bear-of-mirrors · 1 year
This is the peak Geralt of Rivia. You may not like it, but this is what excellence looks like.
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pop-punk-jaskier · 1 year
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Every Avenue // Whatever Happened To You
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jay-arts-t · 1 month
After all the bad and terrible things in life, after an eternal journey... Ciri tries to find herself in a peaceful life and understand what a home is...
Well, how do you like the idea of Ciri as a housewife, for example?
Of course, I mean an adult Ciri of 25 years old.
Frankly I really can’t imagine Ciri romantically involved with anyone. I know that when she was young she was a little boy crazy. But now that she’s an adult I feel like she takes more after Yennefer in the sense that she doesn’t really take romantic partners unless she can see herself with them long term/ can handle her.
If she were to be in the time period that she’s from (1200s) and given a choice I could see her sticking around Corvo Bianco and trying to take back her childhood years she lost. Aka bullying Geralt affectionately. She’ll always be a daddy’s girl in my mind. I also think she’d get a dog. A Rottweiler would suit her well.
In a more modern setting I think she would thrive more. There would be more media that she could see herself in (although having Geralt and Yennefer as adoptive parents is like the ultimate fuck you to conventional views on most things the continent had set in place for society). I think the punk and grunge era would suit her perfectly. Also! Ciri in short hair is the best! She looks really good in both, but I think short hair suits her more. Here’s some doodles!
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poledancingdinos · 1 year
Hostile Territory - Chapter 5
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Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Leah Coleman)
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: Bullying, hazing
Catch up: Series Masterlist
Taglist:  @summersong69 @identity2212 @liecastillo @amberangel112 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha​ @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond @elizabetharegina @enchantedbytomandhenry @narnianaos @geralts-yenn @peaches1958 @avengersfan25 @sillyrabbit81
Day 58
A betting pool. They organized a fucking betting pool to guess when Leah was going to leave Warhorse. Sy had seen a lot of hazing in his day but this was a new low. This went far beyond “harmless” pranks or humiliating initiations. The worst he’d ever seen was when a couple of guys pulled a soldier out of bed and took him up on a helicopter ride. The guy had been half naked, blindfolded and hands were zip tied behind his back. They told him to jump and when he didn’t, they pushed him out. They’d only been hovering a few feet above the ground but the fear that man had felt was as real as any. The poor guy had literally shat himself and to this day they still called him B-29.
He couldn’t believe that he hadn’t heard even a whisper of that bet going around. It just went to show the lengths the boys had gone to in order to hide what they were doing. Even Pepps knew nothing about it, it was Machmoud who’d let it slip while they were playing cards. It didn’t take long after that to figure out who was behind it all.
As the highest ranking officer on base, he had the pleasure—no, the responsibility—of choosing their punishment. Punishment being the operative word here, not revenge. He had to be fair. He had to treat the infraction as if it had happened to any other soldier. Even if it hadn’t.
What made him more of a misogynist: giving too harsh a punishment to send a message that he wouldn’t tolerate Leah being singled out for being a woman or brushing it off as he would tend to do when the guys picked on each other?
Or maybe it was the fact that he really wanted to put his fist through Nielsen’s face for hurting Leah. Not for bullying his subordinate, for hurting Leah.
Nielsen, despite being an ass, had an exemplary disciplinary record and was a highly skilled soldier. It would ruffle a lot of feathers if he were discharged for a first time offense, even if Sy had no doubt that any previous offenses had simply not been officially recorded. Nielsen’s father was a well respected general which made everything infinitely more tedious. Sy hated the politics of it all but if he had to put his career in peril to send a message then so be it.
Connors was a different story. He was always a trouble maker and it showed heavily in his record but most of his past offenses were representative of a punk kid in need of discipline rather than of him being malicious. It would do him and the others some good to report to a different team leader for a while.
Sy had had to put his ongoing internal conflict aside to lead Alpha for the op. He’d decided it was best to place Nielsen’s team in Bravo under Pepps’ command. That way, Sy didn’t give the men any direct commands and there was no risk of him letting his personal feelings influence his leadership.
