#op fusion au
blednokrov · 7 months
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I've been having lots of fun designing random OP fusions for a hypothetical AU where people can fuse... Feel free to drop a combo of any two Strawhats in my asks for me to draw a fusion of them (I'm only reading impel down rn so please no spoilers)
More on these:
Mickey (Nami + Franky) - ultimate Big Sibling fusion. She's very balanced in her sense of responsibility, desire to take other under her wing and general "fun but let's keep it sane and safe" vibe. One of favorite fusions of Strawhats as her appearance often means "supervised fun that is otherwise strongly off limits" and they just love her in general. Overall, Mickey's cool, fun and sexy (and not allowed in many public places because she only wears bikini swimsuits). He fights with electrocution.
Didja miss me? Well, now you can look at my pretty face all you want - we're gonna have so-o-o much fun~
U.V. or just Violet (Usopp + Vivi) - the big dreamer one. She is really sweet and emotionally open - probably one of most child-like fusions, but often gets timid and unsure when it's time for her to to stand up for herself. She loves fantasizing and excitedly ranting about all these ideas on how to make world a better place, but goes into very absurd territory without noticing. They fight with a sling and explosives.
No, wait, but listen. But what if The World Government, like, printed money so that everyone can have some, and- No, wait, i don't think this is how economy works. Okay, what if we all just...
Roro (Zoro + Robin) - arguably the most unhinged fusion of them all. With Robin's morbidly creative mind and Zoro's general disinhibition in most generally dangerous situations, Roro is pretty much unstoppable once he set his mind to do something reckless, dangerous and possibly really violent (as they both don't have any qualms about murdering or causing severe bodily harm). However when not in "focused on following through with an insane idea" mode, Roro is actually a rather pleasant company! They're calm, collected and thoughtful, yet shamelessly silly, especially with Luffy and Chopper who they adore. Most of the crew is rather cautious about them (except for Luffy who whines how he misses playing "multiarmed tags" with Roro) because they can cause much trouble without supervision. On the other hand, they're very strong. They fight combining swordfighting with generating extra limbs (which also means an arm slashing you with a sword can sneak on you from any direction).
Oh. I see. How about we send his head- okay, his fingers in a box to his captain as a warning?
Note: Luffy has the privilege of naming all fusions and usually just smashes names together until it sounds like an easy to remember name... Sometimes inner logic of how the name was made is lost even to him
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charliethechandelure · 10 months
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Some sketches of my own interpretations of fusions for @orange-artist 's fusion au !
I just grabbed some of my favorite characters and smashed them together.
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botan-kiri · 1 year
For the ASL pirates fusion au that me and @maelysgriffonne talked about.
"Ace you are not going to fight Whitebeard" Sabo scolded. "AND WHY NOT?!?" Ace yelled frustrated. Sabo and Ace have been arguing for an hour now and the fest of the crew where worried.
They see Axle unfuse and just see the two older brothers arguing and Luffy is just looks done. "Ace, as much as I know you need closure, this is not how you do it." Luffy dead panned.
Everyone just looked at him in shock. "When Luffy is saying it's not a good idea about fighting someone, you know it's a baaaaaaad idea!" Ussop worried.
Ace and Sabo just look at there younger brother and sighed and defeat. "I hate it when luff spits out the random bursts of wisdom that no one knows where he got it." Ace grumbled
Sabo just looked smug and pat Ace on the back.
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the-ultimate-nobody · 23 days
QSMP but Sanders Sides
Version 1 (What would happen): Thomas gets to be the Egg and the Sides have to take care of him
Version 2 (What would be more funny): All the Sides gets to be the Egg and Thomas, alone, has to take care of them. Reminder, there are 6 of them.
Version 2: What clothes each Side would take. Focusing on the clothes rather than their assigned color since in QSMP, the Egg Children use colored signs to talk so the color assignment is already complete
Patton: Grey sweater Logan: Tie (But it just sticks in the front, it doesn't wrap around him) Roman + Remus: Their sashes (respectively, red and green) Virgil: His purple hoodie Janus: Bowler hat (Bonus) Thomas: Either a yellow star or the Steven Universe shirt that he has stolen
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kissentz · 1 year
okay, this has gone a little too far 💀 i didn't like some aspects of my lapis oc design so i reedid her, but already on computer i also made a zebra jasper and a fusion of lapis and zebra jasper honestly, it felt so good to do for no reason
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browniefox · 2 months
I have fallen in love with LAPID-Cloud. I would kindly ask for more of him.
Hell yeah! Ask and ye shall recieve! I spent all night thinking about this au! I need to draw some fusions soon haha
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Anyway, a few more doodles of cloud with thoughts! Still uncertain of his hair color, I keep messing around with it n harmonia looking ass
For LAPID, scars that are gained post-integration take on the color of the gem from the healing. LAPID are able to take a lot of damage, including loss of any limb o, and the limb will be replaced with a gem-created copy. Unlike clothes, though, the state of these limbs is a little less concrete; A LAPID's clothes will stick around if they're asleep, but the limbs will disappear.
Cloud's outfit is unconsciously mimicking Zack, though he's not aware of it. He's also not aware that having a crack in his gem isn't normal, nor do most people considering no one really knows much about gems. It's not doing him any severe damage - or not more than one can expect from Cloud's general state of being at all times - but it does stop him from summoning any kind of weapon.
Post-Healing (which would be his journey to the center of the mind w/ Tifa, though I'm still trying to figure out how that'd go) his outfit finally begins to change a bit to reflect himself a bit more, though he's still trying to figure out who that is, hence why it still resembles Zack a lot. At this point, he'd also be able to summon his own weapon, which is eventually tsurugi.
