#mad iqs posting
castallurspells · 4 months
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potato-lord-but-not · 2 years
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half-doomed · 2 years
Reblog with which you prefer:
- kiss goodnight or love at first sight
- boring (violent things version) or boring (dance version)
- visitation of the ghost or mad iqs
- cluster hug (brobecks version) or clusterhug (idkhow version)
- boys dont cry cover or debra cover
- modern day cain (original) or modern day cain (slow jam)
- le velo pour deux (violet things version) or le velo pour deux (gahapt version)
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okapiandpaste · 10 months
I could so easily make a playlist for arsène lupin but it would probably be 80% idkhow and 20% saint motel with nothing else
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girlmikeyway · 2 years
mad IQs - idkhow 09.07.2022
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causalitylinked · 1 year
@badheart​​ — continued from here ;;
    When she finally turns, regarding him with what appeared to be a flabbergasted expression, his eyes would only widen just the subtlest bit; after all, Ryuto didn’t believe he said anything to potentially set Fang off. Why, as far as he was concerned, he had been perfectly civil with her, which made her reaction all the more unfathomable to him.
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    “...Not particularly? After spotting you, my curiosity was simply piqued,” Ryuto then answers truthfully, because in all truthfulness, he simply felt like talking to her once he notices her checking out Yoshitoki Oima’s latest work. Of course, most would probably assume he would be snobby enough to believe manga wasn’t true literature, but contrary to popular belief, even he would resort to flipping through a Shonen Jump magazine every once in a while. “That was the intention, yes,” Ryuto soon goes on to nonchalantly nod.
    “I wanted to hear your thoughts regarding that manga; after all, it’s not often I would encounter women who seemingly like that particular genre,” he adds while failing to mention he did actually remember what happened between them. Ryuto just chooses not to hold a grudge over what happened because he figured the heat only served to exacerbate her mood back then... and though he did imply Fang lacked the intelligence he sought in his ideal girl, he still manages to entertain the notion he might have potentially judged her far too soon.
    Why, if nothing else, it wasn’t like he knew her all that well yet, so on the off chance she turns out to be way smarter than he had initially given her credit for, he was willing enough to apologize despite how shallow her attraction towards him was.
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blackwaxidol · 1 year
So do you have an example of how us peasants could catch out terfs without shinigami eyes or are we all supposed to be as psychic as you lol
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mrs-weasley-reid · 2 months
Escape Is Mandatory
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platonic Spencer Reid x geniusbau!reader | part 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Summary: prison changed Spencer, and along with it were a couple of horrible choices bau!reader refused to tolerate, hence a threat to their years of friendship. But all of it disappeared as soon as an unsub threatened your life.
Warning: details of death, violence, and infidelity; curse word(s)
A/N: I can't believe it has been over a year since I posted this mini-series (me just disappearing out of nowhere, lol). This draft has been sitting for a year. I never published it because it felt boring (I still do, somehow), but I wanted to celebrate the series reaching a year old HAHA! Anywaysss, as usual, this might be heavy, so be mindful when reading. It's not my gif; credits to the owner :)
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Luther Gerard grinned maniacally, leaning against his seat, "Let me guess... sister? Oh, but she's too pretty to be related to you." His cuffed hand caressed your picture on the table, "Lover, perhaps?"
Spencer's jaw clenched, "Where. Is. She?" His palms were itchy, breathing steadily as he kept them flat on the table.
This unsub was unlike any other serial killer he had encountered. Luther Gerard, age 38, is an average plumber but one hell of a genius, almost as dangerously intelligent as Spencer, with 186 IQ.
Spencer would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. He was terrified to the bone. Because this time, the unsub had 83.248% outsmarting him, and the victim was you.
"Anyone wanna hear how I picked her up?" Luther glanced at the two-sided mirror, chuckling, "I'll take the silence as a yes."
He looked at Spencer straight in his eyes, "It was dim, but not too much. She was 40 feet away from the precinct entrance... 15 from you. She looked pretty mad when she turned her back, but she looked so hurt walking away. I can remember her tears. Oh, they were sweet and just a little salty. She knew I was there for her. She was going to scream for you. But what can I say? She was a second too slow. I was going to get your attention but she looked so good unconscious in my arms."
"You sick son of a bitch—"
It took Luke, Matt, and three police officers to hold Spencer back. His face was red, and Luke swore he was breathing fire. His knuckles were white as he grabbed Luke's shirt and a bit of the skin on Matt's arm.
Spencer escaped from being pinned by five people with minimal struggle, grabbing Luther's collar to the point of suffocation. "Where the hell is she?! Tell me where!"
Luther laughed out loud, watching as Spencer crumbled into an angry mess. "Listen here, Dr. Reid... you can be a point smarter than me as long as you can, but she will always be two points dumber than me. She'll die in that fucking warehouse."
Emily barged into the interrogation room, "Reid." She gestured at Matt to take him out of the room, leaving Luke to get the answers they'd been looking for the past five hours.
