#pop-up basin waste
goldbathroom · 2 months
An Easy Guide To Basin Wastes
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Choosing the right basin waste is essential for both the functionality and aesthetics of your bathroom. From traditional plug and chain options to modern pop-up, flip-top, and click-clack designs, our latest blog delves into the various types of basin wastes available. Learn about the mechanics behind each type, their suitability for different bathroom styles, and how to choose the right one for your home. We also cover essential considerations such as basin compatibility, ease of cleaning, and installation tips to help you make an informed decision. Whether you're updating your bathroom or installing a new basin, find out everything you need to know about selecting the perfect basin waste for lasting functionality and style.
Read the full guide to choosing the right basin waste here.
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tapronlimited · 2 months
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How to Fit a Basin Waste
The Tapron guide on fitting a basin waste covers everything from choosing the right type (slotted for sinks with an overflow, unslotted for those without) to the installation process. It emphasizes the necessity of using the correct basin waste to prevent water damage and offers a detailed step-by-step guide for installation, including tools needed and how to apply sealant. The guide also introduces different basin waste designs like Click Clack, Flip Top, Pop-Up, Plug and Chain, and Free Flow, catering to various preferences and requirements. For detailed instructions, visit the full guide here.
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Wasted 11
Warnings: drug dealing/use, violence, noncon, and the usual. Proceed with caution.
Feedback is always welcome. Love you and thanks for the wonderful responses so far.♥♥♥
The other girl in this one is from Black Light
Part of The Club AU
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Throughout the night, you find yourself thinking of Bucky. Not in any meaningful way, merely wondering how someone as nice as the man beside you came to be friends with a pill-pushing brute like him. Steve is too sweet to believe and you know better than to buy anything at face-value but you’ve yet to find a crack in the veneer.
As he asks for the check, you pull your purse into your lap. He peers over, “oh, don’t… I got it.”
“Really, it’s nice of you to offer,” you try to factor out the chunk from your cut for the night. “I don’t mind going half–”
“My mother would pale if I didn’t insist,” he reaches over to clasp his hand over your purse before you can pop open the flap. It’s the boldest move he’s mad all night. You relent, he doesn’t have to twist your arm, your bills are already doing most of that. “I had a really good night, it’s worth it.”
You smile. A real smile. You can’t lie and say you didn’t. 
“I did too,” you say, “thank you, Steve.”
He blushes and turns to watch the server as she approaches again. He fumbles around his jacket and takes out his wallet. His hands are shaking. You’d finally calmed his nerves but they just as quickly bubble up. Bucky is less than an honest man but you suspect he didn’t lie about everything.
But what did he tell Steve? Is this a date? Or are you a hired escort? That makes your chest twinge. You’ve never been overly sentimental, you’ve had your share of one night stands, but you don’t want this to be like those.
As Steve folds up his wallet and thanks the server, you brush his arm with your knuckles, “hey, do you wanna walk through the park? Elizabeth Square is near here, I’ve never been to see the fountain.”
He turns to you with wide eyes, “really?”
“Sure, why not? Unless… I’m keeping you.”
He shakes his head and a broad grin spreads across his pointed features, “I’d love that.”
You nod and gather up your purse. You stand and pull on your jacket as Steve rises on the other side of the table and smooths his jacket. His pants are a little too long but he looks nice. You can tell he put a lot of thought into tonight.
He gestures you ahead of him, “ladies first.”
You accept and lead him between the tables. He’s quick as you reach the front door and flits around to open it for you. He really is playing the gentleman well.
As you get outside, you wait for him on the sidewalk and as he nears, you turn to walk parallel with him down the wide pavement. He’s quiet as he twiddles his slender fingers at his side. You take out your lip gloss to retouch your lips, twisting the cap on and tucking it away before you figure out what to say.
“You don’t really think I’m a lady, do you?” You kid.
He peeks over at you, “of course I do.”
“Steve,” you hum, flattered by his sincerity. You don’t know what to say. 
You sidle closer with your next step and take his hand, twining your fingers through his as he flinches. He jitters then squeezes. You can feel him beaming.
“I like you, Steve,” you say, “but I think I might disappoint you.”
“You could never,” he counters.
“We barely know each other.”
“Steve,” you chide as you turn through the archway of Elizabeth Square. You look up at the big letters wrought in iron. “I’m trying to warn you.”
“I don’t need to be warned,” he says, “I can handle it. I can handle you.”
You almost laugh. He’s brave when he wants to be. Just like back in the coffee shop.
You near the fountain and sigh, watching the water lap down over the lit basin. Heat seeps into you from your interlocked hands as he stops beside you. You both just stare at the spouting streams.
You tug on his arm and turn to him. He glances over shyly, “this is romantic, isn’t it?”
He chuckles nervously, “sure.”
“I think… if you want to,” you push your shoulder up and tilt your head, “it might be the perfect time to kiss me.”
He gulps and shifts to face you, “really?”
You arch a brow, “my lip gloss tastes like cherry.”
His mouth opens slightly and he sways, “cherry?”
You smile and lean in, stopping just before him as you pucker your lips. His brows rise high on his forehead and his cheeks brighten rosily. He steps close and meets your lips with his as he closes your eyes and you do the same. He presses against your lips before he shyly recoils.
He lets go of your hand and covers his mouth, “sorry, I never– was that bad.”
“Not at all,” you flick your lashes open, “that was sweet.”
“Sweet?” He murmurs.
“Come on,” you turn and sit on the wide ledges of the fountain, “we can work on it.”
“Work on it?” He squeaks.
You slap the marble next to you, “Steve, let me show you how to work in the tongue, that’s the fun part.” He looks like he’s about to faint. You laugh as he sits stiffly and you rub his back, “or not.  You don’t have to do anything you don’t like.”
“No, I want to,” he pokes his tongue out to lick his lips, turning his head to you slowly, “you’re right, it’s cherry.”
You giggle and lean on the heel of your hand, bringing your other hand to his cheek. He grabs your wrist and pulls your touch away, surprising you as he frames your face instead. He grips your chin as he leans in and smushes his lips to yours again. 
You open your mouth slightly and slip your tongue along his lips, welcoming him in. He takes your invitation as his hand crawls up your jaw, firmly holding your head. You lean into him, purring as you rest your hand just above his knee. Why hadn’t you tried a nice guy before?
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cdyssey · 11 months
Summary: When Melissa's nana dies, Barbara is there for her.
CW: Death Discussion; Heavy Grief
AO3 Link
Melissa smooths her to-do list across her kitchen island with trembling fingers. Having been folded and unfolded several times over, marked upon profusely, tossed into her purse, crammed into her back pocket, unceremoniously stuffed into her bra at least twice, and probably stained with some cheap Chardonnay that her kid cousin picked up from Dollar General, the tear-out from a yellow legal pad has certainly seen better days.
But, hey, that’s nothin’ special.
She guesses she looks like a shit piece of paper too, all crinkled and creased, smudged and barely fit for perusal anymore.
Someone load her ass in a garbage truck and cart her off to the dump because she’s a wreck: fucked up, overwhelmed, annihilated, undone.
She doesn’t even feel like a human anymore.
Her nana died just around two days ago now, passing from the world about as peacefully as one could dare to imagine for a woman who’d been sick for the last ten months of her life. It was quiet in the end, as simple and as easy as falling asleep after a long, hard day. And the doctor-on-call promised that the sedative he was giving her would ensure that it was painless, which was a relief perhaps only because everything else leading up to that day had been so goddamn painful: the sickness, the waiting, the wrenching, bone-heavy grief.
(It was entirely possible to grieve someone who was still alive—to look at their utterly wasted body and understand that what was left was just a tangible echo, a breathing ghost.)
Melissa held her bony hand during that last hour and told her that it was okay to go—she’d be fine—and it was the first and only lie she’d ever told that saint of a woman in the entirety of her life.
She didn’t exactly ask forgiveness for doing so either.
She thought that if God knew anything about mercy, He’d understand and grant her this one sin: comforting that comfortless woman.
Nana had been ready to go, of course—sure, yeah, absolutely—she had known that it was her time for far longer than any of her headstrong relatives had been willing to admit. But she was so scared too: scared of leaving all her loved ones without their resilient matriarch, scared of their eventual (and perhaps inevitable) in-fighting, scared of a fractious future that she wouldn’t be around to mend with a homemade ziti dish and warm, jam-filled pie. She made Melissa promise—over and over again, ad infinitum—that she’d keep the Schemmenti clan together long after she was gone.
“Family’s all that we’ve got, Melly,” she once said. In the same way that Joe was the only person to call her Lissa, Nana was the only one to ever know her as Melly. It was a bit childish, maybe, but Melissa didn't mind. She always felt like she was twelve again when she was in her grandmother's presence: gap-toothed, impertinent, a hellion in patched overalls. “You gotta swear to me, on your Papa’s grave, that you’ll always remember that—no matter how balorde some of your aunts and uncles can be.”
“Nana!”She’d belly laughed at the time, bracing her hands on the edge of Nana’s steel-basin sink. They’d been in the kitchen together, as they so often were, peeling russet potatoes for her famous gnocchi recipe. This was at the very beginning of those long ten months when they both thought she just was just having bad arthritis flare-ups, perhaps. Her doctor was supposed to call sometime in the next few days with the results from her most recent labs...
“Those are your kids. You can’t just call ‘em stupid.”
(Even if it was expressly true.)
“Yeah, I can! I pushed them outta me, every one of ‘em eight or nine pounds a pop! Apple doesn’t fall far from the bush is what I say!”
It was the kind of statement that only her grandmother could pull off, something that made her want to snort and cry at the exact same time. She was outrageously funny, that stout, little woman, but she never seemed to think much of herself, especially when it came to education. She had to drop out of high school to work and help her parents raise their endless passel of kids, and then, before she knew it, she was poppin’ out little redheaded Sicilian Catholics of her own—Melissa’s own ma included.
Nana was so proud of her for making it through college and becoming a teacher, telling her as much every opportunity that she got, and constantly bragging about her accomplishments to her canasta group. She’d known how hard it was for Melissa at times.
Reading had always been a little challenging for her.
Taking exams could be a goddamn nightmare.
“Would you quit flippin’ saying that?” Melissa had rebutted, both exasperated and fond all at once, attempting to discipline her smirk into a reproving frown. “You’re not dumb either, Nana. Alright? Capito?"
She was the smartest person Melissa knew, high school diploma or not, for education was far from the same as intelligence in her book. There were plenty of eggheads out there with degrees coming out of their asses who didn't know how to haggle for the best cuts of beef or stay clear of certain Philly streets at night or change a flat with a crying kid on one hip and three more bouncin' around in the car. Before she had ever decided to become an elementary school teacher, those sorts of things were her only measures of how clever a person really was, and her grandmother had been the golden standard of them all—competent in a world that could be so arbitrary, needlessly complicated, and cruel.
At this, her sweet nana suddenly smiled, her dark eyes warmed by the golden light leaning in from the window above the sink. It was a sad smile and a profound one—the kind that little, old ladies always gave in the movies before they up and died, kickstarting the next act. It was accompanied by a slow shake of the head. She had her green rollers in; they shivered in time with the movement.
“Good God, I love you, Melissa,” she had murmured softly, each syllable laden with a certain gravity, as though she already suspected something about her health that Melissa didn’t, as though she had an inkling of what awaited her in the coming days, weeks, and months upon godawful, medicine and machine-filled months. Maybe Melissa should have known then herself—by that rare usage of her Christian name, by the way her stubborn-as-hell grandmother didn’t argue back—that something was horribly wrong.
But she hadn't.
Just ten months and some spare change ago, it was impossible for her to fathom a world where her nana wasn't in it.
She just accepted that love, basked in it, took it for granted even, and now, a little less than a year later, as she pores over a checklist of all the shit she’s gotta do to bury that precious lady—(so much, too flipping much)—she racks her exhausted brain and wonders if she’d said it back that time.
I love you too, Nana. 
Of course, she’s said it about a gazillion times since then. Never left a conversation with the woman without doing so in case it was their last. But all the times she didn’t reciprocate those three words and every other missed or botched opportunity besides tangibly aches her chest, pounds upon it, like fists against an awful drum. Missed calls. Canceled lunch dates. Squandered chances to ask her about her storied life. The endless thank you she didn’t give that woman for practically raising her.
It’s irrational, of course, so goddamn stupid; she loved that woman endlessly and proved it in a thousand different ways.
But even still, what she wouldn’t give for one last tomorrow with her to tell her again and again.
Unbidden, unwanted, totally out-of-line and out-of-the-blue, tears threaten to spill over Melissa’s lashes and onto that yellow paper that’s already been to hell and back. She furiously swipes them away with the heel of her hand, doesn’t have the time to cry.
She’s still gotta call the Social Security Office and get Nana’s checks to stop comin’ through the mail. And after that, she has to take Joe’s suit to the dry cleaner ‘cuz her useless lump of a husband keeps forgetting. And when she gets back home—at who knows what time because she’s really gotta stop at the store and grab a few necessities—she desperately needs to go through Nana’s files again to see if she’s got that damn burial policy in there somewhere. Otherwise, they’re gonna have to pay for the service and the cremation out of pocket, even if she knows a guy who knows a guy who knows the funeral director, who can only get them an okay deal, which is fine.
It'll help, or at the very least, it won't hurt, but the crux of the sordid matter—the bottom line at the end of the shitty day—is that dying is so freakin' expensive.
“Fuck,” she groans, sliding her hand down until she’s palming her mouth. “Shit.”
No one ever talks about how the aftermath of death is just one cold bureaucracy after another: files, papers, tasks, and duties.
It’s unbearable.
Melissa alone has to bear it.
Her ma’s gone. Her remaining aunts and uncles are fragile. Her cousins aren’t any good with this kind of organizational crap. Her own goddamn sister’s been AWOL ever since the diagnosis, and the rest of her younger siblings haven’t done jack squat either.
It’s up to Melissa.
It always is.
That doesn't change just because someone she loved died.
The responsibilities simply take up the same air as the grief.
Just as she’s about to get started, though, reaching for her phone to start looking up numbers, her one saving grace walks in through the arched entranceway of the kitchen. Elegant as ever in a floral print blouse and black slacks, a plastic bag hanging off one arm, her comically huge purse on the other, is none other than—
“Barb,” she croaks, overwhelmed and overcome, weak-kneed with a relief that she just as immediately tries to hide. Vulnerability utterly terrifies her; it is one of the few house guests that she doesn’t know how to capably entertain.
“You don’t… y’know, you don’t have to come every day.”
But her best friend unfailingly has, bringing over various dishes and groceries, helping Melissa keep track of all the shit she needs to do, and oftentimes, just sitting next to her on her plastic-covered couch and holding her hand, palm-to-palm, their ten fingers intertwined. If Melissa has known any modicum of peace in this hellish last week, it’s only because Barbara Howard has deigned to carve out some for her, offering it to her like an alm. 
