#regardless I’m having fresh reactions
cultofdixon · 2 years
Dog’s Favorite Person
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • [A/N: Not that far into the series, canon bits is only what I know] • Everybody probably thinks Daryl is Dog’s favorite, but nah. It ain’t • SFW/NSFW/ANGST • TW: Pregnancy & Birth / Injuries / Scars
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Dogs are great judge of character, or was that horses? Who cares Dog is an excellent judge of character. At least that’s what people have said since he’s Daryl’s best friend.
Dog loves the kids, RJ and Judith. He loves tracking down everything with his best friend. And especially…
Dog knew by the late returns to the cabin in the woods from trips to Alexandria, without him, that Daryl was seeing somebody. He’d come home not smelling like the usual forest or walker guts, he’d have some floral scent to him that was nothing like the wildflowers Judith would stick in his fur when he was allowed to join him on these trips.
“Whatcha sniffing for?” Daryl asks Dog who was busy doing his business trying to track this mystery smell he’s been smelling for a while now. He perks up when his owner whistled indicating the gate was opening revealing a happy Judith who heard of his return.
“Hi Uncle Daryl! Finally you bring Dog” Judith smiles instantly giving the pup face squishes. “Such a good boy”
“He’s on a mission, Jude” Daryl laughs referring to what Dog was doing before the gates opened. “Caught a scent and ain’t droppin’”
“Hmm…I think I know” Judith smiles mischievously quickly turning on her heel and started running. “Come on Dog! I know who you’re looking for!”
Shit Daryl starts up his bike driving in and catching up to the two. He wraps his arm around Judith making her scream out giggles as Dog picked up the scent again and started scanning his surroundings before wandering off.
As Daryl was busy keeping Judith away from Dog finding out who he was going to introduce him to. Dog had already found himself searching for this person and started to scratch at the infirmary door in Alexandria.
“Too consistent to be a threat right?”
“Right. Besides I know who it is” Siddiq laughs walking over to the door. “You’re going to love this Y/N”
“I’m sure I will” Y/N laughs taking a piece of the prepared tape strip to secure her bandages in place on her arm. “I swear Siddiq…if it’s another raccoon that got into the crawl space I’m going to be so pissed Daryl isn’t here yet” she makes her way to the front of the infirmary finding Siddiq letting in a dog, Daryl’s dog into the building.
“Normally he’s attached to Daryl. But it seems Dog just wandered over here…maybe he’s on some mission” Siddiq shrugs watching Y/N kneel down to the floor holding her uninjured hand to Dog as he started sniffing her. “Ha! No I understand completely now”
“And what is that, Siddiq?” Y/N smiles watching Dog’s tail go from still to wagging excitedly. He found the scent he’s been looking for and it came from her. “Look at this happy boy!”
“Dog found exactly who he’s looking for” Siddiq smiles watching Dog inch closer to Y/N with causation as she hesitantly rests her hand behind his ears gently scratching. “Stay right there I have to document this for the man himself. He’s missing out on his dog loving his girlfriend”
“Siddiq!” She yells through a heated complexion as Dog stop caring in the moment and started to give her kisses. “Okay you are super cute and I don’t even have your gift here!”
Y/N knew Daryl was coming with his dog and going to introduce the two because that relationship meant the world to him. But Dog wanted to find out for himself where the new scent on his best friend came from. The two suddenly flinched to the Polaroid flash making Y/N rise to her feet and Dog immediately get closer to her looking up.
“I should probably go find Daryl” Y/N smiles petting Dog on her way to grab her things.
“Don’t get your bandages wet, or at least try not to” Siddiq smiles handing off the Polaroid one Y/N got her sweater on along with her backpack. “I’ll also cover your shift later so…you can yknow” he smirks holding up the jar of condoms they keep in the infirmary as Y/N elbows him on her way out with Dog.
But she immediately came back in and took a few from a now laughing Siddiq.
“Have fun!” He smiles as she continues to glare at him on her way out.
The more Daryl whistled. The more frustrated he got when Dog didn’t come running. Now Dog’s mission was the united the two hence why he’s staying with Y/N until he picks up both hers and Daryl’s scent on Daryl. He was starting to get annoyed not finding either of them but caught onto the barking in his direction making him look up and lock eyes with his other half.
“Damn dog got to yea before I could” Daryl grumbles a bit disappointed but he softens to the Polaroid taken back at the infirmary that she handed to him. “Mmm…fine. This’ll do”
“Can’t believe this good boy has been protecting you all this time. Must be a pretty neat cabin in the woods. He’s barley got any leaves on him” Y/N continues to smile as she felt Daryl gently take a hold of her injured arm while the other happily continues to pet Dog.
“What’d you do to yourself?”
“Just an incident when on a run earlier. Had to prepare for my favorite person to visit, and his best friend as well” Y/N always kept a smile on her face, even when the bad happened. He both loves and hates that about her because she could be dying and still be smiling, but that would never happen as long as he’s around. “Just a few stitches, love. Now come on I gotta show you what I got Dog” she smiles taking his hand into hers as the two started walking to her home with Dog trotting behind.
Daryl stood confused in the living room to what Y/N was showing him. But thankfully Dog got it and immediately went to lay on the bed she found for him on her last run.
“A dog bed?”
“Yeah! So he has a spot here when both of you come over” Y/N smiles watching Dog get comfy with that goofy smile dogs have which shot Daryl in the heart at how thoughtful his girl was toward his dog.
“You didn’t get hurt for my dog did yea?”
“Okay I did get the bed on that run, but that was the easy part. Tripping over a legless walker and into a small ditch? Was not planned, alright?” Y/N laughs to her misfortune as she quickly ran into the kitchen while Daryl knelt by Dog petting him behind the ears.
“She’s a keeper, right?” Daryl states only to smile when Dog licked him. “I’ll take that as a yes”
Now every time Daryl visits, so does Dog. Every night he goes back to his comfortable dog bed to find a new toy. The dog doesn’t have many toys and Daryl doesn’t know where he’d find dog toys like that in the apocalypse. But Y/N makes them. She makes them! and even if Dog isn’t an always energetic puppy like he used to be, he still found himself playing with the toys made just for him.
Judith giggles as she plays tug of war with Dog and a few other Alexandria kids. Daryl watches from the porch seeing his dog get some normalcy from the hell outside the walls and he swore that if he didn’t feed him, Dog would prefer Y/N over him.
“Aren’t they adorable?”
Daryl turns around finding his love joining him as he grumbles out a ‘yes’. Y/N scooted herself into him resting her head against his shoulder feeling him relax.
“You tryin’ take my dog?”
“Then why are yea spoiling him more than me—-Fuck. Ignore that” Daryl didn’t mean to be so open as Y/N looked at him with a bit of shock and a smile watching him scramble with his wording trying to get her to forget what he just said. But how could she forget that her boyfriend was now jealous of Dog. “Y/N, please forget it”
“Mmm…” She returns to leaning up against him. “Nope!” She smiles kissing his shoulder before leaning up to his ear. “You do realize the kids and Dog are all distracted…leaving the house to ourselves?”
Without a second thought, Daryl quickly shot up picking up Y/N like it was nothing and carrying her giggling self inside the house and upstairs.
The two were simply enjoying the other’s company. Just the two of them…breaking Y/N’s bed by how rough Daryl was being. He didn’t care if his grip on her thighs and hips were going to leave bruises by the time they were done. He wanted her the second his window was open and said window was about to slam shut on his di—-
Shit. Daryl groans slowing his thrusts watching his girl already three in, trembling beneath him as she started to catch her breath while he listens for a moment.
“D-Dog?” Y/N whines feeling Daryl adjust and loosen his grip on her. “Gotta…be more quiet”
“I should be tellin’ you that” Daryl whispers smirking as he hopes by not making her scream or rocking the bed frame. He returns his lips onto hers enjoying just the feeling of being inside of her warm embrace.
But even more interruptions just had to happen…
“Y/N? Can I get your help with something…” Judith calls from the other side of the door as the reason Dog was barking was for them to know it wasn’t for him. But part of it was.
Y/N groans throwing her head back as Daryl sighs in defeat pressing a kiss to her shoulder before pulling out. He falls to the side of the bed watching Y/N sit up to slip on his shirt which was only going to rile him up later. She rises to her feet too quickly and let the shaking take her back down resulting in her glaring to the laughing wild man beside her.
“Shut up” She couldn’t help the smile on her face as she took it slow the next time, swiftly getting her pants on while Daryl covered himself completely in her sheets.
Judith lights up when Y/N finally came out and the little one immediately took her attention dragging her downstairs. As for Dog, he came running into the bedroom jumping onto the bed and laying beside Daryl.
“What? You jealous or somethin’” Daryl scoffs seeing Dog roll onto his side on Y/N’s side of the bed. “Well quit it. I’m allowed to have my time with my girl…”
“So…who’s the jealous one?”
Daryl quickly shot to the door seeing Y/N’s smirk only for him to grab her pillow tossing it at her. Before laying back down covering his face with his own pillow to avoid her smug look. The sound of the door closing made him tense slightly but relax instantly feeling soft hands rest on his chest and the weights shift onto him. He lifted the pillow seeing his girl on top of him smiling.
“Usually takes time kicking Dog out…”
“He just likes me more” Y/N teases only for her to roar out a laugh when Daryl flipped the two on the bed getting back to business.
Little did they know Dog waited outside the door the entire night.
Or more so Dog dragged his dog bed close enough to the door and stayed there all night. Happily receiving pets from Y/N when she woke in the morning to make them all breakfast.
“Ain’t no way”
“Daryl, it’s not even your say”
“Like hell it is. Why the hell are you going out on your own?!”
“Cuz Siddiq is sick and he usually goes on these runs with me. I’ve got my list, my weapons, and my truck. I think I’ll be fine” Y/N knew that wasn’t going to convince Daryl in any fucking way and he started to go on about how he could go with her only for her to turn that down. “It’s safer than what it used to be out there”
“From fucking asshats with god complexes. There’s still walkers and the occasional idiot. I’m not having you risk your life”
“Fine. Then…” Y/N thought for a bit before looking down to the happy dog. “I’ll take Dog. Would that ease your anxiety?”
Daryl scoffs. “You’d rather take Dog than have me come with yeah?” He stresses every time he’d come to Alexandria finding out Y/N went on a run by herself. Sometimes he’d go out to get her, other times he’d wait impatiently. She’s just looking for a few things for the infirmary and pantry. The usual. She’ll…be fine. “Mm. You ain’t back in three days, I’m coming for yea”
“Deal! Hell Dog would probably go back if something happened anyway” Y/N states picking up her bags.
“Take my bike?”
“No! My truck will do the job and carry a lot more”
He’s just trying to get more of him to be with her. Since he knows it’s reliable. But he’s gotta trust her….
At least Dog is going.
“You like the window open huh bud?” Y/N smiles glancing over to a happy Dog hanging out the window with his tongue out. “Can’t get this on a bike” she laughs.
The drive was a long one and Dog instantly knew Y/N wasn’t just stopping by a town or two to scavenge it. The girl found a good spot to hunt in…what do you think got Daryl head over heels for her anyway? But she didn’t tell him that’s one of the main reasons she went out.
“Okay, come here” Y/N gestures Dog over and stopped him before he got too close to the trap. “See this? This you don’t step on. Alright? Cuz watch” she tosses a decent size rock to tripper the bear trap shut. “It’ll hurt you and then Daryl would kill me.”
Y/N set up a few more traps while also pushing Dog out of the way so he knows where not to step. He would bark for her whenever a walker got close, accidentally triggered a trap, or she actually caught something.
When nightfall came around, Y/N made sure her findings were safe in the truck tying down the tarp in case any winds pick up when they least expect it. Then finally setting up a small camp with the small fire and cans lining around them in case of walkers.
“Come here buddy” Y/N smiles patting her lap for Dog to trot over laying on her before she covers both of them in her blanket.
The two sat there for a while enjoying the warmth in the cool spring. She took a deep breath trying to clear her head as Dog instantly caught onto the anxiety radiating her. He licked her face for her attention, receiving pets in return but still looking at him lovingly.
“Daryl asked me to move in with you two…wanted to think about it. Alone out here…” Y/N sighs. “I’m gonna say yes because I want to take this step. I just. Am afraid…he’ll get tired of me or you’ll feel replaced. I don’t want anything negative to happen. I don’t even mind a cabin in the woods, I could always visit Alexandria to see the kids, see our friends every now and then…I just. Really don’t want to be a burden on either of you” she frowns feeling her tear up but Dog quickly licks her tears away making that smile of hers return. “As long as I’ve gotcha, I shouldn’t have to worry huh?”
If Dog could talk, he’d be better at reassuring her anxieties.
But he does the best he could in any moment…
Like this one.
Dog watches Y/N carry the squirrels they caught in their traps back to her truck. He kept close like she instructed even when she decided to be risky checking out this creek after dropping off everything. She hesitantly slid down the small slope to the water only to trip forward and land into the creek.
“I’m good. I’m good” Y/N reassures the panicked malinois listening to him rapidly sniffing her. “Well this is one way of getting cleaned up” she slowly got back up brushing off some of the mud before starting to follow the creek.
Now the small cliff was not expected when Y/N was stabbing into the side of a walker’s head. Letting gravity take them both down. Dog quickly ran to the edge of the cliff once hearing the splash. He waited. He waited for once Y/N rose to the surface for him to get a running start and jump into the water. As Y/N struggles to swim out to the shore, Dog suddenly grabs the back of her shirt pulling her as he paddles.
“You…got some..secrets Dog” Y/N groans rolling onto her back as one hand rests on her chest feeling her breath to reassure her. But the other hurt to move. Her whole right arm hurt as much as the rest of her body from slamming into the water. The bruising could’ve meant something more was happening.
Dog returned to grabbing Y/N’s collar when noticing her trying to push her up onto the surface more so half of her wasn’t in the water anymore. He did his best pulling her and pulled away when she winced, finally fully out of the water. The poor dog started whining afraid for his person and didn’t appreciate the pets Y/N gave with her semi uninjured hand.
“Get Daryl…you understand? Please Dog. You’re smart…might’ve not understood my rant the other night but please…understand that much…get Daryl” The panic in her shaking voice triggered him to run as fast as he could.
Dog was probably the smartest dog that Y/N has ever met and in her life before the apocalypse where her friends would have small dogs as accessories and she was the outlier with a cat, he was the smartest out of them all.
Knowing to avoid the traps they didn’t collect, run to the truck and follow the tracks it left all the way to where he was able to pick up another scent he’s used to, and run to Alexandria’s gates immediately starting bark at the watch tower that thankfully Maggie took a shift on.
“Somebody get Daryl NOW!”
Not even a second thought crosses his mind as Daryl found himself speeding on his bike to catch up to Dog running surprisingly faster than him. For an old dog he’s gonna get tired but for this, it was worth it.
When Dog swerved into the forest, Daryl quickly got off his bike after kicking the stand down and started to run as fast as he could. He took down a walker along the way and before he could slide off the cliff like Y/N, Dog quickly lunged at him pushing Daryl into the dirt. He starts the lead the way down as Daryl did his best not to fight the urge to just jump and swim over once he saw his girl just off the shoreline.
“D-Dog?” Y/N winces trying to move as everything started to hurt more the longer she was stuck there. She looks up to spot the familiar rage full worried look on Dixon’s face. “Hey…gravity wasn’t…like in my favor”
“Shut the fuck up” Daryl couldn’t think of anything else to say as he was mad that this happened and could’ve been avoided if they went out together. But the worry got the best of him and he couldn’t stay mad given her current state. “Gotta get back to Siddiq” he frowns not liking her pain come out in short whines for him to stop moving her. But both knew he had to get her out of there.
“He’s…sick, Dar”
“And I don’t care. Son of a bitch was doing inventory on your day 2 out here. He’ll be fucking well enough”
Y/N didn’t say anything more sensing his anxiety get the best of him. She leaned against him as he brought her close the faster he ran to her truck.
“Motherfucker” Daryl frowns every bump they ran into hearing Y/N wince to the movement. “Sorry. I’m sorry” he had her lay in his lap on the drive over while the rest of her laid out in the car. Leaving Dog in the bed of the truck watching how fast the scenery went by.
“‘M not dying”
“Yeah. That’s right”
“Very sleepy tho…” Y/N sighs feeling the hand that’s keeping her in his lap shift to make her open her eyes more. “Don’t mean…I’m dying”
“I won’t forgive yea if you died” He states the second they got close to the gates as Dog started to howl to get the gate keepers’ attention.
Maggie being the one to open the gate spotted the distress in Daryl’s face as she quickly pulled out her radio and called for Siddiq letting him drive through to where he needed to be.
Siddiq came out of the infirmary returning his walkie to his belt spotting the truck come to a halt.
“What happened?”
“I don’t entirely know, Sid. Just—“
“Alright alright. She’ll explain when we’ve taken care of her.” Siddiq reassures opening the door to see the state Y/N was in. “Shit. I’ll take her upper half and once you’re out you’ll carry the lower inside”
Daryl didn’t say a word once Y/N was in the infirmary. Not to Siddiq. Not to Maggie when she came to check on things. Not even Judith when she brought Dog in. Which was a mistake that lead him to speak up.
“He won’t do anything he’s not supposed to”
“Can’t come in”
“But he cares about her as much as I do”
“She fragile right now. I’m not lettin’—-Shit” Daryl gave Dog too much of a window to slip right past him and run straight for Y/N’s bed.
Her left arm was dislocated and her wrist might as well be broken. Siddiq popped it back into place and put a splint on the wrist before putting it all in a sling that they had to strap onto her to keep it from moving. Just until the dislocation healed. But her body was bruised and stressed from the impact that she still had a harder time taking a deep breath. Her minor cuts and scratches were either bandaged or disinfected.
Her current state, drove Daryl mad when Dog thought it was smart to jump into the bed with her. He managed to avoid her body entirely and lay beside her on the small full size bed. None of them expecting Y/N to wake soon, woke to the sudden movement eyeing Dog negatively at first because of the pain but softened seeing who it was. She didn’t speak as she uses her not entirely injured hand to pet the dog reassuring to him that she was okay. Then the look on Daryl’s face from the end of them room broke down when he saw that she was awake and okay…
“Yer never going out again alone, ‘ight? Can’t lose yea” Daryl frowns reaching the side of the bed dropping to his knees. “I’ve lost enough. Scared the fuck outta me when he came back without yea”
Y/N was too tired to say anything as she reaches for him resting her hand on his cheek. Giving him that reassuring look of hers through tears of pain and worry because she made him worry.
“I’m never leaving yer side, alright?” He frowns feeling the tears spill over as Y/N gently takes care of the ones that did while nodding.
Recovery was a bitch. Especially given the whole “I’m never leaving your side” was interrupted by dire need of some to go out on runs. Daryl unfortunately getting roped into it. But one evening coming back from a run scared the daylights out of him only seeing Y/N’s lower half on the floor from the entry way. He quickly stepped in further finding Y/N laying on the floor with Dog laying on her. Which he shouldn’t be doing given her injury she’s still recovering from.
“Did you fall?”
“Did Dog push yea?”
“Doesn’t that get the same answer from “did you fall?” because that would be a way of falling over”
“Don’t be a smartass” Daryl makes his way over finding a pillow propped up under her head. “Why are yea on the floor?” He knelt beside her watching her yawn given the time of night it was.
“You’ve spoiled me Dixon” She states hearing him scoff confused to what she’s getting at. “Spoiled me with not only a dog that won’t leave me alone meaning he barks every time I wince in pain, but hell I can’t sleep in the bed alone. So I came down here waiting for you. Could’ve gone on the couch but the way I lay on it hurts my shoulder so…floor it is”
“Yer in pain?” Of course that’s his takeaway but given the smile on his face after she said all that, made it clear to Y/N that he understood everything. “Hard to sleep without yea too yknow. ‘speically since the usual runners are snorers. Miss how scary quiet you are at night”
“Now that just freaks me out. Please just shake me if I scare you in the night and not like have me wake up to you staring into my soul”
“Maybe both” Daryl laughs a bit before helping Y/N stand to her feet as Dog got off of her of course only for him to keep super close. “Likes yea more than me”
“Good! I’m good company”
“And I ain’t?”
“You are. But Dog needs to pick a favorite yknow” Y/N smiles watching her man roll his eyes soon kissing that smile off her face temporarily before scooping her up in his arms bridal style. “You don’t have—-“
“Shut up. I get to carry yea up all I want” Daryl states making his way upstairs to their bedroom with a happy Dog trailing behind.
“Okay…but don’t hurt yourself, old man” She teased kissing his cheek when he growled to that old man comment.
Finally, Y/N moved in with Daryl. They still visit Alexandria and other outposts to help around or see their friends, and most importantly for Dog to get lots of pets from everybody to come by. One trip without Daryl and Dog, concerned Michonne when Y/N drove through the gates but not only did she promise to help Siddiq transport infirmary supplies through outposts but—
“Does Daryl know?”
“Nope” Y/N laughs anxiously sinking into Michonne’s couch listening to her kids outside. “He’s great with them. But…”
“Oh there shouldn’t be a but when we both know that Daryl would make a great dad” Michonne smiles joining her friend beside her resting her hand on her thigh. “What’s the fear, Y/N? You saw the greatness that comes out of that man after all the sorrow he endured. You are his world. He does not shut up about you to anybody who would listen. It’s also very clear that his dog likes you a lot. Dog also loves kids if you care about his thoughts as well” she smiles making Y/N laugh. “But Y/N…there’s…nothing that’s not in the new and old normal to worry about. You lean on each other. You have us. Alexandria. Hilltop. Anyone of us. But I know for a fact that he won’t leave unless it was to ensure his family’s safety…”
“He’s still going to freak out…”
“Of course! He’s going to be a dad, who didn’t freak to that news?”
The supply runs was a week long given all the stops the two had to make and Y/N having to drop off Siddiq. He didn’t let her leave without a bit of the surplus they have of prenatal vitamins given Michonne did tell him about it, but he was also the one Y/N went to first about it. Given the two have the most medical expertise and she needed a second opinion.
To her surprise returning home…home that will always bring a smile to her face. Y/N opened the door to the few candles lit and Dog trying to scratch off a bow. Dog stopped scratching only to start happy wiggling when Y/N entered fully kneeling to his level to receive much needed kisses.
“I missed you too buddy” Y/N smiles slowly rising when Daryl enters the main room, much to her surprise, Dog isn’t the only one dressed nicely. “Hey love…what’s the special occasion?” She continues to have that loving smile on her face running her fingers against his famous vest accompanied with his less torn black button down and not so ripped pants.
“You bein’ home” What a charmer. Y/N smiles wrapping her arms around his neck as he snaked his around her waist bringing her close. “Missed yea. Visited Alexandria once to see if I could catch yea one time, but ‘Chonne said I had just missed yea” he smiles kissing her forehead then the tip of her nose then finally a sweet one of her lips.
“Mmm. Next time you just gotta come”
“Might. Don’t like leaving your side. Don’t ever wanna ever again”
“Daryl Dixon, is that a promise?”
