#otaku thursday
y0uc4n7kn0w · 11 days
Kuroshitsuji -- A small rant on why I should really stop reading Manga
I can't believe this happened again.... I keep saying I need to stop reading manga but Kuroshitsuji WHY you do me dirty like this #kuroshitsuji #blackbutler #manga
That’s right everybody I, Luna, am back — and I’m honestly frustrated. I’m going to go ahead and skip over how busy our past few months were (you can read all about that here) and go straight into content warning. Ahem–SPOILER ALERT– if you have not read up to the latest chapter of Kuroshitsuji (212 I believe) you are about to get majorly spoiled. Proceed with caution. Otherwise, let’s dive right…
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theacstories · 2 months
A brand new Alcohol & Anime series for the new BARTENDER Glass of God anime on Crunchyroll! Join me every week as I attempt to recreate drinks from the anime but cheaper and more doable. This week is a simple highball!
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berriblossom · 5 months
Hi can I make a request of Casper from a date with death with a short s/o that’s chubby and a baker and is a otaku and is a tomboy but still likes some cute things tho
I just wanna see some domestic things for Casper
-> This is so much cuteness! Thank you for the ask!
-> What he loves most | Casper x gn!reader! -> Second POV, just fluff!
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There were a lot of things Casper had to get used to when he had his newfound freedom from being a reaper of souls. Many of which he happily shared with you.
Whether it was going through old manga that you had stored on your shelves that he read in his free time, or watching old animation films you bought for him to entertain himself with. Some nights if he felt up to it, he'd ask to wear a face mask while watching a new show of yours. He may not understand the concept of "fighting for your honor back " but he'd watch if it makes you happy. Another thing Casper loves while doing this is laying his head on your thighs or tummy. Slowly as you watch the film you'll notice him lean closer and closer to you as the show goes on. Soon enough he's lying on your thighs commenting about the protagonist being too bright or obnoxiously loud. (if you mention anything about being the same way to him, he will deny it and say you get an exception because his sunshine is supposed to be bright and vibrant.) He will also remind you if the show you are watching or catching up on has new episodes, just to remind you and make you smile at the end of a work day.
If you like playing games of any sort, he is down but is competitive and kind of a grandpa.(remember the emoji convo) so be patient with him. He is trying. I see Casper as the type of gamer to play the Sims and never leave the computer, just designing his future with you, your pet, Azrael, and a garden for you. (with a large kitchen and space for baking, with a personal room for you and your novelties and books). Don't let him play a horror game. He either makes fun of it for the overdramatic deaths or he'll challenge it. Either way, the fear factor won't work on him like that(in my opinion) but try and delete the 4 bedroom and 3 bath home on the Sims he made for you, there you will get tears and screams.
Another thing Casper likes is your job. Even though he has mentioned that reapers don't need to eat, sleep, or breathe somehow he is always jumping at the occasion whenever you text him about bringing home any baked goods or pastries from the shop home to him and Azrael. (yes, him too because it is an excuse for you to bring more to share) It doesn't matter what you pick, he'll eat it with an adorable face of joy. He sometimes will come down to the bakery and help if you need it.
While making fun of you for being "below the average mortal height" that he has seen over the years. You can flirt as much as you want to but, Casper will always use his height to his advantage. If you're in the shop and need something from a high shelf or above the fridge? Ask him politely to inflate his ego a little bit and then he will help you. While placing his tease a bit. Looking for something specific but can't seem to find it. He placed it on top of the fridge in "sky jail" because you teased him earlier about liking cream in his mouth. Now you'll never finish the dessert you were making unless you go to find the step stool. (which he has also put in a higher place to piss you off more.)
Cuddling sessions after a tiring day of work are as ethereal as Casper is. Had a hard day at work? Get in the blanket with him, he might be as frigid as a frozen tundra but his cuddles and affectionate squeezes and words of encouragement are just as warm. A customer made you a little upset? Oh, trash needed to go out on Thursday anyway (that's a joke, unless...).
The best learning experience for Casper is when he tries to bake or cook with you, he doesn't know the proper measurements for anything, it's random bullshit and go for him. But he will listen to your instructions. While he is intently measuring the sugar, water, and yeast mixture with full concentration, if you go up to him and give him a kiss or hug him from behind he'll shoo you away and mumble about how he was so kind to be helping you at work. FOR FREE. But after a few minutes, he'll ask for your assistance on a task and will cling to you like glue. Will he get flour in his hair? You'll never know, but he will snipe samples and test batches of anything you'll make. Your coworker's batches? Not so much. Even if it is hot garbage in your opinion he will still eat it up as if he was starved.
All in all, Casper can be a little shit or sweetheart for you. Just bring some extra snacks for him and Azrael for the next few days while he is on that Sims 4 dream home.
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fridayth13 · 10 months
—when they hate you (or do they?)
↳ mammon, leviathan, mephistopheles, thirteen, and raphael × gn!reader (separately)
↳ genre: fluff(?), enemies to lovers-type beat | wordcount: 1.7k | warnings: cursing, lower demon tries to eat you (mammon), kissing mention (thirteen), you get locked in a closet by solomon (raphael)
↳ notes: when i tell you i worked on this for months 🤡 hfdfjkgdgjfdgjdg
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between the demeaning remarks from mammon and the fact that you wouldn't take his shit from day one, one can probably guess there'd be a problem
but lucifer appointed him to escort you and show you how things are in the devildom, so it's not like mammon could just say no
but eventually your constant bickering seemed to create a fifth type of migraine for lucifer, so he let mammon off the hook and told you to choose another one of his brothers to escort you around rad
you, being you (and still feeling very petty about mammon's comment of you needing a babysitter. like he was one to talk) you did not listen
the freedom was thrilling, in your defense
after being constantly followed and berated by mammon everyday, being able to go around campus without anyone telling you where to go made you a bit excited
that is, until you found yourself cornered by a random lower demon looking for a snack
but before you could even consider making a run for it, the demon stiffened, their previous predatory sneer freezing into a grimace
they fell to the floor immediately after
and there stood mammon, glaring down at them, his fist positioned upwards like he was ready to land another punch
his glare rose to you
"if you're gonna run around rad all willy-nilly without an escort, at least know when you're bein' followed. idiot."
you merely blinked at him, still reeling in surprise
mammon tore his gaze away. if it were anyone else, you'd almost say he looked flustered
"oh come on, don't go lookin' at me like that! what, did ya really think i'd let some lowlife snack on ya? lucifer'd murder me on the spot!"
you didn't even notice you dropped your bag until mammon picked it up off the floor, carrying it on one shoulder. he gave you a rougher-than-intended nudge on the shoulder
he still wouldn't meet your eyes
"come on, human, let's get ya to class"
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it all began.. with the tsl trivia quiz. and then it went downhill from there
though leviathan honored his word and gave you a pact and you began respecting his otaku expertise, on a personal level? yeah no
maybe he was still butthurt about the quiz..? you didn't want to assume the worst about him. you barely knew the guy after all
but also he tried to kill you over his hyperfixation. maybe you had the right to assume whatever you want
and honestly, you were bound to get tired of it at some point
"you're just a random normie anyway lol"
"what, you think i'll just let some normie into my room?"
"ugh, i can't believe a normie beat me at a gamee."
forget tired, honestly, you were getting sick of it
you decided you've reached your limit on a random thursday morning
"hey, normie, pass the salt, would you?"
you ought to throw it at his head at this point
your teeth ground together in irritation
you didn't even notice that you'd crossed the room and moved around the entire dining table until you had the demon's collar by the fist
"i have had it with you!"
"wH- eh?" leviathan could only sputter as your grip tightened on his shirt. "what is your problem?"
"what's my problem? what's your problem?"
you didn't catch the hitch in his breath, the growing red of his cheeks, too blinded by annoyance to look anywhere but the narrowed pupils of his eyes
"would it kill you to have some manners, goddammit? i haven't done a single thing but breathe near you and all i hear is normie this, normie that, do you even know my fucking name?"
levi gulped nervously, but he surprised you nonetheless
"..m....mc.. your name is mc." he mumbled.
you were silent for a moment. but even after all the shit, you decided it would have to do for now. this wasn't worth being late to class over
"i'm not done with you.. demon."
you let go (he heaves a sigh of relief below you) and pick up your bag and leave. simple
all the while, levi watched you leave with his heart hammering in his chest
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let's be honest, it's not very hard to make an enemy out of mephistopheles
even if you weren't an angel, as a human, you managed to get on his nerves just fine
you'd think with his status and titles and riches that fighting with him on a near daily basis would have some serious kind of ripple effect against you
but you quickly learn that no, he was just the most dramatic bitch in the universe
we been knew
but this only served to annoy you more, really. it was clear that he didn't even take you seriously enough to fight you properly
instead, he resorted to being petty and snarky and obnoxious about literally everything and you wanted to break his stupid nose with his stupid cane
depending on who you are, you would be delighted or very irritated to know that you get on his nerves just as badly!! :D
he knew the demon brothers were a bunch of oafs from the start, but honestly, the way they tumbled over each other to kneel at your feet was just a whole new level of pathetic
you were just some random human exchange student, after all. how great could you really be?
that was what he thought until one day, when his younger brother came barreling into the newspaper club room, completely unannounced, for his first surprise visit to his older brother's school
before mephistopheles could question him, he noticed you standing awkwardly in the doorway
"meph, did you meet mc?" his brother's bright grin seemed like a slice out of the sun as his eyes darted between you and your so-called enemy
obliviously, the kid continued rambling on. "your school is really really big, and i got lost after dad dropped me, but mc found me and brought me to you!"
mephistopheles raised his eyes to meet yours. he couldn't quite read the expression on your face. but he didnt push you further
"is that so?"