God bless her—she even showed up before her nana passed away, when family and friends were just congregating in Melissa’s house, filtering in and out of the guest bedroom where Nana’s hospital bed was to say their goodbyes. And when death finally lifted Nana away—arriving as gently as a mother carrying her child to bed—Barbara’s warm arms were the first around Melissa, holding her so tightly, her lone defenses against collapsing into a million goddamn pieces on the floor.
Barbara would never let that happen, though.
She had her.
She would cradle all her shrapnel; she would salvage her from abyssal ruins.
“And you,sweetheart, know better than to think that’ll stop me,” Barbara laughs kindly, setting her purse and plastic bag on the kitchen island. There’s a twinkle in her dark eyes, a lovely playfulness curving her plum-colored lips. “I do as I please.”
“Stubborn fool,” Melissa chuckles hoarsely, a sudden thickness in the column of her throat. She’s always on the verge of crying over nothing nowadays: spilled wine on the counter, a sad headline on the news, smelling something in the kitchen that reminds her of her grandmother, being joked with, having companionship, being loved.
She knows that she’s been caught, too, by the way her friend gingerly skims her fingertips against her forearm.
It’s the lightest touch imaginable.
It nearly shatters her where she stands.
“Yes,” Barbara hums in gentle agreement, “that’s why we get along like two peas in an unshelled pod.”
“Hah,” she tries to smile. Her entire mouth feels like concrete. “Some pod.”
“Extraordinary peas, though, if I do say so myself,” the older woman declares with an air of finality as she starts to busy herself, pulling out a white takeout container and some utensils from the plastic bag. Even before she sees the familiar logo of a happy chef wedged in-between some blocky lettering, Melissa knows the rich, homely smell of fried chicken.
And not just any fried chicken, but—
“Danny's Wok?” Her eyebrows lift at least three inches from their exhausted lids. “Jesus, Barb, that’s all the way across town. You didn’t have to—“
But Barbara cuts her off with a raised hand, a familiar teacher pose. “But I wanted to and so I did. Now park your fine derrière on a stool and tell me what you would like to drink, girlfriend.”
“I’ve got things to do,” she protests weakly, gesturing at the to-do list still laying pathetically on the counter. She doesn't know why she's being so obstinate. Maybe it's just instinct; her immediate reaction to people offering help has always been a deep, gut-felt shame: shame that she can't do something by herself; shame that she's so weak, and someone else is stronger; shame that she isn't enough. (One of her deepest fears is that she's never been enough) Or maybe it's because she just doesn't want to think about the way that Barbara saying she had a nice ass made the contents of her stomach do a loop de loop.
“I can eat later.”
It’s not a sentence she’s said very often in her lifetime, and Barbara peers at her skeptically, damn well knowing this.
“But when’s the last time you did have a bite, Melissa? You look pale.”
“I had a piece of toast this morning,” she grunts uncomfortably, more than aware that it’s not sufficient by either of their standards. That was hours ago. According to the digital clock on her oven, it’s nearly five o’clock now.
But all truth being told, she hasn’t been particularly hungry in a while, not since the hospice worker sat her down a few days before Nana died and said that it’d be soon.Food has lost a lot of its flavor. Nausea is constantly doing laps around her digestive tract. She doesn’t know how to care about eating when this grief is taking up so much real estate in her body and never paying any of the rent.
“Hardly enough,” Barbara scolds predictably, first pushing the styrofoam tray in her direction, now shuffling towards the stainless steel fridge, no nonsense and all productivity. It's how she shows her love. “You need to put something substantial in your stomach, sweetheart. You'll be of no use to your list if you keel over on top of it."
“Okay, Ma,” she huffs, but it doesn’t have any real bite to it because she obediently unlatches the box anyway. She knows that Barbara is right, as she usually—(sometimes annoyingly)—is. 
“Ma is correct,” the older woman hums, undeterred. “Someone needs to be responsible for you.”
It's hard not to feel chastised by such a statement, as though she's being patronized—a little kid in her own damn home; she attempts a weak smile anyway. It wobbles like a tricycle across the chapped line of her mouth.
“‘Cause I’m doing a shit job at it, yeah?”
Of course she is; she's a disaster with good hair.
“Absolutely not,” comes an exceedingly gentle reply, thrown over the other teacher's shoulder, landing as gently as a kiss. “It’s just that you seem to think it’s your God-given duty to be responsible for everyone else in this world except for yourself. Let me—no, wait, I insist upon—doing the same for you, Melissa."
A new lump surfaces to Melissa’s throat as she digests this unadulterated tenderness; it’s unfamiliar to her, even after so many years of receiving it from the angelic woman standing in her kitchen. She doesn’t know what to do with it. She holds it in her like a rain cloud, just waiting for it to pour.
“It’s scary that you have my number like this,” she finally says, and it’s the type of thing that she’s not supposed to mention aloud—she knows. She’s well aware. She’s spent an entire lifetime avoiding emotional honesty like it’s a summons for jury duty. But sometimes—if only sometimes, and usually only when a hell of a lot of booze is involved—she and Barbara can transcend their mutual understanding to never talk about the way they secretly look at each other when they think no one is watching and arrive at the undoctored truth of their shared experiences.
They know each other.
They love each other.
Far more intimately than should be allowed.
Barbara freezes where she stands, shoulders squared, hand gripping one of the fridge handles; she doesn’t turn around, possibly can't.
“Well... that’s what friends are for,” she returns in a stilted voice, picking her way around each individual phoneme like it's a landmine. It’s a warning tone even, begging Melissa not to press, and so Melissa doesn’t, swallowing painfully—just as submissive as a dog and far more devoted.
The sticky moment passes—it always does. Barbara retrieves a half-empty jug of sweet tea from the fridge, and Melissa slowly legs herself onto a stool next to the island. Her feet ache—her head, her chest, her entire goddamn body—but when Barbara joins her a few moments later, having poured them glasses of tea and grabbed napkins and condiments, both of them proceed as though nothing happened at all. Melissa picks at the chicken in an exercise of politeness, tearing off a little piece here or there and trying to chew it in slow, methodical bites.
It tastes like burnt rubber.
She attempts to wash it down with her drink, but the sickly sweetness of the tea just as quickly nauseates her.
Barbara can’t keep up the ruse of not paying attention to this sad ritual for very long.
“I can make you soup,” she offers pleadingly, already halfway off her own stool. "Potato? Broccoli-and-cheese? Vegetable?" Melissa places a hand on her leg to force her to sit down again.
“Nah, you’ve done enough,” she says firmly. “I... just don’t have it in me right now, Barb.”
And without flinching or glancing away, though every nerve in her body itches to bundle her present fragility away from view, she allows the other woman to search her face and confirm this unsavory truth. She bares every line and gaunt shadow; they surely adorn the curvature of her face like bruises.
“You can only do what you can do,” the older woman replies reluctantly, as though it’s the thing she knows she’s supposedto say and not necessarily what she actually believes. Melissa almost smiles at that assessment, smug in her assurance that it's the correct one. Barbara’s never been exceptionally good at hiding her feelings. People think that she is. Hell, even Barbara herself thinks she has others fooled.
But Melissa can see right through her, all those hundreds of things that she doesn’t say, that she entraps behind those tightly pursed lips for fear of being construed as ungodly. She thumbs through the Book of Barbara almost daily—with all the reverence that such a project deserves—and her diligence has rewarded her with all the beautiful fine print.
“Advice you gotta listen to yourself, hon,” she muses fondly, patting Barbara’s leg again before finally withdrawing her hand. “You’ve gone above and beyond for me these past few days. It’s not your fault I’ve got a sick stomach right now.”
“I know,” she admits in that same grudging tone, “but still, I’d do anything to make things better for you, Melissa, to relieve the burden on your shoulders even the tiniest bit.”
She gestures emphatically at the to-do list between them with one of her manicured friends.
“It’s far from fair that you’re in charge of all this when I know for a fact that you have other family members who are perfectly capable of helping to lighten the load. For instance”—she picks the paper up, scanning it briefly—”Joseph’s dry-cleaning! Why in God’s precious name isn’t your husband doing his own dry-cleaning?”
“He’s busy,” Melissa says in a clipped voice, less offended that Barbara is criticizing her husband than she is annoyed that her friend arrived at the same question that she did so easily. “At work. Fightin’ fires.”
Spending his paychecks on booze and scratchers and God only knows what else. Sometimes, he comes home smelling like strange perfume.
The kindergarten teacher emphatically shakes her head. “That doesn’t abscond him of his duty of being a responsible adult in a time of crisis.”
“Yeah, well—” She starts to defend him and then just as abruptly stops, suddenly cornered and violently choked.
Melissa doesn’t know what to fucking say to that, if there's anything to be said at all. If she argues, she’d just be lying to herself, to Barbara, and to almighty God—an unholy trinity of delusion and willing deceit. There’s just no excusing the inexcusable, no dressing it up in rouge and calling it pretty.
She’s alone.
Oh, God—her nana died and left her.
She's got a husband and he sleeps in the same bed as her, but somehow and nevertheless, she’s all alone.
Her eyes begin to water, her breathing quickly turning shallow, as everything inside of her falls apart and implodes.
Barbara quickly places the list down again and exchanges it for a tissue that she plucks from a nearby box, reaching up to wipe the tears away. Her cool palm skims the side of Melissa’s feverish face, and the contact is so tender that it’s almost too painful to bear. Melissa reaches up and curls her fingers around her friend’s wrist like it’s a lifeline, unable to form any words, her throat throttled with vile, her stomach sick with it. And the tears continue to well, no matter how many Barbara capably catches.
She heaves out one ugly sob and then another, covering her mouth with her free hand as though that would help with the inconvenience and the noise.
(She's spent most of her adulthood trying not to be inconvenient to make up for all her loudness and her noise.)
“Oh, Melissa—” Barbara exhales, her own dark eyes filling. She continues to stroke the side of her face, holding her cheek, cradling it, cradling her. “Oh, baby—it’s okay that you’re hurting. It’s okay to feel this pain.”
“I-it’s freakin’ not, though,” she moans, the sound muffled behind her hand, the unspeakable anguish leaking through anyway. Her nails curl into her lower lip. “I… I gotta keep it together, Barb! I can’t just—Jesus—I can’t just fall apart. I don’t, I can’t, fuck, I can’t—”
She can’t breathe. Surely, there’s a vice in her chest, squeezing her ribcage into mere molecules and skeletal dust. Surely, her lungs have burst, her veins, her bleeding heart, one massive supernova of flesh and gory tissue, and this moment's all she’s got left. Minutes. Seconds. Nanoseconds. She’s going to die right here and right now, while Nana is unburied, and her to-do list is still unfinished, and—
“You can, Melissa Schemmenti,” comes an authoritative voice from above, shaking but somehow utterly unshaken, ringing like a decree from the Lord God on High. And then Barbara’s warm arms are around her, filling the encroaching darkness with all the flowers on her shirt: sunflowers, poppies, lillies, and roses. Petals everywhere. A garden of beauty and impossible delight. “You cando this because I’m here, and I’m not going to let you go under. You hear me, sweetheart? That’s my promise to you, my solemn, unbreakable oath.”
It’s the loveliest combination of words Melissa has probably ever been told in her life; she cries all the harder, weeping her horror, half-vomiting it. Her mouth tastes like tea and salt.
“Breathe,”Barbara instructs her, pressing a gentle kiss against the crown of her head. One of her hands finds its way to the hollow of Melissa’s constricted throat; she splays her fingers against it, palm resting on her chest where the divot of her shirt exposes some of her skin. “You have to breathe, Melissa.”
But it's hard.
It's so fucking hard.
Every hitched breath still becomes a sob, and every sob reverberates through her beaten body like a shock wave. But Barbara is patient where she isn't, a sturdy monolith when all of her vertices have become undone. She begins to rub slow, methodical circles into Melissa's sternum, perhaps modeling a rhythm that she can pattern her breathing against. As the seconds limp past, every bit as injured as she is, she learns to inhale on one revolution and exhale on another, doing this until her heart rate begins to slow again, until the tightness in her chest recedes long enough for her to rationally confirm that she’s not, in fact, dying. 
She's living.
(And after someone dies, that's one of the bravest damn things that anyone can ever do.)
Even after her pulse somewhat returns to normal, she and Barbara remain tangled together for what feels like hours, even though it’s surely only a handful of minutes.
Melissa finally lowers her hand from her mouth and twists it somewhere in the paradise of Barbara’s blouse.
Barbara kisses her head again, a little lower this time, near the peak of her red hairline.
Neither of them makes any move to extricate themselves from each other. Melissa doesn’t have the strength, every ligament in her body wrung with incalculable exhaustion. (She’s not exactly sure what Barbara’s excuse is. As secure as she is in her companion's embrace, she currently can't bring herself to care.)
“... I shouldn’t be this weak,” she eventually rasps, and it’s a confession. She’s glad she can’t see her priest’s scandalized face. “I had plenty of time to prepare for this. I’ve known forever she was gonna go.”
“As though that means a hill of beans when you loved her so much,” Barbara murmurs, now running slender fingers through her hair, the motion soothing and rhythmic, reminding Melissa of all the times that Nana had done the same when she was a small child. She briefly closes her eyes, simultaneously endeared by the memories and made sick by them. “You can’t prepare your way through grief. Believe me, girl—I’ve been there, tried that, and it went about as well as can be expected, which is to say not even remotely well at all.”
Melissa chuckles at the convoluted explanation; they both do; they laugh so hard that it almost sounds like they’re crying. She finally pulls back, wanting to look her friend in the eye, but Barbara still grips her by the arms, refusing to let her go.
And they simply drink each other in, mesmerized, tears standing in their eyes, an interwoven statue unto their own: locked limbs, glassy eyes, and a hushed silence that descends upon them like snow.
Maybe they would have stayed like that forever had one of their phones not chimed: her own, laying face-up on the counter. She sees that it's a reminder letting her know that she can take another Prozac in an hour if she needs one. If Barbara sees it��(and with the angle of the phone being the way that it is, she absolutely does)—she's kind; she doesn't say anything; there isn't really anything that needs to be said.
“Shit." She tries to wipe her face on the sleeve of her shirt. It's not a successful endeavor. “I’m a wreck.”
“Maybe so," Barbara agrees, grabbing more tissues for them both. She mops Melissa's face up before delicately attending to her own. "But you won't be forever, you know. it's a transition, not a permanent way of being."
"Doesn't feel that way," she hears herself grouse. It's petulant, a little childish even in her low voice, but it's what she feels; it's her personal nightmare of a lived-in reality.
