#mermaids cave
satureja13 · 9 months
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The MRI (Marine Research Institute) at Sulani. It wasn't hard to find. Neynah waves: "Hey! Oh you made it! Come in!" Jack: "What a strange place."
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Ji Ho introduced his friends and Neynah gave them all the information she collected so far. It seems Ji Ho's grandfather kept Ji Ho's brother there with a Siren's Song and Guidry stayed by his side because the boy would get punished if Guidry left. She tried to free them once but the spell was too strong and she had no idea whom to ask for help so she installed the CCTV to monitor the cave.
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It took them a while to figure out a proper plan. If things go bad they would have to hurt Ji Ho's grandfather. Saiwa: "Are you ok with this?" Ji Ho: "We do what needs to be done to save my brother and Guidry. He deserves no mercy after all he'd done. Holding them captive for over a year just in case to do some damage one day. That's how merfolk are - cold, cruel and unemotional. And I sound just the same right now..." Jeb: "You know this is not true, Ji Ho."
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They left Vlad and Jack at the MRI. Vlad tried to make a fuss but he only would put Ji Ho and the others in jeopardy. He was of no use there - blind as he was. So he reluctantly agreed. Ji Ho swam back to the cave - where his grandfather already waited. Old man: "Still not enough of your worthless branch of the family?"
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Ji Ho: "This is over now. Tae Woon and Guidry will leave with me."
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Old man: "I don't think so. Even though you are watered-down I still have power over you. You are only half merfolk and you fell for my song. And Tae Woon isn't merfolk at all and dead and I can control him. You are in no postion to make claims. Go back to your cell before I have to punish your brother."
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Guidry: "Do what he says. I tried everything possible to stop him - futile." And that was all Jeb needed to hear. He stepped out of his hideout and silenced the old man. This eventually broke the song and Tae Woon and Guidry were free to leave. And maybe Jeb put a little extra ingredient in his spell to roughen the old man's vocal chords. So no further harm can be done by him.
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TW Child Death: Later Guidry told them that Tae Woon died because he followed the Call of the Ocean. Every merfolk hears this call and needs to follow. But Tae Woon was only half merfolk and no one looked after him. He hadn't the abilty to change form and so he drowned.
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Tae woon died years before Ji Ho was born and even though he couldn't interact with Ji Ho, Tae Woon stayed with him all those years until Ji Ho left Sulani with Ms Coombes (see Ji Ho's Story -> here). Which is tragic because Ji Ho stayed in this hell because he refused to leave Tae Woon.
The Sulani Chapter from the beginning -> here
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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nefarrilou · 2 months
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Cryptid: Ocean Oracle 🌊 Hidden World: Cave of Sulani
Play your own Sea Witch with @sp-creates mod!
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-ˋˏ✄ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⊱🐚⊰ ━━━━━━━━━ 「 cc ↓ 」 ━━
Genetics Skintone + tints • Gradient • Face Glitter • Scales 1 + 2* • +Tail* • Fins 1 + 2 • Gills • Ears • Eyebrows • Eyes • Eyelashes • Hair + Ombre + Strand Clothes Shell Top • Fish Pants • Glove Accessories Pearl Headdress • Necklace • Earrings • Piercing • Lipstick • Feet Bracelet • (Toe) Nails • Mud • Face Shadows
+* Clipping
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ As the Sulani Cave functions solely as a rabbit hole, I stumbled upon a stunning lot @zenith--sims that could serve as a reef associated with the cave! ˶✧。✧˶ 🦀 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Genetics @lamatisse @crilender @auralixx @moonpresence @xy-a @springthz-ts4-simblr @dansimsfantasy @D^D @simulationcowboy @suzuesims @sims3melancholic @missrubybird @kijiko-sims @ridgeport @aharris00britney @simbience Clothes x @saruin x Accessories @newen092 @simlaughlove @revolutionsims @148dazed @magic-bot x @frenchiesimgirl @stamsim @joshseoh
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simvanie · 8 months
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🦪 Happy Simblreen! 🦪
What if, in an alternate timeline, Cedia was bewitched by the Siren and forced to eat mermadic kelp to become a Siren herself?
CC under the cut:
Hair 1 | Hair 2 | hairline (tsr) | mermaid top | mermaid tail (tsr) | ears | hands | finger fins | gills | veins | fish bone face detail | eye pearls | eyeshadow | headband | necklace | bracelet | pose 1+3 | pose 2 | pose 4
🐚 Thanks to all the CC creators:
@okruee @sweetaday @cosimetic @jarusims @dansimsfantasy @tekri @regina-raven @jarisimcc @simulationcowboy @pyxiidis @christopher067 @obscurus-sims @joliebean @personanullsims @byanxhlove-cc @samssims @honeyssims4
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bidillion · 9 months
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My face when Bean decided to leave the cozy cave.
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opia-jpg · 1 year
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mermay with marsfiol 🦭
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freaky-flawless · 5 months
Reblog and put in the tags how many dolls you've added to your collection in 2023, and what your favorite one is!
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 6 months
Chat writes the plot! Time for more 👑🐲🐟 KotD!
