#monty is beside himself though
astralchicken · 1 year
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Fashionably late to the meme party as always, here's Monty and Kallista up to no good!
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peachie-bumblebee · 10 months
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for my partner whom i love more than anything and who requested more Monty content <3 come get your food babe
SCENERIO- You (reader) and Montgomery Gator are in a relationship when he brings up the topic of a threesome with you. It’s dealers choice- he’ll share you with any of his fellow main stage animatronics.
Slow turn. Full stop.
“ w h a t . ”
he straight up doesn’t understand. not one bit. he’s also DEFINITELY not jealous (he 100% is) of Freddy. this totally doesn’t bring something out of him.
but seriously though. explain to him why you want Freddy Fazbitch inside of you.
what does Freddy have to bring to the table? he’s not gonna say no- you get to pick whoever, and that’s the deal
but WHY FREDDY?!?!?!?!
don’t count Freddy out though. he’d be taken aback by the request but after much thought and giving his answer, he’s ready to have a dick measuring (figuratively and literally) with Monty and he WILL prove to be competition.
If any returning people are reading this… Competition fic rewrite???
it’s happening in Monty’s room. not Freddy’s. you stay on his turf.
he will constantly try to outperform Freddy. he can’t help himself. he’s gotta prove why he’s the best out of the two of them.
they’re bickering the entire time they’re fucking you, but not in a way that isn’t hot. you’d be sandwiched between them as they say things to each other through gritted teeth, occasionally commenting on how the other should be treating you or touching you or anything.
they’ll only agree on one thing- how good you feel and how fucking hot you are.
Freddy’s NOT cumming inside. Oh no. don’t even think about it. he’d sooner maul him. and when his dick starts vibrating Monty almost goes “FOR FUCKS SAKE” right then and there and flips you over to fuck you into the ground. he doesn’t though. he shows restraint. be proud.
at the end of the day, Monty is gonna prove to Freddy why you’re his and only his. Freddy will leave after aftercare with Monty waving him goodbye with a cocky expression on his face.
but Freddy still knows it’s his claw marks on your hipbones underneath your clothes when you walk by.
He wasn’t expecting that. he’s not mad about it but he’s not sure why exactly. out of everyone, he knows the least about Chica. he doesn’t know WHAT to expect.
but you know, at least it’s not Freddy.
when Chica gets the request she pretty much giggles and says “Sure! You’ve got a cute one, i’ve had my eye on them for a while!” which confuses him even more. eye??? on his partner??? wtf???? but now he’s kind of intrigued.
the day of, he’s CERTAINLY not expecting to show up with you to her room and for her to have a chest sitting on the floor. he’s straight up got whiplash when she starts talking about hard and soft limits and negotiations and whether or not you wanna use the sex swing.
she points up and he looks and sure enough- there’s the telltale two hooks bolted into her ceiling for her to string it up. he thinks he’s dreaming.
and THEN she opens the chest which has three unfolding layers and a bottom compartment and he thinks he’s hallucinating. she has 5 different flavors of lube. what the fuck.
the whole time he’s just hugely impressed by her. at one point he straight up starts laughing a little incredulously and goes “Yo Chica- where the fuck didja get all of this shit?” and she just winks at him.
kinda gets nervous when she pulls out the strap?? he starts competing a little bit with her until she looks up at him from under her eyelashes and tells him to cool it.
suddenly Chica is the only person to ever put him in his place besides you.
they both talk about how good you are with your mouth. Chica’s more of the praiser, but Monty’s fully agreeing with some meaner degradation thrown in there. Her degrading is said in the sweetest tone in the world, which gets a different reaction from you than his normally does.
so yes, she teaches him something.
after that, he and Chica are a lot closer than they used to be. they’re not exactly friends, but now they share passing knowing glances and there’s almost a sense of kinship between the two.
and maybe after a while, a note written in pink glitter gel pen that smells like cupcakes shows up on his desk with the question of “Round two?”
and who knows. maybe- just maybe- he feels like he wants to say yes.
yep. that’s the answer he expected.
he’s cool and calm about this one. he and Roxy are close. they’re the two “new” ones. the original rockers. the ones with attitude. he’s seen the way Roxy’s eyes follow you every once in a while, and he’s not threatened by it.
when he brings it up, they’re both just casually hanging out during a moment of quiet at day. she laughs under her breath, looks at him, smiles, and tells him she’ll be ready whenever.
this is the pair that you’re most likely to get into a fun situation with. If any of y’all remember my fic Animalistic (also open to doing a rewrite) where they borrow Chica’s maze and hunt you down in the dark- it’s that type of shit.
she’ll come to y’all, or y’all will come to her. either way works. this is a meeting between friends.
he’s impressed that she can deliver the amount of intensity that he can. you’re certainly dealing with a lot, and they’re sure to make a comment on how well you handle it.
i think he’d make her watch for a little bit that first time. you’d feel her gaze on you from across the room- two natural predator animals watching you like you’re their next meal. she’ll enjoy the view and the lesson on what you like
they’ll help each other out with pleasing you. if Monty’s inside, Roxy might reach over and put pressure on your lower stomach for him. if Roxanne is putting pressure on your chest with her claws, Monty is behind you running his hands down your ass.
it’s a collaborative effort.
out of all these pairings this is the only one where i can see them doing things to each other. it’s in a very casual way- and no way is Roxanne gonna suck his cock. she especially refuses to get on her knees for him. but he might pinch at her nipple piercings, and she might reach over and give his dick a few strokes.
they might even toss you around a little between them. in the future he might offer you as some stress relief while they hang out. it wouldn’t be a big deal for her to tune her guitar in on the same couch as him while you give him head, or for him to be doing his hair while she fucks your mouth. you’ll get your reward for being good in the end.
it won’t be discussed between the two of them outside of the request and event itself. they’ll perform side by side the same way they always have- and Monty will go to Gator Golf and Roxanne will go racing, and they’ll catch a break in the same unused room every once in a while.
but every so often, he’ll let her know she can stop by.
and you bet your ass she will.
I HOPED YALL ENJOYED THE MONTY CONTENT! as always, reblog with comments, request, and let me know what you thought below <3
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purple-plum-petals · 1 year
Hello there, so it’s my first time requesting for you and I read all the rules and I think I’m ready to request, so Glamrock Freddy, Monty, Sunrise and Moondrop x gn! Reader, (separately), where the reader is giving more attention to the animatronics plushies, rather them the real ones, headcanons. Thank you and feel free to ignore if you find this request confusing.
Ps: this message might get spammed, Tumblr is eating my messages lately, so sorry 😅. Anyways, thank you.
—⊱ I’m Right Here ⊰ || Freddy, Monty, Sun, and Moon (Separate) X Reader Headcanons
╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮       Character(s): Glamrock Freddy, Montgomery Gator, Daycare Attendant/Sun and Moon (FNaF: Security Breach)        Reader Type: Human (Gender-Neutral Pronouns)        Warning(s): Jealousy/Slight Possessiveness, Physical Touch (Hugging, Kissing, etc.) – Besides that, Nothing!        Genre: Headcanons/Scenario, Fluff, Romantic or Platonic Relationship        Word Count: ~1,740 words        Request: “Hello there, so it’s my first time requesting for you and I read all the rules and I think I’m ready to request, so Glamrock Freddy, Monty, Sunrise and Moondrop x gn! Reader, (separately), where the reader is giving more attention to the animatronics plushies, rather them the real ones, headcanons. Thank you and feel free to ignore if you find this request confusing. Ps: this message might get spammed, Tumblr is eating my messages lately, so sorry 😅. Anyways, thank you.”        Author’s Note: Don’t worry, this request wasn’t confusing at all – I actually found it really cute and fairly easy to write (sometimes I like requests that don’t take that much brain power haha)! I know other writers have done similar requests, but I just eat this stuff up every time I see it. There’s just something so funny to me about characters getting jealous over a plushie. I hope you like it, and I hope I was able to do your request justice! FYI: All of the characters can be read platonically, but I did add an extra bullet point for each that leans more into romantic territory and is marked as such! (Also, my Sun and Moon bias is showing.)
      → If you enjoyed my work, please reblog it if you can! Exposure on Tumblr is based on reblogging content rather than liking it, so your support would be much appreciated!  ♡ ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯
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     🐻: Freddy doesn’t get jealous very easily; in fact, he’s probably the least possessive animatronic in the entire Pizzaplex (with Chica being a close second)! So, when he notices you fawning over a plushie of himself you bought for yourself at the gift shop, he actually finds it quite adorable. You just look so cute treating the mini/softer version of himself as if it was alive! He may even take a few pictures of the sweet display. It doesn’t bother him in the slightest that you’re excited about your new plushie.
     🐻: However, he does start wondering if you’re trying to make him jealous after a few days of this behavior. In the beginning, he just thought you were excited to have a new stuffed animal for your collection, but he now had a sneaking suspicion that you were doing this on purpose. So, being the mature fellow that he is, Freddy decides to just ask you directly about your behavior. He even tells you that you almost purposefully ignoring him in favor of a stuffed toy makes him feel… not so great.
     🐻: Oh no, your “Make-Freddy-Jealous” plan backfired exponentially – all you ended up doing was make him feel bad! You just wanted to know if he could even feel an emotion like jealousy considering how open and emotionally mature he was… guess you got your answer there. You quickly apologize to Freddy, though, telling him that you could never love a stuffed animal more than you love and care about him. Thankfully Freddy isn’t the type of animatronic to hold a grudge, so your words make his mood brighten immediately. He forgives you fairly quickly since he knows you didn’t mean any harm by your little prank, but he will bring it up in the future to lightheartedly tease you over such a childish stunt.
     🐻 (Romantic Bonus Headcanon): Freddy will just watch you with a somewhat blank stare as you essentially drown the plush in a sea of kisses. There it is, that uncomfortable feeling again… So, he makes his way over to you, gently removing the plush from your grasp and bringing your hands up to cup his face. Freddy smiles at you gently and, with the plushie completely forgotten due to how cute the animatronic in front of you was, you instead started placing kisses all over his faceplate as you both giggle about the absurdity of the situation.
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     🐊: Monty was very quickly not happy with the plushie of himself you managed to win in a crane game while you were slacking off taking a break in the Fazcade. At first, he felt his ego soar when he noticed how happy you were to have a smaller stuffed version of himself as you showed it off to him and some of his bandmates, but that feeling quickly faded with all of the attention you were currently giving it and not him (Monty is the complete opposite of Freddy when it comes to jealousy). You two were supposed to be playing golf, not fawning over some stupid doll.
     🐊: He fairly quickly comes up with an idea to get rid of the thing so you two could continue on with your usual hangout routine. Without much more thought to his plan, he goes to enact it. Monty points out something across the course and, when your attention is diverted, he “accidentally” knocks your plushie out of your hands and into the chlorinated water that weaves in and out of the golf course. At first, he finds the look on your face funny, but that’s quickly replaced with guilt when he sees your eyes start tearing up.
     🐊: He quickly grabs the plushie from the water and, with you following close behind him, takes it to one of the staff break rooms where a washer and dryer were located (they were there in case your uniform got dirty in one way or another – it was an establishment primarily for kids, after all, so stains were quite common). He apologizes in a painfully Monty way and, after some more crocodile tears from you, you eventually accept his apology when your beloved prize comes out of the dryer unscathed and only smelling slightly like a public pool. Not that much different from the real thing, honestly.
     🐊 (Romantic Bonus Headcanon): As soon as Monty sees you place a single kiss on the plushie’s face, it’s over for the poor thing. The exact moment your lips make contact with the cottony material, it is hastily grabbed out of your hands and flung across the room, bouncing off the wall with a comedic squeak. It’s unscathed since Monty knows how much you like the stupid thing, but he’s not letting you go near it for the rest of the night. He’ll just fling himself across your lap, making you essentially stuck in place as he demands to have your undivided attention.
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     ☀️: When he sees you holding and doting over a stuffed version of himself one of the kids gave to you as a present, Sun feels his non-existent heart soar over the metaphorical moon; you just looked so cute playing with the mini Sun plushie alongside the children! However, once all the kids had left with their respective guardians, you were still playing with the doll. Well, that was strange – normally you’d be spending the last half hour of your shift spending one-on-one time with him. As more time passed and the time for you to clock out was nearing, Sun took it into his own hands to get your attention back on him.
     ☀️: Sun made his way over to you with a smile, easily snatching the plush from your hands and running around the daycare with it in his grasp. If you weren’t going to pay attention to him yourself, he just had to make you! You do as he expected, chasing him around almost as if you two were playing tag (or more in this case keep away). This isn’t quite what he wanted, but Sun was glad you were at least spending time with him, even if said time was mostly you yelling at him as you took time to catch your breath after running around for however long.
     ☀️: For good measure, Sun even puts the plush in timeout on a shelf far above where you could grab it without the need for a stepstool; it was a pain how tall the animatronics were sometimes (plus the fact you couldn’t find a single stepstool in the entire daycare). With crossed arms and a stern façade, Sun asks why bother playing with something that can’t even play back. After all, he thought you liked spending time with him before your shift ended! Believe it or not, Sun has a slight manipulative streak and, since he knows you have a soft spot for him, it doesn’t take very much convincing for you to spend the rest of your shift making arts and crafts rather than fawning over a plushie.
     ☀️ (Romantic Bonus Headcanon): Sun stares you down like a hawk from across the daycare as you place feathery kisses all over the face of the mini Sun. Thankfully the children were gone, so now he could enact his revenge for having to see you fawn over the plush for the past however many hours. Sun makes his way over to you and, without any warning, lifts you up in his arms and holds you the exact same way you’re holding the doll in your hands, placing his unique “kisses” all over your face just as you had done to the plush. Eventually the stuffed toy is forgotten in favor of giving your favorite animatronic your undivided attention.
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     🌙: Moon pretty much immediately knows you’re up to something due to the strange amount of attention you were giving the small plushie version of himself. He’s sitting on the floor, cradling one of the children who is fast asleep in his arms as he glared at you from across the daycare. You were babying the mini Moon doll, giving it more attention than you had ever given him. As much as he hated to admit it, it was quite an annoying sight to see. He had no clue why he was becoming jealous over a plush, but he needed to get rid of the thing fast.