“It is, and uh. Shit hold on” Daryl parts from Y/N for a moment to pat his chest for Dog to jump on him. “You were supposed to find it, but I think he scratched it off”
Y/N tilts her head confused watching Daryl take the bow off of Dog as the two quickly turn to the light thud on the floor. Daryl gently pushes Dog off as he sniffs whatever fell while he picked it up. She immediately froze watching the guy struggle to keep his serious face when getting down on one knee and the Mal trying to lick his face. Y/N knew what was happening and couldn’t help the tears to form as she smiles waiting for him to finally say.
“I want you by my side for the rest of my life. I don’t need no wedding nah nothing. Nothing fancy. All I need is you as my girl. My wife” and with that he held up the subtle silver band he had Eugene help him make as she drops to her knees taking his face into her hands making sure he watches her say.
“I’m yours” Y/N smiles watching him not hesitate to put the ring on her finger before engulfing her in his bear hug of an embrace. Making her laugh and the next thing to come out of her just right. “Don’t squeeze me too tight. I am carrying your kid after all” now Daryl was about to start crying, more than from the first big thing and only having more with the next.
“A baby? My baby?” He questions knowing damn well it’s his, listening to her confirm it as he tried not to squeeze her as tight the second time around. Holding her protectively this time and thinking back to the times he’s been told by their friends or assumed by strangers that he was the father to the kids he’s helped raised in this hell. But hey, now he can say this one’s his blood.
Dog watches the two cry to all the news and couldn’t help himself, starting to lick away some of their tears making Y/N laugh and Daryl grumble a bit fighting back his laugh.
They were going to be just fine
As the fall started to roll in, Dog quickly perked up from his spot on the couch when he thought he heard something that wasn’t the usual heavy boots or quick pacing that Y/N does occasionally. He was about to start barking when he watched the door start to open. And as much as the two appreciate his protectiveness, Daryl really thought he was gonna meet his maker of Dog didn’t realize it was him coming in.
“You spooked him”
“If I gotta fight my own dog one day because he’s hogging my kid, I will” Daryl scoffs setting his crossbow down by the door before joining the two at the couch sitting on the ground facing inward. “How are you feeling?”
“Better now that my husband is back” Y/N smiles running her fingers through his hair as her other hand gently rubs circles on her belly only for Dog to nip at her again.
“Dog!” Daryl tried to move the protective Mal away from his wife’s pregnant belly when he was suddenly nipped at as well. “What’s gotten into you?!”
“Maybe the walkers we dealt with earlier. It was just two and tired me out instantly…he’s just as worried as you’re starting to become”
“Walkers triggered the line? And you handled it? Should’ve waited. They wouldn’t have gotten in. You don’t have to risk yourself, sunshine. I—“ Daryl stops himself feeling his face heat up seeing that satisfied look on her face. “What? Goddamn it woman, am I not allowed to worry about my wife and unborn child when there’s still those undead fuckers around and now my dog won’t even let me touch yea?”
“You’re allowed. It was handled, love. We’re perfectly okay and if it’ll make you feel any better you can check me out. Just gotta get your dog away long enough for you to do so” Y/N laughs as Daryl was already trying to get Dog off the couch but all he did was readjust so his head laid on her belly. “Wait wait wait. He’ll move just wait” she stops Daryl’s movements to watch Dog suddenly spring up confused on what happened as he brought his whole body up and sniffed around. His wife’s laughter filled the room when Daryl was just as confused before taking the opportunity to move Dog off the couch and replacing him with himself in his previous spot.
“What got him so freaked like that?” Daryl asks letting Y/N adjust to finally sit up after laying down for a while. She took his hand gently resting it on her belly more toward her ribs and that’s when he felt it. His own little ass kicker definitely had a powerful kick to them. “Holy shit”
Daryl was already obsessed with his unborn kid and feeling them kick only confirmed how he was going to show this kid everything he knows the second they’re able to keep it to memory.
His over protectiveness also grew since that moment that he convinced Y/N to go to Alexandria early so they wouldn’t have to drive in a hurry when she went into labor.
Little did he expect at eight and a half months she would pop.
“I should go in there”
“You should”
“But I might pass out.”
“You’ve seen ripped up corpses”
“Right I should go in” Daryl walked over to the door feeling his anxiety get the best of him again. “But what if I would pass out? Never seen this before.”
“It’s a worthy experience I think. But that’s also coming from me and I don’t ever want to see life rip it’s way out of somebody” Aaron states watching the horror grow on Daryl’s face. “Okay yeah not helpful. But hey I’m serious. You don’t want to miss this and she’ll need yea every step of the way”
“Yeah…yeah, she does. Uhm. Keep Dog out” He states entering the room as Aaron gave him a thumbs up before sitting down and keeping Dog with him.
The next few hours were hell. Screaming, crying in pain, a bit of anxiety here and there from both parents, but hey it was all worth it…
Aaron was now not the only one in the “waiting room” that was living room of Y/N’s old house in Alexandria. Michonne was now the one sitting with Dog as her kids and Maggie’s pet the dog to keep him calm while they wait. Maggie sat with her talking about other things as they waited. Gabriel came in after getting a few things sorted so he could meet the new Dixon as he was accompanied by Carol who just got back to the community.
The small group stopped their conversations when the door was pushed open showing just the back of Daryl before next was the crying mess the man became with the little bundle of joy laying comfortably in his embrace.
“Falon Dixon…my daughter” Daryl continued to sob as the group surrounded him to see the little baby snuggling into her dad giving off soft coos.
Once everyone got to see the little baby, Daryl knelt to the floor for the kids to see the little one but most importantly for Dog to hesitantly come over. Flinching when the baby gave out a small cry but relaxed when he drew closer seeing the baby wasn’t going to hurt anybody. Obviously. He sniffed her tiny hand and his nose was immediately grabbed.
Yeah…Dog found his favorite person
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mediumgayitalian · 17 days
“Psst, hey! Nico!”
Plink. Plink.
“Nico! You up?”
Plink plink plink. Plink —
“What in the world,” Nico hisses, yanking open his window, “is going — oh.” He blinks. “Will?”
Will grins. “Hi.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I was in the neighbourhood,” he says, voice not nearly quiet enough for someone who is at direct risk of being devoured. “Thought I’d drop by. Can I come in?”
If Nico were smart, he would say no, actually, it’s like four in the godsdamn morning, go the hell back to your cabin. What is wrong with you.
Instead, he says, “We live in the same neighbourhood, dweeb-face, this is a camp,” and opens his window all the way. Will grins at him, wide and glinting in the dark, and yanks himself in head-first, somersaulting onto the floor and staying there, sprawled on the polished marble floors.
“Hi,” he says again, grin shifting into something more crooked.
Nico breaks away, hiding a smile with rolled eyes. “You’re ridiculous.”
“It’s ridiculous to want to see you?”
“Before dawn? Yes!”
“Aw.” He settles against the ground, tucking his hands behind his head and letting half lidded eyes trace over Nico’s form, over the sleepy shape of him. Nico shivers. “I was awake, you know. I dreamt of you.”
Cool the fresh hell down, Nico screams at his brain. Out loud, he says, “Shut the fuck up,” and ignores Will’s snickering. How dare he, honestly. For someone who gets clowned as often as he does he is not nearly humble enough. Apollonian genes, indeed.
“What, you don’t dream of me?”
When Will lies, his throat swells up and he breaks out in hives. Nico is at the top of the leaderboard for getting the reaction out of him, with Cecil at a close second and Kayla no slouch in third place. Will is highly manipulable. It’s a good time for everyone around (even Chiron, who is, to his own irritation, lumbering behind at spot #42).
Nico, however, has no such holdups. Nor is he inclined, at any point in time, to fluff up Will’s ego, no matter how he looks when he’s cocky. Nico has self control. Mostly. (Well, at times.)
“Of course not. My subconscious would never do that to me.”
“You’re mean to me, di Angelo.”
“You like it.”
Nico watches, fascinated, as Will’s loudmouth snaps right shut; as his face burns sacred cow right in the low light of the cabin, as he squirms.
“Oh,” he says, gleefully.
“Can it, di Angelo —”
“Oh ho ho ho —”
“I’m gonna curse your ass with haiku disorder, do you know what that is, ‘cause I’ll show you, dickhead —”
Nico crouches down and pokes Will hard in the cheek, and he doesn’t even flinch — he just goes redder. Nico guffaws.
“Dude! Have some — dignity, oh my —”
“Shut up! Shut up! You’re so horrible, gods, I am leaving —”
“Oh, come here.” Will is dragged easily from the windowsill, because he is a big fat faker. There are actual claw marks on the infirmary door from the last time Austin brought Nyssa to drag him out.
“I don’t wanna stay where I’m unwanted,” he laments, bouncing on the bed when Nico shoves him. He takes the inch Nico gives him and burrows deeply under the blankets, throwing a melodramatic hand over his eyes. Nico rolls his own eyes, hoping if he rolls then hard enough Will can tell regardless of whether or not he’s looking, and crawls in after him. He makes sure to kick him at least thrice. “I can take a hint, you know.”
“Medical arts were the wrong career path for you. It’s not too late, you know. I’m sure you could shadow Nicholas Cage or something —”
“I am going to kill you with hammers —”
Nico evades gus clumsy attacks with ease, snickering as he pins him to the bed, smirking when he gives up fighting with a huff.
“I’m glad you came when you couldn’t sleep,” Nico says, after a moment for them to catch their breath. “But the point of that agreement is for you to then shut the fuck up and sleep. Here. So.”
“I’m trying,” Will grumbles. “But you’re being mean and it’s crushing my soul. How am I supposed to sleep with a crushed soul?”
“Oh my gods.”
“Okay, okay! Put the pillow away, jeez, I’m sorry. Meanie.”
Nico rolls his eyes again, settling down next to him. Will takes longer to settle, because he’s annoying, but right before Nico is ready to smack the shit out of him again, he calms down, burrowing stilling once he’s turned on his side.
“…Thank you.”
“Whatever, goober. Go to sleep.”
The smile is obvious in his voice. “Goodnight, Nico.”
“Goodnight, Will.”
“In the morning can we —”
“Goodnight, William.”
“Okay, okay. Night.” He pauses. “Love you.”
Nico shoved his grinning face into his pillow. “Love you too.”
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inoreuct · 10 months
punkflower where hobie loves the morales family, loves how they’re becoming HIS family.
still, the first time jeff calls him “son”, he has such a visceral reaction.
he knows it’s coming from a good place and he knows he should be touched, but he’s only ever been called son in a condescending way. in a “know your place beneath me and stay in it” way. he feels so sick all of a sudden, nausea roiling in his gut, and his knee bangs against the underside of the table as he screeches his chair back and mutters a shaky “’scuse me”.
he hears rio’s concerned call of his name, sees the confusion and dread on jeff’s face right before he turns and leaves. he doesn’t stop until he’s up on the roof, ducking into the bottom of the water tower and collapsing into a corner.
stupid. it’s so stupid, and it pisses him off how tears are burning down his cheeks.
hobie scrubs them away with the back of his wrist even as he hears the door to the roof creak open, hears the familiar gait that he knows belongs to miles. he keeps his face turned away as his boyfriend appears in his line of sight, stepping gingerly like if he moved too fast hobie would break.
the punk sniffs angrily, the spikes on his cuff poking his cheek as he wipes his tears again. a hand brushes his against the ground as miles sits down beside him, close enough to touch but not quite.
he waits. for miles to say something, anything; to ask for an explanation, or offer words of comfort that will ultimately only make him feel worse.
in the end, it’s him that breaks the silence.
“i’m sorry,” he offers, and cringes. his voice is thick like rusted metal, scratchy in his throat. it’s scraping up against old wounds that never really healed, pulling at scabs to draw fresh blood, and it stings. “m’sorry, i just— he’s—” it feels damning to even say these words, but it’s the truth, and hobie’s never been a good liar.
doesn’t mean it’s not eating him alive, though.
“he’s still a cop, miles,” he chokes out, guilt winching around his lungs like a parasite, “and the last time a cop called me son—” hobie’s breath shudders out of his lungs as miles crawls into his space, ducking his head beneath hobie’s arm to press the punk’s face to his chest.
“i know,” miles murmurs, wrapping his fingers around hobie’s nape as hobie scrunches a desperate fist into the back of his shirt. “i know. i understand.”
hobie doesn’t think he really does, but that’s okay. if hobie has any say in it, miles will never have to go through what he did and understand what it’s like.
his voice is meek as he asks, “are they mad?”
“‘course not.” miles clicks his tongue, gently admonishing, like it’s a fact hobie should know by now; his fingers trace gentle circles into hobie’s skin. “just worried. hope you know my mama’s gonna feed you thrice the usual serving of tres leches when we get back.”
that gets a chuckle out of him at least, but the look on jeff’s face still haunts him, burned front and centre into his mind’s eye like an afterimage. “and your dad?” he feels miles go still, doesn’t resist as his boyfriend pulls back to look hobie in the eye. his voice is terribly gentle.
“he understands. it’s okay.”
hobie doesn’t think it’s okay. it doesn’t feel very okay. jeff had disliked him at first and reasonably so; he’s nothing like a person anyone would want their kid to be with.
and yet the captain had let him into their home, accepted him as miles’s person, given him a place at the table. of course rio would have sat him down and shoved food into his hands regardless, but still—
miles calls his attention back, and he looks up into wide, dark eyes. his heart burns.
“he knows what you’ve been through. he knows how much you’ve grown.” miles huffs a soft laugh, rubbing his thumb against hobie’s hairline. “do you remember that time we went to your concert?”
hobie nods; he doesn’t think he can speak just yet.
“you were so nervous about what he would think, but he was stressing about looking like an old man in front of your friends. he literally said that as your boyfriend’s dad he had to out-hip all the other guys his age.”
something twists in hobie’s chest. “he’s the coolest old man i know.” he pauses, frowning. “maybe after peter b.”
miles laughs again, quietly. “he cares about you.”
hobie doesn’t doubt that. he’d let jeff and rio learn about him piece by piece, and with every sliver of information jeff had softened more; he might be the captain of the PDNY, but he was also a father.
hobie’s never really had a father.
not until he was asked about whether he preferred waffles or pancakes. until he was consulted for advice on what to wear to a pride parade. until jeff only looked at his blue laces with a tentative expression and he was hesitantly slipped a phone number to call if he ever got into trouble in this dimension that he couldn’t get himself out of, a helpline should he ever need it.
so he gets up, takes a deep breath and hauls miles to his feet. his boots clomp down the stairs; he takes care not to fling open the door and when he sees jeff and rio hovering in the living room, he holds out his arms.
rio reaches him first. she’s shorter but fierce, pulling hobie down to hug him tight, and he feels like crying again.
miles slips close to cling to his back, arms sliding around his waist, and hobie watches jeff meet his eyes with something almost anxious.
hobie’s lips twist in a smile. an i’m sorry and an it’s okay wrapped in one.
and maybe it really is okay, because when jeff comes around to squeeze them all together, hobie can’t help his relieved sigh as he thinks, this is what family’s supposed to feel like, certain as the next deep breath he takes and comforting like the broad hand that squeezes his shoulder.
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devvelle · 2 years
Adore You
Genre: fluff, pre-relationship, mutual pining <3
Pairings: Vice Housewardens (Trey, Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, Rook, and Lilia) x gn!reader
Scenario: Cute moments with them, when they hold your hand.
A/N: reader is the prefect!
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Trey and walking through a crowd.
Going to the farmer’s market for fresh fruit was Trey’s idea, but you’re happy you agreed to join him. It’s been a while since you’ve taken a break from your studies at NRC to do something fun, and getting to do it with him makes it all the better. 
The massive crowd waiting when you arrive at the market, however, is unexpected. Within seconds of arriving you almost lose sight of Trey, who also realizes that it’s going to be a bit of a hassle to stick together. He instead leads you to the edge of the crowd and you stop at a deserted stall to talk.
“It seems everyone had the idea of coming today,” he muses, looking at you with an apologetic smile. “We don’t need much, but it’s going to be annoying to get everything. You up for it?”
While turning to assess the crowds behind you, you weigh the potential frustration of gathering these groceries versus how desperately you want to spend time with Trey. But you know an opportunity like this might not come again for a long time, so you look back at him with a grin. “Just don’t walk too fast, and I think we’ll be okay.”
He laughs sweetly. A warm squeeze to your hand surprises you, and looking down you find Trey’s hand grasping yours. His hand feels much bigger and you let that thought distract you for a bit too long until he tugs you closer to draw your attention.
“It’ll be easier to keep you with me like this,” he smiles teasingly, “so, ready?”
With an embarrassed huff you slot your fingers in his and squeeze in response, avoiding eye contact and tugging him away instead. His laughter continues as he follows you, happily letting you lead the way.
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Ruggie and exchanging friendship bracelets.
Making Ruggie a friendship bracelet was probably a silly decision from the start. You don’t quite know what kind of reaction to expect from him; while there’s a chance he’ll be appreciative, it’s just as likely that he’ll poke fun at you and question your motives (which would be disastrous if you end up accidentally revealing your feelings for him).
Regardless, you figure it’s worth a shot.
When you finally track him down, you find him laying on his stomach on the floor of his room reading a magazine, hardly startled by you barging in. You settle on the floor in front of him and wait until he looks up at you to speak.
“Hey!” you greet, attempting to conceal the bracelets in your hands. “So I went to Sam’s yesterday and he gave me a bunch of old string for making bracelets, said they were super old or something. The colors reminded me of you, so I made us matching ones.” You flatten your palm finally allowing Ruggie to see them, and he stares with slightly wide eyes, leaning closer.
“Matching ones?” He questions, meeting your eyes again. One of the bracelets is navy blue with bright orange accents, and the other is a darker orange with navy blue accents. He seems to take particular interest in the orange one. “What for?”
“Because it’s cute, does there have to be a reason?” You shrug. “Give me your hand.”
Still wary, Ruggie extends his wrist to you. You tie the orange bracelet to him tightly then offer him the blue one and your wrist. He scrambles to place yours on, fumbling, a heavy blush creeping onto his face. Once it’s secured, you stare at your wrist and admire the colors.
Pulling you from your thoughts, Ruggie carefully reaches for your hand and holds it like he’s preparing to arm wrestle with you. You simply watch quietly as he moves your hands from left to right, admiring that the colors complement one another. A huff of air leaves his nose and he smiles brightly.
“Prefect, I’m starting to think you like me. That’s kind of embarrassing…”
He snickers, but his smile tells you he isn’t mocking you at all. He keeps your hand tightly in his all while staring at you like you’re the shiniest treasure he’s ever found; a warm feeling spreads in your chest from the fond gleam in his eyes. “It’s nice, thank you.”
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Jade and an unexpected dinner date.
Rarely do you come to Mostro Lounge expecting a peaceful time. You almost always have a bad reason for being here, and you’ve nearly come to loathe the place. But today is miraculously free from any troublesome commitments–Jade having actually suggested you come by for a free meal. Although you questioned him thoroughly on what his intentions were, you eventually gave in to his innocent explanations. Even if something somehow comes up…hopefully you’ll be fed first.
It’s again Jade who greets you when you arrive and silently seats you in a booth in the far back corner, away from all the noise at the front of the lounge. Too busy admiring the atmosphere, you fail to notice his presence settle across from you until he takes your hand across the table, sliding a menu over to you. 
“Know what you’d like, or would you prefer my recommendation?” Jade asks, and your thoroughly puzzled expression in response draws easy laughter from him. When did he even sit down? You scramble to reply to him, completely flustered from your lack of awareness.
“Sorry, I didn’t know you’d be eating with me,” Jade’s thumb brushes over your knuckles, his expression displaying very clear amusement. “But um, yeah. W-what would you recommend?” Though you try your hardest not to show how you’re affected by his actions, the way your heart is racing makes you fail anyway.
Ignoring the latter half of your statement, Jade instead teases you for failing to realize that he’d asked you here as a date. “Well, I didn’t want to waste an opportunity to have you alone. I hope you don’t mind me wanting to indulge in you for an evening?” He raises his brows and grins in fake innocence.
“Just tell me what to order,” you groan, tightening your hold on his fingers.
Attention now fixed on the menu, he continues stroking your knuckles. A date with Jade is a dream come true, but it might be too much for your heart to take.
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Jamil and wanting all of your attention.
When you asked Jamil to take a break from his usual duties and go for a walk with you, your intentions really had been sincere. Ever since you’d seen the extent to which he’s overworked and how much he loathes it, you’ve made it your mission to help him de-stress every once in a while. Although he feigns reluctance, he’s never once turned you down.
Your evening together was off to a great start, the two of you making light conversation as you walked the grounds of NRC. Jamil always insists on leaving Scarabia when you spend time together claiming that he wants to be away from all reminders of his duties. 
However, you don’t get to enjoy your time with him for long.
At every turn it seems there’s a familiar face waiting to greet you. You’re aware that you’ve made a lot of friends at NRC, but it quickly grows comical just how many people are saying hello to you. First you bump into Ortho fetching lunch for Idia, then Deuce coming back from a club meeting. And before you know it even Cater is standing before you, asking what you’re doing out so late. 
Despite your best efforts to make the interactions brief, your attention isn’t at all on Jamil anymore. You let your eyes flicker to him in a panic and find he’s already gazing at you, utterly unimpressed.
Eventual Jamil has enough and groans in annoyance before stepping closer and tugging on your hand roughly. He effectively cuts off the conversation you’d just started with Epel and tugs you behind a pillar.
“I thought you wanted me to take a break with you.” Jamil’s expression is beyond frustrated, and you squirm under the look he gives you. Guilt quickly consumes your thoughts.
“I do!” You defend, stepping closer to him but avoiding his eyes. Nervously, you play with his fingers.
“Then pay attention to me.” His words leave you speechless, your eyes shooting up to him. He squeezes your hand, face flushed, and it hits you that he wasn’t angry, just jealous.
Still unable to form a sentence, you do the next best thing. With a soft kiss to his cheek that leaves him stunned, you make it clear that Jamil is deserving of all your attention and more.
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Rook and the fear of missing out on time with you.
Rook actually holds your hand quite often and you will never complain about it. It fills your stomach with butterflies each and every time your hand finds itself in his as he greets you hello with a kiss to your knuckles.
That’s exactly what he does today as well after you bump into him in the hallway. Unfortunately, the moment is interrupted before Rook can speak his greeting as a voice calls his name from down the hall. A student from his dorm comes jogging up to the two of you and Rook sighs heavily, his warm breath fanning over your hand. He turns to the student with a pout and a hushed ‘how inconvenient’ but doesn’t release his grip. His body still fully faces you as well, this childish behavior forcing you to stifle a laugh.
The student can tell Rook is annoyed as they launch into an explanation and they hardly need to spare you a glance before connecting the dots that they’ve interrupted something. They speak faster, but you can pick up that Rook is needed back at the dorm urgently. The student scurries off, allowing the vice housewarden to fix his attention on you once again.
“Good morning ma chèrie,” he sulks dramatically. “What a troublesome interruption, I extend my sincere apologies.” Your laughter successfully draws a smile from him, “it seems my assistance has been requested. Join me, won’t you?” Rook’s eyes are hopeful, but there’s nervousness swirling in them. 
“Of course! Lead the way.”
You agree to quell his anxiety, feeling that he might think he offended you even though it wasn’t his intention. His relief, once you agree, is overwhelmingly endearing. Even more so when he holds your hand tighter to bring you close. 
“Then, let us be off!”
