#my heart is pounding i feel so sick i just feel guilty for needing help
usertiff · 1 year
TLDR: no rent money, last time i was late w rent by 2 days i got an eviction notice, my cat needs urgent medical help, i’m out of work due to severely debilitating pain. extremely disabled, indigenous lesbian desperately in need of help. also a paragraph about how much i am sorry
my friend said, “nah bestie asking for help isn't shameful in any way. there's strength in knowing what you need,” but i still feel like crud
i am literally sobbing as i post this because i just feel... i feel like a loser, i feel worthless, i feel so many emotions right now because i’m so terrified and tired of asking for help. i’m terrified of people just being sick of me because i’ve needed help before, and i don’t know. i would never shame anyone else for needing help, and i know realistically it shouldn’t be shameful, but i personally feel shame because i feel like a failure. i feel like a loser/worthless/failure because of something that’s completely out of my control, and yet, the feeling is still there. i’m exhausted. i’m exhausted from being in this stressful, urgent situation. so i’m sorry. i’m so sorry i’m asking for help again, i’m so sorry. i feel horrible, i really do. i feel guilty for needing help. i feel sick. i’m trying not to, and i’m trying not to cry, but i’m typing this through very blurry vision rn.
as i’ve mentioned on my blog, i’ve been out of work due to severe chronic pain. i was able to work through my other disabilities. narcolepsy, my shitty mental health auDHD/bipolar, etc. but this chronic pain has been completely fucking debilitating. medical fatphobia tw incoming: i saw a neurosurgeon today and they won’t give me surgery because of “my weight being a risk for post-op complications, such as stitch rips”, so i just have to deal with the pain until i can lose enough they’ll operate on me ????????? i dont know what the hell i’m going to do........... this sucks so fucking bad i just wanna go back to work i hate living like this
my fiance needs her wisdom teeth removed really badly, but we had to cancel her appointment because the money we saved for it had to go to our cat.
possible animal death tw: my cat has bladder stones now................................. last time he had stones it costed almost $1k in surgery. the bladder stones will kill him if not treated, because toxins build up in the body and if he cannot pee... just sldfksldfkj i don’t wanna talk about it. he’s miserable. 
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i’m going to have to dip in to our rent money, which was actually our tax money because i’ve not been working so tax money was our saving grace this past month, to keep taking him to the vet. however, last time i was late on rent just 2 days, they gave us an eviction notice and only 7 days to come up with rent. that was a fucking disaster. so i’m TERRIFIED!!!!!!!
i need help so bad. with just surviving being out of work, and now my cat... i’m super annoyed because i was desperate to get my baby sister a doll for her birthday but there’s no way that’s happening now. 
anyway, i’m sorry. i’m sorry for everything. i’m sorry i need help. i’m sorry if you’re sick of seeing me on your dash for like the 3rd time needing major help.
i have set up a gofundme here https://www.gofundme.com/f/uwkhj-help-my-family-survive?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1
however, if you’d prefer to donate directly, due to the fact that gofundme takes a big portion of funds, here are my accts:
pypl: [email protected], v: @oraclelauren (3177), ca: $selinaaakyle
every donation is going to be greatly appreciated, and i promise to pay the kindness forward in every little way that i can
please don’t put yourself out to help, but if you can help, my heart goes out to you with forever gratefulness 
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twirlywhirlywriting · 3 months
Consequences of Being a Brat
Eddie Munson Fic Incoming!
NSFW 18+, Minors DNI! Okay so this one is… whoo. A lot more intense than my previous fics. I know I said my next fic would be with Clarke Griffin from The 100 but I got smacked in the face with inspiration for this so, here you go. This fic is purely self indulgent and I pretty much made it just for my own desire BUT I am sure all you dom!Eddie lovers out there will enjoy it too. I honestly have no clue if The Magic Wand existed in the 80’s but for the sake of this fic, it absolutely did. The ending is super fluffy so please stick around for it too! Please like, comment, and reblog if you enjoyed this, it would mean the whole entire world to me!
Word Count: 9,016
Warnings:NSFW 18+, Angst (very slight), Smut, Fluff, AFAB Reader, Aftercare, BratTamer!Eddie, Brat!Reader, Breath Play (one time near the end), Bondage, Biting, Potential CNC? (honestly I’m not sure if it is or not. Reader doesn’t want to accept punishment but it’s all a part of their brat/tamer dynamic and consensual, but as always, read at your own risk), Choking, Crying During Aftercare, Dom!Eddie, Degradation, Dacryphilia, Eventual Submission, Extreme Sensitivity, Face Slapping (Only a couple of times and it is not extreme), Forced Orgasms, Fingering, Humiliation, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Oral Sex (f and m receiving), Orgasm Control and Denial, Punishment, P-in-V (unprotected, wrap it up irl folks), Rough Sex, Sub!Reader, Spanking, Swearing, Squirting, Subspace (mentions of, it’s not super deep), Vibrators
Idk I feel like I overdo it with warnings sometimes but I want you to be able to read at your own risk and avoid your own triggers, I do not want my writing to cause harm! Only horniness and happy feelings! Anywho, here is my newest fic and I really hope you all love it!
Consequences of Being a Brat
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The stage lights focused, the crowd hushed, and the electric hum of anticipation filled the air. Eddie Munson, with his shaggy brown hair cascading over his shoulders, stood center stage. His fingers started strumming his electric guitar as Corroded Coffin launched into their first song. In the sea of people, Eddie scanned the crowd, looking for one face in particular–yours. You never missed a single concert, and tonight shouldn’t have been any different. But tonight, no matter how hard he searched, you were nowhere to be found. 
Where the hell is she? He thought to himself. As the concert reached its crescendo, Eddie’s mind wandered, his performance slightly faltering. Once the last note echoed through the quarry, Eddie rushed offstage. His heart pounded with a mix of post-performance adrenaline and concern for where you could be. 
Back at home, I was absolutely fine. My coworker at the bakery asked me to pick up their shift, so I was working overtime and honestly forgot about the concert tonight. I was laying on the couch, lounging in Eddie’s Hellfire club shirt and black cotton panties while watching some cheesy horror flick. I was just about to get up from the couch to call in for a pizza delivery, when Eddie crashed through the door. 
He looks absolutely frantic, making me feel instantly guilty. I totally forgot to tell him that I wouldn’t be able to make the concert tonight. Fuck. “Eddie, I’m so sorry! I had to cover Emily’s shift tonight and I completely forgot to let you know I wasn’t going to make it. I feel terrible.”  I stand up to give him a hug, he looks like he needs it.
Eddie’s frustration softens, but is still very present. “You just forgot to tell me? I was worried sick, baby. I thought you were hurt.” He hugs me back tightly, before sighing and letting me go.
“I know, I know, Eddie. I’m sorry,” I say, stepping back as he runs a hand through his hair in exasperation. One of the rings on his fingers gets stuck in his hair and as he is figuring out how to get it un-stuck, I can’t help but giggle.
His head immediately snaps to look at me, questioning, “What’s so funny?” 
I try not to, but I can’t hold back another giggle. “I can’t help it, you looked so worried.. It was kind of cute.” I know this conversation will get me nowhere but trouble, but my heart feels so inflated with how much he cares about me, I don’t even care right now.
His eyes close for a moment as he processes what just came out of my mouth, his tongue jutting into the side of his cheek. When he opens his eyes again, they seem much darker than they were before and I knew that my words had started something. His tone itself could cut through ice. “Excuse me? Would you like to repeat that? I’m just not sure that’s what you were really trying to say, sweetheart.” 
His words shoot a shiver through my body and directly down to my core. He doesn’t call me that unless I’m really starting to push my limits. It’s a fucked up nickname because it’s way too gentle for whatever he’s planning to do to me.
For some stupid reason, the desire to provoke him becomes unbearable. “That is actually exactly what I was trying to say. You were so worried about me that you ran home and almost tore the front door off its hinges. It was absolutely adorable.” I put extra emphasis on the last word, a smirk playing on my lips. 
His eyebrow raises at me as his arms cross over his chest, his fingers tapping his arm in an attempt to control his desire to put me over his knee right that second. “Oh yeah? Wanna make that hole you’re in a little deeper?” He takes a step closer to me until it feels like he’s towering over me, his face only inches from mine, and whispers, “Go on, say something else. I dare you.” 
Those fucking words. Maybe on any other day, I would have just apologized and took a spanking or two. But daring me? Oh boy, today was not the day. I just got done with two fucking shifts at work in a row and okay, yeah, I can see why you’d be worried about me and now you’re mad that I’m mouthing off, but seriously? Fuck you, Eddie! I thought to myself. 
Surprise registers on his face as his mouth opens slightly, eyes widening. Oh god. Did I just say that out loud? I look up at him and laugh nervously. “Is it too late already to say I’m sorry?” My voice is much more quiet than I mean it to be, but it’s too difficult to speak up when his eyes are on fire and it’s directed right at me.
He just stares at me, his eyes going from that teddy-bear brown to straight up black. He starts unbuckling his belt, pulling it from the loops slowly. My mouth dries out and for a moment, I’m frozen in place before the realization of what he’s about to do hits and I fucking bolt towards the bathroom so I can lock myself in there for a while until he calms down. 
His hand quickly reaches out and grabs me by the wrist before flipping me around to face him. He grabs my chin and forces me to look up at him while his other hand continues pulling his belt from the loops at an agonizing pace. “And just where do you think you’re going? You really think you get to say that shit to me and then run off to avoid my belt? Really?” He can’t help but laugh at my escape attempt, but his laugh sounds empty. 
I try to pull my face away from his grip, but it’s impossible. My nerves turn into anger and I suddenly swat his hand away from my face, my voice raising to a yell. “You can’t get me in trouble for this! I was just messing around, Eddie, can’t you take a fucking joke?” 
The growl that escapes his lips is feral. He grabs me by the back of the neck and pushes me forward, forcing me down the hallway towards the bedroom as he bites back, “Eddie? I don’t know who the fuck you think you’re talking to, sweetheart, but that is incorrect.” 
I’m practically stumbling over my own feet, he’s pushing me so hard and walking too fast for me to find a good rhythm in my steps. I get shoved down onto the mattress face first, but quickly flip myself around and sit up, scrambling backwards to the opposite side of the bed. “Stop it! Eddie I said I was sorry, I was joking! Don’t do this, seriously.” My voice is definitely mixed with panic and anger… arousal is in there somewhere too, judging by the wet spot I know is coming through my panties right now. 
He grabs me by my ankles and drags me back towards him, before flipping me over, scolding me as he yanks off my panties and giving my ass a few hard spanks with his hand to warm me up. “Let me get this straight. You are acting like a fucking brat, and now you refuse to take your punishment for it? Not only that, you know how you’re supposed to address me right now, yet you keep acting like you’re just my sweet little girlfriend and calling me by my name. But you’re not my sweet little girlfriend right now, are you?” 
He doesn’t even give me a chance to respond to his questions, he just grabs his belt and uses every harsh spank with it to emphasize his next words. “You. Are. My. Bratty. Fucking. Slut.” I wince and whine at every smack, and then my hands fly back to cover my now-bright red ass for protection. He has no patience with me anymore, I can tell. He grabs my hands to pin them behind my back, which makes me groan out in frustration and panic, and without even thinking about it, I’ve kicked my feet at him and hit him right in the thigh. Thankfully it wasn’t a direct kick to the balls, but it was close. And now I’m fucked.
I look back at him as best as I can, and the look on his face sends another round of chills down my spine. I can feel myself getting wetter by the second though, fuck my life. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it!” I scream at him, squirming as hard as I could to try to get away, “I wouldn’t have done that if you had just let me go!” 
He tuts at me from behind, sighing in disappointment. “You really need a lesson in obedience today, don’t you? I tried to just give you a few spankings with the belt. Just a few, and you just can’t stop making things worse for yourself.” He grabs me by the hair and yanks me up to sit, making me yelp. My shirt is torn off of me before a quick, double-handed shove sends me crashing back down. It’s not gentle, and I let out an “oof” when I hit the bed. He grabs me by my hips and flips me over again before getting onto the bed and straddling me so I can’t squirm away. 
He leans over and grabs a piece of rope in the bedside table drawer before grabbing my wrists harshly. As he is tying my wrists together, he talks to me rather calmly, as if he’s explaining how two plus two equals four. “If you had just taken your punishment like a good girl, I wouldn’t be having to do this, sweetheart. But you just couldn’t shut your mouth, could you? And then you kick me? You actually kick me? Well, when this all gets too intense for you, just remember that you brought this on yourself. I tried to let you off easy, I really did. But now it’s time to face the consequences, sweetheart.” He sighs as he pulls my arms up to tie the other end of the rope against the headboard, acting like my squirming is literally nothing to him.  The entire time he’s talking I’ve been doing my best to squirm, to look at him with pleading eyes, to whimper at him submissively like I know he likes, but none of it was doing a single thing to change his mind. 
I suddenly notice just how naked I am, and just how clothed he is. It makes my thighs squeeze together as I try to hide just how fucking turned on I am by all of this. Am I terrified? Yes. Have I ever gotten in this much trouble before? No. Am I wetter than I’ve ever been before in my life? God, yes. When he is done with the ties, he looks down at me with his arms crossed against his chest again and his eyebrow raised, waiting for… something?
I look up at him for a few seconds, getting a little bit irritated by the way he’s sitting there and staring at me expectantly but not doing or saying anything. “What?” Oops. That came out harsher than I meant it to.
“Well? Are you going to apologize?” He demands. Why the fuck is my only urge when he looks like that to make him even more agitated? I know punishment is coming. I know he’s at his limit with my disobedience and attitude. And yet it’s just too entertaining to witness all of his reactions when I refuse to give up.
“No. You don’t own me, you can’t make me do shit.” I glare at him, shutting my eyes and pulling at the restraints slightly as I prepare for a slap. It doesn’t come. 
I slowly peek one eye open and he leans forward, grabbing my chin in his hand so hard it hurts until I fully look at him, and then whispers, “Oh, but I do. And you’re going to learn that the hard way.” I can’t help but swallow hard, and my mouth dries out again. I have no clever response to that. 
He crawls off of me and grabs the underside of my knees, yanking them open despite me trying to keep them closed. I knew I was a mess down there and I didn’t want him to have the satisfaction of knowing that too. When he sees how wet I am, he lets out a whistle. “Damn, baby. You are such a dirty girl.” His fingers go right to my core, spreading my lips apart with two fingers, causing me to whimper and turn my face away from him because the way he’s looking at my pussy right now has my stomach doing flips. 
He slides two his two fingers up and down my slit to wet them before shoving them both inside me, giving me absolutely no time to adjust before he starts pumping them in and out at a much faster pace than he normally warms me up with. I moan out as his fingers are sliding in and out easily. I can already hear how wet I am on his fingers, and it makes my cheeks flush at the sound. I can’t even help it at this point and I squirm at the sensation, my legs closing around his hand. Which, obviously doesn’t do fucking anything to stop him or even slow him down. He curls his fingers up once he feels my g-spot start to swell from stimulation, not only making a “come here” motion but also still bringing his fingers in and out of me at a vicious pace. I squeeze my legs tighter and my moans straight up sound like I’m in a porno movie or something. 
“You are so fucking wet. I don’t even need to warm you up like this, do I? No, I don’t think I do.” He rips his hands away and leaves me whining at the empty feeling, but it is quickly replaced by the tip of his cock teasing my entrance. I don’t even remember seeing him take off his pants. He slides it along my slit and barely touches my clit with it, which makes me flinch. He slowly pushes himself inside of me as he grabs my hips so hard, I swear they’ll bruise. He leans his head back and groans at the feeling, but just a moment later he is pounding into me at an unforgiving pace. I look at him as my mouth hangs open, keeping eye contact as I’m unable to hold back my moans yet again. The speed of his thrusts mixed with just how turned on I am causes me to get closer to an orgasm much faster than I’d like to. 
I absentmindedly try to wrap my arms around him for something to hold on to but the ropes promptly remind me that I can’t. As he feels my pussy starting to twitch and throb the closer I get to an orgasm, he grabs onto the back of my thighs and pushes my legs up and to the side of me, giving him a much better angle to hit my g-spot with every thrust. When he hears the sweet sounds I’m making at this angle, he starts pushing himself deeper and thrusting his hips even harder, practically slamming into my cervix every few thrusts. If it weren’t for how ruthlessly he was fucking me, I would be extremely distracted by the heavenly groans that were freely flowing from his lips right now. 
I’m heading towards an orgasm so quickly, I barely have time to say “I’m gonna” before he pulls his cock out of me faster than I can realize what was happening. Right as I’m about to open my mouth to argue or whine at him for rudely stopping my impending orgasm, he brings his hand down to slap my pussy. The wet sound it makes mixed with the sting on my sensitive lips makes me arch my back and groan. He chuckles darkly and slaps my pussy again just to hear me make that sound again. 
Then he gets right in my face, and his voice sounds like it’s practically an entire octave lower than usual. “Do you want me to make you cum? Hm? Is that what you want?” I know where this is heading, and it is not in my favor. I nod my head quickly at him, making my voice sound as submissive as I can manage right now, hoping it will work.
“Yes! Yes please, please make me cum! Please Ed-Sir! Please make me cum Sir!” When I almost called him Eddie, he looked like he was about to fucking lose it, so I corrected myself. There have been times before when he’s edged me for days without letting me cum, and I absolutely cannot take that kind of punishment right now. 
He places his hand around my throat, squeezing tight enough so that I can’t easily speak and then slams himself inside of me again without warning. No sound comes out when I try to cry out from the sudden force. He speeds up and slows down in a repeating pattern until I’m quivering under him and he can feel just how close I am. He loosens his grip on my throat and has a devilish smirk while he says, “Say it again. Beg me. Say ‘Please Sir, please make me cum like the little slut I am.” 
I balk at his words; my voice is caught in my throat and I even stop moaning for a second. I’m so fucking close to cumming though, my legs are shaking uncontrollably. He slaps both of my tits, hard, to jump-start my brain into saying something. “Fuck! Don’t make me say that, God, please just let me cum!” 
A chuckle escapes his lips and he tuts his tongue at me in disappointment. He slaps me in the face suddenly. “God isn’t here, sweetheart. It’s just me. You just don’t want to listen, do you?” He says this casually, as if he didn’t just hit me. He pulls his cock out of me again, and I whine as my impending orgasm fizzles out again. He leans over and grabs more rope, silently tying my calf to my thigh and then tying the other side of the rope to the headboard. He does the same thing to my other leg, so that both of my legs are tied up and out of his way. I give the ropes a test squirm and become increasingly nervous as I realize just how little wiggle room I have. I can barely even move my hips an inch. Not good.
I want so badly to complain, to whine, to beg, to argue my way out of this. But as soon as my mouth opens, no words come out. Which is good, because the way he’s looking at me is telling me that now my punishment is going to really begin, and I am too nervous to make it any worse than it’s about to be. He reaches his hand out towards me and grips my cheeks in between his thumb and fingers, digging in. “You have been such a brat today, you don’t deserve an ounce of mercy, sweetheart.” 
He lets my cheeks go with a bit of force, before aligning himself up against my entrance and slamming inside me again. I’m hitting the edge so fast, I can’t even help myself from begging, despite what he literally just told me about not deserving mercy. “Please! Please just let me cum. Don’t edge me again, please! Two times is enough, Sir. Please, two times is enough!” My voice sounds whorish, even I can hear it. The force that he’s slamming into me makes every other syllable sound strained through my moans. 
“Oh, you think two times is enough?” He scoffs at me before pulling all the way out until just the tip is at my entrance, before slamming into me all the way and growling, “You think two times is all you deserve? You’re pathetic, baby. You don’t even realize how much you need me to break you, to put you in your place.” 
He pulls out and slams into me again, his hands reaching up and pinching my nipples hard enough to make me yelp. He continues at this pace, keeping me right on the edge with his incredibly slow, forceful thrusts. “Now beg me for it. Tell me you want me to make you cum. Say ‘Please Sir, please make me cum like the little slut I am.’” He spits out the word “slut” with venom, his eyes don’t leave mine for a second. I’m so close, so needy, so fucking close that I don’t dare look away from him either.
I cry out in frustration, a “no!” escaping my lips before I can even stop it. I look at him desperately, about to apologize for defying him yet again and beg him to just let me cum, but he smacks my tits again and uses both of his hands to grip my throat. He squeezes just enough that I can still breathe, if I really focus, but there’s no way I can talk. 
“No?” he repeats, an evil grin spreading across his face as he pulls out of me all the way again, and I think for a second he’s going to stop completely. “Well then, I guess we’re just going to have to keep going, aren’t we?” He leans in and bites the inside of my tit right next to my nipple so hard that I pull against the restraints and my eyes squeeze shut. He pushes himself back into me again, his pace so fast the bed sounds like it’s going to fucking break. I’m so close, so so close, and he knows it. He can feel it. “Don’t you dare fucking cum, babygirl.” 
As tears start to spring to my eyes, he lets my throat go and places his hands on each side of my head instead. The second I can, I’m begging as best as I can, “Please! Please pleasepleaseplease let me cum, Sir I can’t take it, please!” My words are barely even words, they’re all mushed together and tangled in between moans. My entire body is shaking from being so close as I try my best to hold it back. 
The grin on his face is sinister. “That’s more like it! Keep fucking begging, sweetheart. Say those magic words for me and I’ll let you cum.” His pace is unrelenting, giving me no option other than to hold back my orgasm, which he knows I can’t do for long.. Bastard, he isn’t giving me a choice anymore. 
My breathing becomes ragged as I fight desperately not to cum, but I can’t do it anymore. My eyes fly open wide and just as I’m about to lose control, he pulls out of me all the way. I never thought I’d be so relieved to feel the sensation of my orgasm fading away. I immediately pout at him, my voice barely above a whisper, “I can’t say it, Sir.. It’s too embarrassing. Please, please just let me cum.” 
“Oh, is it embarrassing for you?” He asks, a hint of a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. He wraps a hand in my hair, pulling my head up just a bit and putting his face very close to mine. “You think it’s embarrassing to beg for my cock? To admit that you’re mine and you’ll do anything for me to let you cum?” He slides his fingers inside of me, curling his fingers up towards my g-spot and fingering me violently, putting his entire arm into it, causing my hips to jiggle with the pure force of his movements. “Well, you’re gonna have to get over that embarrassment and beg me the right way, because I’m not stopping until you do, slut.” 
Tears form in my eyes at his words and the fact that he’s yet again working me so quickly towards an orgasm. It’s making my brain start to go fuzzy from all of the edges, slaps, and harsh words. My mouth opens and I can tell that the moans and gasps coming from me are just entertainment for Eddie at this point, because he mockingly moans right back at me, then growls. “Yeah? That feel good baby?” 
I can’t handle it anymore, all of my nerves feel like they’re being set on fire with how much I need to cum right now. I let out a single whimper in defeat, and my eyes drift away from him despite the fact that he’s holding my head up and forcing his face in mine. “Please Sir! Please make me cum…” the second half of my sentence is barely above a whisper, but I know he can hear it. “Like the l-little sl-slut I am.” My cheeks are on fire and I’m sure I am the color of a tomato after I finally say it. 
He sighs with satisfaction, his smirk turning into a huge grin and he finally lets my hair go. Just as I think he’s finally about to let me cum, he pulls his hand out of me yet again. I squirm against the ropes and a single tear falls onto my cheek with pure frustration, looking at him with horror as if he just committed a crime. 
“You’re not getting off that easy. Say it like you mean it, baby. Say it like you’re proud to be my slut.” He slides his cock back into me, both of us emitting a low, guttural groan at the same time. He barely gives me a second to hesitate before slapping me on my cheek again, his voice as sharp as a knife. “Fucking. Say. It.” 
I gasp as he slaps my cheek again before letting out a mix between a moan and a whine in frustration from how torturously slow he’s going. His goal right now is just to keep me teetering on the knife’s edge of an orgasm. I finally give up and cry out, “Please! Please Sir, make me cum like the little slut I am, please! I can’t take it anymore!” 