"I know." The older woman reaches up to thumb away a new tear that has formed at the corner of Melissa's left eye. "But grief rarely ever does."
It's not an especially comforting thought, but Barbara clearly knows her well enough to understand that comforting isn't exactly what she needs right now.
She needs the truth, however ugly it happens to be, however unkind, and the ugly truth is that grief is far from fucking pretty too; it is certainly not kind.
"I love you, Melissa Schemmenti," Barbara adds quietly—in the same hushed cadence that all of their unutterable truths seem to be encased in.
It's dirty, this confession, this boundless and eternal love.
It can't ever be spoken in a normal way and tone.
"You know that, don't you?"
The pad of her thumb is still pressed against Melissa's skin, and there is such little space between them, mere inches and other inconsequential measurements besides; temptation has never been a shorter bridge to indecorously cross and just as deliciously burn. This isn't simply a tender moment between bosom friends, she innately knows, and yet, by the virtue of who they are and their relationships with other people, it can't be anything more than that either, she implicitly understands. She's married. Barbara's married. God is watching. Society is judging. Neither of them will make a move that that they can't just as quickly take back.
"I love ya too, Barb," she replies anyway, leaning very slightly into the intimate touch, as though she could pretend for a moment that they don't have to play that awful game.
Just this one evening.
Just this singular time.
They inevitably will, of course—no doubt about that.
One of them will certainly pull away, and the other will instinctively follow, and together, they will tango themselves out of this senseless mess that they have made; they will offer each other plausible deniability as their highest and most sacred form of love. But for now and until that unwelcome moment, in this fractional sliver of a shared existence and eternity, Melissa dares to rest her tired cheek against Barbara's hand as though she's allowed, and Barbara doesn't flinch like she's been burned.
Silently, they construct a mutual fantasy where they can hold each other without hurting.
Or maybe more accurately still, where they can hurt together and not have been each other's sole and ruinous cause.
"Don't ever leave me," Melissa demands a little unfairly.
It's an unkeepable stipulation.
People leave all the time—by necessity, by choice, by coffin, or in Nana's case, urn.
But nonetheless and all the same—
"Wouldn't dream of it," Barbara promises softly, and Melissa chooses to believe her.
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perthtradedirectt · 4 months
Basins Suppliers Perth - Choosing the Right Basin For Your Bathroom
Bathroom products make up a large part of your home. Whether you’re renovating your bathroom or building a new home, it’s important to buy quality products that will last. Choosing the right basin for your bathroom can make a huge difference in its appearance and functionality.
There are many Basins suppliers Perth, and some have even opened stores in major cities. You can also find superior products by visiting furniture exhibitions and events in your city.
Bali stone basins
Using a Bali stone basin in your bathroom adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to any home. It also helps you make an eco-conscious choice for your interior design. It is also more durable and hygienic than a conventional porcelain washbasin. Natural stone is strong and resists moisture, oil absorption, chemical exposure, and dirt. It is also able to inhibit the growth of bacteria and microorganisms.
A Bali stone basin is a beautiful way to bring the tropical feel of Bali to your home. This piece of furniture is a perfect complement to any modern or traditional bathroom design. It can even be a centerpiece of your room.
Bali stone basins are available in a wide range of sizes and motifs. These products are carved by skilled Balinese artisans to create a one-of-a-kind piece that will enhance your bathroom’s style. You can also get a custom-made model to fit your specific needs. The stone basins are made of high-quality materials and are available with either a pop-up or traditional waste.
Ceramic basins
Ceramic wash basins are easy to clean and come in a variety of sizes. They also fit with any design style, from modern to traditional. They’re durable and resistant to impacts, scratches, and heat. They can even be hand painted or glazed for a more unique look.
A non-porous material, ceramic withstands staining and is easy to wipe down. They’re also hygienic and resistant to bacteria. Additionally, they can be easily molded into various shapes and sizes.
They are also a great choice for people with allergies or sensitivities. However, they’re not as heat-resistant as other materials, so they may crack or chip if exposed to high temperatures. This makes them less suited for use with hot water or soaps. Also, they’re prone to scratches if they’re used with metal brushes or sponges. Using a cloth or soft scrub instead is a safer alternative.
Granite basins
Granite is a highly durable and attractive material used for many different types of construction projects. It is ideal for flooring, vanity tops, wall cladding, window sills, and more. It is also a popular choice for kitchen sinks and basins. However, before you buy a granite sink or basin, you should be aware of its pros and cons.
Granite composite sinks are easy to maintain and can be cleaned with a damp cloth. They are resistant to acid and heat, which makes them the perfect choice for busy kitchens. They can withstand daily use of lemon juice, coffee, and other foods that would normally stain stainless steel.
They are available in built-in and countertop versions. The latter can be combined with concealed washbasin mixers. Both types are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you can choose the one that best suits your space. They are also available in various colours, so you can find the one that matches your décor.
Stainless steel basins
Stainless steel sinks are one of the best options for commercial and industrial spaces. They’re easy to sanitize and provide a food-safe environment that promotes hygiene. They’re also resistant to common household cleaners and detergents, including chlorine compounds. The best part is that they’re recyclable, so you can reuse them after a replacement.
You can find a variety of stainless steel sinks in a range of sizes and dimensions. Some are more expensive than others, but you can still find a good deal if you’re willing to shop around. They’re also much lighter than sinks made from other materials, making them easier to install at home. They can also accommodate different design aesthetics, from modern to classic. Moreover, they’re affordable and versatile, making them a great choice for any kitchen. A wide range of finishes is also available to suit your needs. Stainless steel sinks are also a durable and long-lasting option for your home or business.
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nzdepot · 6 months
$142.20 $78.90 Counter Top Ceramic Basin 016 https://nzdepot.co.nz/product/counter-top-ceramic-basin-016/?feed_id=132157&_unique_id=6580185ccaaf2 Description of Item  * Code – Counter Top Ceramic Basin 016 * 425mm Wide, 150mm High, 425mm depth (front to back)  * Streamlined Curved profile;  * Our products are manufactured to the highest quality;  * Waste outlet to suit 32mm plug and washer – We sell the pop up types for an extra $20  * Plumbing excluded  * Suits all bathroom, en-suite applications & single bathroom set up Packaging Dimension: Weight: 8.50Dimension: 0.43 x 0.43 x 0.155 (0.02866) CBM Why do you find such a reasonable price? The reason behind the exceptional affordability of our products lies in our unwavering […] #
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designinspirationsme · 6 months
“Start at the beginning: your boiler and system set-up is key,” James Lentaigne says. “We all know those old houses where you have to leave the tap on for ages before the water is hot enough to use.
“A well-designed plumbing system with an energy-efficient boiler and/or good storage to keep water hot makes a massive difference,” he continues, “and can result in savings in water usage as well as energy.”
“Get leaks fixed immediately,” Sara Levy adds. Common culprits include dripping shower heads and basin taps. According to Water UK (which represents the UK water industry), a dripping tap wastes at least 5,500 litres of water a year.
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Showers typically use less water than baths: 62 litres for an average 8 minute shower vs 80 litres for a bath, according to research by Unilever.
Can’t bear to give up your relaxing soak? “Choose a shallower bath or one that gives you the option to install a lower overflow,” Adam Wollerton says. You can buy baths where the overflow has yet to be drilled.
Having a smaller bath is another option. “One of the most popular baths we offer is available in a 1580mm (rather than 1700mm) length, and has taller sides,” Adam says. “Shaving off 120mm saves approximately 10 litres of water per bath (the 1580mm-length bath has a 180 litre capacity; the 1700mm has a 190 litre capacity).”
Sara agrees. “There are so many new shapes out there, it may not be necessary to choose the largest bath for your room,” she says. “A clever designer will help to make the best use of the space.”
Consider, too, an acrylic bath that keeps water warmer for longer. “This will reduce the temptation to keep topping up with hot water,” Adam says.
In an existing bath, tweak your habits. “Only fill the bath as high as you need,” Sara says.
If you’re a shower person, the other option is to get rid of your bath altogether. But remember, some power showers consume more water than baths – investigate how much your chosen model uses.
If you tend to fill up your basin for face washing or wet shaves, Adam recommends a smaller bowl. “It will fill quicker and use less water than a wider or larger basin,” he says. “Could you opt for a smaller basin with some worktop space around it for everyday lotions and potions?”
Do you have children who repeatedly leave the tap on, however many times you remind them? “Using a sensor tap on the sink will allow you to only use the water when you need it,” Sara says.
James adds, “Don’t forget a good plug or pop-up waste – this can help you to avoid water literally going down the drain.”
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Fitting your tap or shower with a regulator that restricts water flow can radically reduce your usage. “Every tap should have a restrictor fitted,” James says. “Options include aerators that blend air with water.” According to energy-saving advice portal The Green Age, a tap aerator can reduce the flow of water by up to 10 litres per minute.“Fittings that combine water and air give the same feeling and performance, but use less water overall,” Adam says. “They give a softness to water, and clients often love the powdered effect they offer to their shower experience. I had one client install three in their home.”
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“It’s estimated that an average household uses nearly 9 gallons [40 litres] of water from flushing alone every day,” Sara says.
Smart toilet flushes are an easy way to reduce water usage. “Most brands factor in a dual flush system nowadays,” Adam says. “Typically, they offer a full and half flush, or approximate 3 litres or 4.5 to 6 litres with each flush.
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“Using a thermostatic shower control will allow you to keep your chosen temperature on the shower, instead of wasting water trying to find the correct temperature each time,” Sara says.
Different shower heads use different amounts of water. If you’re buying a new shower, James recommends looking at the manual for information about flow rates and performance.
To find out if you could cut your existing water consumption, consumer organisation Which? suggests testing how long it takes your current shower to fill a 2 litre container: less than 12 seconds is equal to 10 litres per minute, and means an eco water-saving shower head could help.
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Saving water doesn’t always have to mean new bathroom fixtures. Simple measures such as turning off the tap while you brush your teeth can make a big difference over a year. “Try turning water off while you apply shampoo or shower gel,” Sara adds.
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koopzilla · 11 months
Walking in with three gallons of ice cream balanced on his head. The only true way to cool off.
Impeccable balance is meaningless beneath three cartons of half-melted creamy goodness.
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"There's my dessert dash!" The chime of the ice cream truck tugs his tail to and fro. Bowser did not waste a second: he stole all three gallons off the living tray as if they were stacked pizza boxes. "GIMME!" He is far less graceful: the stack topples down his arm the second he lifts it! A desperate flex of the arm pinned the dismantled duo against his breast just in time. Their lids pop off with the squeeze, unleashing the sweet scent of chocolate and strawberry to the world.
Disaster averted, the glutton dragged each basin up his chest and smashed his muzzle in. Cream rounds the rim and steam parts from his lips as he drives his tongue to the very bottom of a carton. This is heaven.
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
Surface water is all the water we can observe: ponds, streams, rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. It coats almost three-quarters of the planet. When we imagine water, we usually envision surface water.
Our stores of groundwater, on the other hand, are invisible and vast.  Most of this water is stored in the gaps between rocks, sediment, and sand—think of it like the moisture in a sopping wet sponge. Some groundwater is relatively young, but some represents the remains of rain that fell thousands of years ago. Overall, groundwater accounts for 98 percent of Earth’s unfrozen freshwater. It provides one-third of global drinking water and nearly half of the planet’s agricultural irrigation.
Water is constantly cycling between below-ground stores and the world above. When rain falls or snow melts, some replenishes surface waters, some evaporates, and some filters down into underground aquifers. Inversely, aquifers recharge surface waters like lakes and wetlands, and pop up to form mountain springs or oases in arid lands.
Despite our utter dependence on groundwater, we know relatively little about it. Even within the hydrological community and at global water summits, “groundwater is kind of sidelined,” Karen Villholth, a groundwater expert and the director of Water Cycle Innovation, in South Africa, told me. It’s technically more difficult to measure than visible water, more complex in its fluid dynamics, and historically under- or unregulated. It “is often poorly understood, and consequently undervalued, mismanaged and even abused,” UNESCO declared in 2022. “It’s not so easy to grapple with,” Villholth said. “It’s simply easier to avoid.”
Take a crucial U.S. groundwater case, 1861’s Frazier v. Brown. The dispute involved two feuding neighbors and “a certain hole, wickedly and maliciously dug, for the purpose of destroying” a water spring that had, “from time immemorial, ran and oozed, out of the ground.” Frazier v. Brown questioned the rights of a landowner to subterranean water on the property. Ohio’s Supreme Court ultimately argued against any such right, on the premise that groundwater was too mysterious to regulate, “so secret, occult and concealed” were its origins and movement. (The case has since been overturned.)
Today, groundwater is still a mystery, says Elisabeth Lictevout, a hydrogeologist and the director of the International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre in the Netherlands. Scientists and state officials often don’t have a complete grasp of groundwater’s location, geology, depth, volume, and quality. They’re rarely certain of how quickly it can be replenished, or exactly how much is being pumped away in legal and illegal operations. “Today we are clearly not capable of doing a worldwide groundwater survey,” Lictevout told me. Without more precise data, we lack useful models that could better guide its responsible management. “It’s a big problem,” she said. “It’s revolting, even.”
Water experts are certain, however, that humans are relying on groundwater more than ever. UNESCO reports that groundwater use is at an all-time high, with a global sixfold increase over the past 70 years. Across the planet, groundwater in arid and semi-arid regions—including in the U.S. High Plains and Central Valley aquifers, the North China Plain, Australia’s Canning Basin, the Northwest Sahara Aquifer System, South America’s Guarani Aquifer, and several aquifers beneath northwestern India and the Middle East—is experiencing rapid depletion. In 2013, the U.S. Geological Survey found that the country had tripled the previous century’s groundwater-withdrawal rate by 2008. Many aquifers—which, because they are subterranean, cannot easily be cleaned—are also being contaminated by toxic chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers, industrial discharge, waste disposal, and pumping-related pollutants.
Because these waters are hidden and can seem “infinite,” Lictevout said, few people “see the consequences of our actions.” She and other hydrology experts often turn to a fiscal analogy: All of the planet’s freshwater represents a bank account. Rainfall and snowmelt are the income. Evaporation and water pumping are the expenditures. Rivers, lakes, and reservoirs are the checking account. Groundwater is the savings or retirement fund—which we are tapping into.
“We have to be careful about dipping into our savings,” says Jay Famiglietti, an Arizona State University hydrologist and the executive director emeritus of the University of Saskatchewan’s Global Institute for Water Security.
