#perlukafarinn writes
perlukafarinn · 2 years
a tiny snippet set in my ‘kids in the dark’ series on ao3 but no prior knowledge needed. i wanted to include this conversation in the most recent fic but i couldn’t fit it, so here it goes
Steve’s not sure how they got here, all four of them lying on his living room floor in the middle of the night, having the dumbest conversation of their lives without even the excuse of being drunk, but he’s not complaining.
“Okay, I got one,” he says. “Which one of us would die last in a horror movie?”
“Nancy,” Robin and Eddie immediately answer in unison.
“She’s like Laurie Strode and Nancy Thompson rolled into one,” Robin adds. She laughs. “The name even matches!”
“I don’t know,” Nancy says. “Don’t you have to be a virgin to survive in those movies?”
Eddie points at her. “You’ve got a gun, though.”
“I’ve got a bat,” Steve mutters. “I could totally take Freddy Krueger.”
Eddie reaches over and gives him a pat on the chest. “Sure you could, big boy.”
“I hate to say it, but I think you’d be the first to go,” Robin says.
“What the hell, what did I do to you?”
“Yeah, I see it,” Eddie agrees, the traitor. “The douchey, popular jock always gets killed off first.”
Steve frowns up at the ceiling. This is what he gets for opening up his home to these people. “Glad to know what you all think of me.”
“I just mean in this hypothetical horror movie,” Eddie adds, apologetic. “Those characters are all archetypes, right? Popular asshole,” he says, pointing at Steve, then at Robin, “nerd,” he points at himself, “the creepy stoner who you think might be the killer before he’s brutally murdered,” he points at Nancy, “uptight virgin who turns out to be a complete badass and is the only one who survives.”
There’s a long silence following Eddie’s analysis.
“Good thing we don’t live in a horror movie,” Steve finally says. 
“Yeah, can you imagine?” Robin says sarcastically. “Monsters, creepy government agencies, serial killers who target troubled teenagers...”
“Buckley, for the love of God, shut the hell up.”
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uris-stanley · 2 years
steddie fic recs pls!
YES YES THANK YOU get ready i have a LOT
chelsea by randomascas is a popular one, but for good reason. ft background ronance, tragic eddie backstory and steve being on the brink of death yet again. canon compliant excluding volume 2 (which i suggest we do <3)
the backseat lovers by froggieyama doesnt have a plot, but god does it describe their love in such a beautiful, lovely way
whole lotta love by @stereobone is such a quintessential steddie fic. steve and eddie are dating. steve does not realise they're dating. i love my bi himbo king. (this one is explicit, but honestly i don't think the sex is all that graphic and it is just one part, so read at your own discretion)
you got me running like a hurricane by @anniebibananie is the ultimate fix it, in which eddie doesn't actually 100% die in the upside down and instead finds his soul tethered to steve. basically. this one's very sweet, whilst also having a tiny bit of angst to make you go "ouch"
keep me in your glow by birthdaycandles ( @steveharrington ) is very nice. eddie helps take care of steve post volume 1, which apparently includes doing steve's skincare because of course it does. they're so cute
we're just kids in the dark by fagurfiskur ( @perlukafarinn ) is the fruity four sleepover fic of my dreams. nancy brings tequila, eddie brings pot, steve gets his hair braided and everyone has a fun gay time. also shotgunning!!
L is for linoleum (and nothing else) by localman ( @locallmann ) is a heavy one, i'll admit, but i cannot recommend it enough. there is an unfortunate lack of trans eddie in fanfics currently, and i feel this one does a really good job of realistically representing both his and the others' struggles as queer teens in the 80s. see individual chapter notes + the fic tags for tws, but i seriously implore you to read this if you're comfortable
sir stephen strider find his suzie by @lesbianrobin is VERY very cute. steve fills in for lucas during hellfire, and dustin witnesses steve and eddie flirting like crazy during the campaign. honestly, this one made me giggle a lot, and i left it feeling all warm and nice. the way the author writes steve and dustin's relationship just DOES IT for me because it feels so natural and so them. also dustin's little spiral about maybe being homophobic has been on my mind since i read this. god i love it.