Spencer aggressively shrugged Matt's hands on his shoulders, "I can walk," His voice grew a little softer than seconds ago, but his tone still crunched with anger.
As soon as the door shut, Spencer turned to Emily, "She's dying out there."
"You're not the only one who's worried. She's our friend, too, you know. But we won't find her if you let your emotions take over you." Emily took a deep breath, giving him a concerned look.
Spencer ran his fingers through his hair, "I'm not worried. I'm scared." He dropped his head, letting a cruel sigh pass his shivering lips.
Despite his attempt to reinsert himself in the interrogation room, Emily forbade him from coming in contact with the unsub for the rest of the evening. So, he stood next to JJ in the conference room, trying to save you in the best way he knew how: geographic profiling.
"I should've known," Spencer mumbled under his breath.
JJ turned to him, "Did you find something?" She scanned the board in front of them, hoping that she'd see what Spencer was seeing.
Spencer loosened his tie, "The victims. The location. I should've figured it out the moment we briefed about the case. It should've clicked." He guiltily looked at JJ, "I should've kept her safe."
"Spence," JJ spoke motherly. "None of us knew she was the target. You have to know that none of this is your fault." She gave him a kind look, something he knew well to differ whether it was out of pity or genuine compassion.
"But it is my fault..." He averted his eyes from her. He couldn't bear to look at anyone in their eyes, much less the thought of yours, filled with tears from his stupidity.
JJ's eyebrows gently knitted, "Did something happen the last time you saw her?"
— ✿ — ✿— ✿ ✿ ✿
2 days ago...
The afternoon's fifth hour barely struck, yet the sky was already dark. The lampposts around the precinct were enough light to at least keep you and Spencer from tripping.
None of you have said a word for the past three minutes. You even missed Emily's nod. Both of you were too occupied to care. You: with the obscene sight you just witnessed and the burning itch to smack the back of his head. Spencer: with whatever internal conflict he was going through after coming back from prison, he refused to talk to anyone about.
With every step away from the might as well named crime scene, your lips slowly unfastened. Spencer had barely clicked the SUV's key when you began.
"She's married."
"She's unhappily married."
Your eyebrows clashed, "That's not an excuse, Reid. Your wrinkly brain knows that."
"Can't you just mind your own business?" Spencer rolled his eyes, treating your conversation lighter than you wanted him to.
"I would have if only you did," You looked at him with utter disbelief. No amount of blinking would erase the sight forever etched in the back of your curse of a photographic memory. "Her unhappy marriage was her business. That was her and her husband's business."
Spencer was growing impatient with you. The signs were easy to catch. His knotted forehead. Thoughtless glare. Clenched hands deep in his pockets. An obvious Spencer-is-pissed-at-you special tell.
He straightened his back, "I was just helping her out."
"Holy shit—" You scoffed a baffled chuckle, "Are you hearing yourself? Adultery and sympathy are not the same, Reid. What the hell has gotten into your head?"
Ordinary people wouldn't have cared. Luke and Matt would disagree and judge Spencer's stupid choices but would've kept their mouths shut. Emily and David would spit a bit of advice on how morally wrong he was, but they would have minded their own business for the most part. Tara would've been disgusted but refused to get herself involved. JJ and Penelope would have been utterly disappointed and angry at him, but they wouldn't have missed a chance to make up with him.
You, however, felt nauseatingly repugnant. Years of friendship felt like a thin layer of ice loudly breaking. He knew most of your uninteresting and failed romance. How often has he lent you a back to bury your face on? The number of times he's caught not two but four of your short-term lovers shamelessly cheating. He knew well enough, too much even.
"You know what I think?" He chuckled evilly. And you knew then he was aiming for your throat. "I think you're just jealous because you don't have the aptitude to get over your dead boyfriend."
Your jaw dropped. You half-expected him to say those words, but it still surprised you. It still stung. Your tears were fighting to flow, but you had enough self-respect to not do it before him, not with his shitty attitude, at least.
You gripped the hem of your blazer, "You're a jerk. That's what you are." You took a sharp breath, biting the overflowing ache on your chest. "Come back when you've got something for the case."
A second didn't pass after you turned your back on him, and the tears immediately trailed down your face. You walked out of the parking lot as fast as you could. Crying in front of your childhood classmates felt more gratifying than in front of Spencer.
Wiping the unwanted tears from your cheeks, your feet came to a halt without warning. Something about the fifteen-foot distance from Spencer's back and the forty-foot gap from the entrance to the precinct left you terrifyingly vulnerable.
Your gears began turning.
Victims were awfully close to your build.
You're in your hometown.
And it clicked a second too late.
— ✿ — ✿— ✿ ✿ ✿
"Spence!" JJ gently shook Spencer back to reality. As soon as she knew he was back down to earth, she immediately spoke, "They found another body—"
Spencer flew out of the door before JJ could even finish speaking. He went to Luke, who was on his way to one of the SUVs. "Where?" He asked in a rush. His heart was beating right in his ear. A series of negative thoughts filled his head.
