#lucy x akutagawa
tittysuckersworld · 3 months
ignore me spelling stuff wrong- happy birthday akutagawa!!!!!!
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cloverr-overr · 18 days
akuatsulucy trio u will always be famous to me
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twilicidity · 7 months
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Nabi's ships
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laurirandomthings · 8 months
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Back from school 🖤🤍🎀
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saturn303 · 1 year
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theyre all together now :D
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atsushi akutagawa lucy and junichiro road trip thing that i sometimes think about
atsushi and junichiro are talking about how much theyd wanna go on a vacation, ya know things have been happening and its getting tired
anyway they're talking as they head to the cafe where lucy is and lucy's like "ive always wanted to go on a road trip" and atsushi and junichiro are like thats genius
anyway so they rent a car and pack their bags and atsushi wants to invite someone else but he doesn't wanna make things awkward for junichiro and lucy, who dont know that person that well
but obviously his besties would know him well so they plan for a fourth person anyway and end up contacting somehow gin to ask where her brother would like to visit (to add on to their map) and if she could invite him for them and gin's like my brothers not gonna do that so ill just send u a bag with his stuff and ask chuuya to request some time off on his behalf
and on the day theyre leaving, junichiro and lucy tell atsushi that akutagawa is gonna join them too and atsushi is ecstatic
"you really asked him??"
"well... no"
akutagawa, wandering around, wondering why his stuff is missing, gin is laughing at him, and chuuya requested time off for him and a car pulls up next to him and junichiro lucy and atsushi are like "get in loser we're going on a road trip"
and when he's like "what? no." they just kidnap him anyway
the first person who drives is junichiro - someone honks at him and yells at him in road rage and he bursts into tears
the second person who drives is akutagawa, it's only atsushi's holding on to him that stops him from murdering the person who cut in front of him
the third person is atsushi
atsushi doesn't cry or get angry becuz he's been taught by kunikida and dazai
atsushi however is taught by kunikida and dazai and he is a combination of their driving skills so in short terms: he's horrible
he drives so fast akutagawa uses rashomon to keep himself, junichiro and lucy in the car
when he parks junichiro has to bolt out to throw up
lucy isn't even moving thats how horrific his driving is
lucy on the other hand is a really good driver but she's not used to driving on the left side
horrific driving from all four aside
whoever's upfront chooses the music and they all change their seats frequentally
akutagawa listens to classical music becuz idk goth vampire
junichiro listens to top 40s becuz its an easy choice
lucy listens to american music becuz she's american idk
atsushi listens to a horrific combination of all that and also whatever anyone in the agency has sent him
they switch seats pretty often so everyone gets a chance to sit with everyone
junichiro and atsushi on the front is filled with them happily exchanging stories meanwhile akutagawa and lucy in the back talk shit about atsushi being oblivious
akutagawa and lucy in the front is them yelling and cursing the other drivers junichiro and atsushi in the back is quietly looking out the window, relaxing
junichiro and akutagawa in the front is talking about what songs they wanna listen to and other such conversation and lucy and atsushi in the back is happily talking about how theyd never have gotten to this before -> trauma dumping
junichiro and akutagawa in the back is awkward silence and lucy and atsushi in the front is screaming songs at the top of their lungs
akutagawa and atsushi together front or back make lucy and junichiro feel like the third wheels
anytime akutagawa gets sulky they scream songs on the top of their lungs into his ear to annoy him
anyway its all of them having fun being silly and teasing each other
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CONGRATS!! I’m happy that your page is getting recognized, because it’s such a comfort page for me. Also yes, it is me from the Childe Question/Wriothsley idea.
Anyways, my ask behind it, is if SSKK (Atsushi and Akutagawa) and Lucy came alone with a Female reader. I want to say teen, but later teen, like 15-17. Not yet an adult, but also not a young teen. I also want to probably have the reader be just as protective of them as they are her, since they mean the world to them.
Thank you very much for writing it. And once again, congrats!!
