#okay too many tags smh. gonna stop here
Sweet Pandemonium - Gally (The Maze Runner) Part 15 of 16
I think...maybe two or three chapters left? Four at the most. So, yeah, coming to a close pretty soon and I don’t know how to feel about it lmao.
fuck I forgot to tag: @multifandom-fangirl4​
(bruh it’s so hard finding different gifs every post, I spend literal MINUTES finding some. smh, make more gifs. and yes, i’m being sarcastic)
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You awoke panicked, sitting up with a gasp.
You looked to your surroundings and realized you could barely see anything, save for flickering red lights to the right and left of you.
You felt the floor beneath you, cold and coating your exposed skin with grease, the smell of your own sweat and copper filling your nostrils, the scent so strong that it made you feel nauseous.
You couldn’t remember anything, why couldn’t you remember anything? Where the hell were you?
The dark room you were in jerked, making you grab some sort of chain link fence that was behind you for support. The room started to shoot up, and the word elevator popped into your mind.
The clanking and scraping of the metal moving against each other pierced your eardrums, the overstimulation of foul smells and noises started making you feel lightheaded and you could’ve sworn you would pass out if something didn’t stop.
The elevator suddenly stopped, and you dreaded what would come next.
Overhead doors suddenly opened, bright sunlight shining into the Box, making you shield your eyes with your forearm.
You heard a crowd above you, some whispering, some talking loudly over one another, but all where seeming to say one thing. “It’s a girl!”
Suddenly being jolted forward, you were in a completely different area then you were before, but you remembered everything this time. You were in a field, the grass so tall it tickled your knees. You almost smiled at the feeling, but a loud screech stopped you from doing so.
You looked ahead of you to see you were at the Maze doors. What...?
A slew of different screams echoed in your ears, familiar screams. You could only make out a few. I saw you, you did this! Ben...You shouldn’t be here! Alby... Help! Thomas... Y/N...
“Gally?” You voiced, wavering in panic.
Another animalistic screech echoed, and you looked in the direction it came from.
From the end of the main corridor of the Maze entrance, you heard a mechanical whirring and soon, you could see it. A Griever coming into view. Your blood ran cold as you saw something, no, someone in the Griever’s mouth. You could hear whimpering that forced tears to your eyes. Jeff...
You turned around, knowing you had to get out of there if you were going to stay alive. But did you actually want to?
The screech that somehow sounded even closer to you made your legs move on their own, bolting away from the creature and running for the Homestead in the Glade.
As you ran, you quickly noticed your legs moved slower than you wanted, like you were running through water. “No, come on!” You cried out, willing yourself to move faster. “Please...”
Your legs moved faster, but by then it was too late.
The Griever caught you, its tail wrapping around you leg and pulling you to the ground. It’s grotesque body hovered above you, making you cry out for help. But a familiar situation suddenly played out. “Leave her alone!”
“No, please, don’t do this. She won’t be able to handle it!”
Before you could even question who you just heard, a boy ran up to you with a machete in hand, quickly stabbing the monster and pulling you out of its grasp. 
He didn’t say anything, just smiled as he pulled you along with him. But you were distracted once again when you heard some sort of outside echoed voice. “Like I told you before, if you can’t handle this, you can leave.”
The distraction caused you to trip over your own feet, faceplanting into the ground while the boy beside you did nothing to help you.
The Griever soon caught up, and you looked to Gally in panic as he stepped in front of you. “What are you doing?”
“I love you, Y/N.”
“No!” You screeched as the Griever grabbed Gally with its jaws, tearing into his flesh, his blood spraying into your face as you watched helplessly. “No...it should’ve been me...it should’ve been me...”
“Okay, we have enough, take her out.”
You laid limp as you came back to reality, seeing yourself back in the same lab room that you had to be in for the past months. You looked to your left to see your cousin look at you with tears in her eyes, obviously feeling remorse.
You tried not to freak out when the doctors were unstrapping you from the machine, Teresa immediately came into the room to help you walk out of the room and you somehow felt comfortable in her grasp compared to the other medical professionals.
“You’re doing so well, Y/N.” Teresa cooed into your ear.
Being sat down on your bed in Teresa’s spare bedroom felt like laying on clouds, and you suddenly felt guilty for being related to her, being treated with kindness compared to what Minho was most likely going through. You couldn’t help the tear that fell down your cheek.
“It’s over, you can rest now.” Teresa affirmed. “I have to go though. I’m giving Shai her treatment. And it was only possible with your help, Y/N. You’re going to save her life today.” She smiled, caressing your head before she walked out, leaving you alone. 
As soon as you heard the front door click shut, all your pain and fear poured out in thick tears, instantly coating your pillow in salty wetness. You kept thinking about what you saw in your hallucinations, seeing Gally get killed over and over. But it wasn’t Gally, you tried telling yourself. Gally was still alive and well just miles from where you were now. He was alive and he loved you. 
You kept repeating that to yourself until you fell asleep.
“Hey...” You heard as you where gently shook awake.
You looked up to see your cousin, tears trailing down her face. You quickly sat up. “What’s wrong?”
“It worked...the serum worked, but only for a few hours.” She frowned, bringing the back of her hand up to wipe some of her tears away.
“What happened? Is Shai...?”
“She was lost to the Flare.”
You didn’t know what to do, so you pulled her into a hug, surprising both her and yourself. “I’m so sorry, Teresa.”
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” She told herself and exhaled a breath shakily. “I just don’t want to be here right now, in this building.”
You hated yourself for seeing such an easy opening, but you had to take it. “Wanna go for a walk? It helped me when I did it.”
Teresa contemplated it for a moment, before she nodded her head weakly. 
You waited by the front door as Teresa dressed out of her doctor attire, coming back to join you with some more casual clothing.
You walked side by side with her, subtly looking around for any sign of your outside friends and allies. You knew Teresa was numbly walking around, only really making sure you were in her supervision, so you guided her where you knew Thomas would be near.
You heard Teresa gasp softly, and you smiled internally, knowing that Thomas was finally here. “Did you see that?”
“See what?” You played dumb.
Teresa didn’t answer as she bolted in the direction she saw Thomas, not even paying attention that you weren’t trying to keep up with her pace. “Thomas?” Teresa called out.
Teresa followed him until she reached an area where nobody was, due to the curfew, but she didn’t care, she had to know what he was doing there.
When you finally caught up with your cousin, she was already talking to Thomas, but you kept out of sight. Then, a shadowy figure stepped out from an alleyway and knocked out Teresa. “That wasn’t the plan!” Thomas whisper yelled.
“You really think she wouldn’t try to fight back? I’m not taking that chance.” A familiar voice argued.
“What did you do?” You voiced harshly, startling the two. The figure turned around, finally seeing it was Gally, but you couldn’t help but feel some anger about how he went about the plan. “You didn’t have to do that.”
Gally frowned. but kept his hold on your unconscious cousin. “Let’s just get out of here before someone sees us.” Thomas scowled at Gally before taking off back to their base.
You didn’t say anything as you passed by Gally, silently glancing at Teresa before focusing on Thomas’ retreating figure.
The journey back to the abandoned church was a tense silence, but by the time you all were almost there, Teresa had begun to regain consciousness. You watched as Gally sat down and tied your cousin to a chair, nodding to the others when he knew she wasn’t going anywhere.
Newt walked up and took the bag off of Teresa’s head when she started to stir uncomfortably, startling her with the sudden movement. Her eyes widened when she saw everyone in front of her, all seeming indifferent or angry at her. But when she saw who was sitting next to you, she couldn’t help but speak out. “Gally? You’re alive?”
Gally didn’t respond to her surprise, only scowling before taking a breath. “Here’s how this is gonna go, we’re going to ask you some questions and you’re going to tell us exactly what we need to know. We’ll start off simple,” Gally grabbed a chair, moving it in front of Teresa. “where’s Minho?”
Teresa shook her head slightly, looking back and forth between you and Thomas. “Wait, you guys can’t seriously think-”
Teresa was cut off by Gally placing the chair in front of her roughly and sat down, obscuring her vision from you and Thomas. “Don’t look at them. Why’re you looking at them? Look at me. They’re not gonna help you.” Teresa looked to you one more time, and she quietly sighed when she realized this was your plan all along. “We know you have Minho in the building. Where?”
Teresa frowned. “He’s with the others in holding. Sub level 3.”
“How many others?” Newt asked.
“28.” She answered reluctantly.
“I can make that work.” Brenda smirked.
“No, no, you guys don’t understand. The whole level’s restricted. You can’t get in without a thumb print ID.”
“That’s why you’re gonna come with us.” Thomas voiced.
“Well, I don’t know.” Gally said, making everyone confused. “We don’t necessarily need her. Right?” He got up and walked to the table, grabbing a medical scalpel. “Not all of her. We just need her finger.”
“Gally, back off.” Thomas quickly ordered.
“What, you squeamish? She’s done all lot worse to Y/N and she’s doing the same to Minho.” Gally voiced angrily.
You rolled your eyes, getting up and putting a hand on Gally’s shoulder to calm him down, Thomas getting up to take the blade out of his hand. “That’s not the plan.”
“Won’t make a difference.” Teresa said. “Do whatever you want to me. You still won’t get through the front door. The sensors will pick you up the sec-”
“We know. We’re tagged. Property of W.C.K.D.” Thomas interrupted, holding up the scalpel. “You’re gonna help us with that too.”
Not liking the idea of being cut open, you were thankful that Frypan volunteered to get his tag out first. But that also meant you’d have to deal with Gally. Now that wouldn’t be a problem at all, but seeing that you had some sort of empathy for your cousin rubbed him the wrong way, he just didn’t know id he wanted to bring it up or not.
You smiled weakly at the boy in front of you, not bothering to hide your exhaustion. “Hey, Gal.”
“Are you okay? You seem...out of it.”
You were, mostly from the simulation you were put through that morning, but he didn’t need to know that. It would just be another reason for Gally to hate Teresa, and for some reason you didn’t want that to happen. You convinced yourself it was just for the sake of efficiency.
“I’m alright, just tired.”
“I hear you.” Gally nodded, taking a seat next to you and grabbing ahold of your hand. He wanted to ask you questions, he wanted to know why you looked like you cared for Teresa. Even when it came to Thomas, he didn’t understand why he seemed to care after everything she did. But noting your exhaustion, he decided to push the question back for another time.
You noticed Gally’s small smile from the corner of your eye, in turn making you smile softly. “What?”
Gally’s smile grew wider as he blushed. “Just uh, remembering some things.”
“Oh god, what things?”
“A lot, like when you first remembered your name.”
“Oh.” You already could feel the cringe building in your gut.
“I remember how excited you were, going around the Glade, telling everyone your name over and over.” Gally smirked, obviously proud about making you embarrassed.
“Stop.” You groaned, hiding your face in your free hand.
“I actually thought it was pretty cute.”
You scrunched your face up when he poked the tip of your nose. You giggled, then humming in thought. “From what I remember, you made sure to remind me that I wouldn’t remember anything else.” You silently wished you couldn’t remember anything before the Glade.
It was Gally’s turn to cringe. “God, I was such a dick, wasn’t I?”
Your giggles stopped at his statement. “No, you were just angry and scared like the rest of us. You just showed it more than the others, I guess.” You shrugged.
Gally chuckled dejectedly. “You let me off too easy, you know that?”
You frowned, clutching onto his hand tighter. “You’re not the same boy from the Glade, not anymore. We’ve all changed.”
“Yeah,” Gally looked over at Teresa resentfully, “some for the worse.”
“Hey, lover boy!” Newt called out. “You’re up.”
Teresa picked up her scalpel with a scowl as Gally sat down in the chair in front of her. “Chuck should’ve lived, not you.” She whispered, voice laced with venom.
“Yeah? Tell me something I don’t know.” Gally countered sharply, trying to hide the pain in his voice from her statement he knew was right.
“How’d you even survive anyway?”
“Don’t know, must be immortal. So, you can poke me with that blade all you want and you’ll never get what you must want.”
Teresa rolled her eyes, starting to repeat the same movements with the blade like the last two. “No, Y/N would never forgive me.”
“You think she forgives you now?” Gally said, almost hissing in pain at the sharp sting at the back of his neck.
“She’s coming around.”
“To what? Killing children without worrying about concern for your conscious?”
“To doing what’s necessary to find a cure.”
Gally scoffed. “Right. She was a wreck when we found her, wouldn’t put brainwashing past you.” He winced when Teresa accidently ticked him with her blade out of frustration.
“She’s my family. I’d never do that to her.”
“Yet you’re fine with putting her into fucked up fantasies where she thinks she’s back in the Glade?”
“I always helped her when she came out of it, it’s not permanent damage.”
Gally turned to glare at Teresa when she finished removing the tag. “Didn’t you hear what you just said?” He voiced exasperated.
You were nervous enough to somewhat confront Teresa again, so seeing Gally walk away from her with a scowl on his face told you that they must’ve gotten into it. Just what you needed...
You sat down in silence, your back facing Teresa.
“What?” You asked.
“You did it, you actually had me fooled into believing I had my cousin back. You must be proud of yourself, I’m sure Gally is.”
You shut your eyes tightly as you took a deep breath. “Guess now you know how we felt back at the Right Arm camp.”
“This is different, you know that. You’re a fine actor.”
“Teresa, I wasn’t...I wasn’t acting.”
You felt Teresa’s breath tickle your neck as she chuckled resentfully. “Right. So, volunteering to help Shai, it was all to get on my good side?”
“No.” You refrained from shouting. “I...I really wanted to help her, I did. Ant I was so sorry about the serum not working.” You paused to take a few needed deep breaths, collecting your thoughts together. “But from the beginning, all what this has been about was saving Minho. No matter what.”
“But you just thought to throw in some gut punches for fun, huh?” She stated softly.
You stayed silent as Teresa removed your tag without another word, knowing trying to continue the conversation wouldn’t end well. You turned around to see her face twisted in a scowl, hints of wetness around her eyes. You felt guilty yet again.
Thomas eyed your frowning face suspiciously before he sat down in front of Teresa, watching you walk off by yourself with clenched fists.
You tried to ignore the stinging pain at the nape of your neck as you walked away from the group, willing yourself not to break down in front of everyone again, especially Teresa. You didn’t want to let her see her words getting to you, even if they might’ve been right. You cursed yourself for allowing your restored memories to make you see her in a different light, making you think you could actually be close again without complications like when you were children. 
You couldn’t so that, it’s what got you in the Maze in the first place, you couldn’t risk it for the sake of your friends. But...you still hoped, if or when all this was over, you and Teresa could go back to being close. But you knew something like that would be far fetched.
“Hey, Y/N?”
You turned around with a slightly panicked face, but you quickly calmed yourself, shaking it off with a forced chuckle. “Oh, hey Newt.”
“We’re about ready to head off.”
“Oh, okay.”
“You alright?”
You forced a small smile. “Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine.”
Newt wore an unimpressed look. “You’re not.” He deadpanned. “But, that’s okay. You know that right?”
You sighed despondently. “Yeah...but it’s not something we can afford right now. When this is over, I’ll have all the time in the world to not be okay.”
You were taken aback when Newt came up and hugged you tightly. “Whoa, what’s the sudden affection?” You chuckled genuinely.
Newt didn’t chuckle back, not even a smile. “You will be okay.”
“Hey, we’ll all be okay. We’ll get through this together.”
Newt finally let out a chuckle, but you could hear the bitter apprehension behind it. He obviously didn’t believe that. You didn’t understand where this was coming from. You understood him to be cynical most of the time, but the feeling you got felt darker than just cynicism. But unfortunately, you didn’t have time to question it before everyone was ordered to gear up.
You walked up the the table Gally was sat at, readying his shock guns. You grabbed a pistol, turning it over carefully to admire it. You used guns before, so you knew how to use them effectively.
“If all goes as planned, we won’t have to use those.” Gally voiced.
You stared at the pistol with a frown, sighing and holstering it to your side. “If.”
Gally stood up to stand in front of you, placing his heavy hands on your shoulders. “Everything will be okay.”
You sighed. “I’m kinda getting tired of hearing people say that.”
“Okay, everything is gonna go to shit and we’re all gonna die.”
You chuckled, moving closer to Gally and leaning your head on his chest. “Thanks, Captain. I really do hope everything works out.”
Gally brought his hands around you, leaning his chin on your shoulder. “Me too.” He said, placing a gentle kiss on your clothed collarbone. “You can’t just take a pistol though.” He said, pulling away and handing you one of his shock guns.
“It’s heavy.” You complained, shifting your body to evenly distribute the gun’s weight. “How am I even gonna get good shots on those guys?”
Gally smirked. “You just gotta hit them anywhere, the taser ammo will do all the work for you.”
“Ah, I’m sure I’ll find a way to fuck up.” You joked, kind of.
“No...” He drawled. “You’ll do just fine.”
“Y’all about ready?” Frypan called out.
Gally looked back to you. “Are you?”
You nodded reluctantly, not like you had any other choice.
“Then let’s go.”
Unrelated, but I miss Austin and Shayley in Of Mice & Men 😞
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
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(Bruh tumblr generated this post for me and then wouldn't let me post it bc there's too many images lmaoooo if that doesn't sum up this hellsite nicely idk what does.
Anyway, top 5 posts cut for length, but links included. )
I posted 2,591 times in 2021 849 posts created (33%) 1742 posts reblogged (67%) For every post I created, I reblogged 2.1 posts. I added 2,679 tags in 2021
#loki pokey artichokey - 514 posts
#loki spoilers - 326 posts
#loki series spoilers - 313 posts
#loki tv series spoilers - 312 posts
#mood gif - 302 posts
#charlotte replies - 236 posts
#asks - 208 posts
#smh - 171 posts
#lmao - 158 posts
#a nonny mouse - 139 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#'is there anything absolutely pressing that needs to be finished by the end of the day? no? okay well i'm just gonna be here physically onlu o
My Top Posts in 2021
#5 (This is the only decent post on this list tbh)
I’m not feeling super meta-y today, but I wanted to post this before I forgot:  The moment where Thor says, “You can’t kill an entire race,” and Loki says “Why not?” and laughs is a very interesting moment. I think that a lot of viewers take his laugh (well, grin) as though he’s mocking Thor and mocking Thor’s newfound empathy for the Jotuns. This mockery further paints Loki as the villain, standing there laughing at the hero who’s trying to do the right thing.  [...] 293 notes • Posted 2021-03-31 20:58:16 GMT
#4 (So many people took this shitpost post super seriously that I hate it now)
Not tryna start anything or be negative, but I can’t stop thinking about this lmao.  Loki’s nerves of steel be like -  [...] 781 notes • Posted 2021-04-20 02:35:03 GMT
#3 (I can't believe this dumbass shitpost made my top 5 posts of the year lmfao)
Loki: *steps foot inside the TVA* [...] 800 notes • Posted 2021-09-20 20:21:41 GMT
#2 (I have no opinion on this post)
Loki talking Mobius into going to Pompeii is the same thing as Loki being annoying to Thor, but like, 137x more manic. [...] 1146 notes • Posted 2021-06-20 21:38:07 GMT
#1 (a, I could not care less about post+ but the tiny amount I cared when I made this post will live in infamy; b, I consistently get notifs for this post still and they're all from porn bots)
some very important info re: paid accounts~ [...] 78253 notes • Posted 2021-07-22 17:19:24 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Nurseydex Au Pair AU
• Dex defers going to Uni for a year to earn some money
• he's got loads of experience looking after this little siblings and cousins???
•and got his childcare qualifications during school???
• so he ends up getting a really well paid Au Pair/Live-In Nanny job in Manhattan.
• Nursey, in this AU, goes to Samwell as usual in the original year,
• but he likes to visit home fairly often if he can,
•(once a month if hockey let's him)
• so he can see his mom's
• but also importantly his baby sisters.
• (They're 6 1/4! Very big girls!!! Not babies!!!)
• Anyway obviously Dex is the twins au pair
• They're paths don't cross straight away because Nursey goes to Samwell a month early for training and Dex only starts working for the Nurses after lobster season is finished which is like a week before schools start up for the year?
• But Dex actually still went to all the uni open days last year before desciding on a year out???
• So they're paths very much did cross before on the taddie tour???
• Anyways Dex is like being shown around the house by Mrs & Mrs Nurse the first day he arrives in NY.
• It's hella nice, really loved, really lived in. Lots of art and pictures of the family all around the home.
• (This isn't a neglecting parent AU, they just both have full time jobs and are pretty well off so have always sought a bit of extra help around the house)
• but anyways they're showing him pictures and like oh yeah, this is our son Derek, he's about your age, he's actually just gone off to university, he's going to be on the hockey team
• (brag brag brag, yeah we get it they love their kids alot)
• and Dex is just like...oh shit...
• Because isn't that that really infuriatingly attractive boy he totally made a mess of himself in front of on the Samwell Tour
• he doesn't say anything, because it's not like he actually knows him???
• and Derek probably wouldn't remember him anyway???
• So it'd be awkward if he like said to his mom's and then they told him and
• Yeah, no
• Derek does remember him
• Because he comes back for a weekend and he's pretty hyped to meet this dude that his mum's tell him about over Skype, he seems pretty chill
• And the girls seem to love him???
• because he comes up in basically every conversation he has with them when they call
• and like he's a bit like jealous? Cause he doesn't want his little sisters to forget about him
• but it's chill
• (he's an idiot by the way, his sister's worship the ground he walks on, they adore their big brother and miss him loads)
• The point is, his parents and sisters talk about this really chill guy???
• And he comes home and just???
• William Pointdexter is THAT Pointdexter
• Whom he's met??? And most certainly not the character they've described.
• Because he was an asshole on the tour
• And not gonna lie, Nurse was kind of glad when he didn't see him as one of the new recruits at the start of the season (not that he looked for him or anything???)
• So obviously this guy has somehow managed to fool his parents??
• But Nursey? Does. Not. Trust. Him.
• And what exactly is his game playing all cute and nice around his family!?
• He makes it very aware that he doesn't approve of will, and his parents are just like ???
• And he wants to take the girls out, and his mom is like oh take Will along
• And he's like No??? I can look after them myself, I don't need the nanny tagging along!?
• Besides the guy is clearly is trying to avoid him anyways?
• He literally stops talking when he enters the room?
• And totally just bolted the kitchen yesterday morning when nursey came down to grab coffee
• (side note, nursey obviously was topless, let the boy live)
• so yeah, he's onto will, because he's clearly hiding something????
• Back to Will, yes he is avoiding Derek
• because look, he knows okay, he knows he finds him ridiculously attractive
• and his family always talk about him and he just seems so lovely and
• but he can't alright
• he has to not think like that
• because it's not like he has anything against queer people
• I mean, he literally works for the nurses
• (who maybe he lied to his family about by saying they paid the best out of all his options so he had to take it)
• (They didn't but...look maybe he saw two woman living togeather with kids and thought that was an environment he wanted to be around)
• So yeah, he like supports gay people???
• But he can't be gay.
• because his family just wouldn't understand
• and he needs to keep in a good relationship with them??? because they've done so much for him??
• his aunt and uncle took him and his siblings in after their parents passed ???
• and so like he owes them right???
• and he knows what they think of uh those people
• so he definitely can just be straight and always be conveniently between girlfriends or whatever if it means he can go back home during the holidays
• he's just really scared he's never going to get to have what the nurses have
• Look basically the main plot of this AU is that with the help and support of nurseys beautiful boss ass moms Dex comes to accept himself over the months through several late night chats and early breakfasts togeather.
• the moms are like the main part of this alright?
• I have so many hc's about them but we don't have time rn
• I just really want an au where nursey gets the parents he deserves
• because he's my favourite
• Okay so anyway!!! Nurseys mums are like Derek wtf why are you acting so weird around Will?
• because??? He's pretty sure he's a bigoted asshole???
• and they can't exactly just like tell Derek about why they trust will because like he deserves to keep his secrets
• but they are just like, try to give him a chance okay??? Maybe try to get to know one another, oh he also plays hockey, how about you take the girls skating?
• and he's like urghhhh fine.......
• because he loves his mom's and he loves his sister's so fine
• and um....they have a really nice time???
• like will is pretty quite at first???
• but the girls want to play this game they apparently made up with Dex and he gets so into it and they are all giggling and laughing away and it's just um...he's really cute???
• but he still kind of like comes out of it and frowns a little to himself whenever he catches Nursey looking
• so whatever, he seems okay at least, nursey can deal with him, they don't need to be friends, but he's fine, he's good with the girls
• A few days after he returns to Samwell he gets a message from an unknown number
• 'um hi, it's will' 'uh, I mean au pair'
• and he's just like ???? Lol what the heck is this dude, of course he remembers him without the clarification?? Chill bro.
• but anyways Nurseys mom gave him his number?
• because the girls wanted will to take them to the swimming pool with the yellow shoot
• and she couldn't remember which one it was
• he's pretty sure that's the one she always took them to but whatever
• (sneaky sneaky Mrs nurse we all know what you're up to)
• so he gives him the address and that's that
• but then Dex replies to him later in the day with a picture of the girls in their armbands
• and he sends back a pic of him at the rink (to show the girls of course, it's not for him okay)
• but then they just??? Keep messaging???
• at first the conversations always surround what the twins are up to that day
• but sometimes they're not
• and they just talk about anything...
• ...and everything
• now when he calls home he'll get half an hour of the twins shouting down the phone and then they'll just be like I'm bored, here's willy! And give Dex the phone and run away (look they are 6, being the phone isn't that fun)
• 'um....hi :)'
• 'hey... Willy :)'
• 'oh mY GOD SHUT UP!'
• aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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📂 hmmm let's see... how about Toph?
aw Toph Beifong, how I love you,
Okay. So. First:
Obviously, Toph can tell when people are lying, but much like how the gaang always forgets that she’s blind, they forget that she’s a living lie detector. After the war ends, the kiddos are all obviously traumatized and always ask each other how they’re doing and they usually always say “fine” and Toph can feel that they’re lying but she just... doesn’t do anything. Sometimes it’s obvious a person is lying, but sometimes they can really pull it off and Toph is the only one who knows. She just lets them be, though, because she would want to be left alone too. In her mind, if it was a big enough deal, they wouldn’t say that they’re fine (also because that’s the reasoning she gives herself to not talk about her problems). She doesn’t want to push them.
Eventually, and let’s use Aang here because poor kid suffers so much trauma and no one really talks about that much (myself included, I need to pay more attention to Aang), Aang’s mental health really starts declining and everyone is really worried but Toph always lets it go because she doesn’t want to push him or stress him out. One time, it’s so bad that they ask Toph to out Aang for lying and she just shrugs and says “he wasn’t lying” even though he definitely was.
After a week or two like this, Aang kind of just breaks down and Toph instantly feels guilty because deep down she feels like she could have prevented it, but she didn’t. It’s one of those times when she learns that letting people believe a lie, no matter how good intentions are, is worse and more hurtful than telling the truth.
It kind of starts making her more honest than before. She began by calling everyone out on every little lie until she realized it would probably be better to talk to people in private and I just... mmm... I feel like Toph wields so much power after the war because everyone will always say “I’m fine” and she knows, she knows, they’re lying.
And now for an angsty Toph-related headcanon because I said so:)
Toph’s parents. Mmmm. I have not read the comics and also I heard they were... iffy... so we’re disregarding comics here. Toph’s parents kind of suck. Like, once she talks to them after the war, they treat her like a helpless child again and not the LITERAL HERO she is. She doesn’t live with them, but she wants a relationship with them, even though she physically cannot make her say it out loud. So, eventually she blows up at them and Earthbends and her parents are like “okay, if you’re not a child, then start acting like an adult” and COMPLETELY misread the intention behind what Toph was saying. Ontop of that, they constantly complain about everything to her. Like trivial things. They complain about trivial things to a traumatized child (not to mention they did like nothing during the war smh, they just sat there and were rich). Like, they complain about each other to Toph say all of these things that she never wanted to hear ever and that no parents should actually burden their child with. Eventually she just... stops.
She just never answers letters, never returns to the city, much less the house. And it just... it kills her because she wanted to fix their relationship. She wanted to try and be a family again and she tried. She tried so hard but her parents never pit any effort in.
It was actually Zuko (or Azula...) who kind of made her realize. Like, I’m just gonna say: Sokka and Katara HATE Toph’s parents, like, with a burning passion. Toph offhandedly mentioned some of the terrible things her mom said about her dad and vice versa to the gaang and Katara was about to go give them the biggest lecture they had ever received. Katara lowkey got all mother hen (but sometimes Suki would have to drag her back and be like “you’re smothering her” so Toph wouldn’t feel like Katara was acting like her parents) (and again, Toph would never say it outloud, but she could never think of Katara in that way ever. She’s SUCH a better person than her parents could ever be) and would try and... not be the mother Toph never got to have, but give her the support she never had.
