#please note I am not requiring it take a specific form
niobiumao3 · 4 months
Look I want Phee to have a happy ending. Black women in particular not getting to have that in the gritty survival setting is very done. They die or their lovers die or their family dies or they lose everything. They get to 'survive' and that's it. It's garbage writing.
Happy Ending for Phee. I am not accepting substitutions.
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ukiyowi · 8 months
Channelled Messages II 💌
Channelling messages from your: Future Spouse's guides, your shadow self, your parents.
Note: Have fun!! And please reblog and send feedback (if you want) it helps a ton, have a lovely day everyone. Reblogging and paid readings help a lot! Pls DM me if you want one!
Masterlist! || Book a reading! || Tip 🫙!
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Future Spouse's Guides
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Your Shadow Self
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Your Parents
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💌 Pile 1
My Dearest,
As the spirit guide of your future spouse, I am honored to offer you guidance and wisdom that transcends the boundaries of time and space. Though my role is to support your beloved from the spiritual realm, I am deeply invested in your happiness and well-being, for your future union is a testament to the profound love and connection you share. In this letter, I aim to provide you with advice that is both general yet specific, touching upon various aspects of life, not solely confined to matters of love.
First and foremost, let us discuss the significance of self-discovery. Throughout your life's journey, you will encounter a myriad of experiences, challenges, and joys. It is crucial to embrace these moments as opportunities for growth and self-understanding. As you become more attuned to your own needs, desires, and values, you will naturally radiate a sense of authenticity and confidence that will enrich your relationship.
Never forget the importance of compromise. In every relationship, there will be differences in opinions, preferences, and priorities. Approach these disagreements with a willingness to find common ground, and remember that sometimes, the act of yielding can be a powerful testament to your love.
Remember to nurture the small moments of joy and spontaneity. Life often unfolds in the ordinary, and it is within these seemingly simple moments that the deepest connections are forged. Cherish the laughter, the shared meals, and the quiet evenings together.
The universe is conspiring to bring you together with your beloved, and your spirit guides, myself included, watch over you with love and care. Embrace the lessons and blessings that come your way, and may your love story be a timeless testament to the power of love.
They are waiting for you, your souls are meant to meld and they will very soon, till then please take care of yourself <3.
With love 🩵
💌 Pile 2
Hello love,
Beginning with, let me assure you that your path is illuminated by the radiant light of potential and destiny. The future holds both challenges and triumphs, and it is essential to approach them with an open heart and a resilient spirit. Remember, life is a beautiful tapestry woven from both joy and sorrow, and every thread contributes to your unique and intricate story.
One of the most important pieces of advice I can offer is to embrace the ever-changing nature of existence. Life is a series of cycles, and like the seasons, it brings moments of both abundance and scarcity. In times of abundance, cherish the blessings bestowed upon you, but do not become complacent. Use your good fortune to uplift others and to grow as an individual. And in times of scarcity, hold steadfast to your inner strength, for they are the crucibles in which your character is forged.
In the pursuit of your dreams and aspirations, I urge you to cultivate patience and perseverance. Life's most significant accomplishments often require time and effort. Do not be discouraged by setbacks, for they are the stepping stones to your ultimate success. Your journey may be arduous at times, but your future spouse's spirit guide assures you that every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth. As you journey through life, you will encounter love in its many forms.
Some loves will be fleeting, like shooting stars in the night sky, while others will be enduring and steadfast like the North Star. It is important to discern between the two, for not all who enter your life are meant to stay, and not all who depart are lost.
Your relationship with yourself is the foundation upon which all other connections are built. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, and remember that self-love is not a selfish act, but a necessary one. When you love and respect yourself, you radiate positivity, attracting love and respect from others.
Waiting for you~
💌 Pile 3
Hi sweetheart!
In the years to come, you will encounter crossroads and diverging paths. The choices you make at these junctures will shape your professional destiny. Remember, dear one, that it is not always about the most lucrative or prestigious option, but rather the one that aligns with your passions and values. Seek out work that resonates with your soul, for a fulfilling career is one that brings joy and a sense of purpose.
Let me reassure you that the path you're on is destined for greatness. While life can be a rollercoaster, remember that even the steepest drops can lead to thrilling highs. So, don't be afraid to embrace the twists and turns that come your way. They're all part of the grand adventure. Now, let's talk about your career.
Picture it like a delicious buffet (and who doesn't love a good buffet, right?). You've got a wide array of options laid out before you. Some might look tempting, while others might leave you scratching your head. My advice? Try a bit of everything! Just like at the buffet, you won't know what your absolute favorite is until you've sampled a little bit of everything.
Don't feel pressured to settle for the first dish that comes your way. Explore different career opportunities, experiment with various roles, and indulge in your passions. If you're passionate about something, even if it seems unconventional, go for it
Remember, your future is a canvas, and your career is the vibrant palette you use to paint your masterpiece. Oh, and remember to strike a balance between work and play. Life isn't all about the hustle and grind.
Take time to savor the sweet moments, laugh with friends, and cherish the love of your future spouse. They'll be your biggest cheerleader on this journey, and together, you'll conquer any challenge that comes your way.
Take care love!
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💌 Pile 1
I see you often doubting your abilities and second-guessing your decisions. When you're faced with challenges or new opportunities, you tend to retreat into your comfort zone to avoid the discomfort of failure or rejection.
My advice to you is this: Embrace the discomfort. Step outside of your comfort zone intentionally, even when it scares you. It's in those moments of vulnerability that you can truly learn and grow. Remember, making mistakes is not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of courage and the path to improvement.
When faced with challenges, don't shy away. Confront them head-on, for it is through adversity that you discover your true strength. Embrace your flaws and imperfections, for they are what make you uniquely you. They hold the seeds of your growth and evolution.
Do not suppress your emotions; they are your compass. Feel them deeply, both the joy and the pain. They offer valuable insights into your desires, fears, and aspirations. Learn from them and allow them to guide your decisions.
Embrace your darkness, for it holds the potential for profound transformation. It is not something to be feared, but a wellspring of untapped creativity and power.
Remember, you are a mosaic of light and shadow, embrace both.
💌 Pile 2
When you hear that inner voice saying, "I can't do it" or "I'm not good enough," that's me. My advice is to confront those thoughts head-on.
First and foremost, remember that your thoughts are not necessarily facts. They are products of your perception and past experiences. Start by analyzing the evidence for and against these self-doubts. Ask yourself, "What proof do I have that I can't do it?" You might be surprised to find that many of your fears are based on assumptions rather than concrete evidence.
Furthermore, consider reframing your self-talk. Instead of saying, "I can't," try saying, "I can, but it might be challenging," or "I can, with effort and practice." This shift in perspective can empower you to approach tasks with a growth mindset, recognizing that even failures and setbacks are opportunities for learning and improvement.
Embrace challenges as opportunities to prove me wrong. Remember that growth often occurs outside your comfort zone. Taking calculated risks, setting ambitious goals, and pushing your boundaries are all ways to demonstrate your capabilities. Each small victory, each obstacle overcome, is a testament to your potential.
Seeking support and encouragement from others is not wrong or bad. Share your aspirations and fears with trusted friends, mentors, or therapists. They can provide valuable perspectives, guidance, and motivation during your journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
Analyse your doubts, reframe your self-talk, embrace challenges, and seek support. By doing so, you can prove your shadow self wrong and unlock your full potential.
💌 Pile 3
When haunting memories of past mistakes and regrets resurface, don't let them consume you. Rather than dwelling on the pain of the past, reflect on what each experience has taught you. Every misstep and error holds within its valuable lessons. Reflect on what you've learned from these experiences, for they have shaped you into the person you are today.