(as he soon learned, you were actually pretty great)
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in thirteen's defense, you were not the target of the trap
(so clearly, it was solomon's fault right?? riiiight???)
but you didn't seem to think that way. and to her discredit, you did still get caught in it
upside down and dizzy, the rubber rope latched around your ankles and wrists bouncing with the slightest breeze, you swore you would get her back for this
and you did:
after setting you free, the day after, she reset the trap. all you needed to do was push
in your defense, being stuck upside down for hours, even if on a mere accident, was not fun in the slightest
you were even late for class :(
unfortunately for both of you, the reaper seemed to take this as an act of war
and so ensued your rivalry
unfortunately for everyone else, you were both incredibly stubborn, headstrong, and dramatic
so more often than not, other people ended up falling victim to either of your pranks
belphegor gets caught in a tickle machine intended for you, mephistopheles suffers a bucket of ink falling from the door onto his head, not to mention the time lucifer got hit face first with glitter glue
legend says you were both almost suspended
but that wasn't even taking into account how much everyone hated being there for your verbal fights
satan has had to leave so many rooms just to keep from getting irritated at your antics
it isn't until asmodeus intervened one day that some of the poor witnesses figured out how to make a little entertainment off of this predicament
"good heavens, would you two just KISS already?!"
and, well, in asmodeus's defense, it had just been a joke on his part; a way to get you both to shut up
but much to both of your discredit, neither of you were all that good at hiding your blushing
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it started with solomon, being the good, amazing, wonderful peacekeeper with no ulterior motives that he is, he hatched a plan to get you and the angel to make up
a plan that was totally not for his own entertainment whatsoever, no
he even got luke to help him out :D
and that was the story of how you and raphael got locked in a room together <3
"luke, please let us out. right now."
a muscle ticked in raphael's jaw as solomon laughed from the other side of the door
"sorry!" luke exclaimed. "we can't open it just yet! not until you talk and make up!"
"solomon....." you warned
"tsk tsk tsk. come on, mc, we're only trying to help you. both of you"
"define 'help'." raphael muttered
you snorted at his quip
"well, for one, the fact that spears rain from the heavens whenever you fight"
"that is none of your business!"
you couldn't help but laugh at his words, even as he glanced your way with incredulity. if anything, the bewildered look only made you laugh again
"guys, you know i could just summon one of the brothers to let us out right? why bother with all this?"
"i know you can, of course," replied solomon. "but. you know. we'd much rather you didn't"
"we just want you two to stop fighting.." luke said
your shoulders slumped at his voice. luke, at least, was being serious
you glanced sideways at raphael. he met your gaze, and the look on his face told you he was thinking the same thing
the angel sighed. "..okay"
"okay what?" luke asked
"we will try to get along."
raphael chuckled. "yes, really" the soft smile on his face faded as he saw your expression
"nothing, nothing, i just don't think i've seen you smile so nicely before" :)
"which would make sense, given that you're annoying"
"haha," solomon chuckled. "they're getting along already"
"it doesn't sound like it.."
"guess it's our time to leave, luke"
"wait, wh- HEY. solomon, put me down!"
you and raphael exchanged glances
"who shall i call?"
you shared a short, conspiratorial grin
"just what i was thinking"
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dividers from @clutteredfun
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ruhorih4ra · 7 months
Good night! 🐏 I came from hell to bring you a slightly unhinged Mc heheh. It's a little bit dark, violent too. (Poquito 🤏🏻)
Also kind of poorly edited jasjajsja
Part 11.
Get out of my way 🌈
Lilith sat down and patted the ground beside her. “Sit down with me, please.” You obeyed and silently prepared for what you knew would come next. “Lili-” She raised her hand. “Four.”
The self proclaimed yucky otaku followed you like a second shadow, he didn’t try to approach you or something of the sort, he was just there. Admittedly, that was surprising, Leviathan had left his comfort zone to come everyday to RAD and attend as a normal student would.
“I didn’t remember Levi being so shy, it’s kind of cute.” Lilith was walking beside you but her eyes were on her brother.
You decided to tease Levi a little. “Fancy meeting you here, Levi. I thought you would be stuck in your bed.” His eyes lit up, he seemed happier than ever. “Ah, I thought you would stay in the house of lamentation since Lucifer gave you a free week but then you weren’t there and I had to come and made sure you were saf-” He started rambling at an incredibly fast pace, nervously playing with his hands and avoiding eye contact. “Leviathan.” You cut him off and he flinched, you had called him by his full name again. “I’m sorry. It must be annoying to hear a useless shut-in otaku like me.”
“It is. It is pretty annoying.” You said indifferently. Leviathan wasn’t expecting that. You always reassured him and showered him with kind words, this time you seemed cold and distant. “Leviathan?” You called him, he couldn’t meet your eyes, too afraid to see repulsion in them. “Y-yes, Mc?”
Lilith grumbled and shook her head. “No, no, no. Forget it. Just ignore him, please?” You could have obeyed Lilith and ignore Leviathan, let his harassment pass you by like water flowing in a river, but the truth was that you wanted to irk him. Your second player, who left you when no longer needed you. “Should I sew your mouth? Can’t you understand that nobody cares about whatever you have to say?”
Lilith gasped and balled her delicate hands into fists. Levi’s gaze didn’t leave the floor, he knew your sadistic side, it would be a lie to say he didn’t enjoy it. However, this was different. You were different. You got closer to him, waiting to meet his eyes. “What are you waiting for? Go back to the hole of pity you came from, Leviathan.”
You weren’t expecting what happened next, but he met your eyes. “I know you don’t mean it.” He said. Curious, you always tried to comfort Levi. Always trying to improve his non-existent self-esteem through compliments, and every time, he was quick to dismiss them and insult himself instead. Yet, the one time you tried the opposite, he refused to acknowledge it.
“I know you’re mad and I deserve it, but,” You took Levi’s hand in yours, interrupting him. “I mean it, every single word. I assure you.” You smiled at him. “You’re going back to your room in this instant and you won’t come out until someone comes looking for you, let’s see how much they care.” Leviathan felt a rush of magic creeping up his spine and forced him to move, an order, you had given him one. “M-mc?”
When Leviathan was out of sight, you murmured, knowing full well that you were acting like a jerk. “You don’t seem too preoccupied, Lilith.” She shook her head disapprovingly. “My brothers love Levi, he won’t be trapped for too long.” Maybe Leviathan’s refusal to believe you had provoked you, maybe you were tired, but you felt no satisfaction. Instead, you felt the need to hurt him even more. “Maybe I should order them all to let him rot, how fun would that be?” The former angel’s head slowly turned towards you, her eyes analyzing you from head to toe. “Hahaha! Just kidding. You don’t know how to take a joke, do you?”
“‘You don’t know how to take a joke, do you?’ That’s what you said.” “Okay, okay, you win. Stop.” You got up and paced from one place to another. “You’re exaggerating, they’re demons. Are they supposed to get hurt by a few insults?” You were trying to convince yourself but Lilith’s presence proved to be effective. You turned your back on her, you could no longer deny what you had done, but at least you could try. “I did it because I was hurt, but I never crossed the line they crossed.” You confronted her again. “What do you have to say about that, uh?”
Lilith didn’t stutter, her face had gradually lost all traces of warmth and kindness. “I’m not here to save them. I’m here to save you.” She walked with determination, something changed in her features and you knew what she remembered.
When she spoke, her voice came out strained. “You almost crossed it, remember?” You scoffed and rolled your eyes, but your resolve was crumbling. “Not even close.” You responded with hostility.
Lilith lift her hand. “Five”
“Hey! Don't pretend to be asleep! I know you're awake!” You nudged the demon of sloth but he didn't drop the act. “Belphegor!! Stop! I don't want to find you lurking in my dreams again, you hear me?” Finally, he opened one eye slightly and replied with not much interest. “I'm not 'lurking'. You're just dreaming of me... you’re welcome.” He smirked and you felt the sudden urge to strangle him. You'd have if it weren’t for Lilith's laugh.
She was looking at her brother fondly. “He never changes! I miss him so much!” She was playing with Belphie's hair and you found a twisted amusement at the thought of the younger brother being unable to see his dear sister even though they were so close.
You also remembered Belphegor's face on a bad day, when he dreams of that fateful day. The way his face contours to display the most pure expression of pain and suffering. How he hugged you with uncontrollable shaking. “It hurts like the first day. It hurts so much and never stops.” He barely takes a breath when he sobs again. “I miss her, I miss her so much. I can’t even say her name.”
You swallowed and felt sick. Why would I enjoy Belphie's pain? You, who loved him so much that willingly put your own life in danger just to free him. What's wrong with me? Intrusive thoughts were invading your mind, maybe you were becoming a horrible person, perhaps the brothers knew what they were doing when they replaced you.
He was looking at you with sleepy eyes and a yawn escaped him as you announced. “I'll go then.” as soon as you spoke he got up, sleep quickly leaving his body. “Wait! Don't go!” you wanted to put some distance between your pain and his, it was ironic but you wanted to protect him.
When you turned around, you bumped face to chest with Beelzebub, he was arriving to the attic with his hands full of snacks. “Are you okay? I'm sorry.” You tried to leave but he was determined to block the way. You looked at him, he pretended to be clueless, an act that seemed almost innocent in him. “Beelzebub?” you questioned. First, he seemed surprised, but guilt took over when he refused to let you go.
“They want to apologize, Mc! Please have compassion!” Lilith said, alternating glances between you and Beelzebub.
“Don't go, you need to sleep well or you'll get cranky.” Belphie took your hand. “I would sleep well if SOMEONE wouldn't show up uninvited to MY dreams!” You let go of his hand. Beelzebub, who had been quiet until that moment, tried to calm the growing tension. “Mc, I brought you your favorite snack. Let's eat together, please?” You saw the snacks and a current of indignation traveled through your body. You took one of the bags and showed it to the ginger. “These are not my favorites! These are Sc's favorites!!”
