#okay ill be the first they should kiss fight me
tittysuckersworld · 3 months
ignore me spelling stuff wrong- happy birthday akutagawa!!!!!!
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rottenaero · 1 year
What if Steve got kicked out of his parent’s house after season 2?
He was already on thin ice after s1, with the beers and his fight with Jonathan, but after he got into ANOTHER fight with Billy they’re just kinda like, ‘pack your shit and leave’
And after a few weeks of living out of his car in the school parking lot, Eddie notices him after Hellfire and just kinda like, offers his house as a place to stay.
Of course Steve is like, ‘nah, ill be fine’ because he doesn’t want to freeload, but Eddie is absolutely not having it and convinces him that he wouldn’t be, and that he can pay him and do chores and shit if he really feels that bad about it.
Then Steve just starts living with him, of course there are rules, don’t invite people over, don’t talk about Eddie’s business, and don’t talk about the shit in his room.
The rest is the standard criteria, don’t bring animals in, don’t burn the house down, blah blah blah.
Course Wayne is a bit mad about this random guy with the last name Harrington at first, but the guy makes him coffee before he leaves for work, and is willing to put on a goddamn sailor costume to pay help pay the rent, so eventually they become acquaintances.
Eventually turning into the two watching sports on the tv and laughing at Eddies antics.
Thing is, during this whole thing, no one knows they live together. Dustin and the party don’t get much more than i moved out with a friend after the first time they ask to hang out at his house, and Hellfire just knows he has a roommate, not that its Steve, because all his shit is in the living room and hes always working when they’re over.
One day, mid-lunch, they decide to hang out at Eddie’s after school and he's all cool with it but is like ‘wait, my roommates off, let me go ask them if its okay’ and they're like ‘sure, okay, I wonder who it is?’
Then he waltzes straight up to Steve Harrington, who’s sitting by Nancy and Jonathan, and asks.
“Hellfires coming over afterschool, you good with that?”
“Yeah sure, do whatever, its your damn house, I can get out your hair if you want?”
“Nah nah, its all good, want you to meet ‘em anyway. Hey hey, wanna sit with us today?”
Then Eddie heads back to the now silent Hellfire table (actually the whole cafeteria is a little silent) and sits down in his seat, Steve sitting in the empty one next to him.
Hellfire is absolutely confused, not just because Steve lives with him, but because of the very talked upon rumors about Eddie being gay, and how very true they were, and the fact that as a former-king, Steve should know that.
Steve however, seems very unconcerned with those rumors because for as close as Eddie keeps getting to him, even holding his bicep at some point, he acts very chill and relaxed, even leaning into him at some points.
Hellfire eventually calm down, and go to his house after school, and around 10 they decide to just stay the night. Eddie gives them a thumbs up, and turns to Steve.
“You’re bunking with me tonight.”
Gareth starts panicking because there is a very obvious pride flag above one of his posters and he may not have seen it before and Eddie is so getting beaten up.
Except none of that happens. They wake up early that morning and Steve starts getting ready for work, and is about to leave when he turns to Eddie with a smirk.
“What, no goodbye kiss? Too dorky to do in-front of you friends?” And Eddie strolls right past the flabbergasted Hellfire and plants one on his temple.
“Goodbye o-great-king-of-assholery!”
Gareth quite literally chokes.
(What makes this even better? They’re not even dating, thats just Steve-being-Steve)
Part 2
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driaswrld · 8 months
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lovers rock — gojo satoru and geto suguru.
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wc : 2.7k
summary : over a bottle of ill-gotten vodka, the trio has a tipsy conversation about kisses.
part of : the star paradox collection.
(comment if u wanna be tagged for tsr!!)
notes : this is heavily based off the fact that reader DID in fact have secret feelings for geto and gojo but never said anything ab it until before the star plasma incident (fic ab that coming soon dw) you may interpret this as reader fell first, they fell harder bcus that's exactly what happened fr
other : satosugu makes fake IDs (based off that one fanart), literally underage drinking??? toru cant hold his alc but wbk this, suguru smokes here too, suggestive convo, mentions of like one curse word i think
current casette : lovers rock - tv girl (anything by tv girl is a tsr song okay?)
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The dorms at Tokyo Jujutsu High operate on one solid rule.
All lights out by ten, no exceptions, no buts, ands, ifs or becauses. Curfew is at ten, be in your damn room by ten.
Naturally, Satoru and Suguru mistake ten for twelve.
It’s 9:53 when you walk into your dorm room, and the first thing that greets you are hushed whispers and a smoky smell.
Why is it so dark in here?
From your place at the door frame, your eyes flit to the back of Satoru’s head, silver white strands tickling his nape, uniform replaced with a blue hoodie. Suguru’s sitting across from him, slouched, cross legged like Satoru, hair tied into a ponytail and lips twisted into a thin scowl.
“—wasn’t yours.” Suguru grumbles beneath his breath, a pair of dice clinking softly in his palm, the light from your bedside lamp giving you a sneak peek of the numbers resting.
Three and six. Oh, no, that's definitely five.
“Cost me six hundred yen to get it.”
Satoru seems to ignore him, letting out a huff in defiance.
Suguru grunts, leaning over the side of the bed to pick up a half smoked cigarette, pressing it softly against the edge of your favorite incense holder to collect the stray ash.
“Broke ass.” Satoru mumbles, and though you can’t see his expression from here, you know he’s rolling his eyes. “Freeloader.” Suguru counters, cigarette lodged between his middle and index, and he brings it up to his lips and draws in softly.
He leans forward to drop the dice on Satoru’s leg.
“We’re supposed to split it equally.” You hear a clinking noise coming from Satoru’s lap.
“Like hell we are.” Suguru scoffs, a wisp of smoke leaving his mouth.
“I should get first share, it’s only fair.”
Suguru gets up from the bed, back turned to you as he slides the window open halfway. “We’re not sharing anything.” He flicks the cigarette outside. “I don’t know where your mouth’s been—”
“You tryin’ to fight—”
“Are you two getting high in my room?” Your voice makes them both freeze, and Satoru folds over the bed backwards, head upside down and staring straight at you with a guilty grin, all while Suguru is discreetly trying to fan the rest of the cigarette smoke out the window.
“What gave you that idea?” Suguru murmurs, squinting his eyes to make out your expression in the dim light with a faux innocent smile.
You breathe a chuckle, dropping your bag by the door and clicking it shut behind you. “How did the studying with Nanamin go?” Satoru asks, as if you can’t see him folded over the bed like he’s hiding something while Suguru fans the smoke through the window.
“I fell asleep halfway through, we got boba with Haibara instead.” You say, feeling blindly on the wall for the light switch.
“And you didn’t bring some back for me?” Satoru gasps, near offended.
“Don't change the subject,” you roll your eyes, pinky finger bumping against the light switch, and you flick it upwards with your index. When the light comes on and you face them, your jaw drops.
“Surprise…?” Suguru’s cheeks puff up in a wide thin lipped smile, almost mockingly. Satoru is still hanging off the edge of the bed, cigarette ash curdled on your incense holder, the pair of dice laying on the bedsheets and sure, they kinda made a little mess of your room.
But it's the bottle of vodka sitting between Satoru’s legs that takes the cake.
“You have to be kidding me—”
Suguru shrugs his shoulders, sliding the window fully open, the night air wafting inside.
It's almost curfew. And here they are. You're not even surprised, this is totally in character for them. “Wow, no, Satoru, you're such a rebel?” Satoru kicks his legs back and forth, voice mimicking a girly pitch. “Bad boys are so hot! Tell me all your secrets, toru-kun! None of that?"
“I was there too, idiot.” Suguru grumbles, shoving one of Satoru's legs aside as he steps over to the bedside table to grab the ash covered incense holder.
Satoru flails his legs like Suguru just smacked him, ever so dramatically. “How did you do it though?” You ask, with a near wince, exasperated but curious.
Unexpectedly, Satoru swings the vodka bottle sideways and into Suguru’s arms, the glass making a soft set of clink! sounds from Suguru’s rings as he catches it, both your eyes going wide as Satoru stands on the bed, striking some sort of elaborate pose.
“The date, June fifteenth ‘06—”
You turn to Suguru, confused but he only shrugs in response. “My assistant Sugi-san and I walked into Shinanoya—” Satoru continues his elaborate presentation, meanwhile you and Suguru whisper between his words. "Never call me that again—"
“So that's what you two were doing while you were supposed to be exorcising that curse?”
“He forced me to go along—”
“With these!” Satoru pulls out a mini plastic card, which is supposed to look like an ID, but really it's as flimsy as a piece of paper. You had to admit though, they really did get his good side in the picture. If he even has a bad side, that is.
“And we got the liquor at half price.” Suguru mumbles as you nudge him, and he pulls out his own fake ID, which looks the same as Satoru’s — you think you might want to print these pictures for a scrapbook or something some other time.
“I thought you said it was six hundred yen!”
“I added my service charge.”
“Service? What are you, a whore?”
You take the bottle from Suguru to feel the weight in your hands, and the liquid inside sloshes a little to the side.
Out of sheer curiosity and despite your better senses, you mumble, “Let's play a drinking game then.”
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Forty minutes later.
It's drawing near to eleven. The lights are turned off and all that's coming from your dorm room are the sounds of yours and the boys’ whispers and hushed giggles from time to time, barely drowned out by a soft song playing from Suguru’s phone, playlist laying open on his phone, one of Satoru’s picks.
Are you sick of me?
Would you like to be?
“—turn it to your head if you can't answer.” Satoru grins, cheek resting on his palm as he lays across the bed. “Have you ever gotten freaky with a milf?”
A chortle leaves your mouth when Suguru twists his lips into an expression of shock and utter disgust, and you have to cover your mouth to not laugh out loud.
“A milf? Like… forty or something?”
“Not really — just like a hot older woman.” You say.
“Oh, she was around that age then, I guess…” Suguru grumbles, clutching the half empty vodka bottle in one hand, eyes squinted. “I didn't sleep with her though— I don't just… sling dick around like Satoru— I have morals.”
“Says the one who sucked tongue with an elderly woman.”
Suguru scoffs and takes a swig from the bottle, passing it over to you.
You shrug, coming to Suguru’s defense with a mumble. “I mean, Satoru… you are common—”
“Don't pretty it up, he's ran through—”
“Like hell I am!”
The three of you fold over in a fit of laughter, gasping for air, faces hot from the alcohol and the sheer idiocy of the moment.
It takes all your energy to muffle your combined laughs, and Satoru leans over Suguru’s phone to increase the music volume just a little, lightheaded and nearly knocking the vodka out of your hand, mouthing the lyrics with a lopsided toothy grin.
You like a pretty boy
With a pretty voice
“Your turn.” Suguru nods to you and the liquor in your hand sloshes to the side. “Make it good—”
Satoru tries to interrupt but has to cover his mouth to stifle a laugh when you take a whiff of the vodka, head tilting back and mouth forming an ‘o’ shape — sure, you three were already a little tipsy, but you’re pretty sure this is way past your limit.
Not like you could hold your alcohol anyway.
Suguru was the only one who could survive, you and Satoru were certified lightweights by default.
“Dare me to do anything and I’ll throw up on you.” You huff, and both boys raise their arms up in surrender.
It’s these things, small moments like these that make you want to live forever.
Minus the aging part, or maybe with the aging part — if it meant doing stupid stuff with Satoru and Suguru, young or old, you’re sure you’d have no complaints.
Because it’s them.
“You scared?” Satoru chuckles, drawing you out of your thoughts.
The way he says it, in that tone – it’s the same tone that would make you follow him anywhere.
The same tone that makes Suguru roll his eyes so far in the back of his head you’d think he had a leading role in The Conjuring.
“Should I be scared?”
It’s paired with bated breath, and the way Suguru looks up at you, dark eyes glazed over with a hint of inebriation, waterline bordering on crimson from the lit cigarette tucked between his middle and index – it makes you feel naked.
In a way you’ve never felt before.
“That depends,” he murmurs. You gulp. It’s like the air in here has changed, foggy with a foreign feeling surrounding you three. “Do you wanna be scared?”
Suguru takes a deep inhale of his cig, leaning over to breathe out a plume of smoke. You and Satoru inhale it like you’ve neglected oxygen your whole lives.
Maybe if it were anyone else you’d call it want. Or need.
Something in your soul tells you it transcends that.
She might want a kiss before the end of the song—
“Suguru—” His name doesn't get the chance to leave your mouth entirely, Satoru’s thumb and forefinger already have your chin in his grasp, turning your gaze to him instead.
“What’re you looking at him for?” Satoru mumbles, and you hear Suguru stifles a laugh across from you.
“You think he’s gonna save you?”
You want to laugh, it’s a running joke anyway.
No matter what, you run to Suguru to put Satoru in his place. That time Satoru got you kicked out of a movie theater, or the time Satoru tripped you up during a mission in front of the first years, or the time Satoru ate the cheesecake you hid in your mini fridge —
Whenever little name gets her strings pulled by Satoru, she goes running off for Suguru to save her, right?
But it doesn’t feel like he’s talking about that.
“You need me to save you, name?” Suguru chuckles, and from the corner of your eye, you see him pull his hair loose, dark strands cascading over his shoulders.
“Gonna let him call you weak like that?” He chides, and the cool pad of Satoru’s thumb taps against your bottom lip twice, as if challenging you to say something – to give him your attention instead.
“Nah, don’t need a hero.” You whisper, a soft laugh leaving your lips. “Toru might though.”
Suguru bites back a snicker, head tilting back as he draws in another inhale of smoke. “Aw, don’t bully him, name.”
Because love can burn
Like a cigarette
“C’mon, don’t look at him,” Satoru tilts your head in his grasp, a soft grin forming on his face, dimples on showcase. “Look at me.” He whispers, tugging you closer, and you have to tighten your grip on the neck of the bottle so it doesn’t slip, your palms sweating from the proximity.
“Don’t double back now, you laughed a bit too hard at me just now, y’know?”
You open your mouth to protest, shivering when the tip of your tongue grazes the pad of his thumb. Satoru makes a noise in the back of his throat, something between a groan and a scoff.
You wonder if the vodka made you imagine the way his pupils dilated. “Just ask the stupid question—” You try to turn your head away in vain, and this time, Suguru laughs at your expense.
“You ever been kissed before?”
And leave you with nothing
You stiffen, gaze snapping up to meet Satoru’s, only to find him dead serious.
Ofcourse you’ve been kissed before. But not like that— not like—
Like… oh no…
And if you start to kiss—
You bring the bottle of vodka to your lips, and both boys watch with amused gazes, and hint of something you don’t have a name for yet.
“You could’ve just—” Satoru’s hand falls loose over your shoulder as you take a swig, and Suguru shifts forward in curiosity. “—said no.”
“Nobody’s kissed you?” Suguru echoes and you grimace from the alcohol and the sheer embarrassment, shoving the open bottle to stand in the space between Satoru’s legs.
“Your turn,” you grumble, wiping remnants of the sweet liquor from your mouth with the back of your palm.
And the record skips—
Satoru and Suguru exchange a look, one you immediately assume is them reading each other’s minds and gearing up to laugh in your face.
Truly, you wouldn’t blame them — because here you are about to graduate in a year and still haven’t gotten your first kiss.
And it’s not like you haven’t like… gotten close to it— it’s just that the circumstances are never perfect and other things always get involved and you get all in your head and your mind just starts to do the thing—
“Hey,” Satoru’s voice brings you out of your thoughts, and your palms go clammy, folded over your lap. “We don’t care about it, it’s nothing.” He whispers.
“Pretty sure there’s nobody who even deserves to kiss you anyway.” You glance over to Suguru, who’s already outing his cigarette and scooting closer.
Flip it over
And sit a little closer
If anything, it makes you swell with shame rather than comfort.
“Not like that, I didn’t mean—”
“Great job, Suguru—”
“As if you were doing any better—”
And despite yourself, you chuckle. They’re idiots. God, they’re fools.
Now, how many men have you kissed?
Satoru’s fingers dip under the collar of your shirt, playing around with the loose thread.
They made you laugh, that’s enough for him, always has been. He knows Suguru feels the same, but why… why doesn’t he feel satisfied with just that? Like there's something else he should be doing?
“Not fair,” he mumbles beneath his breath, cheeks flushed as he slumps forward, resting his head in the crook of your neck. You think he might be past his drinking limit, he always gets all babbly like this when he is.
“Not fair?” Suguru questions, resting a hand over his knee.
“Yeah, ‘s just not fair — who wouldn’t wanna kiss her?”
“I’m literally right here—”
“Keep listening then, it’s not like I’m lying or nothing.”
You’re not strong like Satoru and Suguru.
You’d say you’re not as beautiful either, or eve half as smart sometimes – you never compare yourselves to them but in the great grand scheme of things— you’ve never wanted to be kissed anyway, not by anyone you don’t feel for.
Not by someone who doesn’t know you in the ways you don’t want to be known.
Very few
In the way you know Satoru hates alcohol, but he only ever drinks it when you and Suguru are around. The way Suguru never likes taking pictures but manages a smile when you and Satoru pull him in for a group photo.
“If I kissed you, I’d never stop.” Suguru breathes, laying back on the bed, rumble of a sigh leaving his lips.
