#people say Percy and Leo and I know that whole thing is kinda one-sided
Instead of the “Jason vs Percy” rivalry we should have gotten Annabeth vs. Jason but instead of a fight for power it’s them having a battle of autism cause their special interests were Greek myths vs Roman myths.
Jason calls a Greek god by their Roman name and Annabeth pops up out of nowhere and goes “erm, actually”
The 7 is talking about some landmark and Annabeth and Jason start arguing about which pantheon it was dedicated to.
“It’s amazing right? It was dedicated to Athena.” “Erm, it was actually built for Mars…”
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juneberrie · 7 months
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☆ quinceañera with them ?!
leo valdez, percy jackson, jason grace
author's note: i'm literally planning my quince rn (hopefully my parents actually let me have one, lolzies)!! latina!reader. gringas begone, respectfully.
— wc: 368 || riordanrverse masterlist
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leo valdez
first of all. this boy can DANCE. if he's not glued to your side the whole night, he's on the dance floor. he'll drag anyone and everyone he can get his hands on to dance with him. if you have younger cousins/siblings/relatives, he'll teach them how to dance! def spends half the night with his arms around your waist, whispering the cutest things in your ear — calling you a princess, telling you how much he loves you, how he thinks you're the most beautiful girl he's every seen, literally just being the sweetest. he also probably makes really stupid, dirty jokes at the most random times. type of bf to give you his shoes if your feet hurt from your heels. despite literally owning the dance floor you could say "i'm kinda thirsty" and he's sprinting to get you a drink.
percy jackson
i firmly believe he knows how to dance. his mom taught him, he definitely danced with a bunch of people at her and paul's wedding, he could probably go on dancing with the stars and win. he'd try to downplay it though, he'd be standing on the edge of the dance floor, sipping his drink and bopping along to the music until you pull him on the dance floor and then?? boom he's turned into a professional dancer. he vaguely knows things about the traditions but not enough to like knowwwwww about them yk? he'll definetly cry just because he's so happy you wanted to include him in this moment (and also because he thinks you're the prettiest, which you are)
jason grace
go white boy go!! he's completely clueless about all the traditions and stuff but is he having the time of his life? absolutely! he def just kinda stood there at first watching you dance but then you pull him onto the dance floor and who is he to say no? it's your birthday and you're wearing the most stunning dress. i'm just imagining him halfway through the party, tie tucked into his suit jacket pocket which is neatly folded over his chair, shirt unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up, hair messy. he'd be so happy if you asked him to waltz with you, or just dance at all.
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haliaiii · 4 months
fav percy jackson character and WHY‼️ also a character u didn’t like/were iffy abt as a child but relate to now
Ok imma be real I never had a proper proper fav? But if I had to choose (this is gonna be really basic I know) I’d say Percy 😭
Not just bc he’s the main character but I really liked him a lot as a kid and even now I still fuck w him. He’s just great and holds a lot of emotional connection cause when I started reading pjo, we were almost the same age and now that I’m rereading pjo, we’re literally both seniors in high school 💀, although when I was a kid I think I also liked Leo a lot too, pretty much any character that had a funny pov
As for a character I relate to now it’s 100 percent jason
So when I was a kid and started getting into the Percy Jackson universe, I didn’t really know where to start (cause it was like my first proper series), but the ppl at school were reading heroes of Olympus so I assumed that was where it started. I knew who Percy bc I read the Greek Gods book prior so I was very confused to open The Lost Hero and there was this guy named Jason instead 😭. I didn’t really like or dislike him, but I was surprised to find out many didn’t like him. I think if there was another series that had focused on Jason like how there was one with Percy then it would’ve made public opinion of him way better tbh, bc I feel like people didn’t like him cause they were comparing him to Percy. Anyway I didn’t really think much of him, he was just kinda ok ig? Like he didn’t really feel like he had that much character to him (at first) and I kinda thought his relationship with piper was boring 😔
But revisiting it today, (and also post what happened in the burning maze), he has a lot of really cool hidden lore that I wished was more talked about 😭. Like his whole life was a straight up tragedy, abandoned by his mother at 2, raised by wolves and then had to join the Roman military and lead at a young age. Then when he thinks he’s finally settling down, Hera fucking wipes his memories and drops him in the middle of the US and he has to spend the next years of his life fighting a war. AND THEN right when he finally settles down again, piper breaks up with him but he still goes on that quest knowing he or piper will die bc of the prophecy but sacrifices himself anyway bc he cares about her and dies at the age of 16. It’s literally so sad, he never got a chance to experience what he wanted to do and spent his entire life accommodating for others. Anyway peak eldest sister energy even if he’s the younger brother 😭
Also another character I warmed up to a lot was Piper!! I originally didn’t like her “not like other girls” personality, but looking back on it I was kinda the same way 💀. Like I feel like she’s a really cool complex character and that gets overlooked, I think her negative feelings towards femininity kinda also stems from the weird brainwashing thing Hera did and her developing her sexuality. I actually started liking her more when she broke up with Jason and started dating her girlfriend, ( on a side note, I lament the fact that we’ll never get to see Jason and Piper develop their friendship cause I really think they were platonic soulmates and never meant to be in a romantic relationship).
I just think they’re both really neat by themselves! There’s so many other characters I could spend paragraphs talking about but we could be here all day 😭
Ty for the ask tho I had sm fun info dumping-
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seulgishaku · 2 years
ok i just thought about this...
If rick left it in your hands to write the blood of olympus (just this one) what would you do with each character?
Its been a bit since I read boo so let's see if I can remember enough canon stuff about each character lol
Well the first thing that comes to mind is the whole Leo sacrifice thing. I would either have that part completely removed or keep him dead so that it would set up for him meeting Jason in elysium later. (Also more angst for Piper this way)
I would've liked to have expanded more on the Jason scene where he meets his mother as a mania. It wasn't angsty enough for me. As much as I love Jason and want him to be happy, i also wanted him to suffer a lot more because i like to feel pain lol.
No killing Octavian. I know alot of people hate him and were definitely happy when he died but as I got older from his perspective, what he thinks makes sense, he just went about it in completely the wrong way. His death taught him nothing. If he lived, he would've had to face the punishment for his crime, realize his mistakes, learned from them, and that would've improved his character significantly.
I also think it would've been kinda fun if Jason did join his mother on Gaea's side. Like he has kind of a realization of "what have the Gods ever done for me? Maybe Gaea will treat me better" but I just want dark Jason if I'm being honest.
Piper would hone her charmspeak more. She has the power to make anyone bend to her will with just a couple words she needs to utilize it more.
Oh yeah and for sure I would've stopped Percabeth from moving to New Rome. Like? I can see Annabeth going cause maybe she wants to study architecture but Percy? No way. And you know Annabethe isn't letting him get away from her again. So either they both stay at CHB and Percy becomes like a fighting instructor or something and Annabeth can help Jason work on shrines and keep building for Olympus, or just Annabeth goes to New Rome (unlikely) and the same things apply but she just comes back to CHB whenever she can. (Might end with Percabeth breaking up cause maybe long distance isn't working)
Frank would've gotten his chub back or really never lost it in the first place. I think he lost it in hoh when he got mars' blessing or whatever and I think that was so stupid. It's like Rick was saying he couldn't be a hero unless he had the stereotypical hero body type. ie- tall, lean, muscular, handsome. Like he didnt need that. Give that man back his rolls.
The Gods do offer them immortality. I feel like the only person who has a reason to accept is Jason. But I think it would be funny to see Percy reject immortality for a second time 😂
Hazel and Nico would get to properly adjust to the modern setting. Add a couple chapters at the end of the book for my babies. Hazel had only just recently been revived and Nico spent most of his time in the lotus casino so- you know what just give them a whole book so they bond.
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emeagirnacamps · 2 years
say about the whole "nico + the seven not saving him" discussion pls
i read your tags in my post and i think this is a better place to discuss
probably we agree in everthing about piper, leo, frank and hazel's actions (except the part of piper and leo not knowing nico's life was im risk; i doubt SO MUCH percy wouldn't tell the whole picture to them)
jason yes, i probably was unfair bc of his memory, i only focused on his 'roman leader' side
percy is... very difficult. i read accurate reason of why he would be either spiteful or it was just rr's bad writing. Want to hear your opinions
okay, here i go. i will just say my opinions on this, i'm not expecting you to agree with everything nor i want you to. please keep in mind i barely remember the series and have just reread the scene you mentioned. plus this is so long, i fear i will bore you.
the scene is so bad written. it's so funny how bad it is given the fact it is supposed to be a moment where both the readers and the seven get to be troubled and hesitant about what to do. except that we don't feel like that because the situation is showed to us like an emergency: nico has five days to live and he can't get out of it alone.
anyone who disagrees with the idea of saving him will be seem like an asshole. there's no question, because the situation that is presented was something urgent and without other choice besides them going and saving him.
i was surprised with piper being a mediator, i barely remember the stuff she did so reading she trying to calm and reassure hazel that yes, they are going to save her brother was so sweet. frank clearly was just trying to keep hazel from panicking so i will judge him here: he was only a trophy boyfriend in the whole scene. he didn't have an opinion and he just accepted that well, it's time to save hazel's brother then. i kinda can judge piper for the same, but given i hardly have good things to talk about her i will let it slide this time.
it's so funny how everything happens in percy pov and he. barely talks about it. he says he have a "rocky relationship" with nico, but he also affirms they are going to save him — that they have to —, but when he could say anything to make jason and leo to feel less suspicious about the whole thing, he does nothing.
it's interesting to see that since hearing about nico's situation, all annabeth does is analyze what's happening and say the obvious — she points out he is the bait when she is alone with percy and she is the first to make it seems ambiguous ether or not they were going to save him, as it shows here:
“The giants are trying to lure us,” Annabeth said. “They’re assuming we’ll try to rescue him.”
she doesn't say if she agrees or not to go save him. damn that's cold as fuck. in her defense, she is supposed to be more "rational", but she could still keep being neutral and make people think and theorize about the why nico couldn't tell anyone about the two camps instead of just passive watching. actually besides this and the other line about the death slumber, she says nothing in the entire scene.
(which is weird to me. guess i remember a different annabeth then.)
and now we came to the "assholes"! /hj
leo, like annabeth did in private with percy, was just pointing the obvious.
“Uh…” Leo shifted in his chair. “One thing. The giants are expecting us to do this, right? So we’re walking into a trap?”
that's his first line. it's after this that everything went downhill. in a critical approach, i think it should be questioned if they would save him or not before they know if nico is a) alive and b) could get out of the situation on his own. doing it after just seems like leo is being rude and apathetic to another human being life. which i doubt was the point here, given he does have some points to make:
“Don’t get me wrong, Hazel. It’s just that your brother, Nico… he knew about both camps, right?”
“Well, yes,” Hazel said.
“He’s been going back and forth,” Leo said, “and he didn’t tell either side.”
Jason sat forward, his expression grim. “You’re wondering if we can trust the guy. So am I.”
Hazel shot to her feet. “I don’t believe this. He’s my brother. He brought me back from the Underworld, and you don’t want to help him?”
while we, as a readers, knew about nico's intention and reasons, the characters does not. so if there was a change he was, in fact, a traitor, it would be great to point it out while they have time to discuss it. neither leo (, piper) or jason really knew nico — plus, while jason does says he remembers the guy — some pages ahead —, something we should keep in mind is how much does he actually remembers? and how much does he knew about him?
these two were not good judges of character here, since they didn't really knew nico beyond what others could tell them (and one of them was still working on remembering his past life). they really were the best ones for this, to add this tension, but the timing was bad. it made them look like bad guys even though they had the right to question if that was actually a good move.
hazel also gave them no actual reason as to why they should save nico (besides it being the actual heroic and right thing to do). the only thing she said here is he broke the law of the circle of life for her. and they don't want to help her?
she only made him look worse (/lh) while trying to defend him. it's not like jason or leo were bringing an impossibility to the table — he maybe could be gaea's ally, how would they know? his actions were not adding up and what she said is just a reminder of how far nico can go if he feels like it. were they right? of course not (but now my mind is like wHAT IF THEY WERE– damn being a ficwriter is ridiculous).
and even while bringing this possibility on the table, these two never said what if we don't save him, uh? it can be implied that maybe they didn't wanted to — to me it isn't though —, i guess it depends on the interpretation on who reads it. the thing is, they raised a point that nobody wanted to — or thought about — and the only thing that made they look like assholes was the fact that nico's days were counted. (my mind is so giddy to work on something like that i'm starting to hate this concept /hj)
and what it's the most funny about it for me is that hazel makes a jab at jason a lil later.
Hazel’s arms shook. A silver platter zoomed toward her and hit the wall to her left, splattering scrambled eggs. “You… the great Jason Grace… the praetor I looked up to. You were supposed to be so fair, such a good leader. And now you��” Hazel stomped her foot and stormed out of the mess hall.
my sweet summer child, he is being fair — but it doesn't seems like it because people are biased and are only caring about one life. (i probably sound like a big asshole too lmao, i swear i just being the "cold and analytical" cliche here, i hated this scene when i first read it too). was it really a good option to go in a rescue mission when they were fighting to save the world? one life is really more worth than thousand, millions one? should they really risk everything to save nico just because he is hazel's brother?
a good leader see all the options and try to see the situation from a lot of ways so they can better prepared for whatever is thrown at them. i don't think he is being a bad leader here (you, who is reading this, can totally disagree with me. my opinion won't change.)
now, if the question was only if it was a good choice to save him or not and his life time limit, i would end the post here. but no, there was another thing to put in the equation:
“That’s not much time,” Piper summed up. She put her hand on Hazel’s shoulder. “We’ll find him. At least we know what the lines of the prophecy mean now. ‘Twins snuff out the angel’s breath, who holds the key to endless death.’ Your brother’s last name: di Angelo. Angelo is Italian for ‘angel.’”
did they even had a choice here? another thing that came way too early in my opinion is how they must save nico because he was part of the prophecy puzzle. of course the majority would go on board with saving him if he is a necessary tool to defeat gaea — this could also be used as an argument, a pretty bad one being honest, since you would only see him as a way to finish your task. but still would be one more way to convince others to save him too.
it doesn't necessarily negates the point that leo and jason made though it does make it clear that ether it is a good or a bad idea doesn't matter — they will need him. they will have to rescue him, because the prophecy says that he is the one who can guide them, so even if they have solid proof that they shouldn't; it doesn't matter.
the prophecy always became true. be it by the way we think it would or be it in the unthinkable way.
to resume: does i agree with the character questions and debates? no, nico is dying and i need and want him alive. jason and leo acted like assholes? depends on how i am judging the scene, if i am being biased: yes. if i am not being biased: a little. does percy and annabeth silence is okay? no, cause it doesn't make sense — even if percy is feeling petty or is simple ooc (or both, because these two arguments can coexist), i still think he should have at least tried to make nico be seem in a better light (even if he failed at it, like hazel). annabeth could still make a neutral point about how he helped in the wars while also didn't help or made it easier in finding percy while theorizing about the reason why nico did that. frank could do better, maybe he could side with leo and jason (surprisingly) and it could be something to work on his relationship with hazel. piper actually was very interesting in this scene, i could feel she somehow empathized with hazel since she also was in a similar situation with her dad in the first book (also she calling jason and leo out for being cold?? amazing, perfect, i loved it, this piper is now part of the characterization i wil use to write her).
i don't even remember what point i was trying to do lmao. all i remember was being too annoyed with people being angry at the seven for this scene. like yeah it's completely okay and valid to be angry, frustrated or uncomfortable with their decisions (or lack of), i just felt like people didn't really understood why the scene was even there in the first place (although very bad done and executed).