Forgiveness, both of yourself and others, can be liberating. It allows you to release the emotional burdens that may be holding you back and opens the door to personal growth and healing.
Finally, those impulses and desires that occasionally surge within you are not to be ignored or suppressed. Instead, explore their origins and motivations. Sometimes, these desires reveal untapped passions and dreams that are yearning for your attention. By embracing and understanding them, you can find ways to channel them positively, enriching your life in unexpected ways.
I am here to challenge you to become a more authentic and whole version of yourself. They are not reckless impulses but signposts pointing to unfulfilled potential.
By acknowledging and channeling these desires constructively, you can embark on a transformative journey toward a more fulfilling and authentic life.
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💌 Pile 1
You've been positively shining lately, and we couldn't be prouder.
It's like watching a shooting star streak across the sky – you're constantly surprising us with your brilliance and leaving us in awe. From acing your exams to that recent project you tackled with gusto, you're proving to the world that you're a force to be reckoned with.
But you know what we love even more than your accomplishments? It's your zest for life and the twinkle in your eye as you chase your dreams. Remember, life is not just about reaching destinations; it's about enjoying every twist and turn of the journey.
So, keep reaching for the stars, our little superstar! We have no doubt that you'll continue to amaze us and everyone around you. Just promise us one thing – never lose that playful spirit and infectious enthusiasm that makes you who you are.
We love you more than words can express, and we can't wait to see where your next adventure takes you. Congratulations, and keep on. You're not just making us proud; you're making the whole family proud!
💌 Pile 2
We hope this letter finds you well and wrapped in the warmth of our love, even if from afar. There are words we've been carrying in our hearts, words that need to find their way to you.
We want to tell you how very sorry we are for any moments of pain, frustration, or disappointment we may have caused you in the course of your life. As parents, we've made mistakes, stumbled along the way, and at times, failed to truly understand your perspective.
We want you to know that our love for you is immeasurable, and it is in the shadow of that love that we can identify and acknowledge our shortcomings. We recognize that there were moments when we should have listened more, when we should have supported your dreams more enthusiastically, and when we should have been a more constant presence in your life.
Please understand that our actions were never intended to cause you harm. We were navigating the complexities of parenthood the best we knew how, often learning as we went along. Sometimes, our fears and insecurities clouded our judgment, and for that, we are deeply sorry.
Our love for you, though, has always been unwavering, a beacon of hope and pride. Watching you grow, accomplish, and become the remarkable person you are today fills us with indescribable joy. Your kindness, intelligence, and strength are a testament to your character, and we couldn't be prouder.
We hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us for any past missteps. Our wish is that we can move forward with a renewed sense of understanding, compassion, and love between us.
We're here to support you in all your endeavors, to listen when you need an ear, and to be the parents you truly deserve. With a love that will never die,
💌 Pile 3
You are a cherished part of our lives, and nothing will ever change that. We wanted to share some feelings with you because we believe in open and honest communication. Recently, there have been moments when we felt a slight sense of disappointment in some of your choices and actions.
Please understand that this disappointment does not diminish our love for you, nor does it define our overall view of you as a person. We apologize for feeling this way, as we recognize that no one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. Our expectations might have been too high, and we realize that it's important for us to accept you as you are, with your unique strengths and flaws.
Our intention in sharing this is not to make you feel guilty or burdened but to foster understanding and growth within our family. We believe that through open conversations and support, we can work through these feelings together. We hope that you can forgive us for any undue pressure we may have unintentionally placed on you.
Remember, our love for you is boundless and unconditional, and we are here to help and support you as you navigate life's challenges. Let's move forward together, learning from our experiences, and growing as individuals and as a family.
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campgender · 3 months
i was scrolling your “life is in your home too” tag, which I love btw, and saw a post about how you learned to be a good dom from experienced expert doms by reading how they dom and some of their best scenes, do you think you could point me in the direction of some resources for me to study that too? thanks in advance, if not, thanks anyway!
(post referenced is here - link 1)
first of all tysm for this ask (+ your incredibly kind follow-up), it was a delight to receive + i’ve been wanting an excuse to talk about a lot of this for a while so i very much appreciate the interest!
as always please keep in mind that i am Just Some Fem, nothing is universal including when it comes to D/s & i can only speak to what works for me. i try to focus on starting points rather than specifics but ultimately my advice will always be limited by what i needed to hear & wasn’t told, which may not be what’s helpful for a different person. with that being said, here’s some suggestions!
i’ve posted a previous reading list (link 2) with relevant recs; particularly the practicality + sex writing sections have the kind of thing you’re looking for. specifically, The New Topping Book (2003) is a solid starting point; i definitely have my issues with it (haven’t read it recently enough to recall many specifics but i have the sense of general pervasive racism & ableism) but it did a good job at making me think & i appreciate the supportive tone they were going for
another book added to my tbr since then is Coming to Power (link 3), released by SAMOIS in 1983
other authors whose sex writing has been influential in my life: Sandra Cisneros, Natalie Diaz, Joan Nestle, Judy Grahn
the fic At The End of His Rope by Letterblade (link 4) is genuinely some of my favorite sex writing of all time & accomplishes the incredibly impressive feat of representing a broad array of dom styles & changes over time in the same piece
my “impurity culture” tag (link 5) houses the building blocks of my sexual ethic
i’ve found many of those foundations by poking around the incredible bodies of work original & archived @newsmutproject @woman-loving @gatheringbones
for me, studying sex is the same as studying poetry – reading for craft is a different process than for pleasure (not that there isn’t a great deal of pleasure to be found in such practice, especially for sadists – perhaps that’s why as a child i never resonated with Billy Collins’ “Introduction to Poetry,” like i love tying poems to chairs & beating them idk what to tell you). so, keeping in mind that these are suggestions not requirements, here’s how i read for + work on craft:
there is no such thing as too much journaling. this can take whatever form you prefer – voice memo, discord message to yourself, the noble notes app, your own personal sexy red string corkboard, a vast & stunning array of other approaches i can’t even begin to imagine. i personally have an elaborate web of spreadsheets & google docs lmao. what matters is developing a collection of ideas you want to play with + a practice of continually reflecting on past experiences.
pay attention to structure, not just content. find a scene you think is disjointed and pick at the seams, brainstorm better transitions. then find a scene that flows so smoothly it carries you with it and figure out what makes it work.
rewrite a scene you’re drawn to or affected by to suit your own preferences. i first did this when i couldn’t shake “Interlude 3” (link 6) from my head after reading The New Topping Book; you can read my variation on the theme here (link 7) if you’re interested.
write or think through a scene fantasy you have from negotiation to aftercare. obviously it’s very difficult if not impossible to fully script a scene in advance; the purpose isn’t planning something you’ll later do but rather getting used to coming up with ideas to get from one disparate moment / act to the next.
revisit a scene you’ve read, written, thought about, etc and list the physical & mental acts that are required / expected of the sub (eg, kneeling for 10 minutes; making eye contact; counting to 30, etc). then rework the scene for a sub who has the same interests & goals who cannot do 20% (or 50%, or any) of these acts.
revisit a previous scene and list the places where you think a sub might safeword & why. then rework it with the sub safewording somewhere that isn’t any of these places.
i also recommend keeping in mind that like… for me, reading about ethical sex can often be a very distressing process for the same reason that it’s liberating: because it proves that things i’ve experienced are not the way sex has to be. i’ll tell this story in its fullness one day but the first time i read S/HE by Minnie Bruce Pratt i literally had a flashback to events i’d repressed for years, it was devastating, i’m so grateful for it. hell, in the process of compiling resources for this post i cried twice editing this quote (link 8) because between reading that book the first time & now someone did “respond with scorn or ridicule” when i safeworded. so i would really encourage folks to approach this kind of work with as much grace & comfort for yourself as you can muster or borrow – if it’s really fucking hard, you’re not alone in that, & it’s okay to take your time + pace yourself + seek support.
