#odin devotee
sarcastic-salem · 11 months
I feel like I need to apologize and like I will never stop apologizing because I often fail to take my own advice. Like I fully acknowledge that the Heathen community needs to learn to listen better.
Loki devotees need to learn to listen to Odin devotees and vice versa.
And by Odin devotees I do not mean Folkish Nazis.
More than that, though, we need to learn to listen with kindness and empathy. And I feel like I played this role in popularizing Lokeans being pissed 24/7 and fixating on our own trauma. That's not okay because we are never to going to heal individually or as a community if we are constantly at war with each other.
"Holding onto anger is like swallowing poison: Painful and the only person you're hurting is yourself." -The Dalai Lama
Lokean who staunchly hate all Odin devotees because of Nazi assholes and refuse to hear out the good guys, this is you -- right now, YOU are RAPHAEL HAMATO.
But like....I'm just really sorry for motivating such hatred.
Like Ragnarok is about revolution, but eventually the revolt ends and things change for the better. Loki and Odin are always brothers and friends afterwards.
And I know that there are some Heathens out there that are still hesitant about people worshipping Loki. Look, you don't have to worship Loki. No one is gonna force you, but you definitely have no right telling anyone else who they can or cannot worship. You have no right trying to police someone else's religion.
Heathenry is not an organized religion, okay, and as far as I can tell a lot of the trouble in the community stems from people wanting it to be an organized religion. Like does it not strike you as a red flag that the closest thing our community has to a church happens to be a white supremacist cult?🤨
This whole One True Heathen™️ mindset needs to be abandoned. We do not all need to be recons or pseudo-intellectuals. We do not all need to be viking LARPers that for some deranged reason think that we should be slaughtering goats every holiday instead of just going to a butcher or a farmer and asking for like chicken blood or whatever. In fact, we do not all need to be meat eaters. Like as long as they're not pretentious and annoying about it let the vegan Heathens exist.
The only thing we need to agree on is that Nazis don't belong in our community.
"But there's no evi--"
Yes, there is -- Loki has been worshipped for 20 years and from what historians have been turning up lately, he was worshipped way before then too.
More importantly than that, I exist. This blog exists. I have two FB accounts full of six years worth of momentos of my worship and an entire friends list full of people who worship Loki Laufeyjarson.
So you're fighting an uphill battle here. Lokeans are not going away cause even if it's recent or newly discovered evidence, the evidence still exists.
And Loki isn't someone to be afraid of.
Like I've been meditating on the myths a lot lately. Particularly the myth of Loki's battle with Logi, the God of fire. Which Loki lost. So why is Loki a fire God?
Because Loki embodies the spirit of the hearthfire or the fireplace or the kitchen or dining room table. The place where we all gather together as families to laugh and drink and tell jokes and stories to our children. That is Loki -- Loki is home and in ancient Scandinavia if you didn't have a fire of some sort in your home, you were dead. Plain and simple🤷🏻‍♀️
That is why Loki was seen as a protector of children and families because he kept them from freezing to death.
So what does Loki losing the battle to Logi symbolize? That's easy -- Logi is wildfire.
The story of Loki vs Logi is a story of what happens when drought arrives and the heat sets fire to a home. The home burns down because we have to be careful with fire -- it can be dangerous. But it's still life-giving. We still have furnaces and fireplaces, don't we?
And we still use fire to cook our food -- in fact if you eat meat you have to use fire to cook our food.
Loki losing that fight to Logi is a tragedy and yeah, fire can be dangerous, but that doesn't mean that Loki is dangerous. All of the Norse myths -- The Eddas anyway -- are a tragedy. Odin literally let his anxiety and OCD and perfectionism drive him insane. It drove him to betray his best friend and brother. How is that not tragic?
Ultimately, The Eddas are a message of how Heathens and humans in general need to be there to love and support each other. To guide each other away from making terrible, irrational decisions like the ones Odin made that had such a horrible impact on his brother and family's life. The Aesir are the original dysfunctional family dramedy.
Loki is the fire and the home that keeps us alive and safe. And he is not a God of chaos. He is a God of family because families are chaotic just like people in general are chaotic.
That is it.
This is my opinion and my interpretation of the Norse Eddas. If this, for any reason, vibes with you then please stop fighting with people. Like you don't have to forgive your abusers or whoever but....I don't know. Try to find peace so that this community can find peace.
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acrystalwitch · 1 year
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🖤 Its Odin’s day! 🖤🐺
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odinnsdottir · 1 year
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you are the one who always saves me from myself   🖤
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Thanks to Odin by giving me the energy to clean up the kitchen a little bit.
