#or what if they're so used to swinging an actual blade the game is so easy it becomes hard
mspaintbladie · 5 months
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frogletscribe · 5 months
Until It Doesn’t Hurt
Chapter 13: I Wanna Be With You
20 years since the RDA was pushed off of the moon of Pandora, they are back once more. The RDA thinks their only problem is the traitor Jake Sully and his family, but as it turns out, Jake wasn’t the only ‘problem’ left behind 20 years ago. 
Anthe was a child soldier, stolen from their home and forced to learn the ways of the humans, erasing any of their connections to the Na’vi from before. Finally free from the RDA’s hold after being trapped in cryosleep, they're about to make themselves everyone's problem.
A reunion
Pairing: Aged Up!Neteyam X Nonbinary!Na'vi!OC (OC and Neteyam are both around 20)
Warnings: Mentions of Past Violence, Mentions of Past Trauma, Mild Claustrophobia, No Use of Y/N, Blood, Self-depreciation, Neglectful Parenting, Suggestive Themes, Mutual Pining, Hurt-Comfort, Found Family
WC: 3245 words. AO3 Link Here
A/N: New working computer is finally here and I can actually be productive again! I can also finally play A:FoP, and have been doing so lol. At this point, its safe enough to say this fic follows a uh, different TAP facility, not the same one in game. Either way, I am still working on this, even if updates are slow.
Also thank you so much to everyone liking and reblogging my art! I really appreciate the support!
{ } indicate speaking Na'vi
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The sky was a dull grey as Neteyam sat with his siblings and Metkayina friends on the beach, finally finished with their chores. Tsireya warned them from swimming out too far, the storm brewing on the horizon making the waters currents unpredictable. Tenak had left in the early hours of the morning, just as the first rays of light peaked from behind the evening's eclipse, promising to return with Anthe and Spider as soon as he found them. If he even could. 
Neteyam did his best to stay upbeat, rough housing with Lo’ak and Ao’nung as if the previous day's events hadn’t shaken him. As if the photo of Anthe wasn’t burning a hole in his pouch pocket at his side. Kiri still watched him with poorly hidden concern, but for the most part, Neteyam was able to tamp down the lingering ache in his chest. It was getting well into the afternoon now, the fog previously lingering on the darkening horizon, now slowly crawling towards the village. A light mist was settling round the group, humid air sticking to Neteyam’s skin. It was only a matter of time before the rain started.
“{What’s that?}” Tuk asked, pointing out to the horizon. A dark shape was emerging from the fog in the distance. Neteyam stood, squinting as he tried to make out the shape quickly approaching the shoreline. As it got close he could see it was a purple Ikran, its rider crouched low in their saddle, obscured from view. It flew adjacent to them, the rider either not noticing, or avoiding the group below.
“{Who’s Ikran is that? Did Tenak come back already?}” Kiri looked between Neteyam and Lo’ak, as a sudden tension overcame the group, made worse by the heavy air.
“{No, his mount was yellow…}” Lo’ak murmured, coming to stand next to Neteyam as they watched the stranger land some yards down the beach. 
“{More friends of yours, forest boy?}” Ao’nung joked, but the young man was visibly tense as he flanked Neteyam’s other side, hand poised on his knife defensively. Kiri and Tsireya pulled Tuk behind them, watching warily as the boys set a line of defense. This was exactly the sort of thing Neteyam’s father had been worried about when Tenak arrived, that their location would be compromised.
“{Who is it? I can’t see!}” Tuk whined, trying to peer around Kiri as the older girl held their sister back. Neteyam kept his eyes forward, hand on his blade as they watched the stranger dismount. A large back shape was strapped to their back, swinging as they hopped onto the sandy shore. The Ikran chirped, rustling anxiously as its rider seemed to sooth it, their back still to the group of young Na’vi. A twinge of something familiar tugged at Neteyam’s gut, but he ignored it, not wanting to risk being wrong.
“{Kiri, Tsireya, take Tuk home. Tell mom and dad what's happening.}” Neteyam ordered. His first priority needed to be protecting his family.
“{No! I want to stay!}” Tuk was arguing, though she still clung to Kiri’s legs for safety. “{Dad says we have to stick together!}”
“Holy shit.” Lo’ak’s sudden use of English cutting off whatever Neteyam was about to say, pulling his focus back to the stranger now approaching the group. “{Is that…?}”
A strange awestruck expression crossed Lo’ak’s face, his eyes glued to the figure in the distance. They were Na’vi as far as he could tell, dressed in a tight black top and bottoms not dissimilar to the Metkayina style, and hair tied back in one long and messy braid. Their stride was at first slow, cautious even, and then they were running, the weapon on their back discarded into the sand, tripping over their own feet in their effort. Ao’nung tensed beside Neteyam, the Metkayina man letting out a low warning growl, but Lo’ak rushed to block him. 
“{Wait- Stop!}” Lo’ak was pushing Ao’nung back, but Neteyam was frozen, half convinced his grief-addled mind was just playing tricks on him.
“{Neteyam!}” A familiar voice, calling out to him.
Neteyam’s body was moving before he even fully registered what was happening, the world around him dropping away as he ran full sprint towards Anthe. 
They crashed into each other with such force that it nearly knocked them both into the sand, Neteyam barely holding his balance as Anthe wrapped their arms around his neck, pressing their entire body into him as if he could disappear at any second. Neteyam clung right back pulling Anthe’s smaller frame as tightly to him as he could, burying his face in their neck, the scent of salty sea air and smoke clinging to their skin. He felt Anthe pull back, a pathetic sounding whine escaping his throat as they pulled his face from their shoulder, holding his cheeks as they looked at him. For a moment, Neteyam worried they would push him away again. But they didn’t, instead Anthe pressed their forehead to his, eyes screwed shut as they took deep grounding breaths, their fingers carding through his braids and holding his jaw. 
“{You’re here.}” Neteyam breathed, his voice barely more than a whisper. His bright eyes taking in every inch of them that he could without pulling away. Anthe looked haggard, dark circles under their eyes and hair falling from their braid in windblown tangles. Their body trembled slightly in his arms, hands clinging to him for dear life and tail flicking anxiously behind them.
“{I’m sorry.}” Anthe’s voice cracked as they spoke, golden eyes welling with tears they struggled to blink away. Anthe’s thumbs caressed his cheeks, wiping away tears Neteyam hadn’t even realized had started to spill. 
“{Wait, so… it is another friend?}” Ao’nung huffed, sounding vaguely annoyed as he rudely butted into the intimate moment. 
“{Anthe is a little more than a friend.}” Lo’ak was grinning, the previous tension quickly fading. Neteyam scowled, shooting a half hearted glare over his shoulder at the pair. He felt Anthe shift, moving to see the rest of the group but making no move to leave the circle of his arms any time soon. Kiri and Tuk were quick to pile on with their own hugs and excited greetings.
“{Great Mother, are you okay?}” Kiri gasped, inspecting Anthe for injuries. “{You look terrible!}”
“{I’m okay. Just… tired.}” Anthe gave a half-hearted smile, the shake in their limbs starting to subside as they began to relax in Neteyam’s hold. They were clearly more than just tired, but clinging to the relief of being back with familiar faces and tentative safety. Neteyam nuzzled into their hair, ignoring his siblings giggling at him. 
“{Hello.}” Tsireya smiled as she approached, dragging a reluctant Ao’nung with her. “{I am Tsireya, and this is my brother Ao’nung.}” Tsireya made the gesture for I See You, but Ao’nung crossed his arms, a sour expression on his face as he looked Anthe over. Neteyam glared at the Metkayina man, ears pinning back as he anticipated the mans penchant for nasty comments, but Tsireya beat him to it, elbowing her brother hard in the ribs, still smiling sweetly as ever. Ao’nung doubled over, yelping in pain and swatting his sister away before huffing a stiff ‘hello’ himself.
“{Hi.}” They watched the Reef siblings with interest, returning Tsireya’s gesture. Their tail still flicked anxiously behind them, giving away their nervous state. Neteyam let his own tail catch Anthe’s, twinning them together and stilling their movement.
“{Did Tenak send you? Where is Spider?}” Kiri asked, squeezing Anthe’s hand hopefully. Neteyam felt Anthe tense immediately, watching their face fall from relief to confusion.
“{Your brother, Tenak. He was here, he said he was going to bring you and Spider back.}” Neteyam could see the realization cross both Kiri and Anthe’s faces at the same time. Tenak had not found Anthe. Spider was still gone.
“{Y-You saw Tenak?}” There was something raw and painful in Anthe’s voice, an old wound opening back up again. Neteyam squeezed them tighter to his chest as he felt them begin to tremble again.
“{He was here this morning!}” Tuk pipped, the tone of the current conversation going over her head entirely. Anthe looked dazed, their eyes darting back and forth between Kiri and Neteyam for answers.
“{He came out here looking for you. He’s been searching for you this whole time.}” Neteyam said, running his hands along Anthe’s back and hair to soothe them.
“{He’s alive?}” They looked almost bewildered, like the idea was to foreign to understand. Neteyam pulled their head to his chest, letting Anthe anchor themselves to him as they gripped onto his arm. 
“{Him, your sister Kala too.}” Anthe seemed stunned, their grip on his arm tightening. Neteyam fished around in his pouch pocket, pulling out the photo Tenak had given him the night before. Gingerly, Anthe took it, a choked sob escaping them as they realized what it was. 
“{You said he was here this morning?}” Anthe finally asked, once they had gathered themselves again. Kiri nodded. Neteyam watched Anthe process, quickly shaking their head as if to dispel unwanted thoughts. 
“{Come on. Let’s take you home.}” Neteyam could tell it was too much happening all at once for Anthe. In one swift movement, he lifted Anthe into his arms, intent on holding onto them for as long as possible. They made no protests, save a small surprised yelp, but quickly settled, curling into his neck and shoulders as he walked them back down the beach towards the village.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
“{The Ta’unui’s Tsakarem sent me here. She said this is where I might find help, I didn’t think she meant you all were actually here.}” Anthe explained. They were exhausted, the emotional whiplash of the day exacerbating the tired ache of their body. Neteyam held close to them, letting Anthe lean into his side as they sat with the Sully family in their new home. Jake Sully listened intently to their story, his expression growing dark as they went on. Anthe fidgetted under the patriarch's gaze, fiddling with a bracelet Spider had made for them out of small river stones and twine. 
“{You’re sure no one followed you? No trackers?}” Jake questioned them. 
“{I’m sure.}” Anthe had been so paranoid about being followed, they’d done multiple checks of all of their gear and even tossed their Ikran’s saddle and tack into the ocean just to be sure.
“{Do you know how they even figured out we were out here?}”
“{There was a helicopter signal that got picked up on radar. I didn’t hear too many details, but Quaritch was sure it would be you.}” Anthe watched Jake pull a frustrated hand down his face, swearing under his breath. He looked back at his wife, pacing back and forth, her tail thrashing wildly behind her in agitation. 
“{Stay here.}” Jake ordered the group, pulling himself and his partner outside and out of earshot. Anthe swallowed, feeling guilty for having brought only bad news with them. Everything in them was screaming that they shouldn’t have come, that everything was their fault, but then they felt Neteyam nuzzling into their side, whispering comfort in their ear, and were reminded how that sort of thinking was exactly what got them into this mess in the first place. Anthe sighed, pulling Neteyam’s arms more closely around them. Neteyam let them, practically hauling them into his lap to bring Anthe closer to him.
“{What about Spider?}” Kiri pressed, brows knit in concern. 
