd (Italian greyhound)
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Katayanagi Twins (pug)
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Gideon (chihuahua)
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yoonmeowzz · 1 year
wayv ! why they fell in love with you
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contents: wayv members (ot7) x gn!reader, fluff, friends to lovers
a/n: wayv's comeback is amazing, i can't stop listening to phantom and good life!! plus i keep seeing that announcement saying lucas will come back with superm bUT i don't want to believe until i see him back fr. just in case, i don't want my heart broken 😭 pd: this probably has a lot of mistakes but enjoy
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he's definitely the most mature among the neos and he's devoted to his job, so he really liked your diligence. when he met you, he was just grateful to find someone with a similar mindset to his. then, he would start noticing the care you put on your work and things you liked to do. he found himself just admiring you while you were focused doing something, finding the way you bit the tip of your tongue adorable. and when you two cooked together for the first time? oh god, kun was head over hills for you just because you were cleaning the counter right away whenever you spilled something.
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i feel like ten prefers expressing his feelings through any art form than words, so he loved your sensibility when it came to understanding his art. like, he could draw anything, show you and you would tell him how it made you feel or directly ask him why he was feeling that way. even by seeing him dance you could guess his mood and that made him feel so loved and cared for. the day he confessed to you, he drew two figures, which looked a little bit too much like the both of you, hugging each other in really warm colors. you just looked at him with a wide smile and hugged him tightly; there was no need of words between you.
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he admires your creativity. the fact that you can come up with an incredible idea out of nowhere, especially when you have to solve a problem is something really attractive for him. he doesn't even understand why, it just is. he's the calm type (most of the time) so he appreciated the effort you put on thinking new ways to have fun together without having to go to loud, crowded places. he sometimes felt like he had to impress you as much as you impressed him(? so he usually bought you flowers or took you to the beach during winter. however, you seemed to never run out of ideas and that made him fall deep in love with you.
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i think he has a thing for cute things. he definitely loves your tenderness. whenever you, knowingly or not, act cute he's dying on the inside: he wants to hug you, kiss you and take care of you forever. even when you're angry he thinks you're the most precious person he has ever seen, he's just a big happy puppy who wants to protect everyone (especially you). he also likes your mature, serious side of course, and he adores how you know how to act in every situation. but seeing you pout or ask him for something with big puppy eyes is just... on another level for him.
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he loves your loyalty. he really appreciates that he can relay on you for everything and anything, you've always been by your side and he trusts you to infinity and beyond. he's so comfortable around you that he feels he can talk about anything, even the weirdest themes expect text messages talking about his bathroom time. he especially likes your deep talks at 3am, when he can be vulnerable and small. slowly, he found himself falling for you. he also love that you get along with bella so well tho.
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hendery takes care of everyone silently. he likes making people feel loved and appreciated, so when you made him feel that way, oh boy, he was gone. he's aware that he has "more than friends" kind of feelings for you but he accepts it and goes with the flow. he'll never confess unless you do it first tho. when you cheer for him or compliment him, he may blush and tell you to kindly shut up but he's enjoying every second of it. pretty much like ten, there's no need for words, he just vibes with you and even if you stay as friends forever he loves you and makes it clear every chance he gets.
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yangyang and you have been friends for a while now and at this point of your friendship he can't imagine a life without you, so as weird as it may sound he fell in love with your presence. he loves knowing that you will always be there for him and he gets all happy and giggly when you're around cause he really enjoys spending time together, even if each one is doing their own thing. he likes having you near when he's playing computer games (he'd love to have you on his lap but you'll never hear that from him). yangyang would probably tell you how he feels at a sleepover after spending the whole day with you and he would so nervous i'm gonna cry.
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so this is my incredibly overcomplicated relationship headcanon chart for some of the scott pilgrim characters. a few notes below the pic for extra context:
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(NOTE: this was made before the anime came out. some dynamics are subject to change)
all of this takes place after the events of the main story
in this timeline the events of both the books & the movie are canon. the basic idea is that gideon fucking with everyone’s memories caused a fracture in space-time resulting in the respective canons of the books & movie, & once he was defeated the timeline was restored to normal but now everyone has memories of both timelines & it’s a little confusing
the hc of roxy & lisa being separated-at-birth twins is just bc they were both played by mae whitman. idrk how i feel abt this one anymore so i might retcon it
i didn’t get to add it on here yet but i also had a hc of roxy eventually becoming knives’s ninja mentor. roxy can be hard on her as a teacher but she also does have a soft spot for her. they end up having sort of a sisterly bond & roxy knows knives can handle herself as a fighter but she’ll also curbstomp anyone who even looks at knives the wrong way. scott is deathly afraid of her
no one really knows what the deal is with ramona & kim. are they just besties w some homoerotic undertones? friends with benefits? dating/hooking up in an open relationship? all 3 dating each other? who can say (personally i do like the idea of scott/ramona/kim ot3 so it might turn into that)
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patelpilled · 1 month
Matthew: Pirates of the Caribbean, I think this was a pretty obvious answer.
