#marty mcfly fanfic
happy74827 · 3 months
Hiii! I was wondering if you could just write a very fluffy Marty McFly imagine of him and the reader being two idiots in love! THANK YOU!!!
Stupid With Love
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[Marty McFly x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Who would've thought that a simple trip to the mall would change everything?
WC: 3,530
Category: Fluff
Oh my god a Marty request?!? I’m literally so in love. Thank you so much for requesting this!! Completely made my day 🥹🥹
One of your favorite things about the weekend was just the pure, unfiltered, raw freedom it brought with it. You got to do things that you weren't usually allowed to do on a school day. Sleep in until noon, stay up all night long, and the best part of all, you had the weekend to spend with Marty Mcfly, your very best friend and the person you had the biggest crush on.
You could say your relationship with him was a bit complicated. The two of you had been best friends forever, but there were times when you thought there could possibly be something more between you, times when you wished there could be something more between the two of you.
He was always so sweet to you, and he seemed to like spending time with you. He'd come over to your house all the time to watch movies with you or to “study,” which was code for lying in bed listening to his new records while you played with his hair.
Sometimes, you could've sworn he was flirting with you, but then he'd do something that would make you think otherwise. One second, he'd be telling you about his day, and the next, he'd be talking to one of his female classmates, who you swore he wasn't interested in. It was confusing.
You were lying on the bench of a park, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the sounds of the birds. A peaceful Saturday afternoon, or so you thought.
Just as you closed your eyes, taking in the sweet serenity, your Walkman was snatched out of your hands, and your earphones were ripped out of your ears.
Your eyes snapped open, and you looked to your right to see none other than the boy you'd just been thinking about.
The smirk on his face told you that he was planning on giving you a hard time. Fortunately, he was nice enough to block the sun from your face, casting a shadow over you.
He looked even better today if that was possible. His hair was perfectly tousled, and his blue eyes were shining.
He was dressed comfortably, wearing a simple dark shirt and his signature denim jacket. His jeans were cuffed at the ankles, showing off his worn-out Converse.
You looked up at him expectantly, waiting for him to hand you back your music player, but he didn't budge.
Instead, he rested his skateboard on the bench and hopped over the back of it, taking a seat beside you.
He placed your Walkman on his lap, holding it close to him. You were a little frustrated, but the smile on his face was making you soft.
“How’d I know you’d be listening to Kate Bush again?” he asked, his tone playful.
You narrowed your eyes at him, reaching over to snatch the device out of his grasp, but he was quicker than you, pulling it away from you and standing up. “I mean, what even is this? ‘Hello Earth’? Sounds pretty trippy.”
“Hey! Don’t talk about her like that; she is an angel and a very talented musician. Only an idiot would fail to recognize that, and I guess that makes you an idiot.”
Despite the clear annoyance in your tone, he just laughed at your attempt to insult him. It was almost like he found your irritation endearing.
His smile was infectious, and it was hard to be mad at him when he was smiling at you like that. You tried your hardest to remain annoyed, crossing your arms over your chest, but you couldn't hide the grin that was making its way onto your face.
You could tell that he noticed because his smile grew wider.
"What's wrong? Is it too hard to look at the sun?" he asked teasingly, tilting his head down slightly so that his hair fell into his face, casting a shadow over his features.
You scoffed, sitting up and resting your elbows on your knees. "I've looked at you enough for one lifetime."
"Oh, you wound me." he feigned a dramatic frown, bringing a hand up to clutch his chest.
You rolled your eyes at his antics, reaching out to grab your Walkman again, but once again, he was too fast.
"I swear to God, McFly. I'm going to kill you!" you threatened, glaring at him.
"Okay, okay, I'll give it back, but only if you let me buy you a slushie." he negotiated, holding the music player high above his head.
"A slushie?” You were a little suspicious. That was the last thing you'd expected him to say. He seemed a little too eager to give you back your Walkman, and the glimmer in his eyes told you that he had something else in mind.
He nodded enthusiastically, the excitement obvious in his voice. "Ah, you’re right. Milkshakes are much better. How about a milkshake?"
"Marty... what are you up to?"
"Nothing! I'm just being a good friend. Letting you enjoy a delicious cold treat.”
“And holding my Walkman hostage is considered a friendly gesture now, is it? I see how it is."
"Aw, come on, please?" he whined, pouting his lips and making puppy dog eyes at you.
You sighed. Damn it, how were you supposed to say no to him when he was looking at you like that? "Okay, fine."
"Great! Let's go." He grabbed your wrist and pulled you off of the bench, not letting go of your hand as he grabbed his skateboard and started walking.
You didn't say anything; you didn't pull away from him; you just followed him as he led you to the mall, rambling on about the new music that he had bought the other day. A part of it sounds like a hit to the music you were listening to earlier, but you chose to ignore it for the sake of peace.
As soon as the two of you reached the entrance, he let go of your hand. The sudden lack of warmth caused a pang of disappointment to shoot through you, but you brushed it off.
You'd held hands before. It was nothing out of the ordinary. He didn't like you like that. If he did, he wouldn't have done it so casually. He wouldn't have let go.
He pushed the glass door open for you, smiling politely. "After you."
You raised a brow at him. "Such a gentleman. What's with the chivalry, McFly?"
He shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. "What? I can't treat my girl, right?"
"Oh, so I'm your girl now?" you asked, your heart thumping in your chest.
He paused for a second, looking slightly panicked.
"W-well, yeah, I mean- y-you know, as friends- you're like my best friend, so yeah..." he trailed off awkwardly.
That was definitely a lie, but you didn't press him on it, afraid that you might make things even more awkward.
The two of you walked in silence, the only sound being the chatter around you. It was a little uncomfortable, the tension thick.
Finally, he broke the silence. "So, uh, where do you want to get the milkshakes from?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. We could go to the food court. There's a really nice burger place there, and they have milkshakes."
"Alright, sounds good."
What sounded good was the fact that the food court was on the opposite side of the mall, which meant a lot of walking. And therefore, a lot of distractions.
You weren't really interested in shopping, but Marty certainly was.
You couldn't count how many times he'd stop at a store and say, "Hey, that's a cool shirt” or "Hey, look at that poster. Isn't it amazing?"
Every time he did, he'd turn to you, waiting for your reaction. He'd look at you with such an eager expression, and his eyes would shine so bright. He looked like an excited child on Christmas morning, and it was adorable.
However, out of all the things he mentioned and pointed out, only one had caught your attention.
It was a vintage music box. It was a beautiful thing, a deep red color, with intricate designs carved into the wood. It was a work of art.
You could tell that he noticed.
"Do you like it?" he asked, leaning forward to get a closer look.
"It's gorgeous," you admitted, smiling as you examined the carvings before lifting the lid of the music box. The familiar sound of 'Edelweiss' began to play, filling the room.
Out of all the songs in the world, this was one of your favorites.
Marty seemed to share your sentiment. His lips were curved into a soft smile as he watched you.
He had an almost wistful look in his eyes, but it disappeared the second he noticed you watching him.
"Nothing. Just, uh, just thinking."
He smiled, and it wasn’t one of his usual smiles. It was warm, soft, and full of tenderness. You were stunned. You had never seen him look at you like that. "Just how good those milkshakes are gonna be."
You couldn't help the blush that rose to your cheeks.
"Right. Milkshakes," you said, shutting the music box. Your heart stung a little at the sound of the song ending, and seeing that price tag did not help. So, with a sigh of resignation, you turned around, walking away from the beautiful artifact.
"Wait, where are you going?"
"We're here for milkshakes, remember?” Your voice was flat, and the words sounded hollow. “Let’s go."
"Are you sure?"
You nodded, and without a word, he followed after you.
He was quiet for the rest of the walk, but he kept sneaking glances at you.
As soon as you reached the food court, the smell of food invaded your nostrils. Your mouth began to water, and the sound of your stomach growling broke the silence.
"You hungry?"
"Good, 'cause I'm buying."
"Don't argue with me," he said, holding up a hand and shaking his head.
You opened your mouth to protest, but the look on his face told you it was pointless, so you gave up and allowed him to lead you to the burger place.