Also still trying to figure a lot of details. Was Sephritoh shattered, but shards of him ended up in a lot of LAPID or were purposefully put there? Is he not actually a gem, but some kind of manifestation of corruption? Does he just have op Diamond powers that allow him to control other gems kinda like white diamond did?
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yugogeer012 · 1 year
It's kinda funny to me how you hate all these overpowered au sanses, yet you just gave those same or even more overpowered habilites to epic gaster lmao
Oh gee
Idk man
Maybe because
Uhm...you know
He's not a Sans??
He's not another Mary sue Sans OC???
He's not another fusion of this and that OP Sans OC????
I think it would be better for you if you mention my Sans OC instead of Gaster
Which I already stated many times that I regreted it
And if I could go back in time, I would DEFINITELY make Epictale again but this time, without Sans lmao
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queseresere · 10 months
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More for @chrisrin ‘s gemcyt AU!!! The knights my beloved!
I am happy with Wels and Hels. Having said that:
I like both Fire Opal and Black Fire Opal in general. I am conflicted on the design though. FO is more elegant and by far my favorite. However, BFO is much closer in tone to Hels and Wels. I also think it would be funny if the two swords just equal more swords. That was the original reason for the two designs; I could not decide on the weapons FO/BFO should have. The coloration of the two makes me feel like BFO would be more realistic in terms of fusion when looking at the counterparts. In my mind, to excuse having two designs, the fusion is very unstable and therefore the outcome is fluid. I imagine that depending on who is in charge the exterior appearance may differ. But BFO introduces another modifier to the gem type so I wonder if it would be more realistic to have it be a three gem fusion, especially with the introduction of more colors. The colors bring up another issue and that is the design. It was very difficult to balance the colors of BFO to look good together. However, I think this could be looked at positively as a representation of the incompatibility of Hels and Wels.
To summarize, Fire Opal feels too pastel and Black Fire Opal feels too complex/jarring so I am having trouble settling on one design.
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shitpostingkats · 8 months
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Obsessed with these tags OP omg
First of all, how dare you stab me in the heart with that comparison to Jesse. I can absolutely see it. Now I want to know how Jesse would come into play in all this- Cod I love Spiritshipping they were meant for each other <3
Second, I know I already requested Yuya and Jaden interactions (and oh boy did you deliver), but now you have me intrigued. Like it doesn't even have to be the groupchat AU, I'm just genuinely curious now how you think Jaden would interact with all four of the Yu Boys. I am giving you an excuse to write Jaden and Yuri interacting also because to be completely honest I love Yuya to bits and pieces but Yuri has always been my favorite of the four. <3 "Yuri is the violence" Dear cod I want to see the two of them tear into someone. I have no idea who exactly but they would be terrifying. Give them an audience perchance. Maybe the rest of the protags. (I live for reactions) I'm living for this.
Jaden meets them and it's like witnessing all the parts of himself he keeps tucked to his chest exposed for everyone to see. He sees Yuto and wants to wrap him in a hug and tell him nothing was his fault. (He's a hypocrite, he knows he (Jaden) deserved everything he got. He didn't, he really didn't) He sees Yuya and sees the mask he's put up for so long, sees his attitude of "maybe if I ignore this then it'll all go away" and wonders if his own mask ever looked this close to cracking. He sees Yugo and wants to scream and tear his hair out because when did he lose that part of himself? When did the mask truly become a mask, when did he lose that spark that made life seem actually worth living? (He knows damn well when he lost it.) He sees Yuri and sees a world where he gave in completely to the madness, where he found comfort in the pain because it was the one time he truly felt like he was in control. He wonders what it cost him, if it cost anything at all. He wonders what friends he sacrificed to get where he is now, and if it was worth it. He looks into his eyes and thinks maybe it was. He wonders if maybe their worlds aren't as dissimilar as he first thought. (That thought alone might scare him more than anything.)
It's late and I'm not very good with words (at the moment at least) But you have got me HOOKED and you are currently my only source for this dynamic, I will be plaguing your ask box for a good week at least, I hope you know this- (Feel free to tell me to chill out at any time btw, I just saw your blog description and took that as a personal challenge sdfghj /lh)
Much love <3
*hands you back your worksheet and it looks like this*
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*hands you stickers hands you a candy from the candy bowl, never worry about blowing up my inbox, I love hearing from people, hands you a tangerine*
Bestie you are doing such a good job thank you for the kind words, also your mind. I hadn't realized the potential for Yugo + Jaden interactions until you started messaging, now I am rocked by the implications. Now I have to write the yu-bois into the gc au. Can't promise I'll publish anything anytime soon, but I'm always excited to talk about these funny card game guys.
Yuri and Jaden the reformed supervillain and the still-thinks-he-has-to-be-the-evil-brother. Jaden is trying to nudge the guy in the right direction but totally worried because he is only barely older than him and still kinda a mess, meanwhile Yuri would gladly sell Jaden for one corn chip but also belligerently hangs out with him because he kinda is one of the best fusion duelists in the world, maybe he can learn some things. Yuri is like "Let's rob this 7/11! >:3" and Jaden is like "Oooh! There's a deal on slushies!"
Reformed murder hobo in the body of a college student tries to reform child murder hobo: seven injured, Yugo's on the roof, more on this story at 11.
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marveltrumpshate · 10 days
May 2024 MTH fills
The best way to see all the fills that have been shared with us is our monthly roundups tag or our #MTH-fills channel on our Discord, but you can also view them through the following methods:
Our Tumblr tags: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Our AO3 collection (only has works posted to AO3; see "subcollections" for specific auction years)
Completed works tag list
To find specific content, use our completed works tag lists above which includes instructions on how to search for a particular character, gen or romantic relationship, universe, and fanwork type. 
