#part of me wants to keep the old stuff and set up a new computer and try troubleshooting because puzzle. and i hate not knowing WHAT PART
scoonsalicious · 2 days
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9.3 Bucky
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, violence toward inanimate objects, real talk.
Word Count: 2.2k
Previously On...: You're Bucky's guide on his first trip to a rage room.
A/N: Early today. Ugh, my professional life is trash atm, lol. Please enjoy this foray into fantasyland that keeps me sane.
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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Bucky couldn’t remember the last time he had enjoyed himself so much. Or, rather, he supposed, he couldn’t remember the last time he enjoyed himself so much when it didn’t involve having sex with Major.
There was something so absolutely freeing about being allowed to smash shit to smithereens without having to worry about the repercussions of it, and Bucky was feeling liberated. He had to wonder if there wasn’t a secret part of Bruce that actually enjoyed it when “Hulk smash!” 
Once they’d donned their safety gear, Major had let them into the room, where a pounding rock track was blasting. The space was filled with… stuff. Everything from old televisions to china to fake walls.
Along the wall by the door they’d just entered was an array of tools under a painted sign that read “Choose Your Weapon.” There were baseball bats, sledgehammers, crowbars, axes– even a couple of golf club drivers. 
Nat had immediately gone for one of the axes, swinging it around and testing the balance in her grip. “This one’s mine,” she had announced delightedly. 
Bucky, meanwhile, opted for a sledgehammer, and Major picked up a wooden baseball bat. On her count, they set off to release any pent up rage.
Bucky immediately headed for one of the fake walls and began smashing away. The three shouted jokes and taunts at each other over the music as they went, and the hour that made up their appointment flew by in no time. 
Bucky watched as Major went to town on an old computer monitor, her face lit up like a Christmas tree. He couldn’t imagine how Lily could ever have a problem with him dating her, not when he watched her laugh and tease Nat over something the redhead had said. He gripped his sledgehammer tighter, anger at his best friend rising in his mind. 
She didn’t even know Major, he thought as he brought the hammer down onto a ceramic bust, shattering it. Where did she get off calling Major a bitch and a slut? He moved over to an old couch and began whacking on it. What gave Lily the right to say those things about someone she didn’t even know, just because he had feelings for her? Who did she think she was?
“Bucky!” Nat called out, but he didn’t hear her, his anger at Lily sending the blood pounding in his ears. He kept raising his sledgehammer over and over again, taking out his frustrations on the helpless piece of furniture.
“BARNES!” Natasaha shouted, and that permeated the fog,finally getting his attention.
“What?!” he snapped, unable to reign in his anger immediately, but instantly regretting it when he realized it was Nat who was speaking to him, and not Lily, like he had immediately imagined. 
“That couch do something to personally offend you?” she asked.
Bucky looked down. The couch before him was reduced to nothing more than splinters and stuffing. “Shit,” he laughed nervously. “I guess I let myself get a little carried away.”
Natasha raised an eyebrow at him. “I’ll say.”
Bucky sheepishly turned to Major, offering her an apologetic smile, but she was staring at the pile of debris before him, baseball bat hanging limply from her hand.
“Sugar?” he asked, but she didn’t seem to hear him, transfixed as she was on the destruction he had left in his wake. He took a step toward her, reaching out and putting his hand on her arm. At the contact, Major let out a gasp and pulled back, startled. 
“Sorry.” She blinked, seeming to come out of a trance. “I just… what did you say, Bucky?” 
He frowned, not liking the expression on her face. “You alright, doll?”
“Yeah,” she told him, a smile coming to her lips a little too late. “I’m good.” Her hesitation left a pit in the center of Bucky’s stomach. 
A beeping sounded throughout the room, indicating that their session had come to an end. 
“Alright,” Major said, looking around, her tone full of false cheer. “Let’s put our stuff back on the wall, and vacate the space so my staff can get it ready for the next group.” Without looking at either Bucky or Nat, she returned her baseball bat to its resting place on the wall. She opened the door and held it, waiting for them to follow.
Nat hung up her axe. “I’m going to run to the bathroom before we head down,” she told them both. She squeezed Major’s arm on her way out the door, leaving her and Bucky alone.
“Is everything alright, doll?” he asked her. 
She sighed and looked up at him. “Yeah,” she said. “I guess I just didn’t realize how… strong you really were?” She inclined her head toward the demolished couch. “That… um… that was something.”
Her words concerned him. God, had he frightened her? He didn’t think he could live with himself if he had scared her. He dropped his head. “Oh,” was all he could manage to say.
“Hey,” Major said gently, taking a step toward him and reaching out a hand to touch his elbow. “It just took me by surprise, that’s all. I mean, I knew you had super strength, but actually seeing it was something else.”
“It didn’t scare you?” he asked her with some trepidation. He wasn’t sure he wanted to really know, if he could stand the way she might look at him if she, too, thought him a monster.
“Scare me?” Major laughed, but when she noticed the expression on his face, she grew serious. “You seriously think you scare me? Bucky, no.” She made a point of taking his metal hand in both of hers, bringing it to her lips, and then up to cup her cheek. “You could never scare me.”
Bucky closed his eyes and released a breath. “I’m used to people seeing me as a murderer, a monster,” he told her. “I’ve gotten to the point where it doesn’t bother me if it comes from strangers, but if it came from you…” He left his thoughts hanging, the words unsaid. 
“You have nothing to worry about,” she told him, putting a hand on each of his cheeks. “I see you, Bucky Barnes. Not some monster. I never could. Don’t ever think that. I admit, I was startled, but that’s all, I promise.” She leaned up and kissed him lightly. “I wouldn’t lie to you. Not about anything, and most definitely not about that.”
“Thank you, doll.” Her words to him were a balm on a wound he thought he’d long healed, but apparently was capable of being reopened at any moment. 
“Of course, honey,” she replied, tucking her arm under his and ushering him out the door and into the hallway where Nat was waiting by the elevators. 
Bucky loved the feeling of Major pressed against him as they rode the elevator back down to the lobby, and though she told him he hadn’t scared her, he couldn’t shake the look she’d had on her face at his display of aggression. He never wanted to see a look like that cross her countenance again. 
The lobby was bustling with people waiting to be taken to their rage rooms when the three of them exited the elevator.
“I’m glad business is doing good,” Nat said, looking around the crowded lobby with a smile. “You deserve the success, Major.”
Major buried her face into Bucky’s shoulder, pleased. “Thanks, Nat,” she replied. “It still seems weird to think that we’re not operating in the red.”
“Was it difficult?” Bucky asked her, suddenly curious about what it had been like for Major at the beginning of her business. 
“Ugh, that’s a story for another time,” Major said. “When I’ve had a few drinks in me.”
“Hey, Major!” Zadie called once she had gotten the new group of people all checked in. “Package came for you while you were upstairs. I left it on your desk.”
Major let out a dejected sigh. “Well,” she said, turning to look up at Bucky with a forlorn expression, “I guess this means I have to get back to work. We’re still on for dinner tonight, though, right Bucky?”
He smiled down at her; as if he could have forgotten. “Of course, sugar. How ‘bout I meet you back here at five thirty, and we can figure out where to go?”
“That sounds wonderful,” she said, standing up on tiptoe to give him a quick kiss while Nat looked on with a knowing smile. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too, doll,” he replied. With a final farewell to Nat, Major turned and made her way back to her office, leaving him and the former assassin to make their exit.
“Don’t you dare hurt her,” Nat warned as they made their way into the lobby. 
Bucky turned to face her, halting in his steps. “What?” he spluttered. “Nat, I–I would never–”
“I know you don’t think you’d do it on purpose,” Natasha replied, “but your former girlfriends have a habit of getting their hearts broken and ending up miserable because of you. I’m telling you not to do that with Major. She’s a good person, and my friend. If you think that, once again, you’re going to let someone else call the shots on your relationship with her, you should let her go now, before she gets in too deep. She’s been hurt enough.”
“Nat,” he said, grabbing her arm and forcing her to look at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He sincerely didn’t. Who else would be calling the shots on any of his relationships if it wasn’t him? Yeah, it was true that his past relationships had ended messily, that the girls had been hurt, but… well, that wasn’t entirely Bucky’s fault, was it? Things just hadn’t worked out, for one reason or another. 
But with Major? Well, things were different with her. Bucky could feel it.
Nat gave him an appraising look, studying him as if she could read his mind through his facial expressions. “You really don’t, do you?” she mused. “It’s not my place to tell you her business, but Barnes–” she gave him a serious look– “if you let her get hurt because you can’t figure out where to draw a boundary, you and I are going to have a problem."