Before Beelzebub could answer, his twin was already protecting him. “He wasn't talking about those, silly.” Belphie took another bag and showed it to you. “Well, I don't want it.” You said, hiding the embarrassment of your assumption.
“Now you're only being petty” You and Belphie exchanged grimaces while Beel intercepted again. “It's okay if you don't want to be with us, MC.” even if his smile was gone and you could see his puppy eyes looking at the floor. “But you have to eat, you seem skinnier.”
“Mc! Look at them! Please, have mercy!” Lilith begged. It was then you knew you had to leave the room, because even Lilith's sad face was inciting you to go on a rampage.
“It's okay? Nice, get out of my way then.” You said to Beelzebub, tapping your foot anxiously. “Oh please! Those are Sc's favorites and these are yours!” Belphie said, he handed you the bag but you refused to take it. “Beelzebub.” You knew the gigantic demon was close to give in.
“Take it!!” Belphie said, irritated and you obeyed. You took the bag just to throw it back at him. “Give it to Sc, you spoiled brat!” Belphie's eyes widened, frowning with something that seemed close to incredulity. “What? Did it hurt? I hope not enough to suffocate you!” Everyone went silent and in that short period of time you wondered "Where is Sc?"
“Mc! Stop! Please, won't you listen to me??” Lilith's pleas were gradually becoming more desperate. Belphegor seemed to have lost all his will to fight, silently looking at the floor. You would have been stuck staring at him, if not for Beelzebub, who took your hand. “What's wrong MC? What's happening?” you looked at him dumbfounded. “What do you mean?”
“Those things, I know you wouldn't say that unless something was wrong.” He seemed sure of himself, eyes full of resolve and faith. “Nothing is wrong.” You wanted to cry but tears wouldn't fall. “I love you, MC. We all love you. You protected us and I want to do the same.”
You held his gaze for a few moments, a lump forming in your throat the longer you looked into his eyes. “Could you please...” your voice broke mid-sentence. “Could you please repeat that?” Beelzebub took your face in his hands. “We love you. I love you.” you felt Beel's lips kissing your cheeks, his fingers wiping your tears. “Hey! I'm still here you know?” Belphie said.
As Belphie took Beelzebub away to scold him and rant about egoism and the pros of sharing, you stumbled away in distress. “Lilith?? I can't.” your voice sufficiently low to avoid the twins' ears. “Mc? What's wrong? You can't what?” Lilith murmured, even though nobody but you could actually hear her. You furrowed your eyebrows. “I-I can't feel anything.”
Your sadness quickly turned into rage and this time the twins noticed immediately. “Mc?” Belphie asked. You looked at them with hate. “It's their fault, I lost my soul because of them!”
“Mc! Please, dear. Listen to them!” Lilith stood in the way. Beelzebub took the arm of Belphie, apparently convincing him to give you time and distance. You took advantage of that brief moment to speak to Lilith.
“Say please one more time and I swear for your dear father that I'll order Beelzebub to chop his twin’s head here and now.” Lilith's eyes widened, even though she was a spirit, she could have sworn her pulse increased, you didn't look or sound like yourself. Your soul wasn't bright and warm, it was gray and cold.
Your eyes were consumed by your own hatred. Lilith tried to find a sparkle of mercy in them, but she averted your eyes before drowning in that cruel ocean. “Understood, dear?” you mocked her and she simply nodded.
You were ready to leave but something stopped you, Beelzebub had taken your arm. “Mc, I know you probably don’t want to hear me say this, but I’ll always be there to save you.” you laughed. “Oh please, what could you possibly know about sav-” “No! Please!” Lilith tried to push you, she knew it would be impossible for her but the impulse to help her brother was stronger than logic.
You stumbled back not due Lilith's phantasmal push but because Beelzebub’s anguished face. You didn't say the whole thing, but Beel wasn't an idiot, he knew what you meant. “Let them go Beel, we don't need a petty lousy human.” Belphegor pulled Beelzebub’s arm. “We have Sc after all.”
You felt as if someone was taking the air out of your lungs, a sharp pain in your chest impossible to describe. At least you had Belphie to thank, you still had a soul, a heart to break.
Belphegor knew he had ruined it as soon as he saw your trembling lip. It wasn't his intention to hurt you again, he was just annoyed by your bratty attitude. He loved you, why would he sneak in your dreams if not? He made sure to fabricate the most beautiful dreams he could think of, putting your favorite things in them just so you could be comforted. Do you even know how much energy that costs? But he did it for you. Only for you.
But as soon as he or one of his brothers appeared you would wake up. Why? Do their mere presence repulse you? Did you stop loving them so easily?
Belphie tried to get closer, but Beelzebub blocked his path, facing his brother and giving you his back. “Beel, what are you doing?” Belphie asked bewildered, the demon of gluttony didn't utter a word, only looked at the floor.
While their wills fought, your anger grew and with it the desire to harm them. It was so prominent that you felt the urges of vomiting, your head felt heavy and your vision blurry. Lilith tried to take your hand, but it disappeared when she touched you. “Oh no, Mc, this is wrong. We have to go.”
You turned your attention to Lilith and spoke in a cold, calculating voice. “What did I tell you was going to happen if you said ‘please’ again?” Lilith was confused, trying to recall your previous words.
Slowly, the eyes of your ancestor widened while a lump formed in her throat. She knew she was dead, there was no uncertainty about that. However, she could feel herself dying again, her breath caught in a silent prayer. Your soul was as black as she had never seen before and the color of gold danced in your eyes while your smile became similar to that of a Little D. “Beelzebub.” You said, still looking at Lilith, studying her every move. “Are you hungry?” You asked, a little laugh escaping your lips.
Lilith knew it wasn’t logical, but she was growing dizzy, weaker. “NO! I’M SORRY! DON’T!” She drowned in her own words. “MC!” She cried, standing with open arms before Beelzebub.
Beelzebub felt it before he even saw it, a shiver ran down his spine and when he finally looked at you, all his alarms went off. “I’m not.” He said, shielding Belphie from you. The action didn’t go unnoticed and only fueled your rage. “Hahaha, are you protecting Belphegor from me? A demon protecting another demon from a human… how unsual.”
Lilith was hitting your chest, crying desperately. “Beelzebub, you do look hungry.” You said in a melodic voice. Beel couldn’t believe what was happening, not again. He was being forced to choose between you and his twin. You hadn’t utter a threatening word but he could sense your intentions. You read him like an open book, his eyes, his posture, everything.
“Don’t worry, I’m not like your coward little brother.” You answered sharply before turning around and leave the room, this time no one tried to stop you.
Belphegor fell to the ground and silent sobs came out of him. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry Mc.”
Beel was left standing, a vicious feeling of emptiness that he has known all his life set in, but this time it wasn’t in his stomach, but in his heart.
Pt 13? ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Taglist: @sadlily1 ♡ @yuumaofc @kodasstar @asmolover1234 @gallantys @prefesro @urminebutidontwantyou @fiveofspades @owl778 @unknownbish101 @pinkvelvetcake1 @bontensbabygirl
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jimpluff · 2 months
Somehow neglected to post about one of the latest Hideaki Anno honors, the Medal with Purple Ribbon, an award bestowed by the Emperor of Japan to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their fields. A fitting coincidence for the Shin Godzilla and Evangelion director, the purple medal is for scholarly achievements and the arts.
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It's an exceptionally rare honor. To put it in perspective, neither Akira Kurosawa nor Hayao Miyazaki have received one. According to AniTrendz, in Khara's online statement, "Anno said that he was unsure if it was okay for a 'hopeless otaku' like himself to receive such an award, but gratefully accepted it after thinking of how his late parents and grandmother would have been pleased. The director acknowledged the support of his wife, friends, the staff and cast of shows he worked on, and anime and tokusatsu fans."
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rashomonss · 1 year
Heartbreak Hours
this one was fun to write, and guess who’s feeling angsty today ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
disclaimer: please don’t kill me i love mammon
- other parts
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Mammon sat there watching as you laughed with Satan over a new book the two of you had begun reading. Even though he was sitting on the couch over it felt like he was still far away from the little world you two were in.
He felt his heart clench as you leaned in closer to the blonde’s embrace. When had you become so close with him? Actually with any of his brothers?
He hated it. He hated the way you would let Levi drag you away for hours on end without even saying anything. He hated the way Asmo’s touch lingered on you, don’t ya know that he doesn’t have pure intentions! He hated the way your eyes would sparkle when Satan would mention the plot of a new book he was reading. He hated the way Beel would constantly ask you to feed him, he has two hands he can do it himself! He hated the way Belphie would use you as a pillow or get unreasonably close to you, he has a bed he can lay in it! And lastly what he hated the most were the looks you gave his older brother.
That look of longing and love, those beautiful eyes once looked at him like that, you know? He hated that look on you now, especially when you would be talking and even the slightest glance of Lucifer would make your breath hitch and cause your eyes to linger.
He knew he couldn’t compete with his older brother, after all Lucifer was perfect and Mammon was just known as the scummy, dirtbag second born.
But still if anything he was able to get you to fall for him, so that’s one thing in his life he’s done right! right?
“Envy is supposed to be my sin you know” Levi said nudging Mammon, who was staring a bit to hard at you and Satan.
“Oh shut up you gross otaku” Mammon said back.
“Hey stop using otaku as an insult! And what are you so worried for, after all aren’t you Mc’s ‘first’.” Levi said, rolling his eyes as he made the air quotations.
“You’re damn right I am!”