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undeadmagick · 2 months
hello. i have nothing offer. so here are some random memes i found that remind me of some devotees. (in the nicest way possible)
hypnos devotees:
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loki devotees:
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aphrodite devotees:
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poseidon devotees:
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lucifer devotees:
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hades devotees:
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apollo devotees:
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ares devotees:
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odin devotees:
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hera devotees:
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fryjaa · 15 days
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that-norse-pagan · 15 days
ive heard it's uncommon to work with gods who are enemies, such as odin v. fenrir. im a fenrir devotee and wanted to ask because it feels so foreign to try and reach out to the all father when my patron is the wolf he helped entrap. im not asking for tips, but more asking about your experience with the both of them?
My experiences with Odin actually came after I'd already built a relationship with Fenrir. I was (as I'm sure you were) confused and hesitant about working with them both. Odin was only with my briefly, but he gave me knowledge and comfort that I didn't have for the time, and I was very thankful for it.
What I've personally noticed is Deities go above the ideas of mortal relationships. If both have a message or both want to work with you, they put their relationships aside. :))
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thebugcraft · 1 month
Feeling drawn toward a deity that really intimidates me but I know it’ll be absolutely worth my energy to delve into further research on him errjhhh
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
Just A Reminder
If you struggle with mental health issues its super important to take your meds. The symptoms of your disorders can cloud your judgment and interfere with results of divination and your Godphone (clairaudience). They can manifest as intrusive thoughts that could tarnish your relationships with your deities.
That’s why its so important to take your meds, no matter what path you follow.
Psychiatric medication isn’t for everyone, but you aren’t any less of a witch or Heathen if you take it. You aren’t required to use gemstones or herbs or tonics or oils exclusively too prove you’re a ✨Real Pagan✨ with a ✨Real Connection✨ to the Gods or to nature.
Your Gods will love you and continue to communicate with you even you take a thousand different pills a day (which you probably should not, fyi). So, please, don’t let some asshole guilt you into going off of your meds or not to going to therapy.
I’m pretty sure Loki’s life would have been 1,000x better if he and Odin had gone to couples’ consoling.
The rampant ableism in the Pagan community is disgusting, and taking your meds can help you discern from intrusive thoughts, malevolent spirits, and the Gods that love you. Its also important to consider that psychiatry is not an exact science and it can sometimes take a long time to find a good medication combo. But if you ever start to feel self-harmy or suicidal, you ARE allowed to tell your doctor you don’t want to take the med or to request a medication adjustment. If your doctor refuses to cooperate, you can go to the ER and request an adjustment there, too.
If you are over the age of 18, they CANNOT force you take the meds.
Unless its court-ordered.
But the most important thing is to do what’s best for you. If you think that you would do better on a medication regimen, then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fuck what any online gothy herb witch says and TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR.
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acrystalwitch · 1 year
I’ve dedicated a day of the week to each of my deities. I have seven I worship so it seems fitting! So my reblogs for each day might start to center heavily around the deity whose day it is 🥰
Sunday- Heru-Sa-Aset
Monday- Selene
Tuesday- Anpu
Wednesday- Odin
Thursday- Thor
Friday- Sekhmet
Saturday- Lucifer
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susurrosdelpasado · 1 year
Algo a añadir para cuando nos relacionamos con las deidades, angeles u otros guías.
Jamás te van a pedir sacrificios de ningún tipo, tampoco te van a hacer sentir menos de lo que eres, es decir, no te van a menospreciar ni maltratar.
Nunca van a darte todo y luego robarte, ellos no hacen eso, no nos quieren en la ruina ni tristes o enojados.
Tampoco serán abusivos ni groseros, ni te tratarán de manipular o cambiar, ellos te aceptan tal cual sos y ya, y si necesitas su ayuda para superar tus sombras lo harán sin ser como lo antes mencionado.
Ellos son como amigos, y si incluso deben decir una verdad, jamás ocultaran algo o lo usarán a propósito.
Si sentís algo extraño, una presión, una sensación aunque sea mínimamente negativa, deja de contactarte con ello y hace baños tibios con sal por todo el cuerpo. Pedí ayuda a tus guardianes o a los ángeles, no hace falta profesar alguna religión cristiana o de este tipo. De hecho son seres más antiguos, y les gusta mucho ayudarnos.
Pero ALERTA, nunca están de más las precauciones.
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five-miles-over · 2 years
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Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: Having heard stories about the Norse god of mischief, you find yourself falling in love with Loki despite having never met him. Out of devotion, you prepare offerings that you think he would like, and find ways to express the way you feel. Little do you know that your feelings are not unrequited.
(Yes, this is fluff inspired by the song "Dandelions" by Ruth B)
Maybe it was the way that you said his name. Or maybe it was the way that you offered your love for him to claim.
