#okay let’s grow it
lilgynt · 4 months
i know it’s a process but my hair is so lucky my mom would have a heart attack if i just shaved it all off. you are so fucking lucky.
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undedkat · 1 year
Body hair on women is totally normal and natural. A woman having chest hair is okay. Women can grow a beard or a mustache. Women can grow hair on their forearms. Women can grow body hair. Body hair on women is totally natural. Not just the hair on your legs and armpits but the hair everywhere.
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mikakuna · 3 months
save me "jason todd leaves batfam".... save me.... "jason does not give up everything that makes him who he is to please a mediocre family"... save me...
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tech-obssessed-shark · 4 months
Idk if there is anyone out there who needs to hear this but:
If you’re having issues with your gender, sexuality, or just identity in general… it’s ok. It’s okay to discover yourself, it’s okay to change, and it’s ok to be comfortable with who you are now. Everyone goes on their own journey at some point, you should embrace yours. If you ever worry it’s “just a phase”, that is okay. You are allowed to try new things and experiment, you are allowed to realize if what you thought about yourself wasn’t true. You are allowed to grow and you’re allowed to change.
From, An AroAce Agender person who thought they were a Straight Girl, A Gay Transmasc, A Bisexual Genderfaun, An Asexual Biromantic Demiboy, and many more.
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emiliagrant · 7 days
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Buck and Tommy ♡ flirty, kinky and in love
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deadtiredghost · 17 days
the only reason Tim Drake and Damian Wayne don't get along is because if they did the writers wouldn't be able to come up with a plot contrived enough for them to struggle with.
they would be the ultimate team if they could just work smoothly together.
but they cant so balance is restored to the world i guess.
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greykolla-art · 7 months
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Guys, Taskmaster has so many good quotes that fit them!😂
“I never know if you two are gonna fuck or fight!”
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simplykorra · 1 year
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sometimes the simple truth of being alive just...moves me
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
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fav skz // He's a natural blonde.
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littlecrittereli · 4 months
Okay I gotta say your art + story have gotten my fanfic engines a churning and now I'm picturing AU with the bros starting out in the wildlife game but with Martin as an 18-19 year old and Chris as this 14 year old and it's more "panicked older brother trying to keep his baby bro safe" while they encounter poachers/dangers.
Martin has legal guardianship over Chris (uhh parents gotta die for this i am so sorry mom and dad kratt but it's for the fanfiction so please forgive me) Which is why a 14 year old is able to join their research team. Martin is technically "homeschooling" him, (i mean technically he's learning on creature adventures so...)
Martin was offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join the Tortuga research program and Chris didn't want to be the reason that Martin held back on his dreams. So, Chris was basically like take me with you, I'll be good and stay out of trouble I promise. So basically Martin is trying to do his job while simultaneously juggling the responsibility of raising Chris. And the rest of the team helps out as well so they all become a little family and go on these adventures.
The rest of the team would step into older sibling roles as well: Aviva would teach Chris about programming and engineering, Koki would show him how the Tortuga runs and how to make small tune-ups, and Jimmy would teach him how to bake and play video games with him. JUST IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES
I don't think Aviva would make a CPS for him, Martin would lose his mind if she did. Chris was already a handful, he does NOT need to be running around as a gecko. Maybe she could make a less extreme version of the suit for him? Like a partial creature power suit, where it can give him traits of animals. Instead of turning into the whole leopard, it just gives him leopard claw gloves and a tail for balance. So a little kiddy version of the CPS. IDk it's just an idea.
