#prompt: quiet
It’s always so loud in his dreams, and maybe that’s why Cas has trouble sleeping. At night, the bunker is pitch-black and completely silent, and while he’s exhausted every morning, at least he’s not haunted by endless visions of that which came before. 
He wishes this was easier.
The adjustment to being human has been like trying to claw his way out of a pit. It wasn’t enough to find out that they managed to save the world, after all, no more apocalypses and no more uncaring God, and it wasn’t enough to find himself awake in the Empty, rough hands he knew well wrapped around his wrists, pulling him to some semblance of safety. He’s not sure what will be enough. 
Right now, as he lies in bed, he contemplates his newfound humanity and freedom, and as he does, he notices small sounds in the silence. Most notable is Dean breathing beside him, fast asleep with his face mashed into his pillow. Dean still sleeps like the dead, still gets grumpy when you wake him up. Now, after a tear-stained welcome back, Cas is privy to those habits, among others. And there are other things, besides the man beside him, that Cas is privy to now. Everything is sharper, deeper, and it’s an adjustment, and it’s not easy, but it has to be worth it. 
It has to be. 
Slowly, the quiet, punctuated by Dean’s breath, lulls Cas back to sleep, and for once, he doesn’t dream at all. 
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 179
“Pa, there’s a weird lookin’ cat outside!” 
 -Said by a sleep deprived Danny Phantom while in Clockwork’s Lair, about a hero displaced in time. Clockwork is in fact amused. Batman is simply confused about the entire situation.  
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obsessedwithstarwars · 11 months
Bruce: How was your class trip Damian?
Damian: It was quiet and productive Father.
Bruce: I’m glad to hear it. What was your favorite part?
Damian: I learned how to escape an Iron Maiden.
Bruce: …
Damian: …
Bruce: Explain please.
Damian: A boy Drake’s age taught me how to escape an Iron Maiden.
Bruce: How did he have that knowledge?
Damian: He claims his family has a dungeon full of medieval torture devices. I believe he may require further investigation.
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Project R au except Danny is not the clone.
Instead Danny gets Ras Al Ghuls attention after overhearing that the baby in the tube was made from a bunch of "Robins/detectives" and a little of Phantom himself and looks the guy in the eye before using his intangibility to grab the baby-still not breaking eye contact- and saying, "Mine now." before disappearing.
Danny comes home and explains the situation to his sister and parents and they welcome the new baby into the family with open arms. When asked why they took dna from Danny, Jack immediately jumped in with, "Because we're Fentons!" As if that was all the reason needed.
Elsewhere Ras tells the bats about the clonenapping, conveniently leaving out the part about Phantom also being one of the babys dads. The bats go a little crazy trying to find out where thier baby is and why some no name villian (cause thats what they believe he is due to what little media coverage Amity Park has on him) wants with thier baby.
Then they learn about the ghost thing and then the research. At first they didn't believe it because they had dealt with ghosts before and they were nothing like that. But the more they looked the more they realized these weren't the kind of ghosts they were used to...
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lyralit · 6 months
falling in love with life prompts
the grey sky looking particularly warm under the glow of candles
playing music at every chance
eating. eating for your body and your heart, and learning to feel good about it
dinner early and falling asleep to a movie marathon
bundling up to catch snowflakes
thinking about what ways to make your friends smile as the year comes to close
buying flowers for every occasion because you Feel Like It
opening a new journal
accepting that people come and go, and the most important ones will always return
using your downtime to channel your creativity
calling up people you haven't talked to in ages because you think of them sometimes
rereading your favourite books and binging your comfort shows
writing every exam like it's your last, savouring each meal, every moment with your close ones
thinking about ways to get better
learning a new language just for kicks
trying something you've always wanted to do—play guitar, learn to crochet—because if not now, then when?
if not now, then when?
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starry-songs-canvas · 3 months
Practical Interview
Alright Danny, just breathe.