She gently pulled free of his grasp and made her way to the door of the building. Bucky paused for a moment, contemplating all that she had said, and wondering just what she had meant by any of it. Though, knowing Natasha, if she didn’t feel the need to explain it to him, there was no way he could get her to elaborate. 
As he was about to follow her out the door, he heard Major shouting for Zadie’s attention. He turned around and saw her angrily waving a thick manilla envelope in the air as she stalked toward the reception desk.
“Where did this come from, Zadie?” she asked in a tone Bucky had never heard her use before.
“Courier dropped it off, why?” Zadie asked. “What is it? Who’s it from?” 
“What company was the courier from?” Major continued, ignoring Zadie’s own questions. “Did they have a logo or anything like that?”
“Doll?” Bucky said as he stepped back toward the reception desk, concerned by the previously unseen agitation Major was displaying.
“Bucky!” Major exclaimed, as though surprised to still see him there. “I thought you left already.” She plastered on a smile that didn’t reach her eyes, and Bucky knew it was performative for his sake.
Bucky frowned. “What’s wrong, sugar? What’s in the envelope?”
Major’s eyes widened a fraction in alarm as she maneuvered to position the envelope behind her back. “It’s nothing, honey. Just… some business stuff. There’s no sender, so I need to figure out where it came from so I can make sure it gets dealt with properly.”
Bucky knew her explanation was bullshit, but he didn’t feel comfortable questioning her in front of her employee, so he let it slide. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“No!” she exclaimed, a little too quickly, and then seemed to realize she’d nearly shouted at him. “No,” her voice was softer now, calmer, “but thank you. I appreciate that you want to help, though. That means a lot to me.”
Those words rang true; Bucky could tell that much. He sighed and took a step closer to give her a quick parting kiss. “If you’re sure, doll,” he said. 
“I’m sure,” she told him, then leaned in to whisper in his ear: “and if we were still having sex, I’d show you how appreciative I am.” She pulled back and grinned up at him.
“Gonna make me really regret that decision, huh?” he asked. He knew she was changing the subject, putting distance between them and the mysterious envelope, but he was willing to let it go for the time being. 
“Oh, most definitely,” she teased him. “At least until you change your mind.”
Bucky smiled at her. If she kept it up, he’d be changing his mind sooner than later. “Alright, I better get going before Nat comes looking for me,” he said, taking a step back from her. “I’ll see you at five thirty, yeah?”
“Don’t be late,” Major called after him. As if he would ever be late for her.
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crimmson · 11 months
between my computer deciding to rebel, and work, and life, and I feel like I have a perpetual minor cold with that kinda slightly stuffy feel and that taste in the back of my throat,
I am kindly requesting someone to just Old Yeller me at this point
#the computer one is pissibg me off particularly because i Just built this shit two years ago#then i do a driver update a couple of weeks ago and start noticing that now if i game and watch a stream at the same time#some windows process starts choking the fucking life out of my CPU after a couple of hours#and after following a chain of looking shit up i get to ghe event viewer#and there's just a nonstop parade of errors for typically one or two things#at this point i drag my dad in because im out of my depth#i do some more shit. i update and reflash the bios. i check drivers 500 times. i reformat the drive and reinstall windows from scratch.#even if it seems okay for a bit it eventually starts shitting out errors again.#they are either about DeviceGuard or complaining about the network#i look up some more things! i find some references but they tell me to turn off or on some things that are already enabled or disabled.#we begin thinking theres something wrong with the network part of the motherboard#i have an adapter we grabbed from work to try when i get home.#if that doesnt work then i am buying a new motherboard cpu memory and cpu cooler#because if im going to have to fucking replace shit then i might as well upgrade#part of me wants to keep the old stuff and set up a new computer and try troubleshooting because puzzle. and i hate not knowing WHAT PART#SPECIFICALLY is fucked#bro i am so TIRED#i JUST did the math a few weeks ago and was like YES if i live on ramen for a few pay cycles i will pay off my credit card and start saving#to put toward my student loans when those start up again. and my computer went 'lol thats cute'#like i am deathly afraid that i will replace all this shit and it'll STILL have this issue#like. it's useable. i could live with it. but it's clearly not normal behavior and that's what bothers me. something is clearly wrong.#not to sound old but remember when shit just fuckin worked#like i sat there for 5 hours yesterday trying different shit. finally thought i had fixed something. go to bed. wake up.#STREAM OF ERRORS for the network thing again every few minutes while i was asleep.#what are you DOING. what is WRONG WITH YOU.#my dad is looking over my shoulder at the event viewer like 'that looks like a SQL statement but why is it failing etc etc'#EXCELLENT QUESTION AND I ONLY UNDERSTOOD THREE OF THOSE WORDS! why is my computer sick!!#no it's not a virus. i promise. i was raised better than that#it FEELS like something fundamentally broke. it feels like a hardware thing. but how. what fucking demons did microsoft summon#in a driver update. that went into my computer and physically broke my shit
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skhardwarevers1 · 4 months
Okay I know I just went over this earlier and a did make a tutorial on TikTok but I feel like saying it here,
burning CDS is easy as FUCK
Or, a little explanation on how I make custom CDs
disclaimer: I use windows so if you use anything else I’m so sorry
I’ll add pictures to go along with this later!!!
things you absolutely NEED
a computer/laptop
(If said computer/laptop doesn’t have a built in disc drive) an external disc drive (there are pretty good ones for like 20-25 dollars!!)
CDs/DVDs obviously (either R or RW, the only difference is that you can rewrite RW CDs and DVDs)
also! DVDs obviously hold picture and video as well as audio, so do what you want with those
Technically step one
if you thrifted CDs like I did, or found really old ones in a box in your home somewhere, MAKE SURE THEY ARE EMPTY!!! If you want to keep the stuff on them, there’s an option to rip them in windows media player legacy (which is what I use to burn them as well)
then to erase it, open file explorer, click on the CD/DVD in your disc drive, click the three dots on the toolbar and select “Erase this disc” (this usually doesn’t take too long)
Actual Step One
if you want to make a mixtape, make a Spotify playlist of all the songs you want and copy the link to it (or any other platform, I just find it easier to make a Spotify playlist because I can download it), if you’re just doing an album then get the link of that album instead (make sure both of them can actually fit on the CD you have! Mine can hold like…74 minutes of music)
then use this handy little Spotify downloader to download a zip file of all the songs (sometimes it messes up and will exclude some, make sure to double check they’re all in there…if not you can download them individually too)
Step Two
in your files, open up the zip file of all the music, select them all, and copy them to music (there’s a whole section for it that media player uses, trust me you’ll see it)
then open windows media player legacy and double check it’s in there—usually it’s gathered by artist
step two and a half
Okay so most of the time I go to organize -> settings -> privacy -> and uncheck all the top boxes. You don’t have to, I just do that…idk why I just have.
Step Three (the easy part)
first make sure the CD is set as an audio CD (and also that it’s actually in the disc drive), and click the burn tab
drag all the songs you want on the CD into the burn list, and reorder them however you’d like! There are options to shuffle them and organize them specific ways if you’d like. Once you have everything all set you can click start burn and all you have to do is wait! It’ll eject once it’s done
Step 4 (optional)
If you have a jewel case, you can print or draw your own custom covers and backs!!!! You can also draw on CDs with a sharpie marker if you’d like. Just remember that slim cases have different sizing than standard cases. There’s also stickers for CDs that cover the fronts of them(? Or so I’ve been told…)
Step 5
make sure the CD actually works, try playing it on a different device if you can, and enjoy!!!
Step “what if I don’t have a CD player?”
well I’m gonna tell you you probably do and just don’t know it! do you have a DVD player laying around your house? That’s a CD player! do you have an old ass computer that would suck with burning the CDs itself but still has a disc drive an everything? That’s a CD Player!
do you have a shitty old karaoke machine? Chances are it has a spot for CDs! THATS A CD PLAYER!
Of course you can get a new one if none of these are functional devices for you or you just don’t have them, but I just wanted to point out that a lot of things can be used to play CDs
or you can help me bring back Walkmans and discmans….if you’re listening to music on the go…./silly
Also! Some cars have spots to play CDs in them!! Your CD doesn’t have to be limited to your home!!!
also also, I’m 70% sure that a lot of game consoles can play DVDs but not CDs. Saying thing incase the information is valuable for someone who wants to watch a good movie on DVD or something….