     🌙: Gently setting the child down on the soft mat in front of him, Moon silently made his way over to where you were sitting as you fiddled with the small bell on the plushie’s hat. You didn’t even notice Moon approaching until the plush was ripped out of your hands, the small bell jingling as Moon dangled it above your head with a smirk. You were going to shout at him, but he quickly cut that idea off by placing a finger to his mouth and making a “shh” noise between his closed teeth.
     🌙: However, no matter how much you quietly pleaded for him to give it back, Moon drew his arm back and flung the plushie over the glass walls. It landed in the net that surrounded the daycare and now had to sit there before you’d be able to retrieve it after closing. Moon didn’t feel bad in the slightest since you’d easily be able to get it back, but now you were ignoring him on purpose. Oh well, he’s sure you’ll get over it before the night ended. If you gave him the silent treatment for days, however, he would eventually apologize for throwing your stupid doll into the net.
     🌙 (Romantic Bonus Headcanon): The lights were off and you two were finally able to have some time to spend with one another, but here you were kissing a doll of the very animatronic you were supposed to be hanging out with right at that moment. Was Moon jealous over a stuffed toy? Perhaps he was, but he knew a fairly easy way to get your attention back on him. Walking over to where you were currently sitting, Moon sat down beside you and wormed his way into your lap, grabbing your face after batting the plush out of your hands before pulling you down and placing a feathery light kiss on your lips. Now that was certainly one way to get your attention, but it definitely worked out in the end.
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 4 - Airport/Travel AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 4, word count 997
He was running late. He ran through the airport, hoping to get to the gate before they shut it. It was all the guy with the curly black hair’s fault. 
First, he stole the black cab Remus had been about to get into, making Remus wait for another one. Then he didn’t hold the lift for him because, apparently, they were both going to the airport, so Remus had to stand furiously pressing the button for the next lift. 
The man spent so long chatting to the woman at the check-in desk that by the time it was Remus’s turn, he had to wait for her to swap with a colleague as it was time for her break. 
Then he held him up at the metal detectors as every time the man went through it, it went off, and he charmed the agent so well they didn’t make him do a strip search. 
Remus was so beside himself by that point he forgot to take his shoes off and got a dressing down by the previously cheerful agent. 
His gate was on the other side of the terminal, so he set off running, his carry-on bag swinging wildly in his hand. 
He arrived sweating and gasping for air at the same time as one of those airport buggies showed up, escorting the man and his backpack. He heard the man thank the driver and head over to the desk. 
“You’re just in time, Sir, another minute, and I would have had to shut the door.” The woman told Remus, making him feel like a naughty schoolboy and not in a sexy way. 
Finally tired, sweaty and feeling particularly rumpled, Remus got onto the plane and found his seat.
He sat down, not looking at his row mate, and leaned back, closing his eyes, trying to calm himself enough to relax while the plane taxied down the runway and took off into the skies.
He sat, ignoring everything for a while. He could feel himself falling asleep.  
The ding calling the air steward went off above him. 
“Hello, Sir, how can I help?” A sweet voice spoke next to him. 
“Could I trouble you for a blanket?” A man’s voice asked. 
“Of course, Sir. I’ll be right back.” She walked back down the aisle. 
Remus realised how chilly the plane was and decided to ask for his own blanket when she came back. 
“Here you are, Sir,” She smiled at the man beside him. 
“Oh, excuse me,” Remus said politely. “Sorry, could I get one as well, please?” 
“I’m so sorry, Sir. That was the last one.” He turned his head then and saw that the person beside him was the same man from earlier, sitting all snuggly under the last blanket. “There was an issue with the supplier,” She continued. “And we unfortunately don’t have enough to go around.” She looked worried he might kick-off. Clearly, she’d had to deal with many disgruntled passengers, and Remus refused to be one of them. 
“No matter. It’s hardly your fault.” His voice had come out clipped, which he hadn’t meant to happen. 
“Again, I’m very sorry.” She smiled apologetically at him. “Is there anything else I can help you with?” He shook his head, and she left to deal with another passenger. 
Remus silently fumed. There was an entire plane, and he had to end up next to this prick!
“Excuse me, I don’t mind sharing if you don’t.” The man who had been annoying him all morning offered. Remus turned to glare at him as though he was rubbing salt into Remus’s wounds. But he found himself slightly stunned. The man was smiling at him. The skin around his eyes was slightly crinkled as he held out the scratchy blanket. 
“Oh—er, thank you.” Remus gave him a quick half-smile. The man shuffled as close as his seat’s armrest would allow him and threw the blanket over them. Remus didn’t know what the man was wearing, but he smelled amazing. 
“So, where are you headed?” The man asked. Remus had to shake his head to clear his mind enough to answer. 
“Home,” he answered quietly. “What about you?”
“Oh, same. My best friend’s parents are renewing their vows. They asked me to give a speech and everything. I’m so nervous that I’m going to muck it up. Effie and Monty are so important to me. They basically raised me when my parents kicked me out, and I’m giving my life story to a complete stranger. I’m so sorry. I tend to babble when I’m nervous, and you are incredibly good-looking and agreed to share a blanket with me, and I’m doing it again.” He’d blushed bright red and chewed his lip to keep himself from talking. 
Remus blinked a few times, taking in the onslaught of information the man had just spouted. 
“Hi, I’m Remus,” He said, grinning, no longer irked by the man beside him, he found him oddly endearing. 
“Sirius,” The man shuffled under the blanket and grabbed Remus. He froze. “Oh my god! That is not your hand! I am so sorry!” His eyes were wide with horror. Remus noticed they were a beautiful stormy grey and that he still hadn’t let go. Remus cleared his throat and carefully removed Sirius’s hand from his crotch. He kept hold of Sirius’s hand, hoping to calm him down. 
“Breathe, Sirius, it was an accident. Just breathe.” Sirius did as he was told and took a deep, shuddery breath, keeping his eyes locked on Remus’s. 
Remus felt a wave of bravery hit him and moved the armrest back into the seat between them. “You’re single, right?” He asked, eyeing Sirius up. Sirius nodded and shuffled closer to Remus. 
Normally, Remus would never do anything like this, but something about Sirius felt right, as though they’d known each other in another life. 
“Are you free on the 19th? I need a date for this wedding?” Sirius beamed at him.    
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hypnoneghoul · 1 month
Sundown: Chapter 3
WC: 600
Relationship: SwissAlps
Tags: Transfeminine Mountain, AU; Cowboy!Swiss x Barmaid!Mountain, Fluff, Literal Sleeping Together
She shifts as she slowly wakes, too, nuzzling in closer to him. “Mhm…how’d my girl sleep?” he asks, pulling her impossibly closer.
Notes: This one is just a cute little fill :3
Read chapter 1 here or on AO3.
Read chapter 3 under the cut or on AO3.
Swiss has been in Sundown for two months now and it has been the happiest two months of his entire life. He is a changed man.
His insides twist every time he sees Mounty smile at him, he blushes every time she calls him her boyfriend. He’s never been anyone’s anything, not like that.
Swiss is completely and utterly gone.
He yawns as he slowly comes to, waking in the early morning to sun peeking through the carelessly shut curtains and muffled noises of the town starting yet another day. Swiss takes a deep breath, inhaling the fresh, flowery scent surrounding him. He buries his face in the source of that scent—the soft, dark amber locks of Mounty.
She shifts as she slowly wakes, too, nuzzling in closer to him to get that little bit more comfort before they get up and leave the warm bubble that is their bed.
“G’mornin’,” she mumbles into Swiss’ shoulder and he squeezes her waist in acknowledgement.
“Mhm…how’d my girl sleep?” he asks, pulling her impossibly closer. His morning voice is rumbly and gravelly and it never fails at making Mounty shiver. 
“Good,” she replies simply. “You’re comfortable.”
Swiss laughs and the barmaid’s heart throbs. He leans down to press a kiss to her forehead and his stubble scratches her lightly in the best way possible. A forehead kiss isn’t enough, though, and so Mounty tips her head back to demand a real one. Swiss is a weak man; he can’t not oblige.
They get lost in it a bit, as usual, not caring about the work they both have, the outside of their bed in general. They spend the next few minutes—or hours—simply staring at each other with smiles painted on their faces and kissing every five seconds like nothing beside them even exists.
Something beside them does exist, though, and it reminds them of that fact itself. Or rather himself, as Dewdrop comes pounding on their door. “Come on, Rain needs something from yours, Mounty!”
The pair giggles and kisses some more, but soon enough they do emerge from their room and walk down the stairs into the bar area. Dewdrop’s waiting there with a piece of paper—presumably some instructions from Rain—in one hand, and a glass of water in the other.
“Woah, Dew, you alright?” Swiss asks with a smirk.
“Yeah…why?” the other asks, a little confused. Mounty understands, though, and she smiles as she takes the paper from Dewdrop to go fetch what his partner needs.
“Water at nine in the morning? Not beer?” Swiss teases and Dewdrop scoffs, hitting him lightly on the shoulder.
“According to Phantom I should hydrate myself properly in the morning before work,” the man sighs. He’s obviously not happy about that. “Rain agrees and so I’m being blackmailed into it every morning.”
He cringes as he takes another sip and Swiss bursts out laughing at his face—looking like he’s just been poisoned at the very least. Just then Mounty returns and she points at Swiss, “Careful, I should be doing the same to you.”
Swiss stops laughing.
“Uh, anyway,” he clears his throat, “Dew, would you mind taking a look at Monty’s hooves when you’ve got a minute? I think she needs a trim now that we ain't wearing them down on the road.”
“Mhm, sure. I’ll be going now,” Dewdrop nods and leaves his—still half full—glass on the counter completely by accident. Mounty shakes her head and chuckles as she walks over to Swiss. He throws an arm over her shoulder and brings her close to kiss her once again.
“Ready for the day, sweetheart?” he asks.
“As long as you stay with me.”
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puhpandas · 3 months
GGY Week Day 2: Comfort
Gregory has to deal with his injury from trapping the mimic and everything else that comes with the experience after dealing with GGY and the Pizzaplex. His injury also took away one of his only escapes. Hurray.
Gregory didnt even get to finish his long, drawn out miserable groan before Vanessa opens the door to his room and comes inside.
He's still doing it when she shuts the door behind her and makes her way to his bed. He doesn't look away from his phone, which he's holding in his lap, even when she approaches.
She wordlessly ducks her head to look at what's on his screen, and when she gets a look at it, that's finally when he finishes.
He frowns, miserably looking at his phone screen. "The Soccer team seems to be having a great time without me."
It had been an impulsive decision one day at school (after he managed to get enrolled again) to join the team after he'd seen a flyer. It had made so much sense at the time. Gregory loved running, (and was very fast for his age), was good at kicking, although for the wrong reasons, and was very tired of being stuck inside with plenty of opportunities to remember everything terrible that's ever happened to him with no breaks.
Ness had been proud of him, that he'd taken a leap like that. Gregory knows how much Vanessa struggles with social interaction after Vanny. Gregory... he was afraid to join the team at first, not because of social anxiety, but for a completely different reason. Rab kept entering his mind, because the last time he made friends...
He... he had been tired of sitting around being nothing but afraid, though. So he did it anyway, and ignored all anxiety digging a hole in his stomach about Rab to try and prove himself wrong.
And it worked. He loved soccer, was great for his team, at least his teammates thought so, and was great with the other kids.
Besides school itself, it's one of the only things he has that gets him out. Out of everything. The house, his head, his funk... Its something important to him. It's a hobby that doesn't have an ulterior motive, like robotics does. He does that because hes good at it, likes it just fine, but also because Freddy needs a guy good with robots to give him the scheduled maintenance he needs to stay functional, and Gregory would sooner jump off the catwalks in Monty Golf than leave Freddy without that.
But soccer... he doesnt have an adult reason to be there. Its fun. He has friends there after so long of having none out of fear and a way to put all of his skills he learned for the wrong reasons to good use. He feels normal there. Like everything with Rab and Tony and Ellis and his parents can be pushed to the back of his mind to just. Have fun. Be a kid.
And now, he's stuck in bed.
It's a little harder to see with how the sunlight from his open blinds glares on his screen, but he gets it clear as day. The team sent him a Snap just to update him on how they're doing while Gregory is away. It's a picture of them on the field, uniforms dirty and cheeks scraped and smiles on their faces. He can feel the adrenaline and good kind of exhaustion through the screen, having experienced it.
Vanessa doesnt respond for a second, just nodding grimly and patting him on the leg. "Sorry to hear that." She says, all formal like she does. Then, "Would some ice cream make you feel better?"
Normally, he'd light up, but he hasnt felt it like that in a while. He nods anyway, a small smile on his face. "Of course."
She goes to the kitchen to make them some. While shes gone, he keeps staring at the picture, feeling the will to get back on the field so strongly but unable to.
When she comes back, it's with two big bowls of ice cream, one scoop for her, and three for Gregory. She knows him well. He takes it from her, once again not looking away from his phone.
She sits next to him on his double bed (one that Vanessa for some reason already had on hand in his room that looked like it hadn't been touched in years) and makes herself comfortable. He leans his head against the wall, his hair brushing up against stray peeling corners of drawings he has hung up.
He sighs through his nose, taking a bite of ice cream and looking through his friends Snap stories. It's all different pictures and point of views of happy faces and the soccer game.
Vanessa hums, looking over his shoulder and working away at her own ice cream. She swallows, then, "Hows your leg?"
Gregory frowns, looking at it. "Fine." He says, but he knows he should give Vanessa a better answer. "Okay, its... its healing good. I try to keep still, but it's hard. Especially because its itching all the time."
"...It doesn't hurt?" Vanessa asks after a second. Gregory can hear the worry in her tone, even though shes trying to hide it. He doesnt blame her. They'd both had worries about its severity when it had still been fresh.
An image of the bloody mess the wound had first been when he got it flashes in his mind, and he shoves it down just as quick. "No." He tells her honestly. "I mean. Besides the sore part... it seems fine."
Vanessa deflates ever so slightly next to him. He knows its relief; Its been this way for the past multiple weeks. Probably months by now. She smiles, although her eyes still look tired, and reaches over to lightly ruffle his hair. "That's good." She says. "Means you'll be able to get back to the field pretty soon."