Lucas: GOTG: Mission Breakout! I feel like he would love drop rides
Todd: I can’t explain it, but he gives me big thunder mountain vibes
Roxie: TOY STORY MIDWAY MANIA, HANDS DOWN. She would love the competitive rides. She would also love Smuggler’s run
Twins: Rise of the Resistance, they’d try to analyze the inner workings and animatronics on the ride the whole time because of how fluid and lifelike everything is
Gideon: he doesn’t wanna be there because he thinks it’s “childish”. But if he did have a favorite ride, I think he’d vibe with Radiator Springs Racers
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mogai-headcanons · 4 months
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Scott Pilgrim from Scott Pilgrim is a transfeminine genderfluid asexual sapphic bi lesbian who uses she/her and he/him pronouns!
She's dating Ramona Flowers, a demiaroace bi trans woman who uses she/her pronouns!
Wallace Wells is an aromantic gay man who uses he/him pronouns!
His boyfriend Mobile is a trans vincian gay man who uses he/him and it/its pronouns!
Knives Chau is a bisexual nonbinary xenogender schooldoodlic killoveic veiraine lovesickgirl dirtbagteengirl sleepycute person who uses they/them pronouns!
Stacey Pilgrim is a bisexual trans woman who uses she/her pronouns!
Kim Pine is a trans woman lesbian who uses she/her and they/them pronouns!
Stephen Stills is a genderpatched arofucked gay man who uses he/him pronouns!
Young Neil is a transhet man who uses he/him pronouns!
Julie Powers is an aroace heteroflexible woman who uses she/her pronouns!
Matthew Patel is an intersex transfeminine nonbinary enby girl cistrans lovesickgirl parantogirl girlmutt demisexual pan lesbian who uses she/her and they/them pronouns!
Lucas Lee is a closeted nonbinary unlabeled person who uses they/them pronouns!
Todd Ingram is a transfeminine genderfluid agender bisensual aceflux gaybian who uses any pronouns!
Roxie Richter is a demiromantic lesbian woman who uses she/her pronouns!
Ken Katayanagi is an alloaro sapphic omni transfeminine genderfluid person who uses all pronouns!
Her twin Kyle Katayanagi is an aroace gay genderfluid person who uses all pronouns!
Gideon Graves is a GNC trans man bimancenic evillittleguy beauteath trannyvamp vampmasc maempaime catgender xenogender vampcatgender vampgender twink vincian virsic bi gay bisexual faggot who uses he/him pronouns!
Envy Adams is an oriented aroace abro-bi intersex princesscute beauhungric woman who uses she/her pronouns!
dni link
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messbianarts · 4 months
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hc that roxie did the league tattoos. except only about half of them have them because gideon said they’re “tacky” and “unprofessional” and “i will pass out if a needle comes near me there is no fucking way i’m doing that” and “you’re not even a certified to do this is this legal”. smh
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k1tty-st4rz · 5 months
Any headcanons for CG Lucas Lee
i have a very little amount.
Cg Lucas Lee Headcanons
probably not the greatest cg ever, imma be fr.  but he’s nice and strong and very nice :3
gives you little forehead kisses, omg.  This mf is TALL 
picks you up a lot, whether ur little or not
if you call him dada or papa or smth, he won’t admit it but he teared up a tiny bit cuz omg you trusted him sm <3
i think he would babysit Matthew, Gideon and Roxie :3
would let you skateboard but only if you’re old enough (5 or above), he’s watching and you have a helmet cuz he doesn’t want his baby getting hurt :3
would get you stuffies an snackies and a ton of stuff with his a-lister movie star money (pre-losing everything ofc)
would let you wear his shirts and they're absolutely huge on you <3
A/N srry there's not a lot, m very sleepy cuz insomnia is mean
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error-drawings · 5 months
Random hcs about Matthew Patel
He used to have an earth tortoise in 7th grade and loved her so much and talked about her all the time with Ramona but one day she escaped and he was so heartbroken that didn't got over it for years
Went to taekwondo for like 6 years and then got bored of it and stopped going
This guy doesn't know SHIT about spanish he barely knows how to say Hola cómo estas
He's bi but didn't knew it until one day he saw a movie where Lucas Lee was the protagonist and something awoke in him (yes I ship them leave me alone and yes I believe with my whole heart that Matthew's bi)
Def a furry like there's no doubt about that (Not like a heavy furry with a fursuit and everything but has a fursona and enjoys furry media)
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cgspirl · 1 year
made these in a fucking fever also argue with a wall
Matthew Patel: top - Trans/Tranmasc (he/him) bottom - Demisexual Pan
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Lucas Lee: left - Nonbinary Demiboy (they/he) right - Bisexual
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Todd Ingram: top - Agender/Genderfluid/Transfem (any/all pronouns) bottom - Aceflux/Bicurious
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Roxie Richter: left - Bigender (she/he) right - Lesbian
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Kyle Katayanagi (left): right - Genderqueer (he/she/they) left - Asexual Ken Katayanagi (right): right - Genderflux (they/she/he) left - Aromantic
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Gideon Graves: bottom - Transmasc/Demiboy (he/him) top - Aroace
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c0ffee-gh0ul · 5 months
Hello! I'd like to request maybe the Seven Evil Exes finding out the Reader is a trans woman and are generally supportive, please? Whether it's romantic or not is up to you.