The smirk that crept back on his face was pure evil. “Good fucking girl!” he groans as he finally picks up the pace, pumping into me deep and hard and fast, slamming into my g-spot with every thrust. As my orgasm finally crashes into me, I practically scream. My back arches as much as it is allowed and I can still hear the sloppy wet sounds of him slamming into me over and over, despite how loud I am. My breath is stolen away from me with how intense it all is, all of those edges making this one orgasm almost unbearable. My limbs keep shaking and fighting against the rope even as my orgasm slows down because my pussy immediately feels overstimulated. My eyes look glossy as tears are filling them again and I can’t stop squirming. “Please stop, please stop, it’s too much! I came, I’m done cumming! Sir I came, now please give me a break!” 
He chuckles at my predicament, leaning down and brushing his lips against my ear as he whispers, “You are mine to use however I want. I’m not going to stop until you’re a sobbing, blubbering mess.” The sound I make at this is in between a cry and a moan, since he is fucking me so hard and fast that I’m immediately being dragged toward another orgasm. The sound I make causes him to groan and add, “And even then, I might not stop. Not until I’m good and ready to stop watching you cum. You have been such a naughty fucking girl today, and I am going to teach you a fucking lesson.” 
I cry out at his words in protest, hopelessly squirming against the restraints as he fucks me closer and closer to my next orgasm. The closer I get, the more uneven my breathing becomes. I look up at him, pleading with him desperately. “Sir, please don’t do this to me! I’ve learned my lesson, I promise!” I can’t help but squeeze my eyes shut, fighting hard to hold back my next orgasm threatening to hit me like a brick wall.
“I don’t believe you,” Eddie growls, thrusting harder as he feels me tensing up beneath him. He looks down at me heartlessly. “You’re going to cum for me. Right now.”
As soon as he tells me, no, fucking commands me to cum, I’m seeing stars. I can feel his eyes locked on my face, committing the look of pleasured agony on my face to memory. My moans are stuck in my throat with the intensity and my entire body is shaking and twitching and squirming. The sounds coming from his cock slamming into my pussy is fucking filthy. As my orgasm slows down, my limbs go limp and I am panting hard, trying like hell to catch my breath. 
He finally pulls out of me, leaving me twitching and whimpering from how hard I just came. My eyes flutter open at him, thanking him wordlessly for finally giving me a break. As I lay there with my chest heaving, believing he’s going to actually have some mercy on me, he lets his eyes trail down my body and fall onto my pussy. More specifically, my swollen and twitching clit. 
The sight makes him look at me like he was just given a new favorite toy. “Oh look, your poor little clit is just begging for my attention. I’ve been so mean to neglect it!” He slowly glides his fingers down my thigh, looking into my eyes and chuckling, “I hope you didn’t think I was done with you, sweetheart.” He quickly removes his own shirt before ever so gently sliding his fingers up and down my folds, before landing on my clit and gently circling it, but not quite touching yet. He leans down and kisses my chest, working his lips all the way down to my pussy, ignoring every one of my whimpers. He places a single, very gentle kiss directly on my clit as a warning for what’s to come, making me jerk and squeal. 
“Please Sir, my I’m way too sensitive for this!” I beg, a full pout on my lips. “I’m too sensitive..” 
Eddie laughs in amusement at my protest. His tongue darts out to flick at my clit, making me gasp and jerk my hips again. “Oh baby,” he breathes, “You’re always too sensitive for me.” He smirks and flattens his tongue, slowly licking from the very bottom of my entrance to the top of my clit, making me squirm and whine, unable to peel my eyes off of him. He suddenly pulls back, bringing his hand down to slap me 5 sharp times on my pussy, which makes me throw my head back with a long groan and flinch with every hit. “I don’t remember asking for your fucking opinion, though, slut.” He leans back down, placing his lips directly over my clit and sucking just barely, before rolling his tongue slowly. He only gives me about 2 seconds of soft touches before starting his assault. He violently lashes his tongue against my clit, then starts sucking hard, rolling his tongue with force. 
I squeak and jerk, before ungodly sounds start falling from my mouth. My arms and legs pull against their restraints and I do my very best to buck my hips away from his ministrations. I’m babbling nonsense and moaning lewdly, already fully overstimulated and he’s barely even started eating me out.
He groans at the sight of me squirming, sending vibrations through my clit. He’s unable to stop himself from groaning out some more as he hears every one of my incoherent babbles for mercy. He keeps going at a steady pace, pushing me close to another orgasm. He could spend days down there, the sound and sight of me right now just too sweet for him to not enjoy every single second of it.
I’m internally panicking as I near the edge of another orgasm. My breathing is fast and shallow and I can barely get a single word of my begging to actually sound like a real word. “Please, please no this is too intense! I can’t!” I pant out, praying he can understand me between my moaning and panting and how much I’m stuttering through my words. 
Eddie chuckles darkly at my pleas, happy that he’s got me exactly where he wants me. He pulls back just enough to lick a long strip up my entire pussy again and looks up at me with a smirk. When I look back at him, I gasp slightly. His eyes are fucking black, his pupils are so huge that all the pretty brown in his eyes have disappeared. There wasn’t a single ounce of leniency in his features. “You can’t handle it, huh?” he taunts, laughing. “It’s too intense, baby?” He pouts at me mockingly, using his fingertips to gently rub my clit, keeping me from getting a real break, but I’m grateful to be able to catch my breath at least.
I whimper at him pathetically and nod, looking at him with tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. “Yes! Please, please no more Sir, it is too intense, it is! I won’t be able to handle cumming like this!” My words are flying out of my mouth as fast as I can say them, hoping beyond all hope that he listens to me this time.
He watches me intently as I beg and the tears threatening to spill down my face are obvious, but his eyes don’t soften one bit. If anything, they seem to somehow darken even more. He shakes his head slowly, his lips curling into another sinister smile as he whispers, “Oh, it’s so cute when you beg me like that. I think you’re finally starting to learn your lesson in respect.” And with that, he returns his tongue to my clit, thrashing it cruelly against me and wrapping his lips around, sucking and rolling his tongue to elicit more sweet, desperate cries from my mouth. 
I let out a strangled moan as soon as he continues, and my orgasm hits me almost immediately. I struggle and thrash against the restraints, this orgasm feeling 100 times more intense than the others. Tears fall onto my cheeks as the pleasure turns into pure torture, words lost in my throat yet again as all I can do is scream and moan and take it. 
His tongue works up a frenzy, not giving me a moment's rest as he forces my orgasm to be drawn out as long as he can. When I finally come down from my high, he looks up at me to see my ruined face. Pink cheeks, tear stains, red and swollen lips from how much I’ve been chewing on them. His hand moves to gently rub my pussy lips, licking his lips at the sight of me. “That’s it, my little slut. You belong to me. I can do whatever I want with you. Right?” 
His question is a test, and I am desperate to pass with flying colors. “Yes! Yes Sir, I belong to you! You own me, please!” I look at him with pleading eyes, a few tears leaking down my cheeks again as my legs tremble uncontrollably.
To my utter relief, his eyes finally soften towards me and he smiles up at me. He pulls himself up to kiss my lips gently, slowly sliding two fingers inside of me, thrusting them deep and hard, but slow. “That’s it, good girl. I’m so glad to see you’ve finally learned your manners, baby.” He pulls back to watch me, enjoying the sight of me being so submissive as he slowly slides his fingers in and out of me with force. After a minute or so, he talks gently to me. “I’m going to leave you tied up, sweetheart. I know you’re being good now, but you understand that I have to finish your punishment, right? I can’t let you off the hook just because you’re finally being my good girl.” 
I’m so grateful that he’s finally being gentle with me that it takes me a good few seconds to process what he says. My eyes are glossed over and my brain is so fuzzy; I can feel myself drifting into subspace with every passing moment. He can see it in me too, he knows me so well. I sniffle when I finally realize what he’s said and he’s expecting a response, slowly nodding my head. My voice is hoarse from all the sounds I’ve been making. “Yes Sir. I’m sorry Sir.” 
He hums, visibly pleased with my response. “That’s better baby, I know you are.” He pulls his fingers out of me before standing up, turning towards the night stand again. He opens up a drawer and pulls out my arch nemesis: The Magic Wand. I can never handle that without begging and sobbing for mercy, even without it being a part of a punishment. Even when he tries to be nice, it’s always too much. 
He turns back towards me, searching my face for any sign of resistance, just to make sure that I really have learned my lesson and I plan on being a good girl. The second I see the wand my cunt clenches and I let out the tiniest whimper, gulping nervously. A single tear falls down my cheek again and he brings his hand up to wipe it away. “I know baby, I know.” He says softly before turning around and plugging it into the wall. 
The moment he turns back around and switches it on, he presses it against my clit, watching every single expression on my face. I jerk against the restraints and feel like the wind has been knocked out of my lungs. He bites his lip for a second before groaning out, “Ohh, that’s it baby. Feel that?” I can only whine at him in response, struggling to keep my eyes on his but somehow I manage, although tears are threatening to spill out any second from the overstimulation. “You’re going to cum so hard for me, aren’t you baby?” He presses it into my clit more, making tiny circles, causing me to cry out and arch my back, my entire body pulling against the restraints whether I want them to or not.
“Yes!” I cry out in response to him, although it barely sounds like a word. My entire body feels like it’s being electrocuted, and I can’t help but shake violently as I’m being thrust into an orgasm within seconds of him asking. A scream rips itself out of my throat and I feel like I’m going to explode. Eddie’s eyes roll to the back of his head as he hears me, groaning out, “That’s right, fucking scream for me.” 
I feel like this orgasm is never going to end. My vision is going black, or maybe my eyes are just squeezed shut, I can’t even tell anymore. The way I scream is absolutely primal, tears rolling down my face and my crying turns to sobbing. My entire body is full of electricity and suddenly, I feel it. My body is fucking convulsing (as much as it can against the rope, anyway) as fluid starts squirting from my pussy. I feel it pool up underneath me and I hear a gasp and a groan from Eddie. “Thaaaat’s it baby, look at you fucking go!” he sounds like he could cum just from the sight of me. As soon as it ends, he finally turns the vibrator off and pulls it away. I feel like I can finally fill my lungs with oxygen again.
 When my eyes open, Eddie and I stare at each other with the exact same look of utter shock on our faces. That’s the first time I have ever done that. His look of surprise is short-lived though because when he sees the mess I’ve made on his hand, he drops the vibrator to inspect his hand in the light. He licks off every finger with a smack of his lips and a wicked fucking grin on his face. My face is frozen still, especially after seeing him do that. “Fuck, sweetheart,” he breathes, staring down at me with a mixture of awe and something wild in his eyes. 
I close my eyes and a few more tears fall out onto my cheeks as my breathing is still a bit ragged. I feel his hands gently wipe away my tears and he whispers, “Baby, look at me.” My eyes flutter open halfway, nibbling my bottom lip. “Color?” He asks, his eyes look so warm and caring at this moment. I lean into his hand on my cheek with a tiny smile and a sniffle.
“Green.. I promise I’m okay. That was just… I don’t know if I can do that again.” I shake my head at him to emphasize my words, but I feel much more grounded after the check-in. 
He smiles gently at me, nodding back as his expression softens. “I know baby, I know that was a lot. But you’re doing so well.” He puts two fingers under my chin, making sure my eyes stay trained on his so that I really hear every word. “You can do this, sweetheart. I know you can.” He leans down and presses a kiss to my forehead before lifting back up, a stern expression on his face again. “Now. I want you to repeat after me. Say ‘Please Sir, I want you to make me cum like that again.’” He watches me closely, licking his lips as he waits for my response.
I close my eyes as he kisses my forehead, nodding through his encouragement. But my eyes fly right back open with his last demand and my voice gets caught in my throat again. Even as fucked out and obedient as I am now, my heart rate spikes at the thought of having to do… that again. Still, I swallow hard before somehow forcing the words out. “Please, Sir… I want you to make me cum like that again.” My lower lip is quivering as I whimper the words out. 
He groans as I say this, his cock twitching noticeably. His lips suddenly crash into mine, kissing me roughly. As he pulls back, he’s got that wild look in his eyes again as they trace over every inch of my body. “That’s my good girl. I’m going to make you cum one more time while I use that throat of yours.” He climbs onto the bed again, facing away from the headboard and putting each of his legs on either side of my head. I open my mouth and stick my tongue out, the heavenly sound of his own moan flooding my ears as he slowly lowers himself into my mouth, making sure to glide himself all along my tongue on the way in. He pumps his cock in and out of my mouth at a steady pace, slowly working its way towards my throat. After a couple minutes of this, he feels himself getting close to his own release. He leans over and grabs the wand again, turning it on and growling, “Get ready, slut. Knock on the headboard if you really need to breathe.”
He shoves his cock deep into my throat and I can’t help but gag, struggling to breathe through my nose and relax the muscles in my throat. “Fuck!” he groans out, before he pulls the hood of my clit back, something he knows is the most cruel thing he could do, and presses the wand firmly into my clit. Every single muscle in my body cries out in agony, begging to be allowed to squirm away from the sensation. I try to scream out but it makes me gag, and I lose my ability to breathe at all as my lungs refuse to work anymore from all of the stimulation. Too much stimulation. My brain feels like it’s short circuiting. Just as my lungs are starting to burn from lack of oxygen, I cum somehow even harder than I did the last time. I feel like I’m on fire and being shot up into icy space at the same time. I can’t move, I can’t scream, I can only cum. Once again, I feel myself start to squirt, and it all becomes too much. I start gagging on him again, and I hear him fucking whimper before groaning. His cum shoots down my throat and I have no choice but to swallow it. 
He turns the vibrator off and throws it to the side, pulling his cock out quickly as I gasp for breath, taking in huge gulps of air as he makes quick work of my restraints. He slowly guides my arms down and gently rubs my shoulders, then helps me close my legs and gently rubs my hips. He whispers, “I know baby, I know,” as I wince from the pain of finally being able to move my limbs and them being so sore. 
The second he looks me in the eyes and is about to ask how I feel, my vision goes blurry and I’m confused for a second before I actually realize I’m crying again. I can’t stop it though, my body is so exhausted and my brain is so fuzzy and every part of me is buzzing and sore. He instantly wraps me up in his arms, cradling my head against my chest and kissing my head. “Good girl,” he whispers to me, and his voice back to the normal, sweet and kind Eddie I hear every day. “You are such a good girl, I am so fucking proud of you, baby.” 
This was easily the most intense punishment I have ever been through, and he knows it. I’ve never squirted before in my life. I can barely even hear him whispering reassuring words to me over my own ragged breathing and sniffles, but I do notice that I am clinging onto him for dear life. He holds me close, rocking me gently back and forth. He kisses me on the top of my head again, and his voice starts to soothe every ounce of unrest in my body.
“Shh, shh.. It’s okay baby, I know it was rough, that was a really hard lesson. But you did so good.. I’m so so proud of you, baby.” He slowly takes his hand off of my head, leaning back enough so that he can wipe away the tears on my cheeks with his thumbs. Then he cups my cheeks in his hands and kisses all over my face. He starts at my forehead, then my nose, then both of my cheeks, and over my eyes. He is so gentle with every kiss, and about halfway through my tears stop falling and a little tiny giggle escapes my lips. 
I open my eyes to look up at him and his heart breaks when he sees my eyes red from so many tears and my cheeks absolutely covered in tear stains and blotchy pink skin. “Was that too much for you?” he whispers, talking so softly, as if his tone itself could blow me away if it was too loud or firm.
I smile softly and shake my head, still sniffling but just barely. His eyes look so pretty, I could get lost in them and never want to find my way out. His eyebrows are furrowed with concern and I can see his eyes scanning my every feature to make sure I really am okay. My heart swells about a thousand times its normal size. “No, it wasn’t too much, Eddie. It was so, so good. It was easily the most intense thing I’ve ever felt in my life, but it wasn’t too much. I promise. I just need lots of love now, okay?” I smile at him again with a little scrunch of my nose, trying to make extra sure he knows I really am okay. 
Eddie lets out a shaky breath but I can see the relief on his face as he brings my head into his chest again, holding his hand there to cradle it as he tickles gentle circles across my back with his other hand. “I’m right here, baby. I’m right here. I’ve got you. I love you so much.” 
I close my eyes again because the sensation on my back feels like heaven. I mumble into his skin, “I love you too. So much, Eddie.” I start trying to regulate my breathing, every deep inhale brings his delicious scent of woodsy musk and cigarettes. Once I feel like I’m returning back into a normal headspace, I pull back a little and show him my wrists and point to my legs. They’re still red and indented from the rope. “Can you help these feel better please?” 
He smiles softly down at me, his eyes and fingers running over every single mark on my skin, before nodding. “Of course, baby. Let’s go into the bathroom and I’ll take care of you.” He gets off the bed before picking me up and helping me wrap my legs around him. I press my face into his neck and wrap my arms around him and can’t help but smile. I could honestly live like this, in his embrace. Smelling his skin. His hair tickling my face. Feeling his chest against mine. It’s all perfection.
Once we get to the bathroom, he slowly puts me down and spins me gently to face the mirror. He looks into it at me, smiling and petting my hair to smooth it down. “There’s my pretty girl,” he murmurs, “You are so perfect.” My face turns a bright ride and I hide my face in my hands, unable to help myself. 
“Eddie!” I giggle out. He always knows how to make me smile and completely fluster me at the same time. I gently peek at him in the mirror through my fingers, his smile is so sweet as he watches me. He chuckles at my reaction, gently placing his hands on my hips and spinning me around to look at him. I lower my hands and stare into his eyes, practically entranced.
“You’re so cute, baby.” He smiles and kisses my forehead again, bringing each of my hands into his and up to his lips, kissing each one so gently. He guides me over to sit down on the toilet seat, before turning to the tub and turning on the water. “Let’s get you all cleaned up, yeah?” 
As I sit down and watch the tub start to fill, I nod and lean forward to rest my head against his side, wanting to never stop touching him. “Yeah…yes please, I’d love a bath.” 
We wait in silence for a few minutes before he checks the temperature. Deeming it perfect, he grabs my hands again to help guide me towards the tub. As I sit down and relax into the water, he smiles at me and says, “Ahhhhh, that’s better, isn’t it? Feel good baby?” 
I nod and smile up at him and watch as he grabs the shower head to bring it down. He sits down next to the tub, turning on the shower head and he is so careful about wetting my hair without letting water drip onto my face. 
He takes his time, massaging my scalp slowly and with the perfect pressure as he shampoos it. After another few minutes of silence, I hear him starting to hum one of the songs from that Black Sabbath album, Master of Reality. I can’t tell which song it is, though. My eyes start to droop and I giggle a little at the end of the song as he’s slowly rinsing the soap out of my hair.
“You’re going to make me fall asleep if you keep this up, you know. Warm water, massages, and music? You’re spoiling me, Eddie.” I say, my eyes closed still to make sure no soap or water gets into my eyes as he rinses my hair off.
He chuckles softly at me, pressing a kiss to my now-clean hair. “I could do this for hours, baby. Plus, you deserve to be spoiled. Trust me.” I sigh in content and lean into his kiss, feeling utter bliss in the calm of the moment. 
Once he is done making every inch of me nice and clean, continuing the whole time to give me praise and making sure he is absolutely as gentle as he can be, he drains the tub for me and helps me stand up. He wraps me in a towel and gives me a great big hug, and it takes him a few seconds to let go. He picks me up again, bridal style this time, and brings me back to the bedroom despite my giggling at him that I am able to use my feet again. 
“I know you can, but I’ve got you baby, don’t you even worry about it.” He presses another kiss into the side of my head, which is probably the thousandth kiss of the evening. Not that I’m complaining for a second. He helps me get dressed into my comfiest pajamas and then dresses himself in boxers and a random t-shirt. He turns to me when he’s finished, cocking his head at me with a smile.
“So…I call for pizza, you pick the movie?” he asks, already reaching for the phone. Yeah… I’m so spoiled.
Tag Request: @tlclick73
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weirdkpopgirl · 11 months
Sick | Dream Reaction #10
Reaction: When their gf is sick
Genre: Mostly Fluff
Warnings: mentions of throwing up, and pregnancy scare (nothing serious though)
Word Count: 2694k
Author's Note: I've seen other people write these types of scenarios before, so I wanted to try it out myself. My lovely friend helped me come up with ideas for this because I am not as creative as I'd like to be. Thank you for reading ^ ^
~ ~ ~
He finished his schedule earlier than expected today and decided to pay a visit to his lovely girlfriend. After being especially busy this week, Mark longed to be in your arms. He entered your apartment quietly and noticed the dim light coming from your bedroom.
That’s how he found you sitting at your desk, studying your life away. But he couldn’t help but be worried when he noticed you shivering.
“Baby,” Mark called out.
He watched as you lifted your head from the laptop in front of you, a hint of surprise flickering across your face. You had been so engrossed in your studies that you hadn't even heard him enter the room.
“Mark? When did you get here?”
“Baby, are you okay?”  He placed his hand on your shoulder.
The evident worry in his expression immediately made you feel guilty.
“I’m fine, I just have a little cold,” you tried to brush him off.
Not believing you, Mark confirmed his concerns when he softly brushed his fingers against your blazing forehead.
“Baby, you are everything but fine. You need to rest," he insisted.
You hesitated and glanced back at your computer anxiously. This was an important essay that you’ve been working on throughout the week, and you were so close to being done with it. 
“Okay, let me just finish this paragraph,” you mumbled, despite how awful you felt at that moment. Your head was hammering from the lack of sleep you’d been getting, and your eyes were strained from staring at the laptop screen for hours.
Mark’s eyes narrowed in determination, as he realized that he had to step in and take charge. He knew your tendency to overwork yourself when it came to your studies. But he wasn’t going to sit idly by and watch you neglect yourself.
“Nope. You’re taking a break right now,” He ordered, decisively closing your laptop. 
He then scooped you up from the chair, catching you off guard.
“Babyyy,” you groaned in frustration. “I’m really fine!”
“No, you are not,” Mark said affirmatively, carrying you to your bed. 
He tenderly tucked you in under the blankets, ensuring you were comfortable, before laying down beside you. Placing a hand on your flushed cheek, Mark looked into your eyes with an abundance of love.
“I know how much you care about your grades,” he whispered softly. “But your health is more important, babe.”
You frowned as all the things you had to get done lingered in your mind. But you were secretly grateful for Mark getting you to lie down, knowing that you needed this. Sighing, you nestled your head in the crook of his neck. 
“Well thank goodness I have you with me,” you murmured.
Mark smiled and gently stroked your hair as you drifted off to sleep in his protective embrace. Usually, you were the one scolding him about overworking and coaxing him to rest. The gentle rise and fall of your breath against his chest filled him with a profound sense of contentment. At that moment, Mark cherished the opportunity to be the caretaker, relishing the chance to give you love and care.
The previous day, you had walked through the rain on your way home from work, after missing the bus. Consequently, the next day you were greeted with a pounding headache and persistent chills throughout your body.
Renjun wasted no time rushing to your place as soon as he found out you had gotten sick. His heart sank at the sight of your pale face, a stark contrast against your damp hair, clinging to your forehead from beads of sweat.
“I told you it was going to rain last night, love,” he scolded lightly.
You blew your nose and sighed sadly. “I know, I just forgot.”
He gently guided you into the bathroom, urging you to take a hot shower. While you did so, he busied himself preparing a few essentials to make you feel better.
Emerging from the bathroom, you found him waiting in the living room with a warm cup of citrus tea. “Here, drink this,” he offered, placing the cup into your hands. The warmth of the tea radiated through your fingers, instantly providing a sense of comfort and care.
You silently savored the warmth of the beverage, allowing its soothing effects to wash over you, while Renjun attentively dried your damp hair with a hair dryer. Though his gestures were simple, you were left feeling overwhelmed by a newfound sense of care. It was a feeling you weren’t accustomed to, and your heart swelled with a deep appreciation for the boy.
“Thank you for looking after me,” you expressed gratefully, a hint of guilt lacing your words. “I’m sorry you had to go through all this trouble on your day off.”
Renjun smiled and leaned over to place a kiss on your temple. “Don’t worry about it, darling. Taking care of you is always my priority.”