Luke had a few seconds to tell Spencer where the said body was but quickly interrupted Spencer's thoughts. "We don't know anything yet, Reid."
"But what if it's her?" Spencer snapped. He had little patience for anyone. All he knew was how important it was to see a body that's not you.
— ✿ — ✿— ✿ ✿ ✿
"Fuck!" You cried in a shattered voice.
Tears flowed nonstop down your face, along with your own blood dripping from the top of your horribly bandaged head. Luther Gerard was evil enough to let you bleed slowly to death.
Unbeknownst to him, you were the most stubborn person in the entire BAU team. You bled your way out of the place he locked you in, cursing the pain off your chest.
You have been loosening the barbwire wrapped around your feet with your bare hands for the past hour. Your hands and your feet had gotten skinned off from the sharp metal.
Hope was on your side, though, as you felt your left foot painfully slide off the wrap. You cried out in joy, holding your ankles tight as if the pain would immediately dissipate.
You wiped your tears off your face, smearing blood from your palm onto your skin. You laughed, already delirious from lack of blood. "I'm going to break your neck once I find you. Then I'll beat the hell out of Reid for taking his goddamn time."
— ✿ — ✿— ✿ ✿ ✿
Spencer felt relief wash over him as soon as he glanced at the lifeless woman being pulled out of the creek. It may have been messed up that he was thankful a different woman died, but he wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
He and Luke drove back to the precinct with a little less tense chests. They may not have found you, but the fact that you weren't the body they found meant one thing. You were still alive. That's all that mattered.
"We'll find her," Luke broke the silence between them, glancing at Spencer from his peripheral. "She's stubborn. She won't let anyone hurt her without punching back. She's probably on her way back to the precinct." He attempted to lighten the mood.
Spencer took a deep breath, "She better be." He looked outside of the car, biting his lower lip. "She has to escape wherever she is. It's mandatory. I'm not letting her die without finishing our argument."
— ✿ — ✿— ✿ ✿ ✿
It's been two days of searching every nook and cranny of your little hometown, but the team hasn't gotten anywhere in finding you.
Each member was exhausted, especially Spencer. He hasn't gotten a wink of sleep. He couldn't even if he tried to.
They were running out of ideas. But like every single cases the BAU team had, you knew how to turn things around. Their wake snapped up as gasps echoed in the entire precinct.
The team rushed to see the commotion and almost burst into tears as soon as they saw you.
"Oh my god..." JJ whimpered under her breath as she clasped her mouth.
You stood there by the entrance, bloodied up and half-conscious. You held the door's handle tight, painting it with your dirty blood as it kept you up on your feet. They could barely recognize your face from the mixture of blood and dirt on your face.
Despite your pitiful, bloodied state, you managed to show them your temper. "You better have caught that bastard." You growled weakly.
Your body was shaking from exhaustion. Just as you slipped out of consciousness, Spencer rushed to catch your body.
Tara called for a medic while Emily went to your aid. Luke and Matt went straight to work things out and give Gerard the worst news he's ever going to receive: it turns out you weren't as dumb as he wanted you to be.
Spencer gently wiped your face with his sleeve. He didn't care if it was his favorite shirt. All he cared about was how his best friend stubbornly stayed alive.
When Emily sat next to him to keep you off the floor, she saw just how much your friendship meant to Spencer. She squeezed his shoulder, "She's back safe with us, Reid. She'll be alright."
Her words prompted Spencer's sobs, tears trickling onto your face in hopes that it would wash the hell you went through for the past days. He quickly wiped them off, though. He knew well enough how you'd react to his 'filthy tears' coming in contact with your skin.
"Yeah, you better clean it off," You mumbled with your eyes closed, gripping the hem of his cardigan vest. You couldn't let yourself pass out, knowing you had a severe wound on your head.
Spencer choked a laugh, "Took you long enough. I thought I would have to save your ass." He sniffed as he let the paramedics transfer you onto a crash cart.
You scoffed, turning into a short series of coughs. "Just admit it. You can't figure things out without my brain power. Your brain's getting smooth, Reid. Prodigy no more."
The team couldn't help but roll their eyes at you and Spencer's banter, bouncing back faster than your recovery. Although they hated to admit it, they preferred the two of you that way rather than apart.
"I'm glad you're safe..." Spencer's voice became softer. Somehow, he couldn't stop himself from tearing up. This was the second time he'd cried nonstop. The first time being the love of his life's death.
He was glad this time wasn't due to someone important's death. He didn't know how he'd handle it if the person he could always rely on would leave him of this world.
As you were dragged into the ambulance, you gave all the rest of your strength to glare at Spencer. "Don't think you're off the record. After I deal with Gerard, you're next."
"Is it mandatory?" He sarcastically stated, jumping into the ambulance the moment you were settled in. He couldn't bear to leave you out of his sight.
