#overwatch matchup
lady-of-endless · 1 month
Hi! Can I get a matchup for JJBA (any part) and Overwatch.
I am female, she/her, 25 years old, bisexual, ENFP.
I am a very ambitious person that loves to learn new things, I am an artist by profession and finished 2 art schools. I am a big art history nerd and love to talk about artsy and philosophical things. I am very extrovert and love to meet new people, I love going out and taking long walks. My main hobbies are video games, writing, reading, watching anime and movies and lifting. I am very friendly, love hearing out other people and I always try to understand their side and how they feel. I am very sensitive and tend to easily get attached to people. Romance wise I struggle to show affection to my partner, however I show it trough gift giving rather than physical touch or trough words. Overall in relationships I am very communicative and will always bring up issues or understand if my partner has issues with me and I will try to fix them always.
Appearance: medium length red hair, a mole above my lip, chubby build and short, pale skin and hazel eyes.
Author's Note: Hello again, I hope you will enjoy those. I can tell that you're so fun to be around. It's a pleasure to talk to you and thank you so much for wanting to do this trade!
(beautiful GIFs are not mine, all appreciation to the op)
Your Jojo's Bizarre Adventure matchup is...
Kakyoin Noriaki!
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- An artist and a philosophy enthusiast? He's whipped, gone. He will find you absolutely mesmerizing. You two will click right away! And he will also get attached fast.
- However, before realizing that he's falling for you, you two get close to each other as friends first. It is known that he wishes not to feel alone anymore, and to have friends. Because you like to get to know people, you get to him. He's introverted and he finds your presence so refreshing.
- He's bewitched with your whole personality but his favorite thing about you would be your ambition. It just shines through, it motivates him, it gets him going too. He just loves watching your power, your strong ambition, and your kindness.
- He appreciates how you make things work so well in your relationship, making it very healthy. He also always wants to know if there's any problem he can fix.
- He is also a curious person with a desire to learn new things so please, tell him more about your interests, especially about art history. He can listen to you talk about it for hours.
- Please show him your art. Not only he will admire it and praise you for it so much but he also is moved by the fact that you want to show him.
- Romance-wise, even despite his introverted personality, he is extremely affectionate. He just craved showing his love and admiration for his special someone for so long. He has a lot of love to give to you.
- You're into lifting? He starts sweating under his clothes because damn he finds it so hot.
- Art museum dates are your thing. But when you get back home, you'll lose track of time, gaming with him. He will playfully provoke you during it.
- Oh and his Hierophant Green is so clingy with you since he sees how happy you make Kakyoin.
Runner up: Caesar Zeppeli- I feel like your artistic inclination and your extroverted personality charm him more than expected. You're much different than all the women he invited to dinner at fancy restaurants, you're a breath of fresh air, a change in his type, and it intrigues him.
Now onto Overwatch
Your Overwatch matchup is...
Lifeweaver (Niran Pruksamanee)!
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- He came to my mind immediately after reading how you take time to try to understand other people's points of view because that's exactly what he does too, all the time. You two are a blessing.
- However, he has seen the cruelty of the world too so he wants to protect your kindness and friendliness from those who might use it.
- Your artistic nature is very interesting to him, very attractive. It speaks to him because he's also an artist, activist, and inventor. That's why you two click and get along so easily from the start. He will always be in the mood to admire your work and hear more from you.
- Your ambition powers up his. You two will always hype and support each other. A lot of people will be jealous of how well you work together as a team.
- He loves to get lost in deep philosophical conversations with you. You will both lose track of time during those calming moments.
- He'll always prepare beautiful bouquets of flowers BUT knowing how curious you are in general and eager to learn new things, expect him to pick the flowers having flower language in mind. He knows you'll probably like to discover what each flower type means when gifted and its symbolism.
- With this in mind, romance wise he also has gift-giving as a love language. Although he can't decide on his favorite love language. He's very affectionate and won't be afraid to hide it. However, he's not going to be suffocating or clingy.
- He is going to treat you like a queen, a goddess even, and not just in the relationship but from the very start. He respects you a lot.
- Will always ask about what you're reading and listening to you talk about it. He will ask if you could read to him as he lays his head on your chest because that's his heaven.