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floorhty · 1 year
If you are looking for a Zinc Bottle Trap
Zinc Bottle Trap
If you are looking for a bottle trap that is lightweight and collapsible, then a zinc bottle trap is an ideal option. It's easy to use and can be carried anywhere, even to remote areas. It is also very easy to make and requires no sewing. It is also very inexpensive, made from zinc alloy, which is easily available. Another advantage of a zinc bottle trap is that it works with almost any sink. High Quality Zinc Bottle Trap Long Head Basin Round Trap
The High Quality Zinc Bottle Trap Long Head Basin Round Trap has recently been introduced to the market. It is a new product offered by the Ningbo Youlong International Trading Co., Ltd. This new bottle trap qualifies with its excellent "up times", low maintenance requirements, and ease of operation.
This bottle trap is designed to complement Meir taps. It features an electroplated, matte black finish. It is available with an adjustable horizontal pipe and a 32mm metric or 41mm actual connecting thread. This bottle trap is perfect for homes with exposed plumbing. In addition, it is a good choice for basins with pop-up wastes that measure 32mm. Reasons why a bottle trap is so popular
A zinc bottle trap has several advantages. These include being easy to transport and lightweight.Custom Captive waste This makes them a great option for traveling to remote locations. They are also easy to construct, requiring no sewing or complicated materials. They are inexpensive and work well in many sink types. This makes them a popular choice among outdoor enthusiasts.
Another benefit is that it prevents sewer gas from backing up and escaping into the interior of a home. Sewer gas is not only unpleasant in smell, it can also carry a lot of bacteria and decaying material. The resulting smell can be harmful to the health of those living in the home. Cost of a bottle trap
If you're interested in purchasing a zinc bottle trap but aren't sure where to start, you can check out a few new products on the market. A few of the newer brands that you can consider are High Quality Zinc Bottle Trap Kx-Bt02 and Ningbo Yowin Pipe Co., Ltd. Both of these companies manufacture bottle traps that have high "up-times" and require little maintenance.
Volza's import data for Bottle trap includes the name of the importer and exporter, product description, price, quantity, and the country & port of origin. This information is invaluable when expanding your international trade and improving your Bottle trap supply chain. It will help you find cost-efficient vendors and fast-growing markets.
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Brass pop-up Sink drain without overflow & stoppers bathroom faucet vessel vanity Sink Drainer, unlacquered brass. Brass pop-up Sink drain without overflow & stoppers bathroom faucet vessel vanity Sink Drainer, unlacquered brass The push-up buttons are made of solid brass, Pop up drain stopper. designed for overflow bathroom vessel sinks, With the artisanal touch, they will perfectly match your sink. Brass construction, unlacquered brass finished. Sparing and excellent performance These drains fit standard 1.6 inch sink holes. Total height 3.16 inch , G 1-1/2 inch thread fit most basin waste bottle trap, utility design fit for 1-5/8" and 1-3/4" drain hole Also available in different finishes to suit your needs. Easy DIY, comes with water sealed rubber. Fully replace the previous pop up drain stopper. Briefs details: Product Origin: Morocco -100% pure -100% handmade The pop up drain diameter is: 3.16 inch (76.2 mm). 2.2 inches. Fits the American plumbing extension arm. Note: As each piece is uniquely handcrafted, each piece has a different embellishment. Express shipping to all over the world via (DHL / UPS / FedEx). Delivery to most countries within 3-5 business days. Delivery lead time: 5 days Important: When you make a purchase, provide your contact phone number at checkout, DHL Express will need it as this is an international shipment. Accessory Type Drain Color/Finish unlacquered Diameter 2.2-3.16 inch For Use With Bathroom Sink Includes Brass Body, Brass Tailpiece, Lift rod, Linkage, Nuts & Washers, Plunger Material Brass/copper Product Type Bathroom Sink Drains without Overflow Note: Feel free to contact me if additional information is needed. Or you are not sure about the size. We are at your disposal for any further questions. Thank you in advance. Thank you for shopping and working. #Drain #Brass #Popupdrainstopper #DrainPopUpStopper #Sink #Drainplug #longshaft #sinkstopper #longer #SinkPopupDrainStopper #tub #longtermuse #basinsinkbottletrap #sinkwastepipe #draintube #draintubetail #popupdrainwithoutoverflow #brasspopupbathroomsinkdrain #without overflow https://www.instagram.com/p/ClJ3L2kLGzE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayfair-plumb · 2 years
🧐How to fix a spring loaded pop up waste plug in a hand basin or bath tu...
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fairy-eclipse · 2 years
Hi! Your writing is truly awesome and you are very well-spoken. It's a pleasure to see your works. I was wondering if you would be up to writing a piece about Tom helping a gender-neutral reader after someone poisoned their dinner on purpose? If not then maybe Tom showing affection to a touch-starved gender-neutral reader? Thank you in advance!
A Lot at Steak
Pairing: Tom Riddle x Reader
Warnings: nausea, vomiting
A/N: thank you anon !!!!
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The flickering radiance of a thousand candles floating overhead is a welcome sight after a particularly bad day of rigorous classwork. You take in the astounding view of the Enchanted Ceiling with its starry expanse of black skies and pale moon beaming through wisps of white clouds. Settling into your regular seat next to your housemate Alistair, you eye the heaps of food on your table with a content sigh.
With no time to waste, you dig in. 
"Alistair, this steak is weird.”
You cut off another piece and chew at it thoughtfully. Every bite elicits a rancid taste and while it's subtle enough to not be horrible, you're a little disappointed. This isn't quite up to par with the usually unrivaled, top-notch Hogwarts cooking.
He swivels in his seat to look at you. "Mine is delectable. I don't suppose you got on the house elves' nerves lately?" You shake your head.
He frowns, worry finding its way into the creases of his brow. "Maybe you should put the fork down."
"But I'm hungry," you protest, grinning at the unamused look on his face. "Hey, food is food. It's not like something's going to happen to me, right?"
Alistair relents with a sigh. "Yeah."
You’re hunched over a toilet in the lavatory, head reeling and stomach lurching with every new surge of nausea. The overbearing taste of salt coats your tongue and you’re praying to whatever higher being is above to please end your misery for fear that you’ll spill all your guts out. 
Or whatever remains of it.
Someone must have heard you because you’re flushing the toilet a few minutes later feeling slightly less disoriented, though still very much like you just took a Bludger to the stomach.
You wash up at the basin. 
Who would do this to you? 
Immediately a few names pop up off the top of your head. You scold yourself for being so stupid. Really, that first bite should have been a tell-tale sign that something was amiss.
Curse you and your insatiable hunger.
The sound of approaching footsteps jolts you from your thoughts. You realize with a twinge of panic that if someone spots you, you’re going to have to give a thorough explanation as to why you’re in the lavatory looking like a sad mess while everyone else is savoring their (perfectly safe to consume) dinner. You can wave your pride goodbye at that point. 
You barely have time to brace yourself before a familiar voice pierces the air.
"It isn't like you to run out so suddenly." Tom says as he comes into sight.
This is bad. Really bad. 
All at once your head feels heavy, as if a bowling ball has somehow replaced your brains. It isn't like you can even focus on feeling humiliated right now, but did he really have to be the one to find you in such a state?
"Well? What's wrong?"
Maybe it’s the burning shame, or the aftermath of the poison, or both, but suddenly your lips are sewed shut and talking seems a near impossible thing. You stare at the faucet, hands gripping either side of the sink as if it’s your lifeline, your only means of stability.
You hear Tom sigh impatiently from where he’s standing outside. A few quiet seconds pass, and you think you’ve turned him away with your lack of response until he strides in to close the distance. 
His thumb and forefinger brush against your chin and he lifts your face up to meet his gaze. You watch his piercing eyes flit to the sweat on your brow and then the heaving of your shoulders paired with your heavy, shuddering breaths.
You can practically see the moment his composure crumbles. 
"Who hurt you?"
Your eyes widen in alarm and you shake your head quickly in an attempt to dispel whatever assumptions he could’ve thought up in those two seconds.
A mistake. You clamp a shaky hand over your mouth. Vomit inches up your throat, this time the situation more unpleasant, dire. You see an inkling of realization dawn on his face. 
In an instant your mind is swimming and your knees are buckling and you’re stumbling to make it in time despite the fact that the world has dwindled to a dizzying blur. 
Tom wrenches the stall door open and you rush in, missing the concern that has snuck into his frown.
Maybe it’s your imagination, but you swear you feel a light hand rubbing circles on your back as you hurl into the toilet. Again.
Whatever did they put in your food?
By the time you leave the lavatory, you feel...drained. Fatigue has possessed your every muscle, and every burdened step feels like a descent into hell. You’re a ragdoll; pathetic and limp and seconds away from crumbling.
But when you do crumble it's in the comfort of his arms, and maybe that’s not so bad after all. Your head subconsciously droops onto his shoulder, body molding to fit his.
“Aguamenti,” you hear him murmur. You lift your head to see a jet of water filling up a conjured glass in his hand. He brings it to your parched lips. "Drink." 
You down it ravenously, the coolness of it soothing your lungs, revitalizing your bones. Whoever executed the whole plan sure did one heck of a job, because that was just about the most horrid experience of your life.
As if reading your thoughts, you feel Tom tense against you. 
“It's dragon poison,” he says, voice dangerously low, “in a water-downed form.”
You blink in surprise, but not because he knows about something like this. That part is nothing new. But the process to attain the substance is an arduous one, so to think that someone has enough of a vendetta against you to somehow acquire it—?
“Tell me who did it,” Tom demands. “I’ll make them pay.”
“I’m not sure,” you reply meekly. Irked as you are, you can’t pinpoint the blame on anyone just yet.
You know under any other circumstance Tom would goad you into giving him more information, but for now he lets you rest there against him under the dim light of the corridor. 
“Tom?” You shift on your feet. “That must have been pretty revolting. Sorry for—”
“You’re a fool,” Tom interrupts briskly. “A moron. Surely you should have been able to deduce that that was no ordinary steak.”
You know he doesn’t mean it, you know it’s his way of telling you that you ought to be more careful, but the remark still stings. You loosen your grip on his robes.
Tom sighs again. Then, much gentler, in a voice you know is reserved for you and you only, he whispers, “Never mind that. I’m still going to have to take you to the infirmary. Just to make sure that you’re— that you don’t throw up again.”
“Okay,” you mumble, warmth spreading where the emptiness was seconds ago. As long as you can be with him a little longer.
And yet, you can’t help but wonder if this incident has changed his view of you. You wonder if he thinks you’re pathetic for that pitiful display back there.
Perhaps you get your answer when he cups your face and presses a chaste kiss to your cheek. You break into a smile. 
He doesn’t stop there, though—he kisses you a little more, kisses all the embarrassment away, the qualmishness and the apprehension until by the end of it all the remain in your stomach are butterflies.
And you think maybe that’s not so bad after all.
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nzdepot · 6 months
$250.20 $138.90 Counter Top Ceramic Basin 0652 https://nzdepot.co.nz/product/counter-top-ceramic-basin-0652/?feed_id=128143&_unique_id=655d7d1ba42c2 Description of Item  * Code – Counter Top Ceramic Basin 0652 * 410mm Wide, 145mm High, 350mm depth (front to back)  * Streamlined Curved profile;  * Our products are manufactured to the highest quality;  * Waste outlet to suit 32mm plug and washer – We sell the pop up types for an extra $20  * Plumbing excluded  * Suits all bathroom, en-suite applications & single bathroom set up Packaging Dimension: Weight: 8.00Dimension: 0.415 x 0.355 x 0.15 (0.02210) CBM Why do you find such a reasonable price? The reason behind the exceptional affordability of our products lies in our unwavering […] #
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shorkbrian · 3 years
How about some barbarian bakugo noncon?
Prelude - One time I came home from a walk and smelled this scent so freaking thick that I could taste it, and I almost threw up cause it smelled like skinning a deer but like, ten times worse?? and I was like lol that’s kinda weird and it turns out the neighbor had caught a skunk in a catch-and-release trap (which we gave him cause we didn’t want him catching a skunk in a trap that’d kill it) and apparently decided to kill it right then and there, and just let it by the edge of his property, right by my car. That was fun. 
Anyways, Katsuki makes a big deal about reader looking different in this. You can take that any way you’d like. Personally, I was feeling insecure about my freckles (I have so many that my skin almost looks even-toned because they almost all touch rip) and my hair color/odd face so I wrote him liking that reader looked different. It’s not super deep lol
Pairing - Bakugou Katsuki X Reader X slight Izuku Midoriya
Warnings - NSFW, dubcon, noncon, voyerisum, exhibistionism, blood mention lol. Idk groping?
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/4FeWr4OsidcJClBjUEBHWI?si=OPHwLWXrTsiNQ42SlMKLEg
There is a point where you stop screaming.
A point when you realize that no one is coming to save you, that you’re wasting your breath, that it’s fruitless. Does nothing more than raw your throat and grate against your own ears.
It’s no use. The Barbarian King seems unaffected, perhaps even spurred on by your ear-splitting screams. There’s no reason to scream anymore - it’d be impossible to scream forever.
Village in flames, corpses littering the streets. You’d heard about the stench of death from books, from traveling warriors who stop in your village for a night, regaling the people with tales of heroics and strength. It smelled quite different from what you had imagined though.
Metallic, yes, but tangy, thick enough for you to taste the iron seeping into the ground. Raw, like the scent of the butcher’s shop, heavy and suffocating - you hadn’t been able to breathe.
Everything had happened so fast, too fast. People were dead, people were dying, people were killing and being killed. You had been running, trying to escape the stifling aroma of your village being drained, the barbarians running amok through the streets leeching out it’s lifeblood.
Then you had been falling, tripped up by a loose limb on the ground, a body still warm and rattling with it’s last breaths. Shocked by the vivid image of the gore underneath you, a man reaching for his severed arm, you hadn’t been able to catch yourself as you fell, a cry leaving your lips.
And then light as you slowly blinked to awareness, slumped on the ground. A line of prisoners, prizes from the raid. You were one of them, hands bound to your neck, ankles tied to the people on either side of you. Two men had come by after a while, a green haired man in dress similar to your own - perhaps a captured man from the village?
The other man was bare chested, as many of the barbarians were, gold and red paint swirled across his skin in intricate, sharp patterns. He looked fearsome, and he barked at the green haired man accompanying him who scribbled furiously onto paper at each utterance of the fearsome blonde man.
They seemed to be going down the lengthy line of prisoners, assigning them? Selecting them for something? You didn’t know, couldn’t find it in yourself to care. You were numb, sealed off from the horrific event you had just experienced, safe within your cocoon of forced apathy.
And then the two men were in front of you, the blonde man silent as he stared you down, the green haired man with his pen poised, though he studied you also.
But they quickly moved on, the barbarian barking something at his companion, before striding to the next prisoner.
You had been untied from your fellow captives, led through the barbarian camp. Red tents, warm fires and laughter filled the space, bare-chested warriors of both genders celebrating their recent victory.
