#necro science
cassiopeiathe1st · 9 months
so as a biology major, here's some things i've been chewing on after reading the unwanted guest. this post is brought to you by the part of my brain that saw the 7th's hereditary blood cancer and thought ok but what KIND of cancer is that.
the phrasing of "permeability of the soul" makes me think of semipermeable membranes and diffusion. diffusion is a passive process -- our molecules, when left to their own devices, want to be everywhere because entropy, but the semipermeable membranes that make up cells organelles etc make life possible by keeping things organized. this dividing & filtering process is required to keep things in place. with me so far?
to me, this concept of permeability emphasizes that souls are objects with boundaries. there's a line somewhere, however blurry (clearly very very blurry) or porous, that divides self & other, and! and!! that line only exists because it is somehow constructed, maintained, enforced. see: ianthe working so hard to convince herself/pal/the hypothetical audience of this play she's putting on that she's just ianthe with no babs mixed in. or john's ritual of retelling his story to alecto/harrow in NTN. something something being the unreliable narrator of your own identity.
palamedes calls the process that merges him and camilla to give us paul grand lysis vs. the "petty", incomplete lysis of eightfold word lyctorhood. lysis = the disintegration of a cell by rupture of the cell wall or membrane. the boundaries of their souls are sliced open so their contents can be poured out & mixed together to make someone new. but even in conventional lyctorhood, there's some kind of exchange of whatever material makes up the soul between cavalier & necromancer. as our boy tells ianthe at the end of the unwanted guest,
This is the real truth of Lyctorhood, Ianthe--it's not some bloodless swapping-out of batteries. It's grafting; transplantation. When you absorbed Naberius Tern's soul, you didn't swallow a diamond. You swallowed a piece of meat...and the longer you digest that meat, the more its proteins and lipids and molecules mix in with yours, until you can't tell them apart anymore.
idk where i'm even going with all of this, i'm just rotating it in my head, but:
tamsyn muir is so precise with her necromancy jargon & anatomical terms that i feel like there's definitely meaning to be found in the imagery here. there is poetry in biology, the universe is made of stories not of atoms, etc etc
it turns out lysis is also the title of a dialogue of plato on "the true nature of loving friendship," so if any classics enjoyers have thoughts on that connection i would love to hear them!
if lyctorhood is transplantation, is it possible for that transplant to be rejected? can the graft refuse to take?
souls are contained within their edges not unlike how a cell membrane contains its cytoplasm. or how a capri sun pouch contains its juice. and lyctors slurp that shit up and digest it baby
why choose to link the soul so closely with water? (the river, bubbles, currents & waves in the river, nona saying the water of the river "doesn't want to touch us.") contents of souls = liquid in the same way that the river is a liquid??? the river = spirit version of the primordial soup???
dulcinea refers to the river having two shores, not just a generic "shore", so it sounds like they're different in some meaningful way. but that may be conditional on what happens in alecto ("if this ends well you'll find that out")? is the point of the river the river itself, or is the point of the river to separate those two places?
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chemical-bunz · 1 month
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theidiotabides · 1 year
...so is there overlap between Animorphs and Locked Tomb fandoms? Or am I the overlap?
'cuz I woke up this morning thinking:
Marco (necro)/Jake (cav) Cassie (necro)/Rachel (cav) Tobias (necro)/Ax (cav)
I'd split it like this because canonically in TLT cav/necro pairs aren't supposed to have romantic relationships (even though of the ones we see, one is explicitly romantic, two have romantic feelings going at least one direction, and I have my suspicions about Cam/Pal but they are canon cousins so like, fine, I'll let it slide but I'm watching you). But if you split the kids by canon couples, that makes:
Cassie (necro)/Jake (cav) Tobias (necro)/Rachel (cav)
Then the spares Marco (necro)/Ax (cav), which also absolutely works.
What I'm saying is the Animorphs' dynamics map perfectly onto TLT's cav/necro roles, no matter how you slice them.
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nonasbirthday · 1 year
Griddlehark High School Musical AU
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necroclubinc · 6 months
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Powerman 5000 - Tonight the Stars Revolt! (1999)
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warriorfujoshi · 11 months
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oceangenasi · 2 years
you'll wish she didn't!
For science, I collected what each of the Houses hears when Gideon speaks to them for the first time.
Seventh: "Yo. Step off." (when Cytherea faints)
Sixth: "Then get off your ass and help me."
Fifth: never got to hear her talk :(
Fourth: thee line of all time, which is to say, "Did you know that if you put the first three letters of your last name with the first three letters of your first name, you get 'Sex Pal'?"