But you offered me a kiss
In the way they both know what you’re thinking before you even say it. The way grocery runs, 24 hour mart stops, week long missions, midnight talks, belly laughs and breaching curfew feels like a love language – something only the three of you speak – like something so foreign yet so familiar.
“I don’t think I’d remember to breathe again if I kissed you.” Satoru grumbles in the crook of your neck, somewhere between a yawn and whine. “You could have anyone you want, name, a whole line full of kisses…”
“Never really wanted to be kissed to be honest,” leaves your mouth in a whisper, your eyelids drooping shut.
Such a foolish reason, I’m afraid.
I just wanted… to kiss you.
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wonwayne · 5 months
how enha takes care of you ☁️
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pairing : ot7 x gn!reader genre : fluff, comfort, humor warnings : mentions of food word count : 1k
a/n : requested by anon! kind of kicked it off with this hee drabble but had so much fun writing for all the members. for today’s purposes, let’s keep y/n sick and alone in their apartment 🫶
💭 heeseung
my little philosophy is that significant others can be two types of caregivers — one actively tries to treat your illness, the other is emotional support
each has their own merit ofc
but hee is miraculously both
sincerely believes he can rizz you to health
he’s being a bit selfish, he worries, for making you smile all the time
because it heals him more than it heals you
but he makes up for it by making sure you eat like a king (for all three meals a day!) until you feel better
also cuddles with you in bed to keep you warm
if whatever you have is contagious, he is definitely getting it
last but certainly not least: he sings to you. acoustic covers + snippets of his self-produced music, you’re getting it all 😌
almost makes you wish you were sick more often
💭 jay
arrives at your place with like fifty grocery bags (okay maybe not fifty, but… a lot)
big believer in sleep as the best medicine so he lets you be for the most part
but as soon as you wake up and come down to the living room
say hello to a FEAST
literally no room left on the dining table and he’s still doing something in the kitchen????
“jay i can’t… consume all of this” “don’t worry, eat as much as you want for now and i’ll put the leftovers in the fridge”
at this point what is there left to say except “can you just be my husband already”
you’re about to dig in and suddenly he’s standing over you giving you the death stare
“... did i… do something wrong?” “seriously?” your heart stops before he goes, “what happened to my thank you kiss?”
UGH he’s such a softie
💭 jake
is worried SICK and cannot hide it
refuses to leave your bedroom once he first enters it unless absolutely necessary — must stay by your side at all times !!
not the most experienced but the effort is very much there
“should we take the medicine together? would that be easier?” and you KNOW he hates taking medicine
“babe why would you take nyquil. you don’t have a cold.” “idk it can’t hurt can it?” it very much can (don’t do this kids)
he drinks it with you anyway (clinks the medicine cups and says “cheers!”… what are you going to do with this man) and tries his best to fight the drowsiness
ends up dozing with his head on your lap, kneeling by the bed
peak puppy position i tell you PEAK
💭 sunghoon
what matters is not so much how he takes care of you but how he looks so good while taking care of you: simple white dress shirt, sleeves rolled up just to the elbows, hair slicked back a little from washing his face, setting damp towels on your forehead and his forearm veins emerging as he wrings them… help me
it’s the wuthering heights bedridden cathy victorian era aesthetic okay
speaking of books why do i get the feeling that sunghoon would read to you
or simply talk to you about his day or childhood memories or anything to keep you comfortable and entertained
idk i feel like he’d want to remind you of his presence in a “i’m here for you” type of way but without being intrusive… is not at all offended when you fall asleep to his voice
don’t you just love when sunghoon.
💭 sunoo
i have one very specific idea for sunoo and i’m kinda obsessed with it
MINT. TEA. (if you know you know… mint tea is the sinus relief GOD)
and ofc as our resident mint choco lover, how could he not
“baby i made something for you!” you peer into the mug and you’re like 🤨 “you didn’t add chocolate syrup to this did you” “wtf i’m not a monster why would i do that??”
his discography and food preferences beg to differ but he truly does give you pure, steaming mint tea
it is so perfect i promise you will fall in love with him all over again
mint aside we all know this man is a human vitamin like i cannot imagine you staying sick for long
no need to binge tv (it makes your head hurt more anyway), just have sunoo spill all the drama to you for seven hours straight and you’ll be good to go
💭 jungwon
makes you wonder, did this boy have a medical degree this entire time and just not tell me??
knows exactly which medications help with which symptoms, gives you all the immune boosting foods, pulls up with a weighted blanket and a heating pad and a plushie to hug— you’re getting the best sleep of your life no question about it
listens to you so well “i miss what it was like to breathe” “it’s frustrating, isn’t it? as soon as one nostril clears, the other fills up, and it never seems to end” “YES ohmy— [cough] god, yes, you get it :(”
at the same time i think won is the most likely to avoid skinship when you’re sick bc yeah that stuffy nose does not sound fun
is smart about it though; prepares a bubble bath for you and then sets up the heating pad and everything on your bed while you’re in the bath
becomes 143x touchier once you’re back to normal (“i missed squishing your cheeks” “i missed squishing your cheeks!”)
💭 niki
crashes at your place to make sure you’re having a good time
it’s either you watching him game or movie marathon together
you don’t say it but you are so inordinately grateful that he’s caring enough to chill with you on days like these, you know he’d rather do dates outside and play pranks on you every other hour, but he’s giving that up just for you
would share a tub of ice cream with you if you’re craving it, although he voices his concerns first “is it… right to eat cold stuff when you have a cold?” “it defrosts in my mouth don’t worry” “okay you do you”
basically a good old sleepover
every time he checks your temperature he sings his part in fever (he’s humorous like that)
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nyx-is-missing · 5 months
hello! Can you write a Clarisse La Rue x reader where they met before Clarisse got sent to camp halfblood when they were little and were best friends then Clarisse left for camp with no explanation then years later reader goes to camp and sees Clarisse for the first time in years and it’s kinda awkward but cute
thanks :)
This is kinda long sooorrry, to help, the part where she gets to camp (kinda) will be in green
Girls on film 📷
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Clarrise la rue x fem!reader
Warnings and explanations: bad words (take the kids out of the living room she swears) gender is specified cause it was written as wlw, but it doenst actually makes a diference, fluff, like two sentences, there is a kiss in the picture but they dont actually kiss sorry.
Unspecified parent gender for both sides so yall can pick wichever
Trying not to kill myself.
That was what i was doing 15 hours ago, just as any normal teenagers living (or as i prefer saying fighting for the soul to stay on the body) during finals week.
In my room there was nothing but piles and piles of normal work, piles for extra credit, piles of old quizzes to try to get me prepared for the new ones and a dumb incomplete project for photography class that was due tomorrow.
Okay ill admit, i had a month to make that, and all i needed to do was shoot pictures, but that was the problem, i prefer taking pictures of people, their emotions, whatever they might be, just never ceases to amaze me.
And my dumb project made take pictures of....landscapes.
Not too bad, if i had any actual real talent for that type of photography, but i dont, every picture gets ruined somehow, its the lightning, the lack of it, my camera falls, gets full of dirt and i get so mad that i just give up.
That whole speach was necessary for me to explain what i was doing 14 hours ago, and that would explain what i was doing 5 minutes ago.
14 hours ago i decided to shoot the photos, i could try many times before it got dark, and if o was lucky enough i wouldnt go insane before the golden hour, and could actually get some nice pictures.
I grabbed my totte bag taking with me only the necessary, camera stuff, the camera, some snacks and my notebook to upload the pictures before i went mad.
13 hours ago i was running to save my life.
And do you know that moment went you go through so much your mind decides to erase it?
That happened, now, what i do remember, i was sitting in a bench by a calm road not too far from the town, i had got some actually good pictures, some of me, some of the trees, some of a butterfly, maybe three cars had passed by since i was there, driving slowly, always saying hi and doing a thumbs up, normal, friendly people from the town.
And then i heard a noise that shook the trees.
I remember seeing something, but never what, i remember running to home as fast as i could, feeling my heartbeats in my neck, i remember the noise, but the people in the streets looked at me like there was nothing behind me and i went crazy
I remember getting home, having a desperate talk with my parent while they got my suiticase ready, and i dont remember a single word.
I remember a funny looking guy my age that got to my house, with goat legs and a more desperate look, and i remember one last hug before i left.
And thats all, aside from a hell of a lot of running nobody cares.
Aparently i passed out from shock or exaustion because i woke up in a unknown place, at night, in a hospital bed, with no actual doctors other than 15 year olds teenagers.
And a horseman standing in the corner, with quite a intelectual look actually.
And let me tell you guys that after the talk we had, if somebody told me i would marry queen Elizabeth within 4 days, i would just belived it.
Because nothing ever in my life would ACTUALLY beat up the level of crazyness of finding out i DO have another parent, they are just, A FUCKING GOD. GREEK. GODS. AH.
Then, after telling me my whole life was in fact, a big fat lie, the horseman... left.
Telling me i should sleep in the infirmary this night for precaution and that he was going to get me to a cabin tomorrow.
Like that was the most normal thing to ever happen to a human, he said goodnight and left.
While i sat there just trying to...basically form a sentence that wasnt "for fucks sake what the fuck was that"
I would have loved to say that i did slept that night, dreaming about glory and greek myths but that did not happened, at all.
I walked around the infirmary for hours, opening every cabinet and trying to make my mind to something, i searched for my stuff, and thankfully found my camera, with some pictures i hadnt noticed i had taken, one specific had a blurred thing in the forest.
When the first rays of sunlight appeared i got dressed, and decided that, in order to prove to myself (and probably to the mental hospital afterwards) i was not insane, i needed proof that i was actually living, actually there, being a demigodess, thats what they called.
Very few people were up already, and i did received some weird looks, it was clear nobody knew me, that was fine, i didnt knew anybody either.
I walked around taking some pictures, sometimes getting lost, but everything amazed me, the forest, the cabins, the stables, i found the entrance to a beach too, and then i got to the training area, aparently, i stayed far away, god forbid i woke up from this nightmare with a spear in my head, oh no, that would be bad.
Openning my camera i zoomed in the people, my speciality, it was sweet, seeing them trully smile, and not pretend for the picture, it was a genuine feeling the camera would keep forever, i zoomed around other peoples faces, but my camera focused on a face i could never forget, and she looked back at me, and realized i was there, but not that i was me, because she came towards me with a angry look.
Ill admit, the look scared me as hell, so much i tried to pretend i was never taking pictures of her, i slightly changed the angle and kept my face hidden behind the camera.
Do i need to say that did not fucking worked? No? Thank you.
"Who the fuck do you think you are taking random pictures of pe-"
She yanked my camera off of me mid sentence and stopped completely, looking like she had seen a ghost for some seconds.
"How- what are you doing here!?"
She asked, with a worried look, still kind of confused, she did this look since we were little girls, and for a moment i had a big deja vu.
Two little girls running around, playing all day, telling each other secrets and stories, running to hug each other eveytime they were close, i still saw that girl in her eyes, but by her previous look, she did not.
"What am i doing here? What are YOU doing here? One day you dissapear without a trace, and your family said you went to a new school even though it was the summer, and now i find you sparring with a spear? You are that too? A demigoddes, i mean?"
I spoke fast, nervous, as if my time in the world with her would end just as it did once.
Instead of responding me right away, clarisse did something that maybe would scare every single soul she knew in the past years.
She hugged me. Hard.
Breathing me in, and not letting me go exactly as you would expect of someone who hasnt seen me in years.
"I couldnt tell you anything... it wouldnt be safe...im sorry, i missed my friend... i missed you."
I just looked at her for some seconds, and then hugged her again, this time i was the one making it extra tight, i was the one going insane by the reconforting smell of her shampoo, praying that she couldnt feel my heartbeats against her chest, and how strong they were.
"Just.. dont leave me again okay? And ill forgive you, i promisse"
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kitashousewife · 9 months
“m’gettin sick,” osamu sniffles from his cocoon on the couch. ever since he got home he’s been quiet and sleepy, cuddling up with a blanket despite being hot to the touch.
one thing you’ve learned about osamu, is that he is never sick. ma always joked about how despite every illness that passed through the twins’ schools, teams, or even work; osamu made it out perfectly healthy. you’ve found this to be true. even when you’ve been at your worst, osamu’s immune system has never faltered.
“i can’t be sick,” osamu’s mumbled voice is stuffier than normal, and his nose is a rosy pink. “i got work in the mornin’.”
“not like this, you don’t,” you pour some water from the kettle into his cup and dip the tea bag inside. he waves you off.
“what? just close shop for a day? i can’t do that,” he snatches a few kleenex from the box on the counter, turning around when you raise an eyebrow at him.
“you can actually, and you should.” you slide the tea over to him before heading towards your shared bathroom. “just post something tonight to give everyone a heads up.”
osamu shuffles behind you, tea in one large palm with tufts of kleenex in the other. he huffs when he feels hot once again, flinging off his sweat shirt as quick as he can.
“but kita-“
“kita can deliver to our house, baby. we can bring the rice over a different day.”
you fold your arms and stand by the bath as it fills. osamu copies you, leaning against the doorframe with a pout.
despite being sick as a dog, he won’t go down without a fight. out of principle, of course.
“what about the special i was gonna run?”
“you can do it next week,” you test the water with your palm before adding some epsom salt in.
“what will the regulars do when they head to the store?” osamu puts his palms up dramatically and snorts when you roll your eyes.
“im heading into town tomorrow, i can put a sign in the door. trust me ‘samu, i think they will appreciate you being closed. who wants to eat onigiri from someone with a runny nose?”
he doesn’t say anything. for a minute, you think he’s finally rested his case. after he slips in the bath and lets out a comfortable sigh, he decides to put one last ditch effort in.
“produce gets delivered tomorrow! i have to be there for that!” he’s comically large in the small tub the two of you share, knees folded up as he tries to sink in. you shake your head and he groans.
“fine, fine. okay. i’ll close tomorrow. ya happy?”
“thrilled,” you place a towel next to the tub and sit down. “you need to rest, samu. the shop will be there when you’re better, i promise.”
he pouts again, but this time it’s genuine.
“but i’m never sick,” he splashes water on accident when he leans his head back against the wall. “i take good care of myself! i take my vitamins, drink lots of water, get good sleep,”
your lips tug into a smile.
“and that will help you beat whatever you have even faster. but for now, let’s take it slow okay? get plenty of sleep, heal your body, and stay home.”
osamu nods, and let’s his eyes close. he soaks for a few minutes, relishing in the relief his achey joints feel for the first time all day. while he gets ready for bed, he can’t help but feel his heart swell as he watches you grab extra blankets for his side, knowing he will probably be chilly tonight.
“i’m probably gonna sore with all this shit in my nose,” he sinks under the covers, propping his head up on the extra pillows you set up for him.
“you snore anyway,”
“do not! ya liar,” he smacks your bum when you snuggle up next to him. “don’t touch me, i’ll get ya sick. i’m real contagious,”
you place a big kiss on his forehead before getting back to your original spot.
“i’ll take my chances,” you listed to osamu’s steady heart while he falls asleep. osamu is always taking care of you, grabbing your favorite things from the shop because he’s thinking of you. carrying you when your feet hurt from the heels he told you not to wear, bringing you glasses of water because he knows you aren’t drinking enough, and never asks for anything in return.
“i love ya,” osamu whispers, half asleep and hums when you squeeze him closer.
“i love you too, samu. sleep well.”
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celestiaras · 5 months
‧₊˚✧ ❛[ oh ver, my dearest ]❜
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━━━ .°˖✧ requested by anonymous ˚₊ ⊹
ft. ver vermillion x f! reader — xsoleil, nijisanji en
╰₊✧ since it’s your first time, he promises to be gentle┊1.9k words
contains: smut!! dom ver & sub reader┊established relationship, mentions of ver fantasizing, mentions of masturbation (both ver & the reader), first time together & reader’s virginity loss, nipple play, fingering & receiving oral, gentle unprotected sex, slight corruption kink, some praise & body worship, pulling out, pet names (baby) & true love, it’s so fluffy, mentions aftercare
➤ author's note: good god this took way too long and i had to fight the urge for ver to call the reader ‘babygirl’ for the memes because it would ruin the mood
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ver vermillion is your high school sweetheart who’s also your first in everything romantic: your first serious crush, your first date, your first relationship, and your first kiss. he’s your first love, like a prince charming from the movies you watched when you were little. he’s the man you can see yourself settling down with and marrying even though you previously never thought your relationship with the busy student council president would last this long. and, of course, he feels the same way! you’re the apple of his eye and he adores you more than anything, just waiting to stabilize your young adult lives before officially tying the knot. everything in your relationship is perfect with healthy communication about wants and needs resulting in little to no fights!
except there is one thing that he keeps secret from you, that being his physical desires. he doesn’t want to rush you when you aren’t ready or make you ill at ease about something that should be pleasurable so he keeps his pent-up frustrations to himself, making use of his fist and his seemingly infinite list of dirty thoughts regarding you that he has tucked away in his mind. unfortunately, it leaves him feeling somewhat hollow on the inside once he finally reaches for some tissues to clean up after himself. doing it alone relieves the tension at the moment, but it leaves him longing for you even more. despite these shortcomings, it solidifies his resolve even more. he is, of course, a gentleman above all things. your comfort and happiness come above everything, reminding him that your first time together will be even more special when it happens.
the importance he’s placed on this moment makes it feel like a wet dream when it actually happens, not quite the first make-out session you ever had but indeed the first time he’s had you under him like this with dim lighting to help set the mood. you smell like his cologne in his oversized hoodie, notes of vanilla and bulgarian rose mixed with the scent of your shampoo that clung to your damp hair. he ran his fingers through your locks to pull your face closer to his, deepening the kiss and pulling soft moans from you in the process as you hooked your arms around his neck. he was so close to you, bodies pressed up right against each other and making you feel feverish from the inside from want and knowing that you were being wanted.
his hands began to explore your body, reaching under your clothing to trace the outline of your hips to your upper thighs. a slight whine from you made him pull back to check in on you, “is this okay? do you want me to stop?”
