maloking · 9 months
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Doodle of a goblin I've posted before. Went with the name Evelyn, cause I think it fit well with her design and personality. :>
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capndragn94 · 7 months
I'm not sure why this stuck with me, but I really liked that Malok, the Romulan mutineer, had no problem with the Bynars beaming onto his ship when they realized Locarno was lying about them all being equals. If any of them show up again, I hope they're still working together.
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worldsofzzt · 5 months
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Source “The Destruction of Malok” by Ben Berryman (1994) [MALOKA.ZZT] - “Cave of the Giant Bat” {🔦} Play This World Online
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ezravogel-artfeed · 2 years
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Various TO3 Characters Collection 2
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thefirstknife · 1 year
I was going to ask how much of the Hive royal family/families we've killed, but it's probably a shorter list if I ask what named Hive royalty we haven't (yet) killed.
LMAO. Literally the only one we still have left is Xivu Arath.
Obviously, we killed Savathun but since she has the Light, she will return, so I don't know if that counts. Similarly, we killed Dul Incaru (Savathun's daughter) but since she's tied to the Dreaming City curse, she repeatedly comes back when the curse resets. Up to you if that counts.
For fun:
Oryx and his line: killed by Guardians - Oryx, his son Crota, his son Nokris (twice), his daughters Ir Anuk and Ir Halak, Crota's wife Omnigul, Crota's daughters Hashladun and Besurith killed by Osiris - Crota's daughters Voshyr and Kinox, including Voshyr's daughters Yishra and Ayriax and Kinox's son Ulg'Urin
Savathun and her line: Savathun (twice: first by Mara, second by Guardians but reborn in the Light so she can come back), daughter Dul Incaru (repeatedly), daughter Balwur and son Malok
Xivu Arath and her line: all of her known children: Xavan (daughter), Tir Balok (son), An Ragaar (son) and Scoroboth (son) (interestingly enough, the first three were all Taken)
Remaining: Xivu Arath. This actually puts her anger in perspective as we killed her entire family. Savathun, while still able to return, is now more or less aligned with us, in a way, through the Light.
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x-cl-br · 3 months
so helldivers is amazing, really awesome game that I've been LOVING every second of
HOWEVER it has made me realize that game community spaces, reddit being the most significant for me, have gotten SO much worse in the past decade.
back when I played destiny, specifically when the malok (maloc? malloc? memory allocate?) update came out, I was glued to the reddit for news and cool discoveries and all that. it was awesome, I felt super engaged and invested in the game even when I wasn't able to log in.
so the helldivers subreddit... and the finals subreddit... and the destiny subreddit nowadays... they all suck. it's all angry discussion about metas, or game design complaints with garbage suggestions for fixes, or complaints about fellow players / the playerbase as a whole. just a constant stream of negativity and now I just can't engage with games in a positive way without logging in
i miss being able to read stuff about a game but now it's all over optimization or grind guides or players complaining about all that stuff. I don't have a solution I'm just kind of mourning that I can't have as much hype for stuff as I used to.
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flowers-of-io · 1 year
I'm often thinking about how big of a deal Crota's death was, in both the ripples it sent through the narrative and the personal impact it made on Oryx and the Hidden Swarm (and how highlighted that was in the story). But how little attention is at the same time given to the children of Savathûn and Xivu that we've killed, and how the impact those death have had on them is never explored, or even mentioned, even though we've had Sav as an active character engaging in personal confrontations with the Guardian for quite some time now. Yes, it's totally plausible Oryx was far more dependent on his children's tributes than either of his sisters, and that's why Crota's death had such a direct influence on his actions; but nonetheless part of his motivation was grief, and the narrative underlined this strongly.
Meanwhile Savathûn and Xivu have been regularly losing children for the past several years and no one has said a word about it ever???? Which is super strange, especially with Alak-Hul making a comeback AND both Hashladûn and Nokris having been under Sav's influence?? By the strictest estimates, both Sav and Xivu have lost at least one son each (Malok and Scoroboth) by our hand. There's reasonable doubt to be had as to whether Balwûr is truly dead (thanks Oryx for your cryptic "Daughter of Savathûn, your death is hidden well") and if the three supposed children of Xivu Arath from the Dreaming City (Xavan, Tir Balok and An Ragaar) are really her children, but assuming that would raise the number of dead kids to 4 for Xivu and 2.5 for Savathûn (the .5 being Dûl Incaru and her Shröedinger's status). And despite all that I swear Hashladûn is mentioned expressing more grief for her grandfather than Savathûn is for her only known son.
(Albeit "not at all" is a pretty low bar to clear.)
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campwillowpeak · 21 days
"Good, stay frozen, makes things easier for me <3"
Malok please help. True story, i once got into a car crash and sat in my car not knowing what to do cause i wasn't expecting a car to hit me
"Tbf I don't think anyone would be expecting a car to hit them"
"Glad you're ok though <3"
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insanesonofabitch · 7 months
Thinking about moc!Cas makes me feral tbh. Like i know Chuck was lying about The Cage but like—EVER SINCE I HAD TO BURY HIM IN A MALOK BOX. EVER SINCE THEN? Do you think Cas told Dean to be the one to bury him? Do you think they spent so much time together before The Mark took over? Do you think he realized the implications of The Mark making Cas kill him? Do you think Cas was calling his name while he was locking him up? Do you think tears were falling down his cheeks back then? Do you think about how reminiscent that would be of Dean burning him in season 13? Do you think he regularly prayed to Cas day and night? Do you think his prayers consisted to telling him I’m sorry, and telling him I love you? Do you think about how, despite still praying to Cas regularly, he has lost all hope and faith in the future because he lost him?
