#maybe separate blog for that..
fagidarity · 8 months
We never saw the kid😢
okay so the bad news is that at some point i did apparently either delete the save or entirely alter it so that they no longer have their son. the good news is he’s still saved to my library so here’s their boy atlas
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i don’t know why he’s smirking pls ignore that
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also help i aged him up to a young adult just to See and the game gave him just the worst hair so i had to fix that even if he’s not staying this way lol
it also got rid of his hearing aids 🙄 but i think that’s because they’re counted as accessories
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tevintersnakes · 16 days
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When I opened my 2018 playthrough saves, his inventory was entirely pre-war books and spare glasses
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pollsnatural · 1 month
*- do it in 13x06.
**braggin about (sorry didn't notice this before posting)
Cas poll, Sam polll, spn women poll
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lilbeanz · 1 year
So, I know my main blog is very Harry Potter fandom & drarry-centric...
But I just wanted to take a moment to introduce some chaotic witchy beans who are very near and dear to my heart 🥹
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My blorbos. My characters. My bunch of lil hooligans that I someday hope to tell the tales of...
✨️Tales of the Coven✨️
I know it's not drarry or HP, but heyyy I'm all in my emotions, feeling totally normal about my babies 🤌
(And if anyone had any questions about em, I'd be happy to gush about the characters, world, and story in my head ;-; )
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kindahoping4forever · 4 months
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insanesonofabitch · 8 months
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“What’s the matter..? You don’t think you deserve to be saved.”
My very first published destiel fanart. This was supposed to be sent in one of those anonymous drawing boxes but my net connection was shit and I don’t think it got sent. So I decided to take it on ibis paint to continue it there. And I’m so glad I did. What was originally just supposed to be a silly little doodle turned out much better than I had originally planned.
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ohhcinnybuns · 1 month
Whoever at Bones studio thought it was a great idea to animate and drip Dazai in so much appeal, thank you 🫶
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demobatman · 9 months
can we study the klance to byler shipping pipeline
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fandom-draws · 6 days
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Misc stupid stuff I’ve drawn over the past month
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blended-ice · 8 months
what if I became a multifandom art blog
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toytle · 6 months
guys guys i think i finally figured out how to post ns4w art on tumblr, are you losing your mind like i am
i have so much art that i havent been able to post bc tumblr kept deleting/flagging me before, but now i might have freedom to actually share… everything. woah.
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sea-buns · 5 months
Was having a sick day today and decided what better time to do absolutely nothing else but lie in bed and finally begin arc 2 of the wwwo...
And my god.
I can't think of a single work of cinema, or art, or literature, or ANYTHING that has struck me as fiercely as Ame's memories with Grandmother Ren have. I don't have the mind today to even begin to unravel all the little threads of love and care and- and whatever word encapsulates the kind of softness that comes from understanding something with your entire being- that you can feel littered throughout the tapestry of that sequence. And I don't think I ever will. I don't think I'll ever find words that live up to my love for that whole deal. All I can muster is this extremely ineloquent:
Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. Fucking incredible showstopping performance from Brennan and Erika, holy mother of fuck.
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pothospant · 3 months
his default recall is so cool..........
#not me arts tag#ive never used his default skin so i didnt even know what it looked like until now....ough#i wish u could mix and match sounds or recalls with skins................#i honestly forget half the time hes supposed to be like. Cool and Suave and a Competent Badass#because my brain is always like. god hes so small and floppy and will die if you breathe on him wrong#also hes always crying and breathing heavily in my ear so im just like. poor guy#he should be at the bed taking a nap not fighting....... who made him fight.... stop that he doesnt belong on the battle field#he might be a badass hitman or smth but my brain is like#this is just a sad theatre kid who took gymnastics#''aphelios how is your assassin training going'' aphelios who has only been reading the acrobatics textbook: my what#is there anyone still reading these tags. hi there#i have a lot of thoughts on him. im very obsessed with his animations#like he has a laugh animation for every weapon.......#all the various weapon animations...#maybe the real reason we wont have a legendary for 10 more years is all the animating they have to do#i mean his base animations are so good id honest be like OK if they reused them#cant rly do much better than already Top Tier animations#unless we get an alune legendary.....#hope alune is super awesome and badass and all the aphelios voicelines are a really shy awkward guy or smth#like you look so cool and awesome fighting and the whole world doesnt know ur listening to a lil guy in your brain the whole game#the contrast would be very funny methinks#if anyones still reading this. yes i know riot made up some reason about budget or whatever for voices#but i choose to believe aphelios is head empty no thoughts and thats why he doesnt talk to alune#(STILL GOOFY OF A REASON... lots of VAs can do both genders of voices.... like. what about kindred and kayn....)#then again wouldnt be surprised if they were overbudget on the animations but still smh my head into oblivion#can relate to a guy who simply doesnt wanna talk#(said after 10000 tags of talking to myself)#i should really put my thoughts onto a separate post or blog or something#anyways have i mentioned i think hes really cute
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do you have any reaction images of like, hats?? like i saw a hat that said smth like 'less naggin more gaggin' (just floating around the webs) and i think stuff on hats is just... hilarious. also idk if they're classified as reaction images but i just thought i'd ask anyways!
Distressed to report that I don't have any images of hats!!
...I DO, however, have images of shirts :3
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(And also, for good measure, a pair of booty shorts with a very threatening aura)
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anthonycrowley · 17 days
sigh. sorry gomens fans. and fob fans. you guys are holding hands with this one.
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marimbles · 9 months
the agony of enjoying MULTIPLE THINGS AT ONCE. How do people do it….
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