Though there’s clearly a rush, you take your time walking to Pomefiore. Rook inquires about your life, your classes, and your other friends to which you reply excitedly and the conversation flows easily. He lets you carry the conversation and clumsily readjusts his grip often, betraying his own nerves.
Your heart is full, though, knowing you make him just as nervous as he does you.
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Lilia and having someone to trust.
Okay, so maybe locking yourself up in your room to sulk is kind of childish, but what else are you supposed to do when you get rejected by the person you ask out? All things considered, you aren’t really that upset over it since it was just a random classmate you sort of found attractive, but it still sucked. And at least sulking gives you an excuse to ignore Grim for a bit.
Time to yourself gets boring fast though, and distantly you remember Lilia asking you to update him on how it went since he was the one to encourage you to do it. You grab your phone from your bedside table and open up the text thread you share with him. Sparing most of the details, you let him know they had politely declined and throw your phone onto your bed.
It chimes with a response instantly but you don’t even get to reach for your phone before he manifests in front of you. You neither have a moment to wonder how he even did that because apologies are spilling from his mouth.
“Oh, Prefect, I’m so sorry! I never would have imagined they’d say no to you-”  
Before he can get into a long-winded apology you get up from your bed with a sigh, quickly trapping him in a tight hug that he returns after a moment of hesitation. He gets the hint to stop speaking.
After a few moments, he decides to rock you gently, reveling in your warmth and the tightness of your embrace. It's such a tender moment that you hate having to break it.
“Honestly...I don’t think I liked him that much,” you mumble into the blazer of his uniform, cheek smushed against him. “Just sucks, you know? But it wasn’t your fault.” Lilia hums.
He pauses to think for a moment before reluctantly pulling back from the embrace with a troubled expression. He takes both of your hands and scans your eyes, seemingly reaching a resolution.
 “Do you trust me?” he asks.
“Obviously." You reply.
Lilia kisses you gently then, and it’s all you’ve ever hoped for. It’s sweet and gentle and takes your breath away, and you can't imagine why you'd ever set your sights on anyone else. He kisses you again and again until you’re both giggling into one another, all worries completely forgotten.
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a/n: this is my first time writing for twst I hope it's not ooc :') I was excited to write for Lilia. reblog 4 a forehead kiss (extra kiss if u send me a request for the first years)
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dfortrafalgar · 2 months
I'm Losing You
Having a family isn't always as easy as fairy tales make it seem.
Warnings: Read chapter 1 for warnings.
Additionally, I've been getting a lot of (understandable) messages concerned about the wellbeing of our lovely reader and Law, so I made a helpful little graph just to document the overall progression of the story and where you are so far as of this chapter :)
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Do with this what you will <3
Taglist: @phsycochan | @mirillua | @augustanna | @chaixsherlock
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Chapter 8
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Law’s entire world was curled up on a hospital bed, an IV fluid drip in her hand and her eyes closed tightly shut, afraid that if they opened they’d have to relive the reality of the situation all over again.
You had continued bleeding throughout the car ride to the hospital, rendering the impromptu toilet paper pad completely ineffective.  Both what was left of that and your underwear were placed in a biohazard container, and you were placed in a fresh pair of hospital garments with a maxi pad that really operated similar to a diaper.  The bleeding also made you incredibly weak and lightheaded, leaving Law to sprint into the emergency room, grab a wheelchair, and bring you inside that way.
When he woke up this morning, he never would’ve guessed he would be seeing you in a hospital bed in the small emergency patient room.  You had showered and eaten breakfast, kissed him and pet Bepo.  Now you were actively expelling what was most definitely a miscarriage.
A gentle knock resounded outside the shut door.  You didn’t even move in reaction, staying inhumanly still with your eyes closed.  The door opened regardless however, and Law was met with the friendly, yet somber, face of your gynecologist.  Robin entered the room with a clipboard in her hand.  Law recognized her instantly, not as his wife’s gynecologist, but as a former classmate in medical school.  He never thought that she’d be the one taking care of this entire situation, and part of him was regretful that she had to see this side of him.
“Small world, huh?” Law asked, though his voice lacked any enthusiasm.
“Indeed it is, I was just reading the latest paper you published.  I was wondering how you were doing after residency,” the woman responded.
Law huffed with a minimal bounce of his shoulders.  “You could probably guess how I’m doing.  But, thank you for taking the time to drive here from downtown.”
“Of course, it was oddly good timing.  I have no patients at the clinic for the rest of the day.”  Robin’s lips pursed all of a sudden however, as she got down to business.  “I would like to talk to you privately, if that’s alright with you.”
The man’s eyes narrowed in concern.  “Why privately?”
Her voice lowered to a whisper.  “I’m not sure your wife is in a stable emotional state to hear what I have to say.”
With the way you hadn’t moved since you arrived, your IV drip slowly administering your fluids and a clip on your finger monitoring your pulse and oxygen levels, Law was starting to wonder if you had stressed yourself into a deep sleep.  He didn’t want to wake you to find out.  Instead, he quietly followed Robin out into the hallway, asking a nurse at the front desk to monitor your room for him.  He followed his former colleague into a small meeting room, where she shut the door behind the two of them for complete privacy.
“Law, I know you can handle the more… gritty side of things, so I’m going to be completely blunt with you,” she began, covering her clipboard of papers with her hands.  “I’m sure you’re already very aware, but your wife is currently undergoing an eight week miscarriage.  Her follow-up appointment from last week was supposed to be in two days, but clearly, we were correct in the possibility that she was seven weeks along when we couldn’t detect a heartbeat.”  It was then that she moved her hands, shuffling through the papers in her clipboard before producing a copy of your patient assessment and a small, enclosed envelope.  “Before I begin, I would like to ask you a few questions.  I was informed that you had blood work and a semen analysis done to confirm your fertility, correct?”
The non-professional side of Law felt slightly uncomfortable discussing the results of his semen analysis with his former residency colleague, but he knew this was crucial information.  He nodded, folding his tattooed hands above the table.  “Yes I did.  My hormone panel from the blood test came back completely normal without any anomalies, and the semen analysis showed a completely normal sperm count.”
Robin nodded, opening the envelope as she listened to him speak.  “Understood, so it’s safe to say you are fertile.”
“I would assume so,” he confirmed.
The black-haired woman produced a small set of photographs from the envelope.  “With that confirmed for me, I would like to show you these photos from your wife’s ultrasound last week.”  She laid out the small assortment of photographs, but held one down with her hand and used her pen to point out the barely-identifiable contents of the image.  (Which Law was grateful for, as he admittedly had no idea what he was looking at.  His brief rotation in gynecology did very little to cement the process of a uterine ultrasound.)
“This large black space is the amniotic fluid surrounding the embryo,” she described, moving the capped end of her pen around the space.  “This white blotch here is the embryo at around six weeks gestation, which I theorize is when it ceased development.  As you can see, it’s still attached to the wall of her uterus.”  Two taps of the pen against the image punctuated her statement.  “This area surrounding the amniotic fluid is the uterine tissue.”  Robin looked up at Law.  “Understood?”
It took a brief moment, but Law finally nodded his head.  “Yes.”
Silently, she moved the first image out of the way and replaced it with another one.  “Now I would like to draw your attention to this one.”
Law leaned forward in his seat, assessing the new image.  It looked completely different than the first, and he quietly waited for Robin to begin to describe what exactly he was supposed to be focusing on.
“This was taken at the beginning of the ultrasound.  My technician placed the transmitter on the left side of her abdomen before moving it toward the approximate location of the uterus to detect the fetus.  We were able to see a glimpse of her left ovary during this time.”  Once again, the pen tapped a specific area of the image.
Law’s heart rate increased.  “Please don’t tell me what I think you’re about to tell me.”
Robin shook her head.  “Not cancer,” she confirmed.  “However, do you see this patch of tissue right here?”  She circled the area.
He didn’t, really, but he nodded his head to urge her to continue.  
“It can’t be confirmed without surgery, but I have a strong suspicion that this is endometrial tissue.  I reviewed some of her patient notes and recalled certain appointments where she would inform me of abnormally heavy periods, but she never mentioned anything more specific, such as intense pain during menstruation, so it never seemed to affect her life outside of that.  But looking at her ultrasound images, I’m highly suspicious that she may have endometriosis, which can greatly negatively impact fertility.”
Law clenched his jaw.  “What kind of surgery is done to diagnose that?”
“We would confirm the diagnosis with a laparoscopy.  A small cut is made in the naval, and a thin instrument, similar to a camera, is inserted into the incision to scope out potential endometrial tissue.  In many circumstances, a similar laparoscopic method is used to surgically remove this endometrial tissue, however we would need a definitive diagnosis in order to perform this with confidence.”  Robin was stone-faced as she explained.
Law had a million questions racing through his mind.  He wished he could sit and ask all of them, but the most pressing one forced its way out of his mouth first.  “Will she ever be able to have children?”
“After a successful recovery from this miscarriage, and a successful recovery from laparoscopic surgery to remove endometrial tissue, if that is the case, then yes, her chances of becoming pregnant will remain.  However, women who experience at least one miscarriage have a higher likelihood of experiencing more, so you must take this into account if you decide to try for conception again.”
He nodded.  “I understand.”
Robin collected her paperwork, reviewing your patient chart once more.  “Other than the potential for endometriosis, her physical health is perfect.  There would be no other reason to me why she wouldn’t be able to have children, other than this one big issue.”
Law stayed silent as she explained.  He stood up as she did and followed her to the door, blindly keeping pace behind her as he was led back to your room.  The door was pushed open slowly so as to not potentially disturb you.  The nurse from prior stood from her seat, entering the hallway and quietly whispering to Law.
“She fell asleep, her vitals are good, however she should remain on fluids for a while longer.  Her blood pressure was lower than normal and her iron levels were reduced,” explained the nurse, who’s own eyes were creased with a sympathetic concern.
Law gave a curt nod.  “Thank you very much for staying there.”
“Of course, it’s my pleasure.  Come back to our desk if you need anything,” she replied before leaving to continue her work.
Robin held her clipboard under her arm.  “I’m going to return to my office and write a referral for a diagnostic laparoscopy, but I won’t make the official call until she gives me her full permission.  Does that sound good?”
Law nodded, rendered completely mute.
“Call my clinic if you need anything at all.  Tell them who you are, and I’ll make sure your calls get sent right to me.”  Robin was about to turn on her heel, but she looked back once more at the forlorn man.  “I don’t usually do that for my patients, but I know you, Law.  I know how genuine you are.  I can see how much you love your wife and how the both of you are eager for a successful pregnancy.  I want to do everything in my power to help you achieve that.”
Law inhaled a shuddering breath.  “Thank you, Robin, I… I appreciate that.”
She nodded her head, finally turning and pacing down the hallway.  Law entered your room once more and closed the door behind him.  He stood at the foot of your bed, following the hose from the IV bag down to where it was connected into the skin of your hand, taped in place to prevent its movement.  Your face was tucked into your arms, shielding your grief from the world.  The pulse monitor was moved from your index finger to your middle finger, constantly giving readings of your blood oxygen and iron count.
Law took his seat again, resting his elbows on his knees and dropping his head into his hands.  He only picked his head up to look at the digital clock on the wall.  It was already almost 5:00 PM.  He shoved his hand in his pants pocket and took out his phone, opening his text messages.
Hey, Shachi, can you or Penguin go to my apartment and feed Bepo?  If you could take him for a walk, too, that’d be really appreciated.
It didn’t take long for his phone to buzz with a response.
Dumb Orca
Yea of course. everything good????
Law sighed.
I’ll explain everything later, but we won’t be home for a little while.
Dumb Orca
Ight, bet. hope youre good
Law did really not want to explain the events of the day over text.  He placed his phone back in his pocket before eyeing your bag that was laying against the leg of his chair.  He reached down and fumbled quietly for your own phone, lifting it from your bag and illuminating your screen.  He input your passcode and glanced through your own texts.
Hey girlie is everything alright???  Law came in to grab your bag
Text me back as soon as you get this, i’m really worried!!!!!
I love you boo xoxo
Nami Swan
Hey babes u left ur lunch in the kitchen fridge
Nami Swan
Where did u go???
Nami Swan
I’ll protect ur tupperware for 2day, but if u dont come back by 5 im letting usopp eat ur lunch
Nami Swan
U know how sanji feels abt wasting food
God Usopp
Hey can i have ur lunch
(2 Missed Calls)
(1 Voicemail)
Hey, your husband came in and picked up your bag.  He informed reception that he was taking you home, I hope everything’s alright.  Please call me back when you can, just so I know you’re alright.  If you need some time off, just feel free to let me know that as well so we can work around the project.  Don’t stress yourself out about coming back in too quickly, if something happened I want you to recover first and foremost.  Best wishes.
Law pressed the button on the side of your phone to set it to sleep mode before slipping it back into your bag.  He leaned back in his chair and stared blankly at your backside, curled away from him.
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undeadcannibal · 11 months
Hi! i was wondering if you could make any imagines or headcanons about a plus size reader with 141 + konig? Like if their SO is struggling with their body image. SFW
I loved your imagines btw!<3
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Summary: How the 141 men and König would help comfort their plus size S/O who struggles with self-image issues.
Genre: Headcanons, request(s) Characters featured: Price, Gaz, Soap, Ghost, and König
Warnings: Mention(s) of struggling with self-image, etc.
A/N: Thank you, Anon! I’m glad you enjoy my works! Also, no worries, as a fellow plus-size/fat girl, I gotchu~  ( Gif credit: xxx )
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Simon understands struggling with self-image issues more than he'll ever admit or show. While he doesn't say anything or show clues around anyone, he secretly despises seeing himself in the mirror. He goes out of his way to avoid looking directly at them, so, when you mention struggling with your own self-image, he understands in his own way.
Sure, he might not struggle with weight issues like you, but he doesn't care. He wants to be there for you so you don't have to go through those issues alone. He hates the thought of you struggling by yourself.
At first, he didn't offer many comforting words. He tries to be there for you physically instead. Before you can make a negative comment about yourself and your body, Simon is beating you to the punch, complimenting you instead of putting you down by distracting you.
His touches will always be appreciative and gentle so he doesn't accidentally trigger a negative reaction.
If that doesn't work, he's reassuring you that he loves your body just as much as your personality. Especially since he's never fussed over what his partners look like. He'll love and care for you anyway.
Without saying a word, he'll take your hand or pull you into his lap so he can nuzzle the top of your head. Whispering how much he adores you and how he wouldn't change a thing.
If it really bothers you, he'll be open to asking if you'd like to exercise with him. Starting off simple like walks together or him creating beginner friendly exercise routines, should you want them.
If not, he'll be there with you every step of the way, trying to help you feel better in your own skin, as well as maybe loving your body in time.
Poor Price, he's just as upset as you are seeing you struggling with your self-image so much.
He'll try to do anything to cheer you up. And of course, that always begins with a fresh cuppa with him. He won't even let you make it, he insists he'll take care of it for you.
Hell, he'll do anything you'd ask him to do so long as it helps you feel a bit better.
You wanna go out? He'll treat you to wherever - and whatever - you'd like. You wanna stay home? He'll get you extra comfortable and settled on the couch, not letting you leave as he gets you anything you ask for.
Doesn't even matter if you ask for something that y'all don't have. He'll run out to the store and be back home within no time, catering to you some more.
If that doesn't work - or you simply prefer another method of care - he'll ask what works best for you.
If you'd rather stay home and just cuddle and receive praise, he's more than happy to shower you in comfort and sweet nothings for as long as you'd like.
After he knows you're struggling, he'll go out of his way to touch and compliment every bit of you. Doesn't matter if you reply back with something negative, he does his best to help you see yourself the same way he sees you: beautiful, regardless of what you look like and how you feel.
At first, Soap struggles to understand why you'd struggle so much. He'd think his love and adoration would be enough to convince you otherwise, but then he thinks back to the moments of him struggling with his own insecurities.
Sometimes it never mattered what others said or how true it was, a person could feel and think otherwise.
After mentally berating himself for being a bit of a bastard, he's finally coming around to you. Approaching you with gentle words and touches.
Never makes a comment on your weight or appearance if he can help it. Instead, he tries to let you know regardless of how you might feel in the moment, he loves you and will be there to support you no matter what.
Loves to distract you with jokes or something spontaneous to do together.
If that doesn't work, he'll try gently coaxing you to get out and do something together. It doesn't have to be somewhere public and crowded. He's more than happy to go for a walk together in the most random of places.
Really, he'll do anything if it means getting to see you happy and smiling again. Poor man will go wild if he knows you're feeling awful and there's little he can do to help you. Makes him feel pretty worthless as a partner but doesn't take it personally since he knows you're not doing it to spite him.
When you first tell him that you're struggling, he takes it hard at first. Sad to hear that you feel so awful about your self-image and he didn't pick up on it sooner.
However, once he gets over the initial shock, he'll immediately try to research ways to help you feel better and often soft-launches/suggests methods to you. Asking what you'd think might work best for you.
Whatever you prefer, he's trying without a second thought.
If that doesn't work, onto the next method!
He's determined to help you feel good. To see you being so hard on yourself hurts him in a way he can't explain.
I personally headcanon his love language is physical touch, so rest assured Kyle is physically appreciative of your body more so than usual. Nearly to the point he can't take his hands off of you.
If you need some space though, he'll happily provide that as well.
Also, don't even think of trying to say something negative about yourself when you're around. He'll argue you're the best and most breathtaking person in his life, regardless of what you think about yourself.
With that being said, he'll also go out of his way to interact with and kiss the parts of you you say you don't like the most. He'll make you love yourself and those parts of you, damn it!
IMO, he understands more than anyone what it's like to struggle with one's self image. He's guilty of struggling with his own more often than not.
As a result, if you mention you're struggling more than usual, he's quick to try and distract you with activities you both enjoy, hoping to help take your mind off of things.
If you're not in the mood to head out, he's asking what you'd like to do at home instead. Whether it be watching something you enjoy or haven't seen. Or, possibly even ask if you'd like to cuddle on the couch together and browse for something nice on your laptop. This man loves to spoil you, even more so when you're not feeling well about yourself.
If you'd rather just spend some time together, that's fine. Rest assured he's hauling you into his lap so he can shower you in verbal praise and physical affection.
Also, he'll ask if you're alright with him touching you during those moments. If you allow him to, he's cuddling you till you can't take it anymore. Hugging you so tightly, murmuring what he finds beautiful about your plush, chubby form.
It doesn't matter what negative thing you say about yourself, he's stubborn enough to combat your negative thoughts with you.
"God, do I really look like that?" You'd complain whilst looking at yourself in the mirror, frowning as you poked and prodded at the soft pudge here and there.
König would simply come up behind you, looking down at you with nothing but affection in his eyes as he nods.
"No," He chimes in. "You look as breathtaking as ever, maus."
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bluexiao · 2 years
can i have hcs about genshin impact characters with a calm reader (reader barely shows emotions) If you didn't already.
Fluff, crack-ish, reverse comfort?
I’m making this calm/emotionless!reader with xiao & scaramouche bc i dont see a reason why not—
He thrives that you’re not as loud and boisterous as the others—well, especially specific ginger, but with that aside, he gets sort of pissed whenever you’re too calm when certain and rare situations arise when he’s the one who’s pissed 
And even more so when you can ease him down just by you remaining calm 
The power that you have over him is infuriating,,, but it does help him a lot in his work—to have someone by his side who knows a thing or two about remaining composed. 
If you’re being too calm to the point you’re emotionless, it sometimes frustrates him that he cannot read you. 
“Scara… don’t you think that this should be solved peacefully?” 
“You know I’m not like that, Y/n.” 
“Very well, you’re right.” 
He turns to face you to see your reaction, raising a brow, “Are you sure? I really am going to punish them… just for a simple thing.” 
“I tried stopping you, but you rejected me, so why should I question you any further?” 
“I… you shouldn’t be this calm…” 
“I shouldn’t?”
“I… nevermind. Take these freaks away, I’ll punish them next time.” 
He does test you a couple of times, just to somehow measure your patience, or really just waiting to tick you off. It’s both frustrating and amusing for him, but mostly because he doesn’t tolerate the fact that you can one-up him in anything. 
But nonetheless… he does feel proud most of the time. 
Because only he can rattle and make you stagger whenever he tries to tease you. That’s why it’s rather fulfilling whenever he gets to successfully tease you. 
He’s actually intrigued, and honestly, he likes you this way. 
May it be how you’re quiet at times or with the calm way you’re speaking to him, but nonetheless, he does not… mind… your company. Not that he’d ever admit that upfront.  
It’s difficult to read your mind, but most of the time it just leaves him intrigued how calm and sometimes unexpected you are. He had never seen any other human like you, regardless of how much time he had lived—after all, he did not really socialize a lot, more so to humans. 
“You—You’re… You’re different. Far too different from the other humans I’ve come across.” 
“So… does this mean I’m special, perhaps?” Your almost monotonous tone made him furrow his brows, keeping his stance with his arms crossed over his chest. 
He looks away—maybe even turns his face so you wouldn’t see the blush that spreads across his face, but he definitely did not know that his ears were of the same shade as the one he attempted to hide. 
He feels a sort of… fresh breath of air with you, a calming presence, a light amidst the darkness that surrounds him. 
But sometimes he does feel like he’s away from you, like even if you’re there, he feels as if you’re miles away, with how you could remain unaffected; even if he is being affected by his karma, or when he feels dirty after a night of demon slaying and you see him like this. 
He does admire you though—for being one of those who seems to have never minded anything about it. 
Even being with him. 
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Reblogs and comments are very appreciated!
Taglist is on the reblogs :)
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sweet-as-an-angel · 5 months
Hi!!! I’m the same guy as the one that asked about the age range and autism :] just having like another question or so idk I forgot tbh.
Again, it’s so okay if you don’t wanna answer any of these!! I completely get it, all is well 🫶🫶
Would Dominic have any reaction to a reader that stims a lot?? Either verbally or physically; maybe his adoration will miau like a cat as a vocal stim frequently or flap their hands or clap as a physical stim as well?? Would he do anything now that he has that knowledge??
If his obsession suffered from OCD, how would he exploit that disorder?? (under the impression that he would exploit it.) Perhaps their ocd revolves around severe obsessions of having something seriously wrong with them, paranoia, or extreme fear of dirt or contamination??
Can he speak another language?? If his adoration was bilingual would he put genuine effort into learning their mother language??
Would he find it disrespectful if his obsession was eye contact adverse?? Actually what things does he find disrespectful like in general?? Does he do anything to correct that behavior??
Would he be okay with them being like incredibly and insanely cuddly and touchy?? I am autistic myself and when I go nonverbal but can still stand touch it’s how I communicate if that makes sense at all??
OKOK I swear that’s it for at least a while 😭😭 he really has me thinking about things jesus christ man. If there’s any spelling mistakes or something you don’t understand, I’m sorry :[[ German is my first language.
Have a great day or night!! I wasn’t expecting to write this much ngl🫶🫶
In case I ever have anything else I’ll put a raccoon at the end!! :]]
TW: Discussions of Mental Health, Mentions of OCD, Dominic Being Dominic
Welcome back, my dear 🦝 Anon <3 ! Your English is perfect, thank you for all your wonderful questions ^^ ! To answer your inquiries:
♡ If Reader stims a lot, Dominic will, of course, try to find a way to make your stimming all about him; especially if you have a lot of physical/verbal stims. He'll try to be in close proximity to you so that, when you do stim, you're more likely to either catch/grab him (unintentionally, of course). If you're apologetic - even though it isn't your fault - Dominic will absolutely find a way to guilt you into feeling bad about it, even when his veneer tells you that it's fine, it happens.
