coldbloodpoetry · 2 years
I am so over humans. Why does this species only ever think about themselves and recklessly destroy the lives of others.
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anzaideart · 1 month
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the-expose-on-girls · 8 months
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95tillnow · 1 year
Currently dealing with the most toxic gf ever. Could use some advice or just a place to vent
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analizandoamyh · 1 year
¿Qué te pasó, Harry? O la tristeza de la empatía perdida.
El mundo enteró se volcó en amor por los dos niños que caminaban tras el féretro de Diana en aquél día de 1997. No sólo Inglaterra o Gran Bretaña, sino TODO el mundo occidental que pudo empatizar con el legado de Lady Di.
Harry fue el favorito durante la temprana adultez: era extrovertido, amable, aparentemente sincero y demostraba devoción y amor por su hermano, Guillermo, del cual se representaba imágenes más serias y serenas, pero igualmente admirables.
Los medios lo capturaban (a Harry) como un rebelde encantador. Ya que era hijo de Diana, se esperaba que revolucionara, junto a su hermano, el futuro rey, la monarquía británica, con formas, maneras distintas y menos rígidas.
A pesar de las tormentas, el mundo entero lo amó y admiró. Jamás se le retrató como el segundón, el repuesto o el que sigue. Tan sólo era “Harry”.
Las cámaras y las puestas en escena existen en todas partes, hasta en las más humildes familias se esmeran en posar cuando hay algún evento relevante, por lo que es algo con lo que solemos identificarnos inconscientemente. Sin embargo, para una institución como la monarquía británica o alguna organización al estilo Hollywood, esto se lleva a un nivel extremo: los simbolismos, los estudiados planos, la iluminación, decorados, vestidos, TODO viene adjunto a una narrativa que se quiere plasmar, por lo que la visualidad no es inocente.
Y, sin embargo, el lenguaje corporal no miente: las sonrisas honestas, la alegría o enfado, siempre hay señales que delatan cuando una persona está incómoda, se siente libre o afín a otras. Revisar las miradas, las manos, los pies, hay un mundo que estudia dichas conductas y, enmarcadas en un contexto nos puede decir mucho de una persona o cultura.
Al respecto, la amistad que se veía entre Guillermo y Harry era innegable. Hermandad, química, complicidad. Una relación familiar que se percibía inquebrantable a pesar de la diferencia de carácter, de personalidad y de vocación.
Se rumoraba que Harry tenía problemas de ira, algo normal dadas las condiciones de vida que tanto él como su hermano tuvieron que pasar, aunado al temperamento, pero esto no indicaba que fuese mala o mejor persona, sencillamente alguien con asuntos que resolver con profesionales de salud mental.
Hizo una campaña con su hermano y cuñada, parte de la prensa internacional hacía eco de una era en la que la institución monárquica comenzaba a plantear estos temas de forma abierta. No había razón para sospechar la tormenta.
Y pasó.
¿En qué momento, una persona que siempre fue amada por el mundo dejó entrever tanto rencor hacia su hermano y familia?
¿Qué le hizo romper lazos de forma tan abrupta -y cruel- con su pasado familiar?
¿Qué fue lo que sucedió para que lanzara bomba tras bomba mediática y ese silencio íntimo que antaño reflejaba se viese opacado por las constantes entrevistas, flashes y ataques a su ex círculo cercano?
Esto, mi querido lector o lectora, es algo que tú también te debes responder, cuestionar qué sucedió para que un ser humano tan amado por el mundo parece que ha dejado de tener cierto aspecto por lo que fue admirado alguna vez: empatía.
Y es ahí, también, donde el narcicismo en acción cubre su manto con las víctimas alienadas.
Siéntanse cómodos de traducir y divulgar el artículo. Gracias.
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renee-willier · 2 years
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iltaf91 · 2 years
the narcissist
I’ve been thinking about it over and over again.  
Where did I go wrong? What did I overlook?  
The spectrum of questions was wide and left me in between universes. If you believe in the theory that there are multiple versions of ourselves at the same time, Maybe just maybe we are in this one version where we are perfect. For each other. 