Anyways, Zuko or Azula talk to Toph and are like “take it from one abused child to another, your parents are abusing you” which just confirms the suspicions she had deep down but refused to believe. She was just filled with so much rage because it’s not fair and she was trying so hard but her parents really don’t care about her in the way that they should of and she gave them so many chances to be better but they never took it.
okay so, sadness over, let’s make Toph happy:)
Toph is asexual (and maybe aromantic, unsure as of right now) because I said so:))
Toph takes great pleasure in going to The Jasmine Dragon and just... listening to make sure no one is ever rude to Iroh or any of the other employees ever. If they are, she causes trouble so they can feel ashamed for being mean to people in food service.
no you know what? Am I going too overboard? Yes. Do I care? No. One friendship Toph headcanon for everyone in the gaang.
Aang: Toph and Aang both help remind the other that they’re children because they both forget sometimes. Toph is great at taking Aang away from work and making him take breaks and spend time for himself rather than others. Aang is great at giving Toph the “having friends as a child” experience she never had. He teaches her games he learned from all four nations as a child and sometimes they do really ‘childish’ things like playing bending tag or even like regular tag with each other just because it’s nice.
Katara: oooh the Toph and Katara friendship is one of my favorites in the show. The two are both ridiculously competitive. Like. Out of everyone in the gaang, they are the most competitive (let’s be real, Sokka is too petty and WE NEED TO FOLLOW THE GAMES RULES to be competitive and Zuko just gets angry and rage quits). But eventually, they learn that they’re stronger when they work together and make a competitive truce. So whenever people need to team up for games, they immediately go to each other and they destroy everyone.
Sokka: Sokka and Toph ahhhhh I love them so much. Sokka adopted Toph as his daughter-sister, as in he can’t choose whether he wants to replace her dad and be her dad or be the protective but not overly protective older brother she never had, so he calls himself “father-brother” and everyone hates it, but Sokka was never good at naming things. Also, one time they were really bored, so they decided to try and invent a language that is never spoken, but can be interpreted through Earthbending. Like, different methods of bending meant different things and stuff. It worked... kind of? Sokka likes learning and Toph likes kicking dirt and making people confused about what they were doing. They both have short attention spans, though, so they didn’t get far. They each still remember s=certain things and still talk through it (since Sokka is not an Earthbender, he taps his foot on the ground or kicks dirt a certain way. It’s kind of like morse code, bit different because only Toph can feel the taps).
Suki: Suki Suki Suki I love you! Suki is Toph’s go-to for fake relationships. Like. These two have been in a fake relationship with each other too many times to count. Toph’s parents invite her to a formal event but she needs to bring a date (and also she doesn’t want to go but she wants to repair the relationship)? Suki is her date. Suki needs to attend a royal event because she’s the highest Fire Nation palace guard (because I said so)? Toph comes as her date. A random person is hitting on either of them and they don’t know how to respond without unnecessary violence? Find the other and kiss their face.
Zuko: Zuko and Toph, what a pair. They both find beauty in nature (in different ways, obviously), so they’re walking buddies. They’ve gone on hikes together, like week-long hikes together. They’ll walk around the palace together... sometimes they’ll just sit together in silence because they don’t always need words to be friends.
Azula: (because yes, I am including the three girls): y’all. These two together can scare the entire world. Not just because they are actually insanely powerful, but because they make the most horrific self-deprecating jokes known to man and say it with intense seriousness that everyone has been genuinely worried at some point before they caught on (if it’s serious, they say it as a joke). One time, they both made these depressing jokes at lunch and Aang choked on his food. He didn’t die, but like. He was so unprepared that he choked. What I’m saying is, these two have a really weird relationship that takes place entirely through insults at each other, theirself, and everyone they love.
Ty Lee: Toph was actually scared of Ty Lee at first because of her chi blocking abilities. Not like terrified-scared, but like if you even take one more step towards me I will smash you with a boulder no matter your intentions-scared. Also, Ty Lee was so perky and kind of loud and Toph found that suspicious at first. It wasn’t like an Aang perky or loud, it was like... well, Toph couldn’t explain it (as in, I, op, cannot explain it), but it was a bit overwhelming? And then one time Ty Lee just. randomly visited her at her parents’ house even though they “weren’t friends” and Toph was just ????? but let her come in for dinner anyway because she kind of wanted to see how her parents would react to this peppy girl. Her parents ended up making a kind of snide remark at Toph’s expense during dinner (which was the usual but Toph didn’t realize it was a b u s e) and Ty Lee went off. That’s when Toph knew there were reasons to be terrified of this girl, but she would never be on the receiving end of her fury unless she really deserved it. They have very different family situations, but take pleasure in actually talking about it to each other. Because Ty Lee is a very open person and Toph is not. Toph thinks it’s nice to just let Ty Lee ramble on (kind of like Mai) and Ty Lee thinks Toph gives really good advice and has good insights (plus strives to help her feel more comfortable with her feelings). They become spontaneous buddies and randomly show up at each other’s houses when they’re living at home and it’s just nice.
Mai: last but never least, Mai and Toph! These two. feel for each other. so much. Rich kids, only children, parents who ignore them, ahhhhh, do you smell that? The repression of feelings:) Sometimes, they prefer to just be around each other because everyone else can kind of be overwhelming. They can communicate through few words and they both like throwing things, so they like sparring together a lot, It gives them a chance to throw things with another person who likes throwing things. For them, sparring is like this connection and it’s own method of loving each other (as friends do) and it’s just really nice for both of them.
Okay. I am done. Thank you, Grace, for fueling me.
I love Toph and I don’t give her enough attention.
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bakutae · 4 years
haikyuu headcanons #4
today's menu:
a shot of bokuto kotaro, drip of sugawara koushi and a glass nishinoya yuu
losing their child in the supermarket
author's note:
i had a lot of fun writing this~
bokuto kotaro
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honestly speaking, are we even surprised that he forgot about his kid?
if you are then hi there, you must be new to the haikyuu fandom
leaving bokuto and his kid alone in the supermarket was one of the worst things you could ever do
but you had no choice; or rather, they had no choice
bokuto wanted to go to the supermarket to get some ingredients for the surprise anniversary dinner for the two of you and he didn't want to leave your two year old kid alone at home
you just so happened out with friends during the day and could not take care of her (it's gonna be a girl that's going to be spoiled rotten by bokuto)
so the two of them went, using the public bus and he almost lost her, since he almost forgot to pick her up when they left the bus stop at their stop
it was only until an elderly woman asked him if that was his child, and only then did he realise that he actually had a daughter and was there with her
oh my god bokuto i swear-
he felt so guilty when he saw his daughter on the bus seat, with her brown eyes that she got from kotaro staring at him, with a hint of confusion in her eyes
"babyy i'm so sorry for leaving youu! daddy will never ever forget about you again okay?" he'll tell her, pouting
and literally fifteen minutes later he lost her again
he was so excited and was so absorbed in looking at the cuts of meat that he, once again, completely forgot about the existence of his daughter
spent a good amount of time choosing between sirloin and ribeye and kept asking the staff what the difference was when he was interrupted by the intercom in the supermarket
"attention please, we have a lost child at cashier number one, i repeat, cashier number one. she's wearing a pink dress with a ribbon on the top left, and has both...black and white hair?"
bokuto heard it, but decided that it had nothing to do with him and ignored it
"she appears to have...brown eyes *distant crying sounds* and oh my- please don't pull at my hair! *static noises*"
"pfft, what a feisty kiddo." bokuto mutters to himself, while listening intently to the butcher, eyes fixated of both cuts of meat
"*weird muffled sounds* waa! daddy!! *thumping sounds on mic*"
when he heard the kid's voice, bokuto jumped and hastily looked behind him
his daughter was gone
looks at the butcher, a horrified expression on his face
"i-is that my daughter..?"
to which the butcher is confused and replies with "i...don't know sir. is she?"
and he drops everything and leaves for cashier number one while almost tripping over himself smh bokuto are you the baby or is your daughter the baby
sugawara koushi
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let's be real, he'll never lose his kid at the supermarket
he's way to father material to even do that
but because he's father material, he will lose his children at the supermarket because he has... too many kids
alright let's say you popped out five kids within the span of three years; one oldest boy, one pair of twins, both girls and another pair of twins, one boy one girl
you and him hadn't actually planned to produce that many offspring in that short period of time but you two were in a blissful family and wouldn't trade it for the world
okay so, the oldest was six, first pair of twins were five and the second pair were four; basically a nightmare to take care of in the mornings
but somehow, he does it? cause he's THAT sugawara koushi if you get the reference you're a real one
okay so, you were trying to make dinner, when you realise that you ran out of ingredients to feed your big family and asked sugawara to help you get them at the supermarket
at first, it started with the oldest boy wanting to follow him, to which he said yes to
but soon, every single one of the children wanted to tag along with him
he found it too difficult to say no since he didn't want to see any creases on their faces so he reluctantly agreed
you knew how fatherly he was anyways so you didn't object and sent him off at the door
it was quite the journey though, the both pair of twins kept chasing each other in the streets and almost gave sugawara a heart attack when they ran out to the roads
luckily, there were no cars around
he really let his emotions get to him and lectured the four young ones in a harsh tone on how important road safety was and how they only had one life and they should be careful
if it were you lecturing them, the kids literally would not care
but since it was their precious father doing so, they decided to be obedient and walked like a normal human being while the oldest one is just there oops
honestly, sugawara would have had it handled before they reached the supermarket so it would be all good in the end :)
nishinoya yuu
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he was out with his son to the supermarket because he was asking for some power rangers special chocolate bar that all his friends in kindergarten had so he wanted one too
noya, who loves his son to bits, agreed to buying him a couple bars to bring to school throughout the next few weeks and thus goes to the supermarket with him alone
you wanted to come, however, you were suddenly down with a cold and couldn't join the both of them
when he reached the supermarket, his son immediately goes in a frenzy at the thought if the chocolate bars and runs away
and soon enough, could no longer be seen
he panics
he starts to panic because he's afraid of what would happen if he doesn't find him (i feel like his kid would be a boy that will be a splitting image of him) and would be really scared of your reaction towards it
so when that happens, the first thing that comes to his mind is to panic-call you
he really didn't want to disturb you when you were sick but to him, that was the best option available
"u-uh, y/n? i lost our baby."
"what? *cough* oh my, yuu, maybe going to the cashier would help? they can make an announcement after all."
you knew better than to lash out on him so you decided that giving him advice on how to tackle the situation would be better
"thank you so much, i love you. sorry for calling you while you're sick!"
he ends the call and scurries along to the cashier where the announcement machine thing was
"h-hi there. i-i'm..."
before he could finish his sentence, the lady working at the cashier asked him
"hi there, little one. are you looking for your parents?"
nishinoya: 0-0
he was about to get annoyed when he reminded himself what he was there for and shook his head briefly
"no, i'm not. i'm actually looking for my child? he's a boy, around six years old, wait no he's six years old this year. has black hair and brown eyes, is wearing a tayo the little bus shirt with snoopy pants. could you make an announcement for him? thank you."
the lady was shocked, needless to say
"ah...right. i'm sorry! i thought you were-"
"it's fine, just please hurry page for my kid thanks"
so after she paged for him, he was waiting there, pacing back and forth, worried sick as he shoots longing looks towards the shelves, hoping that some kind soul would bring his son back to him
with you still in his mind, he'll send you a quick text on how he already paged for y'all's son and was now waiting for his return
soon enough, he heard someone scream 'daddy!' really loudly while making a beeline for him
he felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders and sighed with relief when he saw the familar silhouette of his son
he'll bow and thank the cashier before running to the kid
"where did you run off to? i was so worried!"
"to the choco bar area daddy! that's why we came here right?"
nishinoya has never felt more dumb in his entire life
tag list: @sugacookiies @shiggywiggy @sushij1ma @leoamber66 @keiyoomi
message/send an ask to be in my tag list!
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astralshipper · 4 years
Ok time to watch new supernatural ep since I couldn’t watch live. Liveblog and probably tears below, enter at ur own risk!!
Oh god okay wait why are they being mean to that lady it’s a soup kitchen ofc she isn’t perfectly clean she’s HOMELESS, be NICE TO HER-
Okay good giv her soup!!!!
Oh shit walking down the street alone is BAD NEWS WHO IS SPEAKING
Jack is looking him up on social media he really is gen z OH MY GOD “I NEED A PARENT OR GUARDIANS PERMISSION” “YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION” “I HAVE HIS PERMISSION!!!!!”
Cas there’s no such thing as too many cat photos
YEAH STAY!!! Pls don’t make me regret being excited abt u two staying to help!!! I just want father son bonding!!!!
tag urself im the shitty mask
For fucks sake “at least for once it’s not us” FUCKING STOP
U aren’t allowed to walk away from jack he’s a sweetheart smh. also hdjdjdjdn jack cas yall ain’t slick
GOD DAMN NAH JUST KILL ME ITS FINE ILL JUST DIE PLEASE also. Gotcha. Seven deadly sins ndndjd
jack youre such a sweetheart I care abt u so much
I’m thriving on the Cas and jack content here this is all I’ve ever wanted pls dont make Cas go bye bye BC of this just let us have this one last go
fam if I’m going to hell for wanting to kiss girls then bring on the hellfire fuck all that noise castiel is not homophobic he is utterly indifferent to sexual orientation and Chuck is bisexual we have been OVER THIS-
Sam bringing home that bad news- HOLY FUCKINGNG SHIT JJFJ HI AUNTIE AMARA
I think Amara just called u guys stinkie. Amara can I pls get lunch with u I wanna have lunch with u!!!
Cas telling his story to the group why am I cryigg NG nggn,,, I JUST WANT HIM TO B HAPPY BUT HE CANT BE BC HE’LL DIE
I gotta say. I understand that Amara not helping is terrible. But,,, I get it,,, yknow? He’s her brother. Her TWIN. Of course she won’t betray him that easily.
Mans gonna b dead
Yep! He gone!!
oh. oh dean is asking about HER. oh. Holy shit I’m gonna cry ok oh god OH GOD DEAN MAD!!!! HES PISSED. DEAN IS SPITTING TRUTH EVERYBODY RUN FOR THE HILLS. “I would never hurt you” why did that line hit me so fucking hard,,, I know what he’s doing, I know he’s lying, I know he’s using the cover that jack will be pulling the trigger to say he’s telling the truth. But like. Fuck that hit hard jfjffjf that felt comforting somehow, even though he fully prepared to rip someone’s head off
CAs pls stop saying ur not a good angel ur an AMAZING ANGEL. THE BEST. wtfbfjfjjf
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yeetdam · 5 years
Could you ship your mutuals with silverboys/treasure 13? I’m curious 🙀
smh i accidentally closed the tab before i could save it fml but anyway: instead of studying maths and after killing my body with a 45 min workout, i am here to answer this ask that was long overdue thank you anon for being so curious uwu!! also i apologize i might’ve got carried away skjdl and this is not proofread in any shape or form
@yoonbins x yoonbin is the couple that tries to keep it low but everyone knows that they’re a thing imo 💖 mini god kara i’m not trying to call you out but yoonbin would gladly accept that s***** from you anytime úwù skinship in public isn’t really their thing, but if bin is feeling bold, he’d secretly hold her hand under the desk klasjdklajs kara isn’t one to show her emotions a lot but it’s fine bc yoonbin is an attentive guy and just knows how smitten he is for her!!! not really the most romantic couple out there, but when it comes to banter? OOF nobody can beat them what a pure relationship (also, expect long cuddle sessions when it’s just the two of them teehee)
@byounggonsgf x byounggon is the power couple everyone on ygtb tumblr and their MUMS know of and approve of: first of all, visual wise?? GOD TIER. SUPERIOR. YOU WISH. we all know how much of a visual kweenie angel zeen is, and we all know how hot gon is (pls the entire fandom has a crush on him) and the two combined?? YOUR FAVS COULD NEVER (unless your favs are zeen and gon uwu) also, just one glance at zeen’s tags just show how much love she harbors for him and i imagine her to be the type to write stuff abt him in a seperate notebook and when gon finds out, he’ll go all out and arrange some romantic candlelight dinner or shit 💖 in other words, they’re the disgustingly sweet couple you’d see in romance anime uwu
@ggoncafe x byounggon is also a ship i advocate !!! he’d do anything to make ess smile and laugh; it’s one of his fav sights after all - especially that thing that ess does where she scrunches her nose whenever she laughs??? he is SOLD. WHIPPED. IN AWE. i feel like gon can be quite the romantic in his way and would write so many songs abt ess lskjdlkj aside of that, ess strikes me as the type to annoy the shit out of him just for fun LMAO - it’s nothing bad, imagine this: she’d text him in capslock and keyboard smashes just to garner his attention and then, he’d face time her and try to be fed up but in reality? he’s glad she did that? bc that gives him the perfect excuse to see her lkjsdj 
say what you want; okay cool you think the earth is flat fine then but not thinking that @mashilove x byounggon is a cute ship? sis you’re abt to cATcH ThESe HaNDs - uyen radiates something akin to big mom energy: maybe it’s partly bc she’s just as old as gon but her tags to everyone just SCREAM soft protective nature 💖 also i feel like uyen, as great as she is, sometimes deals with huge insecurity issues and gon would try his best to lift up her spirits and convince her that she is a beautiful child of the angels the world doesn’t even deserve!!! we are talking abt gon dedicating 28398309 songs to her and cuddle attacks and soft shit oof
looking back i realize byounggon also has a mf power harem and to finish it off, i also think that @speckofglitter x byounggon is the couple you should be scared of. why scared? bc they’re gonna make you set your standards so impossibly high AND THATS THE TEA 💖 gon picking up tiyi after her lectures at university? every time when he can afford to? which is pretty much every second day? and if he has much free time before he’d make sure to buy some food for tiyi? it doesn’t help that he’s a soundcloud rapper of course everyone’s gonna have high standards! it doesn’t stop there tho; just imagine them trying some couple dances like ellen and Brian hnnngh 
@junkyeu x junkyu is ! so ! pure !!!! junkyu would be so so smitten and so so proud of Linh and he’d take any opportunity to boast abt her. she’s so beautiful? he’d say that to every second stranger they pass by. she’s a multilingual queen? he’d tweet it out several times a day, post it on his snapchat, probably write it on a wall “LINH IS A MULTILINGUAL LEGEND YOUR S/O COULD NEVER 💖“ and so on. he is so damn supportive up to the point where it might be a little excessive to her but she still loves him dearly :’) the harshest thing she might do is prolly insult him lightly in any language he doesn’t understand LMAOOO
1/3 of the seunghun harem ship i support is @kimseunghoney x seunghun ! yet another couple that would flaunt that they’re together but guess what?? everyone is LIVING for it 💖 christina is such a soft fluffball who’s trying her best to get through her exams and seunghun being the supportive (yet needy) boyfriend he is, would partly distract her partly help her?? he’d be the type to randomly come over to her place with the reason of wanting to help her study bc ! good ! grades ! is ! what ! she ! wants ! but then five minutes later, he’d try to get her to take a break and then woo her to a nap bc she’s been working so hard uwu (also, the perfect timing for him to fill up his camera roll full of pics of christina saljdlk)
2/3 of the seunghun harem is @seunghunies x seunghun 💖 now with those two combined,,,, get ready for the skinship and disgustingly domestic and tooth rotten fluff between them uGh [edit: the latter got deleted WHY TUMBLR WHY SMH so starting here is the cont.] seunghun is the type to show off that vale is his up to the point where he might shove it up everyone and their mum's faces jskdk but it's full of love!!! Snapchat? Instagram? Everywhere — he's gonna say how much he loves vale during an ig live or in his story dedicated to vale and vale ONLY 💞🤧 also!!! Restaurant dates!!!! So many!!!! They'd go taste testing in the entire city !!!! And he'd take so many pics of her and the best thing abt the cute shit? Vale plays along!! (At least most of the time teehee) say he'd want her to pose for the camera? She'd gladly do it- unless she's feeling a little sneaky then she'd do anything to mess up the snapshot kajdjdjkdk we love banter 😜💓
3/3 of the harem is @seunghunn x seunghun uwu THE. SOFTEST. COUPLE. IN THE UNIVERSE. mashikyu doesn’t compare anyway, we’ve already established how much of a passionate lover hun is right?? and i peg seunghun the type to crave his s/o’s attention at any time possible so if you ever lay his eyes off him, he’d do anything to win your attention back! perhaps one might say that maddi cherishes her sleep more than our #1 furry king and if she’s particularly stressed, she’s heading straight to her bed and to the one-hour nap she desperately needs. depending on how hun is feeling, he might either a) play the big spoon and nap with her sdjlkjsa or b) be the whiny bitch he is and try to wake her up (ofc only if he’s 100% sure that she wouldnt mind as much as usual) 💖 in case he guessed wrong and woke her up while she’s pissed, he’d make up with some good homecooked food UGH
@moonxlika x hyunsuk is the badass couple who always hype one another up you don’t even KNOW. be it a competition or a game, you can bet that one is cheering for the other - unless they both participate, then it’d be a mixture of “good luck uwu” or “i’m gonna beat your ass just watch me” 💖 they’re the type to bond over their music taste and seriously lika and hyunsuk aren’t afraid to show that they’re a thing it’s so cute kljfl you know that some ppl get embarrassed when their s/o suddenly does a hoe drop or dresses really hot like with chokers or shit? then there are some ppl who get pissed / jealous / idk at least not embarrassed and shy when their s/o does that? neither of them fall into any of those types. say hyunsuk is suddenly out there with a choker and what do i know a mesh shirt? lika strikes me as someone who’d go yES BITCH THAT HOT DUDE RIGHT THERE IS MY BOYFRIEND SEE HIM and say lika pops of on the dance floor, hyunsuk would be like mY GIRLFRIEND HAS SOME MOVES Y’ALL 
whereas lika x suk could be classified as one of the more hard couples on the spectrum, @hyunsukmyass x hyunsuk is the epitome of bubblegum and sugar and (perhaps little) spice (at least that’s what everyone thinks but sshhh) 💖 i feel like in public suk would try hard to have the image of being sim’s edgy boyfriend but little does he know that sim dishes out the truth to all of her friends HDSJKHSKJ like that one time suk admitted his wallet was suffering due to the bouquet of flowers he bought her when sim was feeling low? or the time where he put his pride and sanity aside and took care of her when she was sick even tho it was a given that he’d get infected too? everyone knows and whereas suk is HIGHkey embarrassed to a certain extent, he’d try to find something he can tease sim with!! and then… he finds it... cute shit sim writes abt suk…. or even worse… her fanfics abt celebrity xy and suk has a LOT of fun teasing her with it ksajdkljkl he’d never say anything negative but once in a while he’d go like “so,,, sim,,,, wanna recreate that one scene you wrote in fanfic xy?” or even “hey what do you think if i were a rocker but also super super good at school?” gET READY FOR THE BANTER AND LAUGHTER AND TICKLE FIGHTS THAT FOLLOW SUIT
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Elevator (Tim Drake X Fem!Reader)
Requested: NO A/N:  This was supposed to be short and sweet and then I lost control …. I had a conversation with @sassyshoulderangel319 (I can already type that url out by heart) about this post and which one I would choose and then somehow this formed in my heart and jesus, it was such a good idea. I put it under a Read More because it's ridiculously long and seriously… But I hope you guys like it!! Word count: 6256 (YES You read correctly. I lost control) Warning(s):  Claustrophobia Tagged: @icequeen206 @crescent-bluemoon @nanna-the-batmum @xoleaox @sleep-depiravation [You wanna be tagged in my next piece? Just shoot me a message or ask!]
Your feet dragged across the floor as you walked towards the elevator. 
Today was one of these days again. The kind that never ended and just seemed to drag on to eternity.
Your Head was pounding, your eyes were tired and your legs felt like someone had filled them with metal and put a magnet underneath the whole floor.
The building was already empty, which wasn’t a surprise at that time. It was already well past midnight and even the cleaning staff had been there and left again. You were alone, walking down the hallway.
Well, technically ‘alone’ except the one old guy who was lying there on his desk. You weren’t even sure if he was still alive but from what you heard through the gossip of the others, he just went through a nasty divorce and practically lived at his desk.
Poor Robert.
Well, at least he had a desk.
You knew you shouldn’t complain. You got a summer job at Wayne Enterprises. It was an opportunity some of your classmates would kill for, but there was always a catch with these kinds of things. What you didn’t expect when you signed all these confidentiality agreements was that your supervisor would be a lazy asshole that made you do all kinds of things you shouldn’t have to do.
But you had no say in the matter. Absolutely none.
So you sucked it up and got shit done.
And now that you had carried all these binders to the upper floor it was time to go down, get a taxi and sleep through tomorrow, your day off.
Almost lifelessly you pressed the elevator button, feeling like your finger might break from that little action.
Even the buttons up here were posh. The only thing missing was diamond-encrusting them. Maybe the Top floor had butlers that pushed the buttons for them?
You smiled at your own stupid joke, glad that nobody saw you. The doors opened and you stepped in. You pressed the last button and took out your phone. You haven’t had time to glance even once at it and were surprised to find 9 missed calls and about three dozen different messaged on it.
You were popular?
You expression fell when you saw that all of them were from your best friend.
The elevator moved but instead of going down it started to rise and you groaned internally. Someone from the higher-ups was still in the building, at this time?
You focused back on your phone. You phone signaled that it was very low on battery but you just clicked it away before you opened the newest messages and started to read them.
BITCH did you die or did you forget how to use your damn phone?? ANSWER ME Or do you think you are better than me now that you have a JOB and a PURPOSE in life? smh Hello??? You need to humble yourself Anyways, I have good news I’m gonna assume you asked ‘Oh Jenny, what good news?’   I found your lonely ass a boyfriend. I know, I know, thank me later Or thank me now Well, its actually gonna be a double date And I kinda already promised you’ll come I swear he’s cute Kinda Mine is They are brothers But he also has a sister, if you’re not in the mood for a guy? Don’t think I haven’t noticed your gay tendencies towards batgirl ANYWAYS Sorry to break your coming out? Or is it rather a Passing BI? haha Yeah okay, that was a bad one That’s what you get for ignoring me Bitch
You closed your eyes as you heard the elevator ding, and the doors open. You were too tired for this shit. Way too tired for any of this.
Also, who wasn’t gay for Batgirl?
That was normal, right?
You started typing out your reply, too focused not to use too many curses and to keep her family out of it, to even notice the stranger that entered.
A moment passed and suddenly everything happened at once. You hit send, then the elevator shook, it stopped with a BANG, your phone died and the lights went out.
It all happened in the blink of an eye and for a moment you thought you had died.
And suddenly, your realized your situation.
‘I am stuck in an elevator’, was the only thing you could think of.
The person next to you sighed deeply and you let out a scream and jumped to the nearest wall.
‘WE are stuck in an elevator’
You took in a shaky breath as you felt cold and hot at the same time. Your sleepiness was gone, being replaced by a thousand pictures of crashing elevators and that one weird X-Factor Episode where (supposedly) death himself was in one and you only heard the screams of these people and you really didn’t want to die in an elevator with a stranger. You had so many things you still wanted to do! Hell, you haven’t even paid your student loan yet! 
Though this thought calmed you a little bit.
Fuck capitalism.
“Hey” A male voice spoke up somewhere from the left. “Are you okay?” he asked and you gulped.
Okay, (Y/N), don’t show him that you’re having a panic attack.
“No.” you answered truthfully.
Yeah okay, that didn’t go as planned.
Maybe it was the adrenalin or the utter terror in your bones,  but you weren’t really able to lie right now.
“It’s gonna be okay. We’ll just have to find the emergency-button.” He said and he sounded young. Something about his voice and the way he said it made you feel calmer but the fact that you were locked in here with a stranger unnerved you.
You nodded, realizing that he couldn’t see you, you added a quick “Okay.”
You moved towards where you remembered the buttons to be and suddenly you felt a hand and you yelped.
His hands were cold.
“Oh sorry.” He apologized and you heard him press a button, once.
You two waited and he pressed it again.
After pressing it about fifteen times nothing happened.
The darkness was getting to you and your hands started to sweat as you cursed yourself for not taking the elevator with the glass walls and the freaking panorama view. At least the moon would’ve provided some light but no, you were lazy and took the first one you saw.
“Weird.” The guy said and you didn’t answer. But it seemed like he was more talking to himself. “Usually the emergency generator should’ve turned on by now. And if that one failed the backup should’ve been enough to at least power the elevators.”
Maybe he was just thinking out loud but every single word filled you with a deeper sense of dread. 
