#pidge laughs at lances jokes
callmelyc · 3 months
Klance circa VLD Vol.2
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justaz · 5 months
au where like keith spent those two years on the space whale and allura brought shiro back to life but they still can’t go back to earth. shiro has gone grey, no black hair on his head, he’s retired and stays on the castle, does not pilot a lion. keith and lance are now like the “leaders” of the team. like keith relies heavily on lance support and lance thrives in the sort of co-leader dynamic they have. pidge casually referring to “dad” and lance being like “shiro or keith??” and pidge going “shiro is retired and has a full head of white hair. who do you think i’m talking about?” so shiro has been promoted from space dad to space grandpa and lance and keith are now mom and dad
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bluestarjay · 5 months
Am I the only one who sees Keith as like a super smiley person post s7-8? Like, seeing him s1 vs s8 is crazy and so sweet bc he went from an incredibly angry and closed off person to someone who's able to let people in and comfort others and control his temper better. Like when I picture Keith in later seasons, especially if he's dating Lance, as a super smiley person. Also, Klance and Broppy are the same thing. So. Yeah. I love thinking about how far the paladins have come, especially Keith, and that one scene between Keith and Hunk on Earth is SO SWEET!! Keith, imo is someone who, after having learned that there are more people than just Shiro who wants to make an effort to get to know him, and letting people in isn't the end of the world, and having friends is an actually attainable idea, is someone who enjoys laughing and smiling and being open towards people. It's not necessarily that he didn't want to get to know people, it's that people didn't want to get to know him. He said in his vlog that he pushed people away before they got the chance to reject him. I could only imagine how proud Shiro would be about the fact that Keith has a whole friend group now (same with pidge but I can make a separate post about them if anyone wants me to!), and even if he still isn't the most approachable person ever, he has a whole group of people who understand him and are willing to defend him for it. I imagine that Keith is someone who has that rough exterior and looks mean and yeah he's not very good at talking, but like he's so sweet and people should make an effort to get to know him.
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autisticlancemcclain · 5 months
part one
“Guys,” a soft voice interrupted, and Keith could’ve collapsed with relief. The castle has been flipped sideways during the fall, floor suddenly now 90 degrees, and standing at the side of the control board, now the very high top, was Lance. For whatever reason he had climbed it while they bickered, and now stood very still, gloved hand pressed to the glass of the windshield. Blood trickled from his temple, tracing a line down the side of his face, disappearing in the neckline of his armour. “We got company.”
Shifting gears – Keith was about to tear him a new one, when Shiro says sound off you sound off – but froze when he looked out the window, following Lance’s gaze.
Marching towards them, in numbers Keith couldn’t pretend to count, was an army.
— — —
“Well,” said Hunk, holding Allura in both arms, “that looks bad.”
Shiro snorted. “Thank you, Hunk.”
Keith wanted to snap at them both. What time was it to laugh? They were injured, mostly defenseless, castle crashed. The Lions still sat, unusable, in their hangers. Hopefully they were okay, but it wasn’t like anyone could go check. Keith could barely even feel Red’s presence in the back of his mind – that stupid new Empire toy had drained them. It was frightening. And Hunk and Shiro were making jokes?
But Keith couldn’t find the words to chew them out. Instead, his voice was caught in his throat as he looked on the slowly advancing army with wide eyes and tense shoulders.
The advancing army was…trees.
That’s what it looked like, anyways. Rows and rows of rough bark and quietly swaying leaves, advancing in formation. A large black bird flew, cawing, above them. Keith tried not to think about omens. 
“Did a forest come to life?” Pidge muttered, squinting. Keith was relieved she was seeing the same thing. Keith has been in space a long time, at this point, but this was like nothing he had ever seen before. This didn’t look like a people in any way he understood. They were alive, surely, their movements organic in fluid in a way non-living things couldn’t quite manage, but his eyes were not deceiving him, and in front of him was a bunch of moving trees. As he watched, they advanced slightly further, stopped, and froze. 
And then, slowly, they morphed. 
Out of the bark, people seemed to…melt? Was that the right word? The trees planted themselves on the beach as if they’d always been there, as if the giant ocean was simply a lake beside a forest, and the bark of each plant seemed to shimmer, to shift. Humanoid figures took form, with skin like wood and hair like moss and leaves, eyes dark and old and knowing. Little saplings hid behind the sweeping dirt skirts of giant, older trees, giggling amongst themselves. Tiny droplets of water shined in dots on dozens of brown faces, glittering on brows and lips and noses like diamond piercings. Vines wreathed around torsos like tailored clothing. 
Above them, Lance gasped. It was a quick, near-silent sound, one Keith only noticed because he was watching Lance from his peripherals anyway. 
“Dryads,” he whispered, unmistakably excited, and before anyone could get so much as a word in he scrambled down the control board, careened down the bridge, and sprinted his way out the exit. 
“No, what are you – Lance!” Hunk shouted, the first to react. He handed a still-unconscious Allura off to Coran, who took her with a wide-eyed, confused expression. 
“Number Two, what is –”
“I am going to burn your Percy Jackson books,” Hunk seethed, already stomping out after Lance. He scooped up his blue helmet on his way and shook it at the door. “You hear me, Leandro? Burn them! Head outta the clouds, that’s an army!”
Keith was quick to follow. The rest of the team fell in step behind him, jogging after Lance. 
Outside was…well, it startled him. 
He’d seen it on the way down, of course. But he hadn’t been focused, really, hadn’t taken the time to map it past what the air currents felt like, past a safe (ish) place to land. The beauty of it now knocked the breath out of him. The ocean was almost crystalline, it was so clear and blue. Keith could smell it even through his helmet, the salt, the sea, and something Keith couldn’t recognise. Every rock on the seashore shone in the bright golden sun, glittering like encrusted jewellery. Down the beach, where the rocks gave way to beach, the sand was bright brilliant white; hard, actually, to look at. On Keith’s other side was a rolling, sage green meadow, peppered with wildflowers so familiar Keith almost felt he could name them. He saw dozens of fruit trees, all different kinds, so ripe and rich his mouth watered. He was nowhere near enough to smell them, but the fruits were so plump and colourful that every instinct curled up in every corner in his head begged him to gorge himself to coma. Even the army in front of him, the rows and rows of stern tree warriors – dryads, Lance had called them – couldn’t stir wariness in Keith’s heart. His shoulders relaxed without his say-so.
One of the warriors stepped forth. She was wide-set, tall, and the ground trembled with every step. Her eyes were dark as murky green pond depths. Deep gauges lined her face, most from the pattern of the bark that made up her skin, but many that disrupted the pattern; rough, torn scars, one right through her right eye. 
“State your business,” she said, voice rough as sandpaper. 
No one said anything. The awe Keith felt was reflected in his friends, wonder rendering them mute.
“You’re dryads,” said Lance softly. He stepped forward, Hunk’s hand falling from his shoulder. “Tree spirits.”
The tree-woman nodded. “If that’s what your people call us, child. Here, we’re Aegians, Last Guardians of Marmaro. And we ask again – name yourselves.”
Her army raised their weapons as she spoke. Sharp, pointed weapons, some of hardened stone, some of crystal and marble, some of the same wood that made up their flesh. One even had shards of metal attached to a complicated string of vine. 
“We are Paladins of Voltron,” Shiro said, finally, hands held up in peace. He moved slowly up from next to Pidge, eyes never leaving the Aegian leader, until he finally stood in front of her, arm loosely circling Lance’s elbow, tugging him gently back. “We come in peace. Our ship was attacked by the Galran Empire, and we barely made it out intact. We apologise for any damage.”
“I’m not sure ‘intact’ is the right word,” murmured the Aegian leader, glancing quickly at their smoking ship, “but regardless. You are here now.  I am Dryope, and I grant you asylum, as is my birthright.” She said the name like dry-oh-pay, but with a lilt to her vowels Keith couldn’t replicate even in his own head. 
Dryope stood to her full height – which, ho-lee – and struck her staff twice on the rock on which she stood. Immediately, the army fell back, weapons sheathed, postures loosened. 
“Aegians!” she called, and every single tree-warrior stood to attention. “The Paladins of Voltron have come to us. We shall extend our hospitality to them, as dictated in the Ancient Laws.” She turned to them for a moment, contemplating. “Seven households come forward. Our guests are to be fed, clothed, and cared for. Who shall claim the honour?”
Keith exchanged a look with Hunk, shifting uncomfortably. Seven households? They were in no position to complain, but on all the planets they’ve visited before, they’ve never been housed separately. To speak up would surely insult their hosts – but was it safe to split up? They were injured and exhausted – if their hosts proved malevolent, they would be almost powerless individually. Allura was still out, Lance for sure had a head injury, Keith was, now that he noticed, breathing laboriously. A quick glance beside him revealed an odd angle to Pidge’s wrist, probably sprained, and Hunk shifted every couple of seconds like he could not stand comfortably. Shiro favoured his left leg. Only Coran stood tall and strong, Allura held protectively in his arms – but Keith knew better. (He will never, as long as he lives, forget the way the man collapsed, ashen and unresponsive, right at his spot at the castle’s controls. The rest of them had just been deemed healthy enough to fight again after falling ill to Deadman’s Spots, fevered and covered in sores and wasting away. Only Coran had been spared – or so they thought. They had almost lost him.) Coran could have a shard of bone sticking out of his leg and none of them would know. 