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drewlover · 3 years
what we could’ve gotten if hoo had been set at least 5-6 years after pjo (basically the seven + reyna minus percabeth are still the same age, except for hazel i made her the same age as the rest of them)
a very long post because it kinda irks me that rick didn’t really give the new characters much opportunity with how the whole thing was timed
mentor percabeth
^^in this scenario it’s not percy being replaced, it’s nico (who would be around 17)
the prophecy is a bit different, it’s to earth and fire, nico, hazel or leo, because it isn’t jason being replaced here it’ll be reyna
drew would’ve probably matured a bit (and gotten therapy because of her trust issues after silena had betrayed them) and would’ve been the big sister™ and made piper at least embrace being an aphrodite kid and helped her train
reyna and thalia !! meeting each other !! reyna telling her about jason and generally being intrigued about the hunt, thalia feeling happy because jason is alive and well
mentor percabeth
camp would’ve had so much more children, so much more people who could be affected with that war and i think that would’ve changed a lot about the overall atmosphere of the book
leo not having to shoulder all the responsibilities of building the ship because percy is not going to let him miss meals and training and campfires just bc he’s so focused on the ship
piper being taught by both drew and annabeth to use her dagger and her powers properly, and how to use it to her advantage. her charmspeak is much better and she knows when or when not to use it, and she’s much better at wielding katoptris
the gods still being useless as fuck and percy and annabeth getting so frustrated
nico getting more easily accepted into camp jupiter bc (1) jason isn’t wary of him (2) there’s already a child of pluto and he is generally more respected than neptune (3) he’s fought a war and is kinda camp half-blood’s unofficial leader since percy and annabeth are ‘retired’
he also only remembers will.
nico frank and hazel as a trio !!!! hazel and nico having sibling bonding and nico giving frank the talk and trying not to laugh bc frank looks so scared
(no one tries to find the doors of death via tartarus nope)
nico defeating the shades with all his king of the ghosts thing and having all his memory come back because of that
malcolm being a part of the 7 bc we need a child of athena and i want him to have character development (he’s 17 here)
the whole eidolon situation is changed because it’s jason who’s in control, and he’s handling the situation a bit differently from reyna
them going to rome and malcolm setting off to find the athena parthenos and everyone looking out for him
it’s different without the daedalus laptop, and a bit longer, but malcolm still remembers it, and he’s always been more resourceful than most of his siblings, and draws the design carefully on the wall, successfully tricking arachne
it’s reyna who catches malcolm, and they both fall because reyna isn’t about to let him conquer tartarus on his own no
nico doing his absolute best trying to guide everybody towards the other side of the doors praying to whatever god will lisen that reyna and malcolm are ok
and he remembers bob- and he’s not sure if bob will listen but he whispers his prayers to the wind anyway, and bob dives into tartarus because nico asked him to. 
they go through tartarus and they go past akhlys in a much different way- they are, after all, children of goddesses of war, they can think of strategies to worm them out of such a situation
‘say hello to the stars for me’
boo happens and there’s the war
the war is so much worse- the titan war looks like child’s play compared to this. the gods are at last there, because they made a promise and they do not intend to break it
everyone working together but there is still bloodshed and the older campers, the war veterans blood goes cold because there are children on the battlefield and what are they doing there they aren’t supposed to be here
clarisse, katie, percy, annabeth, the stolls, chris, and everyone who fought in the titan war fighting as a group, destroying every monster they see
jason leading the romans with octavian, and the eagle demolishing monsters as the legion destroys anything that comes their way leaving destruction at their wake
will and nico being a power duo, eyes glinting with power
reyna piper and hazel working together as a trio as they fight side by side, fighting as if they’ve done this for years
frank using his powers as one of his arms transform into a bear claw while growing a scorpion tail, being his own personal army
leo burning hundreds of monsters and giving swords to those who have been disarmed
malcolm using strategies long forgotten and tactics so confusing the monsters just keep getting more and more surprised
apollo and artemis bringing down wave after wave of monsters with their silver and gold arrows, apollo’s children and artemis’ hunters by their side
hades poseidon and zeus working together
the seven being the ones to first reach gaea and go fuck what the prophecy says, we’re all going to take her down
and they win, but there’s far too many funerals
it’s more impactful, with the amount of children and mortal’s lost, and the gods realise grimly that they need to change. and not just fickle promises - this is real. they need to.
character development all around!
i could expand more but this is all i can think about at the moment but can i just say that this is what we deserved
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fbfh · 3 years
leo valdez dating hcs
Truly baffled beyond comprehension that I somehow haven’t written this yet??????
I think about it literally constantly 
Like I almost don’t know where to start lmao
This boy
Dating leo is amazing
He has like
He has this big excited puppy grin he makes when he sees you unexpectedly
It’s the cutest thing in the goddamn world???
Fr he is always happy to see you
Cause you’re so wonderful to be around
And so is he
Match made in goddamn heaven
You’re almost never seen without each other not long after you get close
Post meet cute, when you first become friends, when you start dating, whenever
Whenever you really get close and start to get attached to each other
It’s all downhill from there babey
He’ll dance with you a lot
While you’re talking he’ll just pull you close and start doing a little salsa
You start giggling and he’s like yeah you were saying
If you weren't before
You get very good at dancing 
He has such a warm comfy vibe
It's a different comfy from Percy though 
Percy’s is a really chill kind of warmth
Leo’s is really hyperfocusy and high energy
You get tunnel vision around each other
As cheesy as it sounds, you’re the only people in the room that matter
Like at all
It’s a really bizarre confidence boost when you’re out in public with him
You get so focused on how amazing he is that you just kind of forget about anything that makes you insecure
Or it at least gets very minimized
You really power each other up
Cause he gets the same effect from you
Whenever he makes you laugh 
Whenever you reach for his hand
He’s like wow fuck
I have an amazing incredible fantastic s/o who actually really likes me and likes being around me
So like
Fuck all the other bad vibes
It’s strangely liberating to run amok together
You practically have your own netflix show of you two going on a runaway summer road trip adventure and like
I dunno 
Dismantling a crime ring or smth
Idk I’d watch it
Fans of end of the fucking world, I am not okay with this, and on my block are obsessed
He could literally watch you do nothing for hours and be enthralled
Any time he gets to spend with you is good time 
For christ’s sake be like
Be on his team
Be on his side
He needs to really feel like you’re his partner and in this with him
Even if it’s jokingly reluctant
“What crazy scheme are you dragging me into this time?”
“I’m so glad you asked ‘,:)”
Be his partner in crime
That whole seventh wheel thing really kinda traumatized him
Like wow let’s not even get into that
I’m not going to go into a full psychological dissertation on all the characters
Even though I’d love to do that at some point
But back to Leo
He thrives just being around you
But like
Give him attention????
And kisses and cuddles?????
And absent minded touching like playing gently with his hair or running your hands down his back or doing the fucking thumb thing when you hold hands???????
He goes so far beyond plus ultra that bnha has to get a new catch phrase
Oh my god okay so
He doesn’t think he’s much of an artist or writer or anything
He thinks he’s really only good at like
Building and engineering and whatnot
Hephaestus stuff
But he is such a fucking fanboy
He catches himself doodling you when he’s supposed to be working out blueprints and schematics
You notice a lot more of his papers have the corners ripped off and sticky notes taped over them
You ask him about it in passing at one point and he fumbles something about how he’s been doodling more lately
“And you know, a draft for an ambrosia fueled engine really isn’t doodle paper” 
You find a small pile of drawings of you and poem scraps stuffed in a drawer when he asks you to get a wrench at one point
You don’t tell him bc you found it by accident
But dude
That hit your heart so fucking hard
Before I end this part I would like to state
He smells like method sandalwood and vetiver body wash
If you get a chance to smell it please do
It’s really warm and lovely
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
Really in Love? 🔥
Leo Valdez x Reader (Athena Cabin Reader)
Summary: Leo didn’t know what went wrong. One minute, he had a smashing goddess girlfriend and an equally awesome best friend. And the next? One of them in the Apollo cabin, and the other one in the Apollo cabi- well, infirmary.
Warnings: mentions of dying, cheating and some blood. Also some elusions to smut and making out. A lot of angst. That's all I’m gonna say.
Word Count: 1.6k
Masterlist and Prompt List ;)
100 Follower Sleepover
My requests are also open in case you have any more ideas and prompts!
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Life for Leo Valdez had been going good. He had just gotten back from helping Apollo, or Lester, and things had been going well. Calypso had just come back from her camping trip, and she and Leo were inseparable.
Which made things a tiny bit hard for you. You were Leo’s best friend, and right now, you and him were tasked with making the new Big House for the camp. Normally, Chiron would call Annabeth, but since she was out of town with Percy for god knows what (you knew what, he was going to propose to her), he had put you in charge of this project. And since you wanted to make the new structure a bit more technologically advanced, you decided to call Leo in.
And the progress had been going well. Until Leo’s entire attention was given to Calypso. Nowadays, you couldn’t even get a minute alone with your best friend without his annoyingly beautiful and mean gf next to you. And off the record, you had been starting to like Leo a bit. When you both were in the quest, and the only two single ones on the ship, you kinda felt like there was something growing between the both of you.
Turns out you were wrong, because in a few months, after your best friend allegedly “died”, he came back on a flying dragon and a goddess in his arms. Too bad you couldn’t find a boyfriend to take your mind off Leo.
So, life was awkward, but fine. Well….until you got shot in the stomach by an arrow. Yeah, it wasn’t your best moment. It was the day after you had had your one-on-one with Calypso, and you had managed to avoid her, but whenever you tried to get Leo on his own, she just happened to be there. So you decided to get him by himself when you both were working on the project. But before that, you had archery. And least to say, you were quite sufficient at it. So were the rest of your classmates, or at least the people at the training room.
So you knew you didn’t get shot by a fluke. The question was that, who would shoot you?
And you knew the answer. Austin Lake. The only guy in the feild who had some sort of resentment towards you. Why? Because he was your ex. Your breakup wasn’t the smoothest one. There was a whole lot of screaming and yelling. Oh, and a couple of threats and slaps. But you would’nt think that he would shoot you. Where you could potentially die.
So for the rest of the day, while you were in the infirmary with Will, you racked your brain thinking of a reason. But it wasn’t until you saw Calypso walk in that you finally understood. She had come in around the time that Leo would be in his Bunker, banging out dents and marks in his newest projects, with everything else out of his mind. It would be the perfect time to sneak away. At least it would be for Calypso.
You had suspected that Calypso had been cheating on Leo for a while. But you had never had a chance to prove it. Until now, where you had a perfect sight of Calypso and Austin holding hands as they made out at the back of one of the beds.
The sight made you sick to the stomach. Surprisingly, it wasn’t because of Calypso kissing your ex. But rather your best friend’s girlfriend kissing Austin Lake. Your mind went to the hurt look on Leo’s face when he would find out, and you could feel the pain radiating off him.
But you couldn’t keep it from him, so you decided to tell him as soon as possible. Gritting your teeth, you tried to stand up for yourself, pushing your hands against the bed. The pain in your stomach intensified by about a 100x, but nevertheless, you tried to ignore it.
Suddenly, you heard a gentle yet cruel laugh. “Oh Y/N, what do you think you’re doing?” You whipped around to see Calypso standing above you, with Austin at her side, and with one pointed look, he took out an injection, filled with green liquid.
“I’m going to tell Leo-”
“No you aren’t. Because you will not get up to ever tell him”, she said maliciously, as you watched in horror. Austin grabbed your arm, and even though you were stronger than him, the pain medication didn’t allow you to push him back. He brought the needle to your arm, and growled at you, his face turned up in a deep frown. With a slight pinch, he pushed it in harshly, the needle cutting through your flesh. Instantly, you began feeling drowsy, as your vision started swimming.
“Y-ou wo-won’t ge...t away with thi….sss”, you tried to say, but all that came out was strangled mutters.
Calypso laughed, swiping her hand on your fingers as her nails dug into your arm. “Oh sweetie, you can’t possibly think a child of Athena would beat a goddess that’s been around for millenia, right? Otherwise, you would be even more stupid then I thought you were…”
And that was the last thing you heard before you drifted off into a inky black darkness.
Leo’s POV
Leo walked around the Bunker back and forth, confused on where you were. It was almost 6, and you still hadn’t shown up. Worried, he grabbed his tool belt, tying it around his waist as he left his workspace, going over to the Athena cabin.
“Hey guys”, Leo greeted, trying to spot any sight of you. Malcolm came up to him, his face etched with worry.
“If your looking for Y/N, she was in the infirmary. Apparently, some jackass shot her in the stomach with an arrow. We tried to find who did it, but nothing so far, so we are just waiting for her to wake up.”
As he heard that, he practically started running out the door but he stopped when Malcolm called him back.
“Visiting hours are shut right now. But Austin was the last one to see her, maybe check in his cabin?”
Leo nodded, and although he didn’t like the blond, muscular camper, he still wanted to see how you were doing so he made his way there.
And boy, did he wish he would have gone to see you instead. Because when he walked through the Apollo cabin door, he didn’t expect to see his girlfriend half naked with a shirtless Austin.
“Leo!”, she yelled, covering herself up.
She tried to come near Leo, hands reaching for him, but he stepped back, as if her touch was burning hot. “Leo, I didn’t mean to…”, she trailed off, as she began to see the little sparks of fire starting to burst out from his fingers.
She stepped back, and for a second, you could see Leo calm down, wondering if he scared her. But when she reached for Austin’s hand, as she enlaced their fingers together, you could see the fire build up in Leo again.
“How could you-”, he shook his head, not believing it, “I-I was the one who got you off the island” He looked furious, but then his face crumpled as he stared at her. “I lied to my friends. Acted like I was dead for weeks. Just so I could save you, so I could get you off that prison!”
She didn’t say anything, as she just kept looking down at the floor. Half of you hoped that it would just swallow her whole.
“I literally gave my life, and you cheated on me?! You-you knew I had an issue with him-” Realization struck his face as he pieced two and two together. “Th-that’s why you didn’t want me coming with you to the infirmary, did you? Because he would be there. That must be your little get-to-know-you times, huh?”
She tried to shake her head, coming closer to Leo, but he ignited his hands again, this time making them burn bright. “You can’t possibly think that’s why-”
“Oh no, don’t try and make me think of something different. I’m a freaking mechanic Calypso! I wake up if I hear the faintest of sounds, and you wouldn’t think that I would find you sneaking out every night?”
Calypso stared at him, vision swimming with tears, but her face hard. Leo tried to find some bit of her left in there, but gave up, turning around to look for you. “How is-”
“Oh Y/N, I wouldn’t go to see her. Unless you wanna see her bod-”
“What the hell?”, Leo asked, his voice firm, as his mind went into overdrive. “What did you do Calypso?”
“Nothing much..”, she said, but he didn’t hear another word as Will Solace burst into his cabin.
Out of breath, and sweaty, he looked at Leo. “Y/N needs you… she is close to dying”
That was it, the first part! I’m sorry I didn’t get to the second part, but I think the cliffhanger may add to the storyline, so let’s see if that works out. Thanks so much for requesting this, and I hope you enjoy it :)
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noisyalmonddreamer · 3 years
Holiday special
Word count: Idk a lot  (a/n): Someone come save me I’m tired this took my soul away this is also unedited because I’m to tired for that
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-This boy LOVES Christmas
-He get's into the feeling like right after thanksgiving
-Decorates his cabin like there's no tomorrow
-But he wont spend Christmas eve or day at camp, he's with his family
-He also goes to his family's house to help decorate
-Snowball fights? you will not BELIVE how excited he gets for them
-He loves hot chocolate and demands his has marshmallows in it
-be careful if you guys make cookies together he WILL eat the batter
-"Percy stop you could get sick!"
- "but it's so good!"
-he wears Christmas sweaters and Santa hats
-He invites you to come to his mom's house for Christmas
-On Christmas day itself he's supper excited but from how he was acting you'd think he was an actual responsible adult
-but really he just really wanted to make it special for Estelle so he was just being giddy on the inside
-He gets you something that would remind him of you
-Something he finds beautiful
~~~Scenario~~~  (lowkey feel like I wrote him out of character I'm really sorry)
The sounds of soft snores filled your ears as you woke up. The sun reflecting off the bright snow seemed to magnify the sun's rays. You turned over to see your boyfriend, Percy, sound asleep with a little bit of drool sliding past his lip. You giggled as you took the blue blanket and wiped it away causing him to stir a little.
"Percy, It's time to get up" you nudged him lightly trying to wake him. He groaned pulling the cover up more. You rolled your eyes before an idea came to mind "Percy wake up it's Christmas."