The food was delicious.
You'd eaten there many times, but it never failed to amaze you. The taste was heavenly, and the way it melted in your mouth was indescribable. Not to mention the damn milkshakes. They were incredible.
Marty's choice of food was not as fancy as yours.
He'd chosen the most basic burger with no toppings. It wasn't surprising. You'd learned over the years that he was a man with simple tastes. Even his milkshake was as basic as can be.
Vanilla. His reasoning behind it? “True classics never go out of style. Simple and delicious, what more could you ask for?"
You couldn't really argue with him on that.
The two of you sat there, talking about nothing and everything, joking and laughing. The time seemed to fly by.
You didn't realize how much time had passed until you found yourself alone by the fountain in the center of the mall. Marty had just gone off to the bathroom, leaving you to wait for him.
You took a sip of your leftover milkshake, letting out a soft sigh of contentment. Honestly, this had been one of the best dates you'd ever been on.
The thought made you pause. Had this been a date?
It definitely hadn't felt like one, but then again, this was Marty. When has anything been normal with him?
Maybe it had been a date. Maybe it was just his weird way of asking you out.
As if on cue, he walked back over to you.
"Hey, are you ready to go?" he asked, taking a seat beside you and resting his arms on the edge of the fountain. He looked at you expectantly, waiting for a response.
That’s when you noticed it: a small piece of grey material sticking out of the pocket of his jacket. That definitely wasn’t there before.
"What's that?" you asked, pointing to it.
He looked down, noticing what you were talking about. "Oh, that? It's nothing."
"Oh, really? Cause it looks like something.”
"You must be seeing things."
"Marty,” you deadpanned, shooting him a look. He ignored you, though, instantly getting distracted by a flashy poster hanging on the wall across from you.
He was staring at the poster, his jaw hanging open. He looked like a kid on Christmas morning, and you were the present under the tree.
You cleared your throat, trying to get his attention.
"Marty. What's that thing in your pocket? What did you do?"
He tore his gaze away from the poster, turning his head to look at you. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Guilt? Fear? Nerves?
Whatever it was, it wasn't a good sign.
"Jeez, you really gotta kill the mood, huh? Can't a guy be happy with trash in his pocket?"
"Trash? You stuffed… trash in your pocket?"
"Yeah, I did."
"Cause it’s your trash." And with that, he pulled the small piece out of his pocket, which happened to be a grey plastic bag, and held it out to you.
Within a minute, you went through all the stages of grief, denial being the first.
"What the hell?" you asked, staring at the bag incredulously.
He grinned, holding the bag open and waving it in front of your face.
You took a second to examine it. Small, but not overwhelmingly so. A pretty shade of red, with silver and gold designs etched into the sides.
Your eyes widened in realization. By the ever-growing smirk on his face, he could tell that you'd figured it out.
"You did— I can't believe you did that!"
"It's nothing, really," he said, feigning indifference.
"Nothing? How did you even afford this? I looked at the price tag earlier, and I almost passed out. This thing's expensive!"
"It wasn't that bad. I mean, yeah, it costs a fortune, but what's the point of saving up if you can't spend the money on something cool every once in a while? I wanted to buy it for you, and I did."
"Marty..." You didn't know what to say. How could you express just how grateful and touched you were? “This is… This is way better than my gift.”
"Hey, we don't have to worry about that now. The important thing is that we both got each other—” It seemed as though his mind caught up with him because the second the words left his mouth, his eyes widened in panic.
"Wait, what?" He turned his head to face you, his eyes wide. "Did you just say that you got me a gift? You stole my idea?!”
You shrugged, trying to act casual. You failed. "What? I didn't say anything."
"You said you got me a gift! Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I was saving it for later when it was appropriate."
"And is this not appropriate?" His tone was teasing, and a small smile was starting to form on his face.
"It wasn't. And I still can't believe that you did that. The music box was way too much. I should've gotten you something better. Something more deserving."
"Well, you didn't. So, where is it? Come on, don't keep me waiting. Let's see what you got."
"Fine." You took a deep breath and reached into your jacket pocket, pulling out a small square-shaped item wrapped in brown paper.
"Wow, classy."
"Shut up."
He took it from you, unwrapping the paper and examining the contents. His expression went from excitement to shock to… confusion.
"Uh, thanks?" He held up the gift, which happened to be a Walkman… but not just any Walkman. It was your Walkman.
"Yeah, you're welcome. I saw how jealous you were, so I thought I'd give it to you."
He snorted. "Jealous? You do realize I have one of these, right?"
"But not this one."
"So, this one is special. What do you think I was doing at the park, sitting all alone in the middle of nowhere, listening to music?"
He raised an eyebrow.
"I was listening to this." You pulled the headphones out of your pockets and placed them over his ears. "This is a mix tape. All of your favorite songs. I spent weeks compiling them."
His expression changed again, his face softening. "How did you—"
"I have my ways. And, yes, I did throw in Kate Bush. I know you hate it, but… I like her."
"Of course you do."
You smiled softly.
"I know it's not the greatest, but—”
"Not the greatest? Are you kidding? This is amazing. I could literally kiss you right now— I mean… not literally... but, yeah, you know what I mean. This is great. Thank you."
You nodded, your heart fluttering.
"You're welcome. And thank you for the music box. I could kiss you too— not literally, I mean, well, you know what I mean."
The two of you were silent for a few seconds, neither one of you saying anything. The air was heavy with tension, but it wasn't the bad kind. It was the good kind, the kind that made your heart race and your palms sweat.
The kind that made you want to kiss him.
He was looking at you, and the look on his face made your heart melt. It was soft, tender, full of affection and love. His eyes were shining brightly, and they were filled with wonder, admiration, and excitement.
He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Instead, he let out a nervous laugh.
"The more I think about it… maybe it would be better just to kiss you, y'know?"
"Oh, yeah, I agree."
He laughed, his gaze drifting to your lips. His pupils were dilated, and his breathing was shallow. Oh… Oh.
"You’re actually… wow, okay."
That made him pause, his brows furrowing.
"Nothing. Just… nothing."
He stared at you, confused. "No, come on, what is it?"
"I thought you weren’t… well, I mean, you don't look the type."
"Y'know, the romantic type. You just never struck me as the sort of guy who'd do stuff like this. And don't take that the wrong way because it's a compliment. It's just… I totally thought you were kidding.”
“What? Kissing you?”
You nodded.
His face fell, and he let out a humorless laugh.
"You really think I'd joke about that?"
"I don't know. We're friends. You've never shown any interest in me. Hell, you're always making fun of me for being so romantic and shit. Ironic, since you bought me the most romantic thing ever."
"Well, yeah, but that's because… I mean, why wouldn’t I be interested in you? You're beautiful, funny, smart… I can overlook the bad taste in music."
“Well, I can overlook your obsession with Pepsi. But just a little bit. Coke is way better, and you know it."
He rolled his eyes. "Okay, fine, whatever. But I am interested. I just didn't know if you were interested, and I didn't want to ruin anything, y'know? But then you made me that mixtape… and you know what they say about gifting music, right? It's, uh, it's very symbolic.”
"Right.” You nodded, smiling along with his rambling.
"I mean, who makes someone a mix tape anymore? Especially if they hate half the songs on it? That's pretty serious."
God, you were so gone for this boy.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"And what exactly do you think I'm saying?"
"That you have feelings for me."
"I mean, I have very… very strong feelings for certain aspects of you. If you get my drift." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
"Your subtlety is astounding."
"Oh, yeah, you know how it is. But, uh, yeah. I guess I'm saying… that I like you. A lot. And not in an 'I-think-you're-really-cool-and-we-should-hang-out' kinda way. In an 'I-wanna-kiss-you-and-hold-your-hand' way."
"Just, wow. That's probably the cheesiest thing you've ever said. And the sweetest."
"Hey, if it works, it works.” He smiled again, and you felt a warmth spread throughout your body. “So, what'd ya say? Want those future milkshakes to be a little more official?"
"Only if you agree to one thing."
He leaned closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "And, what's that?"
"Kate Bush stays on the mix tape."