During the debriefing, Sy fought the urge to seek Leah in the crowd of exhausted soldiers. Even so, his eyes were inevitably drawn to her at the back of the room. She looked better than he had earlier in the week, but she still showed signs of poor sleep.
If Sy had to guess, he’d say that she’d lost weight since her arrival. She worked herself too damn hard and he’d noticed that lately she didn’t always eat at chow. Probably because she was under so much stress. There was no doubt in his mind that she knew what was going on. That fact was confirmed by her reaction in the debriefing. It made Sy wonder how long ago she’d found out and just how long it had all been happening in the first place.
It took everything in him not to run after her when she fled the room, leaving her rifle and helmet forgotten on the table. It was a relief, at least in part, when her team chased after her. He was glad she had someone in her corner, even if that someone couldn’t be him.
It was best if he kept his distance anyway. It was bad enough that the little spitfire had piqued his interest from the moment she walked through that gate but that unintentionally brazen comment about seeing her naked definitely had his thoughts pushing the boundaries of professionalism.
Sy waited until the chow hall had cleared before following everyone out. He’d intended to go up to his room and change but he was forced to stop when Reynolds called his name. The young medic gave him a brief rundown of the injuries and listed a number of supplies that needed their stocks replenished. Not for the first time that day, Sy wished he were not the man in charge. He was not in the mood to deal with inventory and supply orders.
Movement coming from the right caught Sy’s attention. He lifted his head, locking eyes with Leah who stopped halfway up the stairs. He straightened, alarmed by the redness of Leah’s eyes and the tear stains running down her cheek. He didn’t get the chance to ask questions, nor did he really need to since Nielsen and Connors entered the building a few seconds after Leah and Rohan.
It was no big surprise when Nielsen approached Sy, requesting to speak in his office.
“Pepps!” Sy called as he spotted the other man down the hall. Since it seemed that Nielsen had decided to assume responsibility on his own, it was best if there was an impartial witness to their meeting in case the younger man decided to involve his father.
He waited by the door, finally closing it behind Pepps. He seemed to understand that he was only meant to be a witness to the meeting and silently stood by Sy’s side as the Captain sat at his desk.
“What can I do for you Sergeant?” It was a stupid question since they all knew exactly why he was there but Sy needed to wait until he admitted it.
The man stood at attention, looking straight ahead but he didn’t appear worried in the least.
“I was responsible for taking the bets on Coleman’s time at Warhorse.”
Sy almost scoffed. That was all he had to say? Not even a half assed apology or acknowledgement that what he did was wrong?
“Who kept track of the bets?”
“I believe Specialist Molson currently has the list,” he admitted after some hesitation. “But it was my idea and my men shouldn’t be punished for following my lead.”
Sy wasn’t sure if he was trying to be noble or if Nielsen was stepping up because he thought that Sy wouldn’t have the balls to punish him. Either way, he was not going to like what came next.
“Then I have no choice but to demote you. Corporal Nielsen, you and your team will now report to Sergeant Fisher. Maybe he’ll be able to teach you a thing or two about how to be a good leader. You and your men will produce written apologies to Corporal Coleman and you are all on desk duty for fifteen days.” Nielsen’s nostrils fared as Sy emphasized Leah’s newly acquired rank. “You’re dismissed.”
Nielsen kept quiet as he saluted, turning to leave the office.
“And Corporal?” The man paused with his hand on the door handle. “I want that list on my desk by tomorrow. The full list.”
“Yes, Sir,” he ground out, yanking the door open and storming down the hall.
“You know you can kiss your career goodbye, right?” Sy’s right hand man said, moving to the front of the desk and dropping into an empty chair.
The Captain sighed, leaning his elbows on the desk and rubbing his face with his hands.
“He’s still an NCO which is more than he deserves.”
“I don’t disagree but, Sy, your career, it’s…”
“It’s all I have,” Sy finished. He’d said it himself numerous times before. Strip him of his rank and what did Sy have left? It often felt like he had no identity of his own.
Leaning back in his chair, Sy looked up at the ceiling. “I can’t let that shit slide, man. And if I get reprimanded for doin’ what’s right then… maybe that’ll be a sign that it’s just my time.”