“n-no, please, ver… i want…” you were so ethereal and fuckable in that moment that he felt himself twitch in his pants just by looking at your pretty face, lips slightly puffy and pupils dilated with lust. he always finds you beautiful, but something about how innocent you looked with all of your cute tantalizing sounds as you squirmed from his touch had him feeling restless. “i want you."
ver’s heart fluttered and he placed one last chaste kiss before resting his forehead on yours, “don’t worry, i’ll take care of you. i promise to be gentle.” he’ll strive to practice constraint to make sure that your first time will be remembered as romantic and intimate, a step forward together to further strengthen your bond. in time when you’re more comfortable though… he’s going to straight-up ruin you— turn you into his lovely little cock-slut who’ll beg for him so sweetly… but he’s getting ahead of himself.
he’s never seen you so exposed like this, his eyes practically glued to your chest and mesmerized by what the lamplight allowed him to see. whenever he almost catches even a glimpse of you, you would hide away calling him a pervert, but you can now see that you were right even if you were joking. ver was always a boobs guy, you suppose, bringing up his hands to cup your soft breasts just marveling at their size and shape that wasn’t hidden away by a bra.
“don’t stare…” you muttered, “it’s embarrassing.”
ver simply hummed in response, slowly raising your hoodie to remove it from your upper body and leaving you in nothing but your underwear. he turned his focus back on your tits, taking one nipple between his index and thumb before following his instinct to move his mouth to suck on the other. it’s such a foreign sensation since you tend to neglect your bust when experimenting with yourself, but you now realize how sensitive they actually are as you begin to whimper from the feeling. you’re usually so quiet because you were self-conscious about how loud you could get when excited, but oh, you sounded like a song with every moan that rewarded him for his actions as he popped his lips off one hardened nub to give attention to the other.
as nice as it was, you desperately craved more stimulation to soothe the aching heat blooming in your core— not even realizing that you were beginning to subconsciously not-so-subtly grind on your boyfriend’s thigh in an attempt to chase more of the pleasure building.
needless to say, this didn’t get past his observant eyes and made him chuckle, “be patient, i’ll give you everything you want in just a moment.”
“please…” you whispered, voice strained with need, “don’t tease me…”
his index trailed from the valley of your chest to the line down your belly before hooking into the elastic of your panties, pulling them along your legs until you were fully naked on the sheets. even with your lack of clothing, you still felt hot with desire. sensing your unease about being the only one nude, he took the time to strip himself of his baggy t-shirt to put himself on display to you as well— he really is handsome with his tousled red-black hair and unblemished fair skin.
you felt his breath ghost over your heat as he positioned himself between your legs, making you realize just how wet you were even though he hadn’t even touched you there yet. while your eyes were shut tight, his remained open to fixate on your face and expressions while licking long stripes along your slit to your clit. his hands snaked around your thighs to keep you still and prevent them from twitching so much, yet your hands were a different story and reached out to grab onto the sheets under you that were becoming increasingly more disheveled.
ver wrapped his lips around your delicate pearl and gently took it into his mouth, sneaking his slender fingers to press into your hole. it doesn’t quite hurt, but it’s certainly new and had you gasping as he slid a second one in with ease. a mix of your arousal with his saliva was dripping down his chin as he began to move his digits in a scissor-like motion to stretch you out.
“you taste so good,” he smiled against your cunt, his words adding vibrations right through your core, “such a pretty pussy to match your pretty face.”
your airy moans were soon replaced with outright cries of pleasure, your toes curling at the feeling of ecstasy shooting up your spine. unadmittedly, you’ve never made it this far on your own since it always got too intense for you to continue, but thanks to your loving boyfriend, you got the taste your your first orgasm— making you choke and see stars as you drenched his fingers and mouth.
he moved away (high-key feeling proud of himself) after knowing that he prepped you enough to take his rock-hard cock, looking at up him with pleading eyes as he whipped off his mouth with his forearm— not daring to look at the bulge that formed a prominent tent and just meeting his eyes instead. he pulled himself from his sweats and pumped his erection a few times, muttering words that were just out of earshot.
“are you ready, baby?” his voice was somewhat strained with want and trying his very best not to fuck you like a feral animal right now, focusing on your comfort.
the tip of his cock prodding at your virgin entrance made you feel nervous at first, but ver’s kisses all over your face made you feel more at ease and you nodded firmly to indicate that you were ready for him. he took his time to ease himself into you with a desperate sigh, allowing you to feel every inch of him while he came back down to your level to press kisses all over your face.
he wasn’t too big to the point where you thought he would split you open, but it was certainly enough that he had to give you a minute to get used to his size. your lower half was buzzing with pleasure, his cock brushing up against all the right spots in your throbbing cunt that you didn’t even know existed.
once you felt well-adjusted, you let out a shaky breath, “you can move now… p-please… keep going…” you were so shy with the back of your hand covering your mouth as you said it, but ver was about to gladly indulge the two of you with your permission.
“ahh, fuck, you’re so tight…” his pace wasn’t too fast, mainly because he was fixated on where the two of you were connected, unable to tear his eyes away from your pussy greedily sucking him in and making it difficult for him to pull out and push in. “shit, you’re so fucking beautiful, doing soo good for me..,”
all embarrassment of being too loud dissolved once he penetrated you, beginning to freely moan with the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing off the walls. he knows it keeps on crossing his mind, but god, you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever had the pleasure of meeting— seeing you so vulnerable under him and trusting in him for him first had him suddenly feeling full of love just as he felt many times throughout the years of being your lover.
he reached out to intertwine his fingers with yours as he continued to press into you, his pace gradually becoming more sloppy with every move of his hips. the now familiar feeling of a knot tightening in your stomach was signaling your second orgasm, clamping onto his hands until it snapped. he soon followed suit after feeling you contract and spasm around him, doing a few more thrusts before pulling out and spilling his seed onto your torso.
while he could have gone for a few more rounds personally, he knew that you were spent and absolutely exhausted. he proceeded to put on his now-soiled sweatpants properly and gave you another open-mouthed kiss, wiping off the bit of drool trickling out your mouth with his thumb. “let me run a bath for you, okay baby? i’ll wash the sheets and you can sleep afterward, does that sound good?”
you nodded weakly and gratefully accepted the bottle of water he handed to you after opening the cap, watching his retreating figure head into the bathroom to fill it with warm water and probably some bath salts as well.
yep, this was definitely the man you wanted to marry.
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ageingfangirl2 · 8 months
You Drive Me Crazy! Buggy (OPLA)
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You might be able to fight, but you have a knack for injuring yourself on stupid things around the ship much to the frustration of your captain who's had enough and decides to take you up on your offer...even if you were joking. Buggy x Reader Fluff
There had to be something wrong in y/n's head. They were the most skilled on the ship next to me and cut down many people without so much as getting a cut or scrape. However, interacting with everyday objects was a challenge for them because they kept hurting themselves. At first, it was endearing, thinking they would do anything to get my attention, but years had passed and it was no longer endearing but annoying.
As the captain, I had a responsibility to the crew, but some days I considered pushing y/n overboard and watching them either sink or swim.
'Where's y/n, I haven't seen them all day?' I ask Cabaji as we walk across the deck.
He shrugs his shoulders, 'Err the kitchen I think captain. The cook is ill and y/n promised to help out.'
My eyes widen at the thought of y/n alone in the kitchen with enough things to injure themselves, 'I'll check on them, they shouldn't be left unsupervised.'
Cabaji laughs, 'at least it's not dull with y/n around.'
I glare at him before stomping across the deck towards the kitchen which is below us, '...yeah fun for everyone but me,' I grumble.
When I entered the kitchen y/n was sat on a barrel peeling vegetables and humming to themselves. I approached cautiously since they looked okay, maybe I did need to stop overreacting.
y/n locks eyes with me and smiles, before waving with bandages on their fingers, 'Hey captain, what brings you down here?'
My eye twitches, they didn't have bandages on this morning, and the cuts must be fresh because blood seeped through the fabric, 'I can't leave you alone for a second without you hurting yourself, can I?'
I close the space between us and take their hand in mine which makes them flinch, 'I mean, I'm fine so it's okay--'
'No, it's not okay. Not when I feel like I'm going to go crazy thinking you've hurt yourself. You're more than just another crew member and I need you in tip-top shape y/n,' I growl, cutting them off, and keeping their hand firmly in mine.
y/n's eyes widen, 'since when did you care about me like that captain?'
y/n might be loyal and a good fighter but sometimes they could be a little slow. I inhale sharply and bring their bandaged fingers up to my lips and kiss them one by one, 'since forever you idiot.'
A faint blush creeps onto y/n's cheeks but they quickly compose themselves and smirk, 'What are you going to do about it, captain? Going to keep me locked in a cage and never out of your sight?'
'That's a brilliant idea y/n,' I mutter, feeling a smile stretch from ear to ear, 'I should have done something like this earlier.'
y/n goes to jump off the barrel but I catch them and throw them over my shoulder with ease, and walk out of the kitchen grinning to myself as y/n struggles against me. I ignore y/n's protests as I carry them towards my quarters, sending one of my hands ahead to get a cage ready. Normal people would find it odd to have so many human-size cages, but pirates liked to kidnap so it was always handy to have some around.
'We'll make it super comfortable y/n and safe so your pretty head can't injure yourselves,' I say, kind of giddy at the thought of having y/n locked in a cage and at my mercy.
y/n continues to kick and protest, 'It was a joke captain...please put me down...I'll be good...' y/n pleads.
Entering my quarters I cackle seeing the cage, 'Here we go y/n, welcome to your new home.'
I throw y/n in the cage and lock the door before they can actually comprehend I followed through, and wave the key at them while they glare and shoot me a rather colourful hand gesture. I tap the top of the cage, I'd start by padding the sides, this was going to be a fun time.
Two weeks had passed since Buggy put you in the cage for your own good, only letting you out a couple of times a week to walk around and bathe under his strict supervision. He'd kept his word about making you comfy giving you whatever you needed, knowing full well that when he eventually freed you you were going to find a way to kill the smug clown.
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seungmoonandstars · 3 months
𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝐼 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹
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© ᴏʟʙᴀᴘᴀɪɴᴛɪɴɢꜱ
Kim Seungmin/noona reader
wc: 5.9k
rating: angst/mature/18+ ಇ (idiots trying to get to lovers/mutual pining)
contains: drinking/drunkiness, implied mental illness, medication mention, weight mention
comments: Part two of this noona fic request. Not sure how much interest there is in this (there's more, because I love writing it and I needed some angst), but let me know if you guys like it!
songs to listen to while reading: orion sun - intro // chloe george - when does it get good
Seungmin feels around in the dark, and he knows at any moment, he’s going to trip. The layout of your apartment is still foreign to him, but he likes it here, and he wants to get used to being here. It’s a welcome change from the dorm—there it's usually a mess. It smells, it tends to get loud at the worst moments, and the worst part of all is that you’re not there. Ever.
He’s a bit embarrassed of the place, even though his room is usually clean and ready for company. It’s better here, though. It’s always quiet, and warm, and it smells like vanilla and coffee, even now, in the middle of the night.
As much as he wanted to keep things between the two of you, for now, it did not work. Seungmin came home very late the night after he confessed (and you confessed), so it was easy for everyone to figure out. Still, though, he hasn’t talked much about it in the three days since. And now, somehow, he’s ended up at your apartment, and it’s well past midnight.
You fell asleep on the couch watching a movie, tucked against his side, and he shook you awake eventually.
“Time to get to bed, yeah?” He said, and he gave you a few more minutes to collect yourself before helping you up. Then he guided you into the bedroom, but he just stood there at the door for a moment, watching, waiting until you turned to him and smiled.
“You’re leaving?” You check the time on your phone. It's late.
“Yeah, I should go,” his heartbeat picks up a little as he casually looks around your room. This is his first time seeing it., and Seungmin thinks to himself how very you it is—the colors, the mix of adult and not-so-adult, pages from magazines and photobooks pinned to a corkboard next to very important looking things. He sees his face pinned there as well; a closeup of him, ripped neatly from the Noeasy photobook. No, two photos of him...three.
“Okay. You don’t have to, but…” you think, look around, look back at him, “text me when you get home, okay?”
“I will”
He clicks the hall light off as he makes his way toward the door, and with the glow of the tv gone, it’s suddenly very, very dark. The light of his phone helps, but he hits his foot on the coffee table, of course, and then he finally grabs his bag. Luckily it takes him a few extra minutes to fight into his shoes, because a text comes through just as he goes for the door.
don’t leave yet
Seungmin looks toward your bedroom door and waits. One, two, three seconds. It swings open, and you leave it there so the light pours out and illuminates him.
“Did I forget something?”
You stop in front of him and nod, “I did,” and grab the front of his shirt to pull him down. You kiss, and he kisses right back. And then you let go. “Can I ask what’s in your backpack?”
“Huh? My…oh my bag. Just my usual stuff, uhm, it’s silly. Sometimes I feel like I’ll be pulled away when I have no time to pack, so I always carry something with me.”
“So that's your overnight bag?”
“I guess. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea...if it’s the wrong idea. I wasn’t expecting something to happen, I promise.”
“Seungmin, it’s okay. I just came out to kiss you goodnight, not question your motives.” You pull him to you again and kiss. “And you’re welcome to spend the night—on the couch, or in my bed. Preferably in my bed. But wherever you’re comfortable.”
His laugh is so nervous, and he hates it, “maybe next time?”
“Of course. I’m leaving for a while tomorrow, but I’ll let you know when I get home.”
“Will you be gone long?”
“No, a week at the most”
“A week. Okay, that’s not bad. If I’m home when you get back., we can do something.”
“Right, you might not be here”
You stare at each other silently, maybe hoping to read each other’s mind. You might not see him for a while and that was hard enough when you were just friends, pining endlessly. Now you’ve touched him and kissed him, and you need more time to do those things.
“I might be, though”
“Goodnight, Minnie”
This time he kisses you himself.
─ ⋅⋅ ─
“I’m not surprised…but at the same time I’m a little surprised,” Felix scratches his head. He’s watching Seungmin cross the kitchen to fill his glass with water.
He doesn’t notice everyone staring at him until he turns toward the coffee maker. “What?”
“Surprised why?” Minho cups his chin in his hand and smiles at both of them.
“How was your date last night, kid?”
"Date?" Minho jumps and grins at Seungmin.
“We just watched a movie, it was good. She’s leaving today so I won’t see her for a while.”
“Oh no, that’s no good. So—“
“What are you surprised about?!” Minho slap his palm on the table, “Yongbok!”
“I’m getting there!”
“You’ve never been to her place before, right? What brought that on…a movie at her apartment?”
Seungmin is making his coffee, patiently, and looking at his roommate as he takes his time getting to the point. But Felix waits as he makes his way to the table with them to press on.
“You never really told us what happened the other night. You two just disappeared.”
“Oh, we went to her place, so we could be alone…”
The three of them OH in unison, because Jeongin turns the corner just in time. Minho is still confused, and nobody seems to want to elaborate for him. All four of them here at the same doesn’t happen often, so Seungmin is feeling a little crowded
“…to talk.”
“Ooh,” Jeongin smiles, “and? Did you talk last night, too?”
“Not much, no”
Their eyes grow as they wait for more, but now Seungmin is having too much fun stringing them a long.
“Please continue”
“There’s nothing else,” he shrugs, “we drank a little, watched a movie, we both dozed off for a while, I think…no,” Seungmin throws a hand up when Felix' mouth turns up into a smirk. “It was a long movie, nothing else happened.”
“Did you kiss?” Jeongin leans closer and whispers, “you kissed, yeah?”
Seungmin can’t help but smile when he asks. He can feel his face grow warm just thinking about it. Last night, and then your first kiss. That one got much heavier than he expected, and he loved every second—the touching, your tongue, your fingers running through his hair. He doesn’t want to wait a week for more, but he’s not going to chase after you now. He has to be patient, again.
“You should have spent the night"
─ ⋅⋅ ─
You sit across from each other in the cafeteria, just like you’ve done a dozen times before. It’s not busy, not even at lunchtime, but looking up at him for too long is making your heart race. It’s not that you’re afraid someone will walk by and read your mind (but if they did, they might be disgusted), it just feels different being with him in public now.
It feels like you’re both doing something a little bit wrong.
Seungmin is a young idol, and he’s sweet and kind and innocent, as far as everyone knows. You’ve already seen his unfiltered self, and it’s better than any act he’s had to put on. But he is still sweet and kind and…you assume a little innocent. You’ve never talked about your sex lives, ever.