"You drive a hard bargain." His breath tickled your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. "But, I think I’ll be able to make the sacrifice."
And with that, he closed the distance between you. His lips were soft and warm, and you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach.
His hands cupped your face gently, and he pressed his forehead against yours. The two of you stayed like that for a while, your breaths mixing together just like the songs on the mixtape.
And, as you stood there, surrounded by the smell of food, the sound of laughter, and the feeling of Marty's hands in your hair, you couldn't help but think…
Marty McFly, you’re one hell of a romantic.
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riordanness · 21 days
imgonnagetyouback — [m.mcfly]
a marty mcfly x friend? enemy? coworker? fanfiction, set in the first back to the future movie (coming soon!!)
“imgonnagetyouback <3” playlist
— 🎸 ᯾ ⌚️ ❀ 🛹 ✞ 🏎️ ☘︎︎ 🕰️ ༄
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— 🎸 ᯾ ⌚️ ❀ 🛹 ✞ 🏎️ ☘︎︎ 🕰️ ༄
She skids to a stop, her skateboard scraping against the asphalt. Her eyes darken a little as she spots him approaching.
“What the hell are you doing out here in the middle of the night?” she yells, cupping her hands over her mouth.
His blue eyes glance up abruptly. “Oh, Christ, hello.”
“Hello.” She raises an eyebrow and her hands are immediately on her hips.
“I—I’m meeting Doc,” Marty tries to explain.
“You still hang out with that crazy scientist?”
“He’s not crazy. He… he says he’s got something.”
“Then I’m coming,” she announces, her tone clearly not asking for permission. “I like midnight adventures.”
— 🎸 ᯾ ⌚️ ❀ 🛹 ✞ 🏎️ ☘︎︎ 🕰️ ༄
in which,, a girl gets caught up in a time travelling mess with a boy she’d much rather punch than help out, but time is running out, and if she wants to get home, they must joins forces so they can get back to the future.
— 🎸 ᯾ ⌚️ ❀ 🛹 ✞ 🏎️ ☘︎︎ 🕰️ ༄
comment to be added to the taglist!! coming soon <3
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okay but I'm watching Back to the Future on a rainy afternoon because it's one of my favorite movies and I just accepted that I have a HUGE crush on Marty Mcfly. I need fics, oh my god
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214 notes · View notes
the-lone-writer94 · 9 months
Power of Love
Marty McFly x Jennifer Parker
Summary: Set a day before Marty's time travelling events. Marty feels bored with his life - but he should be happy right? After all he has a great girlfriend and gets to spend all his time playing music.
Rating: 13+
Word count: 2,629
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25th October 1985 
Buzz, buzz, buzz. 
Marty groaned. Another goddamn day. 
His eyelids felt heavy as he forced them open, he had forgotten to close the drapes the night before and the sunlight had seeped into the room, blinding him. Pushing himself up from his bed, his hand slammed down on the alarm clock. At least it was Friday and there was a party he would be going to tonight with his girlfriend Jennifer, the thought of it was enough motivation for him to throw himself out of bed and head towards the bathroom. 
Once Marty had cleaned himself up, and changed into his usual attire, which consisted of acid wash jeans, a checkered shirt, denim jacket then to top it off his crimson puffer vest. Grabbing his backpack, skateboard and his walkman he proceeded towards the dining room, but pausing in front of his poster of Farrah Fawcett. 
“See ya, baby.” He muttered and smirked, before stepping over the threshold and closing the door behind him. 
Marty dragged his feet towards the dining room. Everyday was an endless loop of repetition and prediction, his father would sit in the dining table consuming a bowl of cereal with his eyes glued to the television set, his sister Linda would whine about the fact that she doesn’t have a boyfriend, his mother would have a cigarette in one hand with a drink in the other, meanwhile his brother Dave would either still be asleep or taking his sweet ass time to his job at Burger King. 
Time management was certainly not a strong suit amongst the McFly residence. 
Marty dumped his bag and skateboard on the ground beside an empty chair, where he then slumped himself down into it. He reached for a clean bowl in the middle of the table, then grabbed the box of cereal before drenching it in milk. 
The sound of the TV filled the room, as Marty glanced up. The images flashed across the TV screen, unamused by it his gaze returned down to his bowl of cereal as she continued to scoop up tablespoons of it. 
In the distance, he heard the sound of thumping footsteps.
“George!” Marty’s mother, Lorraine’s voice shrieked. 
George McFly was completely oblivious to his wife’s calling, instead his attention remained fixated upon the TV. 
“Goddamnit George!” Lorraine roared again, quickening her steps beside him. “How many times have I told you to call the electrician? The washing machine is busted again.” 
Finally, George’s eyes peeled away from the TV. His head was ducked low. “I wanted to Lorraine,” his voice dragged out as if he were too afraid of speaking, “but when I was about to- Biff called me and needed help painting his house.” 
“Jesus Christ, George.” Lorraine whined. 
Marty rolled his eyes. No doubt, the next few moments would then turn into a bickering match. Well, it was mainly his mother that would do the bickering and his father would avoid eye contact. It was enough for Marty to lose his appetite. He immediately pushed himself away from the table, grabbing his half eaten bowl of cereal he proceeded towards the kitchen where he dumped it down the garbage disposal, leaving the bowl in the sink. Grabbing his backpack and skateboard he got out of there as fast he could. 
Before heading to school, Marty had decided to drop by the record store in town. After all, he figured he had a couple of minutes to spare with his abrupt early departure from his home. Plus he was hoping to pick up a new cassette tape for his date with Jennifer tonight. 
Marty released his hands from a Chevrolet van he had hitched a ride on. Whilst he was growing up he often felt insecure about his small height, however he had soon discovered the advantage that most of the time, people did not notice him. Once he had latched onto this idea he had used it to his personal gain, crouching down on his skateboard as he held onto the back of various vehicles to get to places quicker, and limiting his physical strength. 
Marty halted just before the sidewalk, stepping down hard on the edge of the skateboard. It flipped up vertically, grabbing the skateboard in his hand as he proceeded towards the entrance of the record store. 
The smell of cigarette smoke lingered in the air. Marty’s gaze scanned the rows of records before him. He stalked towards the end of the store where he reached the line of tapes. Marty’s finger traced over the rows of tapes, he paused over a Once Upon a Time by Simple Minds picking it out from the rack he examined the tape. Whilst Marty was more of a Van Halen type of guy, he knew that Jennifer would love this. Shrugging, he proceeded towards the till, where Jeff had emerged from the back. In his hands he held a box of tapes which he slammed onto the till and groaned. Jeff was middle aged with a receding hairline and an anger problem, but he had always been cool to Marty, mainly because in Jeff’s mind Marty sort of reminded him of how he had once been in his youth. 
Jeff’s eyes scanned the tape before him and released a low chuckle. “Really?” He commented. 
“It’s for Jennifer, alright,” Marty argued. He took out a couple of crumpled dollars from his denim jacket and counted them, before sliding the amount to Jeff. 
“I hear you,” Jeff said, “she must be real special for you to be seen in public with this.” 
Marty smirked. “Oh she’s something.” 
“That reminds me,” Jeff began before he turned around and grabbed a neon green flier. He handed it to Marty and continued, “don’t say I never helped you with anything. A buddy of mine who runs The Brew, they’re having auditions tonight for the new Friday night band slot.” 
“Woah dude, that’s awesome.” 
“Yeah dude,” Jeff said with a hint of sarcasm laced upon his words. “I already put in a good word about your band.” 
“Wow Jeff, that’s really cool of you dude, but-” Marty hesitated. His palms began to sweat and multiple scenarios bounced through his mind.
“But, what?” 
Marty chuckled nervously. “I don’t know if we’re ready,” he stuttered, then handing the flier back to Jeff. “Plus it’s kinda short notice.” 
“What? Are you serious? You’ve been begging for ages asking to set you up with connections. The Brew is huge!” 
“I know it’s just-” he began trying to form the words. “If we’re not ready then I don’t wanna go out there just yet. We only get one shot to prove we’re something. I want it to be perfect.” 