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castallurspells · 5 months
paralyzed by the sum of your parts,,,,,,,
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duodusk · 2 years
i have so many animatic plans i want to do but i have one i started so fucking long ago and had the whole thing thumbnailed out and never actually Did so like . maybe i should get around to that
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half-doomed · 2 years
Fav mad iqs live things:
The way dallon gets absolutely possessed on stage when you take away his bass for a bit
That hiigh note
The random bit of the alphabet???
Mic cord wrapped around his neck..........
When he writhes around on the ground if he's feeling spicy
The way he gets ALLL up in people's faces AAAH
The moaning .
(Specifically for the singapore show) when he went into the crowd!! 🥺
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ramp-it-up · 11 months
Sugar Sugar
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Summary: You chose Bucky. But now he’s going 5000 miles away. And you were not consulted. Steve is right there and it’s his birthday. The competition isn’t over.
Word Count: 2.5K
Pairings: College grad Steve x Grad School Reader; College grad Bucky x Grad School Reader (Not Stucky); Various Marvel MCU Characters (in same age except for Stark) x Reader (platonic)
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Not Beta’d. Read at your own risk. Roommate au, S MUT! Lovers quarrel before action starts, angst, flirting, Tony being Tony, lowkey voyeurism, a lil bit of fluff. drinking, flirting, crushes, an unsanctioned birthday picnic, ‘borrowed’ champagne, birthday “kisses” 😏, oral s ex (f receiving), cheating (maybe. possibly)
A/N: This is a sequel to last year’s Sugar. I know! 😫 I hope you like it.
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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You were sipping your blueberry tequila smash and staring moodily across the water. It was supposed to be a festive day and an even better night, but that insanely handsome and inconsiderate roommate/boyfriend of yours ruined it all.
Or rather, you ruined it, thinking that you would be any different than any of the other girls he’d smashed and passed on. So what it had lasted a year? Bucky was leaving you now, so cheers to wasted time.
You downed the rest of your drink in one gulp as you thought to get another when someone cleared their throat beside you.
You glanced over to see your boss standing beside you, resplendent in a white suit and sunglasses. You straightened up and ran your free hand over your white mini sundress with blue polka dots and greeted him.
“Oh! Hello, Mr. Stark. This party is so nice. Great way to celebrate the Fourth!”
You plastered on a fake smile and aimed it at him. He smiled back at you.
“Cut the shit, Sugar. I know you’re not that happy. I saw you and Barnes had words and he stalked out. I warned you about fraternization.”
Your stomach dropped and you just knew that you would be fired and kicked out of Stark house, losing your graduate fellowship. Shit. Stark knew everything, even the nickname that your roommates, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers had given you.
“Oh that? That was nothing, just a roommate disagreement.”
Stark leaned in. He smelled good. Real good. He smelled….rich.
“Listen. That rule is not because I mind co-workers getting it on…” 
He paused and winked at you, and instead of being creepy, it was funny, so you laughed. 
“It’s because most people, especially young people like you, can’t do it without all the feels.”
He nodded and you turned to see Wanda and Vis sneaking off around the house, hand in hand.
“That’s going to lead to heartbreak,” he said, indicating the sneaky couple.
Then looked you in the eyes. 
“And you’re going to be all twisted up into knots between those two grunts if you’re not careful.”
You looked at him quizzically.
“Two grunts?”
Stark sighed and raised his hand.
“You need to lay off the red, white, and blue drinks, Sugar.”
He looked you up and down and you don’t know if it was the drinks, but you weren’t mad at him. He was kind of charming.
“Barnes and Rogers. Part of the reason I keep you around, besides the fact that your IQ is within 20 points of mine, is the increased productivity around them when you are together. Competition is a wonderful thing for business.”
When the server appeared, he grabbed an elegant looking red drink.
“But lately productivity is falling. Hence Barnes’ new offer. It had to be done, Sugar. Now we all can concentrate on the work ahead.”
You frowned at what he was saying, not giving voice to your feelings on that subject. Stark sighed again and shook his head as he handed the drink to you, despite what he said earlier.
“Kir Royale.”
You accepted it and took a sip. Then you looked up at Stark.  You were beginning to think that he might have been pretty cute when he was younger.
“I was Sugar, and I’m a handsome devil now.”
You gasped and put your hand over your mouth as he winked and walked away, not knowing you’d said that out loud. You watched him walk away as he commented over his shoulder. 
“Nice dress, Sugar. It’s making several people all hard, soft, and wet.”
You gasped again, looking down. The dress covered everything, and you didn’t know what he was talking about. You turned toward the river and the afternoon sun again, finally realizing.
The sun was shining through your dress and everyone behind you could see everything you had to offer. And you hadn’t worn any underwear because you came with Bucky.
You quickly made your way down the lawn to the edge of the hedge maze to put the greenery at your back and to watch the water in privacy. Irritation was on the edge of your brain, but the drinks were making everything mellow. 
So what, your boyfriend had accepted a position in Romania for a year?
So what, you couldn’t go with because you’d won a coveted Stark fellowship that extended your housing and salary into while you studied in graduate school at NYU?
So what, Bucky didn’t consult you before committing himself?