 But we were not. We have been trespassing through it once or twice.  The feelings were about to catch me.Because you. Yes you are untouchable. Godless.  
 Trust less. Fake more.  
A con artist as he was written by a young author who was trying to make it in showbiz.  
Made my buy a ticket to Sweden. 
Against all odds I thought you was gonna change. For your sake. And mine.  
Walking around seeing himself as a young black jesus; misunderstood and gifted.  
Don’t get me wrong he is talented maybe even blessed.  But he wouldn’t be able to make the blind see.  Water to tea. Walking on the puddles of life.  
I was lost in trance.  
Listening to the hero stories about yourself : 
On shuffle. You have been my playlist.  
I hit pause and repeat. Until it was more pain than pleasure. You have been better. Ecstatic. 
To be or not to be ; mental ; 
His power was limited. Empty.  
At the end of the day he made one blind see.
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otrohumano · 2 years
¡Ya no estamos para raras!
Estamos saliendo hace 4 meses y por días vale más un cero a la izquierda, tengo suficiente con mis emociones y mis pensamientos para tener que cargar con tu egocentrismo y narcisismo.
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dragonflykmz · 2 years
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"En defensa propia"
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anzaideart · 1 month
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zerowidthnonjoiner · 4 months
OK I'm rambling about Screwllum, this is a very nonsensical post because though I like ramble and analysis stuff, I never talk about them publicly because it ends up being a jumbled mess. My brain just functions that way but please bare with me. [I think I should note that there is spoilerish content for those who likes to check the notes, events or curios in this game ]
I read a few of the Gold and Gears content or hidden Screwllum lore through curios, notes or the occurrence events and it just hits me that Screwllum just exists for the entire 1.6 quests and the new SU dlc dosent really involved him at all. He dosent do much but he is relevant.
But I can't stop thinking that this guy is the guy that got the IPC to cancel their plans about eliminating mechanical lifeforms across the universe, this is the guy in one of the resistance groups against Emperor Rubert. But what makes his rebellion different during the Emperor Rubert wars? HES A MACHINE JUST LIKE HIM. HE ALSO SAVED ORGANIC LIVES. like that fact alone wouldn't be so interesting to me if he wasn't a machine.
And somehow it feels like his character hadn't that much focus during the dlc. Buuut I haven't finished the dlc yet so maybe there's a few occurrences or some of the story endings i didn't encounter yet
Soo maybe there's things there that I didn't know yet about him unless I got informed.
ITS JUST it's weird that he's treated with a sidelined light in favor for Ruan Mei [since yknow, big character for 1.6] but he has importance during Emperor Rubert's time.
But i do guess it's on his decision that they made in the dlc and dosent wanna show this fact all over your face.
There is like hints or a few notable content about planet screwllum during the dlc that's good. Like ooo Mechanical City, finally get to know a bit about the capital of Planet Screwllum Like the intra-cognitive events are all set there. And also how Planet Screwllum's people can function like humans [THEY CAN CRY AND TEAR UP DO YOU KNOW THAT?? SCREWLLUMITES CAN CRY THEY CAN ALSO PASS AWAY APPARENTLY <atleast they have population control>] [but somehow Screwllum worries about what he drinks and it should be machine oil for some reason]
So hey! We are learning more about his people this update, slowly and surely! [how All of these hints is giving me false hope- there's no planet screwllum update in the future they definetlt won't they are not brave enough to make several patches with very robotic humanoids they wo]
I got brain burned
tldr: Screwllum should be a more important character in the 1.6 patch especially in the new SU dlc because he has relevance in the time period its based on
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athousandgateaux · 8 months
New study on Ontologically Evil Disorder shows that people with said disorder do things I don't like, co-authored by: everyone you know
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dr-drea · 1 year
I had two topics in mind for my thesis and my prof said I should definitely do one rather than the other and now guess who has a billion books published on that topic
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crocgirl420 · 2 years
My toxic trait is that I feel like it should be okay for me to homewreck given how violently my life was shaped by homewrecking. Like I don’t do it because I know it’s wrong. But I should personally be allowed to
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