another one by lesbianrobin - my hands are tied may be my favourite steddie fic to date. there's a Lot of steddie handcuff sex stuff on ao3 and whilst i DO love it unashamedly, this fic is just. so good and so realistic because YEAH duh steve would probably associate bondage with his trauma and have a panic attack why is nobody else thinking of this. i really really Really love this fic (JUST TO CLARIFY THIS IS RATED TEEN!! no sex dw)
you are going to die in your best friend's arms. (but he won't let you leave like that) by oaseas is so so SO SO good. it follows dustin as he becomes unstuck in time on the day that eddie died and tries over and over to save him and break the loop. it has some absolutely wonderful bonding moments between dustin and both steve & eddie, and whilst the steddie is not the Primary focus we do see dustin slowly realise just how deeply the two care about each other as he goes through each loop. i absolutely adored this fic, and genuinely felt emotional at times. highly highly recommend
last but not least, a sign of the morning by @toedenandbackagain . this is a LONG fic (86.8k!!! love), and just such a good slow burn friends to lovers. i love when fics include steddie having history pre vecna, but often find it cheesy or unrealistic. this, however, i felt was completely believable and very well written. i was reading this as each update dropped and let me tell you the way my heart sunk at the end of chapter 11?? i was going absolutely insane i was so upset and so affected, and really i think that's telling of how well written this fic is. cannot recommend it enough
i could probably keep going, but i think 11 recs is good for now lmao. please please check all these out and support the authors!! steddie writers on ao3 are the backbone to society atm they're doing some incredible work
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stevestark · 15 days
5, 11, 27, and 42
5. Which fandoms have you written fanfiction for?
Okay so I definitely orphaned or deleted a lot of my old stuff years ago, but I've done Harry Potter, Glee, Teen Wolf, MCU, The Hobbit/LotR, Supernatural, The Hunger Games, Star Wars, Star Trek, Pacific Rim, IT, Stranger Things, Ted Lasso
11. Who is your current OTP?
Oh absolutely 100% Steddie.
27. What do you hate more: coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Writing summaries for sure. Titles actually usually come to me first and actually inspire whatever the plot is going to be. but trying to figure out how to sum it all up is always sooooo hard for me. You can tell when I'm really struggling because it'll just be a quote from the fic.
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
Ok first and foremost is @andillwriteyouatragedy aka ShowMeAHero on ao3. truly does not matter the fandom they're writing for, Mello is the absolute best at what they do!!!! (also they write and self-publish truly gorgeous original works!!!!!) Then I'm gonna go with @badpancakelol aka badpancake on ao3 who has written my all time absolute favorite steddie time-loop fix-it fic. I think about that shit daily. Next up is @red-0ak-tree, aka red0aktree on ao3, who also wrote another one of my all time absolute favorite steddie fics, Lovesick in Loch Nora. honestly one of my favorite characterizations of Eddie Munson ever. ao3 user kissesforcas is up next, with not one but two of my favorite steddie fics! The Shire is NOT on Fire is so much fucking fun and I truly think about it all the time. I've reread it like, six times. Lastly, I wanna shout-out @perlukafarinn, aka FagurFiskur on ao3, whose series kids in the dark is one of my favorite Stranger Things fic series in existence. while not the most lengthy, it is one of the most wholesome and fun ones out there, and that, to me, makes it one of the best.
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avyssoseleison · 4 years
Prompt: omega dean/alpha cas where they're just about to get mated and cas is teasingly wondering where to place his bite
“Hmmm, let’s see…” Castiel drawled playfully, giving Dean’s still sweaty and completely bare body a once-over. The clear amusement in his eyes had replaced the overwhelming desire of their mating mere minutes ago, since now that both of them were spent and their bodies united through Castiel’s knot, he had enough wits to tease Dean instead of wanting nothing more than making him scream. Which was for the best, especially seeing as in their throes of passion, Dean had asked -- no, begged -- him for the first time in his life to bite and properly claim him, crying out for his Alpha with tears in his eyes. And Castiel, mindful of not taking what might not have been given with proper consent, had offered to delay it for a bit by promising Dean he would claim him wherever he wanted him to if he still craved that bite once he was satisfied and still.