Was it common knowledge how many emergency-generators this damn building had? What did this mean? Where you going to die in here?
You heard some rustling and then a sigh.
“My phones dead.” He said and you couldn’t for the life of you figure out if he was talking to you or if he just really enjoyed his own voice.
Either way, every statement that left his mouth wasn’t good.
“I guess we have to wait.” He said and you nodded again which, of course, he couldn’t see.
“Okay” you managed to say meekly.
A silence settled between the two of you and it wasn’t one of the good kind. It was rather the “My crush just saw me scratch my ass and pick my nose while farting” kind of silence that made one want to fling oneself out of the nearest window and into certain death.
It was very awkward silence.
You heard the guy clear his throat. “Uhm… Hello.”
Oh shit, he wanted to converse.
You started to hyperventilate for the fifth time in the span of a second before you almost slapped yourself.
Get your shit together, (Y/N). It’s a conversation. You can do this. Remember? You had plenty of conversations in your life!
But how should you answer? ‘Hello’ would sound too stiff. ‘Hi’ would sound like you were best friends and you didn’t even know this guy. But going back to Hello would signal to him that you wanted to talk which you actually didn’t. Meaning you wanted to have a conversation with him because it seemed to calm you down but you didn't want to be trapped in the social construct of a conversation and then accidentally make it really awkward and end up trapped in a long awkward silence knowing that he would judge you for the whole time you two were trapped in there. You really didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of someone who might be the last person to see you alive.
“Okay, I guess you don’t want to talk.” He said slowly and he sounded so unnervingly calm.
“Yes. I mean No. I mean No I- I mean I don’t want to talk. I mean I don't want not to talk- Ugh. I WANT to talk but I tried to negate it twice and it came out sounding like I didn’t want to talk when in fact I do.” You said and you mentally slapped yourself for that.
Great thinking, (Y/N). No more freestyle-conversation for you until you learn how to act like a person, you moron.
Suddenly you heard him chuckle at that before he started to laugh as quietly as he could. It seemed very sincere and gave you the more reason to slam your head against the wall. But you didn’t.
“Don’t worry, I get it.” he said and you wondered if he was lying.
“What’s your name?” he asked and you blurted out “Nineteen.”
A second passed.
“Your name is Nineteen?” he asked, genuinely concerned.
“No. I-I am nineteen years old. My name is (Y/N). I don’t know why but I thought you asked for my age because everyone here asks for my age first since this is actually just a summer job, you know and yeah.” you said. 
You didn’t know why you were still alive right now.
“Oh, cool. You got a summer job here?” He continued as if he still thought you were a sane person and you were very grateful for that.
“Y-Yeah. There was this representative at my college and I won the contest for a ‘summer job’. Depending on how I do, I might even get a permanent job offer for when I’m done with college.” You said. 
Your feet were hurting you and as if he could hear your thoughts you heard him sit down on the dirty elevator-floor before you could even ask yourself if it was okay for you to do so.
“Oh yeah, I heard of that. Congratulations, by the way.” His voice came from his sitting position. There was a smile in his voice and a sincerity you haven’t heard in a long time from someone else.
“Thank you.” You said, mimicking him and sitting down too. Your foot bumped against his when you tried to stretch your legs so you immediately pulled them back and just crossed your legs.
“What’s your name?” you asked, seemingly way calmer than before.
There was a moment of hesitation before he answered.
“Tim.” He said and you silently nodded.
“Hi, Tim.” You said and he let out a short chuckle.
“Hi (Y/N).”
“Do you think we are going to die here?” you asked.
“Okay, that escalated quickly.” He mumbled more to himself before you heard him continue.
“No. This building is very safe. The only thing worrying me is why our phones didn’t work. Mine is always charged and the backup generators should work anyways unless someone turned them off on purpose.”
You knew his words were supposed to be aimed at you but somewhere in the middle of it, he seemed to be talking to himself again. You still continued to listen.
“Well, my phone was low on battery anyway.” You said and he stopped at that for a moment.
“Mine was fully charged.” He said.
A pause.
“When did it turn off?” he asked and something in his voice made you answer it immediately.
“The same second the lights went out.” you said and even you realized how weird that sounded. There was still a little bit of battery left, a text message couldn’t possibly drain that much energy at once.
He was quiet for some time.
“What... does that mean?” you asked hesitantly.
“I don’t know yet, but it's not a good sign.” He said before he quickly added. “I still think we are safe here. Its probably a robbery of some kind and the energy will be back as soon as they are done.” He assured you and you didn’t believe a word he said.
“Bullshit.” You said forcefully in his direction.
“If what you just implied was true and someone messed with the energy enough to turn both our phones off at the top of the building then that’s definitely not a normal robbery. It's probably something bigger. Like super-villain big. So stop lying to me.”
You let your words hang in the air between the two of you and you just wished you could see his expression right now.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” He said after a while and you were surprised that he didn’t try to lie his way out of this.
“I didn’t want to worry you because you already seemed pretty freaked out.” He explained and you could understand that.
“Fair point.” You said and you both fell into your own thoughts again as the silence started.
“Hey, Tim?” You spoke after a while, which felt like an eternity. “Is Tim short for something? Like Timothy? Or Timotheus? Or is it just Tim?” you asked, hoping he wouldn’t ask why you would voice such a stupid question.
“Timothy.” He said and you could swear could hear him laugh but he didn’t make a sound. “But I prefer Tim.”
“Oh, so Timothy, like the Wayne one.” You said. “Or was it Drake-Wayne? Was it just Drake? Like the rapper? Shoot, Maybe I should know this since I'm working here. I hope they don’t quiz me on this or else it would really be embarrassing. I don’t even know how many children Mr. Wayne has. Is there like a chart or something?? They don’t quiz the employees here, do they?” you talked yourself into panic again.
“No. They definitely don’t.” he stated calmly and you were sure he was making fun of you.
“I mean they shouldn’t… It’s a weird thing to ask someone. And if someone does, just shoot a random number and make something up. That's what I like to do, anyway.” He said and you nodded, making a mental note of that.
“Right.” You said.
“You get anxious really easily.” Tim broke the silence absentmindedly.
“Yeah, It’s the Anxiety.” You shot back and it made him laugh again.
“Yeah, I figured. It was like my second guess.” He said and you smiled.
“Second? What was your first guess then?”
“The first was that you’re secretly the criminal responsible for this. Maybe your escape plan had failed and now that you’re trapped here with a civilian your cover is about to be blown.” 
You would lie if you said you wouldn’t like to hear the rest of this story.
“Wow.” You said. “That’s… very specific…. Su- Suspiciously specific.” You said, letting that sink in.
“Are you trying to tell me something with this, Timothy?” Was that even his real name?
“No.” The pause before he spoke was way too long for your comfort.
Way too long.
“And please call me Tim.”
“I’m curious now. Was there like… a third theory you had?” you licked your dry lips in nervousness.
“Yeah. That you’re nervous because of me.”
“Well, I certainly am now.”
“Yeah really. You could be a murderer for all I know. I mean you are so calm while we're stuck here, that kinda screams psychopath. And your name is Timothy. I dunno, there are a lot of red flags here.” You rambled on, not even sure yourself if you’re joking or not. But you mostly were.
“Hey, whats wrong with Timo-“
Suddenly you felt the elevator drop an inch and you almost pissed yourself.
Then the lights flickered and there was suddenly light illuminating the elevator.
“Oh, the lights are back on.” He said, looking up before he stood up again, pressing the emergency button. There was a voice that came from the speakers above and you registered him saying something but you didn’t really catch what he was saying as you just kept staring at him like a deer caught in headlights.
It was him.
Timothy Drake-Wayne.
It was him all along.
What the fuck did you say to him?
You were sure you insulted him at least three times in the span of this conversation and he didn’t even say a word! And looking at him now he sure looked a lot more handsome than he did in the papers and he was your boss in some kind of way, no, he was the boss of your bosses boss and you just called him a murderer and you would probably be kicked out the next thing right now and you wouldn’t even mind because why the fuck did you have to run your mouth like this?!?
“This might take a while. So, where were we?” he asked, letting himself slide down before glancing at you again.
“Right. I was possibly a psychopath.”
“I am so so so sorry.” Your face exploded in all shades of red as you pressed your lips together, avoiding his eyes at all cost.
“What for?” he chuckled with a lopsided smile. “I mean the name thing was kinda rude and I honestly want to know whats wrong with my name but you were just being honest.” He shrugged and you kind of wished the elevator would plunge to you to death. “Not many people here tell me that to my face.”
“Yeah, but it was only because I couldn’t see your face!”
“Why? Whats wrong with my face now?”
“Nothing! Its ridiculously stunning and it belongs to the guy owning this damn elevator.” You almost cursed.
“Bruce Wayne owns it.” He corrected you and he seemed surprised by your choice of words. “... and thanks?”
“You’re his son.” You retorted.
“Adoptive son.”
“Same thing.”
At that he paused, looking at the corner of the elevator. “No. Not according to some people.”
You stopped mid-thought.
“Oh.” You said, not knowing what else to say. 
But you had already shot yourself in the leg once, so why not reload?
“But why should it matter what other people think? It’s not their decision to make how you feel towards someone. Or what your relationship with them is.” You looked at your hands, fumbling with your fingers as you felt his eyes on you.
“Sometimes… biological parents… aren’t good.” you added.
Your heart was beating and you knew he was watching you but he didn’t say a word. He just listened to you, waiting for you to speak out what you were thinking. What you were implying.
You weren’t sure if you could.
“Are yours?” he asked and it felt like a little nudge. Soft but present. Like a calm hand on your shoulder, encouraging you to make the step.
What was it with him? How could he make you feel so calm with just his voice? With just his presence?  With this look in his eyes that you didn’t even have to see.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m eighteen..” You said. “It shouldn’t matter”
“Maybe it shouldn’t,” he said. His knees were up and his arms rested on them, crossed. He didn’t look like the co-owner of a company. He just looked like a guy with a lot on his mind. And lusciously messy hair. “But it does.”
Suddenly you heard a sound and both of you looked at your phones.
“My phone is on again... And its fully charged?” you said in confusion before he confirmed that his was too.
You both started to type away as you opened your friend's Messages.
Did you die again? HELLOOOOOOO?? You can’t insult my eyebrows and then JUST LEAVE ?!?!? What the fuck is wrong with you?? You know how insecure I am about this
There was a string of other nonsensical messages but you decided to reply immediately before the power went out again.
Stuck in an elevator. Power and phone went off. Just turned on again Still stuck And your eyebrows are shit
You smiled as you saw the bubble pop up, indicating that she was typing.
OKAY, FIRST OF ALL HOW DARE YOU? Second of all Are you okay? Did you call for help? Are you alone? Should I call and keep you company?
You quickly glanced over at Tim, as he seemed to be texting someone too, a slight frown on his face before you looked back at your phone.
Nope, not alone
A pause.
And who’s there with you??
You typed.
Theres a guy with me
Old or cute?
Second  And why are these the only two options?
You only realized how true this was when you typed it out. You were definitely attracted to him. Of course, you couldn’t fall for a cute barista or someone else. No, It had to be untouchable people like Batgirl and Bruce Wayne’s freaking son.
At least you weren’t aiming low.
What kind of cute?
Tim Drake
Since when is that a measurement in your book? I mean I won’t complain. He’s cute?
No It’s him.
The guy. In the Elevator. With me. Is him.
There was a long pause in which she didn’t even type and you were afraid that she had placed her phone down before you saw the bubble pop up.
Use protection.
You closed your eyes in resignation.
I’m going to slap you
Well, whats the problem?
I insulted him... I think?
Of course you did
I mean it
Thats the problem
Are you going to help me or be useless?
I dunno… My eyebrows are still hurt
Whoa we’re busting ot the full names now? Heavy.
I’m not good at this?
Good at what?
I know
Seriously, what are you trying to do? Apologize? What am I supposed to help you here with?? Give a girl something to work with!
You thought about your reply for a moment before typing it up.
You died just typing that up.
“I got some good and some bad news,” Tim said.
His voice ripped you out of your thought and you almost dropped the phone in a panic, afraid that he could read what you had just written. You placed it display-down on your lap, blushing.
“W-what?” you asked as you looked at him.
“Well, the good news is that there was a power outage and in the whole city. Something like a force-field-thing but we don’t know more.”
You blinked.
“Why is that good news?” you asked, confused.
“It means nobody targeted this building specifically. We are safe. Locked up but safe.”
Somehow, that made sense. But only in Gotham.
“And the bad news?” you asked.
“There is a lot happening right now and we might be stuck in here for a while because there are other emergencies that happened.” he explained carefully and you nodded.
That meant you would spend some time with him in here.
You glanced at your phone to see what your friend had answered.
Show him your tits
You blocked her.
“You look angry.” You noted, lying on the floor with his jacket underneath your head. He had insisted you take it and you learned how stubborn he could be.
“’M not.” He said absentmindedly while frowning at his phone.
“You sure do.” You said. He probably wasn’t even listening to you.
“Nope.” He said casually.
“Stop it.”
This was fun.
“Who are you texting?” you asked, bored out of your mind. It looked like he was doing something very important and you asked yourself if he was a workaholic. Or maybe he just enjoyed someone else's company more than yours?
Were you that boring?
“My brother.” He said, glancing over at you for a moment with a quick smile and suddenly you felt reassured again.
Damn, he was good.
“Hm.” You just said, not knowing how to answer to that.
“Why did you stop texting?” he asked, still typing away and you turned your head to him.
“What do you mean?” you asked confused.
“When your phone worked again you were texting with someone. And then you stopped.” he stated curiously and you realized that it was a main trait of his. Curiosity.
“My best friend.” You said, circling your finger over your phone that was laying on your stomach.
“But she’s being obnoxious again.” You finished drawing your circles and started drawing them in the other direction.
“How come?”
It was such a simple question but he seemed genuinely interested. At the same time, he wasn’t even looking at you and was typing on his screen. You didn’t know what to make of it.
Talk about mixed signals.
“She’s trying to set me up on blind dates and … she really doesn’t have the slightest clue what my type is.”
You paused a moment and he looked at you, fully.
“Jesus, that sounded stuck-up.” You realized horrified. “W-what I meant is that I don’t even know if I have a type myself and I didn’t mean it in a physical appearance-wise way but its just really uncomfortable when you sit with someone and try to talk to him and its just obvious they are here to hook up with your friend and not interested to talk to you, at all. You know?” You said, squinting up at the ceiling of the elevator, wondering why you just told him that. Why should he care?
Maybe it was the sleep deprivation.
You would probably regret this a lot tomorrow.
“Why... don’t you just tell her no?”
It sounded so simple when he said it.
Because she always agrees first and then it’s my fault when I cancel.
Because she is a little bit manipulative like that sometimes.
Because she keeps playing the victim whenever I do.
There where so many replies you could’ve given him but you didn’t. Instead, you sighed.
“Because I’m a pushover.” you said, and it rang true to you.
“You don’ sound like one.” He said, unsure of how to word it. “Or at least you don’t seem like one.”
“Thanks, guy who knows me for like two hours. At least that means I can fake dominance?”
He clicked his tongue.
“Yeah, ‘dominance’ is maybe a bit far-fetched,” he mumbled.
“Oh, shut up, Timothy.”
“I would really appreciate it f you would stop calling me that.”
“Why? What's wrong with Timothy?”
  “Maybe we should start recording diary entries to keep track of the days that had passed? In case someone finds us too late?”
You had taken off your shoes and his head rested on your bag. He had rolled up his sleeves and his tie was gone and it was seriously dangerous for you to look at him right now.
Somehow being stuck with him for 4 hours fo far made him seem so much more human than you would’ve ever imagined. This wasn’t the rich business-boy you heard of. This was fidgety, curious and sassy Tim. The elevator Tim.
“Jokes on you, I already made seven entries so far. Currently on entry eight, pondering about the symbolism of the elevator.” His Phone was gone and he was staring at the blinking lights with you. Occasionally closing his eyes as he seemed to be just as tired as you were.
In a normal setting you would’ve never been caught dead in such a position but somehow you stopped caring around the first hour that had passed. Social construct couldn’t harm you here anymore. It was a surreal plane of existence.
“Maybe the lights are the light that leads us to the afterlife?” you theorized and you saw him grin at that.
“And the buttons symbolize the levels of hell?” he added
“Heaven and hell.” You corrected.
“We’re somewhere on the top floor. What does that mean?”
You thought about it.
“That Satan and God are fighting for custody and god is winning?” you improvised on the spot.
He let out a laugh.
“Great. I’m gonna get adopted again.”
At that, you burst out laughing.
  “Why do you carry so many chocolate-bars in your bag? Did you raid a vending machine or something?” Tim looked at you, deeply concentrated as he took a bite from one of them.
“Pff, Because I always am prepared for being stranded on a deserted island like in Cast Away, duh.” You said, mockingly.
“And chocolate bars would be your number one priority in such a case?” he raised an eyebrow, crunching at the chocolate-chip one.
“What would be yours, Mr. Know-it-all?” you asked
“Water. Water and shelter, obviously.”
“Yeah, but I can’t exactly carry around a freaking tent with me everywhere.” You chuckled.
“Pff you could. With the right amount of dedication.” He smiled.
“People would think I’m paranoid.”
“A small price for survival, (Y/N).”
“Guess I’ll just die then?” you shrugged.
“Yeah …. Please don’t.”
He smiled weakly but there was something in his voice you couldn’t decipher.
  “Oh, that’s easy.” Tim said, eyes determined.
“I would kill Robin, Marry Nightwing and fuck Red Robin.” He said and you chuckled at the speed of which he answered that question.
“What did Robin ever do to you?”
“Do I have to answer this?” he asked dramatically.
“No, but why marry Nightwing? I want to know your thoughts behind it.”
“He seems like someone you could trust?” he motioned the usual ‘I don’t know’ motion and you accepted it.
“I’m not gonna question the Red Robin part.” You assured him and it seemed to pique his interest.
“Why not? Is it like….. a common thing to want?” he sounded almost worried and definitely confused.
“Well not that I know... but he seems like a loveable dork.” You chuckled. “He saved me once.”
“He… did?” He asked.
“Yeah. I almost walked into traffic once while I was distracted, long story, and he just pulled me back while swinging by and yelled ‘PAY ATTENTION’ and then he slammed against a building.” You laughed softly at the memory. “I felt so guilty for it but he was already gone before I could apologize.”
Tim went silent after that.
“If we ever get out of here, I want to eat a triple cheeseburger. Not the tiny ones. I’m talking about the ones that are as big as my face. The ones you could feed a small family with for three days, you know?”
You were hungry. 
There was more hunger than a few chocolate bars and some bubblegum could satisfy. Maybe it was also just the fantasy of being free and sitting in a fast food joint and stuffing your face that intensified that wish.
You wanted out of there and the need to get up and run was getting stronger and stronger with every passing minute. But at the same time, you wanted to stay and keep talking with him.
He gave you a kind of attention you’ve been desperately waiting and searching for and a part of you felt guilty that maybe he was forced to do so since he had nowhere else to go right now. But it felt so natural and sincere whenever he did that you wished it would never end.
When you didn’t get a response from him you turned your head, only to see him staring back at you. He immediately looked away.
“Y-yeah, me too.” He quickly said and you asked yourself what that look just now was supposed to mean.
  You opened your eyes, blinking at the bright light in the room.
Where were you?
Oh right, you were still trapped.
And you had fallen asleep.
You looked over at Tim, who was sitting up again.
You blushed deeply in embarrassment before you sat up too.
“Oh, you’re awake.” Tim looked at you again with a smile.
“Yeah … Uhm… How long was I gone?” you asked, hesitantly and you watched him look at his phone.
“About an hour.”
Your heart dropped.
“Oh. Thanks.” You couldn’t even believe you had the nerve to fall asleep in a situation like this but you were apparently tired enough to do so.
“What did I miss?” you asked and you definitely noticed how he hesitated and avoided your eyes.
“Your friend called.” He said. “And …. She sounded angry.”
Your heart dropped.
“You picked up??” you asked in disbelieve. What did she say to him?? Oh Dear Lord, please let her have shut her big mouth just once for this time, PLEASE.
“I- I really didn’t mean to pick up! But she called seven times and your phone wasn’t muted and when I wanted to mute it I saw her text of how worried she was and…” he trailed off and it was almost a little bit comforting to see him talk in a frenzy instead of you.
“What did she say?” you asked, having your mental fingers crossed and hoping for the best.
“Nothing much. She kept yelling and when I finally got a word in she hung up.” he said and you never felt more relieved than before.
 “Are you shitting me? That’s what he did??” you couldn’t contain yourself in laughter as you heard the story he had just told you. It made you feel a dozen times better about the ones you had told him before.
“Yeah. Bruce banned spoons after that. Except for the kitchen and dining room, of course.”
You laughed at that, even letting out a snort as you couldn’t contain it.
“No wonder he always looks so tired in all the pictures.” You chuckled.
“Besides that, I still can’t believe you have a dining room. One that you actually use.” You added.
Tim looked away and you had learned in the short time here with him that it meant he wasn’t quite comfortable with that topic.
“Yeah, comes with the job I guess?”
“How often do you guys just … you know, play hide and seek? Or Tag? Do you ever feel tempted?”
Tim chuckled.
“We did, once. We aren’t allowed to do that anymore. We lost Damian for two days and didn’t tell Bruce...” he trailed off.
You laughed again and you didn’t notice how much he seemed to enjoy that sound.
“I don't even want to know how you guys did that.” You said, grinning at the hilarity of it all.
“I’m not even sure I’m allowed to tell you, anyway.” He replied. You glanced over at him, opening your mouth to say something when you both heard a voice from outside. 
You both looked at the door from where the sound came.
It was the rescue workers. And suddenly a timer started to run down in your head that you didn’t know you would start to detest.
It was only a matter of time till this would end.
The men outside started the whole ‘Are you safe’ spiel and you heard Tim answer some of the questions. The only thing you could focus on was what the man had said.
“You’ll be out in 15 to 20 minutes.”
15 to 20 minutes.
That was by far not enough time.
Was it selfish of you to want to sit here with him and keep talking? Listening to his past shenanigans and the way he laughed when you told him yours? The way his brows creased when he was thinking or the completely surprised expression of his when you delivered a good comeback to his sassy remarks?
You probably shouldn’t feel this way anyways.
Wasn’t he technically your boss?
Even though he had told you that he really didn’t like it when you talk to him like he was this big shot, it still didn't change the fact that he was.
Or maybe it was your way of pushing him away? Your way of justifying why he would never be interested in you in this way.
“Hey, is everything okay?” Tim looked down at you and you honestly didn't know how to answer that. You sat up, hearing the workers trying to open the doors as you glanced at the jacket your head was lying on a second ago.
“This is going to sound stupid…” you said, already throwing the idea out of the window until you saw his face. It was concerned, almost worried and a little bit curious.
“Try me.” He said, encouragingly.
“I’m .. gonna miss this.” You said eyes averted to your shoes. The courage he had given you was gone and you wished you could take all that back.
“Being locked in?” he asked and you looked up at him, ready to tell him how stupid that question just was when you saw his smile. He understood.
You two shared a look.
“You know..” he started after a moment. “There is this place, a few blocks from here, that has really good burgers… At least I heard so.”
You chuckled.
“Oh, really? Even cheeseburgers?”
“Yupp. The big ones.”
“Sounds tempting.”
A heartbeat passed.
“Would you want to go with me?”
You thought about it.
“Like as newly formed friends or as a date?”
“Definitely a date.” he paused. “O-only if you want to.”
You could barely contain your smile as you heard the door crack open.
“I would love to.”
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dreammutual-remade · 6 years
high school!donghyuck
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request: idk if you’re taking reqs but i really like ur highscool aus so if u want to write one abt hyuck ill be :^))))))) - anonymous
word count: 5.1k
a/n: oof its been awhile unnies!!!! ive had exams for the past two weeks and I still have exams now so im sorry for not posting anything but reblogs with headassery in the tags!!! we are continuing the high school series n renjun is next!! since I got like 3 requests for him !!!!! hhehhehehheheh its gonna b cute <3 anyways hope u enjoy this I love my lil duckie baby
mark, renjun, jeno, donghyuck, jaemin, chenle, jisung
big oof i’m gonna cry while writing this
i’m running out of creative ways to say let’s dive in
let us take the plunge
okay!!!!!!!!!! so you’ve been an editor/writer for the school paper for pretty much all of your high school career
you’re not super well known though because you don’t try to take any credit for anything and always sign your pieces like “- the daily newspaper team” or smth 
anywhom you’ve always loved writing about the stuff around you or making up little short stories
one of your hobbies is just going people watching and trying to write down a brief description of people you see and what you think they’re on the way to do
you’ve befriended the baristas at your favorite spot, lucas and mark, and they always beg to read them but you never let them because mark is too nice to tell you it’s shit and lucas is too dumb to at least say it nicely
you’ve got at least 6 notebooks FULL of these little stories but you’ve never really ? showed anyone because wow showing others your work is Scary
criticism ???/$&/&:&:&:
it’s midway through the first semester of the school year and you’ve been super busy since it’s football season and you gotta write about all the games
and you haven’t had much time to write your cute little stories for yourself and you miss it a lot :/
this weekend though the chance of rain is SUPER high so the football game is cancelled and you have plenty of time to yourself !! :D
there is, a setback tho
u fckin softie
you decide to tough it out though and get suited up in some polka dot rain boots and a rain jacket and set off to find somewhere to chill
as you’re walking to the nearest lil greenhouse/cafe thing it starts raining ,, ,,, hARDER
when you started it wasn’t rlly raining it was just like that weird tension in the air right before the air pressure drops and it starts to rain and you were already on edge OOF
but then it’s raining so you clutch your notebook to your chest and dash
usain bolt had nothing on you girly you were ZOOM ZOOM
broom broom- doyoung
unfortunately you don’t make it though because with you head down to keep the rain out of your eyes you run RIGHT into someone’s CHEST !!!!!!
hehe u know i’m a sucker for these god damn TROPES
your notebook goes flying and and the arms attached to the Chest That Caused Your Grief come up to catch you by the arms
“oh gOD sorry are you okay ??? i wasn’t looking and i was trying to keep my journal dr- MY JOURNALSDJDDD”
you fling yourself out of this boys arms and pick up your soaking wet journal sadly
:((((((( you had so many stories in there wtf
“oh shit i’m sorry do you uh want me to buy you another one ???”
“no that’s okay it wasn’t your fault :( and it’s just a journal i’m only sad because all my stories are gone :(((((“
you finally look up from your Ruined journal to see , the prettiest boy
you can’t tell for sure cause his hair is soaking wet but it’s a bright red that looks a bit faded and his skin is tanned and golden like HONEY OOF
he meets your eyes and awkwardly smiles and he looks so GUILTY AW
“no really it’s fine don’t feel bad!!”
“okay but i feel bad what can i do to make it up to you?”
“hMMM you could come help me think of wacky stories about people who walk past”
“well if you INSIST m’lady”
“aw, never mind”
so in the pouring rain you both walk to cafe and find a little corner to people-watch in
on the way there he tells you his name is donghyuck but his friends call him hyuck
“dude that’s the sound goofy makes when he laughs your friends are terrible”
“oh my god i don’t even think they know what they’re saying HsjdjHEHHS”
after a couple minutes of bad goofy impressions you decide to call him duckie instead because ,,,, GARSH MICKEY 🤠🤠🤠
also because it’s cute
you didn’t hear this from me but he uwued so hard rip his street cred with the Boys
anyways right before you settle in you’re like hey uh did you have somewhere to be like weren’t you heading places
and he was like nah i like the rain it’s nice to just walk around feels GOOD
your eyes widen so big and he snorts because what’s so ridiculous about that
your dramatic ass tries to get up and LEAVE but he grabs your wrist and is like noooo we haven’t even written any stories yet why do you hate rain so much ??
you explain how thunder is the work of the devil and that lightning could strike you down where you stand at any moment and storms are EVIL
he chuckles and side eyes you
“aW you big wimp you’re afraid of thunderstorms aren’t you”
“yES. like any sane person would be”
“you know a lot of people actually like storms”
“like i said, SANE people do not”
and then you change the subject right quick because your face is getting RED with embarrassment
you n donghyuck spend like 2 hours just sitting in the corner and writing little scenarios on napkins
“oh shit that girl over there with the french braids is TOTALLY gonna marry hipster beanie guy in two years. mark my words”
“idk y/n she lowkey has the hots for the barista”
“ ew you mean mark??”