- Long walks through nature as dates! He's going to take you to the most beautiful places just to see you smile and get inspired.
Runner up: Genji - you're exactly what he wants in his life, you're definitely his type too. And even Zenyatta - he too admires your sensibility and kindness.
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 2 months
first off, i’m special so these aren’t closed for me 😍.
okay i’m like 5’5 i think… dunno.
glasses, medium length brown hair, it’s like two inches above my shoulders, i have a biting problem.
i cannot leave unless i am wearing my converse, no other shoes.
i wear the same outfit everyday, jeans, tshirt, hoodie and converse.
i take way to many photos of the people i love, i looove cooking.
i have both daddy and mommy issues.
i don’t like headphones only earbuds? earphones? (idk help)
i fucking love pink, purple and green.
hmmmmmmmm, i have to listen to music if i’m not at home (i listen to music there too)
i do unfortunately enjoy the taste of cigarettes.
i’m terrified of touch but crave it.
is this good 😰?
fuck yeah boiiiiiii
(id like to formally apologize for that)
Oklay anyway for Overwatch I match you with...
Honestly my boy loves how much shorter than him you are
Don't worry though he won't make fun of you for it
not too much anyway
everything he buys you is pink, purple, or green after you tell him those are your favorite colors
offers to do your top surgery (don't let him he'll use bombs)
he doesn't get your obsession with converse (neither do i, buddy. neither do i) but he'll get them for you anyway
sometimes forgets how much touch scares you
it takes roadhog telling him off for jumping on you for him to get it
he'll be more careful after that
He loves posing for your pictures
no shame at all
will also let you take nudes of him but anyway thats for later
please cook for him he never has time to eat normal food
compliments your cooking all the time
he will get on his hands and knees and beg for you to cook for him bc its so good
also has a biting problem
likes to nibble on your shoulders
has broken your glasses at least once and roadhog had to fix them for you
and for Resident Evil I match you with...
Chris and Leon!
(i couldn't pick one LOL)
Best cure for daddy issues tbh
They both smoke I'm pretty sure, so you'll definitely get your taste of cigarettes when you kiss them
Leon would definitely help you cook dinner
Chris, meanwhile, is banned from the kitchen because he can't cook to save his life
no one can tell me otherwise
Leon would definitely try and get you to branch out your outfits a little more, but Chris honestly finds your outfits cool as fuck
mostly because he wishes he could pull that off all the time
You have the best photos of the two of them arguing or doing stupid shit
Because they literally never stop arguing or doing stupid shit
Leon supplies your music addiction while Chris sits there and tries to talk to you, not realizing you have your headphones in
I'm talking full ass conversation that only stops when Leon tells him that you're listening to music and can't hear him
They never speak of it
Leon does use it as embarrassment fuel for whenever you aren't around
anyway thats all i got hope this is good idk im half alseep rn
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rabbit-or-rib · 17 days
Hii! Im here to request a matchup!
My physical appearance: I have dirty blonde hair that reaches to about my shoulders. I’ve never dyed it btw. I have blue eyes with green around my irises (central heterochromia I think it’s called) and a tiny beauty mark under my right eye. Speaking of, I have beauty marks almost everywhere on my body. I’m 5’4 and a bit chubby but sadly only in my tummy area which I’m insecure about :( I have a vertical labret and a septum. I either dress in the ‘Mcbling y2k’ style (just like shirts, skirts and accessories that relate to that genre) or a band t-shirt and some jeans. I don’t ever put my hair up. I do my Make-up a lot, basically whenever I go out for anything lmao.
My personality: idk if this counts as “personality” but I’m straight and my pronouns are she/her😭 I’m a loud person, like if I get excited or stuff like that. I’m a YAPPER🔥 I’ll talk about anything I know a lot about for hours. I’m the “mom” friend, I’ve been told, but also match the chaotic energy (quote my bsf)
My hobbies: I love baking, just cooking in general. I ❤️ MUSIC. I listen to music on the daily. My favorite artists are Mitski, Arctic Monkeys, MSI (I don’t support their actions btw😟) and Weezer. I go on walks a lot, specially around sunset on the edge of these woods outside my house (ironic given the fandom I know lmao) I love animals, my favorite is rabbits and raccoons
And finally for the relationship preferences I’d definitely want something long term :3
Thank you!! 😽
this is totally my bad for not specifying it, but you didn't put what fandom/s you'd want so i tried to fit you in with them all :)) i hope that's okay !!