The gears in Percy's head seemed to move for a second before his eye's popped open "OH MY GOD'S IT'S CHRISTMAS!" He popped up from his position. You smiled before leaning over and kissing him on his cheek "yeah it is, now you might want to put a shirt on before-" your sentence was cut of as Percy looked at the window.
"Oh my God's (y/n) look it snowed!" he got up from the bed and excitedly went to the window pretty much vibrating from excitement. He looked like a little kid, his eyes shining bright and a giddy smile on his face "I know Perce" you laughed as he pouted at your comment "As I was saying you might want to put on a shirt before Estelle comes in."
Percy laughed and threw on a sweatshirt before climbing back into bed with you "what are you doing?" He looked at you and smiled "pretended you're asleep she'll want to have woken us up." He kissed your head and laid back down.
Percy was, of course, right. Moments later you heard two little feet barreling down the hallway and tiny squeals of excitement. The door opened and a little girl hopped onto the bed trying to wake the two of you up "GET UP GET UP GET UP!!!"
Estelle shook the two of 'awake' and you yawned "good morning Estelle. What can we do for you." You smiled at her as the little girl squealed with excitement. "It's Christmas! Mama and Papa said we couldn't open present's till you two woke up! Percy Percy get up!"
Estelle dragged the two of you out of bed into the living room where Sally and Paul had hot coco waiting. You sat on Percy's lap as you watched as Estelle rip open her presents, along with handing everyone there's "here Percy this is yours and this one's yours (y/n)!"
Percy smiled at her and ripped open the present, quickly, ones he saw what it was his eyes brightened as another big grin decorated his face.
After opening all the presents up Paul, Sally and Estelle went down the hall for a few minutes so Estelle could give a present to her friend.
Percy pulled you into his room and got something from inside his cabinet. He handed you a small box rapped in blue rapping paper. "I know I already got you a present but I went out swimming a while ago and found this and I thought of you" he rubbed the back of his neck as he blushed.
You smiled and kissed him on the cheek before opening the present. You pulled out a necklace that looked similar to your camp necklace except it had a single pearl on it. You smiled and wrapped your arm's around him, pressing your lips to his, you were met with the slightly salty taste of his lips. He smiled into the kiss as he pulled away for a second "so you like it?" he asked looking at you.
"I love it thank you Perce"
"Merry Christmas (Y/n)"
"Merry Christmas Percy"
-Again he hasn't had a 'real' Christmas in a while
-Mr. Series Roman Praetor  has watched over people for Christmas making sure no one get's to out of hand
-My boy hasn't gotten to have fun for so long
-So when you're like
-He's trying hard! But that series 'gotten make sure things are running smooth' skin is hard to get out
- "Don't drink to much eggnog it has raw eggs you could get sick. Don't have more than a cup please"
-I'm kinda kidding but he is kinda stiff about it all
-Sidenote: Someone *cough* Leo *cough* placed a mistletoe above his desk and put a stapler next to him so he was under the mistletoe with a stapler
- "You think you're so funny huh?"
- "Pretty much yeah"
- "It was pretty funny though"
- "(Y/N)!"
-I have said that I think he has a secret sweet tooth
-He drinks his hot coco super sweet
-No one can know though
-Except you maybe
-He decorates a tree with you
-straight up gets tangled in the lights while you guys are decorating
-Send some help for our very own blond super man
-He'll also probably get you something he had found during a quest
You placed two steaming mugs of hot Chocolate on a side table. They looked quite nice, if you say so yourself, you had added chocolate shavings atop the whip cream and crushed up peppermint canes.
Looking up you were met with electric blue eyes looking at you intently, holding a Santa hat in his scarred callused hands.
"Do I really have to wear this?" He asked holding out the bright red hat. "Yes of course you do! We're decorating!"
He looked down at you again. "Okay okay I'll wear the hat sweetie but why the entire cabin? We already have a tree do you think decorating the whole cabin is.... excessive?" You rolled your eyes at him "I don't expect you have had that many fun Christmases because you're so,,, Roman so you have to do it! I didn't make the rules bub!"
You skipped over to him kissing him on the cheek than going over to the box of decorations you forced him to fly to camp half-blood. You also got him to carry a Christmas tree that you got from the Stoles, though they didn't tell you were they got it from.
You opened up the box and pulled out a few blankets and pillows.
"What are those for?" Jason stood behind you taking sips from his hot coco watching you. "Decoration! What do you think we're doing here right now?" You threw the pillows and blankets onto the couch
Jason rolled his eyes, walking up to you "I already have pillows and blankets but whatever." He said, his voice held a teasing tone, he knew what he was doing.
You glared at him "I will take away your hot chocolate and not make anymore." You pointed a finger out, trying to prove your point. Jason's eyes widened before he placed his mug on the coffee table and swiftly walked over to you.
"Alright so what do you need?"
"Just take these." You handed him some fake acorns and stuff, pointing at a wall "Place them like over there."
Jason took them into his hands and began working. About thirty minutes in he tapped you on the shoulder. "What about the tree?" You looked over at him "Oh yeah we do that last just give me a sec and you can start detangling the lights." You pointed at the box that had the Christmas lights.
Jason nodded and walked over to the box, pulling out a giant clump of lights. He looked at it, a bit concerned wondering how he would be able to detangle it all.
~~~time skip~~~
Jason ended up being right, he couldn't untangle them. Every time he thought he had gotten another tangle out it led to another, then when he thought to follow a single cored it was stuck in other cords. This is all to say that in thirty minutes Jason managed to tangle himself in the lights, yet he still didn't ask for help or even call out for you.
He didn't want you laughing at him so he decided he would get himself out. Which also didn't end up well because he fell with a loud thud.
You had went outside to hang a few more lights and decorations on the porch when you head it, a loud thud followed by a groan of pain. You hurried inside to see the son of Zeus himself, Praetor of New Rome, Hero of Camp Jupiter, laying on the floor tangled in Christmas lights.
"It's not funny!" He yelled when he had heard your giggling. This only turned your light giggling into full on laughter you clutched your stomach in pain as you laughed.
"It's so funny! How did you even manage to do that?" He looked up at you "Can you please help me?" You bent down to his level "of course on one condiction"
"Yes anything!"
"Let me take a picture."
-Burns the coco because he's impatient
-He also puts candy canes into his hot coco
-Along with like 3 hand fulls of marshmallows and like a giant whip cream mountain
-He also lowkey doesn't like eggnog
- "It tastes like sweet eggs!"
-You can bet your ass he is going to force you to wear matching PJ's on Christmas eve
-While setting up the tree he get's very frustrated with the lights
-He does end up doing that and they look very cool
-May or may not end up breaking some of the ornaments
-"What was that?"
- *Sweeping away a broken ornament* "Nothing babe!"
-He makes all his presents himself
-Like 2 months before he's haled ass up in bunker 9 making presents
-At some point he made a Christmas robot
-It's called that but it's main purpose is to peg snowballs at people
-He does bring a Christmas tree inside the bunker but forgets to water it then it catches on fire because it's dried out
-He will also pull mistletoe out at random time's claiming you have to kiss now
- "You just pulled that out of your tool belt. We're not even near ceiling"
- "Hmm? What? I don't know what you're talking about. But time for kiss! Who are we to break tradition?"
-You force him to dress up as an elf and give presents to kids
- "Why not Santa!? I'm making the toys!"
- "You're to short to be Santa plus your pointed ears!"
-He builds you something is that even a question
-It's a charm bracelet with a few different charms, one of them actually is magic and will pull out a shield  
You were stood outside bunker 9 on Christmas morning waiting for Leo to change. You shivered as a cold wind felt like it pierced your skin, both Leo and yourself had gotten up earlier then you normally would have but you two wanted to have your own thing before joining the rest of the camp.
You breathed out, a puff of smoke leaving your lips, as you turned around and banged on the door. "Leo come on! We're gonna be late and we still have to drag the presents to the bonfire!" you yelled through the metal. "This is ridiculous! Why am I dressed as an elf! I made the presents! This is humiliating!" His voice sounded whiny, you could practically hear him pouting.
"Come on Leo think about the children! They'll be so happy!" You heard a reluctant sigh leave him before the iron door opened reveling Leo in an adorable elf outfit.
"I feel ridicules." As he walked towards you the bells on his shoes jingled, making you burst out laughing. "Oh you have got to let me take a picture!" You grabbed Leo by the hand and pulled him towards the slay he had built. "Alright Mr. Elf let's go!"
"Don't call me that!" His whiney complains were only halted as you pecked his cheek quickly. "Now if you want more then let's go!" Leo's eyes widened, he grabbed the leads  and rushed towards the bonfire.
~~Time skip. Like only 5 minutes~~
As the slay slowed down to a stop you heard screams, you looked over your shoulder to see most of the younger camps, in their pajamas, running up to the slay with an excited look on their faces.
You looked over at Leo who had a bright smile on his face already grabbed a piece of paper with each kid's names and which toy they got. "You ready?" you whispered over to him, adjusting your hoodie. "Hades yeah I am!"
You hopped off from the slay in front of the kids, they all stopped and looked at you, pretty much vibrating from excitement. "Alright kiddys! Are you ready for your presents?" You question was only answered with shriek's of excitement and maybe one or two 'YES!'s.  
"Mr. Elf has each of your presents all the way from the north pole! But you have to wait to be called on can all of you do that?" The kids again in unison nodded their heads.
Leo popped up next to you startling you a bit, a big dopy grin still decorating his face "Alright I'm looking for a Gogo?" A little girl came running up to Leo, bouncing up and down with a plush in her hand, "Here you are Gogo" Leo handed the little girl a nicely wrapped present, the girl took it before bolting to her siblings yelling out a "THANK YOU!"
One by one Leo listed off the kid's, each one yelling out a thank you, and joining their siblings. As the last kid ran away Leo looked into the present sack. "Oh what do we have here?"
You looked at him with a questioning gaze "Did you forget someone? That was the last kid so I don't think you did." You looked around to see if there was any stragglers before Leo cleared his throat.
"Well why don't we have a looksie here and...Oh...it look's like this is for a certain...(Y/f/n)." You looked over at him again. "I didn't ask for anything..." you trailed off. Before you could say anything else Leo plopped the present into your hands, kissing you on the cheek. "Merry Christmas bebita."
Nico: -"Christmas is coming up?"
-Boy doesn't even realize
-I headcanon Nico secretly has a sweet tooth so I think he would like egg nog and super sweet hot coco
-I also think he can cook so he makes cookies with you
-But he will act like it's a pain and out of his way
-"Do I really have to?"
-"If you don't want to I'll just go get Leo or someone to help me!"
-"...Pass over the flour"
-He constantly has a candy cane in his mouth
-He legit eats so many you have to take them away from him
-Putting a Santa hat will anger him but he'll wear it because he loves you
-Unless someone comments on it then he'll take it off
-He really likes cooking with you, he finds it domestic like you guys are normal, so during the Christmas season he may act reluctant but you guys make stuff together a lot
-But baby boy also kinda has a sensitive mouth so hot food burns his tongue really quickly
-That combined with him kinda being impatient...he burns his mouth a lot
-He asks you to kiss it better
-He would probably get you something he found on his travels
-Or a stygian iron dagger
You finished tying up your apron, looking over to see Nico hadn't even tried, just letting the apron hang off his neck while he was reading a book he had found in an old library a few weeks ago.
You groaned walking over to him "Nico!" He only hummed in response, bobbing his head and continuing to read. You looked at him for a moment before placing your hand on his shoulder "NICO!"
Nico jumped slightly, looking up from his book at you. "What?" You glared at him for a moment, he rolled his eyes and booked marked the page, placing his arms around your shoulders.
"What's up il mio tesoro*?" He grinned stupidly down at you. "Oh don't 'il mio tesoro' me Mr! You're just avoiding what we said we would bring to the party in hopes we wont go!"
Nico laughed, raising his hands up in defense "Alright alright you got me! But I still don't get why we have to go to the party!" He pouted, crossing his arms.
You walked over to the counter rolling yours eyes "One, because we said we would and Two they're your friends and my friends it would be rude not to."
Nico slowly walked towards you, a small pout on his lips. "But I just want to spend the time with you!" He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, his vanilla scent filled your noise. You blushed pushing him away.
"Just help me with the cookies then we can make some hot chocolate!" Nico's eyes lit up at the mention of hot coco. He placed a gentle kiss on your cheek, tying the apron and rolling up his sleeves."
Ten minutes into cooking you almost regretted trying to cook with Nico. He was great at it but he was such a control freak! "No No! It said 2 cups of chocolate chips that's to much!"
You stared at him "It doesn't matter!" He groaned pushing you out the way "here let me do it!" You watched as he carefully folded the chips into the batter, wrapping the top with plastic wrap and placing it in the fridge.
"Alright it's gonna rest like that for 2 hours, it makes everything even more delicious!" He looked over at you with bright eyes. "Time for hot coco!"
You walked over to him, kissed his forehead before pulling the milk out the fridge. "alright just measure out the amount of milk we need." He nodded grabbing two mugs and filling them then dumping them into the pot.
He stirred the milk lazily "Why isn't it going faster?" He went down to turn the heat up "Nico no! You're going to burn the milk!" He looked at your tiredly "you don't like when it get's the skin on top and neither do I so lower the heat please!"
Nico rolled his eyes, lowering the heat to the second lowest setting then staring at you "happy now?" You nodded, grapping the whipped dream out the fridge and shaking it while Nico continued to stir the milk till it steamed.
The smell of warm milk filled the room as you heard Nico pour the steaming milk into the mugs.  You walked over to Nico, who was sitting on the couch you saw he had already stuck another candy cane in his mouth.
Grabbing the whipped cream bottle you made two small hills of whipped cream in each mug and waited for it to cool down. Nico, however, instantly grabbed his mug bringing it to his lips.
"Don't your gonna burn your mouth." You told him, watching him roll his eye. "No I'm not you're worrying to much."
He took a bug gulp then letting out a yelp, placing his mug down. He stuck his tongue out reveling a nasty red burn. You let out a small chuckle "see I told you!" He pouted at you "It really hurts!"
"Will you kiss it better?"
Frank: -Baby LOVES Christmas
-He takes you to canada
-He takes you to the Christmas market's and stuff
-He's also one who will get tangled in lights
-Along with that he isn't allowed to touch the breakable ornaments, like the delicate ones
-He also LOVES hot coco
-Frank makes like perfect hot coco's
-Like a nice whip cream swirl with chocolate and a few marshmallows
-It's very nice looking 10/10  
-Will also make maple taffy with you in the fresh snow
-But since you have to boil the syrup he isn't allowed
- "Frank baby, can you get the snow?"
- "Oh umm y-yeah!"
- "Alright here you are Frank, don't burn yourself"
- "I wont"
-He WILL wake up early on Christmas day
-He will also force you to go outside and have a snow ball fight
-istg he's just a nervous child in a giant's body
-Frank makes SUPER good eggnog also
-He LOVES getting a hot cup of coco and cuddling up with you next to a fire
-Especially after being out in the snow
-Also this boy really likes making snowmen
-and he's so good at it to
-Like he can make snowmen and like animals out of snow
-Hard to say what he would give you
-I want to say a sweater but that's not really like boyfriendy
-More like a hoodie you had been wanting for a while and he got himself a complimentary one so you could match (And wear his because he knows you. You're not sly)
~~~Scenario~~~(Before anyone says anything I know he lives in Vancouver which is a city but just pretended you guys went to a cabin or something lol)
The cold winter air felt like it was ripping through your skin as the coldness from the snow made it's way through your boots and mittens that Frank at bought you the other day.
You looked over to Frank who was packing down snow on the last little bear cub, completing the bear family he was making. He smiled back at you, his nose and cheeks a light pink from the cold. You trudged over to him, the snow sinking slowing you down slightly, and wrapped your arms around his middle.
"Hey Frank I'm getting pretty cold can we head in soon?" You asked looking up at him. He smiled again, nodding his head "Yup! Just let me finish with these-" He grabbed the stick he had been using to adding details to all the bears and drew on some eyes and a mouth. "and done! Alright lets go in. Want to make some hot coco and eggnog?"