“Yeah right. What are you going to do? I don’t think you’d make a very good housewife. You don’t have the legs to pull off those little French maid uniforms.”
That remark managed to put a sad smile on Sy’s face. Surely those couldn’t be his only two options. Although the only reason he even had a college degree in the first place was to become an officer. He didn’t even know what the fuck he could do with a communications degree from an online college. He’d picked that degree because, of the few programs he could get into with his less than stellar high school performance, that one seemed the least objectionable.
They were getting ahead of themselves. For all they knew, Nielsen would bite his tongue and accept his demotion.
Yeah, a man could dream.
“If it comes to that, I’ll figure it out.”
Chapter 6
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teatitty · 2 months
Hello :D
Do you have any thoughts on if Witcher characters existed in modern day earth what clothing styles they would wear?
Geralt is a goth punk and Yennefer is straight goth, Ciri would be a tomboy who dresses like Avril Lavigne in the early 2000's and Dandelion is one of those people who can make any outfit combo look bomb as hell but is constantly dyeing his hair different colours
Eskel is cowboy fashion because in a modern day setting he'd definitely be a farmer living a quiet life compared to Lambert who's blowing up cars with homemade pipe bombs
Vesemir is typical slavic tracksuit. Fellow europeans you know exactly what I'm talking about
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whimsicalmeerkat · 4 months
dusk - the witcher
On AO3
Geralt stands on the balcony outside of Emhyr’s rooms and watches the day fade into dusk.
A recursive ficlet based on @softest-punk’s Prickly, which you should definitely read.
Written for thr @februaryficletchallenge prompt “dusk”.
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itsmajel · 2 years
Majel Reads - January 2022
The Witcher - Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier
[What is this?]
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come to light by leaveanote
( @ welcomemysentence )
“It feels,” Geralt says slowly, “like you’re still trying to prove your worth to me.”
Jaskier laughs nervously, even though something hollow twists in his gut.
“Can you blame me? Old habits, I suppose—”
“No,” Geralt cuts in, sitting up. “I can’t blame you. But I’d like to break those habits.”
Healing takes effort and tenderness.
technically the sequel to something healing, but can be read as a standalone.
Part 2 of something healing
[Explicit] [2,806] [Read on AO3 here]
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Sprung by valley-of-renfri (santamonicayachtclub)
( @valley-of-renfri)
Geralt is a bit bewildered when Jaskier strolls into the lake, boots and all, but only a bit.
[Explicit] [5,489] [Read on AO3 here]
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to make you enough for yourself by asweetepilogue
( @asweetprologue)
Before their first night together, there are some things Jaskier needs to tell Geralt about his reputation as an experienced lover.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [1,174] [Read on AO3 here]
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someone to hold and be held by by murron
When an enemy from his Sandpiper days catches up to him, Jaskier decides to protect his friends by leaving Kaer Morhen without saying goodbye. This does not go down well with Geralt. It also plunges Jaskier into a shitload of trouble.
Racing against time to find Jaskier and bring him home, Geralt finally figures out what Jaskier means to him. But will he be able to show Jaskier how important he is? Or did he miss his chance?
[Explicit] [14,998] [Read on AO3 here]
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another angle on the same subject by haysel
Jaskier had opened the door, so he decided to step through. “I think it’s been proven that I do understand when it’s time to walk away.”
Geralt was quiet for a moment longer. “What are you saying? Are you saying that you’re leaving?”
Jaskier glanced over at him. “Yes. I just need to figure out where I’m going.”
A few weeks after the incident with the deathless mother, Jaskier leaves Kaer Morhen
[Mature] [12,965] [Read on AO3 here]
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tomorrow, i'll be brave by who_tf_cares
Jaskier doesn't know where he belongs here.
ft. jaskier and yennefer friendship, an overuse of the word 'fuck' and all its conventions, and my unhealthy obsession with joey batey/the amazing devil.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [3,405] [Read on AO3 here]
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oh, the waves. by a_static_world
( @astaticworld)
The shove comes to his chest hard, the force of a Witcher who does not know nor care the limitations of the human ribcage behind it. The words land harder. “Just one big, happy family, eh?” “No.”