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EverymanHYBRID ;
Evan !! you two are so silly together, and i feel like you two could get down w listening to MSI together. i think of Evan as someone who knows how to cook and enjoys it- so y'all are a lil cook/baker duo :) y'all can talk at each other all you want about WHATEEVVVVERRRRR u want lolz. i think he'd also be a big fan of your style !!
Creepypasta ;
i was a little stuck between Toby and Ben for this one, but i'm leaning more towards Toby. you two can just keep a convo going for god knows how long on those evening walks around the woods, and he'd love to look for rabbits and raccoons to show you !! Toby also totally gravitates towards mom friends- he loves being able to actually tell that you care about him and that you wanna keep him safe. ALSOOO y'all would bond over Weezer and MSI
Marble Hornets ;
Brian !!! he is a great listener and he loves when you're passionate about what you're talking about. he thinks it's cute how much shorter you are than him, especially when you're trying to scold him about being careful while he's out. he's also a sucker for baked goods- you've got him wrapped around your finger if you start making stuff for him. i can also see him liking some of Arctic Monkeys :)
Overwatch ;
you and Cole could balance each other out methinks. he thinks it's cute how excited you get about things, usually in stark contrast to his slower smooth talkin nature lol. he loves that you try and take care of the people close to you, and he has a craaazy sweet tooth if that's the kinda baking you're into. he'd also love to go on late night walks or drives with you when given the chance
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alexiela73 · 1 year
ok I'm very shy and this is taking a lot of courage from my part. I would very much appreciate it if you could write a matchup. I'm a 6'5 straight male with black hair, glasses and brown eyes. I am a HUGE nerd. i am a huge Star Wars fan, and I even make lightsabers in my free time. I also enjoy video games and drawing futuristic space ships and weaponry. I can be very shy and antisocial to most people but I am extremely talkative and friendly to my close friends.
I had two with very similar descriptions, and I'm not sure if this was a request someone put in twice, but here
The two of you met on a game you had been playing for awhile
At first, the two of you paired up out of mutual respect for each others skills
The two of you started talking on discord, and gradually the conversations got a bit more personal, till it was easy for one of you to ask how work had gone, if that one grumpy ass coworker was still threatening to kill the staff, and inspiring each other when it came to each others interests
You found yourself really liking her- when you got talking about things, you really got into it, but she seemed to enjoy the way you'd lose yourself talking about your passions
When you found out she hadn't watched Star Wars, she asked if you'd show them to her. Most of the time she was busy doing things, but she didn't have the kind of friends to watch movies with
The two of you made plans to meet up, and woah-she was beautiful. Long brown and pink hair, the cyber punk look- the gorgeous latina introduced herself as Sombra officially
She was even sassier in person, but seemed to hold herself back a bit
When you asked, Sombra had laughed. "Some people find me to be a bit much- I'm a lot better on computers then I am face to face. I prefer to stay invisible," she said, and it was a feeling that you knew well
"Don't hold back," you told her, wanting to know more. "Please. I won't think you're too much."
The two of you met a few more times before a message covered your computer screen.
"Want to go on a date with me to the newest Star Wars movie?" it read. The only options were an X, a 'Yes' and a 'Hell yes'.
Obviously you hit the 'Hell Yes'.
When the two of you started dating, it felt like you two just clicked- she opened herself up more and you thought her all the more vivid for it.
She showed interest in your hobbies, finding cool ways to intermingle hers- you guys even made a 3-D black matter death ray together, and it was beautiful
She made you feel whole in ways that words could not describe
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medic-matchups · 1 year
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togetherhearted · 3 months
That's right! We reached a new milestone!Happy to see that this place is still doing fine.
It's a big number and I'm grateful for the support.