“{He’s okay. I would have brought him with me, but there's still a tracker in his breathing mask. He didn’t want to take the risk.}” Anthe took her hand, squeezing it lightly.
“{Do you think they’ll hurt him?}” Lo’ak said it quietly, more to himself than anyone else, eyes avoiding anyone else’s gaze. He sat further away, knees tucked to his chest. It wasn’t hard to guess what he might be feeling, his brows knit in the same sort of guilty expression Anthe usually wore. Spider had told Anthe about how Lo’ak was usually the one who got into or started trouble for the Sully siblings, Anthe had even seen it for themselves. It wasn’t surprising that the younger man might feel responsible for Spider being taken in the first place.
“{Quaritch will be pissed but he’s…}” Anthe tried to answer, struggling to find the right words to describe the estranged father and son’s relationship. “{... attached to Spider, I don’t think he would hurt him. Spider might lose a little bit of the freedom he had, but if anything, this has just put me on that psychopaths shit list.}” 
“{Spider had freedom? With the RDA?}” Lo’ak scoffed.
“{You’d be surprised.}” Anthe couldn’t help but smile a bit at that. “{After a while, Quaritch let Spider, do pretty much whatever he wanted. The only thing holding us back were the trackers. We would have gotten out ages ago, otherwise.}” There was an unintentionally bitter edge to Anthe’s voice. 
“{You’re here now, that’s what matters.}” Neteyam said, softly brushing the hair from their face.
“{Neteyam’s right. Spider will come back to us.}” Kiri huffed, sounding more like she was trying to convince herself than anyone else.“{For now, let’s try to clean you up.}”
“{I’m fine-}” 
“{You’re a mess. Neteyam, do you still have the clothes I made them?}” Neteyam nodded. He reached back towards his bag, dragging Anthe with him as they refused to let him go, and pulling out a bundle of cloth.
“{You made me clothes?}” All Anthe had ever worn were RDA issue uniforms, or the clothes leant to them by Avatar scientists. Neteyam and his siblings had tried convincing them to wear more Na’vi garb, but Anthe had always felt too guilty and self conscious for the more revealing attire. 
“{It’s probably not ideal for the water, but it’s better than what you have on now.}” Kiri joked, tugging at the black nylon material of Anthe’s clothing. “{More comfortable too. Neteyam, go help them clean up and change.}” The younger woman pushed the pair towards another more private room of the marui, a sly smile not so subtly gracing her features.
Neteyam was smiling and rolling his eyes playfully as he pulled Anthe with him, closing a privacy curtain behind them. His hands only left them for a second, quickly returning to hold Anthe back in the circle of his arms, pulling Anthe’s back to his chest and resting his chin on their shoulder. From the moment they’d returned, Neteyam was holding or touching them in some way, even in front of the rest of his family. Before, such a level of affection had only been brief and in private, but Anthe found they didn’t mind the change, enjoying the feeling of closeness with another person.
 Anthe took the bundle gently from Neteyam, unwrapping it carefully to reveal the soft green and blue woven garments, and something else. A shining black blade, with a hand-woven and beaded handle and sheath lay tucked between the garments. Anthe felt Neteyam squeeze them lightly as they raised the blade, examining it closely. 
“{I wanted to give it to you before but it wasn’t done when you left…}” Neteyam mumbled into Anthe’s hair. 
“{This is for me?}” Anthe blinked up at him, unbelieving at first that something like this could be for them. Neteyam nodded, his cheeks tinged purple as he nuzzled them with his nose. The blades Na’vi carried with them were their lifeline, a means for survival and connection. Anthe just barely remembered having one as a child, before everything, that they had made with help from family that they could no longer recall. Now, Neteyam had made one for them, carved and assembled with such care and love that Anthe felt like they were short circuiting, suddenly too warm and soft to hold themselves together. 
“{Do you like it?}” Neteyam spoke softly, watching Anthe admire his handy work. Anthe nodded, pressing the gift close to their chest as they turned in his arms, pressing their face into the crook of his neck. Neteyam gave off a warmth that Anthe had desperately missed. It was different from anything they had felt with another person, the soft and comforting promise of safety and understanding. The only other connections they could compare it to was Tenak and Spider, and even those were still completely different. Tenak and Spider were their brother’s in arms, friendships born from the comfort of another person in the face of danger. But their closeness with Neteyam was not born out of mutual struggle and pain. It had come from a place of healing and understanding, built on a trust Anthe had never really encountered before. 
“{Come on, let’s get you changed.}” 
Anthe reluctantly separated from Neteyam, though his hands still held them, bringing them to a mat on the floor. He set about collecting a few clean cloths and freshwater, as Anthe began to undress. Previously, Anthe might have felt more self-conscious about their nakedness in front of another person, being raised by humans instilling a shame in their body that was hard to shake. A part of them still felt bashful, instinctively covering themselves with their arms as Neteyam gently began to wash away the dirt and sweat from their body, but they didn’t feel uncomfortable by any means. They let Neteyam take down their hair and help dress them in the clothes made by Kiri, a comfortable silence encompassing them. When they were finished, Anthe leaned back into Neteyam, who sat closely behind them. Neteyam ran his fingers through their dark hair, carefully pulling apart the tangles. 
“{I’m sorry.}” Anthe said finally, breaking the quiet. They felt Neteyams hands pause, then wrap around their middle and pull them close, his nose pressing lightly into their jaw.
“{You were right.}” Anthe continued. “{I should have stayed, I should have listened to you.}” 
“{Stop, please.}” Neteyam sounded hoarse, squeezing Anthe tighter to him. “{You’re here, you’re safe. That's what matters.}” Anthe turned themselves to look at him, hand cupping his jaw to make him look at them. Neteyams brows were furrowed with worry, his hold around them tight and desperate. He thought they were going to leave again. 
“{I want to stay here. I want to stay with you.}” Anthe pressed their forehead back to his, trying to will away his anxieties. “{I See You.}”  Neteyam took a deep breath, seeming to relax a bit with Anthe’s admission.
“{I See You.}” Neteyam repeated, a small smile replacing the worry. His eyes lingered a moment on their lips before flicking back up to their eyes. The movement was small, but caught Anthe’s attention enough for Anthe to register just how close their lips were to Neteyam’s. Their cheeks flushed, suddenly shy as their own eyes landed on the curve of Neteyams mouth. One of his hands ran softly up their back, holding the back of Anthe’s head, gently pulling them closer and closing the gap between them. 
Neteyam’s lips were soft, molding to Anthe’s mouth like two puzzle pieces fitted perfectly together. They pressed into him, chasing his lips in a desperate kiss they were loath to break. When they did finally break the kiss, both were panting, trying to catch their breath again. Neteyam grinned, pressing back in, peppering small kisses around Anthe’s face and making them laugh. It was pure relief. All the unsaid feelings and emotions, finally out in the open, and neither of them could get enough.
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yesbutmakeitgay · 2 months
Once Upon A Time I Used To Know A Girl
Chapter 8
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Carol Danvers x Reader
Masterlist | This work's masterlist | AO3
Summary: The King of New Asgard finally makes an appearance.
Angst, Slow Burn, Amnesia.
Word count: 959
I Hold The Knife At The Blade
You're in your room waiting for Kamala to come visit you as always. She seems to be running a little late, that's if she's even coming at all. With the way you left things the day before you're not so sure anymore. The worry in your mind starts growing when a suspicious knock interrupts you, before you can answer it, the door swings open to reveal The King of New Asgard.
"Val?" you yelp, "It's so good to see you." You reach out for her and share a comforting hug.
"Hey, Princess." You stiffen at the pet name.
"Did you just call me 'Princess?'" you ask, hoping you misheard her.
Realizing what just happened, she clarifies, "That's a thing I call you now, don't worry about it."
You mumble an 'okay' into her shoulder. She places a steaming mug on the table in front of you and takes a seat on the couch beside you.
"When did you get here?"
"Last night."
"Why didn’t you call?"
"I thought you detested intergalactic communications," she retaliates, "little Marv sends her regrets, she will not be making it today."
"Everything okay?" There is slight concern in your voice.
"She had to cover a last minute mission."
"On her own?"
"Oh, no, she has her team of teenage superheroes."
"So we're resorting to child labor now?"
"They're actually quite good." Valkyrie seems unbothered by the implications of your comment.
"They do sound kinda cute." You shrug it off.
"So, how are you doing?" She crosses her legs.
"I lost all my memories from the past several years, how do you think I’m doing?"
"That's not what I meant." She gives you a stern look.
You sigh, "The headaches are mild now, still have the weird dreams, though."
"Dreams? I haven't heard anything about these dreams."
"Do you also want my chart?"
"I see your attitude hasn't changed," she grins.
"It's been tough.”
"I can imagine." She places a hand on your shoulder.
After you make sure it's not scolding hot anymore, you take a sip of the mug Val brought for you.
"Cream, no sugar, how did you-" You stop yourself mid question, "I keep forgetting I’m the only one who doesn’t remember things," you huff and she gives you a sympathetic look, "tell me something about me."
She bites her lip for a moment, "You’re quite good with a sword," she smirks.
You chuckle, "I learned from the best."
"I was asked to keep you entertained for the day," A devilish smile starts forming on her face. "What do you say we go down to the gym and have some fun?"
On your way downstairs you encounter a small kitten that stops right in front of you. In an instant, tentacles come out of its mouth and it produces a toaster. "Did that cat just vomit up a toaster?" you ask, alarmed.
Valkyrie begins to explain, "That’s not a cat, it’s a-"
"Flerken," you interrupt her.
"Very good," Val is impressed.
"What’s it doing here?"
"What are any of us really?" she replies as 'you brought them back from a mission' doesn’t seem like something she’s allowed to tell you. You both keep walking.
You get to the gym and Valkyrie hands you a weapon, it’s been a while since you’ve been in the field so you ask her to go easy on you. She complies, if only because she would be in big trouble if she actually hurt you.
You go at it for a couple of rounds, she pulls some new moves and some you knew very well, though that doesn't mean you know how to handle them, Valkyrie has always been the best when it comes to swords.
"You’re off your game," she teases you in the middle of a fight.
"Oh, no, really?" you respond sarcastically, you get distracted by her words and she takes the opportunity to shove you down. She starts driving her weapon towards your chest and you hold your own sword with both hands, trying to push her away.
A scar on your neck catches her attention, it’s one she has never seen before, curiosity makes her lose her balance and you manage to turn her over, claiming victory over the match, "I’m done," you pant.
She stays underneath you, making no effort to move, "Is that all you can handle?"
"You try going through the most traumatic mission of your life and then sword fighting the King of Asgard."
"It’s New Asgard, have some respect for my Kingdom," she jokes.
"Right, sorry,” you feign an apology, “how’s royalty treating you?"
"It's not a big deal," she brushes it off.
"You wear three piece suits now, that's a big deal, you look hot." You eye her up and down as you say the last part.
"Why thank you, I try."
"Tell me, did we ever…?"
"No, never!" she answers before you can finish your question, pushing you off to the side and sitting up, "Are you thinking about it?" Her eyes go wide.
"Would it be so wrong if I said yes?" you insinuate, amused by her reaction.
"Yes, it would be!"
"Alright I didn’t say anything, you’re the one out here calling me 'Princess.'" You lift your arms in fake surrender.
"I said not to worry about it."
"I’m not!"
You awake in a dark, cold room, this time you are able to open your eyes ever so slightly and catch a glimpse of a screen. It's a fight, dozens of the same full armored men that took you, against a single target, a golden blonde figure in a red and blue suit with a star in the middle. Like clockwork, you feel a sharp pain in your neck and fall back asleep.