♡ Guilt breeds indebtedness - that's what Dominic has discovered. So, fresh off the wave of panic you're feeling, he'll ask you to do something for him that will require you to stay longer, during which time he'll see if you physically stim again or not. If so, he refreshes the process. Just like printing money.
♡ If you verbally stim and, say, make some kind of animal noise, he'll absolutely try and romanticise it. If you meow, he'll call you "Kitty," giving you a warm smile and a good-natured laugh. If/when you become more comfortable around him, he'll start calling you "Mon Minou," - My Kitty. He's one Discord server away from calling you Kitten.
♡ If you suffer with OCD, he'll start manipulating the physical environment to trigger you. Never in his own house, though. You need someplace as your safe space, right?
♡ He'll never verbally trigger you himself, either; nor will he allow any triggers to exist in his house as to try and reduce the likelihood of you having a negative association with his abode if you experience an OCD urge whilst you're there, regardless of how severe it is.
♡ In fact, he'll do things to make it seem like he's the only one that can combat it; he'll check windows to make sure they're locked, he'll sweep up crumbs off the floor to clear the path for you, he'll even call up one of his many doctor 'friends' (acquaintances. People in high places he's fashioned into his elite social circle) to come and informally examine you, to tell you that you're fine.
♡ If it's paranoia you're afflicted with, he'll seize the opportunity to turn himself into the only person you can come to, the only person you don't feel silly or afraid to spill your deepest worries to.
♡ Anything that will make you gaze up at him with nothing less than gratitude.
♡ Dominic can speak two languages fluently - English and French. He can speak other European and Asian languages, too, but to a minimal degree and only enough to discuss business matters. However, if you speak another language aside from the two he already has at his disposal, he'll absolutely make sure to learn it fluently, if only to become one of the few/only people in the neighbourhood with whom you can feel truly connected with.
♡ For peak manipulation, he'll learn everything about your mother tongue after your first meeting and start speaking to you in it - fluently - the next time you meet, pretending to have been able to speak it for many years past.
♡ If you are eye contact adverse, he'll try not to take it personally. But, knowing Dominic, that is a feat in and of itself. He values being able to exert power over others, and one of his main methods of doing so is unwavering eye contact. So, really, you're managing to inadvertently protect yourself from Dominic's Medusa stare.
♡ Behaviours Dominic views as 'disrespectful' would be signs dismissiveness towards him. Dominic is used to being the centre of attention in every environment he's in, so to have you, the object of his every desire, not paying attention to him is...a blow to his ego, to say the least. A metal rod to the backbone of his entire identity.
♡ Dominic will make quick work of ‘correcting’ your behaviour: standing so that it is only him in your direct line of sight; coming in close proximity so you can’t be ignorant to his presence; and, if he's bold enough, taking your chin between his fingers and making you look at up him.
♡ If you're very touchy-feely, Dominic goes absolutely feral; he can't believe he gets to have you touch him without: a.) having to initiate it, and b.) having to hide it. After all, it's a by-product of your mental health - it's beyond your control as much as it is his!
♡ He'll take full advantage of this, too, offering his arm for you to hang onto, his hand to hold, his chest to hide your face in. And all the while, all he's thinking of is how nice it feels not only to have you so close to him, but also how he can use this as an excuse to keep you close in the future.
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seenoversundown · 6 months
It's The Most Wonderful Time Of Year
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Warnings: Mentions of minor injury, Fluff otherwise!
Word Count: 2.2k
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year - Andy Williams It's the most wonderful time of the year There'll be much mistltoeing And hearts will be glowing When loved ones are near
Daniel POV: 
“Ah, YEP. There it is,” I practically growl as the breaker trips, shrouding my apartment in darkness. 
I should have known better than to try to mash potatoes with a hand mixer when I already have three crock pots plugged in, warming side dishes. 
“Fucking ancient wiring,” I mutter to myself as I rip the plug from the wall before heading into the laundry room to flip the breaker back on. 
The breaker is just the latest bit of misfortune that has derailed my plans for a traditional Christmas dinner. 
First, I severely overslept. Melody and I wanted to wake up at 7:00 to do presents with Iris. Imagine my shock when she strolled into our room at 9:30, questioning why Santa came and we didn't wake her up. 
Then, after we opened our presents and Iris was sufficiently tuckered out and down for a nap, I started preparing for dinner. 
Because I wanted to be fancy, I obviously bought fresh vegetables, which led to me nicking my finger while cutting the green beans.  
After Melody played nurse and left me with one gloved hand, I managed to grab the handle of a pre-heated cast iron skillet with my other hand. Melody was not happy with me when she had to play nurse for a second time in under an hour. 
It had been smooth sailing after that, up until the breaker issue. 
I’m pulled out of my reverie by a tiny hand tugging at the hem of my shirt. 
I look down to see a freshly awoken Iris rubbing her eyes. She lets out a big yawn before meeting my eyes. 
“Can I have juice?” she signs. 
My heart melts as I nod and rush to pull down a Big Girl Cup from the cabinet. I opened the fridge and pulled out the super-special organic apple juice that Uncle Sammy bought for Iris. The glass bottle slips in my hand, but I catch it before it drops. 
HAHA! Not this time!
I pour her juice and hand it over. 
“Be careful,” I ruffle her hair, “Now go play.” 
I look up and see Melody standing in the doorway, watching on with a fond smile on her face as Iris skitters past her. 
She walks into the kitchen and wraps her arms around my middle, “You’re a good dad, Daniel,” she presses a soft kiss to my chest as she nuzzles into my sweater. 
I breathe out a sigh and drop a kiss on the top of her head. 
“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” I chuckle, “If stuff keeps going the way it is, I might not even be able to feed our kid tonight.” 
“You’re being a bit dramatic, babe,” she pinches my side, wiggling out of my arms, “It’ll all work out.” 
I pop the turkey in the oven and check my watch. 2:00pm
 Perfect! Everything is back on schedule, and I finally feel like I can take a breath. 
I lean against the counter and feel a smile creep over my face. My dinner is coming along. I can hear the tinkling giggles of my girls coming from the living room. I haven't made too much of a mess in the kitchen. 
I start to put away the dishes I’d left on the drying rack and spot the crystal wine decanter on the top shelf. 
I pull the decanter and two glasses down and glance over the bottles of wine sitting out on the counter, trying to determine which varietal Melody would appreciate most right now.  
Settling on a Merlot, I pour the bottle into the decanter and leave it to open up before venturing into the living room. 
Melody has her back to me, helping Iris change the dress on one of her new dolls, and I tiptoe up behind her. I catch Iris’ eye and bring a finger to my lips, signaling her to be quiet. 
She flashes me a toothy grin and tries, poorly, to hold back her giggles. 
Melody stiffens almost imperceptibly, and I already know she will be faking her reaction for Iris’ benefit. 
Regardless, I continue creeping up and grabbing Melody’s shoulders, gently shaking her in the process. 
“AHHHHH,” Melody drops the doll and lets out an exaggerated shout, “YOU SCARED ME, DANIEL!” 
She whips her head around and gives me a little wink.
Iris giggles again, “That was funny.” 
I grin and waggle my eyebrows at her, “More juice?” 
She nods, holding her cup out for me to take. 
I squeeze Melody’s shoulder again before heading back into the kitchen. 
I fill Iris’ cup with more apple juice, diluting it with water. I can’t have her getting an upset tummy on Christmas. Then, I pour some wine into one of the glasses and carry both back into the living room. 
“Thought both of my girls might be thirsty,” I say as I pass the wine to Melody. 
“You thought right, my love,” she grins. 
Iris’ eyes flit between us for a moment, “play with me?” 
And how can I say no to that? 
An hour and a half later, I’m back in the kitchen checking on our slowly progressing dinner. 
Turkey is coming along perfectly. The sides are looking good. I’m incredibly proud of the way I’ve turned this day around. 
Since we’re in the home stretch, I finally decided to pour myself a glass of wine. 
As I reach for the decanter, it slips from my grasp and shatters into a million little pieces. Merlot paints nearly every kitchen surface: the walls, the floor, the fridge, everywhere. 
“FUUUUUCK,” I scream at the top of my lungs. I’ll be shocked if we don’t get a noise complaint from one of the neighbors. 
I hear footsteps walking up the hallway.
“Please stay out of here. There’s glass everywhere,” I grind out through clenched teeth.
“I’m slipping on shoes, then I'm coming to help you,” Melody replies. 
We clean up silently; I’m on sweeping duty while Melody comes behind me with the mop. 
I finally set the broom down, confident I had swept up all the tiny crystal shards. 
“This day keeps getting worse,” I sigh, and Melody pats my arm, “I’m going to text Josh to see if he wants to come get Iris until dinner’s finished. At this point, I’m worried that my bad luck will rub off on her, and she’ll be the next victim of some inexplicable accident.” 
“Okay, big guy,” Melody lets out a small laugh, “I’m sure Josh would be happy to hang out with her solo.” 
Thirty minutes later, I let Josh in. Iris has practically been vibrating with excitement since we told her Uncle Josh wanted to see her. 
“Where’s my favorite little girl?” is the first thing out of his mouth as he steps over the threshold. 
“Well, hello to you too,” I say, rolling my eyes. 
“Oh, forgive me. HELLOOOOOOOO DANNY!” he claps back immediately,  “Now, where is she? Quinn and I have a whole afternoon planned for Iris, and that's more important than your ego.”
“Jesus, dude,” I say, rubbing my chest in mock hurt. 
“I’m just being honest,” he flashes a massive grin at me. 
“Well, thank you so much for your honesty,” I roll my eyes again, “Melody’s helping her get ready. Now, I know I don't need to tell you how to take care of her. Buuuuut, bad luck has been plaguing me all day. So, be extra careful with her.” 
“Gotcha, gotcha. I’ll be on the lookout for any falling pianos or trap doors,” it’s Josh’s turn to roll his eyes. 
“I know you're making fun of me, but with the luck I’ve had today, nothing would shock me at this point,” we share a laugh that’s interrupted by a bundled-up Iris rocketing herself into Josh’s legs. 
I watch as he quickly scoops her up and spins her around before setting her back down. 
“Ready to go, Petal?” he asks Iris with a cheesy grin. 
The second she nods her affirmative, they're out the door. 
Unfortunately for me, not even a minute after they’ve left, the smoke detector starts going off. I sigh for the trillionth time today and head back to the kitchen. 
Walking through the doorway, I see Melody standing in front of the open oven. She’s using an oven mitt to fan smoke away from the turkey. 
“Babe, stop. It's fine,” I start, “we both know that Christmas dinner is pretty much fucked at this point. Just turn the oven off.” 
I lean against the counter and hang my head in my hands, ultimately defeated. 
“It’s okay, babe. I have a plan!” Melody says as she takes my burnt Turkey out of the oven, trying to keep my spirits high. 
I fight the urge to scoff as I watch her open the freezer and pull a Pyrex dish out. 
“What's that?” I eye the dish in her hand. 
“It's a lasagna, Daniel. I always keep one on backup,” she grins at me, dimples on full display, “I know it's not traditional, but who’s gonna be mad about pasta?” 
“You’re a genius, dear,” I gently kiss her temple. 
She shrugs off my praise, “HA! No, not a genius. Just a mother. Moms always have to have at least three backup plans ready.” 
Melody greets our first guests at the door as I put the finishing touches on everyone’s place settings at the table. 
I vaguely hear them laughing together as I walk into the kitchen to add one final layer of cheese to the top of the lasagna. 
“Please make yourselves at home,” I can hear the genuine smile in Melody’s voice, “Daniel is likely in the kitchen if you want to go harass him.” 
The goofiest laugh follows her statement, and I know it’s Sam and Willa. 
“Oh, Daaaaaaaniel,” Sam calls out as he pops his head in the doorway, “it smells phenomenal in here, but nothing like turkey.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Last minute change of plans,” I reply flatly. 
“Josh texted me earlier and told me you were being a ‘Drama Queen,’” he adds air quotes before quirking a brow, “but I didn't assume you’d throw in the towel, buddy.” 
“Oh, get bent, Sammy,” I threw the towel draped across my shoulder at him.
He whips his head around, facing Willa, “Did you see that, Birdie? The fucker proved my point.” 
“I think it's lovely that you were able to solve your own problems, Danny,” Willa adds before smacking Sam across the chest with a smirk, effectively shutting him up. 
They make their way to the living room as our other guests show up. 
Jake and Charlotte show up next, popping in for a quick hello, not wanting to distract me. 
Obviously, Josh, Quinn, and Iris are the last ones to show up. 
“Oh, Iris just got so distracted playing. Sorry, we’re late.”
“That line doesn't work on me, Josh,” I let out a laugh, “I know you. You can't blame my kid for your chronic lateness.” 
“I resent that, Danny. I always arrive precisely when I mean to,” Josh scoffs indignantly. 
“Well, why don't you arrive in the living room and tell everyone dinner’s almost ready?” 
I lock eyes on Charlotte as I set the final dish on the table. 
Her eyes flit across the table, and the confusion on her face grows as she mouths the name of each dish she sees. 
Mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, LASAGNA?
Jake is patting her thigh comfortingly as he holds back laughter. 
I see her confusion mirrored on everyone else as I look around the table. 
Jake pulls himself together long enough to break the silence, “Wow! What a delightful array of food you have for us, Danny Boy! You even have rolls!” 
“Hey! I put garlic butter on them, asshole.” 
“Oh, then, by all means, they belong. Not a single thing out of place here.” 
That gets a round of laughs from the entire table. 
“Yeah, Danny,” Quinn starts, “I’m not trying to be mean, but wasn't this supposed to be a traditional dinner?” 
“Now, Bug, who can really say what ‘traditional’ means,” Josh ponders. 
“Ya know what, thank you, Josh,” I nod in his direction. 
“Oh, I’m not trying to help you, Danny. I’m just getting philosophical.” 
“Okay, everyone,” I pinch the bridge of my nose, “After the day I had, I’d like to see you come up with something better.” 
Melody nods with me as she opens a bottle of wine and passes it to Sam, “He really did have the most unfortunate string of luck. You all are lucky we even have dinner at all.” 
I grab her hand and gently kiss her knuckles in thanks as everyone finally tucks into their meals. 
“I do have a question,” Charlotte whispers, setting her fork down. 
I nod for her to go on. 
“What happened to the decanter we got you for your engagement party? This seems like a perfect time to use it.”
I let out the loudest groan, “I love you, Charlotte, but please never ask me that question again.” 
“It’s a sore spot for him,” Melody pats my hand, “I’ll tell you later.” 
“So, on that note,” I say, gesturing for everybody to start eating, “Merry Christmas, everyone.” 
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shyvioletcat · 11 months
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A/N: I don’t know what else to say here except “Well, it progresses”. If this is stilted and whatever please forgive me, feeling rusty. 
CW: mentions of physical assault and injuries, hospitals, Lorcan being so grumpy.
~ All This Time Masterlist ~
Rowan was sure he’d overslept when thin streams of light hit his eyes through the crack in the blinds. His sleep had been surprisingly sound considering the few hours of unconsciousness he’d managed to snatch in the on-call room. The beds weren’t awful, but they weren’t great either, just a simple metal frame with a hard mattress that tended to give the occupants sore shoulders if overused. Rowan tried to only stay at the hospital out of necessity, which was what last night had been. He wouldn’t have slept at all after the events of last night and his apartment across town would have been too far away for his anxieties to handle.
Checking his watch through blurry vision, Rowan saw there was about thirty minutes before he needed to start his rounds. That gave him more than enough time to check in on Aelin if he was quick about it. He rubbed at his face to ease some of the stinging in his eyes and got to it, leaving the unmade bed behind. 
He stopped by his locker for a fresh set of scrubs and brushed his teeth. All he could be bothered to do with his hair was run a hand through it. What he really needed was a shower, breakfast and a coffee, all of which he had no time for. Any longer and he’d be cutting it fine to make it to the start of his shift. 
The halls were fairly quiet as the hospital started to wake up. Nurses and doctors moved at a slower pace without urgent cases rushing them. Rowan nodded at those he knew and stopped at the nurses station to check Aelin’s chart. He knew that if there had been any emergencies overnight someone would have contacted him. Her chart showed she’d been checked on and monitored, and nothing about her condition had worsened, thank the gods. Regardless, he was going to see how she was faring for himself. 
Rowan stopped at Aelin’s door, it was cracked open but he still knocked before pushing it. There was no answer and he expected to find her curled up in bed asleep, or more promising would be her busy eating breakfast. He froze in the doorway when he found neither of those things. 
The bedsheets were rumpled—clearly used. But the bed was empty.
With his heart lodged in his throat Rowan jumped to the worst kind of conclusions while he tried to recall the last time stamp on her chart. He couldn’t, and he was about to call security when soft crying from the bathroom shot through his initial panic like a beacon. It took a moment for the frantic thoughts to dissipate and then he was moving, knocking sharply on the door even though his instincts told him to rush in. Aelin didn’t answer right away so Rowan knocked again. 
“Aelin,” his voice was unnecessarily terse and he tried to soften it. “You okay?”
The feeble yes barely made it through the door. 
“I’m coming in,” Rowan told her, adding pressure down on the handle and opening the door. 
He found Aelin on the floor, practically curled in on herself on the stark white tiles. The smell of vomit was thick and it was easy enough to piece together what had occurred. A pitiful groan came from Aelin as she lay there shivering, the hospital gown she had been supplied with offering very little protection. Rowan crouched beside her, not able to hold himself back anymore. Whatever name could be applied to their relationship didn’t matter, the strain and awkwardness didn’t matter. Aelin needed help and Rowan wasn’t about to leave her suffering a moment more. 
He reached out, ready to grab her arm to pull her up. When his fingers brushed her skin that gentle touch made her flinch, and even though Rowan knew he wasn’t the cause for that reaction guilt still hit him low in the gut. 
“It’s just me, Aelin,” Rowan said. “Let’s get you up.”
She didn’t protest this time and Rowan managed to prop her up against the wall. He reached behind him and kept one hand on Aelin while he dampened some paper towel in the sink. He wiped away the sweat and bile from Aelin’s face, her eyes shut the entire time. The fact that she let him without a single complaint was more than enough proof of how awful she must be feeling. 
“There, all done.” Rowan threw the paper into the toilet. “Do you need to throw up again?”
“No,” Aelin said in a hoarse whisper. 
Then the medical professional stepped up and Rowan asked, “Is this just morning sickness?”
Aelin answered with a nod. Depending on how many weeks she was, if she was still experiencing nausea like this it might be of some concern. Rowan would have to talk to Lorcan and maybe get him to do another check up.
“Can I get you back to bed?” Rowan offered.
Finally Aelin’s eyes opened, they were glassy with tears and apprehension, maybe even a little bit of defiance as like she was about to insist she could do it herself. Rowan managed not to scoff in amusement, delighted at seeing some of the Aelin he recognised shining through. She would always be a fighter. 
“Come on, it’ll be easier this way,” Rowan said and Aelin didn’t protest as he scooped her up. He was mindful of her injuries and tried not to focus on how light she was in his arms. The bruises on her neck and arms were colouring, the red marks now tingeing with blue. They would only get uglier and more pronounced as they started to heal. An unfortunate process that would be a stark reminder of what Aelin had been through. Rowan could tell she was in pain even as he tried to be as gentle as he could. The way she bit her lip and how tight she clutched the collar of his scrubs showed it. “Almost there, Ae. Just hold on.”
As smoothly as he could, Rowan eased Aelin down on the mattress, helping her uncurl her body. He ended up essentially tucking her in and pulled the blankets up to her chin. 
“Thank you,” Aelin whispered, those two words shuddering on her shaky breath. 
Rowan shrugged, not looking up from smoothing out the bedding. “If you need anything, just get a nurse or a doctor to call me. I don’t mind.”
“I… I don’t…” Aelin stammered. 
“Nevermind. I’ll send someone in to check on you now that you’re up,” he said, taking the initiative on the half formed dismissal she was trying to get through. 
It was clear Aelin needed space and time, and Rowan would allow her that. She had always accused him of being an overbearing bastard and he wasn’t about to prove her right again. Especially after everything she had gone through in the last twenty four hours. So, without another word he left Aelin alone in her room, shutting the door behind him. Before he went off to start his rounds Rowan stopped by the nurses station to let them know what had happened. He didn’t leave until he’d confirmed twice that someone would be in to check on her as soon as possible. Then after that it was time to start his day. 
Even though he shouldn’t have, Rowan ended up spending another night in the on-call room. He had spent the day going about his work as usual, except for the moments he spared to check in on any updates on Aelin. It wasn’t done in person, Rowan wanted to save himself that awkwardness, and he’d told himself that he wouldn’t go to see her again unless she explicitly asked for him. She hadn’t. 
In between patients Rowan was back on her floor, going over her chart yet again. The main concern was possible complications from the concussion but it looked like everything was going fine there. The notes on the baby showed nothing adverse either. Those checks were done by OBs Rowan didn’t recognise, even though he had requested Lorcan examine her himself. It wasn’t often that Rowan called in the benefits his position offered, but he was willing to push his friendship this time.
“Good afternoon, Rowan,” Lyria said, appearing next to him while going over her own notes. 
“Hey,” Rowan replied. “Do you know why Dr Salvaterre hasn’t checked on Celaena?”
He and Lyria had crossed paths a few times since their interrupted conversation the other night. Considering the topic of it and what had transpired since, Rowan thought it would be best to just pretend it hadn’t happened. For the moment things were better kept professional. 
“He says he’s been too busy,” Lyria explained. “And it looks like she’s ready to be discharged in a few hours so he might be out of time.”
“Discharged?” Rowan said.
“Yeah, monitoring has gone well and all she needs now is rest to recover and there’s no point in her taking up a hospital bed for that,” Lyria replied. 
Discharged… but to where?
“Has she been told?” Rowan asked.
“No, I was about to go mention it to Celeana now,” Lyria said. 
More problems than solutions were starting to weigh on him. “Can you make sure she doesn’t leave before Dr Salvaterre sees her?”
“I can do that,” Lyria agreed. “But I have a feeling you’ll have to drag him down here. He’s not likely to listen to me.”
Rowan huffed a laugh. “You’re not wrong about that.”
Ten minutes later Rowan was knocking on Lorcan’s door, ready to haul him down to Aelin’s room by the collar of his pristine white coat. 
“Come in,” a gruff voice answered. 
Rowan entered the small office, finding Lorcan stooped over his desk going over paperwork. “Can you come down and see the woman from the other night?”
“Why?” Lorcan asked without looking up. 
“Because I’ve asked you to,” Rowan said. 
That made Lorcan ignore what was in front of him, and had him looking up, slowly. “Are you sure that’s not your kid?”
The denial was quick and direct. “It is not.”
“Then why the insistence?” Lorcan countered. 
“She’s an old friend.” That was all Rowan was willing to offer. “Can you just do it as a favour to me? She’s probably not had any prenatal care and I just want to make sure they’re both okay.”
Lorcan sighed, his pen snapping down on the desk. “Meet me there in fifteen minutes.”