You look up at him and lock eyes. He smiles, and you can’t help but start undressing him. Yes, you’ve touched him, finally. His thigh—he let you run your hand from his knee and up you went until you knew it was time to stop—his neck, his shoulder, his face…but there’s still so much of him to touch and see. The part of your mind that you can't keep quiet is afraid there won't be many more oppurtunities.
You have to close your eyes and relax.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m okay, just thinking. Over-thinking.”
He smiles again, and you start to wonder if he’s doing it because he’s nervous.
“About us?”
Us? That’s a much bigger word than it was a few days ago. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Good things?”
Good things, yes. As long as you stay focused, there's nothing to think about when it comes to him except for good things. “Yeah, of course.”
“How is your lunch? Spicy enough?”
“Is my face red?”
“A little, yes”
“No spice today, so it’s you doing that.”
─ ⋅⋅ ─
What if he stays too late tonight, again? He doesn’t want to run off at the first mention of spending the night, because he wants to stay here with you. There was no expectation of it when you asked last time, he assumes, because he can sleep wherever he wants; he can do whatever he wants. And you wouldn’t pressure him anyway. He knows you better than that.
He knows nothing about your sex life, though. And almost nothing about your dating life.
Seungmin doesn’t really know much about either of those things when it comes to himself, actually. There was never much time to date, or it was low on the list. And having sex without at least dating someone doesn’t sit well with him.
But he has been on dates, and he has kissed, and touched, and he’s been touched right back. But that’s all. No sex—that blowjob didn’t count—it was awkward, and it wasn’t very good. And as hard as he tries, he can't forget his first time trying to find a clit.
“Do you want a drink?” You shake his arm until he finally seems to hear you, “drink…beer, coke, coffee?”
“I have strawberry and peach”
“Strawberry somaek?”
You disappear into the fridge and dig around, and Seungmin watches carefully when you bend forward. He’s always admired your body, though it never had much to do with him liking you the way he did. But now, he feels like it’s okay to appreciate it more. You’re shorter than him, and curvier (which doesn’t take much, seeing as how Seungmin is basically a straight line). Your ass and thighs are an eyeful for him, though.
Everything looks soft. Everything is soft, because he did sneak his hand there that first night. He squeezed his fingers right above your knee, then moved up ever so slightly to get some thigh. He didn’t dare go any further, though.
The touching you did the second time was much more innocent—holding hands, fingers laced together, your head against his shoulder as you fell asleep. He looked you over carefully, but kept his hands to himself, only daring to run a thumb over your wrist as you dozed off.
“Would you like to pour, or do you trust me?”
Seungmin snaps out of it. He’s pretty sure you caught him staring. “I trust you.”
“Can you grab the glasses for me?”
He does, and he follows you back to the living room and makes himself comfortable at the coffee table. And now that he’s started, he can’t take his eyes off of you as you move.
“That’s…oh okay we have different pours,” Seungmin eyes the glass, but you pull it toward yourself. “That’s much more soju than I usually do.”
You pour his now, but only fill the glass a third of the way before topping it off with the beer.
“I thought maybe you were trying to soften me up.” His breath catches in his chest when he says it, because it sounded much more stupid than it did in his head.
“No, trying to soften myself up, actually.”
“Why? You can’t get drunk without me,” the frown he gives you is over the top and very cute. “I don’t want you to fall asleep too early.”
“I’ll be careful”
─ ⋅⋅ ─
Seungmin feels good after two glasses. It’s not much, but he hasn’t eaten recently, and he’s pretty certain his second drink was identical to yours.
You’re halfway through your third.
“These are too easy to drink.” You sit at the table with a dish of mandu and dakgangjeong. “And I’m guessing you’re hungry.”
“I usually am.” He leans forward and smells the chicken, “did you make all this.
You shake your head, “I’m not the best at cooking. I wish I had more time to practice.”
“That’s okay. Thank you for feeding me, and getting me tipsy.” He grabs a piece of chicken and pops it in his mouth. And then a dumpling. And then finishes off his third somaek.
“You can’t be tipsy yet”
“I will be if I have another”
Seungmin does have another. And the for his next drink, he switches to straight beer—but he’s drunk. He picks up his chopsticks and grabs for a dumpling, but it slips off and bounces onto the table.
Both of you just stare at for a long moment. And then Seungmin giggles as he tries again. This time it makes it to his mouth.
“Where you going?”
He’s slowly getting to his feet, and he stands for a minutes to get his head straight.
“Good idea”
“Are you joining me?”
You stop halfway onto your feet and look up at him, his hand is outstretched like he’s welcoming the company, “ah…you first.”
It’s very obvious he had a bit too much. And you did, too, but you’re working hard to keep yourself together. When you walk back out from the bathroom, Seungmin is standing up, staring at the tv, and the rest of the chicken is making its way into his mouth. He looks comfortable and satisfied—drunk, yes…but happy.
It makes you warm up even more, and you can’t remember the last time you felt so good.
“Hi…hello, do you feel better? Do you want the last few pieces?” He holds some out to you, but it disappears into his mouth as soon as you shake your head. “We should sober up.”
Yes, you should. You sit on the couch and curl yourself up into a ball, but when he sits next to you, your limbs develop a mind of their own. Before you can stop yourself, you slide your arms around his waist and hold yourself tight against him. Your leg drapes over his lap, and you’re practically straddling his thighs. He takes it in stride, though. Seungmin holds you right back and takes the opportunity to slide a hand across your hip, and when he squeezes, you jump.
“Mm mm, no…it’s good. Feels good.”
“It does?”
“Yeah, you’re so warm”
“I think that’s the alcohol”
“Maybe…maybe, but you always—“ you stop and start to giggle, and you shove your face into his shirt to try to stifle yourself.
“Always what?”
You shake your head against him, push harder against his chest, take in his scent…feel yourself becoming even more drunk. “Nothing.”
His hand slides back up and settles on your hip, “always something good, hopefully.”
“Sorry, my head is swimming.”
“Mine too”
“I was hoping the alcohol would help, but you’re making me so nervous.”
“You’re nervous? I’m making you nervous?”
“Yeah, maybe telling you will make it go away."
“I’m also nervous. I wasn’t the last time I was here…so maybe the drinks are working against us.”
You force yourself to look up at him, and he looks down at you with big, heavy eyes. Your gaze drops and takes in every bit of him—his cheeks, his nose, his lips…his lips. He wets them and a smile pulls at his mouth, and you desperately want him to lean down closer to you. Every part of you is screaming for him, but you’re still frozen.
He’s frozen, too. The booze just made both of you stupid.
“Seungmin?” You’ve never, not even as a teenager, felt so stupidly in love with someone.
The longer you watch him, the closer he seems to get, and you see every little detail, every little spot, every little perfect blemish and pore on his skin.
“Kiss me before I explode”
His lips press into yours and his fingers squeeze so hard again. You want him to hold you tighter still, and you need to be closer. He does. Seungmin moves you until you’re on his lap, and he devours you. He’s all tongue, and it’s wet and messy, not like his previous kisses, but it’s so good tasting him, and tasting the entire night on him.
Then he stops suddenly to catch his breath, but he stays there and bites down lightly on your bottom lip. Your eyes open, and he’s right there, staring. He pulls back, looks at the space between your thighs, and there’s not much there. If you let yourself relax a little more, you’d feel his dick growing in his sweatpants.
But you can see it. You’re no longer frozen, so you shake the thought of what’s between his legs out of your head, for now. Both of you are way too fucked up for the first time. What you do need to do is kiss him again, so you take over, squeeze his shoulders and hold him steady while you lick across his parted lips. Seungmin opens up for you and he moans into the kiss—moans right down your throat.
You shake your head, “we should stop until we’re, um…I don’t wanna do this drunk.”
“I don’t either,” he keeps kissing, but slows down and softens his touch. His hands move to your waist, and then your back, where they stay.
“But don’t leave tonight”
“I won’t”
─ ⋅⋅ ─
Seungmin watches you from his side of your bed. He did fall asleep for a while, but he woke from a dream and forgot for a few moments where he was. His racing heart beat against the mattress as he looked toward you, facing away from him, shirt pulled halfway up your back. You kicked the covers off in your sleep—probably too warm from sobering up, but so deeply asleep. Still, he reaches out and runs two fingers down the skin that’s peeking out.
You move ever so slightly, and mumble something. He looks at the time: just after 4am. You’ve been asleep for about three hours, because both of you were out as soon as you hit the bed.
But Seungmin feels better. Less drunk, at least. His head aches a little, but not enough to bother him. He reaches out again, but this time he pulls at your shirt until you’re covered.
“I’m up, you feel okay?”
You mumble again, and groan, but you don’t answer.
“Minnie…hmmm, don’t leave”
“Hey,” he crawls closer and runs a hand down your arm, “hey, oh you’re still asleep.”
You wake up when you feel his lips on your shoulder. “Min?”
“Are you up or talking in your sleep?”
“I’m up…oh no, what did I say?” You turn onto your back and grab his hand. “I don’t do that all the time.”
“Just my name”
“And you told me not to leave,” he squeezes your hand and searches for the soberness in your eyes, “I’m still here.”
“Sorry, I don’t usually speak so clearly”
The sleep-talking doesn’t phase him. In fact, the quietness of the room is a welcome change to his typical nights. The whole night, drunk as you both were, was quiet and calm. “Were you thinking about me in your sleep?”
“I must have been,” you move his hair away from his eyes, and now you’re searching for any leftover drunkenness. He seems wide awake and sober.
“It’s 4 in the morning, if you’re still tired…we can go back to sleep.” That’s not what he wants, but he also wants what you want. Seungmin figured you’d get into bed and both of you would sleep soundly until morning. But he woke up.
“No, I feel good. And you look good.”
The truth is, you are very tired. If you close your eyes right now, you have no doubt that you would fall back to sleep almost immediately. Instead you rip off the rest of the blanket and sit up.
“Where are you going?”
He watches you stand slowly, carefully, just in case. But your legs work just fine. Maybe Seungmin can change that. The thought sends a little wave a pleasure through you, and you smile when you turn to look at him, “bathroom.”
That is what you do, but you dig through the drawer under the sink as well. You didnt prepare properly, because you didn’t double check to see if you still had condoms, and if they were still good.
“Oh good,” you grab the half used pack and look closely at the date stamped on the bottom, "lucky.” But you make the mistake of looking at yourself in the mirror, and your reflection feels like it's a mile away. Your eyes blur, and the room spins for a moment.
A perfectly timed knock on the door makes you jump, and the box slips from your hand.
“Are you okay? I gotta go, too.”
“Yeah, Minnie, I’m coming,” you pick them up and palm them as you head for the door, “sorry, go ahead.”
Seungmin whistles as he returns and quietly shuts the door, “so are you…out?” He holds up the empty box and shakes it. “You left the drawer open.”
“Oh, no no,” you grab the condoms from your bedside table and show them to him, “we have two.”
He pulls one from your fingers and examines it for a moment, “I don’t think these will fit.”
─ ⋅⋅ ─
It’s stupid, and it’s reckless, and you know it. But it’s not going to stop you. From the moment he said the condoms—the only condoms either of you had, wouldn’t work, you tossed it back onto the table, looked up at him, “okay,” and grabbed the waistband of his sweatpants until he was right in your face.
“Okay” He sets his down, too. “Are you…” he groans when you find a good spot on his stomach, and he laughs when you graze your lips across his skin.
Every time you get back to his belly button, you tug a little more. His sweatpants start to tent, and you’re starting to feel exactly how much he wouldn’t fit into those condoms. One more tug, and you can see him—the stiff base of his cock, held still by the grip of your fingers.
He’s so hot against the fabric, and a wet spot of pre-cum starts to come through as you stroke him.
“I’m not surprised you like to tease,” he smiles down at you, but he’s blushing…everywhere. His cheeks, his ears, his neck. When he pulls his shirt over his head, he’s flushed all the way down to where your lips are.
Seungmin is just as lean under all those clothes as you imagined, and his shoulders…
“Turn around”
You stand and grab his hips, “yeah, turn around for me.”
He listens and peeks back at you the best he can—until your hands move from his hips, slowly upward, touching every bit of skin you can—across his shoulder blades, back down his spine.
The sigh he lets out is so content and relaxed, it actually puts you more at ease. He laughs sweetly when your lips touch him. “I like your teasing.”
Seungmin turns back to face you, and your fingers slide across him as he moves.
“Just admiring you." Yes, you are admiring him. Touching him, finally, is doing more for you than anything else possibly could. But every step forward now is taking all of your energy.
“Admiring? Me?” He cups your cheek and lifts until you’re looking at him, then pulls you close.
It’s sweet and it’s perfect, and you melt into him, but now you’re so distracted by his dick pressing against you. You push your hips in until he groans, slide your hands under his waistband.
Seungmin grabs back, and squeezes your ass. “Let me see you.” He pulls your shirt up and over your head before you can react, but you fold your arms over yourself before pressing back into him.
“Ah…I’m sorry, too fast?” His hands keep you against him. He holds so tight, you couldn’t escape even if you wanted to. “I should have let you do that.”
“No, I just—“
“I didn’t think you’d be shy”
A shiver runs through you when his hands move down your back, then back up.
“How about we…” he scoots closer to the lamp, keeping hold of you, and clicks it off. “Is that better?”
“Maybe,” you laugh, but it’s hesitant, a little edgy. “You’re too perfect, Minnie and…ah, I don’t know what's going on, I’m nothing special.”
“No, you're very special. What’s the matter?”
You relax a a little in his arms.
“I’m not perfect, not even close. You haven’t seen me after rolling out of bed at noon, or grumpy when my mouth hurts after getting these things tightened.”
You whine his name. You’re ruining the moment. Him comforting your sudden stupid thoughts and doubts—he’s probably already getting soft. “I’m sorry, I’m making a mess of everything. I'm not sure what happened.”
“Mm, no…you haven’t made a mess of anything.” Seungmin grabs your shirt from the edge of the bed and slips it back on you, “it's okay, we can get back under the covers if you’d like.”
─ ⋅⋅ ─
“Give me your hand”
Seungmin holds it up to you, then sets it in yours.
Back under the covers is where you end up, and you really do feel like a tease now. Poor Seungmin—his dick doesn’t know what’s going to happen next, but right now, you know he’s definitely not hard. You've ruined that.
“You think I’m perfect…can I think you’re perfect?” he lets go of your hand and runs his up your arm.
“No, I’m a mess. My skin, my hair is a mess. I’m getting chubby because I never watch what I eat. I don’t know why you’re here.”
“Because I want to be here. Because you brought me here and made me feel like I was yours."
“I was so high off of your words before. I thought I was dreaming when we were talking after dance practice.”
Seungmin moves closer, and now you’re sharing a pillow, and you breathe in every sigh he breathes out. His hand is moving so slowly over you, and he’s being so patient as it finds the curve of your hip and slides under the bottom of your shirt. “You’re not a mess.” He’s touching you and kneading his fingers into your side. Into your back. He works his way up and drags his fingertips up to your throat. “And they weren’t just words.”
How could you possibly deny him, looking at you like this? You shouldn’t, but your brain is telling you it will never work; it’s a waste of time. He’s going to really see you, and change his mind—he’ll find out how bad you are at this, and how emotional and unbearable you get when you do. It’s too much for him.
Still, his touch is as soft as his eyes, and he moves even closer until his leg can slide over yours.
“No, I don’t deserve you”
He isn’t sure how to reply to that, so he just stares. Maybe he’s waiting for you to crack a smile, or laugh it off, but you don’t. “Why would you say that?”
“You can do so much better than me, I promise.” You get as far as sitting yourself up, and your head pounds against your eyes. The alcohol is catching up to you and turning into a hangover already. “I shouldn’t have let it get this far, I’ve been stupid.”
“What are you saying?” Seungmin grabs your arm as you shift to get out of bed. His head is pounding now, too, because he's trying to figure out what went wrong and where he fucked up. “I can go if that’s really what you want, but give me a minute.”
You struggle with a response. You don’t want him to leave, but he should. And if he does, it might be the end of something that didn’t even begin. “A minute…for what?”
“To say something”
“Right, I’m sorry”
“I meant everything I said before, even if I didn’t say much. But you knew what I was thinking.” He lets go of your arm, because you seem to have relaxed. You’ve settled back in your spot, under the covers, back against the pillows. “I want you, and you want me…I think. And I need you around, I know that much. If I leave, will we go back to how we were before?”
There’s a long silence. You’re not sure if he wants an answer to that, but you don’t want to think too hard about it. Maybe, eventually, the memory of this can pass and you can be friends again.
“I don't want to go back to that. Not after this,” he answers himself. “So…”
Seungmin throws the covers off of himself, puts his feet on the cold floor, and then waits a few seconds before standing. It takes a moment to find his shirt, but he does and throws it on, and the entire time you watch him so intensely. But you stay quiet.
He knows you’re watching, and he takes his time, hoping you’ll stop him as he goes for the door. But you don’t.
And he anxiously waits for his phone to buzz after he grabs it from the coffee table. The empty bottles and glasses—the mess from the food scattered everywhere—Seungmin stares at it, waiting for a text that won’t come, and he decides he won’t leave yet. Instead he starts to clean.