Carol Danvers
@kerravonsen - Carol Danvers jewelry set composed of a red, blue, and gold chainmaille necklace, bracelet and earrings for @illogicalkat
@secondalto - Cross-stitch piece of Carol Danvers in her uniform with her helmet on, with her symbol in the background for kourtain
Erik Lehnsherr
Sayah1112/ @sayahs-corner - Two shirts with Magneto's helmet on it and one shirt with a triceratops for @v-thinks-on
Natasha Romanov
@messypeaches - My Little Pony Natasha with red hair and her Black Widow outfit for logan97
Clint Barton & Phil Coulson & Natasha Romanov
@uofmdragon - "Building the Family" (Batfam!Clint & Phil & Nat fic where Clint meets runaways Clint and Nat) for @oper1895 and stillcentre
Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers
@darter-blue - "A Good Tart" (Steve/Bucky Great British Bake Off fusion fic) for @kalika999 (MTH 2021)
@kinstein-art - Two illustrations of Steve and Bucky kissing from "History of American Capitalism," a football player Bucky/history major Steve college AU fic by and for @zenaidamacrouras1 (MTH 2022)
lou2 - Beta service for "Private Dancer, Public Shame," a non-powered Steve/Bucky AU fic for @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (MTH 2022) (posted in March 2023) - Beta service for "What Comes on the Stage," a historical Western arranged marriage Steve/Bucky AU fic for buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (MTH 2022) (posted in March 2023)
Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
swtalmnd/ @amysnotdeadyet - "Corner" (Bucky/Steve/Tony AU fic where Steve and Bucky making breakfast and discussing being in a relationship together with Tony) for @saganarojanaolt and newtypeshadow (MTH 2022)
swtalmnd/ amysnotdeadyet - "Starter" (Bucky/Steve/Tony AU domestic brunch fic) for saganarojanaolt and newtypeshadow (MTH 2022)
Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Dogsled & @summerpipedream - "My Hero" (three-page 616 comic where Tony rescues Bucky from the rubble after an explosion at the Sokovian embassy) for @massivespacewren (MTH 2022)
Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
ArielT and NickiB - "Hawkeye and the Hermit" (Clint/Coulson AU fic where SHIELD agent Clint meets a reclusive Phil after an op gone bad) for oper1895
Matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson
@pomegranate-belle - "Before I Knew That I Had Begun" (Matt/Foggy Pride and Prejudice fusion fic) for Mooch (posted in November) (MTH 2022) - "One Man's Trash" (Matt/Foggy AU fic where vigilante Matt is rescued by garbageman Foggy who's involved with the mob he's investigating) for RoseLover (posted in February) (MTH 2022)
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
@ashes0909 - "A Date with Death" (telepath Steve/vampire Tony True Blood AU fic where they investigate a string of vampiric murders) for thewaywerust (MTH 2020)
RoseRose/ @tehroserose - "Sonnet 2012" (Steve/Tony sonnet where Steve and Tony don't get along at first, and then Steve realizes Tony's better qualities) for @wilmakins
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
2. A fic you've reread several times?
Fic Recs (Ask Meme)
I want to answer with more than one because lbr I love doing recs. (I've tagged those I could find a tumblr for, but some don't have immediate links that I can find with a cursory search.)
Catvengers by nyargles (@defractum) - I read this probably once a year because it's just an eternal favorite
Bargaining by proantagonist - no longer available on AO3 (not actually sure why), has made me cry every time, which I've found is pretty hard! EDIT: It's back on AO3! Also, op has a tumblr, @proantagonista.
#standbylegion by esama (@esamastation) - a haunting but hopeful fusion of the MCU and Kingsman.
(The rest are Star Wars, promise.)
Lion Jinn, also by esama - I'm a sucker for a reincarnated-as-animal fic. This one is incredibly cute.
edge of providence by adiduck (book_people) (@adiduck), whimsicalimages (@keensers) - I am perhaps at this very moment rereading this one. Shhhh don't tell.
the massive machinery of hope by Killbothtwins (@killbothtwins) - I've read this one SO many times, it has one of my absolute favorite Qui-Gon&Obi-Wan dynamics of all time.
Dead Peanut Gallery by tanarill - IDK what to say about this one other than that it's very fun. Ghostly Obi-Wan pokes Vader into defecting when he finds out Luke is his in Episode V.
Kneading by Threebea O (ThreeBea) (@threebea) - Have you ever wanted a canonverse bakery AU that's actually undercover work and ends with our precious idiots getting kidnapped to Kamino? Because this fic is great. Everyone's got idiot moments, and also Boba is three, and adorable.
R2-D2 Saves the Galaxy (Okay, so Obi-Wan helps a little) by kj_feybarn (@feybarn) - One of my absolute favorite fics. Nothing liked Artoo POV, especially when interspersed with Obi-Wan.
there is no death (there is a wedding) by virdant (@virdant-writing) - one of my early forays into Jangobi, and generally just a very fun approach to things like Petty Legal Battles With Grandpa Who Thinks You Married Wrong.
Encrypted Channel by qigiined (@deniigi) - Do you want OT-era Rexwalker, but infinitely more stupid despite theoretically being too old for this shit? Do you want it in chatfic format? Do you want Vader to be following Rex around (metaphorically) with puppy eyes (less metaphorically) and being upset that Rex doesn't want to get with him after all the many crimes? Yes. You do.