And as your first he should be the first one to ask you out of course. After all your first man should be taking care of his favorite human.
He has been saving up for awhile now to buy you this necklace. It was a pure gold necklace that had your first initial and a small heart charm in front. He remembered that you thought it was beautiful on the last shopping trip you both went on, however you were a bit disheartened when you saw the price exclaiming that you were going to pick up more job shifts to afford it.
But here it was sitting in a black velvet jewelry box he panned on giving you as you after he asked you out.
It was going to be perfect, he had brought your favorite Devildom flowers, and prepared the necklace in anticipation of your arrival.
Sure it was your regular Thursday movie night, but he couldn’t help it, this was going to be the perfect time to ask you out. Since none of his brothers ever come in his room that much he could have you all to himself.
He also got your favorite snacks and set out your favorite blankets and pillows.
Like he said, everything was going to be perfect!
He decided to ignore the ball of nerves in his stomach because who needs to worry about somethin’ like that when he’s your first.
Of course that’s what he believed.
God he’s such an idiot for not realizing your feelings sooner.
Sure you fell for him, but you never stayed in love with him.
After all he was just a passing crush, while he believed you to be his everything.
“Mammon I’m sorry. It’s a lovely necklace…but I can’t except it” you said, trying to be as understanding and gentle with your words as humanly possible.
He stared blankly at you for what felt like forever until the words finally registered in his head. And when they did, oh they hurt more than when he fell from grace.
“Nah it’s fine! Who’d like a human like you anyway haha, i was just being nice ya know” Mammon said, choking out a laugh.
His words hurt a bit, but you knew deep down he was probably hurting more than you were. After all he was your first crush.
You liked Mammon at the beginning, but as your stay progressed on you ended up finding yourself falling for his brothers as well. You couldn’t help it, but what you did feel bad about was the lessening feeling of affection for your first.
“Did you want me to go?” You quietly asked, since the atmosphere had become awkward.
Mammon had poured his feelings out to you so genuinely and so deeply that you felt horrible to reject him, but it couldn’t be helped, after all you didn’t feel the same. So you didn’t want to lead him on like that.
“No! I mean no, please don’t go, it’s ok, you can just pretend this didn’t happen.” Mammon practically yelled.
He didn’t want you leave, you couldn’t leave him like this. Even if you didn’t return his feelings at all he didn’t want to go. Because if you did he’d have to face reality. And if he did it would absolutely shatter him.
So please Mc, please let him just pretend, please. He’s begging you here.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to go?” You ask again for clarification.
“Yes. Please just stay with me” he replied quietly.
It was a bit past midnight and Mammon found himself staring blankly at a Devildom romcom.
How ironic, he thought.
He sighed and looked down at you as you slept softly on his shoulder.
He couldn’t help himself from seeing your face, so the tears just began to fall.
Realizing that they were rapidly falling he panicked and tried to move you, after all he’d be a jerk to get his tears on you.
But you didn’t move. You stayed close to him still softly sleeping.
“Damn it Mc, you still planning on messin’ with me huh?” he laughed to himself.
He wanted to hate you right now for toying with him like this. But he couldn’t do it. He could never hate you. Even with you rejecting him he couldn’t bring himself to so much as slightly dislike you, since he loved you far too much.
So if you let him just stay this close, even as a friend. Maybe just maybe he could learn to live with it.
But for now Mc, please just let him pretend you’re all his.
Because at the end of the day he will always and forever be all yours.
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a/n: classical music is a very good angst inspiration, so i recommend listening to it if you have writers block, after all that was the inspiration for this chapter!
anyway hope you all enjoyed mammon’s short for heartbreak hours until next time. ♡
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steves-strapcollection · 11 months
WIP Wednesday/Thursday!!
So I was tagged by @nburkhardt & @eriquin & @stobinesque (kinda ;p)
The Rules
Post the file names of up to 5 of your WIPs for people to send you asks
Post a snippet of one of those WIPs
When people send you an ask with the name of one of your WIPs, write 3 lines of that WIP.
(Optional) Post the lines you wrote.
The WIPs
I am only working on strap-on fics tonight and tomorrow. My WIP weekend will have my serious fics again. ;p
one-trick pony
nile (the name of this refers to a dildo that I am linking here. This is a link to a dildo. The picture is very large if you are on a computer.)
The Snippet
Under the cut because it's smut
Eddie’s heart beat was frantic, torn between his desperate need to be filled and his nerves. This was maybe not the thickest cock Steve had, but it was the longest one that Eddie had ever taken, and while Steve had managed to knot him with it more than once, that was only when he was lying down and relaxed. He’d never ridden it before. With a long whine, Eddie slowly pushed back onto the cock, his rim popping around the head as it finally breached him and pulling a startled, pleasured cry from his throat.
The (no pressure) Tags
@scarcrossdlvrs @patchworkgargoyle @legitcookie @sidekick-hero @scoops-stevie @spicysix @inairbinad @outpastthebrakers @delta-piscium @outpastthebrakers @steddieas-shegoes @starryeyedjanai
And tags for ppl... Interested in maybe requesting snippets? Or if u wanna do wip wednesday too!!
@xenon-demon @lets-try-to-be-normal-otakus @hellion-child @theheadlessphilosopher @rugbertgoeshome
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tinirainboom · 10 months
~I'm not who you think I am~ fanfic RoR Buddha x reader
Chapter 1: What can cause a simple faint
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"All the world is a stage, and all men and women are mere actors: All have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts"-Shakespeare
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Since I can remember, they have always shown me that magic, travel between dimensions, parallel worlds, reincarnation, karma, etc., are pure fantasies. Well, most could not be verified at this time… but that does not mean that it DOES NOT EXIST. In my case, I was one of those people who doesn't get carried away by that, that is, they can't manipulate me, although I think that maybe there is a possibility that it exists, right?
Before you get me wrong, I wasn't expecting impossible things like, "Mom got a letter from Hogwarts!" or “Doc, I'm from the future. I came in a time machine that you invented." Of course not, this is not fan-fiction! although it would be very tempting… But coming to the point is that I never thought that this kind of cliché situation of Webtoon manhwa would happen to me, and the problem is that now my best friend and I are trapped in this mess…
Without further ado ☆let's get started!☆:
I am Y/N Yagami, and my best friend is Haku Takahashi!
. . . ~And we are not who you think we are~
It all started when our winter vacation began. My best friend and I got together at my house to watch the second season of Record of Ragnarok or Shuumatsu no Valkyrie, in Japanese, a Netflix anime series about preventing human extinction by the hands of the gods and to That this does not happen, the idea of a tournament called Ragnarok was proposed, so thanks to this opportunity, humanity can save itself from extinction and fight against the gods to achieve this goal.
Haku and I were fans, when Buddha appeared at the end of the first season, the two of us with sparkles in our eyes with excitement promised to meet when the second season came out on Netflix so we could watch it together. And here we are, on a Thursday at 5:00 p.m., in my room with several manga of the series in question, posters of various animes, lots of junk food and soft drinks. By this time, my parents had gone on a two-week vacation to California, entrusting me with the house to myself.
Haku:- At last these Netflix people are putting on the second season!- my bff said excitedly and preparing the chapter on the play.
This person here is Haku Takahashi, my best friend, we met in the first year of high school. A boy who stands out mainly for his hair color black as coal and with streaks white as snow, his eyes are ocean blue, fair complexion, with a tomboy fashion style with a shirt with gray squares with red, green and yellow lines , and a blue jean. This boy is a complete otaku even though he doesn't seem like it at first glance, you just have to say the magic word and his fanboy otaku's side will come out.
Y/N:- Yes, Haku, you're right, ugh, I can't wait to hear Buddha's voice and see the same scenes in the manga! – I said with the emotion of a fangirl.
Haku:- Damn little lady! How many Buddha fanfics did you read to be satisfied with your inner fangirl? He asked, amazed and scared at the same time.
Y/N: - EHE - I answered putting on my most innocent face.
Haku:- EHE te Nandayo! - he yelled frustrated and then said- Oh dear God, who can blame you, he's gorgeous, his face carved by the angels themselves - he said amused with a mocking smile.
Y/N:- Oh, look who's talking! just the person who is a Chinese simp and his tsundere valkyrie- I answered returning the mockery.
Haku:- Hey! Qin Shi Huang is not ANY Chinese, he is the first Emperor of China, besides he is super sexy… Ying Zheng is very adorable, he had a very hard past, his personality is so admirable, that for that man I would make me his wife… - he said happily until in a regular moment and with a small blush on his cheeks, he answered nervously - Ehem, sorry my simp homosexual side came out, ha ha-
Y/N:- Yeah… I already realized, we better put the chapter before this conversation goes from brown to dark…- I said already putting the Ror chapter.
Meanwhile elsewhere…
In a dream garden, with a surreal beauty reaching the divine, full of life, flowers of all kinds of colors and species, its spring green grass together with clean rivers that flow freely. Inside that beautiful place, there are two first-rate deities, a man and a woman.
The man was dressed in clothing of Japanese royalty, white with gold trimmings, a part of samurai armor sea black with gold trim, his hair white as radiant as light, eyes with emerald orbs with sharp irises like a cat's, her fox ears sticking out of her mane with a small tint of black at the tips, a pale complexion as if she were snow white, and her fluffy kitsune tail the same color as her hair.
And the woman with a dress that reaches her ankles, her straps revealing her shiny golden shoulders connected to the chest of the garment, in the upper part of the torso some fine golden lines extend, marking the bust, reaching the waist, Its waist is a beautiful belt that shapes a triangle with several arcs until it reaches its vertex that is shaped like a four-pointed star. Up to the peplum, the color of the fabric is a daisy white, then fades to a midnight blue showing galaxies, stars, constellations and the milky ways. Her ballerinas (shoe type), as bright and transparent as crystal, with a royal blue color and a black gradient and a small pastel pink flower on the top of the shoe.