So what, you were an idiot who thought you could have happily ever after?
You jumped at a noise behind you. You wheeled around and were stopped in your tracks.
“Hey Sugar.”
Steve was there, with a strange look on his face, but his bright blue shirt was making those eyes pop.
“Oh. Hullo Steve.” 
You pouted at him and he almost fell to his knees. 
Things had been different with you and Steve since you and Bucky had gotten together last year. You were still friends, but he kept you at arms length. You didn’t think much about it, because you’d been wrapped up in your relationship, but as you looked at him now, the guilt hit you full force.
“Oh shit, Cap! It’s your birthday!”
His Lacrosse moniker flew from your lips as you threw yourself into his arms for a hug. Steve was caught off guard and stumbled backward, but managed to break your fall with his body. His hard body. 
“Thank you. You remembered.”
You were both laughing as you untangled from each other on the ground.
“Of course I did! I’m your bestie, right?” 
You gave him your bightest smile.
“Bestie. Right.” 
Steve thought of the innocent kiss you’d shared last year. He thought of it every day, in fact. But you were Bucky’s girl. He looked at you and grinned. You made him so happy. You and Bucky were his only family, so he was glad to be with you today, if only for a moment. 
“I see you were trying to be alone. I’ll leave you be.”
The sight of you made him weak, so he made to leave before he said something stupid. Then, he felt your hand grab his.
“Just where do you think you’re going, Mister?”
“Um, nothing! We’re going to celebrate your birthday in style, Bestie.” 
Your eyes sparkled at him.
“Are you ready for your reconnaissance mission?”
20 minutes later, you and Steve met in the same place, behind the hedges. He’d completed his mission with table cloth and a box full of some hor’s d'oeuvres from the party. Steve had charmed one of the servers in the kitchen.
He took you in, a mischievous look on your face and your arms behind your back. Your nipples were pointed right at him through your dress and his mouth went dry.
“What do you have there?”
Steve’s deep baritone and his raised eyebrow did something to you, but you shook it off as you brought your hands in front of you. Steve barked at your audacity.
You’d swiped a bottle of Stark’s Bollinger Vieilles Vignes Françaises from the bar and the entire top to the strawberry and blueberry five tier sponge cake that was on the buffet.
“Only the best for my bestie!”
Steve shook his head at you as you set up the picnic.
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You and Steve talked like you hadn’t in over a year. You ate and drank and just relaxed, bringing your old vibe back. Everything was perfect, even the beginning sunset across the water.
Until Steve complimented your dress.
“This is nice.” 
He took it in his hand to feel the fabric, bushing his fingertips along your thigh. You shivered and looked down at his hand, leaving Steve to marvel at your eyelashes across your cheeks. Then, you looked back up at him and reached up to feel his beard.
“So is this. Been meaning to tell you.”
Steve’s new-ish whiskers were somehow stiff, but soft, and you let your fingertips linger against his face, eyes drawn to his lips, made even more red by the strawberries off the cake. You licked yours unconsciously, thinking of that 7 minutes in heaven last summer.
“So… what do you want for your birthday?”
You reluctantly withdrew your hand from his face and sat back on your knees, hands on your thighs. For some reason, that made Steve hot and bothered. He considered you.
“Today has been great. The food, the drink, the cake.”
He grinned.
“”Great’, but not ‘Perfect.’” 
You cocked your head at him and Steve wanted his hands on you. 
“What would make it perfect?”
Steve grabbed the bottle of champagne and took a swig because you hadn’t gotten any glasses.
“It’ll never happen.”
Your interest was piqued.
“Never say never, Cap.”
Was Steve drunk, or was your voice more sultry? He shook his head, partially to clear it, and partially in denial.
“I think I can say never with confidence on this one.”
You got up on your knees and grabbed his arm.
“C’mon, please, please, please! It’s your birthday. I’ll do anything to make it happen, pleaaaseeeee!”
You bouncing up and down begging on your knees made Steve’s reserve snap.
“I want to kiss you.”
You stopped moving and your mouth hinged open. Then you licked your lips. 
“That’s what I thought.”
Steve took another swig.
“Can’t do that. You’re Buck’s girl…”
Your reticence evaporated at the mention of James Barnes.
“Fuck Bucky.” 
And you threw yourself at Steve, causing him to drop the bottle, then blindly feel for it, making sure it was upright before pulling you into his lap.
The kiss was less innocent than the first, all lips, tongues and teeth, even biting as Steve sought to possess you. You found yourself grinding on Steve’s bulge as year old memories of what his casually swinging roommate cock looked like flashed through your mind.
Then you stopped, moved off Steve’s lap and lay back on the table cloth, eyes closed and hand on your heaving chest.
“That was great.”
You chuckled and smiled, eyes still closed. You missed Steve’s eyes roaming over your prone body.
“Great, but not perfect?”
“I wasn’t talking about kissing you on those lips….”
Your eyes flew open the now dark sky and you turned your head to see Steve lying next to you, a pained look on his face.