You nodded, grabbing his hand and pulling him back into the house. You pulled off your mittens, boots and socks and walked into the boiler room where they could dry.
"Hey Frank can you grab some wood? I'm gonna start a fire, it's kinda cold" Frank nodded, walking into the room where the wood had been put as you began getting the ingredients for eggnog and hot chocolate.
A moment later Frank walked into living room in his arms he held a few logs of cut, dry wood. He placed them on the hearth and began to collect kindling, starting the fire. "Hey I said I would do that Franky!"
Frank took his gloves off as he walked down the stairs "It's fine! I already had the wood so It's fine"
You pushed the hot coco ingredients to the side knowing it would take less time when you felt a pair of strong arms make their away around your waist and felt someone's chin on your shoulder.
"You got cloves honey. You need nutmeg" He placed a kiss on your cheek, grabbing the cloves and placing them into the spice cabinet, pulling out nutmeg. "Is there a difference?"
"Of course there is! I don't know it but you use nutmeg in eggnog, honey, not cloves." Frank stood next to you, grabbing the carton of eggs. "Can I separate the eggs?" He asked smiling brightly, jumping up and down a little. You smiled up at him, chuckling at his childish antics "Of course you can baby!"
About 10 minutes later you had unusable egg whites with pieces of egg yoke broken into them plus an almost empty carton of eggs. Of course you could just run to the store for more eggs but you had no interest in heading outside during a storm.
"Okay Fraky baby I think maybe I should crack the eggs but you can whip them okay?" He nodded, looking down and backing away from the counter leaving you 5 eggs.
Ones you finished with the eggs you began finishing up the eggnog without any other mishaps. You placed the eggnog into the fridge to let it get cold. You turned to start making the hot coco before Frank stopped you.
"You go put on some soft pajamas I can finish making this!" You went to rebuttal but he had already pushed you into the room you were sharing to let you change. You let out a sigh and pulled on some comfortable clothes along with the hoodie Frank had gotten you.
You walked into the living room and started tending to the fire. You sat down for a moment before you felt a blanket engulf you along with the feeling of being pulled into someone's lap. You felt Frank nuzzle into your neck, smiling.
"Merry Christmas honey"
"Merry Christmas baby"
-My oh my does this boy love Christmas
-During campfire this boy will sing ALL the Christmas songs
-He also helps decorate around the camp
-He also really likes picking out Christmas trees
-Wears what he says are "really nice looking" sweaters...because sure they are
-Will also replaces the lollipops from his candy jar with candy canes
-He will scold you if you eat to much cookie dough
-Will also force you, and a bunch of others, to take vitamins during the winter
- "I don't want you getting sick!"
-"Fine I'll take them!"
-"But remember to take them everyday because if you forget to take one day then you'll forget like three days then you'll never take-"
-Kissing him gets him to shut up don't worry
-When he makes eggnog he makes sure that the eggs are pasteurized, so there's no chance of salmonella
-Also this sneaky son of a god will take you to places that he has hung mistletoe to get kisses
-He would definitely get you a music instrument he helped customize  
You watched pearlescent puffs of smoke left your mouth, fading into the dark sky. You shivered as a cold wind hit, taking another sip of your hot coco.
Chiron rarely let it snow in camp, preferring to keep camp on the nicer side so everyone could train, save from the times he lit it rain. But today was a special occasion, Christmas eve.
You watched as Will stood in front of the camp, with his siblings, singing jingle bell rock a dopy grin on his face. Sure he looked a little tired, he had been working more than normal due to cold and flue season along with helping decorate camp, but over all he looked bright and happy.
You let out a cold sigh, pulling the hoodie Will had given you closer to your body. You stood up heading to the table with more hot coco, the song in the background had changed to some other song.
You were poring yourself another cup of coco when you felt a warm pair of arms around your waist, pulling you flush agents someone's chest. A small chuckle came from your lips as you put down the cup of coco, placing your arms over Wills.
"You feel cold." He placed a kiss on the nape of your neck, nuzzling there for a second before resting his chin on your shoulder. "It's cause it's cold dumb dumb" you ruffled his hair, glancing at him for a moment seeing a small pout on his lips. "You sounded good up there." You said turning around, plopping a handful of marshmallows into your drink.
"Thanks but I got a bit tired, plus I wanted to hang out with my adorable s/o, who I haven't seen all day." He placed a quick kiss on your forehead "You took your vitamins today right? I know you forget sometimes so I just wanted-" you cut him off with a kiss "yes yes mother I took my vitamins."
"Good " he smiled, lacing his fingers with yours, kissing you again "That hot chocolate is good I should get a cup" he turned around, his fingers still with between yours. "Your fingers are really cold." He looked over at you while poring a cup for himself.
"C'mon" he started pulling you towards the infirmary "Why?" He looked at you for a second before sighing and letting out a small chuckle, a smile decorating his face "We're getting you some gloves and an extra coat I left in the infirmary. C'mon"
Will walked ahead of you leading you to the infirmary. The breeze hit you like a knifes, hugging yourself to keep warm. "(Y/n) c'mon. It's really getting cold out" you looked up to see the open door to the infirmary, Will's voice calling from somewhere inside.
You stepped in, closing the door "Where are you?" you asked, dusting off the small bit of snow that you hadn't even noticed to have fallen. "In the back, hold on a sec I'm grabbing two jackets for us."
You sat on a waiting chair for a moment before Will's candy jar, filled with candy canes caught your eye. You smiled, standing up from your seat, quickly grabbing a candy cane and popping it in your mouth.
"Alrighty I got- Hey those aren't for you (n/n). You have already stolen half a jar." Will laughed as he watched you eat the candy cane. "What can I say they're delicious." You flashed him a smile, only to be crushed in a giant coat. "Don't want my sunspot getting cold now do I?"
You pulled the jacket around yourself and watched as Will do the same. He grabbed your hand pulling you out of the infirmary only to stop in the door way.
"Will what is it?" He smiled, pointing up towards a bundle of mistletoe. "Time for a kiss. It's tradition" he smiled brightly, placing his hands on your cheeks. You pouted, crossing your arms "You did that on purpose." Will laughed, pecking you all around your face "hmm maybe but are you gonna complain?
Magnus: -Boy hasn't had a real Christmas in so long
-so when you're like "CHIRSTMAS!!!"
-He's like lowkey uncomfortable
-But he does get over it
-He kinda doesn't like Christmas songs that much
-Mostly because Jack sings them 24/7 for like 2 months straight
-If he hears Jingle bells one more time he will loose it
-He LOVES hot coco, egg nog, cookies, pretty much any food really
-But he sucks at making them
-ngl Christmas with him will be stressful but hella fun
-He SUCKS at ice skating
-Like this boy has no coordination or center of balance
-Falls every like 5 seconds
-Promise him some hot coco after
-Jack laughs at him after falling so many times
-For a present I think he'd make you matching bracelets with stuff he has collected on the hikes you guys have gone on
-He's saved a few things from each one, for the memories so he makes a bracelet out of them for you  
-I'm very series when I say that he straight up cherishes the little things he has saved
~~~Scenario~~~(If you're bad at skating....Shhhh)
You looked over to Magnus to see him struggling with tying the laces of his skates. You let out a chuckle before bending down and swatting his hands away. "How do you suck at tying your laces?" Jack's voice could be heard from above you, Magnus blushed "Shut up! The strings are really long! You don't even know how to tie laces!"
You laugh in amusement, looking over to see a few people watching Magnus in bewilderment. You tapped his shoes indicating you were done and he could stand. You stood up in front of Magnus, waiting for him to join you.
He shakily got up, grabbing onto you for support. "This isn't gonna be some cheesy romance movie scene about ice skating is it?" You laughed only to be cut off my Jack "OoOoOoO If It was I could serenade you to!-"
"NO" you both stumble slightly as Magnus yelled. Rolling your eyes you pulled Magnus towards the ice, stepping on was a bit hard as he refused to let go of you but he eventually let go, replacing you with a wall. "Magnus you have to let g-"
"No way! I'm gonna fall straight on my ass if I let go!" He continued to inch further along the wall as you stood still, watching him. About 3 minute later you got bored and decided it was time to take a lap or two around the ring.
"(Y/N)! Where are you going?" Magnus looked up to see you about 10 feet away from him. You turned around in time to see him fall straight onto his chest. "I was just gonna do a lap or two. I'll be back in a minute enjoy your date with the wall." You winked at him, wiggling you fingers, before skating up ahead more.
During the two laps you did you watch Magnus fall a bunch more times, he did at least try to get off the wall a few times, before fall straight on his ass and hanging to the wall again. You sighed, skating up next to him.
"Give me your hands" He looked up at you shaking his head rapidly like a child "no way I-"
"Oh my GODS Magnus just do it I'm trying to help you!" He pouted at being yelled at for a second then put his hands in yours. You pulled him away from the wall, his legs shook as he tried to stay balanced.
"Bend your legs, yeah like that. Have your feet kinda go diagonal, no the other way" He continued to wobble a little. A few minutes later Magnus was able to stand for a little on his own, he didn't get very far, but he could do it.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! LOOK IM DOING IT!" He waved over at you, even though you were a few feet away, causing him to fall. He groaned, rubbing the side of his jaw. You went up to him, bending down to his level. "Oh no Maggie, my baby! Are you okay?"
He pouted again, moving to sit normally. "Maggie?" He didn't move her look at you "If you continue to sit like that your pants are gonna get wet." Magnus's eyes widened before he scrambled trying to stand up, only to fall hard on to his hands, letting out a soft whimper.  
"Can we please go get hot coco now?" He stood up more cautiously, nursing his hurt wrist as he leaned agents the wall. Your eyes widened in realization that he was actually hurt. You skated to him, lacing your fingers with his. "Of course we can Maggie. We can even go to that cute little bakery we passed by on our way here and get freshly baked cookies! How does that sound?"
Magnus smiled and kissed you on the cheek "that sounds amazing."
"...can we get falafels after?"
-Again he doesn't really know what Christmas is
-Like he knows around winter people start buying stuff more and he sees trees, being sold but he doesn't understand why
-he's never really asked. Of course he's seen stuff advertised for Christmas so he makes the connection that they are connected
-So when you find out he hasn't had a Christmas like...ever you have to break that
- "here wear this!"
-"Because it's festive c'mon! "
-You end up dressing him up like one of Santa's elfs and he feels really silly
-He's also lowkey offended when he sees what elf's look like in Santa world
-"This isn't accurate at all. Why are they all so happy and nice?"
-Helps decorate Blitzen's shop and the apartment
-Still doesn't understand the tree though
-"But....why a tree?"
-"I don't know babe but it's festive so come on!"
-He sucks at making cookies, its the sad truth
-He isn't good at picking presents lol
-He'd get you something you had been wanting for a while, a book or something
-Also would ask Blitz to help him make you a matching scarf
You walked into the apartment you shared with your boyfriend and best friend, the bag on your shoulder holding presents for the two. You kicked your shoes off and took of your jacket as you walked into the living room. A box of Christmas decorations was left waiting to be opened as you looked over to see the boys setting up the tree all three of you picked out.
"Hey!" your voice alerted Blitzen who turned around and saw you in the entrance "welcome back how was your shopping?" you sighed, shrugging your shoulders "It was alright I might have found a thing or two." The smile on your face gave away the bluff but Blitz laughed and rolled his eyes, walking into the kitchen to get a drink.
You walked up behind Hearth, hugging him around his middle, barring your face in his back. He tensed up for a second before turning around and seeing you. He smiled and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Hi sweetheart" he smiled at you, wrapping his arms around your frame and nuzzling your neck. After a few seconds you pulled away from him "Did you guys wait to decorate the tree?" Hearth nodded before pointing at the kitchen. "We also waiting to make cookies."
You turned around in Hearth's arms to see the ingredients of chocolate chip cookies and gingerbread waiting to be prepared. You kissed Hearth on the cheek before tapping his hands to let you go. Reluctantly he agreed letting his hands drop, only for you to grab one and pull him into the kitchen.
~~~time skip because shhhh~~~~
Hind sight you probably shouldn't have left Hearth by himself to make the cookie batter, but It was almost lunch and all three of you were hungry so you and Blitz went out to grab lunch and come back. Maybe on the way you bought Santa hats which delayed you but you didn't think about what could happen!
So Hearthstone stood in front of you, covered in flour, cookie batter in hand, the kitchen somehow relatively clean. Next to you Blitzen looked like he was about to die from laughter as you continued to stair at Hearth, your mouth a gap.
"What happened?" you slowly signed at him, still in slight disbelief. He blushed and put down the bowl , freeing up his hands "You said to follow the instructions, but I didn't know what a teaspoon was and then I spilled the flour on myself." Hearth stared at you for a for more seconds before you took a deep breath and grabbed his hand.
"Hey Blitz can you start up a new batch? I'm gonna get him cleaned up" Blitz nodded, still looking like he was holding in laughter, as you pulled Hearth into your shared room.
"Hearth go take a shower and I'll put your clothes in the wash, I'll also leave out some more clothes to change into alright?"  He nodded, blushing deeply still "I'm sorry about ruining the cookies"  you laughed, waving him off "No it's alright, Blitz is making a new batch now, just get yourself cleaned up."
You walked into the kitchen and started helping Blitzen make the cookies.
Ten minutes later Hearthstone walked back into the living room area, clad in a Christmas jumper and comfy pants you had set out for him. You walked up to him, kissing him on the cheek "You look cute now come here" he followed you to the kitchen bar stools, where you sat down and held a bit of cookie dough in front of him "You can have some it's really good."
After finishing up rolling out the cookies, and eating more dough then you should have, Blitzen popped them into the oven. You turned to Hearth "We can start decorating the apartment in a few minutes if you want" he nodded, pulling you into his lap, hugging you.
"Do you guys always have to be so lovey dovey?"
"Just wait till I hang mistletoe"
Alex: (I feel like I got Alex's characterization wrong for the scenario so I'm sorry about that :/)
-Alex hasn't really had a 'normal' Christmas even before being kicked out on the streets
-His/her parents were terrible to her/him
-So I doubt Alex has a really good Christmas
-But Alex still really likes the season
-Will do makeup with a green and read theme at least ones
-Also I feel like if there was a ugly sweater party on floor 19 Alex will straight up in a sweater dress that ISN'T ugly
- "Alex the theme was ugly sweater!"
- "I look hot as hell I'm not changing!"
-Never leave Alex alone if you guys make cookies together be s/he will eat ALL of the cookie batter
-You can't even get away with the 'You're gonna get sick!' because...
- "We're both dead"
-Also really loves hot coco
-drinks to much ngl
-and burns his/her tongue
- "Oh no I burned my tongue will you kiss it better" (Did I just use that twice? yes leave me alone)
- Will also hang up mistletoe and makes a big show of it if s/he get's stuck with someone other than you
- "I have to kiss T.J??? Why???? Oh Gods??? WHYY???"
- *T.J. legit just trying to go get lunch* "...But why"
-Will be even more extra if you get stuck with someone else under the mistletoe
-if you do you better hope to the GOD'S it isn't Magnus
-Drag him/her away before s/he get's into a real fist fight
-S/he will take you on a slay ride
-Just because I think that Alex is secretly a hopeless romantic
-I could see him/her giving you two gifts
-Just because floor 19 opens gifts together and s/he doesn't want the others to know how whipped s/he is for you
-One gift, the gift s/he gives to you in front of the others, is probably something kinda mundane, a sweatshirt or something
-The one s/he gives you in private is actually really romantic
-It's a locket with a picture of the two of you, both your names in graved  
~~~Scenario~~ (he/him pronouns)
The sound of freshly fallen snow crunching under your boots as the sound of bells filled your ears. This place was quite beautiful, the pretty fairy lights strung up, the snow covered trees, the bonfire crackling behind you made you feel quite relaxed. Before you could get lost anymore in thought Alex tapped you on the shoulder.
"Hey where'd you float off to?"  You looked over your shoulder to see Alex, two cup of something steaming in his hands, bundled up in warm clothes.
"no where just thinkin'" Alex hummed handing you one of the cups. "Where did you hear about this place Alex?" Alex only smiled, placing a delicate kiss on your cheek.  "Why don't we keep that a secret." He winked at you, placing his arms around your waist.