The large red tent you had been led to was warm, a fire crackling in the deep pit in the center, silky furs softening the harshness of the ground. There was a table in front of the fire, a large basin filled with water nearby, close to the fire. A desk in the corner, near the tent flap, and a folding screen hiding the back of the tent from view.
Promptly tied to the leg of a table, you were left alone, the woman who had dragged you here leaving before you could ask what was happening.
Shortly, green hair popped through the tent flap, quickly followed by the rest of the man from earlier, the one dressed like your people.
“Izuku Midoriya!” He had introduced himself, giving a little flourish as he bowed, before being pushed aside as the fearsome blonde from before entered the tent.
Still tied to the leg of the table, numb to the world, you merely stared at the ground when the two men approached.
“What’s your name?” The green haired man - Izuku - asked.
He was met with a blank stare.
The blonde man growled at your lack of answer, spitting something in his native tongue, words you didn’t understand. Izuku seemed to shrink, before turning to address you again.
“Please tell us your name. Kacchan is not the most patient man.”
The fearsome man beside him bared his teeth towards you, and you shrank back. He did not seem the type of person who tolerated being left waiting.
“(Y/N)….” You whispered, eyes falling to the ground.
“(Y/N), ah! Such an interesting name, the first part means-“ Izuku was cut off from his ramble with a shove from the blond man - Kacchan - who crouched down in front of you, rolling your name around his tongue.
Turning, he spoke to Izuku in the same jumbled language, who listened, then addressed you as Kacchan turned back to study you again.
“Kacchan would like to know uhm, uuh.....” Izuku trailed off, uncertain eyes flickering between you and the blonde.
Kacchan scoffed, listening to Izuku’s hesitancy with disdain, saying something directed at the younger man, yet Kacchan’s eyes were fixed on you the entire time. It was intimidating.
“He uh, wants to know ifyou’reavirgin.”
Oh god.
Even though the man’s words were rushed, you understood, limbs beginning to shake. You were going to be violated.
A finger poking your calf made you jump, the blonde man leering at you, head cocked to the side, eyebrow raised as if to say “Well?”
You shook your head - lovers had existed in your life, not many, but you still cherished each one deeply, thought back on the experiences you shared fondly.
When relayed this information, the blonde man seemed to grin even wider, rising to his feet. “This will be easier then, no need to go slow.”
With a gasp, you lifted your gaze, wide eyes taking in the man hovering above you. His words were completely forgotten as you took in the shock of understanding his words. He spoke your tongue? Wasn’t he using an interpreter? Why-?
The confusion must be apparent on your face, because Kacchan scoffed, turning to stride to the table, taking a seat facing the fire.
“It pays to play dumb.”
“Loose lipped locals give information more freely when they assume that Kacchan can’t understand them.” Izuku beamed, crouching down in the Barbarian’s previous place to begin untying the rope binding your hands and feet to the table leg.
“Stand up for me please.”
You did as Izuku asked, shakily rising to your feet with a helping hand from Izuku on your arm. He began leading you towards the basin nearby, Kacchan watching the two of you with sharp eyes.
“Do you need help with the fastenings?” Giving Izuku a confused look, your eyes fell to the basin, to the fire, to Kacchan seated at the table. Were they going…. Were they going to boil you alive? Eat you?
Trembling even harder now, it was only Izuku’s surprisingly strong grip on your arm that kept you upright, knees giving out beneath you.
“Help her out, she’s damn near useless.” Kacchan’s strong voice cut through the air, the air that seemed too thick, the air that was choking you, throat closing up.
What does one even do in this situation? Do you beg for your life? Scream for help? Who would come? Accept your inevitable fate?
There was no time to make a decision, however, because Izuku’s nimble fingers were pulling at the fastening of your dress, quickly unlacing it.
You were numb again, fingers leaden, legs heavy, mind fuzzy and listless. Izuku peeled down the top of your dress, and you barely thought to cover yourself - you’d be dead in minutes anyways, what did it matter?
Still, your hands rose to your breasts, shielding them from view involuntarily. Kacchan snorted from his sweat, but said nothing.
When you were completely bare, an arm over your chest, a hand over your sex, Izuku ushered you towards the basin, prompting you to step into it.
This was it, you were going to die.
One last shot of fear raced up your spine, and you turned to the green haired man by your side, his hand falling away from the small of your back. “Please, please don’t kill me, I don’t know what I did but please spare my life. Please, I’m sorry.”  Tears were burning your vision, throat choked up with thickness.
Kacchan burst into laughter. “I’m not gonna kill you, the fuck?! Goddamn, your people call us barbarians yet you’re afraid of a bath, fucking hypocrites.” There was a mirthful glint in his eyes when you looked at him, the man leaning back in his chair, arms resting behind his head as he relaxed.
Izuku chuckled also, putting his hand on your lower back again, gently pushing you towards the basin. “You’ll be okay, it’s just some warm water. It’s close to the fire because we don’t want you to catch a chill. You know, the human body actually operates best when it’s within the temperatures of-“
“Deku, shut your trap before I come kick your ass, just get the girl into the water, you dumb fuck.”
The water was warm, and it felt pleasant against your skin, just on the right side of too warm, hot enough to have you relaxing your shoulders as you sank down lower, the liquid covering you up to your neck.
Izuku-Deku? Held your hair out of the way, quickly using a scoop to wet down the strands before rubbing some kind of herbal scrub through your scalp, cleaning out the dirt and debris that had gathered during the raid. You were certain you were absolutely filthy, covered in mud and small scraps, half of your side crusted with dried blood and muck from falling in the bloody street.
For a moment, you felt embarrassed at your earlier panic, silly and like a stupid child, thinking that they were going to boil and eat you. It was clear now what their intent had been, but riddled with fear your thoughts had been clouded and slow.
Fear was still present, rolling through your brain in waves, goosebumps rising from your flesh as you tried to hypothesize what was going to happen to you. From their earlier questioning, you had a faint idea, but you couldn’t bear to think about that outcome, didn’t know if you could tolerate it.
Instead, you let the warm water soothe your body, washing away the grime and dust. Izuku’s hands were gentle in your hair, as he massaged your scalp, as he rinsed out the soap. You tried to ignore how his breath hitched whenever you shifted - you couldn’t keep all of your body covered, no matter how you positioned yourself.
His hands disappeared from your hair, instead prompting your to sit up straight so he could scrub at your body with a cloth smelling of the herbal soap.
It felt weird, and goosebumps arose on your skin as strange hands touched your body. You closed your eyes and endured, for there was nothing else that could be done.
Running would be a bad idea - a naked woman sprinting through the barbarian camp would surely be caught and violated, or brought back to this tent for some twisted punishment. And you could only run if you managed to get past the two men, who ere watching you like hawks, and much, much stronger than you.
Izuku’s hands paused briefly at your chest, eyes flickering over to the blonde man, who nodded in permission. Then Izuku’s hand were running the cloth across your breasts, washing them in gentle circular motions, taking care to not scrub too hard or push too deep.
You bit your tongue as you waited for it to be over.
And it was soon, at least that part. Then the green haired man was instructing you up on your knees, facing him. Telling you to grab onto his shoulder (the man was also kneeling) and spread your legs apart.
Trembling limbs obeyed, face flushing bright red as you followed his commands, eyes squeezing shut so you wouldn’t have to look at his own flushed face.
He ran the cloth down your back, over your ass, then slipped it between your legs to wash your sex with easy swipes of the cloth. The man’s breathing picked up subtly, and you could tell, leaning up against him as you were. His hands wandered, the cloth moving slower and slower upon your cunt, almost stroking at your folds, his fingers pressing through the cloth.
“Oi, Deku! Keep your shitty hands to yourself, you’re supposed to be washing her up, not feeling her up, shitbrain.” Kacchan barked, slamming his fist down against the table to get Izuku’s attention.
Both you and the man in front of you jumped, Izuku immediately blushing the deepest red you’d ever seen, flashing the blonde an apologetic look and you a nervous smile, before he seemed to gather himself, continuing to dutifully cleanse your nether regions.
It was awkward for the both of you, feeling his hands run over your private areas, over your sex, through your ass cheeks. But then he was down, rinsing you off with scoops of warm water before fetching a large towel, ushering you out of the basin, holding out the towel to wrap around your body when you stepped out.
Then you were ushered closer to the fire, sat upon a small stool as you huddled close to the warmth, clutching the towel tightly around you. The air was quite warmer than outside, but was still cold to your wet skin.
Izuku began running his fingers through your hair, parting knots, patting sections dry with a corner of the towel. By the time he was finished, you felt warm again, face rosy from the heat of the fire.
The heat felt pleasant, like the feeling of a full belly after a long day.
You were tired, exhausted from the emotional weight you had endured. Village burned, tripping over corpses and disembodied limbs, taken captive, forced away from your fellow villagers.  Stripped down and fondled - at this point, you just wanted to sleep.
To sleep and sleep, wake up and have this all be a bad dream. Some twisted nightmare your mind conjured up while in the warmth and safety of your own home.
A large hand upon your shoulder roused you from your half-asleep state, lulled by the warmth of the fire and the quietness of the tent. You jumped, turning to find Kacchan towering over you and Izuku both.
Kacchan crouched, his hand sliding from your shoulder to your hair, then onto your cheek. “You look so fuckin’ weird.”
Izuku sputtered. “Oh my god, what he means to say, is that we’ve never seen anyone like you before. You’re… quite unique, and very um, attractive.”
You leaned away from the hand on your cheek, and Kacchan let you, red eyes blinking slowly as they scanned your features.  He was an odd man, as was Izuku. There was an obvious dynamic of power, Izuku submitting to Kacchan willingly.
“Alright, you’re dry enough, get up.” You blinked at Kacchan, processing his words, before he huffed out a breath, rising to his own feet. “C’mon, let’s go, are you stupid? Get the fuck up.”
You scrambled to your feet, towel still wrapped tightly around your body, preserving your modesty.
Kacchan’s hand shot out, gripping the back of your neck, pulling you along with him as he strode towards the back of the tent, towards the sectioned screen acting as a wall.
“Deku, make your ass useful and dump out the bathwater, will ya?”
You weren’t able to see Izuku move due to the hand forcing your head forward, but you could hear his footsteps as he hurried to do what Kacchan instructed.
Rounding the screen, it was clear to see that this was where the Barbarian King slept, a pile of cozy-looking furs strewn in a pile on the ground.
You were promptly shoved towards them, stumbling down to your knees as you lost your balance. The furs provided cushion though, soft and inviting.
But you were scared again.
It was happening, it was going to happen, you were going to raped by the King.
Turning back towards the man, you began to plead, hands securing the towel around your shoulders like a safety blanket. “Sir, please, don’t do this, why me? You can have anyone, not me, please not me.”
He ignored you in favor of beginning to strip, unfastening his cloak, removing his weapons. You decided to try and appeal using a more personal approach.
Suddenly the man was in your face, his own visage twisted into a growl.
“Don’t you ever fucking call me that. Stupid ass Deku made that shit up when we were kids, I’m not some brat anymore. I’m Katsuki-“ He backed away from you, leaving you trembling. “-Barbarian King.”
The man resumed removing his clothes, dropping his belt to the ground, grumbling as he began to undo his pants. “Should beat his fuckin’ ass for calling me that, so goddamn disrespectful. Fuck him, stupid little ass wipe twerp-“
You tuned him out, frozen. What could you do? Another impasse where your options were none.
A strong hand gripped your shoulder, or more accurately, your towel, tugging it forcefully away from you.
“No!” You cried, trying to pull it back, to cover yourself, but the man was stronger, ripping it away before you could utter another word.
“No! Stop, please!” You tried again, finally taking in Kacc-Katsuki before you. He was naked now, aside from the paint decorating his skin. His cock was quickly hardening, plumping up with each step he took towards you as you scrambled backwards.
“Katsuk-Katsuki, I’m begging you, please don’t do this. I’ll do anything! Please just have someone else!” You sobbed, back finally meeting the wall of the tent.
Katsuki smirked, crouching down just out of your reach. “You’ll do anything? You’ll let my horde use you as a toy then?”
Dread flowed through your already fear-filled body, and you gulped thickly, eyes closing.
Shaking your head, you started to cry silently, tears slipping down your cheeks.
“You’re already doing fucking anything.” Katsuki growled, hand shooting out to grab your ankle, dragging you down and towards him.
A high-pitched cry left you as he pulled you under him, until he was hovering over you, grinning. “Cry all you want, ain’t gonna change a damn thing. In fact-“ He surged down, until his forehead touched your own, red eyes blazing “-It just turns me on more.”
The man pulled away, a hand falling heavily around your throat, giving a compulsory squeeze before hie started moving his hand downwards, fingers skimming across your flesh.
Immediately, your own hands caught his own, trying to still their journey as they neared your breasts. Katsuki paused, a sound akin to a growl falling from his throat as his eyes flickered away from your body and up to your own eyes.
There was a threat there, a warning. Let him touch, or else. Trembling, you removed your hands, instead grabbing at the furs you rested upon. Katsuki made a gruff sound of approval, before resuming his exploration of your body.
“You’re like nothing I’vs ever seen before, know that? Like some fuckin’ alien or something, but damn, you’re gorgeous. Didn’t even know someone could look like this.” He mused, entranced as he watched his hands splay over your body, pinching at your skin, caressing your breasts, slipping over your stomach and down between your legs.
“Oh god, pleaseee-“ You sobbed out, cringing as a finger trailed down your slit.
Katsuki stilled, quirking a brow as he smiled meanly. “Please what? You wanna cum?”
“Please stop…” You whispered, eyes clenching shut again as he found your clit, giving it a few quick rubs.
The man scoffed, before quickly teasing one of his fingers into your tight hole. “Tough shit, I’ve never had whatever the fuck you are, I ain’t stopping”
His finger burned, dry and too large, and you struggled to keep from clenching down upon it in discomfort, trying to force out the intrusion. This would go easier if you relaxed, if you let him have his way. You knew that, rationally, but it was hard to make you body obey.
Katsuki prepped you quickly, fingering you open until he deemed you ready, withdrawing his fingers and crudely wiping them off upon your thigh. You twitched away at the wetness, at your own slick being cleaned off  on your skin, but Katsuki ignored you.
“Why do you look like this anyway? What the fuck happened?” Katsuki asked coarsely, shuffling off of your thighs, moving to lounge by your side, studying you.
The man seemed to be taking a break, more interested in your looks than fucking you, but you were glad for the reprieve, trying to wipe tears from your face as you struggled to think of a response.
“I-I don’t know?” You finally spoke, genuinely at a loss for how to explain your appearance.
Katsuki studied you with sharp eyes, a hand reaching down to his cock, beginning to absent-mildly pump himself while he looked you over.