Chapter 9
Can you tell I Love Valkyrie?
Tags: @graniairish @carols-photonblast @thelittleliars @unicorniusfallapatorius @prplepeony
Let me know if you wanna be tagged :)
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videochess · 10 months
What are three (among your) favorite fantasy weapons/tools? If you fell into a Dive to the Heart, which one would you Wield to gain its Powers and which would you Sacrifice to augment your stats/build?
ohhh man this is a tough one. favoured Fantasy Weapon for me kinda depends on context… i love to be contrarian so in a game thats primarily melee i wanna do ranged and vice versa, for instance. in a game thats all swords, if theres One axe or mace or an option to use fists, thats the one im attracted to.
if i free myself from the chains of Context… ok i think im gonna have a REALLY hard time picking three so im just gonna list some weapons/tools used in fantasy stuff that i think are cool (not strictly Fantasy Weapons because some of this shit is real But Not How THEY Use It!)
shields: not a weapon but so cool. i love shields. you can use them to attack if you want and there's so many styles.
chakram: i didn't really think much about these until playing dancer in ffxiv and now i'm really chakram pilled. also if you play the xena: warrior princess game for psx you can throw a flying chakram that you then directly control in near-first-person and explore the entire level using it. which i think i would be able to do also
staves: magic ones. not a boring bo staff. but also i want to use it like a bo staff & not just as a Spell Focus. fact: i was really excited for palutena in smash 4 because the idea of a staff+shield moveset was REALLY exciting to me but she barely swings the staff around at all… wasteful!
maces, flails: i'm a cleric at heart so i always feel warmed to see one of these guys. it's unfair to bundle these together because they're vastly different technique wise but whatever
kanabo: this is like, a little bit from column Staff, a little bit from column Mace. (ok you dont use a staff like youd use one of these but maybe i would.) its like a giant baseball bat from demon's hell. awesome toy
katars: these are more of a childhood fav but my very first 2nd class in ragnarok online was Assassin because i was obsessed with those cool hand blades. when i was a kid i asked for a katar (real) for my birthday and got one. & it sucked ass
pickaxe: just a cool shape
Just Throwing Shit: im always enchanted by this option when it's present. i love the idea of specializing in just Throwing stuff. Any stuff. the little bouncy hammer you can throw around in destiny 2 as a solar titan is a favorite example of this but many rpgs have "thrown weapon" specializations that dont necessarily correspond to any one weapon Shape. its awesome.
bows: i think they are cool. not much else to say
OK and if i fell into a dive to the heart and i had like a whole armory waiting for me ummmmmm i would… probably pick Staff and sacrifice Sword. this Literally matches what i did in my kh playthru stream which makes it sound kind of boring but, whatever! if magic exists im gonna wanna use it!!! if it doesnt im still gonna have a cool long stick!!!! cant lose!!! actually though if magic DOESNT exist i want a kanabo or chakrams. Thank you!
Honourable Mention: in ultima online there's a weapon called "Hammer Pick" thats like a normal claw hammer with an inordinately long handle. i always thought this was cool. food for thought
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annoyingblondebracket · 6 months
Round 1 | Poll 6
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~ Note: This poll is being done out of a genuine love and affection for these types of characters! Please keep that in mind when adding commentary.
Propaganda (very long on both ends 😭) under the cut!
Madeleine Cookie:
~ everyone he has any kind of relationship with thinks he's insufferable (espresso cookie, financier) except for his family and he is so full of himself and always makes a show out of being a noble divine hero or something like that. His in-game story description says " On the day of his Commander's Oath-taking, Madeleine Cookie dedicated himself to the Divine and was granted the Sword and Shield of Radiant Light, which he prizes the most among his numerous possessions. The glorious Knight Commander's usual duties included trotting around the city on his snow-white sugar horse or letting his heavy cape flutter dramatically on the wind during his sparring sessions." (this is not all of it btw just the part abt him being annoying) and just fuckin look at him that's the face of a man who is never going to shut up about himself ever some trivia from his wiki page: - According to his unique loading screen's flavor text, "Madeleine Cookie excels at swinging his sword to heroic music with his cape fluttering in the wind." - According to his aunts, Madeleine Cookie has a sweet tooth and wouldn't eat anything if it wasn't sugary as a child. They also mention that he used to kick the blanket away when napping as a baby. -In the Halloween Commotion Costume Set Story, Strawberry Crepe Cookie analyzed Madeleine Cookie's dough and found "the most ridiculous amount of narcissism", alongside a considerable amount of light energy. also an interaction between madeleine and espresso M: Another magnificent day of my cloak waving in the wind! Wouldn't you agree? E: Of course. Yes. How marvelous. Please excuse me, I have rather urgent business to attend to. M: Too busy to even marvel at moi? What's the point of living then? also has a bond story with him and espresso called "we've never met" and it's about espresso avoiding him like the plague after seeing each other for the first time in a long while (if i remember correctly) another thing: just compare him to Financier Cookie, who is essentially madeleine 2 except she's not annoying and actually has respect for people and tries to protect people without looking for the satisfaction of being given praise or adoration. madeleine and financier are both paladins, they both are sworn to the divine, they're both from the same place, and YET financier turned out SO much better than he did. in one of financier's quotes, she says "Ser Madeleine Cookie could be so much more than... that." and in the kingdom overworld quotes, she also says "Light, guide my blade! ...What?! Madeleine Cookie says that?!" GIRL DOES NOT WANT TO BE COMPARED TO OR ON THE SAME LEVEL AS HIM JUST. WHAT IS HIS FUCKING PROBLEM
~ Theseus was an auto-admission and thus has no proganda! However as a Theseus yumejoshi it would be remiss of me to add nothing here, so here's some of my favourite lines of his <3
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Tips for my artist friends drawing melee weapons/A gigantic rant about medieval weapons
Dunno how much this'll help you, but I have so much about weapons and I can't not expound upon it, so, I'm putting it into something that you can hopefully use for art refs!
So, melee weapons, with a focus on medieval stuff for my more fantasy inclined friends!
The first thing to remember about a weapon is leverage.
Physics plays are very large part in how a weapon is used and how effective they are.
Take a straight sword for example.
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The power and force behind the sword is all going to be in the hilt and the tip.
Because the hilt is heavier than the blade and that's where it's held, that's where all the driving force behind it is going to be. The sides of the blade are going to carry little of that energy, but the tip is going to be carrying a lot of it, which makes it really damn good at THRUSTING attacks, big ol' forward pokes. Cutting through something with the long side takes a lot of brute force, and it can't do crap against armor, but with the tip it's easy to slash at something rather than cutting through with the long side of the blade.
Basically, they poke real well but can't smash worth a damn!
Now compare that to something like, say, a mace!
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See, unlike what most video games and such would have you believe, polearms like these are actually incredibly light compared to a sword.
Unlike the sword, which can change directions very fluidly because the blade is much lighter than the handle, something like a mace cannot do that as well because the head is much heavier than the handle.
A mace's power comes from the head being heavy, and when it's in motion, the weight is what adds so much force to it, because very little of the weight is in the handle, which acts as a lever when it's in motion, giving it devastating swinging power.
Unlike a sword, you can't block a mace, at least not without great difficulty. A sword can easily be deflected away by another sword, but a mace will just straight up bat it out of the way, and if it doesn't, it definitely will damage your wrists, if not straight up break them. Even then, the metal might just buckle because of the sheer smashing force.
Maces were created as anti-armor weapons, and that's why they're designed this way, a big ol' heavy head of metal that swings and hits really fuck off hard, and it can dent and go through metal because of the sheer brute force behind it.
You can't outright block the mace without risking serious damage, so you have to sidestep it or dodge it, which is what it's weak to, because it can't change directions as easily with the heavier head and lighter hilt, which means each swing has to be a commitment.
If they miss, they have to quickly get out of the gutting range, but if they're too slow, there is a small window to shank the bastard for the mistake.
Still, they are by no means slow, and there are definitely means to mitigate it. Especially on horseback, when weapons like these are twice as dangerous.
Basically, trade some agility for raw strength and anti-armour abilities/clobbering the fuck out of somebody.
Now, polearms! Or, as I belovedly refer to them, the Long Bois! Featuring, the Poleaxe! (Not the halberd)
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You can do so much fucken shit with these things.
You have the axe head, which, because the haft is very long and very light, hits like a truck and has massive cleaving/bludgeoning power power behind it.
You have the BIG poke, which has a lot of piercing power and is excellent for going through armor or chinks in it.
And the Smol poke, which you can use to also go right through armor and hook into things to trip them up!
They have massive utility, and are excellent specialised anti-armor weapons. On horseback or on foot, it's a force to be reckoned with.
It has all the parts of a thrusting and a stabbing weapon, just on a much, much longer platform, and a heavy head of steel that is great for bashing in armored skulls. You can also trip people up with it using the edges!
The smol poke on the back is also great for acting as a miniature hammer, like a Horseman's Pick, which can be used to go through chainmail and armor with sheer piercing power.
Polearms are also typically very tall, and it gives them a reach advantage. They can block more effectively with the long haft, and if it breaks, you still have the other half with the metal bits on it to hit things with.
So, what you have to remember about weapons, is where the lever is, how it'll swing, and how to connect it to a pose. A sword thrusts, a mace swings, some can do both, others cannot, etc, etc.
I heavily encourage you to do research into different types of polearms, swords and the like, because all of them have a purpose and many act differently than their kin.
I hope this helps you depict weapons more accurately or just helps in general.
Ciao, folks!
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Okay so uh, my brain is usually incapable of thinking abt fluff for some reason but after reading and later thinking a bit about @000marie198 's idea of shatterverse variants of Tails just being chaotic siblings I blacked out and hour later this apeared on my phone screen-
× Nine is the Sonic of the squad when Sonic's not around, as in pestering Tails and his two associates to take apropreate breaks and abide by their bedtimes, while also making sure that no forbidden substances such as coffee or energy drinks exist in the workshop's premises
+Tails specifically is extremely annoyed by this, yet fascinated and jealous at the same time, because how can you just?? Put everything down and go to bed???? Not even letting the thought of pulling an all-nighter pass your mind????
+But make no mistake Nine is still the most moraly corrupt of the quatro so he will absolutely be the little demon on Tails's shoulder approving of every single highly deadly invention or upgrade Tails thinks of.
× Thanks to the constant exposure to technology, tools and observing Tails' gadget making, Mangey has become a master disassembler and an uncompromisable threat to everything that's not welded together or a solid slab of matierial in the first place. If he puts his mind to it and no one disturbs him, he will take apart anything you put in his little hands. Tails finds that pretty usefull safety testing. (But also potentially dangerous and annoying when you try to type in your keyboard but all of the buttons are torn out and placed in a pile right next to it like damn ok, oh shit the dawer is aflling apart ah fuck-)
+One night, Mangey discovered a stray screwdriver and the residens of the workshop were for a suprise morning when they rather quickly found out every single hinge on all of the visible doors was undone. (yes even the fridge, Nine nearly got killed by the heavy doors falling on him)
× They sometimes play chess and while Sails prided himself by saying he already knows the rules and game perfectly, without a fail, he always ends up loosing to Nine who only makes sure to rub it in his face. This applies to most table and card games.
+Mangey was trying to eat the chess pieces at first but after observing a feew games and having the rules explained he is actually pretty good at the game??? (He doesn't really know what he's doing either and sometimes a piece or two gets lost to the stomach acids when the others aren't looking but oh well, Sails can always carve out another one)
+Honestly Tails shouldn't have been expecting to have a regular table game with any of the people he knows, especially himself.