“Thank you, and I will owe you one.” Rowan was relieved he hadn’t had to put up more of a fight. 
“Yes. You will.”
Rowan could have found something productive to do but instead he grabbed a yogurt for lunch from the cafeteria and ate it while he waited for Lorcan to turn up. It only took his fellow doctor thirteen minutes to appear, wheeling a portable ultrasound machine. Rowan threw his rubbish in a nearby bin and met Lorcan at the door. 
“Let me get that for you,” Rowan offered with a hint of sarcasm.
Lorcan’s reply was a roll of his dark eyes. 
Once again, Rowan knocked as a warning before walking in. Aelin was in bed looking at the ceiling, the back of it raised so that she could recline in a mostly upright position. Rowan ran a critical eye over her, looking for anything amiss. But she appeared the same as she did yesterday, just more aware if he had to pick something to comment on. 
“Dr Whitethorn asked me to give you a once over, and he wouldn’t let up so here I am,” Lorcan said, effectively throwing Rowan under the bus. 
“Sounds like more work for you,” Aelin said. At least her voice was stronger. 
“You’re right, but we’re doctors so we have a duty to do. And he suspects that your prenatal care has been lacking,” Lorcan explained.
That earned Rowan a dagger filled look from Aelin. He didn’t shy away from it, in fact he challenged it. While he could he would make sure she got the best care possible, and if she didn’t like that he’d be ready for that argument. 
Lorcan spent some time setting up the ultrasound machine and then he pulled a chair to the bedside, the legs of it scraping on the ground and nearly echoing in the silent room. Rowan slunk off to a corner to be out of the way and inconspicuous. He wasn’t needed in the room but he wanted to stay, and if Aelin wasn’t comfortable with him being there she would have sent him out by now. 
“If you could lift your gown up over your stomach,” Lorcan instructed, ready to start.
Aelin did as instructed, wincing as she tucked the gown around her body to expose her stomach. Rowan was more than relieved to see the skin there was unblemished. He knew there was damage to her ribs but if the injuries to her stomach had been limited that probably explained why the baby had fared so well. 
Lorcan applied the gel to the wand, glancing up at Aelin. “Just to confirm, have you had any check ups related to your pregnancy?”
“No,” Aelin replied, jumping when the wand made contact with her skin.
“How far along do you think you are?” Lorcan asked, focusing on the screen. 
“Three months,” Aelin replied. She went back to staring up at the ceiling, looking tired—defeated.
“Alright, well I may have some news for you,” Lorcan said. 
That made Aelin sit up a little, her attention now going to the screen as well. Except she couldn’t see from the angle Lorcan had the screen at. “What is it? Is something wrong? The nurses kept saying that everything was okay.”
“If you’ll just give me a few more moments,” Lorcan said, clicking a few times and entering some notes.
Rowan couldn’t see the screen either and Lorcan’s lack of response was enough to put him on edge as well. Looking over at Aelin he could see the anxiety practically radiating off her—her fingers twisted in the blankets and she gnawed on the inside of her cheek. Lorcan’s bedside manner was renowned for being well below average and right now Rowan had to question whether he was being purposefully evasive just for a little bit of spite. Finally Lorcan put the wand down and clasped his hands between his knees. 
“Considering your injuries, I am still a little surprised at how well the baby is doing. I’d put it down to the current position of your uterus, it’s still early enough that it sits closer to your pelvis. And what you were wearing might have offered some protection as well,” Lorcan said, referring to the crystal studded corset she had been wearing when she came in. “At sixteen weeks your uterus should start shifting outwards, so you’ve been very lucky.”
“Wait,” Aelin’s face was full of confusion. “Sixteen, as in four months?”
“Yes, going by your measurements you are well into your second trimester,” Lorcan said evenly. “I’d say fourteen to sixteen weeks. On one of the better machines I’d be able to get a clearer estimate.”
Confusion morphed into open shock, making Aelin lean into her pillow. “That can’t be right.”
“I can assure you it is,” Lorcan said in a tone that did not invite argument.
Rowan could do nothing but watch the scene unfold, the conversation going back and forth. 
“No, I got my period. It has to be three months,” Aelin insisted.
“Was it lighter than usual? Spotty?” Lorcan asked. 
“It’s always been weird,” Aelin told him. “Enough that I didn’t find that irregular.”
“That period was likely implantation bleeding, but the baby is measuring far too large for twelve weeks,” Lorcan reiterated. 
“Oh.” The shock on Aelin’s face started to fade, and was replaced with a relieved little curve of her lips. “That is some news.”
“Now that’s over, would you like to see your baby?” Lorcan offered. 
Aelin’s reply was hesitant. “Um, yeah. Sure.”  
Lorcan picked the wand back up, pressing it against Aelin’s stomach. This time he angled the screen so they could see and sure enough in a few moments the tiny form of the baby appeared on screen. Little arms and legs moved slowly, and Aelin kept looking between her stomach and the screen. 
“There is your baby, and as far as we can tell, as healthy as can be,” Lorcan said, stopping the examination and passing Aelin some paper towels. “I’m going to send you home with some vitamins and a bunch of information that you can read through. You should find a doctor and start getting regular check ups and another ultrasound sooner rather than later.”
“Yeah, okay,” Aelin said, sounding and looking a little dazed.
“If there’s no further concerns, I’ll be on my way,” Lorcan said, effectively dismissing himself.
Rowan expected Aelin to ask some questions, maybe about the baby’s development or how she was supposed to be feeling at this stage in her pregnancy. She didn’t, instead she remained silent, too lost in her own thoughts. But Rowan wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass by. 
“Celeana still has morning sickness. Is that normal for this stage of pregnancy?”
Lorcan turned in his chair giving Rowan an incredulous look. That same question was written all over his face—wondering if Aelin was carrying his child. Rowan certainly wasn’t doing himself any favours to convince him otherwise. 
“Is this true… Celaena?” Lorcan asked, turning back to the woman in the bed. 
“Yeah, I’m still throwing up most mornings,” Aelin said. 
“Nausea like that usually dissipates around the twelve week mark, but it’s not unheard of for it to last longer,” Lorcan explained. “Can you keep food and water down?” 
Aelin nodded.
“Then I’m not especially concerned. If you have trouble eating and drinking, that's when it becomes a problem. Does that suffice, Dr Whitethorn?” Lorcan shot the last question over his shoulder. 
Rowan held back none of his snark. “Yes, Dr Salvaterre.”
Lorcan packed up, not bothering with any more conversation with either of them. But Aelin didn’t even notice the social slight, she was looking at her stomach like she was trying to solve a puzzle. Rowan was trying to figure some things out himself, cataloguing through her reactions. A quiet sob startled him out of his thoughts, along with shaking his unfocused staring away from a patch of floor. Aelin had her face covered with a hand, another sob shaking her shoulders. Rowan didn’t move, he didn’t know what to do. This situation felt too vulnerable for them to be in. Any other patient and Rowan might be offering words of reassurance or polite enquiries to the problem. There was still so much unsaid between them. Helping Aelin in a physical sense was worlds away from comforting her.  
“Aelin,” he said at last, not sure what he was going to follow up with. 
“Please don’t,” she said, wiping away her tears. “I’m fine. Just had a few things to process.”
“Was it something Lorcan said? It all sounded like good news,” Rowan pressed.
Surprisingly Aelin kept eye contact as she lay back on her raised bed. “You heard my dates were off. That just means the father isn’t who I thought it was.”
“Oh.” It was hard for Rowan to hide how unexpected that answer was. “Is that… good?”
Aelin nodded, not quite smiling but there was a new ease about her. 
“So, it would be safe to assume it’s not Arobynn’s then?” The words were out of his mouth and Rowan instantly regretted them, even more so when Aelin's face fell and colour drained away. “Sorry, it’s not my business.”
“It’s not,” Aelin said quietly.
He knew he shouldn’t have asked because it was in fact none of his business who the father of Aelin’s child was. All Rowan wanted was to see Aelin safe, and from the brief interactions had with Arobynn it was obvious she wouldn’t be with him. 
There were a few beats of heavy silence before Rowan spoke again. “They want to discharge you.”
“I heard.”
Rowan was toeing a fine line already but he wasn’t about to stop. “Will you go back?”
Aelin’s answer was immediate. “Absolutely not.”
“Then what will you do?” Rowan asked. Concern flooded him, the abstract being forced into reality.
“That is a very good question,” Aelin answered, voice devoid of any humour.
Injured, pregnant and running from a man that had her terrified, Rowan didn’t know what options she had. This wasn’t the time for his anger and indifference, not when Aelin was so alone in the world even if it had been by her own making. Rowan had told her that he’d keep her safe, and there was one very obvious solution to that. 
Rowan stepped forward, trying to relax his body because he could already feel the tension building. This would only amplify his own pain and the gut twisting awkwardness between them, but he couldn’t see an alternative. “You can stay at my apartment.”
Aelin couldn’t believe it, it really did take a few seconds for the words to register. Rowan had offered his home to her—where they would stay. Together. In close proximity and no way to escape each other. Rowan had every reason to hate her, he very likely did hate her. Invading his space would be hell for him. It was unbelievable that he would do this. 
But then again, maybe it wasn’t. Rowan Whitethorn had always been an overprotective bastard, it was strangely reassuring to know not everything had changed. 
“I can get you a hotel room if you want,” Rowan quickly added, no doubt reading the hesitation she was feeling. “Or I can call someone.”
“No.” Aelin’s voice was full of unintended venom. That was the last thing she wanted to happen. 
“I just want to help, whatever that means to you,” Rowan said. 
Before Aelin could try and form an answer or an excuse, yet another doctor walked into her room. This time it was Dr Lyria Bracken, much more welcome than the sullen hulking man with the horrible bedside manner. Dr Bracken had been her primary carer during her stay and Aelin liked her well enough. She did her job without too much fuss, and wasn’t one to pry. 
“Hi, I brought you some clothes like you asked,” Dr Bracken said. “No need to go home in your gown.”
“Thank you,” Aelin said.
Rowan cleared his throat and stepped towards the door. “I’ll let you think about it and drop by at the end of my shift.”
“Okay,” was all Aelin offered and then he was gone. 
Dr Bracken put the clothes on the end of the bed. It looked as though it was just simple sweats and maybe a t-shirt. Those would be more comfortable than a gown or ruined clothes. They’d returned Aelin’s items to her, and the corset was in pieces after the necessity of assessing her injuries. She was glad to see it so thoroughly ruined. 
“In about an hour I’ll bring in your discharge papers, once you’ve signed those you can leave any time you’re ready,” Dr Bracken explained. “If you need any help in regard to where you can go next, we have organisations we can put you into contact with.”
And they would be the first place Arobynn would look. 
“I’m sure I’ll be fine,” Aelin said flatly, lacking the energy to make it sound convincing. 
Dr Bracken gave her a long look. This woman wasn’t stupid, anyone who even glanced at Aelin’s injuries could piece together what had happened to her. But she still wasn’t about to overstep. “I’ll leave you to it and see you in about an hour.”
Left alone Aelin took a moment to just lie there, preparing herself for what she needed to do. Getting out of bed would hurt, it had every time she had hobbled off to the bathroom. Remembering what had happened this morning had Aelin’s body flushing with embarrassment. Rowan had found her on the floor because she couldn’t bring herself to move. The pressure that vomited had put on her body had her paralysed with pain and she’d been so tired. And then he had even helped clean her up and carried her back to bed. 
She deserved none of his kindness. 
Aelin swung her legs off the bed and took the clothes with her to the bathroom. Doctors and nurses had a habit of bursting into her room so a locked door was the safest bet id she was about to get naked. She pulled off her gown and shorts, and then eased on the sweatpants. It was a slow process, bending over was more difficult with her aching muscles and the brace on her arm hindered her as well. Aelin tried to ignore the bruises, but the purple splotches that littered her body were hard not to notice. Arobynn had been relentless and he wouldn’t have stopped until he got what he wanted. 
Standing straight Aelin caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. The handprint marks around her neck had her nausea rising, and she had no desire to throw up her average lunch so she sent her gaze downward. Turning sideways, Aelin looked at her stomach. She had spent weeks ignoring it, finding it easier to pretend that her body wasn’t changing. But now as she looked at herself she saw it.
Aelin ran a hand over her stomach, right over the small swell that was showing. It was barely nothing, but it was there, and very, very real. She’d seen her baby today on that screen and seen them move around in there. Reality was bombarding her today on every front. It was overwhelming to say the least. 
The t-shirt Aelin pulled on was baggy and at least two sizes too big, but it was soft and comfortable. She left the sweatshirt for now and went back to bed. As promised Dr Bracken arrived with the discharge papers and the vitamins and information Dr Salvaterre said he would give her. 
That left Aelin to muse over her options of what she would do next. They were limited and all unappealing. She would not be going back to Arobynn’s clutches, that much was definite. However there was no way she could support herself with everything she owned either in her apartment or dressing room. The risk of retrieving them wasn’t worth the consequences. The more she thought about it the fewer alternatives she truly had. Ultimately, it came down to two choices: Aelin could run or she could take Rowan up on his offer.
Running posed all kinds of problems, especially considering that Aelin was on a time limit. One that was apparently finishing sooner than expected. So there was Rowan and his offers, stay with him and accept his charity. 
Although he had mentioned staying in a hotel at his expense that wasn’t appealing. Being holed up alone in that room would drive her insane, like a princess abandoned in a tower. The insanity would only be amplified with Rowan spending all that unnecessary money on her for months. She would feel indebted to him, and the thought of owing him so much was abhorrent. 
There was one more glaring fact that had Aelin’s pride wilting away. Rowan made her feel safe and he would do all that he could to protect her. To keep them safe. 
Aelin lay in her bed, keeping it raised because that was the most comfortable way for her to sleep right now. The pain was too much laying flat and she felt like her body was crushing her. She wondered how long it might be like this. Closing her eyes, she was resolved, even though it might break her in the long run. Staying with Rowan would at least give Aelin time to figure out her next move. Her anxiety wasn’t enough to keep sleep away and soon enough she was drifting off. 
The dreams weren’t pleasant, they hadn’t been since Arobynn had attacked her. He loomed over her, snarling insults and revelling in the pain that he had caused. But before Arobynn had her pleading Rowan was there to save her, carrying her away enveloped in his arms like the world could never touch her. She had felt that way once, cocooned in his touch and in his bed. It had been so long since she had felt that content.
Aelin, he whispered to her but she wanted to stay longer. Here she was safe. 
“Aelin, wake up.”
Her eyelids fluttered open to Rowan standing next to her bed, waking her without touching. 
“My shift is over, I’m stopping by like I said I would,” he said simply.
“Oh yeah,” Aelin said, trying not to wince at the pain waking up was causing as her muscles woke up.
Rowan’s face was set with grim determination, like he was ready to argue. “Did you decide what you’re going to do?”
“Yes, I have.” Aelin took in A deep breath as she sealed her fate. “I’m going with you.”
Tags: @fucking-winchester-trash // @literary-licorice // @galyxsy // @tangledraysofsunshine // @highqueenofelfhame // @3am-reading // @soup-that-is-too-hawt // @aelinfire-bringer // @nalgenewhore // @highladyofthesith // @http-itsrebecca // @sleep-and-books // @alifletcher2012 // @westofmoon // @sleeping-and-books // @ttakeitbacknoww // @armixers-unite // @mariamuses // @chocolate-eating-bitch-queen // @velarian-trash // @queenofxhearts // @heroesofterrasen // @highladyofstoriesandmusic // @empire-of-wildfire // @camerooonchiu // @crackedship // @lowhangingtreebranches // @over300books // @yourwhisperingshadows // @thesirenwashere // @tswaney17 // @impossiblescissorspeachpaper // @cat5313 // @judelovescardan // @flowerspringsea // @chaoticskyy // @the-regal-warrior // @fanfictrash3000 // @blueeyes425 // @starseternalnighttriumphant // @bamchickawowow // @thehuntressofmoon // @giorgia-the-trashpanda // @flora-and-fae // @thereaderandfangirl // @illyrian-bookworm // @chemicha // @meltalgel // @gay-book-nerd // @that-odd-puzzle-piece // @i-love-all-books // @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @hizqueen4life // @the-third-me // @1islessthan3books // @bestmelle // @cursebreaker29 // @b00kworm // @superspiritfestival // @aesthetics-11 // @maastrash // @mynewdreamwasyou // @the-last-apprentice // @charincharge // @firestarsandseneschals // @scarznstars // @absolute-dissapointment // @thesurielships // @df3ndyr // @trinitybailey2003 // @gwynethhberdara // @booknerdproblems // @larisssss // @sevenfreckles-for-sevenloves // @rolltide7 // @scandinavianromantic // @tillyrubes10 // @starwarsslytherin // @minaidss // @paytin77 // @jesstargaryenqueen // @anntheintrovert // @starbornvalkyrie // @loudphantomdragon // @woollycat22 // @claralady // @perseusannabeth // @fangirlprincess09 // @maddymelv // @sierrareads // @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx // @jlinez // @lysandra-ghost-leopard // @rowaelinismyotp // @pullnpeeltwizzlers // @anne-reads // @jadeaffliction // @gracie-rosee // @elriel4life // @rowaelinrambling // @tothestarswholistentodreamers // @thenerdandfandoms // @castielspelvis // @swankii-art-teacher // @grandma-noob-lord // @vanzetanze // @highlady-brittney // @story-scribbler // @linguine-panini // @pastasiren​ // @surielandiareendgame // @silentquartz​ // @live-the-fangirl-life​ // @whimsicallyreading​ // @goddess-aelin​ // @s-uppertime​ // @littleboxofthunder​ // @empress-ofbloodshed​ // @booksbqueen // @rowanwhitethornisbae​ // @charlizeed​ // @feysand-loml​ // @aelin-queen-of-terrasen​ // @alyx801​ // @amandaswallowtail​ // @louiseleblancdiggory​ // @abookishfreak // @danibutterr​ // @thegreyj​ // @lizzyfirebringer // @endlessdaydream​ // @magnifique1807​ // @renxzs​ //
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kmgkmg · 10 months
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Joshua stares at your last text for a while, unable to understand your defensive reaction to his words. It was the truth, you chose love over friendship. After looking at your text for a couple minutes, he concludes that you were done with the conversation. But your response thoroughly threw him for a loop. Even after trying to fall asleep for nearly half an hour, with several tosses and turns, Joshua’s wide awake. He threw on his hoodie and slid into his sneakers before leaving his cabin. 
Your cabin was only two minutes, if that, away from his. His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest at any moment. Not to mention, his ears were burning up from the nervousness towards the approaching confrontation with you. Regardless, they say it’s best to rip off a bandage all at once rather than slowly. Joshua was ready to pull off a nearly decades old bandage tonight. He brings his balled fist to the cabin’s door and knocks on it, waiting for your response. 
Although it’s nearly pitch black out, you’re able to discern Joshua’s face due to the moonlight. You stand in the doorway, making it clear to him that you had no plans to invite him in. 
You break the silence first, “So, I abandoned you? How do you figure that?” 
Joshua furrows his eyebrows in disbelief, “Jeonghan.”
“My ex? What about him?” You’re taken aback from the mention of someone that hasn’t crossed your mind in years. 
“He visited my house as your messenger like a week before graduation. Basically, he went off about how you only hung out with me because you thought I was pitiful and that I wouldn’t have anyone else. But since Jeonghan and you were going away to the same university, you wanted a fresh start with him. You decided that your fresh start didn’t include me. So, I listened to him and stayed out of your life.”
“I never would have said that. And I sure as hell didn’t send him to deliver the news to you. You thought listening to Jeonghan versus coming to me was the best move to make?” You run your hands through your hair out of frustration, “God, Joshua. I dated Jeonghan for a couple months, but he was never anything serious to me!” You end with a raised voice. 
“Sorry for failing to think straight when I was in love with you!” He shouts back, oblivious to the words he spurted out. 
Your face softens as you doubt your ears, “What?”
His eyes widened in realization, “I thought it was obvious back then, but I guess not. I loved you, Y/N.” With a much quieter tone he confesses more, “The distance was probably good for me, but being back for the summer is driving me crazy. I can’t stop thinking about you, especially when we’re around each other so much.”
Taking a deep breath, you took in each of his words as they hit you like a truck. 
“I need time,” Rubbing your temples you continue, “time to process what you said. But I swear, I never wanted to lose you.”
He nods in understanding, “I get that. And I’m sorry that I never came to you, I was just too naive to say anything back then.”
You shake your hand to refuse his apology, “No, I know. Your cautiousness around others was always something I envied.”
“Well, please don’t overthink it.” He replies, smiling slightly as he walks down the stairs of your cabin. 
“Yeah…” You reply, more as a whisper to yourself.
With Joshua gone, you close the wooden door before going back to your bed and sitting in silence. Head in hands, your stress increased by the second, beyond confused at something that could’ve been resolved so easily. You’re so engrossed in your own thoughts that Soonyoung and Chan’s presence in your cabin goes completely undetected. Chan’s slight tap on your shoulder accompanied by him calling your name finally brings you back to reality. 
“We have leftovers, Y/N.” He holds up a few containers full of food. 
You mindlessly grab the food and place them next to you on the bed, your body going in autopilot mode. “Thanks guys, I’ll eat these tomorrow for breakfast.”
Soonyoung takes the food off the bed, “These will go bad if they’re not refrigerated. Me and Chan will go to the kitchen and put them in the fridge, okay?”
“Okay.” You mutter, still incapable of focusing. 
Chan and Soonyoung both leave your cabin, confused at your behavior but leaving it as tiredness.
a/n: definitely unintentional, but i've somehow included 9/13 members thus far! although jeonghan being reader's ex was planned out long before other members' inclusions...the title of this part will make more sense when the next part is posted 🚶
taglist: @kthpurplesyou, @kokoiinuts, @fairywriter-oracle, @cookiehaos, @miruac, @fairybinie, @strawberri-uyu, @minghaossv, @wonwoos-wineparty, @minhui896, @tytrackfebreze
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ladythornofrivia · 1 year
The Imperfection of Sound
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In a world of sound, reader is deaf. Until she meets Ran Haitani, who shows her that life is more than just hoping for a miracle.
Pair: Ran x Reader
Warnings: Mature Content, Inappropriate Moments and Adult Language. (if you’re under 18, you can’t read this).
Author’s Note: Great news! So I’m going to expand on this series with 2 more chapters! Yay! It’s a very long chapter. I hope you enjoy it.
(Please report if someone decides to steal/plagiarize my story. And notify me. Thank you.)
Chapter 6: I Dream of You
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He must’ve been dreaming.
Surely he must’ve.
After all, all he had ever done is eat, watch, shower and sleep. And a little bit of seven-minute cleaning the apartment—not counting Rindou’s space and the DJ equipment. Most of the time, throughout the day, he constantly thinking—and dreaming—about you, a kind and gentle soul with an enigmatic aura shrouded with alluring mystery all at once.
His nights were lonesome, but his dreams are filled with vibrancy with you, sprouting like flower on a chilled winter.
The day before Rindou went out, Ran is entirely decent, apart from his internal conflict. Ran kept moping until a moment of idea came to mind. Ran went up, until he earned a cough and a high-aching fever and a sore body from hanging out too much by the wide-range balcony beyond his bedroom. To think a cold wind and a warm daylight would bring him as a new distraction, failure befall upon him.