It’s just a job interview. No biggie. Just relax.
Jazz helped you with your resume, all you gotta do is go in there and 1. Not sass, but talk to them, 2. Maybe show ‘em a couple moves, 3. Pray I get the job.
Man, is that a tall tower.
Alrighty, in you go Fenton.
Danny has to dodge a blue laser bolt, which hits his precious resume, the moment he steps through the doors.
“Hey! Watch where your shooting, man!”
Great, nailed that first step.
The Teen Titans are fighting a large group of villains, kinda being overwhelmed, if he’s being honest?
Well, guess this’ll be one of those “learn on the job” type-a thing.
TL:DR, Danny has Jazz help him make a hero-resume for the Teen Titans since they don’t have any sort of tryouts or job application.
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tanglepelt · 11 months
Dc x dp idea 93
Ra forces Talia to sacrifice her son to the ghost king. With his obvious re-awakening he most solidify the deal. It’s how he was gifted the Lazarus water in the first place.
Newley crowned 15 year old Danny did not want this child. Like at all. He’s already dealing with parents who want to tear him apart. That reveal didn’t go well at all.
Danny couldn’t take care of himself let alone a stabby 6 year old. The only good thing is he snatched the kid before he was killed by his scary mom and stinky grandfather.
By ancient law. This child belonged to him. Not only that, the child was bound to obey him. Found that part out on accident. He was tired of the murder attempts and promptly told him to knock that off be quiet and sit down. He’s ashamed to admit it took him at least two hours to realize Damian couldn’t talk or stand up.
He’s taken to internal dialogue after that little hiccup. He later learned sign language had no effect. Apparently it had to be verbal. It’s not his say to order anyone around. He doesn’t care what the crown means. They were fine without pariah they’ll be fine without him.
At least while he’s still half alive. Despite what the council says he doesn’t need a legal guardian. He’s perfectly fine homeless.
So here he was with 9 year old child and on the run from the government, his parents, and the royal council.
Now when a man in a trench coat tries to expel the ecto-ghost to free the “boy” and the child. Well. He asked for help.
This leads to a dna test. Danny ignored how he had been told Batman by Damian it was of no help. Danny hadn’t even meant to ask, knowing Damian would be forced to answer. His mother must of lied to the poor thing.
With a shocking result, the father was Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne can reclaim his son, but Danny can’t simply hand him over. Something of equal or greater value has to be exchanged.
Obviously Bruce Wayne is happy to make a deal.
Danny just goes. Well either i need a legal guardian as the ghosts are on my butt about it and my parents want me dead. Or. A government organization taken down for trying to eradicate his species.
He gets both.
Damian and Danny refuse to tell anyone why Damian was sacrificed to him.
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nerdpoe · 10 months
Danny needs help. Danny needs the Ancient of Justice.
Only one small problem; there isn't one.
Or at least, there isn't one yet.
The previous Ancient of Justice had been Pariah Dark, and after seeing so many injustices he had gone mad, and sought to fix the Infinite Realms through force.
But Clockwork assures Danny that there's an Ancient of Justice in the works, he's just still mortal at the moment.
Danny...really can't wait for the guy to die to ask for assistance. The Demons only deal in absolutes, and he needs someone like the Ancient of Justice on his side to help him with the weird double speak they insist on using.
Otherwise, they'll bamboozle him into more territory and displace more ghosts.
So he hunts the not-an-Ancient yet down.
Which is how Batman finds himself being stared down by a teenager with vividly glowing green eyes.
"Listen up, you're gonna be a God when you die and I need you to cash in those God Powers early; demons are getting uppity and they keep talking circles. I need you to make them listen."
The kid has black hair, is too skinny, his clothes are scuffed and dirty, and is clearly living in a vivid fantasy to escape from his harsh reality of being homeless.
The eyes speak of a clear Lazarus Contamination, and the stance speaks of someone who is trained to fight.
So he asks the only thing he can think to.
"...Are you hungry?"
