#nothing else fit
fashion-noodle · 1 year
I think I'm slowly becoming a more goth (and emotionally stable) IRL Itara
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galaghiel · 7 months
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oh michael, didn't you know?
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asfodeltide · 4 months
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chrxnicdaydream · 25 days
can we as a society please stop calling Dazai the “demon prodigy” like it’s canon??? IM BEGGING
his canon nickname is so underused too… i mean c’mon, the “black wraith of the Port Mafia??” idk if i’ve ever even seen it used in a fic 😭
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skrrtscree · 10 months
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Just a call away... 🦋💙
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n0sebleeds · 4 months
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Bleeding again, detective?
[OC: Benny Valentine]
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rosy-crow · 3 months
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The fact that I’m not even joking and this was an actual subplot in Rebirth lmaoo
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hellenhighwater · 7 months
Hmm....how hard can large scale mosaic possibly be? I feel like my plans for the room I'm working on could use something really shiny and impactful and maybe I want to make a fold-down cutting table and maybe I want to do it out of mosaic, even though that will be ungodly heavy.
It's a fun idea. I'm not sure if it's a good idea.
I haven't done mosaic since a one-off high school art class but I feel like the component skills are ones I already have, sooooo....
I have been keeping to a blue and gold celestial theme for both my guest room and my art workspaces, because if and when I move those spaces are likely to be combined. Cutting table, even though it would be for a different room, falls in the same vein, so I'm thinking something with a nice dark night sky and maybe some branches or leaves...
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turtleblogatlast · 5 months
People keep saying that Leo’s fic would suck actually and I’m here to tell you that you’re so valid for that take and also SO WRONG and in this essay I will-
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dynjir · 1 year
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Need a light?
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artkaninchenbau · 11 months
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You know what day it— V-Tamer?! Happy Odaiba Memorial Day! 🎉 And Happy 25th Anniversary V-Tamer! ❤️ [Odaiba Memorial Redraw 2022] [Redraw 2021] [Redraw 2020]
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rosebridal · 5 days
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narrative foil antagonism at its best
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I know there's the whole AU of Ulysses being there with Aax when he washes up and the two of them meeting Rae and Ulysses immediately going dad mode on this very sad child, but, what would happen if they met Icarus at any point during that idea? be it with Rae or otherwise - how do you think Ulysses would react to them?
This is a very long answer sorry lol, but I think, completely and honestly, Ulysses would see young Icarus as a threat. Especially at that point in the timeline.
Not a threat that he would ever fight, but certainly a threat he needs to keep himself and Aax far away from. He would be incredibly afraid of the power that young Icarus wields. Because Icarus is not kind. Icarus would rat them out.
We saw in canon that Icarus, as a tween/teenager, is a really mean and shitty kid. Icarus is a bully. The kind of kid who would absolutely hand Ulysses over to the people he’s running from in a heartbeat, if they thought it was what Fable would want. If it would make Fable happy. They probably wouldn’t even spare them a second thought. And I think, especially knowing Rae and then meeting Icarus, Ulysses would pick up on that. He would pick up on the fact that Icarus is not kind to Rae. That Icarus is both a victim of the situation, and part of the problem. That there is no winning over Icarus while Fable is in the picture, because Ulysses could never combat Fable on his own. And trying to help Icarus would quite literally bring the wrath of god down upon him and his child.
While Icarus is certainly in an unhealthy environment too, Ulysses can’t do much to help, because unlike Rae, Icarus doesn’t want to leave. I could be misremembering things, but from what I know, at that point in the timeline, Icarus adores Fable. And treats Rae badly because of it. Ulysses isn’t exactly in a position to separate Icarus from that environment unless they leave willingly. Ulysses wouldn’t be able to trust Icarus the way he would Rae. And I think he hates the fact that he can’t; because it shows how much under Fable’s thumb Icarus already is at that young age, and how fragile Ulysses’ and Perseus’ own safety and existence is when they’re on the run. It’s not Icarus’ fault in any way, but Icarus is too much of a risk for Ulysses to trust. And honestly I think that Icarus would never choose to trust Ulysses in return. Because trusting Ulysses means admitting that Fable is bad. And I don’t think young Icarus would do that.
If it came down to risking the lives of Perseus and Rae in order to show kindness to Icarus? Ulysses wouldn’t take that risk. He wouldn’t let himself take that risk. He would feel awful about not being able to do more to help this child, it would eat away at him, but he would know he couldn’t do more, and why he couldn’t.
Trying to save Icarus would be a gamble in any situation. If it was Ulysses on his own, he would take that gamble. But not if he’s also gambling the lives of not just one, but potentially two young children, who are depending on him for safety. His own life is one thing. He doesn’t care about putting that in the line, especially to save another. But he wouldn’t let himself sacrifice any more innocent lives in the process.
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soullessjack · 7 months
I am sooo sad that they stopped doing clever disguises for cases in later spn. Every day they’re regular civilians or feds. I need the priests and yoga instructors and psych ward patients again!!!!!!! I need them to be in situations!!!!! All of their cases are soooo boring and lame and contained where was the IMMERSION!! Where is the leadup to the monster and the twist and the detail and the creative insanity of it??? where is the PRESENCE!!!! Where are the stakes!!!!! Where are the left field episodes that intentionally feel out of place with the narrative and then directly tie into it later and leave the juiciest implications to be picked apart!!!!!! ? Where is the clashing of the normal world in such a funny way that they can bluntly tell the truth of their lives to be admitted to a ward. Where is the communicating something you don’t entirely remember through a silly game. Where are the lasting effects of what they go through!!! Where is the CINEMA.! If there is one thing I could ask for from the prequel it is this. . I need those beasts to be in actual situations again.
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willfullwanderer · 3 months
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wonder who this is!
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l8tof1 · 8 months
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