Jeff shrugged. “Well it’s your call,” he said. 
An awkward silence lingered. “I’ll run it by the guys.” Marty finally said, before he took the flier and shoved it in his pocket. 
“Cool,” Jeff said and smiled. Then his brows furrowed and he cocked his head to the side, “aren’t you meant to be at school now?”
Marty shrugged. “I got time. Left home early for once.” He said nonchalantly before his gaze fixated on the wall clock behind Jeff. Suddenly, Marty froze. His heart skipped a beat. “Why does that clock say 8:30?”
“Cause it’s 8:30.” 
Marty gasped, he glanced down at his wristwatch. The goddamn thing had stopped. 
“Woah dude that was heavy-” Paul, one of the members of The Pinheads exclaimed. 
“Totally dude!” Lee chimed in. “Marty?” 
Lost in thought, Marty fixated on the Eddie Van Halen poster hung on the wall opposite him. “Huh?” Marty finally returned to the present, he nodded, “yeah it was heavy.” 
“You alright man?” Bobby asked. 
“He’s probably thinking about going over to Jennifer’s tonight after the party,” Paul teased, “I saw the Simple Minds tape in your bag.” He continued then paused, “unless you’re making some very questionable music choices.” 
Marty chuckled. “Shut up man- and no I wasn’t thinking about Jennifer. I am now.” He said and stood up straighter, rubbing it in the guys’s face that he was the only member of The Pinheads that actually had a girlfriend. 
Marty unplugged his guitar, chucking the cord away from him. He proceeded towards the large amplifier where he leaned against it. “Do you guys ever think we’re actually gonna make it?” 
An awkward silence lingered, no doubt Marty had opened a gate towards a series of questions that everyone of them had wanted to repress. 
“Well, yeah of course I wanna believe that we’re gonna make it someday-” Paul was the first to answer. 
Marty saw the skepticism in Paul’s expression, and added, “but?” 
“It’s tough man-” Bobby finished off the sentence. 
“Maybe if we got an audition or something we could work towards-” Lee suggested. 
Immediately, Marty’s hand patted against his back pocket where he had placed Jeff’s flier. The weight of it felt excruciating to bear. A string of thoughts formed in Marty’s mind. Deep down he knew that this was an opportunity and a risk he’d have to take, but there was a block in the road ahead of him, the fear of failure pulled him back and he wasn’t sure if he could take the rejection.
“We gotta make it big man- otherwise how am I gonna date Farrah Fawcett” Lee joked. 
Paul rolled his eyes. “Even if we become rockstars you still wouldn’t be able to get Farrah Fawcett.” 
“Hey, shut up man!” Lee argued back. 
Marty removed his hand away from his pocket and scoffed. “Paul’s right, no way in a million years could you ever get Farrah Fawcett.” 
After the party, Marty followed Jennifer on her heels as they crossed the threshold over her house, his ears still ringing from the music that had been blasting on high volume from the speakers. The second Jennifer had informed Marty that her parents were out of town, his mind immediately jumped to the conclusion. It could only mean one thing. 
He had been a train wreck almost the entire week. After all, Marty had never actually gone all the way. He had even refrained from drinking too much beer, in the fear that he would be too drunk for this moment. 
Jennifer hooked her hand into Marty’s as he guided her up to her bedroom, he felt his hands sweating and he hoped Jennifer wouldn’t notice. Soon after they reached Jennifer’s bedroom, pushing the door open they both entered. Jennifer crossed her bedroom and switched on the lamp that rested on her desk, allowing a faint glow to illuminate her bedroom. 
Marty had only been up in Jennifer’s room once, they had been making out before Jennifer’s mother barged in. He had jumped off the bed so fast that he had gotten a headrush. After that he was too freaked out to go back to Jennifer’s house. 
Jennifer stood before him, a vision of beauty. He couldn’t imagine any girl more beautiful than she was. He swallowed the lump in his throat. 
“Hmm- I got you the new Simple Minds tape.” He stuttered, and drew out the tape from his jacket. 
Jennifer smiled, then stepped towards Marty. “You’re so sweet, Marty.” She said then took the tape from him. 
Marty chuckled, running his fingers through his brunette hair. “Yeah, well-” 
She fumbled with a stack of cassette tapes laid out beside the stereo, then placed a tape into the deck. Turning around she stalked slowly towards Marty, as she did the music filled the room. “I made something for tonight.” 
Jennifer stood before Marty, wrapping her arms around his neck. The only thing that Marty could fixate upon were Jennifer’s plump lips, under the soft glow of the light he could just about see the sparkly baby pink layer of gloss painted across her lips, and how much he wanted to plant his lips upon hers. 
“Marty,” Jennifer whispered, her hot breath caressing Marty’s skin. 
Slowly, Marty closed the gap between them as he pressed his lips onto Jennifer’s, immediately Jennifer’s lips parted and he slipped his tongue inside deepening the kiss. 
Marty’s hands grazed along Jennifer’s thighs then resting them on her hips pulling her closer into him. Jennifer’s grasp tightened around Marty, before she began to guide him towards her bed. They sank down onto the soft velvety mattress, as Jennifer gently pushed Marty down resting on top of him. Marty’s hands traced along Jennifer’s waist as their tongues continued to dance with each other. 
Abruptly, Marty’s grip tightened around Jennifer’s waist as he rolled her away, positioning himself on top of her. Jennifer released a giggle, and Marty flashed a smile. He lowered his mouth down onto Jennifer’s neck, leaving a trail of kisses. Jennifer moaned into him, Marty’s fingers traced along Jennifer’s collarbone as his finger hooked around the strap of her dress, his gaze fixating upon Jennifer’s. Gently, he pushed the strap down before repeating the action with the other. Then Marty began to remove his clothing and so did Jennifer. The next few moments, they had become entwined with one another, hoping that this moment would last forever. 
At the break of dawn, Marty found Jennifer laying on his chest, his arm draped around her naked body. He shuffled in his position causing Jennifer to stir and awake soon later. 
As Jennifer’s eyes opened, she fixated upon Marty’s face. She smiled sweetly, as images from the night before replayed in her mind. 
“Hey,” Marty said quietly. 
“Hey,” she responded. 
Marty peered down at his wristwatch and then yawned. 
“What time is it?” Jennifer asked. 
“It’s almost seven.” He responded. 
Jennifer groaned. “My parents will be home anytime soon.” 
“That’s my cue then.” 
Just before Marty was about to remove himself from the bed, Jennifer held onto his arm. “Last night was,” she began and then paused. 
“I know.” Marty said, and smiled, before he lowered himself and planted a kiss on Jennifer’s lips. 
Later on Marty found himself stalking the streets on an early Saturday morning, and somehow found himself outside of Jeff’s record store. He figured he’d roam about for a bit before heading home, after all he was in no rush to return to his family. 
Pushing the doors into Jeff’s shop, he was immediately greeted by Jeff slumped behind the till. It took Jeff several moments before he had the energy to look up. 
“What are you doing here so early?” Jeff asked in confusion as he reached for the styrofoam cup beside him and took a huge gulp of his coffee. 
Marty shrugged. “I was already up.” He responded, then added, “why are you so tired?”
“I literally just left The Brew an hour ago,” he said, then his eyes narrowed, “you never showed up for the audition.” 
“I told you it was too short notice, the band said they weren’t ready.” Marty lied. 
Jeff shook his head. “Well you missed out kid. When we were having auditions last night a big shot record executive was actually there. Signed a band on the spot.” Jeff explained, then paused. “That coulda been you.” He said and looked Marty dead in the eye. 
After some time had passed, Marty had walked out of Jeff’s store dragging his feet across the concrete sidewalk he paused in front of a garbage can. His hand reached into his back pocket where the flier had taken up home there, drawing it out he unfolded it. Staring at the now creased and crumpled flier he thought long and hard. 
Marty sighed. Couldn’t believe he had let fear consume him into going after what he wanted. Out of anger he tore apart the flier and dumped it into the garbage can, wishing he could go back in time.