🔥🔥 don't forget to reblog tysm! 🔥🔥
Want to be on the tag list? -> Comment with 'tag me!' Have an idea for next chapter or clicked the wrong option? -> Reblog about it! Check the bottom for the Ao3 link. Latest chapter is below the cut!🔥
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~King of the Dragonfish: Chapter 16 ~
Obi-Wan is just about ready to begin figuratively climbing the walls…
…scratch that, he's just about ready to literally climb the walls.
‘Come with me…’ Maul’s voice echoes in his mind.
“No,” he says aloud, pacing circles around the magma ball. “No.”
But gods, does he want-
The jedi spares a moment to be angry at the circumstances. Every jedi was met with challenges on the path of life. It was supposed to be that way. They were chances for self reflection and growth. But how many jedi had their mortal enemy return from the grave looking like something out of a wet dream -no pun intended- and kidnap them, only to change their mind and decide they just want companionship and sex? They just want him to stay with them, forever, simple as that.
It's absurd. It's enticing. It's sad. It's sweet.
It makes Obi-Wan want to punch something.
It makes him want other things too…
He has to leave. He has to. It's only a matter of time before slick scales and stress levels mix him up into a cocktail of poor choices. Obi-Wan wants to rail Maul into the ground. He wants to see what all that mess at the apex of his tail tastes like. He wants to get on his knees and-
Blast it! It's time to try escaping, with or without help from local fauna.
The jedi walks to the water's edge, and gathers his mental fortitude. He knows he's unlikely to succeed in getting to the sparkle of his lightsaber crystal, or to somehow find his rebreather. However, Maul's force signature is far away. Now is a good time to explore, and hope, and trust in the force.
Obi-Wan jumps into the frigid water, grimacing as it rises around him. He swims as close to the exit tunnel as he can, and starts taking deep breaths, trying to hyperoxygenate a bit.
Then, he dives.
What follows is a slow and cautious exploration of the nearby tunnels that serves as a double blessing for how it takes his mind off Maul. He swims one way, and finds nothing but tunnel that goes on further than he can see. The jedi returns to air, catches his breath, and goes out again.
The other direction offers a split in the road. One way leads to a dead end, the other hits a second divide. Again, he reoxigenates, and despite the terrible cold he goes back down for a third attempt.
Then a fourth, a fifth, a sixth, a seventh… a hour passes and the chill sinks into his bones. He finds two more air pockets, not quite as fresh as the algae and moss crowded caves, but still breathable.
And then, he stumbles across another ‘room’.
Obi-Wan breaches the water's surface and finds himself in a trove. He crawls up onto land, and looks around curiously. This cave is a series of smaller rooms that connect, with an exceptional number of pock marks in the walls. Perhaps millennia ago this was living coral? Whatever the case, the larger pockets have been turned into shelves, and these shelves hold myriad items.
Droid parts, sea shells, and pearls as big as his head. Tin cans, fabric scraps, and a silver platter. An entire trombone, half rusted, sits in a footlocker without a lid. There's a pile of datapads which all look to be out of charge, and a statue of some long forgotten nubian queen. These and more, a flee market’s worth of curios.
His most unexpected find is an area of sand, which seems... combed? Gemstones and polished rocks in shades of blue combine with patterns in the sand to create a garden of sorts. Many of the stones are no bigger than a bean. The largest is a chunk of lapis lazuli the size of his fist. Obi-Wan ponders the rock garden for a few minutes before moving on, not quite sure what to make of it.
A sith with a sense of artistry... that's just... odd?
From what he had seen in the archives, the sith of old stuck to geometric patterns and flat colors. Their ideal temple was a barren monolith or an angular ziggurat with either no decoration, or, records of horrible deeds carved in words. Sometimes pictures.
Yet... Maul had made a lovely little garden, in shades of blue and white and beige. Strange.
Obi-Wan turns away from the mystery, and goes digging through the droid parts to see if there's anything that could boost his comm signal. It's a possibility, there's a lot to work with here. Rather than take anything, the jedi memorizes what he sees and makes note of it. He will plan what to take and where to hide it to work on before risking revealing the direction of his thoughts.
At the very back of the caves is a large cubby of stone that looks like it was carved into the wall with a lightsaber, then carefully sanded smooth.
On a shelf beside it sits a saberstaff. Obi-Wan can feel the song of the kyber from here, now that he listens. Two notes in harmony, one longing and angry, the other spiteful and determined. The jedi knows this blade, and has no desire to touch it… but it's good to know where it is.
He shakes his head sadly at the sithly melody, and sits down at the edge of the cubby, exhausted and sluggish. Obi-Wan rests his elbows on his knees, needing a minute to gather his strength. Even with a jedi's ability to propel himself with the force and slow his heartbeat, it was still a long swim back.
Emotionally Obi-Wan feels a lot better though. He's mapped a significant amount of tunnel, found three places to get air for further exploration, and most importantly he's gotten his mind off-
Oh, kriff.
The jedi master groans, flopping backwards onto the smooth stone with a wet smack, exasperated with himself. Truly? Truly. A single stray thought about beautiful black scales, and he's back in the thick of it like he'd never left.