They could not afford to refuse the help.
The gathered army rippled and shifted as people answered Dryope’s call. One by one more Aegians pushed their way to the front, until seven stood just behind their leader, shoulder to shoulder, chins raised proudly.
“We have space for the injured girl,” spoke the first Aegian. She stepped forward, and she didn’t look like a warrior at all – the smile on her face was soft and welcoming. She was much stouter than Dryope, and and her eyes held the same maternal kindness that Shiro’s often did, deep and black and understanding. The lined pattern that made up her bark was softer, lining her face like smile lines. Thousands of branches twisted and grew out of her waist, resembling the tangled roots of the biggest tree in the forest. Clinging to her branch-skirt were at least four little saplings, young and reedy, peeking their wide eyes out behind their mama’s hips. She smiled wider, hands outstretched, and Keith had to stop himself from walking into them himself.
“Yes,” said Dryope, nodding at her. Her face went oddly soft, smiling at the maternal woman. When she turned back to face the team, her face morphed back into its impassive expression. “Paladins, Rhea and her family will house your injured girl. She will be well cared for – Rhea has nursed and watched many in her time.”
“Come,” beckoned Rhea, almost interrupting Dryope. The leader didn’t seem to mind. “Bring her to me, she must be laid comfortably.”
Coran walked forward, handing Allura to her gently. It spoke volumes to her character that Coran approached her at all, let alone that he pressed a quiet kiss to his charge’s forehead and stepped away. 
“She is only tired,” he said softly. “Not injured. She needs rest, and perhaps food.”
“I will see to it. Come, children.” With a sweep of her skirts echoing like a bamboo broom, she walked back through the ranks, saplings clinging to her back like baby monkeys.
Next, an elderly man stepped forward. He was hunched, gnarled fingers curled around the haft of a sharp wooden trident that resembled Dryope’s staff. Despite his limp, he walked with dignity, and when he lifted his chin to face Coran, his eyes were bright.
“Have you space, Father?” murmured Dryope.
He nodded. “Always.” 
Using his trident as a walking stick, he strode toward Coran, standing beside him. Coran, ever the diplomat, smiled slightly, and began speaking with him too quietly for Keith to hear. Both men, he noticed, seemed to stand the same way, although he couldn’t explain what that meant. It was just – vibes, he supposed. An energy.
“By the Sky, Mother, how long is this going to take?”
Startled by the abrupt change in tone, Keith jumped, turning towards the man who spoke. He was taller than anyone on the team, although shorter than most of the other Aegians, and covered himself with leaves that looked deliberately sewn rather than grown. His smile was wide and white and what Keith could only describe as shark-like. 
But what was most striking was his skin. The dark lines of patterns that covered it had Keith thinking he was as Aegian as the rest of them, made of tree bark, but then he blinked and realised – they were merely marks, or tattoos. Unlike the rest of the Aegians, this man had skin, this man was – 
Lance gasped. “You’re — human!” 
“Half,” the man corrected, chuckling. He swept forward and delicately grabbed Lance’s hand in one of his, pressing a kiss just above his wrist. Lance blushed up to his hairline. “My name is Peitho. I was born here, on Aegis. My father was a lost human explorer. I have never been to earth. But human genes…” He looked Lance up and down, grinning charmingly. “I’ve always felt they’re very dominant.” 
Lance, obviously pleased with the attention, warmed up quick. He walked over, reaching up to brush the hair out of Peitho’s eyes, touch lingering. Like they were friends or something. Keith ground his teeth so hard you could hear it from the ship’s smoking engine room. 
“I thought…I‘ve never seen a human in space. I thought we were alone, up here.” 
Peitho laughed, full-bodied and bright, like the sound of a smoothly rumbling engine. His handsome face creased lightly as he laughed, emphasizing newly-formed smile lines, which only made him more beautiful, not less. Lance smiled widely along with him. “Oh, my dear,” he said, turning that charming grin full blast on Lance, “you are never alone.”
Keith thought his jaw might crack. What a sleazeball. No wonder Lance liked him so much.
“The introductions need not drag on,” Peitho said grandly, sweeping his arm out like he was in charge or something. His other arm was around Lance’s shoulders. “Akeso, Dysnomia, Elatreus, meet with your paladins. They are hungry, and likely tired from travel. The sooner we have them rested, the sooner they can partake in our welcoming festivities. Right, Mother?”
Dryope nodded, looking a mix of annoyed and amused. “Yes, you embodiment of impertinence.”
As ordered by the embodiment of impertinence, three Aegians stepped forward. The first – who must be Akeso, a tall, reedy person with willowy locs falling to their shoulders, who held no weapon – approached Shiro, nodding tersely. Keith felt his brother match the terseness, stiffening. 
(Internally, Keith winced – could his brother not get someone who smiled, maybe? Akeso was probably fine, but, yeesh. There was once a time when Shiro laughed more than anyone else Keith knew. Sometimes maniacally, on two hours of sleep. But he heard it so rarely now.)
The second Aegian, Dysnomia, approached Pidge. Like the Green Paladin, she was short as shit. Keith met his friends eyes and snickered at her. The murderous look he got would make him more nervous if he, as Lance so often liked to gripe, had a bone of impulse control in his body. (Rich coming from him, but. Whatever. It wasn’t like Keith could argue.) The third, Elatreus, was absolutely, one hundred percent, the coolest Aegian Keith had seen so far. Holding an intricately crafted crossbow and with a shoulder width approximately the size of a small mountain, he lumbered over to Hunk. He held out his fist. Hunk wasted no time bumping with his own. Keith would be jealous if Hunk didn’t deserve it so bad. 
“Oh,” said Peitho, after a moment. “Of course, there is one more. Ares!” He gestured with half as much enthusiasm at Keith. “Your guest.”
Keith stilled. From behind Dryope, the last Aegian host stepped forward. His pale, papery bark was gnarled and scared, bulky, and – stained, it looked like, all the way up the arms. His face was more impassive that Dryope’s, expressionless, except for the slightest of sneers. Resting on one shoulder was a massive club, three times the size of Keith’s head at its tip. Like his host’s arms, it was stained. 
Keith forced himself to meet his stare. His host had eyes red as pomegranates – well. Eye.  The right side of his face, like the rest of the Aegians, was humanoid. The left side looked like it had – looked like someone had clawed out his eye, leaving a gaping, half-healed knot of a scar. 
Keith wasn’t familiar with a lot of myths. But he knew what namesake his Aegian host bore – Ares, god of war, god of pain, god of hardened warriors and battlefield and bloodshed.
Fitting, hissed a voice in his mind. Keith curled his fists and ignored it.
“Paladin,” nodded Ares, taking his place next to him.
Keith swallowed. “Ares.”
“That, I believe, is everyone,” said Dryope. “Paladins, please follow your hosts. They will bring you to their homes and ensure you have somewhere to rest. At sundown, we shall reconvene at the hearth, eat, and make merry. Please –” she spread her hands, “enjoy our island. I will see you all shortly.”
She cracked her staff once on the ground. Immediately, her army parted for her, following her in formation once she marched through. Many of them returned to their tree form. It was still strange to watch. 
Keith jumped as a hand reached out and squeezed his shoulder. Shiro smiled slightly at him, squeezing again before letting go. 
“See you soon, kiddo.”
He followed his host, leaving Keith to realise he was the last still gathered in the shadow of their crashed castle. The eyeless Aegian stood next to him, hands resting on his club, watching him curiously. 
Keith cleared his throat. “Um, we can go.”
The Aegian continued to stare. Keith shifted uncomfortably, fighting the urge to draw his bayard. That would certainly not help. Things were precarious enough. 
“You do not trust us,” his host observed. His one remaining eye was unblinking, holding Keith’s stare until his own eyes burned and he had to blink.
“No,” Keith admitted. It wasn’t that he was scared of the Aegians, per se, but he was wary of them in the same way he was wary of the Blades of Marmora. He recognised their strength, their power, and knew from the way Dryope stood that she was keeping a lot of information to herself. Any group that kept secrets was impossible to trust, at least by Keith’s standards. He suddenly wished he had been paying attention enough to watch Pidge, Lance, and Hunk leave with their hosts, to make sure they were armed. 
His host shrugged. “Wise, probably. I would have no trust in your position.”
He started to walk over the rocks, and Keith followed. It was no accident that the Aegian kept Keith on a diagonal to him, visible from his right side. Keith did his best to keep himself in his line of sight. 
“You wouldn’t?”
“Do I look like I would?”
“I don’t know how to answer that diplomatically.”
To Keith’s great surprise, his host huffed a laugh. A slight smile upturned Keith’s own lips.