your + others’ interest is definitely motivating me to actually write posts i’ve been tossing around for months so thank you again & feel free to keep an eye out for more shut-in sex tips in my new “tomorrow sexting will be good again” tag. would love to hear your thoughts on any of this post / these or other books / whatever really lol. wishing you all the best & i hope today is kind to you! 💓
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onelocket · 1 year
i hope you’re having a nice day, whether you’re back or still not back. though i would like to ask, when you can, can you please do another of your selective mute reader x fyodor? but selective mute reader is upset and sad since i myself am hsjejhehe.. i’d like it in headcanon form but do what you’re comfy with!! — your new 💫 anon
hello 💫 anon! i’m actually still conflicted with returning or not since i still have entrance exams, but when i saw this i just had to reply right away. i’m glad you’ve found fondness to my selective reader x fyodor and i hope this post can make you feel at least a bit better. you didn’t specify much, so i wish nothing here offends you. thank you for requesting ♡
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your lover needs a hug! fyodor d. x selective mute!reader
involves -- relation to this post, high school au
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The moment he saw you that one afternoon,
All down and low, a hand pressed against the classroom’s glass? It sure caught his attention more than he initiated it. He was simply walking by after returning a few books to the school’s library, but this wouldn’t be the first time he’s seen a glimpse of you suddenly all gloomy. Fyodor is always able to catch your presence even in the quietest and emptiest of rooms.
"(Name)." Fyodor spoke quietly as he picked his limit to his words. He slowly glides the sliding door shut, trapping you both in a more private situation. But before he steps any further, he knocks on the door to alert you again — "…It’s me."
Well supposedly, you should knock first before entering. Fyodor knew that enough, but part of his heart just couldn’t shake the worry to walk into the picture as agile as he could, no matter how many times this would happen. So can he be blamed, really? It’d be a discomfort to see your lover all sad about something you know they won’t be able to voice out.
A side the same, but a bit nicer now
He wouldn’t want to pressure you, that’s something all can agree to. If you were anybody else then perhaps he might consider the fleeting amusement to your vulnerability — but you weren’t. And he was going to make sure you knew that.
"Come here." He whispered, taking a few calculated steps to your direction as he stopped at a smaller distance.
He was undeniably trying to get you out of the easy view anyone can take of in the window, but as he sees you thoughtless, he’d just let out a small sigh before taking his words for himself rather than repeating it. Normally would he find it slightly irritating, especially since he asks the same thing each time you did so by a window; or anywhere public really, but he knows being mad at you wouldn’t help it go away.
He kind of already knows what would’ve bothered you…
Because you are his important person, simply put. He wouldn’t have to require you to inform him what happened, even if it was something nobody else knew at all. Not to say he’s always aware of what’s specifically bothering you, but he will have an idea — a guess or two.
"It’s okay.." Fyodor says, his own school uniform making a quiet shifting sound to turn your attention to him slightly, his hands gesturing an ask for holding you.
When you allow him, he takes it as slowly as he can, wrapping his arms around your waist as he gave you a tiny smile. "You don’t have to do anything. I know what happened."
He wouldn’t also mind if you did talk about it though. Whether it be with notes or sign language. Bonus if it was your voice, but hey, he would never force you about that, allowing yourself to be assured by the facts that you weren’t required to talk. Your presence was to suffice.
Quiet whispers and gentle kisses
If there’s one thing he wouldn’t forget during the act of comforting you, it’d be kisses and sweet whispers. Public or not, Fyodor would try to give you at least a soft kiss. He’ll tuck a few strands of hair away from your face as he gives you kisses on your forehead, keeping his fingertips light and graceful — whispering you some questions that might aid you in calming you down.
"Would you like me to excuse us to our last period, milaya?" He suggests, to which you deny by slightly, and albeit reluctantly, shaking your head. ..Alright. I love you."
In amidst the silence would he warm it up with his touch, the seconds elongating into minutes as you also denied the realization of this moment to end. His soft whispers in your ears to ease and soothe you down were always his path to calm you, but if you didn’t feel like it, Fyodor always has his physical touch to help out as well.
Your acceptance to his hold would be enough
Since if you can’t find a reply through words, your actions fulfill the Dostoevsky more instead. Your body turning to face him would be one of his favorite things to see or feel if he was holding you, especially when your hands submit to take or press against his skin.
"There you are." He cooed, pressing another kiss on your forehead before pulling away, keeping the proximity intimate and comfortable. "Look at me, (Name)?"
"..Lovely. You’re so lovely."
Sometimes he asks you to look at him, and although it is also to let himself indulge in the pretty sight of your eyes; it was also to read your expression better. He’ll admit that you never speaking had its own ways for him to understand you, but it was never going to be difficult for him anyway. Nothing will be, especially when it’s for you.
If you’re crying, he’ll let you
Besides, what kind of boyfriend doesn’t? If he was holding you as you cried, he’d subtly tighten his grip on you, a careful expression on his features as he listened to your sobs, holding you close to him without a care now if people saw you two from the window.
"You’re fine now. Stay with me and you’ll be safe, okay? Let it out."
While it’s not easy to deny that he could be a bit irritated by the damp spots you could leave on his uniform, he could always wash them after class. His uniform has an easy fix anytime, meanwhile you always had a chance to lose that fix. And he wasn’t going to let it slip away.
If anyone walks inside the classroom?
Fyodor would just stare at them. Usually only when you aren’t looking into his eyes, though. Let’s say, perhaps you’ve had your head resting on his shoulder. The moment somebody takes a longer stare at you two more than should be — your boyfriend would simply stare back, his purple eyes almost threatening its own mind to glare, but kept his calm and quiet as he held you. He’d keep staring till that persons gone, to which, usually is the resort to his wordless reply.
Above all, you are his priority ^^
Whether the issue be something big or small, if it affected you this much for it to be involving itself in class hours, Fyodor will always be there for you. To him, having a lover like you is so endearing and special, like he has to protect you with what he has. And he pretty much does what he’s thinking of. Need for his touch? Need for his words? He’ll know, and he’ll give it with as much emotion as you could handle from him.
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mossstep · 7 months
ghost sagau!
Part one… you’re here Part two part 3
characters: Hu Tao
tw/cws: genshin sagau, swearing, minor ooc (idk how to write hu tao)
note: I am a minor, don’t be weird in my tags please!
Waking up in teyvat was certainly not on your bingo card for this year. You had only been playing genshin seriously for about a year or so. You had played before that, but had gotten bored after the Monstadt archon quest, because of the steep ar requirements for the Liyue archon quest.
So waking up in Liyue, specifically wuwang hill was,  jarring to say the least. You had recognized the area immediately. You had basically lived in the crimson witch domain farming for your Hu Tao. Not that you had Hu Tao yet, having lost your 50/50 on each of her reruns. (Seriously! Talk about bad luck!)
As you get up you notice a vague feeling weightlessness, looking down, you noticed that you were partially see-through? What?
You had barely been able regain your composure when you here a familiar song. You recognized it anywhere, seeing as it from was one of the most iconic idles in the game. 
As the director of the Wanshengn funeral parlor sang her song, she suddenly paused, staring directly at you.
“Hello!” She says with a grin walking towards you, “you’re different from the other ghosts that hang around here,” she said with a smile.
“I-“ you opened your mouth to speak, but what were you supposed to say in this situation? ‘Yeah you’re right, I’m from a world where this is all a game and you’re a fictional character lol’ like, you can’t just say that! That’d give Hu Tao an existential crisis! 