A Star to Steer By by dogmatix, norcumi (@dogmatix, @norcumii) - I have reread this so many times. I'm not even in Stargate fandom, and yet this crossover verse owns me. (Still thinking about how Ventress and Narec and the entire Rattatak situation might have gone down ngl.)
Although He Smiles by AutumnChild22 (HonestlyHelen) (@autumnchild22) - we love a time travel fic that has people redefining the natures of their relationships to one another.
Blue Tooka Guy by Millberry_5 (@the-writing-mill) - This one is just a very fun little feel-good romp.
The Desert Storm and Rise and Fall by Blue_Sunshine (@blue-sunshine-mauve-morning) - Okay I admittedly haven't reread this multiple times, but I have reread parts of it multiple times, if that counts? (The two series together are one and a half million words, so.)
Realign the Stars by CrystalRainsWriting, TerinAngel (@terinangel) - afaik this is discontinued but it's so good and shaped a lot of my early approach to SW time travel fic.
Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns by chancecraz (@chancecraz) - Do you love Leia? Do you love hypercompetent future Leia who's cranky about being nineteen again because nobody takes her seriously? Read this.
Shifting Sands also by chancecraz - still a hypercompetent Leia, but further back and Still Old and also the most recent chapter was 65,000 words.
Don't Look Back by acuteneurosis (@this-acuteneurosis) - another Leia time-travel, this one focusing very heavily on political maneuvering and things like trade routes. We got economics and supply route fic.
Force of Many Sights by DAsObiQuiet - There's something magical about fics that go into such detail about the time and effort that therapy, especially therapy for Darth Vader, takes.
Viridescent Skies by DarthSnug (themikeymonster) (@themikeymonster) - listen I just really love age/role swaps and this is a REALLY good one.
Living in Borrowed Time by smug_albatross (@scribbling-albatross) - Another one of those fics that I'd say really shaped my early approach to characters of this era. The handling of Rex and Ahsoka is magnificent, honestly, and we all know I love a good time travel plot.
Senator Obi-Wan AU by BeanieBaby - incredibly fun. Yes there's Senator Kenobi, but there's also Fox being pursued by two different Jedi (Kit and Quin), a variety of topsy-turvy character interactions that make sense in a funhouse mirror sense (e.g. Obi-Wan preferring blasters to sabers because he didn't grow up with the Jedi), and Anakin repeatedly almost kills Palpatine by accident.
Soft Wars by Project0506 (@thefoundationproject) - no explanation needed. Is cute.
Dominoes by meridianpony (@meridiansdominoes) - we don't need to go over my intense love of time-travel fics again. really.
Sith Lord Swell by AMournfulHowlInTheNight (has a blog but not for fandom stuff) - Luke falls back in time and decides to handle it by pretending to be a Sith Lord. It works (somehow).
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atanxsideeffects · 3 months
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my <<side-effects of reincarnation>>-au infodump >:D no clue how much sense this will make without the brainrot that has accumulated in my brain but i tried to summarise it?
text in the image written below:
mullets look cool don't fucking @ me
premise: sasuke is madara's reincarnation of sorts not really. basically not-quite fusion -> trauma from massacre prevents complete fusion (for now)
revolutionTM: the shinobi systems (all of them) suck ass
this is all "yo madara is based actually" but it also might be ooc
also sasuke is still his own person, hasn't been overwritten
mangekyo there >:3 also neither madara nor sasuke have unique mangekyo things (kagetsuchi doesn't count) so now they can do tsukuyomi. so that sasuke can tsukuyomi itachi. as a treat :3
eventually swaps eyes w/ kagami (orochimaru-sensei + danzo's arm + edo tensei + samsara of heavenly life technique)
trains under oro but covertly (morally grey oro)
clan head
aroace (qpr w/ neji, bromance w/ lee, whatever the fuck sasuke and naruto have but with an aroace twist)
arrogant little shit
this bad boy can fit SO MUCH FUCKING TRAUMA
op but this is a madara & sasuke fusion we're talking about so it makes sense
hashirama-issues (naruto-issues)
sasuke never awakens his mangekyo because this is a fixit but it's fine, he has madara's :)
itachi eventually swaps eyes with fugaku which hehehe awkward >:3 -> they have the same bloodtype so its fine
kagami doesn't have a canon bloodtype so i'll just say it's AB too
[character design bits]
[12 yrs old Sasuke:]
kakashi insisted on bun
start of madara's hairstyle hair isn't as unruly tho
more traditional uchiha top
white shorts
high boots just cause
[~20 yrs old (?) sasuke:]
hair not right structure for madara hair (also not matted)
old armour he found in hikaku's basement & got fixed up first used it on a dare
giant ass gunbai (hikaku commissioned it to remember madara by)
one of fugaku's old shirts
madara's madness eyebags
Itachi's eternal mangekyo: itachi + fugaku eternal mangekyo cuz itachi actually did bling himself the idiot & shisui wasn't there in the moment
Kagami's Mangekyo: kagamis magekyo (he got it when he learned Madara was 'killed')
Madarasuke eternal Mangekyo: madara + kagami eternal mangekyo because sasuke overuses his & becomes almost blind
[character stat things]
madarasuke has high rebellion but not full because family. is pretty careless but can be careful, frets a lot, is very confident but socially awkward, very anger, power is off the fucking scale
also have a timelapse because i found out how to do that :DDD i fucking loove timelapses theyre so satisfying
if u wanna talk to me about this au feel free to shoot me an ask >:) id love to hear other people's thoughts and im also open to constructive criticism :D
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caparrucia · 4 months
12, 13, and 17 for the fic writer asks, please?