“yeah. now THAT man is a work of art”
“god what is wrong with you maybe you should buy me another book”
“too late now we’re FRIENDS and i don’t owe you ANYTHING”
“being friends doesn’t work like that at all but, okay”
at the end of the day you’ve got a stack of napkins with scribbled notes on them
(one of them has donghyuck’s number on it skdkkfjd)
he leaves you with a bright smile and you’re in awe this boy is so golden and lovely
oof and when you were still in the cafe his hair had dried to the unnatural red color that he ? somehow made look good ugh not fAIR
and it was a lil curly and fluffy and looked very soft :(((((
as you walk home you drift along the sidewalk with a stupid smile on your face wow please get a little less obvious hunty
when you get home the sun is setting and the rain has cleared and you are so Happy that was the best day !!!
you weren’t even scared of the thunder because whenever the sky would fckin CRACK OPEN hyuck would subtly try to keep your attention and distract you with questions
duckie: oH Hey uhhh so hOW do you even come up these stories ?):$:$ theyre so good
such a sweet boy uwu
when you get home your mom eyes you suspiciously as you drift down the hall towards your room but doesn’t comment
she didn’t need to though because you immediately return and tell her everything !!!
she encourages you to befriend him at school and see where it goes from there ;))) or just TEXT HIM
so you do
both of those things !!!
you: hey!! it’s y/n btw
duckie: hey! u make it home alive without the sky cracking open and killing u
you send him memes and he sends , even better ones back this boy is Husband Material
the next couple weeks you realize that hyuck is actually in like a lot of your classes
and he’s like yeah i don’t blame you for not noticing since your nose is always in one of those Damn Journals
can’t believe u smh
you start actually interacting with people in class
and by people i mean donghyuck and any of his friends who happen to be there
you literally get thrown into their friendgroup like one day you know donghyuck and have vaguely heard of jeno since he’s on the soccer team
and then the next you’re a part of the group message and jaemin begs for your math homework during lunch ????
“jaemin just dO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK FOR ONCE ???”
“ugh but i don’t know how”
“hey you know what maybe if you didn’t sleep in class you WOULD”
this is usually when duckie interjects with
“hey now girls, you’re both smart <3”
“i know im smart but , jaemin , i don’t know about him 😔😔”
poor jaemin leave him alone :(
jisung is , extREMELY awkward around you because he’s a Baby Freshman and you’re a Female Senior hsjdjf it’s so cute
and chenle is the complete opposite he IMMEDIATELY latches onto you and is always like
“y/n !!!! wanna watch this video of me singing and playing the piano when i was thirteen on live national television !!!!”
“y/N !!!!!!! can you drive me n jisung to get ice cream plEASE !!! we won’t even play PSY this time”
“okay,,,,, pinky promise?”
his pinky hooks around yours at an incredible speed as he jumps up and down with excitement
“pinky promise !!!!!!!!!!”
hyuck overhears and insists upon coming with for , unknown reasons
renjun and jeno keep snickering to each other across the lunch table too uGH
sneaky bastards !
after school you wait in the parking lot for the Babies with hyuck who looks rather flushed considering his skin is pretty tan and it takes a lot for him to visibly blush ??
“hey duckie boy you good?”
“haha yEAH uh just wondering where the boys are hhhh”
“oh yeah ! they should’ve been here like 10 mins ago”
your phone buzzes in your pocket and you go to check it to see a text in the group message
lele: hey y/n~ me n jisung can’t come we totally forgot we joined a frisbee team and there’s practice today !!!
blueberry: yeah ! have fun w/ hyuckie tho
moominluvr96: sjdjd i’m so proud of them
jenomunomunomu: absolute legends have fun at ur frisbee practice my sons
you: 🅱️ro i wanted to go home and SLEEP
blueberry: sorry ! xoxo :*
duckie: chenle my son ? how could you 🅱️etray me this way???
you: ur dead to me
you: literally what’s a chenle ?? sounds like a poisonous fruit
but tbh you’re just being Silly you don’t mind just going with Sunshine Boy
hyuck has only gotten redder as the texting went on though what’s his deal 0.0
you agree to take his car !
actually you insist because you don’t wanna drive but, let’s say you agreed
you find out that hyuck exclusively listens to hipster bands and the occasional troye sivan song because we love a gay legend
actually his music taste is ALL OVER THE PLACE but we r still boppin ladies
you roll the windows down even tho it’s Chilly and let your hand float in the breeze until your fingers start getting numb and you pull your hand back in and roll up the window
okay maybe that was a Bad Idea your fingers almost hurt they’re so cold and you’re rubbing the feeling back into them when hyuck clears his throat
you look up at him and he tilts his chin toward the hand he stretched toward you
you’re confused bc like ? i don’t have anything to give u duckie
he sighs anxiously
“just. give me your hand. mine are warm because i didn’t try to be cool and stick my hand out the window like this is a teen coming of age movie”
“have you ever just been nice and not followed it up with a weirdly specific insult”
“nope. now gimme”
you cautiously placed your hand in his and felt heat bloom all over your cheeks and trail up to your ears and down your neck
he gulps and interlocks your fingers and tucks them in the pocket of his hoodie
you have to lean against the console in between you a little so that your arm isn’t strained but it’s,,,,, Warm and Nice
you’re quick to continue the conversation like normal but your voice sometimes goes in and out since he is subconsciously rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand or tapping his fingers against yours
when you arrive you awkwardly pull your hand from his grip to get out of the car and he cringes a lil :(
you decide to be bold for once in your life and run around the car to catch up with him and shove your other hand into his
“this one’s cold too”
he ducks his head and smiles but gives your hand a lil squeeze :3 uwu
eventually though you do have to let go and enjoy your ice cream
you just make small talk with him about the newspaper and whatever homework is due the next day when a man walks in wearing BRIGHT RED CLOWN SHOES
the weirdest part though is the fact that other than the clown shoes the man is dressed like a body builder and has the hulking mass of one
and also there is a PARROT ON HIS SHOULDER ???
you and hyuck whip to face each other and then look back at the man
without looking away you slide your notebook to the middle of the table and flip open to where you’ve bookmarked the next available page
needless to say you both have a field day making up storylines for this man
“hey hyuckie i missed this it’s been forever since it’s been just the two of us and my journal”
“me too, sunshine”
“heY now you’re the sunshine in this relationship”
both of you choke at your use of the term “relationship” but continue with the conversation JSKSK
“alright but then you have to be the rain”
“aw you know i don’t like the rain”
“yes i know that’s why YOU are sunshine”
“kay but you are so much more like sunshine than i, an Emo”
“how bout i be sunshine since you like sunshine and me, and you be rain since i like rain and you”
OOF ????????
you blush for the Millionth Time and nod shyly and duckie is about to turn purple YIKES
you leave the ice cream shop and climb back in the car and the whole atmosphere is very Tense
you sigh because you miss holding his hand and then turn up the song on the radio which just happens to be, Walkin On Sunshine
THE !!! IRONY !!!
you giggle into your hand and he snorts and you both break into laughter
you plug your phone into the aux
“alright time for some Real Tunes”
“i swear to GOD if you play Bad Boy one more time i’m gonna LOSE IT”
“fuck you red velvet are LEGENDS”
“the only reason you know who they are is because mark tells everyone with a pulse that one of them is from canada just like him”
“okay and ??? i can still appreciate that they produce iconic songs only”
you playfully bicker the whole way back and when you get back to the school to pick up your car you realize you never even got to play your song
“for your information, i was in fact NOT going to play bad boy i was going to play the bop of the century, what is love by twice”
and then, with heavy sarcasm
“well gee why didn’t you just sAY SO”
then he giggles and grabs your hand to keep you from getting more than halfway out of the car
“okay okay you know i’m just messing with you”
“yes but leave my gorls out of it”
he releases your hand with fake disgust and wipes it on the passenger seat headrest
“ugh go home, gru”
“it’s a good meme and you can’t even deny it duckie boy”
you blow him a half serious half playful kiss as you bounce over to your car and climb in
you play bad boy and roll the windows down as you drive by his car just to spite him and he laughs good naturedly
it’s only when you get home that you’re like heyyyy nOW
you tell your mom about it and she’s like uHHH sounds like a DATE to me ???
but you’re Unsure so you don’t say anything to the others or hyuck just the usual goodnight texts and whatnot
although it could be argued ,, that goodnight texts are a little, relationship-y
it could also be argued , that you do have his contact name as , duckie☼♥
but those can be discussed another time
you continue to hang out with the boys although you refuse to allow them to sit with you at football games because they’re so DISTRACTING
jeno and jisung just fckin yell the whole time while you try to jot notes down to turn it into a story later for the paper
but you can’t concentrate or even figure out wtf is goin on because they’re scREAMING and jumping and messing you uP !
so you sent them elsewhere although,,, hyuck stayed with you
he always does “just in case you get cold or smth”
ur not fooling anyone hyuckie baby
and would you look at that time has FLOWN and it’s time for homecoming !!!!
you plan on going in a big group with hyuck and all The Boys and jaemin has even scored a date !!!
it was highkey through trickery but that’s okay
chenle and jisung are gonna wear matching shirts because they’re headass like that
you’ve already bought a dress and you haven’t ….. shown hyuckie……. just in case……… he asks you
since he…… hasn’t …… YET
renjun keeps assuring you that you don’t need to find a date and that everything is covered but ???? inch resting how duckie has done nOT ONE THING
alright the day of the dance you wake up feeling a little off but go through your normal saturday routine of eating a waffle and absentmindedly watching old gossip girl reruns
but later in the day you feel SHITTY
you’re flushed and your head hurts and it takes so much EFFORT just to get up and get a glass of water
you , comrade, are sick :-(
you text in the gm to let your boys know you can’t come
chenle thinks you’re faking until he calls and hears you sniffling and how rough your voice sounds
“chenle if it didn’t hurt to speak i would yell at u but my eyes are watering please just text me”
“oh,,,,sorry love u”
and then he hangs up real fast lmao
so you decide to just wallow in despair in your bed and rent overpriced movies on demand
there’s a half drank mug of tea that has long gone cold that contains the medicine you’re supposed to be taking but,, you can’t be bothered tbh lifting your hand is so hard
after a few movies and the sun setting there’s knock at the door ???
you barely hear it since you’re in your room with the door closed but /sigh/ you gotta go answer
you drag yourself out of bed and stumble to the front door and open it, immediately slumping against the frame
this whole time you have still not opened your eyes because light hurts a lil and you know your house well enough
in hindsight that was probably dumb considering you don’t know who’s at the door
you try to open your eyes but they only turn half lidded and droopy so you can just barely make out donghyuck looking Concerned on your front porch
“duckie? what are u doing here?”
“uhhh i uh came to take you to homecoming ??”
he then holds up some flowers and smiles awkwardly
“duckie. baby. sunshine. did u not read the texts i sent ? also it is VERY late to be asking me to homecoming. also, i am a little high on cold medication”
“srry princess, can i come in? you look like you need company and soup and possibly some Sarcastic Banter”
“sounds good duck”
“okay duckie was already incorrect please don’t shorten it to duck”
“you know i didn’t have to let you in”
“so what kind of soup do you want? :-)”
he busies himself attempting to make soup while you have melted into a chair at the dining table with one eye cracked open to watch him
he is very obviously Struggling so you wobble to your feet to stand behind him at the stove and maybe lean a little too much into his back to prop your chin up on his shoulder and reach a hand around him to turn the heat down on the stove
you’ve reached the point of I Don’t Give A Shit and have given up on trying not to be affectionate with him you’re too tired and sickly to restrain yourself and his heart is just steadily beating faster and faster
after your soup you drag him into your bedroom to force him to provide you warmth while watching another movie
but he digs his heels into the floor and tugs on your hand to turn you around
“since you’re missing homecoming….. wanna dance?”
“in my bedroom. while i’m dying. with no music.”
“i’ll take care of the music. cmon don’t be difficult”
“i’m not being difficult i’m just-
you’re cut off by him pressing a finger to your lips and going shhhhhh
you open your mouth to curse him out bc hOW DARE HE
but then he gently pulls you by the waist into his chest and does his best to tuck you under his chin
you’re too comfortable like this so you don’t bother admonishing him for earlier and just settle into his embrace
you loop your arms around his neck as he starts to sway you back and forth
after a couple seconds he starts humming, quietly at first and then louder
and then he starts singing and it’s so sO SWEET AND SOFT
you can feel each breath he takes under your hands and the vibrating of his vocal chords against your forehead and you just close your eyes and press closer to him
you’ve literally never been this content in your whole life binch
he is so warm and ever so often smooths a hand up and down your spine whenever you shiver a little or shift in his arms
when the song finishes you keep swaying with him a little while longer
you’re leaning against him so hard that like the majority of your weight is on him yikes
“babe are you asleep”
“pretty close though?”
he chuckles and presses a barely there kiss to the top of your head and sort of waddles the two of you over to the bed
you don’t even have to ask him to climb in with you that was The Plan, Stan
(that’s a saying and also i’m calling u a stan wow queen of puns)
as soon as he settles in you tuck yourself under his arm and throw an arm over him to play with the fingers of his other hand
you’ve got the breakfast club on and it’s Real Nap Hours
hyuck’s arm falls asleep pretty soon tho so instead you switch to laying on your sides facing each other with your face pressed into his neck and your arms draped over each other
right before you fade into unconciousness, he tilts his chin down and nudges his nose against yours to get your attention
your eyes flutter open and you look up at him while he smiles gently down at your sleepy expression aWE ???
“hey wanna be my date when you’re not on your death bed?”
“god, what a romantic. is that a shakespeare quote?”
“shut up and say yes”
“alright fine”
“with more enthusiasm!”
he shakes his head but then leans down to press a lingering kiss against your cheek before tucking you back against him and evening out his breathing
you fall asleep and dream of boys with beautiful voices who love to dance in the rain
a couple hours later you wake up to a forehead smooch and your Boy whispering bye angel
you sit up and whine and he’s like bby i have to go it’s like midnight n my momma wants me home :(((
you pout and he giggles and taps your lips with his index finger
“go back to sleep and i’ll text you something nice to wake up to yeah?”
you nod and grab his hand to kiss it before flopping back down and passing The Fuck Out
the next morning you wake up still feeling a bit shitty but smiling anyways bc you’ve scored the cutest boy in the universe uwu
he even kept his promise and left you a cute message to wake up to ;((((
duckie☼♥: good morning bbg i hope ur feeling better today and that the sun shines all day for u !!!
you: 💗💗💗💕💌💞💞💗😤💖🤧😔💗😔🤧😔🌺💐🌺🌺🌸💐😔💛😔💛💐🤧💐💐💖💖
duckie☼♥: noooo ur gross
you: you ruined it :(((
duckie☼♥: i mean noooo u gotta get better
you: okay :)))
you finally get over your cold like 4 days later and insist you’re fine to be Taken Out And Treated Like A Princess
he tells you to dress warm except gloves bc he wants to hold youR HAND CAN YOU BELIEVE
you’re weirdly not nervous ? like you thought you would be but you’re just excited and very happy !!!! uwu
he picks you up about an hour after school and reveals that he’s gonna take you to all the cafes in town to people watch and write stories which is !!! your favorite activity !!!!!!
“is it lame??? oh god you think it’s lame i’m so sORRY”
“nO!!! no i love it you did good”
“are you sure?”
“yes duckie”
“okay good i mean i knew you’d like it”
“but you just-“
“,,,,, nevermind”
you both hike around town until it gets late and you’re tired and you end up on a bench in the local park with his head in your lap and your fingers in his hair
you lightly scratch his scalp and hum and he practically PURRS like a cat
(furry ????? it’s more likely than you think)
his eyes are closed and you trace your fingers over his features lightly until it tickles and he scrunches up his nose aw bABY !!!!!
then, without opening his eyes
“so when are you gonna man up and kiss me?”
“first of all, i will never man up i prefer being female thanks. sECOND WHY DO I GOTTA DO IT”
“i asked you on the date !!! you gotta do something!!!”
“i held your hand first!!”
“after i literally offered my hand to you”
“uGH fine come here”
“no i’m not gonna ‘come here’ you literally just made a disgusted noise at the thought of kissing me”
“it wasn’t at the thought of kissing you it was just at you”
“this isn’t helping at all”
you roll your eyes playfully and then yank him up by the collar of his shirt to press your forehead against his
“does this help?”
aND THEN YOU LAY ONE ON HIM ??????:$&:&;&;
he sighs against your lips and sits up a little more so he can reach you better, smoothing a hand up to cup the side of your jaw and neck
you pull away and his eyes are still closed
“hmmm,,, yeah”
you scoff and drop him back to half laying on your lap
“you’re such a dork”
“yeah but i’m your dork now so it’s embarrassing for both of us”
“aw i wouldn’t have it any other way <333”
“is it just me or was that sarcasm”
“just you <3333”
screams when you call him that night lol
literally SCREECHES
chenle happens to be with him and screeches eVEN LOUDER
basically the whole group screams simultaneously they’ve been shipping it since day one
hyuck is a bit prideful so when you guys are out in public he’s not super affectionate but ,, when you’re not out
he’s wrapped around you like a koala and will never let go
you have to go pee? hold it
you’re dehydrated and dying? you can live off of his Love
your favorite activity to do together is BAKING because it never goes well no matter how hard you try
and although it usually ends in DISASTER it’s also a good time and afterwards duckie lets you curl up between his legs on the couch and nap uwu !
dating really didn’t change the dynamic between you two other than affection you still read each other to DUST on the regular  lmao
no one gets too harsh tho bc you love each other and whatnot
ugh love ruins all the FUN doesnt it :/
donghyuck makes it his business to know exactly when it will rain and makes sure to be with you when it does
at the first sight of clouds he is in your house with board games and movies and snuggles to distract you !!! what a sweetheart
on days when it’s really bad you just climb into bed and bury your face in his chest while he talks about whatever comes to mind and distracts you
he also takes to slumping down and falling asleep on your shoulder whenever you have movie nights together and it’s so CUTE
his little heart shaped lips and his cheeks always end up smushed and he just looks adorable wow rip you
he’s obsessed with your cheeks he loves to cup your face while he talks to you and press gentle kisses to them during Sleepy Time or when you part ways in the school hallways
if he’s excited he’ll bound up behind you and wrap his arms around you and kiss your cheek real hard and then start babbling about whatever’s got him so worked up
basically, hyuckie is a boy full of sunshine and passion and sarcasm and he’s the best boyfriend you could ever ask for :’-)
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readbythestarlight · 6 years
“This flask is Taliesin’s new character” shut up Sam don’t mock us
They’re FINALLY going to go check out the Taskers and i swear if Taliesin’s character isn’t with them I’m gonna die
(unless this is all a trick and Taliesin is just hanging out until Molly can reasonably be brought back…)
Caleb stepping in and doing some strategizing both makes me proud and makes me sad because I guarantee he was great at that before Everything happened
Beau and Caleb disagreeing over a spider
“Shady Debaters Debate Team” I would wear that shirt
Nila wants to use her lighting let her fuck people up with her lightning draw people outside for her to fry please
Yes please get yourself some goddamn healing potions
and good berries xD
The Bone Orchard…ooooooo
Necromancers maybe?
Please go to the Taskers first I feel like Taliesin has to be with them
If people have been torturning Jester I’m gonna cry she’s too sweet for this
Nila’s smell bag is so cute y’all stop teasing her
“You are relying on me, I’m very happy” sHE’S SO PURE
Oh shiiiiit she just saved them from freaky forest ground monsters that’s my girl!
Caleb getting tired of the debate and just heading over the gate
Not just carelessly flinging herself after him smh
Spooooooky place I don’t know how I feel about this
“Caduceus Clay” AND HES A CLERIC GOD BLESS Jester will be delighted that she doesn’t have to do all the healing anymore
Caduceus seems delightful I’m delighted I MISSED YOU TALIESIN
fuck i love him already
he’s like the goddamn grave keeper TALIESIN COULD YOU HAVE GONE ANY MORE GOTH
B: “You’re drinking dead-people tea?”
Cad: “Aren’t we all?”
…can’t bring Molly back. I’m not surprised at all given that it would be weird to bring his own character back, but still. That’s okay. It’s fine.
He just figured he’d sit there with his tea until someone came to help him leave lol
C: “Welcome to the Mighty Nein”
Cad: “There’s only, uh—“
B: “DON’T overthink it”
Nott shooting Beau to test Cad’s healing xD
fuuuuuuuck he dead
they needed him god dammit
I can’t decide if this is going to be a disaster, them going after them again right now, or???
Taking off her armor is a horrible idea guys
Guest!Ashley has the cutest face and the purest laugh??? I love her
While we’re on break I’m trying to decide, is it weird that Taliesin chose to play a cleric when they already have a cleric? Part of me is like “what if he did that because he knew they were gonna need the temporary heals and he’s just gonna stick around as Cad until Jester is back and then he’s gonna rez Molly” and part of me is just like bfs girl Molly is gone let him go??
I don’t think I’ll be able to move on from Molly for sure though until the M9 move on from Shady Creek, with Cad tagging along.
Frumpkin the 3-HP spider
Not asking Cad questions nervously is adorable
Beau just sticking her face in the bag for the luck orb xD
Caleb: talks about breaking a guy’s skull
Nila: “excellent”
Poor Taliesin having to figure out a whole new character. He’d barely really figured out Molly yet.
20 for a perception check nice job Keg!
Sumalee accidentally meta gaming is honestly just cute enough that i don’t even care she could metagame all day and i’d be fine with it
Matt looks so lost xD
good rolls, good rolls…
YAAAAAS NILA BASH HIM DO IT GIRL she’s been waiting to kill someone for so long
goddamn they handled that SO WELL LOOK AT THEM IM SO PROUD
“one was just enjoying the wind, and then darkness forever” Matt xD
Goddamn I can’t believe they pulled that off so well. Lorenzo better watch the fuck out.
Are we calling him Clay then because I liked Cad
Frumkpin the flying spider?? Methinks they all forgot Caleb made him a spider
Nila’s so excited to have like 32 gold she’s so cute you guys
Keg get another nat20 for stealth
okay… are they really unnoticed I’m nervous
B: “Look at the—look at the windows, too.”
Cad: “They’re nice.”
I love hiiiiiim
We can’t go get friends tho because they’re not HERE YET
Boy I can’t wait to see this map
Liam missing his rogue days hardcore right now lol
YAAAAS Taliesin with the nat20 deception I was so scared
“I’m gonna have an ulcer after this game” fucking SAME
Ashley and Sam holding hands like SAME god the stress
Also heck yeah we’re uncovering the maaaaap!
Liam is just very thoroughly uncovering the map
fuck don’t squish Frumpkin
“Hey Phil come help me kill this spider!”
Oh thank god good job poofing him out Caleb
I’m serous guys I love Caleb coming up with plans and leading the group in Fjord’s absence I love it
Hey Caleb can you teach Nott the door unlocking spell?
Keg: “Nott. Be careful.”
Nott: “…Do you care about me?”
K: “…Yeah.”
N: *happy wiggle*
Fuck I don’t like this they were doing so well but this is going to be a disaster
fuck it was going so well god DAMMIT Caleb this was a BAD PLAN
God they’re not even all together I am literally so afraid right now
Yessss hasted Keg
fuckfuckfuck im literally so fucking scared right now
okay good they missed Not
poison spray yesss that sounds nice and 12pts damage good girl
poor Sam has such a hard time with his rogue skills
fuck them up Keg
Yessssss kill him Keg my hero
Hasted Keg is the best man 4 attacks? She’s helping make up for a lack of Yasha
Keg getting between Nott and danger is so sweet I’m crying is she trying to make sure Molly does’t happen all over again
I would also die for Keg you guys
Sorry Phil you dead
Wait until you get in the room above the trap door at least Nila
I adore her
yesssss he misses
holy shit Nott put her prone I’m crying I’m sorry I doubted you Nott
Fuck up the barbarian Keg yessss
Action surge means what what is that it’s cool
NAT20 YAAAAAS Keg is the BEST you guys
What I’m taking from this is that women name Ashley make the best lady characters and get the job done
why are you spending key points in non-combat when Lorenzo is still out there somewhere
Oh jeez are Cad or Nila close enough to heal Keg if she needs it??
Liam and Matt gonna fight lol
Let Nila beat the door in
MOMMA POWERS ACTIVATE and she beats in the door HELL YEAH
Maybe she should have saved the totem for IN the trap door?
Sumalee is so concerned that she’s gonna make a mistake it’s cute
Cad coming in with the heals heck yes
“A cleric who likes to heal! It’s amazing” LOL Sam. My thoughts exactly though
This isn’t going terrible but it isn’t going great and I’m worried about what they will have left when it comes time to face Lorenzo
YEAAAAAH HDYWTDT CALEB HECK YES somebody grab Yasha’s sword
also damn Caleb you get vicious with that fire
oh baby
please don’t freak again Molly isn’t here to forehead kiss you out of it
Aw first time he managed not to have issues
Maybe Lorenzo isn’t home… that would be great…
Or he’s downstairs…
Damn, Taliesin, that’s so amazingly morbid and fantastic. Just melting them away into fertilizer.
Nott apologizing for not being able to unlock the door and Caleb reassuring her that it’s not her fault. My heart.
Trapped door.
They are all getting silly xD
Oh god okay here we go
“I like pink better than purple” Liam how dare you
Manacles again ffs Matt
God a whole underground place
“He’s looking for green or blue or goth”
Fuuuuck they gotta get through at least 3 more??
And still no Lorenzo
fuck i don’t like thiiiiiiis
Lorenzo is absolutely in there. If he was upstairs he would have come down.
You’re assuming that there isn’t another way out that they could escape through and flank you
Matt’s like “I just got the downstairs map out guys”
Cad/Clay/Whatever like “let’s just?? ask??”
Oh no
stop him
“fucking Phil, ammiright?”
fuck this son of a bitch up
16 damage fuck him uppppp Nila!
fuck him uuuuup Keg!
fuck him up Clay!
fuck him up Nott!
Clay just… turning him into mulch I’m crying
Damn I’m so impressed they took care of that so well
fuck traps
Nila being such a mom is my favorite like I’m so here for the peaceful person who has never hurt anyone, but will fuck you UP for touching their loved ones
it’s fine I’m only crying a little
“be well. be well my son.”
I’m very much crying
Let her rip it open Matt let her do it
Okay Nila it’s okay let Nott try or Caleb then if Nott can’t
SAM stop with the 1s!!
the power of love is stronger than metal bars hell yes
“I love it when it works for the narrative!” lol Matt at his most DM-i-est
oh god I’m gonna miss Nila so much
I’ve cried way too much these past like idk 7 episodes
Nila is forever a member of the M9 y’all save that feather
it’s fine
it’s totally fine
How many members of the M9 are there now
Fjord Jester Caleb Nott Beau Molly Yasha, then Shakaste, Cali, Kiri, Keg, Nila, and now Clay.
God this was such a good episode.
Caduceus is great guys. He’s different enough from Molly not to make me heartsore, and I think he’ll bring a nice new dynamic? I’m not at all disappointed by him (not that I expected to be, I knew Taliesin wouldn’t let us down).
I’m gonna miss Nila so much. Like Marisha said, she was the softness the group needed.
I can’t believe Sumalee has never properly played before! That’s amazing! She was amazing! I hope I can be half that great at my first proper game!
And I’m so excited to see how it goes next week, live from GenCon! Excited to see how this section wraps up. It’s gonna be amazing.
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onelovewonderwoman · 7 years
the bet || part i/iii || fuckboi!peter parker x reader
 oi, I don’t want to make this too long but.... IM BACK smh I’ve been so m.i.a. but that’s literally because I’ve been so busy and have bad writer’s block. Smh this probably ain’t even gon be good. But like I worked hard on it to have meaning and stuff and I rlly hope you guys enjoy it. I just want you guys to get straight to the story because you’ve waited so long for it and I’ve been teasing it sm smh. Just read it hope you enjoy muthertruckers😬
tags : @running-outta-time @i-just-wanna-run-hell @munalisax @themyscirahs @sammie-blogs @geeksareunique @violentlybarnes @geeksareunique
words : 11,197
warnings : fuckboi!peter parker, mild cussing, various mentions of sex, angst, ned needs a hug, peter needs a hug, you need a hug, everyone needs a hug
part ii
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”I bet you your whole Goddamn rep that you couldn’t get weird ass mcgee over there to sleep with you; you know, take her v-card. Before. We. Graduate.”
The words spoken smugly by one of Peter’s multiple friends at the lunch table caught his attention as quick as you could say, “Spider,” The statement challenged him, making him smirk at the smug boy before looking over his shoulder, almost savagely, at the fifteen year old girl huddled in her own little corner of a table in the back, her face morphing as she read through numerous pages of the thick book she held in her hands.
Watching the scene, Peter laughed and shook his head before turning back the group at his table, them looking deeply invested as to what would happen next, he spoke lowly, “Watch me.”