Her waist-length, light brown hair, with a blonde head of hair, waving in the breeze of the wind, with porcelain skin that made you think she was a doll, her eye color was royal blue with various shades like light blue. , red, pastel pink and aqua green forming a galaxy inside, and a bright turquoise white pupil in the shape of a 6-pointed star.
-Lady avatar, how are you going to prevent the Valhalla congress from unanimously to exterminate humanity? - he consulted frustrated and worried
-Relax my friend, for that I have a backup plan, but the problem is the enemy that is coming -
-The coming enemy? you mean the one from your visions my lady-
-That's right, and this enemy is gaining strength, I don't know if I can defeat it alone… since nobody seems to notice and the other gods don't want to listen to me- The woman commented angrily with her frown
-But my lady, the Valkyries, his brother and I are on her side-
The kitsune gave the woman a determined look and she saw this and answered him with a reassuring smile but with a bit of frustration in her voice.
-I know, but that's not enough, those fools are so focused on locking innocent people in tartar or wanting to exterminate an entire species because they don't like it anymore-
-Okay, don't worry, Your Excellency, today at midnight we will meet at the lake near the Bifröst, to continue with the plan-
-Very well, we'll see you there.-
Both deities left by their side, promising that they will meet at that time.
Now, returning to our protagonists…
The two teenagers looking very carefully at the television, the scene of buddha and loki:
Buddha, entering a rose garden in Valhalla, while he eats his celestial lollipop. Later, with a scene change showing Loki sitting on the edge of a fountain, the god of lies sees Buddha enter the place and says:
-Hey, I've been waiting for you Shaka-kun…-
The enlightened one approaches Loki, removes the lollipop from his mouth and responds with a small smile. -You wanna… fight?- Buddha told him, looking at him with a face like I'm going to kick your ass, and at that moment there was a tense atmosphere between the two gods. With death glares inciting a fight to start at any moment, but before that can happen, a baby-faced Loki who doesn't break a plate and with both hands raised replies:
-No, no! I just had one little question for you.-
At that moment he explains his "discovery" about the power of the Valkyries, the Völundr. While explaining his point of view, of how humans were able to resist the power of the gods to the point of killing them, he came to the conclusion about a power that is within Buddhism called Samavadhāna (Ichiren Takushou), within that mention Buddha bites his lollipop with little anger and Loki finishes explaining that the Valkyries unite their destiny with the fighter to become a divine treasure with the purpose of standing up to the gods.
-Oh, I'm sorry that took so long! So, what do you think, Shaka-kun?-
-You know… that wasn't even close to just one little question. In fact, it took so long, I didn't hear half of it. Give it to me in a sentence. Ya dig?-
I finish answering Buddha, sticking out his tongue with a small blue tint from the lollipop. Loki surprised by his response, laughs and says:
-Ha ha, oh right! I'm sorry! Then I'll get to the point… Are you a traitor?
Loki puts on a sinister smile, at the question he asked the enlightened one. - And what if I am?- Gautama answers, with a defiant smile at the accusation of the god of lies.
Y/N and Haku:- Aaaaaahh! Buddha is so cool! - we both shouted with emotion.
Loki:- What was that? - asked Loki
Haku:- Wait a minute… something is wrong. - said my best friend puzzled
Y/N:- I don't know Rick seems fake, what did we miss? This dialogue is not in the manga- I said confused
Loki:- Shaka-kun... is it one of your tricks?- consulted the deity of deceit Buddha: -That should be my line, you are the deity of lies and mischief, not me- he answered confidently with a raised eyebrow
At that moment, I realized that the Shuumatsu characters were listening to us, I looked at my best friend with a mischievous smile and he realized what he was going to do…
Haku:- Y/N don't do i… - he was interrupted by me
Y/N:- Look who's talking, the one who ended up SLEEPING with a horse to end up pregnant!
Loki:- who said that?! Come out of your cowardly hiding place; great this is the last straw! HOW THE FUCK DOES HE KNOW THAT?! - said poor Loki all blushing Buddha:- ka ha ha ha! I like this person, I like your style girly! - replied Buddha happily
Haku:- ha ha ha! oh my god, what a shame! .- Haku said, while he laughed for a moment, his face showed a sign of pain, as if he had been hurt- argh!
Y/N:- Haku! What happened?! - ask anguished
Haku: -My vision becomes dark and I can't brea…- Haku answered me weakly and before finishing the sentence he fainted.
Y/N: Haku!?
Buddha:- Hey! What is happening there?-he asked the concerned air
At that time, my body felt weird, I was short of breath, I even felt more tired than usual, as if someone or something was absorbing my energy… I couldn't answer Shaka, was he worried about us? I wanted to answer but my voice couldn't come out, my body was losing strength and I started to fall.
Everything happened in slow motion, my vision blurred little by little, but I could notice Shaka worriedly shouting our names, and Loki, a little anguished, asking too, I'm glad they're trying to find us…
I wanted to tell them, no, I wanted to yell at them that I was in another dimension, that something is forcing us to faint… Shit, my vision was getting blacker and closer to the ground and I can't do anything to stop it.
In the end, I stopped hearing Shaka's and Loki's voices, as the vision went completely dark. At that moment, my eyes were closed but I couldn't feel anything, it's as if I was floating in a great suffocating void, since this feeling gives me a little anxiety and fear… did I die?
I don't want to die, I have many things to do! I don't want to leave my life yet, my parents, Haku, they all must be worried…
I was afraid to open my eyes to see only overwhelming darkness, but I plucked up my courage and opened my eyes… The first thing I see is that I am inside the water, how did I get to be at the bottom of the water?! I try to look around to find Haku, but all I see is a big blue horizon…
Oh no! I stayed thinking for too long that I just realized that I am short of breath, what am I going to do? I barely have the strength to swim, I won't make it to the surface in time, I don't want to die yet, I'm not giving up! And just when I was about to give up hope that I could save myself, I see a woman.
This lady, she dove from the surface until she swam up to me. Coincidentally she looked so much like me, she was so strange since she is like an EXACT copy of me, except for her hair color, and her eyes. This woman looked as refined and delicate as a porcelain doll, her long brown hair, blonde?, with eyes that were like seeing the universe in them, and wearing a long dress with small shades of pastel pink .
When "my other self" came towards me, suddenly a field of light formed around the two of us, and she looked at me with her galaxy eyes with great warmth, her delicate hands intertwined with mine, and she gave me a small kiss on the forehead. Then, without opening her mouth, she said these words to me:
-"Don't be afraid dear, you shouldn't be afraid of me. Promise me that NO MATTER what happens, never lose hope and you will always fight against evil in all its forms."-
I nodded several times, giving her to understand that she agreed with what she told me, but at the same time I didn't understand it very well, and "my other self" with a smile answered me with a kind of telepathy:
-"Very well, Y/N Yagami, it's time to wake up, V̴̢̿́̀̂̾̊͛̒̕ö҉ļ̴̬̜̫̣͉̜̞́͑ ██ !"-
Y/N:- WHAT?! - I gasped as air bubbles came out of my mouth.
Suddenly, I woke up in an elegant room, with ancient Greek architecture coming from a palace. The bed, had a Royal State Bed style with a white canopy with gold frames, its sheets were the same color as the canopy, at each corner of the bed there were transparent curtains and elegant as silk.
Trying to calm down for all the weird things that happened to me in less than 10 minutes? I slowly sit on the mattress and lean on the back of the bed to get a better panoramic view of where I was located. The whole room was as big as a penthouse at the Plaza Hotel; for a moment I felt like Macaulay Culkin, in my poor little angel 2, when he thinks out loud "my family is in Florida and I'm in New York" raising both eyebrows very funny.
In the end, I began to look at the room and noticed a balcony to the right of the room, where you could see a large green meadow in the distance and to my left in the background was a kitchen, then a table with chairs for tea … In short, everything was so refined that I could spend a whole day explaining how beautiful it is.
In a moment of reflection I asked aloud, to see if anyone was in the room:
Y/N:- Hello? Could someone tell me where I am? -
Then at that very moment, the door suddenly opened, and a girl with the appearance of a 15 or 16-year-old teenager, with short lilac-colored hair, emerald-colored eyes, wearing an orange jacket, a yellow jacket with a White shirt below, he also wears black shorts with a black mesh on his left leg which he ties with small suspenders, and on his right leg with an anklet and his Converse-style sneakers.
This girl sounds so familiar to me from somewhere, I have her name on the tip of her tongue… I already remembered it wasn't, Göll?!
She carried in her hands a tray, which had a vase with a white rose, cloths, and a glass of water. When Göll saw me sitting on the bed, she turned so pale that she dropped the tray from her hands in astonishment and cried out:
-S-sisters, she's already woken up! Warn Asclepio-sama, that her Excellency is aware!-
Göll:- Your Excellency, 6 months have passed since the accident you suffered near the lake! Now that he woke up from his coma, he will be able to save humanity from extinction, besides, we all miss him very much!" Göll sobbed, several tears streaming from his emerald eyes.
Y/N:- H..hey don't cry, how did I get to this place? and… what do you mean with that supposed accident in the lake? - ask curiously
Y/N: -Oh Jeez! my eardrums… and why do you call me milady or his excellency? -I went back to consult the little valkyrie
Göll:- Because you are the highest authority of valhalla since the creation of the entire universe, one of your titles is your excellence, milady or lady avatar since you were the deity that generates the balance of dharma, karma and that the cycle of life is fulfilled correctly together with his brother Sora.- explained Göll with tenderness and admiration
Y/N: But… I'm not that person, it's a misunderstanding- I explained and then I said- Are you sure they didn't get the wrong person? -she finished asking him
Göll:- Of course you are mylady, we are not mistaken! Take I'll give you a mirror- she said worried
Göll handed me the mirror and at that moment I saw my face… without correction, the face of the woman I saw in the water. My hair color _ changed to this light brown blonde, my complexion was whiter, like I was a porcelain doll, my lips were thin in ulzzang style, and the only thing that stayed a bit the same were my eyes, exactly my color of eyes, but… they looked starry with a little blue glow. What the hell is going on?!