[General Audiences] [5,724] [Read on AO3 here]
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blue by d-andilion (irnhero)
( @d-andilion)
Geralt comes across a curious little creature that he just can't shake (not that he wants to).
[Teen And Up Audiences] [11,810] [Read on AO3 here]
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Never Heard It Singing by didoandis
They’re walking home from school when Ciri stops him, her hand tugging at his sleeve. “Hey, wait, look!” she says, and Geralt turns to see a notice pinned to the streetlight: one of those hopeful ones, the words a little faded, the strips at the bottom curling upwards.
It reads: Lessons from a music postgrad, 15 crowns/hour, any age, any skill level, almost any instrument! Call Jaskier.
Ciri’s looking up at him, doing the wide pleading eyes that he is irritatingly susceptible to. “Can I?” she says. “Please, Geralt?”
A witcher hiding from the world meets a man hiding from himself. It works out well for both of them, eventually.
[Explicit] [28,701] [Read on AO3 here]
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It Started With Fish Heads by Prudabaga
( @helloprudabagastuff)
Geralt, a merman, courts Jaskier using traditional merfolk customs. Jaskier thinks he’s being punked.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [8,875] [Read on AO3 here]
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true love's kiss by leodesic
( @leodesic)
Jaskier attracts curses like flies to honey. Fortunately, Geralt is an expert in lifting curses.
Approximately 5 + 1 things.
[Mature] [9,105] [Read on AO3 here]
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some good mistakes by some_stars
( @some-stars)
If Geralt were allowed to have a favorite part of Jaskier, it would certainly be his hands.
[Explicit] [7,287] [Read on AO3 here]
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( All summaries are the official summaries of the author. Stats and infos as according to hosting site or information given by the author. If any of the authors that have been tagged don’t want to be tagged, or if any of you know the tumblr names of the ones I haven’t tagged please let me know!)
Looking for more reading inspiration? Check out my fic rec tag here on tumblr, this month reading list masterpost for what I’ve read in other fandoms this month, my all-time reading list masterpost for more of this fandom or just check out my AO3 bookmarks.
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First Lines
*shakes my fist at you @blackberrywars but like lovingly* I have so many WIPs for so many fandoms it stopped being funny a long time ago. (you see now why it takes me so fucking long to write anything: I'm constantly jumping from thing to thing to thing like a frog on speed)
The first line of any wip longer than a paragraph.
The Witcher:
Later Aiden will look back and curse himself for his lack of concern but as it is it’s nearly a decade before he realizes that he hasn’t seen Kiyan in a while.
Like two strangers adrift on a subway platform after the bars close, Geralt and Eskel are waiting for a train.
You were always going to end up here.
Yennefer said working at the art museum will help Ciri develop “culture” although what pricing coloring books in the museum shop has to do with culture Geralt can’t even begin to guess.
There’s no aircon in the shop and the interior is dark and hot as hell, smelling of dirt and hay and vegetables slowly rotting in their crates.
Novigrad outpost is a sprawling neon jungle clinging gamely to a tiny ball of rock, lonely, in the deep reaches of space.
“That one’s yours” the officer says, pointing across the crowded visitation room to a lean figure in an orange jumpsuit perched precariously on one of the stools along the perspex phone bank.
Later, Eskel will wish he spent more time that morning to just look.
Stranger Things
It’s summer, one of those wide-open days, hazy with humidity which seems to creep by like molasses, delicious and slow.
The other side of the bed is empty. 
It starts as it always does, with the lighting.
It’s less gruesome, turning back, but only slightly.
Hob Gadling has lived for too long to be anything but comfortable in his own company.
SAS: Rogue Heroes
Eoin McGonnigal is a reasonable man.
The Terror
John dreams of seals.
Tagging @queerofthedagger @theowlseye @the-butch-of-blaviken @justleaf @camilleisback @pudentilla @softest-punk and everyone else who sees this because I'm a horrible person and I fundamentally Can Not remember who of my moots are writers/open to being tagged in things like this. (Also if you wanna let me know for the future please lmk on this post -- I feel like I should start a list...)
