#mental health issues tw
rippersz · 9 months
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(Brienne of Tarth x Named Reader; Angsty; Hurt/Slight Comfort) (TW: Suic*de attempt; Suic*dal ideations/thoughts; Slight Romanticization of mental illness)
“An autumn whisper between the maples kept urging: Die with me.” ~ Anna Akhmatova
A Fool’s Death.
That’s what they call it.
A Fool’s Death. You’re a coward if you do it. You’re a lazy bastard if you live with thoughts of it. You’re a selfish prick of a soul either way.
There’s no winning and there’s no losing. There’s no talk of it. Not even a mention. Not even a whisper. And if there is, you are spoken of. Judged. Scrutinized until The Fool’s Death becomes your death. Until the village and its people and everyone in your family are forced to spit upon your narcissistic bones and claim you disowned even though there is nothing left to claim and nothing left to disown. Just a corpse that is cold and dull and useless.
Cold and dull and useless.
You think that’s how you’ll do it.
Winter has already carried her snow and chill and winds into the region, laying it all upon the land like a warm blanket around a small child’s body. Painting everything white and leaving it to glisten to sludge beneath the eventual heat of the spring sun. A perfect time for rebirth. A perfect time for death.
Your hands shake as you slowly pull open the door to your quarters, wincing while it creaks and groans, forcing you to stop every time a noise rings out into the empty hall. Your heart, pounding away in your ears, ruins your sense of hearing while you stand like a statue within your own doorway. Anxiety slips through your bones. Fear pulls at you. The last desire you have is to wake everyone in the castle and call attention to yourself. No, having eyes and ears on you while you lay in the snow and wait for the freeze to set in is less than ideal. A Fool’s Death, after all, is never A Fool’s Death if done with company.
So once you decide that the corridors are empty and you can slip out through the back entrance into the kitchens, you do exactly that. A singular torch is lit, burning away within its stone perch, nearly beckoning you closer with its dancing flame. You trail toward it and stop there, watching it for a moment, reveling in the last bit of warmth that your skin will ever feel. You know that some hours later, when the moon is long gone and the clouds block the sun and the stars keep themselves veiled, you will no longer be able to feel fire. You will no longer be able to feel ice. You will no longer be able to feel the breath in your lungs leave you in short pants. It will all bleed into the same numb feeling. And you will freeze until Mother Nature tells you to thaw. And once your body has been revealed to the changing air of the seasons, once the earth’s creatures start to take advantage of your indirect kindness, you also know that your frozen flesh will not be mourned. Because no one will cry for you. And no one will beg the gods, both old and new, to bring you back. And no one will waste another precious breath worrying about who you were.
You, who were just another soldier out of an army of hundreds. A faceless woman. A person easily replaced. Inconsequential in every sense of the word. Your family was dead, your acquaintances were no more than good mornings and good nights, your position would be filled as soon as you broke rank. And no one would notice your absence. The Lord Commander wouldn’t even blink. The royal family wouldn’t even spare a thought. Though then again, it wasn’t like you deserved their thoughts, their sympathies, their prayers anyway. You weren’t a war hero and you weren’t important and you didn’t do anything beyond follow orders and live your life. Well- that last bit would change, of course. As soon as you pull yourself away from the torch and get going.
The chill of night is a harsh contrast from the few minutes of firelight, but you find that your body, already shivering and slow beneath the thin white nightgown, doesn’t take true notice of the cold. You’re only propelled forward by a distant urge. A previously agreed upon understanding with no one but yourself: This was necessary. This is what it was going to come to anyway, whether you died a fool sooner or later. This was the way of the world and you were just another pawn amongst the masses. Going to war, front of the line, hoping to die in glory.
But there was no glory there. There was no glory in your measured footsteps and there was no glory in your sagging shoulders and tired expression. And there was no glory in your desire. How could there be? How could the good gods ever wish to touch you after your blasphemy? How could you hang your soul out to dry and still expect to find your place in Nirvana? They will call you a coward. They will call you a fool. They will call you a rotten whore and they will say that they wish you’d done it sooner. They will walk past your nonexistent grave without a wandering thought as to what your name was. You could’ve saved everyone the trouble, they will say. Could’ve saved them the breaths. Spared them of your quiet awkward presence. Making everyone uncomfortable. Leaving the men to tease and toss aside the idea of censoring themselves just because you were a woman. Not the only woman, but a woman nonetheless. Of course they held their tongues when The Lord Commander walked past, or sat at the table, or existed and breathed in their general vicinity, but that didn’t matter. Brienne of Tarth was not always around to control them nor comfort you - not that she did the latter anyway. You weren’t important enough for that.
And the universe seemed to agree. The path was laid out before you, lit by the silver moon, traced by the glow of the white ground. You’d decided on your resting place only a few days ago. During a morning patrol with some of the newer trainees, you came across a spot of smooth Earth. Two logs, parallel to each other, framed a large empty patch of snow. From where you stood, it looked like a beautiful painting that had yet to be finished. There was no subject- no goal- no lesson to be learned- no deeper meaning and no unintentional intentional wicked talent. But before that could be rectified, before it could be completed, it would have to be ruined. Once you’re long dead, you’ll find the time to apologize to Mother Nature, but as you trek over the last hill, you’re more focused on becoming one with the frozen ground.
The site of your death is far enough away from civilization, near the edge of a tall cliff, so any wandering strangers won’t bother to come too close. Well that’s what you tell yourself, living in hope as per usual; but in reality nothing is stopping another living creature from stumbling across your frozen corpse. The snow is thick, yes, but not thick enough to hide all of you. And the sun is only some hours away from rising. Oh well. It won’t matter anyway. You’ll be passed out by then, icicles hanging from your eyelashes and blue coating the lining of your lips. Your heart will be quiet, weak, in your frozen chest. Your hands will be limp. And the rest of you will be blanketed by the sweet tasty frost of death, creating a home for its festering teeth. Teeth that will bite and gnash and taste and tear - but their attacks will be in vain. You will be numb. So wonderfully, perfectly, fatefully, numb.
And your fingertips, for what it’s worth, are already tingling with the beginnings of it.