“I’ve traveled through every shitty little village in the north, met with the damn piss-baby tribes of the east, I’ve ransacked the towns of spoiled nobles, and I’ve never seen anyone who looks like you.”
You sat up, subtly shuffling away from the Barbarian King while you shrugged, at a loss.
Your appearance wasn’t anything superiorly unusual, but apparently it piqued Katsuki’s interest. Yes, your skin was perhaps a bit different, but it’s not like you were inhuman.
Katuski seemed to get tired of talking though, settling further back into the furs, getting himself comfortable as he jerked himself off. You refused to look between his legs.
“Alright, whatever. Get up here.”
Pausing, you looked at him incredulously. Did he mean on his lap? His chest? You didn’t want to be anywhere near him - wouldn’t he find more pleasure with someone who was willing?
“Are you fucking deaf? C’mon, up.” He growled, patting his thigh, urging you over.
A gulp before you started moving, limbs heavy and hesitant, unwilling as you slowly crawled forward, towards the intimidating, impatient blonde.
You straddled his thighs unsteadily, swinging your leg over, trying to avoid touching his cock.
Unfortunately, despite your best efforts, you caught sight of it, the red tip, the precum making his length shine, the wrinkly, darker skin of his balls, his blond pubes.
You cringed, distaste evident upon your face, and you heard Katsuki chuckle darkly before his hands grabbed your hips, dragging you forward.
“What, don’t fucking like what you see? Am I not to your taste? I’ve fucked whorebag princesses less fussy than you. Get over yourself.” He spat, before taking a hand off your hip, reaching underneath you to line himself up as his other hand kept you lifted.
You trembled in his hold, twitching and swaying to the side, but this was unavoidable.
A gasp left your lips as he entered you, tip slipping through your folds, teasing into your wet hole, stretching you out.
Katsuki let out a groan, slowly dropping you down until he could remove his hand from his cock, returning it to your hip, guiding you to push further down. You felt disgusting, his cock sliding against your velvety insides, dirtying your walls with leaking precum.
When your sit bones rested against his upper thighs, his cock resting fully inside you, it felt impossible to breathe, your chest rising to draw in air but failing, the distress you felt upon being speared open seemingly too much for your body to handle.
“Fucking hell, you’re so tight. You got a dirty little cunt, don’t you? Feels fucking amazing.” Katsuki groaned, moving his hips minutely, relishing the grip your inside had on his cock, how warm you were around him.
“Ride me, will you? I’m getting bored down here.” He snapped after a moment, delivering a harsh slap to your rear to emphasize his words, spurring you into tentative action.
Problem is, you didn’t want to.
Your palms rested against his heated chest, eyes raising to the ceiling as your cheeks burned. This was embarrassing, you couldn’t do this. You couldn’t be an active participant in your violation. What would that make you?
“Oi, princess - I don’t got all night.“ Katsuki growled, landing a significantly more-jarring hit to rear, hard enough to make you squeak and jump, hips twitching at the sensation of his cock moving around your pussy at the movement.
Afraid of more forceful repercussions, you started to move, slowly sliding up, then down, creeping along, hoping it’d be enough to satisfy the man.
It wasn’t.
Katsuki grumbled something under his breath, before tightening his hold on your hips, planting his feet in the furs, then plunging into you with force. The sudden movement jostled you, and you fell forward with a cry, head bouncing onto Katsuki’s chest by your hands, the man groaning as he found a satisfactory rhythm.
“There we go, that’s fuckin’ nice.”
You cried into his chest, hands clutched into fists as you were bounced up and down, the led slap of skin too loud and jarring in the tent. The paint on Katsuki’s body was beginning to smear, sweat dampening his skin and letting the paint drip onto the ground, transfer to your own skin.
It was starting to feel good, make your stomach tighten, limbs tremble with pleasure instead of fear, and you hated it.
Slick sounds reached your ears, out of rhythm with Katsuki’s quick prods. It was wet, pulsing, as if someone-
Gasping breaths reached your ears, not from the man grunting beneath you.
Another round of cold fear dampened your arousal as you honed in on the sound, realizing it was coming from the other side of the screen.
Someone was on the other side of the screen, listening in to the Barbarian King taking you against your will.
A stuttered cry left you when Katsuki pushed too hard, hitting your sweet spot, making you clench and shudder, forgetting about the other person for a second.
But they were so loud, little gasps and moans, and the shlick, shlick, shlick, was getting faster and faster, it was impossible to ignore.
Should you try to tell Katsuki? Would he stop? Would he be mad? It was so disturbing, knowing someone was sitting on the other side of the screen,  jerking themselves off so obviously .
“Katsuki-Katsuki wait, oh-“ You started, quickly cut off by a series of battering thrusts against your sweet spot.
But you had to try again. “Wait, sto-o-op, wa-unh, unh, Katsuki pl-mmh!”
“Shut up, I don’t fucking care.” The man snapped, out of breath.
“But there’s-oh…. Katsuki there’s someo-“
“I don’t /fucking care/.” Katsuki reiterated, gritting his teeth. He shut you up with another perfectly placed push against your sweet spot, and a cruel spank against your already-stinging ass.
“Ow!” You yelped, clenching up.  It was clear now, that Katsuki was aware of the listener, he just didn’t mind. Maybe he got off on it, knowing someone was listening to him take apart his latest conquest.
Clenching up was the wrong response, because the Barbarian King swore, before his hips sped up, bouncing you so violently on his lap that you found it hard to breath, barely able to hang on for the ride.
“Oh…. (Y/N)….” The voice behind the screen moaned lowly, almost whispering.
It was Izuku.
You shivered, at the sound, feeling creeped out with the knowledge that the gentle, timid “interpreter” was listening. He must have returned at some point from dumping out the basin. You were feeling revolted by this entire situation, disgusted with Katsuki, Izuku, and most importantly with yourself.
Pleasure was building quickly in your stomach, zapping up into your chest, making you tingle and shake with the sensations assaulting your body.
“Sit back, fucking sit back-“ Katsuki panted, pushing at one of your shoulders to push you up, so he could see you as he fucked up into you, watch your body move, your face contorting in pleasure.
You felt like you couldn’t help it, your eyes closing, mouth falling open to let out girlish, high-pitched moans.
Your breasts were being jostled, jiggling up and down with the movement of your body, and it hurt. Hands moved to hold them, stopping their bouncing, but Katsuki appreciated the view apparently, because he groaned, pushing his head back while still trying to watch you.
“Fuck, that’s so hot. Keep touching yourself princess, keep moaning like a little slut. Let Deku know how fucking good I’m making you feel.”
Your body didn’t give you a choice, noises being pushed from your throat involuntarily as Katsuki pounded into you, red eyes trained on your frame, intense and unwavering.
An orgasm ripped through you, seemingly out of nowhere despite the steady buildup of it the past few minutes. You gasped, breathing catching in your throat, hips furiously grinding down against Katsuki’s as you rode it out, trying to stimulate your clit to intensify the feeling.
The noises leaving you were perverted; wet gasps, little squeaks and long moans as you fucked yourself onto Katsuki’s cock, previous hesitance forgotten in preference of chasing your pleasure.
Katsuki swore underneath you again, rabbiting his hips up into you in response, breathing raggedly as he neared his own release.
You were so lost in feeling the sensations in your own body, you didn’t register the stuttered groans on the other side of the screen, the speedy clicking of Izuku jerking himself through his own orgasm, the almost-silent spatter of his cum hitting the screen.
Katsuki swore once more, a vehement “Shit, shit!” before he pulled out quickly, orgasm apparently catching him by surprise, the first few warm strings of cum shooting into your warm cunt, adding to the wet mess of your own orgasm.
The rest was aimed onto the puffy lips of your slit, one of Katsuki’s hands leaving your hips to pump his cock as he gasped, hips twitching upward at the sudden temperature change from your burning heat to the air of the tent.
Then there was just the sound of three people breathing heavily, completely spent, sweaty and dirtied from sex.
Katsuki pulled you down onto his chest, chuckling breathlessly as he brought his clean hand to your head, ruffling your hair tiredly.
“Well, you’re a goddamn catch, pussy’s like a fuckin’ vice.” The crude comment made your cheeks color, but as exhausted as you were, you couldn’t find the energy to offer a rebuttal.
“I think you’re gonna stick around for a while.” Katsuki mused, and you felt your heart drop. “Yeah, you’re a keeper. Maybe if fuckface over there-“ The blond slapped at the screen “-can stop being a pervert, we could actually fuck without feeling creeped out.”  He growled, although the blonde didn’t sound irritated in the least.
A small “Sorry Kacchan” was whispered from the other side of the screen, and Katsuki laughed dryly.
“Tell you what bastard, maybe I’ll let you touch her a bit.” Katsuki said, a hand creeping down to knead at your ass. “Then you don’t have to act like a little freak. Who knows, maybe I’ll even let you fuck her if you do good translating those maps we found. Got it, you little shitnugget?”
“Mm, alright Kacchan.” Came the tired response.
You were barely awake, already drifting off on Katsuki’s warm chest, too preoccupied with the red and gold paint no doubt smearing against your cheek than with the conversation going on around you.
You could panic about that later.
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viking-raider · 3 years
Hoist the Colours - Part II
Summary: You try and survive being Henry's captive, while your father plans on how to get you back.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 7,629
Warning: PG-13 - Pirate!Henry, Some Dark Themes, Language, Kidnapping, Ransom, Captivity, Possible Trigger Warning, Unwanted Physical Contact, Angst, Fluff, Bondage
Inspiration: Pirates of the Caribbean and Henry Cavill!
Author's Note: Gotta love Pirates!
Tag List Blog: @viking-raider-taglist
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Henry woke with the sun glittering off the ocean and into his face and groaned, rubbing at his bearded cheeks and sat up, rolling his stiff neck and shoulders. His body was sore after the battle the day before, he crossed the swaying room and poured himself a stiff drink and quickly downed it with a groan.
Splashing some water in his face from a small basin, Henry peeked through the narrow gap between bed curtains and saw you sound asleep, before a light knock sounded on the still locked door.
“What is it?” He asked, opening the door to his first mate, Benjamin Nullings.
“Morning to you too, Captain.” Nullings greeted him back, with a smile.
Henry shook his head at the man, a smile tugging at his lips. He and Nullings had known each other for a good many years, back when they were both crewmen on another Pirate's ship, before Henry acquired the Crimson Jersey, a Spanish Galleon, and he made Nullings his First Mate, being one of the only men that he trusted.
“Good morning, Benji.” He replied to him.
“Well, good is going to depend on how you take the news I have for you.” Nullings answered, his brow creasing.
“What news?” Henry frowned, not liking the tone or the look Nullings was giving him.
“It's Valentine.” Nullings said, clearing his throat and rubbing the back of his bald head. “He was injured in the skirmish yesterday, took a musket ball to the arm. The surgeon had to take it off during the night, but he ended up bleeding out and died early this morning.”
Henry's head dropped back with a growl. “Fuck.”
“Exactly.” Nullings nodded, pressing his lips together. “You know old man Norris entrusted us with his son to try and straighten the boy out, not get his arm blown off or him killed.”
“He's going to kick up quite the fuss back at the Island for this.” Henry groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Has Quartermaster Astley tallied up the new loot?”
“He has, and we should make a very tidy profit of ten thousand pieces of eight.” Nullings informed him.
“Divided by a thirty man crew.” Henry squeezed his eyes closed and did the math. “Three hundred pieces per man. Norris will want his son's portion plus compensation for his death. Give him Valentine's portion and I'll compensate Norris for the death of his son.” He told Nullings, pushing his jaw forward.
“Once we get back to the Island, that is.”
“I'll have Astley make a note of it in his logs.” Nullings nodded, agreeing with his Captain and friend. “How's our bargaining chip holding up?” He asked, with a knowing smile.
“Stubborn and feisty.” Henry replied, glancing over his shoulder.
“Typical of all women.” Nullings laughed, his head thrown back.
“True enough.” Henry agreed, looking back at him. “Have Ellis keep us on course for Tortuga, but we won't be harboring there. So, have him anchor us off shore and the men will row out to it. They've earned a jaunt on shore after being at sea for the last eight months.”
“When we get the girl's ransom, do we still intend on returning to the Island?”
“Yes, we won't be able to hold anything more and we're already starting to ride lower in the water than we should.” He commented, running a hand through his hair.
“Well, we'll be in Tortuga within two days.”
“Excellent.” Henry nodded, pleased. “Have Valentine's body put in a shroud and we'll pay our respects to him this afternoon.” He instructed him, hearing you start to stir, disturbed by the sound of their voices.
“Aye, Captain.” Nullings nodded his head at Henry and went about his duties.
Henry closed the door as you pulled back the curtains, whimpering as the bright sunlight hit your unprepared eyes. “Good morning, pet.” He purred, smirking at you as you brushed your sleep tousled hair out of your face.
You huffed at him, rolling your eyes at his continued nickname for you, but didn't answer his greeting.
“Someone is a grumpy morning person.” He chuckled, openly teasing you.
“Only with bloodthirsty pirates.” You growled at him, trying to soothe the wrinkles in your skirts.
“Well, they don't call me Henry the Red for nothing, pet.” Henry grinned at you, unashamed and proud of himself. “We'll anchor off the coast of Tortuga in two days' time.” He informed you, combing his fingers through his messy curls.
“Tortuga?” You frowned up at him, surprised. “Why not Lockemirth?”
“I'm not going anywhere near Lockemirth until your dear papa has your ransom.” He replied, pulling his hair back with the leather string. “I'm not a stupid man, if I was to go near that island before hand, it would give him and the Crown amble opportunity to try and overtake my ship and crew. So, we'll wait in Tortuga.”
“Then, how will you know my father will have it?” You asked him, lifting a brow at him. “Tortuga and Lockemirth are eighty kilometers apart.”
Henry smirked at you, impressed. “A woman that knows her cartography.”
“I'm an educated woman, not the plague ridden whores you gallivant with.” You hissed at him, venomously.
“I have much finer tastes.” He replied, his stormy blue eyes scanning you for a long moment. “Anyhow, I have my ways of getting messages between the islands. So, you don't have to worry about that, pet.”
You glared daggers into him, wishing you had some means to wipe that smug look off his face. Henry stared back at you, he could see the thoughts flitting across your mind, you were either terrible at hiding how you were feeling or you weren't bothering to do so. Either way, he wasn't threatened by it or worried that you could pull it off or even attempt it to begin with, and he let that show on his own face.
“Enter!” He shouted, just as a knock came, causing you to jump at the sudden sound.
His cabin door opened and the same man from the night before entered with another silver tray with food upon it, he paid no attention to you as he bowed his head to Henry, set the tray down on his desk and left again.