Without hesitation, this boy would jump into action the minute he learned you had gotten the flu. Ignoring any of your protests, he would search for the coziest blanket to wrap around you. Jeno would go above and beyond to make sure you were resting and give you his undivided attention. If you tried to get up for something, he’d immediately bring you back to the couch and ensure that need was met.
He knew you didn’t have the greatest appetite when you were under the weather, but he still made sure you ate at least something. As the two of you sat in the living room, he took it upon himself to feed you this anchovy broth soup he ordered through delivery.
“Jeno-ssi, I can feed myself,” you half-whined. “I’m not a baby.”
A beam of affection spread across Jeno’s face as he admired the subtle pout on your lips. It always amazed him how effortlessly endearing you looked, even though it was unintentional.
Undeterred, he persisted in feeding you himself. “Hush,” he softly insisted.
You gave him a look as he held up the spoon to your lips once more. With a defeated sigh, you obediently opened your mouth, allowing him to feed you another spoonful.
“Good girl,” He praised. “Now just two more bites?”
After you finished eating, the remainder of the day was spent cuddling on the sofa. Even though you felt pretty awful right now, it was nice to be held lovingly in your boyfriend’s arms. It was moments like these that made you realize how lucky you were to have someone like Lee Jeno in your life.
Despite feeling under the weather, you mustered up the strength to text Haechan not to come over today. To which he messaged back with an “okay.” However, after some consideration, the boy decided to disregard your request. Clutching his hoodie and slipping into a pair of sneakers, he waddled his way to your apartment.
Fifteen minutes later, Haechan arrived at your place, eagerly jumping into bed beside you. Your eyes fluttered open, still hazy from sleep, as you felt a pair of arms encircle your waist.
“Haechan,” you managed to cough out. “I thought I told you to stay at your dorm.”
“I’m not Haechan. I’m Pororo, the little penguin,” he replied, his slightly muffled against your shirt. 
You leveled your boyfriend with an unamused look. “Hyuck, you’re going to catch my cold if you stay here.”
Haechan’s determination remained unwavering as he pulled you closer, refusing to let go.
“But I want cuddles,” he persisted, playfully. “Besides, the reason you got sick is because of how long you’ve gone without my kisses. Your energy is depleted.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works, babe.” 
However, your protests were momentarily forgotten when Haechan locked you in his embrace and left dozens of kisses all over your face. A part of you knew you should push him away. But you were too tired to argue, so you gave in. Secretly, though you would never admit it to Haechan directly, his shower of affection lifted your mood, and made the symptoms of your cold a little more bearable.
Just as you predicted, Haechan was sick in bed the next week, battling the same cold. You let out a sigh of mixed exasperation and concern as you checked Haechan's temperature, shaking your head in mild disapproval.
"I warned you," you scolded lightly.
Despite his resistance, you couldn't help but take care of him anyway, nurturing him back to health with the same love and care he had shown you because that’s how things worked in your relationship.
For as long as you could remember, you’ve always had a sensitive stomach. Whether it was not drinking enough water, skipping meals, or eating something weird, you’ve grappled with this inconvenience all your life.
One day, you found yourself seated in class next to your boyfriend Jaemin, a persistent stomach ache gnawing at you since the morning. Initially, you had hoped the minor pain would simply fade away if you ignored it. But as the minutes ticked by, your discomfort intensified, forming knots that twisted your insides. Releasing a shaky exhale, you made an effort to concentrate on the professor’s lecture through diligent note-taking. Unfortunately, your body didn’t seem to be giving you a break today.
Being the observant boyfriend he was, Jaemin couldn’t help but notice the pallor that had crept onto your face. Concern sparkled within him, and he leaned in closer to place a comforting hand over yours.
“(Y/n),” he whispered, his eyes filled with genuine worry. “Are you feeling alright?”
You gave him a faint nod. “I–I’m fine, Jaemin. Don’t worry.”
Jaemin had a feeling you were downplaying your distress. But he decided to leave it alone for now and silently resolved to keep an eye on you. Fortunately, the class concluded shortly after, offering a sense of relief.
Eager to leave the lecture hall, you gathered your belongings at a hurried pace. However, as soon as you rose from your seat, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over you, causing the room to spin in disorienting circles.
“Jagiya!” Jaemin’s voice rang out. 
In that critical moment, when you started to lose your balance, Jaemin caught you in his arms before you could fall. He carefully led you outside to sit down on a bench.
“Is your stomach bothering you again?” he asked.
You nodded glumly in response, causing him to sigh. “You should’ve told me earlier, (Y/n).”
“It’s so embarrassing. I didn’t want to just leave in the middle of class,” you admitted quietly.
Jaemin frowned as he witnessed you taking another shallow breath. He leaned down to place his chin on your shoulder and began to gently massage your stomach, hoping to alleviate some of the pain.
“Hey, little monster, please stop hurting my (Y/n),” he scolded affectionately. “You’re being a little annoying right now and I don’t appreciate it.”
You shot the boy with a bemused look. “What are you doing?”
“Begging the monster,” Jaemin said with an innocent smile. 
You chuckled as you shook your head at his silly gesture. Something you loved about Jaemin was his odd yet endearing ways of making you feel better. He was truly a sweetheart.
The other day, you and Chenle tried this new restaurant. And unfortunately, you ended up getting food poisoning. Chenle was genuinely worried because he’s never seen your face look so pale. Watching you suffer bouts of nausea made him feel bad because he couldn’t do much to make it go away.
He did his best to stay by your side and hold your hair back when you were throwing up in the toilet. Though his actions were kind, you couldn’t help but be mortified that your boyfriend had to see you in such a gross state.
“Don’t be embarrassed, baby,” he cooed, as he rubbed your back in soothing circles. “It happens to everyone. You’re not alone in this.”
You half expected him to tease you, so you were surprised to hear him speak so reassuringly. Nonetheless, you appreciated his understanding of words. He helped you rise to your feet so you could wash up and rinse your mouth from the taste of vomit.
While you stayed in bed, Chenle called his members to cancel his prior engagements with them because “his baby was sick.” You overheard him on the phone and felt bad for disrupting his plans. Although you still felt a bit nauseous, you forced yourself out of bed to find him.
Just as he ended the phone call, you came up from behind and wrapped your arms around him in a grateful embrace. A smile stretched on Chenle’s lips as he felt his heart beating faster from such a simple gesture.
“What are you doing up, (Y/n)-ah?” he teased, raising an eyebrow. 
Exhaling, you instinctively squeezed him a little tighter. “Thank you for being here with me,” you whispered.
You were never great with words or physical affection with Chenle. But you couldn’t lose this opportunity to show him your sincerity and gratitude. 
Chenle chuckled softly and patted your hands. “Alright, back to bed you go.”
He then proceeded to sweep you off your feet and bring you back to the bedroom. This time, Chenle joined you in lying down in the comforts of your bed. Your legs intertwined beneath the cozy sheets, finding a comfortable and intimate tangle, while Chenle ensured that you were cradled securely within the embrace of his arms.
In the tranquil stillness of the room, the two of you would remain in that comforting position. The gentle melody of Chenle's soft singing served as a soothing lullaby, creating a peaceful ambiance. As the night progressed, fatigue would gradually claim both of you, with your bodies entwined and hearts connected. Your bond most definitely strengthened after this night.
For the past week, you’ve been feeling utterly miserable. Jisung genuinely panicked when he came over one day to the sight of you confined to your bed, enduring a seemingly never-ending cycle of nausea and vomiting. While you were sure this was just some stomach bug that would eventually disappear, Jisung seemed to think otherwise.
“(Y/n), what if you’re pregnant?” He asked worriedly, as he handed you a glass of water.
Your eyes widened in bewilderment at his question, and a light shade of red rose to your cheeks. You didn’t even understand how he came to that conclusion.
“Park Jisung, we haven’t even done anything for that to happen!”
Jisung’s brows furrowed in uncertainty. “Are you sure? One of the hyungs told me that eating watermelon seeds could make you pregnant. And you had watermelon not too long ago.”
Listening to his incredulous explanation caused you to mentally face-palm at your boyfriend’s innocent misunderstanding. Of course, his members didn’t miss the chance to tease the boy.
“Jisung, dear,” you began with a gentle smile, “That’s not how getting pregnant works.”
You tried to suppress a giggle as Jisung’s expression turned into one of bafflement.
“What?!” he exclaimed, clearly perplexed by the whole situation. Amid your splitting headache, you had to sit the boy down to clarify this misinformation.
Fast forward to the Dream dorm, where the members sat down for a family meeting. Mark’s eyes scanned the room, searching for the culprit who decided to mess with their maknae.
“Alright, who was it?”
Just as the question hung in the air, Haechan decided this was a good time to leave the room. However, his attempt to escape didn’t go unnoticed by the others, and all eyes turned to him.
“Seriously, Haechan?” Renjun groaned in exasperation. “You’re always know how to stir up trouble, don’t you?”
Haechan raised his hands up in defense. “Hey, how was I supposed to know he’d be dumb enough to believe me?”
You couldn't help but shake your head when you learned that Haechan was behind this. But deep down, you weren't surprised at all. You honestly wanted to playfully throttle him for putting you in the position of explaining how babies were conceived to your boyfriend.
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aetherarf · 1 year
Requested by Anonymous!
Hello, can i request a hurt/comfort with Childe where we had a bad day and we want him to comfort us but instead he yelled (for some reason) at us. Of course ge didn't mean to do that and he feels very guilty. He did his work fast and went to our shared home. When he got there he sees us crying our souls out and he feels extremely guilty than before. And then he comfort us and apologies and make it up to us.
[[Summary: A good deed never goes unpunished, even if it was little more than a misunderstanding... and riddled with guilt, Childe does everything he can to get back home to you and make everything right. ]]
[[ Word Count: 1'514 ]]
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Childe may have been a... certain individual, but he was a good man, and he worked hard, even if it wasn't always for unselfish reasons. And everyone had to do things for selfish reasons, it was human nature.
But he was also so selfless that it was sometimes odd, to see him flip from side to side, from being so selfish to selfless. But it was just him. And usually, when he was being more selfless, it did wear down on him, wanting to take care of everyone, but not so good at remembering to add himself to the list of people to be cared for.
So, with a hot meal, you decided to go see him... Or, if he was busy, just drop it off with a note you already wrote. Maybe he'd like the note either way, a little physical symbol of affection.
He was sentimental like that.
By the time you got there, you saw him in his 'office', though it was barely that. Weapons were set against the walls, and more than a few spars had been held in here judging by the damage on the floors and walls, but even he had stuffy work to do, paperwork and meetings, and all the painful things a leader would do. Or a Harbinger, really.
He was also too prideful for a secretary, deemed it too stuffy to get one, even if he adamantly didn't need one.
Standing at the back of the room, he seemed... A little hunched over? Tense, pulled taut like a bowstring. You took a few steps in, getting close to his desk that had countless papers scattered over it, as well as one that had some faint singe marks, and was now slightly damp, as though it was extinguished with ice.
"Leave me the fuck alone, I'm sick of you!"
You froze, thankfully having just set down the dish, not dropping it and leaving a mess when he was angry.
And he was pissed, seeing how he was ready to lash out, you could see the faintest glow on the cabinet he was standing by, reflecting his vision, pulsating with a heart rate that was by no means safe.
Immediately, you dashed out, knowing what was good for you, even if his saying such a cruel thing came out of nowhere...
... Was that really how he felt? Work being an escape, even when he did so well to seem like he was happy when you were home before him?
The tears nearly froze to your face before they fell.
As soon as Childe heard the pounding of feet on the ground, he knew he did not just yell at Signora. He was hoping it was some recruit- while he didn't want to defy his reputation as being the kindest of the Harbingers [or at least, to some he was considered that], he still had his own temper.
When he turned around, he didn't see anyone, but a dish wrapped up to be kept warm against the Snezhnayan cold. He took a few steps closer and lifted up the letter set atop it...
And his heart sunk, a rock straight into the pit of his belly.
He just yelled at you. You came here, being- being so kind to bring him food, because of course you did, trying to help him in even a small way was more than what most people did.
And it wasn't just yelling- Hell, he was second from spitting some vile things at what he thought was Signora.
He needed to get home.
... Not that he could. He couldn't leave until he got everything done, a big reason Signora was on his ass. But-
He could get it done, he'd get it done, and he'd get it done fast.
[Even when he ate, because of course he ate, needing the food in his stomach to fuel him as he rushed. It was good, and he did not want to admit that his feet felt like they were bleeding from standing and rushing, his hands too sore from writing.
A blessing, as guilty as he felt over it.]
After far too many hours, and after the sun still set, he finished, dropped everything right on Signora's desk, heedless of whatever else she was doing, and left, practically sprinting to get home as fast as possible, hoping you were even there, ignoring the nip of cold air burning in his lungs. Fumbling with the keys and half forcing his way in, he wondered if anyone was there at all. The fireplace unlit, completely dark, and it was spotless as he had left it when he went to go meet with the other Harbingers... It was like he left, and you were never here.
No, you were here, he left you bundled up in blankets, and since then the fire reduced to ashes without even embers left. This is not a home that holds warmth, not right now, only the frigid dread that hung in the air, so thick he could see mist when he exhaled.
Not caring to even take off his coat, he rushed through the hallway, trying to keep his footsteps as light as possible as he strained his hearing as he neared the bedroom at the end of the hall before he could hear the softest, most pitiful crying, muffled by fabric and the door between you. If he had even the slightest lack of self-control, he would've broken down the door, even if it wasn't locked in the first place. Instead, he grabbed the handle and tried to open it slowly, so as to not startle you...
As soon as he did, he spoke, "Hey," he whispered, "Hey, it's just me." He slowly stepped in, he saw you ready to dart, staring at you with horror in your eyes like a deer that had an arrow pointing right between its eyes,
"I'm- I'm not mad!" He shouted, cringing at himself, "I promise," He said softly this time, "I'm not mad, I'm not mad... it's okay."
Slowly, Childe approached the bed, trying not to upset you more, finally sitting down on it, it creaked beneath his weight as he looked at you, uncertain. He snuck his hand to yours, and held it gently, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand.
He... had some explaining to do.
He could do this.
He didn't do anything unforgivable... he hoped. He really, really, didn't mean it, but wasn't that what all the terrible people said? When he really just... didn't know it was you, and instead someone who didn't listen until you bit?
"I-" He took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you, now or before. I didn't think it was you- before, anyway... Signora had been on my ass and I thought it was her- you know how the other Harbingers are," you nodded, at least giving him that much faith that he didn't do anything unforgivable, "Are you... okay?"
"... You're not mad?"
"I'm not mad at all... and I'm sorry I made you think I was." He reassured, feeling that much more at peace when you relaxed into his arms.
He holds you close, every sniffle making his heart crack more and more, but he knew it was for the best you got it out. He wanted you to get out every little bad emotion, he really did. Even if it was a little hard to endure.
Eventually, it quieted down, until there were no whimpers or whines or distress, just the soft sound of breathing in the room, so faint it was almost drowned out by the faint breeze outside.
"... Are you okay?" He finally asked, oh so very hesitant and shy, "It's okay if you're not."
"I am," You said, though he knew the pain remained, at least you were okay.
He sighed with a smile, before it stopped, "Do you want to help make dinner? Or should I just...?"
"Stay for a little longer?" You asked, and he laughed softly,
"Well, I'd love to stay and cuddle, but this position is starting to make me ache... and I sort of forgot to take my boots off." He admitted with the goofiest grin you had ever seen. You could hear them hit the floor as he just removed them, after being inside for so long.
He still pressed a big fat smooch right onto your cheek, "I'll go get the fireplace started so we don't freeze here, alright?" He asked, and upon seeing your agreement, he stood up, then stopped for a moment, balefully staring at the muddy tracks he brought in as he tentatively took off his still-dirtied boots, setting them onto a mat.
"Actually," he said, still staring, "Could you light the fireplace?" He asked, "I'd rather get these up while they're still wet and easy to mop."
For some reason, the absurd change of topic and genuine logic to it made you laugh, and he looked back at you and smiled, with all the love in the world.
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sinsiriuslyemo · 6 months
A few years ago, I was going through quite a time. My abuelo was very, very sick and had broken his vertebrae, then my abuela had to have surgery, then my dad also needed to have surgery. It was a crazy period, and at the time, with me being so far away from them, I felt completely helpless. All I could think to do about it was write, since writing is often how I deal with emotions. I didn't post it it though, whether it was because I didn't think anyone would be interested or because it was too hard at the time, I couldn't say. But in celebration of 1,000 followers, I wanted to share it.
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Running on hardly any sleep and fighting the beginnings of a migraine was not your idea of a fun Saturday. On top of that, you still hadn’t touched your manuscript in weeks and — true to a typical writer — you were feeling guilty about it. You had been working on your debut novel for almost a year and were in the midst of the biggest revision round to date, but you couldn’t seem to find the time to sit down and tackle it. The whole reason you’d left your hometown was so that you could spread your wings, away from the pressures and sometimes suffocating influence of your family members. Living in New York had been your dream since you were a little girl, but now that it had come true, you couldn’t help but feel as though you were squandering it.
  Plopping down on your couch, you decided to take a nap. Maybe it would rejuvenate you enough to actually get some work done and hopefully it would take care of this damn migraine before it got too bad. 
  Just as you closed your eyes and got comfortable, your phone dinged with a new message. You let out a breath, deciding not to answer it and tried to focus on relaxing so that you would fall asleep. It was easier said than done. You tossed and turned and even tried pulling your fluffy, leopard print blanket over your head to shut out all the light, but nothing worked. 
   An hour later, you had given up on the nap and grabbed your phone off the end table as you sat up. A text from your grandmother. 
   At least it was a text and not a phone call. You loved your family, but they often called when it wasn’t the best time for you to talk, which would result in either you sounding angry or them feeling as though you were annoyed with them. You knew you were lucky to have both sets of grandparents still alive, that often when people found out that you had all four grandparents they would tell you how lucky you were, but sometimes you just needed your own space without them asking about every — single — aspect of your life. You opened the text and your heart dropped.
   She had a heart attack this morning. She’s in the hospital, they’re taking her for a cardio on Monday.
   You furrowed your brows. Who was she?! 
   You had spoken to your other grandma a few days before because your grandfather had fallen and broken his vertebrae. Was there a typo in the text and the she was meant to be a he?! Or was someone else in the hospital now, too?!
   Your fingers were shaking as you texted her back in a panic.
   Your mind was racing as you waited for a reply, tired after only a few seconds. After a few seconds, you didn’t want to have to wait for a text back anymore, and called her as scenario after scenario ran through your mind. 
   Why did this have to happen now? When your grandfather was already in the hospital? Your family didn’t need this! Not now. Beyond that, you weren’t ready to lose either of your grandparents. 
   “Y/N —”
   “What happened?” you asked immediately, heart pounding in your throat and a sting quickly developing along the edges of your nose.
   “Your abuela Gloria had a heart attack this morning. That text, I got from your sister, and I forwarded it to you.”
   You felt your world crumble around you and barely registered that the front door had opened and Rafael had walked in.
   “She’s okay, it was minor. They took her to Baptist Hospital,” your grandma said.
   “What about Abuelo?”
   “They’re transferring him back to the hospital because after they took your Abuela, he fell out of bed again. So, they have to make sure that he didn’t hurt his back where they fixed it.”
   Your hand made contact with your forehead as the sting on your nose grew until water was pooling in your eyes. They were both in the hospital?! And you were here, thousands of miles away and unable to do anything about it.
   “Your father is there, fighting with the people at the rehab center because they weren’t giving Abuelo any pain medication, they weren’t changing him when he had accidents —”
   By now Rafael had given up on trying to get your attention long enough to wave a greeting and had sat down beside you, watching your expression with furrowed brows.
   “Your dad is making sure that after they get him back to the hospital, he finds another rehab center,” your grandmother said. “I don’t want you to worry, everything is okay. We’re managing. I just wanted you to know because I figured you’d be pissed if we didn’t tell you anything.”
   Running a hand through your hair, you pinched the bridge of your nose as the migraine finally hit full force and the tears in your eyes dripped down onto your cheeks.
   “Okay,” was all you could manage to say. “Who’s with Abuela?”
   “Your brothers are there with her right now,” she replied.
   “Okay,” you mumbled, the guilt of not being there when your family needed you the most weighing heavy on your conscience. 
   “I’ll keep you posted on everything, okay? Don’t worry,” she said again.
   “Okay, I’ll talk to you soon,” she said.
   “Okay… I love you.”
   “I love you too, honey.”
   You hung up and for the first time since he’d walked in, looked over at Rafael, who had been staring at you with concern ever since he got home. 
  “What happened?” he asked, wiping at your cheeks.
   “My abuela had a heart attack this morning,” you answered and filled him in on everything you’d just found out.
   “Is she gonna be okay?” he asked.
   “I hope so. They said it was minor and they’re doing that test on Monday,” you answered. “I’m not ready to lose any of them,” you admitted, more tears streaming down your face as you let him pull you into his arms. He let you cry in silence for a moment, stroking your hair, gently rocking you back and forth.
   “You can’t think like that,” he whispered after a long silence.
   “I just hate that this is happening and I’m not there for them,” you sobbed. “She doesn’t need this right now, with Abuelo in the hospital, too, she just doesn’t need this!”
   “I know,” he replied. “So let’s go. Let’s go and be with your family.”
   You looked up at him. “Really?”
   “Yes,” he replied without hesitation. “I know how important they are to you and that means they’re important to me, too.”
   “What about your job? You have that case coming up —”
   “I can find someone to man the fort while we’re gone,” he answered, shaking his head. “You’re not gonna go through this alone, mi amor. I’m here for you.”
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call-to-the-wyatt · 2 years
Percy Jackson x Child Of Apollo!GN!Reader- Clueless- Part 1
Not requested, it just poped up in my mind, hope you enjoy!
this imagines is happening between The Last Olympian and The Lost Hero, but Percy and Annabeth aren’t dating. | written & posted: June 27th, 2022 | word count: 1386
Annabeth and Grover ran into the infirmary, half-carrying half-dragging Percy between them.
Y\N, who just finished sewing Aphrodite’s son’s arm, turned to see what happened. They needed to hold back thier surprise; Percy was pale, his lips were blue, and his whole body was wet and shaking.
“What happened?” they asked as they checked Percy’s body heat, pulse and blood pressure, avoiding the hard pounding of their heart. Focus, they thought. You need to help Percy.  
“We sailed in a canoe across the lake, and Percy jumped in the water to swim and check on the creaturs there, as always.” Annabeth said, breathing heavily. “After a while Grover-”
“-I felt Percy wasn’t okay,” Grover interrupted Annabeth. “He told me in his mind to help him because he’s in danger! So I told it to Annabeth and-”
“I took the canoe all over the lake but I didn’t find anything,” Annabeth interrupted Grover. Gods, I wish they stop doing that, Y\N thought. “So we asked the Nayads to help, and eventually they found Percy and brought him to our canoe. He looked like he looks now, as if he-”
“Drowned” Y\N finished her sentence. It was impossible, Percy was Poseidon’s son, he wasn’t supposed to drown or get wet- but here he was, looking just like someone who just drowned.
They knew it could be a prank; but Percy wasn’t the guy who pretends he drowned and make all of his friends worry. Y\N knew Percy since they both came to camp, when they were 12, and they remember how guilty Percy seemed at his funeral when he saw everyone mourn over him; he would never make his friends sorrow on purpose, which means he really drowned.
“Will?” Y\N called. Will was there in a minuete. “What you need, Y\N?”
“Put Percy on this cot and go get some towels and blankets, please” Y\N told their brother, thinking what to do.
Will nodded. He took Percy from his friends and layed him on the cot, then he whispered “he’ll be fine” in Y\N’s ear and went away. He was the only one who knew Y\N has a crush on Percy, although they thought it was pretty clear.
Y\N had another secret- Apollo, their father, blessed them with a voice that can be used almost like charmspeaking, but for other purposes; their voice could be used to effect people but not the same way charmspeaking does- Y\N’s voice was a tool, they could use it to calm people or boost their energy, it could make people see things the way Y\N does, and if they were singing to a sick\injured people it made their natural healing process faster.