The beginnings of it.
‘It’ being your end, of course.
‘It’ being the thing you want. Desperately.
‘It’ being the Fool’s Death you were born to have.
Oh so poetic it was…
Oh so… lovely.
You blink suddenly, forcing the chilled tears out of your eyes. Damn wind… so cold… so refreshing… Your knees bend to crouch into the snow, slow and exhausted like the sluggish looking of your eyes. ‘Hello’ the snow grins- beams- smiles so cheerfully up at you, ‘come to see me again, have you? It’s only been a few days. But I have missed you so much. We all have missed you so much.’ And you glance up to take in the ‘we’; the looming trees and the deep blue sky and the twinkling stars and the sweet bright moon, and you nod to yourself. Yes. This is how it is. This is the perfect atmosphere.
This is the glory of a Fool’s Death.
This is the peace of a Fool’s Death.
This is salvation.
No loud men and no flickering fires and no furs and no royals and no company and no messy thoughts and no sleepless nights and no terrifying dreams and no days of forced starvation and no sadness, no sadness, no sadness, no sadness, no sadness, no sadness, no sadness, no sadness, no sadness, no sadness, no hope, no love, no happiness, no reason, no reason, no reason no reason no reason to live live live live live live live- live!
The thin white slip on your body shields you from nothing. Your palms sink into the soft fluff of the ground. Instantly, upon laying down, you’re soaked to the bone. Water finds itself languishing along your body, playing games and laughing while it gathers in your scalp and dances on your fingertips. And the snow, whispering near your ear and beckoning you to salvation, stretches its hands and says ‘Come, dear friend. Come rest here. I am soft. I will give you everything you want.’ So you rest. And you give in. And your body relaxes; your muscles unclench and the tension slides from your shoulders as a sigh bubbles past your lips.
Is it one of relief? One of stress? One of defeat? You’re not sure. You don’t know. Your heart is shuddering- pulsing- with excitement, but it’s a mystery as to why. Death is not supposed to feel good. Death is not supposed to feel powerful. Death is not supposed to feel like you’re finally grabbing life by the balls and saying HAH! THIS IS IT! THIS IS MY MOMENT! THIS IS MY DEATH! MY END! AND YOU CAN NEVER TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME.
… So why does it feel that way?
Why does it feel so good?
…The night is quiet. It does not have answers for you. The moon looks on with unblinking eyes. You feel yourself grow heavy.
But the deed is not over yet. There is still one thing left to do. Slowly, the snow falls away as your limbs stir. They move on autopilot, not drawn by the thoughts in your head but again pushed by that faint desire.
Heels digging, nails running blue, curling into the snow, pushing it away - only to drag it back five minutes later; hastily working to complete the masterpiece. Desperate to become one with the Earth and fall into oblivion. A deep, bone-cold, quieting oblivion that will leave you shivering before it leaves you dead. Even beneath the blanket of snow that caresses your skin, that lays over your bare legs, that nuzzles the sensitive parts of your body, you begin to shake. And you begin to think.
The thoughts, interestingly enough, don’t freeze like the rest of you does. Instead, they grow. Swirl like a winter’s storm. Obsessive and rough, they pull you under like they always did.
This is great, isn’t it?
No, you think in response to yourself. It hurts, actually.
Oh stop whining. It will be worth it.
Why? How?
For years, it has been worth it.
That doesn’t answer anything. How has it been worth it? Is that why I’ve been hurting so much? For the sake of worthiness? Or something else?
Well you never felt worthy of anything else.
But I feel worthy of this?
Death? Yes. Everyone is worthy of death. Even The Lord Commander.
…What does she have to do with this?
You know what.
Your hands grasp at the snow, mindless and desperate. Pulling and pulling and pulling - clawing at the crisp white so it can cover you until no part of you is left to the air. Shielding you from the hatred of the universe. From the angry eyes of the gods. From the venom of the men. From the disinterest of the women. From the world… and its lack of care for you. And its lack of positivity. And its rude- disgusting- vile- way of treating you. And its overwhelming desire to kill you before you could kill yourself.
Too late now. We’re at least one foot deep in the ground! This is it. Keep digging. Keep digging. Keep digging! No stopping here! No energy left. Nothing left, actually. Not a goddamn thing. Nothing. Nothing at all.
Nothing at all….
At all.
Your eyelids flutter shut.
It’s two hours later when Ser Brienne of Tarth starts to wrap up her last duty of the evening.
A quick patrol of the furthest border is something not necessarily reserved for The Lord Commander, but is more of a safety measure she enforces upon herself before retiring for bed. Exhaustion pulls at her before she sets out, yes, but sometimes the nightmares… the white walkers… they leave her paranoid. Expectant of an attack that will never come. Worried about an enemy that no longer exists. Thus, she does it alone - and with only the royals’ knowledge.
It’s always a quiet affair, drawn along quickly by her and her steed Valour. They work with sharp eyes and a torch through the dark, stopping every few paces to listen for threats. There aren’t any, of course, but that doesn’t stop her from clip-clopping along the terrain with tense shoulders and keen senses, looking through the din of the torch’s fire in her hand. She has to be careful not to set her furs alight, but it’s not a hard task. Keeping it level, shunting it toward the ground and out toward the trees, proves to be more difficult. There’s no use in a flame if it can’t illuminate a damn th-
Valour’s hooves press into the snow, leaving them to stop - suddenly, quickly, with a jerk - as hot breath puffs from her nostrils and curls into the air. She’s tense, Brienne realizes. Tense and alert, with white ears twisting to take in sound. They stand in silence. Blue eyes watch as the animal’s head turns - first to the left and then to the right. But aside from the night and the usual rustle of the world, there is nothing. Nothing to hear, nothing to notice, nothing to fight or defend. Nothing to… find?
With one last sweep of the flame, she catches something quick. It’s nearly unnoticeable. Buried beneath the snow, but not one with the ground. It’s foreign. Out of place. A mere lump with no distinct beginning and end. Brienne chances a glance down at the horse, interest and apprehension dancing through her veins once she sees Valour’s eyes have caught the same thing. The same… intruder. The same issue.