“Now, where should I place my bite?” Castiel continued, jokingly scanning the lines of Dean’s body in search for a proper place.
“Cas,” Dean sighed with a roll of his eyes. His Omega had always been of the impatient sort, which had endeared him all the more to Castiel.
“Yes, Dean?” Castiel asked lightly, not even bothering to hide his smile.
“You know where I want it.” Dean replied.
“Mhh, that, I do know,” Castiel confirmed, swivelling his hips just enough to make Dean gasp.
“And you know what I mean,” Dean pressed on, more breathless now. “You promised you’d bite me if-- y’know--”
“If you were a good boy for me and just waited a bit longer?”
“Yeah,” Dean nodded.
“And were you a good boy for me, Dean? Did you do as I told you to, trust me to take care of you, so that I can properly claim you now?”
“Alpha,” Dean whimpered.
“Answer my question,” Castiel said, giving Dean a small thrust without even meaning to.
“I was--,” Dean licked his lips, squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, fighting against his own demons and those many years of lacking acceptance for himself, “I was a good boy for you.”
“Oh yes, you were,” Castiel immediately agreed, pleased with Dean’s admission. His Omega never failed to make him proud. “A very good boy, indeed. Which means that you shall now have your reward.”
“Yeah,” Dean breathed out in apparent relief.
“But still,” Castiel continued, once again dipping into a more playful tone, “that doesn’t answer the question of where I should mark you, onto which part of your lovely body I should put my unmistakeable claim. Where I should bite you at last, make you mine.”
It was Dean’s turn to swivel his hips now, almost unwittingly seeking even more pleasure from his Alpha. The sweet little motion of his hips was as much of an indicator of how much he both hated and loved their little game as was his slowly returning erection. 
Just how had Castiel gotten so lucky?
“So, I was thinking,” Castiel deliberated loudly, “ that I could put it on your thigh, hm? Make it so that it would stay our secret in public, but that any other Alpha trying to touch you would see and know -- know that you are mine.” 
Languidly, he lifted Dean’s right leg over his shoulder, not just improving the angle of how his knot was situated, but also allowing him to press a series of kisses along Dean’s knee and thighs. Furthermore, the position thickened the sweet scent coming from down below and granted Castiel a clearer view of the stiffening Omega cock.
“Stop toying with me,” Dean grunted out, somewhere between annoyance and arousal. “You know I don’t want it on my thigh.”
“On your chest, then? High enough to not be utterly obscene, but at such a sensitive spot that there could be no doubt about the intimate nature of the claim?” He thought for a moment, for the first time actually giving consideration to that placement, and finding himself not wholly disliking the idea. “I could place it right over your heart. Right where you feel and think the strongest. The most stubborn part of yourself.” 
With the hand not holding Dean’s leg, he now traced over Dean’s chest, halting right where he suggested his claim to go, and spreading his fingers over it, his big palm encompassing all of Dean’s left breast. 
Moved, at once, by the strong and wild beating of his Omega’s heart, Castiel’s lips fell open and he could do nothing more than listen with his whole body and being. The heart’s rapid pace spoke of more than arousal, but of anticipation, too -- the utter excitement that could only ever stem from love, not a mere meeting of physical forms, and that swelled deep in the chest.
Lost as Castiel was in the heartbeat, he only noticed Dean moving when his Omega placed his own hand on top of his, intertwining their fingers. The gaze that Castiel caught spoke of the same feelings as the heartbeat, and mixed into them was a quiet determination.
“Alpha,” Dean said once again, more steady and at once more tender now. Dean had never been as beautiful as in that moment, when he titled his head to the side, confidently and trustingly baring the long line of his neck to Castiel, and demanded, “Bite me here. Bite me where everyone can see, and where everyone will know. Bite me where I can see and feel it at all times, as part of my own reflection in the mirror. Make me yours, Cas.”
And what else could Castiel do in that moment but cover Dean with his body and with kisses and drive not only the proof of his desire but his sharp fangs deeply into Dean’s body, as deeply as he could, and claim and love him over and over again?