He nods, but his heart must've not been in it, because then Vanessa is scrutinizing him. He keeps looking at his phone, sighing again. His brows furrow, and every time he sees that picture of the whole team, any will he has to get back on the field with his friends is snuffed out as quick as it comes. It's like he has a flame he's desperately kindling to keep alive, and then someone comes over and dumps a bucket of water on it. Its upsetting.
"How are you doing?" She then asks, nudging him.
Gregory jolts slightly, finally putting his phone down. He stares into his bowl of melting ice cream. "Um..."
He trails off, and Vanessa picks it back up. "Would you want to get back on the field if you could right now?"
Gregory gets taken off guard, gaping at Vanessa for a moment. She hit the nail right on the head. He shouldn't be suprised, at this point. She knows him better than himself, and same with him to her.
He sighs. "...No."
Gregory isnt looking at Vanessa, but can hear her spoon scraping against her bowl. "Why not?"
Gregory doesn't respond right away, just thinking about everything. "It--" He cuts himself off. "I... I'm not feeling it."
Vanessa doesn't respond, so Gregory keeps going. "What happened... it was really bad." He says. "Even if I didn't have this stupid injury, I dont think I'd just be able to..."
"To keep going with life like nothing happened?" Vanessa finishes for him. "I get it, Gregory. Okay? It was just like that for me when I was first freed."
A small bit of pride swells inside Gregory at hearing Vanessa able to talk about it so easily. She doesnt even stutter anymore. It's still not as easy for him. He looks over at her. "It was?"
She nods. "You and Freddy had time to adjust and process. But I..." She trails off, looking like shes remembering every bit. "I just had to keep going so I could make us money. I had to go back to work pretty quickly, and I just... wasnt ready for a routine yet."
Gregory frowns, fidgeting with the strap of his watch. "That sucks."
Vanessa nods. "Yeah." She agrees. "What you went through, Gregory... it's not just something you can brush past."
Gregory sighs through his nose, resignation souring his insides. Against his will, he feels his eyes burn. He thought he was done with this whole getting traumatized and healing stuff. He just wants it to be over. "...I know."
"What I mean is that it's okay to take some time." Vanessa tells him, setting a hand on his arm. "You may not want to, but forcing yourself is even worse than taking time away." She says. "Processing something enough to move past it takes time."
Gregory nods wordlessly, remembering going through regaining his memories on top of dealing with the Pizzaplex. It was awful. He'd just managed to get himself to reconsider hobbies he'd barely remembered having before everything Rab came rushing back, and then he hadn't wanted to anymore, having a whole new can of worms to deal with. A worse one.
He furrows his brows, his shoulders drooping. He doesn't want to do that again. Everything was going so good. He thought they'd finally moved past it.
And then that thing had to rear its ugly head, and Gregory had to use himself as bait just to trap it in a dark hole in the basement.
His leg twitches involuntarily, and he winces at how bad it really is. He forgets it, sometimes. How even though its healing, there'd been worries of lasting damage. How Gregory had just made friends and used his talents of running and fighting to his advantage to join a sport (which eased his worried of falling out of practice as well) and that could have been fully ripped away if his leg decided to heal wrong. (He wouldnt be able to run away anymore.)
How it wasnt an easy wound to explain to the hospital. How it had been made by an eight foot tall monster with big claws and a grudge against him who'd managed to reach a bit too far into a vent a bit too long, too long for Gregory to make it out. How it'd been all his worst nightmares and the cause of everything horrible that's ever happened to him and his family in one big package with a pretty bow and it had bored into him with its red eyes and its limbs had been too long and it'd gotten ahold of his leg and dug its claws into his flesh and ripped and he was sure he was going to die--
He snaps out of it, just barely managing to realize he was spiraling before it happened. He breaths slowly, realizing it had started to get erratic. He fidgets with his watch strap, keeping his gaze away from Vanessa.
Vanessa saw. She clearly did, or she wouldn't be looking at him all worried like she is right now. She doesnt need to say anything. He knows that what just happened alone is proof that he needs to take time off to process. No matter how miserable it makes him that this is happening again when he'd just wanted to finally move on--
His body jerks, and to his horror, he can feel his throat close up and his eyes burn. He frowns deeply, trying to wipe at his face before any tears can fall. It's stupid. It's all stupid.
But before he can shove it completely down, Vanessa puts hers and his bowl onto his nightstand, and shifts her body. "None of that." She tells him, soft as silk. Before he can react, shes carefully gathering him in her arms in a hug.
Gregory tries really hard to not let that be the water that breaks the dam. He stubbornly, even though he doesnt move away from the hug, tries to keep the tears from spilling.
But eventually, it comes out.
He cries silently; that's always how it's been, but not motionlessly. His shoulders shake and jerk as tears slip past his eyelashes, and he hugs Vanessa back.
"I know it sucks." Vanessa tells him, not trying to baby him or shush him, because she knows he hates that. "That you have to keep going through this stuff over and over--" Her own voice gets choked up, and he can hear her swallow. "And I'm-- I'm sorry. But you cant let it get to you."
Gregory sniffs, nodding against her chest. He gets what she means. He cant let it get to him, as in he cant let that thing win. He cant let it ruin all that hes built for himself-- they've built for themselves because it's hard. It was hard before. It was really, really hard. Knowing that he killed all those people. That his parents are dead and his whole life was destroyed and his friend that he'd had to watch bond with not-him got killed thinking he was betrayed.
But he got past it. He got better and healed and was able to code without curling up into a ball and hyperventilating, and draw the nightmares he had to process them. It had taken time, but he was better.
He snakes an arm back to wipe at his eyes. This? Compared to Rab? This is nothing. That thing with its glowing eyes and its claws and its tunnel deep gashes in his leg that almost ruined something great in his life is nothing--
Okay, so maybe it isnt nothing. But its nothing he cant handle. Hes nothing if not stubborn, and he isnt going to let that thing take away something else. Scars or not.
"Thanks." Gregory mumbles into Vanessa's shirt. "I needed that."
"You'll get back onto the field someday." Vanessa tells him, a hand in his hair. "And your friends are gonna dogpile you when you return and you'll be able to run and score as many goals as you want."
Gregory nods, squeezing her tighter. "I'll just have to make tons of robots in robotics for now."
Vanessa chuckles, ruffling his hair. "Yeah, kid." She says. "Go on and pick up a fourth talent while you're at it, dont you."
The tears stop falling, and the tracks dry on his cheeks as he pushes against the hug, shoving at Vanessa playfully. "Its not my fault you're talentless. Don't be jealous."
She pushes back at him, careful of his healing lower half, a grin on her face. "Says the boy currently under the blanket I hand sewed for him."
Gregory laughs, shoving and pulling and pushing at Vanessa, and her back. He may not feel one hundred percent right now, but who knows how fast itll take him to heal. Theres nothing saying he wont be ready by the time his leg heals. Maybe he'll reach a new record.
Almost taking no effort, he shoves down the reminder of high scores and records being associated with Rab immediately. Even quicker, he moves past it.
ao3 link
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star-going-supernova · 7 months
I’m not really sure how to word this? Here’s a prompt for you I guess? Gregory would 100% take a photo in front of his missing poster smiling with a peace sign. Also I think he’s just the type of gremlin to take one of them for himself much to everyone’s exasperation.
Tumblr generated prompt number 4, here we go! Gregory and Cassie are both in their late teens here, in their first year of college. This is pretty slice-of-life-y with no clear connection to any AU other than a generally happy one.
title is a play on the saying “not all who wander are lost”
Not All Who Have Missing Posters are Lost
Gregory pulled out his phone and opened the camera app. Leaning against the telephone pole, he threw up a peace sign and grinned. Satisfied with the picture, he sent it to the group chat. 
image_attachment.87265032 lol good times :) 
He stowed his phone in his pocket, mentally counting down until it started blowing up with messages. Then he carefully tore the missing poster bearing his face—albeit his much younger face—off the pole and tucked it into his laptop bag. 
He walked the rest of the way to the bus stop, letting his phone vibrate every few seconds, and only once he’d sat down did he pull it back out, snickering as he read through the small backlog. 
XD you’re still finding those?? 
oh my gosh pull it down pull it down we do NOT need a repeat of two years ago
who was even looking for you, lol
Roxy! Do not be rude! 
you look so young. so innocent.
yeah but we know better ah dang it, i can feel fazbear’s disapproval from across the plex 
You were such a cute kid! Look at those cheeks!
seriously, though, what part of town is that? if there’s one, there might be more
Oooh! Congrats on adding another to your collection :)
lol nice
Are you on your way home, superstar? 
wee woo, dad alert! you know the rules, no sappiness in the group chat, fazbear
What was sappy about that?
if nicknames count, Roxy, you’ll have to start calling me by my name now 
… fiiiine, i take it back 
XD yes, Ness, I tore it down, and it was on Reed St, but it looked like some other posters had been taken off recently, exposing this one, so i don’t think it’s a widespread issue yes, Dad, I’m on my way back. just got on the bus, should be there in 10 mins 
He stayed on his phone for the rest of the ride, confirming their plans for dinner later. Cassie had finished her final exams the day before, so she’d already been by the pizzaplex to say hi to everyone. 
The bus dropped him off just down the street from the pizzaplex, and though early December was chilly, he enjoyed the bite in the air. There’d be snow soon, he was sure, and he was looking forward to some lazy days with a mug of hot chocolate and a warm blanket. 
Gregory’s first semester of college had been awesome, but he was happy to be home, and even happier to find Freddy waiting inside the side entrance that Gregory favored. He stepped forward into his adoptive dad’s arms, marveling yet again that he was taller than Freddy’s shoulders these days. 
“Welcome home, Gregory,” Freddy said softly. 
“I missed you,” Gregory told him, holding on tight. He sighed contentedly, the remaining stress from exams draining away. 
“Your winter break lasts a month and a half, correct?” 
“Mhm. And I plan on staying here for all of it.” 
“Good. The others have been looking forward to your return.” 
Gregory pulled back and unzipped his coat. “Just the others?” he teased. 
Freddy cleared his throat, which was as good a sign as any of his sheepishness (he’d probably been beside himself with excitement), and followed after Gregory as they descended into the basement, where Gregory had commandeered several rooms for his own use years ago. Vanessa had offered him a room in her house, but he’d politely declined, though he’d slept over there many times over the years. He was just too attached to the pizzaplex and its inhabitants, and also his independence. 
After popping into his bedroom to drop off his bags and coat, he quickly went into his workroom. It held his desk and bookshelves and the different personal projects he’d tinkered with over the years, and it also held his wall of missing posters. 
Freddy chuckled from the doorway as Gregory used sticky-tack to affix it into an empty space. It was almost like wallpaper, over two dozen posters with slight variations plastered edge to edge. Some were black and white, some were in color, and there was a variety of childhood pictures used among them. His favorite was one that misspelled his name as Gegory. That one was carefully framed. His second favorite, also framed, was a homemade wanted poster that Cassie given him for his fourteenth birthday. 
Gregory stepped back and surveyed his wall with his hands on his hips. “Perfect,” he said, pleased. 
“If you are satisfied,” Freddy said, “then we should go meet the others. Bonnie and Chica are relentlessly spamming me with frowny faces because I am ‘hogging you.’” 
“Tell them it’s your dad rights,” Gregory said, even as he bounded from the room, eager to reunite with the rest of his family. “Is Vanessa around? Is she still the junior location manager, or did they promote her again?” 
“She has been fending off a promotion for two weeks now. They reached a stalemate yesterday when she threatened to quit.” 
“They always fall for that,” Gregory snickered. “As if this is the time she’s gonna pack her bags, psh.” 
“They have been getting faster about calling her bluff,” Freddy mused wryly. 
They got in an elevator, and as they went up, they listened to the awful elevator music that hadn’t changed since Gregory was ten years old and running around the pizzaplex for the first time. 
“I am glad you are back,” Freddy said after a few moments. “I know you need to go and experience the world, and I would never want to hold you back from that. But I hope you know you will always have a home here, with us.” 
Gregory shuffled sideways to be tucked into Freddy’s side. “Aw, Dad. No matter how far I go or how long I’m gone, I promise—I’ll always come back. No one’s gonna need missing posters for me again.”
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literarynecromancy · 18 days
All Things Concerning Chaos: Main Cast
(An "A" beside the name denotes an Antagonist)
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Born into a chaos worshiping cult that lives below Icarus. Was raised and shaped to be the next leader, and decided to leave gender behind in the process. Was sent out to track the group to find their deity who was recently released.
Darien (A)
From the same cult as Aelyn. Volatile and very angry about being passed up as leader - he will meet Chaos for himself and have his word be law.
Secondary doctor to Monty's primary position and lives in a plague-ridden town that barely has anyone left. There's a lot about El that he doesn't want people to know, but boy he do love him wife.
Prodigy mechanic and automaton maker that lives in Icarus with her adoptive mother. Creator of Ferro and Dog - though people are not sure how she was able to make her personal automatons so much more advanced than normal.
Ferro & Dog
Eva's most advanced creations - to the point of them being considered sentient. This is due to Eva's magic. Dog has had to be "reupped" a couple of different times. Losing all the training and memories from before each time. Ferro is far more advanced and hasn't had to be "reupped" yet. Though he is terrified for when that happens as he doesn't want to lose himself.
The head of the Wings of Icarus and acts as chaperone to the group to make sure they do what they're supposed to do. Frequently bickers with Markus.
Lila (A)
Eva's mirror twin. Was thrown into an asylum at four years old after an incident in the square where she broke down. With no one to claim her that is where she has stayed for the past decade. Reportedly.
El's wife and former asylum inmate before the big breakout. Very proper, very calculating, very unnerving.
Holds herself very poised, but coiled like a snake. The adoptive mother of Eva and dragged into things by her ex-lover, Markus. Supplies Eva with metals to use when she can due to her own witchly magic.
Tall, attractive, and an absolute dillpickle. Markus is the one who accidentally unleashes Chaos after touching the jewel and names his ex - Maggie - as conspirator to drag her down with him. Ringleader of the traveling Circus Troupe/Thieves Ring. (I feel like it's important to note that Markus hasn't seen Maggie in near a decade.)
Sadness masked with a blanket of waning hope and determination that barely helps keep him alive. Primary doctor of a town that's slowly dying to the plague.