Peter stood from his seat, eyeing the young girl in her plain, baggy shirt, flipping pages quickly as she read vigorously through the book.
Since the eighth grade, Peter found himself sick of being pushed and bullied around by the older, more popular kids. His only friend had been Ned Leeds, one of the smartest kids in Midtown High along with himself, of course.
His patience grew thinner and thinner with the kids who poked and prodded at him for being the smallest out of all the boys, even some girls. They mocked him for his round glasses, and the fact that he only ever had one friend. They teased him endlessly for his stutter and the way he’d get nervous so easily.
So, he decided to change all of it.
He began to work out, growing stronger as years went by; he’d shed his tiny form and instead grew into a lean, muscular type. He traded in his glasses for contacts, dropped Ned, and grew into one of the most attractive boys in Midtown by the tenth grade. Most girls threw themselves at him, and he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t taken some of them ever so often. The new found confidence allowed him to grow out of his stutter, and rather into a cocky young man whose mouth doesn’t shut when it needs to.
There were the few girls in Midtown who never bothered, the ones he was glad didn’t; truth be told, there were some scary chics at that school.
But you; you intrigued him. He remembered seeing you up in most classes when it would be time to present something. He remembered how you stuttered and averted your eyes from everyone. Your head was always down and lost in your studies. Your [adjective], E/C eyes would always go wide when someone would try and speak to you, which never really happened often. You were quiet and reserved, which is how you liked it.
Peter licked his lips as he walked towards your [adjective] frame, smirking to himself as he walked past the table to greet you from behind.
Head still stuck in your book, you didn’t notice the seventeen year old boy around the table until a hand laid itself on your back, making your body clench and your head shoot to the boy behind you with wide eyes.
“Woah, woah,” Peter placed a hand on your upper arm, “It’s just me. I just want to talk.”
You watched with still wide eyes as he slung a leg over the bench, straddling it as he faced you, he nodded his head over to your book, “So, how's that book? Any good?”
Your mouth opened and closed multiple times, not believing that the most attractive guy in school (who happens to be two years older) was sitting in front of you, you spewed, “I - I - I - uh - I - I don’t - know?”
Peter laughed at her nervousness as she stared at him in shock and suspicion. Her whole body felt numb as she stared at him, fearful of what could happen next, ‘Is someone gonna jump up and prank me or something? Oh God, this could be a prank! No, he’s laughing genuinely. Oh, but what if it’s because someone’s behind me, ready to shower me in rotten eggs or something!’
Your head moved behind you quickly to check if anything was there, then turned back to the brown haired boy, “What… what do you want?”
“What, can’t I make some new friends?” Peter exclaimed falsely before chuckling, “Yeah, even I don’t believe that.”
You rolled your eyes slightly before reaching for your book, only to have Peter’s large hand grab yours, “Hey, hey, hey,” he stopped you, “Seriously though, I came here to ask if maybe you wanted to go out sometime.”
You other hand went to point at you as your face morphed into one of disbelief, mouthing, “Me?”
“Yeah,” Peter went on, smirking to himself as he played you, knowing his friends were watching from afar, he leaned forward a bit, “You’re pretty cute, you know that?”
“I thought,” you gulped, voice small, “I thought you didn’t date. You just, you know…”
Peter laughed again, his eyes examining you as he felt himself succeeding in the first part of his little plan, “Yeah, well, I’m graduating, in what, three months? Yeah. You know, I think it’s time I try relationships.”
“But why me?”
“Why not you?”
You laughed in nervousness, averting your eyes from him now. He spoke again,
“I don’t know how you get home from school, but don’t do it today; we’re going to my place. I’m driving.”
Before you could object, Peter stood up and gave you a wink before walking back to his friends, tugging on his bomber jacket and running a hand through his fluffy, very touchable hair.
‘What. The Hell. Just. Happened.’
True to his word, Peter had been waiting for you outside of the school building, wearing his signature smirk as always.
You watched as he pushed himself off the wall and walked towards you; his hair had been slightly disheveled and he’d shed his bomber jacket, wearing only a black T-shirt that eccentuated his very, very, attractive arms, leading you to believe that he’d just come from Gym class.
Your body tensed as he slung his arm over your shoulder and spoke to you lowly, “Looks to me like you were a bit slow today,” his mouth had been close to your ear as smiled smugly, his soft, brown hair brushing across your cheekbone, “Are you nervous, Y/N?”
“No,” you said quietly, “I just don’t know if you’re gonna murder me or something; this is kind of weird.”
Your own eyes widened at your ridiculous words of concern, Peter laughing loudly as you blushed up and storm.
“I’m not going to murder you,” Peter came down from laughter, looking as genuine as he could possibly muster when he said, “I like you, Y/N, a lot, actually.”
Your hands dropped from your bag straps to your sides, believing the boy’s words, smiling lightly when you spoke softly to yourself, “No one’s ever liked me before.”
Peter felt his smile falter a bit at the words you spoke, feeling only a tinge of guilt creep through; only a tinge, though.
“Welp,” Peter clapped his hands, “Come on, let’s go. My aunt’s not home today, late shift. We got the whole place to ourselves.”
You were oblivious to the suggestive tone in Peter’s voice, only following him to his car when he slung his arm over your shoulder once again.
“So, you live with your aunt?” You asked once you got into the passenger's seat.
“Yeah,” Peter paused before continuing stiffly, “My, uh, my parents were killed in a, uh, a plane crash.”
Your mouth shaped into an O, turning your head to face forward, hunching in defeat, ‘Why would you ask that, Y/N?’
“Well,” you tried to start up another conversation in the radio-less car, “I live with my mom. My parents are divorced and stuff, so, um,”
You looked over at Peter as he gave a distracted “Mhm,” staring at the road ahead of him until you stopped at a light.
“So, I’m just asking,” his head turned to look at you, “You’re a virgin, right?”
Your heart dropped to your stomach, mind blazing over in immediate anger. Shaking your head, your voice wavered, “I knew it. I knew all you wanted to do was get in my pants, ‘cause that’s all you ever want to do! You’re an asshole-,”
“Woah, hey, calm down,” Peter grabbed your wrist to stop your exaggerated hand movements, beginning to drive with the other hand as the light turned green, “I’m not trying to get in your pants. I meant it when I said I like you and want to try this relationship thing. I just want to know the boundaries.”
Peter felt a boost in pride as he lied himself through the situation after having slipped up with the previous question.
Your shoulders slumped, “Oh.”
“Yeah, ‘Oh’.”
You mumbled a sorry before keeping quiet the rest of the ride, internally scolding yourself for being so quick to assume things about him; which is something that probably happened a lot, and something you swore you’d never do to anybody, always having been judged as the weird, loner in everyone’s eyes.
“We’re here.”
You were brought back to reality when you heard Peter’s voice. He’d parked on a busy street beside an average apartment complex, ‘Huh, I would’ve thought he lived in a huge mansion or something,’ you shook your head at your thoughts, ‘You’ve been reading way too many cool, bad boy novels.’
After getting out the car, Peter led you to the front doors. The two of you made it to the elevator before Peter reached down and grasped your hand tightly, making you give him a questioning look, “You just look really beautiful, you know?” He paused, “And that doorman’s looking at you real funny.”
You blushed as red as a fire truck, not believing the words coming out of his mouth as something he’d say on the norm, “What’re you trying to do?”
“Be boyfriend like?” Peter tried, only to have you give him a deadpan look.
The elevator dinged, doors sliding open for the two of you to step in before they slid close again, leaving the two of you in privacy.
“Listen,” Peter started, “My friends don’t think I can be in a relationship. I don’t even think I can, but you’re the only girl who’s not throwing herself at me or who doesn’t want me at all. So, please, just give me a shot. At least ‘till you can get rid of me by graduation.”
“I will,” you smiled, “I’ll give you a shot, Peter.”
While you felt a huge burst of trust in him and that he wouldn’t cheat on you with his habits of sleeping around, Peter felt a huge burst of success as you believed his little sob story.
‘Got her trust.’
“You wanna go on a date tonight?”
Was the first thing Peter had said when he showed up at your locker the next day.
“I mean, I was just at your house yesterday and stuff,” you were shocked at his eagerness to go out with you, “No one usually wants to hang out that repetitively.”
Peter chuckled, “Yeah, well, I’m not exactly no one.”
You nodded and laughed to yourself, “Noted.”
You took the next few moments to stare into the boy’s doe eyes. It felt as though you could gaze into them forever and never get bored of the colour most people call plain and unoriginal; it was like the most interesting thing you’ve ever seen.
“So where are we going tonight?” You broke the silence, stepping back when you realized just how close the two of you were.
Peter thought for a moment before saying, “Just be pretty. I’ll pick you up at 7.”
With that, he left, leaving you with slight butterflies in your stomach. You smiled to yourself and thought, ‘He likes me.’
Getting home at 3:15 left you only 3 hours and 45 minutes to get ready for your date with Peter.
It was go time.
You spent about an hour and a half searching and searching through multiple outfits you could wear, wondering why in the Hell you had so many black leggings in your Goddamn drawers. You finally settled on a short sleeved, navy dress that went down to mid thigh with black flats.
After decided on your outfit, you decided that it had been so tiring that you needed a power nap. A fifteen minutes nap soon turned into a one hour and fifteen minutes nap.
By that point, you found that it had been 5:00 p.m. You had managed to take a shower and get your hair and makeup done in the record time of one hour and a half.
After changing and brushing your teeth, you collapsed onto your couch with 23 minutes to spare.
After only ten minutes, you heard the doorbell ring, shouting a “I’m coming!” before getting up and opening the door for whoever stood behind it, presumably Peter.
You were right; but, oh, did he look handsome. His normal fluffy hair had been gelled back neatly, and he wore a black dress shirt instead of the usual tight Tee. In his hand he had a single rose,
“I heard guys give girls flowers and stuff on the first date, so,”
He handed the rose to you, which you took gently and placed in quickly in the flower pot, that occupied other sorts of beautiful flowers, next to the door inside.
“So, now can you tell me where we’re going?” You asked once you stepped outside and began towards the car.
“Uh, yeah,” Peter opened the car door for you, “See, my aunt’s Italian,” he shut the door after you’d taken your seat, jogging over to the other side and opening the door, continuing to speak, “and, ever since I was young, she’d take me to this little Italian restaurant. We don’t go much now, but I figured it would make a good date scene. You’re okay with it?”
You smiled at the sentiment, “Yeah, it sounds great.”
Peter gave a tight lipped smile, “Cool.”
You both drove in a comfortable silence for a few moments before it was broken by Peter, asking, “So, have you ever had any past boyfriends?”
You squinted, “What kind of question is that to ask?”
“Well,” the car stopped at the light, the roads hadn’t been all that busy that night, “I just assumed since you agreed on a date with me, but girlfriends?”
“No!” You exclaimed, calming when you said the next words, “No, I just… you just shouldn’t ask someone that on the first date. It’s not necessarily the best topic, you know.”
Peter began driving once more, “So what, did you have a bad breakup or something?”
“No,” you mumbled, “I’ve never had a boyfriend.” ‘Hence my shock when you asked me out.’
Peter gave a ‘Hmph’ before pulling the car into a small parking lot next to a small looking, yet cute, restaurant, “This is it.”
You stared at the place while Peter looked for a parking spot, admiring the small candle lit place. The few windows it had had couples sitting by them, smiling and chatting happily. Numerous flower pots surrounded the tiny building, some even hanging from the entrance.
Once he’d parked, the two of you got out of the car. Peter reached to grab your hand as you walked, sending an warm, fuzzy feeling through your body.
“This is really something.” You looked over at Peter as you said that.
He smiled to himself, “Yeah.”
Once the two of you entered the restaurant, you watched as Peter interacted with the staff he knew oh so well. They greeted him with hugs and “Where have you been?”s. You watched as his smile broadened as it all happened; it was… heartwarming.
Soon enough, one of the waiters lead the two of you to a table, leaving soon after to tend to another one.
You spoke up, “It must be cool,” Peter’s attention shot to you, “I mean, to have what you have with the people here.”
Peter’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked you up and down, genuinely intrigued with your statement, ‘Most people wouldn’t think that. I guess you like the little things, huh?’, “Yeah, it is cool.”
As you both say in silence for a few moments, your eyes scanned the inside of the building, admiring the unique oil paintings that hung from the walls. The lights were laced with intricate designs, hung lowly from the ceiling, and lit dimly as many candles were sprawled out on each table. Single followers occupied them as well, ranging from roses to daisies.
Peter’s voice broke through your trance with the interior when he asked, “So your parents are divorced?”
“Oh,” you shook your head in nonchalance, “Yeah, it happened a long time ago. It’s really nothing. Everything’s cool between them.”
“That’s good,” he replied, “What about siblings?”
“Don’t have any. Hey,” you leant forward on your elbows, giving him a challenging yet playful look, “You seem to want to know an awful lot about me, you know, after the first drive together; what about you?”
“What about me?”
“I mean,” you slumped back in your chair, “I know that you get all the girls, and that you have a whole ton of friends, and you’re cool and all that, but I don’t know anything beyond that; and I don’t think your friends do too, huh?”
Peter only stared at you in what looked like resentment, but what was really shock at your observation.
You smiled knowingly, “So, I’m not wrong?”
Peter quickly brushed off your comment, replying with, “Let’s just order something.”
You mouthed “Okay” before bringing your head down to look at the menu, which had assortments of food that looked and sounded to be delicious.
A few more moments passed in silence until you heard Peter speak up again, raising your head up to face him, “I like science.”
He doesn’t know what appalled him to say that; a part of his old self, he guesses. The fact that someone, other than his aunt May, is wanting to get to know him, the real him, made him feel something he never thought he’d feel. You wanted to know the little, scrawny kid he used to be; and you seemed to like it by your reaction.
You bite your lip as you fought a smile, “You know, I just so happen to like science too.”
“Cool.” His smile was tight lipped.
‘Who said it was gonna be easy?’
“Peter, come on, don’t deny that Harry Potter is better than Star Wars. You just can’t!” You exclaimed as you walked beside the doe eyed boy.
Two weeks had passed since the date; since you’ve gotten to know Peter more than he wished for you to know him, and visa versa. Yeah, you were sneaky like that, despite all everyone could say is how nervous you get with people.
It had been a week, however, since Peter had stolen your first kiss. You had had another date just a week ago, where he took you to a fair going on for the school. He’d planted one of the most sweetest, gently kisses on you that, truthfully, shocked him more than you. The majority of the time, everything was rough with him. However, he found himself feeling the need to treat you as he saw you; sweet and delicate.
“No,” Peter stopped walked to face you, using gestures when he said, “Y/N, you’re delusional!”
“Says the boy who considered following the trend of bleaching their hair white.”
Peter’s eyebrows furrowed as his eyes widened, “How did you-,”
You put your hands on your hips, “Don’t think I didn’t see your gaze linger on that bypasser’s Goddamn yellow hair.”
“Observant. Noted.”
You smiled in accomplishment before Peter reached for your hand once more, grasping tightly for a reason he could not fathom,
“You suck.”
“You swallow.”
Peter’s head shot to you at your sudden words, making you blush and clear your throat, speaking sheepishly, “Sorry, force of habit.”
Peter eyebrow raised this time, making your eyes widen at the unclear explanation, “No! Not like that! I just mean-,”
Peter laughed, cutting you off, “I know what you mean, don’t worry.”
“Phew.” You somewhat leaned on Peter’s side as you resumed walking, only to be stopped by a loud shout from behind you,
“Hey, yo, Parker!”
“Shit.” Peter uttered under his breath, looking over at your concerned face.
The two of you turned to find a pack of his friends walking over to you, bumping into each other as they laughed and shouted with deep voices, cockiness the only thing evident on their facial expression.
“Hey, Parker,” Mark, the friend who’d bet Peter two weeks ago, looked you up and down as though he was eyeing his prey, “How’re you doing this fine afternoon.”
“Fine,” Peter said stiffly, releasing his hand from yours and crossing it over his chest, “What are you doing here? This isn’t really your scene.”
“Thought we’d find a new one, you know, keep it,” Mark smiled maniacally and winked at you, “fresh. Catch the best things here, dontcha?”
“So, you’re dating now, huh,” another one of Peter’s friends, Calvin, spoke up, “Thought you only took virginities.”
“Yeah, well you thought wrong,” Peter said through his teeth as he gestured towards you with his eyes, unbeknownst to you, “Now, leave. You’re ruining this shot I got.”
“Hold on just a second,” Mark raised his hands in defence, “I’m sure the guys would like to get to know your little girlfriend. Check her out, you know?”
‘Oh, I know perfectly well.’ Peter thought to himself.
As the boys started questioning you while they smiled maliciously and knowingly, Mark leant over to Peter, speaking lowly,
“Everything’s going pretty well for you, huh,” He leant closer to the boy’s ear as he stayed stiff, eyes staring forward, “Let’s up the ante; v-card, one month before graduation. 200 bucks; my old man’s loaded. Unless you’re too chicken. It’s just your reputation, nothing else really.”
Peter’s face stayed hard, feeling some guilt creep up on him as he watched your nervous face interact with his friends.
Only some guilt, though.
He gulped, face still straight, “Deal.”
Peter continued to watch your face as it morphed into different expressions. Your hair flew with the wind, the sun reflecting your eyes perfectly; the very ones he stared into when you’d gotten him to crack on the first date.
‘It’s a bet. Don’t be stupid.’
“Peter!” You squealed, “Put me down, now!”
Peter laughed and threw you onto his couch, playfully pouncing on you,
“Now,” he cracked his knuckles and smirked, “Since you couldn’t take that, let’s see how you take this.”
His hands moved down quickly as he began to tickle you all over your stomach, making you burst into laughter and gasp for air,
“Stop! I give in! I give in,” Peter stopped his movements as he continued to straddle you, leaning over as his body shook of laughter, you said remorsefully, “I hate you.”
“The door’s that way.”
You rolled your eyes at his antics. You smiled in admiration when he ran his hand through his soft, brown hair, falling in love with the fact that all he wore at home were shirts with stupid, little science puns, and sweaters that had “Midtown High School”,“Harvard”, and various more things imprinted on them.
Slowly, but surely, you noticed Peter leaning over to you, eyes slightly hooded as he stared at you lips, “I don’t think my aunt’s going to be home any time soon.”
You stared at his lips, muttering a distracted “Cool.” Before connecting eyes with him, leaning in closer and closer, until your lips grazed his and-,
“Peter!” You heard a shout as the front door bursted open, “Sorry I’m so late, hun, I got caught up at work.”
You heard footsteps coming your way, making you both completely move apart from each other. You saw his aunt May turn the corner, not facing the two of you just yet,
“Good news, though, I brought home a pi-,” she turned and saw you sitting on the other side of the couch, smiling sheepishly as you gave a tiny wave, making her finish with, “-zza.”
You gulped, biting your lip in nervousness, “Hi, Mrs. Parker. I’m - I’m Y/N.”
You waited for her say something, anything, just about losing hope when she stayed silent for the next while before she grinned broadly at the both of you, “It’s just May, Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
You only grinned back at the kind woman, happy that she didn’t think you were one of the girls Peter only fooled around with; presuming she knew about what Peter did before with other girls.
It wasn’t until after dinner with his aunt that Peter lead you to his room to be alone.
He let you in first, shutting the door behind him; after May had specifically told him not to do so. You looked around the fairly large room. Lamps and various lights were scattered everywhere, a bunk bed accommodated the left corner of the room, and desk sat beside the door with an arrangement of school supplies and textbooks.
“May really liked you,” Peter flopped down onto his bed, resting his hands behind his head as he sat semi upright, “Seriously, she wasn’t just being nice.”
During dinner, you and his aunt May had ceased to stop talking. The two of you bonded after the initial, kind of, awkward meeting. The woman loved you; yearning to know every detail about the “very beautiful girl Peter had decided to bring home,”.
You sat by Peter’s feet on his bed, “Well, I’m glad. She’s,” you smiled and laughed lightly, “quite a character.”
The young aunt didn’t cease to remind you that you were the first girl Peter’s brought home to meet her, and that she was secretly planning a wedding at the back of her mind after she’d seen you and how you treated her nephew, practically son.
“I mean, I guess that’s why you guys get along. You’ve got that in common,” Peter smirked as he looked at your challenging yet playful expression at his words, “I thought all you did was stutter and blush up until our little rendezvous at the restaurant.”
“Well, you did break the ice with the whole virgin question, so really, there was nothing to lose,” you smirked back at him, subconsciously leaning closer to him as he did too, “and I thought you took Spanish classes, Señor.”
Peter shrugged, face getting even closer to yours as his hands moved away from the back of his head to his sides, “Guess I’m a man of many tongues.”
“Yeah, I bet.” Your comment was supposed to come off as sarcastic, however ended up sounding somewhat dirty to the likes of Peter, who’d heard it all by that point.
Peter’s eyebrows raised, his eyes flashing down and back up your body, flicking his tongue over his bottom lip, “I could show you.”
At the words your body numbed, suddenly feeling hesitant and unsure of what to do next. Fluidly, Peter moved forward and grabbed your higher waist close to your breasts, pulling your body into his lap as if you weighed absolutely nothing. Your legs rested on one side of him, dangling over the edge of the bed as he sat near it. Your body stayed stiff as he brought up his, significantly, larger hand to brush away a loose strand of hair from your face.
Your breathing had turned into shaky breaths as his nose gently nudged yours. You felt his breath on your lips as you eventually made shy eye contact with him, hesitation and nervousness evident in your features. He spoke softly, “Relax.”
He brought his lips forward to land on yours softly, enticing a nervous squeak from you. His lips barely melded into yours as the kiss stayed feather soft, sending off light noises throughout the room. When your lips parted, Peter found himself murmuring words that made him recoil in the inside for a reason he couldn’t fathom then, “Trust me.”
Your lips reconnected with his after you gave him a curt nod, still unsure of what was to happen next. This time around, your lips melded with his roughly, your kissing lower than amateur compared to him. Without breaking the kiss, one of his hands moved to grab onto your leg, moving it over to his other side so you could straddle him. While the hand stayed gripping your thigh, the other moved to cup the back of your neck, pulling you even closer into the intimate make out.
You, on the other hand, were very unsure of where to place your hands. They roamed his chest for a while before you settled on awkwardly grabbing onto his shoulders. You stifled a whimper against his lips when you felt him tighten his hold on you, the sound only encouraging him further. Both hands moved to your lower back, slowly sliding down until they reached the hem of your leggings. His thumbs hooked over them, folding them over once before your arms moved behind you to still his hands as you pulled away from the kiss.
“Peter,” you said quickly, gulping before you continued, “I don’t want… to do anything, right now. I’m just… I’m not ready, at least not yet. I mean, we’ve only been together for a month.”
Peter, who had come so close to closing the bet he had only one more month for with his friends, had attempted to cover the disappointment he felt when he realized he had to wait longer, “Yeah, it’s fine.”
You looked at him with despair and guilt, “I’m sorry.”
“Really, no, it’s fine,” he shook his head before chuckling humorlessly, “It would be great if you got off me, though. I’m not really in the best… condition, right now.”
Your eyes widened once you felt what he was trying to notify you of. You jumped off, biting your lip as you walked backwards to give him space. You watched as he grabbed it pillow to set over his lap, staring awkwardly at whatever was in the corner ahead before saying, “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You flashed a nervous smile as you blushed like a mad men, “Yep, you too.”
Quickly, you ducked your head and grabbed your back from beside the desk, rushing out of his door to leave him with a very awkward situation to take care of.
“Pst, Peter!”
“What! What do you want? Jeez,”
“Your attention,” you said smartly to the sleeping boy on the Parker couch, “I wanted to tell you something.”
Peter wiped his eyes, looking over at the digital clock to see it was 12:54 a.m., looking over at the TV after to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire playing through the dragon battle scene.
“You fell asleep when they met Cedric for the first time,” Peter turned to look at you as you smiled cheekily, “You have a really cute snore. It’s like a kitten, really.”
Peter rolled his eyes, “Haha,” he shook his head, “Now, what’s so important that you had to wake me up from my kitten snores?”
Your face suddenly turned nervous, biting your bottom lip before you spoke up, “Peter, I trust you.”
Peter furrowed his eyebrows as he smiled confused, grabbing your hand to put into his, “Yeah, and I trust you too.”
“No,” you shook your head, desperate to find a way to tell him what you meant without having to explicitly say it, “I trust you. I know it’s been only, like, ten days since I said I wasn’t ready, and only almost two months since we’ve been together, but I trust you... a lot. I really want to be with you.”
Peter, who’d been taken by surprise, struggled to find his voice until he cleared his throat and spoke hoarsely, “What… why do you trust me so much if it’s only been two months? I mean, it was only ten days ago, what made you change your mind?”
You paused, then you looked into Peter’s eyes as you smiled, “You used to go after so many girls just for hookups, for something so meaningless,” you moved closer to him, grabbing his hands in yours, you chuckled, “But you gave relationships a shot; and you did that with me. You made your first relationship with me, and it’s not so bad either. You’ve really made me happier and less scared to be with someone. I trust you, Peter.”
Peter stared at you incredulously, “Damn.”
You looked shyly down at your touching hands before looking back up at him, eyes filled with love despite the nervousness.
For a moment, looking at the innocence that was you, Peter had come close to reconsidering the whole bet.
Come close.
He leaned over to cup your face, stroking your cheek as he smiled, “Thank you.”
‘God, I’m sorry.’
You woke up in a haze, your vision blurry as your eyes fluttered open to meet an unfamiliar green-ish wall. You slept on your stomach as your hands rested underneath head, a few strands of hair had fallen over your face. You attempted to move, but felt a heavy weight over your lower back, your body aching underneath it when you moved. Carefully, you turned your head to see Peter’s face close to yours. His eyes were closed and his mouth was parted as he continued to let out little even breaths as he slept. You smiled to yourself when recollection of the night before had come rushing back.
You continued to stare at Peter’s face with love and appreciation, not waking him up even though his arm was getting significantly heavier to your tired body as time went by. What seemed like forty, but was only ten, minutes that had gone by, Peter’s eyes began to squint open as they were so close to the line of sun that had come through the curtain.
His eyebrows furrowed as he smiled, pulling his arm off of you when he turned over from his side to his back, putting his hand over his eyes to block the oncoming sun, “Hey.”
You moved your body to lay on your side facing him, your hand going underneath the pillow when you said back lightly, “Hey.”
Peter chuckled looked at your huddled up figure, turning to his bedside table as he smiled and shook his head at you, “Last night was…,”
Peter’s hand grabbed his phone before his attention turned back to your face. Your smile was relaxed and made him realize just how uneasy he really was.
Peter let out a small sigh when he saw your eyes close once again, still awake, he knew that, but calm. His thumbs slip across his phone, unlocking it, only for you to hear him quickly type a text and send it.
“[Nickname],” Peter spoke softly to you, “I’m going to the washroom, you need anything while I’m up?”
You opened your eyes when you felt his weight shift off the bed. You watched as he pulled sweatpants on over his boxers, saying with a soft smile, “I’m fine.”
Peter smiled back at you before disappearing out the bedroom door.
You sighed to yourself, a grin making its way to your face as you stared at the ceiling. However, your thoughts of gratitude for the amazing boy were soon interrupted by the chiming of his phone. One ring turned into a billion as his phone began to blow up with texts.
Your expression soon turned into one of annoyance at Peter’s friends who, apparently, have thumbs as fast as that one guy in the news, Pietro Maximoff.
You reluctantly rolled out of bed, grabbing Peter’s shirt from the floor and putting it on quickly, not even bothering to untuck any hair in your vigorous attempt to get his friends to shut up.
You took a step to his bedside table, ‘How the Hell did he reach this shit from the bed? Fucking monkey ass arms… nice arms. Yeah. Nice arms.’
Grabbing the phone, you went to turn off the ringer, but you were stopped when your eyes had flashed over what looked to be your name. You had never been one to snoop, never. But the fact that his friends, you were guessing they were either Calvin and Mark, or of the same nature, were talking about you, didn’t seem like it would be good talk.
Curiosity got the best of you.
You bit your lip hard as you swiped open his phone, cursing as a password popped up. It was a word. ‘Think, think, think!’
You tried all sorts of different passwords before you realized it could lock you out at any time, making your choices much more limited. Giving up, you rolled your eyes and scoffed at yourself, ‘Oh, let’s try my name… as if.’
However, to your bafflement, when you typed in your name, the phone had unlocked itself, leaving you with an open group chat with five other guys; including Mark and Calvin, as you suspected.