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
I still don't read it widely, because most of it hits my "but what's the point then?" pickiness for AUs, but a friend recently explained her time travel fix-it AU as a version of an isekai and that sort of made the appeal of it click in my head in a way it'd never had before. I still think the trope itself is not something I'd go as my first choice, because my vibe is more either miscommunication or mystery, and having a POV character that knows everything - and very often has no reason to not share/use that knowledge - makes it very conflict-free for me. The thing that clicked for me is the same way that my favorite isekai stories are ones that either the OP protagonist doesn't know they're OP or their OPness is gated behind world knowledge that they have to acquire first before making use of said OPness. So I think I like time travel fic in theory now, I just haven't read one that hits the spot because it's not a trope I seek out often. But I kinda get it now! I think!
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
Modern renditions of enemies-to-lovers are so fucking exhausting in how hard people are trying to sand down any bit of objectionable, problematic aspect of that kind of relationship. I love me a good, brutal actual!enemies to actual!lovers story that wrestles with the history and baggage of that kind of thing. But post!Reylo fandom is more worried about "not romanticizing abuse" than telling a good, compelling story. E2L are supposed to be messy, problematic, dark romance stories full of questionable tropes. That's what makes it fun! But the way any whiff of conflict is constantly smothered away because "We Do Not Condone That Here" messaging is more important than a coherent, IC story is just. Blah. One day, my favorite toxic love trope will come home from the war. One day.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
Witcher 3 fusion AUs are my personal catnip. I specify Witcher 3 because I understand the Netflix trainwreck was the entry point for a lot of the fandom and that's great, but the writing of the Netflix show is infinitely subpar to the actual books and even the Witcher 3 version of the characters. The Witcher 3 softens a lot of the harsher edges of characters in the books (hi Emhyr, my forever problematique baby girl, how are you today, your imperial colonialist dipshit incestuous majesty?) but it still maintains the tone in a way that makes it so the harsher, more shocking aspects of it don't read like "for shock value" and have actual consequences. It's a rough world with rough edges and it's a setting rife for stories of all sorts, to scratch that nice medieval pseudo-realistic fantasy setting itch, while still allowing space for some hilarious comedy and nuanced politics.
However, somehow, people who played the game somehow come out with the urge to write unironic, mindless colonialism apologia - we all know why - or quirky funny romance because Netflix!Jaskier is so memeable.
Look, I have almost 3K hours in the Witcher 3, I understand I am not the target audience for Witcher fandom which is why I don't really wade into it often, but I want people to write more Witcher 3 fusion stories because it's a fantastic setting to grab your favorite characters and plop them into and see what they do. It's great.
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aobawilliams · 4 months
New WIP Hell (11/02/2024)
Since it's been uuuuhhhhhh 2 years since my last pinned post about it I Guess it is time to update it.
Once again, questions about any of those (and any that aren't mentionned) are more than welcomed!!
General writing tag / Cro post fics tag / AO3 / WIP Masterlist
Posted Wips:
[None of these are abandonned, but fixations changes and most importantly I only got so much time and energy for fic writing. One day, they'll be finished,,,]
Who The F- Is This (AO3) : DCMK, Time Travel AU, a post-canon Conan got send in the past, decides to cause trouble for everyone, while Kid tries to get him back to his right time.
the flowers have water (AO3): MHA, Nana died, and was reincarnated as Inko Midoriya. An exploration of the character of Inko pre- and during canon.
Noisy As The Dead (AO3) (could also be found under the tag “there are many cons to being a one for all user au”): MHA, somewhat of a joint AU with Panda, in that we both ran with the same idea. Following a near death experience, Izuku can sees ghosts. He just wished they would be more mature than this.
Just Remembered. (AO3): MHA, roleswap AU between Rody Soul and Izuku Midoriya. Izuku is part of Humarise, Rody is a hero in training.
Garp Time Travel: OP, in a distant post-canon Garp travel back in time. This time, he decides to stay for his grandsons.
Roger Retirement Era: OP, instead of dying, Gol D. Roger decides to retire on Dawn Island to raise his son. Enter Garp, who just got given the care of his grandson.
Yeet to the future: OP, the Straw Hats were a famous up and coming pirate crew who suddenly disappeared one day. 30 years later, they make a come back at Marineford.
Baby Strawhats Time Travel: OP, the straw hats are sent back in time to their child bodies. Shenanigans ensue.
Before the coffee gets cold - The Headmaster: BSD, Atsushi has one last chat with the Headmaster of the orphanage after he died.
Dad For All AU: MHA, Izuku accidentally travels back in time, proceeds to adopts literally everyone.
Honorary mentions to those collabs with @achairwithapandaonit that will hopefully get somewhere some day:
MHA/One Piece AU: Fusion/isekai between One Piece and MHA set in the MHA Universe. Who will win between an immortal supervillain or a kid with the power of rubber and cartoon on his side.
Shanks raises Ace AU: OP, Roger decides to ask Shanks to raise his son instead of Garp. This leads to Buggy and Sabo raising each other, and Luffy finding his way in Rayleigh's care. Marineford is an absolute shitshow.
DCMK Collab Challenge
The Villainization of Conan Edogawa: MHA/DCMK crossover, Kaito, Conan and Haibara are sent to the MHA universe, each ends up on a different side.
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teecupangel · 11 months
Submitted by @saberamane
I’m finally back with the Ark/AC Fusion!!
 They reach the deepest depths of the subterranean cave they’ve called home for the past while, and find the platform for the final ‘boss’ of the area. Entering, they encounter the deformed, tentacled monster that was once ‘Rockwell’ (which Ezio says, firmly, that that was on the list of things he definitely wouldn’t consider having sex with), and in time, put him out of his misery.