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pettydollie · 6 months
hii i could you write popular!bakugou x quiet!reader or bakugou x reader inspired by in between by gracie adams 🤍
ofc! xx 4 - popular bakugou x quiet reader (characters are aged up and in college btw) wc: 691
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either everybody is in love with bakugou or wants to be him. he has so many people asking about his quirk all the time and trying to get close to him, and he doesnt mind the attention. he's not cocky about his popularity, but he has a lot of pride. he's never alone, always walking the halls with people following him.
then theres you. a silent girl in most of his classes. you keep to yourself for the most part with very few close friends. in all of his lectures with you, you're seat is in front of him, and you'd never bothered him. not once. he honestly never really thought about you that much till a specific night.
"you idiots." bakugou grumbles to himself as he gets out of a friends car. he wasted yet another night of studying by partying with people he didnt even really like. except for his friend kiri, he was alright.
it was already 10:30. he wouldnt be able to stay awake, but he can't just go to sleep? nono, exams are very close, he needs to get as much information glued in his brain as possible. kiri had recommended having a study buddy. but who the hell would want to actually study with bakugou?? everyone would be distracted and frankly, he didnt have time for that.
and besides, he doesnt need anyone else. right? wrong.
because now as he walks up the stairs to the dormitories, he decides to find you. you were pretty normal for the most part, he thought. a bit of a nerd too, so he wasn't too worried about you having the wrong shit written down. he found your dorm and knocked softly, letting out a sigh.
meanwhile, you were munching on freshly made chocolate chip cookies while going over notes you had gotten from the lecture yesterday. you leaned back against your chair in a tiny tank top and shorts with your hair up in a claw clip. you had light music going on in the background, bopping your head slightly. though the bopping stopped as your head cocked to the side as soon as you heard the thuds of someone's steps coming towards your room.
you stood up when said person knocked on your door. maybe one of your friends came by, you thought. you grinned, excited you made so many cookies. you tip-toed to the door and swung it open.
with his hands dug into his pockets and a somewhat tired look on his face, the katsuki bakugou stood at your door in all his glory. "oh!" you squealed, your hand covering your mouth. "sorry, i-i just wasn't expecting you." you nervously spoke, feeling slightly embarassed.
"i need help. be my study buddy." bakugou spoke bluntly.
"huh? study buddy?" you muttered. bakugou stayed quiet and stepped into your room confidently, looking around. you stood to the side and shut the door behind you, following him inside where he walked over to your desk, looking at your neatly written notes. "yeah. you aint stupid or anythin' right?" he cocked a brow.
you shook your head softly. "no, i dont think so."
he nodded, eyes wandering down to what you were wearing. your eyes stared into his and realized what you had on. he bit the inside of his cheek. "what're you expectin' someone over?"
you shook your head, feeling awkward. "uh, no." you cleared your throat as bakugou sat in your chair, flipping through the pages you had spent such delicate time working on. "do you want a cookie?" you asked politely, pointing towards the plate on your desk, walking towards him. his head turned to where your finger was pointing.
he shrugged, taking one and biting into it. it was soft and chewy. and warm. his eyes brightened a little, just a little. "t's not bad. would be better with coffee." he stared at the bitten cookie in his hand, careful not to make a mess. you smiled at this. "coffee coming up!" you skipped to the kitchen.
that was the first time you had really spent time with him and you'd gotten to know him better than you thought you would have just by studying. needless to say, you enjoyed his company. you weren't around people too often, yet alone someone as popular and liked as bakugou.
as for him, he would never forget that day. it may sound stupid, but he thought you were something.. special. you didn't talk to him about his quirk, not once. you didn't ask if he had a girlfriend or if he was free next friday night. you were just you.
and you talked more than he anticipated also. guess you just had a lot kept inside till then. it seemed like that night, he had turned into the quiet one. and he didn't mind it at all. he grew closer with you and fell in love with you. yet, in class, you were still quiet. however, when it was just you two, you yapped for hours on end about anything.
he grinned at the thought.