In any case,as per always,I'm doing the usual
"Choose a prompt for max 3 characters out these lists"
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If you'd like to support me please consider to drop by my ☕ [Link on the pinned post]for a commiss- or just a lil support. You'll get a free sketch ☆
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in2thenewworld · 6 days
matchup event; treasure the night ~ 💋
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this event will run from now until june 7th- BST timezone! requests for this event after this day will not be accepted.
send me a brief description of a few of your traits, then tell me what your ideal date would be!
for example… ‘i’m a shy introvert, i am more aligned to logic than feelings and i love classic romance. my ideal date would be a fancy restaurant and a sunset walk on the beach. i’d like to be matched with a female character.’ or something like that.
i’ll get back to you with a match i think would enjoy your company on said date, and a drabble that details how that date would go!
you can request from any ONE of these usual fandoms!
Devil May Cry
Death Note
alternatively, you can ask for a WILDCARD matchup! this means i might match you with any character from something i like, whether I typically write said fandom or not. you’re basically giving me the reigns bahah. there’s a lot of characters i want to write for specifically, but don’t know enough characters from that source well enough to include the whole thing. hence, this. 💁‍♀️
the only real rules are my usual ones, and make sure you’re following me for this event pls!
I hope I get some requests and you guys like them!
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leorawright · 9 months
Hihihihi it's a long lost rare 🐰 anon who forgot tumblr exists. I hope ur okay and having a good time!!!
I'm here for the matchups! Overwatch specifically pls.
I'm fine with any character, gender plays no role. I'm really short and physically weak, soooo someone stronger that could make up in strength (and height, IT'S UNFAIR I CAN'T REACH THE TEA CUPBOARD IN MY OWN HOUSE, COME ONNNN) would be rly cool to have around :3 I'm also autistic and practically fitting a stereotype, i stim a lot with movement and vocal stims so that's something to take into account and tolerate bc it happens a lot. I also can and absolutely will sneak in for a hug and will sneak my partner under a blanket. or steal their hoodie or jackets. size be damned, it's nonnegotiable. better have spares. my love language is physical contact quality time, but quality time is also doing my own thing while my partner coexists in the same space doing their own thing. all time together is quality time. i will also praise them a lot. they made tea? they look particularly pretty? they did something they enjoyed? hell yeah expect praise. as for hobbies i dabble in everything, my hobby is "what if i tried xyz". yes, i do random unexpected stuff, better tolerate it :3. i also organize stuff, put me in front of a box of buttons and ill organize everything.
(i rly rly love what you have going on here btw with your blog, im happy to see someone enjoying stuff in front of people and sharing it!!)
Ooo I've got the perfect person...
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Junker Queen!
Considering she's seven feet tall I think she might be taller than you
Absolutely loves to carry you if you let her
Perfectly happy to grab anything on high shelves for you
She honestly thinks your stims are pretty cute
She's happy to hug you or hold you at any given interval, she's never too busy for cuddles
She doesn't have a lot of long clothes but feel free to wear anything she has (also if you ask nicely she let's you wear her crown)
While she often gets compliments, getting them from you makes her ten times happier
It's good that you like organizing because her room is a mess and she can never find anything she needs
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matryoshka-writes · 1 month
New writing account here
Hi guys! I am a new blog and would like if you could request anything for me to write for. I write: headcanons, matchups, oneshots. Currently I am writing for: Dune, Overwatch, League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Spiderverse, X-men and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
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mythicmin · 1 year
i want a personalized overwatch fic so bad </3 i jus wanna get my back blown in by mccree 😭
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mrsvercetti · 1 year
Uhh hi? I was wondering if I could get a matchup for Overwatch please. I'm a panromantic asexual and I'm a good listener but not much of a talker. My love language is physical touch but I also love giving people gifts. I love to read, play video games, and go hiking on rainy days. (I hope this is enough information and if you don't want to do this feel free to ignore me lol)
I match you with...
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One of the first things he noticed about you was that of your listening skills
He’s someone who loves to talk. So knowing that you are listening to him makes him happy.
He craves physical affection and since that is your love language, every time he comes home from doing his work and you give him a simple hug, he'll melt into your arms. He's looking forward to that hug everyday. It makes him forget about all of his problems.
Giving him little gifts makes his heart flutter. It makes him feel wanted and loved.