Great, now I'm living the typical cliché of a Webtoon manhwa, in which the main character is “reincarnated” in her favorite series. I mean, it's cool, I get to see my crush Buddha! the problem is… who is this woman and what role does she play? because she's not a canon character, and I don't even know what kind of relationship she has with the characters in the series. What if she hates or doesn't get along with Shaka? If that probability comes true and I find him… what the hell am I going to do?!
When I was about to have an existential crisis trying to figure out the identity of "my other self" and a future relationship with Shaka… The door of the room opens suddenly, revealing a tall man with a good complexion, his hair tousled with an ash blonde sky blue ahoge, medium cut with a long braided ponytail, tied with a tasseled headband. His face was stoic, the man's eyes showed such serenity that it seemed that nothing could get him out of that state, the hue of his irises was so extravagant that it showed an amber color combined with an emerald tone and his pupils were black. What stood out the most in his face was not only his eyes or his white complexion, but also that he had little gold-colored Harry Potter-style glasses that made him look like an adorable person.
In his right hand he held a golden staff, with a snake around it, his clothing was elegant in the ancient Greek style with various gold accessories matching the clothing and with his brown leather sandals.
From the cane and his clothing I could deduce that he was Asclepius, the deity of medicine, although he did not come alone… He was accompanied by a woman, the most important character in the Record of Ragnarok series, with an incredible design, her diva attitude and empowered and with such an imposing voice, thanks to seiyuu Miyuki Sawashiro. A woman hard to forget, the first Valkyrie, and the "creator" of the Ragnarok plan… Brunhilde.
Brunhilde:-Lady avatar, it's a miracle that she woke up!-She exclaimed happily.
Y/N:- Um… but I -I spoke uncertainly but before finishing the sentence the doctor interrupted me.
Asclepio: -His excellency, you must be confused and in shock due to the coma, it is understandable that you are disconcerted- Asclepio intervened
Göll:- Asclepius-sama! I was talking to lady avatar and she was always denying that she is not herself, I even told her about her responsibility as her deity and she still continues to affirm that she is not the avatar- Göll commented shocked.
Brunhilde:- What?! That's not possible Göll… -Brunhilde said and then I could hear her murmur in a very low tone, which neither Göll nor Asclepio heard- is the supposed plan b she told me about, is to enter amnesia? that makes no sense…
Asclepius:- Thank you Göll for reporting, that is one of the symptoms of amnesia, but we still cannot be sure, I will use my staff to verify it and give a diagnosis- the doctor calmly expressed, with a charismatic smile that could reassure To anybody.
When the medicine deity finished speaking, his staff began to glow and the staff snake began to coil around my body. In a moment the reptile finished coiling completely in my body, its eyes connected with mine and I suddenly entered a trance.
Every minute that I spent keeping my eyes on the snake, my head hurt more, it's like a feeling of discomfort and uncertainty. At times, I could watch my memories as if it were a movie; each time those memories became more vivid to a point that it seemed as if he had traveled back in time to live it again.
I even got to that memory in the water with "my other self", but just when he was going to speak to me by telepathy… the trance was suddenly cut off. Little by little, I began to see the luxurious room together with the worried faces of Göll and Brunhilde staring at me.
Asclepius's staff ceased to shine, and the serpent returned to the staff. The doctor's face was pensive, as if he had also seen my memories, his gaze was trying to find a logical explanation until his face suddenly became serious, as if he had found the answer in his head. .
Asclepius: "Please, Valkyrie ladies, leave me alone with the patient, I need to speak with his excellency," Asclepio said seriously with his head bowed.
Brunhilde:- Okay, let's go Göll- she answered courteously.
Göll:- Oh… they call us anything! - exclaimed the little Valkyrie a little indecisively.
They both left the room and closed the door. Leaving me alone with Asclepius, who had a face like this cannot be possible.
Y/N:-why did he ask to talk to me alone? - I consulted the doctor.
Asclepius:- First, put on these glasses, these lenses will help your sight to remain stable since your ocular powers are unstable and they have lost illumination, in this case it generates a slight myopia and astigmatism due to the fact that your soul is not the same that changes the flow of energy- explained Asclepio giving me a pair of round golden glasses.
Y / N: -Wait a minute… How did she have ocular powers and she was enlightened? -I asked puzzled
Asclepius:-That's right, the starry eyes of lady avatar were because she had reached enlightenment and that's how several of her ocular powers originated, one of them was precognition. I also want to tell you that her energy flow, that is, her Chi is different from the avatar. The vital energy of the person in this body is no more and the only thing left to continue living is his own, the problem with this is that I don't know what kind of side effects I could have from this… -he explained to me embarrassed.
Asclepius:- Besides, when the snake saw her memories, nothing matched her memory of her excellence and the only memory that showed the avatar I couldn't see because there was something that had thrown us out of there. Not only her memory is different, but her soul as well, this is much more complex than an "amnesia", she had never seen anything like this…-
Y/N:- I did understand, you don't have the slightest fucking idea how I got here and that's not all… Now I became your new portable battery of this body and the consequences that this could cause you don't know. If you, how the deity of medicine does not know because he never saw a case like this, who could help me? - I said desperately
Asclepius:- The only theories that occur to me are that someone or something has done an experiment with the soul of the avatar and yours… Or that someone of the same rank as her, has a plot to make her go through "amnesia" or that she doesn't is in his right mind. The problem is that we don't know why this happened and why.- Asclepius explained with doubt and concern.
Asclepius:- Although I warn you, be careful with all the gods or entities of any kind, because if they realize that you really are not who you say you are, and that it is a human soul taking her place… I don't know what atrocious things they could do to you .- Asclepio warns seriously and then he affectionately told me- But you can rest easy, as a doctor, this is between patient and doctor, and if you need help with anything or information I will give it to you without hesitation- he finished speaking to me with determination and a sincere smile.
Y/N:- Thank you very much Asclepius, I thank you very much since you do not have the obligation to help me and… - the doctor interrupts me
Asclepius:- Of course not! Not only do I do this for my duty as a doctor, but I am also a human and always doing good is returned to you.- he affirmed with enthusiasm and then with a bit of shyness he said- Besides, I have a good feeling about you and there is something that I cannot explain through science that you transmit to me a kind of… confidence? I don't know how to explain it, I'm sorry if it sounded very strange ha ha ha-
Y/N:- ha ha ha, it's okay and how are you going to explain to others about my "condition"? And do you know the real name of the real woman in this body?
Asclepius:- I will tell you that her diagnosis is Amnesia and I don't know her real name, there are some deities that do know but cannot pronounce it because it is part of one of the rules of the Valhalla protocol, it was rumored that the only exception to the rule was his twin brother Sora, but after the accident at the lake he is missing…- commented Asclepio
Y/N: - I understand… is this Sora still missing? - I asked Aesculapius
Asclepius:- Unfortunately yes… it would be better if I called Brunhilde and Göll since they must be very worried- Asclepius commented
Y/N: - Yes… you're right - I said
Asclepius got up and went to the door. When he opened it, he didn't even have time to say “you can come in now” as all the valkyries pushed poor Asclepius away and rushed towards me to position themselves around the bed. All with tears in their eyes, except Brunhilde since she had seen me before and she had a small warm smile on her face.
Brunhilde:- Asclepio-sama, what is your excellency's diagnosis? Is it so serious that she preferred to discuss it first with the avatar and then with us? - I ask worried
Reginleif:-Our sister Brunhilde is right, does she have a serious pathology and why are her eyes not the same color? - consulted with seriousness and concern the seventh valkyrie
Asclepius:- In principle, lady avatar has amnesia, I was able to verify it with my staff and her memory is blank. There are no memories… I'm sorry, you should be patient with her and regarding her eyes, she lost light due to amnesia and her vital energy flows differently, causing her ocular powers to affect her sight, causing myopia and astigmatism. Asclepius explained calmly.
Randgríðr: That's why the glasses, right? - commented the fourth valkyrie with curiosity
Asclepio:- That's right, these glasses are special since the lenses adapt to the graduation corresponding to the user, they can also change to a dark lens to protect their eyes from the sun, when the user wishes- Asclepio answers with a stoic expression
Hrist:- She doesn't remember us…- said the second Valkyrie with a voice about to break into tears.
Göll:- S-sister Hrist… - Göll stammered, as sad as Hrist
Brúðr:- You two must remain strong in front of your excellency, the one with the amnesia is her… The one who is suffering the most in this situation.- she whispered to the two tenderly
Asclepio:- If something happens or you have a new symptom, let me know immediately and for now you shouldn't bother her with suddenly remembering her memories, since her mind has suffered a lot and her vital energy too.- Asclepio informed and then politely says- With your permission, your excellency and valkyries, I retire.-
Immediately after, the doctor leaves the room and the 13 Valkyries are quite affected by the situation, all with various mixed feelings about my presence, making the atmosphere tense and uncomfortable. Until Alvitr, the tenth of the Valkyries exclaimed in encouragement:
-"Hey! We should be happy because she woke up from the coma, not sad, this is not a wake!"-
Hlǫkk:- Alvitr is right, we should celebrate it. Let's go prepare a tea party in commemoration that our lady is with us safe and sound!- said Hlǫk, the enthusiastic ninth valkyrie
Brúðr:- Of course I do, come on sisters!- Brúðr proclaimed with joy
The 12 Valkyries left the room excited to celebrate the return of "my other self" and the only one who stayed was Brunhilde. She looked at me seriously, and she could see the guilt I have on my face, then the first Valkyrie closed the door and then went to sit next to me…
Brunhilde:- Now that it's just you and me… Let's talk honestly, who are you? -Brunhilde asked and then said the following- because YOU are not lady avatar, her personality, her appearance, even her body language is not the same, you are completely different from her and it is obvious that you do not have amnesia.