Now they used it to make people listen to them and do as they say- Annabeth and Grover wanted to help Percy, but Y\N wasn’t sure if they’ll listen to them. “Grover, go get some herbs from the Demeter cabin, explain the situation and they’ll know what to do”
Grover nodded and went out, absolutely convinced Y\N know what they say.
“Annabeth-” Athena’s daughter recoiled when she heard how convincing Y\N’s voice is; she almost never followed orders, only when someone used charmspeaking. “Go to Apollo’s cabin, there’s a bottle full of golden liquid on my night stand, please bring it here; there are poems on the wall next to it”
Annabeth nodded, surprised by how powerful Y\N’s voice was, and did as they said.
Y\N turned around and looked at Percy. They brushed his hair away from his forehead with their fingers, sigh at how soft his hair was. “I wish you felt for me what I feel for you” they said. “I wish you would see how I feel about you. I wish you could be mine and I could be yours.” They sighed again, a single tear rolling on their cheek. “I love you” they whispered and took Percy’s cold hand in thiers, sobbing from sorrow.
Percy didn’t hear those words, but they were the words he wanted to hear most- even if he didn’t know it.
I’ll post part 2 very soon, it just started feeling a little long to me.
Love you! - Bar
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A Glimpse of Simon Riley
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(Gif credit to @sweeetestcurse​)
Here’s some headcanons I have about Ghost before he was actually Ghost, meaning before the traumatic events that led to him making himself Lieutenant Ghost. This is coming from his backstory in the Modern Warfare remake last year and my own thoughts, enjoy the foolery with a sprinkle of sociological analysis 
Simon Riley is someone who is low-maintenance. Like seriously he could just use bar soap and look good. Genetics is a lottery this man absolutely won. 
That being said, anything anyone does for him that is self-care related makes him want to turn into a grateful puddle, but he also feels like he needs to pay it back somehow. The man’s traumatic past with his childhood means his brain needs time to process that he is deserving of good things...please be patient with our neurodivergent sweetheart.
Is bi. I don’t make the rules. Is very, VERY much bisexual. 
Because of his upbringing though, it’s likely he wasn’t given the freedom or acceptance to explore his sexuality but going to the military helped him overcome the internalized shame in himself and he slowly opened up a bit more to the idea. He’s also pan or demi-romantic. 
Simon Riley is build like a weapon but the core of his steel is forged with love. The altruistic love he has for people clashes with the violent upbringing and terrible traumatic disposition he has acquired from it, therefore since he views himself as a dangerous near inhumane thing, he decided that he would do whatever he could to defend people. Basically the trope of ‘monster is hated by people in the past and believes he deserves it and can’t see himself as other than an abomination but wants to protect humanity just in the tiny sliver of hope that there is something worth defending’. 
Simon Riley is a jokester from childhood. Humor was his escape from awkward silences, from rejection by peers, from his family’s hurt...he joked to cope, to make friends, to connect through humor, to give himself and others some joy and maybe revel in the love that joy brought. He wanted to be the reason people smiled, because it made him feel worthy. 
He is a provider at heart. Not the toxic kind, NEVER that Manosphere nonsense; he believes that those who are able to provide should provide, and from seeing how his family and he suffered from having the most absentee and abusive patriarchal provider he swore he would not only provide for himself but also provide for others. The world is his oyster and he made it his duty to protect and provide for the vulnerable because he knows the pain of not having that and wishes it on NO ONE. He has brought soup to sick friends before, and offered candy and food too. Provider that makes you want to get married immediately. 
He loves flowers. He absolutely appreciates them. The flowers on the street make him the happiest, as they represent growth in hardship and resilience. He smiles at flowers that grow in concrete. When he’s happy and feeling it enough, he’ll take a small flower and put it on his pocket or a buttonhole on a shirt, wherever he can. They also deeply remind him of his mother and her unwavering goodness, even to those that didn’t deserve it. He also treads softly on grass, even when he’s over 235 pounds of muscle. His favourite flower is a sunflower. 
Sleeps heavier than the world on Atlas’ shoulders before the incident; loves his sleep. As a child he didn’t get much sleep so now his adult body is making up for lost time and waking up without loud sounds and horrible gestures makes him so happy. 
He read romance books back in the day (as a teen and early into his career). Very guilty pleasure, he just really loved the vicarious feeling of meeting someone and nurturing a relationship with them. Loved the ones where one of them has kids and the love interest is active and attentive to the kids too. The stories help him heal in multiple ways but he also uses them as an instruction booklet. (Yes he read Twilight and he cringes to Hell whenever its mentioned). 
Has a diary. Rarely opens it up or uses it, but it has notes of what he hears in passing that make him laugh, make him think, some jokes he practises in his book (the amount of scribbles in the margins is astronomical), and a few entries from the first few times he tried to journal from a therapist/counsellor’s advice but it never really went through. Has a few affirmations in them. He also has some drawings in them, and in a hidden section, photographs of his mother and brother. His earliest tattoo designs and ideas were on it too. He also has in it, written the names of all those he truly cares about and keeps a list of friends and enemies. 
Soft guitar music, maybe some country? But mostly just soft and mellow music that calms the mind but touches the soul. Older generation artists, coming from his mother’s and brother’s tastes, honestly. He only likes a few pop artists, but has been spotted by Price humming a song or two that the other guys (read: Gaz and Soap) sing around the base for whatever and then cursing himself for getting ‘infected’ by those songs. If you tell him to listen to a song and ask his opinion the next day you’ll be surprised to find out he’s actually listened to it. 
His favourite weather is a soft rain, or those sunny days where there’s a lot of clouds dotting the sky and infrequent sunlight. Perfect sleeping weather. And rain of course is common for his home country so he does like it, and can’t do too well with excessive heat (the man wears all black in the desert like why). 
He loves affection but of course, has to act nonchalant about it and doesn’t know how to ask for it. Again, because of his past, affection is something rare and if he asks for it it was likely to go wrong, with only his mother giving him some affection and his brother having rare moments of brotherly affirmation and physical touch. He sees the camaraderie of other soldiers and sometimes, when he’s alone and in his own head, he’s envious of them and the ways they can casually dispense and request affection without fear of it being rejected, wishing that he could have something like that. 
Is a good listener, and appreciates it himself when others listen to him and keep track of things he says, even the little ones. He says what he means (unless he’s in a heightened, agitated state of emotion) and to have people speak earnestly, and even kindly about him never leave his mind. He also lives for doing a good thing as he is a bit of a perfectionist with himself, so hearing some sincere praise from others strokes his ego so much oh my god you don’t even know-
He is a shit driver. Well, technically he passed all his classes but by the sheer power of intimidation as he did do the basic stuff right. He can drive well enough but usually it involves high speed and borderline road rage. Price was relieved when Gaz told him he could drive. Simon Riley only gets the keys if no one else is there. The only worse driver is Soap because he wants to stop and see every dog that walks by and pet it and had to swerve a few times. Plus Soap is a passenger princess (you all know he is. You all do.)
That’s all I got right now, maybe I’ll make more but for now this is it! There may be more coming up but I would enjoy conversing with you guys about it too! 
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storyreader01 · 10 months
Therese lay in their bed, feeling awful. Her head throbbed with pain and her throat was raw and sore, and she had lost count of the tissues she had been using. Carol lay beside her, rubbing her back gently.
"I'm sorry," Therese muttered weakly, feeling guilty for getting sick. "I know you were going to take me out to dinner tonight."
Carol brushed Therese's hair away from her forehead. "Shh, It's fine. We can always reschedule."
Therese shook her head, coughing and wincing at the pain in her chest. "I just feel awful. I don't want to ruin our plans."
Carol smiled and kissed her forehead. "We'll figure something out. Just focus on getting better, my love."
Over the next few days, Therese's illness only seemed to get worse. Her fever spiked high and her body ached all over, making even the simplest tasks feel like mountains to climb. Carol watched over her constantly, checking her temperature, bringing her water and medication, and making sure she got plenty of rest.
Rindy, Carol's young daughter, came to visit one afternoon, and she was quick to notice how sick Therese was. "Are you okay?" she asked, looking up at Therese with wide eyes.
Therese managed a weak smile. "I'm just a bit under the weather, Rindy. But I'll be fine soon."
Rindy nodded, a serious expression on her face. "I'll take care of you," she said, determined.
And so she did. She brought Therese books and blankets, played games with her, and even brought her a cup of tea - something that she had seen her mother do countless times before.
As the days wore on, Therese's condition remained precarious. She struggled to keep food down and couldn't seem to shake the constant ache in her head and chest. Carol grew more and more worried, even as she tried her best to stay positive for Therese's sake.
One night, as they lay in bed, Carol whispered to Therese, "I don't know what I would do if something happened to you."
Therese reached out and took Carol's hand, feeling the warmth and comfort of her touch. "It's just a cold," she said, wincing at the cough that wracked her body. "I'll be better soon."
But despite her optimism, Therese's condition only seemed to worsen. She slept fitfully, waking up often with chills or sweating from a fever. Carol was constantly by her side, her voice soothing as she murmured words of comfort.
And then, one night, as they lay together in the dark, Therese's fever spiked higher than ever before. She felt dizzy and disoriented, her breath coming in short gasps, and she knew something was seriously wrong.
"Carol," she said, her voice weak and trembling. "I think you need to call the doctor."
Carol listened to her breathless, raspy voice and knew that Therese was right. She quickly dialed the number for the emergency room and explained the situation. Within moments, an ambulance was on its way.
The next few hours were a blur of activity. The paramedics checked Therese over, her fever dangerously high and her breathing labored. They rushed her to the hospital, where she was given IV fluids and medication to bring her fever down.
Carol stayed by her side through it all, her heart pounding with fear as she watched her girlfriend struggle. She wondered if Therese would make it through the night.
But even in her weakened state, Therese was a fighter. She worked with the doctors to get the help she needed, pushing through the pain and discomfort to get better. And after several days of intense treatment and rest, she finally turned a corner.
Carol breathed a sigh of relief as she watched Therese slowly begin to recover, her color returning and her strength slowly coming back. She knew that they had been through a difficult and scary time, but she also knew that their love had sustained them, no matter what.
And as they lay together, surrounded by the familiar comforts of their home, Carol knew that they would face whatever came their way - together.
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pinkbubblr · 5 months
Letter to you
I will sin for you, but I am not enough for you to risk it.
I feel so guilty. I shouldn't feel this type of love towards you. Your heart is set. Why can't I set my heart the same? Just when I think I recovered from you, I fall again. Deeper and more painful. I've been through this before, but this one seems the most hurtful. Maybe because I have grown over the past few years. Maybe because I finally understand what is right and wrong. And yet... why do I keep repeating?
Something about you. How can someone not fall in love with the way you laugh. How your eyes sparkle in excitement. How God placed a cute mole on your right cheek. How your lips turn into a shy smile when I say you're pretty out of nowhere. How you have a passion for becoming a better person. You have a beautiful soul. Anyone is lucky to be able to call you theirs.
I wish I was a boy. To get a chance to hold your hands against the cold. Give my jacket to you. Even as a friend, someone always beats me to it. I want to kiss your cheeks. I want to bring you on dates. I want to buy you flowers. Write you love letters. I could write to you daily if you want me to. I want to love you without guilt. I think I am sick. I'm not right.
I am not really hiding it anymore. You can say I am wrong as much as you want. I already know. I have known ever since I was a kid. It was my choice to love you. I want to risk it for you. Call me a fool. Stupid. Lonely. Desperate. All are true.
I beg for your attention. I need you. You make my heart pound. I have never felt so flustered before, where my butterflies are so joyful. I want you by my side. I want to give you everything you want. But that is where I am limited. I am not a man. I can't give you kids. I can't give you respect from others.
We would be a secret, but I crave that. I don't care how much hurt I'd get in the end. Give me a chance as a woman. Let me love you as a girl.
God, I am so sorry I dropped so low. Sorry, I became angry. Please don't take her away from me.
I feel like I've failed. I never feel like I am wasting my time when I am with you. I can sit in silence, but not you. I know you itch to leave. Sorry, I failed to provide that sense of peace.
I want to be with you during your worst days. I notice when you're nervous. When you silently beg. I can read you. I am a fool for you. Every little thing about you, I pick it up. I will help you no matter what. You could tell already. You always say it's fine, that I don't have to. It makes me blush in embarrassment. That you knew I wanted to help without me saying it. I don't like it when you're unhappy. I don't like it when you talk bad about yourself. If only you could see yourself in my lens. I hear music when I am with you in silence. You can't handle it. It's cute though, I always let you play whatever song you want.
Sounds like I have no backbone, but trust me I do. I am very confident. But around you, I am suddenly a little more soft and vulnerable. Maybe that's why it hurts so much more. A heartbreak. A love that will never be returned. A love that will never be heard. A love that will break me. A love that's a sin. One-sided. I made that choice, and I will do it over and over again for you.
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ran-orimoto · 1 year
I’m aware I shouldn’t talk to you when I’m sad and come here to ask you for headcanons but I think I’m getting to bottom in this period 😔 and your Junzumi gives me comfort with my favourite Emily in Paris show. I get it if you dislike me and hate me because when I’m sad I ask you Junzumi headcanons, but if you could give me one I would be happy and feel better about my life😔. Your Junzumi is so sweet at heart. It fills me with the sweet personality you have.
Anon, I hope you’re joking. I’m very glad when you come here to ask me for headcanons. There’s nothing more beautiful than being able to give a person the minimal form of relief through stuff we make, through our fantasy. No need to be ashamed or feel guilty because if I can give any minuscule help with my trash, I will give it without problems. Indeed, it’s a pleasure and if, just if, you ever feel like visiting me in chat, I will welcome you with open arms. We will talk about Junzumi as much as you want.
Hmm, I often throw here and there headcanons on Twitter and I never get too far with them because of the limited characters. I think you might like another one RELATED TO FOOD, because my Junzumi has become a synolon with food and it’s embarassing? Like, they’re always eating, these two.
• So, I headcanon Junpei has to follow a strict diet for opera singers when a show is around the corner. This is not a real headcanon, because if he really gets to be famous, he will get managers around him and for sure he will be forced to eat specific meals. In particular , he will get to eat so much broth, like, Anon, liters and liters of broth. He will surely have to swallow so many kinds of soups too, but broth will become his worst nightmare🤣. Brodo di ossobuco, brodo di carne, brodo di pollo, brodo di pesce, brodo vegetale. These all are meals opera singers need to keep their throat warm and well-prepared to sing (so they say).
In a nutshell, eating (or drinking?) broth is another aspect Junpei can’t stand about his carreer. It piles up with other sacrifices he gets sick of as years pass by.
“Brodo! Brodo! What’s for lunch? Brodo! What’s for dinner! You would never be able to guess!”
I think once he joked with some doctor about his blood being broth at that point during some routine check up lmao. You know what Junpei is like: he is very blunt and why should he lose that side of his personality when he’s a grown-ass man 🤣?!
Unfortunately, Junpei doesn’t get to spend as much time with his family as he wants. Sometimes he can also miss from home for months. Despite that, despite the pinch of sadness that will always come with that realization, whenever he comes back, he can’t help looking forward to eating Izumi’s special meals again.
Before he can finally touch the floor of their house after what has felt like ages, Izumi enjoys herself preparing him a big lunch, (or dinner, it depends), he will gladly dive in. Sometimes she might joke with him showing him a dish of broth she has cooked for a client, and Junpei gets pail at the sight and starts pouting because that’s not fair. Of course, she’s just teasing him (fortunately for him).
I think Izumi’s redemption from the fatphobia she showed in the anime can also happen through this passion of hers to feed husband, -like someone has said on Twitter-. Izumi should eventually adopt the mentality of every italian family woman wanting to take care of her dears in the right way…Is there a more proper way in Italy to express how much you love your husband and kids than filling their plates with A WORLD of pasta or whatever you’ve cooked for them? Italian mothers and wives always think we are starving…And we need to eat so much…I experience it on my skin everyday.
I don’t believe Junpei will get thin in his adulthood, (ehm, never??? If anything, I’d make Izumi gain weight), but I’m certain constantly eating broth would make him lose a bit, just a bit, of pounds. Moreover, add excruciating stress due to the kind of life he will certainly lead, lack of sleep, so many travels around the globe. Signor Shibayama could benefit from it🤣.
The funny thing is that when he comes back home from his long tournèes,Izumi won’t leave him in that state, though. After the big lunch or dinner mentioned before, she will prepare him other huge rounds in the following days. Not that Junpei complains🤣, but it’s a bit hard to return to that lifestyle.
“Look. You’re so stressed. You look so worn-out. Your face….”
“My face…?”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full!”
“You’re right, Tesoro, but what about my face?”
“Haven’t I told you to stop talking with your mouth full?! And focus on eating, please. It’s like if I can see the bones of your knuckles . It’s scary…You know what? Give me the dish, there’s some more pasta left.”
I love making anime Izumi’s motherly attitude fall in the role of a true family woman because you know Junpei would be the luckiest man out there. And, most of all, I love her not being able to see Junpei in another way but in his stout appearance. Eh💜💛.
Thank you again, Anon. I hope you can feel better soon!
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sparklygrrl · 1 year
Diagnosis : Burn Out
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Sitting in the doctor's exam room, I stare down at my hands. My voice quavers,
"The depression is worse. I feel numb except for anxiety. Nothing brings me joy anymore....at all."
Large tears well up in the corner of my eyes. It had been 4 months since I had seen her.
"I'm pretty sure my boss is sick of me crying hysterically in her office."
My physician peers at me, her blue-green eyes filled with concern. I try to take a steadying breath so I can continue but it gets caught halfway.
"I'm self medicating....food....I've gained 30 pounds since the fall. I can't seem to run. That's what I always did to manage the stress. None of my tools are working, prayer, meditation nothing. I've been also talking to my therapist regularly since we last met. That doesn't seem to be helping."
I look up at her,
"I'm drinking too much wine and smoking too much pot."
I take a slow breath.
"Don't get me wrong, I am not being reckless...not smoking or drinking at work or driving under the influence. I just need to stop the noise. Drown it out somehow."
She regards me intently, her brow furrows. I notice the gray roots bleeding into her honey blond curls,
"So you blaze a big doobie to escape...I get it, but with the heightened anxiety, it's kind of like chasing your own tail."
"I know but I'm always on edge; haven't been sleeping well. All of my dreams are about work. I just can't escape it. I don't think I have emotionally or mentally been with my family since the end of last summer even though I'm physically with them every day. When my work phone rings when I'm at home, I literally panic. My pulse races and I just don't want to answer it, then I feel guilty because it could be someone on the other end just needing some support."
I begin picking at the nude color polish on my thumb. Chips of it fall to the floor making little rose beige half moons on the tile,
"I tried taking a vacation at Christmas but I just couldn't disconnect....kept worrying about having to go back."
I glance up,
"You know how it is there. It's the worst I've ever seen it. Everyone's exhausted, working short, trying to keep things going. Everyone is just done. I drive to work and look at the rock cuts on the way and think about just driving into them or sometimes in the midst of a panic attack when my chest is hurting and I can't breathe, I fantasize that I am having a heart attack....I don't want to die...I just want everything to stop for a while. I know how sick this sounds but it's the truth."
She nods her head in what I perceive to be sympathetic agreement and then looks me dead in the eye,
"Humans are not wired to stay in fight or flight mode indefinitely. You have burn out. I'm officially diagnosing you."
0 notes
primofate · 3 years
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2K Followers Event: Pancake and Waffle Cafe Masterlist
Nutella Waffles (overhearing and misunderstanding a conversation/situation) MODERN AU ANGST
Characters: Childe, Kazuha, Thoma, Albedo, Kaeya, Zhongli, fem!reader
Warnings: not proofread :D, cheating, fighting, insulting, misunderstanding (duh), pregnancy, sexual innuendos, implying sex, mentions of sex, still SFW though, of course I bent the lore since it’s an AU
Notes: I had trouble with this so I decided to make it a modern AU. That’s also why it took so long. I think my brain is starting to run dry XD I mean, there’s only so much situations/conversations I could think of that could be misunderstood. Still, enjoy!
"Ah, sorry, Y/N, I can’t walk you home today... Maybe tomorrow?” Childe smiled at you, scratching the back of his head, his school bag swung over his shoulder already. He looked like he was in a hurry. 
It’s been a few days like this and you really didn’t know what was happening. You asked him if he needed help with stuff at home or if he was having a hard time with his homework and if that’s why he was always rushing off. He would just give you the same smile and wave a hand. “It’s nothing like that,” and then off he’d go. 
The next day, as you walk towards his classroom during lunchtime you hear him and his friends talking before you even reach the classroom door. 
“Zoe is totally cute,” Childe says. The voice he uses is something that he’d never used on you before. You freeze in your tracks and try to listen in more. “Wow, she really is! Great job picking her!” one of his friends said and it sounded as if they’d hit Childe on the back as a congratulations. “Let me see, let me see,” another one says followed by a gasp. “Have you taken her out yet?” Childe laughs nervously and you know all too well without even looking at him that he’s probably scratching his head. “No, not yet,” 
“Does your girlfriend know yet?” Someone else asks.
And then you hear a laugh that’s all too mischievous. All too playful. All too heart-wrenching. “She doesn’t know!” and they continue to laugh.
You turn away and try your hardest not to let tears escape from your eyes. It felt as if you were being laughed at. Like everyone knew that he was cheating. Everyone except you. It doesn’t help that there was a Zoe in the other class too. The way his friends laughed made your cheeks heat up in embarrassment and the tears you were so desperately holding back to finally flow through.
You ended up staying in the washroom for the whole of lunch time, staying in a cubicle for an extra few minutes, late for the next class.
Somehow you didn’t expect Childe to still show up in your classroom to pick you up for the day and walk you home. You stare at him at the classroom door, your eyes had already gone back to their normal shade, but still glossy. He doesn’t notice, he has a big smile on his face that mocks you. Ridicules you. 
“Y/N! Let’s go together today!” Does he feel guilty? Is that why he finally agrees to walk home with you? Cause he’s had his fill of Zoe already? You don’t say a word and exit the classroom, going past him. Childe blinks, and turns to watch you walking away from him. “Y/N?”
He walks after you, and takes his place next to you. He touches the strap of your backpack, as usual, and says “I’ll take this--”
“I got it,” you reply curtly and move away from him. He’s dumbfounded, eyes still a little wide at your sudden coldness. Now he’s getting anxious. Did he do something wrong? “H-Hey...Y/N, are you mad because I didn’t walk home with you the past couple days? See, I was just--”
“I’m not that petty!” You nearly growl at him, holding his gaze for a few seconds before walking off again. Your eyes are starting to prickle with more tears. You just wanted to get home. As soon as you can. Away from him. You didn’t have the heart to break up with him face to face. You liked him too much, you knew you wouldn’t be able to do it while looking at his handsome face. 
Then, he snatches your wrist and pulls you back towards him. The school hallways are emptying out, there’s a few students walking by who ignore the two of you. “Then what’s the matter? I don’t like it when we fight. At least tell me what I did!” 
You wrench your wrist away from his and start sniffing. He stands there, shocked at where your tears are coming from. Until you start talking. “I heard you, during lunch time,” his eyebrows furrow. “Lunch...time?” He mumbles, not following. “When you were talking about your cute Zoe!” He doesn’t say anything for a moment and that only confirms your fears. 
He’d been looking at other girls, and probably wanting them.
“...Y/N, Zoe is...” Childe scratched his cheek, averting his eyes away. 
“I don’t wanna hear it,” you try to turn away, but he doesn’t let you and holds your shoulders with his hands, staring straight at you. “My dog,” You were crying at this point, and when you hear his next words your eyes narrow. “W-What?”
“Zoe is my new dog,” 
“B-But your friend asked if you took her out yet...”