…actually maybe it wouldn’t considering her personality, but thats besides the point. 
“…yeah,” you say, “you’re Hu Tao, correct?” You don’t need the clarification considering how much time you’ve spent on this game, but it doesn’t really matter.
Hu Tao laughed, “I’m sure you don’t need need me to confirm, your grace, considering-“
“IM SORRY?” You blurt out before thinking, “what- what the fuck did you just call me?”
“Oh” Hu Tao stared at you for a moment. “You’re the creator right? Everyone here knows we wouldn’t exist without you creating an account!”
“What?” Is the only thing you can’t think about to say, “you- oh my god?” The people here know they’re in a video game? Wait hold on- creator? The fuck?
Hu Tao stared at you for a moment, before a mischievous look washed across her face, “you should come to liyue harbor! I’m sure everyone would be happy to see you!”
“Okay?” You say, and Hu Tao ran off. “Hey- wait!” You didnt know your way to liyue harbor from here, always taking advantage of the waypoints, you go to run after her, but suddenly the world shifted. 
You would’ve felt a wave of nausea if it weren’t for your ghostly form, but one moment you’re at wuwang hill, and the next you’re standing by the waypoint overlooking Liyue harbor.
This was going to be a long day, wasn’t it?
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gala-art · 11 months
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Commissions are open!
I am ready to open art commissions again! Please see details below:
Portrait ($35) - 1 character 
Scene ($45) - 1-2 characters + sketchy background
Sketch page ($65) - 1-2 characters w/ story elements 
All commissions include color
All commissions include optional textual elements
Level of detail is commensurate w/ samples above
All fandoms, characters, and OCs welcome (as long as they’re humanoid)
I am happy to sketch freely from a fic. Please email me for more details. 
I take stylistic requests. If you like a particular piece of mine, and you’d like me to emulate that style in your commission, please just let me know.
To request a commission, just send me an email at [email protected] or DM me to get the process going. I will send you a form to fill out asap to gather up your info and more specific requests. Note that I try to make every sketch into a story, so I will ask for more than just a visual reference. I also may require more guidance on fandoms I don’t know. 
All commissions include concept sketch and proof and may take anywhere from 1-4 weeks to complete, depending on request. Payment is via PayPal invoice, upon completion. 
Commissions will remain open on a rolling basis until further notice
If you would like assistance in creative character design or story boarding/development, or you’d like to commission a short comic, I love to do these things. Please email me and we can discuss pricing <3
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minggukieology · 1 year
Hello! Can you explain the meaning of this? About what Jungkook said to Jimin “건강하란 말이야 어?”, please? I see a lot of Korean fans like this and I don't understand why they like it so much. Thank you so much!
Hello there, thanks a lot for this message! It is something I wanted to address but didn't find the opportunity yet so here it goes.
First off, I'll start with a side note and bit of a longer intro by saying that the exchanges between Jimin and Jungkook that night felt overall very intimate, very loving and caring. It truly made me smile and made my heart melt a little.
Jungkook went from Jimin hyung! (*full smile mode*)
Then in true Jikook fashion, we got Jungkook instantly teasing or getting playful by greeting Jimin in the high polite form, which is something that Jimin and Jungkook have become known to do between the two of them. I already addressed it shortly once but as I am seeing it being discussed more and more I might dedicate a whole post to this with more examples. In short once again, by talking to each other in an unnecessarily highly polite manner, Jimin and Jungkook play into the situation which they are in: in front of an audience on a live, or alternatively in front of cameras and crew (and potential future audience). This puts them into the position of co-workers and into the context of a "professional" environment, which requires politeness. However them being as close as they are, it is safe to assume there is not a single moment they are formal with each other, thus making it super funny when all of a sudden they switch into a very polite and respectful language of two colleagues from some department of a company 😄 To draw a parallel for English speakers to understand this better, it is kind of similar to a situation if someone started calling their best friend 'sir' or 'madam' when in public. More on this maybe later in another post...
To address your specific question, this is a moment from the other spectrum of Jikook interactions.
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Here Jungkook drops honorifics and addresses Jimin very casually. It is also important to take into consideration the way he says it. He changes his tone to very casual and caring (and scolding, in sort of 'I am frustrated if you don't listen' way) He starts off by saying:
"Jimin hyung work hard okay...! Jimin... (*drops honorifics here) Be healthy *hm*! You gotta be healthy *어*!"
(said with low formality + important to note that this '어' *oe* sound is used only among friends and considered rude if used when speaking to older people or someone who requires higher politeness than casual language; and in combination with Jungkook's overall tone it emphasizes the scolding, loving and intimate nature of the sentence)
Lastly, Jungkook finishes this off with:
"People have to be healthy..." (still in casual low polite form)
So basically, this whole part sounds loving and scolding at the same time with a causal tone similar to a boyfriend style. That's why Korean fans loved this moment so much!
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fobdescribed · 9 months
2ourdust Venue Accessibility Guide
Just under the presale wire, here is an overview of the different accommodations available at the venues for the @falloutboy 2ourdust tour:
Fall Out Boy tourdust accessibility 
It’s not comprehensive or official, but hopefully this overview can help you find the info you need to make informed decisions about your concert experience!
It does include the following info where available: 
links to each venue’s accessibility info on their own site
ADA seating locations (and number of companion seats allowed) 
advance time requested for arranging ASL interpreters 
locations of accessible and single-occupancy restrooms
links to each venue’s KultureCity Social Story + other sensory tools
A few notes on using this document: 
I am not a representative of Fall Out Boy, any of these venues, or literally any company involved, so take this info with a grain of salt.
Please feel free to make your own copy and use as you see fit! 
This info is largely copy-pasted from the venue websites, so I cannot guarantee it is up-to-date or complete. 
For assistive listening devices, venues that explicitly list that they will ask for collateral (usually in the form of an ID or credit card) are noted, however that doesn’t mean other venues don’t require collateral. In all cases where collateral is required, you’ll usually leave your ID or credit card with the Guest Services desk and then receive it back when you return the ALD at the end of the night. You should not be charged for using the device. 
Accessible or ADA seating may refer to seating areas for wheelchair users or guests with other mobility impairments, OR it may refer to seating areas for guests who have requested an ASL interpreter. Contact to the venue to confirm your choice. 
More resources: 
Here is an article from Ticketmaster about purchasing accessible seats on their site
And here are some more nitty-gritty details on your rights as a concert-goer in a public space under the ADA
I am also trying to finish a rough sensory guide based on previous tourdust shows before the second leg! This will include notes on lighting and strobe, pyro, sound effects, and other parts of the show that may be helpful to know about ahead of time for other people with sensory sensitivities, PTSD, etc.. I have no specific date for when this will be completed because I have 4 jobs and severe ADHD, but I’ll reblog this post and share whenever that’s completed.
If you have any question or concerns about this info, or even want help contacting venues to arrange accommodations, please feel free to shoot me a message. It is your right to enjoy your concert experience just as much as anyone else there! 
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judithan-xing · 3 months
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🎉I am now taking commissions!🎉
⬇️ Click readmore for more info ⬇️
If you are interested in my art and would like to support me in other ways considering checking out my itch.io and ko-fi pages.
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Commission Items Offered:
Icons (25$)
Chibi Fullbody Illustrations (50$)
Sketch Illustrations (45$)
There are base prices (USD) and are not guaranteed final quote prices. Simpler designs may be cheaper while more complicated designs may incur a complexity fee (as will additional characters, etc.) To get a finalized quote please reach out.
Ordering Process:
Shoot me a DM or Ask about commissions. We can discuss what you're interested in getting and come to a conclusion on how to quote. Once we have a quote decided on I'll send a paypal invoice or a kofi item sale listing (I haven't used it yet so I'm excited to try it out), and I'll get started then. I will not start drawing until I have received at least half payment. Turn around time is about 2-7 days give or take how busy I am with work/if the queue is backed up.