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vinguist · 1 month
Cleaning up your digital space
With my trying to make my digital experience more useful and fulfilling, one thing thats helped is just cleaning up things. It makes things run nicer and look nicer, plus just overall gives me a better idea what's going on around my computer (I have found so many old files I completely forgot I had.) in a way its actually a lot like cleaning my actual house lol- some things are to keep things running well or not lose stuff and others just make things look and feel nicer. also if you're objectum &/ posic it can be a great bonding experience to take care of your tech.
this cleaning may include:
deleting files I do not need
backing up files (I like physical drives) ^- both those include photos
cleaning out my email inbox
unsubscribing from things I don't want/need
organizing bookmarks
making new passwords for everything ^- make NEW passwords, try not to reuse old ones ^- Highly recommend using a password book
clearing cache & cookies for websites
setting a new home/lock screen
reorganizing apps
deleting apps I don't need
clearing out my many tabs Iv'e had open for days ^- use bookmarks for these
setting a new keyboard background on my phone
changing my custom mouse design
removing unneeded browser extensions
clearing out drafts on social medias.
the physical parts of tech might also benefit from some cleaning too:
cleaning the screens with microfiber wipe
brushing between/under keyboard keys
cleaning the inside your phone case (& outside but I feel like the inside oft gets forgotten) if you have a computer with many wires, setting up some cable management
plus checking how much time you spend on certain apps if you think you use too much and setting up limits if necessary.
Now I don't do this all at once nor do I have a specific schedule, I'm not nearly that organized in my life yet. but some things I'll try to do every couple months and others are just whenever my phone starts saying I need to clear space.
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Propaganda under the cut.
Lappland Saluzzo:
What if Goro Majima was an Italian wolf girl, and also a lesbian? Lappland is a disgraced mafia assassin who hates the famiglia for how they've ruined her country and hurt countless people for the sake of the egos of a few old men. She thinks organized crime is inescapable, though, so her rebellion is to pick fights with other mafioso to justify killing them brutally as possible. She believes turning herself into a violent wild card the leadership is afraid of will stop them from treating her as a person they think they can control. The only person she truly respects is her old rival/childhood friend who DID manage to escape the mafia, whichs fuels Lappland's extremely homoerotic obsession with her that includes at least two duels to the death. At one point her rival is arrested on suspicion of murder, so Lappland visits her in jail to chat and hand-feeds her chocolate through the bars of her cell (it's intentionally her least favourite flavour). The next day she crashes a semitruck into the courthouse in the middle of a hearing to take credit for a car bomb assassination the she didn't do to keep her rival from being falsely convicted. Lappland is the toxic girl shonen rival that tumblr keeps saying they want.
Avrana Kern:
First of all, read Children of Time its great. Avrana Kern was the one of the greatest scientists of old Earth, she spearheaded a project to terraform other planets a principal part of which would be sending down a "barrel of monkeys" armed with a virus to encourage their evolution towards sapience to do a lot of the legwork so the planet would eventually be ready for human colonisation, so great morally grey girlbossing there we can all agree creating new forms of slavery, to her credit she does actually care more about her monkeys than she does other humans but still #Girlboss am I right? Anyway she was caustic, she was blunt nobody liked her but she got the job done what a girlboss. Until an anti technology cult managed to spread a computer virus that destroyed all technology just as the project was beginning the final stages, destroying her barrel of monkeys before if could reach the planet below, Kern was the sole survivor managing to jettison herself from the main station and get into a stasis pod.
Over milennia her body even in stasis began to degenerate until she was more or less fused to the pod, more AI than human. Also spiders get the evolutionary virus and began to develop sapience and a society. The last survivors of humanity arrive on their last ditch colony ship the Gilgamesh and Kern awakens from her slumber, she refuses to acknowledge the humans aboard as human and say the planet below belongs to her monkeys (as we have covered there were no monkeys below, only spiders) and she'll destroy them with her advanced pre collapse of humanity tech if they try to land, they're forced to leave #Girlboss am i right? Eventually the spiders get high enough on the technology ladder to get in touch with her and she basically sets up as their god but she doesn't understand they're spiders, not monkeys so there's a big disconnect there, there's some religious wars done its not a great time in spider society its mostly her fault we gotta say but #Girlboss am I right? Eventually the message gets across that they're spiders not monkeys and she has a bit of a breakdown gets downgraded from god but still very influential in spider culture.
Anyway eventually the spiders develop spaceflight, the spider astronaut chapter is the best its so good, and bring her down to the planet, she now runs on an Ant based operating system and doubles as an AI for the starships created by the spiders. Trust me it all checks out please read Children of Time. This is only stuff from the first book she does more morally grey girlbossing in Children of Ruin and Children of Memory but I won't go into those, have some air of mystery going forwards.
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pocketramblr · 10 months
Ask Game: Snatch adopts a young amnesiac Touya.
You know I used to have a rule about hitting people with the dad stick regarding Touya considering his fratricidal tendencies. And now you want me to give the guy who's top priorities are killing his dad and his sibling (s)... A new dad and sibling(s)...
Yeah sure why not. I'm a different person now. And Touya is too I guess.
1- Snatch finds a burnt child wandering around and hiding from people and after several hours, manages to coax him to the police office and try talk with a forensic interviewer. The boy utterly refuses to speak unless Snatch is in the room with him, which the interviewer says isn't uncommon in children.
2- what is less common is the kid not remembering anything. When asked his name, he says it's Dabi. The last thing he remembers is setting himself on fire and needing to get out. He felt like someone needed to find him. He isn't sure. Snatch and the interviewer suspect that Dabi was forced to use his quirk either in an abusive home or trafficker, and the amnesia is from mental trauma not physical. When a doctor looks over the burns to see how old some of them are at and his head, this seems to confirm his theory.
3- Dabi keeps breaking out of places and setting small fires on his way to hunt down Snatch every time he's placed in a different home. Eventually an officer tells Snatch he can either take the kid who imprinted on him like a duck, or the kid can end up getting raised in juvi. Snatch, a father himself, agrees to take him in.
4- Dabi has weird expectations and doesn't remember why, which frustrates him more. But when he acts like Snatch should be training him to be a hero, he's mad that Snatch starts talking about normal exercise stuff- until he realizes his new sibling(s) are all treated the same, and Snatch genuinely doesn't do quirk training, as hero schools will have the facilities for it. So he goes along with it. He also only tries to be disrespectful to his new mother once and is grounded from the computer for a week for it, though what actually dissuades him is hearing Snatch and his wife discuss it later that night, worrying more about what kind of people he was with and who else they hurt.
5- Snatch is careful about not discussing Dabi outside of the home or taking pictures, since they never could find out who hurt the kid. This is part of the reason why no one ever realizes that Snatch's new kid looks a lot like Endeavor's missing one.
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fluidangel · 5 months
ok since i've been sharing some piracy stuff i'll talk a bit about how my personal music streaming server is set up. the basic idea is: i either buy my music on bandcamp or download it on soulseek. all of my music is stored on an external hard drive connected to a donated laptop that's next to my house's internet router. this laptop is always on, and runs software that lets me access and stream my any song in my collection to my phone or to other computers. here's the detailed setup:
my home server is an old thinkpad laptop with a broken keyboard that was donated to me by a friend. it runs yunohost, a linux distribution that makes it simpler to reuse old computers as servers in this way: it gives you a nice control panel to install and manage all kinds of apps you might want to run on your home server, + it handles the security part by having a user login page & helping you install an https certificate with letsencrypt.
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to stream my music collection, i use navidrome. this software is available to install from the yunohost control panel, so it's straightforward to install. what it does is take a folder with all your music and lets you browse and stream it, either via its web interface or through a bunch of apps for android, ios, etc.. it uses the subsonic protocol, so any app that says it works with subsonic should work with navidrome too.
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to listen to my music on my phone, i use DSub. It's an app that connects to any server that follows the subsonic API, including navidrome. you just have to give it the address of your home server, and your username and password, and it fetches your music and allows you to stream it. as mentionned previously, there's a bunch of alternative apps for android, ios, etc. so go take a look and make your pick. i've personally also used and enjoyed substreamer in the past. here are screenshots of both:
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to listen to my music on my computer, i use tauon music box. i was a big fan of clementine music player years ago, but it got abandoned, and the replacement (strawberry music player) looks super dated now. tauon is very new to me, so i'm still figuring it out, but it connects to subsonic servers and it looks pretty so it's fitting the bill for me.
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to download new music onto my server, i use slskd which is a soulseek client made to run on a web server. soulseek is a peer-to-peer software that's found a niche with music lovers, so for anything you'd want to listen there's a good chance that someone on soulseek has the file and will share it with you. the official soulseek client is available from the website, but i'm using a different software that can run on my server and that i can access anywhere via a webpage, slskd. this way, anytime i want to add music to my collection, i can just go to my server's slskd page, download the files, and they directly go into the folder that's served by navidrome.
slskd does not have a yunohost package, so the trick to make it work on the server is to use yunohost's reverse proxy app, and point it to the http port of slskd, with the path /slskd and with forced user authentification. then, run slskd on your server with the --url-base slskd, --no-auth (it breaks otherwise, so it's best to just use yunohost's user auth on the reverse proxy) and --no-https (which has no downsides since the https is given by the reverse proxy anyway)
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to keep my music collection organized, i use beets. this is a command line software that checks that all of the tags on your music are correct and puts the file in the correct folder (e.g. artist/album/01 trackname.mp3). it's a pretty complex program with a ton of features and settings, i like it to make sure i don't have two copies of the same album in different folders, and to automatically download the album art and the lyrics to most tracks, etc. i'm currently re-working my config file for beets, but i'd be happy to share if someone is interested.