“Are you starving this morning as well, pet?” Henry asked, picking up a few bits of food off of his plate and popped them into his mouth, making a big deal out of chewing and how good it tasted.
You watched him eat and felt your stomach rumble in your stays, you hadn't eaten since early afternoon the day before and were parched beyond belief. Henry lifted a silver goblet to his nose, swirling its contents and taking a whiff of it with a satisfied hum, before taking a deep swallow.
“Mmm, simply remarkable.” He said, after rolling the mouthful of wine in his mouth for a moment, before swallowing. “A 1681, Spanish Red.” He spoke, licking his lips. “I've always loved red wine, so it works out in the end.”
You gulped, feeling your hunger start to break down your willpower as you watched him enjoy the wine and food, purposely taking his time and making a show of it. With every bite of food and sip of wine your hunger and desperation grew, to the point you almost became unhinged. Henry set his goblet down and picked up yours, holding it out to you, a playful and teasing smirk and expression on his face, continuing to poke holes in your weak resolve.
“You know you want it, pet.” He hummed, lowering the deep timber of his voice, taunting you. “Wet those sweet lips of yours.” He purred, his tone teasing more than one meaning of his words. “Be a pity to let yourself go to waste.”
Gulping and licking your lips, the last of your will dissipating as you shot forward and snatched the goblet from his hand, making him laugh, as you hastily downed it, your mind not taking a moment to ask your taste buds how it tasted. Henry picked his own goblet back up, slowly sipping his wine, while you started to gorge yourself on the food. He plucked up the uncorked bottle of wine on the tray and refilled your goblet, the rich and deep red liquid splashing onto the stained oak wood of his desk as the ship bucked on the waves.
“Easy, pet.” Henry cooed at you. “Don't make yourself sick.”
You slowed down, looking up at him as you swallowed down the bit of food you had been devouring, the look in your hungry and exhausted eyes shifting, then you gulped down, audibly. A broader smirk crossed Henry's face and he rolled his eerily blue eyes at you.
“I ate the same food off the same plate, pet. It's not fouled up.” He laughed at you, increasingly amused at your silliness at thinking he, or the cook, had some how poisoned the food. He touched his fingers under your chin, smirking at you.
“For Lord's sake, you're no use to me dead or damaged.”
Another knock sounded at the door and it opened without Henry's permission, revealing Nullings. “Captain, Valentine and his shroud have been prepared, all we wait for is you.” He informed Henry, lifting a brow at the two of you.
“If you aren't busy.” He added, clearing his throat.
“I'm not.” Henry replied, dropping his hand from your chin. “Just making sure the Governor's daughter had her breakfast.” He chuckled, gently patting your cheek, then polished off his wine and set it down on his desk. “Come along, pet. All aboard are required to attend.” He told you, starting for the door.
“Attend what?” You asked, staying where you were.
“One of my men, Valentine Tash, was injured in the skirmish yesterday.” Henry replied, pulling on his jerkin. “He died, after having his arm nearly blown off.” He explained to you, settling the garment on his body.
“What's that matter to me?” You snapped, narrowing your eyes at him. “You were the monster that attacked my ship. It's your fault, he's dea--”
Henry bolted across the room, the back of his big hand connecting to your surprised cheek in a harsh smack; if it wasn't for his desk, you would have crumbled to the floor, instead you fell upon the desk, sending the tray of food crashing to the floor and spilling your goblet and the bottle of wine across it.
“Every man, and woman, on this ship knows the difficulties and dangers of being on these seas and in this occupation. Death is part of that expectation, no matter who they are. If they die, from whatever the cause, they have been cautioned and informed of it, and still they chose to come. That isn't on my head or on my heart.” He hissed at you, face twisted with rage.
“So, I suggest you watch your tongue, especially when you speak of things an insolent and ignorant girl does not understand.” He grabbed you by the elbow and yanked you up onto your feet. “Do you understand what I've said?”
You looked up at him, sniffling, eyes brimming with tears and your cheek welted with his knuckles. “Y-e-s.” You hiccupped and gulped thickly.
“Good.” Henry replied, tense. “Now, we're going out there and you will behave yourself, and if you try anything stupid, you won't leave this cabin again, until I have everything I want from your father in three days.” He warned you, shoving you in the direction of the door.
You tripped over the threadbare rug on the floor, but was thankfully caught by Nullings, before you fell. He gave you a soft and sympathetic smile, supporting you until you managed to right yourself, then kindly let you go. Henry moved in behind you, making you shiver as you followed Nullings out of the Captain's cabin. You blinked at the bright light of the morning as you stepped out onto the main deck of the ship, it seemed by the amount of people there as well, that the entire crew was out and waiting for the ceremony to send Valentine off to his watery grave.
It would be a lie, if you said you weren't interested in how pirates dealt with their dead. You had spent much of the voyage on the Kilmartin dreaming up scenarios about pirates and their ways of life on the high seas; but being kidnapped and held for ransom wasn't one of them though.
You saw a canvas wrapped body on a long wood platform that was balanced on the edge of the ship with two men holding onto it, so it wouldn't prematurely fall into the roiling sea below. The men gathered around their Captain, removing what hats they were wearing and bowed their heads. Henry stood tall beside you, his broad shoulders straight and tense as he surveyed his crew, his expression hard and unreadable.
“We gather here in honor of our mate, Valentine Tash.” He said, speaking loudly over the waves crashing against the hull. “He was a good man, a hard worker and a sound fighter. It is unfortunate that we have lost him, but he will forever be remembered.”
The crew let out three cheers in agreement and honor of their fallen comrade, before Henry gave a stiff nod of his head and the two men holding the body, lifted the platform and the shrouded body of Valentine Tash slid off of it and into the abyss below, never to be seen again. The crew lingered for another moment of quiet, before silently returning to their stations. You stood beside Henry as he continued to stare after the now vanished body, you saw, now that his men were gone or distracted by their duties, the look in his ordinarily hard and guarded eyes was one of a raw heart, one that had lost many men over the years and, even after telling you he felt none of it, was a man that had felt all of those deaths as if they were his own.
Henry caught you staring at him. “What?” He snapped, regaining command of his face.
“Nothing, just enjoying the sunshine.” You replied, blinking up at the blue and cloudless sky. “You?”
His eyes narrowed, then blinked at you, softening slightly. “Same.” He answered, his voice calmer. “It won't last though.” He added a second later, squinting into the sunlight.
“Why do you say that?” You replied, frowning and trying to see what he was talking about.
Henry dropped his eyes to you, amused. “I've spent my entire life either on or by the sea.” He replied, moving to the railing. “All that experience teaches you the language and nature of it. Even if it looks calm, sunny and beautiful, there's always something brewing just beyond the horizon.” He told you, leaning his forearms against the worn and sun faded railing.
“There's a storm coming.” He whispered, narrowing his eyes at a very thin strip of dark clouds. “But, we should be off Tortuga by the time it arrives.”
“Will we make landfall then?” You asked, gulping at the thought of being on the ship, any ship, with a storm going off.
“No.” He chuckled, shaking his head and looked over his shoulder at you. “We'll be as safe on the ship as we are on land.” He could see the fear and anxiety in your face and eyes. “Don't fret, pet. I've sailed this ship around hurricanes and she hasn't sunk yet.” He grinned at you, giving you an odd feeling of safety, but also a feeling of uneasiness.
“Then again, she can't.”
“All ships sink.” You frowned, shaking your head at him.
“Not this one, pet. Not this one.” Henry replied, still grinning as he looked his beloved ship over. “She's special.”
“Special how?” You answered, starting to worry for the pirate's mental soundness.
Henry pushed off the railing and caught your chin in his fingers, tipping your head back to look up at his amused face. “That's nothing for you to worry about, pet. There are some things beyond your innocent understanding in this world and beyond it.” He told you, his eyes darkening with an almost sinister delight.
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You jerked up with a gasp as a crack of lightning struck the water, so close to the Crimson Jersey that Henry's cabin lit up like broad daylight. You gripped the blankets of Henry's bed as the ship tilted and swayed at nauseating degrees under the heavy winds, the torrential rain hammered every part of the ship, pattering against the glass of the stern windows like small pebbles. You gasped again as a hiss filled the cabin, but slightly relaxed again, a spark of light flared to life and illuminated Henry's face as he leaned over his desk to touch the flame to the blackened wick of his tallow candle.
“I didn't mean to wake you.” You spoke, barely audible above the storm.
“You didn't.” Henry replied, crossing the room with a small struggle.
“I'm impressed how well you and your men can walk across the room or deck, when the ship is bucking like a wild animal.”
“It's land that tends to be tricky for most sailors.” He chuckled, pouring a drink, unphased by the glasses moving across the table. “Your body gets so used to the sway of the ship, it doesn't know how to react when you're finally on unmoving land again.” He told you, picking the glasses up and crossed over to you, holding one of them out.
“It's like watching a newborn babe try to walk for the first time.” He laughed, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “I'm supposing this is your first time at sea.” He said, sipping his drink.
“It is.” You nodded, staring into your own glass for a moment, before lifting it to your lips. “I would have rather stayed in London.”
“With your mother?”
Your eyes jerked over to him.
“You were the only woman on board the Kilmartin that my men and I encountered.” He clarified. “I doubt your father had you himself, so that leaves your mother still in London herself.”
“She is still in London.” You nodded, chewing on your bottom lip and trying to hold back the overwhelming wave of tears that wanted to overtake you.
You were so consumed by all the events of late, being forced to leave the only home you had ever known, to sail half a world away to a teeny island, where you knew no one other than your father. Then to be kidnapped by Pirates and held for a ransom, that you feared if your father didn't or wasn't able to pay would only end badly for you. It was all adding up on you, especially when you were still trying to deal and come to terms with your mother's passing.
“I doubt we could have brought her, even if we wanted too.” You mumbled into your glass.
“Did she not wish to join you both?” Henry asked, head slightly tilting as he noticed the cloud that crossed your face, even in the crepuscular light of the cabin.
“I'm sure she would have come with us, if she could have.” You looked up at him, eyes shining and red. “But, sailors already believe a woman on board is a bad omen, I shudder to think what they would have said about transporting the dug up coffin of one.”
Henry's mouth dropped open for a moment, before he regained his composure. “She's passed on then.”
You nodded your head, dropping your eyes back to your barely touched drink. “A year ago, this past month.” You whispered, ringing the tip of your finger around the rim of the glass. “She was sick for a very long time.” You sniffled and gulped, feeling your strength start to waver.
“I'm very sorry.” Henry whispered, softly. “It must still hurt you deeply.”
His words were the keys that opened the floodgates to everything you had pushed behind it. The walls of your throat closed and your eyes burned with the liquid fire of your tears, your breathing hitched, catching in your throat, and your shoulders trembled as tears washed over your cheeks, dripping into the glass still in your lap. Henry sighed, his face pinching in concern and sympathy as he watched you melt into sobs. Setting both glasses on the rocking floor, Henry reached out for you, resting his hands on your arms and gently pulled you into his arms and lap, tucking your head under his chin and rubbed your back, letting the sway of the ship rock the two of you. You clung to him and cried yourself out in his arms, drenching the shoulder of Henry's shirt, but he didn't care, he was a pirate after all and used to being wet.
He gently traced the outline of the whale bones sewn into your corset, beneath your dress, feeling the steadily growing weight of your body on top of his as you calmed down and fell half asleep. Biting and pressing his lips together, then sighing, Henry stood with you in his arms and leaned over the bed, gently laying you down and covered you up, before tugging his tear stained shirt off over his head, tossing it on his desk. He studied your sleeping form in his bed and sighed again, before taking the two neglected glasses back to their tray, then returned to the bed, sitting down on the edge and stared out the stern windows as the storm continued to rage around the ship.
“Look after us.” He muttered to himself, before getting into bed with you and pulled the curtains closed against the bright lightning flashes.
Henry stiffened as you whimpered in your sleep, at a rumble of thunder, before rolling into his side and relaxing again. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, but didn't move away from you, not that he could to start with, he was already laying on the very edge of the bed, so if he wanted to get away from you, he'd have to go back to where he'd been sleeping below the stern windows. So, he didn't move or push you away from him, knowing you would likely only find your way back up against his side, figuring if it gave you some measure of comfort, he might as well enjoy the warmth of your body pressed up against his, being the first woman of any standing to share a bed with him in many months, even since the last time he was on land.
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“Land ho!”
The cry woke you from a sound sleep and for a moment you forgot what ship you were on, until you opened your eyes and saw Henry pulling on his discarded shirt and his boots, before unlocking his cabin door and stepped out onto the deck.
Glancing out the stern windows, you saw the mid morning sun was shining and there was even the cry of seagulls, as if the storm had never happened, and the first real sign there was actually land nearby. Excitement blossomed inside of you and you jumped to your feet, quickly going out of Henry's cabin, hot on his heels. Henry was standing on the starboard side of the ship, a spyglass held up to one of his eyes as he swept it over the glittering water.
You didn't need a spyglass to see the approaching stretch of land and felt your heart and spirits soar as high as the seagulls beginning to circle the masts. Tortuga. You heard several of the men aboard murmur across the deck as they gathered, grinning and clasping each other on the back and shoulders, excited at the prospect of touching down on land again, getting their hands on quality booze and ladies of the evening. You couldn't wait for the opportunity to sneak off the ship and find safety somewhere on the island, surely some kind soul would point you to the Mayor or Governor, a British Subject, who would then give you safe passage to your father in Lockemirth.
“Nullings, have Ellis anchor us close enough off the island that the men can row out and enjoy themselves.” Henry barked the order, snapping the spyglass shut.
“Aye, Captain!” Nullings shouted back and ran up to the helm to relay the message.
“Drop the long boats once we're anchored offshore, men!” He yelled to the gathered men on the deck.
“Aye, Cap'n!” His men roared back, throwing up their hands in cheer.
“You.” Henry called, turning towards you.
You started and looked at him as he strode over to you, catching your elbow and turning you back towards his cabin, marching you through the door.
“From this point, until your father gives me my ransom, you are not leaving this cabin.”
“Why!” You protested, planting your hands on your hips.
“Because, I know in that little head of yours, you're already plotting on how to get yourself to that island and I'm not losing my bargaining chip, and if my men have to spend their first time on land, in months, looking for you, they'll bitch about it until we get home.” He told you, sternly.
“Now, stay put and behave.”
“And if I don't?” You retorted, lifting your nose at him.
“I'll tie you to a fucking chair for the rest of your time here.” He replied with a growl, then slammed the cabin door shut, the sound of it locking following.