Thank you, I am happy, that my fics are comforting to you 😊
If you weren't alone
Part IV
Characters: Self-Aware! Platonic! Atsushi Nakajima, Self-Aware! Platonic! Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Self-Aware! Platonic! Lucy Maud Montgomery
Reader: Fem! 17! Reader
Warning: English is my second language
🐯🧥☕ Last few days were terrible. First, Atsushi, Lucy, Akutagawa and you were transported to the Wolvendom. Second, you do not have your phone and have no idea, how to contact the rest of BSD Cast. Third, landing was harsh, causing you to hurt your ankle. Thankfully, you did not hurt it too much, but Atsushi insisted on you not moving, until your leg healed. Of course, you cannot just camp in the wilderness for next few days. Monsters were not a problem (Akutagawa did not like, when that Rifthound Whelp got too interested in your company, but you must find a way home. However, Lucy quickly found a solution.
Atsushi, Akutagawa and Lucy went to Mondstadt, while you were staying in Annie’s room, with Annie keeping your company. You were not very fond of the idea of staying in safe place, while your friends are facing Teyvat’s monsters. However, you do understand that with your leg you cannot do much to help.
🐯🧥☕ They arrived at Mondstadt at night. It seems that no one was sleeping. Knights and normal citizens were searching for something. Or someone.
They immediately find the reason for all the commotion. There was hundreds of wanted posters with your face on it. In addition, with strange text.
“IMPOSTER AMONG US! Dirty Sinner dared to wear the face of our beloved Creator! By an order of Their Holiness and Blessed Acolytes, capture it! Made them pay for its crimes! Bring it to an Ivory Throne. Alive!”
Trio were shocked. Thousands of questions rushed through their minds.
‘Creator?’ ‘Imposter?’ ‘Sinner?’ ‘Crimes?’
What is happening? It does not make any sense!
Then Lucy noticed something under the main text. Something written in a small font.
Lucy felt her5 mouth became dry. She whispered.
“Prices… For [Y/N]’s body parts. Creator ordered to bring them to her.”
Rashoumon’s blade tore the poster from the wall, leaving claw like marks on the wall. In less, than a second, paper was tore apart with draconic fags. Atsushi nervously looked around, but, luckily, no one noticed Akutagawa’s outburst. And anxiety were replaced with anger.
You were in danger. A good person was in danger, blamed for something they didn’t do. You, the best person in the world, were in danger.
Lucy, knowing, that both males were close to do something drastic. Dazai’s training were paying off. Lucy herself wanted to let Annie play with few of this “blessed acolytes” (no one would get away with threating her friend), but it wasn’t the right place or time.
“Let’s get out of here”
Trio left the city unnoticed. On their way, Atsushi took one more poster with him.
🐯🧥☕ You thought, that after trio reached Mondstadt, Lucy would call for you to leave Annie's room. You didn't expect trio appeared in Annie's room instead. You also didn't expect Atsushi, Lucy and Akutagawa looking worried and angry at the same time.
Did something happen? Atsushi was clutching some sort of paper in his hands. Atsushi looked down, then up, then hold the paper towards you. It takes you a few minutes to read through it. With each word, you felt worse and worse. You can't even joke about chosen words. You were horrified.
Lucy's voice was soft.
"[Y/N]... I think, you should stay here with Annie. To be safe."
You raised your head, looking shocked. The poster fall from your hands, where it was caught by Rashomon's jaws and torn apart.
Lucy had a point, she does. But what if something happened to Atsushi, Akutagawa and Lucy while you stay here, protected? You wanted to protest, but, before you can open your mouth, Akutagawa stepped closer and grabbed your shoulders. He knew you good enough to knew what you wanted to say.
"No, [Y/N], you will stay here. We want to protect you, and this way we can protect you the best."
Akutagawa's eyes slightly soften.
"I knew, that you are worried about us. But, we won't be in danger. These idiots won't care about us. Brainless bastards, like a herd of sheep, will follow this rotten shepherd's command. Please, trust us."
Atsushi stepped next to Akutagawa, ignoring his harsh glances.
"[Y/N], I promise, we will be careful. Please, stay here."
Reluctantly, you agreed.
🐯🧥☕ For some time, plan worked. People of Mondstadt were more interested in finding you, than paying attention to three outlanders. At least, until Albedo saw them.