Character References:
I do require some form of visual reference for characters, specifically for designing a character. I will accept Picrew mockups, stick figure poses, and pinterest boards as valid references. I will not accept AI generated references. (Not even on any moral ground but just because they're usually way too complicated and nonsensical)
Things I Won't Draw:
NS/FW is on a case by case basis. Some things squick me so I won't draw them, others are fine. I'm okay with most things but please ask first and do not assume an automatic yes.
Furries/Mechas just because I can't guarantee the quality.
Genderbends that are binary-to-binary. I find them reductive and hurtful. (Trans characters are a-okay obviously, I myself am trans)
Group shots of More Than Three characters (up to three is fine), I just don't have the mental fortitude for that many characters interacting. Ordering a bulk order of say, chibis or something is a different matter and is entirely up to discretion.
H*zbin H*tel anything. I'm sorry but they're so fucking ugly.
Things I Will Draw:
Ship art of any nature (OC x OC, OC x Canon, Selfship, etc etc, I'm not here to judge)
Pokemon, MLP, and Sonic style furries.
Design a humanized version/gijinka of a monster/furry/dragon/etc.
Design a DnD character
Any specific pose provided I'm given a reference
💖 Thank you for checking out my comms! 💖
and note: if you think my prices are low please don't comment "you need to raise your prices!!" I am aware they are on the lower end of things. I haven't taken commissions in 2+ years so I'm trying to find my footing. If you feel so strongly that I'm undercharging please commission me and tip what you think brings it up to a "fair" price.
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kassandra-the-witch · 9 months
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Some would argue that a good piece of literature has to put its thesis statement in its opening. While I would disagree with such structural determinism, let me zero in on these first lines of conversation in Umineko Ep2 because, and bear with me here please, I think there is something interesting going on here on two distinct levels.
All content notes for Umineko apply to the following short analysis.
In these six lines, the player-reader is confronted with an almost superficially idyllic scene of a couple going to an aquarium. Sayo, in almost child-like wonder, is amazed by the sharks. George comments that he would eat them if he could. Sayo voices sympathy for the sharks and remarks that this was a very Japanese sentiment for George to express. George counters that members of specific other national identity groups would likely do the same. Sayo does not know how to react to that.
This is not the first time a member of the Ushiromiya family has reacted to a large and fascinating set of animals with the suggestion to consume them. In Ep1, when the visitors first arrive on the island, people remark on the absence of the seagulls. Battler jokes to Maria that Jessica might have grilled and eaten them. While I interpret that moment in Ep1 to moreso demonstrate one of Battler’s useless and strange attempts at making a joke while employing misogyny and fatphobia, there is something else going on. The usage of animals and animal products is a complex subject that requires a broader awareness of material conditions, modes of production, and the ordering of relationships between nature and humanity and I do not wish to suggest to say the important point of these moments is the suggestion to eat an animal. Rather, it is the rather totalizing gaze that designates everything, in this case living creatures, as something yet-to-be-consumed that sticks out to me. I have spoken in length about the Ushiromiya relationship to the ecology in underchapter 2.3 of my essay on Ep1. Here, I see a repetition of what happened between Maria and the singular wilting rose – the ability to empathize with other living beings around oneself is attributed to childishness, whereas the consumptive perspective is elevated as normalized and sensible. This ordering of the relationship between nature and humanity is then attributed to not only one specific national identity, but also attributed to the United States and Italy. Japan, the United States, and Italy have all been – and continue to be – imperialist actors. As I suggest in underchapter 2.4 of my essay on Ep1, it is the historical situation of convergence between US imperialism, Japanese fascism, and European fascism(s), that gave Kinzo the ability to resurrect the Ushiromiya family as significant profiteers of imperialism and fascism. Furthermore, the entirety of underchapter 3 my essay on Ep1 explores another Italian connection, this time intertextually, in the form of the (anti-)Dantian references and Beatrices of Ep1. As innocent as this exchange is, it is still mired and enwebbed by the violence that is the Ushiromiya family. I am still of the firm conviction that there is an unadressed and undeniably coercive element to George’s relationship with Sayo given that his grandfather forced Sayo into servitude as a literal child without support network. Dating the much younger disenfranchised woman who your grandfather de-facto materially controls and has emotionally abused for most of her life is not the beautiful romance you think it is, George. Disregarding this interpersonal relationship, the consumptive urge of the Ushiromiya family is once again taking the centre stage. Given how the cycle of violence this family operates on, I would not be surprised about this topos of consumption repeating at several points. And, in the same vein and given the gore and grotesque so central to Umineko, I would not in the slightest bit be surprised to see either symbolic or actual cannibalism at some point of the story. To quote what @siphonophorus once said about the Ushiromiyas: “theyre an ouroboros”.
The second level of reading this initial exchange is metatextual. From my short adventure into Ep2 before I wrote my essay on Ep1, I know that this day at the aquarium is an isolated and idealized event, an unlikely scenario in the course the Ushiromiya family takes. The player-reader observing Sayo and George in their mundane couple interactions takes a similar relationship to them as they do towards the sharks. In other words, the sharks are in an isolated, idealized environment meant to demonstrate some typical, mundane shark activities. Outside of this isolated, idealized environment, in their natural habitat, those sharks, like most species, would be subjected to the systemic collapse caused by the colonial-capitalist world system. Outside of this superficially cute date visiting the aquarium, in their more common home of the mansion of Rokkenjima, George and Sayo would be subject to the corroding social forces of the colonial-capitalist world system that props up the Ushiromiya family. Is me writing this analysis not like tapping against the glass and wondering if they will react? (This is a metaphor. Please do not tap against the glasses of actual aquariums.) Interpreting this relationship between play-reader and characters in that way also brings up one of my questions from my essay on Ep1; namely, how I am supposed to read the witches. Perhaps I am not supposed to read the witches in the first place. Perhaps the witches read me. When Bernkastel turns her gaze towards the player-reader in the second-order frame narrative of Ep1, a.k.a. the witches’ tea party, she establishes knowledge of the player-reader, furthermore designating them as merely a figure in her game. This inversion of the fourth (glass) wall, is this her tapping against the glass of the aquarium that the player-reader inhabits? Are the witches looking at the player-readers with the same consumptive yearning that underlies George’s remarks in these opening lines? Is there an order of being observed ongoing that goes from fish to George to the player-reader to the witches? Is me reacting to the story also just a story to Beato? Is the goal of Umineko then to break free from being read by the witches? But is that even possible?[1] Just some thoughts I have here before going into Ep2 proper. I am looking forward to it. I have been told Battler dies many deaths in this Episode and I hate that man.
[1] Of course, and I stress this here because such metatextual games toying with elements of unreality can wreak havoc on people that have a difficult connection to reality, the witches are not real in the actual real world. But I could easily imagine that Umineko as a text might try to frame the player-reader in a certain way, to implicate them in the actions of the story, to create a fictional suppersession and reordering of the reader-character relationship inherent to most stories.
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mtchee · 8 days
"What can I do for you?"
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"Ah, take a seat over here, please." "We have a wide range of teas and treats, I'm sure there's somethig that suits your palette."
Welcome, thanks for stopping by! I go by the pen-name mtchee, though feel free to call me as you like. I am an 18 y/o writer-for-fun and aspiring editor and publisher currently furthering my studies and skills in University.
As such, my priorities lay amidst my studies with fanfiction being an escape and much loved reprieve. Updates will be unpredictable, but (hopefully) not scarce.