They walked the rest of the way in silence. Off the beach and across the meadow, in a deep, round valley, there was a sprawling village. Small, large-bricked buildings dotted hills and lay nestled at the edge of small farms. Dead centre of the valley was a giant fire pit, gently lit, and surrounding it in a perfect circle were several larger buildings in the same style. Keith recognised many of the buildings as temples. 
“This way,” Keith’s host said, beckoning him forward. He turned off the main path and walked along the edge of the hill. Keith teetered after him, trying desperately to keep his balance. He was reminded how hard it was to breathe with bruising around his ribcage, how tired he was. But he kept his mouth clenched tightly closed, unwilling to look weak. 
They walked far past the centre circle, past outer circles, past even the farthest of farmhouses. In crossing one of them, the man stopped, Keith nearly walking right into him, and waited for several moments. He bent over as a tiny little boar came galloping to the edge of the fence on runty little legs, smiling as he scratched the thing between its tusks. Keith couldn’t help but notice the blood covering the sharp, portraying bones, as if the animal had just recently hunted. 
“Hey, Kyknos. Good to see you.”
He pet the boar for a few more minutes, then wordlessly started walking again. Keith had to jog to keep up, tired from the hike so far.
“That, uh, your pet?”
Keith waited. No more information came forth. 
“Oo-kay, then.”
There was a Lance in his head that was laughing at him, bringing up every one-word answer of Keith’s that had frustrated the Blue Paladin to twitching eyes. Keith scowled.
Finally, the host stopped at a house. Keith felt he would nearly faint with relief, beyond ready to lay down his head, wariness or not. 
“This your place?” Keith asked, panting.
His host raised his eyebrow, pushing open the door.
“No,” he deadpanned, “this is my annoying neighbour’s house. He’s on holidays. I’m staying here and using all his things to take revenge for hours of small talk.”
“Oh,” Keith replied, impressed. “Cool.” He’ll have to do that next time Lance is on a solo mission. 
“No, I’m – I’m kidding, Paladin.”
“Oh,” Keith repeated, disappointed. “Less cool.”
“Just – get in the house.”
Keith didn’t argue. He followed his host into the small building, nodded as he was pointed to a guest room, and passed out the second his head hit the straw-stuffed pillow.
— — —
part three
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klanceficatalogue · 9 months
Ahhhhh I have been a follower of this blog for ever. I remember the worm. Any new secret relationship fics?? Ahhh
goddamn we have a veteran in the inbox - k
secret relationship tag
you're a dream to me by icedpink (1/1 | 6,107 | Teen and Up)
"Did you know you snore?" Keith asks, still laughing. The team finds out about Keith and Lance's relationship due to snoring, of all things.
You're From A Whole 'Nother World (A Different Dimension) by negativefouriq (2/2 | 6,541 | Teen and Up)
“Maybe he really has been replaced by a pod person,” Pidge breathes. She’s started to sound nervous, for all her joking. “Let’s go find him,” Hunk says, and he can’t hide the urgency in his voice. They both rush down the hallway, wordlessly agreeing to be as silent as possible. They pause before Lance’s bedroom door, exchanging a determined look. Pidge nods, and Hunk carefully turns the doorknob, soundlessly pushing the door open. It’s dark. The only light comes from the moonlight pouring through the open window, and the small shark-shaped nightlight on the desk. Despite the brightness of the moon, the only thing really visible are shadows and figures. The lump on the bed, wrapped in the covers, is far too big to be Lance. --- OR: Hunk hasn't heard from Lance in months. He's getting worried. But when he goes to look for Lance himself...nothing could prepare him for who he finds in Lance's bed.
White light in your arms tonight by mustardlord (1/1 | 4,056 | Teen and Up)
Lance had been in the pod for one movement, and if the team noticed Keith spent his days next to Lance, they didn't mention it. He would stay on his side, often skipping meals and forgetting to take care of himself. He sometimes went to the training grounds when it was all too much. Keith set the training bots to a high difficulty and got his ass handed to him, but at least he didn't worry about anything other than fighting. or After a month secretly together, Lance suffers an accident and Keith doesn't know what to do with himself.
//temporary character death
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thespacenico · 6 months
let the waves pull me in
pairings: keith & garrison trio words: 2.7k chapters: 1/1
“Hey, where are you going?”  Two steps into his departure and Keith freezes, turning to see all three of the others looking at him. Pidge is frowning at him in confusion, hands on her hips and clearly waiting for an answer. Keith feels caught for some reason. “Oh.” He glances back and forth between them and the open sea, scrambling for an explanation. “I… don’t really know.” Hunk points his thumb over his shoulder. “Aren’t you coming with us?”  Keith opens his mouth. Closes it. Mentally, Shiro is shaking him by the shoulders and screaming at him to say yes. Why is he even hesitating? His gaze slides over to Lance, half-expecting him to be the one to start laughing and tell him it was just a joke, but even he’s watching Keith expectantly, head cocked slightly to the side.  “I don’t—er, I mean, I… guess?”
read now on ao3
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seldomscilence16 · 5 months
Alright so this all started with a lego set at work, turned into a long ass intro, then its 11 on Christmas Eve and I decide to just do the Christmas snippet and finish the rest/context later.
So please ignore spelling 😬 and Happy Holidays all! Also TW for a bit of Racism at one point, theres a bullying scene but a short one. "Well if it isnt..." is where it starts and "there a problem here." Is where it ends.
Hope you enjoy this snippet! Stay safe everyone and thank @autisticlancemcclain for the Bug boy Lance!
Lance could kick himself.
He knows better than this. He knows what happens, he knows that once they get what they want, they'll leave.
And yet, here he is, spending hard earned money, on four classmates. Sure he'd saved them for last, focusing on his families gifts first and foremost- its the main reason he got the job, part going to saving for emergencies, the rest to spend on Christmas- but he was doing the thing he'd sworn off.
No people. People hurt and use and lie and tease. Lance was supposed to he strong until college, his fresh start, but then these four had to go and be NICE and do their part and- yeah the bar was really low...
"This isnt going to end well." He mumbles, the hustle and bustle of the mall overwhelming with holiday traffic and leaving him worn out before he even enters an actual store.
He scans aisle after aisle, berating himself for putting so much thought into something he wasnt even supposed to be doing. His eye catches something green and he comes to a halt. Its legos, one of those collectors sets that costs an arm and a leg, but Lance hadn't even known Lego did THIS.
'The insect collection'.
"Blue Morpho Butterfly, Hercules Beetle, and a Chinese Mantis." He breathes in awe, eyes scanning every detail.
"Well if it isnt Mclame."
His head snaps up, a group of classmates before him, most of which are his very reason for his No People rule.
"Still a freak about bugs I see, surprised you havent married one yet- maybe even they dont want you!" He snorts when he laughs, a strange noise from the back of his throat that remind Lance of a Donkey or Pig.
"Not like he could even afford it, if you want you can have your mom come clean my house." One girl taunts from the back, Lances blood boiling at the blatent racist remark despite Lance's CUBAN heritage.
"If you do have money to spare you should buy me lunch instead, for having to be in your vecinity for this long." Another boy plugs his nose, like he showers every day. Lance sits behind him in English, and he does not.
"There a problem here kids?" A man in the mall security uniform eyes them all carefully, eyes giving Lance a once over that makes him uncomfortable.
"No sir." He replies polity, deciding another store may hold better finding anyway- at least better company.
Lance's budget was low to begin with, but eventually he comes up with ideas for the four.
It starts with Hunks treats. The things that get them through their library sessions when the projects blur. And Lances job allows him access to plenty of people who would love to share things with anyone who will listen. So painstakingly, Lance translates recipes to paper as the older generations he enteracts with give him a little baking show.
Shiro's, surprisingly, comes next. A single comment about how much he hates ruined shirt sleeves, as they get caught on his prosthetic port. Its winter, and tank tops simply wont do, so Lance finds himself knitting in his spare time. Doing hours of research to see what possibilities will be the most comfortable, with of course a very lame joke on the front.
Pidge's was an accident. Lance's bike- sabataged it would seem- leaves him crashing off path in a ditch on his way home from work. He ends up limping his way through thick folliage, dragging a broken bike in the late hours of the afternoon. The little squeak is almost ignored, the second one however, well its Lance.
The little thing is a puffball, Lance was almost sure it was a toupé, until it moved and blinked at him. He thinks its a dog, no idea what kind, but its tiny and fluffy and following him home. Lance has three allergic family members, but Pidge mentioned a family dog who had sadly passed away and nearly broke Lances heart. The green eyes tell him this little thing will be a lovely match.
Keith is the hardest. Lance honestly almost buys a knife, because the guy is a conspiracy theorist and gets into way too much trouble not to have a few knives on him. But it doesnt seem right.
But Lance see's how often he doodles.
Freakin gorgeous doodles.
Then he finds the brand 'Keff Artistry' and its too close to 'Keef' for Lance to pass up.
He almost tells his family to simply lock him up and burn the gifts, but then they'd be worried and he's trying to avoid that thank you, hes been doing an excellent job masking his turmoil thus far.