Eighth: "They had names, you lily-livered, tooth-coloured asshole, and if you want to make a thing about it, I warn you that I'm in the kind of mood that can only be alleviated by walloping you."
Corona: "No. I thought their arms would all flop around." (in response to Corona asking if she's seen a necro hold a sword before)
Ianthe/Babs, probably also the Second: "Why?" (after they gather to confront Cyth about Pro's head)
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transmutationisms · 9 months
hi! any reading you'd rec on bio politics\necro politics? i've recently gotten curious about the concepts so forgive if this is vague or not specific lol. tyy in advance ! hope ur day is good
so, the standard recs you will usually see for getting a theoretical foundation here are:
Foucault's 1978–9 lecture series at the Collège de France, "The Birth of biopolitics", and his 1975–6 series, "Society must be defended" (there are print series of his lectures) (<-these are honestly overrated as sources imho b/c foucault never fully developed these concepts. i would read lecture 11 from the 75–6 series if you absolutely feel you need some foucault, and then skip to whatever else seems interesting)
Achille Mbembe's Necropolitics (2019)
Jasbir Puar's The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability (2017)
there are also lots and lots and lots of books that use concepts of bio/necropolitics in their historical and/or political arguments. some i've enjoyed include:
Joshua Cole, The Power of Large Numbers: Population, Politics, and Gender in Nineteenth-Century France (2018: Cornell University Press)
Daniel Nemser, Infrastructures of Race: Concentration and Biopolitics in Colonial Mexico (2017: University of Texas Press)
Andrew Aisenberg, Contagion: Disease, Government, and the "Social Question" in Nineteenth-Century France (1999)
Mie Nakachi, Replacing the Dead: The Politics of Reproduction in the Postwar Soviet Union (2021: Oxford University Press)
Banu Subramaniam, Holy Science: The Biopolitics of Hindu Nationalism (2019: University of Washington Press)
Kyla Schuller, The Biopolitics of Feeling: Race, Sex, and Science in the Nineteenth Century (2017: Duke University Press)
Michela Marcatelli, Naturalizing Inequality: Water, Race, and Biopolitics in South Africa (2021: University of Arizona Press)
Ellen Amster, Medicine and the saints: science, Islam, and the colonial encounter in Morocco, 1877-1956 (2013: University of Texas Press)
Ron Broglio, Beasts of Burden: Biopolitics, Labor, and Animal Life in British Romanticism (2017: SUNY Press) (<-doubles as an introduction into why the 'animal turn' has been such a hot topic historiographically in the past 5 or 6 years)
James Duncan, In the Shadows of the Tropics: Climate, Race and Biopower in Nineteenth Century Ceylon (2007: Ashgate)
René Dietrich & Kerstin Knopf (Eds.), Biopolitics, geopolitics, life: settler states and indigenous presence (2023) (<-haven't read this yet! some of these essays look very promising)
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Shopkeeper: Yrjo Spenkrank, The Unfettered Flunkey
“I’ve had many call me odd, in my years, monstrous if they were feeling cruel. But I’ve lived long enough to know that being ordinary makes you predictable, and predictability gets you killed.”
Appearing on lonely roads, shaded alleys, and ruined corridors with only the creaking of wheels and the rattle of vials to herald his approach, wandering alchemist Yrjo steps from the darkness to provide the party with unorthodox solutions to their heroic problems.
Shunned in his small village due to a malformation at birth, Yrjo’s curiosity at his circumstance led him to the study of anatomy and the healer’s arts, eventually piecing together enough knowledge to reach adulthood as a competent bonesetter. In a different time, with more accepting people, Yrjo would have made a great doctor, apothecary, or surgeon, but Isolated as he was in an ignorant land, Yrjo was forced to follow his calling elsewhere....
Serving for decades as the assistant to mad scientists, necromancers, and a succession of other villains doomed to be devoured by their own hubris, Yrjo developed a talent for outliving his employers: Slipping out the back door of their lair just as the experiment went wrong with sack full of research notes and valuable reagents. Building quite a collection of forbidden knowledge over his career, Yrjo now wanders from settlement to settlement, plying the physician's trade until he a new dark scheme worth suborning
Adventure Hooks:
While he’s well stocked with all manner of potion and tinctures available for modest fees, Yrjo’s true utility to the party comes in his knowledge, identifying evil entities or curses, and performing all the careful doctoring that regular healing is unable to provide. The alchemist is even able to perform resurrections on the cheap, provided the departed’s friends don’t mind doing some light grave robbing and bringing them back as a patchwork cadaver fuelled by necro-electrical energy. 