Obi-Wan covers his eyes with a shaking hand, hiding from reality for just a moment. Two moments. Perhaps five moments…
He sighs, removing his hand to look up at the ceiling. This is, inconveniently, when he realizes his fingers are very pale. Bother. He needs to get up, and… and swim back to the radiant heat of the magma ball.
Just the thought of it is dreadfully tiring, and he is comfortable here. Very comfortable... So very…
Oh no.
He knows exactly what being sleepy when one is very cold means. The jedi curses under his breath, forcing himself upright. His vision is slow to catch up with where he's looking. He's pushed too far, and now his body is paying the price of that.
Obi-Wan draws in the force to support himself, and rises unsteadily to his feet. Every bone in his body pleads with him to lay down. He denies the instinct in favor of a survivalist mentality.
The problem? He is much too cold.
The solution? Getting out of wet clothes and closer to warmth, or barring that, some kind of insulting material.
He thinks through a mild fog, and recalls the cloth scraps. Obi-Wan goes hunting around in the treasure trove as he pulls off his belt. He dumps his clothes onto the floor, managing to lay them out to air dry for what it was worth in the relative humidity. Then he gathers up every last scrap of fabric he can find.
The pile of scraps. A sail cloth. Half a tarp. His best find is a pair of old wool socks, which he puts on right away. The lot of it he piles in the cubby, and curls in on himself in the midst of it. Obi-Wan knows he just needs to warm up, then he can put everything back, and return to where he was supposed to be. Maul's force presence was still far away. He wasn't in a rush…
…and that's part of why the jedi falls asleep precisely when and where he really shouldn't.
Obi-Wan wakes sometime later with his head tucked under a pointed chin. A scaled tail curls around his naked legs, and a lumpy magma hemisphere radiates heat against his back.
... kark.
Obi-Wan can't deal with this right now. He's beyond exhausted, possibly a bit ill. The jedi master takes a deep breath, and just... goes back to sleep, held close in red and black arms.
To be continued...
-Tag list- (Comment if you want added!)
@obimaulartfire @savageopressbignaturals @icequeen8043 @moonsickvampire @maulish @milkcioccolato @cyborg0109
New? Start from Chapter 1! 👇🏽
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lennsart · 12 days
Apple slice apple slice apple slice please 🍎
Ooof not gonna lie I went and cleaned it up a little before posting it because it was ROUGH rough, but here it is !
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One of my few attempts at drawing something for A cave like a net ! The goal was mostly to show Legend's full mermaid-cursed look, and especially his back since I didn't draw it (and he looks more monstrous from there haha)
It's called apple slice because he's eating one if that's not clear 😅 (in ref to the fic once again)
I just couldn't get the pose right, and also am running back and forth between art block and obsessively drawing gdghdgdfdszf
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
Walter White is a mermaid and is trapped in a cave with Medusa (or a variant of Medusa, idk). When he returned to the surface, he reunited with his mermaid pod. For some reason, this came to me in a dream as a story idea.
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smokbeast · 9 months
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Besties I’m so sorry I twinkied them..
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satureja13 · 9 months
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Ji Ho, Yang Mal and Little Goat reached Sulani to find Guidry and send Ji Ho's dead brother to the other side. It wasn't easy for Ji Ho to return. He had a traumatic life here. Suddenly he heard the Siren Song. For the first time in his life. Even though Ji Ho and his mother were mermaids, he'd never met others of his kin.
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Oh but this song was so beautiful - promises of home, family, happyness, carefreeness... All he has to do to gain all this was to enter the ocean and follow the song... And he did.
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The song lead him to a cave.
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"I have been waiting for you" an old merman said.
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"Follow me."
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They sat down in the cave and the old man sang a song about his daughter, Tina.
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About how she saw a beautiful man and fell in love.
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She abandoned her kin to follow him. But Axel lived in the slums of Sulani and soon they had severe financial problems. But the creditor suggested to waive a part of the debts if Tina would be 'nice' to him...
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She loved Axel so much and eventually gave in... And so Tina started to work at the 'House of the Rising Sun' to help Axel pay his debts. She gave birth to two sons.
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Old man: "Seems you're tired now. Sleep."
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And then he carried Ji Ho to a prison cell in the cave. Where Guidry also was locked in! Guidry: "Oh no..." Old man: "He's just as dumb as his mother."
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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nefarrilou · 2 months
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Cryptid: Marine Majesty 👑 Hidden World: Cave of Sulani
@gloomiegalaxie-sims cascryptid challenge!
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» Psych!
Just a little April Fools' take on my Hidden Worlds Series » my real Sulani Guardian will come next (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
But please check out this absolutely amazing and adorable 🦐 by @sdmsims! + 👑
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a-humble-narcissus · 8 days
What if soul sand slows you down cause the lost souls trapped in there are clinging to you, desperately attempting to get out?
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talos-stims · 1 year
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mermaidsirenity on tt /// source source
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softplumbs · 11 months
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Title: The Magick of Martini🍸✨
1st May 2023
Pen, pencil and watercolour on paper
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