As the portal readies to ‘ascend’ them, Desmond says a last, tearful farewell to his Reaper, placing it in a cryo pod and leaving it in the saddle of his rock drake.
As they are lifted up, following the spinal like machinery back up towards they came down, all the broken down machines begin to light up until they reach the very beginning of where they started. A bright flash of light and the portal whisks them away.
Only this time, they are not transported through space to a new ‘ark’, they are sent to earth. And earth does not look good. There are spires of crystallized element erupting from the ground, and the dirt is dry as dust and lifeless, not a single spec of green anywhere to be seen. And the creatures are ‘infected’ with the element as well, large parts of them replaced with black and purple, looking like decayed flesh.
They’ve barely taken in their surroundings when these infected creatures begin to take notice, and run towards them.
Surprisingly they’re saved, by a white and red tek Giga of all things. And who does Desmond see on it’s back?
Defense Unit
Mega Mek
Forest Wyvern
Ice Titan
Rubble Golem
Managarmr (Because they’re flashy as fuck, and Ezio is all about the ‘bling’, lol)
Dire Bear
Rex (Ol’ reliable lol)
Desert Titan
Snow Owl (I just feel he’d really like their heat vision, and they can heal which would help him when exploring.)
Rock Elemental (Because sometimes you just need a tanky boy.)
Megalosaurus (Cave runs!)
Forest Titan
Clay!!: He Lives!! And only has tek Creatures
Tek Giga (totally hacked, not legit tame AT ALL, because you can’t legit get them.)
Tek Rex
Tek Raptor Pack
Tek Quetzal
Tek Parasaur
And as a surprise, Clay, the best man to ever live, hacks an orbital drop to get Desmond’s Reaper for him. And he is definitely judging Desmond about this, even though he knows how this happens. I mean, Desmond could have just left the thing out in the wild to fend for itself…
Now then, how is Clay here? He doesn’t know exactly. He woke up on ‘Extinction’ with that weird gem thing in his wrist, and all engrams/dossier’s unlocked. For a long while he thought he was still in an animus or something…
Also, he is linked to Ezio, and Ezio only, so when Ezio dies… Clay does too. And the first time it happens is a surprise to everyone BUT Desmond. Clay is not please with being linked to someone else, especially when they die often…
Additions from teecup:
The Ark Survival Evolved AU idea (this one and this one too)
Tames for The Island Ark
Tames for the Scorched Earth Ark
Tames for the Aberration Ark
Clay would add an interesting dynamic to the mix too, especially if he’s being a chaotic gremlin.
Also, the fact that Clay can hack the system is such an OP move at this point that I think we need to give Clay a disadvantage of some kind to level the playing field (because the other OP character we have is Desmond and his OP-ness is ‘random’ as far as everyone knows although it seemed to have a higher chance of working on bosses which is more of a rule of funny than anything else).
May I suggest, Clay actually has the lowest ‘stats’ of the four? Like, yeah, he has all engrams/dossiers unlocked BUT he gets tired and hungry quicker than anybody else and his inventory is lower than the others (even if he ups his inventory using other means like a mount, it is still lower than it should be).
Clay thinks someone is out to get him because he’s cheating the system or because he’s not meant to be there in the first place and his entire existence was some sort of accident. Maybe even both!
So, because of Clay’s ‘limitation’, he tends to stay near the base because (1) he’s squishy so he could easily die and (2) if Ezio dies, he dies anyway. Staying near the base means that anything that stayed on his ‘corpse’ could be retrieved if necessary.
Reaper does not count as a tame in this ark because Reaper is technically a ‘mod’ at this point and it seems to aggro everything that sees it so, yeah, his Reaper is safer in the base as a lookout/patrol. Full on bored kid always happy to see their working parent come home and play with them vibes.
His Velonasaur usually joins him when he’s out in the ‘wilds’, acting as both a decoy and a DPS attacker with his thorn and spine attacks to keep the enemy (especially flying ones) switching between two or more targets. He also sometimes acts as a scout but Desmond prefers him to stay close by as more of an early radar if Desmond is too focused on one direction.
Gasbag was tamed sorta unintentionally? Desmond found a Gasbag wounded and he felt bad for the poor fella so he gave him food to try and heal him. That amount of food was enough to tame him (and maybe Desmond’s random glitchy taming ability might also be in play) and he followed Desmond back to the base. He works more as both pack mule and also a source for more oxygen. Desmond definitely does not like him to be part of any fighting because he just sees him as a sweet mild-mannered tame, even going as far as feeling scandalous when Altaïr suggested that he could be a good decoy.
Everyone calls bullshit on Desmond taming a Defense Unit. Like, everyone knows by now that if there is any monster/creature/whatever that could not be tamed in this Ark, it would be the sci-fi looking crab robot thingie. Desmond swears he tamed him the ‘natural way’. They all think it’s bullshit but, at this point, they just accepted that Desmond was bound to freaking tame one or two untameables this time anyway. The Defense Unit itself is kept near the base as more of patrol and it likes to attack anything near the base that doesn’t register as an ally to Desmond. This does mean that any other patrolling tames usually grabs the carcass of anything the Defense Unit has killed back to the base for easy ‘good boy’ praises (even though everyone knows it was probably killed by the Defense Unit). 