─ ⋅⋅ ─
You’re stuck in your spot on the bed, phone now in hand, and you stare at the messages you’ve shared over the last week—to prove yourself wrong, maybe. Or just to make yourself feel worse. You couldn’t possibly feel any worse right now, though. Seungmin is still here; his scent lingers, and the feeling of his touch. But he left. You kicked him out, and deep down, you know you don’t want to subject him to whatever the future might hold. This isn’t possible, and thinking it could be was both of you just being struck dumb with lust. And maybe love.
You’ll be back tomorrow morning, right? I get my days mixed up sometimes, especially when I’m home for a while. Do you get like that? Maybe my memory is going already, haha I’ll be around if you’re free, so I hope you are. I can’t wait to see you again.
Seungmin is a good texter. He’s thoughtful and sincere, and he seems to choose his words carefully, as if he’s speaking to you face to face. That, or he just closes his eyes and types everything he feels. That wouldn’t surprise you.
I hope texting you so soon isn’t weird. No, it’s you! It’s not weird, or if it is that makes it normal for us. I hope you feel as good as I do. Good night ♥️
You pull the covers up to your chin and try to get comfortable. But you can’t take your eyes off the string of messages.
I practiced your song today! It might take a little more work to get it to sound good with my vocals. Maybe I need your input. But I’d rather surprise you!
He’s probably been working on it all week, and here you almost forgot about it. Before he sent this text, you didn’t know if he was serious, or it was just his opening line.
The sound of glasses clinking together echoes into the bedroom, and your heart pounds wildly. Then the pounding in your head starts up again, and for some reason you choose now to start crying. The tears start to brim, and you try desperately to keep them from going any further.
The sound of water running gets you out of bed fast, and you walk slowly to the bedroom door. You can see the kitchen light on through the crack, and the shadow of movement is there, too. His backpack is untouched at the end of the couch, and when you walk out to the hallway, you see his shoes next to yours. He’s washing the dishes and cleaning up the mess the two of you made.
He jumps and almost drops the glass.
“What are you doing?”
“Uh,” he sighs, “I didn’t want you to have to clean all this up in the morning. I’m sorry, I’m done.” He grabs his backpack and heads for the door. “Get some sleep before the sun comes up.”
One shoe is on, the other is halfway there as he stares at you. “Are you crying?”
You wipe at your cheek and feel what you couldn’t hold back.
Seungmin kicks his shoes off again and hesitates for a moment, but eventually, when you don’t speak, he closes the space between you. “You’re crying,” he takes your cheeks in his hands. “Please…if you won’t talk to me now, please call me tomorrow. Or text, I don’t care. Tell me you still feel the same as you do right now, and I’ll leave you alone.”
“Stop it,” you squeeze your eyes shut and feel more tears escape. Seungmin’s warm embrace, his arms holding tight around your shoulders, it makes everything else fall away.
“Stop what?”
“Being so good, and patient, and calm. You should’ve run off by now”
“Why are you so hard on yourself? You think you should be punished for…yes, I remember you saying that…for what? I know you want this.”
All you can manage is a mumble against his chest.
He relaxes his arms and grips your waist, “what did you say?”
“I do”
“Want this? Or think you should be punished?”
More silence from you, but he waits.
“I’ll leave. And I hope I hear from you tomorrow.”
He lets go, and manages to get into his shoes before you say his name. As fed up as he should be hearing his name again, he’s not. Seungmin looks at you with hopeful, tired eyes.
“Yeah?” He watches you closely, tilts his head to the side. You can see his eyes moving up and down over your body, "tell me I can stay.”
Your legs shake and your head swims. The ache behind your eyes is growing worse and worse, but looking at him makes it bearable, somehow. Even now, he’s ready to run to you as soon as you say go. But you can’t figure out why.
Seungmin is still who he is, and you’re who you are, and you don’t really belong together. Someone will find out and put a stop to it. But what if things slowly start to connect; fall into place; work out for a while? Forever? No, that doesn't sound right. Loving him before was easy, because you assumed it would always be one-sided and simple; no worries about making something work, or about working toward something. Now this is real, and it's a little bit scary looking at him and realizing how much you want him, and how big this could get.
"Say something," he sighs, and it sounds nowhere near as irritated as it should.
Your gaze drops to your feet, defeated—it moves toward his, and again, he’s taking off his shoes. Seungmin stands there and faces you.
─ ⋅♡⋅ ─
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Study Buddies
isaac lahey x reader
summary: isaac asks you for help in chemistry. you agree on one condition.
tags: high school, studying / tutoring, mutual crushes, awkward flirting, caught in a lie, shyness, embarrassment, play fighting / tickling, bad puns, confessions, first kiss, teasing, fluff, pre-wolf isaac; his dad still sucks; autistic-coded reader
word count: 4.5k
a/n: this is my first time writing for teen wolf. I feel like I'm encroaching on claimed territory. 😅 also i've had this tab up for almost a week but have been afraid to post it, so here goes
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Mr. Harris slides your progress report down onto your desk before you have a chance to react, and it catches wind and falls to the ground a moment later. You sigh and roll your eyes, but he’s already halfway across the room, impatiently handing out the rest of his stack. Your own little slip of paper is nowhere by your feet, and you resist the urge to make a remark about it. 
“Hey.” A voice interrupts your intruding thoughts at the same time a tap lands on your shoulder. Gentle, as if the tapper hates to disturb you, yet needs your attention. 
You turn, and temporarily forget about your lost report as your eyes meet Isaac’s, the boy who sits behind you, and has the cutest smile imaginable. You drop your gaze instantly, only for it to fall on his dimpled smile, and then, finally, on the paper held between two fingers. 
“I think this is yours,” he says, holding it out to you. 
Your name is clearly printed on the front, followed by your most recent grades in the class. You blush, immediately remembering it had dropped in the first place. 
“Oh. Thank you.”
“No problem. He seems like he’s in a mood today.” 
You nod, then take your paper from his hand. By this time, Harris has made his way back to the front, and is clearing his throat in a demand for the class’ silence. Quiet mutterings amongst friends cease at once, and you turn back to face the ill-tempered chemistry teacher. 
“Take a good look at your progress reports. The midterm is coming up, and some of you have more studying to do than others. Today, we will be learning new material, but next class period, we will have a review day. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can ask at the appropriate time in class, or come see me after school, or shoot me an email. Regardless of your grade, everyone should be studying, however, some of you have to move up a whole letter or two. That is on you to be aware of, and for you to put in the effort to do. Now, pull out your notes so that we can cover this section. It isn’t the hardest thing we’ll cover, but I expect it will be a struggle for some.”
And after that condescending introduction, he begins to teach. 
When the bell finally rings, your head is swarming with so much chemistry, your eyes are beginning to glaze over and put you to sleep. You’re relatively good at the subject, but that topic was more challenging than he warned it would be, making even you confused at times. You shake your head when you reach your lockers, trying to relieve yourself of the numbers swirling about in your mind. It takes a moment. A very stressful moment. 
A tap on your shoulder, more urgent than the last, pulls you out of your mental headspace. The chemistry bounces out of your mind entirely, bringing you back to reality, but making you jump in place at the sudden contact.
“Sorry,” a familiar voice apologies, “didn’t mean to scare you.”
Turning, you come face-to-face with Isaac again. His normally bright blue eyes are slightly cloudy, which worries you more than you’d like to admit. “No worries. Everything okay?”
“Yeah. I have a question, actually, to ask you.”
“What’s that?”
“Okay, I wasn’t looking at your report, I didn’t mean to see your grades. I accidentally saw them when I picked up your paper, but I promise I wasn’t looking on purpose.” He stalls, continuously apologizing for something not at any fault of his own. 
“It’s okay,” you interrupt as politely as you can. 
He pauses, “um. I was wondering if you could help me? Like, in chemistry. Help me study, kinda like a tutor, I guess?”
You pale immediately. Just because you’re doing okay in the class doesn’t mean you have a clue how to help him understand. “Um-”
“Just… I just need a little help, if you can. I understand if you don’t want to, or can’t, or… I don’t know… are busy.” He runs his tongue along his lips nervously. You snap your eyes to the floor, avoiding eye contact. 
“I don’t know… I’m not a good teacher.”
“But you’re really good in the class. Probably a better teacher than Harris has been lately.”
You chuckle, but you’re still not sure. Being that close to the boy you’ve liked for ages? On top of not being able to teach well? He’ll reduce you to a stupid, stuttering mess, just look at yourself now, unable to look him in the eye. No, don’t look at him, that was rhetorical. 
“I just,” he continues, “when he was talking about people who needed to go up a whole letter, he was talking about me. I know you’re good, you sit in front of me. If you can even just explain it to me as you study, it would help a lot.”
Half of your mind races to find an excuse, looking for an out, while the other begs you to agree. Isaac shoves a hand in his pocket and waits for a response. You debate with yourself for a moment, but then the urging part of your mind wins the argument with a question of its own. 
“What about this,” you start, “I’ll help you in chemistry, if you help me in French?”
“What?” He asks, taken off guard. “I’m not good at French.”
“You’re better than me. You have the answers to most of Ms. Morrell’s questions, and I can hear you when she asks us to recite words out loud.” His eyes narrow at that, to which you reply, “you sit behind me in French, too.”
“Right.” He smiles, but doesn’t meet your gaze. Instead, he rests his head against the locker beside yours. 
“How do you know I’m not just guessing?”
“What’s your grade?”
“A,” he sheepishly answers.
“See? You can tutor me.”
“What’s your grade?”
You purse your lips and avoid his eyes again. “Too embarrassed to say.”
“Languages aren’t my strong suit. We all have our strengths.”
“Alright, deal. Help me in chem, and I’ll help you with French.”
“Sounds good. Library, or at one of our houses?”
“I can probably go to the library sometimes. Maybe during lunch or free period. But after school, I have lacrosse, and you probably don’t want to wait around school for that to be over.”
“Okay, so then your house or mine?”
“Where do you live?”
“Like ten minutes from here. You?”
“A bit closer than that. Parents?”
“Don’t really care what I do.”
“My dad is a little controlling,” he admits. 
“Would he care if I were to come over?”
“Not if you’re helping me study.”
“Okay. You want to meet a couple times a week at your house, and sometimes during lunch?”
“Sure. Practice ends around five. Is seven too late?”
“Not for me.”
“Cool. So, um, I’ll text you, and we can plan dates.” He shakes his head. “I mean, like, what days work best.”
You blush at his embarrassment. “Have to give you my number first, doofus.” 
You scribble it onto a sticky note and hand it to him. “Let me know.”
“I will. And thank you.”
“Thank you, too.” You hurry your way to your next class, leaving him red in the face and hands at having a girl’s number. Granted, it’s just for studying, but it’s the fact he was able to talk to you at all that has him shaken. Isaac forces himself to breathe, before entering it in his phone and tucking the sticky safely in his backpack. As the bell rings, he hurries to his next class. 
The next evening is the first time you meet up to study. You drive to the address he’s given and knock on the door as gently as possible. Isaac had mentioned his dad is controlling, so the first thing you want to do is to avoid pissing him off in any way you could. Controlling could mean a lot of things, and the boy wasn’t specific at all. For both of your sakes, you tread lightly. 
Isaac opens the door a moment later, dressed in a simple t-shirt and sweats. You try really hard not to blush as he invites you inside, but then his dad’s strict voice snaps you back into reality. You can see Isaac take a visible deep breath before rounding the corner in the kitchen, you in tow. You put on your best look of professionalism while trying to anticipate how the next couple of minutes might go. 
“And? Who was it?”
“Y/N, the girl I told you I was studying with… with whom I am going to study,” he corrects at the last minute. 
His father’s posture tenses a bit less when his son corrects his own grammar without prompt, but it doesn’t stop his cold eyes from floating over to you. “And you’re studying what?”
“Chemistry, sir. I’m helping Isaac, and he’s helping me with French.”
“And you know French well enough to help her?”
“I believe I do,” he says, trying to sound confident. 
“I think he does, too. In class, he always has the answers, and Mrs. Morrell’s often impressed, and she’s hard to impress more than once.”
“Hm.” His dad takes a sip from a glass, then carefully sets it down on the table. His eyes are locked on Isaac the whole time. The boy stares at the ground, any confidence shaken by the interaction. You study the scene, confused. “Well… Go study. Bring up those grades.”
“Yes, sir,” you reply at the same time. 
Isaac nods for you to follow him to his room, which you oblige. His dad remains seated as you make your way up the stairs. You bite back a comment about the man, even in the safety of Isaac’s bedroom, and he doesn’t say anything, either. The same remark is in both your heads, yet while you want to ask it in a question, he wants to use it as a reassurance. Yes, he’s a bit more controlling than Isaac originally said. No, he won’t do anything stupid while you're there. He tries to convey this in an expression, which you half-understand, but eventually drop it. If anything happens, you’ll leave. Simple as that. 
As it turns out, the first night of you studying together ends up nothing like the initial interaction you had in his house. Isaac is gentle, patient, and willing to learn and teach the best that he can. He’s admittedly worse in chemistry than you are in French, but you’re able to convince him that you only need to work on a few things; an hour of time doesn’t have to be devoted to your studies, maybe only twenty minutes. On the contrary, the other sixty are put towards chemistry. And, of course, the first five are for settling in, and the last five are for uncontrollable laughter at a mispronunciation. 
Thirty minutes to nine, you realize how late it’s gotten and start to pack your things. Isaac looks exhausted, and frankly, as much as you’re enjoying his company, you’re getting tired from talking. 
“Voulez-vous qu’on se rencontre vendredi?” He asks, rather quickly. 
You stare for a moment, then, “what?”
“Oui, rencontrer?”
“Meet then?”
“Yeah, would you like to?”
“Sure.” You nod. “Say it again?”
“Voulez-vous qu’on se rencontre vendredi?” He says it slower this time. It has the same effect on you, but you can comprehend each word better. 
“Cool,” you say, not at all thinking about his accent that paints the words so beautifully. “I’ll bring my H2O, since I forgot it this time.”
The boy snorts with more laughter. “Bad joke.”
“Absolutely horrible,” you agree. “See you in school tomorrow.”
“Drive safe.”
“Be safe,” you reply before you can stop yourself, referring to his dad downstairs. 
Isaac only nods. He walks you to his front door, then hurries back up to his room. 
Each day you study together follows a similar routine to the first: five minutes to settle in, sixty of chemistry, twenty of French, then five of joking around with each other. Sometimes Isaac pushes for thirty of French instead, worried that you’re sacrificing your own studies for his, and never understands when you push back that you’re good with only twenty. 
His chemistry improves immensely with your help. In three weeks, he manages to pull it up to a ‘C’. Not only is his father a bit more lenient to him after the next progress report, but he’s also more pleasant to you the next time you come around to study. He even cracks a smile. 
Today, you go over just the same as you have been. Seven on the dot, you’re greeted by his dimpled smile and half-friendly father. The man has now graduated to welcoming you, and has once clapped you on the shoulder as you’ve passed. You’re polite to him, though you can tell Isaac’s uncomfortable with his unusual behavior, so you always try to retreat upstairs as soon as possible. This time, he’s busy with something in the kitchen and doesn’t talk for long. He makes one comment about grades; you promise him you’re both doing well, then he lets you go. 
Finally away, it doesn’t take long for you to settle down anymore. You make yourself comfortable on Isaac’s bed, pulling out your notes and pens, and smiling when he joins you. You’ve come to be good friends in the last couple weeks, and although there’s something definitely in the air, too, you’re good with being friends if that’s all you can convince yourselves you are. 
You start, per usual, with chemistry, reading over notes and figuring out problems. He moves closer and closer to you each day you teach, simultaneously making you nervous and excited. Either way, your water bottle remains beside you to calm your ever-growing heart rate. When it comes time to switch subjects, you excuse yourself a minute to recover and prepare for the next half hour. In the beginning, it was easier to hide your blush, promising you’re still getting the hang of the co-teaching thing. Now, your excuse dwindles. The shy smile you wear as he recites words of the love language has never faded. You have to compose yourself entirely, elsewhere, to be able to control your reaction and face him. 
“Can I use your bathroom real quick?”
“Yeah, just over there.”
As soon as the door shuts, Isaac jumps off the bed to check his hair in the mirror. In the process, your French binder falls to the ground and loses its page. The boy sighs, mutters an ‘oh shit,’ then pulls it back up to find the page again. He opens the flap and immediately finds a stash of old progress reports. You seem to keep all of your old ones in the front flap of your binder; he’s noticed you have all your chemistry reports, too. Curious, Isaac steals a peek. Despite confessing about his ‘D’ in chemistry, you’ve always cheekily refused to share your French grade. He doubts it’s that bad, but he’s never gotten you to admit it. 
He glances at the bathroom door, then checks the date on the report before scanning the grades. Guilt eats at him the longer he looks, but nosiness, then confusion keeps his eyes glued. Is he really reading that right? There’s no way you have a-
“Sorry about that,” you say, closing the door. 
Startled, he drops your binder and looks up at you. “It’s no worry.”
“What’s wrong?” You notice his change in behavior, like a young boy being caught doing something he shouldn’t be doing. 
“Nothing. Your binder fell off the bed, I was picking it up.”
“Oh. Thanks.” He smiles when you join him back on the bed. You’re not sure if you still have a right to be suspicious, or if he’s just embarrassed because he’s so shy. “So, um-”
Isaac, on the other hand, is brimming with questions. As anxious as he is that you caught him peeking, he can’t help but wonder about what he saw. You start to speak, maybe to change the subject, but he cuts you off, guilt and curiosity both winning. “You have an ‘A’ in French?”