“I know… but… damn Sugar… I’m down bad for you. Always have been.”
You looked into those baby blues and you knew it was true. 
Instead of saying what you wanted to say, you shifted and pulled your dress up slowly, causing Steve’s eyes to follow every move, and an unconscious groan to escape from his lips. When you revealed your naked core to him, he got up on his knees.
“We’ve got to make your birthday perfect, now don’t we?”
Steve gulped.
“Oh, Sugar…Sugar…”
He looked up at you, eyes dilated.
“You sure…?”
“Kiss me, Stevie…”
You let your leg fall open, and Steve’s hands were on you, pulling you toward him as he leaned down toward your naked bottom. He put his hand under your thigh and propped it up and over his shoulder.
His hot breath against your pussy lips made you shudder. He looked up at you.
“I knew you’d be pretty everywhere.”
You smiled and put your hand in his hair, scratching his scalp. 
“You’re so nice, Steve.”
He raised his eyebrow.
“Nice? I’ll show you nice.”
And he leaned down and liked your pussy, tongue sweeping into your sweet tang and setting his world on fire.
“Fucking delicious…”
“Languagggeeeeee… Stevie, fuck!”
You couldn’t handle it as he dove in and pulled and sucked your clit like taffy candy
Steve chuckled, then looked up at what he was doing to you. Your head was thrown back, one hand still grabbing his hair and the other on your breast.
“Look at me.”
You brought your head up to see him and then gasped as he spit on your pussy and then licked it up. 
“Shit, Steve…”
His mouth had disappeared into your cunt as you replied.
“T-ththat wasn’t very nice. In fact…”
You had to stop speaking because now Steve had brought two thick fingers up and had entered your slick passage. The way he finger fucked you while sucking your clit made your eyes roll back in your head. You had his hair tight and the tighter you pulled, the more he groaned and licked you up. 
You grunted through your orgasm, still cognizant that people might hear you.
After you came, Steve looked up at you and curled his fingers which were still inside you, making you slap your hand over your mouth as you keened behind it. That extended your orgasm and had you searching for air as Steve’s hand ran up your dress to squeeze your soft breasts.
“That was great, Sugar. But you know what would be perfect?”
You knew knew what was coming next. 
You thought.
“If you rode my face and came in my mouth.”
You were sure that you looked like a fish the way your mouth stayed open in surprise.
You were sexy as hell to Steve Rogers.
He moved smoothly down to the ground and you took in the tent that was made through his khaki pants. You were a little disappointed. You wanted him inside you.
Steve chuckled and reached out his arms, grabbing for you.
“C’mere, Sugar, bring me that sweet, sweet sugary cream.”
You blushed, despite the debauchery you just participated in, and allowed yourself to be pulled up to Steve’s chest, your skirt fanning around him as he hooked his arms around your thighs and moved your skirt up for access.
“Now, I want you to sit on my face.”
“That handsome face with that big ass tongue?” 
You used to tease him about it all the time.
Steve smiled and nodded.
He stuck his tongue out and wiggled it.
“The better to eat you with, my dear.”
Then he turned and kissed your thigh. Next, his blue eyes bore into yours.
“Now, bring that ass here…”
You couldn’t help but obey as you raised up on your thighs and scooted up as he scooted down. He pulled you down so that you were seated perfectly on his face, his tongue spearing inside you. His hands held you apart as next he did a swirly thing and also a full lick from the top to the bottom of you, all the while watching you.
All shyness disappeared as soon you were grabbing his hair again and undulating on his mouth. Steve nodded and groaned, which encouraged you to go for the gold.
“Oh, my god, Steve…”
You fucked yourself on his face as he sucked and tweaked your clit, listening to his moans of pleasure. The thought that this is what he wanted to do on his birthday was getting you off.
Oh, and the stunning cunnilingus that this man was performing on you helped as well.
At first you thought it was your orgasm, but the fireworks that were lighting up the sky wasn’t from your own climax, but the thousands of dollars Stark paid for them. You allowed yourself to scream as you squirted into Steve’s mouth, and you collapsed over him as he scooted out, flipped up your skirt and licked you clean.
You lay shivering on the ground watching the lights in the sky as Steve lay down beside you and viewed the fireworks with you. 
He pulled you into his arms as you whispered, “What about that?”
You wiggled your bottom against his boner.
“That will get taken care of, one way or another.”
Steve leaned up and kissed your cheek.
“Right now, this moment is perfect.”
You smiled and relaxed, thinking that what you had given Steve was also a gift to yourself.
Stars sparked in the sky as you snuggled into Steve’s arms and Bucky turned away from the hedge, heading toward Romania.
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If you like it, reblog and let me know!