He wanted to make amends with you. He’d do anything to see you smile once again.
Days before he got sick, his research on the internet from the usage of his laptop is helpful and beyond complexity.
Rather, he’s astonished, immersed at the laptop screen.
Learning sign language. In Japanese, of course. When he was a child, Ran wanted to become a well-known celebrity. And being a well-known celebrity, with its status means having unlimited access to medical and daily affairs and materials with no problem—with fortune and famous, throwing money and well-made name to solve conflict is not an issue. Dreaming of having—hiring—a translator is one of them.
But, at one point, he noticed the pattern of his laziness, despite the his known reputation for the club and his status at the Roppongi’s high-end lifestyle. That is something to say he’s content the way it is. But not without your presence.
And so he practiced, for more than 2 hours, from learning in beginner’s mode, then slowly moving forward to the normal mode. He kept watching videos regarding on sign language. With a fresh mind, it’s easy for Ran. But now he’s sick, he has to tend to himself first.
Regardless of sickness, on a counting days before the battle with Tokyo Manji Gang, he yearned to get well. A little more hope would do the trick. Ran is so occupied, his realization hadn’t dawned upon him when he awoke the next day to find someone on the bed beside him.
Pouted lips formed onto your sleeping visage, soft-angled brows crinkled and breathing relaxed.
If he were to scream, you’d fall from his bedside after his shocking reaction. But thankfully, nothing happened. His eyes taking it all in into your beauty, one thing he couldn’t deny.
You’re here in the flesh.
This wasn’t an illusion.
Or a dream within dreams.
This is real.
The bold and rich make up on your face weren’t smudged or stained onto his pillows and blanket.
Though he didn’t mind. Sheets and pillowcases are meant for washing, not decorating them until neglected. Unless if it’s permanently stained like red wine or pomegranate, it’s something that folks had to pay for him if they tend to stain it on purpose. But since it’s you, he wouldn’t demand or hurt you from scolding from his wrath that he was trying to hide from you. Up until now, he didn’t tell you he’s part of the gang—a new one, in fact.
So separating you—a part of his personal life—from Tenjiku would be best.
But he desired for you to be in his world. And him in yours.
He lay back on his bed beside you as his eyes were taking it all in from your sleeping figure. Before his hand could reach the blankets, he studied your stilled body, clad in nothing but the black dress and long evening gloves. Lines of your collar bone softly outlined as the soft arch on your neck is occupied by choker.
Normally, he’d compliment for the heck of it. He did it, so he could watch girls throw themselves at him, seeing their reactions amuses him. But when it comes to things that took him by surprise, he save compliments for anything special.
Make up or not, the memory of you never faded into his mind.
Gently, his hand roamed over to the side of your waist, lining it down with his gentle caress, along the soft and velvet material of your outfit choice, then trailing to your exposed skin.
Smooth and rejuvenated.
His eyes glanced over to your peaceful visage.
Upon Ran, a reddened shade summoned over his cheeks, recalling of the last dream he had dreamt, and vividly saw (y/n), naked and horny before his eyes.
As much as he wanted to touch you, he couldn’t bear the nature of playful boy get in the way; he didn’t want to put you in harm’s way. You appearing before him meant one thing: the opportunity has given him one last chance before it closes once more—locked forever.
Unsure, Ran let his grasp go from you, and yanked the blankets slowly. As the blanket reached near to his chest, he heard you whimpered in your sleep.
His heart stopped at the sound of your voice.
Trying to remain calm, Ran slept next to you, watching your shifted to a comfortable position as your mouth opened as if you’re talking. But no noise produced.
A little noise you made while stretching your arms up with your eyes closed made Ran’s heart skipped a beat. It was undeniably loud for his ears.
Prolonging his gaze, it’d be a terrible lie if he said that he wants to stop admiring you.
The frantic beat and motion within Ran dissipated, and yet, he wondered what you’re really reckoning, regarding towards himself. Whether it’d be good or bad, he’s ready.
Whether his hands to take a hold of you, he wanted to do so, but frightened he might lose one last chance.
He has to be ready.
“(y/n),” he uttered, whispering as he felt his heart tightened. “You’re here.”
You’re really here.
His heart is jumping for joy yet terror, unknown of what the outcome is going to be if he keeps pressing onward. Going with the flow is the main option.
Your eyes fluttered open, your lips stretched to a wide yawn, arms high up, bones crackling. Eyes still closed as you sat up at the bed frame before opening them, seeing Ran watching her, his movement numbed with anxiety, yet a thrill spread—mingled.
Ran, you thought.
As your mouth opened and your limbs relaxed, Ran tackled you into a lock-tight hug.
His nose sniffed into your fresh-cut hairstyle you’ve adapted to. But his heart wrenched, the tears in his terrorized eyes dispersed into a one leap of relief. He hasn’t been relief this long since Rindou gotten himself injured or in danger.
With his alarming senses controlling, Ran doesn’t know what to do next. Hands shaken as he clutched you. He didn’t want to let go. Not this time.
He wanted to make things right.
He had to see your face.
Pulling himself back, there were tears in your eyes as you met his. This mystical feeling, it all spiraled into madness.
Ran watched you grabbing your new phone and typed and sent the message, then you unblocked him and changed his name back from “Roppongi’s Douchebag” to “Handsome Giant 💜” again.
Ran’s phone buzzed in his pocket and took it out, reading it.
“Stay here. I’ll be right back. :)”
“Where are you going,” he replied on the text.
Then you rushed, off to God knows where. Ran obliged, despite being curious. While waiting for you to be back, Ran turned on the music, classical music, which it has been a while since his music is frequently loud and energetic. He went for a hot shower, first, then dried himself up with new fresh-laundry clothes. His complexion relaxed compare to the days before, as he did steps to his usual self-care on his skin, lips and teeth. He stayed for a while until his nostrils caught a scent of breakfast meal, closer than in the kitchen.
Entering the kitchen, he saw you blowing the hot steam off of the ramen you cooked on the cooking pot. But it wasn’t the only thing he had for breakfast. There’s french toast with melted butter and syrup with tall mug of cold water and chocolate with marshmallows.
Remembering your hearing disability, he flicked the kitchen lights off and on to get your attention. Your head snapped to meet his eyes.
The rapid rate in his heart pounded and endless.
You approached him a smile and a note in your hand, distributing towards him, and watched him read your note.
Come on. Let’s eat.
Shortly, you and Ran ate the ramen. It was delicious, better than the ones he tasted in the restaurant. Ran guessed that the food is better if its homemade. Then drinking the chocolate drink you made, Ran instantly fell in love, and thanked you.
After putting the plates away, you and Ran cleaned the dishes, then went back inside the room. By then you handed him papers in your hand.
I hope you don’t mind me making tons and tons of breakfast meals since it looks like you haven’t eaten anything properly for days, and I’m aware that you’ve been ill, as well. I made you ramen so that the system in your body would flush out its excess. I hope you don’t mind me being here. Rindou isn’t here. He hasn’t been here since last night, told me to do what I like in the apartment, so, I came into your room. I’m sorry I misunderstood you. I’m just afraid that I’ll get in your way. You’re a handsome man, and ladies are lining up left and right for you, I knew I couldn’t stand a chance—that’s why I didn’t bother myself to text you or see you. I was only keeping an arm’s length because you’re too good for me. And when we played the two truths and a lie, when you said that you have your eyes and heart set on someone, I know it’s going to sting—didn’t contact you because I’m not the ideal type for you. But it hurt even more when I saw you and the girl—Rindou already filled me in with your side of the story. That girl shouldn’t have used you as a rebound. Even though I have a hearing disability, I still want to make meaningful memories and accomplishments, so I wouldn’t be a burden, and that I’m more than just a person who is incapable based on my disability. There are times where I see you in my dreams, it felt real, but the reality of dreams just as hurt me as much as it hurts me during awake. I want to know what your voice sounds like, emotions and music—everything. That is my first wish ever since I was born. I want you to know that my heart and mind aches for you, whether awake or sleep; I’m no good at communication, but I’d like to remedy it, for the times we wasted for months, for months that I avoided you. I just want you to know that I love you. And I still do.
Ran looked up from the long letters you gave him, and met your eyes.
But without given his thoughts out, you pulled him into an embrace. Not a word exchange.
Ran then pulled himself away to gaze at your tearful expression. His thumb swiped your tears—and thankfully you’re able to read his lips—still gazing at you with a sad smile.
“I’m not a good person, (y/n), what I am and what I’ve been doing were no good. It wasn’t a lie when I said that I love you since the moment we met. I wanted to get to know you and see you. I fear every time you didn’t come, I knew something was wrong. So I tried to be careful, to not hurt you. I learned sign language, so you don’t feel isolated. In my dreams, I see you, too. When you turned away from me, I knew that I wanted to make things right with you. You don’t have to wait for a miracle, (y/n), I’m here to rescue you, in hopes for you to be excited for everything in life, and I can show you all the things you desire. I can protect you and care for you, even when you don’t ask. I don’t want you to be lonely anymore. I still love you, then, and I still love you now. I’ll be the sound of your life. You’re the miracle of my life, (y/n).”
Tears couldn’t stop in your eyes. And Ran kept wiping them, cooing you, knowing that whispering sweet words to you meant nothing—your hearing disability has deprived you from everything. But with Ran, it seems like everything is possible, that every doors are open for you. After wandering into the dark, the light became brighter and warmer.
His hand snaked at the back of your head. His back bent forward, tips of his nose tapped to yours, as his violet eyes brightened, thanks to your sudden appearance.
“I love you, (y/n).” He kissed your forehead, then your eyelids, then the nose and cheeks. He stopped for a moment to ask, “can I kiss you?”
Before he could wait for your answer, you pulled him in, then your hands moved and entangled behind his neck, with your little hums, he’s awestruck.
Where does your boldness come from?
His hands rested on your waist, holding you.
Do you like me like this? Ran, you only say your confession because you love me looking like this.
Ran’s brows furrowed, pausing. “What’s wrong, my little goddess?”
You typed down your message onto your phone, sending it to him?
With his hand on your waist, he checked your message.
Do you like me like this? Is that why you easily confessed your love to me?
With his phone put a quick shove into his pocket, he embraced you again, then looking into your eyes. “No, I don’t love you because you look like this. I love you when you’re being as your true self. I knew that there’s something special about you,” he answered. “Self-conscious or not, I’m still amazed by you. I’m not going to lie if I said you don’t look beautiful. I hope one day, you can see the way I love you—inside and out. Don’t listen to your doubts, I’ll be here, now and always.”
Your smile slowly curved wider.
“Tell me, my little goddess, what do you want to do to gain your trust?”
“Be yourself,” you messaged. “I want to see your charm and playful side of yourself. Don’t be a stranger, okay?”
“I don’t want to hurt you or make you cry,” Ran said.
“I trust you,” you signed.
“I’ll be as myself,” Ran signed. “Something you’ll see. I hope you see the best side of me, not my worst.”
Your eyes widened at the attempted sign language Ran did, your heart melted at his effort.
“Even at your worst, I still love you,” you replied.
He kissed your cheek lovingly.
“Tell me, little lady, since you’re here at my kingdom, what do you want to do first?” He kept kissing you at every chance he gets after the deprived and absences of your touch.
Being able to somewhat read his words—which you thought it’s a sign of miracle.
You messaged on the phone with a smirk on your face.
Ran took it out, and his phone nearly slipped from his hands when the screen read:
I want you to fuck me.
Taglist: @galactict3a @f1yh1gh @penguinlovestowrite @onyx-blossom @akemiixx01 @colored-tr-panels @goldenbeskar @mrssano04 @sehunnies-hunnie96
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pilot-boi · 1 year
Do you think Jaune will ever let go of what happened to Pyrrha and Penny?
Because I think for his character arc, it will involve him finally letting go of the past to let him truly move forward.
His whole arc in V9 was showing what would happen to him if he isn’t able to let go of his grief
So for his sake, I certainly hope so
Not FORGET his grief, because I doubt that’ll ever happen, but learn to not have it control him. Learn to grow from it, and heal from it, so that eventually the thought of Pyrrha and Penny doesn’t leave him frozen and gasping for breath
I’m pretty sure he’s there already with Pyrrha’s death, or very close to it. I doubt the hurt will ever fully go away, but a mention of her name or seeing her face doesn’t make him catatonic
Penny on the other hand… that wound is still VERY fresh. And much more intimate, since he was actually the one to put the blade through her heart. His reaction to the cat shows he hasn’t healed from that at all
However, that reaction I think might also spur him to heal faster. If there’s anything Jaune hates, it’s being a liability to his friends. So that moment of weakness was unforgivable to him
Angst aside, RWBY also all saw how much he was struggling with moving on, so it’s very possible that they could talk to him about it
Regardless, I think he’s going to heal and learn to forgive himself. I believe in him
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teaberrii · 1 year
Chapter Twenty-Five: The President's Kiss
You and Cyno can’t be more different. He’s Akademiya’s perfect student council president. You’re a labelled, cursed delinquent who changes into a cat for eight hours when kissed.
When Cyno gets a complaint about you, he’s forced to take action, only for it to lead to unexpected circumstances.
Chapter warnings: Smut
Cross-posted on Ao3
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
Cyno has visited you at the hospital daily, frequently accompanied by one of your mutual friends. His mother also visits you when she's back in town. You are incredibly nervous about her reaction to how you got yourself into this mess, but she is surprisingly understanding. She even eventually meets your grandmother, Rahman, and Jebrael.
Cyno makes sure you know what’s been happening in your classes even though the teachers know you’re taking a leave of absence. He makes photocopies of his notes and—at your request—also brings you some of his favourite books to read.
You’re reading one of his books when Cyno visits you that weekend.
“You’re early!” you say, putting the book beside the vase full of flowers Nahida had picked out for you the day before. “Not that I’m complaining.”
Cyno puts down a bag of fresh fruit on a small table. "Class ended early," he says, smiling at you. He takes out a small apple and a plate and starts cutting them into pieces for you.
Cyno's been keeping you updated about his research and plans for law school. He still has his sights set on Liyue and will use the semester to prepare for the entrance exam and strengthen his resumé.
You’re about to get out of bed when Cyno rushes to your side. “What do you need?” he asks.
“I just want to get us some drinks!” you say. “It’s been almost a month, prez.” You smile at him. “I’m fine.”
You’re pouring you and Cyno some water when he asks, “Did you see the news about Akademiya?”
“The nurses were talking about it today.” You put one cup in front of him. “They were a little curious since they know I’m a student there.”
“It’s been pretty hectic,” Cyno sighs. You sit on the edge of your bed with your cup, looking out the window. Cyno lifts a small table over and puts the fruit down. Then, he sits next to you. “Some people are getting fired since they knew about Scaramouche’s background but let him in regardless because of money.”
“Eh… Not surprised,” you mutter, picking up another apple slice.
“Funny how it’s mostly those who’ve been around for a while.”
You frown. “I guess they thought they would get away with it.”
Cyno puts his arm around you, and you lean your head against his shoulder. “Maybe. There are also reports saying that the newer staff knew what was happening but kept quiet because of threats.”
You scoff. “It’s just like the student attitudes at Akademiya.”
“Now that this is blowing up, hopefully, it’ll change them, too.
Cyno’s cheek is against your head as you take his hand. “You know… I’ve been thinking… this whole thing probably wouldn’t have happened if Scaramouche hadn’t lost his mother.”
“Don’t tell me you’re blaming yourself, Catnip.”
"I'm not. But she was one of the better people in his life. I mean... even those tutors at the center weren't that much better. Maybe if someone had paid some attention to him, things wouldn't have gotten to this extent."
Cyno remembers you telling him that you're seriously considering going into teaching, as Nahida often visits you to get advice and help with her homework. You've considered becoming a professor, a high school teacher, or a student counsellor.
“But a teacher isn’t a therapist, Catnip,” Cyno says kindly.
“I know.” You smile at him.
“Hey, lovebirds!”
You and Cyno turn around and see Tighnari and Candace. “Excited to get discharged soon, Catnip?” Tighnari asks.
“We bring good news!” Candace says, sitting in a chair. “We’re getting a discount on the hotel we’re staying at since the owner is friends with Alhaitham and Kaveh.”
“You two still okay with sharing a room?” Tighnari asks.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Candace says sarcastically. “I mean… just look at them holding hands. I doubt it.”
You laugh as Tighnari gestures for Cyno to follow him. So, he does, and Candace takes his spot next to you.
“What is it?” Cyno asks as he and Tighnari step off to the side.
Tighnari hands him a box wrapped in some cloth. A large smiley face sticker is on the front. As Cyno starts opening it, Tighnari stops him.
“Don’t open it yet,” he says. Cyno raises a brow. “You said you wanted something to help you relax at night when we’re on the trip, right? This will help. I guarantee it! But open it when you get there.”
What is his friend up to? Well, Cyno doesn’t think much about it and nods.
A few months pass, and Cyno almost forgets about the trip because of how busy he's been. So, when you remind him, it's like a breath of fresh air. Cyno is just about finished packing for the long weekend trip when he remembers the box Tighnari gave him in your hospital room. Cyno opens his drawer and stares at the large smiley face sticker.
Why does Tighnari want him to wait? Curious, Cyno is about to open it when he hears a knock at his door. He puts the box down, turns, and sees Nahida.
“Have a minute?” she asks.
“Yeah.” Cyno spins around in his chair just as his cousin sits on the edge of his bed.
“Are you… are you really going to go to Liyue?”
“What’s wrong?” Cyno asks.
Nahida looks down. “I… well… I… I don’t want you to go.” Then, she pouts. “I’ll miss you.”
Cyno takes her hand. “I don’t even know if I’m going.”
“Of course you’re going to get in!” Nahida cries.
Well, he hopes so.
“Who will I stay with?” she continues. “It’s always been the two of us!”
Cyno ruffles her hair affectionately. “It’s not like I’m going away forever. I’ll come back to visit, of course.”
“Yeah… but you’ll be spending time with Catnip.” Nahida looks at him. “How is she handling it?”
You've been very supportive, but you've also been busy with your own path. You've been talking to people in the field, doing your own research on what career path you should take. You ultimately decide on a professor. Just a month ago, you secured a research assistant position for the rest of the semester.
“Don’t tell me the two of you haven’t talked about it! Like… really talked about it.” When Cyno says nothing, Nahida stands and gives him a hug. “This isn’t a goodbye hug!” she huffs. “You’ll still be dealing with me for another few months!”
Cyno smiles and says, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Woo! Three wins in a row!” Candace gives Alhaitham a high five, while Kaveh and Tighnari give them a deadpan look.
The train ride to the hotel is long, so Kaveh eventually takes out a deck of cards to kill everyone's boredom.
“Who knew that Candace and Alhaitham would make a good team?” Kaveh asks.
You laugh. “We need to step it up, prez. They’re tied with us now.”
As the game continues, Cyno can't help but think of the conversation with Nahida yesterday. He somehow feels he will leave Sumeru, and the thought of everything changing hits him all at once. He looks at Candace and Tighnari sitting across from him. He's been with them for so long that it's strange to imagine a life where they aren't a walking distance away. There's also Alhaitham and Kaveh. Cyno never thought he would miss them spontaneously showing up at his door every once in a while.
Then, there's you.
You and Cyno have been so busy that you've never seriously discussed your future together. While Cyno would love to go to Liyue for law, he needs to remain realistic. So, he's also trying at Inazuma and Mondstadt. It's difficult to say where he'll end up, and he obviously isn't going to ask you to plan his future around him. It won't be fair.
Cyno looks up. Everyone is looking at him.
“It’s your move,” Alhaitham says.
Cyno puts down a card, and the game continues.
Soon, the quiet and soft rock of the train has everyone asleep. Candace has her head against the window, and Kaveh and Tighnari are leaning against each other, snoring loudly. Alhaitham has his head lowered and arms crossed.
You and Cyno are the only ones awake.
“Hey, prez,” you say softly, putting your hand on his. “Is something wrong? It seems like you’re a little out of it.”
“Nahida came to talk to me yesterday,” Cyno says. “She said she would miss me after I left. And”—he looks at his friends—“I guess it hit me just now that things will change.”
“It’s not always a bad thing,” you say.
“You're right. But…” When he looks into your eyes, it’s as if you read his mind.
"I haven't got a chance to tell you yet," you say. "But the graduate program I want to get into isn't just offered in Sumeru." You glance at Alhaitham. "I was talking to Professor Alhaitham just a few days ago."
So, does this mean…?
“I’m not sacrificing my future if I go with you wherever you decide to go to law school,” you continue. Cyno takes your hand tightly. “But, of course, I also have to get into the program."
"You've been working so hard," Cyno says. "You'll get in wherever you apply."
You chuckle. "I hope so." Then, you gently pinch his nose. "Let’s see if both of us will get to go to Liyue. If not, let’s see what we can do after we get our results.”
You’re right. It’s too early to say what will happen. Maybe you will go to Liyue together. Maybe… there will be a year apart. So…
“Let’s just focus on the now," Cyno says with a small smile.
You nod, and Cyno puts his arm around you as you lean against his shoulder until the train reaches the last stop.
Alhaitham is the first to wake, followed by Candace. You and Cyno have to shake Kaveh and Tighnari awake. It seems like Tighnari is having a dream as he sits up with a start.
“Were you dreaming about food?” Candace asks, smiling.
Tighnari rubs his eyes. “I had a dream about Catnip! She was a cat… I was a fox… Cyno was protecting us from a large white wolf that oddly reminded me of Candace. It was… weird.”
You and Cyno look at each other; you’re holding back a smile.
"But, it must be nice being a shapeshifter, Catnip," Tighnari says. "The things you can get away with…."
Kaveh raises a brow. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh, uh, nothing!”
Candace rolls her eyes.
The group doesn't take long to reach the hotel, which has a stunning mountain view just from the lobby. A man comes out and greets Alhaitham and Kaveh, and Cyno assumes he's the friend Candace mentioned.
After wheeling your luggage inside, you immediately flop onto the king-sized bed in the room you'll share with Cyno.
“Ooh, this is nice,” you say. You pat the empty spot next to you. “Come try it out, prez!”
Cyno lies next to you and brushes your hair out of your face. You slowly inch closer to him, and Cyno is expecting a hug, but you give him a tickle attack that doesn't last very long. Soon, Cyno has you pinned underneath him. His hands hold your wrists as your hands lie on either side of your head.
“What do you think you’re doing, Catnip?”
“I can ask you the same question,” you say teasingly.
"Hey, Cyno, Catnip, your door's op—"
Tighnari opens the hotel door that's already slightly ajar and immediately makes eye contact with you and Cyno in this questionable position.
Cyno gets off of you, and you quickly sit up. “It’s—”
“It’s not like that,” Tighnari finishes. “Yes, yes. Where have I heard that before?” Then, he laughs. “I’ll keep your secret. Don’t worry.” 
“Hey, hey!” Candace peeks into your room. “Let’s go hiking! I heard the view from up top is amazing!”
Tighnari smiles at you as you leave the room and follow Candace down the hall. Then, he steps in front of the door and stops Cyno from leaving.
“Did you bring the box I gave you a few months ago?” Tighnari asks. Cyno raises a brow. “Did you open it?”
“No… not yet,” Cyno says skeptically. “Should I open it now?”
“Well, just remember to check it when you need to relax.”
Right. Relax. Okay.