Will definitely play video games. He may not be the best at it. But he still plays it with you to have some fun.
He also reads A LOT. Like, he has a little library that has literally hundreds of books. It has a variety collection of science and literature books. And his story books are literally *chef’s kiss*. He has good taste.
He is a nature guy. So he would love to go on a hiking with you. Whether it is raining or in any climatic conditions, he will go with you in a heartbeat.
He will 100% bring you to bird watching since I head canon him enjoying it.
Whether you guys live in an apartment or in a bungalow, he will have a small or big garden. Depending on the size of your house and how much spacious it is.
Or he’ll have plants around the house. He’s a very good plant dad.
He’s definitely the type to spoil you rotten with gifts. If you are not the type to like receiving gifts, then he’ll give you lots of physical affection. Everyday, there are enormous amount of cuddles and hugs!
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hihi! Could I request a romantic Overwatch matchup please!
I am a trans guy who uses he/they pronouns and am gay. Men <3
What I look for a partner is somebody who I can have fun with, and affection. But also respects my boundaries. I am autistic and tend to hate physical touch at times.
At first I present as somebody pretty quiet, I don’t really talk. You’d just find me sitting in a corner on my phone lol. But if you make the effort to get to know me I’m one big gremlin. Full of banter, play wrestling and such
I kinda look like some greasy gamer who spends most of the time in my room, hoarding snacks. I’m a big fan of gaming, art, music (my taste is wack, I could be listening to metal one minute and two trucks my lemon demon the next)
My love language is sorta funky, it really depends on my mood. But it’s mostly gift giving. In the form of bringing home a cool rock or just showing them a cool thingy I think they’d like.
I think that’s all the information- thank you!!
omg hiiiii!!! i literally have the cutest man for you and i really hope you like it because this big teddy bear would love you!!!
the character I chose for you is...
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as a man who has to put up with junkrat all the time, he can handle you even at your most gremlin times
i just thought it would be cute if you went to play wrestle this big guy and he's just giggling trying to pull him off of you
he would steal from your snack hoard all the time
you two would totally buy each other snacks
a lot of gaming dates
like arcades and just chillin in your room and whatnot
if you brought this man a rock, he would be just as excited as you
honestly, junkertown is the perfect place for the both of you
he would be totally fine with you being quiet because he is just as quiet as you
but when you both go on a tangent it's adorable
junkrat is ALWAYS the third wheel smh
matchup rules --- pinned post
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i think i misunderstood your message and sent my matchup request to the wrong blog 🧍 so here it is again!
may i get a romantic overwatch matchup please? any gender is fine, but i prefer characters 25+
im 5'3 and nonbinary
I'm very shy and reserved at first but once i open up im very friendly and warm and a huge dork. im creative and i like to make things for people, whether its sewing or crocheting or drawing etc.
im easily flustered by anything flirty. im a good listener and i value communication greatly. i cry easily bc im sensitive and i struggle with emotional dysregulation. im a very caring person and can sometimes overdo it trying to be there for everyone. im also very stubborn, especially when someone either tries to make me do something i don't want to do, or says i can't do something. i have anxiety and often wake up at weird hours of the morning bc of it.
Hrmm...in my humble opinion, I match you with:
☆ Reinhardt! ~ ☆.。.:・°☆.。.:・°☆.
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[ Want one too? See here: (insert link to post ill make later) ]
(Warning: Long 'Keep Reading')
(Warning: Angst)
TLDR: He's anxious and caring too. You build each other up, and he especially nurtures you/ see last paragraph
It could go a number of ways. It was a bit of rummaging to find the right one, but if you like Rein I think it'd work out pretty good!
I can imagine you working in Overwatch when it got big in a teensy assistive position, occasionally bumping into the fabled heroes, usually for professional reasons.
And dear god, it was terrifying. That looming itching feeling of social pressure as you have to talk to them. At a work party Tracer had made an effort to try and talk to you, which kind of worked- you quietly babbled back and forth but the atmosphere with so many strangers was just kind of overwhelming. Cassidy had teased you, both simultaneously putting a blush on your face and a bubbling feeling of frustration. You wanted to prove his smug face wrong.