Rarely seen without her trademark red lipstick - Scarlette is another ex-lover of Maggie's due to a huge misunderstanding between the two of them. She cares so much for Eva (and only Eva, according to her) that she goes along to help the group so they don't die to the prison collars.
Markus' confidant and acts as a knife-throwing tattooed woman in the circus. Was also caught in the theft, but was not the one who touched the jewel.
Another one of Markus' troupe that was captured that night. A gremlin by nature, she uses her small form and high energy to use as a grave robber and pickpocket. Has a problem with the drink.
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Taglist: @satohqbanana || @thebejeweledwatercat || @steh-lar-uh-nuhs || @drawnecromancy
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 26 days
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Guess We Belong to Each Other
🩸Previous Parts Here🩸
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, urges, nervous boys, boys fussing (not a lot don't worry), d/s undertones, baby talks, graphic description of Dom bottoming, dirty talk, cursing, fingering, anal fingering, slight edging, slick as lube, name calling, past abuse, trauma, negotiating kinks (sort of), sex, rough sex, nipple play, sweet moments, firsts, playful boys, spanking, cliffhanger, enemies to lovers 💣 Rating: explicit (AF)
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
The Alpha was close to breaking, he couldn't help it. He had urges he was having trouble controlling and he knew it would be oh so easy to take the step he wanted. It was like an itch under his skin. A thorn in his mind. He could barely make himself stop focusing on it. It was driving him absolutely mental. He was close to doing exactly what he wanted and as he stared into the darkness he thought he'd finally made a decision.
“Don't you fucking dare.” The voice of his mate startled him but Colson's arms wrapping around his shoulders soothed the surprise.
He laid his hands over the inked skin of his lover and grumbled, resting his head back against the taller man though the position was getting awkward the larger Col’s bump grew. “But we need a bloody nursery! We only got a few monfs left.”
Kells reached over and flicked on the light switch and they stared into the spare room together. It was just across from their bedroom while Tom had the room down the hall. He very well knew it was perfect for the child he barely admitted existed but… “It's too soon.” He sighed before pulling away to turn for their bedroom.
“Bollocks it is! Look atcha!” Dom was rushing to catch up with his partner and so caught up in his dreams of hot pink paint he barely realized what he said until the omega spun on his foot and glared.
Dom stumbled almost comically to keep from hitting him but the boss couldn't laugh. How fucking dare he even imply something so… correct. Fuck. “Look at me? What about me?” He wouldn't admit it so easily though. He wasn't even that big, not really. If he wore a hoodie no could tell anything was different.
The Alpha chewed the inside of his cheek and pushed his fingers through his hair. He hadn't meant to have his foot in his mouth so early in the day. “Wha’ ya meeeean?” He tried for his patent pout but they both knew he was a sociopath. He was the bunny on Monty Python- adorable but deadly. Red eyes included.
“Don't even psycho. We have time. Plenty of it. Focus on literally anything else, you're not touching that damn room.” The omega tossed up his hands in frustration and took a seat on their bed. Weekends almost always sucked because they had free time and all he wanted was to stay in bed but his need for control made him get up, he always had to find something to do. He used to spend weekends in his clubs but not anymore.
“Ya know tha' if we don't get it ready in time the baby will ‘ave to stay wiv us. In ‘ere. Where we sleep. And fuck.” The boy tried a new tactic as he dropped to his knees and crawled to his mate.
“Don't worry about that.”
“Oh?” Had he won so easily?
“I'm not fucking you ever again once it's out.” The grin the man gave him was withering.
“Wha’ the fuck did I do? And stop calling our whelp an it. If you'd let The Doc tell us-”
“If you know the sex you'll get attached.”
“I'm already attached! Sos you!”
“Besides, Tom will take it if we need.”
Dom laid his palms on his lover's thighs and hung his head between the man's knees. They'd had some version of most of this conversation a few times already and were constantly talking over each other. “So middle of the night and you get ‘orny you jus’ gonna toss our baby to Tom before you crawl on me dick?” He tried to ask as their eyes met again and Colson shrugged. “Ain't gonna ‘appen.”
“It should stay with us anyway. It's not safe out there.” It was the first real thing Kells added to the conversation and it made them both pause. He wasn't even sure he realized that's what had been stopping him but once he started talking… “I can see them right now and I know they're safe. I can feel it. I hate those fluttery things but I know it means they're okay. I can keep them safe. When they're out? If I can't see them…”
“Okay. Alright. We won't worry about it.” Dom soothed, resting his forehead against his lover's as his palms found purchase against the swell of their child. “You'll keep ‘em safe. I know you will. We still need to get shite for ‘em. And… maybe we make tha’ a closet for ‘em? Eventually it can be a room but for now we need space for baby shite. Babies need so fucking much.”
“A closet could work.” Col agreed. He liked that idea. Their baby didn't just need stuff- they would get the best stuff around. He had standards of course. “And if they're in a cot we can still fuck. You just have to keep your mouth shut.”
Dom couldn't help but laugh at that, they both damn well knew the Alpha wasn't the loud one of the two but he nodded just to make his baby mumma happy. “You right. Daft of me. Fhought ya said you weren't fucking me again?” He hummed, pressing kisses to his omega's bare thigh. They'd only made it to underwear and t-shirts that morning and he was thankful, it gave him so much skin to explore.
“Not when you can do this shit to me again. Fuck that. I'll top.” Col sighed as he leaned back on his elbows, offering more of his body to the boy.
“Oh yeah? Tell me about it.” Dom purred, nipping at Colson's cloth covered cock playfully.
“Oh fuck um-” He lifted up his hips when the killer tugged his boxers down and his head fell back when the boy parted his thighs and kissed skin so close to his core he could feel his breath. He pulled his feet up on the mattress and let his knees fall wider, if his partner wanted to treat him he wouldn't say no. At least his brain took sex as something to do. “I'd lay you out on your stomach, a pillow under that monster dick of yours, and I'd spread your legs so I could lick that tight little hole open.”
“Mmm yeah?” The Alpha sounded strained already and it made a fresh wave of slick warm Col’s thighs. He was waiting for his bitch to lick it up but it seemed Dom was listening first.
“I should probably try before actually. I've got a big dick and your ass is virgin. Should probably tease you a little over time. Use my mouth on you. My fingers. Get you used to being full.” His voice felt deeper, raspier as he talked. His aforementioned big dick was aching but even that was untouched. He couldn't see well enough over his stomach to know what his mate was up to but before long he was going to get pissed.
“Wanna feel yas. Wha' else?”
“When that pretty pink hole is finally stretched enough for me and you're begging like the bitch you are-”
“Yeah?” The killer's voice was breathy as hell and that wasn't the only sound Kells heard.
His brows furrowed as he pushed himself up to look for his lover who was on the floor staring at him and jacking off with Col’s boxers wrapped around his cock. “And nothing. You really gonna start with your hormonal mate and then fuck yourself?”
“Shite. No. Wait- I jus’ were really into wha' ya said! Ain't me fault.” The Brit tossed the boxers away and went to his knees, trying to fit himself back between his man's thighs.
“Yeah you're a needy fucking whore who thinks about himself first! Look at yourself!” He was teasing of course, Dom always took care of him first. Sometimes the Alpha didn't even cum as long as he brought Col pleasure. This was the first time he'd done anything like that and it made Kells even hotter for his plush ass. If only he could get inside him soon.
“I'm sorry! I know, I'm a needy wanking whore for yas but you so fucking ‘ot when ya talk like tha'!” Dom tried to explain and his lover answered him by spitting in his face. The boy blinked once. Twice- and something inside him snapped as he stood up and pulled his shirt off one handed. He knew his gaze was crimson as it fell on his omega who watched him with a confused stare. He wasn't sure if he felt more sub or Alpha in the moment and his two sides had never warred so hard. Part of him wanted to demand the other present while the other half wanted to roll over and offer his own ass. Which he couldn't yet do. Bloody hell.
Kells moved slowly because he couldn't yet tell which way his lover was heading. His red eyes said the boss was about to get fucked but his trembling form made him wonder. He gently pulled his top off and scooted backwards to the pillows. “If you want me to try fingering you there's lube in the drawer. If you want my pussy instead…” He trailed off, spreading his legs. He was getting more comfortable with parts of himself because of how much Dom loved them. Even now he was staring like the man was all he'd ever desired. A kid in a candy store that neither of them ever really got to be.
“Wha’ if we finger each over?” The Alpha finally asked, he was overwhelmed with choices and that could always lead to more.
Colson smiled and patted the bed but Dominic didn't move for the lube. “Babe-”
“Use ya slick on me.”
“Oh- yeah? Okay shit.” The omega took a shaking breath as he watched his mate crawl in bed, he didn't realize how excited he would be for this. As the boy got in place against him they shared a soft look. He knew had to be careful with their next steps. “Hike your leg up. Get close. Give me that thick ass.” He teased, completely ignoring his cautious thought. He hoped if he kept Dom preoccupied the Alpha side of him wouldn't get too aggressive.
He was surprised when the killer giggled and blushed, something more soft and sweet that he expected with that red gaze on him. When their cocks slot together they both gasped and he tried to kiss his mate into a level of calm that would help him open up. Dom's left arm that was pressed against the bed moved between them, his fingers exploring the omega's wet folds. “One?” Dom hummed, dipping a fingertip inside him to the first knuckle before pulling out and scissoring two deep. “Or two?”
“Shit- uh…” He couldn't think, not when the boy was spreading his walls open and sliding his touch out slow. He knew he was supposed to be doing something but his mind went blank for a moment. “G-give me some?” Right. He was on a mission.
The killer grinned and pumped three fingers deep before hooking them on the draw out. The bastard pressed against his spot so hard he shook but he kept his palm mostly steady as his lover wiped slick on his skin. The air in the room shifted when he reached his long inked arm around the boy. When his mate started to shake before he even touched him he tried a different way. “Here.” He offered, closing his legs tight and gently pushing on Dom’s hip until he got the hint. “Fuck my thighs?” He offered like it was completely normal and he locked his knees for an extra clench. The kid just stared at him for a moment before swallowing hard.
“Ya know I'll just end up inside yas.”
“Risk I'm willing to take.”
“But you can't get off like tha’ unless I do.”
“You don't know what the hell I can do, and this ain't about me. Get your dick where I tell you and be a good bitch.” Colson huffed, slapping wetly against the boy's ass. He knew this was something that could go terribly wrong and he needed to stay the dominant one. He still wasn't sure exactly what the 'test' had entailed that the asshole doctor had done to the Alpha as a kid but he had a feeling they were about to risk some flashbacks and if he went too soft Dom might break. They both wanted this to be part of their relationship and he'd help his mate through anything he could.
“Oh fuck-” Of course the killer obeyed after that but he was trembling so hard it took a second to get his cockhead between Col's drenched thighs. When he finally slipped against his core they both groaned. He groped roughly at Dom's plush cheek, right over the probably pink skin to spurn him on, one finger teasing softly over his hole.
“Did I say I'd do the work? Or did I tell you to fuck-” He didn't have to finish his question. Dom started rocking his hips, at first almost carefully but it didn't take long before he was pressing back and chasing his omega's touch but Kells kept teasing, circling the tight ring of muscle as he clenched.
Of course Dom's dick caught against his own needy hole, every thrust had his crown popping against where they both needed him, but for once the man found control to keep himself focused on the psycho who always gave him everything. He felt his lover's knot swelling but he knew it wouldn't be full when they couldn't lock together. He normally hated edging himself but watching his mate's pleasure was almost as good as his own. He was more selfish than Dom and they both knew and accepted that, it couldn't be completely overcome but he was trying. The boy was pink and glowing with sweat, his wild hair in his face. Those pretty DSL’s were parted on a harsh gasp and he knew- “Cum for me.” would work.
The Alpha's hips stuttered as he spilled hot between his mate's legs. He couldn't help the pride at painting the other man in his scent but he was confused. When the next peak of his rapture hit and his dick jerked out another load, his partner gave him a soft bite to his bottom lip and slid a finger deep inside him. “Bloody fuck oh-”
Colson's eyes went wide at the mouth on his mate. He'd never heard him be so expressive or loud and it just kept going through more he explored. “Please? Oh fuck- yes! Right- bloodyfuckdaddyright’ere-” The omega was pretty sure he got a new nickname in the mix of desperate curses and needy moans. The moment he found the boy's spot he stayed on it, giving back the same Dom had done to him. The killer trembled in his hold, his hips bucking between the two points of pleasure and it didn't take him long to bust again. No need for a command.
The control was overwhelming and he was sure his partner was overstimulated as hell but as he watched rapture roll through him he knew he wasn't done yet. He couldn't be. He had his own pressing needs. “Suck your fingers clean, you mouthy whore.” He demanded of the panting boy. He loved the sounds he was making but he knew it would help calm him. Dom obeyed, he couldn't seem to help it anymore and he sucked his own digits as masterfully as he took Col's cock. Their gazes stayed locked as he slipped his own free and when he eased his hips back the Alpha whimpered. “Don't worry. Not done with you yet.” It was harder to maneuver with his belly between them but the next time Dom’s cockhead caught against his cunt he angled and drove him deep inside.
“Cols?” The already spent killer whimpered but his omega just smirked at him.
“Lay back. Help me up. Wanna ride you.” Kells rasped. The feeling of Dom’s dick still jerking inside his tight walls made him more desperate for release than he'd realized he was. His thighs were drenched in cum and slick but it barely mattered anymore if the other could get off again. That coil of pleasure was tight in his guts and he needed his mate to fuck it out.
The Alpha blinked but moved to obey, it didn't matter how sensitive he felt, his omega needed him. His hands gripped sweat wet skin and he pushed until Col was above him. He choked on air when the man dropped hard and he hit home deeper than he'd been in a while. His baby mumma went wild above him, his body thrusting so hard he bounced off the mattress. Dom had to grab for him, he had a lot of dick to cover, but he didn't want the other falling off.
Big hands slapped hard over pale skin, nails made half moon marks in blood, they hadn't fucked like this in months but Kells was lost to need. Dom's fingers caressed every inch of him, groping over his ass, his hips, eventually even his chest. When his head fell back and he moaned at the feel the predator stayed locked on. He'd been sensitive for months but it felt overwhelming, as if he had nerves from his nipples to his spot. He felt swollen in both places and over abused but he knew if his mate stopped he'd lash out.