i really like this one! thank you for your request, i hope you enjoy!
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Matthew Patel: “That’s totally cool! Good for you.”
Lucas Lee: “Um, okay, so I should, like, use different… pronouns? Is that the word? Sorry, I’m just really confused and I don’t want to be rude…”
Todd Ingram: “So that means… you’re, like, a girl now? Right? Was that mean? Can I still call you dude?”
Roxie Richter: “Rad! Being a girl is pretty cool, if you ask me.”
Ken & Kyle Katayanagi: “Cool! Coming to a realization like that can be kinda hard, we’re proud of you!”
Gideon Graves: “What does that mean exactly?”
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hyuckieslove · 2 years
nct ot23 as high school students
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normally he's really quiet
but he's just so fucking weird when he's with his friends
the type of kid you'd make embarrassing but cute memories with
choir kid with an amazingly powerful voice
really wholesome too
weirdly loveable dickhead
gratingly dumb but at least he's cute
stupidly cute at that
makes random dumb jokes in the middle of class that you sadly find funny
used to be one of the dudes that moaned really loudly in middle school
and sometimes still acts that way
make you wonder how you ever had a crush on him
baby but also mom friend
helps everyone with everything
sometimes takes on too much but somehow handles it in a way that doesn't lead to a total mental breakdown
sweetest person ever.
lowkey intimidating with absolutely no filter
but fluffball on the inside
one moment he's the straightest person in the room, next he's trying to make out with mark /srs
so. fucking. flirty.
would ask for your number and say it's for a project/homework or whatever but only text you random and very questionable tiktoks
ig it's his ✨special✨ way of flirting
endearingly annoying nerd
never shuts up during class but somehow always scores really high
LOVES to argue with people *cough* taeyong *cough*
he's on the debate team and absolutely demolishes his opponent
to the point that they cry
has a really tight-knit friend group he's the mom of
secretly really caring
kun would probably be the one of the smart preppy nice kids
like that one really nice kid who basically adopts you (the new kid) and makes you feel at home
he probably tutors kids in his class or younger for free
everybody (even the teachers) knows and loves him since he brings in baked treats every now and then for no reason at all<3
all in all an absolute sweetheart
ten would definitely be one of the artsy, indie kid that is very gay lol
he'd do extra credit projects solely because he's bored and has a ton of ideas
it'd turn out really impressive and would get him double the credits
has impeccable taste in literally everything, esp music and clothes
no one knows anything about him but is somehow really popular
rarely talks but when he does everyone, men, women, and neither, alike all swoon
insanely weird but no one notices because he's also insanely handsome
quiet kid
barely pays attention in class but always get really good grades
seems totally innocent
but could kill you if he wanted
always reading books or manga
secret weeb lol
sinnamon roll
looks super innocent but actually very dirty
his looks and voice just dont match the things he says at all
uwu nevertheless
always really smiley
trys to make you feel better with dumb jokes and cookies when you're feeling down
either doesn't pay attention
or genuinely trys but forgets a second later because of johnny being a (lovable) dick
legit trys his hardest but ends up getting help from taeyong or kun
takes on too many projects and is lowkey overworked from it
but all of his friends are there for emotional support <3
he'd also be one of the really sweet smart kids, esp after kun adopted him
trys his best but gets average grades
thankfully has the rest of his friends for emotional support
very musically talented (like seriously, he has the voice of a literal angel) so def a choir/theater kid
funny popular dude who actually super sweet
loud af
makes the most random jokes and has a TON of confidence
the whole school knows him
but also would help you if you dropped all your books and class starts in 3 minutes
the type of dude to sing about beans in front of the whole ass school
gamer weeb kid whos always on monster energy no. 1
speaks in tongues (gamer tounges to be specific)
constantly quotes old vines
living meme
but surprisingly smart
and somehow gets 99% on like every test
learning japanese because of anime
says he wishes he was an anime waifu but you can't tell if he's joking or not
renjun is also one the artsy indie gay kids
and he would also spend a lot time with music, either playing an instrument or singing to/with his friends
extremely talented with languages, probs the best scoring french student
he's rlly thoughtful and would also make his friends really pretty drawings of thing they like or stuff that reminds him of them for birthdays
will give anyone a copy of his notes (which are, like really pretty and helpful)
he's a really good student
really introverted too, but has no problem talking to and being nice to people
is royalty and knows it.