“You’ve had an ‘A’ since the start of the year. Why do you need me to tutor you if you already know it?”
You shut your open mouth immediately, face paling at the realization you’ve been caught. “I-... I don’t know. Your grades are better than mine.”
“By one point.”
“Two points. You have a 94. I have a 92.”
“Doesn’t explain the need for a tutor,” he argues.
You study him, choosing to base your reaction off his own. He’s smiling; seemingly happy, curious, and not at all upset. His tone implies no accusation, just confusion, and his body posture is straight, shoulders relaxed. A twinkle shines in his baby blue eyes; his level of eye contact is neither constant nor avoidant. He’s safe. 
“I, um,” you decide to tell him the truth. Or, rather, stutter out the truth. “I don’t need a French tutor.”
“So I’ve gathered.” Decisive tone, yet still friendly. Still safe. 
“I figured, since I would help you with chemistry, even though I’m not that good of a teacher, if you had to teach me something too, it would put less pressure on me to be a good teacher.”
His eyes narrow. “Okay… but why French?” He’s still a little confused on that reasoning, but doesn’t question it. He knows you’re shy. If that’s what you had to do to make it work that you could help him, he doesn’t mind. 
“I, er, well, the French provided a win-win scenario.”
“Which is?”
You shrug, body warming quickly as you near your deeply guarded secret. “I- I don’t know how to explain it.”
“Mhm, really?”
“You’re best in French,” you offer instead, on a whim.
“True,” he agrees, “though I feel that’s not the real reason, judging by your lack of eye contact.”
“I’m always bad at eye contact.”
“You’ve been getting better with me these last few weeks.”
“Yes, but…”
“I’m not going to judge, Y/N. Whatever you say, it’s safe with me. You trust me, right?”
“Of course.”
“Then how is me teaching you French a, as you call it, win-win scenario?”
Finally, you fess, “because I get to hear you speak it every time you teach me.”
Isaac’s quiet for a moment. Then, you realize it seems to have gone over his head as he says, “you hear me speak all the time in class.”
“Yeah, but… with twenty other voices mixed in, too. I like hearing just your voice. The way you know just how to sound it out perfectly, and the way your accent flourishes each sentence. Most people in class sound like they’re gurgling saltwater, but you make it sound hot, like the way French is supposed to sound.” Your mouth utters words before your brain can catch up and prevent you from embarrassment. As soon as you realize what you’ve said, a dizziness swarms your head and it feels like the temperature’s gone up ten degrees. 
Isaac is speechless in front of you. He’s first stuck on the fact that you like his voice, then on his pronunciation being described as perfect, but then he short-circuits as the word ‘hot’ falls from your lips. He doesn’t even realize when you plant your face into your binder, shocked by your own confession. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologize. It’s muffled, but he hears it enough to pull him from his trance. 
“You like my voice?” He asks, cursing himself for the stupidity of the question. It’s all he can think of to say, though, still trying to cool his own rising body temperature. 
“I shouldn’t have said all that, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I wasn’t thinking.”
“I’m not uncomfortable,” he blurts out quickly. “I’m actually quite charmed by that.”
You resist the urge to look up at him, desperate to see if he’s smiling or not. Isaac seems to have a similar thought, and tries to hook a finger under your chin to lift your head. He succeeds, but then you instantly embarrass again, and dive for the pillows, burying your face amongst them. 
“Oh no, get back here,” he jokes. You feel him before you look out to see him. His hands shake your shoulder, but when you don’t respond, he playfully starts to tickle your neck. You scrunch and try to scramble away, but he only continues. “C’mon.”
“I can’t!” The words have finally sunken into his head; the weight of them falls on your chest. 
“Oh, yes you can!” He teases more, moving pillows away from you, just for you to grab another and bury back under it. When Isaac realizes there’s no use in trying to win the pillow war, he swings a leg over yours and begins to tickle your stomach. Your shirt has begun to ride up from your movement, and temporarily, he forgets you’re classmates, not longtime best friends. “C’mon, give it up!”
“I-I can’t!” You’re running out of breath, and pillows. He pulls another away from you, then puts his hands back on your sides. Your eyes are squeezed shut, but only do you open them because of the unfamiliar feeling of him touching you. A beat skips in your heart at the sudden, unexpected realization that he’s not only touching your skin, but he’s also straddling your waist. You swallow hard. He pinches your side lightly, shocking you back into reality, and making you grab another pillow to hide your face again. Before you can grasp it, Isaac grabs your hands and pins them above your head. You pant, heart racing a mile a minute. His too, as you can hear in the moment you both grow quiet. 
“You think it’s hot when I speak French?”
“No, I think you’re hot when you speak French. There’s a difference.”
“Is there now?”
“The temperature of the room doesn’t get hot, it’s you that gets hot.”
“Oh, I see.”
“Not that you’re not always hot… I mean, sometimes, you’re more like a cute little puppy than a hot, French-speaking…” your words fade as your brain catches up, faster this time, yet still not fast enough. 
“Am I now?”
What’s done is done, you figure. Can’t take it back now, can only admit it. “Yeah.”
“Huh. So all this time, you’ve been teaching me chemistry, and I’ve been talking pointlessly while you listen and learn nothing?”
“When you word it like that, it sounds bad.” A pout graces your lips as guilt floods you. “But I have learned some things. I was struggling with direct objects, and now I’m not.”
“Ah. So I’m not totally useless?”
“Never. You wouldn’t be useless even if I knew perfect French.” Before he can reply, you continue. “I’m sorry I wasted your time. I shouldn’t have. Can you forgive me?”
“Forgive you for what? You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“I wasted your time when we could’ve been doing more chemistry.”
“Darling, too much chemistry and my brain woulda exploded. The French lessons are a nice intermission. Besides, I wouldn’t consider any time with you as time wasted.”
He drops your hands and they fall back down to your waist. He seems, then, to realize he’s still on top of you, and begins to climb off. “Sorry, I-”
“Can I confess something else?”
He pauses. “Sure, anything.”
“I would’ve been okay with just tutoring you chemistry, but I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to look you in the eye long enough to do it well.”
“You’ve been doing great with the eye contact thing. I know it’s not your strong suit, but you’ve made a lot of progress these last couple weeks.”
“Thank you,” you smile. “It’s not only that.” A heartbeat passes. “I like you.”
“You like me?” His eyes narrow before he assumes only, “you like my voice.”
“No, I like you. I mean, yes, I like your voice, but I like it because I like you.”
“Like me, as in…”
“Like I have a crush on you.”
He tilts his head like a confused dog. “On me?”
“Why do you seem so surprised?”
“I’ve never had anyone have a crush on me before,” he admits.
Now you’re confused. “What?! How?!”
“I don’t know!”
“That’s stupid. Never had anyone admit it, maybe.”
“I’d never know.”
“Well I’ve had a crush on you since the seventh grade.”
“You moved to Beacon Hills in the seventh grade.”
“And you’ve had a crush on me this whole time?”
“Very secretly.”
“Huh. Well I’ve liked you since the first day of school,” he confesses.
“I’ve liked you since orientation, so I win.”
He smiles, then shakes his head playfully. “So I sit behind you in classes for years and only finally get the courage to talk to you when I’m borderline failing chemistry, and you only get the courage to talk to me for more than one minute if you can convince me to talk half of the time that we’d be studying together.”
“Sounds about right.”
“And my portion of the talking is in French, because you think my accent is hot?”
“Your accent is always hot; your French is hot on its own.”
“Ah, I’m following now.” He chuckles, letting his fingertips grace your hips. 
“So,” you ask, “as two people with several year long mutual crushes on each other, what do we do next?”
“Well you’re the one that’s been tutoring me chemistry, love, I’m hoping you have the answer.”
You laugh, rolling your eyes playfully. “Wrong kind of chemistry, dork.” You reach your hands up to the sides of his face anyway, and pull him down for a kiss. Isaac complies immediately, setting one hand down beside you, while the other caresses your chin. Your legs hook around his waist, keeping him close until he starts to pull away, needing air. You let go, then hide your face as his own turns a rosy pink. 
“That was worth the wait,” he says, smiling, and touching a finger to his recently-kissed lips. “Êtes-vous d'accord?” 
“Shut up,” you tease, pushing him slightly. “Chemistry time.”
“We just had chemistry time. It’s French time now.”
“No, we can skip a round,” you insist, unsure you can hear anymore French fall from his lips without folding and kissing them again.
“On the contrary, I think you need to sharpen your vocabulary.”
“I think I’ll need a water break first.”
“That we can do,” he agrees. “I’ll make sure to get yours with extra ice.”
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magicalrocketships · 2 months
Hello! I hope you are most well. I just got to share your baby Daniel in the going -Small verse with a friend, special place in my heart for him. Then I thought about it for two long and my thoughts wandered off rabbit-hole style. Do you have any thoughts on how adult Max might react if he'd met baby Daniel after his embarassment about going small and living with Daniel for three months? Baby Daniel doesn't know that! He just wants to love on Max.
Sending love, hugs, and cheesy garlic bread <3
Oh I HAVE thought about this a lot. Unfortunately my eyes are pretty blurry today (love you chronic illness, kiss kiss) so let's have some brief thoughts at 175% zoom and I'll come back to it another time
Max IS going to meet baby Daniel again. He's also going to meet baby Daniel when he's baby Max as well (and Daniel's mum and dad look after them). 
Max when he Goes Small doesn't have his competitiveness; he doesn't want to fight, he doesn't want to race, he doesn't want to come first. And a Max who isn't competitive and therefore also doesn't have to push through fear and never show it gets to… explore things differently this time around. And it's not just Max that learns that, it's Daniel too, looking after him. But it's Max who's ashamed of this little baby Max and doesn't want to be connected to him, wants to run away from him when he's big again. 
When Daniel Goes Small he doesn't feel fear, really (except if there's a dog, and he hides behind Max) - or rather; he does feel fear but he often doesn't know he should be scared. He wants to climb on the balcony wall to look over the side and see how far down it is (he's not huge on heights when he sees). He wants to ride his bike really fast and jump in the pool and make a big splash and he's not cold (he's really cold) and go in the fast car and can Max go faster please (holds on very tight to the seat but says wow extremely reverentially afterwards). He'll climb on things he shouldn't climb on, and open things he shouldn't open, and trusts everybody, and hates bedtime so Max has to carry a passed out Daniel to bed every night because he does not know how to get him to go to bed, and Max spends three days looking after him and at the end of it he's exhausted. 
But Max doesn't once think that Daniel should be embarrassed about baby Daniel when he Goes Big again. Not even when Daniel skids off his bike on the second day and takes all the skin off his knees and his elbow, and he cries loud and hard because there's blood and it's run down his knee and hit his sock, and Max ends up using half of some other mum's first aid kit to wipe the dirt out of Daniel's grazes and get antiseptic on them and plasters. Daniel gets to have chicken nuggets afterwards as a treat, and there's a little bit of Max that knows, when he was a kid, crying wasn't something he could do to get a hug and some chicken nuggets. And Daniel had instinctively cried out Max's name, but Max had already been running across the bike track to make sure he was okay. 
When Daniel Goes Big, he says thanks for looking after me, like he and little Daniel are the same person, like he's okay being a curly haired kid with poor judgment. Max says, "You will have to keep looking after your knees, the grazes are quite bad." Daniel looks down at the Pokemon plasters peeking out from underneath his shorts and shrugs. When I was a kid I was always doing shit like that. Thanks, Max. 
Afterwards, Max misses the noise. He misses the constant questions, the what's in there, how fast do lions go, why can't I, and the way he'd fall asleep passed out in Max's lap, still protesting he wasn't tired, protesting he can eat what he wants, asking how fast he was when he ran around Max's flat twelve times to get rid of some energy. 
Max doesn't think: you should be ashamed. 
He thinks: I wish I wasn't. 
(All actual parts can be found either in this masterpost or on AO3 here.)
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ilwonuu · 4 months
Taeyong angst with comfort where reader is in the wrong ??
yes yes of course anon!!! thank you for your request!!! love uuu hope u enjoy<3
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ through it ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
↴ lee taeyong
♡゚・。。・゚♡゚・。♥。・゚♥ ♥︎・。♥︎。・゚♡゚・。。・゚♡
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❧ summary- you were having a bad day. you undeservingly take it out on your boyfriend.
❧ warnings- fighting, ignores ty (girl how), fluff
❧ a/n- i know y/n is kinda annoying in this bc who tf has the audacity to be rude to taeyong… not me!!!
˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
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you and taeyong usually handle your conflicts pretty easily. the two of you almost never fighting with eachother. you two never wanting to have problems. this time was different.
you and taeyong had gotten into a heated argument about you current mood. you don’t why but today every last thing is getting on your nerves. you don’t want to be around anyone. taeyong tried to talk to you in the morning when you got up. you quickly shut him out.
he doesn’t say anything the first time you ignored him but the second time he questioned you. “what’s wrong y/n? you know we don’t do this.” he asks you from the bathroom.
“i don’t want to talk to you.” you say not even looking his way. continuing to do what you were. “what?” he is now coming into your bed room to talk to you. “did you not hear me the first time?” you look at him with a straight face. “yea i heard you? i don’t understand why you don’t want to talk to me.” he looks at you upset now too. “taeyong please! i don’t need this right now just please leave me alone.” you sighed laying back in bed facing away from him.
“fuck. okay whatever ill leave you alone.” taeyong leaves the bedroom. you hear some shuffling then your front door. which means your boyfriend has left. the thought now causing you to sigh again.
you don’t have a single idea as to why you’re treating him like this. you two have never been like this towards each other. aka you have never been so bitchy. you didn’t feel good but that wasn’t his fault. you are starting to feel guilty about your behavior.
salty tears filling your eyes as you lay in bed. you get up to go to the bathroom washing your face of the tears. you lay back in bed falling asleep shortly after.
you wake up from your nap a few hours later. you don’t feel much better than earlier but you definitely know you need to talk to your boyfriend. you look next to you to see the bed empty. you get out of bed making your way to the living room.
you see taeyong laying on the couch watching tv quietly. you give him a glance making your way to get some water. you take a sip of your water before going over to him.
“tae? can we talk..?” you ask him sitting next to him. he looks at you for a moment nodding his head a little. he sits up to look at you.
“baby im sorry. i don’t know why i was acting like that earlier. you didn’t deserve that.” you sigh going to grab his hand. “im really sorry baby.” you say again. he pulls you into a hug. “babe it’s okay. it hurt my feelings but im feeing better now.
“i know tae and im so sorry. i never want to hurt your feelings.” he smiles giving you a quick kiss. “okay well i forgive you because i love you.” he says giving you another kiss.
“i love you too tae.” you hug him again. and he pulls you to lay on him. he cuddles you softly. you two smiling at each other.
“should we order some food baby?” you ask him suddenly. he nods quickly. “i’m starving. i didn’t want to eat without you. i couldn’t.” he sighs. “babe im sorry.” you say sighing. “let’s order takeout and watch movies okay? i promise not to be like that again.” you kiss his cheek smiling.
you and taeyong spend the rest of the night cuddling up with eachother watching movies eating take out.
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taeyamayang · 2 years
okay okay.. for the ask prompts
"will you just shut up and kiss me?" + tsukishima
kiss me or kiss you
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"hinata said you like me."
it is one of those moments, a moment when you are almost certain that the world momentarily stopped turning and all you could hear is the rapid beating of your heart.
did shoyo tell on you?
"earth to (y/n)." tsukishima clicks his fingers at your lack of response.
a sly smile forms on his lips as he watches your walls crumble beneath your feet. oh, how he loves to silence your smart mouth. the image before himㅡyou, startled and muted, is worth to paint a picture of, hanged in gallery for every one to witness the effect he has on you.
"hinata said you like me, romantically, and he-"
"STOP." your wide-eyes dart at him as your throat runs dry. his head falls to the side, orbs savoring every inch of you before licking grains of salt at the corners of his mouth. he is clearly enjoying your unguarded state.
"hm?" he taunts, biting his lips together into a thin line as he fights the urge to grin. he leaves your shared box of fries on the bench, standing to close the gap between the two of you. his hands shoved inside the pocket of his pants as he gaze at your seated position through his bottom lashes; an act of domineering over your helpless flustured state.
"you're lying." you huff without conviction.
"am i?" arching his brows at you, he takes a step forward, slightly bending his back down so you're closer.
"i will never like you." and though you tried, your words fail to make him believe. perhaps, lying isn't your best skill. albeit, you push through. at this point, backing down is a sign of weakness and path for him to fuel his already inflated ego.
"you're obnoxious. a salty ill-mannered immature brat who doesn't how to manage their temper. you think you're cool by acting mean? ha, in everyone's eyes you're just a plain boy with mommy issues." a light crease forms on his forehead as you continue to distance yourself him.
you finally roped him. you hit a nerve by using words you learned from the best, him. maintaining a friendship with him isn't for the weak hearted. you can't be too sensitive around tsukishima. you need to learn to fight back even in playful bickerings in order to keep him in place.
as you stare at the blonde, a thought suddenly crosses your mind. tsukki does not like conversing with the other first years of the volleyball team. there's no way hinata will spill on him because the orange headed knows tsukishima doesn't care about these type of things. chances are, he might be playing one of his tricks on you and you absolutely cannot fall for it. hence, you continue.