Altaïr built the Mega Mek after a few Meks have been built that have a prototype hidden blades. Desmond gave him the big puppy dog “I want one pleeeasse?” eyes after seeing Altaïr’s own Enforcer and hearing how he liked watching shows of robots fighting back in New York. Everyone gives Altaïr the knowing ‘you’re so totally whipped’ look when he presented the Mega Mek (which was created using the previous experimental Meks) to Desmond. This is Desmond’s preferred vehicle of choice and as a Vorpal TEK Cleaver as its main right hand weapon and Altaïr’s latest hidden blade attachment as its left hand weapon (the next version will have a hook blade attachment because Ezio insists)
Because of Mega Mek, the Forest Wyvern is usually used for aerial attacks or if Desmond needs to scout some place from high up. Forest Wyvern is also his usual go to AOE attacker and Gasbag is afraid of the fire. 
Unsurprisingly, the Ice Titan serves as the main attacker in Desmond’s ‘pack’. Desmond and the Ice Titan usually tag team every enemy into oblivion while it’s distracted by the Forest Wyvern or the Velonasaur. Desmond never leaves the base without his buddy Ice Titan (which he may or may not be calling Vanilla Ice, Clay stresses he should not be allowed to call him Vanilla Ice).
The Enforcer is his main mount mostly because of how adaptable to the environment it is. His Enforcer is usually called Altaïr’s Monster by Clay because it’s not just one ‘tamed’ Enforcer. It’s multiple Enforcers all ‘stitched up’ by Altaïr’s audacity after he learned that fully crafted Enforcers can only be level 1 and he hates the game of chance of having enemy Enforcers leave blueprints of random quality so he just went ��I’ll take my base Enforcer and just keep upgrading him with other Enforcers parts”. Clay is sure cannibalizing parts from other Enforcers is also against the rule but everyone just accepts it because Altaïr is already in his mad scientist phase and every mad scientist needs to create a monster that may become their undoing as a treat. Why is the Enforcer most probably going to be his undoing? Well, it’s a modded Enforcer for all intents and purposes so it is one of their highest damage dealing ‘tames’ at the moment (maybe only rivaled by the Mega Mek)
As the name says, Scout is usually used by Altaïr to scout around so Altaïr could plan his route better. Unlike the Enforcer, Altaïr didn’t bother to mod his Scout BUT he does have a lot lying around the base because of their varying qualities so everyone believes he plans to mod his current Scout at one point or another. It is also sometimes used to lure targets into traps or, if Altaïr believes that Desmond plans to go to a dangerous area OR thinks Desmond might be planning something stupid, he would let Desmond ‘borrow’ his Scout and the Scout’s only instruction is to keep healing Desmond’s Mega Mek. Desmond can’t even use it to scout around because the Scout’s main and only order as far as its concern is to keep healing the Mega Mek. 
The Gacha stays in the base to keep producing resources, especially crystals. Altaïr tried to make a farm but noticed that the Gachas tend to become sad if Gachas of the same gender are near each other and then Altaïr had to get a female Gacha for both of them to stop being sad then they had children. At some point, Altaïr had unintentionally built a large enclosure to ensure the current Gachas are not sad OR trying to overwhelm the base’s population with more baby Gachas. (Clay had suggested they just kill the excess Gachas, at which Altaïr grumbled that Desmond wouldn’t like that if he heard about it and Clay just made a whipping sound). One of them actually gives loot instead and Altaïr is trying to study how the hell that happened. 
So apparently Rubble Golem cannot be tamed but Rock Elemental can be? But if we want Altaïr to have a Rubble Golem instead, we can make it as a thank you gift from Desmond for the Mega Mek? Either way, this one is mainly used to mine resources for Altaïr’s ‘studies’.
It might not be his original Thylacoleo but Altaïr tends to forget that at times. It doesn’t mind. It mostly stays near Altaïr acting like an oversized lazy cat.
Okay. So this one is weird. There’s a Yeti in a cave near their base and Altaïr is currently studying it from afar because… it’s sorta a fascinating creature to him? Like it seemed to understand them to some degree and he would like to study it further before killing it (if the need to kill it does come up in the first place). Clay jokes that, soon enough, that Yeti will start learning sign language. That only made Altaïr curious if that would be possible.
Ezio would insist that he got a Managarmr because he’s all about the bling as Clay and Desmond like to tease. But also, the Managarmr is one of the more ‘dangerous’ mounts to use as they can attract aggro easily thanks to their ambush attacks and flashiness sooooo… there may be a reason why Clay dies a lot in this game thanks to Ezio XD (because of this though, Ezio’s other tames rarely, if ever, get hurt)
If Ratonhnhaké:ton’s previous Dire Bear was more on the attacking and mule side, Ezio’s Dire Bear is more of a jack of all trades but master of not. Loves to gather everything and anything it sees to get pets from Ezio. Fast enough that it could be used as a scout. Definitely packs a punch. And can take more weight than most. 
Tapejara is his aerial support and usually used to ferry him and his other tames into usually inaccessible areas. Tapejara is highly skilled because it does a lot of things, including stealing eggs while the mother is distracted.
Th T-rex is called Cars 2 (in honor of Desmond's T Rex named Car) which Clay claims to be an underrated Pixar movie that deserves more love. Desmond insists Clay is being sarcastic. Nobody else gets the reference.
Daeodon is a tame that everyone insists (especially Clay!) that Ezio brings with him because of its healing abilities. Seriously, Ezio needs it the most this time around for some reason (there are theories that the monsters that easily aggros on Ezio might have ‘smelled’ or ‘felt’ his connection to Clay and that’s the reason why Ezio has the second highest respawns in this around, 1st is Clay and that’s because of Ezio’s deaths mostly. It really says something that Desmond who would have to respawn if anyone BUT Clay dies is the 3rd highest this time around and he likes to ‘take a walk’)
The Desert Titan is usually used as a mobile base and Ezio taught it how to grab his corpse and run away. Actually, his tames had been taught of “Dead Ezio Protocol” which can be summarized as ‘grab Ezio’s corpse and find a safe place while keeping each other safe’. The Desert Titan usually served as the leader in that scenario with the Managarmr becoming bait and decoy while Tapejara flies back to the base to get Ezio.