Loki watched from the Bifrost, looking down as you went about your day on Midgard. It was almost time for one of his favorite moments of the day. A moment for which he would set all of his affairs on Asgard aside, instead turning his attention to you and only you, his Midgardian devotee.
Standing in the field three blocks away from your apartment, you adjusted your heavy coat and picked up a small, whitish-yellow flower, bringing it up to your lips. 
You closed your eyes and whispered,  "Loki, the son of Odin and the companion of Thor." 
And then you blew the dandelion, sending its seeds into the wind. When you opened your eyes, you placed the stem down and picked up another flower, invoking Loki again with a whisper. 
"Loki, the son of Odin and the companion of Thor." 
Reader POV: 
According to something you had read on the internet, the dandelion was known as Loki's Bloom. Since then, you began making a small habit of picking up the dandelions and blowing them in his name. You would do anything to bring the Norse God of Mischief into your life, despite some scholars saying that he was actually someone who shouldn't be wanted. 
The truth is that you nurtured a deep affection for Loki, ever since you had first read the stories about him and heard legends of his exploits from many an online scholar. You weren't sure what you loved the most about him: his cleverness, his intelligence, his playful nature, or his handsomeness (almost everyone in the stories- gods and goddesses and humans - described him as very good-looking). He was already one of the greatest heroes you'd ever believed in, even though you had never seen him in your life.
You began to create your own version of Loki, who soon became a source of comfort in your hectic, often anxiety-inducing life. He was a tall man with beautiful features: dark hair because it appealed to you the most, pale skin due to the climate, green eyes, and slender fingers that made every touch feel like magic. And he always knew the right thing to say at every moment, whether it was a witty remark that made you laugh or soothing words that eased your fears. 
You found often yourself dreaming about your Loki at night. Sometimes he was dining with the other gods in Asgard, sometimes he was riding upon a horse, sometimes he was conjuring spells and illusions in the Nine Realms, sometimes he was enticing a new lover into his bed, and sometimes he was in solitude, enjoying a piece of literature.
"Loki, the son of Odin and the companion of Thor," you silently wished when you opened your eyes and held your pillow close. "Grant me a companion with your wit, your mischief, your bewitching nature. If not you, then let me have someone just like you in my life."
And as your love for Loki grew stronger with every new facet you learned about him, you began looking for ways to show your affection for the god. A voice inside you said that Loki - a god living in Asgard or Jotunheim - might never pay attention to you, just another human, but…it felt good to be doing things for someone who had brought you such sweet dreams. And because you simply adored him. 
For months, you experimented with new recipes for cookies, breads, and cakes after reading an article about how the Norse God of Mischief enjoyed sweet offerings. Thanks to his blessings, most of them turned out delicious. After expressing your gratitude to Loki, you would whisper his name and present the dishes up as if offering it to him. Though he might never see or taste it, it still felt wonderful to perform acts of love in his name. 
Other things you did for Loki included reading aloud stories to him, saving digital photos of artwork you thought Loki would like, and most recently, wishing on dandelions. Wishing on dandelions for someone you might never see outside of dreams.
Back to Loki's POV: 
If only you knew the truth, my dear, Loki thought to himself. You were wrong to think that Loki did not know about the way that you felt about him. That he did not notice all the gestures that you performed to show him that you belonged to him. 
Loki tilted his head, and watched you with a smile. He had never known anybody like you, so devoted to pleasing him. He relished the fragrances of the baked delicacies you prepared in his name, the way you wafted the scent towards the heavens so that he could enjoy them. He was amused when you created a form for him to assume, one that made you fall in love with him even more. He was delighted by how fervently you wished for a companion just like him.
And now here you were, standing in a field of dandelions, wishing for the same thing. 
Knowing there was only one thing to do, Loki closed his eyes. 
When he opened them, he stood at the same field of dandelions where he'd seen you earlier. Lost in your own thoughts, you were gazing at the setting sun after wishing on several dandelions. Loki invoked a magic spell that transformed himself into the handsome, green-eyed man with chin-length hair who captured your heart. He transformed his clothing into a long-sleeved green tunic, dark trousers, and a suit of black and gold armor. Then, Loki picked another dandelion and offered it to you.
"Will you not wish upon this one, my lady?" 
You turned around, and Loki smirked. He stepped forward and gently placed his hand upon your cheek, your lip trembling at his touch. 
"You wished for me, did you not? Here I am." Loki gently said, watching the shock upon your face morph into a smile. "If only you knew how powerful you are, sweet one. You have brought a god at your mercy with your acts of love."
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thrashkink-coven · 25 days
I’m not a Christian (OBVIOUSLY) but I am a very heavy polytheist, and I do somewhat recognize YHWH and Jesus as mythological figures in the same way that I think of Odin and Loki. I don’t worship or work with them in any regard, never contacted them, have no idea of what their energy is like. (I have contacted and worked with YHWH before tho)
Not to say that I don’t believe in them, but more so that I know that those who believe in them, very much do believe in them. Does that make sense?
