#prompt: burns
kybercrystals94 · 4 months
Absolute Privilege
Read here on Ao3!
Febuwhump 2024 | Day 5 | Prompt 5: Rope Burns
Bad Things Happen Bingo: Burns
Rated: G | Words: 1091 | Summary: Missing scenes from S2E2: Ruins of War, Omega struggles with what her brothers have had to do because of her. [Character Focus: Omega, Tech]
Omega leans over the cliff, staring into the dark, gaping mouth of the container yawning up at her. She can do this. She has to do this. It is the least she can do for all the trouble she’s brought to the Batch.
Sitting back on her heels, Omega tests the borrowed cable one more time, tugging on it with all her strength. It should hold her weight. She’s been practicing knots with Echo, and she’s pretty sure she did it right.
The rappelling part though…Omega isn’t scared of heights as a rule, but she doesn’t like the idea of free falling if she loses her grip. If only she had a carabiner to latch herself to, and gloves like her brothers instead of her bare hands. Her palms have gained some calluses over the months since she left the sterile halls of Kamino, but they won’t be enough to prevent rope burns.
She sighs. While she doesn’t have the proper equipment, she does have a mission. She has to do this.
Standing, Omega puts her back to the ledge, gripping the cable in both hands. Breathe. She steps back until the heels of her boots are over the lip of the cliff face. Now or never. Omega leans back, allowing the cable to slip slightly through her grip while keeping tension. Another skill she’s learned from her brothers; however, there has always been one of them present to give her instructions. She’s never been alone like this.
If her brothers were here, in her place, they’d be down to the container in moments, taking several bold leaps down the wall. Omega doesn’t have the resources for that kind of bravery, and even if she did, she’s not sure she could muster up the courage. Instead, she practically creeps down the wall. Very slowly. She doesn’t want to think about how hard it will be to climb up with her pack full of precious items. That’s a hurdle for future Omega to face.
Every few steps, Omega stops and glances down to see how close she’s getting to her destination, but it seems to loom an eternity away, further with every step closer. Her hands already ache from the pressure of the cable against her weight. She needs to hurry, to get this over with. Tech and Echo are going to notice she’s gone eventually, and they’re going to know exactly where she went. She hopes to meet them on her way back to the house, a bag of treasures in her possession as a peace offering.
Because it is about time she earns her place on the squad. She isn’t a child, she is a part of a team. And all the players have to pull their weight. It makes sense why Echo was frustrated by the trouble she’s caused to the squad, forcing them to take jobs to take care of her instead of living as they should be living. Whatever that life looked like.
Finally, Omega’s feet step onto the edge of the container. She smiles. That wasn’t going to be as hard as she thought it would be.
Omega glares at her hands, at the ugly, painful tracks the cable left on her palms when she and Echo nearly plummeted to their deaths. In hindsight, Omega realizes she caused more trouble to her brothers trying to help. She almost got Echo and Tech killed. So much for being a team player.
Echo’s talk with her had helped a little; however, the fact still remains that she is more of a liability than any sort of asset.
“Omega, would you assist me?” Tech asks. He is in Wrecker’s bunk, injured leg propped up. He looks miserable, having been banished to the barracks until their return to Ord Mantell per Hunter’s orders.
Omega jumps up. “Sure, Tech! What do you need?”
“The med kit,” Tech says.
Omega frowns, baffled, but she goes and gets the med kit from its place, bringing it back, and setting it next to Tech on the bunk. “What’s wrong?” she asks.
“Your hands,” Tech says, as though it is obvious. “You have burns from where you slipped down the cable.”
Omega scowls, crossing her arms so that her hands are tucked out of sight. “I’m fine.”
“You will be fine just as soon as you allow me to treat your injuries,” Tech says.
“They don’t even hurt,” Omega lies sourly, “and I already cleaned them. They’re fine.”
Tech gives her a calculating look, as though she is an intricate problem he is trying to solve. She squirms under the scrutiny. “If they are fine and do not cause you discomfort, then why do you keep staring at them?” he asks.
“Because it’s my fault!” Omega cries, trying to keep her voice steady and firm. “All of this is my fault.”