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I noticed you have tagged posts ableist language on posts which I haven’t noticed the ableist language in. Sometimes in further reflection I can see why you have added that tag, and sometimes not. If you’ve ever got the time/inclination, could you explain some of the more nuanced ableist language usages?
sure thing! (and obviously, trigger warning for ableist language to follow)
I know many may feel I take a pretty radical stance, but i've studied enough linguistics to know how powerful the words we use can be, even when we don't intend it in that way. so I use the ableist language tag for when people are not being ableist but are using language which reinforces ableism. this can get a bit tricky as the people who are the subjects of ableist terms may often identify with or reclaim those terms, like calling someone a cripple is ableist, but many people self-identify as cripples, like the cripple punk movement.
I think they generally fall in three categories:
intelligence: stupid, idiot, moron, etc. intelligence and iq are not real, they're eugenicist myths and insulting people's intelligence only feeds these myths and serves the ruling class. build solidarity by seeing everyone as your equal. there is no moral value to having received a better or worse education than someone else. also many of these terms come directly from eugenics, such as their classifications of types or degrees of autism.
diagnoses: psycho, dumb, schizo, bipolar etc. these are real health conditions and i shouldn't have to explain why using them as insults is deeply offensive.
saneism: insane, crazy, mad, etc. the sane/insane dichotomy, if it was ever helpful, which I doubt, has been outdated for generations. there is no medical diagnosis of 'insane', there are hundreds of mental health conditions and an infinite number of combinations which we are barely beginning to understand. but none of them have or convey a moral value. using them as insults only stigmatizes those of us who have them, to the benefit of the ruling class and detriment of solidarity.
even if you are skeptical or attached to this language I'd challenge you to try not using it. you'll find it improves your vocabulary and your speaking and writing skills. not just that but it will deepen how you think about your fellow humans.
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gothlute · 1 month
Since you said it was okay to send you asks about Lute (and I really wanna talk about her ajshgs): do you have any headcanons for her as a character, fallenwings and/or guitarspear? :)
Also, as a doodle idea: fallen angel Lute!
I love this so much!!!!
Okay so the fallen angel Lute doodle will be done a bit later since I ordered a graphic tablet and I wanna draw it on it. I'll tag you!
Ive already made a post about Guitarspear headcanons too :D I might post more if I get ideas!
Lute headcanons.
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• Metalhead & likes goth music
• Had an emo phase, obviously, tho she won't admit it
• She's REALLY into music, either listening to it or making it. Adam and her make music together! She can sing and kinda play drums (tho she's a begginer)
• Her favorite bands is Type O negative
•Her favorite colors are black and red
• Super picky eater, and so is Adam
• High IQ, and possibly autistic, she gets told to get tested a LOT but she doesnt want to
• Is SUPER good at make up, she does her eyeliner super fast
• Very very good at strategy games. She's overall very smart and learns fast. The kind of kid to learn how to read super early and then get pissed at other kids because they can't do it
• Super serious most of the time, but the most unhinged mf with Adam because she trusts him deeply. She actually makes almost as much dirty jokes as him when it's just the two of them
• Both bi and homophobic : she was raised in a SUPER religious family and feels attraction to girls but is deeply ashamed of it.
• Had a situationship with Vaggie, but had too much internalized homophobia for it to work. She's SUPER bitter about it
• Pretty interested in mythology
-She's pretty muscular and very strong, she works out a LOT and pretty much all gay exorcists have/had some sort of crush on her (and everyone's aware of it except for herself)
• Wears a band shirt and black sweatpants like 50% of the time when out of uniform
• She would LOVE the Saw movies. They have gore, interesting lore and she'd love to learn about all the traps (she would wanna try them on demons LMAO)
Now let's dive deeper into the Lute and Vaggie part.
Fallenwings headcanons (sorta)
!!CW interalized homophobia
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I don't believe Vaggie and Lute dated. I do think they had something going on though.
To begin with, I think Lute is bisexual, with INSANE. amounts of internalized homophobia and religious guilt. She's plain homophobic, and thinks it's a sin, while ignoring the part of her that likes it. It has been easy at first because she wasn't into ONE specific girl.
But when she started liking Vaggie, everything was way harder. Her feelings were too hard to ignore. She felt genuine physical attraction, to the point where training with her was getting hard. Everything was complicated.
And Vaggie felt this way too. She started flirting with Lute, and even though she felt painfully guilty about it, she gave in.
They kissed a copious amount of times (never in public), slept together almost as much, and genuine feelings were developping for both of them.
But Lute's self hatred was only getting worse, and it was getting in the way. She would rather die than make their relationship official (though let's be honest you'd have to be blind to miss the sexual tension during training), and Vaggie had to constantly remind Lute that it was okay, that it didn't make her a sinner.
She didn't believe it.
She sometimes pushed Vaggie away when she initiated any contact, even chaste and friendly, and got very cold and disgusted to talk to her. Because after all, she's gay.
Vaggie tried to be as understanding as possible, but it was getting too far.
Her and Lute got into an argument.
Vaggie was like "this is stupid, you insist that we hide when we see eachother, you seem uncomfortable and it's clear that you don't really like me SO we should probably just stop". She wasnt that mad just a bit annoyed and sad
Except Lute took it very badly, and got VERY defensive and mad, because Vaggie was right. She got mean and lashed out on her, Vaggie left and they just...stopped talking
Basically, Vaggie thinks Lute used her to "try it with a girl" while Lute had actual feelings, and she HATES Vaggie because she let her see her weaknesses and thinks she's disgusting for making her fall for her!! She was a lesbian after all.