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well guys, we got one more day before the supernatural finale. to make us all feel warm and cuddly, I've decided to link my favorite fluffy fics (and I've tagged the author’s Tumblr, if they’ve got one/if I could find it xP!)
Fuzzy Socks (under 1k, married destiel and morning softness)
Better Homes (and, eventually, gardens) (5.7k, getting together and post-canon for s11, hella domestic) by @andimeantittosting
okay I could honestly recommend all of my pal tia’s fics but here are some choice faves, all of these are one shots and very soft: Favorite, Home, and Autumn Invading
profoundly bonded (by law) (20k, post canon for s15, getting together, dean having a minor sexuality crisis, cas being wholesome and loving crafting, veryyyy sweet) by @sobsicles
Dean’s Table (5k, human AU, veteran dean, waiter cas, sam and dean also have some good bro moments) by @through-shadows-falling (okay for some reason the tag won’t work bc Tumblr is the worst but)
Going to California (4k, road trip, getting together, post-canon, verrrry cute) by @chaoticdean (although literally all of justine’s fics are amazing, all of them will make you feel so warm inside and they’re extremely well written ;-;)
fleurs sauvages (1.7k, getting together and almost-human cas, cas loves to garden, soooo soft) by @casfallsinlove
union (1k, established relationship, post canon for s15, soft husbands) by @tragidean
don’t let me go (1k, nightmares and hurt/comfort, first kiss, soooo soft and snuggly) by @kitmistry
Make It That Much Better (2.4k, human au, kidfic, getting together) by @perlukafarinn
Ding (under 1k, halloween, established relationship, human cas)
I Need Never Get Old (9.5k, getting together, retired team free will, carpentry)
Hot Blooded Quarantine (10k, creature cas and human dean, getting together, and they were roommates!) by @goldenraeofsun (although all of Rae’s stuff is fantastic. the whole quarantine series has been AMAZING this one just has dean being particularly annoying >:)
also I really like to write fluff so here are a few of mine: So Comes Snow After Fire, Changing of the Seasons, Better Off For All That We Let In, Are We Human?, and His Own Kind of Grace
I wish you all good luck and happy vibes as we go into the finale :)
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chaoticdean · 3 years
hiii hope i'm not bringing up bad memories but i just found your blog and wanted to knwo your own headcanon on spn ending? or like fix fics you know kinda need it for a friend and i trust your criteria
Hi!! As it is I don't have a full constructed headcanon on that ending, but I choose to believe that Dean and Cas found each other again and that Dean got to speak his truth to his angel. They're together in Heaven and they're happy, and that's literally all that matters to me!
As for fix-it fics I liked, I have a few:
- At the end of the world, by @dothwrites (4.6k, post 15x20)
- The Future, by Castiel_Left_His_Mark_On_Me (2.8k, post 15x19)
- Freedom, by @dothwrites (4.8k, post 15x19)
- Everything is Blue, by @malmuses (4.9k, post 15x19)
- Ascend, by @wanderingcas (WIP, still ongoing, post 15x19)
- This post 15x20 coda, by @perlukafarinn
- This fix it 15x20 script, by @lottiethroughthelookingglass
- This post 15x18 coda, by @bend-me-shape-me
- This comic post 15x20 coda, by the ever extraordinary @lizleeships
I know for a fact that I’m forgetting a lot, because I have the stupid habit of not bookmarking stuff enough, so if any of my followers want to add on some recs, feel free to add on to this post!
I’m also going to shamelessly self-promote my work:
- Sharp Edges (1.6k, post 15x18, Dean writes letters to cope with Castiel’s death), AO3 | Tumblr
- Where the shadow ends (539 words, post 15x18, Dean rescues Cas from the Empty), AO3 | Tumblr
- Ten shots and one single year, (404 words, post 15x18, literally only angst and despair), AO3 | Tumblr
I know I’ll eventually end up writing something post 15x20 because it’s been itching for a while, but I’m too deep into another story right now to concentrate on anything else (god bless my inability to multitask). Keep an eye out, though!
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spncreatorsdaily · 3 years
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We want to express our appreciation to @perlukafarinn for all the amazing fic and ficlets that we got to share!