You scrolled all the way up to where Peter had first texted,
Peter : Five weeks before grad. I think your old man owes me 200 Mark
Your eyebrows knitted at the text, ‘What’s five weeks before graduation? Why does Mark owe Pete $200?’
You continued to read on,
Calvin : No way you actually did it?
Flash : Damn good job u little asshole
Josh : i thought he would pussy out.
Wyatt : Did look like he was gettin soft
Your eyes zoomed over the texts, fearing Peter walking in on you on his phone without his knowledge.
‘Couples shouldn’t have to hide anything though.’
Even though you had been rushing to not incriminate yourself, your whole body froze when you read the last text,
Mark : goddamn parker, how you gonna tell that oblivious piece of shit y/n about our little bet? i can see her face now… good job pete. i underestimated you
“Hey, Y/N, you want breakfast now? I don’t know about you but I’m getting pretty hung-,” Peter’s figure appeared through the doorframe, his face twisting in a mix of anger and urgency, “What are you doing on my phone, Y/N?”
You stayed in place, eyes still reading over the last text Mark had sent before his other friends had continued boasting him on the chat. Your mind had managed to connect all the dots. It, however, left you fearing the truth and hoping it was all just one big misunderstanding.
“Y/N,” his voice became angry as he stayed in place, “What are you doing on my phon-,”
“What bet did you need to tell me about?” Your head shot up to look at his face, eyes filled with the desperate need of both the truth and to be lied to for your own sake, “Why can they imagine my face now? Why did they underestimate you; what did you do that was such a good job done?”
Your eyes filled with tears as you watched his face go from angered to guilt and regret.
Tears began to slowly spill from your eyes as your lips quivered and your voice shook, you said in a whisper, “Tell me it’s not true, Peter. Please, tell me it’s not true.”
You began shaking your head in denial as Peter edged closer to you, looking you in the eye, “Y/N… just - just listen. I just need you to listen.”
You shook your head more violently this time, “No.”
Peter came closer when he saw your body shaking as you cried and began to hyperventilate some, “Just calm down, please, [Nickname]. I don’t want you to hurt yoursel-,”
“Why, so you could be the one to just hurt me some more?” You looked at Peter in betrayal, tears still streaming down your face, “Isn’t that what you want? You… you.. asshole!”
Peter’s face morphed into one of shock at the sudden name. He shook it off quickly though, going to wrap his arms around you to get you to calm down, only to feel himself being pushed away roughly by your hands,
“Don’t you dare touch me.”
Your crying hadn’t ceased until you began to furiously wipe away your tears with your hands, trying to stop crying, but getting nowhere.
Peter’s voice cracked when he said weakly, “I didn’t want to hurt you.”
You gave a humourless laugh before realizing you had only his shirt on. The pressure of the situation became more pressing as stood in front of him almost bare, really remembering that you had given your virginity to a man you loved, but, as it turns, didn’t love you back.
Your hand rose to your face again, resting on your forehead. You hiccuped, “Where are my clothes?”
“Y/N, please, listen to m-,”
“Where are my clothes, Peter,” It wasn’t a question rather than a plead, “Just… where are my clothes.”
He simply found himself pointing at the dresser next to you in hopelessness, mumbling, “Top drawer.”
You moved quickly to the dresser and yanked it open, revealing your clothes. You quickly put them on over the underwear you already had on underneath his shirt, not even caring that he would see you naked when you changed your shirt, ‘It doesn’t even matter anymore.’
You pocketed your phone, which had been next to his on the table, and didn’t bother looking at him when you walked past his figure and into the living room.
Peter cursed frustratingly to himself, running out of the room to catch up with you. His hand caught your wrist and pulled up around to face him, “God,” his voice raised at you, not knowing how to handle the situation in any other way than to get somewhat aggressive as he would with his friends, “Just listen to me, Y/N! Stop doin-,”
“No, you listen,” you tore your wrist out of his hold, speaking slowly when you said you next words, “You are a coward, Peter Parker,” your voice became a whisper, “A. Coward.”
You turned away suddenly and moved across the rest of the living room to the front door, bending down to put on your shoes. Peter, who had followed you, stood and looked down at you in despair.
“Y/N,” his voice softened as he looked down at your hunched form attempting to tie your shoelaces, “I really do love you. It was a bet at first but… I fell in love with you.”
“And I couldn’t give a shit, Peter.”
His face morphed into one of shock at your cold tone and words. He watched as your face stayed stone hard with streaks of dried up tears and ones that threatened to spill over your face once more.
You stood up sneering at him, “I don’t care whether you fell in love with me or you didn’t, Parker,” you walked closer to him and gave a bitter laugh, “You know, I really hope it was worth it. I hope that the others see you as this God ‘cause it would’ve been all for nothing, but just know, Peter Benjamin Parker, that to me you are nothing - nothing - but a self absorbed,” your index finger poked his chest with each name you called him next, “attention seeking, manipulative fucking lying fucking pussy. You will never - ever - be anything more than that.”
You turned away from his wide eyed face filled with tears, brimming on the edge of escaping with a trembling body, and grabbing into the door handle and turning it, only to scoff and say pitily over your shoulder, “You know, I knew from the beginning that it had been some sort of play when you asked me out. You even told me you wanted to prove something to those guys; but you still went after whatever prize you could get from my - out of everything - virginity,” you let out a choked laugh filled with nothing but tears, “You are an ass for that, Parker, but I’m a damned fool for thinking that I could change you.”
You left without another word.
Peter stared after at the door after it had slammed closed. Tears managed to make their way down his cheeks part way through your speech and his breath was now laboured.
“God,” he sobbed, “God, fuck!”
His hand punched the wall beside him as his tears ran faster and his crying grew louder.
“I’m sorry,” his back hit the walls and he began to slide down with his hand over his face wet with tears, “I’m so sorry, Y/N, I’m so, so sorry.”
It was the next day when you walked into to school that only made matters worse. As predicted, Peter’s friends had run around gloating about how ‘their boy’ was practically a God at the school, being able to get anyone he pleases.
You spent that day earning sniggers from the populars and pitiful stares from the opposite. The numerous girls that Peter had taken, himself, took any opportunity to send murderous glares your way. So much talk had spread that even the likes of Michelle Jones, one of the most unimpressed and tough girls at Midtown who could never fall for the antics of Peter the God, had softened her usual hard stare when looking at you. What had shocked you even more had been when she approached you in the girls washroom during third period, not bearing supportive words,
“You’re an idiot.”
You eyebrows furrowed as you stared at her leaning against one of the out of order stalls through the mirror in front of you. Closing the tap, you turned and responded, making sure of what she had just seriously said, “Sorry?”
She nodded, shrugging her arms and allowing her crossed arms fall to her sides, “You’re an idiot.”
You opened your mouth to respond before you closed it again without a word, ‘You know what? I don’t need this right now.’ You shook your head and attempted to move past Michelle in haste, only to have her grab your arm and pull you back with strength you had no idea her body possessed,
She didn’t continued after that, making you nudge your head towards her with your eyebrows raised high.
Her eyes turned steely, “I said listen. Are you listening? Yes or no?”
“Yes,” your eyes widened at her passive aggressiveness before uttering under your breath, “Jeez.”
“I heard that. Anyway,” she paused, “You’re an idiot-,”
“Yes, you’ve said that countless times!” You rolled your eyes and tried to yank your arm out of her grasp, only to have her hold on tighter.
“Listen. To me,” her face came only a few inches apart from your with each word, pulling you closer to her, “Don’t. Speak.”
You huffed as she started again, “I know I’ve said it countless times, but you are an idiot. And before you roll your eyes and try to escape my killer grip, which you won’t, by the way, I’m going to tell you something,” Michelle brought you closer once more, staring at you intensely, “That Parker kid is possibly one of the biggest man whores I have ever laid my eyes on, but let me tell you that I can read everything that comes off all of these emotional, horny, pubescent teenagers in this entire school. But that’s regardless of the fact that Penis Parker hasn’t made a single noise or sex joke all school day, and I would know, I’m in every single one of his classes. Now, I don’t believe in love, it doesn’t make sense, and I don’t like things that don’t make sense, so obviously you did something that’s really bothering him or else he wouldn’t be acting this way.”
Michelle suddenly pushed you away and let go of your arm. She began walked backwards towards the exit of the washroom, continuing to speak as she did so, “I know you. I know you don’t get bullied or pushed around, no matter how small or nerdy you are, because you’re good with your words. Parker didn’t walk into school all high and mighty, but more like a pussy,” you flinched at the word, making Michelle smirk as she immediately knew what that meant, “I’m all for defending yourself; I’m a black woman in a small minded world; but there’s a point. This guy, he’s an ass, but he’s not exactly all that slick, you could’ve figured it out ‘cause of how smart you are.”
She pushed open the door to leave, but spoke for the last time before leaving, “You’re an idiot because you let him play you even though, I know you know, that he slipped up at some point and you had the feeling something was wrong, huh? You broke him down without giving him the warning he unintentionally gave you; you knew he cared about you after some point too, or else, trust me, he would’ve given up a month back. You hurt him for the sake of your own rep, or because of how Goddamn lonely you are and your hate for it. You found someone and you couldn’t let them go, and now that they want to leave, and you knew, so you gotta hurt them the only way you know how. I’m not a mind reader, but I really don’t think I’m wrong; I’m never wrong.”
You’re whole body had frozen at her words, tears gathering slightly in your eyes when you realized the truth to them. You gave a teary smile, clicking your tongue before you said, “Thanks.”
Michelle shook her head, both hands pushing the door open, “Don’t think I care about you. I’ve just been waiting to be all philosophical for a while now.”
You gave a choked laugh through the few tears that had managed to slip, “Okay, Michelle.”
She slipped through the door, shouting, “And go back to class without looking like a raccoon.”
At that, you spun around to face the mirror, finding clumps of black beginning to form underneath your eyes as a result of crying with mascara on.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit.” You began attempting to clean your eyes, ending up with no mascara at all after realizing the only way to actually clean it was to drench your whole eye.
You huffed as you looked at yourself for the final time in the washroom mirror before you turned on your heel when you finalized that you looked presentable enough.
As you walked out of the washroom and through the hallways, carrying the unnecessarily huge pass the school had students use when they left class for a moment, Michelle’s words had found their way back to you, “You broke him down without giving him the warning he unintentionally gave you; you knew he cared about you after some point too. You hurt him for the sake of your own rep.”
Those words didn’t cease to follow you back to class, nor did you forget them when you went back home to wallow, and even the next day at school.
That day at school, however, was just as different as the day before.
You had been walking, or more so jogging due to being late to class, through the halls when you hit a somebody, only for the two of you to fall to the ground. You looked up to apologize, only to be faced with a round faced boy with big dark eyes uttering apologies under his breath as he scattered around attempting to collect his stuff. The boy looked to be in hurry, his eyes widening when your hand had suddenly wrapped around his wrist. You gave him a soft look before saying sweetly, “Hey, calm down. Is everything okay?”
“No,” he shook his head, his eyebrows furrowing as he lightly shoved your hand away from him and went back to trying to pick up all his loose papers, “No, they’re gonna start again. I can’t - they - no-,”
Your eyebrows furrowed, opening your mouth to question him, only to be cut off by voices coming from the direction he’s bumped into her from,
“Oh, Neddy-Boy,” you recognized the voice as Mark, Peter’s friend who had made the bet in the first place, and you were right seeing as he showed up around the hall with his goons, face lighting up maniacally when he saw the two of you together, “Oh, this is so perfect. So, very perfect.”
Ned looked up at you, both of you still kneeling on the ground, eyes wide when he whispered, “You should go. This guys aren’t going to let off.”
You looked at him, grimacing, “Yeah, I know.”
Determined, you stood to face the group still walking towards you both. Your nostrils flared as you huffed, saying through your teeth, “Go away, Mark.”
“Go away?” Mark sneered, stopping only centimetres in front of you and leaning closer to your face as he spoke lowly, “Baby, you wouldn’t have had a bone to pick with us if you had just said that to Parker two months ago, now would you?”
Your mouth opened then closed, not trusting your voice as all anger towards Peter and them had come rushing back, Michelle’s words meaning nothing then.
Finally, you found your voice, “Shut up.”
“Awe,” your eyes only moved to watch as Calvin moved around you and Mark towards Ned’s cowering form, Mark still staring directly at you, “That’s cute.”
You heard the rest let out a chuckle. Calvin’s foot had begun kicking around some of Ned’s scattered papers, kicking him once in the process when he said, “Come on, Neddy, get up fatass. Come on!”
At that, you turned away from Mark and went to pull at Calvin’s arm to pull him away from hurting Ned anymore, “Get away from him.”
“Oh,” Mark pulled you away from them, yanking you roughly in the process, “You don’t want to do that, babe.”
“Yeah,” Wyatt spoke up, crossing his arms over his chest as he spoke roughly, “You think that just because Parker made you mad, that you can pick something with us?”
Josh spoke up, looking you up and down before he said lowly, “You would really, really regret that, Y/N.”
You glared as you tugged against Mark’s grip, only to have him hold on tighter. You shook your head, “Regret, my ass.”
Mark’s nostrils flared as he got angrier, bringing you closer when he literally spat, “You better watch your mou-,”
The boy had been cut off by your fist jamming hard into his unsuspecting face. His hand had moved to clutch into his nose, freeing you. You turned to see Calvin shell shocked as the others went to Mark’s aid, and Ned’s eyes wide in adoration. You moved quickly to Ned, dragging him up by the arm, and saying urgently, “Come on, let’s go!”
You only made it down the hall when you heard Mark’s voice shouting, “Get them, you Goddamn fucking idiots! Go!”
His shouting had attracted attention; student had Come piling out of their classrooms to see what had been going on. Laughing had soon begun to erupt when they’d seen to two of you running away from a bloody nosed Mark, all knowing what could’ve most likely happened.
Passing through the last hall, you saw, the one and only, Peter Parker. His face looked confused to see the two of you, uttering a confused, “Ned?” Teachers hadn't been able to weave through the students on time to get the two of you, but had tamed the four boys and sent them to the office. Their record at the school and outside already hinting them on to what could’ve possibly occurred.
Once the two of you had made it out of school grounds, you stopped to catch your breath, hunching over in the process, “Damn, I need to exercise more… just kidding, I don’t run.”
Ned gave a breathless laugh at the end comment, hunching over just the same. He spoke in between laboured breaths, “Why did you do that back there?”
“They’re assholes,” you looked around you, recognizing the open field just outside your school filled with trees, collapsing on the ground and leaning back against one, the sun burning, but the wind a cool breeze, “They always do that to you?”
“Not all the time,” Ned mimicked your actions and sat next to you, looking up at the blue sky, “They’re usually with Peter, and I guess he stops them or something. I don’t know…”
Your eyebrows furrowed, “Peter?”
“Yeah,” Ned smiled and huffed a laugh, “We used to be really close; best friends.”
“Well,” you turned your head and looked at the smart boy, “What happened?”
“Bullies happened,” Ned sighed then turned his head to look at you as well, “He wanted to be cool, and I supported him and stuff, but I didn’t know that would mean getting rid of me.”
You shook your head and let out a bitter laugh, turning back to look at the sky, “So he was an asshole from day one.”
“He’s not an ass,” Ned remorsefully, “He’s just hurt.”
You shook your head and turned back to him, “It still doesn’t give him the right to just dump you like that. You were there for him.”
You watched as Ned looked down at his interlaced hands, feeling sympathy for the shy boy. His best friend had left him because of his social status, and all he gets in return is worse bullying.
After few moments of silence, Ned spoke up again through the chirping of birds and faint sound of cars on the road a bit farther away from them, “Peter… It doesn’t matter that he dumped me for them; he had it worse and he got sick of it. It sucked. But he’s still a good guy, I know it.”
“No, Ned, you don’t,” Ned’s face morphed to one of sudden shock at your blunt words, “He’s nothing but an asshole. He’s changed into such a bad guy, Ned, and he’s not going to change back to the best friend he was to you any time soon.”
You watched as Ned looked back down at his hands, muttering, “You don’t know that.”
You shook your head, attempting to get through the boy’s head when you said with a strained voice, “Ned, the things he’s done to me… the way he tricked me. I just… I thought he was more than the popular, cool guy everyone sees him to be.”
Ned looked up at you, eyes slightly filled with tears when he said semi-desperately, “Yeah, and was a he a stupid science nerd? Does he still have those shirts with the science puns, and the glasses he stopped wearing for contacts?”
You stared at him in disbelief, only for him to continue, “Does he still love his aunt May as much as before? Does he still have that Lego Death Star in his room?”
Your eyebrows furrowed, “Lego Death Star?”
“Yeah, that’s mine, I really just want it back. But that’s besides the point,” Ned shook his head, “Y/N, if you saw any of that in the past two months, my best friend is still in there somewhere; my best friend.”
You voice wavered, “Ned, all he wanted was my virginity for a bet. He said he loved me-,”
“And if he’s still my best friend, he meant it; the old Peter means it when he says that kind of stuff,” Ned’s voice has been hopeful as he stood up from his seated spot and looked down at you, “He’s still there.”
You mimicked his actions and stood up to face him properly, shrugging your arms in a sense of giving up, “Then why did he still want the money, and the reputation? If he really cared and loved me like he said he did. I trusted him that early into our relationship because of who he used to be and the person I knew then, but it was all a lie, Ned. He’s not the old Peter-,”
“People screw up, Y/N,” Ned spoke softly, “Haven’t you ever screwed up?”
The only thoughts that had come to mind were still few of the many words that had been spoke by the eve so observant Michelle, “You’re an idiot because you let him play you even though, I know you know, that he slipped up at some point and you had the feeling something was wrong, huh? You broke him down without giving him the warning he unintentionally gave you; you knew he cared about you after some point too, or else, trust me, he would’ve given up a month back.”
“Yeah,” you bit your lip, “I have.”
“Why do you even want to talk to me,” Peter shook his head, “After everything I did to you.”
Four days after your encounter with Peter’s former best friend, you found yourself knocking on his apartment door at 8:26 p.m. on Saturday night. The talks with both Ned and Michelle had knocked more sense into you, more than you thought they would, a few days after.
“Uh,” Your form seemed, and felt, small surrounded by the door frame, “I don’t really want to, there’s just… I’ve just been thinking about what happened, and… there’s just this whole thing with Michelle and Ned, and now I don’t know how to feel about what happened between us. I just need to know what to feel by the end of this, ‘cause I’m so confused, Peter.”
Peter’s eyebrows furrowed, his hand clutching on tighter to his door knob in nervousness, “What… What are you confused about?”
“I just,” you paused, “I said some nasty things the other day that I shouldn’t have said. Michelle kinda made me realize what was wrong with me, and I guess I’m sorry for the things I said.”
Peter shook his head, “You shouldn’t be the one that’s sorr-,”
“It doesn’t matter, that was already hard enough for me to say as it is, don’t repeat it,” you cut him off before sighing in defeat, “I just wanna know why you did it, Peter.”
Peter looked down and shook his head, giving you a strained smile as he huffed a laugh, much like the way Ned had done on Tuesday, “I just wanted to prove something stupid to my friends.”
You nodded, muttering, “Okay,” before beginning to turn away from the boy and leave, forgetting Ned’s words about the old Peter still being in there and just being thankful you had apologized to avoid guilt. You had a feeling Michelle would forever haunt you if you hadn’t said anything regarding that.
You couldn’t leave, however, because you felt a hand wrap around your arm and yank you back lightly. A pale looking Peter looked you deep in the eyes when he said tearfully, “I don’t want to lose you. I did really fall in love with you; I wouldn’t be saying it if I didn’t mean it, trust me, I hate all that sappy stuff… I’m glad I took the bet.”
You shook your head in disbelief at the boy, old emotions resurfacing as you began to lose your sense of rationality once more, tearing as you said, “Then why did you still want the money? Why did you bring up sleeping with me before your grad? Why was the first thing you did after our first time together was texting your friends that you slept with the stupid, fifteen year old girl? Why did you do all that if you love me?”
“I don’t…,” Peter licked his lips in uneasiness as a tear slipped, “Reputation? I just… It’s the way things are!”
“The way things are?” You shook your head and moved closer to the older boy, “No, Peter, it’s not the way things are. Normal people, who do things the normal way, the way things are, don’t dump their best friends, or try to hurt a girl so bad as to make them fall in love and leave after they’ve taken what they wanted. That is not the way things are.”
“I don’t want to go back to the way things were!” Peter shouted at you suddenly, tears beginning to slowly flow, his hands and arms moving all over the place to express his anger and frustration with each word, “I don’t want to get shoved into lockers again! I don’t want to be poked and prodded at, and I don’t want to be scared again!”
“That doesn’t mean you have to hurt people,” tears of your own had begun to fall, “Peter, you can dress the way you do outside; in your leather jackets and jeans. You can gel your hair, and you can hang out with whoever you want. Just please; don’t hurt people. Don’t hurt me, and please don’t hurt Ned anymore.”
You took a shaky breath before whispering, “And I really am sorry that I hurt you. I just hadn’t been lonely for once in a long time.”
Peter’s doe eyes looked down at you in sadness and adoration, “I’m sorry.”
You nodded, “I know, Pete, I know.”
You both only stared at each other for a few moments before you heard a voice come from the hall,
“Y/N,” May smiled at you once she reached the door, “Hey, sweetheart, how’re you?”
You, who had managed to wipe away your tears before May could see as did Peter, gave her a smile back when replying, “I’m great, May.”
“That’s good,” May’s eyes shifted between the two of you suspiciously before speaking up, “You know, I just wanted to go make some dinner, but now I think I’m more into what’s going on here. Anything I should know?”
“Nope,” you laughed lightly before moving forward and giving Peter a knowing smile as your arms wrapped around his neck and shoulders to pull him into a hug as you still faced May, his arms wrapping around you as well, “I was just telling Peter about how he has to give that Lego Death Star back to Ned.”
You both watched as May’s eyes went wide at the name, “Ned? As in Ned Leeds?”
“Yeah.” Peter replied softly as he buried his face into your neck shamelessly, his soft brown curls tickling you slightly in the process.
“But I thought that…,” May paused then smiled at you disbelievingly, shaking her head in happiness, “You know what? Never mind.”
The young aunt snaked past the two of you and into the apartment, still smiling to herself the whole time as she watched your hugging forms.
“I’m not joking, though,” you muttered into Peter’s neck, “Ned really wants that thing back.”
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skia-oura · 6 years
Orange Lilies 12/12
A/N: Here we are, at the conclusion. Thank you all for taking this journey with me!
Prologue // Previous
What comes after.
           Tommy Hangar, while late-night dusting, absentmindedly turned on the TV to a ‘breaking news’ report about some disaster in Kabul. She paid it little mind—it was just for background noise, after all—until she heard the magic phrase, “Alcor the Dreambender,” and then suddenly she was Very Invested in this cover story. Tommy dropped the Everlasting Handheld Dustmop (also known as a rag with a bunch of spells in it in order to make it hardier and better at dusting) and stared for a moment before she recovered her wits.
           “Hon,” she called out, easing onto the couch like she was afraid it might bite, gaze focused on the screen on the wall showing a couple of well-dressed reporters. “Hon, you want to see this!”
           “I’m in the bathroom!” Filara’s voice was muffled by the door and distance between them. Tommy reached out with one finger and slid the volume up on the television unit.  
           “…see, the damage to the city was located in a somewhat economically depressed sector just east of the main downtown center. It seems to have started in this block of rented townhomes, as you can see from the aerial shot provided by first responders to the scene.”
           “Then hurry pissing and get out there, you want to see this!” Tommy yelled.
           “It’s a number two!” Tommy heard, but shortly after there was the sound of the toilet unit being flushed. Tommy leaned forward, her elbows on her legs, and stared at the devastation depicted even as the news anchors described it.
           “Shockwaves were reported at 3:26 local time to a nearby fire station from a location nearly a kilometer away from the epicenter. Shortly after, several buildings shook as though an extended earthquake event was occurring. Pedestrians were thrown from their feet, and some were crushed under collapsing walls that were torn apart by the force of the blows exchanged between two demonic forces. As we said earlier, one of the two demons was positively identified to be Alcor the Dreambender.”
           On the screen, buildings were partially to fully collapsed the closer they were to the epicenter, a partially still-standing block of townhomes. One of them had a hole in the roof, from what Tommy could see before the view faded back to the two anchors, faces stern. Down the hall, the bathroom door opened.
           “That’s correct, Penny,” the centaur said, their tail swishing behind them in what Tommy thought might be agitation. “Several consulting demonologists on the second-response team were quick to point out that not only was Alcor the Dreambender participating in a fight, but his opponent was another rather strong demon titled Lilith. From what we understand, the battle lasted perhaps three minutes above Kabul before being relocated to the nearby Hindu Kush mountains, but the consequences of the short encounter were huge for Kabul.”
           “All right, what do I have to see?” Filara asked, reaching over the back of the couch and pressing a kiss to Tommy’s neck. Tommy shivered and reached up to curve her hand along Filara’s cheek.
           “Just watch,” Tommy said. Filara hummed, then did that thing where she just climbed over the back of the couch instead of walking around to the other side like a normal person. Tommy sighed, and adjusted so that she could lean against Filara, her chin hooking into the valley of Filara’s shoulder.
           “So far, almost five hundred residences and places of work have been labeled non-viable, just over fifty have been found dead, and a further ninety six people have been injured. Experts estimate that there should be another one hundred casualties, though they differ in opinion on how many of these casualties should be fatal or simply injured.”
           Filara hummed. “This is awful, but why should I be seeing this?”
           “Shh,” Tommy said, patting Filara’s stomach.
           On screen, the centaur’s human companion nodded gravely. She picked up a data pad, glanced down at it, and then addressed the camera. “While it is historically one of the less traumatic incidences of fighting between Alcor and other demons, experts say to exercise caution. According to these experts, Alcor’s reemergence after such a long period of inactivity is something to watch. Please do not attempt to summon Alcor the Dreambender, as you will be putting your life as well of the lives of everybody around you at risk.”
           “Oh,” Filara said. She rubbed her hand down Tommy’s side. “Ah. I see.”
           “Unsurprisingly, when looking at historical cases such as the event that caused the formation of the Californian Federation over two millennia ago, this demonic encounter also made big changes to the environment. Mishana, take it away.”
           The centaur nodded. “Of course. It seems that, from initial reports, that the massively toxic Kabul river has somehow been purified of said dangerous toxins. The river has never been clearer. This footage, of the site where experts are nearly certain the remainder of the demonic encounter took place, will show you this odd phenomenon currently taking place.” The camera shifted to pan a view of what looked like it was a normal mountain range just a while ago, but now was some kind of weird freaky smooth melted-stone valley. The hair on the back of Tommy’s neck stood up just looking at it. She got further goosebumps at the way the river changed from murky and viscous to clear and quick at one point near the far end of the valley.
           “Well,” Filara said. “I’m not sure I ever want him in my house again, nice as it was to talk to him.”
           “Don’t think we have any kind of choice,” Tommy said, quietly. She stared at the screen. “And, well, as fucking awful as that horror shit looks, it can’t be all bad? I mean, the river’s so clear you could probably peep through it and see somebody changing on the other side.”
           Filara huffed. “Yes, romantic, way to remind me of how we met.”
           “Accident,” Tommy drawled. She had let Filara know that her windows should probably be dimmed, just in case, and by the way that was a cute mole she had on her butt. “Also, this house is in one piece, right? And so are we? And that little kiddiwink hangs around him. Could be worse.”
           On the screen, the news agency showed videos of the destruction in the mountains next to ones of the devastation in Kabul proper. Filara sighed. “Could be worse indeed.”
Pandemonium Server: “Sigil_Works”
General Channel
 Karl Svinhish 7:39 AM
Posting in all channels: Just as a reminder to all personnel, today is a half-day! Please only work three hours of your six. If you work more, we will know. We will find you. You will go home at some point.
 Ennis Hart 7:41 AM
lol what u gonna do, u can’t stop us from thinking at home, we got shit to get done and thru before the Terminator comes back
also u don’t gotta do that in all channels smh
 Karl Svinhish 7:41 AM
We cannot stop you from doing anything outside of the workplace, but please be reminded that as Thinktank department personnel, our insurance does not cover you for any sigil work done outside the premises!
 Sally Minh 7:42 AM
wait, mr. farkas is back??
 Ziyi Zhang 7:42 AM
Wait what??? My favorite????? Where was he????????
 Ennis Hart 7:42 AM
how the shit is bentley farkas, destroyer of dreams and rejecter of perfectly good plans, your fav
 Ziyi Zhang 7:43 AM
Bentley Farkas is a God among Mortals and you should not profane his name like this
 Sally Minh 7:44 AM
honestly, mr. farkas is Sigils Goals
 Anish Wellington 7:44 AM
Do we know what happened to him? He was kidnapped, right?