× And what ego and pride Sails looses to Nine in board and card games, he gets back in the quite frequent sparing maches he initiates. Because boi is he salty about always loosing, and will he put all that salt on his blade and swing it at Nine all day and any day he sees the edgelord isn't visibly busy or in a bad mood (latter of is suprisingly and plesantly not as often as it once used to be)
+And Nine has tried to pick up a sword multiple times but it's just doesn't mesh well at all with the fighting style he preferred and was used to with his mechanical tails, which only got in the way. He will admit swords are cool and they're even cooler when someone skilled swings them, but he will eat a Chao alive before looking Sails straight in the face and telling him that.
× Something something rock paper scissors becomes a bit of an inside joke to the quatro after Mangey shows a literal rock when they were using this very professional deciding method on "who will clean up the workshop's mess after Tails' rather ambitious last project."
+Sails and Nine protested that it should be Tails alone since he caused the whole mess in the first place, why is he dragging them into this when all they've been doing is braking swords outside and they dutifully clened that mess up each time, but than Tails hit them with the "well I'm the one and only reason any of you exist here rn and also provide a roof over your heads so you go by my rules" anyway Nine lost the rock paper scissors and he absolutely made sure everyone knew he was pissed about it.
+They use rock papers scissors to also decide who gets to spent the most time with sonic and rocks are thrown when results are not exactly favorable. (No one gets seriously hurt I promise)
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mythandlaur · 11 months
Code: July Day 1 - Heroes
I can't guarantee anything, especially when I'm fixating on at least four different things at once, but I figured it might be fun to do at least a couple of days of this...as long as I really limit myself to shorter things for real this time.
Took this prompt in a slightly different direction, because I have a lot of thoughts about this scenario sitting in one long post in my drafts.
"Ghk--well, this is awkward."
"Man, that ghoul really just gunned it for you!"
"Well, he did blast it first, and it makes sense to try and take him out early."
Aelita waves a hand for silence. "All right, all right. Lothian, you're paralyzed and can't talk. Tomoe, it's your turn."
Aelita leans over the graph paper they'd spread out on the rec room floor, slapping an orange sticker on the drawing Odd had done of William's character. A trading card Ulrich happened to have was standing in for the offending ghoul in question.
William crosses his arms, pouting. "My constitution is a...uh..." He checks the paper he'd brought with him. "...+3, I totally should've passed that."
"Hey, that's how the dice go sometimes," Yumi says with a shrug. "Aelita, can I use my sneak attack on a dagger throw since there's an enemy next to it?"
"The enemy's incapacitated, so no."
"Darn." Yumi reaches over and moves her own character's drawing next to the ghoul card. "I'll just run up here and swing my sword at it, then, try and get its attention. You're welcome, Lothian."
"Tha--" William pauses, seemingly remembering that he's not supposed to be able to speak. "I mean, mrhphrh."
Ulrich snorts, covering his mouth with one hand as Yumi rolls some dice. "A fourteen hits," Aelita tells her.
"My blade cleanly slices into the ghoul's side."
"As it's an undead, its wound heals over quickly--but not completely. You definitely hurt it. The ghoul seems pretty upset!"
"Good." Yumi grins.
Odd squints. "Aren't you supposed to be an assassin? Y'know, sneaky?"
"It's not like we really have an option here."
"Thoron of Moron, you're next."
"Uh..." Odd scratches the side of his head. "...So they're gonna start shredding."
"Bardic Inspiration?"
"Yeah, on Tomoe. Hang in there!"
Yumi throws Odd a thumbs-up from across the papers while Aelita puts a purple sticker on Yumi's character.
"Edmonton?" Aelita turns her gaze to Jeremie, raising an eyebrow. "Do you have a plan?"
Jeremie frowns. "I did, but Lothian's too close."
"I think he can handle a little bit of fire," Ulrich quips, though there's no actual venom in his voice.
"You can't defend yourself."
"I'm here too," Yumi points out, gesturing at the tokens.
"You have +4 dexterity, you're gonna be fine."
"...I think I'm gonna blind the ghoul."
Aelita nods. "That roll works, describe what you do."
"Uh..." Jeremie shifts awkwardly in place. Unlike Odd or William, he's definitely not as good at describing things like this--it's the main reason he'd rejected the idea of DMing them, despite knowing all the rules best and having inadvertently introduced the game to them.
"Go on," Odd encourages, "Just do something cool!"
"I...hold up my wand and the crystal on it glows bright green, and--" Jeremie shuffles the papers in front of him--"shoot, it's verbal--uh, I shout...I take your sight, fiend! And a bolt of light shoots out into its eyes."
Odd and Ulrich snicker to each other, but nod encouragingly when Jeremie glances over at them. Aelita mirrors them. "The ghoul lurches back, crying out in alarm! Its flailing almost causes it to smack Lothian with a claw." William narrows his eyes and grunts. Aelita stifles her laughter. "But it's all turned around now. It's blinded for one minute! Vestan Valewind?"
"Um...battleaxe it in the side."
"So you're moving up to here?" Aelita points at a square.
Ulrich shrugs. "Sure. And I'm gonna use a superiority die to distract it."
"That hits, it turns towards where it thinks you are and--its wounds have stopped visibly healing, it's quite hurt. It tries to bite at you...but has disadvantage, and misses. Lothian, can you roll constitution?"
"Thirteen plus three."
"You're no longer paralyzed!"
"Okay." William squares his shoulders, and the others glance between themselves with knowing looks as he reaches over to move his 'token' backwards. "I back up with a dangerous light in my eyes and raise my greatsword, pointing it at the ghoul. I call on the vile power within me to smite this beast with an Agonizing Eldritch Blast!"
Aelita doesn't say anything immediately, grabbing the d20 off the paper and rolling it behind her screen.
William's eyes widen. "Oh not now."
"Is that a real not now?"
"That's a what are you gonna do to me not now."
"...I'm going to do nothing, because the spell works as intended."
"Thank god." William clears his throat, aggressively pantomiming. "My eyes turn jet black for a moment, and a bolt of black lightning surges up through the sword and into the ghoul's chest!"
"The ghoul is very hurt, now. Tomoe, you may actually be able to--" Aelita's watch starts beeping, startling everyone. "Oh, that's rehearsal..."
"Man, right at the cliffhanger too," Odd whines.
"It's not much of a cliffhanger," Yumi points out, as Jeremie takes a picture of the token positions with his phone and Aelita gathers up her things. "That was actually really simple compared to the rest of the dungeon. Suspiciously simple." She squints at Aelita.
Aelita merely giggles. "Maybe so. All I'll say is you all are terrible about leaving doors open behind you."
Ulrich's eyes widen, and he smacks the ground with a fist. "We've been followed!"
"I knew I should've sensed magic!" Jeremie puts his face in his hands.
"Hey, it's fine," Odd says, scooping up his 'tokens' and putting them in his own pocket. "Just more guys to beat up, right?"
"This is Aelita," William points out, "Who says we're fighting them? Might be another puzzle..."
"You guys are making an awful lot of assumptions." Aelita throws her bag over her shoulder, still smirking to herself as she crosses the room (passing Milly and Tamiya on the couch, who are currently pretending they've been talking to each other the whole time and not listening). "I'll see you all at dinner--Yumi, I'll see you tomorrow."
There's a chorus of 'bye' and 'have fun', and Aelita gives them all one final wave before heading out the door, leaving the group sitting around on the floor. Without Aelita there, William still makes the air between them somewhat awkward--but the game had honestly helped with that a great deal, even over the few Sundays they'd been doing it.
"You should really get some cooler looking spells, Jeremie," Odd says, standing up. "You don't have to minmax everything for us."
"I'm not here to look cool, Odd. Besides, I'm no good at this stuff."
"Oh yeah, and I haven't heard you getting crazy into playing Villainous Mastermind."
"He has?" William raises an eyebrow.
Jeremie cringes under his gaze. "I wasn't that into it."
"You kidding? You were adjusting your glasses like an anime character, and--he has this evil laugh he never does but it's actually pretty spooky. I'm glad he's on our side."
"I'm just saying, maybe try loosening up a little! You might have fun!"
William weakly raises a hand. "Hey, actually, Edmonton knows a lot about arcana stuff, right? ...Maybe he and Lothian can work together. If--uh, if he's okay with it, that is."
Jeremie turns to look at William, who quickly wilts, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. Jeremie's silent for a few seconds, clearly in deep thought, the tension thickening.
"...Yeah, maybe," Jeremie says, ducking his head. "Maybe they could do that."
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claire-starsword · 10 months
Landstalkers JP manual - Characters, Monsters and Items
Prologue here
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Nigel - Protagonist Being a treasure hunter, a sort of thief aiming for treasures and gold, he is burning with enthusiasm when it comes to the treasures of King Nole. He is skilled with the sword and light on his feet. Nigel was born in a small elf village in the mainland, and has dreamed of adventure since he was a child. He's a forest elf, and 88 years old. Friday A kinda mean succubus (little devil) girl. She's 120 years old, and born in Mercator. She can heal others upon eating her favorite food, the EkeEke. Stays on Nigel's bag.
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Kayla The boss lady of the trio of stooges who bother Nigel and Friday through their adventure. She has a harsh personality, and punishes Ink and Wally with her whip. No one knows what they want. Duke Mercator The lord dispatched to this island by the emperor of Gamul in the mainland. He lives at Mercator Palace. Being a pleasant guy, he is respected by the islanders, but due to his noble origins, he's not satisfied with life in the island, and holds greater ambitions. Something seems fishy about him.
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Princess Lara Princess of the region of Shurel in the country of Maple. She was raised in a strict manner due to being of the royal family, and is thus not used to being in the real world. She speaks nonsense at times. It seems she came to Mercator to study music, but… Wizard Mir A great wizard said to have great magic power. He creeps around the underground of Mercator Palace. Zak A mysterious man who calls himself a bounty hunter, despite being of the noble race of dragonewts. The handsome and playful type. King Nole The tyrant who ruled the continent many centuries ago. Did he hide his vast treasures in this island?
Notes for characters:
Mir isn't underground in game, he lives in a tower away from the actual town.
Let's talk names. Nigel's original name can be read as Ryle or Lyle. I do'nt know why they changed it but I appreciate not having a repeat name with the Shining Force guy, so I stick to it.
Kayla and Lara are Kara and Loria in the original, this is a very meaningless change just to make the names flow better I suppose.
Kayla's goons are not important enough to even have their own profiles here, but I wanna talk about them anyway. Their original names are Goose and Zuwham. Goose is a pretty on the nose name for a bird guy. Zuwham on the other hand is a weird one but after cracking my head about for a while I think it might come from some japanese onomatopoeia for sliding or thumping, and "wham". That because this guy is heavily based on the bouncing ball enemies from Shining in the Darkness, while Goose is based on a treasure chest enemy from there as well.
[Edit: I've since realized that Kayla herself is based on the item shopkeeper of SitD as well. Gang's all here.]
Zak is Zed in the original version.
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Monsters Mercator Island is home to people of many different species, but once you take a step out of towns and villages, you find lots of monsters crawling around. Slime An organism born spontaneously due to magical elements drifting in the atmosphere. Its body is mostly liquid, and it envelops opponents with it. It can also move by jumping. Orc Soldier A kind of monster race found anywhere in the world. They movements look sloppy, but they have strong muscles, and crush enemies swinging their axes from above their own head. They fight in groups. Rough Lips A giant carnivorous plant more than one meter tall. They're shaped like mushrooms, and the caps release strange spores. They usually hide underground, and pop up suddenly when an enemy approaches. They're slow, but relentless in their chase, frightening adventurers.