"even if it's only the two of us left on earth, i would never choose you. i will never like you, kei." your tone tastes like chili peppers and bitter gourd, like rubbing salt on an open wound.
"(y/n)." tsukishima pulls a serious face, sighing as he locks his eyes on you. "hinata told me. i am telling the truth."
there's something about the sudden shift in his face that sends chills down your spine. all of a sudden you're doubting yourself.
what if shoyo accidentally told him? what if tsukki overheard shoyo talking about it to a fellow member and cornered him so shoyo felt the need to tell him the truth? what if... what if...
"no, he didn't." you responded weakly, your eyes bouncing from one to the other.
"yes, he did." tsukishima presses. a deeper crease forms on his forehead at your stubborness. "shrimpy told me the other day during practice. well, i overheard the conversation between him and sugawara senpai and when i heard your name i stepped in. then, the orange gremline told me." he explains.
your heart dithers and your throat runs dry once more. if tsukishima is acting up until this point then he deserves an Oscars. but your friend would never put up an act this long, you know him well. if he was lying, he should have laughed at your face long ago. hence, there's only one thing for sure,
tsukki isn't lying.
in your mind you wished to be swallowed by the ground and be part of the damned soil. even if you have been pinning on your friend for the longest time, you never considered telling him. you know that he isn’t the type to swoon over romance, the thought alone makes him empty his stomach. you figured it’s better to keep your feelings to yourself than lose him as your friend. 
“and you believed him?” you scoff. your confidence quivers at each word you utter. “you really believed that i like you? you think so, tsukki? i would never in my wildest dream-” 
"will you just shut up?!" he cuts you off, screaming. he twists his neck to the side as he shuts his eyes to collect his composure before turning to shoot you a look. he swallows, adam's apple bobbing as he says in a calmer voice, "will you just shut up and kiss me?"
tsukishima levels his face to you so he could look at you eye-to-eye. he places his boney hand at the side of your face as he lets out a frustrated huff.
"or should i kiss you to shut you up?" he dares to say making your restless heart beat against your ribcage. tsukishima can feel your racing pulse at the base of your neck.
"your mouth started to irk me. your insults are getting better and better. who taught you that?" his thumb caresses the crest of your cheek back and forth as he inches his face closer. he whispers, "me, but i can also teach your mouth other things than spurting insults." the tip of nose softly nudges against yours. you swallow hard. "just say yes."
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i'm leaving this on a cliffhanger and blame it on my birthchart. this is from early this year (i think) i'm sorry kale!! this has been sitting on my drafts since you requested it and couldn't get to it bc i feel meh with the previous plot but now i'm happy with it so i hope you are too! and HOLY GRAIL i miss writing for tsukki aghhh maybe i should do more for him soon hm...
anywayy rbs and likes are very much appreciated thanks!
ps. updates are messy and unpredictable bc im going through a writer's block on my recent fics
masterlist | hq.list
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
hey you should some dating johnny cade hc
Dating Johnny Cade HCs
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➳ 𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢.
-> warnings: foul language, pet names { baby, honey, sweetheart }
-> pairings: johnny cade x reader
sweet boy ong.
PLEASE he loves to cuddle with you !!
"c'mere cuddlebug" <3
M E L T S when you compliment or praise him
is really really really really really really really really shy before you both start dating
100 fucking percent asked dally for advice b4 asking you out
look, if you have a RBF, johnnycake is kimda scared of you (at first)
until dall strolls up to you and offers you a blunt, johnny might think youll jump up and bite his fingers off lmao
ok so but i
johnny loves watching you smoke????
watching the smoke seep from your lips?? hes purring.
but when you shOTGUN?!?!?!?!? he's feral.
if johnny ever gets hurt, expect to be one of the first person he looks for to clean him up and give him shelter
if he ends up in jail for participating in one of Dally's stunts, he doesn't want to call
bc you'll be worried and want to spend ur money on bail for him 🤕❤
but its ok in the end bc hes in love w you
i feel like johnny would be so down for these
i also think johnny's lowkey (and i mean low key) a cat person
is that just me? ok ill go away now
AN ABSOLUTE SUCKER for sharing cigs with his partner <3
if you had a good home life, johnny would really want to spend time with your family
because he was robbed of an okay parent/child relationship, he yearns for his partner's parents to like him
would be absolutely distraught if they didn't like him, my poor boy ☹
please tell him he's loved
he needs that
would call you sweetheart, baby, honey or a nickname based off your name or an inside joke or smth
johnny boy likes that intimacy :p
wap so hes a sub switch at best
sharing a coke (the drink smh) and fries :')
making comments the whole time and loving his little laugh that follows
play a prank or two 😍
but you might need to take the fall just a warning
if you tend to get in trouble with the law, johnny would be chill with that shit because he's friends with dallas winston
but will always be a lil nervous for his bae
will take you out when you get out of the slammer
diner dinners, late night walks (with knives for safety), dirty jokes, random puns... this is all johnny.
you make him so happy
would have cash set aside for a lil smth for your birthday dont even TRY to argue
cheek kisses, neck kisses, forhead kisses
theyre so... simple
so simple but they make him so happy
dally also likes how happy you make johnny
is protective over johnny, don't get me wrong, but is calmer when he knows its you
i mean, everyone knows you
you have a reputation, of course
dally lowkey admires you, even if ur younger than him
is kind of oblivious when it comes to relationships, tbh...
its sweet (for the most part)
loves holding your hand
please hold his hand
please hold his hand all the time
two-bit loves you bc johnnys in love with you and you help him (two-bit) with making fun of certain Socs
you also have a rep for dark/offensive humor so two and soda absolutely lose their shit when you make a joke im not even lying
wait but like soda really likes the dynamic you both have
i.e: you act like siblings and poke fun at pony sometimes
but its all good bc ur dating johnny
i mean, dude, its johnny
darry highkey really likes you
the gamg likes you, johnnh is in love with you, we're all cool
imagine: mother darry's reaction to you get into a fight
"hey y/n," darry greeted the teen. they were grabbing a piece of chocolate cake. the curtis household was notorious for its chocolate cakes.
y/n shut the ice box door and went for a fork, strategically avoiding letting darry see their face. "yo," they replied, turning to leave the room.
darry stuck his hand out before y/n could leave the kitchen. "look at me," he commanded, suspicious.
y/n tilted their face up to look at him. darry's eyes widened. they had teo black eyes, a deep lookinh scratch from their temple to their chin, a dried bloody nose, busted lip, and a toothy grin plastered all over their face. "it wasn't my fault, dare, promise," they say.
darry tuts. "the hell it wasnt. you see johnny yet with those battle scars o'yers?"
"nah. ain't wanna wake 'im up yet."
dear god then two bit lumbers in. "hey, y'all heard? shepherd's plannin' a rumble- damn!" he howls. he swiped his finger in the frosting of y/n's cake and got a good look at their face. "damn kid! you kick their asses?"
y/n smirks. "duh."
two bit laughs and gets his own slice of cake while darry leans against the counter wondering how why y/n was so carefree.
"you're such a mother, jeez," y/n commented to Darry.
two bit laughed again.
"missed you, baby"
the gang totally gags and pretends to vomit when you guys kiss or they walk in go you making out
pony is ur no. 1 supporter
respect, my g 😪✊
if anyone wants more lmk. ill edit this bad boy later
johnny cade taglist:
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joodlepo · 2 years
Take Care Of Me / Lee Felix Smut (18+)
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Summary / Felix has been very sick for the past week, and you've been helping him get better. He's finally starting to look a little more like himself again, but unfortunately he still feels pretty weak. So, you decide it might be time for some physical therapy in the bathroom...and your patient is definitely up for that!
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Pairings / (Top) Lee Felix + (F) Reader
Word Count / 4.0k
Warnings / Sick Felix, Bath Sex, Dirty Talk, Creampie, Rough Sex
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A string of coughs left Felix's throat, and he leaned backwards to rest his head against the bedroom wall. A dull ache throbbed in his chest when he tried to breathe deeply, but it didn't seem like anything serious—just another symptom that would soon fade away on it's own. The pain was a little bit more than usual; maybe he had caught something from one of the staff at work? He couldn't remember having been exposed to any new germs lately...
Felix sighed as he let himself sink deeper into darkness again, allowing the warm embrace of unconsciousness to take him over completely once more. It felt nice, not being able to think anymore for a while.
"Oh Felix!" You called out loudly through the bedroom door, causing him to jerk awake with an irritated groan. "I made you a bowl soup! I hope you're hungry~"
Your voice sounded cheerful enough, despite your ongoing concern about his health. Opening the door slowly, you peeked inside before stepping into the room, carrying two bowls of steaming broth between both hands. They were filled with thick white liquid and covered by thin slices of meaty vegetables floating within them. As expected, they smelled delicious too.
Your eyes widened slightly when they fell upon the sight of him lying sprawled across the floor in nothing but his boxers. His skin was pale and clammy, making him look even sicker than normal.
But, there wasn't much time to worry about how bad he looked right now. All that mattered was getting some food down his stomach and getting him back into bed. That way, hopefully he'd start recovering quickly, without wasting any precious energy fighting off whatever illness he might have picked up.
You hurriedly placed the bowls onto the desk beside the bed before rushing over to help him sit upright. Felix's eyelids fluttered open weakly, revealing bloodshot eyes behind their dark circles.
There weren't many traces of sleep remaining in those orbs.
"Ah," Felix croaked quietly, clutching hold of the edge of the mattress with trembling fingers. "Thanks..."
"Don't mention it." You smiled softly, reaching forward to press a kiss against his forehead. "Here, eat this first and it's back to bed for you!"
Felix obediently lifted his hand to accept the spoonful of broth offered by you, taking small sips, until it was all gone. Once the first bowl had been emptied, you handed him another, which he greedily devoured within a few gulps.
"How are you feeling?" You asked gently. "Can I get you anything else? Should we call someone or go see a doctor?"
"No need for that," Felix shook his head, smiling faintly. "It'll pass eventually. Just give me a moment."
His words were reassuring, and you nodded. Even though he seemed weaker today compared to yesterday, you still knew he'd be okay. At least, that's what you hoped for. After finishing off the second bowl of soup, Felix layed back down on the bed, breathing heavily as if struggling to stay conscious.
He coughed several times before speaking again, looking exhausted beyond belief.
"Thanks for bringing these," he murmured drowsily. "They really hit the spot."
"Of course, Lixie." You smiled, leaning closer to place another soft peck atop his cheek. "Take care of yourself, alright?"
Felix gave you a tired nod, closing his eyes and sinking into peaceful slumber. With a smile, you stepped back from the bedside and turned around to leave. Then, just as you reached the doorway…
"W-Wait." Felix spoke quietly, his accent thick with exhaustion. "Do you mind staying here tonight?"
The request came out of nowhere, leaving you startled for a brief moment before responding with a hesitant, "Uh... r-really?"
"Yeah. That'd make things easier," he said simply. "My body feels heavy... I can barely keep my eyes open."
With a deep breath, you once again approached the side of his bed and sat next to him, watching him carefully as he took shallow breaths. He seemed awfully vulnerable lying down there like that.
"Are you sure?" You whispered worriedly.
"Mhm." He replied firmly, reaching out to squeeze your hand lightly. "Please don't leave."
A lump formed in your throat at the sound of his plea.
You couldn't deny how terrible he looked, especially considering how long he hadn't eaten properly. And yet, you also knew he wouldn't ask unless he truly needed you to stay. So, instead of arguing further, you merely nodded silently, squeezing his hand tightly in return.
"Okay then," you murmured softly, gazing down at him with loving eyes.
Hours passed by in silence as you remained seated beside him, holding his hand in yours and stroking his hair occasionally.
The gentle rhythm of his slow, steady breathing lulled you into a pleasant trance, allowing you to forget everything else for a while. Although, you just couldn't sleep. Not because you didn't want to, but rather due to the fact that you eagerly wanted to keep checking on your boyfriend's condition every few minutes.
In return, this only served to prolong the night and drive away any chance of restfulness.
You rose from the chair about twenty minutes later, and began tidying up his room, setting aside his clothes and washing away the stains left behind by his sickness. Afterward, you went ahead and prepared a hot bath for him; something you figured would do him good, given how badly he must've felt otherwise.
"Felix, wake up." You called out softly, rousing him from his slumber.
For a moment, he didn't respond, continuing to lie there with his eyes closed and chest rising gently in short breaths. Eventually though, he opened them, squinting at first before blinking rapidly several times until they finally focused properly once more.
"S-Sorry... I guess fell asleep for a while..." He mumbled sheepishly. "I'm sorry if it's bothering you."
"Don't worry about it," You assured him. "Anyway, I drew a bath for you. It should be ready soon."
As you explained, Felix let out a relieved sigh before sitting upright on the bed, letting you help him get out of it. As he stood, he winced slightly, placing a hand against his stomach, where it throbbed painfully.
"Is your tummy hurting?" You frowned concernedly. "Should I prepare some medicine or something? I have plenty of painkillers around here..."
"Nah, I'll be fine," Felix waved dismissively. "It just hurts a bit still is all... But, thanks anyway."
He gave an embarrassed chuckle, rubbing the back of his head shyly as he began to walk towards the bathroom. You followed closely behind him, pausing briefly when you reach the doorway.
Even so, you stepped inside the steamy room after him nonetheless, taking off your shoes and pulled up your sleeves.
Then, you helped him step into the tub, lowering himself slowly into the steaming water. His face was flushed red from the heat, causing him to appear even paler than usual. Felix's skin looked dry and rough, almost scaly in places, which made you frown deeply.
"How does that feel?" You asked anxiously, glancing over at him curiously. "The water, I mean..."
Felix turned around, giving you a small smile as he reached out and squeezed your hand reassuringly.
"Better now." He chuckled. "Thanks again."
Once he seemed to settle in comfortably, you returned to the entrance of the bathroom and waited patiently for him to finish bathing. A light blush covered your cheeks when his bare back came into view through the glass door, making it hard not to stare openly.
It wasn't like there were many other things worth looking at here anyway; just some towels on hooks along with a few bottles of shampoo and soap sitting on top of one another by the sink. The sight of his toned muscles flexing beneath the clear liquid caused your heart to skip a beat, eliciting a soft moan.
"Hm? Is something wrong?" Felix blinked innocently, looking somewhat confused at your sudden reaction.
"Nothing!" You blushed harder, trying desperately to hide your embarrassment. "Just uh, surprised is all..."
The corner of Felix's mouth twitched upwards as he glanced at you, smirking ever so slightly. He chuckled softly before turning around again, letting out a deep sigh. His shoulders shook lightly under the water while his head tilted back briefly against the wall behind him. Sounds were muffled but still audible enough for you to hear over the of warm water caressing every nook and cranny of his body.
The moment felt strangely intimate, watching this man who had become such an integral part of your life bathe himself... even if he did look rather silly doing it.
"Damnit... I can't reach right there," Felix muttered, shifting uncomfortably under the hot spray that splashed onto his face. "Y/N? Do you mind coming back inside?"
You nodded silently, carefully opening the door once more and stepping into the bathroom. As soon as you closed the glass partition between both rooms, however, Felix spun around quickly. Your eyes widened when you saw his cock standing fully erect now, droplets of water clinging to its tip as they rolled down towards his balls.
Felix looked at you with a questioning gaze before looking away again in embarrassment – only making things worse by letting out another soft groan. You gulped audibly, not knowing how to react or what to do next; all thoughts leaving your head as you stared wide-eyed at him from across the small bathroom.
"Uhm, should I even ask? Or are we just going to stare awkwardly until one of us gets uncomfortable?" You finally managed to mutter after taking a deep breath, averting your gaze slightly so you wouldn't be tempted to keep staring at him.
"Sorry..." He mumbled softly, blushing darkly as he gently pushed his thighs together to hide his erection behind them. "I didn't mean to get hard, honest. It's just... well, my dick is sensitive sometimes."
Your brows furrowed worriedly while you watched him try to cover up his obvious arousal. His words sounded sincere though, which made you feel somewhat better about the situation. Still, something told you that you shouldn't press too much on the matter since he seemed quite embarrassed already.
"... Alrighty then," You sighed lightly, trying to push aside your lingering anxiety. "If you want me to leave, I'll go."
Felix shook his head slowly. "...No, please stay. You don't have to touch it or anything werid like that. I just can't reach my back properly without help, alright?"
His voice was laced with nervousness, but you couldn't deny feeling rather curious. That same curiosity won out in the end, however, because you decided to sit yourself down on a stool placed nearby. Rolling up your sleeves again, you scoot towards the edge of the tub where Felix could easily see you. After getting comfortable, you leaned forward slightly and reached towards his lower back.
"Here goes nothing..." You murmured quietly, gently rubbing soap onto your fingers and beginning to work through the lather. A faint moan escaped Felix' lips at your gentle ministrations, causing you to blush lightly as he shifted underneath you.
"Mmm~?" Felix hummed quietly, tilting his head slightly to the side and smiling bashfully. "That tickles..."
You chuckled softly, shaking your head. "It doesn't hurt, does it?"
He gave a sheepish grin in response. "Not really, no. Just feels good, actually."