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that's my little system :) i hope it gives the inspiration to someone to ditch spotify for the new year and start having a personal mp3 collection of their own.
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jahayla-parker · 11 months
Bewitched Love : Peter Parker x Reader
Part 4
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Desc. & Warnings: 1.8k wc, see navigation for description and warnings
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Peter rubbed the back of his neck shyly. "Can we uh... talk about uh... why I broke the spell…" he mumbled. "The first time," Peter clarified.
Y/n sighed loudly and shook her head. "Right now, Peter?"
Peter nodded his head rapidly. "Ned and MJ are better at that stuff" he argued weakly as he pointed towards the old computer Strange had pulled out for them to use. "Besides," Peter said, taking y/n's hands, "I need to know".
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"Know what?" Y/n questioned, her hands rigid in Peter's grip. "That I'd still be your girlfriend, even if I didn’t know you were Spider-Man or if you weren’t Spider-Man?" she asked, offended.
Peter broke their eye contact as he shifted his gaze to a random wall. "I’m sorry, it’s just…" he sighed. "People have changed how they treat me since finding out".
"Have I?" y/n asked, staring at him curiously.
"Well… no… I mean… I don’t know!" Peter groaned. "You weren’t my girlfriend before!" he defended shyly.
"Peter-" y/n scoffed. "You really think those two things are related?!" she snapped. "Or that they had anything to do with each other?!". Y/n shook her head angrily. "They didn’t! I had feelings for you before I knew you were Spider-Man" she told Peter. "I had feelings for you back when I thought all of those weird things you would do were just irritatingly cute quirks and not something related to being a superhero" y/n huffed. "I can’t believe-"
Peter abruptly cut y/n off by placing his lips on hers. When he pulled back, he smiled shyly at her.
Y/n gave him a small smile but shook her head semi-playfully. "You can’t just keep cutting me off with a kiss and expect me to ignore what we’re talking about," she scolded.
Peter chuckled. "I know, I know". "Sorry, I just... I really, really like you, like a lot," he said, his cheeks flushed. "And… I don’t know, I just got worried that…". Peter shook his head, "I was insecure. I don’t think you’re only with me because I’m Spider-Man, okay?". "I don’t, I promise. He squeezed y/n's hands. "There was just so much going on and so many weird glowing shapes spinning around me and I felt all this pressure, and-" Peter sighed, "I panicked". He gazed into y/n's eyes softly. "But, only because I didn’t want to risk losing you".
Y/n frowned slightly at Peter's implication. "Even if that meant I’d only have been with you because you were Spider-Man?" she asked.
Peter nodded as he scuffled his feet. "Well, sure" he confessed with a laugh. "I mean, that way I could still have a chance at convincing you to like me beyond that," Peter explained nervously.
"But, I already do, mea carum" y/n swore, squeezing Peter's hands as they were still holding hers.
"I know" Peter swore. He quickly wrapped y/n in a hug. "I know, even more so now". Peter leaned into y/n's embrace. "Thank you. I’m sorry I insinuated…" he mumbled, trailing off.
"It’s okay, I forgive you" y/n informed Peter tenderly, leaning back to look at him.
"You do?" Peter questioned, again.
"Yeah" y/n confirmed. She smiled at Peter and rolled her eyes. "I do, but I’m telling you, that charm has to wear off at some point, Parker".
Peter chuckled and blushed deeply. He held onto y/n tightly, only pulling away when he saw their friends enter.
Y/n and Peter separated the preparation tasks, working simultaneously to get them done quicker. Y/n hurriedly set up the equipment that Ned had brought for him and MJ to use. Meanwhile, Peter brought their friends up to speed on everything that had transpired so far.
Y/n set Strange’s useless computer aside and plugged in Ned’s monitors, keyboard, and mouse. As she finished turning the extension cord on, she heard MJ ask if Peter used magic to convince the admissions lady to let them in.
“No, that was after. Let's just focus on the good news, okay?” Peter suggested optimistically.
“No, let's just focus on the bad news. As of now, you have detected zero multiversal trespassers, so get on your phones, scour the internet, and... Scooby-Doo this shit!” Stephen Strange interrupted, suddenly reappearing in the undercroft.
MJ squinted sharply at Strange and huffed. "Are you telling us what to do?" she asked him.
Y/n laughed in agreement. "Are you wanting to revisit the discussion of who’s at fault here?"
Strange squinted towards y/n. But, he saw that she had tauntingly drawn glowing embers from within herself that were now dancing at her fingertips warningly. He smirked at y/n's behavior but shook his head.
"So then, what’s the magic word?" y/n smirked back at Strange.
"Quaeso?" Stephen groaned.
Y/n nodded as Dr. Strange asked 'please' in Latin. "Not just for me," she corrected him. Y/n waved towards the others in the room with a smile on her face.
"Please. Scooby-Doo this shit" Strange conceded before leaving the undercroft with a huff.
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“Thank you again,” Peter said gently. He glanced over at y/n. Peter couldn’t help but grin proudly as he watched her analyzing the scene, fully dressed in her trademark superhero costume.
Y/n spun to face Peter, offering him a sweet smile. “We’re in this together,” she promised. “But, ironically I think we need to split up” y/n advised.
Peter’s lips curled downwards as his eyes widened. “Wha-what? Why? I know I messed-“ he panicked.
Y/n giggled softly and shook her head. “No! Not us as a couple” she explained. “I meant to search the woods. There’s a lot to cover,” y/n told him, waving her hand around them.
Peter let out a very audible sigh of relief, a small smile replacing his pout. He rubbed the back of his neck bashfully, pleased the Spider-Man mask covered his heated cheeks. “Oh, right, no. Of course, I knew that”.
Ned’s laughter could be heard through the cell phone taped to Peter’s damaged suit and through y/n’s earpiece.
Y/n shook her head. Pointing at her earpiece she rolled her eyes, making Peter laugh lightly. “I’m going to check the left of the fence, you cover the right” y/n suggested.
Peter nodded, but as y/n went to move further away to search, he stopped her. Peter wrapped his gloved hand around y/n’s wrist tenderly. When she glanced back at him in confusion, Peter offered a timid smile. “Be careful,” he murmured, “please”.
Y/n flipped her wrist in Peter’s grip, sliding her palm up until she could hold his hand in hers. “Et tu, amata mi” she cooed, grinning. She knew Peter knew enough Spanish to be able to piece together the first part given the context. And y/n knew for certain he knew the nickname. Peter’s wide smile was evidence he understood her completely.
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“Did you guys see that?” Peter asked MJ and Ned. He was communicating with his friends via the cell phone taped to his chest. It was less than ideal, but given the circumstances, he’d take what he could get.
Peter was currently using his web-shooters to swing through the woods of the wooded sector near a military facility. MJ and Ned found a report of a “strange occurrence” of a “monster flying through the air”. He originally thought it to be Osborn, the name the octopus guy gave the green flying elf thing Peter’d seen on the bridge. However, as he and y/n ventured through the woods, he had began to doubt it.
The details y/n has been sharing with Peter about her observations didn’t match with what he had seen on the bridge. Nor did Peter’s own observations from his half of the woods. Even more concerning to Peter was that his and y/n’s didn’t match each other’s anymore. Ever since they split, they had noticed different phenomena.
Peter was wanting to have y/n return to his side so he knew she was safe. He didn’t like not knowing what was near her. But he also didn’t know which creature was near him and if they were truly two different creatures he wasn’t sure which was worse. While he hoped the one y/n was tracking was less dangerous, Peter knew she’d still be safer if he was there. He’d be safer with her too.
Peter knew why they split up and he didn’t disagree with the decision. But, he couldn’t help the panic in his chest from the unknown circumstances around them tonight. Not to mention, all of this was his fault to begin with.
“No. Uh...” MJ mumbled through the cellphone speaker, pulling Peter from his thoughts.
“It's, it's really dark” Ned explained with a sigh.
“Peter, are you okay?” Y/n questioned via her earpiece.
Peter relaxed a little at the sound of y/n’s voice. “Yeah, this is just… weird”.