I have a lot of respect for the Gods, even those who i do not worship. Including the Christian God and Jesus Christ. It strikes a special chord in me when self proclaimed Christians bastardize their scripture or completely disgrace it. If i saw a devotee of Odin saying that war is great and that all the homeless need to die, Id be equally as bothered as I am when I hear Christians enforce values that would make Jesus cringe. If you’re really a Christian, and you love that guy as much as I love Lucifer or Inanna or Ra, holy shit… follow his scriptures.
How could you possibly say or do these things knowing that your God is looking down on you? I can’t imagine it, it makes me think they identify as Christian for virtue points but don’t actually believe God is watching them or something.
The first time I ever broke one of Lucifer’s commandments, I was ordered to draw his sigil on my throat. The idea of the lesson was to think of your God before you open your mouth. As a devotee it is my duty to uphold his values and to embody his principles in everything I do. Before I speak, I think about whether what I’m saying could abandon those values. As a devotee I speak for more than just myself, I represent Luciferians and I am a manifestation of my God’s influence. When I do something he doesn’t approve of, I feel it immediately, and I’ve seen that same relationship between other devotees and their gods. They keep us in check. I don’t know much about Freyja but I do know her devotees don’t fuck around with her honour. So many Christians seem so unconcerned with the honour of their God. Like, why even be a Christian at that point. Ykwim???
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justasightseer · 9 months
I love how Sihtric's fighting style is so feral and animalistic, even when he hasn't fully gotten into the fight yet. In contrast with Uhtred's graceful, fluid and somewhat flashy style or Finan's nimble dexterity, Sihtric often relies on brute, almost crazed strength in battle; slashing madly with his ax, rolling around on the ground with his opponents, slamming men into walls etc.
Thus, my secret headcanon is that he's actually a beserker (a warrior devotee of Odin who goes into a trance-like state in battle where they channel and fight as a ferocious animal, often a bear or wolf). He's been initiated into the mysteries but he doesn't allow himself to fully enter the trance so he doesn't accidentally kill any of the people on his side.
Sihtric is deathly afraid of hurting any of his friends, especially the Christians/non-Danes who may not be able to understand what is happening quickly enough to disengage and avoid him until the trance is over. So he channels the bear; sacred to Odin, but he holds the fog back from completely enveloping his mind.
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
people might've pointed this out already since erios and excessans were introduced two years ago, but i really like the detail of titan's influence throughout the entire webcomic
excessans and their language, for example. it's not weird to think about all the way titan has pushed his culture into the planets and races it colonizes, especially when we get erios admitting to just sign a bunch of shit for strategos that they most likely don't pay attention to. like look at this???
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(shoutout to excessans for just singing their entire language btw, it's very cute to me that they're all just. naturals at music)
their fuckin capitalization directly takes from titan's own alphabet. the first letter of the sentence and any sort of capitalization MUST be from titan's alphabet. and even in their own excessan sites and what not, there's an awful lot of titan's language thrown in
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and here, a public announcement that reads "new video from dj byte", only the word "from" is written in excessan?
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and you could argue that titan language is just easier to use, because more ppl speak and read it. but in TITANS HEADQUARTERS, things are written in the regular alphabet we know
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and this isn't some excessan translation moment where we're shown an edited version from their reality so that we can read, because we see that titan language, regular english and excessan are three distinct languages in many occasions? the best example i have at hand is the titan imports to excessa, which are a mix of excessan and titan language (with very few english words thrown in)
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i just think it's very neat, and it adds a lot of layers to how titan treats the planets he conquers and owns. cause maggie and ava were from a titan refuge/reeducation planet, full of people titan saw as disposable given the scavenger's attack at the beginning of the webcomic. and then odin is from a planet that literally never encountered titan (SUS. VERY SUS. BUT THATS ANOTHER THOUGHT FOR ANOTHER DAY). so it makes sense that these three lack any visual details relating them to titan
but then there's gil, blind devotee to the religion, and erios, political ally to titan, who have these sort of T-shaped collars on their clothes
i mean it could all be a fun coincidence, or common knowledge confirmed through the streams and all but i just rlly love to look into things and the way the designs and everything just work out so well with the worldbuilding and character dynamics has me on a CHOKEHOLD
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lokifromvalhalla · 1 year
What's the fun in that?
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Ivar The Boneless x Reader Genre: Comfort / Light angst Words: ± 3 800 NOT proofread
Ivar is captured by Oleg. (Y/n), the Rus' army commander, is both interested and interesting.