“Yeah,” Childe tilted his head, “for a walk?” As you start to connect the dots he takes out his phone and shows you the picture of a cute miniature poodle, it had a collar and a silver tag on it that said “Zoe”. You thought that you might cry again at how cute she was but you just glare up at Childe. “Well, I didn’t tell you cause I was gunna surprise you. I’ve been going home early these days cause we had to go visit the pound a few times and finalize the papers and everything...” 
“I-Is that true? Is that all it is?” You sniff, now wiping your stupid tears away. Childe smiles down at you and takes your hands away from your face, replacing it with his, thumbing away the streaks of wetness. “Y/N, no one can ever replace you,” you sniff and let him dote on you. You’d been missing him for a while anyway. 
“...Well except Zoe, maybe Zoe can,” he’s clearly teasing you and you don’t hesitate to lift your fist and punch him on the shoulder, earning a small “Ow,” from him followed by a laugh. “I’m just kidding, how ‘bout you come over and visit her today? It’s only her second day home!”
You’d made an appointment with your friend a long time ago. Just a quick lunch and catch up date. Thoma had graciously volunteered to drive you to the mall where you were meeting up with her.
“You sure you don’t need me to pick you up? It’s Saturday. I’m free,” he flashes you a smile, his eyes darting towards you only for a second before going back to the road. “I’ll be fine hun, I’ll take the bus home,” you reply to him.
Halfway through your journey he says that he needs to buy something from a convenience store, and so he parks the car properly and grabs his wallet. His phone is on the car phone stand and you pay no heed to it until a soft ‘ding’ makes you pick your head up to look at the screen. 
Your best friend’s name pops up, she’s messaged him and your blood runs cold.
“I’ll come over when Y/N’s gone,” the message read. Your heart is already at your throat, and you don’t know what to think. What is this make-believe situation that you’re suddenly in. Is this really happening? Your eyes dart upwards to look at the door of the convenience store. You could see Thoma was still looking at the shelves.
You gulp and you wonder what the right thing to do is. Invade his privacy and peek at his messages? Let it go? Confront him? Cry? Another ‘ding’ fills up the car.
“How long is she going to be out? The longer the better. So...” you couldn’t read the rest of the message, it being cut off but you were already spiraling down the hole of despair. How could he? Your sweet and loyal Thoma ended up going behind your back with your best friend. You thought you were going to be sick, you actually had to roll the windows of the car down to get some fresh air, just as Thoma came out of the convenience store door with a plastic bag. 
You couldn’t look at him. You couldn’t even be in the same space as him. You were going to cancel today with your friend, you didn’t think you’d be able to function properly. When he sat on the driver’s seat and saw you looking out the window, he didn’t think much of it and revved the engine up. “Ready hu--”
“Take me to my sister’s place,” Thoma blinked and turned to you, confused. “But, what about your lunch date today, dear?”
“I don’t feel like going. My sister’s place is nearby, just drop me off there,” Your hands were already typing a reply to the friend that you were about to stand up on, but you couldn’t even think of what to do or say. 
“Dear is everything okay?” He asked while backing the car up, arm outstretched to your side while he’s looking at the rear. He was appalled by your sudden mood change. You didn’t answer but he hears you sniff and he immediately stops the car again. “Y/N? What’s wrong?” He’s alarmed that you’re crying and he reaches to cup your chin and tilt it towards him but you move your face away from him. 
“Y/N?” he asked, the confusion in his voice is actually genuine and you can hear a bit of panic in it. “How long have you been seeing Aya?” you spit the words as if they’re poison and the car is quiet. You laugh bitterly. “I thought so, cat got your tongue, huh?” 
Thoma shook himself out of his confusion to say, “No, wait, I don’t know what you mean,” You scoff at him. You’re shocked at the amount of resentment you had, you trusted this man and yet this is what happens. “Yeah? Why is she sneaking into our house then?” You point at his phone, the screen is still lit up because of the messages and there were more coming in from your best friend. 
Thoma snatches the phone away from the stand and looks at it. Then, he deflates and slumps back on his seat. “Y/N, it’s not what you think,” You hate that line so much. You cross your arms and say, “Just drop me at my sister’s house,” 
The drive was quiet. You didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to push you but didn’t want to drop you off to your sister’s without explaining as well. So, just before your sister’s block, he parks on the side and unbuckles his seat belt, then opens your side of the door. “Y/N, listen to me,” he’s rarely this assertive, but you still don’t listen. He’s blocking your escape path. 
“It’s your birthday today,” Thoma starts and you blink, completely forgetting about it. “Ayu is sneaking in our house while you’re gone because we were going to set up a surprise for you.” He says slowly, as if he’s talking to a child. Your eyes widen, and you relax in your seat. He gives you his phone and urges you, “Go on, Y/N, you know my passcode right? I don’t hide anything from you, you can read the rest,” 
You hesitate, but accept his offer and type it in. 
“How long is she going to be out? The longer the better. So we can set up the balloons,”
“I got the cake don’t forget the candles and lighter,”
Thoma picks up his other hand that had the white plastic bag from the convenience store, he picks up the two items from inside. Birthday candles. And a lighter. 
Your mouth opens, but you can’t say anything and you only bury your face in your hands out of shame. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry Thoma, I--” He manages to let out a laugh and kisses the top of your head. “I’m so stupid. I trust you, I really do, I just--” now you’re not sure if you’re crying out of relief or embarrassment. “I’m so sorry,” You can’t say anything else and he only kisses you on the forehead again.
“It’s alright, you can make it up to me by going on that lunch date, okay? You deserve the rest. You haven’t cancelled yet have you? Let’s freshen up at your sister’s place and I’ll send you to the mall,” 
You nod your head, small smile on your face. This was gunna be one story to tell in the future.
“Oh and it would help if you act surprised when you come home,” Thoma adds with a full laugh that you join in on. 
"So how are you and Y/N?”
It’d only been a couple of months of the two of you dating. Kaeya was handsome, gallant and he knew exactly what to say to people. It wasn’t a secret that he was quite popular in school. 
Little old you was just another girl in just another class.
“Good, I think,” Kaeya responds, you smile around the corner, hidden from sight, knowing that he was taking a juice box break with his friends. “It’s a little annoying though,” your smile drops and your head tilts sideways in question. “I can’t keep her away and she doesn’t even realize how annoying it is,” 
Keep me away? You think. Am I too clingy? You hear them exchange words a bit more, but none of the other words process in your head. Their laughter spurs you out of your thoughts and you return to your classroom dumbfounded. 
When the bell rang for dismissal you immediately packed and walked home by yourself. Kaeya was confused when he arrived at your classroom door, and found that you weren’t there anymore. “...Hey, did Y/N go home?” he asked one of your passing classmates. “Yeah, she went out pretty fast,”
Now he was worried. Did something happen at home? He takes his phone out as he’s out the school building, tapping your name and calling, only for the call to not even connect. His brows furrow but nonetheless, he goes home for today and types in a message for you.
“Hey, you okay? Talk to me if you need something,” 
The next day, when he usually waits outside your door for you to come out, he realizes that you’re a little late and further realizes that you weren’t going to come out. He wasn’t about to knock on your door, your parents didn’t know about him yet. 
He tries to call you again but he’s met with the same result as yesterday. He sighs and looks up at the sky while he’s walking. He hasn’t seen you for nearly a full day now, and he doesn’t realize how long a full day is until now. He just wants to see your smiling face again and he starts to wonder if he’d done something wrong. 
By lunchtime, he’s sprinting towards your classroom as soon as the bell rings, wondering if you were there. Indeed, finally, he spots you in your classroom and his shoulders slump in relief only to tense up again when he sees a guy in your class talking to you, and you, smiling happily. 
“Y/N,” he calls out to you, waving his hand. You look away from your conversation to him and he notices how your smile turns into a tight line on your face. His own smile drops, but you walk out of the classroom anyway and address him. “Yes?” He blinks down at your tone of voice. “U-Uh... Wanna have lunch together?” 
“...But it’s annoying that I’m clingy right?” The two of you unconsciously move away from the door to out in the hallway, so that you’re not blocking the way of people coming in and out. He narrows his eyes in confusion. Where is this coming from? “I--No, what do you mean? I never said that,” 
“Yesterday, you said you can’t keep me away and it’s annoying,” you averted your gaze, feeling your eyes start to water. Kaeya reels back a little, replaying things in his mind, trying to remember if he said something like that. And, with a light bulb moment, his face breaks into a grin and slight laughter. You glare up at him, “What? It’s funny?”
Kaeya places a hand on your shoulder and explains while smiling. “Y/N, you didn’t listen to the rest of the conversation, did you?”
---What really happened---
“It’s really annoying though. I can’t keep her away and she doesn’t even realize how annoying it is,” he sips on his juice box again.
One of his friends pipe up, “Dude that’s a little harsh,”
Kaeya blinks. Once, twice and thrice. Until it dawns on him. “Oh, no, I meant that I can’t keep her away from other people,” he grins and leans both his elbows on the windowsill. “She doesn’t realize that she’s super friendly, and other people like talking to her a lot. Whenever I go to her classroom she’s always talking to different people.”
His friends make a sound of understanding. “I wish I could just keep her to myself,” and continues sipping on his juice.
“That’s really cheesy, even for you, Kaeya,” one of his friends say and the lot of them starts laughing.
---That’s what really happened---
It was your turn to blink at him, confused. “S-So...”
Kaeya pats your head and smiles. “You can ask my friends if it makes you feel better,”
A small blush crosses your cheeks and you duck your head to hide it. It earns yet another chuckle from him. Your moment is interrupted by another guy who approaches the two of you. “Hey, Y/N, if you’re free, do you think you could help me out with this? I don’t really understand it,” 
Kaeya just looks at the guy and sighs, then turns to you again. “See what I mean?” to which you just goofily smile at. 
“You saw what?”
Your hands freeze, holding the book you were reading open. The living room had gotten lively again, seeing as your little brother had come home from school. “I saw Kazuha with a girl,” 
You try to keep your face composed. It was a school day. You’d stayed home because you weren’t feeling too well. Your brother was saying it without a care in the world. He was just a grade schooler and telling you about the things he observed. He was looking through the fridge for something to drink. 
You didn’t ask more, but you were DYING to know more. Kazuha didn’t mention going anywhere today... You picked your phone up and wondered if you should ask him. Your phone had blown up this morning cause he didn’t see you at school and he was wondering if you were alright. 
But it seems that Kazuha himself was having a grand time too.
“So...T-The girl...Did they look close?”
Your little brother closes the fridge and looks at you while drinking from a milk carton. “Mm...They were holding each other...” You bit your lip as tingles run down your spine. They weren’t the good kind. It was the kind that you get when you watch horror movies and or a drama movie and a revelation had just happened. You were silent for a moment, but in your mind you were already thinking of how Kazuha looked with another girl. Holding each other? What did your brother mean? Like...hugging? Or...? But you couldn’t ask him about that, could you?!
You sighed out loud and slammed the book you were reading down on the table, just as your phone started ringing. “Kazuha,” you whispered under your breath and looked at your phone screen. Well...you believed in him, and you thought the best way to clear this up is to talk to him about it.
So, you grabbed your phone and retreated into your bedroom to talk to him. You picked up the call, “Kazu-kun?”
“Y/N,” he greeted. Even apart, his voice has this effect on you. Like he was really there and breathing into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You were sure that you were blushing. “How are you? Are you feeling better?” His voice is smooth and calm and you melt into your bed. “Yeah, a little,”
“Could I come over later? I just want to check on you,” You smile into your phone and close your eyes. Kazuha could never do that to you, you think to yourself. But still, you really wanted to ask. “Of course, I don’t think my parents would mind...Hey,” you start, your fingers nervously drawing circles on your pillow. “My brother said he saw you...with a girl,”
There’s silence on the other line, and you can hear him shifting a little. “A...girl?” He repeats the question and you bite your lip. He sounds unsure and now you were unsure too. “Yeah, he said that you were holding on to each other...or something,” Again some silence, until he makes a sound of understanding.
“Ah, he must mean Sango,” there’s a little lilt to his voice, like he was happy and you were a little jealous. “Sango’s my cousin, she came to surprise me for my birthday week.” Kazuha laughs nervously and adds a little hesitantly. “She...uhm...would like to meet you actually, is it okay if I bring her over today?” 
Your heart sighs in relief, as do you and you don’t realize that you’ve done that out loud. In the next moment though, you smile and nod, even though he can’t see you. “Of course! Bring her over!” 
Albedo (More fluff than angst)
Cleaning at home was one of the things you did to get your mind off of things. Some people would call it tedious, but to you, it was sort of relaxing. It was something easy to do, you didn’t need much of your brain, just motor memory. Folding. Laundry. Ironing. Sweeping. Basic chores.
But when you clean up in the bedroom you shared with your boyfriend, and found a neatly wrapped present, red wrapping paper and blue ribbon tied on the top with a tag that said “To: Leila” you’re a little dumbfounded.
Who’s Leila? Is your first thought. Your second thought is, what’s inside? You hold the nicely wrapped box in your hand and turn it all over, trying to get some type of hint. A flash of doubt seeps into your mind but you shake it away. Albedo isn’t like that...Is he? He’s always so dedicated to his scientific research and sure he comes home late sometimes but he always makes it up to you on the weekends...
So who’s Leila? You ask yourself again. And why hasn’t he mentioned it to you? Why didn’t he ask YOU to wrap it? Menial tasks like these were usually passed on to you. You bite your thumb just thinking about it, but in the end just leave the present where you find it.
Later that night as you’re fixing dinner, you aren’t as bothered by the gift as when you first saw it. But it’s still there at the back of your mind and it resurfaces to the front when you hear the familiar keys rattle. Despite that, as he snakes his arms around your waist from behind you can’t help but smile and melt a little, pressing back against him as he leans over to kiss your cheek. “...Smells nice,” he simply mumbles and closes his eyes, enjoying the warmth of both you and your home.
“Welcome back,” you say, while closing the lid on the pot and turning around to give him a proper kiss on the lips. He hums into the kiss as a response and pulls you away from the stove. “How’s your day?” he asks you first and you smile, because your day is nearly the same time and time again. “Fine, I did find a little secret though...” you start and peek up at his beautiful eyes. 
He nods to ask you to continue. “A present, nicely wrapped. and it’s addressed to someone called Leila,” He looks down at you and you stare at him. A moment passes by before he takes his arms back and go into his thinking pose. “...Leila...?” he asks, eyes averting from your gaze. You wonder if he’s pretending. You wonder if he’s trying to make an excuse up. “...I don’t--” and then his eyebrows twitch. “Ah,” he says and drops his arms to his side.
“We were invited to a birthday party, remember? By a co-worker,” he tucks in strands of your hair as he talks. “It’s her daughter’s first birthday...I don’t care much for such things but you insisted it’d be alright to go.” he chuckles a little. “Her daughter’s name is Leila,” 
You make a sound of understanding. Suddenly your hesitant thoughts wither away. “Hmmm? You could’ve asked me to wrap the present,” Albedo pulls away from you and towards the fridge, wanting a glass of water. “The wrapping wasn’t done by me, it was the shop, free service,” and so it made more sense.
And although you want to ask more questions, like where he got it, when and what’s inside, you realize it’s such a trivial thing. It was not worth that much time. A gift is a gift, and you turn back to continue making dinner while making idle conversation with him. 
Zhongli (Warning: Suggestive) (but this is also my personal favourite... aha...)
“Zhongli?” You arrive home a little early today, dropping your keys at the front shelf. You don’t hear him anywhere and you shuffle around your living room for a while, looking at the letters for today. 
He was on a work from home arrangement today, and he would usually be in his office. You were quite sure that he would’ve come out to greet you though, if he heard you. He must be busy at the moment. 
You’d wanted to wash your hands as soon as you came home, and went for the guest washroom. When you open the door, your eyes land on something on the counter, next to the sink. This bathroom was always kept clean for visitors. You liked to host people once in a while, or just invite friends and you took pride in having them comfortable in your house.
Your eyes narrow as you go closer and your hands pick up a pregnancy test that was lying there. 
It was positive.
You put it back down and shudder a little. You don’t remember getting a pregnancy test. You bite your lip and look at yourself in the mirror. You’re already jumping to conclusions, and you can’t help it. Who the hell would leave a pregnancy test in YOUR guest bathroom? Zhongli didn’t mention anything...
You sigh a breath out and close the bathroom door behind you, taking your phone out to text your best friend.
“There’s a positive pregnancy test in our guest bathroom,”
After a moment, there’s a reply.
“OMG Are you preggers?!”
“No, it’s not mine,”
The next reply takes a moment more. “Oh, maybe ask him?” and you know that your friend hadn’t known what to reply at that moment. Because a random positive pregnancy test in your guest bathroom was NOT a good sign. To top it off, you didn’t announce to Zhongli that you were coming home early today.
Your perk up when you hear noise from the other room. You open the bathroom door slightly, and hear the unmistakable low voice of your fiance, coupled with...the voice of another woman. You close the bathroom door again, not bothering to lock it, and sit on the closed toilet seat. You’re sitting there with nothing in your mind, unable to think.
A few minutes later the voices are louder, they’ve moved to the living room, right outside the bathroom you were in. You tense up, and your jaw tightens. You don’t want to see them. You don’t want to hear them. For a moment you wish that you didn’t come home early, and just pretend this didn’t happen, but the door to the bathroom door opens, leaving you eye to eye with a woman you recognize.
Luna was a beautiful woman. Long cascading brown hair, they’re wavy and stops right at her waist. Doll-like blue eyes and a slender body. She sees you sitting there and you feel stupid, but she just breaks into a grin. “Y/N!” she grabs you by the wrist and pulls you out of the bathroom before you could even say anything. You’re numb, so you don’t respond to anything around you.
Zhongli turns around wide-eyed to see you standing there meekly, not meeting his gaze. He still goes to you though and asks curiously. “When did you come in? I didn’t hear you,” he places a hand on your arm while Luna releases you, but you still don’t look up and he wonders if something happened at your workplace to make you come home so early. “Luna and Childe stopped by,” Zhongli says, in at attempt to cheer you up. You look up, and only then did you realize that Childe was there too, talking animatedly to Luna. You tilt your head sideways, “They came with a surprise. Ah, but it’s not mine to tell,” 
That’s right... Luna and Childe had been together for a while and then it hits you when Luna shows you the same positive pregnancy test you saw on the counter, and announces that she’s pregnant. Your eyes are wide. You can’t tell if you’re more relieved that it wasn’t what you thought or more happy for your friends. You feel horrible about it but you manage to crack a smile and went along with the festivities. The more time passed the more you were able to enjoy their happiness and by the time they left, that was the only time you sighed and let your shoulders slump, exhausted.
“Is something the matter?” Zhongli asked. He noticed how your smiles were a tad bit forced. How you seemed to enjoy everything but also seemed to be on edge. You turn to him and shook your head. “It’s...stupid. It’s my mistake,” but he holds on to your waist and urges you to tell him.
And you tell him. How you came home and saw what you saw in the guest bathroom, what you thought it was and how you felt. The only thing you can feel now is embarrassment and shame. You couldn’t even feel happy for your friend. Zhongli only smiles and combs his hand through your hair. “It’s the normal reaction,” he reassures you, again trying to make you feel better. You only respond with your own hug but his next sentence makes you flustered, all thoughts of earlier gone as he whispers into your ear.
“Would you like your own positive pregnancy test?”
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mulberrysilk · 3 years
Severely [ 02 ]
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Hanamaki Takahiro x f!reader (with Matsukawa Issei)
summary: you were slowly getting the hang of being him. Getting to know enough of what made him tick that you tried your best to avoid any conflict. But as much as you wanted to please him, you had your priorities too. Too bad for you, you were going to learn that Makki knew what was best for you.
cw: bully!Makki, dubcon, creampie, spanking, cuckholding, coercion, manipulation, gaslighting, degradation, noncon filming, overstimulation
wc: 5.4 k
a/n : this became longer than I thought. So this is just an installation to the whole bully!Makki universe afsgshd though it says part 2, there’s no any set plot yet just thinking of making it a series of one shots that are connected to one another with no strict chronological order so yeeee just am a sucker for Makki and Mattsun. Bully!Makki be my guilty pleasure tho huhu thank u so much for all the love for my bully!Makki fics adsfsghsd
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more bully!Makki here
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You told him. You told him you didn’t like this. Didn’t like the way the music pounded on your ear drums you swore was the cause of your head aches, didn’t like the stench of alcohol, the heat of foreign bodies against your skin and how they’re thrashing on the dance floor, forced you to move through the crowd. You didn’t like it at all. And yet, he convinced you that he’ll only be awhile and was meeting with old friends from highschool. But they piled right after the other, their graduated kouhai’s and you sat in booth.
It didn’t help that it was Friday night and unlike Makki, you had Saturday classes. You couldn’t help but tug on his jacket countless of times, telling him you wanted to go home, before desperately saying you needed to be home.
“It’s past 3 am Hiro,” you murmured, his head craned low to listen to your voice. “I have a really important group presentation.”
He responded with a heavy sigh. “Tell them you’re sick, they’ll understand. Plus, they don’t deserve you. You put in way more work than they have.”
You blinked back at him. The realisation of how your group mates were basically free loading off of you making your heart sink and yet flutter back into place, heat blooming in your cheeks because Makki sounded like he cared.
Still, you weren’t one to miss classes, it wasn’t like you, especially when it weighed heavily on your grade.
“H-Hiro…” you froze when he threw you a glare. “Please…”
Makki was annoyed. He was here having a good time with friends and free booze. If he was sober, he would’ve been nicer and not actually get pissed off.But his weak had piled on top of him and he wanted nothing more than to drink and have fun with his friends, as well as you. That’s the reason he took you here anyways, so you could relax too.
“Fine,” he uttered, downing the remnants of his pint before slamming the glass down, grabbing your wrist harshly. “Gotta go home now guys. Ms.Goody Two shoes here just told me she had an important presentation tomorrow.”
“I told you before we left,” you whispered quietly to yourself, eyes down on your toes, feet aching in the occasional heels you barely wore and missing the look Makki threw Issei, that had the tall, charismatic, man bid his farewell to the group before trailing a few steps behind you and Makki. An unlit cigarette hung loosely between his lips,watching how you trip over your feet as Makki dragged you out of the club, completely aware of the many lust filled gazes on him.
The drive back home was silent, you uncomfortably sat in the passenger seat, glancing every once in awhile at Makki who hasn’t looked your way since you two left the club and with Issei in the backseat, smoking, you couldn’t help but feel as if you were hostage. And it was silent too on the way up to your apartment dorm, the two of them right behind you as you opened the door. A part of you hesitated to enter your own home…if you walked in there with them, you felt something bad will happen.
“I’ll go to bed now…I’m sorry, Hiro,” you whispered softly, before scurrying off to your room.
But an iron grip on your wrist stopped you.
Issei appeared far more menacing with the light behind him, his features dimmed dangerously by the shadows and the lit cigarette between his lips slowly being eaten away by the dark amber that turned to ash. He was towering over you as Makki closed the front door, the click of the lock falling into place making your throat dry.
No words were exchanged between you and Issei. You diverted your eyes, shifting them to Makki who in this situation was your only source of help but he was just shrugging of his jacket and removing his shoes, oblivious to whats going on behind him.
“You know you’re in trouble right?” His best friend’s deep, rough, voice broke the silence. Your eyes widen and your heart began to pick up its pace, mind wracking your brain for what you had done wrong. You didn’t answer him but instead tried to tug away from his grip, eyes glaring at his much larger hand wrapped around your wrist, the size difference adding more fear to rush through your system.
“Behave,” he tutted, twisting your arm to your back and pushing your body against the wall, cheek flat on the cold surface. You whimpered at the pain that shot through your arm pinned against your back.
Makki moved past you and Issei, switching on your lamp by the couch and closing the curtains of your balcony as if he had not heard you call out his name.
“M-Mattsun…you’re hurting me,” you sniffled, trying hard not to cry. You squeaked when he pressed his body against yours, sandwiching you between him and the wall, his other hand caressing the spot below your rear, on the back of your thighs.
“Punishments are supposed to hurt,” he stated in a matter of fact, as if it was common knowledge.