sassy mini doyoung
is so much like doyoung in many ways but is also out for doyoung's blood
doyoung: breathes
haechan: shut the fuck up asshole im using your toothbrush to scrub yuta's toenails you bitch
unapologetically himself 👑
has superior music taste (beyonce, britney spears, lana del ray, need i say more?)
the kid thats popular solely because hes the nicest person on earth
is friends with 70% of the school but has like 6 really really close friends
joking flirts with his close friends all the time
but panicked gay when they flirt back lol
(that last part totally isnt me 😅)
gamer weeb kid whos always on monster energy no. 2
probably high on something
dirty minded 12 year old little brother vibes
he's secretly smart and gets good grades but no one would think that because of how dense he acts
does tons of stupid things
but only when he's with his friends
when he's alone he's just unnervingly quiet
the new kid who's still kinda shy no. 1
really helpful tho
kinda hides behind kun and taeyong
but has a really unique personality once you get to know him
will talk a lot with people he feels comfortable with
but is a great listener too
cinnamon roll
the new kid who's still kinda shy no. 2
also very chaotic
you would think he's really soft spoken and nerdy at first glance but really he's a lucas in the making
also very good at sports in general, esp basketball, unsurprisingly
once he's out of his shell, and combined with the other members, hell will be unleashed
questionably rich weird smart kid
probably is the head of a mafia
has tons of empty monster energy cans in his locker
and only one broken pencil
little brother who plays minecraft energy
somehow more clueless than mark
thoughtful tho
extroverted introvert
super shy in public but is a whole new person with close friends
really bubbly and sweet
truly a new soul
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woozten-x · 2 years
#. 𝘼𝙨 𝙃𝙮𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙨 | 𝙒𝙖𝙮𝙑 𝙋𝙩. 1
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‹𝟹 gif(s) originally founded by winwxn ; hyuckdreams (URL not found for the gif unfortunately) ; winkuns ; thanks google lmao
[ M.List including other Neos! ]
─ Genre: Fluff/Wholesome Headcanons
─ Length: 14 bullet points + Descriptive
─ Disclaimer: Yukhei/Lucas is included because I personally consider WayV as a 7 person group. You can always skip him or skip this post entirely, if you do not want to read anything that involves him.
❒ a/n: There are two parts because there is a long list of bullet points and it’s incredibly descriptive! I finalized the decision of what type of hybrid they are by what they remind me of and based by their personality. So, the animals aren’t exactly the emojis they personally use or describe themselves as. Part 2 is already out, go ahead and check it out to read about the other members!
⊱ WayV as Hybrids Pt. 2 (ft. Xiaojun, Hendery, Yangyang)
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!! Kun - Bear Hybrid. 