Typically, my writing centres around female readers, however, I am and have been working on explanding my audience and increasing my writing to include gender neutral, amab, male, and afab readers. I do my utmost to leave the protagonst as amiguous as possible, though certain stories may be centred towards a more particular demographic (whereby from requests or not), in which will be tagged and warned as such.
A few crumbs about me...
INFJ-T My favourite colour is green~ I am a Filippino/New Zealander mix born in Australia I'm a hard worker! But very lazy if not motivated... Casual Gamer Cold sweet drinks are my vice SVT has me broke
Try guess my bias in each fandom, haha! (hint: there's usually more than one...)
Take a sneak peak at the menu~
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This page is a safe space! Any and all communities, nationalities, ethnic groups, identities, and religions are welcome.
While everyone is welcome and I strive to write something suitable for everyone, my writings will not be tailored to you specifically. If I am uncomfortable with writing something, I am not required to put myself out of my comfort zone for your entertainment. On that note, if I write something to your distaste, block and/or scroll. Everything I write will be tagged accordingly.
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"Here, take a look at the menu."
Iced Coffees & Hot Drinks
Iced Americano - SEVENTEEN Iced Mocha - PLAVE Matcha Latte - TWICE
Bubble Teas & Cakes
Fruitea - Haikyuu! Snow Tea - Boku no Hero Academia Milk Tea - Jujutsu Kaisen Fruit Slice - Demon Slayer
Sodas, Shakes, and Stills
Satisfying Shakes - Persona 5 (Strikers) Vitalising Tropical Punch - Genshin Impact Organic Berry Bubbles - Love & Deepspace Starlight Mixed Stills - Honkai: Star Rail Decadent Sparklings - Wuthering Waves
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deerbornintuitive · 8 months
Autumn Messages Pick a Pile
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Hello, and welcome to your autumn spirit message. These are mini-readings about what you need to be made aware of for this season. I’m Deerborn, energy medium & tarot reader. I use my intuition to help when you need guidance, feel stuck, or want to understand yourself at a deeper level. All messages are always meant for your highest good. Please note that my readings do not serve as medical or legal advice; I am not liable for how you use the provided messages. If you enjoy your reading and would like to leave a tip, tap here. Book personal readings here.
Are you ready?
Take a moment to look at each of the 3 images. Take a few deep breaths. Ask your Spirit Guides for help if needed. Allow your intuition to guide you.
Which will you choose?
When you’re ready, scroll down to your pile. Thanks for reading!
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Pile A
Ace of Pentacles & 10 of Wands
This season, you're being presented with a new beginning. There are going to be multiple opportunities for you to grow and expand in exactly the ways you’ve been dreaming of. If you've been working on manifesting something, this season is when it will come to be; and it may not take the form you’re expecting. If you feel blocked with this, make your manifestation intentions less specific. Sometimes we can make too many guidelines for the Universe, which makes it more difficult for things to align. Because Pentacles often represents finances, there’s likely to be some unexpected money coming in. This could take the form of a gift, finding money tucked away. or a raise, or booking higher paying commissions/gigs. Spirit wants you to know that what's coming for you will require some hard work, but nothing you can’t handle. It will be a matter of listening to your body and honoring when you’re getting tired so you do not burn out. Persevere, and you will see amazing things come out of it! You're strong and capable. Reach out for help as needed, please know you don't have to do it all on your own. There are people that will be glad to support you and see you grow! Happy fall, friend!
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Pile B
7 of Wands & The Hermit
This season, you're going to be met with some challenges. These don’t always come from your environment; they can come from within. I’ve often seen 7 of Wands in regards to self limiting beliefs, comparison syndrome, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, even anxiety, ocd, etc. Your Spirit Guides want you to know that they’re always supporting you to overcome these obstacles, whatever they may be. They provide their protection and healing when you need it. Remember, they cannot interfere with free will, so if you need assistance, you must ask them. If you have trouble receiving their messages or energy, try using an intuitive tool, like a pendulum, oracle or tarot cards, runes, etc. Spirit also wants to remind you that your inner guidance will best lead you. When you feel like you're fighting against the current, take a time out to tune into your inner wisdom. Find sanctuary so that you can gain perspective before jumping back in. If you’re moving through a difficult or dark time, be careful not to isolate too much. This will exacerbate feelings of loneliness, sadness, anxiety, negative self talk, or any negative energy. Allow yourself time alone, but do not forget we all need some support. Happy fall, friend!
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Pile C
4 of Pentacles & The Lovers
This season, you're doing your best to hold onto something, likely resources and money, but this could also simply be referring to your energy. You’re budgeting something, being mindful and aware of the needs of your future self. By saving or holding onto things, or energy, it gives you a better sense of control, and maybe control is what’s really needed right now. Spirit wants you to know that while it's wise to save for the future, you still need to live. Be careful that you aren't completely shutting yourself out from the world in order to watch your budget (financial, energetic). Instead of completely restricting yourself, make smart choices on where your energy or money is going. Time with friends will be a great way to have fun without spending too much money. Or, treat yourself, no matter how small, to some self care. Use what you have on hand. There is a way for you to come into balance without feeling restricted. A path toward harmony is available to you right now. Trust that the Universe has your back. If things feel stagnant, look around you to see what can be let go of. Maybe it’s time to go through your home and donate some items. Happy fall, friend!
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c0la-queen · 1 month
Clarifying the Hybrid AU
So this is nothing bad, and nothing has happened! I've just realized that there are a few things about the Hybrid AU that may not make sense without context, and it deserves its own post to explain.
Also I'm stepping out of my comfort zone a little posting this, so please bear with me here! I was raised in an environment where I learned to be ashamed of my more "unconventional" preferences, so I've almost always kept them private. But this is something that I want to share with you guys! So I'm trying to be strong here!
Now, this is mainly talking about Hybrid Reader.
I use this Hybrid AU as a form of self-indulgent comfort. Sometimes, in my brain, there are days where I just want to stop having to think, stop having to make decisions. During these times, I get so much comfort from the idea of a "handler" being there to take care of me.
I know to some people, this can seem irregular, or even a little weird. And everyone is entitled to their opinions! But my recommendation to you is that if you don't like it, please don't read it. There might be some other people who, like me, find this kind of thing comforting. So if I can share a little happiness with them, I think it's worth it to put this out there, even if I feel a little flustered doing it.
Additionally, don't think that this AU is all some kink! None of this needs to be taken in any kind of sexual context unless it's specifically written to be NSFW.
Now, here's a few cosmetic bits of the AU that are important to note:
All hybrids are legally required to have a human caretaker known as a Handler. A Handler's job is to take care of their hybrid, as well as keep them out of trouble.
Not all Handlers and Hybrids have relationships that are inherently romantic. Some may have a platonic relationship, some may be familial. It's a case-by-case situation.
Not all Hybrids are the same. Depending on what kind of Hybrid they are, they may have different temperaments, behaviors, needs, or purposes. Some Hybrids may be used in the military, others may be used in occupations like farms. Others simply live as their Handler's companion, providing company in their lives.
Now for a few self indulgent bits, mainly about our specific Bunny Reader:
A Handler getting their Hybrid a collar is very common. It's kind of a big deal to Hybrids, and they'll become extremely attached to their Handler if given one. Again, it's not an inherently sexual thing! For me, collars are a source of comfort and security. It's like something that helps ground me and put me at ease.
Kennels can also be a thing in the AU. Again, just like the collar, it doesn't need to be sexual! It would be a place where the Hybrid goes to calm down when in a panic. If you're picturing some tiny, cramped, bare metal cage, that's not what I'm talking about! Hybrids would want a decent sized kennel, and they would fill it with blankets and pillows and anything else that brings them comfort.