When she slides off of the horse, half expecting to see the thing rise from the ground, one hand shoots to her sword. It waits. Curls around the hilt. Stretches beneath her glove. Twitches with adrenaline.
But there’s nothing. Not even a tremble beneath the dirt.
“Stay,” she whispers to Valour, moving the hand from her blade to gesture, palm facing the ground, for the horse to stand in wait.
And as cautiously, as quietly, as she can, Brienne approaches the mystery. She rounds one of the logs, taking notice of the odd placement, and tries not to wince each time her boots make a small crunch in the silence. Footprints will no doubt be left behind, but that doesn’t seem to bother her much as she catches sight of another pair in the distance. They’re small, the knight notices. With no distinct shape if not for a slight curve. The snow is kicked up, forced from its smooth blanket. Hurried in their demeanor. But slow in the amount of distance between each print.
Human, she thinks.
Human indeed, the snow hums; bearing all to see as it glistens beneath the firelight of her torch and brings Brienne to her unsightly treasure.
Frosted skin. A soaked nightgown. Arms and legs bitten by the chill.
Dead, she thinks.
No. Alive. The snow breathes.
Someone is taking off your clothes. They’re cold, sticking to you, and little grunts follow as bits of your nightgown rip with the effort. Your body is shocked, shivering so hard that the stranger can’t keep you still and isn’t quite sure what to do. Eventually, a mind is made up and you’re stripped completely - then covered with woolen hose. At least two pairs- both of which are too big for you and hang by the feet and are quite loose around the waist, but the dresser doesn’t seem to care. Trousers are next. How many pairs? You don’t know. Then shirts. And furs. And even a pair of leather gloves that droop at the fingertips and gape at the wrists - but they’re warm and lined with wool and you can’t feel your body but that’s okay. You didn’t want to anyway. More grunting and growling and small whispered curses follow until you’re very much tucked into a bed far bigger than your own. It’s warm. Good. You’re numb and half-dead, but it’s good. Lovely, really. And the outside world doesn’t call your name as you close your eyes.
Waking up was not on your agenda.
It wasn’t even in the cards.
And you don’t really want to - but the universe never cared for your opinion. And it did what it wanted whenever it wanted anyway. So you have no choice.
Thus, your eyes flutter open and your lungs expand with breath and suddenly the world comes flooding back in one confusing twist of fate. Nausea wastes no time in tearing you down; instantly going to churn in the pit of your stomach and curl in the back of your throat and pound against the skin of your temples. A deep groan slips from between your chapped lips. The lining of your skull feels as though it’s been replaced with cotton.
The snow really took its chance, didn’t it? Brutal. Ruthless. At least the Earth doesn’t lie to you. At least the Earth doesn’t save you.
But someone did. Someone has.
They’re actually shuffling over; measured footsteps sounding like big loud stomps in your head. You close your eyes. Everything is too bright. Everything is too much.
Hm. The voice sounds familiar. A bit wonky, like it’s far away, but familiar. You don’t have the energy to respond so you just let out a grunt and allow it to taper off into a weird rumbly hum.
“Hey,” there’s a sudden clicking noise near your ear, making you jolt and snort when your eyes flick open. There are fingers - long pale fingers snapping beside your head, falling silent when you glare up at the offender, only to find-
“Lah Commandah?!” Your tongue and throat are stiff and achy, keeping your speech limited and your voice strangled. You grimace at the sound and instantly try to growl the discomfort away, but she cuts you off.
“Don’t do that- you’ll just make it worse.” It comes out in a huff and silences you with ease.
She doesn’t look or seem very happy, which in turn makes you frown. It was a shot straight through the heart when the Lord Commander was in a bad mood - which surprisingly wasn’t always. In fact, she’d grown a little softer over the years. The tales talk of her unwilling attitude and stubborn pride, but sometimes she’s full of wit and humor. And on the best of days, she’ll give the most successful troops a small smile and a bow of her head. The only sign of ‘You did well’ that anyone would ever get from her. You’d never gotten a reaction like that before.
I wonder why she didn’t leave us out in the snow.
“Can you sit up?” Glacier blue eyes run over your face.
You’re not sure what you look like but you suppose it doesn’t matter. She’s seen worse.
“Dun-no, Lah Commandah,” you breathe, trying to do exactly that.
After the fifth try of shifting your arms and legs and quickly running out of strength, she seems to get the hint and suddenly large strong hands are sliding under your arms and tugging you up, then pushing you back. It’s done in one swift movement, leaving you dizzy while you rest your head against the wooden headboard of-… of a bed that certainly isn’t yours.
No, you’re definitely not in your own room. The layout is completely different. It’s more… it’s not pretty but it’s better looking than your own. Complete with greys and blacks and silvers and even a hint of red here and there. The fire that’s been crackling steadily in the background is clean and well-kept, where your room doesn’t even have space for one at all. And the curtains are drawn over the windows covering the right wall, leaving the place shrouded in a darkness that would have existed there anyway even if the curtains were open - it’s nighttime, pitch black outside, and suddenly you’re very much aware of the fact that you’ve kept your Lord Commander- The Brienne of Tarth- out of her own bed for more than a day.
By the time you blink yourself out of your dizzy distracted haze and try to find her form again, she’s already busy doing something else. Wringing out cloths over a bowl… and then returning to your side. Your lips, chapped and still tinged blue, open in an effort to say something- anything- but then a soft hot cloth is draped over your forehead, covering your temples, and suddenly you don’t have a damned thought left in your mind. The feeling is so nice. So blissful. You could stay like that forever.
If only the universe showed you mercy.
“It’s been two days since I found you,” the Lord Commander says, placing the bowl down gently on the side table beside the bed. Her eyes glance over your coverings, making sure the furs and gloves and shirts are all still in order. They are. She was very thorough before. She would not have made a mistake. There was no room for error.
But there’s room now for judgment. Judgment and disdain, and you’re terrified of those things and you really don’t want to have to hear her tell you that you’re a stupid wench and that the rest of the troops will forever make fun of you for your idiocy, so you swallow and wince and your hands twist together in your lap. The leather of the gloves is soft, well-worn, and the wool is only the tiniest bit matted - and you can’t help but admire the craftsmanship as you bring them up to your abdomen. They’re obviously not your gloves, just as everything else is not yours either, but you don’t know what to do first: apologize or thank her.