"So you still haven't told me what we're doing here." You looked over your shoulder at him, a playful smile on his lips. He grabbed your hand and started walking towards the cabin that you both had walked through to get to this area.
Ones you both got into the cabin Alex guided you out of the front door where a burly looking man with a white beard stood in front of a wooden sled 6 deer at the front.
You looked over at Alex, mouth a gap, you where about to say something when the man cut you off "Ride for Alex to the frozen pond?"
"Yup!" He smiled brightly popping the p. The man nodded his head, heading to the front of the slay while Alex held your hand, helping you into the slay "my dear your chariot awaits" he said in a mockingly fancy tone. "Alex this is a slay." You laughed while climbing into the seat.
"Oh hush I'm trying to be romantic!" He climbed in next to you, cuddling into your side. You sat there for a few seconds before the slay began moving, almost sending you forward, only for Alex to grab you around your waist and pulling you towards him.
"You really are a klutz huh?" He laughed, rubbing his nose agents the side of his face. "Oh shut it" you smacked his hand causing him to laugh. After a few moments the slay went into a trail in the woods decorated with lights and ice sculptures, the freshly fallen snow decorating the trees.
You looked at the scenery in amazement "Alex isn't this so breath taking!" You smiled pointing at the tree that looked like it had ice drops hanging from the leaves. "Yeah it is" his voice sounded airy a light, you didn't even notice he wasn't looking at the forest.
~~~haha look another time skip~~~
The sun was already setting as the slay slowed down stopping at a clearing in front of a frozen over pond, a hot fire crackling with benches that looked freshly cut from wood.
Alex hopped out the side, holding his hand out to help you down. He scurried over to the fire, taking a log bench that was a bit more secluded yet still kept warm by the fire. "Other people will be here later but I wanted to be here first!"
You nodded at him, slipping your hand in is, bringing both your hands into your pocket. You leaned your head on his shoulder and began talking about random things a book you were reading, a new pot Alex was planning on making, killing your floor mates. That is until an interesting topic came up.
"What do you mean this is like your first 'real' Christmas?" You looked at Alex as he shuffled closer to you "Well I never really had a 'real' Christmas back with my family, then I was on the streets and everything and since being in Valhalla we've been kinda busy"
You looked at him shocked "If you told me I would have gotten you something more special!" He waved you off, kissing you on the cheek. "No no it's fine really." He pulled his hand away from yours, moving them to your face.
"I'm just happy to spend my first 'real' Christmas with you."
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Hi i see your last post and i wanna say one thing....am i the only one who found some aspects of HoO a little bit annoying? I mean, in almost every POV everyone was always literally like "Percy's so cool so powerful so amazing so pretty so perfect wanta him i wanna be him" YEAH I GET IT. I GET IT. Percy is amazing in various ways but he can be it whitout remember us this in every single page. Seriously, i hate how Riordan made him so idolatrized by other characters and then people like Leo and Nico (especially Nico) so ostracized for dumb reasons. I know he did that for a reasons but i would still whish same dynamics written with a major depth.
I don't know... I feel like the biggest issue with so many characters is that we didn't get to really enjoy them in depth. You know how M*rvel movies like Avengers Infinity War has so many characters it's like some people only get 2 minutes of screentime? It felt kinda like that
We got 5 books just from Percy's pov. We haven't gotten that from anyone else besides Apollo.
If anything, I almost wish in the moments we got Percy's pov in HoO that he really leaned into "I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm really messing everything up. Oh gods did i have blue icing in my hair the whole time giving the crew that inspiring speech why didn't Annabeth tell me??"
Like Percy saying the exact opposite of what everyone thinks of him.
Hazel thinks, "Wow Percy is such a natural leader. Even just standing there he looks so calm and collected"
And Percy is like, "if anything bad happens in the next 5 minutes I will explode the toilets again i swear to gods"
Because particularly in the original pjo, Percy is extremely self-deprecating and lowkey suicidal at times. We didn't get as much of that side of him in HoO. Maybe that's because he felt more confident this time around after defeating Kronos and he could focus his energy more on Annabeth and guiding others, but still. Percy doesn't see himself as a hero. It would've been cool for him to have that conversation with some of the people who saw him as this near-invincible powerful godlike person
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I don't understand the Prophecy of the seven
The prophecy of the seven isn't new, it's been foretold for years but suddenly its happening now.
Unlike the first Great prophecy, which was pretty self explanatory as to who it was about. Percy was the child of of the eldest God's who reached 16 despite everything going on, saw Manhattan asleep. And Luke's broken promise cursed Annabeth's blade which was used to kill him and Kronos. This being the decision that would either destroy or preserve Olympus.
That's good writing, very Chekovs gun and makes sense. It feels like a complete story.
But the Prophecy of the seven just refers to 7 half bloods. Which could be absolutely anyone, Infact some Roman demigod believed it was him years ago.
And no offence to the seven I love them very much but they are kinda... Eh...
Percy is Percy and also plot.
Annabeth is Annabeth and also plot
Jason is Praetor, son of Jupiter and stuff.
But than you have Piper who's a rich shoplifter without realising it, Frank who yes is a legacy of Poisideon with a cool gift but he's also been decreed to live a short life with it tied to a stick... Soo there's that. Leo who yes has fire powers but he probably maybe traumatised by them, and Hazel who's a cursed Zombie witch.
... Soo not the most promising sounding line up. Especially when you have people who are brand knew to this life with no training. Especially when you have many people who seem more capable like Clarisse.
Honestly just feels like Juno just picked whoever she deemed worthy. Although she did pick em VERY earlier on and even babysat Leo and stuck him in a fire place...
For reasons...? (Also ignoring the ethical stuff he was fireproof soo....why stick him in a fire place?)
Also that means she must've known Percy's parentage if she did have this info... But didn't tell her husband...or anyone that such a thing had happened when to there knowledge Olympus could've been destroyed.
For reasons...?
Also the seven themselves aren't enough to defeat Gaea, Nico and Reyna and play very crucial roles so it's kinda confusing why they weren't included (?)
It honestly just feels like we were given a bunch of hastely thrown together characters and a reason as to why they were important instead of actually allowing us to get to know them, who they are and why they are so important regardless of powers or status...and that because of that they must all get along instead of actually seeing them form bonds and watch em argue over relationships for 5 books...
Wait a sec...
And I gotta say, I love Percy but if he's so amazing and special... And that powerful... Why does he need 5 other demigods (ain't mentioning Annabeth cos she'd be there obviously) to help fight Gaea? At 12 he 1 V 1 Ares... yeah Gaea's a lot stronger than Ares but Percy is very powerful and was actually invincible with the Styx stuff minus that one spot. Could've just added a few godly gifts and streamed that over Hepheastus TV.
Doesn't really make sense why he'd need 5 others to help him. Maybe hold his armour?
But Star they wouldn't be helping him, they are the 7, they are equals in strength and ability and need to unite via the prophecy to defeat Gaea. Percy can't soley defeat Gaea in the same way he couldn't fulfill the last prophecy alone, the reason way the Avengers were formed, they can't defeat her alone because its not enough. It needs to be all of them working together, chosen because they've proven themselves prior to be apart of this. Because they are the strongest demigods of their generation and the fate of the world depends on them.
Said no one...
Well... Cept me cos I did just now.
And if it was said it was most certainly not executed that way. HOO is essentially Percy, Annabeth and... These side kicks.
Haven't even mentioned the whole, no one not even the characters knew who was "to storm of fire the world will fall" "oath to keep with a final breathe" and than Leo is somehow both and dies?
But he doesn't?
And finds a girl friend... Least the series ended with what was the most pressing thing for it.
Anyway now I'm imagining 12 year old Percy to go waltzing into a McDonald's car park to go beat up Gaea...
Also also actually actually... Gaea kills Leo's mum but than doesn't do anything after till HOO? She can do that but giving someone a papercut or a minor injury to get blood from them is too much for her, I get that she's asleep but okay.
Anyway I'm done ranting now 😂 I love HOO but man is it confusing.
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winryofresembool · 3 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 25
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: Halloween aftermath
A/N: Sorry for the wait again! This chapter wanted to become long (for my chapter) so I just couldn't finish it in time. About the future schedule, there won't be another chapter this week but given it's only Tuesday now, I think I may be able to update again Friday next week. Fingers crossed!
Thanks for all the comments again, you guys make me so motivated to continue! ♥ But I won't rant more, now I'll let you know what happens after the cliffhanger of ch 24.
Words: 3,8k+
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / AO3
Calypso woke up with her head banging in pain and a sour taste in her mouth. She also felt like throwing up. What was even worse than that, though, was that she had no idea where she was. She was still wearing a flowy, white dress instead of her pajamas and she didn’t recognize the bed she had slept in. Perhaps the strangest part was that she could hear light snoring from the floor behind the foot of the bed. She sat up on the bed so she could see who caused the sound, panic starting to surge in her veins when she recognized the dark mop of hair under a blanket.
It was Leo, sleeping on a mattress that had been taken from the other side of the double bed she had been sleeping in. What on earth had possessed him to sleep there, Calypso wondered worriedly.
Pulling a cover over her (which, she knew, was silly because obviously Leo had already seen her in her dress earlier) she continued scanning her surroundings and slowly started making some conclusions. This had to be Jason and Piper’s house, where they had stayed the night after the Halloween party. A party. Right. Her last clear thoughts were from the moment when she had seen the two Hunter girls arrive at the party. After that, she remembered vaguely fleeing the room and finding something to drink, and that’s when her memory got really blurry. And that was the truly scary part. She hadn’t been truly drunk even once within the past five years but she did know way too well what had happened the previous time she had done that. The biggest mistake of her life.
Before she allowed her mind to draw any more conclusions, she decided to rise from her bed and check up on Leo. He was still sound asleep and since the blanket had partially fallen off of him, she could see that he was wearing a tank top and boxers, which she took as a good sign. Since they both were at least somewhat clothed, she thought it was quite unlikely that they had crossed the line that she was not ready to cross. But that didn’t mean that nothing had happened.
“Ahem,” she cleared her throat while wrapping the bed cover around her a bit better, trying to make Leo wake up. She needed to do that at least twice more before he finally stirred.
“Wha… Woah!” He yelped with surprise when he realized where he was and with whom, quickly pulling his blanket over his mostly bare legs. “Morning, Sunshine. How are you feeling today?”
The panic had momentarily made Calypso forget about her headache and dizziness but now that Leo reminded her of it, she realized they hadn’t disappeared anywhere. Sitting back on her bed, she sighed.
“I’ve been better, that’s for sure.” She rubbed her forehead for a moment. “The worst part is that I have no idea what happened last night.”
“You… don’t remember any of it?” Leo asked while sitting up, and Calypso thought she could hear a hint of disappointment in his voice.
“I do remember what happened before my first drink,” Calypso clarified. “But not much after that.”
“In that case, I think I can help you fill some gaps,” Leo replied. “If you want to.”
“That would be good.” Calypso tried to undo some knots in her hair with her fingers, sighing with frustration. “Maybe you can start with explaining why we are both here. I mean, in this room. I think Piper and Jason have several extra rooms in their house.”
Leo’s face turned bright red at the implications of Calypso’s question. He had to clear his throat before he managed to answer. “Um… You were really not feeling well last night… And to be honest, some moments you seemed pretty desperate to… I don’t know, it seemed like you were trying to escape from Thalia and Reyna every time they tried to talk to you. So, um, we, as in, me, Piper, Jason, Annabeth and Percy thought that someone should probably keep an eye on you. Just in case. So. I volunteered.”
Calypso wanted to keep Leo distracted so he wouldn’t ask more about Thalia and Reyna so she asked: “But why you, and not for example Piper? She lives here so it would have been easier for her. You could have just driven home and come to pick me up today or something.”
“That’s… that’s true but I felt it was my duty… as your flatmate, of course… to make sure you’re OK,” Leo stuttered. Calypso had a feeling it wasn’t the whole truth but she didn’t push it. “Alright,” Calypso said. “But why were you sleeping in this room? Like I said earlier, there are other places…”
“Ahem,” Leo made a coughing sound again. “That’s because you asked me to stay here. And I’m not lying about that. You can think anything you want about me but I would not do anything without your consent… um, not that any of that has even crossed my mind, gods.”
Even though Calypso was relieved to hear that because it proved that nothing had happened between them, she had to admit to herself that perhaps a tiny part of her was a bit disappointed. Leo’s reply made it sound like he did not have any romantic feelings towards her. Or then he was a liar. Either way, Calypso wasn’t sure what she should think.
“I… asked you to stay with me?” she repeated instead.
“Um, yeah,” Leo replied, his fingers tapping on his blanket absentmindedly. “You said something about nightmares… and I dunno, you just didn’t wanna be alone. Piper asked if you’d like her to stay but… you picked me? I don’t know why.”
There was a long pause before Calypso answered. Maybe it was her dizzy head making her make decisions she usually wouldn’t, but she thought there was no reason to deny it anymore. Feeling the warmth on her cheeks, she finally replied: “That’s because – I hate myself for this, but - you… you mean more to me than her.”
“I… what?” Leo frowned, looking like he was wondering if he had heard right.
Calypso sighed deeply and hid her face into her hands. She hated how fast her heart was racing in that moment. “I’ve been trying to deny that for several weeks now, but… I guess the drunk me was more honest than what I usually am.”
Leo crossed his arms, inching closer to Calypso on his mattress so he could look at her directly. “But… but… what does it mean? I mean, I do have an idea because I’m not an idiot even if I seem like one – but I need to hear it from you.”
“Leo Valdez, it means I like you! In a very non flatmate like way! There, are you happy now?” Calypso’s voice started cracking and she felt like she was on the verge of tears.
“Of course I am!” He exclaimed, almost jumping up from his mattress. “I think I’ve had a crush on you ever since you got mad at me for smashing your table!”
Calypso’s mouth opened in surprise. “You… have? But… how?”
“When you got mad at me that time, I saw some fire in your eyes. Like, OK, I’m gonna admit that you looked hot from moment one but I didn’t care about that. I didn’t,” he repeated when Calypso looked at him skeptically. “I know a lot of girls who kinda remind me of you with their shiny long hair, perfect eyelashes, et cetera, but many of them are the type of people who used to laugh at me at high school. And I mean, not in a good way. But when I saw that fire, somehow I was convinced that you were different. You have just the kind of spunk that I like and you’re not afraid to call me out when I deserve it – but you’re still fair and don’t judge the book by its cover. Fine, of course I was worried I was wrong and you wouldn’t forgive me for that mistake. But, somehow, this one time, I was right. And I only got more convinced as I learned to know you better.”
“Leo…” Calypso was starting to lose the fight against the tears.
Leo looked extremely worried when he realized she was crying. “What? I thought you’d be happy to hear that? I like you – you apparently like me for whatever crazy reason – what’s the problem?”
Calypso tried to brush off the tears from her face before answering, her eyes sparkling with frustration. “The problem is that you just made this – what I should do – a hundred times harder! If… if you hadn’t answered to my feelings, I could have just tried to accept that and eventually moved on. But… how are we going to live with this knowledge, live under the same roof… when nothing can happen?!”
Leo started to freak out. “What do you mean ‘nothing can happen’? Calypso, could you please finally be clear with me? Why did you just confess your feelings and then say… that?”
Calypso didn’t miss that Leo used her full first name, a thing he did quite rarely. Her voice was still a bit hoarse when she answered:
“Alright. I have plenty of reasons but here’s the first one: In the past… I’ve had nothing but unsuccessful relationships. I may have been really young back then, but it made me doubt myself, Leo. Several guys I really liked - and I imagined they liked me back - told me some big words… only to run to their ‘real’ girlfriends at the first possible opportunity. You’d probably say ‘but that was many years ago, screw those guys’!”
“Damn right, I would!” Leo exclaimed, slamming his fist on the floor next to him to emphasize his point.
“… And I wish it was that simple but it isn’t.” Calypso shook her head. “There’s more to that story than I care to explain right now. And then I met Percy a couple of years later and thought that maybe I’d be ready to try again. Well, you know what happened. It did not work out and I decided that when I’d finally have my freedom… I mean, when I’d move out and start my studies, I would make sure that I really am ready for a relationship before starting one. And I’m sorry, but… I don’t think I’m quite there yet. I want to learn to love myself before… you know.”