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After a while of searching, Peter completely froze in his tracks, his suit's eye lenses widening. Behind him, something… sparkly and blue had started to form; seemingly drawing yellowish glowing waves of electricity from the power lines.
“Peter, do you hear that?” Y/n asked hesitantly as the air started to whirr. She ducked in a breath as the whirring sound got louder and louder. Y/n’s eyes widened, her hands lifting upwards defensively. She’d noticed a blue light illuminating the nearly black sky; only it didn’t belong to her.
“Yeah” Peter mumbled, his voice breathy.
Ned’s voice crackled through their speakers. “What's happening?” he asked frantically.
“Peter, what is it? Are you getting the tingle thing? Is the tingle thing happening? Is your tingle tingling?” MJ rambled. “Y/n, what do you hear? Is it from the same thing?” She wondered, her voice slightly higher pitched than normal.
Peter faced the glowing figure, his wrist gauntlet aimed and ready to fire. He was shocked to see it was floating in a mystical haze of what he suspected was plasma. “Y/n, umm…” he muttered.
“Yeah, I know” y/n responded, her tone just as quiet and uncertain.
Peter bit his lip. “Ned, MJ, are you guys seeing this?” He asked, making sure the phone on his suit was facing the glowing creature.
“Yeah” MJ said. Her disbelief was clear in her tone. It hadn’t been very long since she learned about y/n and Peter’s abilities. And this was something else entirely; something they couldn’t quite explain yet.
“Osborn?” Ned pondered, clicking sounds following his question.
Peter sighed with a frown. “No. He was green. This guy's blue” he explained.
“Like y/n blue?” MJ asked.
“No” Peter answered. “This is… he’s different. I think…”. Peter was hoping y/n would jump into the discussion to clarify her thoughts on the matter. But, when she didn’t, Peter stepped closer to the electric being. “Uh... You wouldn't happen to be from another universe, would you?” He asked cluelessly.
When the creature didn’t respond to his questioning, Peter sighed. “Y/n?” He asked through his phone. He tried not to panic upon not hearing a response. “Guys, is she still connected to our call?”
Upon Ned and MJ confirming that y/n’s audio was still synced with the cellphone on Peter’s suit, his panicky state increased. He was pleased there wasn’t a communication glitch, but he was worried as to why she wasn’t answering. Seemingly having the same worry as Peter, MJ began asking y/n various questions to get a response .
Peter tucked his head to his chest to get closer to the speaker. “Y/n?!” He all but shouted, his body tensing. Why wasn’t she able to answer?
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@justapurrcat @natswife-marvelicious @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @theslayerofthevampires
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shadowsong26x · 4 days
Hey friendo! Asking you the weird writer questions : 1,5, and 23 ❤️❤️
All right, cool <3
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
Generally the default. Although I had one program where the default switched from Arial to Calibri at some point during a transition from an old laptop to a new one, so I would switch it back for the things I used that program for? Basically, if I'm starting out in a new program I'll use whatever the default is, but then I Don't Like Change, lol.
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
Hm. I don't know that I do, exactly? I'm trying to think if there's anything I would call a superstition. I guess like I said above, once I'm used to things being set up a certain way, I don't like change, maybe that would count? I remember at one point I wrote a solid chunk of a like 100k-word fic on these little notepads I stole from the supply cabinet at work. When I switched jobs, the supply cabinet didn't have notepads in the same size/shape/style and it became Significantly Harder to write things out longhand? (I did eventually adjust, lol, but it was a Process. And I don't do it nearly as often as I used to. ...it also helps that I work remotely...part of writing things out longhand was that it was Much subtler/easier to hide a bunch of scribbles on a notepad than an extra window on my computer...lol)
...yeah, so if that counts, that would be it? But I don't really have like...rituals, or needing to be in a specific space/have things set up a specific way. Sometimes I listen to music, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I'll set like a 10-minute timer to get myself going, sometimes I don't bother. Other than some vague 'the stars are not in position for this tribute' stuff when I sit down to write and the words Will Not Come but there's no consistent way to fix that other than Deadline Panic. Soooooo yeah.
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
Ahahaha, I should read what the next question is before I answer the last one lol. Wasn't that a thing for like tests in high school, too? "Read the whole thing before you start answering questions?"
Like I said, I don't have a super consistent place? The three most common would be probably my work desk, which is a long light-brown rectangle, probably two feet by six feet? I have a desk lamp (I usually don't bother with the overhead light), a little platform/lapdesk in the same wood that I usually put my work computer on, and a little bowl for candy, and a handful of soda bottles that need to go out with next week's recycling. If I'm writing there, my work computer gets shoved over to the left, right next to the lamp, so I can keep an eye on emails/etc./bounce back and forth between tasks. My personal computer goes on the right, and I pull up whichever writing program is the correct one for what I'm working on.
If I'm writing at home, it's one of two places. First is in my chair in the living room. Which is a chair and a half, and grey. I have an old Amazon shipping box I use as a lapdesk, so I'll have my laptop in my lap. Sometimes my roommate will be watching something on TV while I'm doing this, or I'll be checking in and out of conversations. Or sometimes we're just doing parallel play.
The second is--I have a loft bed, and underneath it I have several bookshelves and a very cheap twin bed. That's where I'm usually hanging out on tumblr/just chilling if I want to be in a Private Space. There's a pink blanket, a black husband chair/armchair pillow and then a regular pillow. I have a lapdesk I got for like $10 at Best Buy a million years ago and I shift position a lot.
Ask me a writing question!
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thegoldenshi-shi · 1 year
I am having an internal crisis. Outside influence is swaying me towards drawing Sides and Sunny in tuxes/suits/dresses, and I am very much itching to do so. This itch is also making me want to pull out my patterns and start making my cosplays again, one of which is a papillon inspired dress shirt and jacket. And I haven't drawn or tailored in a /hot/ minute, not to mention that my sizes have very much changed, and aren't particularly congruent enough to make a shirt, or any form of top other than a crop top, so I am FIGHTING not to do it
Also, working on cleaning my room still, stars above was it a mess, is a mess. I have however cleared out my desk area! And my computer is back to functional cause my friend is a saint and gave me his old graphics card (sly bastard, he didn't tell me that's what he was gonna do so I couldn't refuse) so now I just need to get the fans connected to the motherboard (frankencomputer isn't a joke, they were directly connected to the psu, wherein the old psu had the wires welded into the thing so I couldn't just transfer fan wire onto new psu, so fans are dead in the water as of right now. Cause new psu doesn't have the right thing, a male plug, to be able to connect them). But! It's functional again, blessed be, and so with a lot of external things factored in, including me generally keeping my room temp at almost 60°f and two external fans that I was able to clean and set up around it, me and two friends were able to play modded mc last night! Which was fun, first time playing co-op with my friends in a month.
On other news, my desk is tiny, so with computer back I physically do not have space to comfortably art, so I am gonna see about getting some stuff set up to scooch the moniter and keyboard so I can have desk space to use my pencils and sketchbooks. Largest issue with drawing Sides in a really frilly dress is my issue of not being able to draw humanoid things. I can't get proportions straight. (Damb my useless brain, not able to have images in my mind, remembered or imagined, kills my ability to art)
And work is. Fucking awful right now, actually. We have someone that has been here for almost two months, and he is a misogynistic dirtbag. Our warehouse is severely lacking in Y chromosomes, and I am unfortunately in the closet at work due to bigotry against queer identifying folk, so I count in his mind towards the *problem*, and he won't stop flirting with me. Which is gross, he's twelve years older than me, which were I older and twelve years weren't such a significant part of my lifespan I wouldn't take issue with. But I worked retail and fastfood in places that made me feel as if I was part of the product to be sold, so people older than me, especially men, flirting with me is a really yucky feeling. Not to mention there is this thing about him, I don't entirely know what, that has me feeling an awful mix of scared and angry about him? There's just something off about him, and maybe its that he insists on trying to talk to me alone, or maybe it's that I have disliked him from when he first started flirting with me, or maybe its him triggering ma and SV's gaydars, but whatever it is is gross and I don't like it. Oh, and apparently he drives the forklift smelling like alcohol, which I wouldn't know because I try to keep one me-height away from him at all times, at least.