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stealingyourbones · 9 months
Short DPXDC Prompts #917
Jazz takes a self defense class in Gotham, Her instructor is very very pretty. Cass undercover as a self defense instructor to keep an eye over the wife of a very dangerous mob boss. Cass is trying her best to focus on her mission but this really cute redhead won't leave her mind.
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starry-teacup · 2 months
Art challenge for everyone in the stp fandom! We're given a general idea of what the Long Quiet looks like by the end, and he's sort of his own character, so I see him drawn the same way consistently.
But he's also a player character, whose decisions, experiences, and personality are all shaped by who the person behind the computer is! The princess, the voices, the narrator- they speak to you as much as they speak to a fictitious person, if not more.
So draw your long quiet persona- what you imagine the princesses and the narrator to see when you enter that basement.
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moxfirefly · 1 year
We really don't see enough of protective Donnie and I would love to see him just snap a little if someone was bothering his S/O.
❝  i don’t like how they keep staring at me.   ❞
❝  what did you just say to them,  you little shit?  ❞
❝  see,  i woulda left it alone.  but you made them fucking cry.  so now you’re gonna lose your eyes.  ❞
[ SHELTER ]  for one muse to lean into the other’s side or hug them to seek comfort from a crowd or individual while in public. 
[ RESCUE ]  for one muse to intervene upon seeing a third party making the other one uncomfortable. 
Man it was hard trying to stay within the limit but I hope I gave you good prompts to work with! Can't wait to see what you come up with 🐢💜
*vibrates excitedly* unhinge Don? Oh friend YOU HAVE NO IDEA.
Somebody said Vern is the perfect scapegoat but why not have a little fun and have it be Casey this time 😏
Rated Mature cause Don’s gonna smack a bitch if he’s pushed.
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You and Casey had never seen eye to eye, mostly because he came off as an arrogant prick.
And on good days he was just arrogant.
But tonight?
It was no secret that you had a couple of thoughts on New York’s finest, aka the cops.
One too many times had you seen their ‘shoot first ask questions later’ mindset in action. You’d seen excessive force, you’d seen the racism and mysogony. You felt and knew deep inside that if the day game where the guys were expendable that they be thrown under the metaphorical bus.
It never sat right with you.
So Casey had made a comment about work tonight and you hadn’t kicked on your filter and had retorted back with a snide comment about crooked cops and their ways. It had quite easily crawled its way up beneath Casey’s skin, he’d made a face and he had proceeded to give you the stink eye for the rest of the night.
Once dinner was put away and everyone went about the night time routine, Casey had continued to eye you with a scalding glare. You could tell he was itching to say something, it was frothing above the surface.
Donatello was on dishes duty and had caught the tail end of your comment towards Mikey.
“-I don’t like how he keeps staring at me” You placed the last of the left overs in containers and passed them off to Mikey.
Donnie had casted a look over his shoulder at Casey, who seem to be venting to Raphael about tonight’s little debate.
You found your way next to Donnie, resting your head against his bicep. He could tell you were bothered, while it was a sore subject it didn’t necessarily give Casey the right to cast daggers at you all evening.
“Are you alright?” He asked, careful to not drip too much concern in his tone. He felt your shrug, a sigh blown against his pebbled flesh. “Maybe I was too mean? I should apologize” You spoke softly, there was remorse in your tone. While you were right you also knew Casey was an alley, a friend.
Just as you made your mind up to at least let Casey know you knew he was on the guys side, everything went down the shitter.
Donnie saw you walk over and before you could extend a let ‘bygones be bygones’ apology, Casey had simply snapped at you. It was harsh, it was simply fucking mean. You stood stock still, shocked and taken aback.
Donnie shut off the sink, the clatter of a plate hitting the metal of the sink the one sound in the room. The rest watched in shock at what had just happened.