Leo finally stood up from his mattress and sat down next to her on the bed, not even caring about the fact that he was still wearing only a thin tank top and boxers anymore.
“I guess I can understand that,” he said, spontaneously taking her hand into his as a comforting gesture. “I’m no stranger to self doubt.”
“Then I guess we have that in common…” Calypso sighed, allowing Leo’s hands to remain on hers. “However… that’s not the only reason why I think it would not be a good idea.”
“What else is there?” Leo asked.
Calypso looked down at their intertwined hands sadly. “Well… I think I’ve told you my father is not the nicest of guys… But the truth is, I left home without his consent or knowledge. So, he’s probably looking for me right now. And if he does find me, I don’t know what will happen. I may have to go back. And I definitely don’t want him to find out about you. He has money and a lot of power and he’s capable of ruining anyone’s life if he wants to. He’d probably blame you for hiding me and have you arrested or something… It would break me if something happened to any of you, because of me.”
“Why… Why haven’t you told this to me before?” Leo’s grip on her hand tightened slightly and even though Calypso didn’t dare to look into his eyes, she imagined that they were burning in anger like she had seen a couple of times before.
Calypso rubbed her forehead tiredly with her free hand. “Because… what would you do in that situation?! I’d arrive at your home and introduce myself: ‘hey, I’m Calypso, your new flatmate, and by the way, I’m running away from my father who may or may not have kept me as a hostage for several years, but yeah, nice to meet you!’”
“A hostage?” Leo was practically growling now.
“Well… “ Calypso was suddenly hesitant, realizing she had revealed more than intended. “I was allowed to go to places… sometimes… but never alone… And I was homeschooled so… I did spend a lot of time at home… but we had a huge mansion… So it wasn’t like I was trapped in a basement or something…”
“But that doesn’t make it any more right!” Leo was almost yelling now. “I want to do something, I want to let people know what kind of person he is so he can’t keep doing that to you or anyone else anymore!”
“Leo, you can’t!” Calypso squeezed his hand, finally looking up at him. “Do you know how dangerous that would be?! And I swear, with his money he would only make the police go quiet about the whole situation… The main thing is that I’m here, right now, and relatively safe. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe he doesn’t care where I am. I don’t know what he’s thinking, to be honest.”
Leo was quiet for a while, breathing heavily and fiddling with the bed covers. “Well… Fine, I’ll let that be, for now. But I swear to gods, or the River Styx, or whatever the hell those ancient Greeks used to swear on, that if he does something to you, I will not let it be anymore. I… and I think I can speak for all of our friends, that we all… will make sure that he will go down with a bang.”
Leo’s comment about the ancient Greeks managed to cheer Calypso up a bit. “You sound like you would physically fight him. And how exactly would you do that?” she asked. “With your tools?”
“That’s not a bad idea!” Leo exclaimed, getting into his fantasies. “I would definitely bring my trusty hammer. Or, I could build a…”
“Hey, now, I was not being serious! But you sound like you are,” Calypso stopped him by putting a finger on his lips. “I absolutely don’t want you to do anything where you could get hurt.”
“Me? Getting hurt? That’s unheard of,” Leo attempted to joke once Calypso removed her finger from his lips.
“Alright, now you’re not being serious. Didn’t you once tell me that you joke especially when you’re nervous?” Calypso remembered one of their earlier conversations.
Leo’s smirk disappeared. “Want me to be honest? I’m not great at the feelings stuff. But I just heard you tell me that you like me. For a moment I was like: ‘hey, for once the chick you like likes you back, maybe this could work out’. And then you told me that apparently your father is some kind of psycho who is still controlling you, his adult daughter. I am glad that you told me about all this but you can’t expect me to stay calm when someone I care about is in danger. You wouldn’t stay calm either, would you?”
Calypso shook her head. “No. You’re right. I would also want to help you. And I really am sorry, I wish things were different and we could… Maybe one day. That’s all I can say.”
Leo sighed and ran his free hand through his hair. “OK. I get it.”,
A silence fell into the room as they both tried to take in what had just happened. Some automatic reaction made Calypso lean her head against Leo’s shoulder as if she was trying to tell him with the touch that she really was sorry. She was thankful he did not shift away. Eventually, she asked:
“So… tell me more about last night. Did I embarrass myself badly?”
“Naah…” Leo lied at first, a smile returning to his face as he remembered some of the things that had happened.
“You just flinched,” Calypso noted. “I felt it. You’re totally lying.”
“Fine. It was pretty funny when you had a karaoke duet with Piper and were too drunk to be able to read the lyrics from the screen so you came up with the words yourself. And at one point you just suddenly switched to Greek and none of us could understand what you were saying. But it wasn’t that bad. And even drunk your voice was kinda impressive. And your dance moves were definitely better than mine.”
“Wait, what? I danced too? Gods, please tell me no one filmed that,” Calypso asked, horrified.
“I can promise no such thing!” Leo grinned, and Calypso stopped leaning her head against him, instead elbowing him on the ribs. “Ow! I’m just joking! I don’t know if Piper got any photo material of that but I was busy dancing with you so I didn’t have time to film anything. Promise.”
“Alright. Sorry.” She lowered her head on his shoulder again.
“Guess we’ll have to hunt down Piper after this,” Leo said with amusement before recalling something. “Anyway, something kinda weird happened too. Like I said, it really seemed like you were trying to avoid Reyna and Thalia and I have no idea why. Every time they got close, you were like ‘gotta get a drink’ or ‘let’s go dance’ or ‘bathroom break’. I’m not even sure if you greeted them. Can you explain that?”
“I… uh,” Calypso tried to come up with something that she wouldn’t have to tell the whole story. “My half sister Zoë… She used to be a Hunter. But she died some years ago. An accident. I think those two probably knew her and… the wound is still too deep so I didn’t want to have to talk about her. It would have ruined everyone’s night.”
“I’m sorry,” Leo said, causing chills in Calypso’s back by running his thumb on the palm of her hand. “I had no idea... Feels like I’m learning a lot more about you now than I have the past few months…” “I probably should have told you about that earlier… So I’m sorry too.”
Leo bit his lip as if he was struggling to decide something. “If it makes you feel any better… I know how it feels to lose someone important. My mum. She died in a fire. Yeah, the fire that started my fear,” Leo confirmed Calypso’s suspicions. “She was the only family I had and after that I went from home to home and no one wanted to keep me… Sometimes I ran away too… That kept going until Emmie and Jo finally found me. It… doesn’t really get easier, but somehow… you still learn to live with it. Because you have to.”
“Yeah. I know the feeling. But if you have to find something positive out of this situation… at least we’re safe now. And we’re not alone, right? That’s what they’d want for us, right?” Calypso sounded a bit unsure, though.
“Yeah. You’re right.” They stayed quiet for a while, but this time the silence was comforting. Finally, Leo decided to break it, in his typical way.
“No offense, Cal, but you could use a shower. For all of our sake.”
Calypso quickly sat farther from him. “Oh my gods, Leo, that is so not appropriate, especially in a situation like this! What’s wrong with you?”
Leo put his hands up defensively. “Was just trying to be honest! The alcohol and the throwing up did not do good to you.” “Geez, I hate you,” Calypso mumbled.
“That’s fine because I hate you too,” Leo claimed.
“Not what you said a moment ago,” Calypso retorted.
“I could say the same back at you.”
Suddenly both Leo and Calypso burst out laughing, needing to release the tension the whole conversation had created. Calypso didn’t remember when she had last laughed that long or hard but she didn’t care, it simply felt right in that moment. When she and Leo finally calmed down, she said quietly:
“Maybe we are idiots, both of us.”
“Maybe. But normalcy is not for me. I learned that a while ago.”
“Same, to be honest.”
Calypso and Leo’s eyes met. Some barriers had been broken that day and even though there was still a lot of work to do, Calypso realized that it had felt good to talk to Leo. He hadn’t judged or questioned, at least not in the way she had expected. He had seemed to accept that she’d come out of her shell with her own terms. Something about it all just felt so right, and when she remembered that he had also admitted he liked her back… she decided it was time to get a bit crazy. Screw the consequences, if they couldn’t enjoy this moment, then what could they enjoy? That’s why she let her hand brush his cheek before resting it in his hair, gently lifting his chin with her other hand so he’d know her intentions…
“Do you think… we could forget about the stupid rules just for a moment?” She asked, resting her forehead on his.
“I think I’m down with that,” Leo smiled at her softly (Calypso didn’t like admitting it but that soft smile never failed to get to her).
They closed their eyes and started leaning even closer, but just when their lips were about to meet, the door opened. The couple quickly separated when Piper peeked in.
“I heard some laughter from here so I thought I’d come to check…” Then she noticed their expressions. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt!”
“Didn’t interrupt anything,” Leo mumbled, although it was quite clear from his voice he was disappointed.
“Yeah, no worries,” Calypso tried to reassure her as well, although her eyes seemed to be interested in a wrinkle on her dress.
“OK…” Piper wasn’t at all convinced but she didn’t comment on it more. “Well, I just wanted to tell you that we have breakfast downstairs. Whenever you’re up to it.”
“Yeah, we’ll be there in a minute! Just let me… clean up a bit.” Calypso exclaimed, getting up and starting to head to the closest bathroom. Leo also got up from the bed and started pulling on the clothes he had had under his costume the previous day.
“See you soon then,” Piper said, leaving the very flustered couple to get prepared for the day. Calypso could imagine that she and Jason would probably get good laughs from this once she and Leo would leave.
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renatogpadilla · 3 years
FFVI as a D&D Campaign:
OK, so I've been watching "Critical Role" (Campaign 1, Episode 31, no spoilers!) a LOT lately and it got me thinking how FFVI (arguably the BEST "Final Fantasy" game out there) is essentialy that. The biggest moments could be atributted to CRAZY rolls! I can see each of the characters being played by one of the people at the table! * Marisha as Terra Branford: Would be phenomenal. Her mentality is kinda in-line with Keyleth's. The "Kill Their Own Emotions" moment in the boat shakes the table as a whole. And when it's time to run an orphanage and protect her kids from Humbaba, the emotion in her voice destroys everyone in the Party. The "Mama?" moment becomes the most fan-arted moment for her character until the final fight. Her Trance ability is agreed to be the coolest looking skill at the table. To say nothing of the way she'd react to the whole Slave Crown bussiness!
Matt: "She killed 50 imperial soldiers in a few minutes." Marisha, and the whole table: *S H A K I N G*
* Taliesin as Locke Cole: "Treasure Hunter!" every single time somebody calls him a thief or a rogue. The "Rachel" story would be absolutely heartbreaking with Taliesin's expressions. The solo-sneak through the town while meeting Celes would be one of the highlights of the Campaign... That and his frienship with Terra would only be accentuated by Taliesin's and Marisha's irl friendship. Not to mention him puking on the ship would serve as some comedic timing straight out of "Critical Role"! Also, "That bow looks good on you" LAUNCHES the ship to heights undreamt of.
* Sam as Edgar Figaro: I mean, COME ON! IT WRITES ITSELF! Besides, it would be enjoyable to see him use his -Artificer- Machinist abilities as creatively as he does! Can you IMAGINE him rolling high enough one day and then he just creates the Noiseblaster? And with that he pulls out the microphone every time he uses it and proceeds to shout some thing Scanlan would be proud of... Not to mention his friendship with Sabin would be amazing if played by Sam! "The little shrimp has become a mighty Lobster!" You can HEAR Sam Riegel's voice come out of that! And the two headed coin? Now THAT's a Scanlan! This without mentioning the violations of the Geneva Convention that the Bioblaster would certainly entail...
* Laura as Celes Chere: I mean, OBVIOUSLY. Meeting Locke in the dungeon? The apparent betrayal? THE OPERA HOUSE?! "I'm a former General, not some... Opera floozy!" TELL ME you don't hear Laura Bailey saying that! And then she rolls a Natural 20 on performance and EVERYONE looses their shit! Her Runic ability is the target of MANY close saves. Also, the way Locke and Celes' interactions happen, she'd be perfect opposite Taliesin. The chat on the bridge in Albrook? HEARTSTOPPING. The attempted suicide? You KNOW Matt would call the sesion there!
* Travis as Sabin Figaro: This one was obvious. Monk/Barb that gets mistaken for a bear, and acts like an absolute teddy bear around Terra? Yes. Gods above, YES. "You think a tiny thing like the end of the world was going to be enough to keep me down?" You heard Grog too, right? The moments would be worth MILLIONS. The Opera house and Travis going "Why is everyone singing?" and then getting more and more into it! Him holding up the house for Celes! "MISTER THOU"... But best of all, and probably the single most famous Sabin moment EVER, The Phantom Train:
Matt: The train tracks suddenly lurch to the side. Even after this long and hard-fought battle it seems *chukles* it seems this train isn't letting you get away with your lives. That brings us to you, Travis! Travis, on his 5000 IQ shit: I grapple the train.
Entire Table: ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS?!?!
Matt: No way in hell are you gonna- You know what? Roll for it. *Picks up dice for the Train* Taliesin: He's dead. He's so fucking dea-
Travis: NATURAL 20.
Entire Table: *Silent disbelief, everyone looks at Matt*.
Matt: *Also in disbelief* ...Rolled a 1.
Entire Table: *Inintelligeble gasping and hyperventilating*
Travis: I'm going to use my last Blitz as Meteor Strike and suplex the Train!
Matt: *Looking at the sheet, knowing damn well what's about to happen* Go ahead and roll for damage...
Travis: *Rolls for damage*
Matt: *Braces for impact* How do you wanna do this?
Entire Table and the Internet: *EXPLODES*
The Fanart keeps coming, even YEARS after the Campaign is done...
* Liam as Setzer Gabbiani: Since he's LITERALY "Mister Steal Your Girl", I think Liam would be PERFECT. Just imagine him getting set up as this suave and smooth rougue who wanted to kidnap a beautiful singer and then gets Laura instead! (Which isn't entirely wrong...) IMAGINE his expresions and his dissapearing under the table laughing as the others barely climb aboard The Blackjack. THE ENTIRE PARTY giving him shit for a low roll on a Wisdom Check (the double-headed coin) and him segwaying that into joining the party, only to find out that he actually knew all along... Priceless. The total and undistilled heartbreak as his ship falls apart, him trying to reach out for Terra and everyone falling on different places. And then meeting Celes a year later and doing the whole Daryll story... Liam would be the one to steal the audience every time he takes the spotlight! Though he would be a little like Percy in the sense that he doesn't get much to do until his arc happens.
"Money, Money, Money!" every time he throws coins to attack, the loaded dice (in character, not at the table?) and the card throws would make him so stylish in a D&D setting I'll be surprised if somebody hasn't done it already.
* Ashley as Relm Arrowny: She takes forever to join because of her constantly being away for filming, but once she's here? HOO BOY, does the fun keep coming! Her paintings coming alive and helping them fight? Her giving Sam shit for Edgar's love life? "Fuddy-Duddy!" becoming A Thing? All of those moments would be hilarious... But probably her most notorious moment comes when they find her a year later, serving a posessed brush, telling her to paint, paint, paint under the Magic House... "Keep painting until I'm complete..." The party snaps her out of it before she finishes the greatest painting she's ever done, her Magnum Opus, and then the painting coming alive prematurely in order to force her to finish... To give her form. And then the Lakshmi boss fight happens... Matt: And with the last of her strength gone, the banshee-like apparition dissipates into mist, and before any of you can react, Relm's magic brush begins to glow, like it had when you first came in here. The glow slowly creeps off the hairs and darts! Off towards the mistified form of it's mistress, enveloping itself into a thicc layer on top of the mist, swirling around... and around and around.
Ashley: Oh god, now what?
Matt: The colors dissipate, and Lakshmi unleashes a terrible wail! *DM monster noises* As it is now joined with this colorful cloud... And it compresses, smaller and smaller... And more solid until it's not mist anymore.
Marisha: *Gets it* ¡WAIT A MINUTE!