Y/N:- It's okay, it's very hard to believe but I need you to believe me, I really have no idea how I got here and I don't intend to lie to you or your sisters either, because I'm not that kind of person.-I explained with sincerity and seriousness in my voice, after that I took a deep breath to calm down and declare the following- My true identity is…
PHEW, The first chapter is finally over! Wow I really worked hard at this job… For those who don't know, the word avatar comes from the Sanskrit avatâra, which means 'descent or incarnation of a god'. In this sense, Hinduism conceives of the avatar as a divine being who descends to earth in the form of a person, animal or any other type of body, with the purpose of reestablishing dharma, or divine law, and saving the world from disorder and the confusion generated by the demons. Like, the deity Vishnu, for example, has had many avatars, and, according to the Hindus, has undergone many incarnations.
I also put Asclepius in this story and since he is not a canonical character… I described him as I could imagine it in anime style. I hope you liked it! (T ▽ T *)
ps: If I have a spelling mistake in this language, I have no problem telling me since English is not my native language. I hope I wrote the characters well! I also put several movie or meme references in the dialogue between Haku and Y/N, even when she narrates. (// ¯ ▽ ¯ //) ps 2: In one part I start to completely describe "the other Y / N," when he is talking to her companion … I'm sorry if I made you dizzy I wanted to be as detailed as possible with her.
♡ Ok that's it! ♡
Have a nice day, afternoon or night!
~Reiko Yukimura~
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vexx-ation · 5 months
365 Albums in 365 Days: 25/365
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Date: Thursday January 25th Album: Genso Artist: Lamp Released: 2008 Genre: Lounge Review: My favorite track on this album is also the name of a Yume Nikki fan game, and even the name of the album is close enough to a lot of otaku-adjacent things so that every time I look up things related to this album I just get results filled with anime. That’s unrelated to the music itself, which is just a nice, smooth jazzy ride. It’s the auditory equivalent to a lazy river— I prefer to just sit back and enjoy the ride. It’s all easy listening, the kind of stuff you expect in a particularly aesthetic NYC lounge that’s about to charge you $8 for a bougie soda. I can smell the fancy cigarettes already. Favorite Track: Yume Utsutsu
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y0uc4n7kn0w · 1 year
Buddy Daddies: Found Family & Broken Childhoods
Two assassins get adopted by a little girl. This show is SO good #otakuthursday #buddydaddies #aniblogger
Hello, hello, and welcome to Otaku Thursday! It has been…a hot minute. I’m sure you’ve read Star’s catch-up post so you know that between illness, broken computers, impromptu trips, and birthday celebrations–we haven’t had a ton of time to do posts (or even watch anime). But here I am, trying to get us back on track with some anime reviews! Now, you might’ve noticed that last season I didn’t do…
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theacstories · 1 month
Episode four of BARTENDER Glass of God is another two-parter, and the featured drink is the classic martini in a non-classical way.
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BARTENDER Glass of God Bartender: Kami no Glass
Broadcast: Thursdays at 00:00 (JST) Genres: Drama, Gourmet Themes: Adult Cast, Workplace
Synopsis Hidden in the backstreets of the Ginza district is Eden Hall, a lone bar operated by Ryuu Sasakura, the prodigy bartender who is said to mix the most incredible cocktails anyone has ever tasted. However, not just anyone can find Eden Hall; rather, it is Eden Hall that must find you. Customers of varying backgrounds, each plagued with their own troubles, wander into this bar. Nevertheless, Ryuu always knows the ideal cocktail to console and guide each distraught soul.
First Impressions This is one of those anime I feel like I see at least once a season that feels like someone said "We need to make this concept appealing to otaku" with this one being cocktails. Ok but actually this does feel like it has a lot of love put into it, and with very strong opinions about how to make the perfect cocktail. Perhaps it was a special interest of the mangaka that they just wanted to info dump about.
I find it hard to really talk about the first episode. It's possible with all the fantasy centric anime being released on the 1st I'm just happy to have a breather. Even if that weren't the case I think this show might be a slow burn, just this episode alone had a whole lot of nothing going on for most of it, but also I'm not sure what to say because I'm unsure if the characters we followed in this episode will even be returning in the next or if this is an anthology similar to Paranoia Agent (except their problems are solved with the perfect drink instead of being murdered).
I think the problem is that if it weren't for the synopsis I probably wouldn't continue watching this purely based on that episode alone. It wasn't bad but it just didn't do a very good job of setting up the intrigue of this prodigy bartender. The majority of the episode involves these two hotel workers going on a hunt for a bartender for the hotel, but the chairman has this stipulation about them needing to serve the "Glass of God" which they're supposed to just know when they taste it. During their search, they run into an eccentric man twice before they find out he's the bartender at some private bar, and at the end of the episode he serves them the perfect drink. The one thing that sort of piqued my interest was the fact that he didn't know how to use a smartphone. Is this guy literally God or some kind of angel? I'm not sure if I would have thought about that going into it blind.
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hollowphobia-casual · 11 months
Your Our of Touch, Why is no one talking about Lucky Star?
Warning, this is a long discussion about a 19 year old Manga, it’s current possible relevance in 2023. As well as the thoughts on how shippers from back in the year 2000 could possibly influence an upcoming manga.
I assume many of you by now are familiar with the Out of touch Thursday meme, for the few of you who are confused by what I mean exactly, it is this.
The song, is Out of Touch by Hall & Oates, released October 4th 1984, the animation however is from the opening of anime called Lucky Star. The song playing in that opening being “Motteke Sailor Fuku“ with what I can seem to find being tied to multiple artists, most likely the song was created specifically for the anime.
And it’s Lucky Star I wanted to talk about more than anything, because I’ve had thoughts running through my head that I simply, could not get out and needed to talk about them somewhere, so you all shall be my victims. But some context for the generations of people who people who were born long after this anime reached it’s peak. Luck Star was a Slice of Life, Comedy manga written and illustrated by Kagami Yoshimizu. The manga focused on four High School girls, Konata Izumi (Blue Hair) a short pervy Otaku girl who likes teasing people, especially her friend Kagami. Said Kagami Hiiragi, (Purple hair twin tails)  a I’m not a tsundere intellectual girl, who is prone to anger and violence. Tsukasa Hiiragi, (purple hair with bow) Kagami’s younger twin sister, who is naive, sweet and just an overall ball of sunshine and finally the well endowed Miyuki Takara (Pink hair), who is the incredibly smart girl who makes poor and dumb decisions. With a larger cast built up of friends, relatives and other characters, who all do day to day life in comedic ways or funny observations. In 2007 the manga would be adapted to an anime that would last for 24 episodes and two OVAs. And it along with the Anime adaptation of Azumanga Diaoh would basically become the meme farm for many anime and Manga enjoyers on the internet
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But more important than the memes were the ships, or in this case THE ship. Like the case with most all girl anime shows there were lesbian ships, but none to the extent of Konata and Kagami. Like if you were in the lesbian anime scene when you were young, this ship was everywhere.
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Official Anime promotional Art, Merchandise, Fan-fiction, Doujinshi, offical art by the Mangaka and much more, heck this ship was so well known about by the creators that this happened in one of the OVAs.
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But now I imagine most everyone is probably wondering, what is the point? Why bring up an old manga and anime just to talk about a super old ship from the early 2000′s with characters that despite being 18 years of age are drawn like they are still 15 or so. Well, Luck Star the anime ended before the Manga did. Finishing roughly around Volume 4-5 with certain details omitted either for time or cost cutting methods, ended the series with a meta fourth wall breaking episode. While the manga continued with 3-4 more volumes, ending at Volume eight. And the series creator would go on a hiatus. An Eight year Hiatus, because, Lucky Star, is back, Volumes 9 and 10 have very recently released...(In Japan), but more interestingly than that, was what was announced in 2022, in the third volume of Mitaina! magazine. There is going to be a Lucky Star Spin off series, Called Konata 31. From the details that have been released Konata 31 is going to be a series that takes place 15 years after the events of the main Lucky Star series, following a now 31 year old Konata. We have no information on who any of the supporting cast is for this series, we don’t know if any of the original cast outside of Konata will even return or if they all fell out of some time after High School. And, sadly, anything I say from this point on is going to be nothing more than mere speculation, but it’s curious to focus on the age of 31. Why? Well, that’s the age of the people who started reading Lucky Star are probably now, when I started Lucky Star, I was the same age as the girls, I was roughly in my teens and early adult hood and now I’m beginning my 30′s. yes not all the fans will be the same age, but most of them will be. Most of these fan will either be experiencing their 30′s or have experienced their 30′s and can look back. And what are people living with in their 30′s, what do people tend to focus on, where can these possible new stories take us? Job security, Home Security, making an identity for ourselves, physically and mentally and, for many of us (Sorry Ace/Aero crowd) Romance. A large part of Lucky Star fans growing up were Konata and Kagami shippers, they supported the idea of a gay relationship between these character, before openly gay relationships between characters were as common as they are now. We didn’t have shows like Witch from Mercury, Yuru Yuri, Steven Universe, owl House, RWBY and many more where characters could have open gay relationship. It was all theorizing, subtext and taking whatever people could give us, even if it was mostly there to make us buy merchandise. Now am I saying that with 100% certainty, that Konata 31 is going to have a story where Kagami and Konata finally tie the knot and all 13-18 year old hearts become validated. No, it’s quite possible, like many slice of life comedies they doesn’t even focus on the romantic side of the characters and instead focus more on their day to day lives instead. But, there is all that history. I don’t know what I’m saying really, I made this post mostly to get thoughts out of my head and here I am getting thoughts out of my head. But what I will say is I will defiantly be picking up the first volume of Konata 31 when it becomes available.