Donnie’s heavy footfalls alerted you he was there. He got between you and Casey, one look at your watering eyes as you stared at his boots was all he needed. He felt something boil inside of him, the very notion that somebody could make you cry, it was enough for that little part buried inside of him. That little part of him capable of unfathomable violence.
“What did you say to them, you little shit?” Don’s voice made you look up shocked at what he had said. You’d never heard him speak like that, and clearly Casey was just as surprised.
“Come on Don she’s been riding my ass about being some crooked cop! I know-“
“I never said you were crooked, Casey I was-”
“You might as fucking well did!”
His tone made you flinch and the embarrassed frustrated tears threatened to spill. It felt like a spotlight had been shone down upon you. Brought you back to those moments a parental figure would judge you and berate you.
A large hand wrapped around the scruff of Casey’s shirt. Casey eyes found themselves met with a pair of ones much, much angrier than his own. “See I woulda left it alone…” Donnie pushed Casey against the dinning table just as Raph’s desperate ‘Donnie no no no no’ came tumbling out of him. “But you made her fucking cry, so now you’re gonna lose your eyes”Casey honest to goodness yelped and nearly prayed when Raph got between them. “Case, the gym. Now. Don, walk it off, go” Raph’s hand patted Donnie’s plastron.
Casey had forgotten briefly just how tall Donnie was, just how menacing he could appear at his full height with a hand wrapped around one designed with the strength to cause a lot of damage. Donnie’s eyes didn’t acknowledge Raph’s presence, he let them stay on Casey. The silent threat was enough, and with a not so gentle shove he released Casey from his grip. A few items on the table cluttered down along with Casey’s balance and dignity.
Casey’s trembling eyes found yours.
You looked away.
Raph led him away to the home gym. Space and a cool down was the remedy for now.
You looked at Donnie’s back, there was a tremble to his hands and tension to his arms. You took a tentative step, hands grabbing his forearm before you leaned against his arm much like you’d done by the sink. It was enough to quiet his thoughts, his shaking hands to still. He looked down at his side, at the top of your head and sighed.
His arm wrapped itself around you, securely.
This was a side he never wanted you to see.
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 247
Danny grumbles, going limp as the Spirit plucked him up, holding him out like some sort of stray cat. Their golden eyes stared across him, white hair shimmering and bloodied feathers rustling as they tilted their head. 
“You sure he’s not somehow ours?” Bludhaven asks again, setting him down once more to circle. Amity laughs, wild hair the color of wheat fluttering in a non-existent breeze and portal pulsing like a heart as she rests a hand on his head. 
“Well darlin’, I am asking if you would be open to adopting,” the Spirit laughs, the sound as familiar as the birds outside his window in the mornings. “Well, I suppose I could always ask your dear sister Arkham-” 
“No no, I would be honored,” Bludhaven smiled a literally sharp grin, something mischievous and violent about it in a way Danny was slowly growing used to. “I’m just- look at the little ghostling! He looks like he could be from ours! My hair, your eyes… he’s just missing markings…” 
“Markings he’ll get once you give me an answer darlin’...”
“OH- Yes, of course! Sorry, I got whelmed there.” 
“You have been stalking your vigilante a bit too much there Blud.” 
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whumpdaydreamerx · 9 months
Burnt Money (2000)
@of-wounds-and-woes has a lovely gifset of this here!
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rubiehart · 1 month
this is john b.
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stuckinapril · 2 months
Honestly I know April will be my month because I can feel the hope of spring in the air & physical journaling is making a comeback for me & I’m studying the thing that I love & I have a kind therapist who seems truly attuned to my specific needs and background & I don’t take people’s vitriol personally & I have a solid core unit of friends & I hit the gym and move my body & I take my multivitamins & I stick to my calendar religiously & I take hikes & bike through nature regularly & I try to tap into my likes and wants and who I really am as much as I can despite what people have to say about that & I don’t let people’s naysaying stop me
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