“Mattsun, c’mon man. Go easy on her,” Makki spoke, his words salvation to your ears. Mattsun clicked his teeth in annoyance before stepping back and letting you go. “C’mere baby.”
Makki cooed sweetly, sitting down in the middle of the couch, a soft smile playing on his face as he patted his lap. At that moment, you had perceived him as your saviour and like a dumb little bunny, you scurried off to him, far away from the predator that had seized you just seconds ago.
Your heels clicked unpleasantly throughout the room as you approached him, eyes watery and glossed lips in a pout. Just as you were about to obediently sit on his lap, he stopped you, shaking his head with that same smile he wore.
“I didn’t ask you to sit.”
Brows furrowing, your fingers find the hem of your skirt, playing anxiously at the ruffles as you searched his face for answers, about what he wanted and what was going on. Usually at times like this it was best to remain still, to wait for him to make move. His hand trailed up your arm, fingers softly caressing your skin before they wrap around your wrist that had begun to bruise from Issei’s tight grip.
“Awe, he hurt you?” He pouted, thumb skimming over the blooming discoloured blotches. You nodded your head, seeking comfort…from him. It was dumb of you, you knew that but despite everything he’s done to you, a part of you believed deeply that Makki was a good man. The sweet memories of him actually caring for you and being an actual boyfriend seemed to dim the dark beginnings of your relationship. You had hope.
Your cheeks grew hot when he brought your wrist to his lips, kissing the bruised skin as if to make it all better. The softness of his lips made your heart flutter and the warmth was addicting. You wanted to be held by him, you needed to. Maybe he cooled down and was finally sobering up.
Well, you were right about the second part.
Issei watched the two of you, dark eyes finding amusement at the tooth rottenly sweet sighs before him. He drew in a heavy breath, inhaling the sweet fumes of tobacco before softly blowing the smoke out, strings of dark grey ribbons wafting up in to the air.
Makki finally, perched you on his thigh, his fingers now putting away the fallen strands of hair from your face. “You know I had a really tough week….” His arm wrapped around your waist. “It was horrible and I was really looking forward to spending time with my girl and my friends to relax.”
“And if my pretty girlfriend wasn’t so much of a brat and actually cared for me, she would’ve let me have my fun…”
“Hiro, I told you before we left that I had an important presentation, my group members rely on me,” you blurred out hurriedly, citing your defence, Issei’s scoff from behind striking you like a knife.
“I rely on you too,” he stroked your cheek, his touches slowly becoming less comforting your squirming on his thigh. “They’re not important. They fucking freeload off of you, baby. That girl member of yours lied about being sick, she was out with friends in Harujuku instead, and the other two guys, I saw them drinking at a pub near campus. Don’t you hate them just a little bit?”
You didn’t hate them. What weighed heavier on your heart was how they lied to you and used you…you couldn’t stop the tears that fell from your eyes.
“You’ve been pouring your time into work that’s supposed to be done by four people. And if you had did what I said, texting them that you’re sick and skip out of the presentation you so naively handed over to them…,” his hand that had been caressing your face now had a fistful of your hair. He pulled you close so that his lips hovered above your ear. “I would still be with my friends and drinking my horrible week away. We could’ve even danced.”
Guilt ripped at your chest, and you wanted nothing more then to apologise to Makki…even though it wasn’t your fault. Was it? He could’ve went to the club alone but he insisted you to come, reassuring you that it won’t keep you guys for long. Still, if you had paid attention, you would’ve know he was having a bad week.
Then it dawned upon you. Flashes of the time spent with him this past two weeks had been normal. Memories of him getting back from late night lectures and crawling into the bed with you, only to wrap an arm around you and bury his face into your neck, were vivid. Cuddling on the couch with the tv on for background noise had become a routine, he was even more sweeter than you ever thought he was capable of. Too busy with assignments you didn’t notice how he had been seeking comfort from you from a week that has worn him down. You were the one thing he was looking forward to see at the end of his day and you failed to see that.
“Hiro, I’m so sorry,” you sobbed, throwing your arms around his neck and crying into his chest.
Mattsun moved from his spot, where he was leaning on the wall casually watching you two, when he saw Makki’s expression. It grew gentle, his arms moving to hold you as well.
“You won’t let her go that easily won’t you, Makki?” Issei’s voiced out, snapping his friend from letting his walls completely crumble before you. He was vulnerable like you were, yes, but if he wasn’t in this state right now, he wouldn’t have let you off so easily.
“He’s right, baby,” he peeled your arms away from him, the action cutting through you. “If I’m too easy on you, you’ll never learn.”
“B-but I’m sorry,” you croaked out pitifully, the brokenness in your voice making Makki’s jaw grind against each other, trying to keep it all together.
“I know you are. You’re a good girl, right?” He cupped your face, thumbs wiping your tears away, mascara smudging on the corners of your eye. You nodded, sniffling and trying to stop your sobs.
“You know what you have to do.” He simply said, making you stand so that he could sit properly, knees almost touching, his lap no longer inviting. You knew what he wanted but the shame of doing it, made your tremble. “It’ll be over soon.”
He tapped his thigh. But you didn’t move. You couldn’t. You were frozen in your spot. Makki’s eyes slowly lost the warmth that they had been glowing with milliseconds ago and that frightened you.
A heavy hand on your shoulder pushed you down , making you stumble uncomfortably over Makki’s lap. Your fingers gripped the fabric of his jeans, the cold breeze blowing up your skirt making you squirm uncomfortably. You’d be good for Makki. But this was just…degrading.
“I’m not a child,” you mumbled, unable to stop your legs from trembling especially when there was another heated gaze staring at you in this compromising, embarrassing position. The wandering eyes of his best friend that Makki dismissed as nothing whenever you brought it up, even when he was being touchy.
“You aren’t,” Mattsun replied back to you, flipping your skirt up, bunching the fabric to your waist exposing your backside, his thumb tracing the hemline of your panties, the cute white lace making him hum.
“We’ll do seven,” Makki announced, his personality shifting in an instant,his palm against your ass cheek, squeezing the fat a little and massaging. “Since it was seven days of shit. Make sure to count, babe, or else we’ll start all over again.”
You remained slumped across his lap in defeat. Maybe you did deserve this. Even if it was mean…he has been making it very clear that he cares about you. You convinced yourself that this was just his way of showing how much he loves you and you wonder, if he will ever say those three words to you.
Mattsun took a seat the edge of the couch, arms crossed over his chest as he spreads his legs, tongue swiping over his lip at the sight of your cute ass, exhaling smoke.
It was harsh. Unrelenting.
The collision shot lighting through your body and your hand came over your mouth to muffle your scream. Your right cheek began to sting and burn, without a doubt the skin turning red.
You sucked in a breath before you shakily spoke, “One.”
The second was just as painful, tears had begun to collect once more in your eyes but you swallowed them down and counted two. Then three, then four. By five both cheeks were a glaring red, the fifth one making your body tingle in a way it shouldn’t from the pain. Seconds go by and you made a mistake. You forgot to count.
“Guess we have to start all over again,” Makki shrugged, massaging your swollen cheeks as you shook your head.
“Hiro, no more please! I’m sorry!”
“It’s too bad, you only had two more to go.” He tutted, before his palm slams onto your burning cheeks once again. You cried into your hand, your thighs shaking from the pain, the undeniable throb in your belly growing.
“One.” You croaked out.
Mattsun clicked his tongue to get Makki’s attention, a smirk was on his face as he nudged his head at the direction of your ass, your cunt snug against your panties, their eyes zeroing in the small wet patch that formed.
“Are you getting turned on? How fucked up is that?” Makki snickered, his and Issei’s chuckles intensifying your shame. “I knew some part of you liked it rough, but I didn’t think it’d be this much.” He went on, landing another hit, the smack bouncing off the walls.
“Two…” you whispered in defeat,but when his fingers brushed against your mound your thighs rubbed together. They snickered and teased once again. You had squeezed your eyes shut by now, awaiting the next blow, bracing yourself for the pain.
Makki’s hands leave your body immediately, only for him to pin both your arms on your back while another hand freely roamed your swollen, throbbing, skin as it had done many times before.
“You’re cute like this,” Mattsun spoke, thumb softly tracing the darkened skin, before withdrawing his touch completely. Then you felt two fingers prodding at your entrance through your panties.
“S-stop, that’s—
“Fuck, she’s fucking wet, Makki.” Mattsun hissed, rubbing his fingers along the silhouette of your slit, your arousal now leaking through the crotch of your underwear. You bit back a moan but with the way your hips were trying to move away from his touch, told him your body was reacting to him. “Do you like it when I rub you through your panties?”
You shook your head, denying it.
Makki tugged the fabric down, the two men sucking in a breath at the sight of your glistening cunt, a string of your slick connected to the crotch of your panties.
“Baby, do you get turned on when you’re being all good for me?” Makki grinned, grabbing your ass, the soreness of your cheeks dulling into an unfamiliar sensation of pleasure. “Did you get turned on cause Issei was watching us? I bet you want him to watch when I fuck you too huh. Give him a live show for once.”
“Hiro, please…I—he’s scary,” you uttered under your breath, eyes screwing shut when you felt the rough pads of his fingers start massaging your clit.
“If he’s so scary, why are you getting so wet?”
You didn’t know why either. Issei’s fingers felt good, knowing you were being good for Hiro felt good. That’s all you could gather right now as well as the way, two thick digits slipped inside of you. “Ah!”
“Would you look at that. Your little cunt is sucking my fingers in,”
“Hiro,” you whimpered for help, finding it wrong for his best friend to be touching you like this. “Make him s-stop. Please. S’not you. It’s not right.” You tried to string together your thoughts but splayed on his lap while his best friend slowly scissored his fingers inside you, you couldn’t ignore the hardness inside Makki’s jeans poking at your stomach.
Makki stared at Issei’s fingers, slipping in and out of you, covered in your slick. It was hot. He glanced at you to see your expression, lip between your teeth, eyes screwing shut when he curled his fingers a certain way. You were trying so hard to be good for him, loyal and sweet. But Makki knew your body was enjoying this despite how you battled with your moral compass. You were probably confused too. Why was he letting Mattsun touch you the way he does? Simply because he didn’t mind sharing you with his best friend. You were his but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t thought about you being split and fucked with Mattsun’s cock.
“Don’t be rude.” Makki hummed, massaging the fat of your ass to soothe the pain he inflicted on you. “If Mattsun hadn’t started this, you would still be counting and getting spanked. It’s your fault for getting turned on by it.”
“Hiro,” you whined, Mattsun’s fingers working in and out of you faster, your walls clenching around his digits greedily.
“I’m not the one touching you. Say his name.”
No. You couldn’t. If this was some test to see your loyalty to him, you weren’t going to fail it. But that resolve was fading bit by bit with the way he thrusts and periodically scissored his fingers in your traitorous cunt.
And yet as you were reaching your peak, his name was slowly rolling of your tongue. Too lost—no, succumbing to him and how he made you feel.
“You’re making such a lewd face,” Makki chuckled, one hand restraining both your wrists behind you still, the other moving your hair over one shoulder to get a better look.
A squeak left you as your body tensed suddenly before going slack, thighs trembling from the orgasm that washed over you. You could feel your slick dribbling down the inside of your thighs, Mattsun slipping his digits out of you only to slowly rub your clit to prolong your bliss, mouth watering at how you came all over his fingers.
He brought his fingers to his lips, lapping up your juices and humming at the sweet distinct taste.
“I could just eat you up,,” Mattsun growled, shoving his digits into your mouth, making you taste yourself. “Lick it up, kitten.”
You helplessly looked up at him through your lashes before reluctantly swirling your tongue round his thick two fingers and sucking it the same way when Hiro would do the same.
Makki released your hands, effortlessly propping you up to sit legs apart on his lap, his hands now roaming under your dress, removing your bra and discarding it somewhere in the room. He teased your nipples til they harden, rolling the sensitive buds between his fingers.
“Did you like that? Like Mattsun’s fingers inside your greedy little cunt?” He rasped against your ear, squeezing your breasts just a little harder. “Since you couldn’t follow my instructions to count, my sweet girl can’t have my cock.”
“N-need you, please. I’m sorry,” you whimpered, hips needy and grinding down against his erection, a soft sigh leaving you when his hard on against his jeans rubbed against your clit. “W-want Hiro.”
In any other time, Makki would’ve loved to give you exactly what you asked for. But brats need disciplining.
“What you want doesn’t matter right now baby. You want to make it up to me right?” He coped, kissing your cheek. You nodded immediately. Yes, you did.
Mattsun stood between your legs, Makki’s hands hooking behind your knees to pull and fold them to your chest, exposing your sex to his best friend. Attention fully on Makki, you didn’t notice how Mattsun was dangerously close, black jeans discarded and cock hard against his abdomen.
“If you want to make it up to me, stay like this.”
Something hard and thick prodded at your entrance, your eyes whipping to your parted legs. You felt your stomach churn. Long and thick, the leaking tip of his cock glared right back at you, it was hot against your cunt as he rubbed his tip along your slit.
“N-no, it won’t fit,” you murmured, wriggling away from Issei’s cock. “Hiro, please.” There was no way that was going to fit inside of you, it’ll rip you apart. You’ve only ever had sex with Hiro, and you still remember how it felt when he first breached your chaste walls, taking your virginity. If that had been painful, you can’t imagine how it’d be with Issei.
“You wanted to make it up to me right?” Makki’s tone darkened dangerously, and his grip on your legs tightened as he kept you open for Issei, the fat head of his cock pushing at your entrance, already stretching you wide.
You wanted to make it up to him. But how was this that? This was still punishment. You were sure of it. Especially when Issei slowly leaned in, impaling his thick cock into your hole, both men hissing and cursing at how your puffy lower lip stretched to accommodate his length while you gasped. There was no way he was going to fit all the way inside. No way, and yet he kept pushing in till the bulbous tip nudged against your cervix.
“It’s—too much,” you whimpered, eyes glossy with tears as you stared up at Issei, his eyes dark with lust and glued to where you two were connected. You swore you could feel him in your womb, he was just—“t-too big.”
“Holy shit,” Makki exhaled, your pussy stretched around Issei’s cock, his own cock painfully hard against his jeans. When Issei slowly drew back, relishing the sweet, plush, grip of your walls, his length was covered in your slick, a white ring of cream an inch from the base.
The tip lingered at your entrance, your heavy lidded eyes blinking at his cock, not believing that it had gone inside you but you were quickly reminded of the sensation when he slammed his hips against yours, heavy balls slapping against your ass and you swore you felt him deeper than before. A broken sound, a mix of a whine and a cry left you, the stretch still so unfamiliar and the weight of him inside of you as he thrusted in and out was dizzying. He was so thick, your walls pulsated erratically, the sparks of pleasure blooming in your lower belly.
“Fuck, she’s tight,” Issei groaned, hands placed behind your thighs, replacing Makki’s.
“She looks so hot being split by your cock, man,” Makki commented, his hand snaking around you to play with your clit, your head thrown back at the added sensation. It was too much.
“Have you ever fucked her in the ass?” Mattsun groaned, keeping conversation as he sets a pace, fucking in and out you till he had you moaning.
“Not yet, dude. I’m taking it slow,” Makki responded, massaging your clit, more slick dripping from your cunny. “Oh, and told you she’s a whore for cock.” He snickered, slapping your clit making you cry out.
“M’ not a w-whore ,” you mustered out, body jolting with each thrust, panting as the scrape of Issei’s cock against your walls started to feel good and you were even greedy for him, your reluctance earlier now replaced with eagerness.
“You’re nothing but a cumdump for me, baby,” Makki chuckled, his thumb brushing against your swollen lips. “And now Mattsun’s.”
“No, not inside,” you cried, his thrusts getting faster and faster, rutting into you with reckless abandon, you couldn’t think anymore. Just feel. Feel the way his cock slams over and over again against your cervix, the way his cock stretched you out whenever he pulled back and sunk back in. His name fell from your lips in chants, soft moans that Issei couldn’t get enough of. Your cute little tongue poked out of your lips, reduced to nothing but a babbling and moaning mess.
Hanamaki whipped out his phone. “Dude, slow down and pull out, film the way you stretch her out,” he handed Mattsun the phone, his rhythm slowing. Drawing back till his cock completely left you, he pressed record, the flash lighting up and making your wet pussy shine.
Mattsun’s hand caressed your stomach, slowly moving down to your cunny, spreading the lips for show for the camera before positioning his cock once against at your entrance, his length coated with your slick.
He pushed in, cock opening up and stretching your tiny cunt, a soft whine emitting from you, body growing accustomed to the sinful sensation of his cock. It was entrancing really, the way he stretched you out, how your walls fluttered and squeezed his him.
Mattsun reared his hips back, slowly fucking into you, cock sliding almost completely out and back into you to exaggerate just how much of his length you could take. What made this time different was how you were freely moaning, whimpering and groaning at how he filled you up.
He zoomed the camera out, your whole body and your flustered face in the frame. Your skin was glistening with a thin sheen of sweat and your knees by your ears, showcased your split cunt so pornographically for the camera. Close to his release, he quickly picked up his pace, capturing the way your body jolted with each thrust and recording your higher pitched moans. His hips slammed over and over against your ass, the sound of skin slapping on skin bouncing off the walls of your apartment.
“Fuck,” he groaned, bucking his hips harder than before as he stills inside you, shooting his hot cum inside your quivering walls. You moaned out wantonly , thighs shaking as you cum at the feeling of warmth exploding in your lower belly, his cock twitching inside you as he coated your insides white.
The camera continued to record, he slowly pulled back already missing your warmth that enveloped him, only to be rewarded with the sight of his cum spilling out your abused hole, globs of white dribbling down your ass.
Switching off the phone, he threw it back on the couch, two fingers pushing his cum back into your pulsating cunt.
“S-stop,” you panted, shaking from the overstimulation. “No more. I cant!” His fingers sped up, curling them directly at that spongy part inside you and Makki continued his ministrations, littering hickeys on your neck while he played with your tits, harshly groping and pinching.
You cum the second time, juices coating Mattsun’s hand and now completely limp against Makki as your head spun and your breathing was laboured, thrown high into ecstasy. In that haze, you only could remember bits and pieces of what happened next, you were on your hands and knees on the couch, cheek against Matsukawa’s thigh as Makki had his turn. Next thing you knew, the hot tip of Mattsun’s cock was tapping against your cheek then buried in your mouth as the two had their way with you.
You couldn’t remember much after that, just felt. You felt the stickiness that clung to your thighs, the heat in your mouth when Issei came, the numbing pleasure in your core as Makki pounded into you. You were so out of it, you couldn’t really make out what words they were exchanging with one another.
“Cant believe you had this tight little cunt all to yourself,” Mattsun groaned, sheathing himself inside again, pushing Makki’s cum back inside.
“Yeah? I knew you couldn’t wait to have your filthy paws on her,” Makki chuckled, sitting on the edge of the couch by your head, your face pressed down into the cushions, moaning and babbling nonsense. “She’s so fucked out.” He caressed the crown of your head, your little tongue lolling out and your hips on its own, was moving to meet Mattsun’s thrust, drunk on both their cocks.
“She’s such an obedient little thing,” Mattsun gripped your waist, pulling you down on further on his cock as he neared his third release. “Fuck, cant get enough of her.” He grunted as he pumped you full of cum once again, cute ass jiggling as you were pushed into another orgasm.
By the time they were done, the dark navy blue sky had become a gradient to a light blue. Before Makki cleaned you up, he and had laid you on the bed, legs parted and cunt oozing with the mix of their cum. They snapped a couple of pictures. And when you woke, your mind was blank. Your eyes scanned the familiar walls and furniture of you bedroom but when you shifted in your spot only to find yourself wedged in between two warm bodies, memories of what had happened flashed before your eyes and only then did you notice how heavy your body felt against the soft mattress, how sore your inner thighs were.
A soft groan brought you back to earth, the familiar scent of Hanamaki filling your nose as he nuzzled his face into your neck, his locks of strawberry blond hair soft against your cheek. His arm was draped across your stomach, crossing over another arm from your left side. Your heavy lidded eyes squinted in the dark to look at the clock, the time making your body click to automatic mode. You had class. But even if you tried to move, you weren’t strong enough.
“Go back to sleep, babe,” Makki murmured against your neck, his voice deeper from sleep. “I messaged your professor you caught a fever.”
“But,” your voice was painfully scratchy along your throat.
“Don’t worry baby,” he shifted closer, naked skin touching and warming your own. “I’ll take care of you. Don’t worry your pretty little mind about anything, yeah?”
You shut your mouth, struggling to keep your eyes open.
“You did so well for me last night. Such a good girl for me aren’t you?” His words of praise seemed to fill your chest with warmth. To know that you had pleased him. “My pretty girl.”
“I-I’m sorry, Hiro,” you croaked out, an ugly weak sound to your ears but Hanamaki raised his head to meet your eyes.
“I know you are, baby. I know.” He cooed softly, caressing your cheek. “You were so pretty being such a good girl and taking Issei’s cock. So fucking pretty.”
“A-anything for Hiro,” You slurred in response with a small smile not able to muster anything more than that as you fell into the hands of deep slumber.
The words resonated within Hanamaki. A slight pang of guilt washing over him as he played over and over the sweet, docile way you had said that. He wondered if you knew that he’d do anything for you too. He wasn’t going to let you go so easily, he’s never wanted anyone as much as he wanted you. If he was even to ponder about it, he was lucky he had you. That you were his naive and dumb little bunny that he had sunk his teeth into.
And he was going to have so much fun with you, along with Issei too.
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sweeterthanthis · 3 years
Your Filthy Heart
Part Three: The Pure and The Poison
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Your Filthy Heart Masterlist
Thank you to @ozarkthedog for reading this through for me and to @msmarvelwrites for the support and some epic dirty talk suggestions!
Summary: It’s time to give Daddy a taste of his own medicine by bringing your boyfriend, Peter Parker, home for dinner.
Pairing: Stepdad!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader, Peter Parker x Female Reader
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, explicit language, daddy/stepdad kink, infidelity, vaginal sex, dirty talk, derogatory language, a touch of face slapping, cum play(?). 18+.
 Word Count: 3.5k
“I’m nervous, like really nervous. Is my tie straight?” 
There was a part of you that felt guilty for dragging Peter into your shit, truly. But you’d be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying his affections. 
He was handsome, a strong jawline, kind eyes, a boy next door kinda attitude. Peter was everything that Bucky wasn’t, and maybe a little part of you made the conscious decision to start dating him because he was so different.
You knew you were pushing your luck, but when the thought occurred to invite him home for dinner, your mouth engaged before your brain and you’d already asked. 
“It’s just dinner, Pete. You didn’t need to wear a tie at all.” You couldn’t help but smile at him as he fixed his hair in the rear mirror, but the pit of dread in your stomach was only growing more by the second. “Come on, Mom’s probably bouncing up and down in anticipation.”
“Your Stepdad’s gonna be home soon right? Fuck, I wanna make a good impression.” 
Placing a hand on his thigh, muscular and firm, you gave it a reassuring squeeze. He really was adorable, an underlying sexiness about him because he was so concerned with being the most decent guy he could be. And he didn’t deserve a single second of the torture you were about to put him through. 
Was that going to stop you? Absolutely not. 
You knew your mother would be too high on the buzz that you’d finally met a guy you’d deemed important enough to bring home for dinner. She wouldn’t notice the impending tension, of that you were sure. 
Stepping out of Peter’s car, your tummy flipping at the thought of Bucky coming home to find his spot in the garage taken, you readjusted your skirt and motioned at Peter to get out of the car with a roll of your eyes and a nod of your head. 
“Sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” He muttered, reaching for the bouquet of flowers he’d bought for your Mom in the back seat. 
Grabbing his hand, you tugged him towards the door connecting the house to your garage, you made your way to the kitchen -- the scent of pot roast, of course, filling the air and the sounds of gentle piano music playing softly in the background. 
Your Mom really had gone the whole hog to make a good impression, and you couldn’t blame her. She had no idea you were screwing her husband, feelings of possessiveness and bitterness growing with each passing day. 
She loved Peter. That much was very clear from the second she’d been introduced to him.  