Appearance: With light colored hair, there are a pair of round fuzzy ears with a darker shade of brown, resembling a bear’s and followed with a round tail; he is one of the few hybrids who has sharp teeth due to his hybrid characteristics
First Impression: Very polite and well-spoken, isn’t exactly timid nor afraid but he is definitely uncomfortable with his new surroundings. He tries his best to make conversation, but ends up making the situation awkward or very dry; he definitely grew distant after those awkward attempts though
After a week’s passing, Kun remains respectful and shows a higher maturity than most, but he is less awkward! The bear hybrid is always asking how was your day or starting small talk to look after your well-being
Love Language: Quality time and Acts of Services; he loves to cook for you and hang out with you, whether it be outside or inside the house. He is always listening if you ever need advice or need someone to listen whenever you have complaints. If you ever need any help, let him know! Kun is always keeping an eye on you and making his way towards you, if he sees you struggling
He is keen on your dislikes/likes, always remembering the smallest details in conversations; as your personal cook, he knows what you dislike or allergic to - he definitely uses his sense of smell to know if any food has ingredients that may cause a reaction
You two do have moments of teasing one another and him being incredibly playful; he enjoys play wrestling with you, but he is incredibly gentle due to his bear-like strength
He has an independent nature to him where he doesn’t ask for much nor does he need lots of attention, overall he is low maintenance and most cases you are the one being taken care of than the other way around; this doesn’t seem to bother him, however
No matter how long you are out the house/apartment, Kun is always greeting you by the door and asking how your day went; he would even eat dinner with you, despite his food being cold or it’s very late in the night
As a bear hybrid, Kun has a very large appetite and he would sometimes be seen sleeping a lot during winter time (he does not hibernate, he just sleeps longer); you will need to buy lots of ingredients for him to make larger portions for himself - if there are any leftovers, he always has room to eat them
Gives the BEST hugs due to his naturally warm body; he is your personal heater and teddy bear  - if you ever need a hug or some cuddles, he is always there with open arms
He is a very patient and sociable hybrid, as he can be seen being friendly with strangers and isn’t too overprotective over you; but, in crowded areas, he will be placing a hand on you while following closely - he would act protective, if he senses something is wrong
Yes!: Loves it when you scratch behind his ears, helping him cook, asking if he’s eaten/slept well, hugs/cuddles, running your fingers through his hair
No!: His bear-like strength (it is convenient, but sometimes he accidentally breaks certain items that are too fragile in his hands), anyone trying to take your attention away from him (would never admit it though), extremely warm places
Bonus: Always carries the groceries for you or any bags, purposely loses in play wrestling and arm wrestling for you, can identify different types of fish by one bite, his ears twitch cutely while tilting his head whenever he hears your voice
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!! Ten - Lynx Hybrid. 
Appearance: Has very distinct ears due to being a lynx, it completely contrasts his black hair with the gray color; the black tips on his ears are thin and are always pointed up. His tail is short, but can be seen wagging/swaying with a black tip - he is considered ‘rare’ or ‘unique’
First Impression: Ten was cautious and tread carefully in the new home, but he seemed more intrigued than anxious; he is closely observing the details of his new home and he is definitely smiling at a few baby photos of you, thinking you were cute. He is not afraid to converse with you and carry the conversation, as he likes to know more about you
Within a few days, Ten is definitely more comfortable and he successfully melted the ice between the two of you; he can be seen teasing you or throwing playful comments around in hopes to make you smile or make you flustered
Love Language: Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation; he loves being physical with you, whether it be hugs/cuddles or hand-holding. He loves your warmth and your scent, seeming to take pride in being your hybrid. Ten is not afraid to speak up, and if he sees you needing some encouragement, he is willing to give it - he is your personal hypeman! Furthermore, he is also not afraid to address the elephant in the room if there is anything wrong
He is a hybrid who enjoys wearing collars, if you ever buy any for him, he would wear them and correlate it with his outfits - he simply loves looking cute, especially for you. He is a big fan of bells on his collar, as he finds them adorable whenever they jingle
He loves shopping, especially with you, and if you ever need his opinion with anything, he is honest and willing to help you fix it - he is a hybrid who knows constructive criticism, after all
Ten may be higher in maintenance, as he is a naturally active individual; he loves trying out new things and he does not like being bored. Don’t be too surprised when he starts talking about a certain place he’s seen on the media, and suggests the idea of going there someday with you
Of course, he is very understanding and does not want to force you out of your comfort zone! Talking it out in a mature way helps Ten understand you better, as he has no intention in disregarding your feelings
As a lynx hybrid, he can handle much colder weather (especially the snow) and can hyperfocus on certain things like a feline; his pupils would dilate and he would be focused on that particular thing with a swaying tail like a feline ready to pounce - thus, he is always looking out the window or watching dance videos intently
As a feline hybrid, he is tidy and is seen tidying up the house whenever it feels a bit too overwhelming for him; he never nags at you, but teases about you never cleaning up due to being “lazy”
Ten can be possessive, as he likes to make comments or do certain things to have your attention on him (especially when someone else has your attention for too long); he is likely to be extra touchy with you if there is another hybrid, as he dislikes the idea of some other hybrid’s scent on you
Yes!: Loves it when you squish his cheeks together and he would start purring, rubbing/scratching his ears make him purr also, cuddles/hugs (because you are warm), exploring/trying new things
No!: Touching his tail causes discomfort for him, whenever you are feeling down (it affects him sometimes), messy areas, another hybrid (he doesn’t know) touching his belongings or you
Bonus: His fur would bristle or stand up whenever he gets scared/irritated, he likes to do weird and highly flexible stretches to creep you out, he has little cat friends that would follow him around the neighborhood, he purrs and the tip of his tail twitches whenever he is in a good mood
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!! Winwin - Koala Hybrid.