And you did. You were out of your shell, one way or another, and spiralled down this one-sided? Requited? God, who-knows - situation-ship with Cass that did you more harm than good. It was nice for a while, colourful, passionate, but fickle. The verbal equivalent of scraping at a smooth wall in your effort to help him as he slipped into Blackwatch. His ever-waning attention to your beautifully crafted gifts; his ignorance.
However, during that time you did meet the heroes personally. You caught Reinhardt's attention particularly. You were amazing! He'd look over your shoulder in awe in what you were making for Cassidy, spouting words of encouragement, saying something about how you should teach him so he could crochet for Ana and Fareeha. When someone dared you couldn't take your turn arm wrestling Rein, you did, and won! Crazy strength, right? Just kidding, he let you win. When you complained, you stayed up as everyone trickled out continually trying to beat him. It was very comical sight; opponents crouched over a table, one 2ft bigger than the other. When you were shy, he would offer a hand on your back as you entered the new thing together instead of alone. Reinhardt was always very clear with his emotions, which was quite grounding and you started to unintentionally imitate him a bit. You'd had your bubbly, loud conversations, but when Ana and Cass had left (and during Cass' stupid antics)- they sometimes became more quiet, and solemn. Seeing him awake too at ungodly hours of the night-morning, you had reached out to him in worry despite your state. The two of you had exchanged woes carefully and ending up in streaming tears in both sides, both of anguish and relief, ending in an all-encompassing hug underneath the cloudy night sky of Gibraltar. It was hard not to rely on him, because he wholeheartedly let you.
And that's it. Overwatch was...over? You remember that last day as your co-workers began to pack on to company helicraft to go back home from Gibraltar. Looking at Rein through the crowd, distraught. Ana was missing. You had sincerely guaranteed you would stay in touch until press had died down. With a tugging heartstring you returned home.
Looking at your comms device your stomach churned over Reinhardt's contact, finger hovering over the screen. What if he'd forgotten? Does he still want to speak? Is it saf- your thoughts cut off as the device lit up. A video call from Reinhardt. It was an initial image of a confused old man before he saw you, and his holographic face lit up. He corrected himself, asking of your safety, and if you are free to talk, etcetera. When you dizzily but enthusiastically agreed, he jumped back into over joyous questions, compliments and jokes. In this time apart, you would chat now and again. How Brigitte was; your latest projects; if you couldn't fall asleep or you woke up too early... It was nice during a time of ever-growing political tension.
Eventually, you were invited to visit for the holidays. As soon as you stepped off the hoverbus Reinhardt was there, asking you before scooping you up in a hearty hug and laugh. You'd missed that. As he gushed about his hometown you couldn't help but look over. He was overflowing with joviality- but weathered, more than before. An added sense of maturity and intelligence. You understood. And, it looked quite handsome on him. Not to mention the juxtaposition of his parental looking cardigan against his massive scar-strewn form.
This odd kind of new..adoration began to weasel its way into otherwise familiar interactions from back in Overwatch. Becoming more familiar with his bouts of depression, (Ana's death, all his friends disappearances...) consolations especially became more tender and intimate in the quiet hours of the Lindholm household or out on the green hills. Sometimes you'd wake up at a horribly early time, and going down the stairs you would find Reinhardt carefully cooking. Anxiety wake-ups didn't seem as bad anymore- actually, they became less frequent as you would just exist together into the night, sometimes even cuddle. Sometimes Torbjörn would shout and make you cry, leading to Brig and Rein to scold him and then comfort you, Reinhardt more calmly. You'd go grocery and material shopping (for Brig) together. Reinhardt would ever so subtly wince at loud metallic noises, and you would hold his hand. You'd take over for Brig in tending his wounds when he tried to 'stay in shape'. You weren't trying to be an opportunist, but god his body was pretty too. Maybe you paused a little too long, because in-between a pained grunt he chuckled. This confused you, as minute as it was, but it wasn't long before he began gently dropping more smart-mouthed compliments and half-jokes in a lower tone than normal. One night that you had stayed up late together he had pulled you aside. With the same sincerity and nervousness of when he had initially contacted you post-Overwatch; and the same cloudy night sky, he articulately confessed his growing romantic feelings for you.