So, the day before Christmas Eve, Lance gathers his gifts in trembling hands, and slips out of the house unseen. If this turns into a mess, he'll deal with it himself this time. He has to grow up eventually, he cant keep crying about bullies to his family, its not a big deal anyway.
"What the heck happened to your face!?" Pidge's incredulous tone has everyone eyes snapping towards said face.
"Its nothing, bike accident." Lance shrugs it off, as he'd done when he'd come home with it, he had too little proof anyway. Anyone could have carved 'McLame' into the side of it.
"Accident huh?" Its mumbled by someone, but Lance cant place it and decidedly ignores it anyway.
"I uh... have gifts... for you guys." He changes the subject, directing the attention to the bags he carries.
"For us?" Hunk asks, eyes wide and sparkly, "You know you didnt have to buddy."
Well, supposedly.
"Yeah, its not much, but uh, here." He hands them out carefully, extra careful with Pidge's.
"Guess its a good thing we brought ours to you then." Shiro says, pulling a wrapped box from the spare chair.
Lance's eyebrows furrow, staring at the box in confusion, perhaps with a little trepidation,
"You guys got me something?"
"Yeah! We all pitched in!" Pidge grins at him, something she does sparingly- grin that is.
He takes it with clammy hands, still shaking ever so slightly. He holds it to his chest as he watches the others open their bags, watches their faces carefully.
Hunk holds the hand bound book tenderly, eyes shining as he flips through the pages carefully.
Shiro stares in awe at his sweater, a chuckle escaping him as he runs his fingers over the soft material.
Pidge squeaks, as the small dog bumps its head against her face, cold nose sniffing excitedly. She holds the animal close, the dog snuggling up like he always belonged there.
Keith is staring at his gift. The art set held half out of the bag, as if he hadnt been expecting it. He turns wide eyes towards Lance, and the cuban can see the emotions there.
This is one of Lance's favorite parts about giving. When he did good in the eyes of the reciever, when they LIKE what he gave, genuinely. No matter its monetary value.
"Lance, this is amazing." Shiro breaks the silence, turning wide eyes his way, smile big and bright and real.
"I cant imagine how long this took, this is amazing! I havent even heard of some of these!!!" Hunk is tearing up, book hugged to his chest, grinning at Lance like he'd been given a great treasure.
"I cant believe you got me a dog! He's just a little puff!" The excitement is so nice to hear, its practically contageous.
"I... havent recieved something this nice from anyone but family before. Thanks Lance." Keith is downright shy as he admits this little fact about himself, and Lance could cry.
"I'm... really glad you guys like them."
"Now open yours!" Hunk encourages quickly, sitting to watch him intently, practically vibrating.
Lance could almost feel scared, but....
He allows himself a little hope.
He opens the paper gingerly, savoring his first gift from anyone outside of family. A corner is revealed, familiar for some reason, another inch-
Lego Ideas The Insect Collection.
"What-" It comes out choked, shock clear on his face.
Is it a joke? Are they mocking him? It was expensive, theres no way they'd spend that much on a joke right?
"Its the one you wanted right?" Pidge asks, a slight pinch to her brow.
"We only saw you from across the mall, so we didn't know- You're crying oh Gods, whats wrong Buddy-" Shiro Panics, quickly kneeling by the chair Lance had collapsed into.
"I don- Why- I can't- "
"Breathe! Come on-" Hunk exagerates his own, encouraging Lance gently to follow as he chokes on tears and air and spit alike.
"Its not a joke right?" He finally gets out, looking pleadingly to the group, running a reverant hand across the box, "You did this to be nice?" He can hear the vulnurability in his own voice, but he's about a second from breaking completely.
"Yes, yes, of course! All 1,111 pieces are inside!" Shiro assures quickly, rubbing a soothing hand over his shoulder and arm.
It gets a wet chuckle from Lance, as he pulls the box to his chest once more.
"No ones... thank you so much, I can't... can't tell you how much this means." He wipe at his face, "I'll repay you, I promise-"
"Hey, its a gift Lance." Keith says, voice softer than ever, "We wanted to get it for you."
"Merry Christmas Lance."
"Merry Christmas."
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danceylancey · 1 year
Lance leaves. Allura and Blue are connecting better than he ever did with the Lion, Red can try hide it as much as she likes but she misses Keith and wants him back. Black is happy with either Keith or Shiro as they are both good leaders. So he doesn’t really fit. After some considering and planning, he eventually decides that the next time they are at a coalition meeting, he’s going to join some resistance group and help there. At first the team doesn’t notice how much he isn’t contributing to the actual event but that’s not unusual, he often leaves to help with civilian clean ups or get to know the culture of whatever planet their on. They only notice when they’ve left and he isn’t on the ship, Coran confessing Lance told him his plan and left him a long note explaining things to him but left nothing of the sort for the others. He knows it’s petty but he’s hurt and needs to find a purpose for himself, so they’re going to have to take a back seat in his life for a while. He sends Coran video messages monthly, telling him about people and places, about cool weapons and animals he’s found and about how the resistance is getting stronger and bigger. He tells him about how the population is about 20% Galran women who seemed to get sick of the men being so dumb and bossy. Lance tells him about his successes and failures, sometimes joking around and laughing and other times it’s a dark and empty look on his face. Coran finds he looks both happier and more exhausted then when he was with Voltron, defiantly more confident and self assured, if not overworked. Lance tells him about when he crashes his ship in the hull of a Galra vessel to save his team and how his legs were crushed and ripped apart in the ensuing blast. Coran tells him about an old friend he has who used to make prosthetics and suggest he tries to find him, which Lance does. He opts for ones that will give him more agility and speed, showing Corans friend a crude drawing of cheetah legs for reference. Coran watches over the next several years as Lance loses parts of his body and gains parts of his mind. When he looses his left eye he seems to fill into his new leader role more. When he looses two fingers on his right hand, pinkie and ring, he starts to practice with more weapons and hand to hand combat. When he looses his jaw and right ear he starts to sing songs for his crew in Spanish and English and even a few in languages he’s been taught. When his spine is broken and he’s put in a pod of sorts, eventually having it replaced in a painful process due to not having any kind of anesthetiser for humans, he starts to dance and run and climb more. He tells stories of his home to his closest allies, talks about myths with children in the camps, boast about his cool friend Coran to any one who will listen. He becomes caring in a silent way and determine in a dangerous one. It’s close to eight years later when Coran sees him again, his crew of almost 200 large vessels saving Voltron from an ambush. When Lance comes up to him he doesn’t even look at his old team and friends, just gives a big grin and hugs Coran, saying how he missed his old friend. They both talk like no time has passed as the others watch, horrified at how damaged Lance’s body is yet how healed and full he seems to be inside. Lance finally acknowledges them when Pidge starts to cry.
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How do you imagine a scenario plays out in which Keith (most beautiful red boy ❤️❤️❤️) is being flirted with by some aliens, what would Keith do? More importantly what would Lance do 🔫😠💙?
pleASE I lost it over 🔫😠💙
Keith was getting tired of all of these parties he was forced to attend. He knew having allies was important in defeating the Galran empire but no matter how many times he told Allura he wasn't cut out for social situations she told him to just "smile and nod."
So that's what he did. Party after party, event after event he just smiled and nodded. He frankly didn't care what people said to him, the jokes they said to him, he just didn't care.
He took a sip of his drink, he wasn't even sure how to describe the taste of it; kind of fruity but bland. He quickly scanned the room, Shiro was chatting with the council members with Allura and Coran.
Pidge was talking excitedly to the couple of engineers that surrounded them. He had no doubt that were brainstorming how to upgrade their weapon systems or something similar.
Hunk was kept company by a couple of people wearing matching uniforms. Keith had noticed them going in and out of the kitchen, he figured they were chiefs of some sort.
His eyes found the Blue paladin; naturally, he was in his element. The aliens that surrounded him laughed loudly at whatever he was saying. One of them even touched his arm briefly; to which he quickly moved his arm in a polite way. 
Lance met his eyes from across the room, sending him a quick smile that Keith found himself reciprocating.
He wasn't sure what he and Lance were at this point. Keith had kissed him after a particularly rough mission. He didn't really mean to, he didn't even realize he liked Lance like that until Lance didn't come back to the castle.
Blue was knocked offline and Lance couldn't get her back to the castle. Keith found him first and as soon as he saw Lance he just kissed him. Before he could really understand what he just did Lance was kissing him back.
They quickly pulled away as Hunk entered the atmosphere with the yellow lion.
Lance came to Keith's room that night, asking if they could talk about the kiss. They both came to the conclusion that maybe this rivalry was a bit of a cover-up for more intense feelings. Neither of them knew they liked each other past a friendship until they kissed.
So they weren't officially dating but they obviously had feelings for each other. They hadn't told the team yet either, they were still trying to figure out what to do with these feelings.
“Now that is a nice smile if I do say so myself.” A taller alien stepped closer to him. His skin was pastel pink, decorated with gold designs. His eyes were pitch black, and his baby blue color hair was tied up in a braided bun. 
Keith looked at him, “thanks,” and he took another sip of his drink. 