Absolutely agree. Ratonhnhaké:ton would like Snow Owl’s utility and also use him as a messenger if any of the others are nearby.
Rock Elemental: Yeeeess, the tank of Ratonhnhaké:ton’s pack and also the real MVP considering the amount of fighting they do.
Ratonhnhaké:ton let Desmond name Yutyrannus “Yuty Junior” in honor of the first Yuty. Ratonhnhaké:ton’s Yuty though is more on the buff-debuff side than pure damage, giving roars that ups attacks of damaged tames (which tend to happen) and weakens enemies.
Ratonhnhaké:ton asked Altaïr if he’d like to name his Megalosaurus in honor of Altaïr’s old Megalosaurus but Altaïr just reminded Ratonhnhaké:ton that he didn’t exactly name all of his tames. That’s more of Desmond and Ezio’s thing (Clay sighs and tells Desmond that naming them only makes it harder to let them go and Desmond groans that he knows that but he can’t help it, they look so sad without names and Clay will stress that, no, they do not, that Gacha is sad because he’s not getting any Gachussy). In honor of the nameless Megalosaurus, Ratonhnhaké:ton names his Megalosaurus Junior. (No one knows if he’s being serious or if it was a joke)
Iguanodon was one of Ratonhnhaké:ton’s first tames in this Ark but she’s been heavily outclassed by the other tames and the places Ratonhnhaké:ton now goes too can be quite dangerous for her. Mainly, she serves to gather food and act as a pack mule for the pack so they can continue on even longer without returning to base.
Forest Titan has a building on its back that stores most of Ratonhnhaké:ton’s other attack items including weapons, ammos and they serve as a mini-sorta base but not really a base? There is a bed there so Ratonhnhaké:ton can respawn on the back of the Forest Titan (he told Ezio he should do that as well but Ezio’s like ‘naahh, it’ll be fine’). The Forest Titan also serves as an offhand tank if Rock Elemental needs to tap out for a bit.
Tek Giga might have been the trigger that makes everything aggro at Clay. The Tek Giga was Clay’s first hack and hacking in this Ark takes a long time so he could not do it anymore because of all the aggros. However, with the help of others, Clay is planning to try hacking another one. Maybe even the big boss just for shits and giggles XD
Tek Rex and the Tek Raptor Pack are Clay’s main damagers. He calls them his “Jurassic Park Gang”. Only Desmond gets that reference of course. 
Tek Quetzal is usually his go to mount whenever some big fight is happening and staying on Tek Giga or even Tek Rex would be dangerous.
Tek Parasaur is there to cause chaos, master of hit and run attacks and also… berry gathering. This one looovvveeesss stimberry and the common joke is that it’s tweaking when it’s out gathering stimberries XD
His Enforcer is something he fully crafted on his own and, no, he will not do that abdomination that Altaïr was still doing. At some point, Clay thinks Altaïr should just stop but he knows he won’t. He had a taste of what it feels like to be Frankenstein and he’s going to keep going until the Monster finally says no. (Desmond tells him to stop being so overly dramatic)
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primal-con · 2 years
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I binged watched Steven Universe in its entirety for the first time and since then I haven’t stopped receiving visions of this AU like messages from an angry god. Anyways enjoy some character designs I did in between Art Fight attacks, lil lore dump for all interested parties under the cut <33
Optimus/Orion - Red Diamond aka Cherry Quartz
Megatron - Smokey Quartz (Rutilated)
Jazz - Pyrite
Shockwave - Amethyst (cracked)
Soundwave - Aquamarine (off color)
Arcee - Pink Sapphire
Bumblebee - Citrine
Plus characters I haven't designed yet:
Starscream (+ Seekers) - Labradorite
Mirage - Moonstone
Cliffjumper - Ruby
Ratchet - Bloodstone
Sunstreaker and Sideswipe - yellow and red Topaz
Cassetticons - Rubies (off color)
Prowl - Pearl
Wheeljack - Bismuth
Triple Changers are gem shard experiments with complete core gems, so a single functional gem with extra shards adhered to them, the combination is different for everyone though
Most other Decepticons are various types of Quartz's (Jasper, Tiger's Eye, Citrine, Agate, etc) since a lot of them are warbuilds
Am I actually gonna draw all of these characters? Uhh... probably not! But it's fun to chew on.
Anyways, the AU's not an exact 1 to 1. I mostly placed the characters where I thought they fit in SU canon because Gems and Cybertronians are kind of the same thing actually. However, some characters do have stronger correlations to certain SU characters so I ran with that.
OP and Megan kind of share the role of Rose Quartz (leaders of a rebellion fighting against the restrictive caste system of their oppressive home world, Optimus previously being Orion/Red Diamond before leaving that identity behind to be a soldier, etc). Do they split into Bots and Cons? No fucking clue! Maybe :3
Bumblebee's kind of Amethyst and Prowl's kind of Pearl and Jazz n Soundwave are kind of Garnet because when I was watching I realized she was the blueprint and probably why I'm so obsessed with those two. Shockwave for sure performs unethical gem shard experiments, the Seekers and Labrodorites as a whole function sort of similarly to Lapis Lazulis.
I've thought about weapons and fusions and caste but I haven't sketched everything yet so I'll keep y'all posted. Also! I've definitely forgotten some characters and details so if anyone has questions/suggestions, my ask box is always open :D
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