Appearance: He has a very cute appearance, as he has large round gray ears at the top of his head contrasting his brown hair. His only koala attribute is his ears and they are quite expressive whenever Sicheng is feeling a certain emotion
First Impression: Sicheng has a quiet and reserved nature and this seems to always draw people in, and maybe that is another reason why you may have adopted him and adored him from the start! He doesn’t exactly get out of his comfort zone quickly, and he definitely stayed in his room rather than trying to interact with you at first
Within a few days of giving him space, Sicheng begins to accompany you in the same room in comfortable silence or sometimes starting conversations to know one another more; usually, the talks lead to your/his interests and he seems way more comfortable in carrying the conversation
Love Language: Quality Time and Physical Touch; He loves hanging out in the same room as you! At times, he would be entering the same room after you to accompany you. He doesn’t mind going out with you either, if you ask him. Physically he enjoys having a sense of security in your presence, oftentimes in public, he will be holding your hand or interlocking his pinkie with your own to avoid separation
Due to his more lax personality, Sicheng likes to laze around or doze off which can lead to some misunderstandings; you will need to be vocal about him with chores or with his trash, as he gets distracted or he tends to forget
When he lazes around, he likes being on his phone or watching movies/shows; sometimes, he likes to drag you to bed or to the couch for a more comfortable time. When he sees you being stressed, he is definitely dragging you to bed for cuddles to hopefully relieve your stress
He literally sleeps everywhere and is actually a light sleeper due to his sensitive hearing! But, if he is familiar with the place (especially in your home), he is asleep and not moving a muscle; he sleeps for very long hours and you usually find him asleep with something that smells like you
Sicheng is lower in maintenance, not always needing/wanting attention from you and likes to stay at home majority of the time, but he isn’t one to complain if he needs to go out - for you, he is willing to waste some energy. However, he dislikes being babied and he can get a bit snappy or annoyed whenever that occurs
As a koala hybrid, Sicheng has a habit of hugging things; whether it be a stuffed animal, pillow or you. He is also a great climber, but his fear of heights had prevented him from showing off his natural abilities. Due to his koala aspects, he can be a picky eater and usually greens is a way to snack to keep him satisfied!
Whenever he gets tired, he gets more touchy and grow attached to you like a koala to a tree; he loves holding onto your arm or your body in general, and rest his head against yours/shoulder when he is out in public
He is more introverted and reserved in public outings and he is the type to be jealous (with other hybrids), but never show it; you may need to be keen when he does get a bit grumpy (his ears would twitch followed by a scoff), as he isn’t the type to voice out his complaints. Even if you encourage him to say something, Sicheng never want to ruin your fun
Yes!: Staying up to watch movies/shows with you, hugging your arm or holding your hand, laying down/sleeping, stroking his ears (especially when he’s upset)
No!: Getting little sleep or having a difficult time falling asleep, his stamina (he apologizes a lot for not being too active), loud noises (his ears are large and very sensitive)
Bonus: Always leans into your touch whenever you pet him, resting his head on your lap, once climbed a tree to impress you but got stuck there for a few minutes due to his fear, always the big spoon because he loves clinging onto you
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!! Lucas - Tiger Hybrid.
Appearance: Yukhei is an exotic hybrid and is was intimidating at first, especially with his towering height and broad build. He has a pair of striped ears contrasting his dark hair and a tail that are incredibly expressive, and he is one of the few hybrids who have claws and sharp canines like an actual tiger; unfortunately, his claws tend to grow back quickly no matter how many times he clips it
First Impression: When first arriving, he is friendly and gives wide smiles to relieve the awkward tension between the two of you. He follows you closely during the house tour and he is very mindful of his actions, as he is afraid to break anything; at times, he would point out a few framed photos to know the story behind it and he listens closely
Honestly, within a few days, the two of you are comfortable and the tameness of Yukhei disappears; it is replaced by him being easily excited and being LOUD. His personality is very bubbly and sometimes clingy or lovey-dovey. He acts more like a big dog that tries to be your lap dog
Love Language: Physical Touch and Receiving/Giving Gifts; He likes to have his hand on you at all costs and it’s possibly from his possessiveness. Yukhei feels more confident in showing that you are his, and he likes to wrap his tail around your leg or arm - at times, he would nuzzle the tip of his nose against yours as affection. Yukhei is expressive when it comes to showing his gratitude and is always thinking of getting stuff that reminds him of you
Believe it or not, this large hybrid loves being the little spoon! He is always crawling into your arms and letting you hold him tight. It gives him a sense of security and he is nuzzling against you - good luck in trying to get him off, as he can sometimes be stubborn
Yukhei is one of the few hybrids with high levels of energy and he may need to relieve his energy through physical activity or sports. Taking him to the gym will help a lot for him, and he likes the idea of you joining him during his workouts; he either becomes your personal trainer or you are his personal cheerleader
Despite his loud and energetic personality, he does have days where he seems more quiet and calm; usually this happens with some days, where he likes to sunbathe and hold you in his arms or he is sleeping for the whole day on your bed
Whenever you are out for too long, Yukhei does get restless and he is always greeting you with hugs/nuzzles whenever you arrive home; even if he was asleep, he is waking up and approaching you with a sleepy mumble of “Welcome home, I missed you.”