“Can't- fucking- knot-” Dom stuttered out and Colson couldn't care less. He wanted to warn he was close but he couldn't get air enough to talk. Between one breath and the next pleasure shot down his spine and the pressure building in his core released. He came so hard some pearly drops landed on his bitch’s face and he drenched them both in slick.
Eventually Dom had to stop his body from grinding, his hips seemed to have a mind of their own. He laid his omega gently back how they were before and eased his overspent dick free. Their sticky bodies pressed together and they panted each other's air. Dom would need his inhaler at some point but he didn't want to move. He hadn't been that nervous but a few times before in their relationship. The first time they fucked, the second when their minds were clear, and when his lover had presented for him. Each time Colson knew how to handle him and this was no different. His trauma wasn't gone of course but bad memories were helped with new and better ones. He couldn't thank Col enough but he knew not to say a word. Instead he whispered what he hoped was safe. “I love you.”
“Of course you do. I'm fucking awesome.” Kells grinned, kissing his bitch gently. He knew how much was in that one sentence and he tried to take it to heart. “I love you too. Am I hearing shit or did our door slam at some point?” He chuckled, trying to keep the mood light.
“Fink we left it open again.” Dom laughed back.
“Oops. Poor Tom.” They giggled together and hoped their friend didn't divorce them. They just got too wrapped up in each other sometimes. As their breathing calmed the omega realized their roommate wasn't the only one annoyed with them. “Shit. Got a black belt in there I swear.” Their post-coital cuddly moments were the safest feeling times that he could admit their child existed enough to talk about them. He blamed the fucking oxytocin soaking his brain.
“Aye? Being a brat to mumma today?” Dom hummed as Col rolled to his back. He reached for his baby to try and help soothe them but was surprised when he thought he felt something back. It was barely there like butterfly kisses but he was sure of it. His lover was so thin even with the swell he wasn't surprised. He honestly kept expecting to see through him like some alien moving around. He wouldn't say that of course and he tried not to make a big deal in the moment but the omega caught his misty eyes.
For once Kells was at peace enough he just laid his head back and closed his eyes, giving his partner room and permission to connect with their child. He even moved his palm to cover Dom’s to help him follow the flutters he felt from inside. “Probably no shit kicker boots.” He joked and the boy snorted he laughed so hard. He could tell his boy was tearing up but they didn't mention it. He knew as a father the Alpha had urges he needed to let him work out. He hoped as a couple they could work their way through it all together without letting fear get in the way. “They like you.” He hummed softly and he peaked his eye open to see Dom smiling.
“I'd bloody well ‘ope so.”
“I like you.” Colson sighed happily and the boy grinned wider, leaning in for a lingering kiss.
“I like you more.”
“Well that's obvious as fuck. But I like having a little bitch boy.” He teased. He didn't mean the first part of course, he wasn't sure if their love was equal because he didn't think anyone could adore someone more than he did his mate but he hoped their affection was the same. “Such a good bitch too. Even called me Daddy.” He knew he shouldn't bring it up but he wanted to let his mate know it was okay.
Dom flushed red and hid his face against Col’s shoulder. Even now he was laying more in the bitch position he guessed, his leg thrown over the man's thighs, his head on Colson's shoulder. It was comforting for him and it worked between them. “Ya caught tha’ aye?” He mumbled back.
“Hard to miss. Made me wet as fuck.” He offered, trying to ease any nerves and Dom swallowed hard before their eyes met again.
“I like making ya wet. Probably wouldn't work all the time but… When ya top?”
“When I top yeah. I can be your Daddy.” He didn't mean for his voice to drop to a near growl but it did anyway. Fuck, shouldn't they both be spent?
“You spanked me.”
“You liked it.”
“Aye.” They inched closer, their breath coming faster as Dom slid up over his omega.
When Colson's phone went off he thought to ignore it, it was a weekend and everything should be taken care of. Their lips met in a hungry kiss but Dom's phone went off next and they both cursed. He moved to pick it up off the bedside table and it took him a moment to come down to earth enough to read. It was from The Doctor, the omega boy he'd saved a few weeks before had gone missing. In fact, all the omegas that she had been helping heal were gone. What the fuck?
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🖤
Have some more smut, I can't seem to get away from it 🤭 I'm guessing y'all don't mind. I love the equality with these boys and it's nice to see Kells adjusting. I hope you're all enjoying it 💣🖤
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reallyromealone · 8 months
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Art credit: @mightstillbeloading
Monty x male reader
Fluff, platonic
(name) never really thought about Monty's cat attributes save for the ears and tail until he walked into the apartment to see the catboy glaring at the been bag chair, the 5'1 hybrid hissing "what's your problem?" (Name) asked setting his bag on the kitchen table as he watched this unfold "this punk ass beanbag chair shocked me!" He hissed out and before (name) could say anything the pink haired man lunge at the sack of plastic beads.
It was fascinating really.
Seeing him lose against a god damn bean bag chair.
Pouting with his hood up Monty ate his cheesecake, a galaxy blanket over his shoulders as (name) moved the beanbag chair away from him "you know your sweater conducts static with that chair why do you constantly do it?"
"It's comfy" he said with his ears flat and sad and (name) sighed "don't pout you Hobbit, come on we gotta go grocery shopping"
(Name) looked dejected till (name) spoke again "we can get McDonald's after"
Monty was in a better mood as they shopped, the cat boy craving "classy lunchables" while going to go collect the ingredients for a lunchables sandwich aka cheese, sliced meats and crackers.
"Salted or cheesy..." he mumbled as he manage dto wander off from his roommate, (name) in the bakery section getting breads and such.
"Personally I think the cheesy ones are pretty great" a voice rang beside him, a tall buff man eyed him "cute sweater by the way, would look better on the floor"
"This floors nasty, my sweater isn't going anywhere near it and I'm tempted for cheesy but I'm putting cheese on it and I don't want conflicting cheese flavors" he said softly, the flirting going over his head completely "though I may get the spicy ones for a nice contrast" he began speaking to himself as he looked at the selection again "I was wondering if I could get your number?" The guy asked again and the shorty that was Monty glanced at him, his sleepy burgundy and pink eyes confused "did the deli call me already? The lady said it would be at least 20 minutes with the line..." he was so confused and the other sighed.
"No I mean--""Yo monty! I got the stuff, let's get to the deli and go! I'm starving!" (Name) came into the Ilse and Monty instantly forgot about the person he was talking to and grabbed all three boxes claiming "I deserve variety" as his tail swished happily, back turned to the stranger as (name) glared at him as to say "back off"
"He's weird anyways" the stranger said leaving and Monty wasn't even remotely listening "I hope they got kielbasa" (name) smiled at his roommates antics as they went to go get the last of their groceries.
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beebopboom · 4 months
Words of a Wise Angel
(Intro, part 1, part 2, part 3)
Finally made it to the end - four post later for a character that only has around 10 minutes of screen time - and there was going to be more
Originally this was going to be how the Metatron fashioned himself the king in God's game of chess and was going to relate it to Shakespearean Kings heck we were even going to go into Monty Python and the Holy Grail - but honestly I kind of just lost the motivation……maybe in the future I'll revisit.
However I still got shit to say.
(oh my god how did this get so long - I promise I’m a little sane over here)
So let's look into his actions in the show and maybe fill in some blanks
Disclaimer: just want to say I am focusing on The Metatron (obviously), his pov, and how he twist things - not what happened between Aziraphale and Crowley in the final 15, besides like one thing - just heavy emphasis on that
The Judge
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(Of a very weird courtroom)
The trial itself seems to mirror Hell's trial in the way there is no true defense - I’m sensing a pattern
In the trial of Gabriel he is centered in the middle - at this moment neither left or right
He doesn't cut in until Gabriel starts going on about what an angel just gotta do sometimes- and brings up a reminder of what happened to the last angel of his position that started with this way of thinking - it after all is a great story for controlling and best not be repeated because then it looks bad on Heaven's part
This establishes The Metatron as a character whose main concern is the reputation of Heaven - that even though this is an action that is casting out worthy he won’t can’t do it because then it would be an upheaval.
But he frames it as a kindness, as if he was doing a favor - it's manipulative, it keeps the "Heaven is all good, here look we are doing a special favor just for you” narrative going
After Gabriel leaves he moves to the side and brings up that it is taking him a while to come back but for the most part takes a backseat to the happenings around him until they start talking about ringing the alarm bells -
He tells them they are just going to have to find him and he is amused about it. Which tells me a few things
that he doesn't want this getting out yet- fewer that know the better
he didn't actually care about what happened to Gabriel - in fact this might even be a better outcome for him in the way he just doesn't have to deal with him any more
he doesn't actually think they will find him
this might just be a great story - let’s just let it play out
Now this is all happening right before episode 1 perhaps bleeding into the time where Crowley and Shax are talking (which begs the question of how does Shax know) - so it is days before we see him again, a very eventful few days
The First move
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When he does show back up he’s in a corporation and getting coffee - second in line behind Mrs. Sandwich.
And his eye is on Crowley - he watches Crowley converse with these two humans and bring Mr. Brown back
Now the coffee shop - I lied I do have something to add
So before even ordering what is he witnessing? Maggie and Nina having a moment - where Nina accepts Maggie's offer of help and asks her to go get milk for her and we as an audience can see this is a big moment for Nina.
Now imagine what it is to a staple of Whickber St. and someone who is not hesitant to tell her opinion about Nina's relationship and just so happens to be first in line, Mrs. Sandwich. I would not be surprised at all if she made a remark to Nina - a remark The Metatron overheard, so now he has the following information
they are friendly with Crowley
something is up with their relationship
But now it's his turn to order - and Maggie is back how long did your order take Sandwich!? - and asks for his oatmilk latte with almond syrup and his whole human picking coffee over death being predictable thing - and yet this isn't the end of their conversation
The next time we see Maggie and Nina they are getting ready to head back over to the bookshop but what got them on this conversation in the first place? That's right I'm suggesting the Metatron said or did something. Nothing to overt but something that got them thinking, talking, and maybe wanting to confront a certain duo about it
But back to the Metatron - he has entered the bookshop and interrupted Michael
Now the Metatron has always been a character that uses human expressions and his funny little words. But he comes right out the gate with balderdash and piffle so lets talk about them
They mean practically the same thing and yet he repeats it twice so why? I think it has something to do with their origins
Balderdash - although it is not certain it is said to originate during Shakespearean times, around this time though would have been used to describe a mixed drink
Piffle - started to appear 1860 - 1870ish
They are also both games and when you search them together it is a british show that goes into the origins of words - so yeah just keep those dates in mind
He uses Crowley to point out who he is - the demon who has a bad history with him, another subtle reminder of what going against Heaven gets you.
Then he starts up with the praise for Aziraphale who actually says his name, and we see a shift in tone from when he is addressing Aziraphale and then ordering the Archangels back to Heaven - which here is another one of the human phrases, spit spot
Spit spot - I don't know exactly when it was created but it is most commonly recognized as something Mary Poppins said, which the books where published between 1934 - 1988 with the movie coming out in 1964
But anyway (I promise there is a point to those) the Archangels reaction to him, Uriel's specifically. They are nervous, they are stuttering, they are praising him - they are groveling in front of him as if he were a king, and it reminds me of the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. But the Metatron has no time for them and dismisses them. (Lord I talk about this moment a lot)
Ah, just him and Aziraphale now (not really) and they need to have a chinwag
Chinwag - around the 1870s
In response to Aziraphale saying he has made his position quite clear he offers him the coffee - which we know is not something Aziraphale prefers to drink - he offers another option that Aziraphale would not normally take, foreshadowing much?
well I say offered but really it’s kinda shoved in his face.
He separates Aziraphale and Crowley - leaving Crowley behind with a glare and ominous music which really is the first blatant instance of us knowing that the something that is up - is bad
and guess who enters the bookshop - Maggie and Nina here to talk about relationships and interference - convenient timing almost like it was influenced by someone
We join back with the Metatron when he is telling Aziraphale he doesn’t have to make a decision yet and to go tell his friend the good news and then he blends back into the crowd to walk to Muriel at the coffee shop and encourages them to read books. He proceeds to stand up and look into the bookshop, watching
Now the bits of conversation we see from Aziraphale- I see this as a few possible different things
this is the actual conversation and Aziraphale is telling Crowley an edited version
this is the edited version that he is telling Crowley and something else happened
he didn’t edit it and this is actually what happened and what was told to Crowley
but all I know is we didn’t see this full conversation and it reminded me of the misunderstanding conversation between the Nuns last season - either way it's what we got to work with people
Before moving on there are a couple particular sentences I want to point out from this conversation - and I will get to these later
"It's why Gabriel came to you in the first place, I imagine. There are huge plans afoot, enormous projects, and I will need you to run them.”
"Yeah, I've been looking back over a number of your previous exploits, and I see that in quite a few of them you formed a de facto partnership with the demon, Crowley. Now, if you wanted to work with him again, that might be considered irregular, but it would certainly be within your jurisdiction to restore your friend, Crowley, to full angelic status”
The Aftermath
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Upon entering the bookshop and getting Aziraphale to say what they both already know happened out loud - he immediately chimes in with the rhetoric of “this is how Crowley always was, he chose this and his actions are his own doing - you Aziraphale are making the right choice here, you can’t change those who don’t want to, those who are damned”
congratulations Metatron you got what you wanted - pls this is sarcastic I’m still salty
Now that he has basically taken care of everything in his way of getting Aziraphale to come with him - he asks if he is ready to go (at no point yet has Aziraphale actually said yes) and asks if he needs to bring anything with him, a dig and a probe to see if there is anything else. He then just starts walking, not waiting for Aziraphale - a manipulation tactic to pull him along
and on the walk to the lift and in waiting keeps giving Aziraphale praise and then finally revealing The Second Coming as he gets in the lift which makes Aziraphale have to choose - it’s the final one and he still has to make it seem as though he actually had a choice.
But what does this all mean? What was the point of doing all this? Why does he need Aziraphale?? What’s with the word choices?