You feigned interest as she sat across from him on the plush, cream sofa; asking him a thousand questions and not allowing him the airtime to answer a single one before she’d thought of another. 
But all you could think of was him. The look on his face when he saw Peter sitting next to you on the couch, the hand that was currently resting loosely on your knee, your Mother’s beaming smile as she informed him that we had a dinner guest. 
You revelled in the power you held — the power to drive him insane with jealousy. 
You zoned out as you helped your Mother set the table, the sound of her voice muffled in your ears when you heard the low rumble of a car engine pull up on the driveway; blood instantly pounding in your ears. 
“Oh, that’ll be James.” Your mother gushed, clasping her hands together and straightening out the cutlery on the way back to the kitchen. 
She always did like to abandon the nickname when she was trying to impress. You’d heard the name ring out in the night air on more than one occasion that week. And the thought made you sick. 
You held no claim over him. Not really. But that didn’t stop the rage from bubbling in your belly each and every time. 
“Hey, you okay? You look as nervous as I feel.” 
Peters hand resting on your lower back, his soft eyes looking down on you with gentle concern, you forced yourself to smile and nodded. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. He can just be a little,” you paused, wringing your fingers together in front of you, “intense.” 
He wrapped his arm around your waist, tugging you into his side to give your body a reassuring squeeze — guilt thumping through your veins as you cursed yourself for dragging him into the mess you’d found yourself in. 
“Anyone wanna tell me who’s car is in my spot?” 
The sound of his voice, laced with irritation and curiosity, had your heart beating rapidly in your chest; the reality of what you’d done setting in as his footsteps drew nearer. 
“Hey, it’ll be fine. I’ll make a good impression, I promise.” 
Peter was too good for you, of that much you were certain. But you forced a smile anyway, leaning up on your tiptoes to meet his waiting kiss. 
At the worst possible moment. 
“What do we have here?” 
Exhaling a shaky breath, you composed yourself, opening your eyes to meet his fiery stare. There he stood in the living room doorway, rolling up the sleeves of his crisp, black button up. You couldn’t help but let your eyes wander to the way the veins in his hands flexed. 
Before you could speak, Peter stepped forward; holding his own hand out for Bucky to shake. 
“Mr Barnes, Sir, I’m Peter Parker. It’s nice to finally meet you.” 
All you could do was watch as Peter’s hand hung in the air, Bucky with his hands on his hips, leaning back on his heels slightly. The tension was evident, yet only you and he knew why — the weight of your entanglement heavy in the air. 
“Finally, huh?” 
Bucky caught your anxiety-ridden stare over Peter’s shoulder, chewing on the inside of his cheek; brow furrowed as he blew out a heavy breath through his nostrils. 
“Nice to meet you, Peter. I didn’t realise we’d be having a guest for dinner.” Bucky stepped forward then, forcing a smile and shaking Peter’s hand firmly with one hand, and planting the other firmly on his shoulder. “Would’ve come home earlier, but then nobody tells me anything in this house.” 
The intent to agitate Bucky was clearly paying off, but you never anticipated the way it would make you feel — stomach churning and headache inducing. 
With Peter in the room and your Mother hovering in the next room, you knew you were safe. Yet the thought of what he might do later that night after your Mother had passed out from necking too much Chardonnay had your tummy fluttering. 
“C’mon, Pete.” Bucky threw a smirk in your direction, throwing an arm around Peter’s shoulder and guiding him towards the kitchen. “Let’s go get a beer and leave the ladies to it, huh?”
Your mouth hung open in astonishment and your feet planted to the floor, all you could do was watch as your lover took your boyfriend aside for what you could only assume would be a desperately uncomfortable conversation. 
As you helped your Mother to prepare dinner, absentmindedly chopping tomatoes for the salad, you kept one eye on Bucky who was already sitting at the dining table across from a flustered Peter — and mentally kicked yourself for putting yourself in such a stressful situation. 
You tried not to look at him as you walked over to the table, salad bowl heavy in your trembling hands.
Walking around the back of his chair, you did your best to flash Peter a reassuring smile, his eyes flitting from yours to Bucky’s while he tried to keep his attention on the conversation. 
As you leant over to put the salad bowl on the table, a discreet, firm squeeze to your ass made you jump; his fingers digging into your flesh in not so subtle warning. 
“Are you okay?” Peter asked, shooting a concerned look in your direction. 
Breathing a short sigh of relief when his hand withdrew, you straightened yourself out and walked around to your Boyfriends seat; blood hot with frustration at the way Bucky had put his hands on you in such a fragile situation. 
Suddenly, you simply didn’t give a fuck. 
How dare he try to lay a claim on you after everything you’d had to deal with; having to watch every day while he played at happy marriages with your mother. 
“I’m fine, Babe.” You leant down then, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek and shooting Bucky a warning stare. “I’m gonna go wash up for dinner, okay? Be right back.” 
Your anxiety was slowly morphing into vitriol, your hips swaying as you marched past your Stepfather’s unamused gaze. 
Fuck him. 
You washed your hands in the bathroom, gearing yourself up for what was sure to be a very awkward dinner — checking your makeup in the mirror, and fixing your hair. 
He’d riled you up, and now you had a point to prove. And you had every intention of doing so, one way or another. 
Making your way out of the bathroom, you straightened out your pleated skirt - the one you knew drove Bucky crazy - walking down the hallway with a confidence that you’d seemingly plucked out of nowhere. 
“What the-” 
One strong arm wrapped around your midsection, pulling your back tight against a broad chest -- and you needed no clue as to whom it belonged to. 
He yanked you through the door to the garage, shoving you forwards a little as the door clicked shut and the lock twisted. 
Everything inside you told you to give him a piece of your mind, spinning on your heel, your cheeks hot with disbelief. 
But as he stepped towards you, his eyes trained on your shaking form, you felt warmth flood your groin and you were putty once again. You hated how easily he reduced you to a desperate mess of a girl. Truly, you did. 
The fact remained, your Boyfriend was the other side of the wall and your Mother was floating around the house fussing like a woman possessed. 
“How dare—”
Bucky’s hand gripped your throat in warning, wedding ring digging against the supple flesh of your neck - the fire in his beautiful eyes causing your pussy to clench around nothing.
Shoved up against the passenger side of Peter’s car, you lifted your chin in defiance, a slight smirk gracing your glossy lips as you soaked in his fury. 
“You tryna piss Daddy off, Princess? ‘Cause you’re doin’ a real good job.” 
Your fingers dragged up your bare thighs, lifting your skirt up higher, his thigh pressed firmly against your lace covered cunt. 
“What’sa matter, Daddy? You jealous?” The low growl that emitted from his throat made you shudder, his breath warming your face as he tilted your chin up roughly with his fingers. “You not enjoying getting a taste of your own medicine, Daddy? Is that it?”
“You fuck that kid? Huh?” The hand around your throat squeezed, thumb pushing against your pulse point, his lips inches from yours. “You better answer me or I swear to fuckin’ God, girl...”
One hand palming at the throbbing erection in his trousers, the other gripping his own as it shook against your throat, you smiled. And he looked like he wanted to fucking murder you. 
“So what if I did? Seems fair to me. At least you don’t have to listen to me screaming his name. And Daddy, he makes me scream.” 
You ignored the fear bubbling in your chest, your bratty mouth unable to stop itself from running merry hell. 
“He’s so big, Daddy. Stretches me out so good.” Bucky pulled you towards him then, teeth clenched and jaw ticking, on the edge of losing every bit of control. And you just couldn’t help yourself. “You should see it.”
The dark chuckle that fell from his lips held no humor, his tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek and his head cocked to the side. 
“Is that what this is, Princess? Fuck, that jealousy’s just eatin’ you up, huh? Poor baby…” 
Your confidence waned for a moment, whimpering pathetically as his thumb traced your trembling jaw. You couldn’t stop yourself, hips winding down against his thick thigh, a twinkle in his eye as he watched you with a faux pout etched on his lips. 
“If you weren’t so fuckin’ cute, it’d be pathetic. Lookit you; grindin’ down on Daddy’s leg like a bitch in heat. What would Peter say, hmm?”  
Shame swam deep in your gut, but it was nothing compared to the warmth spreading between your legs, the damp patch on your panties staining the material of his suit pants.
His fingers nestled between your lips, pressing down on your tongue as they slid down your throat - gag reflex kicking in when the tips of his fingers found your tonsils. 
You did as he asked, eyes boring into his as he thrust his fingers back and forth between your lips, garbled moans vibrating in your throat, spit coating the platinum band on his ring finger. 
“Why do I always gotta remind you who you belong to, huh?” You couldn’t answer, mouth stuffed full, tears pooling in your eyes, and spittle dripping from the corners of your mouth. “You think I was just gonna make nice with your little boyfriend in there? Bet he doesn’t know what a dirty little cockslut you really are does he?” 
A sharp tap to your cheek, spit slick against your skin, had you quivering. Yet your hands found the collar of his shirt, gripping it tightly and yanking him down towards you. Your lips crashed against his then, a satisfied grunt vibrating against your mouth, one hand gripping your ass while the other dove between your legs. 
Bucky held you tight against his chest, fingers dipping beneath the gusset of your panties and swiping through your sloppy folds as he walked you clumsily round to the hood of Peter’s car - lifting you effortlessly and setting you down, cool metal causing you to shudder from the chill. 
You watched as he yanked your panties down your legs, your heart pounding at the thought of your Mother and your Boyfriend next door, waiting for you to return.
“I can’t trust you to be a good girl, can I? Can’t trust you to keep those fuckin’ legs shut.” 
“Daddy, I-” 
“You’re gonna shut your fuckin’ mouth and take it, you got that Princess?” 
Before you could open your mouth to answer, he’d balled your damp panties in his fist and forced them between your lips — teeth clenching down onto the salty-sweet lace. 
It was humiliating, degrading; but when was it not? You craved it, the way he treated you. That feeling of being owned, completely surrendering yourself to another person. He made you need that.  
“Look at that, always so wet for Daddy.” 
His palms splayed out against the flesh of your thighs, he pushed them apart, spreading you open and putting you on display just for him. 
Your heart was racing, the thrill of being caught at any moment thumping adrenaline through your veins. He could sense it, lips twitching into a satisfied smirk as he watched your eyes flit frantically back and forth between him and the door. 
“D’you have any idea how much I wanna drag you back in there and fuck you on that table. Make them both watch, show them that you’re mine?”
Your moans muffled by the material stuffed between your teeth, two thick fingers stretching out your cunt as he unbuckled his pants — you shook your head. 
You knew you had an effect on him, you knew he couldn’t stop himself from touching you, from creeping into your room late at night. But the way he looked at you now, the burning intensity in his eyes; it shook you to your core. 
“If I had the time Princess, I’d eat that slutty little pussy right here. Make you gush all over Petey Boy’s car. He make you come as hard as Daddy does?” 
Frantically, you shook your head from side to side. Peter had never even so much as grabbed your ass, but you’d riled Bucky up to the point of insanity. A man on a mission to prove just who you belonged to. 
“No? You've sure changed your tune.” 
You watched as he pumped his thick cock in his palm, the tip of him nudging against your clit, your pussy twitching. 
“Daddy’s gonna fuck the attitude right outta you, so stay quiet and keep those legs open for me.” 
Your arms hooked beneath your knees, thighs spread wide, you barely had time to brace yourself before his cock split you open inch by inch. 
You’d expected him to rut into you with excruciating force, to take you roughly. So when he thrust into you with slow, patient strokes; you could do nothing to hide the curiosity on your face. 
“I know you know who fucks you the best. You just love riling Daddy up, don’t you? Get so - fuck - goddamn jealous of Mommy.” 
Your head lulled back as his dick dragged against the throbbing walls of your cunt, his thumb finding your clit while he caressed your breasts with his free hand. 
It was too much, too much tenderness, too good. 
You hated yourself for wanting it. The new sensation of his knuckles softly grazing the hollow of your throat as he undulated his hips against your pelvis, hitting spots inside of you you didn’t even know existed. 
“You know what you do to me, Baby? Look at me.” 
Bucky leant forward then, elbows either side of your head on the hood, balls deep inside you as he ground his hips into yours at a torturously slow pace. 
“I got you all spread open wide for me, and my fuckin’ wife is right next door. She could walk in here right now and fuck, I still wouldn’t stop. You know how fucked up that is?” 
It was nonsense, the broken words falling from your panty stuffed mouth, heat rising in your belly when he pulled out completely and slid on home once again. 
He fit you perfectly; there was no doubt about it. The way your cunt wrapped around his dick, it was fucking sinful how perfect it felt. Sparks of pleasure shooting through your core as he rubbed tiny, delicate circles over your swollen clit. 
“Tell me how much you want me.” Bucky ripped the panties from your mouth, shoving them in his pocket as you licked your dried out lips. “Need’ta hear you say it. Come on, Princess.” 
You’d never seen it before, the needy side of him, the way he practically whimpered when your pussy clenched around his girth, his hand gently squeezing your thigh while the other tentatively worked your sensitive nub. 
You tried to speak, tried to find the words he so desperately needed to hear — mouth hanging open in sheer confusion. 
“You’re not coming until you tell me, and we’ve been gone a while…” 
He halted inside you, only the tip of him nestled between your pussy lips, thumb hovering over your clit and a soft, yet entirely serious look gracing his gorgeous face. 
“I—I want you, Daddy.” You yielded, your voice barely above a whisper. 
Your hand flew to your mouth, muffling the yelp as he slammed back into you in one brutal motion — slowly withdrawing and circling your clit with the tip of his dick. 
“I want you, Daddy.” Insistent this time, no tremble in your voice, hips winding down towards his length, eager to have him back where he belonged. “Only want you, Daddy.” 
There was no hint of a lie in your tone, and as he fucked you - possessive and hungry - you wondered how any other man could ever match him. 
Sprawled out on the hood of Peter’s car, legs hooked over Bucky’s shoulders, you begged and panted; nearing closer and closer to sweet release. 
“You do, don’t you? You belong to me, Princess. Daddy’s all the man - shit - you need.” 
Garbled words choked in your throat, the breath punched from your lungs when he pinched your clit roughly with his fingertips, stars dancing behind your eyelids as pleasure twisted in your abdomen, limbs shaking and numb. 
Pathetic whispers of daddy, daddy, daddy had him slamming into you, unforgiving and merciless while he chased his own orgasm. 
“Fuck lookit you, fallin’ apart on poor Parker’s car, cunt full’a Daddy. Wanna fill you up so bad Princess, but I’ve got a better idea.”
You felt the hollow emptiness of his withdrawal, hazy eyes flickering open to catch sight of him; teeth bared, fist furiously pumping his cock, white, hot spurts of come smattering against the already sopping flesh of your swollen, fucked-out pussy lips. 
“Bucky! Darling, where are you?”
You panicked, hopping down off the hood and scrambling to push your skirt back down your aching thighs. 
“Fuck, gimme my underwear.” You hissed, holding out your hand as you bounced on your heels. 
“Nuh uh, Princess. You’re gonna sit there all night next to Peter, who seems like a real nice kid by the way, with my come all over you. Be real hard to forget who’s little cockwhore you are then, won’t it?”
You watched, dumb struck as he casually tucked himself back into his pants, swiping the wine bottle from the counter and making his way to the door. 
“Hurry now, we’ve kept our guest waiting long enough don’t you think?” 
With a wink and a sardonic smirk, Bucky disappeared through the door, your Mom’s soft laughter ringing in your ears through the wood. 
Dinner was surprisingly a lot less awkward than you expected, aside from the jabs from Bucky thrown in your direction every now and again. But you’d much rather he targeted you than Peter. 
Sitting with Bucky’s come smothered between your thighs made the guilt in your gut throb every time Peter’s soft fingers found the bare flesh of your knee beneath the table. 
No matter how much water you chugged, your mouth was dry throughout, your instincts driving you to get through the meal without choking and needing to excuse yourself.
As the evening drew to a close, your Mother tipsy and insisting that Peter come back to visit again the following week, you couldn’t wait to get him out of there and wipe away the mess from between your legs. 
“Parker, you ever play golf?” Bucky asked as Peter pulled on his jacket. 
You couldn’t believe the audacity of him, shame and fury eating at you as he played the perfect, welcoming parent.
“Uh, a little from time to time.” He answered, looking down at you with a proud smile as he sensed an invitation coming. It killed you, the sweetness on his features. You didn’t deserve an ounce of it. 
“I’ll get your address from our girl, huh? Pick you up Saturday, say, just after lunch?” 
Our girl. 
It made you cringe, chewing on your bottom lip as you took hold of Peter’s hand and led him to the garage where you’d been full of your Stepdad’s cock just an hour earlier. 
“Yes, that’d be great Mr Barnes. Thank you!” 
“Please, call me Bucky.” 
You couldn’t stand it any longer, making your way to the garage while Peter trailed behind you saying his goodbye’s.
He kissed you softly, and it made you want to weep—the way his hands cupped your cheeks, his thumbs stroking against the corners of your mouth. When he pulled away, the look of adoration on his face had your heart skipping a beat. 
This was what you needed.
This relationship was healthy. Safe. Right. 
So why did it feel so wrong? 
What you had with Bucky could never go anywhere, would never progress to more than secretive fucks and risky situations. 
“Your Stepdad seems like a decent guy, but he’s really hard on you huh?” 
“You have no idea.” 
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| loki x reader | smut | angst | fluff |
anon requested. dom!Loki where he goes into a Jotun heat and fucks the reader senseless 
cw: slightly dubcon?, aggression, crying, choking, d/s, kind of temp play?, jotun!loki, mentions of burns, bruises, blood etc, basically just super rough sex, Sa STRONG CONTENT WARNING
a/n: I don’t usually write stuff like this, so it’s new to me 
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“Get out!” Loki’s vicious scream echoed off of the walls. 
“No, I’m not going to just leave you!” You ran across the golden floor of his chambers and dropped to your knees. You dragged the god into your arms, and you could feel the warfare tearing him apart from the inside. 
He was so cold.
Loki’s body wracked as he tried to breathe, as if just staying alive was exhausting. The tips of his fingers turned blue, and he tried to fight it off, keeping himself in his æsir form. His head tilted back, black waves falling back to reveal scarlet eyes. 
You swallowed hard, fear shooting up your spine. His skin slowly turned deep blue, ancient jotun patterns swirling across the skin like scars.
“Please, I’m begging you to go. I don’t want to hurt you,” Loki’s voice was impossibly deeper, dangerous. 
“I’m not going to abandon you. I trust you, Loki.” 
“It’s not me, it’s a monster!” Loki wept, gripping the shimmering Asgardian fabrics that draped over your body with icy fingers. 
You held him tightly, refusing to leave the terrified god. His stamina wore thin, and his icy jotun core seeped through, replacing every godly aspect of him with the blue skin of a monster. His touch was so cold it practically burned you, and very real fear burned like acid in your throat. 
Maybe you should’ve listened to him, and run when he’d told you. Now, it was too late. 
His clothing was gone in a simmer of fizzing blue magic, baring his entire monstrous form to you. You scrambled backward, looking up at Loki as he towered over you. His red eyes were feral, and he descended on you like you were prey. 
“Loki, my love...” you tried to speak, but you silenced as his hand wrapped tightly around your throat. He asserted his strength over you, pinning you down against the unyielding golden floor. His grip was tight, rendering you completely immobile. 
He gripped the fabric of your gown, tearing it into shred as he ripped it from your body. Your eyes widened, and you tried to wrap your hands around his wrist, but your touch recoiled, your palms red from the cold. 
Loki grabbed your thigh, shoving your legs open and exposing your sex to him. You screamed as he thrust himself all the way inside of you, making no attempt to ease into you or make sure you were ready. 
Usually, he slid into you with ease, but he was bigger in this form, and just different. It felt like someone completely different was shoving himself inside of you, and you supposed it was. You screamed as he pierced you open, forcing your body to accept him in your warm sex. Moisture blurred your vision, frightened by what was happening, and powerless to stop it, or ease up. 
He was absolutely feral, his mind only focused on taking his own pleasure from you. He felt like ice inside of you, and the unfamiliar cold sensation made you writhe off of the floor, arching your back as he slammed into you with inhuman force. It was a terrible, strange feeling, and you were overwhelmed by the intensity of how hard he was pounding into you. His other hand gripped your thigh, bruises blooming under his unforgiving touch. 
“Loki, please, you’re hurting me,” you breathed, trying to struggle away from his brutalizing touch. A threatening growl thundered from his chest, and you halted, wincing as his hand moved from your throat to roughly grope your chest. 
The cold of his hand on your throat left red frost burns, mixing with the deep purple caused by the tight grip he’d held you down with. 
You attempted to force yourself to relax, letting him fuck the life out of you, tearing up your sex. A choked cry of relief escaped your lips when he pulled out after his first orgasm.
Loki had never been so violent or rough with you, and you reminded yourself that it wasn’t him, that the god you loved wasn’t in control of his own body. He’d begged you to leave, knowing he wouldn’t be able to control himself, and you promised him you could take it.
You panted, trying to catch your breath, curling up on the floor and shivering. Your body burned from the inside and out, pain prickling up your spine from his aggression.
You were only awarded a few minutes of reprieve, yelping as he flipped you over, your chest smacking against the floor. You braced yourself with your forearms, and he dragged your hips up, gripping you so tightly you feared your bones would shatter. He continued fucking you from behind, slamming into you so roughly that your body cracked against the floor. He shoved your head down when you tried to push yourself up. 
Sharp pain blossomed deep inside of you, waves of agony washing through you with each thrust. You started to cry, sobs tearing through your chest. You screamed as he held you down, his hips pistoning against yours. His cold fingers gripped your hair, dragging you to your knees. He held you against his chest, and the cold overwhelmed your body in a cruel ache. He slipped in and out of your slick heat, and you were nearly certain you were bleeding.
Loki continued to ravage you until you couldn’t move, your bruised and aching body lying limp against the floor. You felt weak and raw, suffocated by the sobs that wracked your chest. You laid there, gazing up at him and whispering that you loved him.
“Please come back to me, Loki. I need you,” you whispered before the exhaustion pulled you into unconsciousness. 
You started to gain awareness, unsure of what time it was. Your eyes were heavy, and as you began to move, an intense ache flooded your body. Loki heard your choked whimper, and you registered the sound of him crying. 
“Loki?” your voice was weak, and you blinked slowly, adjusting to the light. 
He knelt beside you on the bed, his face streaked with tears and his shoulders trembling. Loki’s brow was knit together, and you recognized the horror in his gaze.
“What have I done to you? My love, I’m so sorry,” he breathed, reaching toward you but not letting himself touch your skin. 
He was himself again, fair, delicate, and gorgeous, with emotional blue eyes that glittered with an entire realm of stars reflecting in them. 
You reached out at took his hand, relaxing as you felt his warmth. He kissed the knuckles on your fingers, his soft lips gentle against your skin. Apologies fell from his lips like prayers, and he agonized over hurting you. 
“I never wanted to hurt you. I’ll understand if you hate me, but please know I would never do this to you on purpose,” he begged.
“I know, Loki. It’s alright-”
“It’s not alright! I’m a monster! I’m cruel, and horrible, just like everyone said I was. I deserve to die for doing this to you!” Loki wept, guilt overwhelming him. 
He’d woken up on the floor next to you, horrified by the sight of your unconscious body. You were covered in deep purple and black bruises, and red burns from where he’d gripped you with his icy hands. Your clothes were torn to shreds, and blood and come stained your inner thighs. You had bite marks, thankfully none too deep, and you looked like you had been brutalized. 
His heart shattered, hatred bursting through his chest. He hated himself, he hated the monstrous side of him that did this to you. Flashes of the night before filled his mind, making him sick. 
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” he repeated over and over again, torn apart by the knowledge that he was the cause of your state. 
Gentle green magic shimmered around the two of you, cleaning you up as much as possible. He lifted you onto the bed before sulking back, feeling too guilty to even touch you. 
He’d watched you sleep, delirious as he studied your breathing, making sure your chest was moving and the air was moving in and out of your lungs. 