Overall, Yukhei is not exactly high maintenance; if you are able to keep up with his energy and attend his needs, there wouldn’t be much issues. His diet mainly consists of meat, but he can eat veggies/greens by itself without an issue! He does eat large portions and he is definitely eating the leftovers the next day
As a tiger hybrid, Yukhei likes to sleep during the day and can be very active at night; but, if you can fix his schedule, he will most likely fall asleep faster at night. For his claws, he needs to scratch things or file them since he is always afraid of hurting you 
Public outings is no problem for Yukhei! He is a social individual and he easily befriends or gains acquaintances, but he is incredibly loyal to you as he is always returning to you with love in his eyes. He can be quite protective and possessive, as he is always keeping an eye on you whether you are beside him or across the room
Yes!: Petting/Touching his tail and ears, impressing you with his physical abilities, sleeping/napping on your bed (it’s warm and smells like you), anything you cook (he still eats it if it’s not the best)
No!: You feeling down/sad (he gets worried and would try to fix it or cheer you up), long days where you are gone, losing/failing (he is trying to please you but he gets sulky when it doesn’t work)
Bonus: easily catching bugs or any critters, lots of hugs and nuzzling whenever he scratches you accidentally, surprising you with random tight hugs during the day, reminding you that he is there to protect you and proclaiming he is your personal bodyguard
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randomly assorted scott pilgrim headcanons!
(mostly involving roxy)
(some involving future scenarios)
envy & roxy have the same weak spot behind their knee. they are also girlfriends. this is the most important headcanon & i have a whole separate thing that goes more in-detail on this but this is all you need to know
kim is a huge tegan & sara fan (she’s from canada and definitely bi so it makes sense). she likes their earlier albums (since it takes place in the mid-2000s it would probably be around the time so jealous and/or the con were released), and when heartthrob and lytd came out she tried to pretend she hated the new pop sound but she secretly loves it.
lynette lost her arm while performing a show with tcad that brought the house down. literally. the frequency of the vibrations emitted from their performance was powerful enough to cause a minor earthquake, and while the band was trying to escape the venue, her arm was crushed by falling debris.
envy is bilingual, having grown up in montreal, and speaks both english and french.
roxy & matthew are best friends. however, when they first joined the league, they absolutely could not stand each other. each thought the other was totally obnoxious, and they would constantly bicker and fight with each other. they also definitely got into the pirates vs ninjas argument on more than one occasion. eventually, after a sparring match gone wrong, they bonded over the fact that ramona had used them in some form while they were dating her (matt for his powers, roxy for her sexuality), as well as their love of too much black eye makeup, and they’ve been inseperable ever since. they definitely have a partners-in-crime dynamic, and their friendship is 80% snark and 20% chaotic dumbass.
later on, lucas gets roped into their friendship as well, and they form an unstoppable friend trio. roxy sees him as a cool older brother type. matt has such a huge repressed crush on him you don’t even KNOW and roxy teases him about it literally all the time
after the events of the series, they form a 3-piece punk band called roxy & the hooligans (title derived from a book i read when i was a kid). roxy is the lead singer and bassist (she learned how to play out of pure spite just to flex on scott & todd), matt is lead guitarist & backup vocalist, and lucas is the drummer. matt is also their special effects/pyrotechnics guy.
they’re also housemates for a little while, then matt & lucas start dating and roxy moves in with envy when they start dating. of course, this does not affect their friendship, and they have double dates frequently.
after she starts dating envy, roxy also forms another best friend group with julie powers and lisa miller. at first envy is worried roxy and julie won’t get along bc she thinks julie will be jealous of roxy for “stealing” envy’s attention, but they end up bonding over their shared hatred of scott.
lisa and roxy are identical twins who were separated at birth. (this was bc they’re both portrayed by mae whitman but i might retcon this one, idk)
meanwhile, roxy & todd actually, genuinely HATE each other. todd was always kind of a bully to her when she was in the league & she hates how much he gets on her nerves. to make up for it she loves to rub in his face how much he fumbled the bag with envy
envy was genuinely hurt by lynette going behind her back with todd bc she thought they were friends. lynette is pretty indifferent about it.
after the events of the comic, ramona starts a support group for all the women affected by gideon.
envy is a natural redhead, but started dyeing it blonde once she had her big rockstar makeover, and often alternates between the two shades.