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“Are you a devotee of Odin or a Christian?” The heavily accented voice cut through the atmosphere and put ground under (Y/n)’s feet again, making the heavy presence in the corner of the room known. (Y/n) silently turned around to glance at the viking that stood in the training area with a grin tugging on his lips, reflecting an entertainment that he only allowed to demonstrate whenever he was around them.
The training yard (Y/n) preferred to use was near a stable—it was covered from the sun or the snow and gave them the privacy they wanted to hit the log and targets as much as they wanted to.
A heavy puff of air escaped (Y/n)’s flush lips as they ran a hand through their hair. Sometimes Ivar caught himself lost in observing (Y/n)—the way their skin was littered with scars in some areas, telling stories he didn't know, in an opposite to the rough sunburnt skin of the Vikings. Even Oleg’s skin was thinner than the Norwegians’, but (Y/n) commanded the army. They were Rus’ main warrior.
“Does it matter to you?” (Y/n) carefully put their sword back on its scabbard that hung from their waist, walking past Ivar to serve themself a glass of the water jar that sat on the barrel in the corner.
Ivar ducked his head, shrugging a little, as he turned around slowly to face (Y/n). “I don’t think I have enough power to demand something from you. I am just curious. ‘Never seen you pray.” He blinked under the intense gaze of their eyes and let himself observe them once again—(Y/n) was wearing one of their most basic armors, a gray one, but it didn’t hide the warrior’s elegance and high rank, with all the embroidering and details that decorated their shoulders and chest.
“A person’s faith matters only to them,” (Y/n) said, leaving the now empty cup where it once was. They returned Ivar’s mannerism, eyeing him from head to toe without bothering to hide their curiosity. “Why are you here?”
Ivar almost chuckled, humming instead. He looked around until dropping himself on a bench—a sigh of relief escaped his lips whilst he let his crutches rest together against the wall, next to him. “Well, I like being around people who don’t treat me like an animal, and Igor went for a walk with Oleg or something. Y’know, it can be tiring, and Oleg seems to have a certain liking for me.” He raised his eyebrows lightly. He didn’t expect (Y/n) to react. Of course not, they were faithful and fair; Ivar never heard them talking bad about an enemy, even. “I remembered when you mentioned your training schedule, so I thought I would come... see you...” He shrugged.
Silence took over, thickly, only interrupted by the voices of other soldiers talking in the distance and the horses snorting in the background.
“It’s not allowed, Ivar.”
“Oh?” He snickered, teeth catching on his bottom lip for a moment. “Since when do you care about rules or anything? Y’know, I caught you going against Oleg’s orders when—”
“It’s dangerous.”
Ivar pressed his lips together, shaking his head. “Nothing is dangerous to you. You could overthrow Oleg if you wanted.”
This time, (Y/n) was the one to laugh. “I’m not saying I’m the one in danger.”
A breath was caught in the Viking’s throat, compelling him to stop in the middle of the argument and look at the ground in a defeat that was laced with pure amusement. In some way, it was a cure to the chronic boredom that pestered him since Oleg had decided to keep him captive, but it also stirred him up in other ways. How much did Oleg’s right hand hate him? How far could he get against Oleg until he was noticed? Or would he win? By chance?
Reality swallowed Ivar again at the strong feeling of fingers sinking into his jaw to tug his head up. “That’s why you keep getting yourself into problems. Never thought of deciding to keep everything in order?” (Y/n)’s breath fanned over his ear, making a shiver run down his spine as his fingers tightened around the edge of the bench.
“And what would be the fun in that?”
(Y/n) blinked slowly as they observed Oleg and Katya from across the table, with boredom clear in their half-lidded eyes, struggling to keep their attention on Oleg's specifications for a war strategy request while he insisted on exchanging affection with Katya.
"Reaching them through the woods would be the best. Do you wish for any other details?" Oleg smiled, never stopping caressing Katya's hand that rested between his.
Shaking their head shortly, (Y/n) hummed as they looked around. Their fingers traced the details of their golden cup of wine, following among the images of saints and crosses embedded with stones. "About 5000 men might do it? For a beginning, I mean, to prepare the area for a battle."
"Of the best?"
(Y/n) scoffed. "Something under the third general's power."
Oleg raised his eyebrows with a hum, his eyes resting on a spot on the table for a moment before he slowly nodded. "Ivar?" He called—the Viking promptly looked up from his food. "Any opinion that might help?"
"Nothing that I haven't told (Y/n) already." He nodded toward the warrior.
A chuckle came from the Rus prince as he nodded. "Right. Glad to see two great war leaders working together."
(Y/n) breathed a chuckle, almost humorless, something Ivar couldn't quite read, in an opposite to Oleg—his eyes lingered over (Y/n) before he returned to his food.