These days, Albedo didn't pay attention to anything strange. He is more concerned of So-Called Creator's attention towards Klee and Alice. Godly brat was spoiled, had a temper and, unfortunately, was smart. The girl on the Ivory Throne, near whom Albedo felt a stench of rotten flesh, was ruthless about another 'Imposter'. Albedo felt rage. This poor girl wasn't the first 'imposter', and, Albedo was afraid, not the last.
And all of them would face the same fate...
That's when Albedo saw Lucy, Atsushi and Akutagawa. He remembered, how Alice showed photos of this people to him and Klee, after coming back from one of her otherworldly trips.
Albedo took few steps towards trio. And felt it. Warmth.
Warmth, that Albedo could only call as godly, were coming from trio.
Albedo must act fast.
🐯🧥☕It took alchemist multiple attempts to reassure Atsushi, Akutagawa and Lucy to come with him. In his lab on Dragonspine, you finally left Annie's room for the first time in days. Albedo checked your ankle and finally explained, what the whole "Imposter" situation were about.
He also explained, how you can return home.
According to Albedo, Alice was your only hope. Aether and Lumine were loyal to 'Creator'. And Albedo doubt, that they would even let you explain, that you aren't imposter, have no intent to stay here and just want to go home.
But Alice was forced by False Creator to travel from nation to nation, staying on one place for few days, and currently was on her way to Sumeru and, if she suddenly return to Mondstadt, it would be suspicious. So, you four could either try to chase after her, or stay in Mondstadt and wait for Alice's return. You were relatively safe, thanks to Lucy.
You four decided to stay in Mondstadt. You still feel bad for staying in safe Annie's room, while Atsushi, Akutagawa and Lucy were facing against Teyvat's monsters. But, once again, others insisted on you staying with Annie.
🐯🧥☕ For a few days, everything was fine. Until "Creator" visited Mondstadt. People were cheering, when her carriage was going through streets of Mondstadt. That's when she noticed Lucy, Akutagawa and Atsushi, who were picking up groceries.
She wasn't native to Teyvat. She knew who they were. And she knew, that you must be near.
Before the end of the day, three more wanted posters were hanging alongside yours.
🐯🧥☕ Now four of you were on a run. You refused to stay in Annie's room. You were running alongside your friends. You were fighting alongside your friends. You were fighting your way through seven nations (Bennett, Razor and Fischl helped you find a good bat), chasing after Alice. Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine, Natlan, Snezhnaya...
And, before you could return to Mondstadt, you were attacked once again. This time, by your exact double.
🐯🧥☕ She was sure, that Atsushi, Akutagawa and Lucy won't dare to attack her. That they won't attack someone, who looked like their dearest friend. She was mistaken. She may look like you. But everything in her was fake. She was a fake. A disgusting fake, who was reeking of rotten meat.
Atsushi, in his tiger form, sank his fangs into her arm. Rotten, stale blood flow down his mouth.
She screamed and raised her free hand. She was holding a dagger.
Before "Creator" could plunge it into Atsushi, you hit her arm with your trusty bat.
You also had no reason not to hurt someone, who was hurting your friends.
During your battle (Atsushi Nakajima, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Lucy Maud Montgomery and [Y/N] [L/N] against "Creator" and Holly Knights /some troopers from mililith, knights of Favonius and Fatui/) your emotions, your anger reached their peak.
The portal opened under your feet.
💉💰 Mori and Francis were rechecking last messages they got from others. Still, no news about your whereabouts. After quick discussion, both Mori and Francis decided to check the forest again. On their way, they heard loud noise coming from the barn.
They hurried there.
🐯🧥☕ You four were here. Tried, with scratch and bruises. But, mostly, unharmed. But, the most shocking sight, was Akutagawa, who was holding your exact double with his Rashomon. Black strips were holding her by her arms and legs. After taking a second look, Francis and Mori saw, that your double looked off. Her clothes, while looking expensive, looked tasteless, her face looked fake, her body looked fake.
And, if the angry looks, that Akutagawa, Atsushi, Lucy and you were casting towards her indicate something, she must have done something horrible.