(tentative, still figuring out whether i wanna make this a full headcanon) roxy is a natural brunette, but dyed (and maybe also cut) her hair after ramona broke up with her, as the gays™ are known to do. she also used to wear her hair in space buns instead of pigtails (whaat nooo this totally wasn’t inspired by spinel what are you talking about)
roxy doesn’t really care about the spelling of her name; she spells it with a “y” and with an “ie.” (alternate idea: she spelled it with an ie before the breakup and with a y after the breakup?)
barbie movies exist in this canon, and envy recorded “hope has wings” for the magic of pegasus when she was a teen (back when she was still going by natalie) but she’s super embarrassed about it. she has literally done everything in her power to hide it, but as soon as her friends find out about it they refuse to let her live it down.
likewise, finally out of pe exists in this verse except now it’s just part of envy’s early discography, which she wrote before she formed TCAD.
technically the events of the story happened at the same time the early barbie movies & brie’s album came out but we can afford to move the timelines around a lil bit just for funsies
kim created the maid costume herself, & she’s a closet geek/cosplayer. later on she & envy end up bonding over their secret nerdy sides.
she’s also a closet theatre kid
roxy is the kind of person that tries to put on a tough front to avoid getting hurt & being seen as weak but if you give her even one (1) single tiny bit of affection she will instantly fall apart (especially if you happen to be a pretty girl)
when gideon was messing with everybody’s memories, he ended up causing a rift in the universe that caused the timeline to branch into two separate realities (the books and the movie, respectively). when he was defeated, they merged into one again, but the characters now have memories from both realities. it’s a little confusing
wallace ends up getting together with stephen later on (maybe? they seem like they’d have a fun dynamic), and they’re happy together, but once wallace finds out about matt & lucas dating he’s so fucking salty about it bc HE HAD A CHANCE WITH LUCAS LEE THIS WHOLE TIME
ramona eventually becomes the lead singer of shatterband. scott & kim decide the two-person lineup isn’t working out for them; they need a frontman, someone with charisma to tie them all together. then they hear a voice coming from the bedroom. they go to investigate and find ramona singing softly to herself. she’s a bit hesitant to join at first bc she’s not super confident about singing in front of others, but they manage to convince her by telling her how she could totally one-up envy.
matthew is a proud, unabashed theatre kid. roxy is the kind of person who acts like she absolutely despises theatre kids (even tho she’s really just as melodramatic as matt but won’t admit it) until karaoke night rolls around & she suddenly knows all the songs
roxy is a mixed media artist & is proficient in quite a few different techniques, but her specialty is graffiti. since being a ninja takes a lot of discipline & she often got criticized for letting her emotions get the better of her, it gives her an outlet to be more uninhibited.
the twins are pretty aloof & don’t really talk to anyone else besides themselves; they just kinda do their own thing while viewing everyone else with either mutual respect or smug superiority. gideon doesn’t really give a shit about the other league members, but the twins are his “favorites” (relatively speaking) just bc of how efficient & powerful they are
scott & ramona end up in sort of a semi-throuple with kim. no one really knows what their exact situation is; whether they’re an open relationship, friends with benefits, or just officially all dating each other, but wherever they are, kim is usually also there, & they don’t question it. (honestly the more i think about it the more i like the idea of polyamorous ramona just bc there’s so many characters i ship her with)
maybe wallace also gets involved. just for funsies
in the future, roxy ends up taking knives on as her ninja protégé. as a mentor, she’s pretty no-nonsense bc she wants her to be able to reach her full potential, but she also tries to keep her temper in check & not be overly harsh on her just bc of what she went through in her own training (at the ninja academy she was looked down upon for her half-ninja status & constantly belittled for being too soft, undisciplined, emotional, etc. which caused her to push herself to the brink of total physical and mental exhaustion to prove them wrong, & that led to her parents pulling her out bc they were worried she was gonna push herself so hard it would kill her, & that whole situation is the main source of most of her insecurities). at first she’s put off by how relentlessly upbeat knives is, but then she sees how eager she is to make her proud & roxy can’t help but see a bit of herself in her. over time she comes to see her as sort of a kid sister, especially when knives eventually comes out to her, though she refuses to admit how much of a soft spot she actually has for her. she knows knives can handle herself, but she’s also grown more than a little protective of her (and scott is terrified of her for this reason)
i have a LOT of other HCs regarding specific backstories/relationship dynamics/etc that i might post later if i get the motivation for it but these are just some of my shorter ones
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