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random-writerings · 5 months
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Full Name: Rebecca ‘Becca’ Johnson
Nickname: Becs (by Marty)
Face Claim: Brooke Shields
Age: 17
Nationality: American
Birthplace: Hill Valley, California
Family: Ricky (father); Carol (mother); Andy (brother); Owen (brother); Julia (sister); Kathy Stewart (maternal aunt); Peter Stewart (maternal grandfather); Darla Stewart (maternal grandmother)
Skills/Hobbies: Artist
Back In Time // Playlist // Cover
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future-boi · 6 months
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Be patient with me I’m still learning ENGLISH how to write things… and draw things nicely…😩😩😂😂😂 (I’m playin, ik English…)
Anyways, this was based off that one passage from @jowritesfanfiction’s fic. You already know the one 🙄 I’ve referenced it like a million times. I’m finally ready to move on LMFAO omg 😱 could it be? 😱😱 after this, I’m finally gonna stop bothering you?!😱😱😱
but yeah idk when I first read that passage I imagined this whole scene with George on a walk with Marty through the snow cuz winter. And now it’s gonna be a part of a fanfic I’m working on, so this is like… a fanfic drawing?? kinda??? But also… a sneak peek into a fanfic I’m working on…? but i actually changed it since i drew this-- OOPS i just didnt want this to go to waste LMAOOOO
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look at Baby Marty, hes so cuteeee 🥺️💘💝
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daryfromthefuture · 3 months
bttf fanfiction masterpost
decided to put all of my fanfics together in one post for easier access-
multichapter fanfics
Until I Get Home, stuck in 1885 AU
We Do Need Roads (WIP!), road trip fic
Fourteen Scraps of Paper (on hiatus for now), filler fic from the years 1955-1985
Trinity trilogy (stuck in the 40s AU)
Most People Were Silent
A Few People Cried (WIP!)
A Few People Laughed (yet to be posted)
oneshots (a selection)
Spray paint, glass and us (my first oneshot on ao3 :,) ) (my english is so bad in that one good lord)
Double Visions (post bttf the game hurt/comfort)
He Didn't Start The Fire (prequel fic abt doc and marty's early friendship days)
The Weight Of Us ("crossover" with "Oppenheimer" (2023))
Flight Of Fancy (doc character study)
(disclaimer: most of them are incomplete because i lost motivation lol)
Summer Of Whump 2021
Summer Of Whump 2022
Friendship February 2023
June Of Doom 2023
Sicktember 2023
Doctober 2023
JanAUry 2024
collabs and roleplays
Friends Through Time(lines) with @alex-a-fans @bg-sparrow, ,@fiddlstyx, @jayisnotdrawing, @nemmet and @emmkittycat (i wrote the adopted marty chapter)
Stuck Through Time(lines) with @bg-sparrow, @fiddlstyx, @gxlden-switchblade, @nemmet, @bri-to-the-future, @pine-killer55 and @whosmurphy (i wrote the 1940s chapter)
Lean On Me (When You're Not Strong) with @bg-sparrow (stuck in 1885 sickfic)
Place In The World with @jayisnotdrawing (adoption au angst fic)
I'll Be There For You (Like I've Been There Before) with @bg-sparrow (stuck in 1885 au but marty objects at the wedding)
The Atom, The Scientist, And You with @bri-to-the-future (manhattan project lore)
I'm Only Me When I'm With You with @bg-sparrow (1955 sickfic)
this list will be updated as i write more :]
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raychleadele · 5 months
Back to the Future...But In Chronological Order
I decided it would be incredibly funny to see the events of Back to the Future in order of historical dates, so I wrote a fic. I hope you love it!
Hill Valley, California, 1885, Version One
The town of Hill Valley hires a woman named Clara Clayton to work as their local school teacher. She arrives by train on September 4th, but on the way from the train depot to town, her hired wagon crashes into the Shonash Ravine and she is killed. The location is renamed Clayton Ravine in her honor. 
Hill Valley, California, 1885, Version Two
On January 1st, a man by the name of Doctor Emmett Brown arrives just outside of town in a vehicle previously unknown to mankind. He buries the vehicle in an abandoned mineshaft and sets up a blacksmith shop. He does fairly well for himself, and is happy in his new life in Hill Valley. On September 1st of that year, he writes a letter and entrusts its delivery with Western Union. The delivery instructions are very precise; he specified not only to whom it should be delivered, but also where, and when, down to the minute. It is addressed to someone by the name of Marty McFly, to be delivered not far from their current location, late at night on November 12, 1955 - a full seventy years from now. The couriers are baffled, but promise to do their duty. 
On September 4th, Brown picks up school teacher Clara Clayton from the train depot and escorts her safely to town. Their affection for each other develops immediately.
Less than a week after posting the letter, Brown enters into a dispute of payment with local outlaw Buford Tannen. Tannen shoots and kills Brown on September 7th. He is buried in Boot Hill Cemetery by Clayton. 
Hill Valley, California, 1885, Version Three
On January 1st, a man by the name of Doctor Emmett Brown arrives just outside of town in a vehicle previously unknown to mankind. He buries the vehicle in an abandoned mineshaft and sets up a blacksmith shop. He does fairly well for himself, and is happy in his new life in Hill Valley. On September 1st of that year, he writes a letter and entrusts its delivery with Western Union. The delivery instructions are very precise; he specified not only to whom it should be delivered, but also where, and when, down to the minute. It is addressed to someone by the name of Marty McFly, to be delivered not far from their current location, late at night on November 12, 1955 - a full seventy years from now. The couriers are baffled, but promise to do their duty. 
The day after posting the letter, a young man calling himself Clint Eastwood arrives at Brown’s door, insisting that Brown leave with him in order to save his own life. Brown initially considers the proposition. However, on September 4th, Brown rescues school teacher Clara Clayton from nearly falling into Shonash Ravine. Their affection for each other develops immediately, and Brown decides to remain in Hill Valley. 
While in town, Eastwood comes into conflict with local outlaw Buford Tannen. On September 7th, Tannen shoots Eastwood, who survives by use of a metal breastplate. Eastwood flees town, boarding an unusual looking train car remarkably similar to the vehicle Brown arrived in. The vehicle careens off an incomplete train track into Shonash Ravine. The vehicle and Eastwood’s body are never found, and he is presumed dead. The location is renamed Eastwood Ravine in his honor.
Emmett Brown marries Clara Clayton, and together they have two sons who they name Jules and Verne. After about several years of marital bliss, the family boards a train and they leave Hill Valley.
Read the rest on AO3
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mythical-bookworm · 5 months
Day 9: Shopping
"McFly, you are hopeless." Jennifer told her boyfriend as he walked past endless shelves, not even giving anything a second glance.
"I'm telling you Jen, Doc wouldn't like any of this stuff!" he protested, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Jennifer rolled her eyes. "You don't even know what he would want."
"I'll know it, once I see it."
They had been at it for hours. Now, Jennifer loved shopping as any teenage girl would. But this was getting tiresome. Marty asked her to help him find his new employer Doc Brown a Christmas gift as she was much more adept to shopping then him. Unfortunately, he was stubborn. Every suggestion she gave he passed down. And after forcing him into several shops in the Twin Pines Mall, he hardly expressed any interest in anything sold. Usually by this point she would have found something. Currently they were in Radio Shack, Jennifer thinking maybe Marty could find something that would assist some of the scientist's inventions.
"I think you just need to settle. You've only known him for a few months. And your only fifteen, it's not like you have an extensive budget. He'll understand."
Marty's face soured stubbornly. "It's still a Christmas gift. I don't want to disappoint him."
"Alright." Jen said. "I'm going to go over to the shop next door, save some time."
Marty nodded. "I'll meet you over there when I'm done here."
The store next door happened to be Camelot Music. She walked in, but didn't expect much luck. Maybe they sold some older music from the Doctor's era? She walked in, browsing lazily before someone caught her eyes. Shifting fretfully through the aisles was a wide eyed white haired man.
"Doctor Brown?" she asked in suprise, walking up to him. What on earth was he doing here of all places?
The scientist looked up in surprise, eyeing her. "Who are you?"
"I'm Jen-"
"Jennifer! Marty's new romantic confidante!" he exclaimed in relief.