Honestly, you don’t really want to thank her - because she ruined your plan - but at the same time, she saved your life. Whether you wanted to end it or not doesn’t matter… because she would’ve helped you no matter what. And perhaps you’re selfish for being a little bit angry about it, maybe you’re being self-centered and dumb, but you can’t help the feeling of bitterness creep into your heart. You wanted to die… and she took that from you. She wanted you to live.
It was a duty. She doesn’t want anything. Anyone would have done it.
But that’s not true.
The men would have left you. Or hurt you. Or anything else.
But there she is, having gone through the trouble of saving you… and she’s looking down at you with a frown on her handsome face and a furrow to her light brows that seems like it never leaves and you wish so terribly that you could just tell her-
“I-m sorr-ey.” It’s a pathetic rasp of an apology, but it’s out of your mouth before you can catch it.
She blinks. You don’t know why her expression changes, why it softens into something less stern and concerned, but when it does you feel your breath catch in your throat. How anyone could see her as anything less than glorious is something you’ll never understand.
“Why were you out there.”
It’s a demand.
You look away, baring your eyes to the fire.
“…I sl-leep-wa-lk someti-”
“Bullshit.” She spits, one hand reaching down to curl into the bit of blanket that drapes over the side of the bed. Her expression has twisted back into one of anger. “Don’t you dare lie to me.”
But what other choice do you have?
How could you be honest?
Why did she, of all people, have to find you? And why like that? Why couldn’t she have walked into the bathhouse during the few times you’ve wept your eyes out in the steamy silence? Why couldn’t she have caught you staring at your horse, dread in your eyes as you fantasized about running away and never looking back? Why couldn’t she have stumbled upon your vulnerability when you were still willing to live?
Why did it take a Fool’s Death to finally grasp her attention?
You want to tell the truth… but you can’t.
You can’t.
So you lie again.
“Was out- on a s-strollll. Got- um- lost.” You try not to cringe at the sound of your own bad grammar. Turns out not having full feeling back in your mouth does indeed prohibit being able to speak properly.
The Lord Commander doesn’t seem to care much. In fact, she doesn’t seem to be focusing on that at all. Instead, her face has grown slack - and she’s looking at you hard. Leaning both of her hands on the side of the bed, broad shoulders going up near her neck, eyes peering through light lashes - like she’s using her stare alone to dig holes into your soul and she doesn’t need to say anything in order for you to understand that she simply doesn’t believe you. And why should she? Your lies are so obviously half-baked; only muddying up the truth; ruining what little of it can be said.
Still. She doesn’t let up. Her gaze starts to burn. Shame tugs at your cotton-lined skull. Guilt claws its way to the surface.
Pink lips, scarred on the top right, part slowly. There’s a soft inhale. You brace yourself, clutching your warm hands into fists.
“You were buried,” the Lord Commander says, barely even blinking as she looks at you. “Covered with snow.” She shakes her head and allows it to fall to her chest, letting out a scoff so quiet you had to strain to hear it. “One of the smartest soldiers I have… and you expect me to believe that you got lost on an evening stroll?” Her head comes up, eyes pinning you in place with such dull ferocity that you can’t look away. “You can’t be serious.”
It’s at that exact moment when you realize that you’re sweating. It is the amount of warm things covering your body? The clothing and the furs and the gloves? Or is it your Lord Commander’s attention? And the fact that it’s never been placed on you like that before? With such… such focus. Such- dare you even think it- care?
You swallow against the nervous lump in your throat.
‘One of the smartest soldiers I have…’
Well if you were as smart as she thinks you are, you’d be fucking honest, wouldn’t you? Yeah. You’d tell her the truth. You’d admit that you’re a coward.
But you can’t.
You can’t.
She spends all of that time training you, keeping an eye on you, making sure you’re fed and well-rested and looked after in her own roundabout Lord Commander type of way… and you repay her with…with what?
With suicide?
So disgraceful.
So horrible.
So shitty of you.
How terrible can a person be?
“Are you crying?” Your Lord Commander gapes, certainly caught off guard by your sudden emotion.
“N-no?!” You stutter, just as shocked to find yourself reaching up and smearing salty tears along your cheeks.
Oh how embarrassing-!
You stupid girl!
This is why you wanted to do it in the first place!
Because all you do is just fucking embarrass yourself-!
“N-no? No- s-sorr-y La-Lor-d C-Com-”
“Enough with the Lord Commander,” she admonishes, cutting off your bumbling apology with a swift tsk. “In private, it’s Brienne.” Then she hesitates before letting out a sigh and taking a seat next to you on the side of her bed. “…I’m not your superior here.”
All you can do is blink.
I’m not your superior here.
So what are you?
That’s all you want to ask.
What are you to me then? What is this now?
But even if you did find the courage, you’re not sure what she’d say.
“Okay,” you sniff, trying your damnedest to stop the tears.
But they’re a direct result of your aching heart. And aching hearts have veins that scream in agony, wishing for nothing but silence. Utterly tranquility. The very absence of tension-filled life. And you can’t get rid of aching hearts and screaming veins without getting rid of yourself…. And your only chance to do that was destroyed. Trampled upon. Interrupted.
I just wanted to die. It rests on the very tip of your tongue but never spills out into the air.
Brienne is so clearly unsure of what to do; she’s sitting rigid in her spot and staring at a mark on the floor. You want to tell her it’s okay. You want to tell her that she doesn’t have to comfort you. You want to tell her to just let you go back into the woods again… let you find yourself back in the snow. And she can go on with her life and forget it ever happened.
But you can’t.
That’s not how it works.
That’ll never be how it works.
Foolish girl.
“…Why were you out there, Anya?” Brienne’s voice is softer than fresh lilies.
You know why.
You know why.