Travis: *Exited* ¡OH SHIT, HOLD ON!
Matt: The fog dissipates... And the calm returns to Relm's senses. Ashley you are now holding an innert, ordinary paint brush. However! Floating in the air, you see a crystal with a small glowing core, the particular essence of Life embeded in the middle, Terra you *points at Marisha* feel this and recognize it instantly, as it falls to the ground, and bounces a couple times... A brand new shard of Magicite.
"Lakshmi" becomes the most PAINFUL fanart to make, and it's ALWAYS the one that's valued the most among the fandom.
The rest of the Party (Strago, Umaro, Mog, Cyan, Gau and GoGo) can be the guests that come over every once in a while (I particualrly see Wil Wheaton as Strago Magus, Mary McGlynn as GoGo and Will Friedle as Clyde "Shadow" Arrowny) with Shadow coming and going with the excuse that "His contract is up" (and let's face it, after surviving/witnessing the Phantom Train? My contract would be up too...) and coming back whenever his schedule/the plot allows. Eventually, everyone comes together for one last session and the battle with God Kefka. Setting their affairs in order, the reveal of who Shadow really is during a lone chat with Strago shakes the Critters to their core. Everything makes sense! Why Interceptor went straight to Relm when they met... Why his nightmares kept showing a village of magic users, yet they never mention Shadow in Thamasa! The group is RATTLED and wether or not he survives at the end becomes a HEATED argument between everyone at the table. Only Strago knows the truth...
The sendoff on The Falcon with everyone saying goodbye and seeing what the World will bring next is regarded as one of the most emotional scenes in "Critical Role" history... But the most completely DESTRUCTIVE force in this entire cast is Matt Mercer as Kefka Palazzo:
The personality... the narrative... The absolute slime in his voice when he poisons Doma. When he kills Leo and brings forth the Light of Judgement. Matt definitely has his moments playing Ultros. He's fun! And Emperor Ghestal was more of a political "Darth Sidious" villain. But Kefka? OH, LORD. NOBODY was ready for Kefka. "Enjoy the barbicue!" gets memed to no end, while also sending a horrible shiver down people's spine whenever somebody brings it up. Truly, the villain to end all villains. I can see it happen so vividly... If anybody wants to talk about this more, PLEASE hit me up! This just feels too good! Until off course the party moves on to their next Campaign in the setting for "Final Fantasy 5" but that's a whole OTHER can of worms!
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moonyeclipses · 4 years
Kaminari Denki hc’s I have (+ basically canon things)
Kami is an extremely affectionate person, he loves making friends and being outgoing towards everyone, and if he knows they’re comfortable he’ll be extremely touchy with them, he’s the type to just grab onto someone like hold their hands or something randomly because he just wants to, other examples are, holding Ojiro’s tail, grabbing onto Bakugo when scared (ova), that one time he put his hand on Kiri’s face to shut him up and then kept it there for a while
Kami has no set music taste! He loves every type and it just depends on how he’s feeling that day, his normal is rock and tends to lean that way but honestly he could listen to anything and enjoy it, other than Jirou he’s probably the person you’d want to go to when it comes to music! Especially if you want playlists, I could picture him being bored and then making everyone in his class + extra friends their own specialized playlist to what he thinks they’d enjoy
He’s bi! Don’t get me wrong he loves women, obviously, but he 100% isn’t opposed to dating a man either, honestly he just kinda wants love (going back to him being very affectionate)
Continuing on that he flirts with everyone, for Girls hes more straight forward like “you look nice today” etc but he’d do it with guys too, “you have the nice face a lot of girls are attracted to” “you were so cool during training today dude! You looked so badass” it’s more subtle but he genuinely means it, and to him, flirting isn’t always romantic either, it’s just, complimenting but with a bit more behind it, if he knew someone were uncomfortable by it he would stop
Speaking of “uncomfortable”, Kami May be a flirt like Mineta but he has morals, he knows consent is sexy 🥴 (JSNDNF sorry-) and the moment someone was like “hey please leave me alone” he would! And also be careful around said person until he can understand the boundaries better!
He is close with Mineta, but not as much as you may think. Kiri and Bakugo are his best friends, but he’s one of the few people who can actually handle Mineta, another being Sero, but Kami also being a flirt, and probably feeling bad if Mineta had no one at all hangs out with him a lot, and is probably the reason Mineta hasn’t pulled off worse stuff (you can tell when it’s the two acting together it isn’t bad, but Mineta alone is when he gets out of hand) (Ex: Kami and Mineta with the cheerleading uniforms, going to the pool, checking the girls out in formal wear vs. mineta climbing the wall to the girls side, peeking through the hole in the wall, almost suggesting something “topless” for girls, and saying he couldn’t wait to see Eri in 10 years) Kami is actually calming him down!
He loves thunderstorms! He can actually sense when there’s one coming just by the electricity in the air. Storms actually fire him up and make him super energized and awake, more hyper than usual. He sometimes likes to lay out on the dorm roof soaking it all in, and unless he tries to take in electricity the lightning won’t strike him
He’s a gamer, and quite a good one at that, Pokémon being his first ever videogame due to the fact a kid when he was a child pointed out he was like Pikachu. The idea that he was like a famous mascot to something made him extremely happy and immediately latched onto the game, now he genuinely enjoys it for what it is and owns every game. He does main in electric types but he loves other Pokémon as well. Mareep is actually his favorite, Pikachu jokes aside.
Despite the low grades he’s actually extremely smart! One of the smartest students in class actually, and this one is confirmed! Kami cant focus Well in class and just didn’t care too much about his grades at the beginning. After he started studying with Momo and stuff he got a set study habit and brought his grades significantly higher
I do HC that Kami has ADHD/Dyslexia, Ojiro’s tail is his current major fidget “toy” to help him focus in class
And despite the dyslexia English is his best subject! He’s one of Present Mic’s best students and secretly enjoys reading a lot, I like to think he usually listens to audiobooks because its hard to focus and read a physical book in front of him but he still tries time to time!
He’s basically as close to Bakugo as Kiri is. Kiri’s the official “equal” to Bakugo’s eyes(meaning strength and ability as well), but Kami is just as much as a FRIEND to bakugo as Kiri is, he’s not so much in the healthy rivalship they have but more so the person to hang out with both of them and- well- be friends lmao
After the concert he continued practicing guitar with Jirou. As a music lover he always wanted to play an instrument but never really thought he could do it, but he saw an opportunity to try and he took it, after realizing he’s actually pretty good at it he continued to practice with her and they have frequent jam sessions
Like how I mentioned hes very outgoing and such, he actively tries to be friends with everyone in 1-A plus a few additional people. He does take time to get to know every single person individually and hang out with them as much as he can. He doesn’t want anyone to be left out and just enjoys having people to talk to
He’s constantly letting out electricity. I like to believe that Kami is just constantly producing electricity in his body and it just keeps building up. Like when he lets out too much as one time, if he holds in too much he can basically combust with extreme power and then short circuit. So to prevent that he’s constantly letting it out, very subtly, if you were to touch him you could feel the slight buzz and the hair on your arm would rise. Another way he does it is by letting it out of his feet, like if he’s walking outside, he releasing the electricity into the ground
He 100% has a Tik Tok, no further comment
He and Mina actually do them together a lot and have tons of followers and likes, they love to film the shenanigans of the Bakusquad
As much as he complains about being a phone charger he actually doesn’t mind it for 3 major reasons (and a few others but these 3 mainly): It helps him let out electricity cause of how it stores up in his body, it gives him time to practice controlling his quirk and letting out a certain amount of wattage, and just cause he loves his friends and doing things for them and it is an easy thing for him to do
Yes he can use his mouth to charge the phones, but ✨germs✨ so he tends not to and the only times he does is when someone annoys him and he wants to get back at them so he grosses them out by sticking their phone in his mouth with the excuse “his hands were too busy”
There’s an emergency generator in the dorms because him causing the power to go out happens more often then you may think
Speaking of which he has multiple triggers on doing so: extremely overwhelmed, scared (someone jump scares him), extremely excited, holding in too much electricity for the day, sometimes it just kinda happens in his sleep (he’s gotten better at that)
He’ll take any dare during truth or dare, my man isn’t a scaredy cat
He goes clothes shopping with Jirou
He can sing! I love the idea he has a really soothing voice but doesn’t feel the need to sing openly at all, so no one knows this, Jirou might tho
He loves onesies and would live in them if he could (currently owns 4: Pikachu, Jolteon, Hamster, Otter)
He’s a Hufflepuff! ����
Going back to his love for reading, his all time favorite series is Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus, I saw someone make a comment about how him seeing demigod kids who have ADHD and Dyslexia as well as powers as strong as his (he’s biased and loves any kid of Zeus/Jupiter, but his favorite is Leo despite that) the whole thing made him feel extremely validated and quickly became obsessed when he first read it
Those are all the ones I can think of atm, but I’ll probably add more in the future
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rcl-stan · 4 years
my (probably controversial) opinions on ships
percabeth: their relationship set the bar so damn high i want what they have 😔 10/10
jasiper: i say jasiper bc everyone argues whether or not it's jasper or jiper and it's a solid combination of the two. tbh their relationship wasn't good. like good while it lasted but if they never broke up i would've been surprised. it was also hella fake, and piper is probably gay let my girl live hera 4/10
frazel: ✨no✨ first of all (here's a side controversial opinion) i don't like frank. don't worry, i absolutely love hazel. second, that age gap? um, chile anyways 👀 sorry if you think that an eighth grader dating a junior in high school is okay, but it's a definite no for me ❤️✨ 0/10
caleo: it's cute, i like how they were a whole "destined to be together" thing and how they both believed they could never find love, but it was rushed. i have a whole long ass headcanon about how i would've done leo and calypso and their love lives better, but that's a post for another day. tbh leo's probably gay tho. the gods were nice to cal 5/10
gruniper: tbh this was the beginning of rickald sticking literally every character in a relationship but i'm happy for grover and they're really cute 7/10
charlena: they're so cute they make my heart soft 🥺 10/10
chrisse: tbh they're also super cute and i really love clarisse not being "just an asshole" like everyone can be loving and compassionate and that's sweet <3 and her saving him from insanity after the labyrinth?? and her getting dating advice she loved him so much?? 🥺👉👈 also i was simping over both of them watching sea of monsters sooo 10/10
solangelo: they're cute but i ship nico w someone else peep the non canon portion. bonus point because i love will solace more than anything and he should be known more than just being nico's bf 8/10
tysella: cute and i like how even monsters can find love but once again just ricks attempt to stick as many characters together as possible like it was so out of the blue PSA it's okay to not feel/want/find love <3 don't let fiction bring you down ily and you're doing fantastic sweetie <3 anyways 5/10
zarter: yes yes yes just YES ugh they're real cute and let me just say the red pyramid/the throne of fire broke my heart but we got back on it 10/10
saltnubus: i- just- what the fAwk 😃 they're the same person ?? i, gIrl eye- chicas it's- ugh let's just get to the rating because words can't describe this ship but numbers can 2/10 (extra points for effort and not dead walt)
Not Canon:
tratie: YES V GOOD SHIP they're adorable please make this canon we have one more book pull some strings. i remember in my most recent reread of pjo i was waiting for tratie and there was nothing and i realized it isn't canon my mind was blown. loss of a point because it's been around for so long and still hasn't been made canon, like, around for so long most people forget it's fanon until it's brought up every once in a while. 9/10
jercy: tbh i don't ship it. like they'd make good friends, but even then they'd both have multiple people they'd put over each other. 0/10
jasico: once again a hard no for me. i just don't see it. like def bros and i think jason being the ultimate good friend to nico, yeah that's cool, but no romance just bromance 1/10
pernico: ✨no✨ 0/10
pipabeth: v cute ship but once again feel like they wouldn't've been #1s to each other, better than jasiper worse than percabeth 6/10
thaluke: feel like they may have had a small thing when they were on the run, but it's a no for me 1/10
perachel: this ship is so valid y'all are just afraid of having this conversation well here it is. it's more similar to jasiper in how if they had gotten together i don't think they would've lasted, but there was some thiqq chemistry and they would've been really great together. and they're also really good friends, stop erasing that 😡✨ 8/10
jeyna: they would've been so great together. as much as i love me a lesbian reyna, i have to admit jason and reyna would've been lowkey goals and super adorable and just, perfect for one another. super sad hera decided to get in the way of that :/ 9/10
theyna: tbh i don't ship it. i just don't see any chem between the two. cool friends maybe, but it's a no for me. 3/10
pipeyna: yessss now that's a badass duo if i've ever seen one. turn it up! 7/10
clareyna: y'all ain't ready for this oneeee ugh like too powerful of a duo the world ain't ready but they'd be so cute i- 🥺 soft clarisse and reyna but also stern and badass clarisse and reyna ahhh this is so shmackalicious, spicetastic, words can't describe... but numbers can 10/10
clarina: a couple of cuties and they definitely had something. not bad, 6/10
valdangelo: no words can describe how much i love this ship. litch-rally gay percabeth. they're meant to be and i'll bet my life on that. like they've both gone through almost the same things, they just handled them differently. they'd feel for each other and eventually open up to each other and get along great. never feeling like they belong but finding comfort in eachother. knowing that there's someone there for them, who understands them, not feeling alone, ugh 🥺 please they're sooo cute 🥺👉👈 also forgive me if this is horribly incorrect but i feel like leo constantly flirting with every girl is just a bit of internalized homophobia ?? like if he had a super religious family i could see them being homophobic (i'm mexican and a lot of my family is like that so i can see it being like that, but not all mexicans are tho) so that could've been kinda rooted in him. he was also called el diablo by his family that could've ran through his mind a bit idk that was just a bit of random extra info anyways 10/10
valgrace: i've never gotten background on this ship?? like i'm open to options yk let me learn so like if anyone wants to elaborate on it/give me reasons to ship them i'm all ears ! but based off of what ik of them in general i don't think they'd be super great. def better as just friends, 3/10
jason + annabeth: uhm issa no from me they'd be that super bland saltine cracker couple, maybe like lifeless praetor duo or smth (if anna elizabeth was somehow roman ofc) 0/10
piper + percy: chaotic and iconic, but definitely not in a relationship 1/10
beckendorf + percy: no❤️✨ but beckendorf was definitely percy's first crush and you can't change my mind 0/10
carter + hazel: this one was a request from my ig.... idk how to feel like.. i mean.. tbh i don't even know... i haven't heard this before today, if you got reasons lmk i'm here for it but i'm very... idek what i'm feeling. ??/10
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greekgeek21 · 3 years
Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Convergence - percy gets mad
*peaks from behind vibranium shield* Hello? I guess there isn't any excuses- actually no! I do have a good excuse this time (besides laziness). I have a back injury and have kinda been in pain for a while now and when I finally got it checked out professionally, they told me I had developed scoliosis from sleeping on my stomach. So, kids, remember, sleep on your side!
Anyways, this chapter is a kinda short one, but a lot of character growth happens and relationships are formed and...stuff. So, yeah, I hope you guys like it! Comment, like, follow, and reblog! Stay safe and happy reading!
- your author
Ω ♆ Ω
"So what do we know?" Annabeth asked as they reentered the meeting room from before.
Everyone else filed in and sat down before Steve answered her. "Well, the attacks seem to be random, but very damaging. The green fire is practically uncontrollable, and the terrorists have threatened to do something worse, with a lot more power. We have no way of tracking the attacks, and we're clueless on where to start."
Percy noticed that Annabeth had the crinkle between her brows again, which meant that she was thinking hard. So, he sat back in his chair and waited for her to figure this whole thing out.
"So you know nothing?" Jason asked, sitting forward and scanning through the information projected.
Annabeth was studying a map of the attacks, and her brain was on overdrive. She may not be able to throw fire, or fly, but she could figure out just about any pattern. This one didn't take long to find.
She hummed, "Not necessarily. I think I know the pattern of the attacks. Plus, we know how to deal with the green fire. Or, at least, Leo does."
Leo got a crazy grin, making Hazel extremely worried about what was going through his head. With him it could be anything.
"What's the pattern then?" Tony asked, obviously skeptical.
"Oh my gods," Percy muttered, realizing what the pattern was with horror.