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Skeleton Immortal monsters summoned from the world of the dead. Being dead spirits, they don't know fatigue and don't fear death, attacking with sharp sword skills. It might be impossible to dodge they swift stabbing? They can also avoid attacks, blocking the enemy's blade with their shield. Larva An earthworm monster with a human face. They can be larger than two meters, and move underground looking for corpse flesh. Monoeye The strongest hunter race who lives in Mercator since ancient times. Their culture is not very developed. They attack with no mercy those who come into the island. Being more than three meters tall, a swing of their clubs has massive power. They're more violent than other races.
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Lizardmen A humanoid race close to reptiles, who live in marshlands and such. They look like dragonewts, but are not a dragon race. They are not very smart, but their skin is incredibly thick so their defense is high. Guard Knight Sword wielding soldiers who are the main force of the personal troops commanded by the lord of Mercator. It's unknown what species is within the armor. The thick armor gives them high defense, but their movement is slow. Unicorn Trooper A humanoid race with unicorn heads, who can be found in big amounts on the Mountain Region. They're known as a warrior race, and many work as mercenaries. They're prodigious fighters, quick and skilled at melee combat. Growl Ghost A by-product of King Nole's evil magic experiments. Swarms endlessly on enemies due to their deep grudges.
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Silent Commando The most different monster race out of all summoned by King Nole. They're the dead spirits of those killed in combat during wars with the eastern countries, called by King Nole's strong magical powers. They terrify opponents attacking with absurd jumps and teleportation.
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Chaos Visitor As their name says, they're visitors from Chaos, the land of the dead. These monsters too were created by King Nole's magic experiments. Besides gathering treasures, King Nole is said to have also devoted himself to arts such as alchemy and raising the dead. Maneater Monsters that look just like the chests within dungeons. They bite on people who happily approach to grab treasure. Most believe they come from the grudges of old treasures hunters lost during their hunts. Hangman Immortal monsters said to bring others to their death. To protect King Nole's throne, they were turned into their current evil forms. Many monsters were born due to King Nole in this way.
Notes on monsters: I used the japanese names here since the english one are barely used anyway, and these are more interesting. Not totally sure about the ghost one, but others should be okay.
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Equipment and Items for Nigel Swords Broad Sword A regular sword made of reinforced iron. Not easy for regular humans or elves to use, though. Nigel's standard equipment. Ifrit Sword A sword engraved with enchantments of fire spirits. Incredibly rare in Mercator, only a single one is recorded to have been imported to the island. Sword of Ice A sword filled with the condensed energy of ice spirits said to reside in the northernmost point of the continent. Anything cut by this sword becomes completely frozen. Armor Leather Breast Armor made of flexible leather. Since it's light it makes movement easy, but it's not made for battle. Nigel's standard equipment. Steel Breast Chest armor made of steel treated to still have flexibility. It's strong, but its height still slows the user down. Chrome Breast Armor made with chrome, an alloy of steel and other metals. The sturdiness of the materials weakens enemy attacks pretty well.
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Boots Leather Boots Like the Leather Breast, these too are made of leather. Light and easy to move in, but not trustworthy for battle. Nigel's standard equipment. Aqua Guard One size fits all boots made of a semi transparent and heat insulating gelatinous material. They're nice and cold and soft, and protect your feet.
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Rings Mars Stone A ring made with polished minerals that some wizard acquired from another planet with magic. Wearing it protects your body from blood and paralyzing poisons.
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EkeEke Fruit A perennial plant that looks a lot like mulberries. It is the specialty of Mercator Island and known as a energetic. They can be eaten raw, but are far more delicious when put on alcohol. Super high valued, only nobles can get their hands on them in the mainland. They're the favorite food of Friday, inhabitant of this island, and eating them gives her a boost on magic power, making her capable of healing Nigel. He hates this fruit. Antidote A weed used since ancient times as antidote to poisons. Poison from the monsters of Mercator Island can be nullified with it. Mind Repair There are monsters whose attacks cause hallucinations as well. When stricken by those, you won't be able to move in the direction you think you are. But using this medicine, you'll be free of the hallucinations and return to normal. Anti-Paralyze When struck by monsters, you may suffer strong muscular paralysis, and become unable to move for some time. This medicine restores you back to normal. It is a precious item extracted from the liver of deep-sea fish, so its price is high.
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Ticket Entry ticket for the amusement center in the town of Mercator. It's not sold anywhere so it's hard to get your hands in one, but lots of people say the casino sounds super fun, so you definitely want one. Golden Goddess Statue In Mercator Island, there are many mysterious goddess statues, and the villagers make copies of them to sell as souvenirs. They boost the power used by Nigel's magic swords for a certain amount of time. They disappear after a single use. Gaia Statue A wooden statue made in the image of Gaia, guardian goddess of the earth. It is said that by holding it up you can borrow the power of earth spirits, causing a massive earthquake, but the details are unknown. They disappear after a single use. Jewels Five jewels said to be in somewhere in the island since ancient times. But no one knows their significance. Perhaps they have some relation to the treasures of King Nole…???
Notes on items: again just used the japanese names as there isn't much difference and also as someone who likes special weapon names, changing Ifrit Sword to Magic Sword is some sort of war crime. Also, the "Aqua Guard" is a peculiar name in the manual only, they're called Flame Boots in game.
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Microfic ask game fill for an anon! Featuring two hitherto unseen (unless you've been in the shrimp server lol) Mass Effect OCs...
"Why're we even here?"
Roz doesn't so much as glance back this time, simply trudging ahead as she has for the last four hours. Her whelp's whining is annoying, sure - but it means she's there, in earshot, without Roz having to exert any effort on her part. 
"Same reason I told you on the ship," is all the older krogan says, swinging her head side to side, taking a few deep breaths. There's nothing to see, of course - her eyes may be ancient, but they're strong, able to pick out every dull blade of grass and speckle of lichen damn near to the horizon. No, it's the air that sets their course today. Almost nothing but dust to her right, dry and almost metallic - some mineral deposit, Roz has already filed it away in her mind for later, could be good trading material.
Left, though...
"You didn't say we were going to build a home!" the whelp protests. Stamps her feet, even, from what Roz can see out the corner of her eye. The older krogan grins, gesturing to the new path.
"I said we were gonna make a new home, child. And more than that-"
Oh, that got her attention.
"More than making a home, we're reviving a clan. Tuchanka's more fucked than Shiagur - what's the use of a homeworld when half of them are bent on forgetting any culture they had, huh?" Roz huffs. "Now - smell that?"
The younger krogan gives a half-hearted sniff. Opens her mouth to complain - but nothing comes out. There's a light in her eyes, one Roz remembers, dimly, seeing a dozen or so times from agemates, back before it all went to hell.
"It's... better this way?"
Roz grunts in approval. "Maw's musk. They like it near water deposits when they're small - and they usually leave openings so the rest of us can get at it."
She shifts, just a bit, though she probably doesn't need to. Her whelp seems lost in scenting the air, and she's glad to leave the kid to it, she needs to take in as much as she can. Get used to using her actual senses, and leave relying on things like map to the old shits.
According to the map on Roz' omnitool, they're near... well, it was a settlement once, she thinks. There's not much left, going by the aerial pictures, and what remained was long overgrown. Still, shelter enough for a night. And perhaps, if they were lucky, one of the maws would surface, and she could teach the whelp how to charm them. Perhaps even in time to make a good display, if anyone showed up taking issue with their being there... not that Roz expected much confrontation, though. Hardly anyone - Council, Traverse gangs, even the Alliance who supposedly laid official claim - wanted that worm infested rock they called Akuze.
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grailfinders · 1 year
Fate & Phantasms #57F: Eric Bloodaxe
well now you've done it. look what happened, y'all've made fun of Eric Bloodaxe (the bloodaxe king) so much he up and left Fate entirely! he's set out to Eorzea to check out that free demo of hit MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn he's heard so much about. but he still wants to wear something slightly resembling his usual outfit, so he asked us to help out. that's right, we're making your favorite fate characters as glamour sets now! why not?
so to start with, if we want to look the part we need to start at character creation, and thankfully we won't even need to worry about getting horns from somewhere else, since the Au Ra race is kind enough to provide them for free!
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admittedly he does still look a lot skinnier than I'd like, but that's just how mmo's tend to work, y'know? damn you, anime prettyboys! that being said, at least you'll always be able to swing a giant axe around if you play a Marauder. they definitely feel beserker-y too! run into literally every enemy and don't stop swinging until they're all dead, real easy gameplay.
we'll put all the real nitty-gritty stuff at the end, but for now our model's here so we'll talk about the fit. in order to put on any glamor (which allows you to make your armor look like whatever so you're not constantly mix-matching to get the best bonuses) you need to be level 30. I am not leveling a whole-ass character just for an April Fools bit, so our model this evening shall be Miss Akeminemi Homumomu. say hi Akeminemi.
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we're going to make as much of our outfit as possible so you can wear this as early as possible, and with as little grinding as we can manage. to start off, let's talk weaponry. most of the crafted axes you can get are a little too clean to work as a proper bloodaxe, but you can at least match Eric's double-bladed style with a labrys, specifically a Spike Bronze Labrys as that is the lowest-level one we can make.
UPDATE: we found a weapon that matches Eric's blood axe much better! the end of the Extreme primal questline, "To Tussle with Gods", gives you tokens you can exchange for the Dual Haken.
your headgear is dead simple, as thanks to the average MMO player's obsession with their own face you can just toggle off the visual part of your helmet anyway, no crafting needed. score one for vanity!
your body is less so. while you can just not wear anything if you like living dangerously, most party members will appreciate you actually wearing armor as the party tank. in that case, you'll want to wear the Emperor's New Robe as a glamour, turning whatever armor you wear invisible! once you can glamor you can buy one from a nearby merchant for less than 100 gil, it's a steal. that being said, Akeminemi looks like a small child, so she'll be wearing a shirt for modesty's sake.
for your gloves, pick up some Goatskin Armguards and dye them a skintone, I think Pumpkin Orange works well enough for our purposes. boom. arms, guarded.
your Pants were the biggest sticking point here- there aren't many skirtlike options you can make that still have metal on them, especially in early game. if you've got the time or you're already high level, the Light Steel Subligar is the only one I could find that's craftable. that being said I've beaten the basegame and I still can't make the damn thing, so we're using the Brand-new Trousers as a substitute. you get them as part of the main story quests, so it's still easy enough to get.
finally, for Eric's big stompy boots grab some Bronze Sabatons and darken them with some Kobold Brown Dye. so, let's see how it looks all together, shall we?
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absolutely terrifying. happy April Fools Day, y'all!
(oh right, the specifics, almost forgot)
for character creation:
pick Au Ra, the Xaela variant set height to max tail style 3, reduce size to min face 1 skin color: row 16, column 4 hair style: row 6, column 1 hair color: row 8, column 7 jaw 4 eye style 2, with large irises eye color: row 12 column 4 no limbal rings (he's not a cat now, c'mon) eyebrow style 6 nose 5 mouth 3 default lip color only use the eyebrow addons under the "other" options no facepaint and voice #12
and again, his outfit is Spiked Bronze Labrys Emperor's New Robe Goatskin Armguards (dyed Pumpkin Orange) Brand-New Trousers (or Light Steel Subligar) Bronze Sabatons (Dyed Kobold Brown)
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four-loose-screws · 11 months
FE7 Novelization Translation - Chapter 11 Section 2
If you would like to start from the beginning, read a missed part, etc., click here!