I apologize if to some of you, this seems weird! I don't mean it in any way that is gross or degrading. For me, it's all about having someone love you enough to take care of you when you need it. To trust someone enough with someone that you know they'll keep you safe.
And if anyone else does find any of these ideas comforting and you'd wanna read more of it, please reach out to me in my inbox! I am more than happy to share some of the comfort that I get from this AU with other people. I hope someone gets the same happiness from it that I do!
Sorry if I rambled a little here, and thank you for letting me take a chance here! Mwah mwah! 💚💚💚💚
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davecall93 · 2 years
Binge (Part 1)
NOTE : *This is stupidly slow start to the story but it is what it is. It’s based on/is a rewrite of a story “Binge” that I can’t find but remember reading. Other parts forthcoming when I can*
Derek had mixed feelings as he descended into the locker room. While not the star quarterback, he had enjoyed a great amount of support and effort on the part of his coaches and teammates and the reasons for his sudden decision to quit the team that summer had been difficult to spell out. His coach had been understanding, albeit disappointed, and his teammates had tried to discourage him. Further complicating the situation was Derek’s decision to go MIA after he had made his announcement. This included going a few weeks without speaking to Peter, the team’s true star, a young, handsome quarterback who had already made it clear that his was a career to keep an eye on. Coming back today would be the first time he had seen anyone. He imagined the situation might be awkward and his guilt for not having behaved properly.
Derek had finally had his first sexual encounter with another man. The meeting was anonymous—for him, shame-filled—but also liberating insofar as it was the first time he was able to act on his own desires. His whole life had been driven by outrunning how he felt, pleasing those around him, and externalizing any notion of success. The encounter had made him realize that, perhaps, things could be different. So he had knocked down the monument to the person he was pretending to be: the straight college jock. He had
Although, perhaps, football might not have had to go quite so suddenly if it had not also been for the fact he had to also admit he was in love with Peter, who as a sophomore had taken in a freshman Derek under his wing, encouraging him, supporting him, with a generosity that Derek had never experienced. And with a 21 year old’s lack of perspective, it seemed to him impossible to start living differently while pining heavily for someone he could never have.
He had been surprised of course when he got a message from Coach saying: “Cut the bullshit and come get vaxxed. Friday, 11:30.”
The university was requiring vaccines and boosters for the fall but had grossly botched the roll out of jabs for students. There was not enough supply, the appointment system specifically for vaccines had crashed multiple times, and it was suggested that the contract had been given specifically to high-ranking administrator’s relative. Coach Hull had decided to take matter’s into his own hands. Derek, in need of a shot and wanting to maybe start repairing ties, decided to take the gesture as a good sign and said he would be there.
As Derek came to the locker room, there was a folding table with a stack of papers, medical paraphernalia, a chair placed so as to facilitate a shot in the arm. Sitting at the table was a nice looking man that Derek took to be a nurse, dressed in scrubs. The man smiled at him and said, “And now you’re here.”
“I’m sorry, am I late? I was told 11:30.”
“You’re good, Derek.” Coach Hull appeared suddenly out of the hallway leading out to the field. “I gave you the wrong time. We started at 10:30.” He turned to the nurse. “Sorry about that.”
“Not to worry.” The man shuffled through the papers and pulled out a form. As Derek sat down, he asked a basic series of questions about vaccination reactions, allergies, and which arm Derek would prefer the shot. “Sign here,” he said, and Derek filled in his signature and date.
“Just a second,” said the man as he prepared the shot.
“They say I’m overpaid but those assholes can’t even handle the most basic of operations.”
“Yeah, it’s nuts,” said Derek.
“DEREK!” Out of the same hallway from which Coach appeared came Peter. He was shirtless and Derek, who had seen him naked many times before, nearly gasped, as if he was seeing his love for the first time. The young man’s pectorals and abs were beautifully sculpted and Derek realized he was hardening, as if finally admitting how he felt changed his ability to repress his reaction to seeing Peter even only partially undressed. He was sweating, holding his phone and some headphones strung around his neck. Derek guessed he must have been running.
“Coach said you’d be here.” He approached Derek and rubbed his head. “You disappeared on us.”
“Sorry,” said the nurse, gesturing for Peter to move. Peter stood back with Coach and the two looked at him, and as they stood there, their eyes fixed on him, Derek had the odd feeling of being purposefully observed.
“And you’ll just stay here for 15 minutes just to make sure you don’t have a reaction.” Derek nodded and a second later felt a pinch and that tight build up of pressure. It was not the worst shot he had ever had, but he definitely felt it. He noticed Coach and Peter were still watching him. He supposed that they must be surprised to be seeing him in the same old locker room in circumstances that would have been unthinkable a few months ago.
“And now we wait,” said the nurse, who began to organize his things to leave.
“I need to shower,” said Peter. “Don’t go before I get back!” He ordered Derek. Derek watch the young man as he headed to the showers. He turned his head to coach, who was still staring at him.
“You still interested in broadcasting or are you over sports in general?”
Over the last few years, Derek had often talked about his wish to go into sports media. Coach had always been encouraging, although vague, wanting Derek to keep his focus on the field. However, since that was out the question now, maybe Coach was ready to shift focus.
“Well, tonight I have a friend in town whose a network exec, sports division. I think you should meet him.”
“We’re eating at 8, so I’ll come collect you at 7:20. You still at the same place on Pine?”
“Still there, coach.”
“He’s a busy man. We get a chance to get together only once or twice in town a year. But he’s a big fuckin’ deal. So you can’t back out. I was gonna suggest this to you awhile ago…but…” Coach’s voice dropped off.
Derek felt a pang of guilt. “I’m sorry, Coach.” The idea that his actions might have cost him a such a lucky opportunity. “I’ll definitely come tonight.
“He’s a really Type A, but if we can get you on his good side, I bet we can get you an internship. You’ve got time but no reason to not play the long game.”
The nurse cleared his throat. He said that it had been 15 minutes and Derek was free to go. Coach shook his hand, and he smiled widely at Derek as he left.
“That’s my cue as well,” Coach said, and then suddenly lowered his voice.  “Also keep the dinner on the DL from Peter. It’s not so much about him, but I don’t like you idiots knowing what strings I’m pulling for who. And you know he’s a talker.”
Derek laughed. “Sure thing, Coach. See you tonight.”
A few minutes later, Peter reemerged, hair still wet, in shorts and a t-shirt that clung nicely to his v-shape. Derek noticed his shorts highlighted the beautiful curve of his ass and that they seemed to have a bit of a bulge in front. Derek hadn’t seen him wear that pair before and lamented that they seemed chosen just to torture him. Derek started getting hard.  
Derek got up from the chair and stood up to talk to his friend. He braced for an emotional conversation, and as he locked eyes with Peter, he felt pulled back, and realized maybe it would have been worth staying on the team just to be near him. He also realized Peter was staring him back right in the eyes, as if looking into him. And that’s when Peter grinned widely and said, “You know, you owe me a rematch.”
“A rematch?”
“The 5 Pound Burrito Challenge.”
Derek laughed. It had been a minute since he had thought about the night he and Peter had taken on a local institution’s 5 Pound Burrito Challenge. Derek had a surprising stomach capacity and he had shown it off. Neither Derek nor Peter had been able to finish their burrito but Derek had roundly beat Peter by quite a margin, able to down about three pounds of the burrito.
“We should. Maybe some weekend this semester…”
“How about today?”
“Why? You have plans?”
“Yes, I mean…no, I, just, I—“
“C’mon. You owe it to me,” Peter looked at Derek right in the eyes. Derek felt a sudden pang and let his feelings decide for him. An afternoon with Peter? He had the dinner…Derek decided to hell with it. It was still early, and he just had to attend the dinner, not eat the whole menu.