“Pardon?” Tech looks confused and mildly horrified at the outburst. “I fail to see the correlation between you and this failed mission. Granted, it was unwise of you to seek out the lost war chest on your own, but…”
“No! I mean the only reason we took this mission is because of me. And then you got hurt, and then I almost got us all killed going back for the treasure, and…” Omega cuts herself off before she starts rambling. She swallows back the sob in her throat and glares at the floor.
“Ah, I see,” Tech says. “I suppose that is true.”
Omega huffs. Of course, Tech, of all her brothers, would finally see and understand the truth. She doesn’t want to be pacified. She wants her share of the blame placed directly on her shoulders where it belongs.
“However, I fear that you have misunderstood our motives,” Tech says, voice softening. “We took this mission not out of a place of obligation to you, but out of a sincere desire to give you the best life we are capable of giving. We took this mission because we want to take care of you, Omega, not because we are required to.”
Omega looks up, eyes wide. “But I cause so much trouble,” she argues weakly.
Tech shakes his head. “It is our absolute privilege to have you in our care, Miss Omega. Troubles are of no consequence, I assure you.”
Omega sniffs and nods.
“Now,” Tech says, “about those rope burns. May I help take care of that for you?”
With a shaky smile, Omega sits down on the edge of the bunk, holding out the offending wounds. “Thank you, Tech.”
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serickswrites · 1 year
All Fired Up
Warnings: hostage situation, burns, cruel whumper, self sacrifice
Villain looked on in horror as they realized they had fallen for Hero’s trap. They had been so focused on putting fires out, on saving buildings in City that they didn’t notice Sidekick didn’t follow them after the first warehouse fire. That Sidekick hadn’t been by their side the entire time. 
Because Hero had grabbed Sidekick. Grabbed Sidekick to lure Villain into a trap. 
And Villain had not choice but to fall for it. They couldn’t leave Sidekick in the hands of Hero. Not when Hero was so cruel and violent. 
“What do you want, Hero?” Villain asked, their voice steady and even. Their voice didn’t betray the terror in their heart. 
Hero wrapped their arm tighter around Sidekick’s chest. Their free hand held a freely dancing flame. “What I always want. Are you going to give it to me?”
Villain didn’t respond. 
“Guess your friend doesn’t care very much for you,” Hero said as they brought the flame closer to Sidekick’s arm. Sidekick screamed as the flame touched their flesh. 
“Stop!” Villain couldn’t let Sidekick be tortured to death. Couldn’t watch them in pain. 
“Will you give me what I want?” Hero didn’t look up, but they had moved their hand back far enough that Sidekick’s skin no longer blistered. 
Villain swallowed and nodded. “Yes.”
Hero did look up at those words. They cocked their head. “Really? After everything you’ve fought for, you would give it all up now?”
Villain looked into Sidekick’s eyes, resolve now filing them. “Yes.”
“VILLAIN DON’T!” Sidekick shouted, but Hero clamped their hand over Sidekick’s mouth. 
“Not now, brat, Mommy and Daddy are talking.” Hero shoved Sidekick away, but encircled them with a ring of flames. 
A ring of flames appeared around Villain as Hero stalked towards them. Villain made no effort to run or put out the flames. “Truly? You’ll give me what I want.”
Villain nodded. “Yes.”
Hero grinned wickedly as the flames let them pass through to Villain unharmed. Hero grabbed Villain’s throat. “Oh we’re going to have fun, you and I.” And the flames closed in. 
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nerdpoe · 15 days
"...Timmy...?" Dick hasn't called him that since before Bruce disappeared, but it's the only thing he can say as he stares at his brother's broken, bleeding body.
Tim, Timmy, his little brother in all but blood, bleeding from his ears and eyes and nose, burned so severely his skin is peeling off, actually turns to look at him.
"Shit. No one's supposed to see this." Tim says, and Dick lurches forward to do...something. He doesn't know what, for all his first-aid training doesn't know how he can help when there's this much damage, but he has to do something.
But Tim disappears, like he was never there.