If you reciprocate? He is overjoyed to a silent smile, forehead bumping against yours as he offers a calloused hand to rest on your cheek. He eventually looks through to you, a small smug smile as he articulates something cheesy but tender. Boundaries and expectations are shared, and it's pretty easy to trust each other. You have your own business to attend to, but when you do meet, it is loud and beautiful. Boisterous, passionate holidays and days together. He remembers what you taught him, and presents to you a bad crocheted..blanket (?) as big as his hand that he's proudly holding it with. You slam the table harder than him as you're so close to winning a stupid family board game against him. He princess carries you often just-cause. Quiet and meaningful talks as he holds on to your every word.
It's nice.
--------------------------------------------------BTS ↴
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overwatchfics · 1 year
Can I get a match up please?
I am Bi with a girl pref.
I'm a 5'3 girl with brown eyes, black curly hair, tan skin. I enjoy playing games, drawing, baking, going to museums, going out for walks, and I love science. I also LOVEEE shopping. Any kind of shopping makes me happy. I love animals too!
I am mainly introverted but I get those random burst of energy where I wanna be mad social. I am told I am quiet, nice, thoughtful, and I'm generous.
My favorite type of music is mostly pop. You will totally catch me listening to some Taylor Swift, Carly Rae Jepsen, Selena Gomez, Beyoncé, and more. I will occasionally listen to R&B and rap.
I match you with...
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D.va! - Hana Song
Fun fact D.va is actually 5'6 so being with someone shorter than her gives her a sense of pride she hasn't felt in a while, usually being relatively short on the teams she works with.
Forehead and cheek kisses, also expect her to act smug when you ask for her to grab something off of a taller shelf (that she totally put up there so you would ask)
Hana loves looking at art, I feel she just scrolls through tumblr looking at fanart of her favorite games, anything you draw she is sharing immediately. Your #1 fan.
Hana herself is very similar in terms of being introverted but having bursts of social energy. She's a hardcore gamer who loves sharing a quiet comfortable space with you as well as going out on the occasional night out with friends or what not.
Hana can be pretty chaotic, so your mellow energy really balances her out, she overworks herself to bone and someone needs to be there to calm her down and in turn she'd spark some energy in your life (Hana is basically your caffeine) and get you to try or do fun things you've never done before.
Love to shop, sometimes you have to drag her out or vice versa
Legit I feel like D.va would listen to the type of stuff you do. She'd take you out flying in her Mech, jamming to your Spotify playlist. Also, if it's been a particularly stressful night for either of you, you'll both get dressed in fluffy pajamas and have an emergency dance party, just shake that stress out.
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Brigitte Lindholm
Brigitte is very very tall. She doesn't mind your height at all! She'd love nothing more than to pull you close and squeeze you in her arms. Biggest spoon energy, she will be your shield and your blanket this girl I swear.
This girl is such a history buff I feel like. She loves hearing Reinhardt's stories of the good Ol' days and museum trips are something she love to go out and do with you.
Her mom is a pro baker, if you love baking, she'll take you to her parents' house and have you do recipe swap with her mom. Bake a really good pie and you basically win her parents over
Brigitte is an engineer which in itself is a form of science so scientific discussions are a yes! Though if it's in the field of biology she might be a little lost, but she'll still listen and inquire!
Brigitte feels like a full introvert to me. She's a lil awkward, but she's trying her best! Our goofy lil crusader also likes going out occasionally with some friends or coworkers.
I have the idea that Brig sings Taylor Swift in the shower so be prepared for that lmfao. Very good dancer so if you've got that stuff playing you might see her grab a whisk from the kitchen and use it as a microphone
Other people who I'd match you with: Lucio, Echo, and Mei.
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that-overwatch-girl · 2 years
If you're still open for them, could I get a romantic Overwatch match up, pretty please? :> I'm pan and agender and an INTP. I have a lot of different interest that I kinda flip between pretty frequently, but the main ones are art, music, cooking and astronomy! I'm pretty tall (~5'8") and wear heels everywhere because I have a height complex and I need to have the most powerful vibes in any given room. I also prefer to present more masc, but in as fruity a way as possible. Also, I know most of my interests above are more artsy, but I do need it to be known that my favorite subjects are math and physics. I am also oblivious to most forms of flirting and just think it's friendly behavior, which gets me into awkward situations a lot, and do everything possible to make my own feelings as unknown as possible. (I am so sorry this is a mess. Also please ignore my URL, it means nothing-)
No need to apologize my friend!