+ She betrayed heaven and it was OVER. It was the proof Lute was waiting for, proof that Vaggie was just a filthy sinner, disgusting, that she deserved to rot in hell, and that Lute's little phase was over, probably a test from God she passed.
Sometimes, Lute still dreams of the filthy sinner, of her sweet words and the warmth of her embrace. She still feels all warm when seeing two girls kiss, she still gets jealous. But she knows better than to indulge in those feelings now, she's a warrior.
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conarcoin · 6 months
actually fuck it is cant wrangle bc ao3 is slow so. whole post getting mad abt people mischaracterizing smplive guys
cooper is literally ALWAYS worried this one drives me crazy. cuz like. ppl always write him as being like. super calm and laidback NO he will freak the fuck out over the smallest most unnecessary shit i have seen this man have an aneurysm over someone placing a block on something he was building and insist he has to place it himself. only to place it the exact same fucking way
^ he's also an annoying little brat if he wants something he will refuse to leave you alone it's really fucking funny and yet i never see anyone incorporate it ever
i will not touch travis because i literally just went on a whole separate rant about how people write him. just know. scarily smart but lacks common sense. little bastard. that is all
joko is not the voice of reason joko has an iq of 5 and has never had a single thought in his entire life
schlatt is also a fucking moron. he is not cunning and intimidating. he is a moron who is constantly afraid of everyone and everything around him
connor is a BASTARD he is genuinely worse than schlatt is he will steal from you, kill you, lie to you and manipulate you for no reason besides he thinks it's funny
ty is also a bastard he's just nice about it most of the time
wilbur is. not really major in smplive especially not with schlatt & co like people seem to think. he just kind of gets pushed around by them and he likes pranking people
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sunkissed-zegras · 9 days
I was just thinking of how much a troll the manager is on twitter. I'm gonna delve into how the manager is with managing social media for the girls later, cuz girly does a LOT and is TIRED, she runs all departments.
But no she really is a troll frl. She's not really active on twitter as far as doom scrolling but she'll comment here and there. I can totally see her roasting people who say anything flavorful about any of her girls, or even the few friends she's made with other basketball players.
Some examples:
"Your teachers handed your tests back to you upside down, huh?"
"You look drop shipped."
"Your entire value has an expiration date."
"You look easy to draw."
"I bet you eat fried chicken with a fork."
Also with the condescendiiing
"Baby, Imma hold your hand when I say this."
"My love, milk expires before it hits your stomach, you have longer things to worry about than some girls playing ball."
"Oooo so close! If she were to have ate shit (aka you) the worlds average IQ would've increased. Hope this helps!
User9: You just always look like a bitch huh?
Manager: Why yes! Just like you hide your face so you don't get charged with public indecency. Glad we're on the same page! xoxo
She let's loose a bit on twitter, but she totally strikes me as someone who will roast you, professionally......sometimes. We know she roasts the girls on a day to day basis so nobody should be suprised.
I also lowkey see her going back and forth with Angel, playfully of course, but damn it's something that you just had to be there for.
Manager joining instagram/tiktok lives with other basketball players and the Uconn team being in the live comments like "??? and what do you think you're doing here?"
Also imagine this: Manager is at a basketball game right, not a Uconn one, just enjoying herself right?
An interviewer walks up to her (girly is popularrrrr) and starts asking her a few question, and the manager doesn't mind answering some cuz yk, the games over anyways so.
All of a sudden the interviewer goes, "So, what do you think about Kate?" & the manager just goes "Uh...which one?"
"Kate Martin? I mean who else?" whilst laughing
Now one thing out of the many things that we've discussed here is the the manager has a what? attitude. She's also very sarcastic, so obviously, she responded accordingly.
"Oh?," she laughs out "I wasn't aware that she was the only Kate to exist within the community, my apologies..." and then went on to answer LMFAO
There was edits using clips from that interview after.
Manager: I'm resigning from my position at uconn
Posted: April 1
paigebueckers1: that just gave me a heart attack
>manager: i'm the only one that could get your heart racing like that
kkarold: girly....
>manager: yes pookie?🥺
MuhlNika: As if we'd let you
>manager:....what do you mean by that?
>paigebueckers1: you really think you could get away from us that easily?🤣
>MuhlNika: Twin let her find out
>manager: what is this behavior...🧌
>kkarnold: together forever bookie🤞
>manager: I need an adult😀
HELPPPP YES😭😭😭 and geno gets mad at her and is like "why would you.... just why???" and manager would just be like smirking cause they can't get in THAT much trouble yk
paigebueckers1: that just gave me a heart attack
>manager: i'm the only one that could get your heart racing like that
^^^ this whole thing set the whole manager x paige people on FIREEE like yes, this is proof 💕
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