 Lucas Onderon 7:45 AM
yall are loud way too early in the morning. go away morning people
 Ennis Hart 7:45 AM
yeah he kidnapped i think?? i think sally took that phone call
also lucas turn us on mute if you want to sleep
 Lucas Onderon 7:46 AM
But now were talking about the mysterious mister farkas I need to put in my two cents
 Sally Minh 7:47 AM
yes, the police said that there had been an incident and that it looked like mr. farkas had been the victim of some kind of kidnapping, and had officially been listed as a missing person. they only  told me because literally nobody else was at work.
 Anish Wellington 7:48 AM
Thank you Sally. I will be sleeping again but if there are any updates, please tag me.
 Sally Mihn 7:48 AM
 Lucas Onderon 7:48 AM
and that is that benny boy might act super nice and be super smart and all that shit, but he got a stick up his ass and needs to chill out instead of freaking out over every single proposal we send him. hed gotten unbearable after minhaj left.
 Ziyi Zhang 7:49 AM
also u know that @BentleyFarkas is in this chat, right?? He’s going to see all of this.
 Lucas Onderon 7:50 AM
hes nerver in here nayways
*never in here anyways
 Karl Svinhish 7:50 AM
Please refrain from being rude! We do not tolerate bullying and rudeness in this chat, especially when those being bullied have been kidnapped and recently escaped said kidnapping!
 Ennis Hart 7:51 AM
holy shit wait he escaped?? Not police action or whatever??
 Sally Minh 7:51 AM
Is he okay?
 Ziyi Zhang 7:52 AM
yeah is he ok? Any deets?
 Lucas Onderon 7:52 AM
Bentley ‘gives in to puppy dog eyes’ farkas actually escaped? What?? you cant just leve it at that
@BentleyFarkas explain
 Karl Svinhish 7:53 AM
Leave him alone! He is recovering, and will be on indefinite leave of absence.
 Lucas Onderon 7:53 AM
 Karl Svinhish 7:53 AM
There is the possibility that he will be working remotely!
 Ennis Hart 7:54 AM
But u said we cant take work home???? insurance doesn’t cover outside work premises????
 Karl Svinhish 7:54 AM
That’s for the Thinktank department! Bentley Farkas has been consistently attentive to detail and is one of the leading minds in this field, and as such we have entered negotiations with our insurance agency.
 Ziyi Zhang 7:56 AM
why you hatin? bentley farkas is a god of sigils. i would say more but bentley is in this server.
 Ennis Hart 7:56 AM
U don’t see him in thinktank do u
 Sally Minh 7:56 AM
bc hes too good for thinktank
Bentley Farkas 7:57 AM
That’s bc Im too good at practics 4 u
 Lucas Onderon 7:57 AM
bc hes overrated is what and thinktank knows that
 Ziyi Zhang 7:57 AM
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BENTLEY??!??!!??!?
 Sally Minh 7:58 AM
mr. farkas???
 Lucas Onderon 7:58 AM
holy shit
 Bentley Farkas 7:59 AM
The rumors of my death were highly exaggerated. but im only saying that im alive and have my hands on a phone. i probs wont be coming back to work for a while. working things out.
 Ennis Hart 7:59 AM
send us a pic or ur an imposter
 Karl Svinish 8:00 AM
Please don’t feel pressured to do anything Bentley! We’re with you all the way. Also please send me the documents we discussed yesterday as soon as possible.
 Bentley Farkas 8:00 AM
It’s ok, promise not to scream.
 Ziyi Zhang 8:00 AM
           “Hey, this is Torako Lam! Leave a text for me after the beep, unless you’re my dads, in which case leave me a VM so that I can hear your voices! Have a great day, and stay cool.”
           “Hey Tora, this is your dear old Dad! Just calling in to check and see how you’re doing. You missed our weekly call yesterday. I know that Bentley going missing has been a big blow, and I’m worried about you. Please call me back! If nothing else, I can sort of keep you company for a bit. Love you lots!”
           “Torako, is everything okay? You haven’t responded to my texts or your Father’s. Your workplace said that you were on suspension. I just want to make sure that you’re doing all right. Tyrone hasn’t answered his phone either, and Bentley is obviously out of the question. Please call us back. Any time is okay, even at a god-awful hour in the morning. Love you so much, bye.”
           “Torako, this is Mama. Your Father called me, said that your Dad and he hadn’t heard from you at all lately? What’s up with that darling? They’re getting frightened that you’re dead. I told them that that’s nonsense, you’re far too tough for that. Your Father and I made you, after all! Then again, we made you, so I am a very small bit worried. If you have some troubles you can’t tell your Dad or Father, you can tell me. I know I’ve been busy recently, but I can make time for you. Loves and smooches, your Mama.”
           “Torako, what’s going on?? It’s been a week, and all we’ve heard out of you is one solitary ‘I love you, I’m alive’ text. Which, thank you, but also that’s worrying! Are you in danger? Is Tyrone gone too? I tried talking to some of your old hurling friends, but none of them know where you are. I will get on a port to your apartment in the next day if you don’t respond. I love you, but please tell me that you’re okay! Goodbye.”
           “Yo, Tora, it’s Hana, long time no talk! So your Dad contacted me yesterday about you being like out of town or out of touch or something? And I’m a little concerned?? I heard from him that your life partner went missing, which is sad and also makes me worried about you. Are you okay? I’m here for you if you need me. Catch you later!”
           “Torako, this is Officer Akuapem. Hepsa has been getting better. They think she can return to work next month. I hope things are going well for you. We are continuing to investigate. There seems to be a lead into Canada. We have been tracing emails. Maybe you already know this; we had a report of a break and enter a few days ago. It was to someone we thought might be tied into the investigation. Please be careful. Don’t do anything stupid.”
           “Tora, this is Lata’s mom. She said something about seeing you last night! Thank you for following up on that message; you don’t seem to have received any of my texts, so I thought I would try my had at a VM. It’s been so long since I left one! Again, thank you very much. When you find Bentley, let him know he was missed! I hope he is okay. That’s all, thanks! Goodbye!”
           “What’s going on Torako? Why did you send me that cryptic message that you love me and that if you don’t message me again you failed? What are you failing? Are you doing something stupid? Please don’t do this Torako. Don’t do this to us. Please be safe. I love you. Be safe. Stay safe. We love you.”
           “This is your Father. Please be careful. Your Dad is worried sick. We love you. Stay safe. Come home soon.”
End of messages. Do you want to delete these messages? Select yes, no, or other options.
Other options selected. Your options are: respond with call, respond via VM, respond via text, respond via film video, select and archive messages, forward mes—
Respond with call selected. Which messages would you like to respond to? Please select the releva—
Message “What’s going on Torako? Why—” selected. Sender: Dad. Time: 3 hours ago. Are you sure you want to select this message? Yes or—
Understood. Calling in three…two…one.
“Yo, hey Dad. Uh. Hi. How are you.”
“Torako?? Are you okay?? Where are you, what’s going on, is everything all right, what in the Fathomless Seas made you send such a frightening message?”
“So, funny story.” A laugh. “Not funny, but I’m more or less okay, only minimally hurt and traumatized. It’s fine. Also we’re outside right now.”
“Yeah, and uh,” Torako said, “Bentley’s been through shit and there’s some stuff we haven’t told you. So like. Yeah. Don’t scream when you come outside.”
Footsteps. “Scream, why would I scream?”
Opening door. Quick inhale, then the start of a scream before it is muffled behind a hand.
“I’ll explain everything, I promise,” Torako said. “Can we…come in?”
A pause. When spoken, the voice is a little strained. “Okay. Come in please.”
“Thank you, now let me just—” A click, and a dial tone that cuts out.
           The study was large and well-lit by two giant windows. Their thin, magically reinforced glass panes somehow seemed to let in more sunlight than they should be capable of, like they were capturing brightness and magnifying it to a subtle degree. There was a slightly dusty off-white desk in front of the shorter window at the head of the room. Stacks of books and papers and tablets towered in neat, short little hills, and there was an old-fashioned ballpoint pen sat in the middle, near a clear space for the user to sit at and work. A pair of archivists gloves was nearby, and a desk lamp floated at one corner. At the other corner, there was a small vase with two bright orange lilies caught in stasis.
           Runes flared along the edges of the ceiling, turning brighter and brighter until they burst in a small thunderclap of sound. The wallpaper tore, burned, and ash rained down on the formerly pristine room. It dotted the long red couch perpendicular to the desk in deceptively soft flakes, fragile and dangerous all at once. Flakes of burning wallpaper continued to fall down even as another presence filled the room, blacks and golds and browns and pale skin. Alcor the Dreambender cast his gaze about the room, face utterly still as he took it all in. The ash did not touch him. Nobody entered the room.
           He blinked, long and languid, at the floor to ceiling storage shelves containing all matter of memorabilia and research materials. He stared out the window at the deep, endless ocean, waves crashing against the cliffs below. He set his eyes on the desk, inhaled, and then drifted closer. With one gloved hand, he picked up one of the stacked antique books—Gleeful, Silent, Ferocious—and looked through it, flipping the pages slowly. He paused on one and read it more carefully, then snorted. “They get the funniest ideas,” he said, and he shut the book, set it on the desk carefully.
           Then he tilted his head at the tome. It had some wrong bits, but it wasn’t all that bad. There were a few that were decent, actually. Dipper tugged them from under the other stacks, sending them sliding down and across the desk. Torako would like them, he thought. And a couple were like, super rare, so if nothing else she could sell them online and get bank.
           Alcor slid the books into his stomach, feeling a little sick at the memory of pulling the three of them out of him: Bentley unconscious and with a sluggish heartbeat, Torako wide-eyed and trembling and barely keeping it together, Haji freaked out beyond measure. He’d made a deal—those memories for the means to get out of Kabul and somewhere safe—but Torako had refused to, clutching Bentley to her with a wild, nearly feral look on her face. But they were safe, now. They were safe.
           Though, Dipper thought as he considered exactly what he’d just done with the books, he’d still be careful about pulling them out in front of people. Maybe he wouldn’t pull them out in front of Bentley or Torako at all. Yes. That was the safest option. Torako’s dads would also possibly mind it if he extricated the books from his demonic bowels via tentacle too, thinking about it. Alone. Alone it was.
           He then looked up at the splash of orange, the lilies in the crystal vase, spinning slowly midair. Alcor the Dreambender reached out, and his gloves melted away so that his bare fingers could touch the petals. Lurid. Bright. Beautiful.
           If he’d gotten his hands on Fantino’s soul, they would have either been eaten, or would have suffered debilitating allergies to flowers for the next several lives.
           Instead Dipper withdrew his fingers and looked at the flowers. Then, he reached out again, blue fire sparking along the channels of friction ridges in the pads of his fingers, and touched them. The fire sputtered, then flared, consuming the flowers and shooting down the line of magic tethering them to the desk. Dipper stared at it, looked through the desk to the manuscripts of new publications in progress, and smiled. The fire wouldn’t stop until the house burned down.
           Dipper stayed a moment longer just to see the books and the desk and the tablets burst into flame, and then he blipped out of the study and its long, beautiful windows and its pristine pale features. The windows caught the light inside and amplified it, gently, subtly, to glow a soft blue that didn’t alarm the neighbors until it was too late for anything of Dr. Vallian Fantino to be saved.
           The air was heavy with salt, enough that when Bentley opened his mouth and breathed he could taste it on his tongue. It was also heavy with the sound of the tide, crashing and crumbling and receding with the tide. This beach was empty because of the dangerously sharp rocks tumbling on the seafloor not even two meters in from the edge. Honestly, though, that suited Bentley just fine, early in the morning with the night coolness still clinging to the breeze. Bentley closed his eyes, and breathed it in.
           It had been five days since they’d gone home, to Torako’s parents, and he still wasn’t tired of the feeling of natural air against his skin. He was tired of having to eat soft, bland food, and was tired of how odd it felt to go to the bathroom, but he wasn’t tired of being somewhere that rubbed against his skin and filled his chest with thrumming energy. He wasn’t tired of being able to refuse to go to a hospital, and instead have a hospital come to him.
           He also wasn’t tired of the feeling of sand on his skin. Bentley smiled, and wriggled his feet deeper into the soft sand. When he opened his eyes, the residual magic of it glimmered, just enough to be noticed but not enough to be distracting. It was nice. It was okay. It would be okay.
           Out further, where the sand became damp and the waves foamed with the force of their collisions, the water also glimmered, deep and dark like Dipper sometimes was. Bentley could see it now, more than ever: Dipper’s continuing influence on the islands, even after a long two millennia. It would have been something that explained how Dipper was able to hide his energy signature here so well. It would have been something Bentley’s Dad would have loved to know. Bentley set his face in his hands, his elbows on his knees, and looked out to sea.
           “What would you have thought of all this?” Bentley wondered out loud. The wind picked at his short hair, his long sleeves and his pants, and he felt cold despite the relative warmth. He thought about Fantino, and said, “What do you think of me now?”
           “What does who think of you now?”
           Bentley stiffened, but let out a deep breath and looked up over his shoulder. “Torako,” he said, and the warmth inside him wasn’t fake even if his dumb brain wouldn’t let go of the fact he’d dreamed about her being mean. Ugh.
           “Me? I think you’re pretty great,” she said, a crooked smile on her face. She dug her toes into the sand, sandals hanging from two hooked fingers. Bentley let out a fond, exasperated sigh.
            “Thanks,” Bentley said. “I think you’re pretty great too. Most of the time, at least.”
           Torako gasped and held her hand over her heart. “Only most of the time? Your conditional love wounds me.”
           Bentley snorted. “Sit down already, you goof.”
           She laughed and sat, legs stretching out, heels digging long trenches into the soft sand. Bentley watched how the morning sunlight glinted off the scars running root-like over her shins and calves, tangled and thin and innumerable. They too glimmered with magical byproduct. Everything glimmered these days, just about.
           “Hey.” Torako nudged his shoulder with hers. “It’s not a big deal, doesn’t even hurt.”
           “Because the doctors caught it in time to mitigate the damage, you mean.” Bentley shut out false memories of physical and emotional abuse and leaned into her. “Otherwise, you might have barely been able to walk because it would have hurt you so much.”
           Torako hummed. “Eh.”
           “Your bones had been shattered and then fused back together,” Bentley said. “You’re lucky it was fresh enough and magical enough that they could do a localized rewind on the bones.” Curses weren’t generally regarded as lucky, but in this case it was lucky that they could treat Torako’s leg as a curse.
           “Not the end of the world.” Torako shifted her legs so that her ankles crossed. Sand clung, dry, to her toes. “Besides, it didn’t happen, I’m fine. It’s a non-issue at this point, unlike you.”    
           This time, Bentley gasped and held his hand over his heart. “I’m an issue?” He knew when to leave something alone, even if shattering and melting was pretty damn traumatizing in his book.
           “Shut up, you’re not,” Torako said, grinning. She tousled his hair, and he hid a smile behind one hand at the familiarity. “No, I’m talking about what that place did to you—and don’t say it’s just cosmetic, you little shit.”
           Back at you, Bentley thought but didn’t say. “I mean,” he said instead, waving a hand at his face, “It kind of is? I look very different, and the nurse that visited said there wasn’t anything physically wrong with me.”
           “Pssh, I don’t need a nurse to tell that you’re also cold, like, all the time.” She pulled him closer and he let her, because he was cold and she looked very warm. “And you look at stuff funny sometimes, and you haven’t touched sigils since coming back, and the theft detector at the grocery store screamed at you going in. I think we need another specialist to come in to see you, actually.”
           “Let’s not. Also, the detector wasn’t my fault.” Bentley frowned at the waves further out, not because they had done anything wrong but because the grocery store experience had been awful. He would have made the very bad decision of running away if Torako hadn’t been with him, and if she hadn’t been shaking herself. They’d ended up just going home and letting her dads do the shopping.
           “Yes, that is true. But they never went off on you before, so that place absolutely did something to you. Somethings, even.”
           Bentley took a deep breath. He closed his eyes, then gave her a little noncommittal hum and snuggled into her. She was warm, as he’d thought. Torako slid her hand into his. He listened to her heartbeat, steady against the backdrop of crashing waves. They curled further into each other in silence. Bentley ended up with his legs slung over the valley of her lap, head resting at the hollow of her collarbone, her chin nestled on top of his head. Her arms were secure around him. It was…nice.
           He’d almost drifted off when she asked, “So what’s next?”
           The first somewhat intelligible sound he made was “Huh?” It was also probably the third of fourth sound he’d made, the first few being byproducts of transitioning into clearer awareness. Somewhere in the distance, seabirds called out. The horn of a fishing boat sounded, the blare of it softened by space. Bentley let out a slow breath, content.
           “What do we do now?” Torako asked. “Somehow, even if by some miracle I graduate, I don’t think that Officer Akuapem would support me entering the police force. And will you even go back to work? What do we—what happens, after the shit that we just went through?”
           Bentley cracked his eyes open. Before him, the beach stretched on into the horizon, buildings rising out of it and pressing up, up into the sky. On the left was the sea, dark with crests of white, shimmering with sunlight and supernatural energy. “I’ve been considering it. Going back, I mean. But…”
           Torako squeezed his hand, and waited for him to answer.
           “Sigils are…hard.” Bentley looked at their hands, at his mismatched fingers interspersed between hers. “And I don’t think I’ll stay there forever. Plus, you’re higher priority. I’ll go wherever you need to.”
           “No, silly, I go where you go.” She hugged him tighter. “You were in there a long time. You call the shots.”
           “And you found me,” Bentley murmured. He shifted back so he could look her in the eyes, so that she knew how much she meant. How much she mattered. “You searched long and hard and found me. I wouldn’t have…” he stopped, suddenly filled with shame and guilt and horror. He looked away, to the sea.
           Torako leaned forward to kiss him on the forehead. “You would have died,” she said. “You would have killed yourself.” Her voice shook a little when she said the words for him.
           Bentley swallowed against the stiffness of his throat, because she was right, and because he couldn’t say it. He knew it, but he couldn’t say it.
           “And that…” Torako took a deep breath. She pulled him back to her with soft but firm hands. “That really upsets me. Really. But you were—alone, and desperate, for so so long, so. I understand. It’s not okay but…I understand.”
           He squeezed her hand, watched the waves crumble into the sand. Watched them pull back, and do it over, and over, and over.
           “And we’re going to talk about that, as soon as you’re ready. First, though—what’s next? We can’t stay with my dads forever. Tyrone just about gives them a heart attack every time he shows up, I’m sure of it. They’re going to snap eventually.”
           Bentley managed a short laugh. “Yeah.” He breathed in, then out, then in and asked, “What do you want?”
           “Yeah,” he said. “I might be able to do remote work. So. What do you want?”
           This time, Torako was silent, and Bentley waited.
           “I don’t want to make you upset,” Torako said at length.
           “You won’t.” Bentley turned and pressed his cheek to her collarbone.
           She still hesitated. Birds called, the ocean sang a symphony, and somebody let out a jubilant shout for whatever reason, and Torako remained silent next to him.
           Bentley shifted to press a kiss to her collarbone instead of his cheek, and then slid his forehead to the same spot. “I promise.” If he got upset, he’d get over it.
           Torako let out a sigh of frustration. “Like, I miss it. Cult bashing. Parts of it, I mean, not everything. Being away from you sucked a lot.”
           He hummed to let her know he was still listening.
           “And I hate that you were missing. Like, even cult bashing, when I knew you were safe, I hated it. When I didn’t know? Hell. It was stressful, I was always tired, Dipper was a mess and I was a mess and everything was awful. Except, it kind of wasn’t. Looking back, there were parts I liked, you know?”
           When she didn’t continue immediately, Bentley prompted, “Like?”
           She nuzzled her nose into his hair. “Putting pieces together,” she murmured. “Not having all the bureaucratic tape to deal with. The thrill, sometimes. Imminent danger, not so much, but the adrenaline was…nice.”
           This wasn’t upsetting at all, though Bentley could maybe see why she thought he would think so. He didn’t say that yet, though. “So what’s next then?”
           There was a moment where all he heard from her was her breath, and then she asked, “You’re not upset?”
           “No,” he said. “So, tell me—what’s next?”
           “I,” she said. Then, she laughed and she tousled his hair again. “I asked you first, fishbrains! What’s next, huh, Bentley?”
           “Hey!” He swatted at her hand and rolled off her lap to kneel next to her. She was smiling, hair still slightly damp from her morning shower, tank-top sliding off her right shoulder. Her eyes gleamed with something that wasn’t magic, but Bentley almost felt was. Fondness blooming gentle in him, he raised his hands and cradled her face between them. Her smile slipped, eyes wide, and she looked at him like he was the most amazing thing in the world.
           He loved her, he realized again. He loved her like he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He didn’t love her like he wanted to engage in any kind of kissing, or groping, or even dating, but he wanted—he wanted. He wanted her with him for the rest of his life, and it was a realization that he’d made a long time ago but still didn’t know quite what to do with. Torako was—vibrant, and wonderful, and he’d long resigned himself to the possibility of another person wedging themselves between them, better and stronger. And maybe it wasn’t a healthy thought; pan trios, and quads, and even quints existed in the world, but something in him didn’t want another person. The rest of him knew that was selfish, and wrong, and that if Torako wanted to go, if she needed to go—he wouldn’t get in the way.
           But by the seas and the stars did he love her.
           “We…take it a day at a time,” he said.
           “That’s specific,” she said, eyebrows quirking and mouth slanting up, cockeyed.
           “Oh hush. We take it a day at a time,” he said again. “We figure our shit out as we go, and know that things’ll go wrong but that’s okay. We talk.”
           “I would hope so.”
           He smooshed her cheeks in, and she laughed, eyes squinting almost shut with joy. Bentley laughed at the sight of her.
           Gripping her cheeks between his fingers and pulling them out a little, he said, “We do stupid shit and try new things and try old things again. We…don’t stay on Minte de Daos, because, you know, Tyrone.”
           Torako reached out and grabbed his own face, so he quickly let go of her cheeks. She smirked at him. “Good plan. Very detailed.”
           “And,” he said, shuffling closer. The sand shifted around him. “We go back home. You see about school, I see about doing work away from work and cutting it down to part time, because I’m…messed up.” He bit his lip, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath before soldiering on. “I’m messed up, and I need help but I can’t get it because of what exactly went down. So I do my best to help myself. And I do my best to help you help yourself.”
           Torako nodded. Her palms relaxed against his cheeks. “Yeah. I can’t be your therapist, and you can’t be mine.”
           “And then, when you’re done with school…you look into options. Like, I don’t know, a private investigator.”
           She wrinkled her nose. “Ugh, that’s so much paperwork.”
           “So something else,” Bentley said, just as he heard a soft noise, like something tearing, like the sound of smoothing out a sheet of paper. “We can—we can figure it out as we go. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
           “What are we figuring out as we go?” Dipper asked. “And why are we holding each other’s faces?”
           Bentley looked up at Dipper, staring down at the both of them. Torako did the same. Dipper’s eyes were black and gold, even though the rest of him was as human as possible. “What to do next,” Bentley said.
           “Yeah, Tyrone,” Torako asked. “What’s next?”
           Dipper frowned at them. He pressed his lips together, and something flashed across his face before he shoved it down. Bentley’s smile dimmed, and he opened his mouth to—apologize? Say something?–when Dipper grinned wide and a little too sharp, and said, “There’s lots of options, but apparently one ends with either Torako or Bentley with sand up to their necks, so. There’s that!”
           Bentley looked at Torako, her face framed by his hands. Torako looked at him, and squished his cheeks a little. Then Torako looked up, smiled prettily in that way that made Bentley’s internal alarms scream with urgency, and said, “I think you left out an option,” before tackling Dipper into the sand. Dipper squawked and went down flailing his limbs and sending beach flying everywhere.
           “Get off! I am an almighty creature of pure energy!”
           Torako caught Bentley’s eye over her shoulder, and he grinned. With a little trepidation, a little nervousness, he sunk his finger into the sand. There was a moment after where he stared at the sand, its magic, and wondered if this was really such a good idea. He’d caused a lot of damage, back in the pocket dimension. The sand had power of its own, who knew how that would interact?
           Dipper screeched, Torako laughed, and Bentley drew a sigil. Behind them, the ocean undulated, waves cresting white out of the darkness of the water, seafoam fizzing against the porous sand of the shore. The tides moved, the currents shifted according to latent, now natural energy. Above, seabirds called and searched for food. A fishing boat pulled in its haul, protected by spells to ensure it wouldn’t lose any of its catch to mercenary fowl. A man on the beach a kilometer away kept staring at his phone and grinning. The mermaid civilization a few clicks away wove new birthing homes into being. A children’s class practiced hula on the shore, a cervitaur held up a shell to the sun to see how the light shone through, an old married couple held hands and walked, slow, along the tide where the sand was wet and firm and their rings glinted in the early morning.
           The world glimmered, bright.
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aja154ever · 6 years
GRANRODEO LIVE 2018 e-ZUKA Tokamachi Gaisen Rodeo Gottaku - 05/20/2018
Just a quick very personal write-up about this Sunday’s live because I’ve been sent to paradise again. I need to let my feelings out.
Set List
Pierrot Dancin’
Can Do
move on! イバラミチ
Urban Sweet
Snow Pallet
少年の果て (Acoustic)
Deadly Drive
modern strange cowboy
delight song
Infinite Love (Acoustic)
The Other self
Go For It!
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And ofc special tag @ikiyou Congratulations on overcoming the culture shock of a GRANRODEO live! How about the muscle pain the day after? 😂😂
So first of all, wow. I really went all the way to Niigata prefecture this time, which took like two and a half hours by bullet train + local train + walking, just to see GRANRODEO live. Is this the start of my “I’ll follow you wherever you go, Kiiyan” love story? (But hey, Niigata is actually e-zuka-san’s home lol)
It was my first time going out of Kanto region, and thus my first time to ride a bullet train. Luckily, ikiyou was able to go with me yayyy though we both were clueless most of the time during the whole trip lol.
When we got off at Tokamachi station, we were like, “Oh.” We were literally sent in the middle of the mountains and the rice fields, “Where the hell are we?” It was nevertheless very refreshing and calming to see Mother Nature for a long time.
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Tokamachi is supposedly the nearest station to the concert venue but it was still more than a kilometer away so we had to walk our way there. Because of the tight schedule, unfortunately we didn’t actually have the time to go around the town for sight-seeing or smth. So the walk from the station turned out to be our only chance to see the place. It was kind of shocking as the place looks very rural, far, far from the metropolitan that Tokyo is. There was not a single convenience store in the area (which is really weird because hey we’re in Japan) and for some reason we do not know, almost all the stores were closed. Aside from fellow Rodeo girls/boys heading to the venue, there were almost no people walking on the streets. But anyway, speaking of the streets, oh my gosh. They were playing GRANRODEO music on the town streets’ speakers. 😭😭😭
It was a wonder that a concert venue actually exists in that rural place. When we arrived at the venue, finally we got food yey. They were selling some GRANRODEO-themed food like the curry which recipe is made by e-zuka-san’s mom, crepe, and even bottled water.
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So we went inside and apparently the venue was smaller than I expected so our seats which are on the far right in the 7th row turned out to be closer to the stage than I imagined.
I’ve heard most of the songs in previous live concerts, so I’m not gonna talk about each song here.
SEED BLASTER - I am still wondering why they chose this song as the entrance for the two days. I’m not complaining but I was just not expecting it. 😊
Y.W.F - e-zuka-san made us dance the YMCA steps. Takita-san and Shin-kun also joined.
マジカルストーリー - This is magical. Kiiyan was so cute the whole time I don’t even know why
Urban Sweet - Just wanna say that I always like Kiiyan’s vocals for this song
Snow Pallet - OH MY GOSH. My inner self was crying. This is one of my favorite GR songs and finally, I heard it live! And we got to dance the cute steps with them. Gosh. I didn’t really expect this dream to come true this night. Me looking at Kiiyan’s big smile and biceps as I dance along with him while listening to him singing it. “Back-up dancers” in cow kigurumi costumes came out on stage to dance with us.
HAPPY LIFE, delight song - They are indeed happy songs. Also my first time hearing them live and they do sound better live!
少年の果て - Acoustic. Tbh I’m not a fan of this song but hey, it’s acoustic. Kiiyan was definitely shimmering akin to the flicker in my eyes as I looked at the source of the most beautiful sound in the world.
Deadly Drive - Oh my oh my oh my. It’s right there. My life. Bungou Stray dogs and GRANRODEO. I’ve been blessed.