I match you with Mercy!
She's the sort of call who is so patient and caring and compassionate. Mercy adores spending time with you and getting away from work from time to time. Being with her feels like being with a best friend, which sounds wonderful until Mercy is trying to drops obvious hints but it isn't connecting at first LOL. Mercy loves you for who you are because you are thoughtful, reliable and open her to many new experiences. I think her natural nurturing behaviour is so calming and lovely. You always know that she has your back and care for you just as you would do the same. This relationship is very much on balance and the spontaneity of new interests. It's never a dull moment with you two together. Dates with Mercy are relaxing! She may take you to the newest exhibit in the science museum, or go to a Cafe to enjoy a warm cozy drink while decorating your pottery of your choice one afternoon.
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txttletale · 2 months
In response to your overwatch posting but more about competitive games in general, why is it fine and good for certain things to be low or high teir? It's a pipe dream to perfectly balance a game, but isnt the shackling of playstyles, characters, etc to a certain skill group a problem that fucks players at every level?
it's fine and good because it allows for designs that you couldn't make if you really want every character to be equally good. there's a basic expectation from players of competitive games that success should be correlated with skill, that if you play better, if you are better at the things the game asks of you (skillshots, or aiming, or movement tech, or inputs, or whatever) you will see better results. this is what makes a game competitive, right, the ability to get better and see your performance improve as a result.
this means, that, generally speaking, the harder a thing is to do in a game, the more rewarding it will be. this is the logic behind headshots in FPS games, right--it's more difficult to hit a headshot than a bodyshot, so you get rewarded with more damage. better players can hit more headshots, so they'll get more damage (and presumably more kills) in an average round than worse players. so now, let's say you want to introduce some playstyle differentiation into your game, so you add the Scanner, a gun that deals half damage on bodyshots but double damage on headshots.
this is a cool idea! it rewards you even more for showing skill at the game, makes people using it feel really cool when they get that bonus, poses interesting questions to players about trading consistency for volatility. but because it interacts with a skill-based mechanic, its viability is obviously going to be tied to a player's skill--if you're in a pro lobby hitting 60%+ of your headshots, it's an obvious pick. if you've just started playing and you average one headshot a match, it's a total dud.
this is a really on-the-nose example, of course -- but in any kind of competitive game, there are likely going to be far more than just one skill-based mechanic, as well as meta-skills like team communication, positional awareness, understanding matchups, etc. that are going to vary between low and high levels of play. so trying to make a character/weapon/playstyle equally viable at every level of play would mean having to make them essentially agnostic to all those things--which would mean not allowing them to interact with any of the mechanics of the game--which is, practically speaking, impossible.
on the other hand, purposefully designing 'low-tier' or 'high-tier' characters lets you do lots of really useful things! first of all, it lets you make easier characters for beginners, who don't have a huge amount of mechanical complexity to deal with, have some kind of 'training wheel' ability that mitigates a new players' lack of all these game-winning skills. like, say, a gun in that same FPS designed for a 'spray and pray' playstyle, or a character in a fighting game who revolves around one comparatively simple combo. having something like this lets new players onboard to your mechanically complex game without getting overwhelmed or disheartened, by letting them get into a match and feel like they're doing something as soon as possible.
as for 'high-tier' characters, acknowledging that a character will have to be nerfed into unplayability for low ranks lets you actually play with the upper ends of the mechanical complexities you've put into your game. creating characters with extremely complex movement techs that can offer marginal benefits that are game-defining in pro play but basically meaningless in casual play adds a new dimension of depth to high-level play that you can't get if you're too concerned about making every character good at every level.
ultimately, i don't think it fucks players, and i don't think there's any shackling being done--i think it's good to create characters that lean into different parts of a game, for characters to fill different niches in a meta's ecosystem, and for the lists of pro staples and pubstompers to be different.
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