FE Game Script Translations - FE Novel Translations - Original FE Support Conversations
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Chapter 11: Four-Fanged Offense (Section 2)
The town's atmosphere, previously joyous as the people prepared for the upcoming ceremony, had changed to one of complete chaos.
All manner of weapons were being used, from sword and axe to magic and bows, and the battlefield had expanded to the edges of town. Any attempts now to tell either army not to cause any chaos would be in vain.
As Eliwood fought the Black Fang while being very careful to avoid hurting the townspeople, he noticed something strange.
'...They're trying not to get the townspeople involved either?!'
Those clad in black were refraining from attacking any of the locals, as regular citizens would not be associated with Eliwood. They also avoided casting any spells or shooting any arrows that had a chance at catching one of them in the crossfire; and even when slashing away with their weapons, they made sure none of the people were in range before acting.
Their way of fighting was so fair and just that it was unthinkable they could be Nergal's underlings, and it shocked Eliwood.
"Hey! Are you Eliwood?" 
A man's voice rang loud and clear in his ears. 
He laughed fearlessly and glared at Eliwood. 
From both his bold demeanor and appearance, Eliwood knew very well that he was no ordinary man. "...Are you this group's commander?"
"The name's Linus. Not that my name is something you'll need to remember when you'll be dead soon!"
"...In that case, there's something I want to ask you. I've been told the Black Fang is a group with strong convictions. …So why are you siding with a man like Nergal?”
Linus looked like he was thinking about Eliwood’s words, but only for a moment. He quickly drew his silver blade, shining in the sunlight. "...Nergal? That creepy guy Sonia introduced to our Father? I've got nothin' to do with him! I just carry out my orders!"
"And you haven't doubted whether those orders are right, even once?"
"Doubted? What is there to doubt? My father and brother's decisions could never be wrong!!"
"That's exactly why I…"
"Quit messin' with me!" Linus shouted to stop Eliwood from continuing the conversation any further. "I don't need Brother's help for this. In the name of the Fang, I will execute judgment!" That was the last thing he said before ferociously lunging at Eliwood. 
Eliwood himself also decided that there was no more room for conversation, and immediately fought back.
"Take this!" Linus put all of his strength into a single swing of his blade. 
In comparison to a standard, lighter sword made out of steel, his silver blade was much heavier, but he swung it with ease, fighting as if he was mad. Even Eliwood, who did not know his title, got the impression that he fought like a mad dog.
But Eliwood was not the kind of person to be put under pressure by such a fighting style.
With a battle cry, in the blink of an eye, he brandished his rapier and cut a shallow wound into Linus' nondominant arm. 
Linus licked it and flashed a violent smile across his face. "Not bad. You're the second person to ever hurt me head on!"
The first was of course Lloyd.
"But I won't let you do it ever again!!"
He started his ferocious assault once again, forcing Eliwood to go on the defensive. 
Linus swung his blade down, thrust it in front of him, and ran forward to stab Eliwood with it. Eliwood either dodged or blocked each and every attack. To an observer, it looked like he was struggling, but the reality was quite the opposite.
"Dammit… Stop messin’ around with me!” Linus yelled in frustration as he continued his onslaught. He was actually becoming very angry. It irritated him that no matter how many times he attacked, he could not land a decent hit.
That was what Eliwood was waiting for.
The frustration built up inside of him would create an opening. When that happened, Eliwood would have his opportunity to claim victory.
"Eat this!" Linus raised his sword over his head and put all of his strength into swinging it down on Eliwood’s head. 
But instead his attack only sliced through thin air, and became lodged in the cobblestone laid out through the street.
"I-I failed?!"
As Linus shouted, Eliwood did not let the opening go to waste, thrusting his rapier in a blow intended to stab its sharp tip through Linus' throat.
Linus poured every ounce of strength in his body into pulling his sword out of the cobblestone. The force sent chunks of stone and dirt flying into the air, blinding Eliwood, and making him hesitate for a moment in his attack. For Linus, just that one moment was plenty.
He jumped back to put some distance between them, taking a moment to catch his breath and fix his stance.
"That was close. You're makin' this pretty fun!" He said with a fearless smile on his face. 
However, to Eliwood, this was not a time to be smiling.
After being on the offensive for so long and failing to take advantage of the opening his enemy created when impatient, he could not use that same tactic again. And Linus was a dangerous foe for him to fight head on. Both his strength and stamina were far superior to Eliwood's. With the opportunity he'd waited for gone to waste, now Eliwood was the one getting frustrated. 
Meanwhile, Linus, on the other hand, was enjoying their fight so much he could hardly contain himself. "It's been a while since I've found prey with this much fight in them! I'll be the one to take you down myself!"
“You won't have the chance!"
Eliwood whirled around towards the source of the voice that had suddenly cut in between their fight from behind, and there saw the blade of an axe swinging down towards Linus' face. 
Linus swiftly blocked that attack with his blade, but the man - Hector - stood up and followed up with a second and third attack.
“I won't let you kill him!" Hector swung Wolf Beil and shouted.
“Alright, if you wanna die, then I’ll take you out first!” Linus raised his blade and roared.
They matched each other in both stamina and strength. Their head-on fight could only be described with one word: ferocious. 
Axe and blade clashed viciously, and their overflowing energy sent sparks flying. At its start, their grand battle overwhelmed all who saw it, but over time, it was Hector who became overwhelmed.
When two opponents are matched in strength, stamina, and skill, then superiority is determined by the difference in their weapons. In comparison to swords, axes have a shorter reach and smaller turn radius. Of course, victory against Hector would not be determined simply by what his foe was holding, but if his foe was just as strong as him or stronger, then that was a different story. The more equal they were in strength, the slighter the margin in the outcome would be.
“Hiiii-yaaaaaah!” With a thunderous battle cry, Linus unleashed a powerful attack.
Hector tried to block it with his axe, but in the end was pushed back. With the dry sound of scraping metal echoing into the air, Hector lost his grip on Wolf Beil, and it rotated through the air before finally lodging into the cobblestone.
“That was fun. But this is the end for you!” Linus shouted and swung his blade into the air.
But oddly, Hector, though he had lost his weapon, was smiling calmly. By the time Linus realized how strange it was, it was too late. At some point, Eliwood had gotten behind him, and was aiming the tip of his sword at Linus' back.
"Dammit, were you two plannin' this from the beginnin'?!" Linus said in regret as he threw his weapon on the ground. 
One foe was closing in on him from the front, and the other was taking him from behind. Linus thought that they had him completely trapped, but that wasn't really their intention. Hector had seen his best friend in trouble and saved him, and Eliwood had searched for an opportunity to help Hector once he was cornered again. They were in true harmony with each other.
From the very beginning, this fight had never been a one-on-one duel, but one where they risked their lives together. Linus did not think of Eliwood as a cheat, but was ashamed of himself for focusing so much on the enemy in front of him that he neglected to watch his back.
“Don't come over here!" Linus barked at one of his men, who was coming his way to help him. "They're my prey! All of you get out of here! Now!"
"Shut up! Have you forgotten the laws of the Fang?!" 
Though it was obvious by the expressions on their faces that his words pained them, they slowly retreated.
To maintain their structure as an organization, the Black Fang had several rules. One that Linus’ followers could not betray was “Your superiors’ orders are absolute.”
After seeing that every last one of his followers were gone, Linus turned his head to look at Eliwood, who had the tip of his rapier positioned right up against his back.
“...I’ve lost. Brother was right. You guys are strong…” He said, expressing how deeply impressed he was, then took both of his hands off his blade, still lodged in the ground.
With that act, they could no longer sense any will to fight from him, and Eliwood relaxed.
He was too soft.
“But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna die like this, without anything to show for it!!” The moment Eliwood let his guard down, Linus moved with unbelievable speed for someone so giant. 
He swiftly pulled away from Eliwood’s rapier, then immediately whirled around and wrapped his thick arms around Eliwood’s neck. “I’m takin’ you with me!!”
Crushing his enemy’s neck bones was nothing for Linus.
Like a large snake strangling its prey, Linus’ arms slowly began to move.
Though Eliwood knew that he was staring death in the face, his expression did not change.
“...Do as you wish.”
“...I’m sorry, what?!" At Eliwood’s unexpected response, Linus’ arms stopped moving.
“...I noticed something while we were fighting. All of you… were careful not to get the townspeople involved.”
“Of course! Our target was always just you!” Linus said with pride. 
Eliwood looked at him and continued,
"We don't think the Black Fang is an evil group. …Why do we have to fight?"
"That's because you're the bad guys… Dammit!" Linus clicked his tongue, loosened his grip on Eliwood, and let him go. 
"I don't get it either! Sonia told Father you're evil, and he trusts her, so he gave us this order!" Linus shouted, getting everything that had built up inside him off his chest. His expression was a complex combination of both and pain and confusion.
He was visibly wavering and questioning everything he had trusted.
"Sonia? She's…"
"...I'm gonna leave for now. Once I get the details straight about you, I'll be back." Linus did not answer the question Eliwood began to ask, instead leaving the conversation at that before walking off.
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saltypiss · 2 years
I can't tell if VR is the biggest most global scam ever or simply if it ever was worth a shit.
In all my time with VR, all I've ever walked away with is: "Well that was impressive, too bad I never had nay fun."
What games does VR have? Outside of Alyx, you got hundreds of garbage games. Then the ones you actually hear about, or see videos on, turns out they're below mediocre and everyone was blowing shit out of proportion. Seriously, Boneworks is the absolute last game anyone new to VR should ever touch, yet, it's 40$, everyone rates it high. Why? The gameplay is non-existent, there's platforming and in no real game designer's fucking skull is that ever a good idea, they have 3 enemies, 2 weapons, reskins of em, and then the actual physical combat?
I don't know how else to explain VR other than this: One you're literally always going to be frustrated. The fucking wire. The fucking controllers randomly going out, the DRM, the awful awful controls, for all games. You're constantly fighting to have fun. But the headset or the developers fight against that at every opportunity.
Like, deadass, there are VR games like Job Simulator where you CANNOT move and CANNOT turn the camera, you have to physically do everything, if you've never experienced VR in, you know, your house, you can see how that might be quite seriously the biggest contender for "worst" in game design yet.
Physical combat is impossible. The delay in movement, the unbelievably pathetically conceived weight to everything you swing that turns every single attack into punches in a dream.
The awful visuals. Yeah sometimes you downright feel like you're there. But the vast majority of the time, these games have no artstyle, or if they do, it's laughably amateur or worse.
The performance. My god. I'm confident as hell my PC can handle VR, I know for a fact the wire that was nearly 100$ is the problem. When you are selling wires for 100$, you're admitting everything is a scam.
RE4VR, HL:A, Blade and Sorcery
There it is. The entire actual video game library.
You'd think, someone, anyone, would've realized simply taking Gmod and the concept of combat for boneworks and Blade n Sorcery, would be all you'd need for VR. Instead, everyone is trying to make their cinematic experiences where your character can't move their legs without you running into a wall, and your hand gets caught on everything while your other hand drops whatever you were holding for 0 reason whatsoever.
The uncomfortability of the headset too. Oh my god, you are never comfortable. They improved nothing from the devkit2. Nothing. It's impressive. Same quality screen, worse lens, same awful headstrap, same awful crushed face problems, except now your eyes can have fun with all the crevices hair hides in.
The load times. I have everything on a m.2 SSD, shit takes so fucking long. God help you if you mod, and you almost shouldn't because everything is so damn buggy.