“I promise you that I’m okay. I love you so much, Loki,” you reached out to him, closing your fingers around his wrist and pulling him toward you.
“I love you,” he whispered into your hair, kissing your face. 
You didn’t flinch away from his touch, no longer afraid of your lover. You wanted him to hold you, pushing the pain away as you crawled into his lap. The movement made the ache between your legs sharp, and the pressure on your bruised body was painful. You didn’t care, wanting to be close to Loki. 
He cradled you against his body, mindful of your injuries. His lips pressed to your forehead, whispering professions of love against your skin. You let the rhythm of his heartbeat soothe you, your cheek resting against his warm chest. 
“Let me make it up to you,” Loki begged.
“You don’t need to, but I’ll let you spoil me if it’ll make you feel better.” 
He kissed your lips, and you held his face in your hands. 
“I love you, unconditionally. I know you didn’t have control. I wanted to help you through it, I chose you, Loki. And I will always choose you,” you promised. 
“I don’t deserve you.”
“I want you anyways,” you kissed him sweetly. 
“Let me care for you.”
You agreed, letting him set you in a bath, jolting when the hot water soaked your damaged skin. 
“I’ve called for a healer.”
You sat in the water, letting him clean you properly beyond what his magic covered. His fingers grazed between your legs, and you grabbed his wrist, stopping him. 
“No, I’m still sore,” you shook your head, and he immediately took his hand away.
“Okay, not now, then.”
He washed the previous night from your skin, leaving you smelling sweet and clean. His touch was tender, nothing like the icy grip from before. You leaned into his touch, craving it and desperate for it. Trays of all of your favorite sweets appeared, as well as steaming cups of tea that you happily accepted, knowing they came from Loki’s desperation to indulge you. 
“Thank you,” you kissed his cheek, leaning into him in the bathtub. 
You struggled to stand as you tried to climb out, thankful when the healer walked in. Loki helped you to sit down, a fresh wave of guilt pouring over him as he saw the effort it took you just to take a few steps. He looked to the healer hopefully, taking her hand and kneeling before her.
“Please, help my love,” he begged sincerely.
“Of course,” she nodded, touching his shoulder.
“May I see, prinsesse?” the girl asked as you sat near the fire to stay warm. 
You let the towel drop from your body, and the healer assessed your injuries. She hesitated, glancing to Loki before laying her hands over your body, performing her ancient magic. She was clearly troubled by the marks that covered you, and it took over an hour before the bruises began to fade and the sharp ache reduced to a dull throbbing. 
“Your subjects love you, prinsesse,” she grasped your hand, her eyes snapping to Loki. Loki sulked with guilt, kneeling beside you and brushing damp hair from your eyes. 
“I’m alright. Thank you,” you squeezed her hand before she fled your chambers, disappearing into the castle to tend to wounded soldiers and Valkyrie. 
“They fear me.”
“No, my love.” 
You slipped into a loose white gown, sheened with gold and iridescence. You joined Loki on the terrace, watching dancers below, and a festival fully underway in the streets. Your legs were folded under you, and you laid back against your prince, gold jewelry clinking on your wrists and fingers as you traced shapes on the back of his hand that lightly rested on your thigh. 
He created illusions with his magic, entertaining you and making flowers bloom in the air, tiny daisies drifting down and weaving themselves in your hair and tickling your cheeks. 
“What are they celebrating?” you asked, watching the Asgardians in the city.
“They’re celebrating the end of spring. Summer is coming, and they’re honoring the change in season.” 
“It’ll last for weeks. When you’re up to it, we’ll go join them,” Loki promised, kissing you gently and offering you a sweet piece of fruit. 
“I want to go now.” 
“Are you sure? I know you’re still a bit sore.” 
“Please, Loki.”
He gave in, certainly not wanting deny you of happiness. In an instant, you were down in the streets, excitement erupting around you at the presence of their beloved prince and princess. 
“Prinsesse!” a girl squealed, running to you and grabbing your skirts. You giggled and gave her one of the flowers from your hair, smiling at her delight. Loki stood beside you protectively, making sure you were comfortable as young Asgardian girls took your hands and pulled you to the fountain in the square. 
You sat on the edge of the marble, and they climbed around you, going to braid your hair in elaborate styles. Loki’s fingers moved, providing them with flowers and and magical pins to use. 
“Tell us a story of your rule, prins,” a girl asked, her eyes shining up at Loki. 
He indulged them, his magic forming figures and acting out the story he told, and you watched him in adoration. The children adored him, basking in his attention, just as you did. 
“You are no monster, Loki. They delight in your presence. Don’t ever think you’re not loved,” you whispered in his ear, a smile creeping onto his face.
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xxlost-cityxx · 3 years
Ship/Characters: Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki
TW/CW: Rough anal sex, virgin Katsuki Bakugou, slight choking, slight piss kink/bladder control, brief spanking, rimming, bottom Katsuki, dom Kirishima, begging, crying, anal fingering, degredation and praise
I posted this on Ao3 literally last night, so enjoy.
Stupid fucking Kirishima with his stupid fucking face and stupid fucking body-
Again. Once-a-fucking-gain. Katsuki was hard at work. Kirishima had simply aided Katsuki in a surprisingly powerful villain attack- even though everyone knew Dynamight had it under control. But Eijirou's help...made it easier to take down the villain- NOT that Katsuki needed his help in the first place. 
The villain landed a hit on Katsuki and he flew into a pile of concrete and wooden rubble, and the next thing he saw was Red Riot, unhardened, nearly body slamming the guy into a wall, digging his forearm and elbow into his neck and his knee between his legs. It looked painful for the villain and it looked like Ejirou was definitely holding back from completely crushing the dude's balls...But. The way Kirishima was looking at the guy, a stone cold face, a deadly glare he hasn't seen since the last time Eijirou had heard Monama talk back in U.A. He was mad. And Gods if that sight didn't make him pop a boner-
So now here he was. Virgin Katsuki pretending he was too good to be around all his druken friends who were surely getting laid tonight, meanwhile, all Katuski would do tonight is ride his dildo until the sun came up. 
Bakugou couldn't jack off. It wasn't really a fact, but he's pretty sure that any man would avoid jacking off with even a small risk that you might blow your own dick off, especially if you were gay. Gods bless the prostate. And really, it takes forever to cum riding 6 inches of colored silicone without touching your dick, but the point was, it got the job done and no one knew his secret to having 'thunder thighs' or some shit. He still remembers the first interveiwer who asked about his leg day routine, stating that he had entranced everyone with his thighs or some shit. He never thought he'd be referred to as 'thick' or whatever it was.
He took another shot of vodka, ignoring the pestering jealousy as he watched Kirishima dance with Denki. It was obviously platonic, not only did they repeatedly state in multible interviews that they were 'strictly bromance' and that they liked fucking with their fans's minds, Denki was dating Dead Eyes and Earphones. 
Bakugou wasn't even a little tipsy really, it took a lot to get him drunk. It took a lot to get any of them drunk, but that didn't stop anyone from trying. But Bakugou wasn't going to go home drunk and have drunken masturbation for 5 hours, never was his thing. So he'd stick to being sober for tonight. 
He growled as Kirishima's hand was on Denki's hip, Kaminari's back against Eijirou's chest. The much smaller blonde wiggled his hips against Kirishima's surely soft dick. Sero and Mina were laughing their asses off from their seats, Denki smirking and trying to be as dramatic and intimate as he could, a few phones recording them. 
Katsuki growled to himself, slamming the shot glass on the bar top so hard it slightly cracked. He stood up and grabbed his coat, oblivious to how red eyes quickly switched from watching the smiling and laughing faces of his friends to laser focused on the ash blonde in a split second. 
As Katsuki left the bar, he grumbled to himself until he was outside his place. 
An hour later, he was panting. It felt like his entire body was covered in lube by the time he was bouncing on the silicone properly. He frowned, squeezing his eyes shut as he felt the head bump into his prostate with practiced movements, usually a feeling that would have him gasping and shuttering, but he wanted this cock to be Kirishima's. He was sick and tired of riding an inanimate object that didn't praise him, didn't make noise, didn't cum. He wanted to be pinned and fucked so hard he would have to call off work the next day.
He whimpered as his toned thighs easily let him travel up and down the silicone. Silicone. He couldn't even get himself hard, he was soft, even with his ass stuffed and his prostate stimulated, he was soft. There wasn't a twitch, and even his prostate felt dull. 
He groaned to himself, sliding off the dildo and reaching for his phone. He quickly unlocked it and pulled up his gallery with his singular 'clean' finger, quickly going to his hidden folder and clicking on the picture that always got him hard. Kirishima did a photoshoot nearly 6 months ago, he was in a kimono that was completely opened with white pants that banded to his stomach. He stared at Katsuki through the picture, a belt in his big, tanned hand. He already felt his cock harden slightly, a small frown painting his face as that was like a weak attempt at mimicking his usual reaction to the picture. 
He slid back on the dildo propping his phone against his wall and started bouncing. He imagined those toned hands sliding against his back, barely touching him, and it was almost like he could feel it, his body twitching with slight interest. He imagined his voice, telling him to ride the dildo, training his hole for what was surely a monster cock, Eijirou too nice to let Katsuki destroy himself on his cock right off the bat...unless… What if he would just fuck him? And that got his reaction. His dick was fully hard now, but it wasn't aching with need like usual. 
What if Eijirou would slam into him as soon as the dildo was out? Would he let Katsuki adjust, or would he pound him into oblivion with the raw power his body held? 
He let out a moan, but the pleasure didn't last long as his phone started ringing. He nearly flinched, scowling at his phone for ruining what he worked hard for, but his face sofened as it was Kirishima calling him. 
His mouth went dry, his eyes slightly wide. He doesn't know what really compelled him to answer the phone, but as Kirishima's voice rang through the other end, he couldn't help but bite his lip and shift on the dildo. "W-What do you need, Dumbass?" He asked, cursing himself for starting his sentence off weak. "Haha- Hey, Kat! I just wanted to made sure you were okay. You hit that rubble pretty hard today, and you left earlier than usual." His cheery, sober, voice said. Katsuki closed his eyes, slowly rolling his hips up the dildo, the familiar arousal burning in his stomach, finally. 
He stifled a whimper, "M' fine, Shitty Hair…." He pretended to grumble out, desperate to think of something to keep him on the line as long as possible. "That's great! I was a little worried, y'know. Didn't want to lose the manliest man I've even known since highschool!" He said, and Bakugou's heart did a mixture of dropping and fluttering. He felt guilty for trying to get off to his voice, clearly ignorant and innocent, but he couldn't help but acknowledge that he didn't refer to him as his best friend which would usually put him down. He squeezed his eyes shut and rolled his hips, gasping as he accidentally his his prostate. He dropping the phone, slapping a hand over his face. "Katsuki!? What was that?" Kirishima urgently called. Bakugou's dick was on fire, his body was alight with arousal, if only Kirishima knew. 
He hesitantly picked up the phone. "I'm f-fine~ Shitty Hair!" He replied, cursing himself for not stopping himself from slowly bouncing on the dildo again. 
He slightly wondered if he accidentally hung up, but there was still static. "I'm not stupid, Katsuki." Kirishima suddenly said. Bakugou froze. His voice was lower but soft, almost like he was hesitant to say it in the first place. "W-..What the hell are you talking about?" He asked, not daring to move on the dildo, even though he wanted to take advantage of Kirishima's tone so fucking bad. 
"Are you getting off right now?" Kirishima asked, Bakugou suddenly became aware of how slick and schelchy the lube was. Bakugou's throat closed up, his mouth too dry to produce words. "Fuck…" Kirishima whispered, the sound making Bakugou's eyes widen. "Are you trying to fuck with me…?" He asked, but Bakugou wasn't deaf to the distant sound of Kirishima nearly break checking himself. 
Bakugou whimpered quietly, but a part of him prayed that Kirishima heard him, and as his breath hitched over the phone, he knew he did. 
"Fuck-" Kirishima groaned. Bakugou gasped at the sound, bouncing on the plastic lightly once again, the lewd noises surely reaching the phone. "C-Come over." Bakugou's stern voice said, once again sounding weak in the beginning. "Already on my way." Kirishima nearly whispered back. 
Bakugou's body was on fire, every part of him was twitching. The call ended only a minute ago, and suddenly Bakugou's night was going to change who he was. He was hard, nervous, excited but horny above all else. As soon as he heard his front door open and nearly slam shut, Bakugou gasped, trying to let out his nerves. Heavy, fast footsteps made their way down his halls, and suddenly Bakugou was conscious about how he should present himself. 
He didn't have time, and so he let himself be cocky, leaning forward on his hands, arching his back and rolling his hips on the silicone gracefully, and it probably looked a little too good based on how smooth the action felt. But he didn't have room for his usual pride, Kirishima was stuck in the doorway with his mouth slightly open and wide eyes. Bakugou looked at him in the mirror to his side, and his eyes were staring at him. 
"Holy fuck.." He groaned, his hand slowly moving to his crotch, but he gripped the inside of his thigh. Mid. Thigh. 
Bakugou's eyes widened as he finally had the rough sketch of Eijirou's cock in his mind, and fuck he wanted to go stupid with cock. 
"C'mon…" Bakugou nearly whimpered, rolling his hips a little more dramatically. Kirishima groaned in the doorway, slowly walking into the room, Bakugou's position giving him the perfect view of his pink, glistening and stretched hole swallowing the silicone easily, the dildo's girth seemed pathetic to what Eijirou knew he had. 
Eijirou knelt down behind him, and as Katsuki smiled, expecting him to caress his body, that didn't happen. 
Kirishima quickly wrapped his hand around the smaller man's throat, yanking him back to meet his still clothed chest. Bakugou wheezed at the unexpected and sudden movement, but fuck if his own cock didn't love it already. 
"Riding this pathetic dildo while I was out there concerned about you, hm?" He darkly whispered, his finger tips lightly digging into his neck. Bakugou whimpered, wiggling his hips back, trying to get a feel for the man's clothed cock for himself. Kirishima sighed, almost in disappointment. "Tell me.. What were you thinking about? Riding this pathetic excuse of a dildo." He asked, talking right into Bakugou's ear. Bakugou let out a stuttering breath, squirming in Kirishima's sturdy grip. 
"Tell me." 
Bakugou gasped at his dark tone paired with his hand gripping his entire neck roughly. He wasn't used to feeling so small compared to someone else, but fuck he was loving it. 
"Y-You…" Bakugou gasped out as Kirishima loosened his grip just enough. "What about me..?" He asked, only slightly softer. 
Katsuki's cock was aching, begging for the same attention Eijirou was giving his throat. "H-How hard you would fuck me- How big your cock is…" Bakugou finally admitted, squeezing his eyes shut. 
Kirishima hummed in his ear, his hand moving to the back of Bakugou's neck instead and pulling him up to his feet. Bakugou let out a guttural moan as he was ripped off the dildo still suctioned to the floor. 
Kirishima hummed, noting how the dildo really did look like a pathetic version of himself. 
Kirishima dragged Bakugou to his bed, glaring at the blonde when he tried to move. He pulled off his own shirt and pants quickly before joining him on the bed. Bakugou's eyes quickly widened at the sight, his mouth slightly open and his face slightly filled with fear and shock, but quickly replaced with determination. "Better fucking prep me, asshole." Bakugou spit out, laying on his back. 
He didn't expect Kirishima's rough nature to continue though. Eijirou glared at Bakugou before swiftly gripping his neck and pinning him further into the mattress. "Excuse you? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to right now? Order me around again, I fucking dare you." Kirishima spit out a look of fake disgust on his face. Bakugou was shocked by the moan that left him, more than happy with his decisions from tonight, at least so far. 
He yelped as Kirishima's hand left his neck and grabbed his hips instead. Kirishima pulled his ass into the air, Bakugou's legs spreading automatically, falling to almost meet his chest. "W-What are you gonna do?" Bakugou asked, eyes wide with arousal. "None of your fucking buisness." Kirishima spit out, digging his thumbs into the stretched pink muscle. Bakugou gasped as Eijirou pulled his rim apart, testing just how stretched he was. 
Bakugou saw his cock when he took off his pants, the way it weighed itself down, how his fingertips would definetly have trouble touching each other, and the fucking length- he wondered if Kirishima would actually show through his stomach…
As Kirishima added a finger to stretch and play with his rim, he decided to take down the roughness, only for a couple seconds though. "Use the traffic light system, okay?" He almost ordered, wanting to keep the same sexual energy but also let Bakugou know there was a safe way out. Bakugou's breath stuttered and he quickly nodded, having read enough fanfiction about being fucked by Kirishima and having done enough research to know something as simple as the traffic light system, and he's so fucking green.
Bakugou didn't expect a tongue to enter him though.
Bakugou nearly shouted, gripping at the sheets before pathetically trying to reach for the other man's head. "N-No!" Bakugou shouted, but it was moan filled and an empty request. Kirishima's eyes shifted to Bakugou, lapping his tongue over the blonde's rim before softly shoving it inside as far as he could. 
Bakugou was squirming around at the foregin feeling, gasping every time he moved his tongue, it felt so warm, soft and perfectly wet. 
Kirishima took his mouth away, licking his lips as he roughly slammed 3 fingers into the unsuspecting hole. He quickly spread them as far as he could, Bakugou's gasp turning into a pained moan. As Kirishima softly stroked his slightly pulsing insides, Bakugou was panting with wide eyes. "Beg." Kirishima ordered darkly, jamming his fingers into Bakugou as far as he could, hitting his prostate hard. 
Bakugou moaned out, caving in on himself because of how Kirishima held his ass up. But he wouldn't beg. 
After a few seconds of soft finger thrusting and no begging, Kirishima picked up the pace, slipping one of his fingers out, knowing Katsuki won't like the lack of fullness anymore. He jams his fingers into his prostate every time, Bakugou's eyes nearly crossing as he tries to arch his back but just keeps caving in on himself. 
"Fucking. Beg." "F-Fuck you.." Bakugou responds, his voice shakey, the defiance fake and fragile. Kirishima's eyes narrow, a frown forming on his lips. "Fine." He replies, shifting one hand to Bakugou's abdomen and pressing, pleased with the slight fullness under a specific layer of muscle. He continued to slam into his g-spot, Bakugou's eyes widening and getting slightly watery. "W-Wait-!" Bakugou moaned out loud, slight panic coating his oh so beautiful face. The tip of his penis kept rubbing against Kirishima's arm, and he knew so much stimulation was working against him. He was either going to beg or piss himself. 
"S-Stop! Too much- T-Too fucking much! I have to go you f-fuckkk-ing lunatic!" He moaned out, grabbing at Kirishima's arms. "Beg. Beg for me to fuck you, or you're going to piss yourself, get your clean sheets dirty, all unsatisfied and embarrassed. Poor little Katsuki couldn't hold his little blatter while I fucked you with my fingers." Eijirou cooed, tiliting his head a little before bending down and licking along the back of his thigh to the crease of his ass. He travels up to his sack and licks him firmly with the flat of his tongue. 
Katsuki screams.
His clawing becomes frantic, and he's sure he's sobbing, but he's no match for even Kirishima's strength. "N-No! Ei- Stop! I-I'm gonna pee!" Katsuki cries, thrashing around as much as he can. But as Eijirou gently sucks in one of his balls, his resolve snaps. "Please! Please, please, please!" Katsuki finally cries, Eijirou's fingers slowing down and his hand letting up on his blatter. He moves away from Katsuki's cock and smirks down at the red and teary face below him. 
"Please what?" He asks, Bakugou's eyes widening. "P...Please… Please fuck me… I want you to fuck me with your fat cock!" He cries, tears falling from his eyes. 
Eijirou sighs, content with his work. "Good boy~" He coos, swiftly plunging 2 more fingers inside and spreading them. Katsuki gasps, looking up at Kirishima who refuses to look away from his face. 
As Kirishima slowly pulls out, he bends over and grabs the lube from the floor, popping open the cap and pouring it into Katsuki. He flinches and wines at how cold it is, and Eijirou just travels the bottle to his cock, rubbing his hand over it and coating everything with lube. 
As he sloppily closes the bottle, he moves Katsuki onto his stomach, Bakugou groaning as he was finally out of that horrid position. 
Kirishima places the tip at his entrance, kissing Bakugou's nape, and right as Bakugou prepares for a dreadfully slow slide. Kirishima slams into the hilt. Bakugou's eyes shoot wide and his thrusted up further into the bed with the force, his mouth dropping open as a horrid moan filled scream leaves him. 
This is it….he's not a virgin anymore…
He feels nothing but cock, painfully perfect cock that makes it hard to breathe.
Kirishima groans at the tight feeling, his body shaking as he convinces himself not to fuck Katsuki into oblivion. 
Eijirou starts off slow, dragging his cock out halfway before pressing in again, the pace making them both groan. God, Katsuki's back tooks so fucking pretty all arched like that, delicate but strong all in one. He always knew Bakugou would look so pretty with his face burried in sheets, his ass high in the air and filled with his cock. 
He feels himself slipping, his thrusts slipping into violent, angry lust every so often before he catches himself quickly. 
But as Katsuki's sweet moans keep reaching his ears, he finally gives in, grabbing Katsuki's wrists and pulling them back, lifting Katsuki off the bed and using his wrists as leverage, pulling his weak body back onto his cock as he slams his hips into the man's ass. 
"Holy fucking shit~" Bakugou's voice calls out as Kirishima's thrusts get rougher, violent. His voice bounced with the thrusts, his moans cutting each other off as Kirishima no longer cares about hitting the man's prostate, pounding into him purely for selfish pleasure Bakugou didn't know he was capable of. 
"Fucking pathetic cocksleeve- Such a fucking whore for dick, huh? You fucking-love! -taking my fat cock like this!" Kirishima spits out, pulling on Katsuki's wrists harder. Bakugou's eyes are crossing, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. 
'Ruining me-'
"Not a single thought going through that head of yours, huh? Just taking my cock so good like this, loving how I ruin every other cock out there for you! Only my cock can make you cum, can make you feel so fucking good!" "Y-Yes~" Bakugou's broken voice cries out, tears sliding down his cheeks. 
The bed is slamming into the wall so hard the pictures are rattling, and Bakugou can't register anything but cock, pleasure, Kirishima and cumming. 
"So fucking good, so~ fUCKing go-od~" Bakugou sobs, not caring of the searing pain in his arms and shoulder blades. But as Kirishima angles his hips, he starts slamming into Bakugou's prostate, and as Bakugou tries to arch in Kirishima's hold, he cums. He clamps around his cock so hard Kirishima moans, letting go of Katsuki's arms and letting him fall face first into the bed as his entire body rocks with unbroken thrusts, shaking with the ongoing orgasm that never seems to end. Eijirou hears the sobbing and groans with pleasure, swinging his hand down to Bakugou's ass, growling as he watches the muscle and fat ripple with the perfect impact. 
Kirishima puts his hands in the curve of Katsuki's spine, pressing him down and shifting forward, slightly sitting back on his calves as he jackhammers into Bakugou's swollen, red and oh so fucking soft boy cunt. 
Katsuki is screaming but it's so distant to Eijirou, all he can hear is the squelching of his ass and all he can think of is cumming. 
"FUCK- EIJIROU~" Katsuki screams, sobbing and begging for him to slow down, not to thrust so hard, not to be so brutal. He can't feel his limbs, all he can feel is the overstimulation as his body is pounded so hard he inches forward on his bed, only to be pulled back just as quickly. He feels like a cocksleeve because he is one. 
Kirishima groans, finally slamming into Katsuki with all he has, his cock pulsing inside Bakugou almost like a slow vibrator. As Kirishima completely fills Katsuki's intestines with cum, his own cock spurts out a pathetic amount of it's own cum, his balls drawing up tight and his cock twitching with painful interest. 
Kirishima and Bakugou are panting, and as Eijirou gives another overstimulated thrust for good measure, the both moan out. 
"F-Fuck…." Kirishima groans, Katsuki panting into the sheets with wide, tired eyes. 
He really did ruin Katsuki's chances at fucking anyone else. There's no way he can go back to toys, and there's no way he can fuck anyone else.
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