NO PLACE LIKE A STAGE, カナリヤ, modern strange cowboy - Classic favorites for live performances. Always. Also, the main cause of post-live muscle pain 😂
Infinite Love - Acoustic played and sang by e-zuka-san as requested from his birthday last February. I really like this song in acoustic but I doubt if I’d ever have the chance to hear Kiiyan sing this live, so it’s actually remarkable that I heard it instead from e-zuka-san. And wow, it was definitely good! He was shining huhuhu and he even hit the high notes yeyy
Go For It! - IGPX will always be fun. Takita-san called out the Rodeo girls, Shin-kun the Rodeo boys, Kiiyan the swimsuit girls, and e-zuka-san playing around with Tokamachi locals and people not from Tokamachi which occurred for God knows how many times. And finally, IGPX 10 times with everyone!
Other notes:
Is it just me but Kiiyan’s biceps look bigger this time?? Or maybe I just missed them wait what are you saying I was not staring that much okay don’t judge me asdfghjkl but we can talk about it all day Anyway Kiiyan appeared in a hot red coat the first time aaaaahhhhh but ofc he had to take them off after two songs because he’s it’s hot
e-zuka-san talked a lot during the MC parts. I mean, A LOT. I didn’t understand most of them because he was speaking so fast (in Japanese ofc) and at times he even forgot what was he mainly talking about since new topics continued to branch out. One of the main talks was him talking about people he knew who came from Tokamachi who also got successful in music. It got too long he even suggested for Kiiyan to go take a rest backstage for a while lol
In the morning, Kiiyan and e-zuka-san walked around the town. Kiiyan found the place to be really beautiful (as seen in the photos he uploaded on Twitter). The first time he went to Niigata was last winter for Odorodeo, so back then it seemed like everything was pretty much covered in snow. Moreover, yesterday was raining and so it was only today that the weather turned out to be the best. He was like, “Ah so there are also other colors here aside from white.”
Meanwhile, Shin-kun and Takita-san shared that they really liked the food in Tokamachi like the soba, e-zuka-san’s mom’s curry, and the fresh vegetables.
In one of the songs (om I don't remember which), e-zuka-san went around the audience area on the first floor, from left all the way to the back then to the right 😭😭😭
Kiiyan gave us a special bonus when he walked all the way on both sides of the extended stage during Go For It!. On our side, he stopped in front of the farthest right seat on the sixth row so he was almost in front of us. I couldn’t handle it, I slapped ikiyou’s back a bit too strong and maybe I was squealing way too much. 😂 I really hope he saw us because hey it’s easy to spot foreigners in the crowd. Anyway two other blessed girls got to high-five him OMGeeeeeeeeeeeee
While Kiiyan always does the last jump at the end of every live, he made e-zuka-san jump this time. Our ojisan was so cute! He was definitely the star in this live!
Photos/Posts from Official Accounts:
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Oh my, I missed writing fan reports here! I did go to other events but I haven’t been feeling of writing them on tumblr. But this event is totally special being my first live outside Kanto, and also as GRANRODEO’s first full live this year. I definitely missed this feeling!! (Oh yeah including the muscle pain the morning after lol) Furthermore, venues with seats really provide a good space for a lot of movement. I am given the freedom to move and groove as much as I want compared to all-standing venues where we all squeeze and smh hurt one another, though that kind of fun is also special in its own way. But the good elevation of seat rows really gave us a good view of the stage the whole time.
Now, what’s next? Kiiyan’s birthday celebration in Yamaguchi? I absolutely want to but I still don’t know if I can afford to go there! Argh, it pains me to think about  it. Actually, it’s kinda sad that GR doesn’t seem to have a national tour this year. Anyway, no matter what, there’s still G13 in December! Time to go to Osaka yeyyy!
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xaestheticpeterx · 6 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by an absolute dahling: @gayover-lord
I was also tagged by the great @madmadmilk instead of making a completely different post I'm putting them together because they are literally the exact same questions! The minute the other one is posted I will make a separate list with links to them all as well as asks so you all can get to know me better! I'm very open with my life and some people find that disturbing... But I have nothing to hide so... 😬)
Nickname: Lil, Lilly, Loni, Moana (by my 3 year old cousin), Fala Fala (by my aunt lmao), lawnmower (my 17 year old cousin), munchie (my grandmother smh)
Gender: Female
Zodiac: Aquarius!!
Height: 5’7"
Age: 1 and 7 ( add it together ;) )
Time: 4:00 pm Florida time as I'm on vaca but 1:00 pm California time (my home)
Favorite bands/solo artist: Bon Iver, Sleeping At Last, The Neighborhood, Florence and the Machine, Jaymes Young, Arctic Monkeys, Imagine Dragons, Lorde, the Queen B, Marina and the Diamonds, SYML, Christina Perri, alt-j, the xx, of monsters and men, Lana Del Rey (and we're gonna stop here cause if I kept going we'd be here all day)
Song stuck in my head: Put It On Me by Matt Maeson
Last movie I saw: In The Heart of the Sea
Last show I watched: New Girl!! (I love this show so much. I watch it on repeat lol)
Last thing I googled: Why does it feel like my heart is stopping sometimes (The answer I got was because Tom Holland is sugar, spice and everything nice. Thanks Google)
Other Blogs: I have a main blog and this is my side fan blog cause I used to spam my friends with all kinds of shiz
Do I get asks: Yeah a few here and there
Why I chose my username: because I love anything and everything aesthetic and Peter is a bean. The x's are only there cause aestheticpeter was taken.
Following: I follow a lot of peter parker and tom holland blogs and authors. Marvel accounts. I love so many other accounts but I just haven't gotten to following them yet
What I’m wearing: atm I'm wearing a red tank top and high waisted shorts
Average amount of sleep: on a school night 6-7 hours but now I'm out I've been having horrible insomnia and will sleep 4-5 hours
Lucky number: 4!!
Dream job: I have a ton but I've always wanted to be an actress. If I never make it then be anywhere in the filming industry cause I love movies and everything behind the scenes. Also a writer, journalist, and anything in fashion. Idk there's a lot
Dream trip: EVERYWHERE!!!
Play an instrument: ha NOPE! But I've always wanted to play the guitar and piano!
Nationality: la la la la la la la America (west side story reference. Highly doubt anyone got that. If you did YO I LOVE YOU!)
Favorite songs: 😬 wayyyy too goddamn many
Tagged: ( I don't know over 20 people so I'm putting mutuals and some accounts that follow me chosen at random. If you follow me or we are mutuals but don't want to do it I'm completely okay with that! You are amazing and just keep doing you boo! But if you do end up doing it, you are equally just as amazing and I'm so excited to learn more about you love!!) ALSO P.S. If you've already done a tag game but I've still added you to the list I'm sorry! I'm trying to pick new people who I haven't seen yet!!
@simplechicwithacrazedheart @iaiabear @upsidedownparker @underoossss @parkeret @staygoldspidey @fwmholland @smileyhollander @tomsfireheart @eversincetom @emistrash @beautiful-holland @veronicas-littleworld @bluelalal @spideyshere @rocellem @jollydolans @thomaslefteyebrow @taybugstuff @spidertcm
whoever does decide to do this I will also be reblogging you and creating a post called "meet my followers" and put you all in there and put it up on my bio! Sort of apart of my 100 celebration!
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mintchocfringe · 6 years
10 Biases
Hi hello there I've been tagged by my good pal @pepperminthiya to talk about 10 biases, so enjoy me ranting about my faves because I never do that..... anyway onto the love 😎 I’ve been putting off finishing this bc I lowkey expose myself but sure here we are......
1) Taehyung - BTS
One of my ultimate baes, I really do adore him a lot. He’s so positive, friendly, and bubbly, big lov. I need a minute to talk about his vocal range, because fam it’s very impressive (i’m a music person, i’m in the know) and he has this beautiful, rich voice and I just *clutches heart* love it. I need to talk about stage presence because onstage tae and off stage are different people I swear (esp during Blood Sweat and Tears, that stage where he had the fake scars on his back omllllllllll) and he’s so charismatic!! Big love. Also, he’s adorable! Oh my god so soft and fluffy which makes my heart go w h o o s h, but will also!!! come for my life !!! (y’all saw the dispatch photos I was unable to cope).
2) Hoseok - BTS 
Okay listen. I have been bias wrecked by j-hope for so long that i’m just lying to myself if I don’t bias him at this point. I've been biased the whole time and just never said so.....I really do love him with all my heart, he’s so full of life and energetic, is always picking people up when they’re down and just a genuine good person. Hope World really shook me to my core, the lyrics and everything about it really reached out to me but I loved him so much even beforehand. He’s so talented in so many ways and is super charismatic as well, big big love. Also there’s something about the tonality of his voice as well??? I don’t know how to properly describe it but the whole kinda baritone/raspy thing he has going on ??? oof
3) Irene - Red Velvet
Right okay so I just a minute because i’m so incredibly snatched by Irene, I mean her surname is Bae!!! Meant to be. I love her because aside from being incredibly stunning (how is one person allowed to be that gorgeous omg) she’s so dorky and cute too? Like in her own kind of quieter way but she can be vvv serious, Mama Irene the Ironing Cooking Queen but also silly and funny too. Of late she has been so down for raising up women which I am all about! I only stan intellectuals after all!
4) JiU - Dreamcatcher
 This girl, let me tell you. She may the “fake maknae” type, but she is a powerful woman. Can rock literally every hair colour without trying, can be good at any concept without even trying and she just amazes me. She’s so dorky and weird omg???? Like talks about such weird things and behaves like a toddler on a sugar high but is also a slaying queen??? I am unable to cope, I love her so much. Her vocals are kind of honey-like and really sweet which just makes me ;_; Also she loves the colour pink more than life itself and it’s so cute asjakls
5) Jun - Seventeen
OOoooooooooookay. Where to begin with the vampire meme prince of China??? (I won’t stop talking about his vampire web drama you can’t make me mom). I’m so affected by his presence it’s embarrassing. He’s too powerful and actually damages my general stability in life. So powerful that I abandoned Hoshi for him...(I was always biased though, I was out there watching his web drama calling myself a hoshi stan dasjdalkjds). He embodies “duality of man” so much I get whiplash from him smh... Can be so present on stage and such a character but is a soft baby too??? He makes his little puns (lest we forget ajun nice) and cares for the other members so much and is really really soft. Can be the cutest patoot in the whole world but also the most dangerous man ??? in the space of 00000.2 seconds ?? idk man i’m never okay when he’s out there being himself...
6) Youngjae - GOT7
*inhales* hoooooooooo well. I have lots and lots and lots of love for JYP’s resident otter. He just embodies a ray of sunshine and is so bright and bubbly and his laugh adds 2 years to my life!! Although I really love his more expressive side too when he releases his emo songs at 3am and remember it got leaked that he has tattoos????? oh my god. I could go on forever about my love for him because in all honesty he’s very close (if not basically) my ideal type. I’ve talked with some of my close friends about this and we’re vvv similar so idk that makes me all gooey and cringey to think about it ((cringe culture can fight me)) but yeah. I think that says everything I need to say tbh...
7) Dahyun - Twice
There is just something in the water at JYP because I adore Dahyun with every fibre of my being. A soft memey bean who had so much love to give but is so loved too which makes me so happy <3 I’m calling it now but she’s gonna be a hecking good mc on something one day, something funny like weekly idol (or whatever the new version will be.. rip honestly) where her true Comedic Queen self can shine! She makes some hella good jokes and never fails to make everyone laugh when she’s on a variety show etc. Her personality is so likeable and she’s just so friendly!!! ((this seems to be a theme... hmm)) 
8) Kihyun - Monsta x 
mmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMM oh my goodness gracious i’m so affected by kihyun it’s horrific. ((not as much as jun but close)). I always seem to be stanning these “duality” types whereby they’re so soft and fluffy one minute but attacc my whole life the next. Kihyun is such a dangerous man on stage, and is so stunning like his visuals are no joke but is also a soft bean??? Kihyun just kills me, like his vocals are A+++ and any high/ power note sends me to the grave. He’s also too savage for me, which isn’t my usual type but a lot of the time it’s really funny... oops.... 
9) Nayoung - Pristin/ IOI
Idk man there’s something about Nayoung that just gets to me? She was known as “stone nayoung” during pd101 for being so serious/ shy and I understand bc I’m too serious sometimes too lmao but she’s also really sweet! She will protecc pristin with her life and makes such weird jokes as well lmao. She too is super powerful, rapping her way into my heart. A queen
10) Doyoung/Jaehyun - NCT
Okay i’m cheating a little bit here BUT they are both in NCT but anyways... I love them a looooooooot, doyoung is such a bean but will fite u for not picking up your socks off the floor. He’s such a little fluff but will come for my life ((Esp 7th sense hooo that was a time) and he’s such a good mc! Vroom Vroom Talk Show paid off :D ((fight me it was fantastic))
But then there’s jeff. He’s such a meme ((which i’m too weak for save me)), but also such a bean?? The cutest fluff but needs milk but will also fuck me up ?? I can’t handle how fast his personality changes between on stage/off stage/ general existence.... He’s so adorable but really fucks with my sanity sometimes and I h9 him but will fite anyone to protect him. Idk what to tell you fam I just love jeff too much.
Hooooo that was a journey but here we are! Also, this isn’t in any particular order because I have so much love to give, and wish I could include more biases but you can just keep an eye on my posts for that :P 
Tagging: @apassionthatisdead @beingtaessoulmate @kittog @merci-beau-kook @todoroki-bean @hopeless-namjin 
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Assassin!Seungcheol Pt 2 FINALE
THIS IS LONGER THAN WOLF!WONWOO BY 5 WORDS IM SCREAMING THIS IS OFFICIALLY MY LONGEST SCENARIO EVER!!!! bc i tagged her in part 1, im tagging @cheollies again bc she was one of the reasons why i was motivated ljdsfljdfl <3333 THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR WONDERFUL FEEDBACK IM SO SORRY ITS LATE!!! THIS IS A WILD RIDE AGAIN!! ENJOY THE FINALE MY CHILDREN!!!! <333333
warnings: some violence, references to part 1, my tears and anguish from completing this
Part 1 | Part 2 (Finale)
Two months.
That’s how long it had been since you had contacted him
You sighed as you stirred your coffee
Yep, you guessed it, in the same cafe that all the workers know you on a first name basis
Why do I keep coming back here? You glumly chided yourself, your cheek resting on your palm
You check your phone for the twentieth time that hour, wishing to have at least some notification about his whereabouts
Even if it’s something like “hey i’m safe and don’t look for me”
Bc all you need is just some validation that he’s okay,,,, but nothing. No texts, no calls, no “accidental” video calls, no “hey loser where are you” to check in where you are,,,, all you get is a black screen
Even though you practically have your lockscreen ingrained in your head from the amount of times you’ve seen it, you still can’t help but choke up a little
A blurry candid of seungcheol holding out his hand about to smear you with his ice cream mockingly stares back at you
You shake your head and get up your seat as you pack your things
You’re done. You’re done waiting. You gave him two whole freaking months, an entire 60 days. Sulking around waiting for someone to come back to you isn’t your forte.
And that will end today, you resolutely nod to yourself and start heading out the door.
“You what?!”
He sighs and holds his hand up, “Please. Don’t yell. It’s early.” He reaches his hand out for a biscuit
“How can you even nonchalantly eat breakfast right now??! Do you even understand what you’ve done?!” Joshua smacks his hand, dropping the biscuit
“Um hEY--”
“You made it this far without him suspecting anything, which is a major surprise and accomplishment. But it will bite you in the butt sooner or later, Cheols.” He briefly flinches at the name but Joshua is just prESSING the issue
“He’s gonna kill you. Not only you but probably her too. This is way too dangerous!”
“jOSHUA! Please! I know what I did, and I absolutely have no regrets.” He shakes his head, a faraway gaze in his eyes. “I’ve killed many people before, but I at least knew the gist of why I was. But she,,,, she’s just a pawn in my dad’s game,,, completely useless”
Joshua leans back in his chair and blinks slowly
“You love her. Don’t you,” he says more as a statement than an inquiry
He takes his silence as a definite answer and rubs his forehead. “Seungcheol…”
“Look, he’s been giving me regular jobs to do, you know the usual. He hasn’t caught on… yet… And he has much bigger things to worry about.”
“That doesn’t mean he’s not keeping tabs!”
He sighs, ready to cut off the conversation. “We’re done here--”
And there he sees
He freezes, the only thing moving is his eyes on someone’s figure
You walk down the street taking in the bustling city view
Your eyes flicker to a table outside a store a few blocks ahead
You stop and squint your eyes. That wasn’t… was it?
You rub your eyes but by then the two people sitting there disappeared
You shake your head and continue walking, completely convinced you’re getting delirious by the second
You finally disappear out of sight and only then does seungcheol let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding
“Dude,,,, you have to tell her at some point”
“I know… I know.”
You barge and storm in the office with your arms folded
“I need to find someone.”
Your father looks up from his paperwork, his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose
“Y/N… can this wait?”
“I have been for two months and I’m sick of it. I need you to hire someone to help me find them”
“Sweetie, I’m really busy--”
“Dad….. Dad please. I have to. I need to.”
“....fine. I’ll have my assistant deal with it”
And you’re like yES OMG ILY THANKS POPS
He tells you to go to his assistant’s office a little ways down the hall where you’re greeted by the typical warm person
“Hello, Ms. Y/N, I haven’t seen you in a while!”
“Hi jeonghan!!! Look I really need you to find someone asap”
“Ah, yes, your father just notified me about that just now,,,, well I’ll do my best to search for someone in our team. Give me until the end of the day today?”
And you’re like oh my god he’s willing to put this fIRST :’)))))
“Omg that’s actually really fast,,, don’t you have more important things to do? I can wait a few days if that’s the case,,,,”
“No no! Ahah it’s fine you just hang on tight, I will definitely get back to you shortly!”
You’re like oH MY GOD YAY JEONGHAN U ARE SO NICE AND THE BEST NO ONE CAN COMPARE and you promptly hug him before leaving
“Yeah,,,, nice,,, that’s all I’ll ever be,” he wistfully smiles and lets out a small sigh
You come back to the office later that night and Jeonghan is like i found one of our best investigators/hackers!!!!
You’re like omg aju nICE
You and the woman walk to her “headquarters,” is what she calls them when it's just the room she works in lmao
The moment you both get settled you make it crystal clear
“Choi Seungcheol.”
And obviously you tell her a little more about him lmao
All you can see is her fingers flying over the keyboard and tons of files filling the screen
She spends a few more minutes digging but she’s like sorry babe none of them fit your description
And you’re like that can’t be right,,,,,
“Can you check the surveillance cameras? On streets and stuff?”
You tell her the date, time, and location of when you last saw him and she dives into another search party
“hmmm -- i foUND SOMETHING”
You see when he kisses you and you have to shield your eyes away from the impact,,,, your chest suddenly feels heavier
She senses this and gently places her hand on top of yours
“,,,,I’m sorry. We’ll find him”
She follows the cameras once he heads home and she’s like ok well looks like he’s staying in this beat up motel
She reviews cams even up to present day and still sees him leaving and entering the building and you’re like ok i’m sold and start to get up
She puts a hand on your arm and is like uh wait honey you aren’t going alone
“Well who else is gonna go??”
“Me. I was physically trained sufficiently enough for a bodyguard position, so don’t sweat”
She stands up and starts rummaging through her makeshift closet to pull out 2 bulletproof vests
You look at her stunned before breaking out in a grin
“I’m game.”
“You went back on my orders? Do you know what position you’re in?!” He barks
Seungcheol trains his eyes on the floor and numbly responds, “I didn’t think there was a reason to kill an innocent person who has no involvement in this business. It’s her father, no?”
His dad sighs and rubs his temples. “Son, you follow. I command. I guess you’ll just have to face the consequences for not obeying me, your own father… Tsk,” he distastefully clucks his tongue. “You actually thought I didn’t know this entire time. I knew you didn’t kill her that night of your romantic doings”
“I know,,, It just happened,,,, I had to do it to get her to trust me” stop lying to urself cheols smh we and mr choi all know ur whipped
“Just please leave her alone.”
His icy chuckle sends shivers down Seungcheol’s spine for the first time
“Ohoho,,, you thought you were the one in trouble?”
Seungcheol looks up at him with his eyes narrowed in confusion
And then they narrow in fury
“You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, but I most certainly would.” does anyone get the reference lmao #tb to part 1
“What did you dO TO HER”
“Guess you’ll both find out. Shall we?”
“This,,,, is where he’s staying at?”
You look at the paint peeling off the sign “Stay Inn”
The hinges of the battered doors are about to come off
Two streetlamps flicker lazily, yellow light pathetically illuminating the parking lot
“The footage doesn’t lie,” she says as she takes a look around. “Room 114, let’s go”
You and her cautiously creep up in front of the door and then kick it wide open
“....No one’s here.” And you can’t help but feel a lil disappointed :((
Both of you are looking around his room for any sort of clues but it looks like any (less than) average hotel room with clothes scattered everywhere and plastic plates littered around the table
Eventually you both ditch the place and you’re about to call it a day when she abruptly stops you
“Wait. i heard something over there,” she subtly looks over at the other side of the street
You hold your breath as she discreetly scans around the area and then
“geT DOWN!” She pulls your arm down as she drops to the ground
Your ears are ringing from the gunshots from the one right next to you and the one on the other side
“We have to leave now!” She scrambles up and tries hiding behind parked vehicles on the curb as she pushes you to move
You’re able to run down only a couple of blocks when you see another group of men coming at you in the same direction
You look to your right and there’s also another group
She curses under her breath before pulling you to another direction, “this way!”
You have to weave through miscellaneous objects through alleys and garbage cans
You’re pushing your legs as fast as you can despite the growing burning sensation LOL I LOVE THAT ALBUM STAN TALENT STAN SF9
You’re about to collapse when someone tACKLES YOU FROM BEHIND
“Mmfdffmlfj!!!!” Your cries are muffled behind their hand
The last thing you remember is her voice calling your name
“Try again.” You can barely make out the words before the frigid water hits your face
You cough violently and open your eyes
“Ah, you’re finally awake.”
In the dimly lit room your eyes try to adjust to the dark shapes and what seems to be in some sort of empty abandoned building
The man gestures to someone to brighten up the place and only then do you take a good look at who’s in front of you
The infamous Mr. Choi staring back at you, the very man your father has talked about countless of times
“Bring him out,” he orders as he keeps his eyes locked with yours
You hear the heavy grunt of the metal door opening and you instantly hear a voice that you’ve spent this entire time searching for
“Let.. me… go!” He spits out as he attempts to wriggle out of the men’s grips
He looks up and it’s all that takes him to still again
Your disheveled wet hair sticking to the edges of your face, the top you bought in the mall that one day now drenched in water, the dismay in your eyes
His breath gets caught in his throat before he angrily turns to his father and fumes, “Why is she here? Why did you bring me?”
He chuckles and strides to you with every menacing step
“Didn’t I say you would both find out?” He traces your jaw and you have to use every fiber of your body to not vomit on his polished Prada leather dress shoes
Seungcheol grits his teeth and violently thrashes around in their grip around him
Your breathing gets heavier as his hand drifts down to your neck
“Would be a shame to end things here… wouldn’t it?” He laughs before whipping out a gun from his pocket
“But let’s just cut out the games. You were meant to die on that night, but my idiot of a son couldn’t do it.” He points the head right in front of you
“So i’ll do it in his stead. Any last words you wanna exchange?” He gestures to you and his son
You look around to find any way out but all the entrances are utterly blocked by his guards
You slowly turn around to the rustling noise
“Stop it, Seungcheol…. Don’t act like you care.”
He looks at you in bewilderment and scoffs, “Act? You think I’m acting? I nearly risked my life to save yours! And this is just,,,, acting?”
“You were supposed to kill me that night. And you didn’t. That was your biggest mistake. You should have just ended things, not like the pathetic way you did over the phone,” your voice slightly faltered.
“It wasn’t a mistake! I wanted you to get away from this, to get away from me! Why can’t you understand that?” He was in disbelief; he practically saved you!
“You’re right. It was a bigger mistake on my end that I believed I mattered for once in my life.” He softens his facial expressions when you look up at him with a dead stare. “Y/N….”
You numbly turn back at the gun pointed in front of you
“So? Aren’t you gonna do it?”
He laughs at your provocation and merely shrugs
“If you say so”
You hear him loading the gun and just when you anticipate a bullet firing, you hear one but from behind you
The entire building is in chaos and smoke and dirt fill your vision
“Seungcheol!” Joshua and Junhui along with a whole team invade the space
He only points towards you and yells over the noise to have them focus on your safety
They nod and send the team over to help you get out of the guards’ grip
Joshua, Junhui, and 2 others are staying back to help Seungcheol as the rest of the group rushes to your side
As he’s ducking with his arms over his head, he pulls out his gun and manages to skim Minghao’s arm
He curses and holds his wound together while shouting something to another member
Soonyoung kicks the gun out of Mr. Choi’s hands as Jihoon and Seungkwan lock his arms with handcuffs
Two people who quickly introduce themselves as Wonwoo and Mingyu are on both of your sides with their arms wrapped around your shoulders
They’re talking so quickly that all the coherent words you can hear are “get” “you” “safety” “right now”
“Seungcheol??” You look at both of them, but neither are meeting your gaze
“He told us to get you first. He’ll be fine,,, he has the rest of the guys there”
“But what if he’s hurt?!”
Wonwoo quickly looks back at his shoulder and sees a few of the guards running after them
“There’s no time! We have to go right now!”
You finally burst out into the open chilly night air and make a beeline for the waiting van parked outside
They push you in first and once Mingyu slides in he immediately slams the door shut. “fLOOR IT!!!”
Vernon slams on the gas pedal and you’re off
The entire car ride is silent save for the heavy breathing from the adrenaline pumping through everyone
Wonwoo, the closest one next to you, puts his hand reassuringly on your knee
“We’re taking you to our headquarters, which is essentially our hideout,,, you’ll be safe there, I promise”
Still staring out the window, you numbly nod as he slowly removes his hand
When you arrive there, you do what they told you to: cleanse, get dressed, and hold on tight as they find a way to contact her father
After a somewhat relaxing shower, you emerge from the bathroom wearing a baggy shirt underneath a hoodie up to mid-thigh and sweats that were left outside of the door when someone named Chan knocked on it earlier
You walk to the living room where everyone is gathered around a circle talking about different methods of communication with everyone
“Oh, Y/N,” Wonwoo gets up and jogs to you. “Feel free to get something from the kitchen to eat. You can hang around the front or the back, but it’s really dark and cold, so we don’t want anything more bad to happen”
You flicker your eyes from his face to the other 3 on the couches
They slightly wave to you with a small smile and continue their discussion
You nod and thank him before heading to the kitchen
You grab an ice cream bar and a bottle of water before heading out to the front
You sit on a bench and look up at the starry night sky
Just earlier this morning, you were resolute to find him
And now fast forward to the end of the day, you were with his coworkers at their hideout
As you finish up your dessert, you brush yourself off and take a look around the area
You go around to the back and see a picnic table with folding chairs all over the yard
As you approach the table, you see a few polaroids that seem to be too familiar
“Wait… this was when we went to the cafe….”
You flip over each picture and see scribbles of writing on them
“The ice cream wasn’t as sweet as her”
You flip over each picture and see more writing similar to the caption before and realize all of the pictures are of you
The last one you flip over is the last night you saw him
He took a picture of you talking to your cousin,,,, you slowly turn over the picture
“This could have been me…”
“There you go again.”
You quickly put down the picture and slowly turn towards the voice
Seungcheol, all battered and bruised, is standing just 10 feet away
Cuts and scrapes are all over his face and arms, his clothes ripped and dirtied
He slowly walks towards you and you can’t help but to lean against the table for support
“Do… what?”
He stops in front of you, his face only inches away from yours
“Being irresistible. We’re not even together yet and you’re already wearing my clothes?”
“What makes you think we’re going to get together? Do you always want to kill your potential girlfriends?”
He gently places his hand on your chin and turns your head to face him
“No. Do you always go on a spontaneous hunt for a guy and end up almost dying?”
“That’s not fair; I didn’t know you were caught up in this shady stuff!”
“....Are you gonna walk away from it? From me?” He looks at you, a hint of desperation and anxiety in his eyes. “That’s exactly why I told you to forget about me”
You place both of your hands on his face, caressing his cheeks. “If we’re gonna make this relationship work, we’re gonna have to go over some rules about secrets”
He lights up at the word “relationship” and you can’t help but smile at his childlike grin
“You gotta stop that too”
He’s like ??? what do you mean
“Being vulnerable.” And you both seal your promises with a lingering kiss that tastes like coffee ice cream
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