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seidenbros · 2 years
For the followers celebration, first of all CONGRATULATIONS!! And for my request, Jaskier x Reader, ‘will you stay?’/‘you are not a burden’ and set in the time of the show :) please!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! :D Ahh these are wonderful prompts, and while I first thought of the words being said TO Jaskier, I ended up changing that. So here we go, and I hope you enjoy 💚
Packing your things once you’d woken up to leave Geralt and Jaskier hadn’t exactly been the best choice, but now you were on your way. You’d been travelling with them for a few months now, and you’d thoroughly enjoyed their company, had tried your best to be helpful, but lately that feeling of being more of a burden to them than really being of help, had become so big, that you couldn’t push it aside anymore. None of them had said anything to you about the last couple of days, but you’d seen the way Geralt had looked at you. You’d always been a little clumsy, but lately, that had happened more often. Dropped food, ripped clothes, and what not - only because you got distracted by Jaskier’s smile. It hadn’t been like this in the beginning, and to be honest, he’d been kind of annoying, but boy, if he didn’t make your heart flutter every time he looked at you now.
It was safer to leave them alone, to guard your heart, and to let them travel without you slowing them down. Because you were convinced that you were doing just that. Not on purpose obviously, but the thought of slowing them in their journey had weighed you down the last couple of days. So, yesterday you’d decided to leave them and travel by yourself, or maybe find a place to stay, find work, settle down… It sounded like a good idea, but as you were walking along to road all by yourself in the dawn, the sky still in different tones of purple and punk, you weren’t so sure if you’d made the right choice.
“Y/N! Wait!” you heard a voice behind you, heard the person walk faster to catch up with you. Your heart skipped a beat, because you knew it was Jaskier.
“Where do you think you’re going?” hesked, panting, trying to catch his breath, but you didn’t stop, no, you kept on walking, because you knew that if you stopped, you’d turn around with him.
“Don’t know yet.” You kept your eyes straight ahead, hoping that he’d realise that this wasn’t a good idea, that he should just go back to Geralt.
“And why are you leaving us? Without a single word?” You could hear the hurt in his voice, and when he grabbed your wrist, you slowed your steps, then stopped, but you still weren’t able to look at him.
“Talk to me,” he pleaded, loosening the grip on your wrist and taking your hand in his instead.
“I’m not good at goodbyes.” A sigh escaped your lips. You closed your eyes, trying to ignore the tingles that spread along your arm from where he was touching you.
“But why do you even want to say goodbye?”
“‘Cause you’re better off without me.” You were finally facing him, trying your best not to cry.
“What makes you say that?” Jaskier was taken aback. He raised his hand to brush his knuckles across your cheek, which made you close your eyes for a moment, revelling in the feeling.
“I messed up so much the last couple of days… It#s slowing you down.” “Stuff like that happens. It’s not a big deal.” But it was to you, and he could feel it. He���d felt the same in the beginning, but he’d still stuck to Geralt’s side instead of turning around and running away. Maybe, Geralt would have liked that, but he was stuck with Jaskier. “You are not a burden, okay?” Jaskier cupped your cheek, ran his thumb over your cheek. “I rather like having you around, and so does Geralt, he’s just not good at showing that.”
“You sure?” Doubt was still nagging at you, but his words had made you smile. You’d been so worried, but you hadn’t said a word. Maybe, a little communication would have helped you.
“Of course I am! I’d never lie to you!” He pulled his hand from your cheek, only to place it over his own heart. “So what, sometimes shit happens, we’ve all been there, and it’ll happen again. But that doesn’t mean that we’d be better off without you. Definitely not.”
Slowly, a smile spread on your lips, pushing the doubt you’d felt moments before more and more aside.
“So…” Jaskier made you look up at him again with his words. “Will you stay?”
“Yeah… I guess so.” One look in his eyes and you weren’t even able to turn around and walk away from him.
“Great, then let’s get back before Geralt wakes up.” Jaskier leaned towards you to place a kiss on your cheek, before he clasped your hand in his once more. He was definitely not letting go of your hand until you reached the camp. Maybe not even then because he rather liked holding hands with you.
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bespectacledbookworm · 5 months
Current things tag meme!