Consider giving @perlukafarinn a follow and check out their amazing writing!
Thank you for keeping up with us and supporting our amazing creators and see you next week. Have an amazing weekend and stay well!
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perlukafarinn · 10 months
So Pleasing a Thing (1/3)
Spock has been bonded for approximately thirteen days. 
He is unable to recall a more precise timing. At the moment of the bond’s creation he was deep in Plak Tow, unaware of the time or his surroundings, unaware of anything other than the soft creature below him, offering her mind to him with dispassionate resignation.
T’Pring may have challenged his claim but once fairly won, she accepted it with grace. She has kept the bond shielded since and Spock cannot decide if it is an act of cruelty or kindness. There exists no love between them but she has assured him that she will remain his willing consort, available to him when the fires of Pon Farr arise once more. 
They will not meet again until then.
It is as much as Spock could have hoped for. He has long known that love is not something he is equipped for, to either give or receive, but at least he is secure now against the ravages of his Vulcan biology.
It has been approximately thirteen days and Spock is more than ready to put the whole unpleasant business behind him. He may not be able to forget how Pon Farr affected him but the memories are easily enough suppressed. 
Unfortunately, it is not just his memories he must contend with. Kirk and Doctor McCoy were present as well; they witnessed the viciousness with which Spock attacked his challenger, leaving Stonn closer to death than life. They know that he proceeded to claim T’Pring right there in the sand, although he has been assured that by then all witnesses had been ushered away. 
McCoy has been uncharacteristically tactful, subjecting Spock only to a routine check up once they were back on the ship and never mentioning what transpired on Vulcan since. Kirk, on the other hand… Kirk has been distant.
(cont on ao3)
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npdclaraoswald · 3 years
Books I have read or added to my reading list because of the Supernatural fandom, aka Sweetheart, This Is Gender Studies
Just how the fandom in general talks about them:
On the Road by Jack Kerouac, obviously
Gender Trouble by Judith Butler
Against Interpretation and Other Essays by Susan Sontag (the only way I could find "Notes on Camp")
Uncomfortable Labels: My Life as a Gay Autistic Trans Woman by Laura Kate Dale
Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity by Julia Serano
Because of fanfiction:
Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut because of how Dean talks about it in Four Letter Word for Intercourse by @bendingsignpost
In Exile: The History and Lore Surrounding New Orleans Gay Culture and it's Oldest Gay Bar by Frank Pérez, recommended in the notes of Picture Perfect by Fagur_Fiskur/ @perlukafarinn
The Fruit Machine: Twenty Years of Writings on Queer Cinema by Thomas Waugh, also from Picture Perfect
Gay Berlin: Birthplace of a Modern Identity by Robert Beachy, also Picture Perfect
And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic by Randy Shilts, also Picture Perfect
The Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Movies by Vito Russo, also Picture Perfect
Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past by Martin Duberman, Martha Vicinus, and George Chauncey, also Picture Perfect
Queer Cinema: Schoolgirls, Vampires, and Gay Cowboys by Barbara Mennel, also Picture Perfect
That's Revolting! Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, also Picture Perfect
Hard to Imagine: Gay Male Eroticism in Photography and Film from Their Beginnings to Stonewall by Thomas Waugh, also Picture Perfect
Just broad categories:
Lots of poetry, which I've never been interested in before, because of how it's talked about in And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets/ @asecretvice
A bunch of nonfiction about sex work and kink because I want to read Cas' book in Four Letter Word but can't, so I'm making do with every real book I find
A bunch of queer history. I've always wanted to get into it, but had no idea where to start, so seriously, shoutout to @perlukafarinn for your recs in Picture Perfect
Feel free to roast me
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avyssoseleison · 4 years
The turn of the wrist, so much easier than he had thought it would be. For all those years, what he had anticipated was more difficult than this, almost impossible: reaching out for someone who would not reach back, to crave a being that knew no craving.
It seemed he was wrong, however.