Or; On a ghosts death day, they gain the appearance they had at death. This includes the injuries. Danny spends his death day very far away from home, since it actually makes his human form look like he got electrocuted to death by untold voltage and mass dosages of radiation, and he really doesn't want his mom and dad to see that, even if they're cool with the half-ghost thing. Problem; apparently he's a dead ringer for someone Nightwing knows, and he just mentally scarred Valerie's favorite hero. Fuck.
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diabolichare · 4 months
Is this courtship?
Danny is going to Gotham for his scholarship.
Good news! There's another halfa in the city, and he seems to be a good guy. Bad news: the nearest path to his university is through that halfta's haunt. He could take the long way around, but the costs would be more than his budget can handle, and he'd like to avoid dealing with a pissed-off Red Hood.
Hopefully the offerings will be enough to sate his annoyance (and help maybe, god that man has the most malnourished core he's ever seen).
Jason is getting incredibly confused over the strange gift baskets that keep appearing on his patrol routes.
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shewhowillrise · 4 months
DC x DP Prompt
“As a revenant, your powers tend to be based on what you need most when you die,” the yeti explained, “not always but more than likely that is why you have the power of fire.”
Jason shook his head, “but-I died in a fire, I-” using his powers would make him flinch, make him hear a distance ticking, “I don’t see how I would have needed that in death?”
Frostbite looked at Jason, his face turned into something Jason hated, comfort pity.
“Are you sure the fire is when you died? Has there never been a day that you craved the warmth so much that the need for it is what willed you to continue?”
“N–” Jason started to deny, when a dark and cold night suddenly came to mind. Years before trying to jack Batman’s tires, one of the first nights of winter after his mother passed. Huddled as much as he could in a tshirt and jeans in a rotting building on the outskirts of crime alley. So cold he thought he wouldn’t see morning. But he did see the morning, and after that, the nights of winter on the streets were always easier. Not completely warm, but not bone chilling cold either.
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ochi-does-art · 6 months
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same heart same blood
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eloquent-edits · 4 months
🗡️ “I’m all for platonic intimacy but this…?”
the subtext of romance is really peeking through 🗡️ friends to lovers scenarios
Person A going to person B’s house to watch a movie but getting looped into playing drunk card games with B and their parents
Working out together and A insisting on spotting B and adjusting their form
B playfully poking A in public and promptly getting tackled
B patting A’s cheek only to accidentally linger as they notice how the light catches in A’s eyes (A is DESPERATELY trying to not blush)
“Here’s the garage code.” “… Why am I receiving this information?” “You’re already over here a lot. My parents think it’s better than a key.”
Forced close proximity at a LAN party because there’s not much room at the table (and A’s arm keeps brushing against B’s, messing up their aim, but if anything the space between them decreases as the night goes on)
The “Oh, is B coming too?” to “A kidnapped me to come here and hang out” pipeline
Going from quick and funny head scratches to absentmindedly stroking/detangling their hair while chatting with friends
“Do I smell okay?” “You smell normal.” “Which is…?” “Like lilac and gooseberry.”
A melting into B’s hug after a long and stressful week
B helping A deal with a major headache by rubbing/scratching their back
A heating up B’s ears with their hands because B forgot ear muffs in winter
“My mom thinks you’re really pretty/handsome.” “My mom thinks you look like Adonis/Aphrodite.” “Can you ever take a compliment?”
Candid pictures give away the softness in B’s eyes when they look at A goofing around
B not minding when A gives them a long hug in public, even though they aren’t big on PDA in general
B drawing a shitpost and sending it to A, A setting it as their lockscreen, and months later B realizes that A still hasn’t changed it
B’s family automatically assuming that A might join for any family function and making A’s favorite dish accordingly
“I have to go into the office this week. Can I crash at your place since it’s closer?”
Hanging out for hours —> “I don’t want you to drive home this late.” —> waking up in each other’s arms because they both refused to let the other sleep on the floor/couch
“My clothes reek of you.” “You could’ve just told me to take a shower.”