But it can wait. For now, you four need rest. You can finally stop worrying. You four finally were safe.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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guacamoleroll · 2 months
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Welcome to 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐏𝐄'𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘, a pop-up event that will occur whenever this account hits certain milestones. In celebration of reaching 1k+ followers, this account's inbox will open to receive special, sample requests for a limited amount of time. 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐖!
These special request are open from April 3rd to April 10th. Requests submitted after April 10th will be deleted.
These requests follow the same basic rules as my blog!
You can only request once, which means requests cannot be anonymous!
Following the previous statement, if you are making a not-safe for work request, you have to be an adult! If you are a minor or ageless blog, I will not make a smut request for you.
A request has to be attached to a prompt, which will be shown in the bottom portion of the post. If it does not have one, it will be deleted.
Requests will be capped if they extended beyond fifty requests. If that happens, the request period of the event will be ended prematurely. Any requests made following the announcement of this cap will be deleted.
These requests will not be completed until after April.
There are five different sample options to choose from, ranging from sweet to bitter. Each has a variety of different flavors and toppings, so feel free to dig in and enjoy!
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⚬ 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐒 .ᐟ Atsushi Nakajima, Osamu Dazai, Doppo Kunikida, Ranpo Edogawa, Akiko Yosano, Yukichi Fukuzawa, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Chuuya Nakahara, Ichiyo Higuchi, Michizo Tachihara, Gin Akutagawa, Koyo Ozaki, Sakunosuke Oda, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Edgar Allan Poe, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ochi Fukuchi, Nikolai Gogol, Saigiku Jono, Tetcho Suehiro, Sigma, Bram Stoker, Ango Sakaguchi
(This account has temporarily broadened flavors for a limited time! Only one flavor is included in your order, so choose wisely!)
⚬ 𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 .ᐟ You can't leave out the toppings! Find your favorites in the list below, but be selective. There is a maximum of three toppings! Feel free to mix and match with both spicy and sweet prompts. Spicy prompts are in bold.
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"i like the way your hand fits in mine."
"i shouldn't be this happy."
"don't look at me like that and then feign innocence."
"will you stay the night?"
"i'm barely holding on."
"i got everything i wanted. my everything was you."
"i don't know what i would do if something happened to you."
"who needs to look at stars when i can look at you?"
"did you eat today?"
"who hurt you?"
"i hate you."
"i've been waiting to kiss you since i first laid eyes on you."
"go to the car. i'll be with you in five minutes."
"shh...stop fighting and sleep."
"don't do this here."
"stay behind me."
"goodnight, love."
"stay away from me."
"are you sugar personified or something?"
"would you mind if i kissed you?"
"you made/did this for me?"
"i'm a monster." "no, you aren't."
"you're beautiful. you know that, right?"
"c'mere you–"
"you can count on me."
"you're hurt."
"stop pretending you're okay."
"don't touch them."
"i love you."
"i think i deserve a kiss."
"can you please come get me?"
"you can trust me."
"not until you beg for it."
"you did so well."
"do you need to use your safeword?"
"spread your legs for me."
"your thighs are shaking."
"quiet. others will here."
"open your mouth."
"take it off. slowly."
"you look so pretty there."
"bend over."
"you're mine."
"arch your back for me."
"wrap your legs around my waist."
"i need you."
dancing in the rain
showering/bathing together
feeding each other
baking together
whispering sweet nothings
calling them in the middle of the night
sitting on their lap
breaking down in the middle of an embrace
bumping noses while going in for a kiss
teasing the ends of their clothes
swinging arms while walking hand-in-hand
looking lovingly into their eyes
having a nightmare
stressed out over work
panic attacks
tucking a strand of hair behind the ear
lifting your chin
resting foreheads together
grabbing your waist
hand on the small of your back
forced proximity
sex toys
breeding kink
first time
mirror sex
car sex
orgasm denial
wet dream
body worship
thigh fucking
semi-public sex
wall sex
making out
shower sex
breath play
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We should make Atsulucygawa a thing like how Kunichuuzai is a thing
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pegging-satan · 1 year
Chuuya: This is my boyfriend Dazai, and his boyfriend Kunikida, and his boyfriend Katai, and his girlfriend Gin, and her girlfriend Higuchi and her boyfriend Akutagawa and his boyfriend Atsushi and his girlfriend Lucy and her girlfriend Louisa and her girlfriend Margaret and her boyfriend Nathaniel and his boyfriend Fyodor and his boyfriend Nikolai and his boyfriend Sigma and his boyfriend Mushitaro and his boyfriend Poe and his boyfriend Ranpo and—
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•♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ •𝕭𝖚𝖓𝖌𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖞 𝖉𝖔𝖌𝖘• ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥•
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•✫☼☾☁ | 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀 | ☁☾☼✫•
✫Hanahaki Lovers [ft Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor] (Requested)
Headcanon: Flower of love, they were the Hanahaki lovers.