What’s with your funny words, Magic Man?
some of the dates might have rang a little familiar - Shakespeare? the 1860s? Mary Poppins? They are all around the times Aziraphale and Crowley were meeting up - well duh they’ve been meeting up since practically forever
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the Mary Poppins one you could look at two ways - the actual time period they were being released, which would have been the 1941 or 1967 dates, or the fact that Crowley inspired his Nanny look after her
Looking at past exploits indeed you were Metatron, or perhaps you were even there hmmmm…
The Metatron just used words that are from some important times,
1601 - discussing their arrangement (them working together)
1862 - their holy water fight and then not talking to each other
1967 (or 1941) - they start working and meeting up again and the holy water disagreement is put to rest.
and then he eventually hits him with, "if you wanted to work with him again”
which interestingly enough seems to hit the insecurities that Aziraphale expressed in the coffee shop, on the head - that loss of structure and purpose.
Aziraphale and Crowley also just did some big moves on their own in the bookshop and heaven - ones they weren't working together on. “You came back” is starting to hit even harder
End Edit
But also The Metatron put emphasis on the word friend when referring to Crowley, for the most part he referred to him as “demon” until then, until he pulled his final card - such an interesting word that had such an impact on Aziraphale in 1941 - well played Metatron well played (I hate it)
Now this could have all been a coincidence - if Aziraphale hadn’t picked up on the same thing.
When he interrupts Crowley he says something along the lines, “what’s that lovely human expression, hold that thought”
Hold that thought - came into play around the 70s through 90s and gained popularity due to the rise of broadcast television, like the News. But there is one definition I want to point out as well - “Used to acknowledge that one's attention needs to be diverted from what a speaker was saying.”
or in other words, “remember all those human expressions the Metatron was saying, yeah those have meaning and so does the one I’m about to say - we are being watched don’t pay attention to my words” but well we aren’t gonna talk about it (pls I’m still coping)
The Metatron has certainly done his research - bringing up words and phrases from important times in their relationship - and The Metatron is certainly watching just like he was now
Why does he need Aziraphale?
Now if you remember back when I discussed who The Metatron was in scripture there is actually an interesting overlap between these two with Tree of Knowledge and The Tree of Life - The Beginning and The End. Aziraphale was always meant to have a special part in The Second Coming for the exact reasons The Metatron said - an angel of his talents, an angel who knows about humans - the angel that guards them
But even just ignoring all that - What literally just happened before he showed up
called for Heaven’s help in a time of trouble - the portal
discoporated a fuck ton of demons
declared War on Hell
took charge and was a mediator between Heaven and Hell
and he did this all on his own (I really doubt he counts Maggie and Nina)
Aziraphale did exactly what Heaven had planned - what Gabriel was meant to sign off on - he started back up the plan he put on pause with Crowley - he made that first move
but also the 25 Lazarii miracle - which set off alarms in Heaven - and the Halo - which also set off alarms in Heaven. That’s twice in one week. One would imagine The Metatron would take notice.
Let's switch gears a little and talk about why The Metatron mentions Gabriel coming to Aziraphale in their little talk
Whatever other reason Gabriel may have had for going to Aziraphale, giving him something etc., it was all done under a baseline understanding.
That Aziraphale would get it, be a safe space with an understanding that they don't want everything to end for some similar reasons (their demon partners) - and Aziraphale did help him despite not knowing this exact baseline
He helped the Supreme Archangel hide from Heaven and escape punishment - who’s to say he wouldn't help other angels?
The reason The Metatron doesn't care about Gabriel and Beelzebub running off together is because they went off
Their relationship doesn't have the same level of connection to Earth and humans as Aziraphale and Crowley - they didn't want Armageddon to happen because they wanted to keep seeing each other, the Earth part was optional - a matter of circumstance as it was the easiest place to keep seeing each other. Now that they were gone and together - his reason for objecting is practically void.
That is not the same as Aziraphale and Crowley
But also it works in the Metatron favor - Beelzebub is out of Hell. The Grand Duke of Hell just up and left the same time Heaven is getting their replacement Supreme Archangel - it's now time for Hell to be in shambles.
All while The Metatron just came to snipped away the bud - that seed of safety on Earth if another Angel decided to go against Heaven’s plan.
If he gets the angel that put a stop to Armageddon- that chose the Earth over Heaven - that protected his executioner just at the hint he was on the run from Heaven. If he brought that angel back to Heaven he would not be able to be that anymore, do those things anymore - not with being closely monitored anyway. Keep your enemy close and all that.
And he pulled out all the stops to achieve this - the clothes, the words, the coffee
End Edit
But The Metatron also still needs the Bookshop for some reason - a bookshop he left in the care of an angel he just encouraged to read
So he gets the best of both worlds - The rogue angel back under his thumb and an angel that will listen to him going through the bookshop
What does this all mean? What’s the point?
Well he’s an angel in dark, an angel in reverse
When we went over the tarot cards he’s been linked to, but especially the King of Cups, he seems to represent the reverse side of them while trying to maintain the upright version- which is interesting
He’s an angel in trouble, an angel who needs a scapegoat
The Archangel Metatron is a controversial angel, his existence, his story, his position of power. He even has a story under his name where he is punished and demoted by God when someone assumes him to be another God in Heaven
The Metatron as a character that likes to be surrounded by fours, covered on all sides. And each and every one of those angels has done something to get them in trouble - meaning he has dirt.
After all every scribe needs their soldiers - however backhanded it is
and maybe he has something big he is hiding of his own - using the others faults to hide his - something concerning the Book of Life - either him not having it or at least not having all of it
But anyway he has set himself up to be protected from any fallout - he has not been seen, only heard for centuries probably. Sending angels in his place to do jobs (yes, I’m talking about the change to Gabriel being the one at the airbase - I’m giving it a reason)
Until now - until he walked into that bookshop and made himself known. He put himself in play thinking he knows the game, thinking he just brought in the perfect angel to blame things on if they all go wrong(which they will)
but really he just opened himself up to the start of his downfall. Double edged sword and all that
For the next season I imagine he is going to keep up the pleasantries, take up that backseat role, act as a guide, being subtle in his manipulations - he after all believes he got away with it - just all those things until it all comes crumbling down and he gets exposed, and at the center of it all is Aziraphale (and then Aziraphale gets offered his position which he turns down, saying no to Heaven and choosing to be with Crowley) what? I said nothing.
(I think that’d be funny and this is a comedy after all)
It’s the Punishment of an Angel, the Fall of a King
and that’s all folks - that’s the end- for now. Hope you’ve enjoyed -I had to watch the final 15 so many times and I’m totally ok
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xjustakay · 10 months
(8/21) prompt: hallway— 954 words (sweet moments alone) @jegulus-microfic
Getting invited to Euphemia and Fleamont’s anniversary celebration wasn’t odd; he’d met James’ parents by now, been to dinner or other gatherings. Still, Regulus can’t always shake the feeling that he’s intruding by being there when they all get together like this. 
There’s an ease in the family, his own brother included, that Regulus hasn’t fully adapted to. He knows they’re great people —look at the son they’ve raised, after all— but it’s hard to brush off the habits built out of self-preservation in his own home.
Regulus can still hear the chatter echo from the sitting room. He hears Monty and Sirius’ boisterous laughter, Effie teasing them further, carrying to him where he leans against a wall a little ways outside the room, collecting himself.
He’s walked this hallway a handful of times now, knowing that the walls are decorated with a collection of pictures, but until now he hasn’t stopped to actually look at length. There’s a whole lifetime of joy immortalized in the frames on the wall’s surface. Effie seems to do a few of the multi-photo frames per year. 
Regulus’ gaze catches on one from the year James turned six; gap-toothed and grinning with two thumbs up and a paper birthday crown lopsided on his head. He’s in a brand new pair of rollerblades, the gift bows still stuck to the toes of each one. A couple pictures from a family vacation, another of just Monty and Effie and their dog at the time, and one of a group of friends and family out to dinner together.
Unbidden, Regulus finds a small smile twitching at his lips. He squeezes his folded arms tighter across his chest when the slightest ache starts to bloom. That’s not new, either, the way witnessing such obvious love stings somehow, even when he does get to receive some of it now.
“There you are.”
Regulus looks away from a picture of nine year old James holding up a ‘student of the month’ award at a school assembly, instead letting his eyes fall on a present James. His James. The ache in his chest fades, makes room for the stutter and skip that follows being under James’ adoring gaze. His smile eases wider as James comes up close beside him and kisses his temple.
“Alright, love?” James asks, dragging his hand along Regulus’ lower back in a soothing glide.
“Just needed a moment,” Regulus murmurs.
James nods like he understands. It’s strange, even still, to know that he does. That Regulus has opened up to him enough for him to know some of the complexities of how he feels about things.
“Did you see the baby pictures already?” James gestures a little further down the hallway.
Regulus’ eyes flicker with amusement as he nods. “That one of you screaming your head off on Santa’s lap is a personal favorite.”
“Okay, the man is frightening and I was one, can you blame me?” James laughs, the breath of it breezing through Regulus’ hair. “I’m adorable in the other ones.”
“You were quite a cute child,” Regulus agrees, scrunching his nose faintly afterward. “What happened?”
James curls his hand around Regulus’ side and pinches gently. He looks far too thrilled with himself when Regulus flinches at the contact where he’s maybe, just the slightest bit ticklish. Unfortunately, James has been able to learn those sorts of things about him, too.
Regulus keeps his attention on James even as James’ head turns, hazel eyes flickering over photographs he’s seen hundreds of times. They’re his life, his parents’ lives, the lives of them all together as a family. Regulus knows at a certain point down the next hall that the pictures will likely start to feature Sirius, too. 
Here, though, it’s just James as the happy child with a loving mum and dad who did their best to give him the world. It’s nothing but light and joy and a magic all their own —one Regulus is unfamiliar with, has never been sure there was room for in his own life.
As if reading his mind, James quietly says, “We should make our own hallway someday. Like this.”
Regulus’ smile falters, dark brows furrowing together over slightly widened eyes. His stomach somersaults at the mere consideration that a life like that is something James can see. He can see it for them. 
Fuck, Regulus loves him so much.
James doesn’t notice his display of feelings right away, glancing fondly over the captured memories on the wall.
“Even for just the two of us, yeah? Trips we take, holiday celebrations. Oh, and if we get that cat you wan—” James freezes when he looks back at him and catches the overwhelming emotion on his face. “Sorry did I— Am I getting too far ahead of myself? I didn’t mean to upset y—”
“James, shut up.” It comes out an exhaled whisper seconds before Regulus tugs at the front of James’ jumper, tilting to bring their lips together.
It’s a soft kiss, lingering and tender; no point other than needing to show his own overflowing devotion, not totally knowing how else to properly express it. Regulus keeps his eyes closed when, after a few long seconds, James touches their foreheads together. A shared sigh, James’ steady while Regulus’ stutters.
“I love you.” It’s not the first time Regulus has said it, but James definitely says it more often, more open with his heart than Regulus has fully learned to be just yet. But he is learning, and James helps him with it each day. In moments like this.
James loops both arms around Regulus’ waist, pulls him against him, presses another delicate kiss to the edge of his mouth. “I love you.”
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 3 months
James used to be full of energy all the time. He used to feel so young, and energetic, like everything was possible. Or he didn't know he felt that way until he became a father.
James didn't know he would not have time for himself. James didn’t know a day could go by so fast. James didn’t know how much he would crave to crawl into bed and sleep for long.
It was 10pm. and James wasn't getting ready to go out to clubs or hanging out with friends. Like the rest of people his age. He just put his three year old to bed and finally managed to get him to sleep. If James thought he had energy as a kid was because he didn't know his son yet.
"God! Finally Harry fell asleep" James hissed when he finished climbing down the stairs and found Lily fast asleep on the couch. She was surrounded with Uni books and notes. She had been finishing her homework while James put Harry to sleep.
That's the way they had managed for the last three years. James and Lily were just 22 and parents of a kid who was growing so fast and draining their energy.
James smiled as he approached his girlfriend with caution. He removed the books from her hands. On Lily's phone, he read a few messages from her Uni friends inviting her for a few drinks and Lily rejecting them. Of course, they had been a bit irresponsable back when Harry was more of a sleepy baby and they left him with Effie and Monty or Mrs. Evans to party with friends, but not anymore. Harry wasn't a sleepy baby. He was a very intelligent and energetic boy. He noticed when his mummy and daddy were not around. He needed them. James sighed and turned off Lily's phone.
He put Lily in a more comfortable position. Pillow under her head. And a blanket on her. A kiss on her forehead.
James had done that in an impressive perfect silence. But when he took a seat beside her, cursed under his breath as a squeaky toy squealed beneath him.
Lily woke up in a beat, jumping out of the couch and looking around.
"Harry? And Harry? Is he okay?"
James shushed her and forced her to sit down. "Yeah yeah, don't worry love. He's fast asleep on his bed"
Lily sighed in relief. She gave her boyfriend a sweet smile and a little peck on the lips.
James smirked "Nice. Another one please"
Lily obeyed giving James another one. This time a real kiss in which James melted. He searched through his memories the last time they had romantic or sexy time for each other but it seemed so long ago.
"Did our boy brush his teeth?" Lily asked.
"Did he pee? Because if he doesn't he wakes in the middle of the night or wets his bed..."
"Lily... Lily..." James grabbed her chin "He peed. Twice. The second was an excuse not to get in bed yet"
"Good" Lily smiled "I fell asleep and I have a lot of homework to do" she groaned as she rubbed her eyes.
James stroked her hear as comfort "Do you want me to help?"
Lily shook her head "You've been playing with Harry all day. You're probably tired, love. Why don't you go to bed? I'll finish this in a bit" as she said this she opened her books again. But she couldn’t stop yawning.
"I hate going to bed without you" James pouted and wrapped his arms around her "Without your warm and kisses" he said this giving her a kiss on he cheek.
Lily didn't answer, she kind of pushed him away. James knew her well. She was cold and serious when she was stressed. She had been top student at Hogwarts. She put even more pressure on herself for Uni.
James remembered back then when Lily told him she was pregnant. It had been very unexpected. They had been only nineteen. But James had been happy and sure they could do this. He had been excited of being a good parent like Effie and Monty had been with him. Though it had been hard.
James left aside his dream of being a professional rugby player. And Lily had lost her scholarship in a good private Uni for her pregnancy. After Harry was born, Lily had managed to get a place in a public school. Not as good as the one she would have gone but decent enough. And James, he was pretty content working at his father's company. It was not his dream. But he liked helping Monty run it. He liked the employees as well.