Nothing to fear but fear itself proved to be true once again. The sting of jealousy, the fallen face as not hide his shame, the hands drawn tightly inwards to protect whatever there was left to protect of his heart. Had he not been in shambles all along, he certainly would have shattered at some point along the way. As it was – as it always had been – there had been nothing for him to lick but his own wounds and his own lips, not those he truly did want to, however often he did so from a safe distance.
Safe. Ain’t that just the biggest joke of ‘em all. As if there had been anything safe about either their distance or their proximity.
Bridging the gaps, cracking open the distance, bursting and burning and finding each other again and again and again.
It was tiring, really. Or should have been. But however often he lost – the fight, his family, himself – there was something he could not lose, someone he could not rid himself off, too deeply imprinted he was for that. That steady, ever-returning win. More terrifying than life, sharper than a sword, mightier than a stray dog, though no less c—
No less cute, yeah.
Pressing his fists into his own eyes, he sees stars where there are none, ought to be none. But will be again. Sooner rather than later, no matter how dark it seems: his light will return to him.
Without knowing, he knows.
Now, clenched as they are, his hands cannot hold. Not yet. Soon, though, it will commence: the turn of the wrist, the opening of the hand, the acceptance of palm against palm, fingers between fingers – the steady grasp of love, the final fall, peace.
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I was tagged by the very lovely @gii-heylittleangel to post the opening lines of the last ten fics I’ve written, so here I go  ❤️❤️ 
[I’m only considering the somewhat longer stories though - I don’t have the nerve to dig through all the snippets and drabbles in my archive ^^’]
1.) In These Arms (Destiel, WIP):  “The moment King John of Winchester started his alliance negotiations with the newly crowned Michael from the neighboring kingdom Dean just knew a proposal for a political marriage would end up on the table (his table, to be more precise) rather sooner than later.”
2.) Any Other Day (Destiel, WIP): ““Agent Henriksen?””
3.) Shot Through The Heart (Destiel, 150k): “Ugh ...” Dean grimaces like he never grimaced before in his entire life and barely dares to look down on himself and study his now quite disgusting clothes any closer.”
4.) Starstruck (Destiel, not posted yet): “It's the worst day of Castiel's life.”
5.) Eternal (Destiel, 1.5k): “Dean has been noticing Castiel's efforts to reconcile with Heaven for weeks now.”
6.) Unnamed (Destiel, not posted yet):  ““Mom!” Lisa looks up from the almost overwhelming variety of cereal boxes staring back at her from their shelf and turns her attention toward her son who is hurrying back into her direction with an excited expression on his face.”
7.) Massage (Destiel, 1.2k): “Dean?” “Yeah, Cas?” “Would you like for me to give you a massage?”
8.) Very Interesting (Merthur, 1.5k): “Merlin pauses as he studies the man in front of him. Arthur looks unfairly gorgeous for someone who just rolled out of bed mere minutes ago and immediately staggered toward his breakfast tray, obviously on the verge of utter starvation, not giving one single thought about appearances or proper attire in the company of his manservant.”
9.) After All These Years (Destiel, 99k): “Dean should have known that something was up right from the start.”
10.) Life Ruiner (Destiel, 1.3k): “Of course Dean noticed him before, the handsome cop with the piercing blue eyes, because how could he not?”
I’m tagging @cr-noble-writes, @pherryt, @saltnhalo, @suckerfordeansfreckles, @perlukafarinn, @pantheonofdiscord, @jhoomwrites, @tenoko1 and whoever else wants to do it!
Feel free to ignore, of course :))
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inacatastrophicmind · 3 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work! 
I was tagged by @destieled​. Thank you so much, and sorry I just saw this. Tumblr doesn’t email me about mentions anymore and I’ve been so busy with work that I just saw this.
I love this gifset because I created a new coloring which I am using quite often now. And there’s something about the colors in that gifset that I think they look great.
This they silenced you gifset. I had a hard time with this gifset, especially with the second gif. I had the idea in my mind but making it real took me almost an hour, but I’m proud of how it turned out.
This Destiel and colors gifset. The process for this took me a long time, but it was worth it. I just love colors. I love Destiel, obviously.
The Cockles kiss. There’s nothing special about this gifset, but I love that I was alive to witness and gif this.