"Look, I need your help. I have found myself at a complete loss for what to get Marty for Christmas! I finally found this place, knowing his affinity for music, but I'm afraid I am quite clueless where to go from here. It has been quite some time since I have gotten a human a gift, not a loyal canine."
Jennifer blinked at the whirlwind of words being spoken to her by the eccentric scientist. After a moment of processing she shook her head. It seemed both him and Marty were hopeless. "Alright." she sighed. "First of all your looking in the wrong genre..."
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bg-sparrow · 10 months
A couple of days ago, I posted this Evil!Marty drabble and moodboard for McFly July. And when @mjf-af kindly reblogged it, I was given the gift of some very interesting tags, including this one:
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And lo, No Pines Marty officially came into being:
RATING: T (premeditative murder, evil!marty) || GENRE: Angst, Hurt No Comfort || WORDS: 1,576 || SUMMARY: In the No Pines Timeline, Marty calls the terrorists that night.
(He's so bad. Just look at him.)
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writeyouin · 9 months
Back to the Future - Outta Time (One Shot)
Description: When Marty is faced with the death of his father, he runs to the Doc for comfort.
A/N – So, when I went to London, I saw the Back to the Future Musical. It’s my new fave musical and it rekindles my obsession with the franchise.
Warnings – Angst.
Rating – T
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Marty had thought of a lot of things since he first met Doc Brwon, and the two had taken part in various adventures together.
He had thought about the many different lifetimes and ways upon which they had both met in other timelines, he had considered the various experiments they might attempt in their lives, and he had even wondered what it would one day be like to have the Doc serve as his best man when he was ready to marry Jennifer.
In all his imaginings of events past, present, and future, he had never thought about the day he was currently faced with. Yet, as he sat in the front pew of the church, one of only six people at Doc Brown’s funeral (unless you counted Doc’s dog Einstein who made their number seven), he didn’t know what to say, but he would have to figure it out soon since the priest would soon call upon him to make a speech about Doctor Emmett Brown and who he had been in life.
Jennifer squeezed Marty’s hand, and he turned to look at her, silent tears falling from his eyes as his mouth sat slightly ajar, his bottom lip quivering against the onslaught of sorrow.
Past Jennifer were Marty’s family, and the only other people to attend the funeral. While it was a relief to have them there, Marty couldn’t help but wonder about the family he had left behind in his original timeline, and where they would have been on this very day had he not accidentally changed the events wherein his mother had fallen in love with his father.
His original, unchanged family probably wouldn’t have been there. That George McFly would have been stuck at home, doing Biff’s busy work, his mother Lorraine would likely have been drunk and his siblings… Well, they probably would have told Marty that he was wasting his time mourning an insane disgraced physicist and that it was probably for the best that such a lonely old man was gone.
It wasn’t fair to imagine his family like that when they were here for him now, but Marty couldn’t help it; after all, this more successful, happier family had only been his for a little over two years.
“And now, we in the church would like to hear a few words from Emmett Brown’s dear friend, Marty McFly,” The priest said, standing aside from the podium where he had been delivering the Doc’s last rites.
Marty rose quickly to his feet and jerkily made his way to the podium. He couldn’t help hating the Priest for getting that last part wrong. Granted, the Doc’s name was Emmett, but he should have always been called Doc, first and foremost; Doc was proud to be a scientist and he shouldn’t lose his doctorate even in death.
“Uh- Hello- Hel- Ah- Hi,” Marty waved awkwardly.
“I need to say a few words about the Doc, and uh-”
This wasn’t right. None of this was right.
“And uh,” Marty repeated, his throat dry as he stared past the audience of only five people, picking a spot on the far wall in an attempt to focus.
“Uh-” He tried again, his vision blurring as his eyes welled up with tears.
Then it occurred to him.
There was a time machine with his name on it. A Delorian which he could use. There had been timelines where it was destroyed, one where it was marketed, and at least four wherein the Doc had gone back to the Wild West and traded in the Delorian for a train and a family, but as far as this Marty McFly was aware, there was only the Delorian, and it could give him more time with Doc.
“Excuse me for a minute,” Marty breathed half-heartedly before running from the church.
Jennifer got up to go after him as well as his mother, but his father shook his head, indicating that Marty probably just needed a minute.
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10 MPH.
Marty had barely started the car, having only set the date for a few days earlier, when the Doc had seemed so alive and well like there was nothing wrong with him.
30 MPH.
Time travel had saved both him and the Doc in the past. Logically, he knew that there was no saving the Doc from this one, with no cure for old age, but he still needed to see his best friend.
55 MPH.
This probably wasn’t a good idea. A therapist would likely say that this wouldn’t lead to closure and that it was unhealthy for Marty to be doing something so impulsive and stupid; then again, what kind of therapist even knew about time travel?
88 MPH.
As usual at this speed, Marty was going to see some serious shit.
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Once Marty was back in the past, he parked the Delorian and ran to the bungalow where Doc Brown lived, letting himself in amidst one of Doc Brown’s more stable experiments.
“Marty!” Doc lit up upon seeing his protégé, “You’re just in time! See what happens to this grape when I-”
Marty crushed the Doc in a hug, crying into his shoulder.
Doc Brown’s arms went wide, uncertain of what they were supposed to do in such a situation wherein social etiquette was not his second nature. After a minute, he closed his arms around Marty, patting him on the back twice before he simply held onto the boy.
“Marty, what’s wrong, my boy?”
Marty shook his head, for once too riled up for the right words to come out. He couldn’t tell the Doc what was wrong. If he did, he would spend his last days thinking about his impending death and that wouldn’t be fair.
All the same, though the Doc wasn’t well versed in reading people, he knew Marty and he understood that such an outburst could only be linked to something tragic. So, even though it would have probably been wiser to simply wait until Marty was ready to talk, he began guessing at the problem.
“It’s your family?” He astutely tried, earning another muffled sob from Marty. “Your sister? No, mother? …Father?”
Marty only cried harder at that so Doc pressed on.
“If I am correct in my observations Marty… Well, I-” Doc Brown didn’t want to provide his hypothesis; after all, he had only seen Marty so worked up in an alternate timeline… one wherein Marty’s father had tragically expired early thanks to Biff.
All the same, Marty was young and if he couldn’t outright say what was on his mind, then perhaps it would help if Doc said it for him, “Your- Your father has passed away… Am I right?”
Marty clung tightly to the Doc. He was the man who had always been there for him, through every timeline, and he had never given up on Marty, even when nobody else believed in him. The Doc was more like a father to Marty than anyone else, which wasn’t really fair to his newly confident biological father, but then again, that version of George McFly wasn’t the man who had raised him.
“Yeah Doc,” Marty answered after a minute. “My dad died.”
Doc Brown stroked Marty’s back, “Tell me what you need.”
“Can I just stay here for a while?” He asked in a small voice that made him sound ten years younger, more a child than almost a man.
“Of course, whatever you need, my boy.”
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happy74827 · 2 months
Can you do a Marty McFly x Reader, where the reader and him traveled back to 1955 together. Marty and the reader aren’t exactly together but they two idiots in love. But basically Lorraine doesn’t get the hint that these two are interested in each other so the reader is jealous but then some boy in 1955 flirts with the reader and Marty ends up jealous 😭. THANK YOU!!!!
Dance With Me
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[Marty Mcfly x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Despite how rare it seems, don’t forget that jealously is often a two-way street.
WC: 1758
Category: Fluff
Oh my god… i’m so sorry this took so long. I’ve been so caught up. But, I finally finished it so hopefully you like it!! (this is probably my favorite Marty fic I’ve written so far tbh).
It was stupid. You knew it was. The entire scenario was ridiculous, and you felt stupid for letting it bother you so much.
Yet, the entire day, you couldn’t get the thought out of your head. Even now, as the dance played on around you, you couldn’t keep the thought of how Lorraine Baines could be so oblivious.
Sure, she was with George… now. But before Marty fixed up the past, she was all over her son as if he were the best thing since sliced bread. It wasn’t even the fact that it was her son that was bothering you, although that certainly did play a part in it, no. It was the fact that it was Marty.