“So red paladin, you don’t seem to be enjoying yourself tonight.”
“Parties aren’t my thing.” 
The alien released a small chuckle, “I can tell.” 
Keith didn’t respond, he just wanted to be left alone. 
“So does the red paladin have a name?” The man asked in a sultry voice. 
Keith cleared his throat, trying to shake the discomfort he was feeling. “Keith.” 
“Keith,” the man repeated it a couple of times, trying to get his tongue used to the name. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Dreknill.” 
Keith fought the urge to roll his eyes, I didn’t ask. “Pleasure.” 
Dreknill kept talking, it was small talk and Keith found himself replying. Not so much out of any interest more because it was passing the time. He wanted to know about Keith's life, what it was like being a paladin, how many planets he had saved, things like that. 
Keith kept his answers short, very aware of how the taller man found every opportunity to step closer to him, touch his shoulder, things of that nature. Keith knew he was flirting with him, he wasn’t that socially obvious. He just didn’t know how to escape the situation he found himself in. 
“Keith, the night is slowly coming to an end.” 
Keith gave a small nod, finally. 
“Would you care to share a dance?” 
Before Keith could turn down his offer, Dreknill's hands were on his lower back, pushing him towards the center of the room. “I-I can’t dance,” Keith tried to turn away but the other man grabbed his arm, pulling him closer to his chest. 
“I guess I’ll have to teach you.” 
Keith frantically looked around the room as Dreknill twirled him around the room. He stumbled a bit under his feet and Dreknill lifted him up slightly, supporting most of his weight. 
Keith held his breath, trying to think of his best route back to his room, or just out of the ballroom. He could tell the song was coming to an end and he silently begged for it to end faster. 
Dreknill stopped twirling him, finally setting him back fully on the ground. “That wasn’t so bad was it?” He gave him a smile. 
“Oh yeah, thanks but I think I’m going to turn in for the night.” 
“Oh but Keith the night is so young! One more dance?” He leaned closer, his lips an inch or so apart from Keith’s. 
Keith‘s mind was in an all-blown panic and he felt himself freeze. Move body! Come on! He could fight the Galra but freeze in this situation? 
“Keith! What are you still doing up, you need your beauty sleep.” A familiar voice rang in his ears, his savior. An arm was wrapped around his waist, pulling him onto his teammate's side. 
Dreknill straightened his back up, “Oh the Blue Paladin.” 
“Please, call me Lance. I don’t mean to interrupt but Keith does have a strict bedtime routine.” 
Dreknill squinted his eyes a bit at Lance, seeming to size him up, his eyes lingering on Lance’s hand on Keith's waist. “I see.” 
Lance flashed him a wide smile, “it was a pleasure to meet you.” 
“I can escort the red paladin back to his room,” Dreknill reached for Keith and Lance tightened his hold on him. 
“Don’t worry. I can take care of him.” Lance looked down at Keith, “ready to leave love?” 
Keith felt himself blushing, nodding a bit at Lance’s words. 
“We both hope you get home okay,” and with that Lance turned around, dragging Keith with him, and quickly left the room. He didn’t stop walking until they were in the space between their bedroom doors. 
Lance dropped the hold he had on Keith. “Sorry, you looked uncomfortable.” 
“It...wasn’t pleasant. Thanks for getting me out of there.” 
Lance gave him a tense nod. 
Keith scanned his face, trying to decipher any emotion he could. “Lance?” 
Lance grabbed his face gently and brought their lips together. 
Lance wasn’t really a jealous person. He had his moments, who didn’t? But he had a very small list of things that would actually make him feel jealous. When his mama would call his siblings by his nickname. When his eldest brother got a dog and he didn’t. And apparently seeing Keith be flirted with was another one. 
He had kept his eyes on his fellow teammate the entire night. He wanted to be by him, keeping their shoulders touching, maybe holding his hand, just be close to him. But he knew he needed to mingle, needed to help this alliance go smoothly. Plus he didn’t want to get integrated by the team because they were both suddenly joined at the hip. 
So he chatted with the aliens that surrounded him, quickly dodging their flirting attempts or invitations back to their respective rooms. None of his guests seemed to take offense to his friendly decline which he was grateful for. 
But then that...that guy strolled over to Keith, and Lance told himself to keep breathing, that Keith was just mingling like they all were. But then he put his hand on Keith's arms and Lance almost stormed over to him right then and there. He was stopped by a councilman stepping in front of him, quickly pulling him into a conversation. 
Lance couldn’t keep his eyes off him, he kept nodding his head, giving half-ass responses to whatever the councilman was saying. A tight feeling bloomed in his chest the longer he watched Keith. He knew that they weren’t dating or anything but Lance wished they were. 
He forced himself to remain where he was, forcing his breathing to remain even. Keith did look uncomfortable, he clearly wasn’t enjoying the conversation he was having and Lance did whatever he could to try to end the conversation. 
He managed to slip away as Keith was being twirled on the dance floor, looking too uneasy on his feet. Lance stared at the two, stared specifically at Keith who was nearly being lifted off the ground by the other man. 
Lance couldn’t control himself anymore, he couldn’t stop his advancement toward the two men even if he wanted to. He reached Keith in a couple of strides, immediately pulling him to his side with one arm. “Keith! What are you still doing up, you need your beauty sleep.”
Lance eyes the other man, trying to silently tell him to back off. The man, Lance didn’t care to learn his name, seem to take it as a challenge, which Lance was not going to lose. 
“I can escort the red paladin back to his room,” the man reached for Keith, and Lance tightened his hold on his teammate, silently apologizing for how tightly he was grabbing him. He didn’t want that man to pull Keith out of his grasp. 
“We both hope you get home okay, “ Lance didn’t think he could walk any faster. Each step put him further away from that man. He kept walking till they both reached in-between their rooms. 
Kissing Keith was not something he expected to do tonight, be he felt like he was going to explode if he didn’t. Keith kissed back with a sense of hunger and Lance quickly pushed him back against the wall. 
“Sorry I couldn’t get you out of there sooner. You looked in pain most of the night.” Lance mumbled against the other boy's lips. 
Keith nodded and Lance pulled away, looking into his galaxy eyes. “I guess I don't like when others flirt with you.” 
Keith blushed at the statement, “I only want you flirting with me honestly.” 
Lance grinned, “I’ll make sure to be the only one,” he connected their lips again.
I don’t really know why I went in this direction but why do I do anything?? I guess I just needed some jealous Lance in my life 
I hope you liked it 
Thank you <333333
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shatterinseconds · 2 years
Keithtober ‘22 day 10
There is so much blood, so much. Keith’s pale hands are stained red; there’s a red smear on his face from where he tried to wipe the sweat off his forehead. None of this blood is from him.
“I swear to every god in this universe that if you die on me, I’m going to kill you.”
Lance giggles, a little woozy from the bloodloss. He grins up at Keith. “I’d like to see you try.”
Keith scowls. “Don’t even joke about that.”
This dumbass took a shot for him without a second thought; Keith will never be able to repay that act of selflessness back. The only thing he can do, has to do, right now is keep Lance alive until they can get him into a healing pod—he will not fail. He applied pressure to the wound on Lance’s side, and once the bleeding stopped for the most part, he wrapped and cleaned it the best he could.
“You’re the one who’s making jokes all of a sudden,” Lance argues, pouting for a moment.
“I’m completely serious.”
Lance reaches up to boop him on the nose. “I like it when you’re funny,” he says suddenly, without hesitation, and Keith’s heart stutters. “You’re really funny, you know. In your own special way.”
Shocked, Keith sits back on his heels. He’s not entirely sure how to take that—it’s part insult and part compliment, but it’s coming from Lance which is the most confusing aspect about it. “Uh.”
“You’re also really pretty. Like really gorgeous. You don’t realize that either,” Lance easily admits—it causes Keith’s cheeks to pink despite the situation. Lance even laughs at himself. “I stare at you all the time; I can’t get your dumb mullet out my mind, even when I go to sleep.”
It’s too much for Keith. He slaps the comm device in his ear, opening up a channel to the rest of the team. “Lance is losing it; you better get here now.”
“Oh man, what has he been saying? He’s going to hate all of this when he gets better,” Pidge says, probably in an attempt to lighten the mood. And Keith agrees with them; Lance is not going to like what he’s just been spewing, whether it’s the truth or just unintelligible babbling caused by being steps away from death. Shiro confirms that they will all be there soon.
“Hey.” Suddenly, Keith feels a hand on his cheek guiding him to look at Lance again. Lance’s face is ashen but his dark eyes remain clear. “I’m going to be okay. I trust you.”
Nodding in agreement, Keith absentmindedly wraps his own hand around Lance’s and keeps it against his cheek for a moment. His skin is still warm, a very good sign. “You’re going to get better, and once this is all over, you and I are going to have a long chat about what you’ve been saying.”
Lazily grinning, Lance allows his hand to fall back to the ground. “Looking forward to it.”
And that’s exactly what happens. Keith witnesses one of the worst moments of his life but also gains a boyfriend because of it. He claims it as a win and so does Lance, after his complete and utter mortification when he’s fully healed of course.