You let out a frustrated shriek and stomped your feet, before angrily pacing the cabin, mumbling under your breath about how much you hated him and his stupid pirate crew, hoping your father and the Crown sunk his unsinkable ship with him on it. You soon felt the ship slow and the scrapping of the anchor chain unwinding from its storage as they dropped anchor, no doubt close enough to the island for the crew to row the longboats out to shore and enjoy themselves.
“I hope they all get the bloody pox!” You shouted at the cabin door, picking up a glass from Henry's desk and launching it at the door.
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“I want you to employ our usual method of message running for our ransoms.” Henry told Nullings as they stood on the deck, huddled together.
“Aye.” Nullings nodded, taking the heavy pouch of gold coins Henry held out to him. “The auction should be bustling, taking in all the ships currently in harbor.” He observed, glancing at how packed Tortuga harbor was. “I'll have Barnard and David take our messenger to Lockemirth Island. With any luck the Kilmartin survived the storm and is already anchored in their harbor. But, if they're late getting in, I'll have them wait.” He explained to Henry, running a hand over his smooth, suntanned and sweat drenched head.
“That leaves one other thing.” He sighed. “What if they wrecked in the storm? What do we do with the girl?”
Henry rolled his jaw, mulling over the possibility. “We'll deal with it, if it happens. Until then, act as if its still sailing.”
Nullings nodded. “Aye.”
With that, Nullings boarded the first long boat that had been lowered into the water and rested as the men manning the oars rowed them ashore. Once they landed, Nullings marched up the crowded beach, smiling as a few of the Crimson Jersey crew called out to him or made lewd gestures before vanishing into the streets to find the taverns and whore houses. As much as Nullings wanted to do the same, he was on official ship's business, so it would have to wait until later in the day, once his task was completed.
It only took a handful of minutes for Nullings to find the place he wanted to be, the Tortuga Slave Auction, melding into the crowd that pressed in on the auction block, voices from various positions in the crowd shouting out prices. He waited until he found one of interest and joined the chorus, not allowing the other buyers to push him out, until he finally won the bid and left the crowd to pay and collect them.
“You understand English?” He asked the teenaged boy, pulling him into a quiet and discreet corner.
“Yes.” The boy replied with a mild accent, and a nod of his head.
“Excellent.” Nullings smiled. “What's your name?”
“Well, listen here, Hany. I'm the First Mate of the Crimson Jersey, and I have a task for you; a task that once you fulfill, you'll gain your freedom and a passage to any place you wish to go or a place on our crew, that will be left up to you.” He explained to him.
“Do you understand me?”
“Yes, I do.” Hany nodded again, blinking at Nullings, wide eyed.
Nullings removed a small, rolled up piece of parchment out of his pocket. “You will take this to the Governor of Lockemirth Island, two of my men will take you there, then wait for his reply and return here with it. You will find me at the Golden Mermaid, ask for Nullings.” He said, handing him the note.
“Any questions?”
“No, sir.” Hany shook his head, tucking the note into the pocket of his filthy and tattered pants.
“Great! Follow me.” Nullings nodded, then took the teen to the boat where Barnard and David were waiting for him.
With that done and nothing else to do, Nullings went to the Golden Mermaid tavern in central Tortuga and ordered a room, a pint and a woman to fill his time, while he waited for Hany, Barnard and David to return with Sir Thomas's reply.
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Thomas was a mess after Henry had taken you for ransom, going from spurts of violent anger to deep depression and lamenting. Captain Davis tried his best to keep the new Governor's spirits up, but more often than not, failed at it.
“The vile things that damned pirate and his men could be doing to my beautiful and innocent daughter.” He raged, pacing the cabin in a highly agitated state. “I swear, if he harms a hair on her head, I'll hang the bastard thrice!”
“You must keep your composure, Thomas.” Davis replied, watching his friend pace from his seat behind his desk.
“Composure!” Thomas roared, stopping before the Captain's desk and slapped it with his palms. “I don't have to do any such a thing! You are not a father, you do not know the pressure and responsibility it is for one to care for their children, especially their defenseless daughters!”
Davis sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and squeezing his eyes shut. “You know my meaning, Tom.” He replied, exhausted. “We'll be in Lockemirth harbor in a couple hours time, then we can muster what we need to rescue her, in safety.”
“Yes, we will.” Thomas growled, starting to pace again. “I'll be damned if I give that abominable pirate a cent from anywhere! The only payment he will get will be to the hangman's noose.”
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A few hours later, the HMS Kilmartin docked in Lockemirth harbor and Sir Thomas disembarked from the ship, meeting the welcoming party the gentry of the island had put together for him, and you had you been with him. But, Thomas was in no mood for a welcome party and good cheer under the circumstances. He demanded to be shown the base of his operations and have all the top officials of the island to be assembled there, at once.
Several people branched out from the large group that had congregated around him, to set about his orders, while the rest of them showed him the Governor's office.
“What is the meaning of this?” One of the officials demanded as he entered Sir Thomas's office.
“Yes.” Chimed another, entering behind the first.
“We have serious business to conduct.” Thomas snapped, glaring at the full room of officials.
“What business can be so urgent that you must conduct it the moment you've stepped on the island?”
“While we were sailing here, we were attacked and boarded by pirates.” Thomas replied, his temper mounting more and more.
“Pirates!” Several gasped.
“Yes, pirates!” He barked, impatiently. “They've not only stolen several valuables from the HMS Kilmartin, they've also kidnapped my daughter and are holding her for ransom.”
A murmur went through the collection of men in the room, agitating everyone.
“What is the pirate's demand for her back?” One of the men asked, lifting a brow at Sir Thomas.
“Three-fourths of the islands money and goods.”
“Absolutely not!” The man roared back. “You can't just show up here and give them almost all that we have, I don't care if the pirate has your mother!” He protested, several of the others agreeing.
“I have no intention of giving them anything, you fools.” Thomas hissed, banging a fist on his desk.
“Then, how do you propose we retrieve your daughter back?”
“That—what is it?” Thomas barked as the door to his office opened to his clerk, Samuel.
“There is a boy here to see you, Sir.” The clerk replied, sheepishly. “Says, he has a message for you.”
“Tell him to wait.”
“But, Sir, he says it's from a man on a ship called the Crimson Jersey.”
Thomas stiffened at his words. “Let him in.” He said, pushing off his desk.
The clerk pushed the door open and stood out of the way, omitting Hany into the office. He looked around at the full room and gulped, slowly removing the note Nullings had given him out of his pocket and held it up, looking into the face of everyone in the room, not sure which of them it was meant for.
“Governor?” He said, hesitantly.
“Yes, that's me.” Thomas replied, stepping from behind his desk. “Hand it here.”
Hany took a couple steps forward, meeting Thomas halfway and allowed him to take the note from his hand. “I wait for reply.” He informed your father, uncomfortable.
“Yes, yes.” Thomas nodded, breaking the wax seal and unrolled the stiff paper.
“To the Governor of Lockemirth Island. I send you this note to inform you that I and your daughter, who is in good health and condition, are quite nearby to your island of Lockemirth. I send this messenger and expect him, and your answer, back before first light tomorrow morning. If he, or your reply, do not return by that time, I will take that as a sign of your refusal to pay her ransom and your leaving her to my mercy. Captain Henry Cavill of the pirate ship, the Crimson Jersey.”
Thomas read the note aloud, his hands slowly starting to shake with the multitude of emotions he was struggling to keep at bay.
“What is your plan, Governor?” One of the men asked, watching him restlessly pace the room.
He paced the room for several more moments, trying to gather his thoughts and form some sort of plan to get you back from Henry. Stepping up to the globe that was beside his desk, he studied it for a long moment, before turning to his desk and took up a quill and a piece of parchment paper, scribbling down his reply to Henry's note, and sealed it, pressing the signet ring on his pinkie into the cooling wax to make it official.
“Take this back to him and tell him we'll be waiting for him at that location.” He told Hany, then dismissed him to return to Nullings with the reply.
“Sir?” A man impatiently growled.
“We'll be meeting the pirate on Hafstead island.” Thomas replied, meeting the group's eye. “There is only one likely place that the Pirate and his men would make harbor in, and that's Tortuga. It's the only Island close enough to us and is friendly to their kind.” He explained his logic.
“Putting Hafstead island between Tortuga and Lockemirth, a perfect neutral ground for our transaction.”
“You stated you wouldn't be giving them their ransom demands? How then, are you planning to get your daughter back from them?”
“Misdirection.” Thomas smiled at him.
“We'll fill two crates with the goods and the rest with something else that will weigh roughly the same as the real two. They'll demand to see proof that we have their demands, so when they do, we show them the first two. Once they've handed my daughter over and move to start loading the ransom onto their long boats, we'll have guards from here attack, and all will be well.”
“I'll have my daughter back and the island will lose none of its profits.”
“You're sure this will work?”
“Yes.” He nodded, confidently.
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With what men who wanted to go ashore gone, Henry let some of the tension go out of his shoulders, before heading back into his cabin. He opened the door just as you were opening one of the windows at the back of the ship, crouching in it, poised to jump into the water blow.
“Don't you dare!” Henry barked between clenched teeth, pointing a finger at you in warning, his lip curling with anger.
You looked over your shoulder at him, heart racing in your chest and hands shaking as you gripped the open window frame. Both of your hearts paused for a frightful moment, and everything became slow-motion; Henry taking a slow step forward as you gradually let go of the window and tipped forward out of it. Reality caught up as you slipped out the window, free falling countless meters, just as Henry stuck his head out the open window to see you crash into the foamy waves.
“Fuck!” He shrieked, enraged and concerned.
Glancing behind him for a moment, Henry tore off his jerkin and boots, before swan diving out of the window and into the water after you. Making it into the water, Henry saw you slowly sinking and struggling to swim with the weight of your clothing bearing down on you. Bubbles rose towards him as you struggled to hold your breath and quickly losing the fight. Kicking his feet harder, Henry reached you and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you against his sturdy body, buoying both of you, before his fingers dug into the ties of your corset and dress, ripping them open and letting the heavy garment slip off your body and sink into the oblivion of the ocean below. Kicking his legs in unison with yours, Henry propelled you both to the surface of the choppy waves.
“You fucking brat!” Henry hissed, shaking his head, his long hair coming free from its tie, before sticking two fingers into his mouth and let out a shrill whistle, right beside your ear, uncaring if it hurt you as you coughed and sputtered for air.
A shrill whistle sounded back as he guided you around to the side of the ship, the remaining crew leaning over the railing, to see the two of you treading water.
“Man overboard!” A call went out, the men jumping to action.
“Captain overboard!” Another corrected back.
Several of the crew helped Henry haul you back onto the ship from a small ladder built into its starboard side. You stood on the deck in nothing but your shift, hugging your arms against your chest and shivering violently in the strong breeze. Henry finally set his soaking feet onto the deck, the men huddled around him for a moment, to make sure he was all right, but his blue eyes were burning holes into you.
“Go back to your duties!” He bellowed at his men, who paused for a moment, then scattered out of sight.
Henry snapped across to you, his hand raised and stopping a centimeter away from your cheek, you scrunched up your body, wincing and turning your head away, anticipating the slap. He shook, throat bobbing up and down as he struggled to control his white hot anger. His hand unclenched and squeezed around your jaw, in a bruising grip. He jerked your head forward to look up at him, making you whimper. Your frightened eyes looked into his furious blue gaze, like he was tearing you apart with his sight alone.
You shivered again and whined, cold and scared, the suspense of not knowing what Henry was going to do to you, for your open and continued disobedience.
His hand moved from your chin and grabbed you by the neck, making you yelp with alarm, terrified he was about to kill you. But he growled deep in his throat; dull nails digging into your skin. Henry jerked you sharply towards him, crushing you against his soaking body and crashing his lips to your cold ones, in an angry and sloppy kiss, his other hand coming up to tangle in the back of your wet hair. You struggled against him, squirming, beating and clawing at his chest, but Henry wasn't deterred, his continued to kiss you, for a long moment, before breaking it, then, with his hand still in your hair, Henry dragged you back into his cabin and shoved you onto his bed, uncaring that you would get the blankets and mattress wet.
Stomping across the cabin, he retrieved a coil of twine that was on a sideboard and crossed back to you. Yanking your arms up, Henry tightly weaved the rough twine around your wrists and tied it off, leaving a length of it hang from it, before cutting the excess with a small knife that was in his belt. Taking the lead of your bonds, Henry tied it to one of the bed posts.
“You're a fool.” You hissed at him as he picked up his boots and jerkin, closing the window as well.
“Am I?” He laughed, tossing his jerkin over the back of his chair.
“My father doesn't suffer Pirates.” You replied, jerking on your bonds. “He never has and he never will. You may think you'll get what you want. But, the moment he has me. He will kill you.” You told him with a deep conviction.
“He's been killing Pirates, better than you, before you were alive.”
Henry turned towards you, eyes wide with focus as he regarded you and digested your words, but before he could answer you, the door flew open and Nullings came flying in, skidding to a stop as he noticed you tied to the bed, then looked to Henry with a questioning look.
“What's the word?” Henry asked, ignoring his expression.
Clearing his throat, Nullings replied. “The Governor has replied to our ransom, he'll meet us at Hafstead island with our demands in exchange for the girl, tomorrow afternoon.”
Henry gripped the back of his chair, drumming his fingers against the carved dark wood, then glanced over at you, before pushing off his chair and hustled out of the cabin with Nullings, closing the door behind them.
“It's a set up.” Henry told him, keeping his voice low.
“What?” Nullings snapped, brow and forehead creasing. “Why do you say that?”
“Something she said.” He replied, carding a hand through his drying curls. “I want you to go back into town, find a girl her height and appearance..”
“I'm sure the man knows what his own flesh and blood looks like, Hank.” Nullings huffed, shaking his head. “Be real.”
“Listen to me.” Henry growled back, chest heaving. “Cover her head, so they don't see her face. That way, we find out just how truthful the dear old Governor is being. Take everything they bring for the ransom, only after everything loaded, will you give her to them.”
“And where will she be?”
“With me.” Henry replied. “I know Hafstead island, I know a good place to keep her. If anything goes wrong, I'll take her back aboard here, we'll all come back to the ship and head for our island.”
“You want to take her back to Shipwreck Island, if something goes awry?”
“That was the deal.” Henry barked at him. “His refusal to pay, would forfeit her to my mercy.”
“What do you bloody plan to do with her?” Nullings asked, exasperated.
“I'll figure something out.” He replied, unperturbed. “Do you understand the plan, Ben?”
Nullings tapped his foot, antsy, as he ran through the plan in his head, things were getting so much more complicated than he anticipated.
“Yeah, yeah!” He sighed, giving in. “I got it, Hank.”
“Great, get about it.” Henry smiled, patting his friend on the shoulder and going back into his cabin. “You and I, my sweet pet.” He grinned, tilting your head back to look up at him.
“Have a date tomorrow.”
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