“…I c-can’t- I-”
Her head turns. Midnight blue eyes trace a line from your neck to your face, taking in the exhausted circles beneath your eyes and the blue-ish tinge to your skin and the utterly defeated look that blooms behind your expression. A war happens in you, taking place in the span of a moment, and you can do nothing but blink through lingering tears and stare at her.
“I can’t.” It’s a whisper. A confession all on its own.
I can’t… because you’ll think I’m a coward. And you’ll hate me. And I already hate myself enough for the both of us.
Brienne’s lips form a hard line, but she doesn’t say anything. She just peers back down at the floor and allows silence to creep into the room and lay between you both like a tired direwolf on its last legs.
The fire burns in the background. The sweat on your body cools. The dizziness in your head subsides.
It’s going to be okay, some part of you speaks. It’s going to be okay.
But you’ve told yourself that before, haven’t you?
And look where that got you.
It has to be at least 30 minutes later when Brienne finally speaks.
“There was a girl I knew once, in my early youth,” you watch her mouth move, enchanted and confused. Where was this going to lead? “She was older than me by two years. A pretty girl- like you.” Your heart trips over itself, but you don’t have time to dwell as she continues. “My father saw that, out of the very rare few, she was good to me - and so we were allowed to play often. For her it was ‘horsies’ and ‘hide and seek’, for me it was ‘swords’ and ‘knights’.” There’s a soft smile on her face, half hidden by the natural shadow of her body facing away from the hearth and half lit by the fire that lived there. Her lips twitch and she begins again. “We did everything together. She was a village girl but that didn’t matter… until it did. Time eventually caught up to us and we were forced to live our lives on our own. No more days of play and no more sharing stories.”
A soul-deep sadness settled into her eyes. She had yet to look at you. Maybe because it would make her too vulnerable… maybe because she didn’t want you to cry again. Either way, you felt yourself frown. Why was she telling you this? What happened?
And as if she could read your thoughts, she continues.
“By the time I was old enough to decide that I wanted to leave, she was already married. Kind husband, even though I only met him once. It was when I stopped in to say goodbye. I wanted to tell her that I’d write, whenever I found the time and place to do so.” Her hands, you notice, are fidgeting - running over and pulling each other quietly within her lap. The natural lines in her face grow darker as she falls back into her memories. “…I didn’t know she was struggling. I was so busy with my own life. My father’s wishes, my training, my fights with the men who challenged me… our communication grew slim. So I didn’t- I-… well.” Brienne swallows. “Her husband answered the door and when I asked after her, he burst into hysterics.”
Your heart stops.
She- no… She didn’t….
Brienne’s head goes up, her eyes turning to look at the ceiling - keeping her tears in her eyes, resistant in letting them fall. Resistant in being weak. You want to hold her and let her cry, but you know it’s not the time. She sniffs and her chest heaves with a sigh and it takes everything in you not to start sobbing. Tears build, they fall slowly, but your throat aches with held back sounds of distress.
“…She ended her life two days before I arrived.” A pause. Then- “A butter knife…,” she scoffs out a laugh and shakes her head, still pointing her face skyward - as if the gods have all the answers to her grief. “… I didn’t know what to do with myself. I didn’t know what to do with her husband. So I gave him my condolences and I left. Cried in the woods for as long as I could and kept going. And since then, I haven’t stopped.”
Despite her efforts, tears still creep over her eyelids and race down her cheeks. They mirror the ones on your own face - warm and sad and annoying in the stiff little trails left behind.
And you sit like that for a while, silently crying. Her gaze stuck to the heavens, thinking about the friend she lost; and your gaze stuck on her, thinking about the possible metaphor behind her actions. Behind the full circle-ness of it all. She couldn’t save her friend but she saved you. What did that mean in the grand scheme of your lives? What did any of it mean? How would you continue to train everyday after seeing your Lord Commander cry? After witnessing her care?
She saved us. She saved us. She saved us.
“Thank you,” comes your hoarse whisper- the first in-tact thing you’ve said since waking up.
The sound of your voice tugs Brienne out of her stupor and draws her eyes to your sad face. You don’t have the energy to give her a sympathetic smile, so you settle on a soft look. If it says all you need it to say, she doesn’t show it - but she does look away quickly and reaches up to brush the tears away.
“What for?” It’s rough - hard - a sliver of the tough Commander she’s used to being.
No no no - don’t go back to that. Your heart is safe here. I won’t judge you for your tears.
“…Saving me.” It’s more courtesy than anything as you say that, but it’s fine. You’re not magically going to wish for life again after Brienne shares a sad story with you… though it already has your heart struggling against its achy confines.
Brienne shakes her head, the gold of her hair catching the fire’s light so beautifully that you have to take your eyes off of her in order to catch your breath. If we were her friend in her youth, we would have surely fallen in love with her.
“You shouldn’t have gotten to that point,” her voice is watery- muffled with the lingerings of sadness. “No one should.”
You nod. What else is there to say? What else is there to admit? Clearly she knows. Clearly she understands. And yet… you’re still curious…
“…Why do-n’t you hate me f-or it?” Your words come out in a squeaky whisper, but you don’t care. You just need to know. You just need to make sure that you’re not reading things wrong- that there’s a chance she may actually care- and that perhaps there is a reason to stay…
Brienne doesn’t respond immediately. It’s clear that she takes a few moments to bring herself back to the present. To clear her throat and wipe her eyes again and sniffle a few times and then turn back to you. She’s tried so hard in clearing herself up, but the eyes have never lied. And you see the sadness breeding there. Festering. Sadness is wicked. You don’t know if you’re the cause of it.
“You’re strong, Anya." A pause. "Training wouldn’t be the same without you.”
But you know she means to say Nothing would be the same without you.
Something I've been working on for a bit. It's not as good as I hoped it would be, but I'm tired and my back hurts so whatever. I hope you're all doing well.
And if you're not and you need some help, here's the National Suicide Hotline: 988 - And the link https://988lifeline.org/
It's gonna be okay, my friend. One second at a time. - Yours, Rip x
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ianfm · 2 years
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“Everywhere I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded.” — Mary Shelley, Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus
Frankenstein was the last novel Ian had read in Ms. Adams class before quitting his senior year. He had thoroughly enjoyed the book and is fortunate to have skipped out on writing any dissertation on the subject. He had left Shrike High feeling like the monster.