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fallynleaf · 3 months
(I typed this up for my Japanese study log lol but it was so funny to me, I figured I'd also share it here)
Okay, so...
I was looking at my Japanese study Notion library page and kind of wanted to clear out a slot for Dungeon Meshi, since I wanted to be able to track my progress with the chapter count. I’d had 女装してめんどくさい事になってるネクラとヤンキーの両片想い ("Crossplay Love: Otaku x Punk" in English) volume 3 in there since literally the day I created that page, I think. I had sort of given up on it last year because it was too hard for me to read at the time for what my level of investment was in the story, plus I got sort of busy with the translations and ran out of time/energy for manga reading projects, so I’d basically shelved that book for the time being.
I had gotten like halfway through the volume already, though, so I thought why not just read the rest of it so that I can move it out of my currently reading section? So I started reading it again and abruptly realized that I didn’t super remember a lot of the details in the story. At the time when I had started reading it, volumes 1 & 2 had been translated into English, but 3 hadn’t been translated yet, hence why I had picked it up in Japanese. Fortunately for me, though, the English translation has gotten a lot further now!
So what I did was speed-read up to the chapter I left off in English, then I finished the volume in Japanese. Hooray! I could remove it from my currently reading section!! 🎉
Except… after finishing volume 3, I wanted to know what happened next, so I just kept reading (in English) and quickly finished volume 4, then 5, 6, 7…
(You can probably guess where this is going.)
I reached the end of volume 7 and was like “aw man, I want to know what happens next, but I’m not sure if I care enough about this series to take the time to read it in Japanese… I’d rather just wait and read the English translation of this one and spend my energy on things like Dungeon Meshi instead.”
But I have spectacularly poor impulse control when it comes to this sort of thing, so just like what compelled me to buy volume 3 in the first place, of course I ended up caving immediately and buying volume 8 in Japanese, and I ended up back in the exact situation I had tried to resolve in the first place, with the series still technically on my currently reading list… 😩
Thankfully, my Japanese is better now than it was a year ago, and I can read manga way faster now, so I ended up sort of, uh, inhaling the series, or at least reading it about as fast as it was humanly possible for me to read it. In English, I can easily tear through a volume of manga in under half an hour. In Japanese, it probably takes me like 10x that.
I was on a bit of a deadline because I’m trying to stay super caught up on the TJPW translations to the best of my ability, so I had a narrow window between finishing the previous translation (for the last VOD show after the VOD went up on Wrestle Universe) and getting started on the next translation (which is for another VOD show, so I usually wait until the show gets uploaded before I start translating it, which is usually three days after the show happened).
I finished my first draft of the 2.17 show translation on Tuesday, February 20 (the day I watched the VOD), got my questions posted by early Thursday, and got it edited and published by early Friday, which was the date of the next show (with a 3-day timer after that until the VOD goes up and I need to drop everything else to translate).
So I had roughly a 5-ish day window with essentially no translation workload. I read a chapter of Dungeon Meshi, then finished 女装してめんどくさい事になってるネクラとヤンキーの両片想い volume 3, then ended up reading volumes 8-12 in Japanese basically as fast as I could because I was invested in the series and I also really didn’t want to have to stop reading to work on my translations (the surprise 2.26 press conference from TJPW happened fortuitously at the end of this period). In total, I think I finished five volumes in about four days.
…And the huge reveal that I’ve been waiting for the entire series, which is the main reason why I felt compelled to read on, still hasn’t happened 😩. Never start reading a slowburn romance when the story is still in progress… 😔
I saw at the back of the manga that the series apparently updates on the fourth Monday of every month, so I ended up finding it on pixiv, and I got there just in time for chapter 107’s release (volume 12 ends with chapter 105, so there are two new chapters available on pixiv), so I’ve now read literally every chapter currently available.
I’m in the same boat as the Japanese fans now, I suppose! Waiting a whole month to get drip fed a little bit more of the story at a time… It brings me back to my days of following webcomics as they were happening, which I was never very good at, so we’ll see if I fare better reading serialized manga.
I guess to review 女装してめんどくさい事になってるネクラとヤンキーの両片想い, difficulty-wise, I found it honestly harder than Dungeon Meshi, because even though it takes place at a high school and theoretically has more normal vocab, like every single character in the story talks weird in way that is totally different from how the other characters talk weird, and there’s far more slang and stuff written out in a way that isn’t super parseable by Yomichan (which I'm able to use on the book thanks to Mokuro). So my lookup tools didn’t account for my weaknesses nearly as well as they did with Dungeon Meshi.
I can see why I dropped it last year, because I lacked some of the grammar back then that I understand a lot better now. It’s the kind of story that is best enjoyed as easy reading, so once you take away the ease of reading, I think it’s hard to push through the difficulty in order to keep going.
Reviewing the story purely in terms of enjoyability, well, obviously I did enjoy it, haha! It’s a very unique story and it went to some surprising places in terms of the themes and story developments, considering the fact that most of the plot revolves around what I can only describe as Shakespearean comedy levels of ridiculous crossdressing drama.
The main point of interest to me was the LGBTQ themes, and I would say that it honestly surpassed my expectations there. We’re not at a point where “these characters are trans” is part of the explicit text of the story (and it might never go there), but the main relationship is gay no matter how you slice it, haha, and there’s another major character whose story reads as very much a trans narrative, and there’s a canonical lesbian couple as well.
Something I really appreciate about it is that interactions with those characters are some of the major driving forces in the relationship between the two main characters. Like, there’s a sense of commonality and shared experience between them and those other characters, and sometimes a sense of alienation and yearning at what the others have, which the main characters feel that they’ll never get to experience because they’re trapped in a situation where they can’t be their authentic selves.
A friend asked me how yuri it is, and honestly I'd say very? I don't think it bills itself as either GL or BL (and people who read exclusively either would probably both be unsatisfied with it). But to me, the core relationship and the conflicts that the characters increasingly grapple with as the story goes on feels more like the kind of thing you’d see in yuri. There’s a whole lot of yearning.
I was amused by this panel from volume 8 because there’s some slang in there and a few non-WaniKani/non-textbook words, but I’d learned literally all four of the new words from translating TJPW, including the one with a non-WK kanji in it (and two of the words were tricky translations so I remember them pretty clearly haha), so I was able to instantly read this panel without needing lookups:
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If I'd timed it a bit better and waited for a 50% coinback sale on Bookwalker, I could've gotten a great deal on it lol but I was too impatient to wait fdjkghdfjkg. At least the Japanese edition is way cheaper than the English one...
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tryslora · 1 year
Anime I'm Watching: Spring 2023
I am a fan first. I teethed on fandom. I watched my first anime (and was absolutely enthralled and addicted) when I was ten years old. It was translated into English, aired on US TV, and the storyline was butchered as they so often were in the 70s and 80s. But it hooked me. And when I discovered that the roots of the shows I came to love were in Japan, I followed anime back to the original pieces. I've been a fan of anime since I was young, and I am happy with the streaming services, and simulcasts, that let me indulge in modern anime so easily now. 
Every season, I take a look on Animelist and LiveChart.me and go through the new and returning anime lists, and pick out what I want to watch. It seems like I start with 20-25 on my list, and I usually narrow it down pretty quickly. Some shows lose me at one episode, some after two. Sometimes I just lose shows because they aren't the ones I want to see the most and I have limited time. But at the start, the list is long. 
This is where I am right now, presented with no descriptions and no value judgements and no explanations. Just the list of what I'm continuing, what I'm trying out, and where I'm watching it (if I've found a place! some I lose because I can't find a legal simulcast). 
So… what are you watching this season?
Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible (HiDive, restarting airing)
RWBY (animated, not anime, on Crunchyroll)
UniteUp! (finishing after delays, Crunchyroll)
Ao no Orchestra (no streaming source yet)
Eternal Boys (HiDive—aired earlier, being put up 2eps at a time)
My Home Hero (Crunchyroll)
Dead Mount Death Play (Crunchyroll)
Insomniacs After School (HiDive)
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion (Crunchyroll)
Wulin Buer Zhoukan (Donghua? No streaming source yet)
Skip and Loafer (Crunchyroll)
The Marginal Service (no streaming source yet, but the list of VAs is wonderful)
Oshi no Ko (HiDive)
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts (Crunchyroll)
Working for God in a Godless World (Crunchyroll)
X&Y (Crunchyroll)
Dr. Stone: New World (Crunchyroll)
Opus: COLORs (Crunchyroll)
Ranking of Kings (Crunchyroll)
The Legendary Hero is Dead! (Crunchyroll)
Yuri is My Job! (Crunchyroll)
Birdie Wing (Crunchyroll)
Magical Destroyers (Crunchyroll)
Mashle (Crunchyroll)
Otaku Elf (HiDive)
The Cafe Terrace and Its Goddesses (Crunchyroll)
Tonikawa (Crunchyroll)
Xyrin Empire (Donghua? No streaming source yet)
A Galaxy Next Door (Crunchyroll)
Heavenly Delusion (Hulu)
Hell’s Paradise (Crunchyroll)
Loving Yamada at Lv999 (Crunchyroll)
Summoned to Another World for a Second Time (Crunchyroll)
The Dangers in My Heart (HiDive)
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