Happier note, with summer coming around, I will get to enjoy having ladybugs randomly cropping up in my room and eating wasps again. Which was funny as all hell to discover the first time, cause I always forget they're carnivorous and predatory, as well at that thick exoskeleton and forewings they have meaning that actually stinging them is damn near impossible for the wasp
Hello again Smooch~ The urge to draw robots in clothes happens to every mecha artist at some point I think… And I don't care HOW good you think you are at art, trying to slap Fortress Maximus in an evening gown or Deathsaurus in a three-piece suit is going to break your brain. I can't help you with proportions I'm afraid, since that's just something you have to learn over time. (As they say: repetition is the mother of mastery). But, I can say that dresses are easier to draw on robots than suits. If you want to draw suits, brace yourself to give them weird cutouts and things to make room for kibble. Examples A and B (with your preferred boys hehe)
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Since you can sew cosplays though, that wouldn't be an issue for you I'm sure. I'm trying to fight the urge to sew unnecessarily as well. I too am an odd size so I'm always having to get my mom to tailor and/or make me clothes. I'll have to send you some pictures of my finished pieces on discord sometime~
It's good that you were able to play with your friends, a functional computer is a blessing. 60 degree bedroom is less of a good thing, but I guess it's the price you have to pay for the computer blessing right now hehe. I'm not ashamed to say that everything you listed about your computer woes flew completely over my tech-retarded head, but it sounds like you've gone through a lot to fix your problems. I wish it was as easy as replacing parts to fix your work-place issues. If you're lucky, your problem dude will get fired for being intoxicated at work or for being a butt. Me wishing won't fix your problem of course, but I really do hope that it gets better for you. In the meantime, enjoy your ladybugs eating wasps??? I didn't know that ladybugs could or would eat wasps, so when I read your ask I was flabbergasted. It makes sense that they can since, as you said they're carnivorous and heavily armored, but still…wasps?!?!
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If I Wrote the Reboot, part 6
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four | Part five
As of now, I am dedicating each part to a person. This part is dedicated to @dungeons-are-too-cold bc they keep leaving me really nice comments, if you want to be tagged in one of the later parts, let me know!
Garcia's first case back at the BAU
"Garcia, oh thank god," Emily says as Luke and Penelope get off the elevator together. "I am so glad you decided to come back, our new tech just quit and I had no idea what I was going to do if you didn't come back. I know this is only temporary, but if I still don't have a new tech by the time we're done with this network, can you stay until we find one?"
Penelope opens her mouth to say yes, of course, but Luke sent her a look that said, "Don't push yourself, don't agree to too much, put yourself first for once in your life." This was the reason he had asked her to re-join instead of Emily.
"I don't know," Penelope replies. "I don't even know if I'll be able to do this whole thing with you guys. I'll try my best, I promise, and I love you guys, but I gave so much to this job... and I almost lost myself because of it multiple times. I can't risk that again. I'm here because I want to be, but I need to know you'll let me go if I need to. Pretty much my whole life I've put anyone and everyone before me for everything, and I finally need to do some things for myself."
Emily smiled, albeit a bit sadly. "Of course. I understand. I mean, that's the whole reason I went to London. As long as you want to stay, we'll have you, but as soon as you need to leave, we'll support that too."
"Well since you are here, at least for a bit," Rossi says. "We should probably get you set back up in your office."
"Right, of course." She turns to Luke. "You're going to help me, right?"
"Of course."
They walk down the familiar hallway down to her old office and flick on the lights. It feels barren and empty, but it's nothing some good ol' Penelope Garcia magic won't fix.
They get to work, her powering on all her computers and him taking some items out of her box to start putting all over her desks. "I didn't even know you had this picture," he says.
She turns to see which one he's holding, and her face lights up in a smile. "Yeah, it's my favorite." The picture is of the five of them, her, him, Roxy, Lou, and Sergio. Her arms are around the pets, and his arms are around her, kissing her on the cheek. "It's our family photo." She takes it from him and places right beside her main computer. Then, she reaches into the box and produces a very familiar squeaky cat, which finds its home right next to the photo.
"Wow, I get front and center with the main computer? I feel special."
"As you should. It is a highly-esteemed place of honor."
Almost no sooner are they done setting up than she was getting the notification for a new case.
"Guess it was too much to expect the peace to last, huh?" She asks.
"In this job? Absolutely. I'll help you set up the presentation."
"Don't worry, I can do it, I've done it a million times before."
He grabs her hand. "Penelope. I'm not offering help because I don't think you can do this alone, I'm offering my help because you shouldn't have to. I know you hate crime scene photos, and this stuff is really, really bad, so I don't want you going through this alone. We just talked about you doing too much and putting yourself first."
Knowing he's right, she concedes. "Fine. Let's get this over with."
"Are those the only names you need me to run?" Penelope asks Luke and JJ over the phone.
"Yeah, for now," JJ tells her.
"Done and done, I will run them for you and bring you my results forthwith!"
"Thanks, Newbie," Luke says, before promptly hanging up.
JJ stares at him, agape. "Did you just-"
He holds up a hand, silencing her, and silently begins to count on his fingers. One... two... three...
As if on cue, his phone rings again, and he picks it up.
"Luke Alvez, you have better not actually just said that to me and then hung up," comes Penelope's (slightly furious) voice.
"I love you," he croons into the phone.
Flustered, she stammers. "I- uh..." she huffs, indignant. "I love you too." With a click, she is gone again.
Luke smirks and pockets his phone, then turns to JJ, whose eyes are still as wide as saucers. "Is that... all it takes for her to stop being mad at you?"
"No, that's all it takes for her to stop being annoyed at me. Occasionally. If she's actually mad at me, which is rare, by the way, don't go ripping my head off, it takes a lot more sucking up and owning up to my mistake than just a simple 'I love you.' Although, I do still say it a lot."
JJ makes a noise of comprehension and approval. "Smart man."
"A man who knows how great he has it and would be damned if he messed it up and lost it," he corrects.
After their case is over and the team is back, Penelope is there waiting for them, just like she used to be.
Luke's whole face lights up at seeing her, even after being together for two years and living together for one. He's the first to go to her and hug her, he finally feels like he's allowed.
"Hey, no Penelope hogging," Tara calls. "You get her 95% of the time anyway, leave some for the rest of us."
"Aw, you're fighting over my affection." Penelope sighs, bringing a hand to her chest. "You do all really love me."
Rossi gives her a pointed look. "And don't you ever forget it."
Part seven will be linked here when ready
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So today I came across people talking about the new Harry Potter game "Hogwarts Legacy" here on Tumblr. I was curious, so I watched a trailer on YouTube. And I have to say, wow, this is really beautiful, it is so incredibly well done! I was really impressed by the graphics and the storytelling, the decision for the time that it was set in and the whole magical world that they've created, that is so talented and amazing! My teenage self would've lost her mind about it in disbelief over what is now possible in computer- and video-games! When I remember the Harry Potter computer game that I played when I was about 13! I really love that old game though, I believe it was the game for the "Chamber of Secrets". :)
Anyways, I won't completely rule out that I'll try playing it once but I'm pretty sure that a lot of dark stuff has found it's way in there too, especially seeing that it was created in our current time of so many levels of insanity. I definitely didn't like the part where a large part of this game apparently is that you have to constantly find out how to battle people and whatnot and set them on fire in mid air and sh** like this. It's just not 2002 anymore and we have to keep that in mind.
But mainly I just know that I left the mainstream Harry Potter train long ago because the commercialization got way too crazy and out of hand. I actually turned away from it when they said they were going to build a theme park. Back in our days the mere thought of it would've been outrageous. J.K. Rowling restricted so much what could and could not be done with the books and the characters, it was common sense that it wouldn't be made a hollow commercial spectacle. And I respected that and most people did. Well, things just moved in that direction and I just didn't interact with this stuff much. After all, the theme park is basically a theme park of the movies, not the magical world of the books. I'm sure that it is beautifully done though.
So concerning this new game, I think it's absolutely impressive and it has a lot of appealing aspects. After I had watched the trailer though, I thought how glad I am that I was able to experience the Harry Potter stories from back when there were only just books being published for the first time. And people went crazy to go read them right in the book shops in the night they were published. And they would dress up and have genuine, light-hearted fun with nothing on their hands but the magical things they talked about and read about. I don't want to see and experience Hogwarts through this game, as beautiful as it might have been made. I saw Hogwarts for the first time through the pages of a book that smelled a certain way and I saw it with my own 12-year-old eyes. There is nothing that will ever come close to this and there is no game, no movie, no theme park, no nothing that I would ever want to exchange for that. Ever. That is not even a possible comparison, these things are not the same.
So while I'm amazed at how this game has been made, I want my own world. I have noticed how all the cool products that we can buy nowadays are really amazing but it doesn't come close to the first time reading the books alone in my room for days without barely eating and going outside at all. And it doesn't even touch the feet of me wearing a big kerchief over my back as a cloak and wandering through the garden with the stick in my hand that was my magical wand. If I really want to feel more in the magical world that I knew, I don't have to get closer to the graphics of a computer game, I have to get closer to who I was when I was 12 years old. And create it myself.