You smiled fondly at him, leaning even closer to start working on his shoulders. The muscles were firm beneath your hands, yet surprisingly flexible considering their size. You worked your way downwards, careful to avoid touching his hips due to how slippery they'd gotten from the hot bath. Felix let out a quiet sigh when you began scrubbing the rest of his upper back, rivulets of sweat forming along his spine.
"There we go~" You cooed, washing off the last traces of soap with some more water. "All clean!"
"Thanks," Felix said gratefully, rolling onto his front as he sat upright again.
His chest glimmered faintly in the dim lighting provided by the overhead light above, and the same erection you first noticed earlier peeked out from the gap between his legs.
You swallowed thickly, unable to tear your gaze away from his crotch. Felix smirked shyly, giving you an innocent smile. "So uhm... how exactly do you wash someone else's back anyway? I've never done it myself, but I've always wondered."
"Oh, well..." You trailed off, realizing you weren't sure how to respond to that question.
You could barely focus on talking normally anymore, though. All your attention was focused solely on the sight of his stiff shaft poking out from below him, coated in clear precum. You tried to avert your gaze, but it wasn't easy. Every time you looked over at him, you found yourself being drawn back towards those long, toned limbs of his. And each time you did look at him, you felt your heart skip a beat.
"Hahaha... Sorry for asking such a weird thing." Felix giggled nervously, clearly aware of your growing attraction to him. "I guess I'm trying to lighten the mood here."
"Ah, um..." You stuttered, struggling to find any kind of coherent thought amidst the haze clouding your mind. "N-No, it's fine! I'm actually pretty distracted right now, so... yeah. Lightening the mood sounds nice."
Felix nodded happily, resting his chin against the edge of the tub and grinning brightly. God, this guy had such a cute face, you found yourself thinking idly. One you wanted to kiss very badly, if given half the chance.
"Do you... wanna touch it?" Felix asked suddenly, making you blink in surprise before you realized what he meant. "Just, not directly. Not unless you're okay with that, of course. If you aren't, I understand."
The sudden shift in topic caught you off guard, leaving you momentarily speechless. Your eyes widened, staring intently into Felix' own lustful gaze. You gulped rather heavily, shivering under the weight of his intense stare. It took everything within you not to give in to your desires, but after several seconds passed, you managed to form a reply.
"Y-Yes, I would love to touch it." You whispered huskily, swallowing hard.
A broad smile spread across Felix' features, and he quickly moved past the awkwardness. He moved back against the wall behind him, stretching one leg outwards while keeping himself balanced atop the other knee. This left his groin completely exposed to you, and made it much easier to get close enough to touch.
"Then come here." Felix commanded, gesturing with a hand. "And put your hands on me."
Your cheeks burned red, but you didn't hesitate to comply. Once again, you scooted the chair much closer to where Felix sat, letting him guide you through whatever motions were required for you to reach him.
The moment you got within range, however, you paused, unsure of whether or not you should continue. Felix saw your hesitation, and gave you a reassuring nod. "Go ahead, I don't mind. Just be gentle with my cock; I'm still sick, remember?"
"...Right." You mumbled softly, slowly reaching forward.
Despite all your worries, once you touched him, it became immediately obvious why he'd been aroused like this. His skin was smooth, almost silky in nature. Even just brushing up against it sent pleasant tingles shooting down your spine. His dick stood straight up from his body, its length slightly thicker than average - probably due to the fact that it hadn't fully recovered yet.
You reached out hesitantly, gently cupping his length with both hands. It twitched under your touch, eliciting another soft moan from Felix. He leaned back further, allowing you better access to his shaft. As you began stroking it, you couldn't help but notice the faint scent of sweat mixed with a hint of musk. It wasn't unpleasant, really. In fact, it was rather arousing.
But, when combined with the smell of his own arousal, it somehow made it even harder to keep your thoughts together.
"Mnh..." Felix grunted lowly, leaning his head back against the bathtub. "That feels good... Keep doing that."
You hummed in response, continuing to stroke him as best you could. It only took a few more moments before his breathing grew heavier, and his hips bucked involuntarily. You stopped briefly, surprised by how fast things had progressed.
However, Felix simply grinned playfully at you, prompting you to resume stroking him. After several more minutes, you noticed his cock begin to twitch, signaling the onset of climax.
"A-Are you close?" You gasped, unable to hide your nervousness.
"Yeah, I think so..." Felix panted breathlessly, giving you a wink. "But hold off until then, alright? I want you to do something else for me first."
"O-Okay..." You breathed, nodding. "What is it?"
Felix' grin turned predatory, and you knew exactly what he meant. With that realization came a flood of conflicting emotions: excitement mingled with apprehension. But, you soon pushed those feelings aside. After all, this was about pleasure - yours and Felix'.
So, without further hesitation, you began strip naked, baring every inch of your gorgeous skin for him to see. As you did so, Felix watched silently, seemingly entranced by your actions. When you finished undressing, he smirked at the sight of your nude body before speaking again.
"Are you planning to ride me?" Felix teased lightly, causing you to blush deeply.
"I-If that's what you want," You replied nervously, averting your gaze. "Or... we can just cuddle or something. That works too, right?"
"Whatever makes you happy is fine with me." Felix said cheerfully. "In fact, either way will work just fine."
With that, Felix grabbed your waist roughly, pulling you onto his lap. The water splashed loudly around you both, adding to the already tense atmosphere. For a second, neither of you spoke. Instead, you merely stared into each other's eyes, sharing a brief kiss. When you finally pulled away, you had decided to lower your thighs, allowing Felix to slide himself into place between your spread knees. The tip of his dick prodded delicately against your entrance, teasing you with its presence before slipping inside.
A moment later, the head popped past your innermost ring, causing both of you to gasp audibly.
"H-How does it feel?" Felix whispered breathlessly, gripping tightly onto your shoulders. "Does it hurt too much? Are you still okay with going through with this?"
"It doesn't hurt," You replied honestly, reaching forward and grasping hold of one of his hands. "And yes, I'm fine with continuing. Just take your time, alright?"
"Mmhmm~" Felix hummed contentedly as he continued to thrust slowly within you. "Tell me if you need to stop though, all right?"
Your heart swelled warmly at his concern, knowing that he cared about you enough to worry whether or not you would enjoy having sex with him. Even more so, you found yourself falling deeper and deeper into the throes of lustful pleasure as his shaft moved ever-so-slightly inside of you. Every inch of him felt wonderful; every twitch and throb sent shockwaves of bliss coursing throughout your entire body.
Overcome by the overwhelming sensations, you gripped tighter onto his hand and tilted your head back, moaning softly as you gazed upon the ceiling. You tried to keep your moans quiet, wanting to make sure that no one heard you, but soon gave up on that notion, releasing a throaty cry of ecstasy.
"Shit! Ngh, fuck! F-Faster, Felix! Please, fuck me faster!" You begged desperately, shuddering each time he slammed deep inside of you. "Oh god... fuck!"
A low chuckle rumbled out of Felix' throat, sending shivers running down your spine. "Like this?"
The pace of his thrusts grew even quicker, eliciting another pleasurable squeal from you as he buried himself completely within your pussy. His cock pulsated rapidly against the walls of your vagina, stimulating you just as much as it did him. And yet, despite how good it was feeling, you wanted more – needed something else to come along and drive you insane.
"More," You whimpered urgently, glancing sideways at him. "Please..."
Without giving him a chance to respond, you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and tugged on him roughly. As expected, he responded eagerly, pushing himself harder and faster than ever before. It seems the adrenaline rush had taken away his sickly pallor, because now, he looked positively manic.
In fact, if not for all those dark bags under his eyes, he might have been mistaken for an entirely different person altogether.
A man who'd lost control over his body's needs; a madman driven by lust alone. He pounded into you with reckless abandon, going so far beyond what anyone would consider normal that it made you wonder whether or not there were any limits left after such a performance.
"Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! Oh god, yessss! Yes, like that! Harder! Faster! More!" You cried out loudly in response to every single one of his thrusts, unable to keep up with his frantic pace no matter how hard you tried.
The bathroom tub beneath you began to shake violently, splashing water everywhere, but you didn't care about anything other than being fucked senseless right then and there. Not only could you feel yourself getting closer to climax, but also Felix seemed to be reaching some kind of fever pitch too. His hips snapped forward repeatedly, driving deeper than ever before without pause, causing both of you to cry out in surprise.
Then came the moment when everything changed.
Your orgasm hit first, exploding through your entire body almost instantly upon Felix' final stroke. A long line of curses spilled from your lips as pleasure tore through you like wildfire, leaving nothing behind but a lingering warmth where once there had been pure bliss.
"Felix!" You gasped harshly, struggling to catch your breath between moans. "I'm cumming again!"
His own voice sounded strained, raw and deep, which only served to fuel the fire burning inside of you further. "Yeah? Is my good girl ready for her reward?"
You couldn't answer, nor could you do anything besides moan back weakly at his question. But somehow, he understood anyway, and that knowledge sent a thrill shooting straight through you.
"Yeah! Fill me up with it!" You cried desperately into his ear. "Cum all over me!"
He was quick to comply, slamming himself hard against you one last time before burying his face in your neck.
Felix grunted loudly as another wave crashed down on him, this one more powerful than any previous. The hot liquid poured forth onto your breasts, coating them entirely while simultaneously dripping down your stomach until even your thighs were drenched. It wasn't just your pussy either; every inch of skin was coated by the sticky fluid. After he pulled away, the feeling lingered, making your legs tremble slightly.
Eventually, you slumped down heavily onto his chest, exhausted beyond belief. Both of you lay there panting together, letting your bodies recover before moving anywhere else. Although, curiosity got the better of you and you leaned up enough to look him.
"H-how are you feeling?" Felix asked nervously as he looked back at you with wide eyes. You smiled weakly in response but didn't answer right away.
"Tired," You mumbled sleepily. "Very tired."
He chuckled lightly, another string of coughs racking his frame.
After several minutes of rest, however, he finally managed to straighten up and sit upright. With some difficulty, he pulled himself out of your wet folds and slid off the rim of the tub, leaning against the shower curtain rail to catch his breath.
"I'm really sorry. You'll probably get sick too after what we've done here," he said apologetically, gazing at the water droplets dripping from his hair.
You giggled weakly, trying to ignore the fact that you could barely walk. "Don't be silly, Lixie! I don't mind getting ill at all."
His cheeks turned pink when you called him by his nickname, the freckles across his nose standing out sharply under the fluorescent lighting. Well, they weren't really 'pink', per se, but rather an odd shade of redder than usual. In either case, you couldn't help but smile fondly at the sight.
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do u have any tvdint fic reccs? <- has been combing through the tvdint ao3 tag several times
If you've been through the AO3 tags, then chances are you've read most of my reccs, but i'll list em anyway as well as the few i've read through on Pixiv :0
Please keep in mind that you should always read through the tags and warnings of these fics (and ANY fic) before proceeding. I tend to like darker/angsty storylines, so just be aware. Most of these reccs are SFW, but there are a couple that dip into NSFW territory.
Besides grouping them from English AO3 fics, Non-English AO3 fics, and Pixiv fics, there is no order to this list
"I'm Not Going Anywhere" by AruiI: Ronaldo gets critically injured during a hunt. Draluc does his best to keep him alive until he can get to a hospital, and is forced to realize just how scared he is to potentially lose him
Stages of Grief by WyvernQuill: Draluc decides to prove to his friends that Ronaldo doesn't care about him, and plays a prank where he seems to have permanently died. Author wrote this fic before discovering that Chapter 47 was a thing that existed, but is a lovely tragic take on the Draluc permadeath concept
Underground by MerrilyAround: Ronaldo and John return to their apartment to find Draluc and his coffin mysteriously missing. Meanwhile, a very vocal anti-vampire group are being very cryptic about what could have possibly happened to him
Don't Lie to Me by AruiI: Draluc gets sick and tries his damnedest to hide it, at the detriment of his own health. Needless to say, Ronaldo finds out, and does his best to take care of him, while having no idea what he's doing
The Invicible's Opponent by tori1116: Ronaldo ends up with a broken arm after a job, and realizes he's gonna have a lot of trouble bathing with one working arm. Draluc offers to help. This is a Chinese fic, but the story is rewritten in English in the second chapter. NSFW warning. Some absolutely killer characterization in this one, chef's kiss
I'm going back to 505 by Insane_fangurL: Ronaldo offhandedly wishes that Draluc would stay dead. Little does he know that someone who is very willing to make that happen was listening
Something Bothered. by CowboyAdvice: Draluc's cousin is getting married, and Draluc and Ronaldo are invited to the wedding. Draluc is less than thrilled for reasons he won't delve into, and the arrangements for their involvement are a little eyebrow-raising. NSFW warning
you're gonna carry that weight by notreally: Ronaldo gets kidnapped by a vampire with a grudge. He has to resist and fight tooth and nail if he wants to survive. Love this one purely cuz it showcases Ronaldo's ability to truly fight that we rarely ever get to see in canon lol
Case #94 by Moana230: A reimagining of Chapter 1 of the manga. Ronaldo is a private investigator hired by a woman to figure out where her kid keeps sneaking off to. This leads him to a decrepit castle with lots of still-active booby traps and a mysterious voice leading him around
The Inverse Relationship between a Gentleman and a Contradiction by ferret: A lovely Inverse!AU story. Draluc dwells on this strange, overly-flowery hunter who has taken a fancy to him, and realizes a lot of their sweet, innocent words don't line up with the rest of them
thinner than water (thicker than blood) by awesomecookies: A wonderful take on Hiyoshi's earlier years. A story of a kid who was thrown into adulthood too early, and didn't want to let go of that freedom that came with being young, even when it came at the detriment of neglecting his responsibilities with his little brother and sister
And I Taste Milk (Please, Please Runaway) by awesomecookies: A Coffeeshop!AU fic. Ronaldo works at a crappy coffeeshop and has begrudgingly taken a fascination with the snarky, chronically ill man who looks a little too much like a vampire for comfort and his two adorable kids. (Sidenote i think this is genuinely the first coffeeshop au i've ever read f;aoiefna)
Okay from here on out, the fics are not written in English and don't have any official translations. I shucked them through a translator, and they read mostly coherently, and these are my favorite ones that i've found
月白 by overdriveojoj: Draluc has a secret that he's never told anyone, not even John: when he dies, he can see the auras of everyone around him. He becomes infatuated with observing the differences between them, and becomes especially entranced with Ronaldo's moon-white aura
昼夜交替 by Qi_U: A collection of oneshots, ranging in tone and humor. My personal favorite is chapter 2, where Draluc decides to move away from Shinyoko and takes many trips down memory lane as he packs his things
【羅納德拉】A Thousand Years by SSilverse: A short fic Ronaldo and Draluc have a discussion about vampire and human romances, and why they typically don't work out.
his little color game by rodionychh: Draluc muses about all his favorite colors, and shockingly realizes that all of his favorites tie into Ronaldo in some way
【羅納德拉】旅行 by leci1028: Ronaldo decides that he wants to escape his current life and go on a roadtrip with Draluc and John with no real destination or ending; he and Draluc discuss the theoreticals of how it would all work out. I will be honest: this one guts me every time
I bet on losing dogs by a_ailema: After another stressful deadline crunch, Ronaldo realizes just how much Draluc means to him and how much he's improved his life. Draluc realizes the same about Ronaldo. A wonderful character study
德拉羅納短篇 by tori1116: Another collection of one shots. Highly recommend chapter 5, where Delta!Ronaldo actually succeeds in dying, and meets Canon!Draluc in the death realm. Draluc recounts just how he got there to satiate Ronaldo's curiosity and make him feel better. NSFW warning for some chapters iirc (admittedly it's been a while since I've read this one)
These last ones are on Pixiv. I don't find Pixiv's filtering system nearly as intuitive as AO3's, so most of these fics are ones i've read off of others' recommendations
退治人と吸血鬼の非公開事件 by みる: Ronaldo is visited by a mysterious lady who tells him that in 3 days, she will die. Investigating leads him and Draluc down a rabbit hole of experimentation, disease, and a strange murder mystery
ワルツはもう踊れない(ロナドラ)【5/4再版します】 by 46/shiro: After solving a strange case where a vampire killed her lover and drained his body of blood, Ronaldo realizes that he can't remember too many of the details surrounding the case. Something is up with his shooting hand, and Draluc is looking for strange accommodations that he's never requested before
深海で息をする by 土鳩: Draluc has fallen into the sea, and his ashes are scattered in the waves. Ronaldo has spent years and years trying to collect his ashes and bring him back. This story is written in a mob character's perspective
Con Fuoco by tomioka: Ronaldo confesses his feelings for Draluc, and the vampire doesn't respond. Soon after, something is awoken in Draluc that makes everything he touches burn.
悪夢を憐れむ歌 by カルノ: Ronaldo goes to the library one night and finds an odd book. On his way home after closing time, he spots Draluc in the rain being attacked by an obsessed fan, and goes to intervene. But not everything is as it seems.
Aaaanndd I think i'm gonna cut it off here for now. My brain is dead fa;oewfinae I have a lot more faves than what's on this list, but some of them are a little too my tastes to really share, some of them are a little to scandalous to share, and some of them are just "I remember liking this one but for the life of me i can't remember what it was about and i don't have the time to reread atm"
But hopefully this helped at least a little! This fandom is very small, but the fics are wonderful ^^
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