“Okay,” he said, smiling, blushing a bit.
“C’mon. I know we can walk but I’ve got to move my car anyway.” He slapped Derek on the ass, “Let’s do this.”  It was all Derek could do not to gasp from the thrill it gave him.
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armoures · 12 days
This is a highly selective and private roleplay blog for — Colin Bridgerton: a character set within Julia Quinn's Bridgerton. I will mostly follow show canon when it comes to this specific portrayal. I do however take heavy inspiration from Romancing Mr. Bridgerton, as well as the other books set within the same universe. This blog works on a low activity basis and out of character posts will be exceedingly more common than in character posts. Please be warned. An introspection by Florence, she/they, four and twenty. No minors allowed.
Social Conduct;
I. I will be very careful with who I follow to curate a dash that fits my comfortability levels. I ask that you only follow if you truly want to interact. I do not want to feel unwelcome on my own dash, so please consider carefully if you actually want to write with me. I will be more lenient when it comes to friends. We don’t have to write immediately once we follow each other, but I do expect some interest in my portrayal. If this comes in the form of plotting or liking my headcanons, that’s fine.
II. I won’t write with minors on this blog. This means no one below the age of eighteen years old. I am an adult and feel uncomfortable interacting with anyone who isn’t, especially because of the source material present here. I am highly selective with my following in general and require an out of character relationship to develop between muns as well once following each other. I’m not just here to write, I want to create friendships as well.
III. When it comes to shipping, I am quite open to most things. I do default to Colin and Penelope becoming husband and wife unless otherwise discussed. I am of course willing to discuss other options as long as there is chemistry! Important to note is that I will be extremely selective when it comes to interactions with Penelope's. I write her myself and find it difficult to interact with others because of this. I do, however, want the option to explore Polin on this blog as well as hers, so if we mesh as muns as well as with our muses I may be open to exploring things.
IV. There may be triggers present on this blog. Everything will be tagged accordingly. Personally, I would appreciate it if you could tag: spiders, drugs, overdosing, vermin and emotional abuse.
V. I ask that if we write together, you cut your posts and don’t use gif icons, nor extremely large icons. I do not mind large text. Use whatever formatting you feel comfortable with. If you ever need me to change anything regarding my personal formatting, do not hesitate in letting me know. I don’t mind editing it to be more accessible. I don’t practise reblog karma, but I’m not a resource blog either, so don’t treat me as such.
VI. I won’t tolerate racism, ableism, whitewashing / brown washing, terfs, nazi’s, homophobia, pedophilia, incest, rape, xenophobia or any other subjects that may be considered problematic.
VII. Most of the graphics on this blog are made by yours truly, unless specifically stated otherwise. The psd coloring I’m using is by ariapsds and ironrevolverpsds. Icon border is by creationcolors.
VIII. To introduce myself: my alias is Florence, but most people tend to call me Flo. I am twenty four years old and use she/they pronouns. I am also cis, white and bi-oriented aroace. I live in the Netherlands. I don’t work or go to school, but I do follow quite a rigorous therapy treatment that takes up most of my time.
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beringandwells13 · 2 years
More on the Bering and Wells Big Bang!
Happy December, everyone! Now that it is no longer NaNoWriMo, as promised here is further information about the Big Bang we're planning for the 13th Anniversary of Bering and Wells in 2023!
(Please note that this Big Bang is not the same thing as the Bering and Wells Gift Exchange - two separate events, twice the fun! We're doing our best to set up this Big Bang in such a way that you can participate in both if you want!)
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A few questions were already answered over here, such as What is a Big Bang and How much am I supposed to write for it? - Today, under the Readmore, we're gonna go a bit further into the event's timeline and organization!
Timeline for this Big Bang:
December 17th-26th: Sign-up period for artists, betas and writers. Writers should already have an idea that is hefty enough for a Big Bang and that hasn't previously been published or talked about (so that the summary will remain anonymous), and should state what kind of beta support they're looking for. Betas should state what kind of beta support they are able to provide. Artists should state what kind of content they are not willing to provide art for.
December 27th-31st: mods match up writers and betas, and inform them.
January: writers develop their draft with help of their betas.
February 1st: drafts due: writers send in their drafts/outline/WIP (whatever fits your writing process) with a summary, tags/rating and applicable CWs. The draft/outline/WIP should be solid at this point, with no major changes anticipated. Summaries and tags/rating/CWs are then published anonymously for artists.
February 2nd-4th: artists pick the WIP they want to create art for, in form of a ranked top 3 list. This will help ensure that every fic can be matched with an artist.
February 5th: mods inform artists and writers about their match-ups; writers subsequently make their WIP available to their matched artist.
February 6th-April 9th: working on fic and art together!
April 10th-16th: finalizing fics and art for publishing, picking a publishing date in the following week
April 17th-23rd: publishing period, staggered to let each individual collaboration shine!
The mods will check in with all participants every now and then to make sure things are still on track and collaboration is working smoothly. You can also always reach out to mods with any questions or problems that might arise!
What kind of content is allowed/expected?
It’s all Bering and Wells, babey! Please focus on the relationship between these two; so no Myka- or Helena-only fics please, and if there are other relationships in your story, they shouldn’t overshadow Bering and Wells! All ratings are allowed (just please tag and CW accordingly), crossovers and AUs are possible too – as long as the focus is still on Bering and Wells.
As stated above, the fic idea should be new/previously unpublished - if it can be traced to you, the artist pick will no longer be anonymous! And of course the art should be new and created for this fic specifically as well.
Reminder: in order to make this more approachable, we propose to not set a minimum word count. BUT we would ask that as a writer, you commit to a fic that is equal in the effort and time you put in it, as an artist might give their artwork, and vice versa.
Requirements for all participants:
You will need an active email address to sign up - an AO3 account and/or Tumblr account are optional but helpful for posting your fic and art. The mods have AO3 invite links if you want to create an account for this purpose!
You may sign up for more than one role, either in an either/or or in an and/or fashion; please state so when you sign up ("I'd like to be an author and beta, and potentially a pinch hitter artist") - but please consider your spoons, and only sign up for what you are certain you can deliver on.
You may sign up as a pinch hitter writer, beta or artist: someone who fills in if a writer, beta or artist has to drop out. In this case you will take over a part in a collaboration that has already progressed, and while you're not strictly bound to what's already been worked on, you should be willing to work within that framework!
Expectations of all participants:
We ask that you are ready and willing to devote your time and energy towards creating a long-form fic or substantial work of art, or providing continuous beta support to your collab writer. If you feel ready now/at sign-up, but realize during the Big Bang that it is too much for you, that's alright, that happens - just in that case reach out to your fellow collaborators so that they're aware, and let the mods know so that we can make accommodations that will help, or find a pinch hitter to fill in for you if necessary.
As this is a collaborative event, we expect you to be ready and willing to work with your collaborators and the mods. That entails giving and receiving feedback, and communicating in a timely, respectful and supportive manner, including responding to mod check-ins. Unresponsive participants (towards mods, but even more so towards their collaborators) will be warned first, and can be removed from the event entirely (two-strike system). This includes regularly checking your communications channels and spam filters!
And lastly, we expect you to keep details of your collab's fic and art secret from anyone outside your collaborators and mods - they're only to be revealed once they're published!
Is the Big Bang the only fan event you're organizing for the 13th anniversary?
No it's not! We have quite a few more things planned, from prompts for fics and art as well as a round-robin style collab fic, to a zoom get-together like we had last year with headcanon bingo and trivia quizzes; if you have something else you'd love to do, let us know! We'll get to all of this closer to the actual anniversary, though.
If you have any questions, please let us know! And please feel free to reblog this post to boost the signal!
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