Tagged by @irregularcollapse , thanks! I swear I love getting tagged in stuff I just never have time :'D
3 ships: Hmmm I haven't really been consuming media that much lately, so here's some from a while ago ( and one for fun): Jaskier and Geralt (witcher), Guillermo and Nandor( wwdits), and Mizu and Taigen!!! (blue eye samurai) aaand Brittany Broski and Ghost from Call of Duty.
Last song: Lose Yourself to Dance- Daft Punk
Currently reading: With Faith comic on Webtoons!
Currently watching: Anything and everything Medaka ricefish on youtube since I just got some Platinum Miyuki Medaka! Also Vladimir NCL on youtube WHY IS HE SO PRETTY???
Last movie: Fucking predictable as ever, I rewatched Tron (1982) to ring in 2024
Currently consuming: Mom made enchiladas and rice for dinner so that was uhh incredible.
Currently craving : Potato samosas and mint chutney also egg tarts from 85 degree cafe.
I don't know how many people im suppooooosed to tag so here: @theglassfloor @heliager @tiffycatblog @pikachu-potter @thehomo-sapiensagenda @i-eat-dreams
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lyza-kernunia · 4 months
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Hey there!
Sorry again for another Silence Radio but no worries, things are working very well and plus, this week-end I was at the Cernunnos Pagan Fest as an exhibiting to sell my art stuff and comics I self-publish.
It was so magical! It's my second year of participating at this fest and I'm realizing more that my heart belongs to Cernunnos! :D
I also brought few changes on my exhibiting place so I could draw at the same. :D
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Starting with orcs, dragons, satyrs, goblins and gnomes...
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A full tattooed viking man and... oh, a medieval limbless and with an attempt of Geralt of Rivia's portrait. :D
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Big cave troll walking around with his pet, a Punk Duck. ;p
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And to finish, this charming lady fox minstrel. :D
Now, it gave me more motivation to keep working on my projects! <3
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astaldis · 1 year
Travel - A Hanza drabble
For the Monday’s Drabble Prompt ‘Travel’ on Twitter and the Cake Shop Rarepair Bingo Challenge
(The somewhat longer version of 300 words is on Ao3)
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Tired and  rain-drenched  from another day of travel,  they huddle together in the little cave. There's barely space to stretch out their limbs but it's dry and warm.
"Fuck, I'm hungry. I could eat an entire horse."
"Better not, Angoulême, or you'll have to travel on foot."
"Better than dying of starvation."
"Don't worry, girl. Here, the cold rabbit's for you. We'll eat the fish."
Beaming at Regis, she takes some bites. Then she snuggles up to Milva and puts her feet in Geralt's lap, ready to drop off. Suddenly, she starts up with a shriek. There's a brown speck in her face.
"Looks like your relatives were here first, Regis," Geralt says.
"Better bats than bedbugs," Milva states dryly. "Go to sleep, punk. Another long travel day tomorrow."
And another day with her Hanza, her new family. Smiling, Angoulême falls asleep.
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On this fine day, I offer you Stucky: The Witcher AU
Bucky is Geralt and pre-serum Steve is Jaskier. Because we all know Steve was a little punk and he would do idiotic shit purely because he knew big strong Bucky would have his back.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he did it on purpose just to watch Bucky in action.
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keyrousse · 1 year
WIP Wordsearch Game
I was tagged by @softest-punk, thank you :). Technically I have three WIPs, two of which are on my conscience (the third was mostly posted and I haven't added much to it since), so here we go with "A private job" (Craig's Bond + my Mary Sue OC having 'fun' in Greece) and the still-untitled Olgierd von Everec-focused fic.
They slowly ride down the hill, onto the road. Niklas rides behind Olgierd, slightly to the side, keeping an eye on their surroundings and the road ahead as Olgierd starts to get lost in his thoughts. At one point, Olgierd takes the bottle of wine he shared with Geralt and drinks it, sip by sip. There isn’t much left — Geralt took solid gulps and Olgierd couldn’t blame him — so he doesn’t even get the buzz, but the bitter taste keeps him grounded in reality, so he doesn’t ride over the people who head in the same direction.
