#mina's missing!
bookishjules · 2 years
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illmissthecrowning · 2 months
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Dracula Daily hive it’s time to wake the fuck up!
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rakiah · 8 months
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✨Dacing Dolls✨
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artemisyates · 11 months
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✨ Mina Harker ✨
I love the Harkers so much! I really need to try to settle on a design for Jonathan too.
And just draw these two dorks more in general.
They're delightful ♥
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ghostapple8 · 1 month
Letter from Miss Mina Murray to Miss Lucy Westenra.
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hatsunevita · 10 days
i just know nobody from bakusquad will refrain from teasing katsuki for being so gay on the battlefield.
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almondcroissantsandink · 10 months
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I'm following along with Dracula Daily and RE: Dracula this year! I've read the book a handful of times but haven't really ever drawn anything from it except for an Inktober sketch many years ago
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randomminty · 10 months
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This post goes out to the ilima and mina switched types theory believers
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see-arcane · 10 months
Mina, stranglehold on her composure, about to snap her pen in half: Okay! Okay. So, we got a portentous omen of death in the ghost ship with the ghastly sea captain corpse tied to his ship with a bottled account of an inhuman murderer arriving with a hellish storm. Followed by the unceremonious Terror Death of my newest old man friend right in the place where Lucy and I sit. Followed by a man kicking his dog in front of us and sending some kind of empathic horror-signal to Lucy. Followed by my daily and increasingly intense bout of Worry for Jonathan who continues to be missing in another country. Which country? I don't know! Still! Sure hope he's not part of the Hot Slaughter Summer queue, ha ha! At least Lucy is doing better with the health and the sleepwalking and whatnot! :) Let's hold onto that one single mote of good news! :)) Surely we can wring a microdrop of positivity out of that! :)))
Dracula, in his beachside rental suicide grave: :3c
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chiquilines · 5 months
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Yes i know i JUST said I'd be less active but ive been wanting to draw this for actual months. Live love momojirou <3
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picklepie888 · 2 years
I think it's interesting to note that through the course of the entire novel, the only characters out of the main cast to directly interact with Dracula are Jonathan and Mina (Renfield too, but I'm not sure how much he can be considered 'main cast'). All the other characters either only saw him from a distance, got a glimpse of him before he vanished, or merely felt his pressence. Even Van Helsing, who is widely regarded as Dracula's arch nemesis in pop culture, only saw him in person once in the actual story. I think this goes to show that this is really the Harkers' story. They are the ones who got up close and personal with the horror. They're the few people who Dracula had intended to kill who actually got away. The ones who survived. In fact, they did more than survive, they brought justice to the monster who had abused them. Because their love is so strong for each other that they were motivated, not because of what Dracula did to each of them personally, but because of what he did to the one each of them loves. Dracula truly is a gothic romance.
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katszzzz · 2 months
pov : mha
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iridescentpull · 2 months
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Wake up huevitos our streamer is coming home from the war!
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moths-are-better · 3 months
yknow season 2 is kinda surreal when you think about it because most of the primordial eliatropes/dragons were alive, obviously we have Yugo, Adamai, Chibi, Grougal, and Quilby. But at the same time we have Phaeris guarding Quilby and Shinonome’s Dofus, Balthazar is in Embrub with the children, and we have Nora and Efrim searching the Krosmoz so most of them were alive at the same time they were just separated
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miithridatism · 4 months
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✩ Series 4
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i find myself wondering again about bits of correspondence whose inclusion makes sense as an external narrative choice - quincey's letter & arthur's telegram both demonstrate the absolute lack of any jealousy, bitterness, or anything resembling hard feelings between lucy's suitors, & also highlight the fact that these three aren't casual acquaintances, they're close friends, with quincey's letter particularly emphasizing that they're old friends with a long history together.
but the in-universe collection of documents? their friendship is relevant, perhaps, but is adequately illustrated elsewhere, as is their shared no-hard-feelings policy with regards to lucy's engagement. i believe there is only one other occasion in the entire book that we get a telegram or anything else from arthur, that one being far more relevant to the vampire experience, & this is, if i'm not mistaken, the only piece of writing we have by quincey. there are no others.
it's safe to assume that, like van helsing, neither of them keep journals. do we also assume that all correspondence between the characters from the time period are included in the compilation but that quincey & arthur just weren't writing to other cast members? is it likelier that they were in more regular contact but the other stuff was even less relevant, & these two pieces only made the cut because a decision was made to chronicle lucy's last months as completely as possible? did arthur & jack want to include that specific note from quincey because of the references to their shared history, because it's such a nice little snapshot of their friendship? is its presence here their little tribute to him, & arthur's telegram a representation of how well they loved him back?
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