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ilovereading5252 · 27 days
Dpxdc promt
Every single corpse, skeleton, or other human remains that was not properly buried under their own name, murdered and/or had unfinished business in the whole of Gotham (including the bay) gets up and claws themselves out of their dumping ground. The living watch in horror as green glowing zombies swarm the streets and start to gather at Gothams cemeteries…
There they each get a green “hello my name is…” name tag and a (actually rather professional looking) complaint form from one of the floating tables, fill it out, search for a free spot, lie down and stop glowing.
Danny (who would tell you that he is not a necromancer) is just glad that now all these shades can finally stopp bothering him about solving their problems.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 200
Danny has found himself reincarnated, for fun! While waiting for Tucker to reincarnate. He’s uh, found himself as a clone now- thankfully stable! But he was apparently also an accident, and overheard some of the people talking about termination, which no thanks?
So apparently he wasn’t exactly an accident per se, they did mean to make a clone, so thank fuck for that! They had apparently grabbed the wrong blood, which he almost snorts at. Kind of hard to do in a tube full of liquid though. 
Oh well, he’ll just be leaving now… after he destroys this lab and steals all these files on himself, thank you~ Now, does he want to go on an adventure or find his unwilling donors first…
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gomzdrawfr · 3 months
y/n please
redraw of @warenai's incorrect quotes from this post
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shameless plug but my commissions are open :]
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unboundprompts · 11 days
Can you give tips for slow burn/developing romance? I’m good at writing couples once they’re already in love, but when they have a crush on each other or them slowly developing feelings I don’t really know how to do
How to Write a Slow Burn Romance
-> writersdigest.com
-> reddit.com
The Growing Relationship
Make sure the reasons your characters don't get together right away makes sense. It doesn't need to be realistic, but it needs to be believable.
Focus on how their relationship grows. Spend time on the meeting, the getting to know each other, the subtle moments and big moments that draw them to each other. There will be obstacles, arguments, and conflicts to solve.
Make the development of the relationship natural for the characters.
Start as far back in their relationship as you can. This will allow the longest amount of time for their relationship to be exploired in the story. If it fits, you can start when they first meet. Of course, if it doesn't fit your story, you can start later in their relationship.
Build the Tension
You want your readers to be on the edge of their seats when it comes to your character's relationship. They should be screaming "just kiss already!"
Add near-miss moments. An almost kiss interrupted by a phone call. A hug that lasts just a moment too long.
Add little indications of feelings. Soft Smiles. Winking. The brush of a finger. Lingering glances.
Pining. Give insights into your character's thoughts. Constant thoughts about the other person. Butterflies when they think about them. The anticipation.
Slow Burn, Not Slow Pace
There needs to be other plot points happening while the romantic tension is building. Your characters should be dealing with other situations while they are also pining after each other.
Outside Forces
Slowburns are not always endless pining and dancing around one another. Sometimes, there are outside forces that are keeping characters apart when they already realize that the feelings are mutual.
Examples: Distance between the characters, health/mental health reasons, job/work complications, family dynamics, character goals, characters are on two different sides of a conflict, etc.
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 28
Thomas stared down at Bruce-no- Danny as he led him by the hand toward what he had dubbed as his "Secret Lair" which was just an old fall out shelter in the woods that had been well hidden and forgotten about. The door to it was old and still buried under years of dirt and plant growth, requiring Danny to phase them into it which made Thomas wonder how his grandson had found it in the first place.
Inside was surprisingly high tech. "You have a secret lair filled with all this equipment but don't have any weapons or armor?" Thomas asked, making mental preparations to fix that.
Danny sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and explained his only allies were two other 14 year olds who were also untrained, unarmed, unarmored, and unsuper-powered which would explain why Danny was so excited to be working with an adult vigilante who at least knew what they were doing.
The kid didn't even mind when some of his more evil or harmful rogues "stopped showing up" thankfully no one would really question the reclusive Vlad Masters "going back to Wisconsin" only to never be seen again. No one saw much of him before coming to Amity Park, it made since he would become a hermit again once he had his fill of human interaction.