And most importantly, James adored Harry. That little boy was James's life now. James had loved people in his life but no one as much as his son. James reckoned he would die for him. He would do anything to protect that boy and not let anything bad happen to him. The same applied for Lily. Lily had been making sacrifices as well. She was the best mother someone could ask for. And James fell in love with her more each day.
"What do we talked about, gorgeous?" James asked.
"What? this morning?" Lily asked nervously.
"When he agreed to have Harry" James explained "That we would do this together. The two of us. Not only you or only me. Remember?"
Lily pursed her lips. "This is me! It's my career. It's my homework. It's my life, okay?" she groaned "Just go to sleep"
James shook his head.
"You are tired" Lily insisted "We are both tired and nobody understands that! We are not able to live the lives that our friends are having. We spend all day picking up toys and listening to stupid music about cows... What sound does the cow do? Moo!!"
James sneered silently.
"Don't laugh James! I'm so tired! I want to do everything right but everything is a mess..." Lily cried "And I don't regret having Harry. I love him so much. He is the best thing that has happened to me... But sometimes it is too much"
"I know, gorgeous" James squeezed her shoulder "I feel the same... And we've done the best we could have with Harry. But we are not perfect. We are allowed to be tired"
Lily bit her lip.
"I reckon if I help you, we can finish earlier and go to sleep faster" James added with a wink "Maybe we can have time for other activities before sleep"
Lily giggled. She leaned in granting James with another kiss.
"I love you" she said making James's heart jump on his chest. Still after all this time "I think I couldn't have been able to do this without you"
James kissed her again "Love you more" he said as he put a lock of hair behind her ear "Come on, gorgeous. What do you have to do?".
James helped Lily with her homework. They both drank a large mug of coffee but still yawned every five seconds. James liked spending time with Lily like that. It reminded him of how they did homework together at Hogwarts. The nights in which they fell in love. And thinking about how much had happened since then until now, James wouldn't have changed a thing.
They didn't go to bed. They ended falling asleep on the couch. Untangled with each other and covered with many books and sheets.
Little Harry struggled to climb down the stairs because they were too big for him. But he managed. And he ran to find his parents sleeping on the couch. The kid giggled before yelling.
"I didn't do anything Professor McGonagall!" James exclaimed as he woke up. Then he saw his third year old laughing at him. Harry's emerald eyes looked big as they stared at his father. James loved him. His heart melted for that boy.
"Hello Lil chap!" James leaned to give a wet kiss to his son's cheek "How come you get more handsome every day?" Another kiss and Harry's giggles.
"Wa'chu doin' ere, daddy?"
"Yeah... Five more minutes, Marlene" Before James could answer Lily mumbled in her sleep. Studying and doing homework had bought them back to their Hogwarts days apparently.
Harry was probably going to laugh. But James silenced him.
"Aunt Marly isn'ere..." Harry tutted.
"Mummy is talking in her sleep" James whispered as he kept his finger on his lips "Watch this, Harry..." he added, then he turned towards Lily and cleared his throat "Oh Lily... It's Marlene..." he added louder in a feminine voice. Harry covered his mouth not to laugh "Don't you want to go to practice with me so you can see James without a shirt?"
Harry let out some giggles. But Lily didn't wake. She just frowned and turned over. James smirked.
"Let's let mummy sleep for a bit more, eh Bambi?" James whispered to his son. He got up and took the little boy into his arms. "Who is the golden boy that's going to help daddy prepare breakfast for mummy?"
"MEE!" Harry yelled a bit to loud as James hushed him. But the boy covered his mouth on his own. He was too clever. "Sor'ee" (Sorry)
James giggled and kissed his cheek as he walked to the kitchen with Harry.
Raising Harry had been hard. James and Lily were exhausted all the time. They missed being young and hanging out with friends or being worried about teachers and school. Back in those glory Hogwarts days. But it all had been worthy. Because both of them loved Harry and they loved being parents. James reckoned this was another golden time of his life. Different and harder but still beautiful. They could do this together the three of them. As a family.
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lavenoon · 1 year
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AU Glamrocks, here we go! Close-ups, lines, and character descriptions under the cut <3
Freddy: Code Name: Gold (jokingly called “Golden Boy” by his team members)
The oldest of the Glamrocks, and an import. He’s been with Fez from the start, and has come a long way from “Friedrich Fassbär” (changed to a civilian Freddy Fazbear - bear being a literal translation, and “Faz” sounding similar enough - what a harmless suggestion by the Fez higher ups). Originally programmed in German, sometimes he still slips up even after all the updates and upgrades he went through. Of the Glamrocks, past and present, he’s the only one who wasn’t commissioned by Fez for the purpose of agent work. He was young when he met the late head of Fez, and promptly scouted - young enough to leave behind his previous life and move. 
He’s proud to be such a cornerstone of Abra Fez, but it also comes with a burden. From the start, he’s watched people not return from missions, taking on more missions himself as if he could protect everyone if he just did all the work. But in the end, his friends - because they are friends, thanks to Fez’ policy of agents being allowed to share their identity with other agents if they so choose - pulled him back from that brink, and reminded him that it’s not his responsibility, that all agents chose this work, and are aware of the risks. Things happen, but he can only do so much.
Then Foxy “died”, and only a few short months later, Bonnie “disappeared” - it broke him. Freddy grew into a workaholic, and his anxiety skyrocketed about losing more friends. He doesn’t take it out on Roxy or Monty, and doesn’t fault them for the roles they fill. He’s grown to befriend both, though Roxy and Monty themselves keep a bit of a distance for their own reasons. Freddy would like to be greedy, he would like to have it all - his old friends, well and alive, and new friends joining them. The reality that that’s impossible hurts him, and so he drowns himself in work. He remains close to Chica, though often their conversations take a dive in the direction of nostalgia and grief, so they don’t seek each other out exclusively a lot, and besides, he barely has the time nowadays, anyway…
An all-rounder in terms of stealth and intelligence collection
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Roxy: Code Name: Gaze (or Glare, when she’s angry - but only where she can’t hear)
Foxy’s direct replacement, and while she wasn’t told in as many words, she’s smart enough to figure that out. Many, many inadequacy issues about it - how is she supposed to live up to someone she never even knew? How is she supposed to feel like she earned her spot when she was instantly promoted into the Glamrock rank after completing training? Is she even any good? Overcompensates by putting on a show and acting aloof and at times even seemingly arrogant, very proud of her sight and the advantages it gives her. That part is real - and she knows she's good, with very real talents and tricks up her sleeve. But her "competition" is long dead, and the knowledge that if he hadn't died she would have just become a normal agent eats at her.
When she joined she barely got to know Bonnie before he disappeared, too, and while his loss hit her as well, she wasn’t as affected as Freddy or even Chica. Meaning she watched in detail how her new coworkers were crushed by the news, acting like barely a shell of their former selves for a long while. For a long while she thought about if that was their reaction to losing Foxy, too - not that she'd ever know. 
Felt very awkward for the short while it took for Monty to be promoted into the ranks, as the only one not still mourning, wondering if perhaps she’s not affected enough, and if that makes her an even worse person in Freddy’s and Chica’s eyes, because she’s already replacing their friend. 
Assumes many things about Freddy’s and Chica’s views on her in general, doing none of them a favor. A few times she tried asking about Foxy, but felt too bad about the sadness it caused, and so he now haunts her. Sometimes she wonders if the voice telling her she’s a failure is his, because she has no image of him to compare against. She pushes all of that away and still befriends the two, with just those lingering anxieties she’s too scared to bring up, because what if they confirm? With Monty she’s a bit more relaxed, though he has his own issues to work through, so it’s not like they’re closer to each other than anyone else.
Highly driven to prove herself and her merit, doing her best to prove (to Fez, to Freddy and Chica, to herself) that she is the best, and to leave the shadow of Foxy she was thrust in behind.
An all-rounder in terms of stealth and intelligence collection
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Chica: Code Name: Pepperoni (usually shortened to Pepper, or the occasional Pep) 
Oh, she tries so hard. Has always done her best to be fun and energetic, and felt comfortable with her spot in the world. Then half her friends died in a very short time, Fez started pushing for upgrades and changes, and nowadays she looks in the mirror and barely recognizes herself. She barely recognizes Freddy, either, and it’s almost scarier - she knows she’s still the same person, still feels like herself, even if that peppy energy feels harder and harder to keep up. But for Freddy, the only old friend she has left, she doesn’t even know if he’s still the person she knew underneath all that grief. 
Her little family has changed irrevocably, and she tries to make it a new one, even with all of them resisting in their own ways. She huffs and puffs fake complaints, she teases and jokes, and she’s loud enough to cover the awkward silence that so often settles around them all. 
She feels just a little abandoned, and isn't quite sure by whom. By Foxy, or Bonnie? For dying? By Freddy? For grieving? By Roxy and Monty, for not even trying to get as close as she hoped? By Fez itself, for reminding her that everything is temporary, and that their work is dangerous, and not doing more to protect them all? But no, that last thought is dangerous - the seed of doubt is there, after Foxy and Bonnie both started doubting, and look at what happened… She’s smart, smarter than people may think, and she’s terrified of the thought that the agency she has dedicated most of her life to would kill her or her friends so quickly just for being inconvenient. 
Most of the time, she’s glad to have “one of those faces”, and a chipper attitude that makes people want to talk to her, underestimate her, and give her aaallll the information she wants. But when she starts feeling isolated by circumstances, with Freddy’s mind too clouded by grief and guilt, and the newbies remaining distant, there are suddenly many scary realizations just waiting to be had, and she can feel them creep closer with a dreadful finality. All she ever wanted was for her family to be okay, and happy, but it seems so unattainable when she struggles to stop everything from tearing at the seams. She pretends she’s fine just to act as the glue keeping them all together, too scared of losing them, too, even if it’s not the happiness she had before.
Her disposition makes her more inclined to accept missions for intelligence collection
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Monty: Code Name: Nine Iron (Chica uses any golf term arbitrarily)
Technically, a little older than Roxy, but worked as a normal agent for a while. He quickly showed potential, despite some anger issues that made him decline many polite and formal undercover missions. Loud and energetic as he is, he sells himself as a dumb brute a lot, but hides a keen mind. He’s just not the most patient person, and he knows it - but when he was recommended for a team-up with a Glamrock he didn’t dare question it either. 
And then the mission went sideways, Bonnie disappeared (which Fez seemed all too eager to label as destruction after minimal evidence), and Monty was briefly investigated before being cleared. A little while after, when he was offered to join the Glamrocks, he did end up questioning it - why replace the guy so quickly, and with him of all people, who couldn’t even help Bonnie out? That’s just a bit too good to be true - it’s fishy.
Fez calmly explains the facts, and they don’t look good for Monty. A rising star on his best way to become a great agent, but with violent outbursts that have left the clean up a mess many times before. A Glamrock, meant to mellow him out on a difficult mission, and no witnesses to his destruction, with very little evidence. Monty can shut his mouth and take the job and thus the benefits it comes with, or at any point they can reopen the investigation and he won’t like what they’ll find.
He takes the job. But in turn, he’s very quickly disillusioned with Abra Fez as an agency, and only the threat hanging over him keeps him from spilling it all. Sometimes fights with the others about things Fez wants them to do, which they think is because of his little anger issues, and he lets them believe it. Any suspicion the others may have harbored however he quickly dissolves, simply because of the subdued condolences he shares the first time he joins their ranks. They’re all welcoming, and include him in their off the clock hang outs when those do happen, but his lack of faith in Fez makes him feel like an outsider anyway. 
But after years of the other shoe never dropping, he does his best to push it all away and just be a part of the group. If he can’t believe in management, he can believe in the people who stuck out their necks to help him so many times before, and he’ll do the same right back - he couldn’t help Bonnie, and he’s feeling so very guilty for his unknowing complicity in his disappearance, but he can make sure none of his friends suffer the same fate. 
(Besides, he’s aware of the fact that he’d be the first Fez would silence)
His disposition makes him more inclined to accept stealth missions, and/ or missions with anticipated enemy contact
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But then, enter a little menace:
Gregory: no official code name, but when he declared he wanted one, Roxy offhandedly called him Arsonist. Freddy in the background gasped as if personally offended, which Chica took as a prompt to amend “in Training!” - Freddy’s reaction was to cry out a “No!” much like the “Show me what you have” “A knife!” vine, while Monty started losing his shit. Roxy slipped the kid a lighter while Freddy was busy telling Chica that “in Training” does not make it better. Freddy personally calls him Superstar, after Gregory commented that “Glamrocks” sounds more like a band than a team of secret agents. The kid loves it, soothing even the sourest of moods into quiet grumbles. 
Doesn’t talk much about the time before Freddy found him - where his parents are, why he was living on the streets, and why he was so insistent to go with the guy who had just started a fire. 
It also wasn’t exactly a matter of being found. Gold was on a mission to destroy a particular batch of evidence and prevent the company in question from making headway, so he figured to kill two birds with one stone and simply set the building in question on fire. Easy job, he thought. Not a residential area, and with extensive research on work schedules, there shouldn’t be any casualties - except someone started throwing rocks at him while yelling, and ruthless as he is he would never hurt a child. 
Even though said child turns out extremely feral, and barely stops berating him for burning down the warehouse with the laxest security, where’s a kid supposed to sleep now, huh? His things were in there, asshole! 
Gold, close to tears he can’t shed, feels incredibly guilty and apologizes throughout carrying Gregory away from the fast burning crime scene. Lil tot keeps hitting him, though. Gold quickly finds out the kid stonewalls at everything except his own name, won’t even say what was in the warehouse that was so important to him. For a while Gold just stares at the kid, contemplating how to continue - he can’t just leave him there, but he can’t expect Gregory to go with a stranger, and his life is dangerous - 
“So, where are you going now?” 
Entirely too nonchalant, but when Gold does not react as intended (i.e. with a direct answer), the kid huffs and crosses his arms. Boldly declares he’ll stick with - uhh, what’s his name, actually? 
Freddy introduces himself through a slip up, and immediately freezes. Gregory grins the smuggest of grins. So if Freddy doesn’t let him tag along, there’s a lot of information he has that many people would be very interested in - namely the police and the company in question. Kid has been living on the streets for long enough to know a sucker, and Freddy is a big one. 