"What? What is it?!" Tony exclaimed, clearly not enjoying being left out.
Percy and Annabeth seemed to be the only demigods who had figured it out, so they exchanged another silent conversation with each other. The only way to explain the pattern was to possibly let slip the gods' existence, and that was not an option. Annabeth thought that they should at least TRY to tell them, but Percy was adamant on not saying another word. He still wasn't completely trusting of SHIELD, and he had had even less interaction with the Avengers. He had absolutely no reason to trust them yet.
Finally, with one last chilling glare from Annabeth, Percy relented with a sigh and a nod. Everyone else in the room looked at them with either confused, or exasperated expressions.
"Those locations are all important parts of–our world. Clearly, someone is trying to send us a message, and it's not a nice one," Annabeth said.
"So these attacks...they're targeted at you guys? And the people there are only getting caught in the crossfire?" Natasha clarified, insinuating that this was the demigods' faults.
"We're trying to save them. This is not our fault," Frank said.
Percy's mind had already wandered away from the conversation. He was filled up with guilt. All those people, it was his fault.
His mind went back to that night at the Brooklyn Bridge. Percy had been so distracted saving the bridge that his thoughts slipped right past what Marlin had told him! He remembered what the mortal had been saying...it was so obvious now! They had been threatening the gods, and wanting them to reveal themselves! This really WAS all his fault. He could've stopped this way earlier if he had taken the time to notice everything.
"Percy! Snap out of it!" Jason yelled, breaking him out of his trance.
"Huh?" Percy said.
"Seaweed Brain," Annabeth rolled her eyes in exasperation, "I asked you if you can remember anything from the Brooklyn Bridge?"
He paled and started stuttering, "Oh, well, not really. I mean, it was pretty dark...and loud."
Tony scoffed, "How would the kid know anything about what happened there?"
Annabeth scowled and directed her icy gaze at Tony, "He saved it, you βλάκας."
"Annabeth, it's fine," Percy assured, "I do remember something, anyways. The mor–bomber was talking about how the people were blind to the truth. And it was a normal guy with the bomb."
"Blind to what truth, though?" Bruce sighed, rubbing his forehead.
The demigods shared a look. This investigation was already testing their ability to keep the secret.
"No idea..." Jason lied.
The Avengers didn't look believing, but they kept silent.
Tony clapped his hands, "Welp! Nice chat! Let's revisit this later, m'kay? The kids can go get settled now, anyway."
Piper said, "We're not kids!", at the same time Annabeth protested, "We're not staying here!"
"We're a team, for now. We need to get used to each other if we're gonna be effective in battle. And we don't have any way of contacting you otherwise," Steve pointed out.
"But we have lives!" Percy insisted.
He knew his mom would freak if she found out he was staying with the Avengers. In her eyes, they only brought trouble, and he had enough of that as it was.
"Sorry, kid. This isn't a debate. You're staying here," Clint declared, clapping Percy on the shoulder as he walked out.
Percy got up and was about to protest when Annabeth stood and whispered in his ear, "Perce. Calm down. It's fine. We'll just call Sally and tell her what's going on. We don't want to cause a scene."
She gave him a pointed look before glancing over at the water dispenser in the corner, which was currently shaking around like it was in the center of an earthquake. Percy's shoulders sagged in defeat, and he walked out without another word.
The rest of the demigods followed silently, having been in a situation like this before. None of them knew what had happened down in Tartarus, but they did know it did something to Percy and Annabeth's heads. They weren't the same people when they came back, and that was to be expected, but it was different.
The Seven knew they were keeping a secret from them, but they didn't want to push them, so they never asked. All they could figure out was that it had something to do with Percy's powers. He had avoided using them, when he used to use them for everyday tasks like washing the dishes.
"Where are we going?" Leo asked when he realized nobody knew where they were headed, only that they were following Percy's purposeful strides.
"The pool," Annabeth answered, reading her boyfriend's mood.
The only way to calm him down when he got like this was water. He had sensed the pool and immediately been drawn to it. Plus, with the money Tony Stark had, the pool had to be incredible.
Percy wasn't angry at anyone, though it could be perceived that way. He was mad at himself. In Annabeth's opinion, he had done nothing wrong, but Percy was still disappointed with himself. He had lost control, even in just a small way. That was his fault. It shouldn't have been happening.
Whenever this happened, Annabeth always reminded herself what Posiedon had said all those years ago- "The sea does not like to be restrained."
Percy was fighting his nature, and it was fighting back. He had to accept it, and she knew that. He never wanted Annabeth to watch him lose it again, so he was choosing to not use his powers at all. But that was just going to lead to an explosion when he finally let go, and that isn't any better.
Annabeth had tried to talk to him about this before, but he had always shut the conversation down before she could get any good points in. It had grown futile to try, so she just let him deal with it in his own way, only helping him when he directly asked.
Ω ♆ Ω
"What do you think about them?" Steve asked Natasha as they sat down in the kitchen, "The kids, I mean."
Steve, Natasha, and Clint had all made their way to the kitchen after the meeting had ended. They were sitting down at the kitchen island, discussing their new teammates. It was hard to tell if they should trust them.
"I don't trust them. They're obviously hiding something, and they don't seem like they're planning on telling us what it is," she answered.
"That's true...but everyone's entitled to their secrets. I'm sure you have plenty you keep from us," Steve countered.
The spy didn't seem to have an answer to that. It was true, she kept many secrets from her team, but they weren't her only team. She was an agent of SHIELD, and that meant keeping secrets for a living. Some that were much more important than that of a couple teeangers.
"They're teenagers. What's the biggest thing they could be hiding?" Clint cut in, voicing Natasha's thoughts.
"Exactly," she said, "They need to tell us more than what they are for me to be willing to work with them, especially if it means breaking the law. We're technically putting minors at risk. I, out of everyone, should know not to underestimate people based on age, but these kids' pasts don't show any evidence pointing towards them being trained."
She didn't really care that much about that part, but she figured saying it would turn Steve onto their side. He would be useful in finding out the kids' secrets.
With a sigh, he relented, "You're right. But we'll deal with this later, okay? First, we need the kids to trust us. That means no snooping!"
"Yeah," Clint nodded, "Also, where did the kids go?"
"To get settled," Steve answered.
"Actually, sir, they are currently residing in the pool room. It seems that Mr. Jackson might be drowning," JARVIS spoke, as if he hadn't just revealed the possible-death of one of their newest teammates.
Steve shot up in concern and ran out of the room in the direction of the pool. Clint jogged after him in a slightly more leisurely manner. Natasha stood up as well, but stayed in the room.
"JARVIS, bring up the video footage of the pool room," she ordered.
The AI pulled up the footage in a hologram in front of her, and she saw what he had been talking about. Six of the teenagers were around the pool, with either their feet dipping in or tossing a ball back and forth. The seventh one, Perseus, was at the bottom of the pool, lying down on his back in complete calm. He appeared to be sleeping, or even meditating. Nevertheless, she rushed towards the pool as well. She was interested in what was going to happen.
If he was really dying, his friends were bound to notice, so it had to be something to do with his powers. If he could breathe underwater, he could be a real asset.
She was able to get there just as Steve and Clint were rushing up to the kids out of the water, who seemed shocked by their presence and general panic.
"What are you doing?!" Steve shouted, taking off his coat in preparation of jumping in.
Annabeth caught on to what he thought had happened, and smirked. She wasn't sure whether she should give into the temptation to just let him do it, or to let him know Percy was fine. The former would be way more entertaining.
But also...she wasn't sure if Percy had fully cooled down yet. He could be quite snappy after he lost control.
Before she could come to a conclusion, Clint had walked up to her and repeated Steve's prior exclamation, "What are you doing?!"
"I'm sitting by the pool. Why?" she responded, giving him an innocent look.
"Your boyfriend is DROWNING!" Steve exclaimed, "And you're just sitting there!"
Leo snorted, "Percy? He's fine."
"Yeah, he's fine. Can't you see?" Hazel pointed to Percy's relaxed form.
Steve came to the conclusion that he had already passed out, and that he needed to take action quickly, so he dived in. When he got to where Percy was, he grabbed his arm and was about to pull him up when the teen's eyes snapped open in alarm. He turned to see who had disturbed him and saw it was Steve, causing confusion to lace with his features.
"Captain Rogers?" he asked, his voice coming through surprisingly clear in the water.
Now it was Steve's turn to look bewildered. His oxygen was running out, and Percy seemed to notice it. With a recognition flashing through his eyes, Percy grabbed STEVE'S arm and propelled them up until they burst through the surface, landing on the side of the pool. Steve coughed up some water while Percy looked around at the group of heroes now staring at them.
"What?" he asked, glancing at Clint and Natasha, who were sporting similar looks of confusion and shock.
The rest of the Seven were just standing there, amused. It was always funny to watch new people discover what Percy could do. It happened all the time when a new camper came to camp, and it never got old.
"Seaweed Brain, they didn't know you could breathe underwater," Annabeth answered him with fond exasperation.
"Oooooh!" he said, "Well, I can breathe underwater. That all?"
"Yes. But we're having dinner soon, so clean up and meet us in the kitchen," Steve answered, just realizing that Percy was still fully clothed, and dry.
He didn't even want to ask though. That would just give him an even larger headache that he didn't need.
"You got it, boss," Leo mock-saluted, "We'll be there soon."
The Seven's lips quirked up at their friend's antics, and at the fact that Steve seemed really overwhelmed and confused.
As soon as the adults were gone, the teeangers burst out in laughter for a full minute. It may be hard to get much past the Avengers, but finding humor in odd situations was what demigods did best. They were always in odd situations.
"Come on, guys. Let's see what the mighty Avengers eat for dinner," Annabeth said, leading the group out the door.
Ω ♆ Ω
When they got to the kitchen, the demigods saw that the Avengers had all seated themselves around the kitchen island and were grabbing pieces of pizza from multiple boxes. There appeared to be 10 boxes in total, which was not going to cut it with Leo and Percy's appetites.
"Are there any dairy-free options?" Frank asked, shifting his feet in discomfort.
Annabeth had almost forgotten he was lactose-intolerant. He rarely made a big deal of it, so it had just slipped her mind. Not many demigods liked to talk about any possible weaknesses.
"You're lactose-intolerant?" Clint exclaimed. The way he said it made it seem like it was the craziest thing he'd heard.
"Yes, he is. Now can you answer the question?" Hazel sighed.
She didn't understand why every little thing with these Avengers had to take so long. It was a simple yes or no answer here. They either had something for Frank to eat, or they didn't!
"Uh...sure. In the fridge. We have a salad I think," Steve answered for his team.
"Thanks," Frank muttered before going to the fridge and pulling out a salad kit.
Salads weren't the most filling food, especially for demigods, but they had learned to eat what they got, so Frank quickly made his dinner and moved to stand next to Hazel.
The Avengers had taken all but one of the seats, and that was taken up by Leo so he could try to talk to Tony. The other demigods were either leaning up against the counter or sitting on the countertop.
After everyone had gotten their food and started eating, everything was silent except for the chewing. Nobody knew what to say. Steve had ordered them to all be there so they could try to "bond," but no bonding had been initiated yet. It was only a matter of time, though, because when you put a large group of mostly-ADHD demigods in one room, there's no way it stays quiet for long.
Sure enough, Leo let out a frustrated sigh and started talking, "Can someone talk please? I hate silence."
That made Piper let out a snort, "Understatement of the century."
Instead of being mad at his friend for teasing him, Leo just smiled his mischievous grin and spoke again, "I know what could liven this dinner up a bit."
"Leo, no. Whatever you're planning, just no," Annabeth ordered, but she knew it was futile.
Leo slowly started to lift up a single pepperoni from his pizza, pulling his arm back in a throwing position, aimed, and let it fly. It hit Piper smack-dab in the center of her forehead, sliding down until it was clinging to her shirt, leaving a trail of red, oozing sauce.
If it were possible, Piper had steam coming out her ears, "You're gonna pay for that, metalhead!"
And before anyone could stop her, Piper let her charmspeak go, "Dump that entire pizza over your head and wear it like a hat, Leo."
The way she said it, Percy almost wanted to do it himself. If she had not added Leo's name at the end, he was sure he would've.
Leo got a glazed-over look in his eyes before his limbs performed the task. Piper seemed like she wanted to do more, but the look she got from Jason shut her up. She grumbled something about 'goody-goody sons of Jupiter' under her breath.
The Avengers had been watching the interaction with inquisitive eyes. They had hoped it would lead to more understanding of their new comrades, but no such luck; only more confusion.
"Do you always use your powers for everyday activities?" Natasha asked, going into spy-mode.
She wanted to make these kids squirm, and maybe then they would tell them something. If she had to act like she thought she was above them, then so be it. Lots of the Avengers, used their powers for simple things, anyways.
Piper didn't even bat an eyelash. She had been dealing with stuff like this from police officers and teachers, and many other adults, for a long time, and she knew what Natasha was trying.
"Yes," she answered simply, a sweet smile on her face.
Natasha's fake icy glare turned into a real one. Piper glared right back. They did this without breaking eye contact for two minutes, rebuilding the tension up.
Before it could get too bad, Percy broke in, "Nice pool."
"Oh, yeah! Percy can breathe underwater! Did you know that?" Clint made a spectacle of telling Bruce and Tony.
"You can? How? Do you have gills, or is it a different kind of filtration inside your body? The scientific possibilities ALONE could–" Bruce was cut off by Tony.
"Easy, Big Green. It's cool, but not that cool," Tony said.
Annabeth didn't like someone undermining any of her friend's skills, let alone her boyfriend, so she turned to whisper in Percy's ear, "Do it."
She didn't even have to say what she was referring to. Percy had been watching her, and he saw her glance around the room before her eyes zeroed in on the can of Coke sitting in Tony's hand.
Percy smiled. He may not like doing big things with his powers, but if it was for payback and something small, he was very willing.
Tony didn't know the teens well enough to notice their subtle changes, and that was going to cost him. The rest of the Seven had all shifted until they were on the metaphorical edge of their seats, and Percy had moved so he was sitting up straight.
Natasha and Clint seemed to be the only ones who had noticed any change at all. They were glancing at each other nervously, wondering what the kids could possibly be planning. This might be the thing that made them right about the teenagers having too much power for their maturity level.
With a simple flex of his power, the coke in Tony's bottle exploded from its can and right into his face. The Seven all burst out in uncontrollable laughter.
All of the Avengers had either joined them, or at least smiled.
Tony was sputtering and furiously wiping his face with a napkin while simultaneously glaring at the son of Poseidon, who only smirked in response.
"This is why I hate kids," Tony grumbled as he walked out the room, no doubt to take a shower.
"So you can control more than just water?" Clint asked, voicing both his and Natash's thoughts.
The mood dropped quickly back to awkward, and Percy stood up before answering, "Yeah, I guess. I'm just gonna go...to bed...now. Bye."
Annabeth left with him, and the rest of the Seven trickled out after them.
Steve turned to glare at Clint and Natasha for ruining their plan before leaving, too.
Back with the demigods, they had all stopped in the hallway outside their rooms, which were all next to each other.
"Meet in Percy's room at midnight. We need to talk," Annabeth ordered.
"Got it, boss," Leo saluted before disappearing into his room.
The rest of the group went into their respective room without another word, leaving just Annabeth and Percy standing there. Annabeth took one look at his baby seal eyes, and nodded, following him into his room and onto his bed.
They both cuddled up together, Annabeth tucking her head under Percy's chin as he pulled her close to him. Being together like this was more than just a nice thing for the couple, it helped the nightmares, and eased the effects of bad days like today. She knew they had to meet the others at midnight, but they had a few hours before that, and a little nap never hurt.
Soon, Percy was snoring next to her. Annabeth lay awake for only a few more minutes, her head resting on his chest. The beat of his heart filled her mind, soothing her worry. It acted as her lullaby, assuring her he was alive and well. Despite being in unfamiliar surroundings in an unfamiliar bed, she fell into Morpheus' realm quickly, at home in Percy's arms.
Ω ♆ Ω
Remember, this is also on FF, Ao3, Wattpad, Inkitt, and Webnovel!
other chapters :)
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