And if hes later found dead in his cheese castle? Well, the body had decomposed too much to really say what killed him. His will left everything to a Daniel James Fenton/Daniel James Masters which visibly infuriated Danny. Thomas mentally patted himself on the back. It was a good call to get rid of that one. The will was a surprise, though one that can only benefit Thomas in his crusade of protecting his grandson. Its not like he can return to a timeline that no longer exists anyway.
Unfortunately this doesn't stop the bats from hearing about "Batman" operating in a city in Illinois for the past few months...
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minty364 · 4 months
DPXDC Prompt #128 part 3
Danny walked into the room behind Batman to find his soulmate sitting on the couch. He had a first aid kit on the table in front of him but it wasn’t open and Jason seemed to just be resting for the moment. Well until he started speaking. 
“Take off the helmet, I’ve already seen my own damn face and it’ll make this fucking conversation that much easier.” Danny shuffled his feet for a moment before doing what he said and taking the helmet off. 
Setting it down on the table he sat down next to Jason and held out his hand. Skin contact was how you and your soulmate got back in their own bodies. Jason didn’t take it though. 
“Hold on, I was serious about those questions, can I guarantee you won’t bolt the second you’re in your own body?” 
Danny kind of chucked, it was a hollow half hearted kind of noise. “You and I both know what kind of state I’m in right now, I'd have better luck staying in your body.” 
Jason seemed to think it over for a moment before shrugging and taking Danny’s hand. A brilliant light and he was back in his own body, he was in much more pain than he remembered. 
Danny grimaced as he got into a more comfortable position, “I’d like to start with… an apology.” Danny was choosing his words carefully. He stopped to think for a moment before continuing, “I haven’t had the best experiences with circuses or clowns in the past,” the room and the com remained silent. “When I saw the Joker in front of me, I was terrified, my fists couldn’t help tensing… I swear I didn’t know I was holding guns until they went off.” Danny could feel himself start to babble a little bit.
His soulmate held up his hands, “so, if what you're telling me is correct the bastard clown is dead?”
Danny nodded hesitantly, after his babbling to Red Hood he was unable to say anything else. 
Jason continued, “alright, we can deal with that later. What Id like to focus on now,” he leaned in and gave Danny a harsh look that made him shrink in his seat a little, “what the fuck happened to you before the switch, gotta tell you, not a fan of whatever all that was.” He made a big hand motion gesturing all around him.
Another pause Danny didn’t know what to say, of course that didn’t slide with Jason. 
“Speak up, I don’t even know your name and you already know my identity.” Jason narrowed his eyes at Danny. 
He was right of course so Danny gathered a little bit of courage, “I’m Danny,” when Jason didn’t respond he let his gaze fall onto the floor and tightened his fists before continuing, “I honestly don’t know where to begin, I’m willing to tell you but could we maybe do it alone?” 
He took the communications device out of his ear and switched it off. Jason nodded and reached over to turn the com off his helmet. The only one left in the room was Batman and after a few moments of them staring back and forth at each other Jason spoke,
“He’s MY soulmate and not you or anyone else needs to hear this. It’s his business, if he decides to let you know what up we’ll let you but leave old man.” Jason’s words were stern and harsh but it eventually got the point across. Danny wondered briefly about how close he was with Batman considering how familiar he seemed to be speaking with him. Batman left after a few minutes and the two were left alone on the couch sitting across from each other. 
Danny took a moment to breath l but before he could begin Jason held up a hand, “hold on, let’s get your wounds properly looked at while you're talking. I won’t take no for an answer.” Danny sighed and mulled it over for a second but then relented and took his shirt off. It wasn’t pretty and the rags he wrapped around himself as a faux gauze wouldn’t hold in the long run. Jason seemed to stare at it for a moment before moving to open the first aid kit. Danny started talking after the shirt was off.
“I might as well rip off the bandaid so to say, I’ve been on the run from a government run agency. I’m…” he paused after he noticed how still the other seemed to get after the rags were completely gone. A large angry Y shape was across his chest, an everlasting reminder of the awful things that happened during his stay at the GIW facility. His soulmate's eyes flashed green and he looked away, seeming like he was trying to control his anger. There was a pause in the air, the kind of awkward moment where it just feels like bad luck to break.