With Fallout, I may have needed to wait 2minutes before I even get in game. With VR titles? It can deadass take 6 minutes before you even reach a menu, then another loading screen nearly as long. There's hardly any mods, hardly any testing, because launching these games is a commitment of time.
You ever struggle to just open up a fucking game because your mood is so poor and your anxiety so high? Yeah imagine if you needed to commit periods of time to simply waiting.
There's no way to truly play seated in so many of these titles either. You'd think, oh shit, we can play vidjah on the bed on our backs, but no! That fucking wire, the fucking game doesn't show up in the in-vr library so I have to get up and do it, I could use desktop but they're labeled randomly and navigation is a pain.
I'm sure, certain even, that current defenders are able to look past this, or even have found their own workarounds, but for VR to EVER become more than the blatant trend it currently is, it's gotta start being fucking reasonable. At least more often than never.
No DRM, fuck off. No 100$ wire, fuck off. No shitty strap, fuck off, no overpriced severely under-delivering games, fuck off, decent load times and performance and visuals and user interface and for god's sake use your own fucking headset and get a god damned clue.
All I ever think when I play VR is "get a fucking clue, playtest your fucking games, it's not optional"
Every game. Every time I boot one up, everytime I play a game, or use an app, all I'm ever thinking: "Just playtest, just once, everyone can tell you didn't, just playtest, once, one time, a single time, a fractional moment of existence, playtest, just, do it. Get a clue."
VR is just such a shitshow. Like boneworks, technically impressive, and entertaining for 5 minutes, but very quickly it becomes tedious, frustrating, hot, not worth the time of set up, not worth the cost of entrance, and clearly the designers/creators didn't give a shit, so why should I?
VR presently is competing with the Nintendo Wii. And not because it came before it, but because what you do in VR works better due to genuine design done with Wii titles. The buggy nature, the offputting movements, all relevant still. Swinging a bat on the Wii feels like swinging air, but at least it doesn't bend at the wrist backwards when you swing forward, at least when you throw something you don't need to do a stabbing motion to throw it forward, at least it doesn't ask me to pull something from my fucking back again when the god damn sensors don't read past your fucking face.
Fuck VR. It will never grow past this stage. Nobody is innovating, everything is broken, slow, tedious and frustrating. And the sad part is, it genuinely doesn't need to. Just make good games. Stop making gimmicks.
0 notes
draganasimpsforjeff · 3 years
Jeff The Killer with Camgirl S/O
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How fucking dare you?
Just sitting there with slutty clothes presenting your lovely flesh and figure for other men to see for men who don't own you. Who don't love you, fuck you, or hold you. Something that was his job as he was crowned your boyfriend.
He watches you from across the room as he sat on an old office chair, growing more and more pissed off as you giggle innocently at the webcam sporting on your laptop. The same innocent giggle that you did when you would purposely get him jealous just so he would dick you down later.
He was more than aware of your games and this was just one of them.
His fist clenches nails digging into his clothed knees, threatening to rip the fabric of his jeans. The way your leg slides up and the fishnets showing more than enough of your skin. As far as he knew, that skin only for his eyes to see and of course these disgusting assholes paid to see those parts of you.
The only thing that kept him from not stomping over there and ripping the cords to shreds, shutting the scene down and deactivating your account was because 1. None of them actually get to touch you. They're just seeing from a screen 2. It did bring in money but it was the point of it.
His ears perk up at the familiar ding of when someone pays you a tip, making your smile turn into a toothy grin before licking your lips and spreading your legs a little more, sliding your hand teasingly downwards. "You're willing to pay that much for me to just play with myself? How generous." he snickers, rolling his eyes as that was your fake appreciative voice.
The same way people worked in customer service have but you obviously made more and were happier, it was present in your voice. And it irked him to no end.
Of course, you happened to just pick a perfect shade of lighting for tonight's show. One that happened to be his favorite especially compared to your body.
Cherry red lights with some neon lights in the back, creating the picture perfect shadows for your curves, accentuating the best of you possible, which was every part to him. But red was such a lustful color as well and oh honey, how greatly you were wearing it tonight.
His leg began to bounce up and down in aggravation, slowing feeling the need to chew his nail till they were all bloody.
Ha. How great would it look for you to suck on his fingers, lapping up all of the blood with big doey eyes silently asking for more to taste.
You were such a beautiful creature to break and mold to his perfection.
"Alright then!" you giggle, using your hands to pull down your lacy underwear, swinging it around your finger before making the point to throw it far enough to where it lands on his face.
You watch for a moment admiring the sight of his shoulders tensing as he was sniffing the underwear where your pretty cunt was hiding behind moments ago.
Oh, how sweet you smelled.
But then you pay attention back to the crowd, sliding just one digit down to your puffy folds, beginning to fake moan which almost makes Jeff laugh from behind the scenes.
You were such a liar. You didn't know yourself more than he did. He knew the twists and turns, inside and out and everything else just by how much his dick had paid your cunt a visit. You were his personal cocksleeve anyways.
A few more dings come through, wanting you to use more than your fingers to please yourself. You really wanted to use Jeff's knife handle but you had a feeling the men on this platform were too boring and vanilla for that.
Holding in a sigh, you turn around and get on your knees letting the camera get a nice view of your ass and pussy as you lean towards the lower shelf on the nightstand where you and Jeff kept your plastic box of toys. You smirk as you hear a low growl but roll your eyes his way, sending him a wink but not making it noticeable enough to raise questions.
You hum, turning back around the shirt you wore right now gave visual access to your cleavage.
The urge to claim you in front of others was getting stronger, almost a painful knot in his stomach as he watches you with eager eyes rummaging through the toy box, asking which one they would like to see you use to abuse your cunt with.
Though he didn't want to blow your cover of being 'single' as that was what you claimed because people would want to offer more money to someone who couldn't get help from someone else especially these filthy bastards who think if it wasn't for them, you would be homeless and no way to buy things to customize certain requests and make more money.
His heart started beating faster his breathing harder before he marched over there and the second your eyes connected you knew this was game over.
"Oh shit." you mumble, before being pushed onto your back already knowing to listen to whatever he wanted as he was your real savior.
He turns to the camera with an angry look on his face, several usernames exiting out of the room but plenty remained but the chat stopped with the emojis and suggestions. He continues to stare down at the screen before snapping his head over to you.
"You want to show them who you really belong to?" Oh how quick your submissive side caved for him and you nod, whimpering a little as he was taking a bit too long for your liking.
"That's a good girl." he smirks, taking out his knife from his hoodie the bit of light making the blade glint, moving a little to the side so the audience had just enough of a view to see what he was going to do.
He reverses the knife so it was the handle that teases your sopping sweetness that was begging for him already muscles pulsating and working themselves in preparation for him.
You whine, exposing yourself more for him as he shoves more of the handle into you the blade cutting his hand as he gripped it. His eyes narrow at you as he uses one of his hands to go to your lips. "Lick, slut. Show them how freaky MY girl is."
Well you were definitely going to be known for something on this platform.
Taking a moment to shared lock eyes it was enough to part your lips open for him to slip his long manly fingers into your mouth blood mixing with your saliva.
Such a delicious combination.
The two of you mixing so well.
Your moan grow louder in the room and with it not being soundproof, they only echoed.
Small spaced out dings could be heard as you both collected money from horny cocks. You were absolutely losing yourself to him once again as he continues with the handle before pulling it out.
"How cute...you've already creamed on it...this all for me doll?" he asks with a teasing tone as the handle shows hot white liquid over it. You nod frantically, whining while tears begin to build and threaten to fall from being teased and nothing more.
He was usually talkative during sex like his own words turn him on as well along with how your body responds to them.
He licks his lips slowly before sliding his tongue over the black cover of the knife, licking up your sweetness and swallowing it. He was quiet compared to you, he would not dare to make a single noise especially on camera. No. If anyone was going to be loud it was going to be you.
"You want my cock, sweetheart?" He asks, grabbing you and moving your body so once he fucks you he wouldn't be blocking the view. He gave the camera a side view and your face was now visible.
"Yes, daddy." you said respectively in a desperate tone, squeezing your thighs against him to trap him in your grip, but he just snickers grabbing some pink rope and quickly tightens your wrists together before stretching your arms over your head. "Beg." he says, taking his clothes off to reveal his overly sexy body.
Abs for days with prominent muscles and bones showing with his back and collarbones and oh fuck, his shoulder. He had a deep cut v line with a pretty thick dick that was around 7 inches.
What was enough to make you so full and slutty.
You hated when he did this because you could feel yourself growing shy but it was worse this time as there were eyes watching you. You look at him, silently sending him a message to just fuck you without saying anything. But he just smirks, leaning down to kiss your knee and to your thigh while making sure his dick teases your entrance.
You were in so much pain and all you could do was use your legs to touch him and nothing else. "P-p-please daddy.." you begin, making him tilt his head. "Please what? finish your sentence."
You swallow thickly, pressing your body against his trying to gain more of a chance for him to slip inside of you, but he pushes away. "Finish your sentence."
"Please daddy fuck me dumb like the stupid slut I am." you whine your cunt growing more and more wet and needy.
"Was that so hard?" he asks before ramming himself into you making you cry out in pleasure and some pain as he didn't let you adjust before continuing to thrust.
"This. This is my fucking cunt. I don't even have to pay for some lousy show with some fake ass moaning-" He growls, obviously sending a message to the remaining people.
"I own her. She's my little slut. My girl, to love, to hold, to FUCK! And guess what? I get it for free." He laughs seeing tears streak down to your cheeks.
"How pathetic that you only touch yourself, imagining how it would feel to be inside of her, well that's not enough." He grunts, grabbing his knife to make small cuts on your hips before leaning down to lick them up. Making some more cuts and spreads it around your stomach with his hand.
"She's my little freak." He only continued to get you bloodier and that was enough to make everyone leave.
He immediately pulls out making you kick your legs in a tantrum as he goes over and cuts the wires, disconnecting from everything and takes his time deleting your account. "I hope you learned your lesson." He says, eyeing you as you struggled to get the rope off your wrists watching as puts his pants back on and leaves the room.
Leaving you a bloody, horny, wet whore surrounded by toys and the memories of him using them on you. His scent all around. Everything in the room was his.
Including you.
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silverskyy · 2 years
some dnd questions for you!
10, 19, 21, 25, 28, 36
hope it's not too many haha
Oh there's no such thing as too many questions about D&D, thanks for all the opportunities to ramble!
10. What is your favorite class to play?
Clerics my absolute beloved ❤️ My first ever character was a cleric, and while looking back I know I didn't play her particularly optimally, I think it set the tone for what I enjoy in a PC since I'm now on my third long-game cleric PC and planning a fourth. I love the high wisdom skills (especially passive perception when paired with the Observant feat), their versatility is fantastic to the point that I feel constrained playing classes who "learn a spell list", and I'm a sucker for a good upcast Inflict Wounds to put the literal fear of God in an enemy. Plus the inbuilt depth of which deity you worship, why, and how is a great way to kickstart turning a character into a person—feel free to ask for more details about how that's gone for me if it sounds interesting!
19. How did you discover D&D?
So technically I discovered D&D via my older brother. He played years and years ago, which meant I was aware of it from a young age. I was never allowed to join in his D&D stuff though, so despite casual attempts to get into the ttrpg scene on my own over the years, I actually started learning about and playing the game through my partner. It was one of the things we talked about when we first met, since they were already playing, and when they started putting together a campaign they invited me to join. (Also they introduced me to Critical Role, which fanned a lot of the flames lol) And thus, an obsession was born!