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bluedemon1995 · 7 months
KIDGE content…
AU where Katherine Holt has a massive crush on Lance, from afar. She is socially awkward because she skipped a few grades and now is the youngest person at the college/university. She gets recruited by Coran for his robotics club and there she meets Allura. Allura instantly wants to be friends but Katherine is shy and self conscious. She’s used to being in the background, the brains behind the curtain so to speak. Allura is patient though, she knows how it feels to be different. So she chips away at her walls. Besides she doesn’t want to change her just change everyone else’s perspective…especially Katherine’s. Once she finds out about Katherines crush on Lance she decides to use that line to tug.
Katherine is smart, witty and a bit devious. Unknown to Alllura, Katherine also goes by Pidge and is currently a consultant for her brother and his partner who works for the FBI. She does a lot of the computer work with Matt. Initially Shiro was very against Pidge helping but after getting to know her, he can’t help but be impressed. Hell, he’s half in love with her and knowing she doesnt connect well with people her age, he deliberately hangs out with both the Holts. Hiijinks ensure and their bond helps Pidge blossom.
Meanwhile, Allura starts dating the new guy at school-Lotor. Who has some conflicts with Lance and his friend Hunk. It’s around this time that Lance starts to notice Katherine, who he quickly nicknames Katie. She’s tiny, quiet and supportive. She always seems to be smiling and laughs at all his jokes. As Allura starts to hang out with Lotor, Katie falls into hanging out with Lance and Hunk. Hunk loves her, she eats all his cooking and she is wicked smart. They join the robotics club and are soon winning much of the competitions. Until they join an underground fight club for their robots.
The only reason they are doing the whole underground fighting however is because Pidge had overheard how her brother hit a bunch of blocks on the current case. So she dropped breadcrumbs for Lance to follow, which he of course ran for and somehow it was his idea to compete. It’s here that Lance sees his old nemeses Keith.
But Pidge has done her research and she knows that Keith is old friends with Shiro-so she instantly puts him in the friend column, especially after doing a deep five into his history via some hacking. Fortunately, he’s friends with Acxa who is friends with Lotor who Pidge believes is somehow connected to all this.
Paths are crossed. And while Keith doesn’t hate Lance, he does make his presence known. So Keith naturally observes Katie, who is kinda dating Lance. The more he watches the more he doesn’t understand. How does everyone thing Katie is so sweet and nice? She’s sarcastic. She’s tricky. She’s suddenly all he can think about. He’s constantly searching for that moment, that glint she gets when she does something…un-Katie like. But is like he’s the only one who sees. It drives him mad. He’s obsessed.
One day, he sees some guys hassling her and he goes to step in, not even thinking she could take care of herself. But boy does she. She wipes the ground with the guys and Keith witnesses it all. He calls her on it. She shrugs it off as self defense, duh.
But now Katie realizes Keith is onto her. What to do…she needs help and she hasn’t told her brother…yet. Then suddenly there’s a raid at the fight, and chaos ensues. At some point Keith is trapped and he’s ready to bash some heads when Katie appears. She pulls him along to one of her preplanned exit plans when she sees an opportunity to hack the mainframe that is usually heavily guarded. Decided she has to go with her gut, she tells Keith and of course he’s in. With zero thought. Watching her, Keith grins, satisfied with the knowledge he was right. She was so much more than she appeared.
Obviously a slow burn where Keith fell first, and Katie realizes, a crush is so much different than love…
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silentwillowwhisperer · 8 months
Day 13- Fall
The other 3 are on their way. Eventually. I just had zero ideas and was wasting time staring at my computer.
I spelled Kosmo wrong so many times before I finally remembered that it's spelled with in s (k-o-s-m-o, not k-o-z-m-o)
'can you die of sugar overdose?' is now in my search history : )
Kosmo lets out a giant dog sneeze.
The dog does not do great around this time of year and always sneezes like crazy. But that's not stopping him from going outside with Keith. This time of year is great for taking long runs. Keith took Kosmo off the leash ago, it's not necessary outside the apartment complex. The only reason he owns one is because his annoying neighbors like to threaten to call the police if Kosmo is off-leash. Keith could take any of them in a fight (verbal or physical), but he'd rather not have Shiro bail him out of jail. He'd never hear the end of it.
All around, bright leaves of all colors float lazily down from their trees. The ones that get too close to Keith do flips in the air to avoid him. The crisp air bites into his skin and is a stark contrast with the heat in his flushed cheeks. His hair is pulled back into a ponytail, so the fall breeze tickles the back of his neck.
Kosmo barks brightly at a sunny yellow bird that zips past them.
Usually, they take a giant loop down to the beach and back to their apartment, but today they're headed somewhere different.
Keith stops at a pretty exposed brick building. The trees frame it perfectly, and there are three steps lined by decorative railings on either side that lead up to a bold red door.
He walks Kosmo up the steps, making sure his dog's giant clumsy paws don't slip on the little brick stairs.
There's a small potted plant resting next to the door, a withered plant drooped over the side of its pot, unrecognizable if not for the single sunflower that rises from the center. The doormat reads, 'Your shoelaces are untied' and is so old that the stitching down the sides is starting to fray.
Kosmo tries to eat the flower.
Keith knocks softly on the door, and it flies open with a giant creak. "Keith! You're here!" Lance tumbles out to wrap Keith up in a tight hug. Keith grabs onto him to stop himself from tripping back down the stairs. "It's nice to see you too, Lance."
When they pull apart, Kosmo has already bounded into the house. Lance pulls him inside, and Keith is greeted by their friends. Shiro waves to him before returning to his conversation with Hunk. Pidge nods at him from across the room, and Adam gives him a salute. Allura and Coran call out a greeting.
The door opens into a cozy living room, separated from the kitchen with a countertop between the two.
Keith is handed a cup of hot chocolate. It has whipped cream piled up in a huge overflowing mountain on top, complete with 5 kinds of sprinkles and a handful of giant marshmallows. He's pretty sure there's a gummy worm somewhere in there. Diced strawberries are sprinkled here and there. Of course, it's all in one if those super tall Starbucks mugs. Hunk knows him so well.
Lance laughs and passes Keith the whipped cream bottle, knowing he'll want more. "I swear you're made of sugar at this point. I don't know how you scowl so much with all of that sweetness in you. You're worse than my niblings."
Keith pouts and holds his cup close to his chest. He points the whipped cream at Lance's face. "Shush. Let me be happy or you'll get a face full of sugar."
Lance puffs his chest out. "Well joke's on you because that is actually great for your skin. Or at least that's what google said. So there."
Keith is too busy spraying it into his own mouth to listen. He hears his friends snickering at him, so he puts so under his nose. He turns to them and pretends to twirl the end of it like a moustache.
Pidge snorts so hard that the hot chocolate they were sipping shoots out of their nose. They collapse back onto the couch with a drawn out groan.
Keith has to take some deep breaths to avoid the same fate (the whipped cream is slowly dissolving in his mouth).
He grabs a few more toppings before retreating back to the living room.
Lance chooses the armchair next to a large window. He pulls Keith down onto his lap, and Keith settles sideways so that his legs hang over the arm of the seat. Lance's arm rests on Keith's stomach, and he sips slowly at his sugary drink.
Kosmo runs over to them and settles on top of Lance's feet. The man smiles warmly. "Thanks bud, I didn't want to get up for socks. It's getting colder outside."
Keith knows he smells like sweat, but Lance combs his fingers though the smaller man's hair anyway.
Keith makes grabby hands for the book sitting on the table beside them, and Lance passes it to him.
Lance reaches into Keith's hoodie pocket to pull out the pair of black glasses that usually rest in there and slides them onto Keith's face.
He tips his head back and closes his eyes while Keith reads and drinks his hot chocolate. Shiro opens the window behind them and drapes a blanket over them both.
All Keith can think about is the words in his book and Lance's warm arms around him.
Warm fuzzies.
This is the mug I was talking about. I really want one of these:
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The doorbell rings, for the billionth time that night, and Keith groans.
“Please,” he begs, “please can we pretend we’re not home.”
His husband gleefully ignores him, disappearing with a faint ‘pop’ sound. If Keith let his ears hear as far as they would like, he’d hear another faint pop as Lance reappeared in front of their door, candy bowl in hand, and the subsequent delighted gasps of various costumed children. He’s hear the young voices yell ‘trick or treat!’ in unison, and mourn the time when he very well could give them a trick instead, as Lance fawns over their little costumes, shovels a truly ridiculous amount of candy into their little pails, and then poofs back into the living room.
But he does not listen in, because he is — as Lance says — the Scrooge of Halloween, and refuses to find any joy in the stupid holiday.
“You are going to get yourself caught,” he mumbles into Lance’s hair, once the witch has resettled on the couch.
“Am not, batboy,” Lance responds breezily, leaning into Keith’s hold. “And so what if I get caught? What’re they going to do? Burn me at the stake again?”
“You jest, but that was a horrible thing to witness. I can’t believe how stupidly happy those asshole pastors and judges were.”