It wasn’t like the two of you were together or anything, but you knew there was something. A spark, if you would, and it was a spark that made you want to pull him away from her and just tell him what was on your mind.
You weren't really sure when the infatuation had begun. It was as though a light had just flickered on one day, and suddenly, everything was different. Everything was Marty, your lazy lab partner.
Your eyes flickered to the man across the room. He was standing alone (for once) by the punch bowl, watching the dancers with a soft smile. Even now, Lorraine was still obvious to your connection. Though, it didn’t really matter since everything was fixed now. Her obsession moved on, and so should yours.
Still, your eyes drifted down to your shoes as your mind flashed back to the night before. You remembered the feeling of her fingers wrapped around his wrist and the way she pulled him closer to her, practically begging him to ask her to the dance. And he had, though only because it was the plan to begin with.
Your lips twisted down into a scowl, and you had half a mind to take her to the side and give her a piece of your mind. But why should you? What did it matter? It was over now, and there was nothing left to do but wait until the past was the past.
God, you couldn’t wait to leave.
You sighed and leaned against the wall, arms crossed over your chest.
You wanted to go home. You wanted to see Doc alive, Doc, and not worry about this crap anymore. You just wanted to be home.
You closed your eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. The music seemed to swell around you, and you could hear the shuffle of feet as people danced around. It was almost overwhelming, and you wished you had a place to escape to.
When you opened your eyes, however, a face greeted yours, and a hand reached out toward you.
You blinked, looking up at the boy who was grinning brightly down at you.
"May I have this dance?" he asked, his smile bright.
It shocked you. In 1985, you were never asked to dance unless it was by a friend in an attempt to make you feel better. And while the boy standing in front of you wasn’t exactly the definition of tall, dark, and handsome, he was trying.
Your gaze shifted across the room, looking at the others. George and Lorraine were dancing, his hand low on her waist. Your parents were also dancing, as well as most of the students. And then there was Marty, standing alone, watching his parents dance.
It really was just you caring, wasn't it?
Your gaze shifted back to the boy, who was still watching you expectantly.
A sigh fell from your lips, and a small smile curled on your lips. "I would love to."
His smile brightened as he took your hand, pulling you into the middle of the dance floor. You glanced at the people around you, seeing their confused expressions and the whispers.
You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, but the boy was quick to spin you around.
His hands found your hips, and yours settled on his shoulders.
The music slowed, but the song wasn’t as familiar. Your feet followed the rhythm, and the boy led the way.
"So," he started, a smile curling on his lips, "you don’t seem like the rest of the girls."
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "I get that a lot."
"Are you new to school?" he asked, his smile never wavering. “I’m sort of new too, just moved in the last year. I haven't seen you around."
"Oh, uh, yeah," you nodded, not wanting to explain the details of your situation. "I’m just visiting, though. Leaving tonight, actually."
"Tonight?" He looked surprised and maybe even a little disappointed.
"Yeah," you said. "But I think I'll be back soon."
"I hope you do," he smiled, and his voice sounded genuine. Now you wished that you could stay longer, but you knew that it wasn’t possible. "What was your name, by the way?"
“Can I bud in for the next dance?" a voice asked a familiar voice, a voice you would know anywhere.
Your body froze, the boy stopped, and the music halted.
Both of your gazes shifted over to see Marty standing in front of you with a small smile. One that held something more than just a friendly offer.
The boy glanced at you, his gaze questioning. Boldness was not his strong suit, and it wasn’t yours either, but you were a little less timid than he was.
"Yeah," you nodded, "of course."
Marty's grin brightened, and he quickly grabbed your hand, disregarding the “next dance” statement completely, forcing you to ditch the poor boy.
You felt a bit bad about the abrupt switch, but the feeling vanished when he pulled you against his chest, his hands on your hips, and yours around his neck.
"What was that about?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at him. “I was kind of in the middle of something."
"Yeah," he nodded, "But remember what Doc said to us? He said that we shouldn't change anything. We don't know how this could affect our future."
"Or affect his," you pointed out, but he shook his head.
"He’ll forget about it," Marty waved it off. “Trust me, the guy's got enough on his mind right now; what's one more thing?"
“Would you?” Your words were quiet, and you didn’t really think that he would hear them. But he did, and his gaze met yours.
"Would I what?"
"Would you forget about it? It seemed as though you couldn’t handle the fact that I wasn’t dancing with you," you explained, a smirk tugging on the corners of your lips.
"No, I-" he sighed, shaking his head. "Doc said that we shouldn’t change anything. I’m just following the rules."
You rolled your eyes, a scoff falling from your lips. "Since when have you ever listened to rules?"
"Hey, I listen to rules!" he defended, but his tone was playful, and the smile on his face betrayed his words. “And you're changing the subject."
"Am I?" you smirked, quirking an eyebrow. "What subject would that be, McFly?"
His hands were on your waist, pulling you closer. Your eyes widened, and you could feel your heart beating rapidly.
"How quick you were to dance with me," he grinned, his voice quiet, but you could hear the teasing undertone. “instead of the boy you were with."
"I don’t know what you're talking about," you scoffed, looking away from him, but the grin was still playing on your lips.
"No? Is my mother still on your mind, then?" he asked, his voice teasing.
"That makes me sound creepy," you said, scrunching up your nose in distaste. “Do you always have to word things so weird?"
"Do you always have to avoid the question?"
You were silent for a moment, trying to find a good response. "Yes."
His eyes brightened, a smile lighting up his face. "You are, aren’t you? You're still jealous of my mother."
"No," you groaned, shaking your head. "No, I'm not. I'm sorry, Marty, but I'm not obsessed with you like she is. Or was, or whatever. She isn't obsessed anymore, is she?"
"Not really," he shrugged, but his grip was still firm around your waist. "She sees me like a brother now, I think.”
“How’d that happen?" you asked, thinking about the dramatic change of direction, but you noticed how his smile faltered for a moment, a distant look clouding his features.
"Let’s… not talk about it," he shook his head, the smile returning to his lips. Something about that ordeal told you it was better left unsaid, so you didn't push it any further.
"Okay," you nodded, smiling. "I'm sorry, though, I guess. For being weird and all."
"No," he shook his head, pulling you in so close that your nose nearly brushed against his. Your eyes widened, and you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks. You were suddenly aware of his every movement and his closeness. His hands were warm against your skin, his thumb rubbing against the fabric of your dress.
"Save the apologies for when we get out of this nightmare," he didn’t elaborate on his words, but the thought of seeing Doc alive again, as if nothing had ever happened, made the smile grow on your lips.
You leaned forward, resting your forehead against his. Your hands moved from his shoulders, and your arms wrapped around his neck. He tightened his grip on your waist, pulling you flush against his chest.
You could feel his breath fanning against your lips, and yours ghosted across his. Your heart was beating rapidly, and your palms began to sweat, but the feeling wasn’t uncomfortable. It was nice. It was a reminder that you were there, dancing with the boy you loved.
And even though it was the 1950s, and neither of you would admit your feelings for one another, there was that awkward truth that lingered in the air. That spark, the one that pulled you together and ignited something that you were too afraid to admit.
You both were jealous of someone, a simple fact that would make the two of you laugh if only you both had the guts to admit it. But it was okay because this was the start.
You didn’t have to say anything. The music, the moment, was saying everything for you.
So you didn't say a word. Instead, you moved closer and let the jealousy fade along with the song.
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riordanness · 7 days
my ‘coming soon’ masterlist ->
series that are currently in the works ,,
things percy jackson would say to me if he was real
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a place in this world — [c.kane]
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imgonnagetyouback — [m.mcfly]
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follow the sparks, i’ll drive — [l.mcqueen]
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Brothers AU
I used two merman Martys that @daryfromthefuture and @itsthemorph created, Zombie by @jayisnotdrawing, M4rty by @nemmet, and No Pines by @bg-sparrow
This is very short but I did hint at my Day 31.