21. Drop a picture of a mini you painted (if applicable)
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[ID: two painted miniatures. The first is an armored woman with pointed ears, tan skin, and very shortly cropped red hair. She holds a small round shield in one hand and a golden mace in the other. The second is another armored woman, this one with long blond hair and fairly pale skin. She's raising a large shield in one hand and swinging double-bladed axe in the other. /end ID]
These aren't minis that I myself painted, but they're both minis my super talented partner painted of some of my PCs. The first is Felda (I'll talk about her later) and the second is Joanna, although she goes by her last name, Yfar, with most folks. I played Yfar from level 5 to 17, she's a human fighter who changed weapons literally the session after my partner finished this (sorry babe 😅), and I love her to bits!
25. What is your favorite snack for d&d?
For once I'm not going to ramble—I don't tend to eat during gaming. It's weirdly distracting and I don't have a strong hunger instinct that would force me to do so anyway.
28. What is the most memorable natural 1 you've experienced?
Let me set the scene: it was the climax of my first real dungeon crawl adventure. My two other party members and I were facing off against a strange woman who'd been performing some sort of magical ritual in a cave system that the DM had indicated unsettled my PC specifically, as well as her son and a couple mooks. In retrospect, we made some poor tactical decisions and the DM admitted they'd made her too overpowered, on top of truly crappy rolls, but regardless, we were getting wrecked. My being the only healer, it was thus pretty bad news when the woman's son got taken out and in her fury she struck me down too. It was time for my first ever death saving throw...
And I rolled a one.
Fucking pandemonium hit. The DM genuinely didn't want to kill any of us, but the woman was standing right over me and we'd literally just seemingly killed her son. The other players were frantically measuring distances and seeing if they could grab me and run without dying themselves. Eventually someone remembered that the woman had been particularly interested in me when we'd arrived, almost as if she knew and wanted something from me. After some very stressed table talk where I explicitly told them to go, one PC made a desperate shout at the woman about how she must want me alive, then they both booked it.
Spoilers, I lived! This resulted in a private session of what being kidnapped entailed and my playing a new character during the next two sessions as the other PCs gathered a rescue party from the nearby town and got me back. Here's a picture of my traumatic experience:
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[ID: a picture of a D&D battle map. On the far right side is room with two prone minis, with another standing right above one. An arrow is drawn on the picture to the guarded mini from text reading: Me.
On the far left side, out of the room and down a few hallways are two further minis, being pursued by a third. An arrow is drawn to them from text reading: My "team". /end ID]
36. What was your first d&d character you made?
It was Felda, the aforementioned death save unlucky half-elf Light cleric! She worshipped Sune, the goddess of beauty, and was very kind and awkward, yet with a seed of something darker that came out once when she spammed Fireball at a shadow dragon until it fell from the sky to burn at her feet. The game is on a very long hiatus (the DM/my partner and I refuse to say it's abandoned) so I don't know a lot, but she was raised in a temple after her mother died there in childbirth and from what I gathered her mother had escaped from a cult right beforehand. Oh and that strange woman? Supposedly Felda's aunt working within said cult!! Who said there were plans for her and, now that she'd been found, she couldn't hide from them...
Moreover, while she was confined Felda started exhibiting strange abilities (I got Perception proficiency, officially spoiling me for it always) and was from then on in a constant state of being extremely freaked out. I actually recently rolled a so so very retroactive Perception check, to notice that a Detect Magic spell didn't pick up her magic items. Due to conversations we'd just been having, that was an obvious hint from my partner that Felda has an Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location—specifically the amulet her mother said was from Felda's father, that she wears as a reminder of her family. Ooooh there are no plans to start it up again any time soon, but that was such an exciting reveal and I miss my shy little half-elf so bad! 😭
Also tagging @strangeite if they want to give any further details on Felda stories (no pressure).
Thank you so much for asking! If there are other questions people want to ask, you can find them here.
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blubberingmess · 4 years
Dating dark!Bucky and your 'play time'-- if not rough sex-- is 'who gets to stab the other first without getting caught' game. (Dark!Bucky x Dark!reader)
Warning: dark stuff, stab stab, fluff.
Note: I really like this two. They're dark, dangerous, and sickly sweet. This is not edited so expect some errors.
The same universe as >> [Crazy]
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"Honey, I'm bored," you whined, pouting at your metal armed man. Bucky turns his eyes away from the tv and focuses at you. No matter how good a show or a movie is, or if he's talking to someone about an important subject, if you want attention then he'll give it to you without any hesitation whatsoever.
"Wanna fuck?" Was the first thing he asked.
Ever since the two of you became a thing (five months ago), you would fuck like bunnies whenever and wherever. It's making the team sick and really awkward, randomly hearing your moans aand groans when passing by a locked closet, bathroom, bedroom, the kicthen -- everywhere!
Always giving each other little smooches here and there (that would most of the time would turn into a full blown make out session) and the eyes -- fuck.
Both of you would eye fuck each other from across the room, but most of the time it would be really loving and filled with awe and warmth. That man has his eyes on you every freaking seconds of the day, never once leaving unless necessary - a... hobby that sticks with him ever since you first introduced yourselves to each other.
Some would say it's weird and really unnerving but you think otherwise, you love his attention. Preening each time he gives you those cute googly eyes, the same goes to him. Bucky loves that dangerous glint in your eyes, especially when some random woman tries to flirt with him.
It proves that you really do love him, also it's hot.
You shake you head 'no' even though you like the idea very much. "I'm still sore from last night. You kinda gotten a bit rougher than usual."
Bucky felt himself well up in pride at your words before patting you on the head affectionately, kissing you on the forehead.
"You begged for it." A laugh left his lips when you playful slap his chest with the back of your hand, before asking, "Well, what do you wanna do?"
You ponder for a moment before gasping enthusiastically. Bucky raised his eyebrows in amusement. How can a little devil like you be so cute?
"Lets play the game."
Bucky felt his blood pump excitedly at your suggestion, a twitch of his finger before tilting his head to the side, giving you a dark smile that you love so much.
"Sure, sweetie. Anything for you," he purrs, leaning his face towards you. "So, when do we start?"
You giggle, pecking him on the lips before standing up from the couch and started making your way towards the kitchen. "After breakfast. Pancakes?"
Bucky grins, standing up as well to help you make the pancakes. "Sure."
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Steve and Bucky is now talking about the next mission in the kitchen, far too focus on the conversation at hand that neither one of them noticed your figure sneaking in - or so you thought.
You knew Bucky won't make a move until you do; a gentleman he is. Gripping the knife tightly in your hand, you quickly shoot out from your hiding spot (just outside the entrance of the kitchen). You tried to be as silent as possible yet quick, but nothing goes unnoticed by the Captain America.
Steve noticed you coming at them with the knife and raises an eyebrow.
Before you could even lift you knife, Bucky quickly swings his at you which you quickly dodged with ease. He smirked at the shock look on your face before you glare at Steve.
"Steve!" You yelled, crossing both of your arms over your chest in slight annoyance. You were so close to stabbing Bucky in his shoulder!
The blonde's eyes flickered between the two of you before it finally hits him, sighing in disbelief and exasperation. "Really? Again?" The team knew about this dangerous game of yours and it always puts them on edge, afraid that one day they'll be the one who's gonna get stabbed instead.
The two of you just shrugged your shoulders nonchantly, a silent answer for 'yes' before Bucky asks Steve, "is that all?" Referring to the mission for next week.
Steve nodded his head. "Yes - don't play too harsh alright?"
You playful scoff and roll your eyes at the blonde. "Yeah, you too." Setting the kitchen knife on the counter.
Steve cocked his head to the side. "What?"
You and Bucky gave each other a knowing glance then look back at Steve. Bucky gave his best friend a 'are you serious' look.
"That girl you kidnapped the other day - thought we didn't noticed?"
Steve widened his eyes. "How did you know?"
Once again, the two of you casually shrugged your shoulders. Bucky suddenly stands up from the stool and marched towards you, tucking his blade back in his pocket before sweeping you off of you feet and onto his shoulder.
He smack you once on the ass and began making his way towards the living room, plopping down on the couch with you on his lap. He wrapped his strong arms around your waist and pull you against his chest, burying his nose into your neck and giving it a loving kiss.
"Let's cuddle."
While the two of you are doing your daily cuddle, Steve was left in the kitchen with a far away look in his eyes. Taking a small device from his pocket, he watched the small blinking dot in the middle of the screen.
A smile formed in his face. 'His sweetheart is awake.'
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It goes like that throughout the day, surprising each other with attacks (with knives) that are dodged and blocked by the other with ease. The game is pretty hard since the two of you have the same calibre of skills with knives and hand to hand combat, but that doesn't mean no one got to win.
"Honey, have you seen--" Bucky was cut off when a knife was suddenly got plunged in his stomach, instantly knocking him on his back as you three a not-so heavy punch on his jaw. You already stabbed and punched him, that's enough.
Bucky coughed and wince, looking up and see you in his line of vision, staring down at him with that beautiful crazy grin etched on your lips.
"I win."
You're in your unicorn pajamas looking like a tired racoon, stabbed him in his stomach with your favorite knife and punched his jaw, yet you still able to take his breath away.
Bucky only stares up at you in awe, his pupils dilating despite the pain he's feeling in his stomach. Your giggle snaps him out of his thought to look down at the knife protruding in his stomach, wrapping his hand around the handle and plucking it off with a little to no effort at all, not even a small wince.
He cleared his throat in slight embarrassment. "That actually caught me off guard."
You smiled up at him, puffing your chest proudly. "I know right? So, what were you looking fo--argh!"
Bucky smirks as he watched you stumble onto your bed, clutching your bleeding shoulder. While you're distracted, he took the time to throw your knife back at your direction, not stabbing you (you already won the game) but only grazing your shoulders - badly.
"That's a cheap shot!"
"Saw an opportunity; had to take it."
You roll your eyes and stands up straight, still pressing down on your wound and walk over to your lover. You stretched out your palm for him to take which he gladly did, pulling him up with ease before the two of you started making your way towards the surprisingly empty infirmary.
The two of you began helping each other out with your wounds, badging each other up while conversing about everything and anything like you haven't just stabbed each other like some crazy couple - It's no lie though.
"-- that's why I hate that show," you finished rambling, closing the medical kit in your hands and placed it back to the cabinet.
Bucky laugh making you laugh as well at how cute he looks right now.
"Yet you still watch it."
After a few seconds of comfortable silence, you decided to asks, "Why didn't you use your Kevlar though? I could've killed you." Of course you won't actually try anything like that to him, you can't.
You love him to much to do such thing.
Its a surprise that Bucky didn't use any defense, only his knife and his metal arm despite knowing you won't hold back on this dangerous game of yours. The two of you did the last time and it results to less wounds and scratches.
Bucky stares at your back for a moment with a fond smile adorning his face, a hand on his bandaged stomach.
"The same reason why you didn't use yours."
I trust you.
You slowly turn around and saw him already looking at you with that same look on his face, heavy lidded and a cute goofy grin on his handsome face. You felt your heart skips a beat and swell up with pride, knowing you're the only one who can make the former winter soldier to look all stupidly in love - you don't doubt you look just the same right now.
"You're a sappy little shit aren't you?" I love you, you know that?
Bucky leaned forward and hook his metal arm around your waist, pulling you close so your noses are touching.
"I know," he whispered.
You smirked, lazily snaking your arms around his neck. You love it when he smile at you, it reaches his eyes. They are always warm, gentle yet so dark and dangerous.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
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