It’s a trade secret that most villains know eachother, often working with the same suppliers and contracting out to a shared pool of potential minions. As a freelancer, Yrjo is often overlooked by the greater class of evildoer, meaning he’s more than happy to gossip and give the party directions regardless of whether they’re looking for leads, bounties, or introductions.
Yrjo is getting on in years, and though he’s loathe to admit it, his old bones and his bad shoulder are having trouble hauling his cart with him. Socially awkward and hesitant to settle down given his poor history with average people, a party that makes use of the old alchemist’s services might find him showing up more and more on their adventures, shadowing them but unable to work up the courage to ask to tag along as their camp doctor.
Before the party head off on an adventure where the old man cannot follow, consider having him speak of his long-neglected wish to attend an institution of higher learning, which will obviously have your party scrambling to have their mad-science grandpa enrolled as soon as possible so he can fulfill his dreams of being a real doctor. Alternatively, should the party come into position of a manor/keep, Yrjo will be happy to stay behind and set up a lab, keeping them well stocked in potions and other alchemic utilities. 
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chocochipbiscuit · 5 months
WIP tag game!
I was tagged by @razrogue and while I'm happy to be tagged, I'm slightly embarrassed by the number of WIPs I have!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I actually have so many WIPs that I organize them by fandom, and uh. I'm just going to include the ones that have been opened since December 1. So the last month's worth of files.
Dragon Age
[idea] Cassandra/Leliana werewolf AU
[idea] Piper/Strong - 3am Fantasy
Synth!Courier concept
[idea] Strong/Madison/Virgil ideas
Strong/Virgil starter
[idea] Danse/Hancock necro AU
[outline] Wait For It - Keene/Preston
[idea] Love and Science - Curie/Cait + Strong, Piper
[idea] Piper/Sentient Deathclaw
The Fraud Squad
[WIP] Anya/Raina hatemance
The Locked Tomb
[idea] Babs' size kink awakening - Naberius/Ortus
Original Work
[idea] Orc Massage
strange and awful majesty (P/H)
[draft] Persephone in SPAAAACE!
[idea] The Hellmouth Diner
[idea] superhero/villain romance
In my defense!!! A lot of them are 'ideas' because I think about them just enough to scribble a few lines or ideas into the document every so often, because I'm hoping that by hoarding ideas it'll be like setting up my creative mise en place for when I'm actually ready to cook! And a few of them are [idea] because I like to keep revision notes and outlines separate from the actual [WIP] if the WIP is long and I am considering revisions!
Tags are for funsies, no pressure, hope you have fun!
@wolffyluna, @anneapocalypse, @bittylildragon, @commander-diomika, @cosmotronic, @euhemeria, @deacons-wig, @meishuu, @meikuree, @quandary-peak, @h1bernate, @formlessvoidbeast, and anyone else who wants to play!
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frociaggine · 1 year
I'm curious that you think that the existing lyctoral necro-cav pairs shows that John can't choose at will who is a necromancer & who is not, because to me it's the opposite! The fact that both scientists & the lawyer (of intellectual occupations) all end up as necromancers and theis companions as cavaliers strongly suggests a guiding hand. Who do you think he would array differently if he had the power?
A few different reasons! All of them boil down to #vibes. My thoughts on this are all over, and I think it IS possible he chose them. I just think it’s slightly more likely he didn’t.
tldr: if he chose who got to be an adept, I think it was more intuitive / subconscious / accidental than a planned out choice with forethought behind it.
Assuming that he absolutely wanted to create matched pairs (why though? more thoughts below) I AM a bit puzzled over the criteria. It's not just intellectuals, they all were—“a cop and six different kinds of nerd.” Anyway, here are my thoughts, one by one.
Augustine, Mercy, and G1deon: these are obvious. They were his long-time friends, unflinchingly loyal, total enablers. If he did pick and choose, they were always going to be an automatic in.
Nigella: that’s easy also; she seems to be the member of the gang John was the least close to, brought into the gang by someone who was mildly critical of him. She IS a pass.
Alfred: second to least fave, though he was the one who figured out the dirt of the FTL fleet by following the money. (He IS a nerd, and more STEM-adjacent than Cassy. Finance runs on probability theory) I can see why he’d have been left out, though; John doesn't think much of him.