The rest of the meal was animated by Oleg and Katya's constant comments that would leave (Y/n) eyeing the two nobles in disdain or pretending they didn't exist, something Ivar hadn't quite mastered yet. Plus, that, well, he wasn't as important as (Y/n) to have such freedom with the two. A comment that would earn (Y/n) a snicker maybe could cost Ivar’s life.
Time dragged by slowly until Oleg finally declared he had finished and ordered the servants to take his plate, but he never stopped talking with (Y/n). Ivar could feel the anxiety crawling under his skin the more he tried to invent excuses, so he would leave along with (Y/n). He could feel the words tingling in his throat, '(Y/n), can you follow me? I think you'd like to know more about Kattegat's defense,' he almost said. Did Oleg know? Was he doing this on purpose?
"If you were cornered in a battle," (Y/n) said as they approached Ivar, slowly walking towards the stairs to the next floor to make sure the Viking followed them, "what would you do?"
Ivar shrugged messily, not having much freedom due to focusing on climbing up the stairs. It took him a moment to answer, only doing so when they were near the end of the stairs. "Depends, but I think a shield wall until getting the situation under control would be the best. In a case, of course, because if—"
"You can shut up for now," (Y/n) yawned, seemingly oblivious to the glare they got from Ivar. Still, the Viking remained silent, letting only the sound of the flames burning in their holders on the wall, and their steps resonate down the hall. Ivar’s crutches created sharp noises as they met the ground, but it was something (Y/n) had learned to get used to.
With Igor still being in the lower floor, the concentration of guards on that one dropped significantly. (Y/n) didn't even bother rushing Ivar into their room, standing beside the doorway until he walked in so they could follow.
(Y/n)’s room was something like Oleg's and Igor's, but with their own touch, mainly on the rich golden and red tones of the bed covers. What seemed like repaired swords hung from the walls while a couple of paintings decorated the walls—a reminder of victories and defeats. Ivar couldn't help but always look for a cross or an image of Odin, maybe even Thor, on the wall; however, he never found anything. Maybe the crosses on their armor would mean anything.
A long sigh of comfort escaped Ivar's lips as he let himself fall on the bed, firstly sitting down on it and letting his crutches fall to the ground, then lying back on the cushion. He seemed tired.
The sight was enough to have a smile tug on their lips whilst (Y/n) locked the door. They internally debated whether they could say anything or not, just to decide to remain silent while taking off the heavy winter clothes until their thin tunic was all that rested.
(Y/n) couldn't deny it, though—resting on such comfortable covers felt like heaven after a long day.
"C'mon." They poked Ivar with their foot.
Ivar got up to get rid of his shoes and most of his clothes, only keeping his bottoms, but not without complaining during the whole process. The groans turned into a soft hum as (Y/n)'s arms wrapped around him at the moment his head hit the pillow.
The feeling of (Y/n)'s lips running against his cheekbone had his skin rising with a shiver as he leaned into their embrace, hands closed around their arms.
"I would pay to have Oleg quiet for at least a meal," Ivar said quietly like the slightest wrong detail would ruin the situation, following (Y/n) with his eyes as they propped themself up on an elbow. It had been a matter of seconds until the room attained the most comfortable atmosphere in the world. It was warm and filled with something he couldn't quite place. He allowed himself to close his eyes, enjoying the safety he felt even if it wasn't genuine. How was he supposed to fight against the sensation of (Y/n)'s fingers delicately undoing the braids that held his hair?
A soft chuckle came from (Y/n), quiet and almost humorless. "You don’t know how much I relate to it."
Ivar smiled, sighing deeply at the feeling of the tip of (Y/n)'s fingers pressing down against his scalp, on the back of his neck. He instinctively leaned into where he thought they were, humming in satisfaction at the feeling of warm lips meeting his. (Y/n)’s kisses were soft, awakening a feeling in Ivar’s chest that was difficult to explain—it felt too good to be worried about, what bad could it cause?
The kisses got each time deeper as if they were seeking something, maybe wanting something from Ivar, which he was willing to give. A sigh escaped his lips when (Y/n) finally gave him a few seconds to breathe, only to drown him in kisses once again, holding firmly onto his hip.
His eyes fluttered as Ivar threw his head back, mumbling words that (Y/n) couldn't really make out while their lips worked on their neck.
The safety Ivar felt, unfortunately, didn't extend itself to everything. It wasn't even voluntary—his body just jumped at the moment (Y/n) adjusted their fingers around his hip.
"Shhh, I know," they whispered against Ivar’s lips, almost making him want to curl up and die.
The way (Y/n)’s warmth towards Ivar would turn into plain coldness whenever they weren't alone together would always amuse him. He almost caught himself questioning whether the last night was true or not whenever (Y/n)'s eyes would linger over his form with a disdain that always got Oleg smiling smugly.