Looking at his reflection now in the mirror as the one year anniversary approaches of his attack he sees that same abomination again. Maybe he had never left.
Featuring Glenda Adams ( @finaldarlings )
Part 3 of 13 days of Halloween
Part 2
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mnstcrsiiistcrs · 6 days
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"Marsha has been depressed ever since she was 8. And it's not like we could ask for help. And I guess Marsha felt that at a certain point that...she didn't need help. No one would help us then...so why hundreds of years after the fact?"
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atrocitahs · 2 months
fellas, i'm gonna be honest. (talk of depression, pet death, mental health issues)
i have been severely struggling with my mental health these past few months. aside from being deeply insecure about my characters and writing, i feel myself falling into destructive mindsets again. this especially hasn't been helped by my dog's death. i find my moods violently spiking and falling every few days. i can't find a job, i'm running out of money / developed a spending addiction, insecure about myself in general, feel like i've been forcing myself into conversations much to people's chagrin and have been just... overall depressed. i don't know if this means i should take a hiatus or stay. i don't think rp is contributing to the benefit of my mental health, but i'm not sure at this point. i need serious help.
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suicidal people deserve a space to talk about their suicidal feelings without risking hospitalization/institutionalization or being accused of being manipulative or attention seeking
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cricketparade · 1 year
I love my group therapy sessions... Love them... Some of the people there are great... Lovely even...
Why was I immediately targeted by the group predator??? He literally tried to justify people SAing others because they "had no choice"???? And I tried to stop him so so so so many times saying "hey this is making me uncomfortable... I am a victim of SA... Plz stop..." But he kept going.... And then expressed that people want to kill him because he's a sex offender....
And then he went on about how transgender people don't make sense because the purpose of living is to procreate and therefore he wouldn't date a trans woman but would date me (a trans man) because I have a "working vagina".....
He refused to let me get out of the room cuz this was after the group therapy session was finished and everyone left but cuz I'm slow (cuz of my disability and walking with a cane) I wasn't able to leave as fast as everyone else and so he LITERALLY BLOCKED THE DOOR SO I COULDNT LEAVE THE CONVO
.......I was so uncomfortable and honestly scared cuz WTF ???
I kept saying "I just dont agree and I never will agree" but he wouldn't let it go🥲
I'm gonna email the counselor about this cuz obv I do not want to deal with these convos with him anymore especially cuz this is supposed to be a safe environment but I did not feel safe at all...
Good lord I want to scream🥲
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bunniibpd · 2 years
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12 years later, i'm still suppressing my emotions
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vixen-angel · 1 month
purposely putting yourself in danger, or being visibly sad so maybe someone might ask if youre doin alright.. but then nobody bats an eye.
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descentintohellhqs · 2 years
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Name: Kosmo Reyes. Age ( Birth Date ): 22 ( March 27th ). Pronouns: He/Him. Species: Shadowhunter. Occupation: Shadowhunter. Residence: New York City Institute. Faceclaim: Benjamin Wadsworth. Label: The Spitfire.
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( Trigger Warnings: death, untreated mental health issues )
Kosmo Ángel Reyes was born as the youngest of the family. Blessed with three older sisters and parents who acted as prominent members of the Mexico City Institute, it would be suffice to say that Kosmo had the best upbringing any shadowhunter could ever dream of. And he was never ungrateful about it, he knew back then and he still knows how privileged he was. But he also knew  how heavy of a weight his family put on his shoulders because of that same privilege. Kosmo grew up as a perfectionist, let down constantly only by himself for not being able to meet the goals he put up for himself. He had sisters that were better than him in almost every aspect. Combat training? Karmen. Education? Sofía. Emotional intelligence? Mirabel. He felt like he’d spent most of his life trying to figure out who he was and what he was best at. Much to his parents’ disappointment, that meant getting into trouble a lot, breaking rules, breaking his bones by getting into fights for seemingly no reason.
Even though he himself wouldn’t admit it, Kosmo had become quite the adept shadowhunter over the years. He’d finished many assignments, most of them as a group with his family. He had different plans for his career as a shadowhunter. He and his best friend Tina had been planning on becoming parabatai ever since they’d witnessed the ceremony of Kosmo’s eldest sister and her parabatai. They were going to wait until Tina was back from her first assignment, however that moment never came. Tina was killed on her first mission. Ever since then, though his body is littered in runes, the spot over his left inner arm is still empty, and will forever stay that way in honor of Tina, his almost-soul-bonded partner.
His brief time in the Fae realm left more scars in him than he could take, relationships broke, rekindled, alit out of nowhere, twice as many battles lost than won. We was kidnapped, tortured, saved, but not knowing at what cost. He was even more lost than he’d ever been in his life. The wounds never truly healed. And so he ran. He ran home, to his family, to Mexico City, to wherever he felt safest at that moment. There’s always been a sense of pride in him, one that was once healthy, but have since been twisted, making it difficult for him to open up about what’d happened to him at the seelie court. Not many would’ve understood, nor did he want people to understand.
Eventually, Kosmo had become one of the combat trainers at the Mexico City Institute, taking a step back from assignments after various incidents of, well.. losing his shit, as he would phrase it. The responsibility of training young shadowhunters was good for him, it gave him something to focus on. And now, many months later, Kosmo is back in New York City, taking up missions at the Institute as if nothing had happened, suppressing as many outbursts as he possibly can.
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schizopositivity · 4 months
Here's a reminder to fight the internalized sanism/ableism in your head.
If you have executive dysfunction, don't compare your productivity to people who don't.
If you have anhedonia, don't compare your struggling to keep up with hobbies to someone who doesn't.
If you have paranoia, don't think of your fears as any less valid than the fears of someone who doesn't.
If your meds make you tired constantly, don't compare your energy levels to someone who doesn't take those meds.
If you have issues with concentration, then you won't be able to pay attention as well as someone who doesn't.
If you're in the deep end of a pool, then you can't compare how well you keep your head above water to someone who is standing in a kiddie pool.