Cristabel: this is harder to justify! John had a very high opinion of Cristabel. He called her ‘sister,’ he saw her as a guide, and near the end they worked closely together trying to find the soul. Maybe he resented her for the way she forced him to ascend, but I didn’t get that impression from the flashbacks + John loves having people around who have their own failings, so he can feel better about himself. If he could bestow necromancy, I don’t get why he wouldn’t have picked Cristabel.
Pyrrha and Cassiopeia: these are the ones that leave me the most perplexed. They’re both strong-willed women who weren’t afraid to stand up to John. But Pyrrha was the one who betrayed her cop friends to warn him, who stood by him even after he killed her former colleagues, who encouraged him to be a “bad wizard” — she absolutely enabled him every step of the way. Cassiopeia, by contrast, was by his side in the early stages and ditched her bosses for him, but she seems to have stuck around just as much for Nigella as for “the cause,” if not more. She drops under the radar a third into the flashback narration when things get weird, and only makes herself heard again near the end to call out John; the only one who did. I really don’t get why he’d have picked Cassiopeia. Likewise, I don’t see why he didn’t pick Pyrrha; it’s true that Gideon was always close to her and “never knew who to pick,” but when it counted Pyrrha never went against John, and also, you know. He did wipe their memory. I don't think he saw Pyrrha as a threat.
Ulysses and Titania: ????? They were science projects. He had no attachment to either of them. Why not make more of his original friends into necromancers and give them Ulysses or Titania as “companions” if he was that attached to that model? The only scenario I can see in which they were included would be if John brought them back before anyone else to serve as a test case, but I don’t get why he’d have kept them around. I can, however, see John keeping them around if they randomly came back as an adept/non-adept matched pair and he was like, oh how nostalgic, control group yet again.
More broadly—regardless of who was picked, I don't think he planned out matched adept/companion sets.
One: Lyctorhood wasn't John's initial plan. He didn't bring them back thinking “I’m going to make my besties my immortal warriors and they’ll need a loyal companion.” He brought them back planning to keep them near him, and possibly to make them immortal. He accomplished that, successfully, for hundreds of years—but their immortality was conditional on their physical proximity to him. (John being John, this would be a feature, not a bug!) and didn’t come with huge necromantic powers. They were still killable. That only became a drawback once they were “on the clock for the resurrection beasts,” when it was imperative that his friends should also be his trusted lieutenants, able to carry out missions all over the universe. “God should be able to touch all of creation,” but he can’t do that if his fingers have to stay by his side. That’s why everyone ascended at the same time and the cavaliers went to their death. Before that, though? There was no point. I doubt he knew of the RBs until after the resurrection was complete.
Two: why the necro/cav pairs? I just... don't see why he'd split his friends into matched couples. I think it’s way more likely that the concept of “death wizard and death wizard’s fighting sworn companion” as social roles and as a tradition, is something that evolved because the original disciples made it a custom, rather than because John designed it to be that way. And, if he could bestow necromancy at will, why not give it to everyone who’d stood by him? Why did it have to be an even number split in couples, everyone with their companion? Like, I don’t think it’s out of character for John to go on a godly power trip and decide who gets to have powers. But I also don’t see why he would create a divide within the group. (Later, after 200 years, I absolutely get why he’d want to be THE most important person in all his Lyctors’ lives. But I don’t get that same vibe from immediately post-apocalypse, based on the flashbacks)
Basically, it's both some of the choices in who ended up a necromancer, and just... the forethought that this decision implies. John isn't a great schemer IMO, and I doubt he was especially lucid in the time right before the resurrection; I don't think he sat down and started worldbuilding his new social order and space empire. (Yes, he very much did build the Houses like a DM worldbuilding for an RPG campaign, but that happened more gradually and his friends had a lot of influence. I don't think the beforehand had much planning involved.)
Also: a lot of what John does, power-wise, is vibes. His soul merging with Alecto was done totally on the fly. Figuring out you can bestow necromancy, figuring out how necromancy is bestowed, doing some trial and error until you know how it works, and only then resurrecting your buddies—IDK, that’s a lot of planning.
Anyway. This is why I think that if he MADE a choice, it was subconscious. That's why more in line with how John does things.