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lladyofthedawn · 3 months
First Time on Earth
George and Lorraine can’t stop thinking about their friend Marty. He promised them they would meet in the future yet he’s nowhere to be seen! He’s gotta have a reason for not showing and a reason why he acted so odd…
so i posted this on my archive and decided to kinda make a separate tumblr for my cringe shit for funsies!
anyways this is inspired by this post here and also because i have brain rot enjoy
“Do you ever think about Marty?”
George pulled back, shocked at Lorraine’s question since she just nearly had her tongue down his throat.
They’ve been going steady for about a month now and it’s been an absolute dream. Just last week they went down to the diner and had a great time. They even went dancing afterward! George knew he had two left feet when it came to that sort of thing but as long as he was with Lorraine, he knew he’d be in good hands.
He also knew she’d nearly bite off anyone’s head if they made any remark towards them. He was still getting used to this new sense of confidence he’d had rushing through him since the dance, but it didn’t mean he wouldn’t go down without a fight. He sometimes wonders how different the dance would’ve gone if he hadn’t punched Biff.
Truthfully, it was a beatnik punch. But the shock and power that went through him, also surprising Biff, was the true thunderbolt that caused the bully to leave him alone.
“I-I think about him a lot, Lorraine.”
He’s unimaginably thankful to Marty.
Lorraine nodded and completely sat back in her seat. Her cheeks are red and her hair is blown out from their kissing for the last half hour, but she’s got a deep frown set in her face. She reached for her purse but quickly pulled back her hand, realizing she threw out her cigarettes weeks ago.
“I just,” she fiddled with her hands for a moment, trying to get her thoughts together. “Where did he go, George?” Her eyes are wide and glossy, telling George this has been on her mind for some time.
She threw her hands up, “He’s just gone! We haven’t gotten phone calls, let alone any letters. No one’s seen him around. Nobody even really knows him. I’ve even tried to-to-to-“
George grabbed her hands, seeing as she was getting excited.
“‘Raine, calm down I-I’m sure he’s fine!” He rubbed their hands together. “He’s a smart guy, maybe he had to go out of town to help family or something.”
Lorraine shook her head furiously, “No, he told us we will see him again. He guaranteed it!”
George winced at that, remembering their last conversation at the dance.
“I just don’t understand how we haven’t heard anything from him.” She rubbed her eyes, frustrated. “We were nice to him, weren’t we? And he was so happy when we got together. I’m so grateful he was so sweet about the whole situation.”
She took a deep breath and squeezed his hand, calming herself down.
George smiled at her. He loves how passionate she is. How she wasn’t afraid to let her emotions take control every once in a while.
“As thankful as I am for him, he sure was an odd fella,” he said, rubbing his cheek and thinking.
Lorraine nodded with him, her lips pursed, “There was just something different about that boy and I just can’t put my finger on it.”
They both sat in silence, thinking about their interactions with the boy. All George could think about was all the times Marty would trip up on his words or just stare at him for too long, almost like he was studying him. He could never say slang correctly or confidently but when he did talk with confidence it was strung together with words that barely go together! The reminiscence made George smile a bit. It was almost like it was Marty’s first time on earth.
The thought made George freeze, and it seemed like Lorraine came to the same conclusion as she shot straight up as well.
“Oh my god, he’s gay!”
“Oh my god, he’s an alien!”
George coughed loudly, “Gay! Right!”
Lorraine was still deep in thought as she ignored his slight misconstruity, “Aw Georgie, I think I might’ve frightened him off.”
Her eyes turned mistier as she turned away and put her hands on her face. George frowned a bit, upset at seeing her upset.
“What happened? Did he say something to you?” He asked.
Lorraine turned a bit red, obviously embarrassed by something. She bit her lip before she replied.
“It was at the dance-er well before the dance. We were in the car…”
She trailed off, not sure if she wanted to talk about her ‘original’ date to the dance to her now boyfriend.
George rolled his eyes playfully, “You can tell me ‘Raine. I won’t get mad.”
She shuffled nervously, her eyes flitting between his own and the car dashboard.
“Looking back on it now, he definitely thought of the date as a friendly one.” She then wrapped her arms around herself. “Oh, George! I’ve never seen a boy so nervous and that’s saying something!”
He chuckled at that, not minding the small tease.
“He could barely look at me! Let alone hold my hand or anything. All he wanted to do was get me to the dance and probably have some fun…” she trailed off again, remembering that night. “When I asked him why he was so nervous after we parked, you know what he told me, George?”
He raised his eyebrows in reply.
“He asked me if I’ve ever been somewhere where you know you had to act a certain way but when you got there you didn’t know if you could do it.”
The way she said it made it seem like it was a direct quote from Marty. Like she’d run it through her head a million times before speaking it out loud to him. The tears she’s been holding back finally spilling over. It’s clear this has been on her mind for quite a while and George is a bit sheepish that all he could think about is that Marty is an alien.
Oh geez, I hope that wasn’t ignorant of me.
But he started to recall more about Marty and all the odd mannerisms he had. He thought about how adamant Marty was for him to take Lorraine to the dance. He would always get so embarrassed when he pointed out that he thought she was sweet on him, not George. However, the embarrassment was borderline disgust to the strange boy. He would jerk away quickly and almost have a full-body shiver at the thought of taking Lorraine out. George, at the time, thought Marty was an idiot for not seeing how lucky he was to have a gal like Lorraine vying for his affection. But the more he thought about it, maybe it wasn’t Lorraine putting him off but the fact she was a girl.
Well, that does put some things in perspective.
He then notices Lorraine has been staring at him for some time, almost studying his expressions. She still had some tears left over on her cheeks and her nose was cutely puffed red. But her eyes were staring daggers into his head.
He bristled up, but it mostly looked like he was shaking off rain like a wet dog, “What ‘Raine?”
“You don’t have a problem with that, do you?” Her voice was hard, like she was ready to tear into him at any moment.
George’s eyes widened as realized he’s been suspiciously quiet for too long, “NO! No! Not-Not at all! I swear I was just thinking and-“
“And what?” She crossed her arms over her body and stared at him.
“I don’t know!” He threw his arms up. “Just all the odd words he’d say!”
She studied him more but he seemingly passed whatever she was looking for. She let out a heavy sigh and stared out the window.
The silence was calm and almost welcomed. Both of them mourning the almost loss of their friend. George reached over to grab her hand so that she could relax a bit. He fiddled with her fingers clumsily before finally interlocking them together. He blushed deeply, still embarrassed about holding a girl’s hand even though they were just kissing some time earlier.
“He knew that we wouldn’t have cared, right?” Lorraine broke the silence. Her voice sounded small and a bit far away. “I know it’s not exactly…common. And folks around here aren’t always the brightest, but he knew that we wouldn’t have cared? Right, George?”
His mind instantly conjure up a memory of the boy. Cool kid Marty, who definitely could’ve climbed up the social rankings to the popular kids but instead decided to mock them. Marty, who decided he wanted to talk to loser George Mcfly, who pushed him to talk to Lorraine and continue writing his dorky stories.
He smiled softly, “I’m sure he knew in some capacity.”
“Then why haven’t we heard from him!” Lorraine balked. “Biff and those goons could’ve-“
“Biff knows better than to touch Marty.” George snaps, not liking the thought of Marty hurt again. “I’ll sock him again if he even mentions him.”
Lorraine stared wide-eyed at George, a bit shocked at his sudden change in confidence and stern demeanor.
George turned red when he raised his voice. He can’t recall the last time he’s ever done that. Again, he’s still growing into this newfound confidence.
“I-I didn’t mean to interrupt, ‘Raine, I just-“ He breathed in deeply before taking off his glasses and pinching his nose. “Wherever Marty let's just hope he’s safe. But if he ever comes back to Hill Valley we’ll welcome him with open arms.” He finishes with a strained but toothy grin.
“Oh, George!” Lorraine kisses his cheek suddenly. “I love it when you get all protective like that!”
He ducks away, flustered, and cheeks darkening.
“I hope you’re this protective over our kids, Georgie!” She exclaims happily.
And he nearly passed out from the thought.
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synthsays · 5 months
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Here's the Secret Santa art I did for @pine-killer55 for the BttF Discord Secret Santa!!
Here's the fic I wrote to go along w/ it!!
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