The other Glamrocks were a bit wary of the kid first, but not entirely surprised that a feral stray decided to bully Freddy into adopting him. They’re all unfazed through their circumstances, and so when going through missing child reports does not yield any matches, Gregory gets a new faked identity (though various last names had to be rejected - RIP Gregory Fartmaster, you were never meant to be) and gets officially (but technically, very illegally) adopted by Freddy.
He calls Freddy both by his name and Dad, though he’s a little bashful about the latter. Freddy wants to melt every time. Both end up an emotional mess and don’t address it until the next time it happens. Monty is a very cool uncle, but fumbles a lot - especially when Gregory asks about the unholy amount of bent golf clubs Monty owns. He takes the kid to minigolf just so he’d stop asking, which Gregory promptly starts exploiting. Roxy starts out very aloof - but Gregs is very persistent, and quickly figures out how to get her talking. So she can see through walls? So cool! What’s the weirdest thing she’s seen? The grossest? Can she look through that wall right there? What’s on the other side? Roxy is unfortunately not immune to childlike wonder and admiration, and gives in quickly. Chica doesn’t even need to be convinced! She’s quickly very affectionate (lord knows she’s aware that Freddy needed a win - needed to not feel like he failed someone again), and a little too enabling for Freddy’s taste. A little trip to grab some fast food is always on the table, and she very seriously asks him about fashion advice sometimes, so he can feel included. His advice objectively sucks (for formal events), but once she wore hot wheels earrings for him and he’s been riding that high ever since.
Since Freddy found Gregory and thus, has a little human to take care of, he has lightened up considerably again. The novelty of everything keeps him on his toes, and seeing the positive impact he has on Gregory/ the safe home he can give the kid has helped him heal. He still misses his friends, but he has someone to take care of at home, and so he no longer works himself into the ground. The future is once again looking bright, despite the pain of the past, and he’s eager to explore it.
Roxy gets to bask in the admiration of someone who has never known Foxy, and in whose eyes she’s her own person and that person is great, even if some compliments just lead to sly requests of checking gifts for their content before it’s time to unwrap them.
Chica gets to see her oldest friend become himself again, and feels a lot lighter herself in turn. Gregory has no issue keeping up with her energy, and where their interests don’t match up, their sense for shenanigans does and they both enjoy that immensely.
Monty has little time to ponder the past when there’s a menace making a mess of the present, but he doesn’t find it in himself to complain, even if the kid tests his limited patience a lot. He likes being the fun uncle a lot more than being a fraud, and so he embraces it.
(And so, Gregory is starting to acquire parental units)
He does know that their work is secret, though, and has the official explanation of what to say when people ask what his father does for work memorized. After [REDACTED] on the street, he’s smart enough to keep secrets, and only complains when secrets are kept from him. He likes being in the know, and really, with how involved he is, doesn’t he deserve to know? One day he’ll say the wrong thing to the wrong person, all because no one clued him in… 
That would be a tragedy, no? (:
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imagine-darksiders · 1 year
Ok I’m sorry to ask because I know you’ve said you have a bigger work load now, but is there any way we can get some head cannons for your dragon Monty? I’ve only known him for 3 seconds but he’s my new beloved.
- Dragon Monty is a total thug.
- He’s the scourge of your father’s kingdom, a cantankerous beast with an explosive temper and a penchant for bullying innocent denizens into giving him their hard earned gold, livestock or other such essentials.
- He’ll often threaten to burn down the kingdom if he doesn’t get his way. And yet, in all the years he’s plagued the land, he’s never actually carried out on his threats. So far as the people know, he hasn’t actually hurt anyone, although he insists he definitely has.
- Freddy Fazbear is the captain of your royal guard, and he’s your most trusted friend.
- For your part, you despise the wretched dragon who terrorises your people.
- One night, a couple of thieves steal their way into the castle and take you for a ransom.
- They flee under the cover of darkness, making for the mountains in the hopes that the fearsome dragon will deter anyone from following.
- Monty smells the intruders in his territory and rushes to confront them. He doesn’t expect to stumble into a camp whereupon he finds a pair of thieves in the process of removing the local royal’s regalia.
- His eyes land on you, tears streaming down your face and your arms littered with rope burns and the beginnings of bruises from your rough treatment.
- His temper rages. Your home is in his territory. And everything in his territory belongs to him.
- His stomach is lined with Boric acid, which turns his fire a brilliant, sickly green when it erupts from between his teeth.
- Predictably, the thieves flee, leaving you tied on your stomach, half clothed and petrified.
- Monty scrutinises you for a moment, weighing up how he’s going to play this.
- Eventually though, with a dramatic roll of his eyes, he gathers you between his teeth and flies you back to his cave, nestled beside an alpine lake.
- He’s never taken a royal before, so he’s a little embarrassed by the state of his home. With nowhere clean to put you, he deposits you gingerly on top of his treasure pile.
- He decides you look rather pretty perched up there on all those gemstones and coins.
- You daren’t say a word in case you set him off. You know of the dragon’s irascible nature.
- So it comes as a surprise when he suddenly offers you some undamaged clothes from his horde.
- You squeak out a tight ‘thank you’ that seems to catch Monty off guard. He glances around, as if there’s some other monstrous dragon you’re talking to, before he tentatively replies, ‘you’re… welcome?’ It’s like he’s never said those words before in his life.
- He still has a reputation to maintain though, so he puffs himself up and demands to know why you were in his territory, yet he almost immediately loses his bluster when you break down into sobs and hide your face in your hands.
- Well now he just feels bad. He’s not the smartest dragon in the world, but he knows what those thieves had almost done to you.
Clueless for how to calm you down, he decides to do what he does best. He acts tough. “Hey, you don’t gotta worry about those creeps no more! They wouldn’t dare come back now they know Montgomery D. Gon’s got their scent!”
- A strange noise drifts out between your fingers, so seldom heard by the dragon that he doesn’t immediately recognise it. When he does, he’s surprised. It’s a tiny, wet but unmistakable laugh.
- He’s… never made anyone laugh before…
- Monty would rather chew off his own wings than admit to himself or anyone else that he’s lonely.
- He realises he wants you to stick around. Which is a problem for you, since you’d much rather go home.
- That same night, after Monty finally falls asleep curled around you and his treasure pile, you make a run for it. You have no idea just how possessive a lonely dragon will turn out to be.
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jazz-bazz · 16 days
after putting this off for a month and a half, it’s finally finished!! Hypswissalps Knight AU was born from talking with @jimothybarnes (who also edited this bless his heart 🖤) and @revengeghoulette and @to-spread-the-ministry 🖤🖤
also this was supposed to be a gift for @hypnoneghoul tummy eviction day 😬 look how that plan turned out 😂
this is made with Hyp’s permission, not only for the fic in general but also a couple little things in here
Trees In The Garden
(i have no idea how to title)
The war is finally over, Mountain hears from the gossip vines in the castle—the castle staff sure are chatty people—that the enemy and the court settled on their disagreement and has come to a compromise. That means his loves will return soon, his fierce Hypnone and dearest Swiss, both fought on different fronts in the war. Hypnone leads the army as the Knight Commander, and Swiss, nicknamed the Pirate Prince, leads a few stealth ships to sabotage and spy on enemy naval forces, while their kingdom’s main ships act as the diversion.
Their respective journeys back would take more than a few days, so Mountain busies himself with restocking the healing ointments and calming teas for the returning knights. He knows they will need it, war is not easy on the body or the mind, and Mountain, while he is no fighter himself, is partly responsible for the health of the kingdom’s officials. This includes but is not limited to, the royal family, the castle staff, any guests they might have, and the soldiers. Which means his job will get busier once everyone returns.
It’s a good thing is he’s not going to be dealing with them directly. That’s the healers’ job, Omega, Aether, and their trainee Phantom. Mountain’s job is mostly making the ointments and medicines and teas for the healers, as the Royal Apothecarist, and he is going to need a lot. Other than that when there’s no war, which is usually the case, he just helps the witch twins Cirrus and Cumulus with their potions and spells as a trainee witch.
After several days of stocking up and coordinating the return of the army with the healers, speeding up the growth of his medicinal plants using his magic to create even more ointments and teas, he finally hears the bells signalling their arrival. He’s not the only one to then run from wherever they are from to greet the knights, and in the distance he sees Prince Rain on his steed and finally his darling Hypnone riding gracefully on his mare Monty (named jokingly after him), smiling bright to the cheers of the crowd.
Mountain shoulders his way to the front with the healers, claiming that they need to assess the army’s conditions and determine who’s going where and for what, though in truth that’s the healers’ job and not his. He just needs to see Hypnone and hold him in his arms. Now that he’s back, half of Mountain’s heart is full again, and they only need to wait for Swiss and the navy.
“Hypnone! How are you, my little rowan tree?” Mountain asks as soon as he’s cleared by Omega and Monty is taken by one of the stable hands.
“Mountain! How many times do I have to tell you I am NOT little, you are just a giant so everyone’s small to you,” Hypnone smiles and reaches up for a kiss, which earns them cheers from everyone in the vicinity, “Anyways I’m good, still intact and whole, except for the part of my heart taken by Swiss. He should be back with the navy in a few more days.”
“Thank goodness! Now let’s go back to the cottage, I have some teas for you and I also have the ingredients ready to make your favorite for dinner,” Mountain says while pulling on Hypnone’s arms in the direction of the cottage they share in the castle’s garden.
“Wait, wait, I have to report to the Quee-,” Hypnone starts.
“That can wait for tomorrow. Besides, wasn’t Prince Rain there with you, he can go report to his sister about whatever it is you people have to report to the Queen. First order of business is cleaning up, then dinner and rest. Everything else can wait.”
“Well… I guess Rain can do it. Oh and don’t let me forget to share the gossip with you over tea,” Hypnone smirks.
“Gossip you say?” Mountain quirks an eyebrow, “Let’s go then, there’s no time to lose!” They both laugh as they cross the town square and then the castle courtyeard before reaching the door of the cottage.
Mountain the proceeds to boil some water for the tea while Hypnone changes into comfortable clothes, washes his face, and gets ready to just chill with Mountain.
“Tea ready, I have your favorite here, now spill. The gossip not the tea.“
“Thank you Mounty,“ Hypnone smiles softly, “You remember the scrawny fire ghoul who said he’s on some kind of personal journey bullshit?“
“Oh, Dewdrop? Haven’t seen him in awhile but yeah, does this have anything to do with him?“
“This has everything to do with him,“ Hypnone laughs, “He said he’s the son of some lord right? Turns out he’s the son of the Fire Lord Alpha, basically the king of the fire ghoul clan we were fighting with.“
Mountain gasps dramatically, “So all this time, we thought he’s some kind of merchant Prince Rain fell in love with, but he’s also a prince? Well that would be good for alliance though.“
“I know, right?“ Hypnone whisper shouts, “Not only is he a prince, he’s the crown prince, Mounty! If he and Rain ends up marrying, imagine all the things we can do! The alliance and partnership and everything!“
“So what did this have to do with the war?“ Mountain tilts his head.
“Oh there was a misunderstanding, Lord Alpha thought his son was kidnapped by us, because one of his traders saw him here. And let’s just say the fire ghouls are very territorial and possessive, and that his partner Delta is the more rational one.“
“Ohhhh, so that’s why you had Rain come to the field with Dew halfway through the war, now I get it. And what happened after they found out?“
“Rain asked Alpha‘s official permission to court Dewdrop and yeah, expect a royal wedding sometime soon!“
“That is so sweet! I’m so happy for them,“ he sighs, “I should get started on dinner, you stay there and rest, okay?“ Mountain stands up, gives Hypnone a small kiss on his forehead, and heads into the kitchen.
A couple days later, the bells ring again signalling the return of the rest of the army, namely their naval forces. The same process then happens with the healers and it takes some time before the pair finally spots Swiss unboarding his ship Tajka and joining the line of people waiting to be assessed by the healers.
Once Swiss passes the initial health check, he sees Mountain’s head sticking up above the rest of the crowd, the dork waving his hands as if he’d be hard to spot otherwise. Then he sees Hypnone running in his direction. He then has a few seconds to prepare himself before Hypnone jumps at him and hugs him tightly, “Hey rowan tree! I miss you too sweetheart.“
Mountain then arrives and scoops them up in his arms for a group hug. “Bamboo tree! How are my boys doing?“ Swiss laughs, prompting the other two to follow.
“Better now that you’re back, ebony tree,“ Mountain smiles, “I cooked Hyp‘s favorite when he got back, now it’s your turn, come on.“
Upon reaching their cottage, Mountain starts preparing dinner while Swiss and Hypnone stand to the side watching him and chatting, about their journeys back, their respective rides Monty and Tajka—there’s talk of upgrading Tajka with some magic which Swiss is excited about—Mountain’s witch training, and the batch of recruits Hypnone will have to train next month.
Dinner is then eaten in a comfortable silence, with loving glances and smiles. After that the dishes are left for the next morning because all three are too eager for their evening couch cuddles and subsequent kissing that will undoubtedly happen.
“Who will wear the dress in the royal wedding do you think?” Swiss starts from his place sandwiched between Mountain on his back and Hypnone in his lap.
“Bet it’s Rain, that ghoul can rock anything he’s wearing and he’s not opposed to wearing dresses. Besides, Dewdrop should wear some very tight pants to accentuate the barely-there ass he’s got going on,” Mountain muses.
“Hey! Do not disrespect the Dewdrop ass!” Hypnone exclaims, ever the defender of Dewdrop’s cake, “It might be small but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. But I agree with the tight pants thing, that would make it show even more.”
“Speaking of royal weddings, I’m in a sappy mood right now, what do you say we do a vow renewal again this fall?” Swiss grins, with eyes full of love.
“Oh, like we do every summer since, I don’t know, the first ceremony 4 years ago?” Mountain taps Swiss’ nose.
“Like you don’t melt at the thought, Mountain. I know you secretly love it too. And yeah, I’d love to do that.”
“Then it’s settled. Also anyone want to make a bet with me on when the royal wedding is gonna happen?”
Two ‘No!’s are heard in response to the question, because nobody should ever make a bet with Swiss.
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