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✫Writer's Guide [ft Akutagawa, Atsushi, Ango]
Headcanon : Where their Crime Writer! S/O asks a question
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✫Just a bunch of Stray Kids [ft Dazai, Akutagawa, Ranpo]
Headcanon: You are a caretaker at an orphanage as you see how your boyfriend act around kids
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✫Sneeze for good luck [Ft Dazai, Chuuya, Ranpo] (Requested)
Headcanon: where your boyfriend takes care of your sick self
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✫Under the tree [ ft Dazai, Chuuya , Akutagawa] (Requested)
Headcanon: Where the etiquetteless meets the royals. Ft Child! Reader
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✫Driver's Seat [ft Atsushi, Ranpo , Akutagawa]
Headcanon: Where your car insurance finally paid off
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✫The white hair tragedy [ft Dazai, Ranpo, Kunikida]
Headcanon: The white hair makes them go bruhhhhh
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✫Sneak peaks [ft Dazai, Kunikida, Akutagawa]
Headcanon: They got hold of your phone
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✫Childhood dreams [ft Dazai, Chuuya, Ango]
Headcanon: Where your kid has the most awesome parents ever
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✫Love-o-virus [ft Kunikida, Dazai, Fukuzawa, Ango] (Requested)
Headcanon: Love is something expressed, with actions
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✫Metanoia [ft Dazai, Ranpo, Chuuya]
headcanon: insecurity was something they made sure went away.
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✫Evenings, family and roses (Requested)
Summary: Even if you were big and famous, you would still be a kid for them.
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✫Concert Tickets [Ft Dazai, Chuuya, Tachihara and Lucy]
Headcanon: Where its you, them and the music taste.
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✫Couple stuff [Ft Dazai, Chuuya, Nikolai and Ranpo]
Headcanon: Daily life of you dating them.
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✫Comfort Crowd [Ft Sigma, Dazai] (Requested)
Headcanon: Even with anxiety, they help you find a comfort crowd
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✫Types of Affection [Ft Dazai, Ranpo, Atsushi, Chuuya and Akutagawa]
Them and how they show each type of Affection.
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✫Controversies [Ft Dazai, Chuuya and Ranpo](Requested)
headcanon: Who knew that even the boldest overthinks? Slight crack vers for Dazai -> Here 😤
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✫Alternatives [Parent!Reader with Teen! Dazai, Chuuya and Akutagawa]
Headcanon: Parent! Reader with Teen! Dazai, Chuuya and Akutagawa
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✫General Headcanons with DOA Boys [Fyodor, Nikolai and Sigma]
Headcanon: General headcanons of stuff I think they will do PART 2 WITH BRAM
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Headcanon: How I imagine you and the boys meeting after being online friends Genre: Crack
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Just felt the need to update my masterlist properly 😤😤 Am such a mess
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noose-lion · 7 months
Akutagawa dates Atsushi and Atsushi dates Lucy.
Atsushi introduces Akutagawa and Lucy by putting them in separate rooms and keeping the door closed till they get used to eachother's scent.
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cloverr-overr · 13 days
more akuatsulucy sobs
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judasgot-it · 1 year
BSD Girls ranked on how angry they would be if you told them you ate their leftovers
No one writes for women so I did a lil something for them lol.
Higuchi - She would forgive you, probably make an excuse for you and say that you had a hard day. She's a sweetheart, she deserves the world, make her a full three-course meal in return because she clearly deserves it. She would take such good care of you so do it back.