Please try to think of these things when you feel "lazy" or "childish" or "a failure" compared to other people that don't struggle with the same symptoms as you. If you have a mental illness that will affect how you act in everyday situations, then it will in fact affect you in everyday situations. It's not an excuse, it's just a reality. We need to try to be kinder to ourselves.
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playedbetter · 5 months
Elias Info
Name: Elias Acker
Gender & Pronouns: Bigender (He/She)
Orientation: Omnisexual
Age: 34
FC: Robert Sheehan
Elias was born into a poor family plagued by problems such as his dad Thomas's gambling issues, to his aunt Denise regularly crashing at their tiny Brooklyn apartment to avoid her children, to his mom Harper being an overworking perfectionist prone to fits of despair due to her untreated and undiagnosed bipolar, which Elias inherited. There was love, but also glaring problems that circumstance kept them from ever dealing with.
Elias from a young age felt the pressure of the family's future and trying to help them. He was a good kid, incredibly straight laced because he knew there weren't second chances for him. Also incredibly polite and prone to suppressing his own problems because he knew everybody already had enough on their plates.
In highschool he was getting pressured to go into med school to become a doctor so that everybody could get what they needed. This left Elias with little personal time between studying and extracurriculars picked up to look good on an essay. He had few relationships, the most notable being with a girl from another school who dumped him after about three weeks. He also worth what little time he did have pick up poetry, which became a passion of his which he couldn't pursue.
He managed to land a spot in a decent med school, and while he wasn't a natural at it, he did put a lot of effort into his studying. His family were thrilled and dreaming of what they'd buy with his first paycheck. His few friends already were planning a party at his place for when he landed his first job. Elias was absolutely miserable, only riding the highs of caffeine and nicotine to keep himself going.
It was an impulse buy on the afternoon he finished his undergraduate, he was picking up a pack of smokes and saw that the powerball was drawing in only a few short hours, he grabbed a single quick pick and forgot about it till the next morning when he looked up the winning numbers and found out he had landed the jackpot.
In his excitement he told his whole family and his friends, who were all thrilled, and all wanted a cut. By the time he even got the money several people took out high interest loans and got him to pay them off, and everybody wanted their debts wiped clean. Elias wanted to help so gave them that. His parents wanted a house, his aunt wanted a car, his friends wanted to go to Tokyo and Disneyland, his dad wanted more tickets, his uncle wanted a boat, his cousins wanted presents, everybody wanted everything from him, and Elias just wanted them to be happy so he gave it to them.
It was only when he realized he hadn't put anything into retirement or getting himself a house or vehicle or even paying off his own debt in full and the money was down to six figures that he realized he had been completely exploited. People were still asking him for stuff while he was budgeting so he'd be okay for just a couple years. He completely exploded at a family dinner when his uncle complained about how small his boat was and implied Elias had been stingy, Elias screamed at all of them until his throat went hoarse and then stormed out the door in a blind rage wishing that he would never see any of them, to be somewhere without them in it, he wasn't even sure where he was going.
But where he ended up certainly was not what he had in mind, as the world around him looked like the blown out rubble of war. At first he wandered around thinking he was having a complete break from reality, then some roving bandits found him and chased him, eventually he fled back to where his apartment was to try hiding until things went back to normal, however there he found in the rubble a dead version of himself. He backed out the door wishing to be anywhere else. His bad luck continued for a while until he was put on an earth with no danger or life, which gave him a chance to have a panic attack and figure out what the hell was happening.
After that he got a handle on his powers, and for the next four years went through the multiverse looking for his purpose in it, and becoming an expert on his own powers. Surely it wasn't random he had powers. Surely there was a point to this all. Surely he could make things better and that would improve his own life.
It was exhausting, and he fell back into bad habits of letting others exploit him. The breaking point though was finding a universe where Eli had cut everyone off when he won the lottery and everyone was better off for it, even his friends and family were happier. Everyone would have been better off if he had just been selfish. And for every universe he helped, there was an infinite amount of them suffering. Every sacrifice felt pointless.
Everything was pointless.
He broke. He decided to only live for himself, with reckless abandon for literally everything. To not control his urges and impulses, and refuse the part of himself that cared too much about everyone and everything. He changed his look and outlook on life.
About a year ago he met the only other known universe hopper by pure coincidence, Leah Kravitz, and he was immediately endeared even outside their brief prior connection. He found himself taking her under his wing and trying to keep her away from the pitfalls he fell into when first exploring his powers. They bonded a lot, and Elias found himself loving her, and found himself scared that he was going to get zir hurt in one of his self destructive impulses.
She confronted him over his reckless behavior and he made no attempt to defend himself, both knowing she was right, and hoping for zir own safety she'd leave. He even went so far as to claim he only cared about his own entertainment, which at that point was a lie. She did leave to have her own adventures, which he has kept tabs on.
Since then he's been traveling mainly on his own, causing trouble and killing time quite frankly. Occasionally letting people tag along his travels or staying in a universe for an extended period to try to fight a growing loneliness in him; unaware that it will take honesty with himself to defeat.
No matter at what point you met Elias you'll be met by a charming and empathic person who can lend a shoulder, give good advice, and is humorous. She likes to meet new people and tends to be rather talkative. He also is smart with people, technical information, and most of all the way things work, what makes them tick (hence the first two things). Hidden under some sort of persona she is incredibly self destructive and prone to feeling worthless; in manic episodes these traits show up as overachieving and risky behavior like unprotected sex or putting himself into dangerous situations; in depressive episodes it takes the form of pure nihilism, lack of even basic self care, and self isolation.
Despite whatever persona he might have he's also always concerned with what he considers the greatest good, which depends on his circumstances. The health and safety of the whole multiverse is always there though, whether he knows it or not.
He used to be a sweet and deeply compassionate person, more worried about everyone else than himself. He was the friend that always offered her shoulder and had time and never complained. Rather timid and a pushover to those close to him, he didn't know how to say no to people because she didn't want to disappoint anybody. His own problems he'd just suppress as to not burden anybody. Very self destructive though when left alone, putting himself at risk and working herself to the bone.