Cyno looks over his shoulder at Kaveh and Tighnari, who are clearly dying from the number of stairs they are climbing.
Kaveh stops and breathes heavily. “Why did you pick such a steep trail, Candace?”
Just a few steps behind Alhaitham, Candace turns around and says, "Maybe you should start working out, Kaveh. It'll do wonders."
You’re just a few steps above Cyno when you turn around. “You can do it! We’re almost there!”
“That’s what you said fifteen minutes ago!” Tighnari says loudly. Then, dramatically, “Cyno! Carry me!”
By the time you reach the top, it’s already late afternoon.
Everyone is enjoying the cool breeze and view when Tighnari says, "Man, when will we be able to do this again?"
Kaveh turns to him. “What do you mean? You’re making it sound like this is our last trip in a while.”
"I mean… isn't it?" Tighnari sighs. "We've been so busy these last few months, and… our graduation is also coming up."
“It’s still a couple of months away,” Cyno says.
“Yeah… but… we’re all going to go our separate ways.”
Candace gently hits him. “Why do you have to talk about such depressing things?”
"So, enjoy the moment," Alhaitham says. "It'll be even more special when we get together again."
Kaveh raises a brow. "That’s the cheesiest thing I’ve ever heard you say."
You laugh. “Well, it’s true, though.”
Alhaitham clears his throat. “Anyway, we shouldn’t stay too long. We don’t want to be hiking back in the dark.”
"Hey, as soon as we get back, let's play a friendly ping-pong match!"
“You still have the energy?” Tighnari asks.
“Of course! We have to make the best of it!” Candace says.
Kaveh makes air quotation marks with his hands as he says, "'Friendly'... so she says."
That evening, you’re all dressed in a yukata when a fierce ping-pong match breaks out between Candace and Kaveh.
“I guess Candace’s definition of friendly is smashing the ball until it breaks,” Tighnari says.
Cyno sees you rubbing your eyes and says, “Sleepy, Catnip?”
“A little. I guess the hike wore me out.” You stand. “I’m going to go back and take a little nap.”
An hour later, Cyno heads back to check up on you. He quietly opens the door and sees you sleeping soundly on the bed. He closes the door behind him and quietly walks into the room to grab a towel for a quick soak outside when he sees you’re sweating. You’re tightly gripping the sheets and also slightly shaking.
Cyno gently puts a hand on your shoulder. “Catnip?” he asks quietly. When he sees you grip the sheets tighter, he slowly shakes you. “Cat—”
Your eyes open, and you immediately sit upright. Cyno wraps his arm around you and gently pulls you toward him.
“It’s okay,” he says softly, rubbing your arm. “It’s just a bad dream.”
Cyno brushes some hair out of your face as you say, "... It was Scaramouche."
You and Cyno end up cuddling on the bed as he listens to you tell him about your nightmare. You'd transformed into a cat, running to save a bleeding Cyno bound to a chair. But your efforts are always in vain, as Scaramouche kills both of you in cold blood. Cyno also learns this isn't the first time Scaramouche haunts your dreams. It's already been a few weeks.
“I didn’t want you to worry,” you say quietly. “You were already so busy.”
Cyno gives you a tight squeeze. “Still, I wish you could’ve told me.” You look up at him, and he smiles. “Do you want me to make you some tea?”
You nod.
As Cyno gets off the bed, you move to sit on the edge. "Now that Scaramouche is gone, do you think… my curse can be broken?"
Cyno takes out a small pack of chamomile tea he packed for the trip just as the water begins the boil. “Does he have something to do with your curse?”
You sigh. “It’s silly… but do you remember that children’s story Alhaitham told you about?”
“Cupid’s Cat Curse?”
You nod. "I was curious and read about it a few days ago."
Cyno remembers the story. A princess cursed by an evil witch into becoming a cat. While the curse is broken with a kiss once the prince learns and accepts the princess's dark past with the witch's family, it's also the time the princess comes to terms with who she is and who she wants to become.
“When I think about it… Scaramouche and I are similar, but we’re also very different,” you continue. “He wanted love. I… I just wanted to have a family like everyone else, which… I realize now that I pretty much do.” You sigh. “Of course, there’s secrecy, but I guess I was afraid of what other people will think.”
Cyno hands you the hot cup of tea, and you immediately take a sip. "You're not alone," he says, sitting beside you. "Everyone cares about what other people think to some extent. But… it's after a little time that you realize whose opinions really matter."
"You also realize who your real friends are."
Cyno smiles at you. "That too." You're almost finished with your drink when he asks, "Do you think Scaramouche coming back was a good thing?"
“I guess so. I mean… I don’t think I would’ve found out what I did. My family wouldn’t have a reason to tell me. But, maybe I would’ve found out one day.”
You put your drink on the table, and Cyno opens his arms so you sit on his lap. His arms are around you, and you hold his hands. "Well, I wished he came back a little more quietly," he says, and you chuckle. "But, I'm glad it's all over."
“Me too.”
Both of you lean closer, and you look each other in the eyes before your lips find each other. His hands are in your hair, holding you in place as he nips at your top lip and caresses it with his own. Then, after repeating the gesture on your lower lip, you sigh and murmur his name.
You and Cyno pull away. Your face is a faint shade of pink; he knows his face is, too, if the warmth is anything to go by. He kisses you again, and you lean greedily into the kiss. Then, as you turn to face him fully, your hands find his shoulders, and the kiss turns dark and deep. Soon, Cyno has you underneath him, his body fitting snugly against yours as he takes your lips again… and again.
When he finally breaks away, both of you are breathless and panting softly as if coming down from a high that you can only find in each other.
"You asked me before if I was sure," you say, your hands sliding underneath his shirt. A delicious shiver runs through his body when he feels your fingers dancing along his torso. After he allows you to remove his shirt, you put a hand on his chest and look him in the eyes. "I'm sure."
Cyno’s lips find yours in another heated embrace while his hand travels lower until he finds what he's looking for. You gasp when the pad of his thumb gently circles around your clit. You slowly roll your hips as Cyno plays with the pressure, adjusting as needed upon seeing your reactions.
“Softer…?” Cyno whispers in your ear. “Or harder…?”
“H-harder,” you manage between soft breaths.
Cyno slides another finger inside and starts rubbing your clit between his finger and his thumb. He gradually increases the pressure and moves his hand in tangent with your hips. He uses his other hand to remove your shirt with your help. His lips nip at a hardened nipple, and your body arches off the bed. You wrap your arms around him, keeping him in place as his hand and mouth draw sounds from you that only Cyno has the pleasure of hearing.
“C-Cyno,” you whimper. “I’m…”
That’s when he stops.
He leans upright, and your blush worsens upon seeing the tent in his pants. Finally, you sit up, and Cyno lets you slide off his remaining clothes. Eventually, your clothes lie in a pile with his, and you're on top of him.
His gaze quickly roams your body before landing back on your face. You slowly allow his hardened sex to enter you, but your soft whimpers give it away that it's too much to bear. His hands are on your hips, guiding and letting you slowly sink onto him at your pace. Cyno is doing everything in his power not to pressure you, but the way your walls hug him so tightly, he feels like his body is on fire. Finally, you lean toward him and slowly rock your hips when he's completely inside you. Soon, the mattress underneath shifts and moves along as you ride him faster and harder.
“G-God, Catnip.”
As his hips continuously roll into yours, you lean forward even more, your breasts just inches away from his face. Cyno feels him go even deeper, which sends shockwaves throughout his body. "You feel… so good, prez," he hears you whisper in his ear.
Suddenly, Cyno sweeps you onto your back without pulling out. He raises your legs and thrusts into you, making you cry out. Did he hurt you? Cyno almost pulls out. But, one hand weaves its way into his hair, and you kiss him with a fervent need, and he starts again. Slowly… gradually increasing his pace until…
“Harder, prez,” you gasp as soon as you break apart. You nip his bottom lip. “Fuck me… harder.”
That's when something snaps.
Cyno hooks his knees outside your legs and drives himself deeper… harder… again… and again.
“A-ah… that’s—” A quick scream and then, “that’s… that’s the best.”
Cyno's heart feels like it's going to explode. He can feel his high fast approaching as the bed continues to rock back and forth. You cry out, and soon, Cyno pulls out and feels himself come in a trembling wave.
Cyno is leaning over you; his hands are on either side of your head. Both of you are panting, but then you smile and touch his come on your stomach and lick it off your finger. The action alone is enough to get the blood flowing... again.
You lick your lips and smile. “You taste just as good as you feel, prez.”
He nips your bottom lip. “We should get cleaned up.”
You chuckle. “Will you help me?”
That’s an invitation Cyno will definitely accept.
The next morning, Cyno wakes up spooning you and smiles against your bare shoulder. Throughout the entire night, you haven’t turned. Does this mean the curse is broken? Careful not to wake you, he quietly slips out of bed for the washroom. Then, when he returns to the bedroom, he remembers the box Tighnari gave him.
Cyno reaches into his bag and pulls it out. He finally opens it and sees…
“What are you looking at?” Cyno hears you ask as your arms snake around him. You look over his shoulder and see a libido drink and a small box of condoms. But it’s the message on top that makes you laugh.
Just lookin’ out for your health (¬‿¬)
Cyno sighs. “It’s Tighnari.”
You kiss his shoulder. “May have come in handy yesterday night.”
Cyno kisses your head. “We can always use it another time.”
You make him turn around, and Cyno sees you're on your knees on the bed. "What about now?"
Cyno falls onto the bed with you underneath him. “Dirty girl,” he whispers.
Your legs go around him as he kisses your jawline. Then, you tilt his head toward you and teasingly ask, "Are you complaining?"
Cyno smirks. “Never.”
It takes you and Cyno a while before you finally head down for breakfast. Cyno thinks Tighnari won't complain after knowing his gift came in handy.
End notes: Is the next chapter really... the last chapter? I'm not ready LOL.
Tag list: @lxry-chxn @suoshiii @lordbugs @seirenspinel @iwishitwas @sketcheeee @sakiimeo @thetwinkims @chaimkko @bennytheghost @whorerificstuff @ch0c0shortiie @ashtree-and-the-cats @riylvx
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dixonlvr-online · 2 years
No exit plan
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: Story is characters running from zombies
Genre: Angst
Challenge: I'll be right behind you @whumptober / Truth or dare/20 questions / "Yes. No. I don't know."
A/N: If you're interested, I also wrote a Truth or dare inspired fic not too long ago :)
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No time to think, just run.
You and Daryl had thought everything was under control- it was, in the beginning. You’d managed to take down a dozen walkers between you, but as soon as you were ready to collapse and thank God for making it another day, a fresh wave had come in.
Now you were running. You’d been scavenging an abandoned high school, assuming it would have a stockpile of resources you could use. You’d been right on that front, but you hadn’t accounted for the people who’d been using those resources, who were now the undead.
The hallways stretched on and on, the two of you taking sharp turns where you could in an attempt to lose the herd. You were gasping for breath, the weight of your stocked pack heavy on your shoulders. Daryl gestured for you to hand him the pack, but you shook him off.
The walker’s growls weren’t growing any fainter, you realized with a start. In fact, they seemed to be growing louder as you approached…
The cafeteria. The two of you froze in the entrance at the horrifying sight before you. Another herd of walkers, shaken from their stupor once they caught sight of you. 
You flashed Daryl a petrified look, your expression reflected on his own features. He wasted no time grabbing your hand and pulling you down the hall.
“This isn’t lookin’ good,” he gasped, glancing behind you for signs of walkers. He groaned, prompting you to look. The herd from before was now merging with the cafeteria roamers, forming an extra large group. You ran faster.
“It’s going to be okay. We just need to find an exit, or-” you said, before Daryl cut you off by pulling you to a stop.
“Take this,” he said, dropping his pack from his shoulder. You eyed him, confused. He ignored you, repositioning your pack so he could place both on your shoulders. When you were settled, he lifted his crossbow.
“I’m goin’ to hold ‘em off, let you find a way out. When ya do, just shout for me. I’ll find ya,” Daryl said. You shook your head, understanding his true meaning in an instant.
“No, Daryl, it’s suicide. We go together or not at all,” you argued. Daryl bit his lip, studying your reaction. He could see the tears welling in your eyes, the tension in your stance. He knew that you knew what he was planning.
“We can’t, sweetheart,” he said, gently. “You need to get out of here safe. I need to get ya out of here safe. Ya know I gotta do that, right?”
You shook your head, placing a hand on his arm.
“D, please. Just come with me. We’ll find a way out of this,” you pleaded. He studied you for a moment, silent, before pulling you into a tight hug. You held onto each other for dear life, neither of you daring to let the other go. Only when the sounds of the approaching herd grew deafening did you release him.
He held your face between his hands, leaning in to meet your eyes.
“Gotta do this. I’ll be right behind ya,” he said. You felt a tear slide down your cheek, but you nodded regardless.
“Okay,” you said. It was all you could say. With one last look, he pulled away from you, disappearing down the hall. You stared at the empty space for a moment, frozen in time. And then you ran.
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daddy-dins-girl · 8 months
Kindred - Chapter 5
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Main Masterlist Series Masterlist
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Maxwell Lord x f!Reader (Nanny)
Word Count: 7.8k
Chapter Summary: You and Max finally go on a date, and get to have an entire night together without the impending threat of a 6 year old sleeping just down the hallway ;)
Chapter Warnings: 18+ MDNI. Smut. (So much smut). Oral sex. Vaginal fingering. Maxwell's tie from chapter one makes a return to the scene and I'm telling you now it comes with its own warning. Unprotected p in v sex. Creampie. Multiple orgasms. Praise kink, goodboy!maxwell. If I missed anything else, lmk!
Saturday morning you wake up, unfortunately, to cold sheets beside you and an otherwise empty bed. It’s early, you know this because the alarm to get Alistair up hasn’t gone off yet and you idly wonder where Max has gone to. You did go to bed rather early last night because he had been so jet lagged so you’re not surprised he’d been up early, his internal clock probably still not readjusted back to this timezone yet.
You sit up, rubbing your tired eyes and a little smile crosses your lips when you look down and are reminded that you had gone to bed in Max’s dress shirt last night. Almost as if on instinct, you grab the collar and bring it up in front of your nose and take a deep inhale and a dreamy little sigh escapes you when the lingering scent of Max invades your senses. You’ll have to remember for next time how absolutely divine it is to wake up in his clothes that are still smelling of him so you can make sure you do it again.
And given Max’s reaction to seeing you in it last night, you don’t think he’ll be opposed to the idea.
You push out of the bed to get up and go to the bathroom when a little folded piece of paper on the nightstand catches your eye. Opening it up a smile automatically crosses your lips when you recognize Max’s loopy handwriting.
Angel, got up early, thought I’d get a head start on my day to be sure I’m free in time for dinner. I’m looking forward to it and can’t wait. Will pick you up at your place (this is a date, and I’m a gentleman!) at 7:00. See you then, Maxwell xoxo
You have a little giggle at his note. It’s sweet that he wants to treat this as authentic a date as possible. And he rightly assumed you’d want to go to your own home to get ready there. Of course you have basic essentials here, but you really want to go all out on your hair and makeup for tonight and look your best so you’ll need to go home first where you have access to your full arsenal of beauty products.
Your fingers ghost along the end of the note where Max had signed his name with hugs and kisses and you feel like you’re in fourth grade again and just got passed a note from a boy you’re crushing on. You laugh to yourself and shake your head but you refold the note up regardless and take it into the bathroom with you to shove it into the pocket of your discarded Pajama shorts from the night before because you are absolutely going to be keeping this cute little note and tucking it away somewhere safe in your room later.
The rest of the morning is busy. You get Alistair his breakfast and then park him in front of the TV so you can get some things done around the house. You do Alistair’s laundry, strip Max’s bed and remake it with fresh linens (though you’re hoping the two of you are just going to ruin them tonight, you still want everything to start off as perfect as possible) and then as your waiting for the laundry to finish a thought crosses your mind and you grab Alistair and get into your car for a quick trip down to the corner store.
You’re not home very long before Alistair’s mother arrives to pick him up and the two of you exchange hellos and have a quick little chat while Alistair runs down the driveway to get in the car, eager to get his weekend with his mom started.
“Oh, before you go,” you begin as you run quickly over the kitchen and grab the few things you had picked up from the store this morning and put them all in a bag. “I figured you haven’t been home in a couple weeks, you probably wouldn’t have fresh milk and bread and basics and stuff and I’m sure the last thing you want to do now is go grocery shopping” you explain as you hold out the bag to her and she smiles warmly at you and puts a hand over her heart.
“Oh my gosh, that is so thoughtful, thank you so much! You’re right, I didn’t even think about that, my head is just…” she motions wildly with a wave of her hand, “all over the place, you know?”
“I’m very sorry about your mother” you say sincerely. “I’m glad at least that they think they can help her. She’s very lucky to have you to be with her” you offer a kind smile.
“Thank you, yes, we’re staying optimistic” she smiles back. “And thank you for just… everything you do for Alistair, and of course for stepping in the last two weeks, last minute like that. I’m sure Max has expressed how much he appreciates it but I really do as well, so thank you” She smiles again and reaches to place a hand on your arm and offers a small squeeze.
“It’s no problem, I love that Alistair to bits. He’s a really great kid” you say sincerely and Sofia nods in agreement.
Your pleasant chat however is broken up when Alistair hangs his head out the car window and starts yelling for his Mom to hurry up and you both have a little laugh at his impatience (’gets that from his father’, Sofia remarks) but you say your goodbyes and wave from the door to Alistair until you see the car disappear down the street.
The rest of your day seems like it just drags on and on. You decided to head home after Alistair got picked up and do a little tidying around your apartment and then try and distract yourself with first a book and then some TV until it's finally late enough that you can shower and begin to get ready for your date. Now the time seems to pass way too quickly and you’re still putting the finishing touches on your appearance when you hear a knock at your door.
“Shoot” you mutter as you run off to the bedroom to grab your shoes. Thankfully the pair you had your mind set on wearing tonight is right at the front of your closet so you don’t have to waste time ransacking the place and you quickly slip them on before turning to your full length mirror, smoothing down your dress and giving yourself a final once over. Satisfied with the result you take a steadying breath and then head for the door, smiling wide when you open it.
“Sorry, I was just-” the words die on your lips as your gaze immediately zeroes in on the tie he’s chosen to wear this evening. The tie. The infamous navy blue tie with the gold paisley pattern that started it all. Tonight he’s pairing it with a black three-button suit with a light blue shirt and gold cufflinks to match the pattern color in his tie and it takes you a few seconds to realize you’ve stopped speaking and you’re just standing there staring at him with your mouth still half open mid-sentence.
“Angel you look breathtaking” Max compliments, snapping you back to reality. His smile is bright and genuine as he takes another step forward and leans in to brush a kiss to your cheek.
“And you look very handsome, Maxwell. I like the tie” You tease with a wink and you see a bit of a blush rise up his neck.
“I thought you might” he smirks and then begins fiddling nervously with his cufflinks before he smooths his hands down the imaginary wrinkles in his jacket and squares his shoulders again, taking a breath.
“Are you ready, my dear?” He asks and you nod.
The restaurant Max takes you to is beautiful. All low lighting and romantic candlelight and an extensive wine list that is almost all in French which you don’t speak a word of, but thankfully Max seems to know what he’s doing and orders a bottle of something after only a brief glance at the menu.
“Very good choice sir” the waiter agrees with a curt nod and then turns to take his leave.
“Do you think they always say that?” You find yourself asking suddenly, your face scrunched up a little in thought.
“What’s that?” Max asks, not following.
“Complimenting your taste in wine. Like do you think you could order the most dog shit wine on the list and they’re just pre-programmed to tell you that you’ve made an excellent choice?” You say and Max rewards you with a genuine laugh that makes the corners of his eyes crinkle. You don’t really go to fancy places like this (mostly because you can’t afford it) but you’ve seen enough of these scenes play out in movies and television to know what they’re like.
“Well I guess next time we’ll order the… what was it? Dog shit wine? And we’ll see what happens…” He jokes and now it’s you that’s laughing, just as your server returns with the very good bottle of wine.
“Are we celebrating anything this evening?” The waiter asks, making polite conversation as he holds his arm out with a napkin draped over it and pours a small sample of the wine for Max to taste.
“A… first date” Max replies after a moment, winking across the table at you and you give him a smile in return, the butterflies returning to your stomach.
“Oh first date, wow. Forgive me, you just seemed so comfortable with each other I thought perhaps a wedding anniversary” The server comments just as Max gives the wine a quick swirl around the glass before taking a small sip.
“Excellent” Max concludes on the wine and the server gives a nod before he fills Max’s glass and then your own and excuses himself, saying he’ll be back shortly.
“To my radiant wife on our wedding anniversary” Max says teasingly, raising his glass to you.
“Easy slugger, let’s just try and get through the first date first and see how it goes, okay?” You joke back before clinking your glass against his and you both take a sip.
Dinner seems to fly by. Maybe it was because you had barely seen each other for a week, but you and Max never seem to run out of things to talk about. You ask him a lot of questions about London because you’re genuinely curious about the city and the architecture and the culture and he’s fairly knowledgeable despite not having spent a lot of time there himself. He asks you about what your travel bucket list would be - London excluded, he already knows it’s one of the places you’d love to see - and the conversation just continues flowing until you’re cleaning the last morsel of creme brulee off of Max’s offered fork while your server drops off your bill at the table.
“Max thank you for dinner, that might have been the best meal I’ve ever had” you tell him as he closes up the leather bound fold after tucking his credit card inside and hands it back.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it Angel” he smiles warmly at you, reaching across the table to hold your fingers with his.
“I mean it Max this is… It’s really nice, that you did this for me. For us” And you mean that. Max didn’t have to take you out or spend money on you but he wants to and you’re more than happy about it. Not that you need him to take you to fancy places or spend money on you, but it's just nice that he wants to put in an effort.
“Look, I know things may be a little… unconventional for us” Max begins with a shrug, his thumb rubbing across your knuckles now of the hand he’s still holding. “But you deserve this. To be treated right. Special. Because you are, very special to me” he finishes and brings your hand up to place a kiss to the back of it.
“Thank you Max” you smile warmly and give his hand a light squeeze.
The drive back to Max’s house is practically torture. Your whole body is thrumming with an excited but slightly nervous energy. It feels like you’ve been waiting for this night, for this moment, for so long when in reality it’s only been a couple of weeks.
And you still can’t believe he wore that damn tie… certainly not helping matters any.
“You um… still want to come back to mine?” Max asks a little nervously from beside and seeing that he’s just as flustered as you are, it actually helps settle your own nerves and you give him a smile, reaching across the console to interlock your fingers with this over the gear shifter. The question almost throws you for a loop before you realize that Alistair is not home which means technically you could just go back to your own place for the entire weekend until Sunday night if you wanted to, because that’s what happens when Alistair is not there to be cared for, you go to your own home. But that was before. Before Mr. Lord was just Max. Before you were his Angel.
“More than anything” you answer him with and the relieved breath that leaves his lips doesn’t escape your notice. It also doesn’t escape your notice how Max’s foot presses a little bit harder down on the gas pedal once you’ve confirmed your destination.
When you get inside the house Max looks a little nervous again, hands smoothing down over the tops of his thighs as he stands near the doorway.