Louisa - She wouldn't even mention it, but that's partly because she doesn't like confrontation unless necessary. She is very strong-willed but she picks and chooses her battles. There is a real possibility she will bring this up later though if you do not right this wrong.
Yosano - She will definitely call you out on it. She will decide your own punishment later, although it would be something cute like taking her out somewhere. or maybe not, it really depends on how hungry she was. She might try to stab you if she was absolutely starving.
Lucy - She will definitely mention it every single time she was hungry. Non-stop. Your only way of righting this wrong is by taking her out to eat somewhere that she has been secretly eyeing for the last week or so. Then she will talk about that.
Gin - If she was really hungry - a knife to the throat might be adequate. If she was only decently hungry - a very cold shoulder. Food is NOT something to be played with in her eyes, so she will be very upset if she has that messed with. You will have to repay her with some good homemade food for sure, but even then she will not be over it so quickly.
Margaret - As someone born rich and someone who is very independent, she has a secret brat when it comes to these things. She tries to hide it but it does come out when it comes to things she really wanted - like leftovers. Sure, she can try to mentally justify it, but she can also justify starting an argument so you know for sure to never cross her again. She's a bit petty.
Koyo - She likes you but she also believes in strong boundaries. Sharing is not caring, not if she didn't initiate. She loves to share but only if she wanted to. It's a toxic trait that she's working on, but she really wanted those leftovers, so for now good luck getting on her good side again.
I would add Agatha and Teruko but we don't know enough about her yet and Teruko is I think 32 but her age thing is odd? Also, this is very badly written my most sincere apologies.
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laurirandomthings · 10 months
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starsdippedintea · 3 months
Consider: The BSD Gang on a Playground
More specifically, a swing set. (This works as adults or children.)
•Ranpo would beg [read:force] Poe to push him, which Poe would do willingly. I think Poe would save the swing for Ranpo as well.
•Chuuya would be going in circles. He'd show off his gravity manipulation so much. Dazai probably reaches put to touch him at random times, causing Chuuya to fall. Chuuya would probably beat him up anyway.
•Dazai would either swing without holding onto the chains, or he'd be that one person that tries to go in-between the swings and try not to get hit.
• Nikolai is that one kid who sits on the swing sideways, twists it around and spins, tries climbing the swing frame, you know what I mean. No one wants to swing next to him.
•Fyodor would hate swinging, but Nikolai would try and force him into it using his ability.
•Sigma wouldn't do anything odd. He'd be that one kid who you never talk to but don't mind sitting next to because he's pretty chill. He probably avoids swinging though, because he's terrified Nikolai will swing next to him.
•Akutagawa would use Rashōmon to push himself on the swing. Poor lonely Akutagawa. If he's dating Atsushi, then Atsushi would definitely offer to push him, but Akutagawa would be far too stubborn to accept.
•Atsushi is scared of swings at first, until Dazai tells him that "cats always land on their feet!" and suddenly he's swinging as high as possible and breaks his leg.
•Kenji and Kyouka would be in the sandbox. Do I need to say more?
•Kunikida wouldn't swing. He just wouldn't. Instead, he'd yell at Yosano and Nikolai for using the swings improperly, and he'd be sitting in the shade with a cold drink.
•Yosano would stand on the swing. Maybe Kōyō would help push her, but I think Yosano would just kind of swing her upper body back and forth until she's moving.
•Kōyō likely wouldn't swing, but if she did, she'd sit on it prim and proper, and not swing too fast or slow.
•Lucy wouldn't even bother. She'd create a swing inside of Anne's room and leave everyone behind. Go Lucy.
•Gin is competive. It feel that in my heart and soul, and you can't convince me that she wouldn't be swinging as high as possible, especially with Chuuya around. I can see her just sitting on it as well, probably saving it for her brother.
•Higuchi would be playing tag, but if given the opportunity to swing she wouldn't go particularly fast. She'd probably stay around three feet off the ground.
•Fukazawa and Fukuchi sit on a bench and watch them play. (Mori does not exist for obvious reasons.)
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