“Greta von Lieven, nice to meet you,” she says.
“Ah, the lady of the house. Olgierd von Everec, delighted to make your acquaintance,” he says, bows courtly and hands her the bouquet when he straightens up.
The woman blushes, buries her nose in the flowers and Olgierd smiles widely.
“Come on in,” she says, her voice muffled by the flowers.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been invited anywhere,” Olgierd says, still smiling and looking around the flat. “Usually I just invited myself in, along with my company.”
“Also, you love a challenge, and a woman who doesn’t drown into your oh-so-blue eyes and fall into your muscular arms right after meeting you immediately becomes one, makes you want to work her out. That’s why you followed me last night. Now you want to see whether you can melt my seemingly cold-towards-men heart.”
He regrets that he can't see her eyes behind her sunglasses, because all he gets is her smirk, the voice dripping with irony, and her pose in the chair, leaning back with legs crossed, her elbows sticking to the sides over the armrests and the hands lying loose on her thighs.
The clerk is by his desk in the corner of the room, looking through some book he has in his hands. He looks up when the bell above the door rings.
“Welcome, sir,” he says. “Marcus Hodgson, at your service.”
“Good day. May I look around?” Olgierd asks politely.
“Of course, sir, take as much time as you need,” the clerk replies, although his voice starts to tremble a little and he looks at the door, scratching his face.
He’s nervous.
no tea in both of them! A lot of steals and insteads though ;)
Thank you for the tag :)
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galateaencore · 1 year
Cybernoir Witcher AU! this sounds soo interesting
It's my favorite one, but what of it is written doesn't have a succinct excerpt (or an especially cyberpunky one) /: apologies for the length
The day of, she got up early to schlep across town for the waxing lady. No problem – she took the time to plan her outfit. Geralt and Yen were on a break, but Yen always left some of her stuff scattered around the apartment to ward off any other candidates. Ciri knew that she left a slip hanging in his closet, a black silk one that came down to her mid-thigh. So what if it was technically underwear? With it she could wear the stilettos she bought with her office shoes money. The only thing they had in common with office shoes was that they were black, but they made her legs look irresistibly long (at least per the last time she wore them, which was at the store). Then, to keep it punk rock, she wore Geralt’s old leather jacket. Anyway, thusly attired, she walked to class and halfway barefoot – obviously, didn’t want to ruin the shoes.
The girls in class looked her over enviously and the boys didn’t dare to look. Ciri kept her chin perky and answered any questions with a mysterious smile; it was uncouth to ask a woman why she dressed up. Because she wanted to! The lecture droned on. In her mind, she was walking down the university steps and there on the sidewalk was he in a black tux and a white shirt with the top three buttons undone, holding open the door to a gleaming red hovercar… The others would come out to gawk but he would have eyes only for her drifting to him slowly like a celestial queen.
When class let out, she put on the shoes and, wincing a little at the way they rubbed on her heels and pinkies, walked outside. The sunset tinted the rush hour smog a beautiful golden orange and spilled over the marble like molten gold. Her gaze skidded down the steps. He was on time. Like an icebreaker parting the torrent of students escaping into their private lives, he stood in the middle of the square with his eyes fixed immutably on her. She wondered again how old he was: with his hair romantically combed back and in that old bomber over a turtleneck, he seemed one of them, at most a young professor, but certainly not a trillionaire. There was no hovercar. She felt overdressed.
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gleamingsilence · 10 months
1, 4, 5 and 8 Let's gooooooooo !!! ❤️
thank you!! 💖
A fanon characterisation that you love
I’m sorry, but @void--punk, @zzzett and me talked far too long about Sigi and his sexy time preferences #pillowprincess with light satin bondage, scented candles and him just dirty talking back with that dangerous voice of his 🔥
4. Link to a great meta you’ve read
That’s hard actually. But I guess it’s about “Reason of State”
5. Recommend three (or more) blogs to follow
Witcherrarepaircommentexchange (for your fics) vesemirsexual (witcher hot takes) chick-it-out (chickens)
8. Best thing about canon
Geralt thinking Regis is just some weird dude 🤦
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