“Do you want some more wine?” He asks but you simply shake your head and give him a coy smile.
He smiles back, releasing a breath and then takes a step closer to you so you’re mere inches apart. He cradles your face in both his hands and then he’s kissing you. It’s deep and slow and sensual the way he breathes you in and slides his tongue against yours as you swallow each other's moans. He takes a step closer, walking you backwards until your back hits the front door and he’s still on you, never breaking the kiss. One of his large hands leaves your face and smooths down your side to hold at your waist while the other finds purchase on your throat, angling your head just right so his mouth can begin its slow attack on the other side as his lips slide down your jaw to your neck.
“Max,” you breathe out, chest heaving already. Max only answers you with a moan into the hollow of your throat as he kisses and licks at the soft flesh.
“Baby, take me to bed” you whisper into his ear and he plants a couple more quick kisses on you before he pulls back slightly and wordlessly grabs your hand and leads you up the stairs.
You get into the bedroom and immediately notice how candles have littered the room on every surface. Max must’ve set it up when he got home from work, and he quickly starts moving around the space to light each one while you wait patiently, standing next to the bed.
“Someone was presumptuous” you tease. “Thinking you were gonna get lucky on a first date huh?”
Max lights the last candle and then strides over to you and tucks some hair behind your ear before his hand rests on your cheek as he confesses quietly, “Angel I’m already lucky”.
“Sweet boy” you smile before taking his hand from your cheek in both of yours and bringing to your lips to kiss his palm. “Will you…” you trail off, dropping his hand but turn your back to him so you’re facing the bed and gesture with a nod of your head to the zipper at the back of your dress.
Max agrees with a nod but deliberately takes his time with it, because of course he does. Both his hands land on your hips and he pulls you a little closer so he can lean forward and start placing kisses all over the back and sides of your neck and an involuntary shiver runs down your spine.
“Feels good Baby” you murmur as you tilt your head back to rest on his shoulder, giving him better access and your arm reaches up behind you to hold around his head so your fingers can push through his hair.
Max hums into your throat, continuing to place hot, wet kisses everywhere he can reach as his hands begin smoothing upwards until he has a handful of each of your breasts in his hands over your dress and he gives a little squeeze and you moan, your hand in his hair gripping a little tighter.
He’s kissing your neck and side of your face and alternating between massaging your breasts and just running his hands all over your stomach and chest and sides for several minutes and it’s like he’s everywhere all at once but you still need more.
You need out of this dress, for starters.
Max thankfully seems to be as in tune with your body as you and knows what you need before you have a chance to voice it and finally you hear the slow drag of the zipper at the back of your dress coming down. A little drawn out whine leaves your lips when Max’s tongue starts following the path down your spine where he’s slowly revealing your smooth flesh to him and the lower the zip goes, so does Max until he’s suddenly down on his knees behind you when the dress finally falls to your feet and he’s helping you step out of it.
“Pretty” you hear him mumble as his hands come up to drag along the edges of the the baby pink lace panties you had picked out at the mall yesterday. It matches the bra you’re wearing as well, only he hasn’t noticed that yet from his position behind you.
“Max,” you whimper as his mouth plants little kisses to the globes of your ass.
“Lean over the bed” he instructs you, gently pushing on your lower back and you follow the pressure of his hand, bending at the waist until your top half is lying down on your stomach on the side of the bed while your feet are still planted on the floor with Max behind you on his knees.
“Max?” You begin to question what exactly he’s doing as he gently pushes your legs a little wider apart but then a gush of air leaves your lungs and you moan out loud when he suddenly pulls your panties to the side and buries his face in your cunt, licking and prodding at you with his tongue.
“Oh my god!”
“Mmmm, you taste so good Angel” he praises as he continues licking through your folds and reaching a little further forward to swirl the tip of his tongue around your clit and your knuckles turn white as they grip the bedspread, hanging on for dear life while Max unravels you whole. Something about him being on his knees for you is doing all kinds of things to you and you turn your head so your cheek is resting on the bed and try desperately to look behind you so you can get a view of what Max is doing but you mostly just see the top of his head and his hands on your ass.
“Baby let me turn over, wanna see” you pant, a little breathless from how close to the edge Max has brought you already. He groans into your throbbing center and places a few more kisses before he dutifully shuffles back a few inches giving you some room. You flip over onto your back, legs still dangling over the edge and push yourself up on your elbows. Max’s pupils are blown out, his hair is a wild mess and his chest heaves as he tries to catch his breath and calm himself down but as always, he can’t help himself around you. He’s sitting back on his heels, hands on his thighs seemingly waiting for your permission to begin again and hell if it doesn’t ignite something even further in you.
“You look good like this baby” you mention with a grin, bringing one foot up to rub into his shoulder and his eyes close as he lets out a little whimper. He turns his head and bends it down slightly to place a kiss to the inside of your ankle and then brings a hand up to smooth up and down your calf.
“I like you on your knees for me” you begin, biting on your lower lip when his eyes reopen and stare right into yours, lust blown and wanting. “But I’d like it even better if you were naked” you add and he raises an eyebrow but otherwise says nothing before he starts to undress.
He begins by shoving his jacket down his arms and tossing it aside, then loosens his tie and starts undoing his shirt buttons one by one. His hands go to pull the tie up and over his neck but suddenly you reach a hand out in a gesture to stop.
“Wait!” You say and he freezes, tie half way over his head. “Leave that on” you instruct and you hear him whimper a little ‘fuck’ and does as he’s told, pulling it back down around his neck and then freeing himself of his dress shirt next.
“It’s been driving me crazy all night” you say in explanation. “You were a naughty little thing weren’t you, wearing that tie for me, hmm?”
“Yes Angel, I’m sorry” Max is practically squirming. Hands smoothing over his legs, desperate to be back on you but he sits otherwise still and waits for you to release him.
“Take off everything else” you instruct, lightly shoving at his shoulder with your foot before removing it and he quickly scrambles to his feet and eagerly tugs and pulls at his belt to get it free and then shoves his pants and boxers down the ground and kicks them off until he stands bare before with just the tie still loosely hanging around his neck.
You say nothing, but make a 'come hither' gesture with the crook of your finger and Max takes a step forward so he’s standing between your knees and then he bends forward, close enough that you’re able to grab the end of his tie, wrap it around your hand and pull him close so you can rise up further on your elbows and kiss him. He brings one hand down flat on the bed to hold himself up and the other rests gently on your rib cage, his thumb softly caressing back and forth as you kiss and lick into his mouth. You’re kissing for a few long moments, occasionally tugging on the tie to bring him even closer and then he moans into your mouth when your free hand reaches down and gently strokes his length from where it hangs just mere inches away from your still clothed sex and you can feel how hard and ready he is for you already. He’s practically trembling above you. If he lowered his hips just an inch or two his cock would be against you and he could take what you’ve both been waiting so long for, but you’re not quite done with him yet. The tempting vision of him stripped down and on his knees pleasing you is just too good to pass up.
“Back on the floor, my gorgeous boy” you instruct as you pull back from him slightly. “I wanna cum in this pretty mouth first” you tell him, running a fingertip along his bottom lip and he groans but then pulls it into his mouth and sucks.
“Yes, good boy” you praise him and he grins before resuming his kneeled position on the floor between your legs.
“May I?” Max asks, placing his hands on your hips and holding the elastic edges of your panties.
“Yes baby, take them off”
He wastes no time, peeling them off your legs but then does take just a quick moment to rub the material between the pads of his fingers as a smile spreads across his lips.
“They’re almost too pretty to take off” he comments, mesmerized by the little scrap of lace in his hands, but then his head turns to your glistening sex between spread legs and his eyebrow raises as he drops the panties to the floor, forgotten.
“But not as pretty as you” he adds, shuffling slightly closer on his knees and then grabs your hips with both hands and hauls you further to the edge of the bed so your ass is practically hanging off of it. You don’t have to worry about falling though because suddenly he takes both of your legs and drapes one over each of his shoulders and his hands come down to wrap up under your thighs and hold you down at your hips before he’s diving straight back in and your whole upper body practically jolts upright at the sudden burst of pleasure that rocks you.
“Mmmmmm” he moans into your sex, lapping at you and nuzzling and kissing and sucking and your hips and thighs are already trembling from his efforts.
“Yes, Max. Fuck, so good” you pant, lowered back down onto your elbows again and watching Max as he eats you out like a man starved. “Oh baby you’re so good”
That seems to spurn Max on even further and he buries his face deeper into your wet heat, moaning his appreciation for your praise into your core and sending little vibration shockwaves through you.
“Oh fuck,” your head falls back onto the bed, not able to hold yourself up anymore and your ankles cross over each other behind Max, trying to keep him as close as possible. “More, god please Max, I need more”
Ask and ye shall receive apparently because the next thing you know one of his hands leaves your hips and you’re feeling a completely new and strange sensation at your entrance. His fingertips are prodding you but there’s something else, a barrier between his fingers and your hole and it’s smooth and silky and suddenly you’re jolted back up onto your elbows as you realize he’s using his fucking tie on you.
He brushes it through your folds, smearing your juices over the area where his fingers are behind it before he’s back at your entrance and shoving two fingers inside covered by the tie and you cry out.
“Oh fuck! Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck! Ohhhhhh Max, oh my god, yes baby, yes”
Max groans into your cunt, licking into you with renewed enthusiasm as he feels you climbing that peak that he so desperately wants to push you over. His fingers are still working you in and out and his tie is going to be fucking ruined but it’s the last thing on his brain. He has half a mind to frame the damn thing by this point anyway. Build it its own trophy case and display it proudly on his bedroom wall over his bed.
“Baby I’m gonna cum” you whine, trembling under his hold on you as the taught thread in your lower abdomen threatens to snap. “Oh please, please” you beg, needing just a little bit more and he gives just what you need, sucking your clit into his mouth as his fingers curl into just the right spot and you cry out, lurching forward so you can grab the back of his head and ride his face as wave after wave releases over you until you’re completely drained and you flop back down onto your back, completely boneless and utterly spent.
Max slows down but continues softly licking and kissing and nuzzling into you, moaning his adoration for you into your still throbbing sex. He carefully pulls his fingers and the tie out of you and you let out a little groan at the loss of feeling so full of him. He begins planting kisses to the top of your mound and then insides of your thighs before he finally takes your shaking legs off his shoulders and crawls up and puts his hands under you so he can haul you further up the bed and then he collapses at your side on the bed, his hand coming to rest on your stomach and rubbing small comforting circles on it.
“Was that okay Angel?” He asks so quietly, your sweet Maxwell. Checking in even after giving you an earth shattering orgasm.
“Baby” you sigh, chest still heaving from exertion. Your brain can’t seem to formulate any kind of sentence so instead you roll onto your side to face him, grab a fistful of his tie again and kiss him, hard.
“That was incredible” you say, pulling back after a few long seconds of kissing. “But you can literally never wear this tie in public again or I’ll fucking die from embarrassment. I don’t care if you get it dry cleaned or not, this scrap of silk is never leaving this bedroom” you insist, but your tone is playful and he knows you’re far from upset at how he used it.
Max just smirks at you and then brings your hand up that’s holding his tie and places a kiss to your knuckles.
“Yes I think this one will have to retire” he teases. “It’ll be just for us” he adds with a little wink before he pulls it over his head and tosses it to the floor.
You lay there another minute, still trying to catch your breaths and then Max’s fingertips are tracing the bottom edge of your lacy pink bra and he’s smiling as he pushes himself up on one elbow to look down at you.
“Matching set” he states as he’s just now noticing anything not below your waist, a little smirk forming at his lips. “Somebody was presumptuous for a first date” he teases, tossing your own remarks back at you and you laugh, tossing your head back.
“Come here” you finally say, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down to kiss you.
The kiss is soft and unhurried as you lazily stroke each other's tongues and explore mouths. One of Max’s hands starts smoothing up your side and then moves to your breast, massaging it under his large palm and you press your chest further into his touch and let out a little moan.
“Max?” You mumble between kisses.
You break the kiss, hold his face with both your hands and look him in the eyes as you say the words that you’ve been wanting to for so long.
“Make love to me?”
Max simply nods his head once and then lowers just slightly to press one last kiss to your closed lips before he pulls back.
Wordlessly you both reposition on the bed so neither of you are at risk of falling off the edge. You settle on your back at the top of the bed by the headboard, head nestled in a sea of pillows and Max crawls over top of you. You push up slightly so you can reach behind yourself and unclasp your bra, pulling the straps down your arms and tossing it aside, wanting to feel completely unburdened when Max lowers his body onto yours.
“So beautiful” he murmurs, so softly you almost don’t even hear it, like he’s just simply overwhelmed by you.
“Sweet boy” you hum, bringing a hand up to brush through his hair.
“By the way I um… I have an I.U.D. just so you know so…” you trail off, you don’t think you need to spell out anymore what you’re telling him and he smiles, bending down to capture your lips again.
“Are you ready Angel?” He asks once he pulls back from the kiss and you nod your head eagerly.
Max pushes himself up to his knees and grabs for one of the discarded pillows on the bed and drags it towards him, tapping your hip with his hand and you lift your hips so he can place it underneath you. He repositions himself in between your legs but before he does anything else he leans down and places warm wet kisses all over your body; to each of your breasts, your sternum, your ribs, abdomen, hips, and one final kiss to your mound before he straightens back up on his knees again and you can’t help it but you’re smiling at him like an absolute fool in love.
His hands come down to rest on each of your outer thighs and he drags them up and then back down until his hands hook under you knees and he pushes your legs up so they’re bent at your knees with your feet flat on the mattress and then finally he grabs his achingly hard dick and guides it notch at your entrance.
“Um Max,” you start before he actually pushes inside you. “It’s been um… a while?” You admit sheepishly, your cheeks coloring slightly. “Will you just, start slow”
Max doesn’t answer right away, just lowers his upper body down so he can kiss you, soft and sweet and full of promise.
“Whatever you need Angel” he whispers against your lips and then presses a kiss to the tip of your nose before he raises back up just slightly, and then he guides himself inside, slowly, inch by inch and letting out a soft groan when he finally gets inside your warmth.
“Are you ok?” He asks, stopping about half way in to check with you. Your bottom lip is between your teeth but you nod your head enthusiastically. There’s a stretch for sure but it’s far from unpleasant. You want more.
“Baby you feel so good inside me, keep going” you encourage and he has to close his eyes and take a breath so he doesn’t slam his hips the rest of the way into you like he wants to when he hears words like that falling from your lips.
“Angel you’re,” he trails off for a moment, sucking a breath through his teeth as he pushes deeper inside. “God you’re so tight, feels so good”
You’re not surprised, it feels like he’s splitting you open (though in the best possible way) and you certainly weren’t lying when you said it’s been a while. You haven’t dated in an embarrassingly long time since your last ex broke your heart and you haven’t been interested in anybody until Max came into your life. But now that he’s here, there’s no one you’d rather be with.
He finally bottoms out and you release a breath you’d been holding as Max stills inside you.
“I’m ok, you can move” you assure him but he shakes his head just slightly and doesn’t move.
“Just um… I just need a second” he says and then proceeds to take a few deep slow breaths and your lips curl up into a sly smile. Maybe it’s been a while for him too and the fact that he needs to concentrate so hard on not cumming immediately does give your ego a bit of a little boost.
“My god Angel you’re so perfect” he groans before he finally pulls almost all the way out and then pushes back in and you moan, hands coming down to grip the sheets beneath you.
“Ok?” He asks and you nod frantically.
“Yes, baby keep going, I’m ok"
And he does. He pulls nearly all the way out again and slides easily back in over and over again at a slow pace until you’re freely moaning and he knows you’re past the initial stretch. He shifts slightly, pulling your legs up further so your feet are off the mattress and he’s pushing them towards you, folding you in on yourself while still pumping his hips in and out and suddenly he’s hitting deeper which each thrust with how he has you held and your hands come up to grip his biceps, fingernails digging into his skin.
“Oh god Baby, you’re so deep in me, feels so good” you’re panting and moaning and doing everything you can to chase his hips with your own.
“Yeahhhh, just like that” Max soothes, his slow thrusts gradually gaining momentum with every whine and whimper that passes your lips, encouraging him. “Fuck you feel incredible”
He pushes your legs further still until he has you practically folded in half and he’s holding himself up above you almost in a push-up stance and begins lowering himself up and down, up and down over and over again sliding in and out of you at a much faster pace now and he’s hitting you so deep it’s like he’s impaling you with his cock with each push and you’re instantly brought to the edge; writhing and moaning and shaking underneath him.
“Yes Max, right there, oh fuck, baby. Oh don’t stop”
He doesn’t. He doubles his efforts, slamming into you over and over as you cry out and dig your nails so hard into his skin that he has to grit his teeth through the pain but he fucks you through it, getting lost in the blissed out expression that comes over you when you finally hit that peak and the second your relase washes over you he has to pull out and squeeze at the base of his cock for a moment; the way your walls just clamped down on him nearly sending him over his own edge.
Your giggling in your fucked out euphoria and it causes a little huff of laughter out of Max too as he strokes his length a few times and then brings it down to push through your folds to cover him in your slick again and your hips jolt at the oversensitivity before you settle once more.
Max lowers himself onto his side, having used up much of his stamina in the last position and rearranges you again so the pillow is no longer under you and just your leg closest to him is now raised as he holds it up and he pushes back inside you before easing in and out slowly again.
“Ohhhhhhh,” you whimper, eyes closing voluntarily at the pleasure the new angle gives you. He continues going slow for now, thankfully (probably for both your sakes) because you’re still overstimulated and he wants to make himself last as long as possible.
He fucks you slowly, his forehead coming down to rest on your shoulder as he pumps his hips in and out, in and out. You feel that slow build again, deep in your abdomen as the minutes tick by and he continues his steady and deep thrusts.
"Angel you feel amazing" he murmurs against your skin. "Feels so good to be inside you"
"Oh Max" you whimper, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Baby I love having you inside me, don't stop"
Before too long your little whines and whimpers let him know you’re getting close again so he takes two fingers and and sucks them into his mouth before bringing them down to play with your clit and you lurch forward, pushing up on your elbows as another impending orgasm racks your body. Max pushes harder and faster with each thrust until he feels your walls flutter around him and whispers little words of encouragement into your ear, giving you that final push over the edge.
“Oh my god, yes, yes, yes,” you chant, delirious. It hits you as hard as the last one and you cum with a long drawn out moan as Max slows his thrusts once again.
“Fuck Angel” Max groans and suddenly he’s pulling out of you and on his knees between your legs before he lowers himself down and starts licking and mouthing at your throbbing cunt, apparently needing to give his dick a break so your night doesn’t end before he wants it to.
“Baby, oh my god, I can’t” you’re squirming below him, barely past your last peak when you feel another quickly approaching right on it’s heels. Max doesn’t let up, feeling the way your thighs lock around his head he knows your close again. He spreads your lower lips with his fingers and swirls his tongue around your clit before sucking it into his mouth and you're practically convulsing from underneath him, trying desperately to thrust up into him and chase the pressure of his tongue.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum again”
Max moans into you and then shoves three fingers inside you without warning and curls them and your resolve breaks instantly and you’re flooding his mouth and fingers with your release and he keeps moaning as he happily laps you up with long broad stripes of his tongue up you’re center until your pushing at his shoulders, the stimulation too much.
He relents, thankfully, and removes his mouth and fingers from you and crawls back up your body again until he’s laying on top of you, one arm holding himself just steady enough up so that he’s not crushing you with his weight and he leans down and kisses you soundly. You moan when you taste the evidence of your multiple orgasms on his tongue.
He keeps kissing you like there’s nothing else in the world he’d rather be doing but you know he’s got to be painfully hard by this point and in all honestly this has gone on far longer than you initially expected it to and besides that, you don't think you physically have it in you to give him another orgasm. Being your first time together and all, you certainly weren’t expecting the marathon that Max was putting you through (not that you were complaining, mind you).
“Baby” you murmur between kisses and then your hand travels between your bodies until it reaches his cock and you wrap your hand around it. He moans into your mouth at your touch and you smile into the kiss as you guide him back to your entrance.
“I won’t last” Max admits, shaking his head gently, his forehead coming to rest on yours.
“I know, let go baby”
“Fuck” he curses before pushing inside with one deep thrust and you both moan in unison. He felt beyond amazing before of course, but having him like this with his weight on top of you and kissing you tenderly as he rocks in and out of you is just everything you ever wanted it to be.
He tears his lips away from yours after a minute and sucks a breath in through his teeth as he starts pistoning into you harder and faster, his thrusts becoming sloppier as he gets close to his release.
“Yes Maxwell, cum for me sweet boy, please baby” you encourage him and that seems to do him in. He cums with a loud groan as he pushes into you a few more times, cock pulsing inside of you as he empties himself and then slumps down on top of you, breathing heavily and his heart racing against yours.
“Good boy” you whisper quietly into his hair, bringing your hands up to push through it and Max whimpers into your throat and you feel his cock twitch inside you.
“Stay inside me sweet boy, please, just a little bit. Wanna feel you” you coo and Max nods frantically against your neck. You knew he’d like that. You wrap your legs around his back and gently begin rocking your hips, doing whatever you can to keep him from softening inside you too quickly and soon he’s matching your little thrusts with his own until finally he pushes once more as deep as he can and wraps his arms around you in a tight hug for several long seconds and then he regretfully pulls out and rolls over onto his back, his cock soft and spent between his legs.
“Baby that was incredible” you tell him, snuggling up to his side and leaning down to plant a kiss to his chest.
You were incredible” he corrects and you playfully roll your eyes and swat his chest.
“Fine we’ll call it a draw” you tease before placing another kiss, this time to his shoulder.
“I’ll be right back” Max says, rolling to the edge of the bed and pulling himself up on tired legs with a groan. He wanders into the bathroom and you hear the faucet running for a few seconds before he’s back in the bedroom and sitting down beside you at your waist with a washcloth in his hands.
He brings it down between your legs and cleans you up with the warm towel and you hum your thanks to him, wrapping a hand around his upper arm. Max had to be without a doubt the most attentive lover you’ve ever had and it makes your heart swell as you watch him carefully drag the warm cloth over you and then lean down to plant a single kiss to the middle of your stomach before he rises back up to go dispose of the cloth into the laundry basket. He stops to blow out each of the candles on his way back to you, bathing the room in darkness.
“You’re so sweet to me” you sigh as he crawls into bed beside you, lifting the covers over you both.
“‘Course,” he smirks. “You’re my Angel”
“I’m glad we waited” you hum as you snuggle further into his side. “That was well worth it”
“It was everything Sweetheart, thank you” Max says, leaning his head down to kiss your forehead.
“Not bad for a first date” you giggle and Max laughs, rubbing his hand up and down your back.
You swing one leg over his and try to ignore the tingling in your overused sex as it brushes against his thigh and then drape an arm over his chest so you’re half lying on top of him and he uses the arm that’s underneath you to gently run his fingertips up and down your sides and back, wherever he can reach and his free hand grabs for your leg on his and hikes it a little higher. He smooths his hand up the back of your thigh until he reaches your ass and gently kneads the soft flesh in his hand before releasing and repeating the pattern and you hum into his chest, placing a kiss to it.
You could absolutely fall asleep like this. And within minutes, you do just that.
Taglist @boliv-jenta @suzdin @macabremads @heavennumber2 @prolix-yuy
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