In a way, Ivar hated the position he was automatically forced into at the moment Oleg showed interest in him. Rus wasn't a country he was used to, and he still didn’t have a complete notion of his boundaries there despite already being there for a few months. Something about all of that messed up with him. He looked forward to slipping into (Y/n)’s bedroom; in their presence he felt... something else. It wasn't like being back in Kattegat or with his family, but it was something he could hold onto, like a guarantee he would get out of that alive. Of course, it was something dumb to think about—(Y/n) didn't have any obligation with him or major interests aside from the ones he had sought with them himself, which still weren't that significant.
"Have you ever been to Scandinavia?" Ivar raised an eyebrow at (Y/n); they hummed questioningly, compelling him to repeat himself.
(Y/n) raised their eyebrows, shaking their head. "Not really, not in a while."
Ivar paused for a moment to observe (Y/n) cleaning the blade of their sword, which had already mercilessly impaled a Viking earlier once they found a place to settle down in Scandinavia. The Rus settlements weren't much different from the Viking and Saxon ones, but still had their differences, differences that were fun to watch while he wasn’t busy tolerating Oleg or observing (Y/n).
“In a while...” He repeated.
No response came from (Y/n) for a while, almost like they didn’t hear his question, only continuously rubbing the bloody rag over the silver blade until it was shining again. (Y/n) went through a quiet debate in their mind whether they should or not tell Ivar about that—not because Oleg could find an issue in it, no, but because they didn’t know how much they wanted Ivar to know about their life. “Since the last battle.”
“For who?” Ivar wasn’t dumb, and Oleg did mention it was his first time putting his plans of invading Scandinavia into practice.
(Y/n) paused under the gaze that burned against the side of their head, pressing their lips together for a moment. “I’m Rusian, but I didn’t spend my whole life here.”
It made sense, of course. (Y/n) didn’t fight like a Saxon, though it wasn’t like a Viking either—it was something in between.
“How did you get to be the army’s commandant, though?” Ivar tilted his head a little. “I don’t...” He paused, thinking whether he should say it or not. (Y/n) wasn’t someone he wanted as an enemy. “You don’t seem like a Rus noble.”
A smile tugged on the corner of (Y/n)’s lips as they hummed. “Yes, because I’m not.” They put their sword inside its holder again, setting it aside on the ground along with their other stuff. “But it isn’t like Oleg found me in the trash either.” The humor that played among their features wasn’t exactly genuine, so Ivar didn’t dare to mess with the matter any further. They knew (Y/n) had enough knowledge of his bad past and not enough mercy to refrain themself from dropping sharp words whenever needed. They didn’t owe him any kindness, but Ivar still had some sense of self preservation. And will to take risks.
“Of course not,” he scoffed. “Something like you.”
A crease showed up between (Y/n)’s eyebrows as they breathed a laugh, shaking their head. “If I were you,” they whispered as leaning closer to the Viking, “I’d be a little more careful.”
Ivar raised his eyebrows in a light questioning manner, almost daringly, but whatever (Y/n) planned to do while staring at him with narrowed eyes was interrupted at the moment they heard Oleg’s voice.
“I hope there is no fight going on!” Oleg announced over the sound of his heavy steps and Katya's delicate ones, having (Y/n) immediately stand up whilst Ivar straightened his posture. “I wouldn’t like to see my great war leaders on bad terms with each other. It would affect our plans immensely, and I hope you’re aware of it.”
“You’re the only one I bother fighting with,” (Y/n) replied with such disdain that Ivar had to hold back a chuckle.
Oleg raised his eyebrows, shaking his head, about to say something when Katya cut in; she held onto her husband's arm, stroking it lightly. "Well, maybe they weren't fighting." A small smile played on her lips as she glanced at (Y/n) from under her lashes.
Breathing deeply, they hummed quietly. "I'm afraid you, Mistress, don't know me well enough."
Katya gave the warrior a light raise of eyebrows, slowly nodding, but (Y/n) doubted she believed a thing. It wasn't like they should care, though something about this situation had a chill running down their spine, a feeling among the urge of pulling Ivar away from Katya's view. After all, of course (Y/n) would get attached to Ivar at some point. It was almost like keeping a little pet if Oleg also weren't so protective of the prize that fell into his hands.
"Anyways," Oleg cut in, "I'm here to tell you we should send at least a couple of men forward tonight to analyze the area before we attack tomorrow."
(Y/n) seemed to think for a moment before they nodded with a sigh and took their scabbard, setting it around their waist. "Let's go."