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adventure-showdown · 7 months
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Revelation of the Daleks
The Doctor and Peri arrive on the planet Necros to visit a facility called Tranquil Repose, where the wealthy can have their bodies cryogenically frozen until medical science can cure them of their ailment. The Doctor wishes to pay his last respects to his friend, Professor Arthur Stengos, but it turns out this is just a ruse to lure him into a trap. The Great Healer masterminding the ruse is in fact Davros, who has been using the organic material in cryogenic storage to create a whole new army of Daleks to conquer the universe.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Paradise Towers
The Doctor and Mel decide to visit Paradise Towers, a residential complex that promises a peaceful life to its residents. However, the establishment is far from what its name suggests. A conflict persists among the Kangs, humanesque, multicolour beings who gather in opposing gangs based on which colour of the rainbow they bear. Furthermore, killer cleaning robots prowl the halls, and a secret in the complex's basement poses the greatest threat of all...
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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slylock-syl · 2 years
Maybe a baby Necros 👶? And undersource Gaster has an official design so what about 👶Necros and Gaster? Cause I think there friends when they were young right?
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Necros and Gaster as children!~
This would be how they met! Some context lore:
They met around early middle school years.
Necros generally kept to himself, often seen writing or doodling odd contraptions on pieces of paper.
Gaster was a smart, quiet kid, and generally pretty shy. His moms loved dressing him, so he'd often be the most well-dressed kid in school. He also wore fingerless gloves until he started high school because he was self-conscious about his hand holes.
The only reason Gaster approached Necros was because some kids that frequently bullied Gaster dared him to.
They bonded over their shared interest in building fun little contraptions and science.
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antiradqueer · 7 months
As an anti-c necro, prats who are pro-c for the big 3 genuinely terrifiy me, like, NO, children cannot consent! This is an actual, legitimate, science backed fact, animals cannot consent!! Especially because animals dont speak human, and the vast majority of animals intelligence only peaks around the same as a 4-6 year old and I dont even need to explain why dead bodies cant consent!!
Im going to start clawing at the walls and screaming if prats continue using intellectually disabled people to justify them wanting to rape kids and animals
"but 'woof' kind of sounds like 'yes' if you listen closely!!1!!1!"
You're right though, and this is also the reason why I'm sure that the prat community is 50% groomers and 50% kids being groomed. There is nobody with good intentions in that community.
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merakiui · 1 year
Doctor Riddle? What if it turns to something like in "The Bride of Necro"? It's a vocaloid song, you should check it out, the visuals are so pretty and the story's pretty interesting too, albeit straightforward.
I know of it! It's a very haunting song that is said to have been inspired by the true story of Georg Carl Tänzler, a radiology technologist who developed a very sick obsession with one of his patients. Even after her death, he continued to obsess over her, to the point of keeping her body for himself and, for lack of a better word, rebuilding it as parts decayed and mottled.
I imagine Victorian Doctor Riddle would reconstruct his fallen darling using magic and science (in a Frankenstein-esque manner) by using various parts of magical creatures in hopes that that might make you less prone to the brutalities of time (perhaps it is believed that the heart of a mer or a fairy or other being with lots of potent magic is stronger than that of a human's and will therefore bring about immortality). Though he manages to get his darling back, there is a heavy price to be paid for reanimation. But Riddle is so obsessed with the idea of having full control and ownership of you because you so callously broke his rules and thought that death would separate the two of you. You were sorely mistaken because Riddle will gladly disturb the soil of the dead if it means he can bring you back so that he will no longer feel so lonesome. You were the only one who understood him, after all, even if you died loathing him. But now you will wake appreciating his efforts because it is he who saved you from the clutches of Death.
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doctorwhogirlie · 13 days
Doctor Who: Revelation of the Daleks
Season Twenty Two ✨ 1985 ✨
Doctor: 6th
Story Length: 2 Episodes
Companions: Peri
Main Setting: Tranquil Repose, Necros, Post-4590
Main Enemy: Davros
Creatures: Daleks
My Personal Rating: 6/10
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The Doctor and Peri arrive on the planet Necros to visit a facility called Tranquil Repose, where the wealthy can have their bodies cryogenically frozen until medical science can cure them of their ailment. The Doctor wishes to pay his last respects to his friend, Professor Arthur Stengos, but it turns out this is just a ruse to lure him into a trap. The Great Healer masterminding the ruse is in fact Davros, who has been using the organic material in cryogenic storage to create a whole new army of Daleks to conquer the universe. Source
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I really loved the Tardis in the snow, it was so beautiful.
I also really really loved the glass Dalek, and I want one.
Peri, I feel like is here to be creeped on, and I am not a fan of it. It's weird.
Not a lot of Doctor and Peri in this story, but I did enjoy watching the characters and the Daleks.
The Daleks fighting were fun to watch.
(Please don't take these too seriously, I am not a real life reviewer, just someone who likes the show)
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