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The Great Mouse Debacle
Dear All, I saw a mouse, where? there in the meeeting room, there in the meeting room right there, etc etc...His name is Malcom and although he is very cute I'm afraid he cannot stay so we need to put some traps down. Also please make sure no food is left out for him - particularly large pieces of cake! - I'm not imagining this as Tupperware, Mysterion and New-Kid also saw him (albeit rather briefly) - Wonder-Tweek
Lets get him! - Fastpass I'm not sure which is more worrying. The mouse in the meeting room, or that Tweek needs reassurance that he's not seeing imaginary critters - Call-Girl
I say we catch him alive and fatten him up for the next milestone feast... - Mosquito MMMMMMMmmmmmmm Chicken - Fastpass I almost stepped on him last week - New-Kid Lets catch him and keep him as a pet. Failing that I could use him as a friend to keep Stripe company. - Super-Craig Leave the mouse alone. He wont hurt ya - Mysterion
I like to wear mice as hats. - Damien Let's make our next game about him. Malcolm the MF Mouse... - Tupperware So that's who's been stinkey'n up the loo and not turning the fan on!!! Of course! He cant reach the fan! - Human-Kite Nor can he aim, apparently. - Tool-Shed Let get the little furry F**K. - Fastpass We can always get a mouse-friendly trap rather than a snappy trap...Although where to dump him when he's caught....? - Call-Girl
OUT THE WINDOOOOOoooowww................. *splat* Just kidding - Mysterion Simple: a combination mouse trap and catapult. *SNAP - SPROING - WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH - . . . . . . . . . . thud* - New-Kid I take it that the “THUD” is you whacking him out of bounds with your baseball bat? - Henrietta shouldn't that be SNAP - SPROING - SQUEAK - WHOOSH? - Professor Chaos Maybe we could invest in a cat. - Human-Kite Down Cartman's trousers! - Super-Craig
I just love the sexy scurry of a lady mouse, Leave the mouse alone, Leave all mice alone, My darlin I, cant get enough of you love baby.... la la la la la - Mysterion No, it should be: SNAP - SPROING - SQUEAK – WHOOSH – ting (microwave done) - New-Kid Did you have a bad mouse experience during your childhood??? - Call-Girl Gee, that X-Box demo would have worked heaps better if they'd thrown a mouse into a room full of mouse traps already primed with other mice, setting off a chain reaction of SNAPs, SQUEAKs and SPROINGs. - Mosquito This is my one line comment. - Doctor Timothy
Maybe we can convince Mysterion to eat it? - Tool-Shed That'll take a lot more convincing then five dollars - Mysterion You can do it! - Fastpass Or we could put it back where it belongs .. plugged into the back of somebody's computer. - New-Kid Hasn't anyone seen Stuart Little??? He could be our ticket to fame and fortune! - The Coon In the sequel to Stuart Little, they're gonna have him infect the happy family with the plague. - Damien
Has anyone ever seen both Cartman and the rat at the same time?... just wondering if there's some secret identity thingy going on. - Human-Kite Maybe he's the little bastard moving everyone's stuff - Tool-Shed So was it the mouse that was sneaking smokes in the toilet? Seems like the poor little thing is getting blamed for everything else - Call-Girl Let's get him! - Fastpass I could use another mouse or two to help power my car... - Mysterion We should cover the room with flour and see where his little tracks lead. Then douse the mongrel in petrol - Damien
nah.. That's not funny.. That's just a bit sick - Mosquito Let's just cover the room in Petrol and light it up now! - New-Kid WOOOHOOO!! An old fashion burnin'! Let me duck home and grab me roastin' trousers - Damien I'm beginning to see the start of the Stinky Meat Project part 2 ;-) - Fastpass Put his little mouse head on a big dirty pike as a warning to others... - Henrietta Lets just all burn our pants. - Mysterion Umm, you go first - Tool-Shed
Let's get him! - Fastpass You all want to jump me now I've burnt my pants huh? - Mysterion One of my friends had a story about his father doing the mouse vs petrol thing when he was young, and with its last chance at revenge, the burning mouse ran into some very long, very dry grass, set the grass alight, and burned down a whole farm.. crops, machinery, house, and also the people who owned it... - New-Kid hahahahaha cooooooool - Damien See, vicious little mongrels, mice. Burn your house down soon as look at you. They're dangerous! Arsonists! Satanists! They must be stopped, before it's too late. It's us or them. [oh, and I'm always available for a pants burning. name a time] - Mosquito
Let's get him! - Fastpass Release your anger and complete the journey to the dark side... - Mysterion Why don't we just get HIM? - Tupperware That's not the mouse you are looking for.. Move along, move along. - Human-Kite Let's get him! - Fastpass I don't think Mysterion needs any help releasing . . . - Call-Girl Certainly not releasing so much as restraining. - Tool-Shed Has anyone heard the one about the mouse and giraffe that met in a bar? - Mosquito
Yep - Tupperware I think we should all try and get out of the HQ a little more - Call-Girl Woowoo! Call-Girl said we can all go home! - The Coon Let get HIM then! - Fastpass Let's have pants burning as a random encounter, or even a full mission. Somebody keeps sneaking into the base and setting fire to peoples pants - Tupperware There isn't really a mouse. I just made the whole thing up lol - Tweek THERE IS NOW DAMMIT!!! - Damien
Lets get Tweek then? - Fastpass Blah blah blah! - Doctor Timothy Dracula impressions? Really? - Super-Craig blah blah blah, dude! (keanu in dracula) - Tupperware If it was MY mouse, Id say like: Get back in the kitchen and cook me some pie bee-atch - The Coon You have a pie-cooking mouse? - Human-Kite Yeah of course I do - The Coon
If you don't mind I'd like to borrow it for the night. - Tool-Shed
You need help. - Call-Girl
That's WHY I need the mouse . . I feel he could add some valuable insights into my non-existent social life - Tool-Shed
Let's just set up a big barbed wire cage (or even better, a dome) and have a sort of last man standing dealie. The winner gets to eat the mouse... - Mosquito
I'm in - Damien
Are we fighting the mouse or each other? - New-Kid
I assumed the idea was to beat each other to a bloody pulp. - Damien
Sure, but I've always wanted to compete versus a rodent [I might actually have a chance of winning]. - Mosquito Aaaaaargh! - Doctor Timothy "I'm not imagining this as Tupperware, Mysterion and New-Kid also saw him (albeit rather briefly)" I'd just like to categorically deny ever seeing a mouse. Tweek is a loon. - Mysterion Catch mE IF you cann!!!! i'Ve BEEEN crappping in YoUr Koffee for ^Wee&ks. HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!! The MOuS!!!!-----
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nickgerlich · 1 year
The Cookie Crumbles
You know that Spring can’t be terribly far away when you see these. No, I’m not talking about the first robin red breast you see. I’m not waxing poetic about daffodils popping out with their yellow optimism. Nope. I’m talking green, as in the green of Girl Scouts selling their cookies.

It’s an annual occasion, and it is hard to avoid these hordes of young green-dressed girls and their zealous parents. Because, you know, there are prizes to be won for most sales volume.

This time around, the Girl Scouts have found themselves the victim, if you will, of a very successful new flavor variety. You see, their Raspberry Rally has been so popular that stocks have run out and people are now selling them on eBay. No kidding. Girl Scout cookies. And this particular flavor has prices as high as $350 for just one box.
The Girl Scouts are furious, because they feel like other people are profiting off of their great idea. And I’m not having it.
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While the Girl Scouts love to speak of empowering young women, teaching them about entrepreneurship,  and all that noble stuff, it seems they have overlooked some very important aspects of business. If you cannot supply product to meet demand, then a secondary market will ensue. That’s where eBay comes in. It’s really no different from someone scalping a concert ticket for five times face value.
If the Girl Scouts wish to keep all the profits for themselves, they best be figuring out how to produce more of this particular flavor. That’ll shut down the eBayers.
In a strange twist, the Girl Scouts even set up online sales of these cookies, because they deemed it important for girls to know a little bit about e-commerce. I agree on that. It’s just that they should have been doing this for the last 20 years. This is nothing new.

If you’ll forgive my anecdote, let me explain (and expose) their reluctance to embrace e-commerce early this century. My oldest daughter was in the local Girl Scout chapter (or whatever they call them), and early that year, it came time to sell cookies. At the time, I was crafting websites and e-commerce portals for a variety of organizations and businesses. I told my daughter, “I’ll teach you how to build an e-commerce site for your group to sell these cookies,” and she was all ears. After all, I had put a computer mouse in her tiny hand when she was one year old, and this was now first nature.

Personally, I rather like the idea of selling them this way. It sure beats going door-to-door, or shivering outside in the Walmart parking lot. More so, it beats guilting people into parting with their money, either the girls doing it, or their parents. I hate pressured selling.