Lance hums, turning his head to press a quick kiss to Keith’s cheek. “That was 400 years ago, my love. Let’s let the past stay in the past, hm? Plus, it didn’t even hurt, and you bled those motherfuckers dry, anyway.”
“And they were delicious,” Keith growls.
“Mm, somehow I doubt that. Didn’t the abundance of lead in every living surface in the 1600s make blood taste bitter?”
“…Okay, yes, but the satisfaction was very sweet.”
He feels Lance’s smile where its pressed into his collarbone. “Of course, cielo.”
They have a single moment of peace, then Keith’s ears twitch, and he growls.
Lance grins wider. “Hear some footsteps?”
“Your insistence on indulging this stupid tradition is making me want to break my no-eating-children rule.”
Lance laughs as he gets up — again — and puts on his truly gigantic witch’s hat, which is objectively kind of funny, but Lance has been making that joke since the 70s so Keith refuses to laugh. “Haven’t you heard Hansel and Gretel’s story, my love? Eating children is my job.” His eyes twinkle with mirth (literally. He lets a flash of green envelop his irises when he’s amused. Every time). “Don’t you know I’m fattening them up for a reason?”
He pops away again as the doorbell rings. Keith rolls his eyes fondly, unmuting the TV — a human invention he’s admittedly quite fond of — and watching absentmindedly some silly, animated character tries to outwit a bedlam.
Keith scoffs. As if a human could outsmart a bedlam. Those bitches could outsmart G-d. (Keith knows. He’s talked to the guy. Not very bright, that one, despite knowing all information ever to be known.)
“Oh, those ones were so cute!” Lance coos, popping back onto the couch. Keith rolls his eyes again.
Children-eater, his ass.
“The youngest one could barely walk on her little legs. She had the most adorable little fairy costume —”
Keith perks up. “Really? A faerie costume? With the empty eyes and sharp teeth and everything?”
“No, you dork. One of the fake fairies. The human-made ones.”
“Oh.” Keith pouts. Of course humans can’t even get a simply faerie right — as if the fae have tiny iridescent wings and slave their lives away keeping human lives in balance.
(Tinkerbell was a blight to human society. Pidge was so offended when she saw it that she snapped the disc used it to stab the last person she saw litter in her forest.
It was hilarious.)
“I hate humans,” Keith grumps. “They tolerable before, but now they’re infuriating. Damn the printing press.”
Lance bursts out laughing. “I promise you that humans were annoying long before literacy was widespread.”
“Yeah, but at least then I didn’t have to hear about it.”
“No? You never once donned your velvet cape and lace blouse and went looking for human gossip? I seem to recall you taking me to a masquerade ball or seventy in the gothic era, and you were quite happy to do so.”
…Fuck. Lance knows him too well.
“That was different,” Keith insists, lying like a liar. “Gothic era gossip was hilarious. They were terrified of me. I can’t count how many humans would whisper warnings to me about ‘dangerous blood-suckers living in the castle in the mountains’ only to faint when they saw my fangs. Now that —” Keith sighs wistfully — “that was an era.”
Lance places a gentle, mocking hand on his shoulder. “There, there, batboy. Humans still tremble at the thought of you and all the other Edward Cullens of the world.”
Keith glares at his husband, but there’s no heat behind it and the man knows it, judging by his smug, sunny smile. “You are a menace,” he says, leaning over and nipping his ear, just sharp enough to draw blood. “How dare you bring up that… disgrace to the vampire name.”
“The bane of your existence?” Lance clarifies, giggling. “The main reason you have so much beef with the 21st century?”
“I’m completely justified!” Keith cries, digging his fingers into Lance’s ribs. “Now humans write horny fanfiction about my kind instead of wallowing in terror! It’s horrible!”
“I mean, I get why they’re so lusty,” Lance says, wiggling his eyebrows. “There’s a certain something about those teeth, let me tell you.”
If Keith could blush, he would, but luckily for him he left that behind several hundred years ago.
(A thousand years ago?
Whatever. He’s been alive a long-ass time. Years start to blur.)
He grabs Lance by the ankle, pulling him closer and leaning down to press sharp kisses up his calf.
“Trying to ask for something?” he asks, voice muffled into Lance’s warm skin.
“Definitely trying to get somewhere,” Lance says, voice breathy and affected. “You should —”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” Keith yells, and Lance bursts out laughing, hands pressed to his reddened face.
“Okay, okay,” he relents. “I think we’re done with trick or treating for tonight.”
He snaps his fingers, and a bowl painted like a jack-o-latern filled with candy appears hovering in front of him. He pulls it gently towards him, whispers something in Latin, and tosses the bowl in the air. It hovers directly above them, bright green smoke billowing around it in opaque clouds, before the smoke clears, leaving the bowl looking unchanged. Lance snaps his fingers again and the bowl pops out of existence again.
“There,” Lance says with no small amount of satisfaction. “Now they can get their own candy, and they won’t be able to take more than two, so it should last.”
Keith sighs, pretending to be indifferent, but really he’s just all fond and squishy. He hates halloween, sure — but he loves his husband, and his husband loves halloween, so he’ll put up with the holiday with as minimal complaining as possible.
Keith grins, devilish and sly. Besides, he thinks, the annoying part of halloween is over, now. Now comes the good part: Lance is always more…energetic, when there’s dark magic in the air.
And all hallow’s eve has plenty of dark magic hanging over every street corner.
“Now that there are no more interruptions,” he says, manhandling Lance until he’s straddling Keith’s hips, arms around his shoulders, their faces inches apart. “I think we were getting somewhere.”
Lance smirks, closing the distance.
“Yes, I think we were.”
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Hunk having a crush on Reader
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This was requested by @jello-jellyzz, who wanted Hunk with a crush!! I had so much fun writing him, i adore hunk sm😻🫶
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Like you guys are able to bond over so many things, like cooking, getting sick easily, so much fun🤩
I think what really helps settle Hunks crush is how much empathy you show
He appreciates how you’re able to be so kind to those around you, makes him sigh in happiness
He doesn’t realize that he has a crush on you until some of the other paladins (Lance I’m looking at you) begin teasing him about
At first he thought you know it was a platonic feeling but the more he thought about it, how his heart slightly sped up when you were around, and how he stared at you often, admiring your presence, when you all had meetings
It clicks in his head that, yes, Hunk indeed has a crush on you
He starts acting a little… strange whenever you’re around
He also starts slightly stuttering when talking to you AHH💔💔💔
Now that he actually confirmed his feelings for you, he’s so much more nervous with you
He feels like being around you is COMPLETELY different than before
But you on the other hand are so confused on what’s happening
You just see him entering a room you’re in and abruptly shoot out once he notices you
And you notice how he begins to avoid eye contact with you which made you MORE suspicious of his behavior
Had you done something wrong? Maybe he didn’t want to be your friend anymore? Did he find out about your crush on him???
Long conversations are now mostly small talk between the two of you due to Hunks brain short circuiting most of the time
He just gets so distracted with staring at you that what you say goes in one ear and out the other
You probably go to Pidge to like try and figure out what’s wrong with him
“And he doesn’t even talk to me anymore! Well I mean he does, but it’s not the same!”
Cue Pidge sighing
“Are you seriously that oblivious?”
Cue you being confused
Pidge brings this up with Hunk (so slay of her), which makes him feel bad cuz now it looks like he doesn’t want to be around you anymore
So he begins cooking you food and pastries to make you feel better
I think that’s what gets you guys back on track, immediately going back to how it was
But Hunk doesn’t want what you guys had before, homeboy wants more💔
He definitely goes to Lance to get some advice
Razzle dazzle baby
After his meeting with Lance, he’s got a mini journal full of (awful) pick up lines
Hunk uses them on you but because they’re so bad and how he says it, you usually take it as a joke and laugh at them
“Are you a black hole? Cuz uhh… umm… oh oh! Cuz you seem to be sucking the heart right out of me!”
“Real smooth Hunk” (Hunk and Lance spent so much time thinking of that)
But despite the silliness of the pickup lines, your heart flutters at the thought of them being genuine
While cooking everyone’s meals, he tends to put more effort and time into your dish, wanting it to be perfect
Food is his love language (hunk makes me sad in a good way)
After getting over his crush nervousness, Hunk does grow a little more confident while being around you
He’s way more talkative and since he’s so happy around you, his energy just starts clingy to you
Both of you are so smiley when your together that it’s so painfully obvious to the other members that you have a crush on each other
But Hunk does feel a little insecure because what if you don’t like him the same way?
Keith has to straight up tell him to just go for it, that he’ll never know what you feel towards him if he doesn’t say anything
And so he sets up this cute little dinner thing with you AND IT WOULD JUST BE SO SWEET
He’s so nervous when confessing but just imagine his HAPPINESS when you you return his feelings!!!!!