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theredpharaoah · 1 month
I still don’t understand how resurrecting Buffy made her Thee Slayer along with Faith & allowed The First Evil through. That implies there’s something inherent to the Slayer lineage in the body of the potentials and the Slayer. And that would contradict the fact that something is passed on from Slayer to Slayer. If it’s kept then how is it passed on? Is it one thing being passed on like Rava in Avatar, or is the shadow demon reproducing and that’s possessing the next Slayer? Or is the death of a Slayer like a trigger for a shadow demon elsewhere to “Awaken” or hatch.
The Slayer doesn’t seem to work like vampirism, where a random demon basically adopts a human. Based off what we know it’s the one Shadow Demon. And its possession is so potent, that it gives the Slayer the ability to beat pretty much every other hybrid demonic entity up with ease. So either the Shadow Demon is more powerful than Maloker, or the Slayer is more demon than human? I’m assuming the latter. The Shadow Demon merged with Sineya which seems to imply she was probably on some Illyria type stuff, as opposed to a Vampire thing. My guess is that the Shadow Demon was probably more like a demonic version of an animal? It didn’t have personality or a sense of self, it was just a demon with basic instinct. Then that would mean Sineya was 100% demon and it got passed down to the rest of the Slayers. But something happened because they say future slayers retained their humanity and sacrificed power for it. But it can’t work like genes at all because it would’ve degraded so far by the time it got to Buffy. And Buffy makes humanity and Earth far older than we know it to be. Personally, I don’t buy the Sineya lost her humanity thing. I think she was just ostracized. I think that extra power is always in the Slayer but they instinctually suppress it to retain their humanity. The lore implies a degradation of the Slayer’s power over time akin to genes. But if that was the case, Sineya would’ve been strong enough to backhand Glory into non-existence. I mean it’s like eons between Sineya and Buffy, right? Or is it just thousands of years?
But back to The First; what the hell does the Slayer line have to do with them? Why does fucking with the Slayer Line give them a way through?
Sidebar: It would’ve been so cool if The Shadow Demon was an Old One who like supported humanity or some shit. Honestly I think that would’ve made more sense and would explain why the Slayer is so much more powerful than demons.
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maloking · 7 months
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Although I am not a great Soraka player, I like the idea behind her design and skills. 💙
Had this look swishing around in my head for a bit and wanted to get it down. ~
( I love all of the celestial space themed skins so much. =u= )
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ajtheweirdo · 2 months
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They were from my dream
their name is Malok (in the dream it was Moloch but I wanted to change it)
they were really nice
the dream was technically a nightmare but it wasn’t because of them
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worldsofzzt · 1 year
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Source “The Destruction of Malok” by Ben Berryman (1994) [MALOKA.ZZT] - “Treasure Vault” Play This World Online
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onesoluna · 10 months
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I decided to give Malok, an oc of mine, a sister. So here's Malina!
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genyazine · 7 months
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Malok: "Check out my preview for @genyazine ✨
Preorders are still open! Please check them out!"
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tinotika-arts · 9 months
Some ramblings for alex that might? contain soto spoilers? cause I've only played half but have random ass thoughts anyway
other thoughts I had though, was mainly after seeing the first chapter's name: Commander without a cause. Like... what if commander was literally created/placed just to be Tyria's saviour. All their experiences were real, but they were created and placed to be Tyria's 'oh shit' card.
And any time when the crisis is over, they disappear.
I thought about maybe an advanced creation that was sleeping and no one finds out until the very end...
I now have thoughts of what if Alex died in the desert, and what came back wasn't Alex, but the manifestation of his will. Across all of the verses i have for him, Alex is a genius at magic. What if he marked the leylines with his will before he died?
The one that came back wasn't the Commander, it was Tyria's magic rising up as a result of his will and desire to protect Tyria and his friends. The magic is aware and uses illusions to cover up the fact that they aren't quite human, and acts around like how Alex would.
And so, whenever peace is obtained, 'Alex' disappears, and only reappears when there's a crisis on the horizon. The rest probably don't find out until 'Alex' takes a hard blow that blows off half their body and couldn't come up with an illusion in time, and has to reform their body by drawing on the leylines again.
It becomes way apparent why this 'Alex' seems to only care about protecting Tyria, and not give two shits about anything else.
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I did have a version of Alex where magic takes an interest in him and wants to use him as their vessel but that's for another day, I got like 2 comics to finish -cries-
Also being called Harbinger just made me side eye the story creators so hard. Harbinger Azrail was one of the many verses I had prior to this where Alex goes off the deep end and brings Eternal Night to Tyria- aka killing off all life.
Coincident, but I'm still side-eyeing a little.
-playing map complete-
me: wait is that maylck??
friend: what??
me: oh wait, it's Malok, gdi
now I wonder what if Maylck was just a rift hunter...
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