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fatuismooches · 9 months
Thinking about fragile s/o suddenly going to dottore hugging n sitting on his lap n mumbling about after they die hes gonna replace them with someone else and forget about them 😭😭 just s/o being so depressing n insecure with their illness
Fragile reader angst part 274892 guys ❤️ GOD DAMN IT. IT HURTS. It was the middle of the night, at some ungodly hour. And you hadn't slept a wink despite having gone to sleep hours ago. Tossing and turning, fixing your pillow dozens of times, kicking off the blankets, and pulling them up again. But to no avail. Nothing could hope to give you peace of mind. Not when your thoughts were so loud. This was a common occurrence, you losing sleep from not just your illness, but the horrible thoughts your illness caused you. You hated not being able to do anything for yourself. You hated having to receive help for everything. You hated being useless. You hated being looked down upon. You hated having to stand next to Dottore like this. You hated him having to waste precious time and resources on you when he could be pursuing far more interesting endeavors. You hate the way he looks at you as if you're the loveliest person his wise eyes have ever looked at, when you couldn't help but disagree. You hated the fact that there were so much people out there better than you, for him too. You hated...
Quickly, you threw the covers off and pulled yourself out of bed. Working yourself up like this always made you feel worse and unbearingly hot, close to tears. Yet it always seemed to happen anyway. But this time instead of weeping to yourself you just wanted to see Zandik. You needed to, otherwise you may not survive the night. He's immediately alarmed when he sees you in his office, surprised as well you managed to dodge any of his segments. When he inquires as to why you're here at this time, your only response is to shut the book he was writing in and physically take the pen out of his hand, indicating you want his full attention. And then you climb onto his lap, Zandik's arms supporting you as you buried your face into his chest... mumbling some things so quietly he wouldn't have heard you if he didn't focus his hearing on you. Things that make him utterly confused. Replace? Another person? Forget? Most importantly, you, die? He can't wrap his head around it, such nonsense. First of all, nothing else in this world could ever hope to be even a fraction of what you are to him. Your intelligence, personality, looks... anyone being close to you is preposterous. Foolish. Even if you happened to be erased from Irminsul he shall never forget you. And you shall not die. He's declared it a number of times. He downright refuses to accept that outcome. Seeing Zandik vehement about anything other than his research is rare, but when it comes to this topic he is rather forceful about his ideology.
When you peer up at him after his words, only replying with a small "really?" he sees that your eyes look so, so tired. He wishes he knew how to make it better. But he doesn't. Though his confident "of course" makes your stiffened body slack against him, as you retreat to nuzzling his chest again. And soon enough, you're asleep. You're fine, for now. But you won't be tomorrow. Or the day after that. Tenderly, he lifts you and carries you to his own bedroom. Il Dottore doesn't know what to do. Things won't get better immediately. But they will one day. So what he'll always do is alleviate your pain whenever he can, even if it'll never be enough, for he loves you so.
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"god I hate people who draw falsettos marvin this way" "fuck people who draw whizzer like that'"
...guys, do you know what an art style is???? cuz', this seems pointed. I see what you mean. I completely agree.
But hear me out. Along with these posts, could we consider? Maybe? Some constructive criticism? People should draw them more accurate.
But how should they do it? Realism art? It's a foreign concept to me. I try and it absolutely fucking sucks and i'd love to be a part of this fandom showing that the characters are real people but
It's kind of
Very "do this. No other explanation. Change it."
Look, I really want to. And I am trying. But could we like, make a space for teaching people? Cuz I am stumped dude like fr. Need some guidance.
sincerely, a tired lesbian who is infinitely more tired of seeing this everywhere. thanks
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keeps-ache · 5 months
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i'll survive, i'll survive
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taikanyohou · 1 year
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“Everyday for the past three years, I always knew that tomorrow, there would be Between Us. When the camera turned off (after filming the last scene for Between Us), I felt my heart linger in that moment. I don’t know what the goal will be now tomorrow. More than having to wait, is the fear that there’s nothing now to wait for. So, what am I waiting for? My ultimate goal for the last three years has always been Between Us.”
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ef-1 · 24 days
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thaxoga · 11 months
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Getting ready for our big day today
(I know it isnt Shadows bday, LOL; I just wanted to draw mi muñeca doll for my quince today)
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