Overall, Hunk having a crush on you is just a lovely experience
He’s so gentle and caring
I love Hunk so much it hurts 💔💔
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klanceficatalogue · 9 months
Hey!! I was wondering if y’all knew of any fics where they’re super flirty and/or have lot of chemistry
Thank you <3
this is a bit of a random collection but i hope it's the kind of thing you're looking for! - k
I dreamed you were a cosmonaut (of the space between our chairs) by iybms (1/1 | 11,055 | Teen and Up)
"You know, you can be a pretty hard guy to find," Lance says, and his steps end at Keith's side, overlooking Orla'an canyon. "Funny you always say that," Keith remarks, "since you find me, regardless. And," he finally glances at Lance, "…always wearing something weird." --- Lance comes to Keith when he needs someone to pry him open.
//near death experiences
darling, i fancy you! by littencloud9 (1/1 | 2,277 | Teen and Up)
“You’re—! I’m supposed to fluster you, damn it! Not the other way!” Keith can’t help the genuine laughter that leaves his throat. Lance scowl melts, although he still huffs and turns away pointedly. “Lance,” Keith calls, still laughing as Lance defiantly ignores him. “Lance. Baby. Come on, I’m sorry. You’re a very good flirt, okay? Very charming.” - or, keith enjoys teasing lance
all the time we took by thethirdmuse (5/5 | 25,665 | Teen and Up)
The chattering picks up again, and Krolia and Kolivan are exchanging a look. “I’ll go,” someone finally says. Everyone turns to look at the source. Lance has pulled his hands out of his pockets, but they’re still hanging limply at his sides. He stares straight ahead, not breaking eye contact with the two Marmorites projected above the control room. For a second, no one says anything. Then Hunk starts to laugh. “Good one, buddy,” he says, snorting a little. Pidge wants to laugh as well, if only to show Lance that he’d successfully broken up the tension. But Lance doesn’t smile back at Hunk, doesn’t even look at him. He’s not joking, Pidge realizes with a jolt.   ~ Or, the one where Lance volunteer10s for a mission and ends up stuck on the space whale with Keith
//minor injuries
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iybms · 2 years
the spark lights all the same
an exercise in lance's pov
rating: G pairing: keith/lance words: 1458 tags: pov lance, kissing, rivals to lovers ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24766531
Lance's heart skips a beat the first time he sees Keith laugh, but he doesn't really understand why.
He stares a little too long.  He doesn't like Keith, and definitely not in any way that should warrant the fixation that this new expression on Keith's face is inspiring in him.  So he does the same thing he does with every emotion he's not ready to confront:  buries it until it's convenient.  Which is pretty much never.
It's only unearthed, in fact, because Keith has this horrible, infuriating, even more inconvenient habit of laughing at him.
And it's just rare enough to see Keith laugh at all, that it gets more and more difficult for Lance to be pissed off by it.  For him to stop from staring at the turn of the corner of his lips, the tilt of his mouth, the shape of his teeth, the pucker of his cheek on one side.  Lance catches himself cataloging Keith's smiles in his mind like limited edition stamps.
Fuck, he realizes.  They are limited edition.  One of these days, Lance is gonna strike out embarrassingly with a pretty girl, or collide with something in Blue while he's not paying attention, or get dissed by Pidge for opening his big mouth when he knows jack shit about math or coding, or, or― or Hunk is going to make some lame cooking joke that doesn't even make any sense and Keith is going to laugh because he doesn't make any sense, and then the Galra are going to attack, and that last laugh about goo donuts or whatever is going to be Keith Kogane's final, rare, stupid smirk.
Lance hates this.  Why is he even thinking about this?  He hates this.
And the thing Lance hates the most is that sometimes he thinks Keith is going to laugh at him, but for some completely inexplicable, bizarre reason, he doesn't.  Instead, Keith listens to him.  Keith supports him.  Keith has his back.
Keith cradles Lance in his arms, carrying him to a healing pod.  Keith rescues him from the airlock.  Keith asks him what's wrong.  Keith helps him up, over and over again, no matter how many times Lance gets knocked down.  Keith pretends Lance isn't crying when he finds him homesick on the observation deck.
Lance is so frustrated, it's all he can do to just return the favor.  Listen to Keith, support him, have his back.  When Lance ends up as Keith's Red Paladin, it's like finding the most mortifying pair of shoes that fit absolutely perfectly.  Not the way it felt perfect piloting Blue, how manifesting his intent had come easy.  Rather, the Red Lion flays him open and strips him down.  Exposes some deep, aching, desperate piece of him that he hadn't been ready to acknowledge until now.  Flying the Red Lion at Keith's side feels less like a good fit than it feels necessary in some part of Lance's soul.
Blue felt like home; Red feels like some breathless, cosmic destiny.
He realizes one day, he's become friends with Keith.  No wait, not just friends.  More than that.  Partners, somehow.  More than just regular comrades, more than family.  The bond he shares with Keith has become deeper than the bond he shares with any of the other paladins.  Maybe even Allura, in Blue.  He sort of resents that a little.  But he also…
He also… really treasures it.  Shit.  He feels really, really special.  When Keith's eyes are focused on him like That, like they're equals, like Keith respects him as much as Lance respects Keith, because― because he does, Lance respects Keith, and admires him, and has ever since the first time he saw him ace the simulator at the Garrison.  But now, it's not just because Keith's a great pilot, or even because he's the Black Paladin.  It's because he's lost so much and he still won't give up.  Not on Shiro, or on his mom, or on Lance.  After suffering so much loss and rejection from people who should have been there to take care of him, people he should have been able to trust, experiencing violent emotional severances that could have broken him irreparably,
Keith still stands tall as a leader, a soldier, and a symbol of hope to the weak and disadvantaged.  He still fights for what he believes in with his whole, entire heart.  Against all odds, he still finds ways to connect with and love the other members of their little paladin family.
Even when he has every excuse to be vindictive and bitter, and every opportunity to be vain and cruel, Keith is… he's… he's stubbornly determined to be kind, and altruistic, and forgiving.
And against all odds, Lance has come to ―
maybe ―
love that about him.
And annoyingly, the closer and closer Lance gets to Keith, the more he finds there is that he can't help but love.
So when Keith's eyes are focused on Lance, yeah, in training, or in a debrief, or on a mission, or just in a conversation or wherever, Lance has started to feel this little spark that lights up in his chest.  Come at me, Keith might say.  Or, Where to?  Or, I'll lure them, you watch my back.  Always with this unwavering trust in Lance that no one else has in him ― hell, that even Lance doesn't always have in himself.  It doesn't matter if Keith is angry or teasing or bloody, or if he's dead bored in a diplomatic meeting just looking to Lance for silent commiseration.  The spark lights all the same.  It thrums under his skin, in his hands, all the way to his fingertips, like an extra little boost of adrenaline.  It makes him feel extra connected to Keith, ready for anything.  Even in the murkiest depths of self-doubt, Keith makes him feel like he can do anything.
And then one day, he finally does it.  It's been so long, he doesn't even realize that he's been trying, or how bad he wants it.  How overwhelmed he's going to be when he gets it.
They're alone, walking a corridor in the ship.  They're both exhausted, and Lance is just talking.  They have a lot of shared experiences now, and plenty of common opinions about particular missions and aliens and diplomatic policies, and Lance makes the driest inside joke.  Absolutely arid.  Ruthless.  He is so tired.  Keith―
Keith laughs, and Lance,
Lance is wide-eyed, mouth softly open, breath caught.  His heart has skipped like four beats, at least, at finally being the one to make Keith Kogane laugh.  Not at him, no.  Not this time.  No, Lance made Keith laugh, because he meant to make Keith laugh.  A joke that was meant for Keith and only Keith, exchanged for a laugh that was meant for Lance and only Lance.  Something within Lance shudders shamefully with the selfish realization that he wants to always get to be the one who makes Keith laugh.  He wants to keep all of Keith's laughter and smiles to himself and hoard them deep in his heart, in the same place where he started cataloging Keith's smiles years ago.
Keith's eyes glance open at him in mirth, and the electricity that ignites in Lance makes his whole body tense.  For a moment while his gaze is locked with Keith's, it's all he can feel.  Gooseflesh dances along his arms and the hair on his nape raises, and just as it seems Keith is about to prickle with concern, Lance can no longer stand still.  He can't.  He's possessed, by this fanatic need to be closer, to capture the remnants of Keith's laughter in the most intimate way possible.
All he can do is close the distance between them, take Keith's face gently between his trembling palms, and tilt in to kiss him.
He's half-drunk just on the closeness alone, but then Keith's lips soften, come to Lance's wet and open, and then again, over and over, and Lance thinks he must be entirely delirious.  He quakes from the inside out, because there's no way this is really happening, right?  There's no way he's actually kissing Keith, for real, kissing him deeply, all frantic and reverent like this.  There's no way he's doing it, and getting away with it, and getting kissed back.  That's just, statistically improbable, he thinks.
And yet, here is Keith's tongue, touching Lance's, and Keith's hands, grasping greedily at his waist, pressing him close.  Lance chokes on a pleased noise at the sheer satisfaction of being wanted by Keith in return.
And when Keith huffs a little chuckle, bursting with awe, right up against and into Lance's mouth ― just like that, there is nothing else at all in the universe.
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