“…What government organization?” Jason said after regaining his composure.
“They’re called the GIW or Ghost Investigation Ward, long story short there exists a law. If something produces the substance called ectoplasm, the life blood of ghosts, they are considered non sentient. They mistook me for a ghost.” Danny decided to go for half truths, with everything that happened he thought he probably shouldn’t tell his soulmate exactly everything. 
“And the belt?” Oh, that was one question he was hoping to avoid. 
“Ah, sorry if you got shocked, it’s set to shock me when I touch it, guess they wanted a way to subdue me if needed.” Danny joked, he knew he was thin and he was still a little short. He didn’t grow that much after the accident, he wondered how much taller he could have gotten if given the chance.
I’ll have these parts sectioned out a little better if I start posting on AO3. This talk will continue in part 4
Master Post:
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joaniejustwokeup · 5 months
DPxDC Prompt:
The next blow sent the human tumbling into the wall. It wheezed and spat up a gob of blood, pulling itself up on trembling arms and legs.
“So this is the mortal who captured our young king’s attention. The so-called warrior who he trusted with the sacred duty of guarding his core.”
A shadowed hand pinned it to the wall and it uselessly pawed at the blade-like claws pressed against its fragile throat.
“How a weakling like you seduced High King Phantom, I’ll never know.”
The human squeezed its eyes shut. I’m sorry Danny, it mouthed with cracked and bleeding lips.
The impudence.
Slammed into the ruined bricks once more, the human let out a breathless cry.
“You dare address him like that. You dare to call upon his living name!” Dagger sharp teeth dripped shadowy ectoplasm inches from the mortal’s flesh.
“I’m doing him a favor, disposing of you.”
There was silence.
The human looked up with glowing green eyes.
A wave of unearthly force erupted from its body.
A dual layered voice echoed out from its miserable throat.
“Oh you just made a BIG mistake.”
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I wanna make a prompt out of this but don't know how to so bare bones time!!!!!!
. Everlasting Trio + Jazz move to Gotham to take care of de-aged Dan and Dani because Amity Park is no longer safe
. Danny doesn't go to college because he flunked out of high school and decided that college isn't worth it. So he instead opens a space-themed bookshop/ cafe. It's an instant hit.
. Sam is a trust fund baby. Not because she wants to be but because taking care of her boys + 2 kids is fucking expensive.
. Tucker is an intern at WE, and because of an 'incident,' he's set to be hired by them after graduating college while now being under constant surveillance from the bats. (He knows and revels in it)
. An irl slow burn enemies-to-lovers romance between Jazz and the local crime lord, and all of Crime Ally is enjoying it.
. Dan and Dani go to Gotham Academy. They're in the same class as Damian. Dan calls Danny Mom and Dani calls him Dad (this is important). The three of them + one other poor soul get put in a project together. Chaos ensues.
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deuynndoodles · 6 months
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[ID: A colored, digital two page comic featuring Danny and Jazz from Danny Phantom. Danny wears a baggy hoodie over a shirt and jeans. Jazz wears a v-neck sweater and shorts.
Fentonworks, after curfew: Danny reaches for the doorknob to his bedroom, breathing out and gripping his shoulder.
"Where were you?" says Jazz, hands on her hips, making Danny jump. "Look, I know that Mom and Dad don't really care, but I do. You can trust me." She looks sad. "What's going on with you?"
"None of your business, Jazz." He looks irritated. He reaches for the doorknob again, muttering, "Just lemme sleep."
"Wait!" is written in all caps. Jazz reaches out, pulling at the hood of his jacket. Danny turns and raises his arm out of his hoodie, revealing an ectoplasmic injury. "Fuck off!" he yells.
Jazz pulls her hand away, startling backwards. Then, she looks sad as she says, "Oh, Danny…"
Fade out. They now stand in the Fentonworks bathroom, with Danny sitting on the toilet and Jazz hovering over him, cleaning a wound on his left shoulder. He's now in a binder and the original ectoplasmic wound has been treated. She scolds him and he grins nervously, curling in on himself. End ID.]
happy holidays @torscrawls !
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