Night fell fast. It wasn't long until the warm night meal had settled down in their stomachs and the only illumination across the field was of dancing flames under the starry sky of a new moon. One of (Y/n)'s direct subordinates took care of the expedition into the outskirts of Kattegat, excusing themself with the need of a full night of sleep that instead meant, secretly, having the viking slip into their tent.
Ivar lay down among the pillows with a smile on his face as he watched the warrior make sure their weapons were all placed in strategic places, just in case. They didn't know how unaware of their attack that the Vikings were. (Y/n) sighed, organizing in the corner, just like their own, the clothes Ivar had tossed to the ground.
"Undo my braids," he said softly, eyes following (Y/n) climb on the bed and hover over him. He blinked a couple of times, fingers curled around the edge of the covers that went up to his bare abdomen until they were pulled down by another pair of hands that soon started to trace Ivar’s chest. The feathery touch of (Y/n)'s fingers against the tattoo on his chest made him shiver, slowly letting out a breath that almost got caught in his throat. Soon, their hands met the base of his jaw, carefully holding his head up to press their lips against his whilst slowly and thoroughly letting themself sit down on his lap, encouraged by his hands guiding their hips.
"Be careful tomorrow," (Y/n) whispered against his lips, letting their fingers trace his jaw and dip to the back of his neck to play with the loose strands of hair.
Ivar hesitated a little, but scoffed. "Why do you care?"
Putting it into words seemed harder than piercing a sword through a man's chest. (Y/n) decided to remain silent, closing their eyes briefly as they slowly shook their head. Whatever Ivar tried to say was silenced by another kiss, which he quietly protested about with a soft groan, and the issue slowly fell into the back of his mind.
A shaky breath escaped Ivar's lips, followed by a soft noise according to how (Y/n) kissed down his neck, a hand pressed to his chest.
"(Y/n)!" A heavy voice called, belonging to none of the two. It had (Y/n) sighing and complaining under their breath—they gave Ivar a last kiss before moving away. Hiding their displeasure wasn't anything they even bothered doing, moving to the entrance of the tent and observing the soldier standing there. "Soldiers have been sent to the recognition. Prince Oleg wants to know if you've seen..." He paused, taking a step to the side as if to see something over (Y/n)’s shoulder, just to have his view blocked by them. "If you've seen Ivar Lothbrok."
"He was going for a walk the last time I saw him." (Y/n) rubbed their face, letting out a heavy breath. "Why me, tho? Send someone after him, if he's so worried, not to mention it wouldn't be the first time or anything. Ivar knows he would be killed on sight if anyone from Kattegat showed up."
The soldier's eyes peeked over their shoulder again, but his breath was caught in his throat at the sharp gaze he met. With a quick bow and some rushed words, he returned to where he had come from, the metal of the armor filling the silence of the night along with the cracking of the torches.
"What was that?" Ivar asked at the moment (Y/n) walked back in. He now sat on the bed with the blankets pooled around his hips, curious eyes following the warrior.
"Oleg. Nothing important, though," they sighed, sitting behind Ivar on the bed so they could undo his braids as asked.
"I heard my name."
"Oleg noticed you weren't in your tent."
Ivar hummed, thinking for a moment about it, but opted for falling silent as he closed his eyes briefly and leaned his head back into (Y/n)’s fingers. He would deal with that later. It wasn’t like Oleg would want to do anything right before the war and risk an inside collapse—he was crazy, but not dumb.
A soft sound was snatched from Ivar’s lips, having him open his eyes and tense up at the feeling of lips nudging under his jaw at the same time (Y/n)’s hands trailed up his chest.
“I hear you’re not following orders,” Oleg’s voice was tense and almost caught in his throat as he spoke without looking away from the battle that started before him. Not Ivar, not (Y/n), not Oleg himself, none of them were being risked in an invasion like this. (Y/n) stood in the backline along with the Prince whilst the Viking had disappeared to God knows where—genuinely, this time.
(Y/n)’s expression didn’t change a little bit; Oleg would’ve thought they didn’t listen to him if he didn’t know them any better. “I’m not crossing any line, as far as I know. Not disturbing this war in any manner nor lacking respect with Your Highness and Her Highness, Katya.”
Oleg huffed a discreet chuckle. “You know really well what I am talking about.”
“I’m not a slave.” (Y/n)’s eyes observed the ongoing invasion. It wasn’t that easy; they had warned Oleg, just to be ignored and force to used a strategy that was clearly not working well at all. The Russian way of fighting wasn’t prepared for the hostile Viking way they found in Bjorn’s hold. “I expect not to be treated as one anymore.”
“We have an agreement, dear.”
“And it includes me not being a slave anymore,” they sighed. “I’m not one of your mistresses either.”
“God knows what that Viking can put in your mind,” Oleg muttered as he slowly shook his head with a scoff.
“I’m stronger than that. I have principles.”
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