But the local Girl Scouts were not happy, and shot it down in a heartbeat. “We want the girls to focus on building relationships,” they told me. Wait. You mean you’re all about reinforcing gender stereotypes? What happened to all that empowerment rhetoric?
Oldest daughter really didn’t like the Girl Scouts all that much anyway, so we found the exit. She, just like her younger sister at the moment, went on to major in CIS. Take that and your relationships, Girl Scouts of America.
But back to the task at hand: The Girl Scouts should have been on the technology train for a long time now, and some folks at the top who don’t truly understand entrepreneurship dropped the cookie this year. I realize it can be tough to predict which will sell and which won’t, and that leftover inventory may as well as be chalked up as a loss. That’s why you have contingency plans in place with your contract manufacturers to jump on additional production runs.
Furthermore, to blame eBay and those selling on it also avoids another aspect of a free market economy. Price will be determined where supply meets demand. If you want your girls to become entrepreneurs, they need to drink a few shots of this throat-burning reality.

And at the end of the day—or winter in this case—we really don’t need these cookies. Most of us who have bought them did so to be nice, kind of like every time the Boy Scouts were selling tins of popcorn, and the Little League was hawking something else.
I got over them shutting the door on my daughter. I taught her anyway how to build a site with a shopping cart. It just wasn’t for selling cookies. But I must confess to chuckling just a bit when I read of their current dismay.
Because it appears they don’t understand the most fundamental of relationships in business, that being the one between the two most powerful forces we know. Supply Curve, meet Demand Curve. May your intersection tell us everything we need to know about the value of things.
Dr “You Go, eBayers“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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I know I’ve been offline for a while, but this whole month has been a rollercoaster and I feel like it's finally slowing down, so I figured I would give you a small life update before finally getting around to editing part 10! I haven’t gotten to read your new post, Eleanor, but that’s because I’ve been saving it as a reward for finishing up everything in part 11 and editing part 10 haha! I can’t wait to finally read it either later tonight or tomorrow!
Onto the more serious stuff, I suppose! Well, as I said in my last post, we started this month out getting rained on by our upstairs neighbors twice in the same week and someone damaging our front door locks (presumably to break in and steal while we were out). Great way to start February, I know! Thankfully, my brother Mike - technically, he's my sister, Honey's husband, but I call him my brother since we’ve known each other for so long - came over to fix the door and help us with our ruined ceiling tiles. Then, my great-aunt (91yo) got sick with the stomach bug and, while she is still recovering, she’s feeling well enough to not need someone with her 24/7. On top of staying with her for a while, I started three jobs in the first week of February (housekeeping and dog walking for a lady in town and PCA work for a bedbound woman in the area) only to have the first lady take my housekeeping hours away because she claims her mother could do it instead. Honestly, I was glad she took those hours back because I could barely tolerate the way that she was over my shoulder the entire time I was there. She knows that I've been a housekeeper since I was 16 and that I knew what I was doing, but I’ve come to discover that she’s a bit of a control freak in all aspects of her life, so I am more than willing to let someone else handle her housekeeping 😂
Next up, my sister, Honey, and her family got a new puppy named Vanya and she is the sweetest, most loving little crackhead in our family. She loves to snuggle and gives people dirty looks if they tell her she needs to go back inside, but she has a weakness for peanut butter and listens to whatever my niece tells her to do. Vanya isn’t even a year old and they've only had her for a short time, but I will hurt anyone who dares look at her wrong because she is the fluffiest little angel and I adore her
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A small, more emotional dip in things came when my Uncle Doug came over with a truckload of all of my grandparents' and Uncle John's belongings. Uncle Doug moved into their old trailer before they passed and, since the three of them have passed away, he owns the house and wanted to see if we could go through all of their belongings since he is trying to fix the place up and has no space for everything. I don't know where he thinks we have the space for everything in our apartment, but we took it all nonetheless and used our old, practically unused computer room as storage as we went through 67+ years worth of my grandparents’ things. There were a lot of emotions for me and my mom to go through and even more things that my mom didn't know her parents and brother still held onto - my great-grandmother's high school diploma and things from her business among those items - but we really loved going through the disorganized chaos that was dropped on us on a random Thursday!
Now, onto today! After all of the chaos and stress that February brought us, I feel as though things are finally coming to a point where I'm ready to keep going with the way things had been. Today, Honey and Mike came over with my old laptop, told me to set it aside for a while, and brought me out to his truck where they showed me the project they had secretly been working on for months now: an actual PC just for me! It glows and so does the keyboard and mouse they got for me, and I just can't get over how cool it is! They told me it was much deserved because of all that I do for the people in our family, but I still don't see how even though the two of them and my mom took the time to explain it. I don't do any of the things I do for recognition or gifts, so it's very hard for me to accept such an insanely expensive gift for something I do out of love for my family and those around us. I know it certainly wasn’t cheap, I’ve wanted one for ages now and done hours and hours of research trying to find a good, cheap one. I suppose I'm still reeling from it all. It will definitely take me a while to adjust to everything, especially having a mechanical keyboard in place of my old laptop's keys, but I now have an actual desk and setup that I can write at and I couldn't be more excited to start this new chapter in my writing journey. It feels like a step in a better direction, if that makes any sense at all haha!
Anyway, I hope you aren't upset with me for taking this super long break; I really hadn't intended for it to be this long of a break, but I can't say that I didn't need it with everything else going on in my life. I should have the next part up soon after I get all of the editing done and get a moodboard made up for it. I just wanted to fill you in on all that's happened during my little break from everything on the internet. I can't wait to read your new story once I get everything finished! It should be a great reward after all the work I'll be putting into everything! I hope everything has been going well for you and that you have an amazing day! 💕😊
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pancakeke · 2 years
How were you able to get into so many different crafts? Do you have a dedicated craft room? (Ur entire setup is aspirational to me as a college student!)
I have an office that has become my craft room!! My computer is in there and I work from home so I work in there too, but most of the space is dedicated to different tools/workspaces.
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MESSY but here's the majority of my office. I have 3 desks in a big C shape. The left desk has all my sewing stuff, middle has my cricut and computer, then right has all my resin casting stuff and little SLA 3D printer. There's a paper drying station above it that I made from vinyl record racks mounted sideways lol
Off to the far left you can see part of an enormous shelf where I store other tools abd materials (keyboard building stuff, rug making stuff, knitting machine, spray paints, bulky sewing materials, dremel kit, serger, regular printer, sewing patterns, unfinished sewing projects, my old sewing machine, packaging for my store, god what else...)
If you want to get into a lot of hobbies it will seem really daunting with how many tools you need to buy, but realistically you shouldn't expect to get everything you want/need all at once. (DON'T get into leathercraft unless you can buy a lot of stuff immediately btw)
I started just with sewing years ago. The sewing machine I had was a tiny little Kenmore my mom got me for Christmas when I was in 5th or 6th grade. I stuck with that for a long time while slowly picking up more stuff.
Second hand is the best way to go for getting new tools when you join a hobby. Ebay is ok but people will try to rip you off sometimes. Shopgoodwill randomly has amazing deals on equipment. I you can get lucky with them for sergers and sewing machines if you're ok waiting around for specific models or buying older models that are available.
Joann Fabrics has great sales every so often on various sewing machines, but I've become partial to Ken's Sewing Center because they carry refurbished items with pretty decent discounts. Costco also has sewing machine deals but I haven't explored that option super well. Heads up though sewing machine and the like prices have gone up a lot the past 2 years :/
My knitting machine I got for an AMAZING deal on eBay because it was from an estate sale (like $100 shipped, which is nuts), and the serger I'm "borrowing" from my sister. Also I got a TON of knitting needles and crochet hooks from goodwill once for next to nothing.
Being buddies with boomers can get you cheap or free tools too. My stepdad gave me a dremel he never used and also a hot knife that I have somewhere. Also keep your ideal purchases in mind and watch out for sales rather than impulse buying. My 3D printer was on sale for $100 from $150 so that guy wasn't too costly.
Um I kind of went off here lol but just keep a list of what interests you and have patience and you can build up a mighty collection of tools. Just be careful because space becomes a premium after a while :')
As for actually getting into different crafts, I like to see what other artists are making and watch tutorial videos for random stuff to see if the craft seems fun. and like 99% of the time whatever the thing is does seem super fun to me. it's especially interesting when a new craft is something I can incorporate with a craft I already know to expand upon a skill I already have.
This is why I love when my friends show off their art and why I set up a discord for sharing your art. It's so inspiring just to be around other artists and bounce ideas around with them!!
I think the only craft that's ever turned me off though was macrame because you have to be ORGANIZED to do that and omg I am not.
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