Dean praying to Cas. Coloring this scene was a FUCKING NIGHTMARE. Purgatory is so desaturated that it took me a while to make the scene look vibrant, but I’m so damn happy about the result.
This gifset where I compare the scene in 15x18 with other stuff that happened in the past. This took me a lot of time as well, because having double gifs always takes time, but I love all the scenes I picked.
The Purple Shield. This is a fic I wrote during quarantine and I enjoyed it writing it and I’m happy about the people who enjoyed reading it.
There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done. This is a fix-it fic which I still have to post the last chapter, but I love this fic. Because this is the ending I wanted for the story and the characters. And this is the ending I’m choosing as canon.
I’m tagging  @woefulcas @bend-me-shape-me @wanderingcas @starlightcastiel @some-people-call-it-tragic @perlukafarinn  and @hallowedbecastiel
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buckbylightning · 5 years
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hello all, welcome to the new year!! 
i had been toying with the idea of doing something to celebrate the end of the year/ 200 followers which is why it’s so late however i don’t have a lot of time so this is just a mini one that i did at two in the morning 
i think these are some of the most talented, sweetest, and dedicated people on this site. i obviously couldn’t include everyone but i still love you (also - i have the worst memory. i’m sure there are people i forgot, i’m very sorry!!)
so if you are a mutual, dear friend, or someone who follows me and regularly likes my stuff, thank you. this is for you                 (bolded = mutuals)
# - c
@agirlnamedindecisive, @ahoyspn, @always-keep-writing, @amwritingmeta​,  @angvlicmish, @angeljensen​ @beefcakemish, @bend-me-shape-me​, @billiethereaper, @castiels-tight-grip, @c-kaeru​ 
d - o
@dochollidayed, @elizabethrobertajones, @envydean, @festivebillpotts, @jhoomwrites, @jimminovak, @hallowedbecastiel​, @harrydraco, @heavenmisha​, @idjit, @inacatastrophicmind, @ironmacn, @michaelldean, @mishacolins, @mittensmorgul
p - w
@pencilscratchins, @perlukafarinn, @pterpark, @ruthiesconnells, @starsmish​, @thebloggerbloggerfun, @tinkdw,  @wanda​, @wanderingcas, @winchester-reload, @woefulcas, 
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spncreatorsdaily · 3 years
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This week we have the opportunity to feature amazing writing of @perlukafarinn
I hope you enjoy all the amazing works of @perlukafarinn ! So join us in this weekly celebration and remember if you see something you enjoy click on that reblog button!
As a side note, don’t forget to tag your creations with the tag #spncreatorsdaily if you want them featured on the blog on Saturdays!
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perlukafarinn · 2 years
we’re just kids in the dark |  5.8k, steve x eddie, robin x nancy
“Just relax.” Eddie runs his fingers through Steve’s hair and okay, that actually feels kind of nice. “This is happening, so you might as well enjoy it.”
Robin laughs. “You’re gonna look so pretty, Steve.”
“I’m gonna kill all of you,” Steve mutters but he sits still and lets Eddie muss up his hair probably beyond all recognition. “Seriously, none of this better leave this room.”
(read on ao3)
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theheartchoice · 5 years
i've not forgotten what I wrotes ~ I do have some mash-up ficlets, as well as prompt-fills and bot-stat (canonverse) ficlets drafted and almost ready to post! 
but I’ve been unable to write lately / feelin' low due to job + family bs but hopefully things will get better in the next few weeks. 
sending warm-n-fuzzies to all those who enjoyed my Do You Salsa? ficlet! I wasn't expecting so much love (and ngl it's really helped motivate me).
✑ see my (few) posted ficlets [ here ] ✑ check out my Ao3 for more writing [ here ] ✑ be inspired by my Destiel Prompt Generator [ here ] 
if it’s Destiel ficlets you’re after though, may I suggest browsing through these lovelies? 
♡ saltnhalo  ♡ perlukafarinn  ♡ surlybobbies  ♡ casthewise  ♡ ozonecologne  ♡ agent4hire22  ♡ almaasi  ♡ bendingsignpost 
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~ Bo. 
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