After finding his powers but before his big breakdown he was withdrawn and mostly quiet, going along with things to gather information and asking a lot of questions, not talking much at all about himself. He was looking for his greater purpose in everything, and thus approached everything with an earnest conviction to put his all into it, and to try to help. She still was working himself to the bone, and would try on any role given to her for at least a little bit no matter how he liked it.
After his breakdown he's decided to only do what entertains him in some way, and follow any and all of his impulses. This can range from incredibly destructive and chaotic lash outs to just trickster like help depending on his mood and connection to the people affected. This also includes his own self destructive impulses. Ultimately despite his attempts to suppress it, he is still capable of caring about people, and when he does he'll go out of his way for them and keep tabs on how they're doing.
Eventually he's going to learn that everything does matter despite its infinite nature, and at that point he's going to have a lot of amends to make, but she isn't there yet.
Reality Hopping: He can travel the multiverse by going through anything that looks like a doorway, gateway, or opening. If unspecified he arrives in a random universe in a random location near a similar gateway. He can specify what universe he's traveling to by qualities (such as what year it's in, human population levels, if magic is present, etc), by people he knows or knows of (The one with the Jane Doe I met last week), or by any name he knows the universe by. If he specifics a universe absolutely impossible to exist she arrives in a dark void. He can bring people with him as long as they have a grasp on him through some means and goes through the same gateway in up to five seconds of him. (This power inspired by @chaosmultiverse)
Multiversal Consistent: In every single universe some version of him has existed. They might be dead in the present year, or might exist in the future of the universe. They share his basic traits and have a name that at least sounds like his if not the same name. They don't necessarily have to be human, or even sentient. This is what connects Elias to the whole multiverse.
Marksmanship: He has training with basic firearms and has some experience with all conventional types of guns.
Medicine: He has the training of a medical student circa the 2010s, not advanced in any field but leagues above basic first aid training. He can treat standard injuries, illnesses, and has knowledge on disabilities and mental illnesses.
Throughout threads he might gather helpful items. This will be updated as items are obtained.
Bracer of Storage: He can hold up to five items in this, and can stow items by touching them. When retrieving an item it either appears in a free hand (favoring his left) or in front of him if he has no free hand or the object is too large to hold.
Universal Translator: Picked up in a magical universe, this ring lets her understand anything he hears and lets anybody understand what she is saying.
Phone: Has a cross universe data plan. Extended battery life. Requires a signal.
Chalk: For on the fly gate creation.
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chaerrycoke05 · 1 month
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I’m just a girl.
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mil-hoples · 6 months
Once you care you're fucked
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doug2dimmadome · 2 months
ive been lacking a lot of motivation so I decided to start one of the scams!
if this post gets 50 notes then I will eat a full meal every day for the next week
if this post gets 100 notes I will not smoke ANYTHING for the next week
if this post gets 500 notes I will get up and go on a walk every day for the next week (please no)
if this post gets 1000 NOTES I will finally finish chapter 1 of dark jerry smith x richard watterson and post it by the end of the month (if you do this I hate you)
and if this post gets 1500 notes then I will actually talk to my therapist about my problems :3
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silence-ofdeath · 1 year
“I am alone with my own thoughts and it’s dangerous.”
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tonysbed · 5 days
Prom Paddock queen | MV1
Max Verstappen x fem!reader
!Triggering Content! ED!
Summary: Max tries to be there for you while your whole world evolves around calories
A/n: Went with the most “popular” ED because the request didn’t specify. If it’s wrong just send me another request through with more details, I love you all!!❤️
(listened to Prom Queen by Beach bunny while writing)
mental health masterlist | main masterlist
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You had been this way before you got with Max. That’s why it took him a little while to realise what was happening right in front of him. The first time he realised was when he had found the pancakes he made for you in the bin.
It would’ve been fine if it hadn’t been the 3rd time. He sighed and went up the stairs, not entirely sure how to proceed.
He knocked on the bedroom door “Schatje?” You hum and he opened the door, seeing you on the bed with a book. He closed the door behind him.
“How have you been?” He stays near the door. You set down your book “Good. How was the meeting?”
“Good.Always the same you know” You nod, smiling and looking down to your book.
“How did the pancakes taste?” You smile “Great. Thank you” You say and focus back on your book.
“Stop lying, please” You tilt your head at him “What? You think I wouldn’t tell you if they were shit?” You scoff and close your book.
“Baby, I saw them in the bin. All of them“ You opened your mouth to protest but couldn’t. He sighed and sat down on the bed.
His blue eyes bore into yours. Your nails picking at your skin. Max pulled your hands into his. Not a once of anger on his face.
“Talk to me. What’s wrong? What do you need me to do?Ill do anything” You shake your head “I can’t ask that of you. This is my problem” He closed his eyes for a moment.
“It’s not. We’re a team. Your problems are mine.” His voice was stern yet somehow gentle. You fidget with your fingers.
“Schatje, please” You shake your head “This is my business.” You say and storm off into the bathroom.
His steps are fast behind you but don’t reach you before your able to lock the bathroom. You hear him stopping in front of the door.
You slide down the door, clutching at your stomach. A tear escaped your eyes “Open the door. Please, baby” You hear how his hand touches the door. You don’t answer him.
“Don’t make me open this damn door. I’ve done it before, you know that. I know how to. Please, Schatje” You sob “Please go away” He squeezes his eyes shut, and his forehead met the wood.
He peeled himself from the door but doesn’t walk away before saying “Don’t do anything stupid, please”
An half hour later you open the door, expecting Max to sit there but he wasn’t. You found him on the couch, mindlessly changing the channels, nothing catching his interest.
You climbed onto the couch and laid your head in his lap. His finger immediately tangled into your hair “I’m sorry”
“I know it’s hard but you gotta let me help you. I know you hate accepting help but I’m not asking you right now. I am gonna help you no matter what you say.”
You nod, tears rising in your eyes “Come up here, schatje” He opened his arms and you sit on his lap. His arms engulfed you into a firm hug full of love and safety.
It will be hard but you will have him through it all.
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A/n: Don’t like it. But yeah..🧍🏼‍♀️
not proofread
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